THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1901. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Growing Bull Oonrldeict 0!t BtriBfth to Grains. More BOTH CONDITIONS SHOWN IN WHEAT OnU Quiet, uHli TrndliiR Mnntly- '!' 3Iuy Account Corn linn a Xurruev .MiirlictI'rovlnloiix Dull nml Heavy. CHICAGO, Oct. ".-A growing bull confl. denco In a rieeiulngly oversold market k-vo Ktrcngtli tfi Kriilns totiiiy and December wheal closed '4c higher, December corn Vutoc advanced and m-ccmber oatn lies up. i'rovlsloiiH cloned V.ic to KV4o depressed. Thero witu both bullish and bearish con ditions at tho wheat ripening which tended to Inlluenco the murker. In rioth directions. Cables wero bluhcrj there wim h tnarkcit decrease; on parirmge, which caused Decem ber to open binder at from tsi'ic to GiUV. Thder tho Inlluenco of heavy world shipments and liberal receipts, how ever, tho market eased oft to tWV. J hero was soino early short selling, but on a re port of an Improvement In tho export de mand tho shorts began to cover nnd Btrengthcned December. The report of a considerable Increase In the world's visible) bupply, however, cased prices for a time, but tho bulls rallied and December became moro actlvo and closed llrm, He advanced ut Klij'iiOV. Local receipts were 13 cars, thrw of cumrael grade. Minneapolis unit DlUiitli n'p-rted l,:i-J cars, mnklng a total feirl) tin) points of 1,657 cars, against lust -eks 1.6fiJ and 1,173 a year ago. Pri mary receipts wero bushels, com jiared with last year's 1,5?D,ijO buslto s, Tho increase In tho world's visible supply was reported at 2,l"u.(w0 hushels. Wheat on pas migo decreased last week 2.010.1MJ bushels. World's shipments wero lo.Hi.uoo bushels, l.&Oo.ij") bushels over llroomhall's estimate. Seaboard clearances In wheat and Hour ouualed 33o,W bushels. Tile seaboard ro- liorted thirty loads taken for export. Corn Ulte a narrow murket of a lo cal proiesslonal nature. Cables weto bet ter at tho opening and thero was a. repot t of a depletion of foreign .supples wnlcn Kavei December some strength at thn open ing. Thero wns little or no outside demand ami local offerings wero light and follow ing wheat, December gained strength throughout tho session. A tear by shorts of a bull raid helped somewhat. December nold between &fiMiSti!.c and 6i',c ninl closed at tho latter llguro, llrm at -Ml He net vanced. llecelpts were "JS5 cars. Oats were ipilet, with most of the trad ing for tho -May account. .Supplies wero limited, but tho demand also was only lo cal anil tho market ruled narrow. Decem ber closed tlnn and Uo higher at .!oc. Re ceipts wero 210 cars. , Provisions w. rc dull and heavy with tho exception of .lanuary pork, which had a. lalrly active, though depressed market Prices opened lower on lower prices tor lions and sagged with cont nu.;.l il.luidaMon in pork. Junuury pork sold between JlS.OMi 15.274 and clnred 22Hu lower at i, January lard closed luc down at $9.0714 unu January ribs iic lower at if. ...,,, Estimated receijits lor tomorrow: Wheat, S3o rars; corn, .12.' cars; oats. 23j earn. The leading tutures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Open. I lllgh.l Low. Close. Sat. Wheat Oct. Dec. May Corn Oct. Dec. May Oats Oct. Dec. May Torte- Oct. Jan. May Lard Oct. Nov. Jan. May Illliu Oct. Jan. May 724'il1ii .1 ....! r.,-7' ctr.l; wail 35H 37t r,y4 73U 65 I 1Va II 15 I II IS 14 K 15 50 15 50 15 15 C2H 15 Itf&l 15 35 S 75 3 9 fi2V4 !) 17J4I 9 17 8 60 & 03 & 12 8 50 S 03 S 12 C7i! C7 Wift 6S?,lC9l4f 72 73,i 721, 65 55' j, 57Vi WW 31 So 31' j 379-? 37U II 10 14 32 15 32 15 Hi 15 45 15 63 9 75 9 So U 67 9 70 9 07 9 17 9 10 9 20 8 40 S 52 X (Ml 8 07 8 07 8 15 9 7." 9 57 02; 9 07! 8 30 8 00 8 05 No. 2 Cash quotations wero ns follows: KLOUH-Stcady; winter patents. J3.E0J?i 3.00; straights, J3.0M(3.75; clears, J2.75fl3.10; spring, Jl.wj patents, 3.20'o'3.lO; Htrnlglits. J2.SoaJ.20. WIIKAT-No. 3, CCfl67c; No. 2 red, C0W K?ic. C'ORN-Np. 2 yellow, 67'ic. II JOATS-No. 2, S5f36: No, 2 white. 37$ SXHc: No. 3 white. 37i,if?38c. UYIC-No. 2. 6ly51c. HAH1.KY Fnlr to cholco malting, 65 69c. SKRDS-No. 1 flax, J1.41; No. 1 northwest ern, J1.I4; prlmo timothy, 5.50f5.65. I'ltO VISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $11.15 CT1I.S0. Uird. tier 100 lbs., J9.Ml)92Va. Short ribs, sides (loose), JS.305JS.50. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). J7.7577.87. Short clear Bides (boxed). $!).()( 9. 10. ,,?IY-,nilBl!, ,lf wines. $1.30. Tho following are tho receipts, and shln- ., . ...ok b v... v-n;ur iiours: Articles. ''lour, bills AVheat, bu. Corn, bu. . Oats, bu. .. Itye. bu. .. Jlarley, bu. On the I'roduco exchango today the hoMer market was steaily; creamurles itfr'itl;' da r.'es, 13ft 19. Cheese, steady"' OSloc lvggs, steady, fresh, 17c. c' Pcelpts. Shipments. ... 2.,,0"0 30,00i) ... 130.000 1S5.000 ... 269.000 367 0 ... 2I9.0OO J14 po" ... 4,000 3,00.) ;1.000 21.000 b. car- MKW YOUIC KMX tilt A I, MAIIKHT, Qnotntlons of the lliiy on Various ('oiiiniodltlcn. nV5W. yOIUC. Oct. 7.-li"LOUn-nccoints r,3.'ffr ! s':, imports. 12.2S0 bills ;C frm iiml S&loc higher; winter patents. $3.50 4(3.80; winter straights, $3.2523.40 Mlnne ??."KlA!,t.c."tH' W'KilS 85;' winter extras J2 50 2.S0; M nnesptn bakers, $3.85j3.15: winter low grades. $2 3052.10. ity,, Hour, steady $3.V3re ' 3'3'1B; cholco to fancy.' JSrMHJiyfn.; UL-rlrm No. 2 western, 60c f o Afloat; state. 656fic. c. I. f., New York c ,1II'vl.ll'KY Dull; feeding, 62a65c, c. I f Iluffalo; malt ng. 69I(62e. c. 1. f Ruffaln 171,6.'5 bu.; snot llrm; No. 2 red, 75ic f. o b "ill"' nml a olevatoj-; No 1 northern P'.'11"'1!,760 - """it; No 1 1 ird. D I luth. W,o f. o. b. afloat. Options 1 were Ei',,!l'irally.ll1rmo.r todn' nn,i f"'y actlvo on youth west buying export talk, strong, con tlnental markets, local covering nnd liber I cleorances; closed llrm nt 6! ,"t 11 vnnce; May. 77 13-lfiM7S4c. ciosJd nt 7Sc: 'Wnl0,l!'d .J3'-40: Urcembcr, 74 7a i-luc, closed at 76sc, l.,V:?R:s,rl?,ulp,' (t,'0fl? exports, 78,491 bu.i spot llrm; No. 2, U2o elevator nn!l da t. o. b. niloat. Option market opened llrm nnd was sustained nil day by wheat, tho cables, local covering nnd light country no ceptancos; closed llrm. i5Tc net higher May, ,fi2(0(UMc, closed At Ec oS': fllMlMWc, closed ut Clc; December. 6Vi4 t-'-'nc, cfosed at C2c. u OATS-Uecolpts , 124,600 bu.; exports, 75 bu.; spot tinner; No, 2, 3⁣ No. 3, Sue No. 2 white. 41jT12o; No. 3 white 41c; l&tWfA m,.rack' whU8' Cho(co'-85!u0cr! fh"11,lnKl m65'' R00A t0 ,t.5,l0l'Sn.,iy: .s,lnto' fommon to choice, 1r??;,clV i3,UVc; m? c,roJ'' Mtttc; m crop Clllc racltle coast, V.w crop, llffilSc- lsSa crop, fiinie; 1S98 crop. sane. 111U"-' liJt ,oUU,V':,V7St,i'i,lvn: Galveston. 20 to 23 lbs.. ISc; California, 21 to 23 lbs , 1914c: Texas dry. 21 to 30 lbs., UHe. ' ' LHATH 13 It Steady; hemlock sole. Hue Sj!?!' l,KlU ,0 hcavy MiT2lc; ncld. lfltOVISIONS-Ileef. steady; family $11 M rril2.00; mess, $9.5010.00: beef' hams ho WW il.60; packet. 10.0iS10.B6; city .extra India mess, $16.oo0'1S.oo. cut meats; steudv J.lckled bellies. $8.75I?I1.23; p cklcd she Ul .iers. $7.25f7.W; iilckled hlims! $l0 76ff 1.00. Lard, easy; western steamed, $10.20; rctlned fOHlcr: continent. $10.50; compound, $S.txW S.25. l'ork, steady; family, $17 501fl8 00- H,!,nr,t, S'X'ir.' VJ'19;00' me l6-oiIfi7.oo. ' eiTALLOW-Dull; city, 6c; country, 6T'S 'lJUTTEn-noceliitH, 7.K0 pkgs.; steady; stnto dairy, llii2lc; creamery, 15U22Ho Juno crenme-y, 20ijf22c; fresh factory, 12Vu fancy, large, colored, 'alio; fancy, inige' white, 9'ic: fancy, Hinall, colored, 9io: nxiiii Din nil iitlilln liU KGGS-Itecelpts, 0,813 pkgs.; stendy; state 'J!1tJ, L,eJ'.s.y'lvi",la-. SllSW'Jlo: western can dled. !l?r21c; western, uncnndled, 172lc. MOI.AHHIC8 Klrm; New Orleans. S5j2r I'OULTHY Alive, sprlnBers. 9i9Uc; tur keys, 8010c: fowl. 10c; dressed, weak: springers. 101?10c; fowls, lOQioc: turkeys. JOti 18c. MUTALS-Owlng to tho rleplnrnble dull ness In tin, values again fell away and a weak undertone prevailed, with Bpot quoted nt tho close 25 points below yesterday, Sat urday's close. Values In London were off on spot and Is 2d off on futures, thus spot stood at the close JE1C0 10s and futures at 100 2s M, Tho local copper market was unsettled and nominally unchanged nt JIB.M to $17') for Luke Superior ami $16.3: cj 10.62 for caatlnu uml electrolytic. At London spot copper was unchanged, whllo futures woro 7r 6d off, thus tho former closed at 63 7s 01 and tho latter at 63, Lead was dull nt home and abroad, closing at $4.37 and 11 16s 3d respectively. Spot ter nt London was 2s Cd better, with spot quoted nt 17 2s fid; whllo at .Now York values tho markets were unchanged ut I9.50fll0.60 for pig iron warrants; No. 1 narinern rounury, i..(.wi&,w; .o, i ioiin dry, southern, $14.00tl.oi; No. 1 foundry, southern, $14.7615.25; No. 1 foundry, south rrn. soft. lll.Th'irli.M. Olneeow Iron war- rants closed at 53 9s and Mlddlesborough at 15 lis 2d. omama ivnot.nsAi.r, jiAiiicirr. Condition of Trnde Olid (Itiotntlonn on Staple nml Knin'r I'ruduue, 1:gGS Hecclpts fair; loss off, 15c. L1V13 I'OULrilY-Hens, i7s; young nnd old roosters, tc; turkey?, wise; duck. and geese, iG6c; spring chickens, per lb iUsc. , , . JJUTTUll-Common to fair, 13c: choice dairy, In tubs, I5f(l6c; separator. 2ca24c. ritKSII l''iSll-Hlaek liasa, ISc; white bass, luc; bluellsh, He; bullhtuds, 10c; bluo llns, 7c; buffaloed. 7c; cnttlsh, Kci cod, 10c ! crapples, 10c: halibut, 11c; herring, 7c; had cock, luc; pike, 10c; red snapper, loo; sal mon. He; suntlsh. oc. trout, luc; whltcllsh, loc. . OYftTUKS Mediums, per can. 2.1c: aianu nrds. ner cm. 2sc: extra solocti. per enn, 3oc; New Y'ork counts, per can, 45c; lull: Hianriareis, per gal., si.ij. I'IGKONS-Llvc, per doz., 60c. VKALH Choice. So. HAY-l'rlccs quoted by Omaha WhoiMala liny Dealers' associatlun: Cholco upland, $10; No. 2 upland. $3.60; medium, J9; coarse, Ityo sttaw, $5.W. These prices ara ior Dstnand $8. hay or goori color nnd quality lair. i(eceiits, iu cars. WHKAT-tiOe. COHN 5Jc. OATS-3IC. UltAN'-$l6.50. VKGIiTAHLKa rOTATOKH-Uomo grown, SOfiPOc; Silt lAikv, Jl.OWtfl.10; Colorado, Jl.OO-ul.lO. KUG i'LANT I'cr doz.. 76c. CAKUOTS l'ei- market basket. i5c. UKliTS 1'er halt-bu. basket, 33c. TUltNlI'H-I'er basket, 30c. CUCUMI113HS Homo grown, tier doz.. 10 Olio. 1'AHHL.ISV i'Cr (10?., WO. HWHKT I'OTATOKS-Ilomo crown, tier bu., 761(.s5e; genuine JerRey, per bbl., $4. ejAUUAUls Holland reed, crated, ic. TOMATUliS Homo crown. Der ls-lb. bas ket (,0c. HHANH Wax. per -bu. basket, COo: string, per -bu. basket, 50c. UiMO.s-ltomc-gro-vii. per id., raiw, Spanish, per crate, $1.50. WATKH.Misi.UNK .Missouri. Iowa ana Nebraska, 10ii20c, as to size. L'KLK u-Kainmuzoo. tier bunch. 2j'((3oc; Nebraska, per bunch, 3Gtf40a; Colorado, 10 4j 60c. , MAVI IliiAH I'Cr till., ntuiTs. APPIiKS-Cooklng. tier bbl.. $2.5033.76: snow apples, per bbl., $3; Jonathans, S.M; Jjeiieiiowers, i.ujj 1.10. I'lSACHKS California freestone, ner box. ac; clings, 75c; Utah fretstone, 75c; Kl- bertos, u-iiusKel crates, ;i.c'ui.iu. I'UCNiiB utan, per crute, $i.2u. 1'HAltS-Utah I'lemlsh Heauty. 12.00: Cal ifornia fall peats, $2.ouU2.25. aitAI'KS-Ca lfornla TokaV. 4-lb. crate $2. Oil; Muscats, $1.60; Concords, eastern, ISc. I'lNiSAi'i'iiiis rcr crate or 12 to iu, jl.2i. CUANUICUHIUS-Pcr bbl.. J6.26: ner crate. $2.60. QUINCliS l'er box, $1.61. TROPICAL l-'UUITS. OHANGKS Valencias, $4.WiS5.0O: MeJ. Bweets, 1 1.50. L15MON8 l'.incy,; cuoicc. $3.25. UANANAS 1'er bunch, according to size. $2.002.50. l-'IOS California, now cartons, S5c; Im ported, per lb., 12Ullc. DATKS Persian, In 60-lb boxes, per lb.. 6c, fcalrq, bo. jiu.ii 1'er .i-section case, ij.w, MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS English walnuts, per lb., 15c; fil berts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb., lb&20c; rnw peanuts, per lb., 5&6c; roasted, 6ii 7Hc: lirazlls. 13c: necans. lol22u: ntw chestnuts, per lb., 15 y 17c. uiujiie i'or qui., ii.wi; per 73-001., $2.Vo. HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green, 6c; No. 1 snlted, 8c; No. 2 salted, 7c; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 Ib.i.. be; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., Cc; dry hides, iillZc; sheep pelts, 25'(j75c; horschldes. Il.5w32.2j. Nt. I. mils Urulu nnd I'rnvlMloui. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 7.-WIIEAT-HIghcr; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 09)ic; track, 71i)72''tc; December, 71c; May, 74c; No. 2 hard, wc. COHN illuher: No. 2 cash. 57l.ic: track. 6Sc; December, 67ic; May, 59v'41i59'4c. OATS-HIgher; No. 2 cash. 37o; track, 3S'i35o: December, 36To; May, 3uc; No. I wiiiic, airtfay.ic. UYE-liigher at 6Sc. FLOUH Quint: red winter nntents. !3.0 (iJ3.53; extra fancy nnd straight, 13.04f3.13; Clear, :,uu:.w, uuitNMi-JAi steady nt $2.30. SEEDS Timothy, steady. $3.25fi5.50: llax- seed. no market. HltAN Quiet; sacked, east track, 79c. HAY Timothy, lower. $8.60fill.6O: nralrlc. steudy, $10. Wit 12.75. wiusK v bieaoy, n.vo. 1HON COTTON riES-$1.20. HAGGING-(Ki(7c. HEMP TWINK-Uc. PHOVISIONS-Pork. stcadv: lohblncr. $16. Lurd, lower at $9.05. Dry salt meats, boxeet, lower: extra shorts and clear ribs. JS. 871,5: clear sides, $9.25. Ilacon, boxed, lower; extra snorts nnu ciear rius, 'j.6i-; clear sues, $10.12. MKTALS-Iad, llrm, $I.27CT4.30. Spelter, higher at $4.00. I'OULTHY Steady; chickens, 6c; springs, 8c; turkuyj, 6c; young, E&Uc; duckB, 6Q5c; geese, 15 5c. 11UTTEH Steady; cicamery, 17i?23c; dairy, 14T(17c. EOCIS-l Uglier nt 17c. HECEIPTS-Flour. S.O00 bbls.: wheat. 50.- 000 bu.: corn, 70,000 bu.; oats, Sd.OOO bu. SHIPMENTS Hour. 8.000 bbls.: wheat. 20,000 bu.; corn, 30.000 bu.; oats, 24,000 bu. Liverpool (iriiln mill PrnvlHloim, LIVERPOOU Oct. 7.-WHEAT-Snot. dull; No. 2 red western, winter, 6s 6d: No. 1 northern, stiring, 6s 6d; No. 1 Cali fornia. 6s 9Hd: futures, nulot: December. Bsid: Jlnrcli, 6s 8d. COHN Spot, quiet; Amorlcun mixed now, 4s lid; futures, stendy; October, 4s lOftd; rto. -i, 13 ii'u; uecenioer, is uviii. PHOVISIONS Ileef, llrm; extra India mess, 72s 6d. Pork, llrm; prlmo mess, vestoro, 76s OA. Lnrd, dull: American re fined. In palls, 49s 6d; prlmo western, In tlerres. 50s. Hams, short cut. 14 to 16 lbs,. dull at 61s 6d. Uacon, dull; Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs., 49s. Short ribs, 16 to 21 lbs,, bos; long ciear miuuies, ngni, .9 io ot II, a FJW liinr- rlonr mli1rtli.q. Iinnvv. 40h! short clear backs. 16 to 20 lbs.. 64s 6d; clear bellies, It to 16 lbs., 66s. Shoulders, square, 11 to l' lbs., dull nt 38s. HUTTEK-Stendy; finest United Stales, 93s; good United States. 77s. CHEK9E Qulot: American finest, white, 45s Cd; American llnest, colored, 46s 6d. T ALLOW oirong; prima cur, o-jo; aus trallan. In London. 31s. KLOUH St. Louis fancy winter, steady at 7s 6d. Pl'IAB uannmnn, us. HOPS At London Pacific coast), steady at 3s 5d(H3s lod. J no ItnporiH 01 wueai uise. weuit worn 71.1"J0 quarters from Atlantic ports, 32.X0 from Pacific ports and 19,000 from other ports. Tho Imports of corn from Atlantic ports last week wero 7,800 quarters. K 11 iik ax City (i rill 11 and Provision. cember, Mc; May, 70?MT70c; cash, No. 2 hard. 65C5(ic; No. 2 red. C9o. COHN iJecemoer, Ck-;nw; .May, dj-,vit 69ic; cash. No. 2 mixed, 6SQC9c; No. 2 WllltO, D'J'AUWC. OAT8-N0. 2 white, 39c. HYE No. 2, 6c. HAY Choice timothy, $12.D0'O'13.E0: choice prairie. $13.50M14.W. J . Ill'TTEH - Creamery, 16ffl9c; dairy, fancy. 1IJi16c. EGGS-Steady, fresh Missouri and Knn sas stocks quoted on 'change, 15c dozen, loss off. cases returned. HECEIPTS-Wheat, 109,600 bu.; corn, SO, tV) bu.-. oats, 53,000 bu, SHIPMENTS Wheat, 16,800 bu.; corn, 42. 400 bu.; oats, 7,000 bu. I'ltllutlel plilu Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, .Oct. 7. BUTTER Firm, pood demand; fancy western cream erv, 22c; fnncy nearby prints, 26c. EGGS-KIrm: fair demand; fresh nearby, 20c; fresh western, 20c: fresh southwestern, 19c: fresh southern. ISc. CHEESE Firm: Now York full creams, fnncy small, 10iiCilOc; New York full creams, fair to choice, 910c. Toledo Grain mill Need, TOLEDO, Oct. 7,-WHEAT-Dull, higher"; cash. 71e; December, 75c: May. ,76c. COHN Dull: llrm; cash, 661-io; December. 57e: May, 69c. OATS Moderately active, firm; ensh, 30tc: Dicember, 37; May, 38c. ltYE-S4c. SEEDS-Clover. fairly active, lower: prime. $5.2505.65; October. $5.10S.i:. ' 1 1 Milwaukee d'rnlu Slnrket, MILWAUKEE, Oct, 7. WHEAT Higher; No. 1 northern. 0DiJ69!ic; No. 2 northern. bSKSo: December, t9Hc. HYE Easier; No. 1. 6469c. PARLEY Steady; No. i. 69860c; sample. 455i"Wc. COHN-Dccembcr, 57'ic Vlslliln Supply of r.rnln. NEW YORK, Oct. 7,-The vltible supply of grain October C, ns compared by the Now York Produce exchange, Is as follows; Wheat, 37,474,000 bu.; Increase, 2.170.000 bu. Corn, 14,O26,0i) bu.; Increase. 537,000 bu. Oats, 8,2sS,(xo bu.; decrease, 4SI,0u0 bu. Rye, l.ROo.noo bu.; Increase, 25,(jO bu. Harley, 1,991,0") bu.; Increase, 119,0" bu. 1 .Mlnneniiolls AVlit-ut, I'lour nnd Ilrnn. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct, 7,-WHEAT-Cioso: cash, 67Hc; December, 66Tkc; May, 697i5170c; on trnck, No. 1 hard, 69c; No, 1 northern, 67Jc; No. 2 northern, 66c. I- LOUR First patents, $3.60113.70: second patents, J3.45Q3.65; first clears, $2.70O2.S0; second clears, $2.10. liRAN In bulk, lower, $12.50H12.76. ElKln Mutter .Market. , ELGIN, 111., Oct. 7.-HI"rrER-nut 1.300 lbs. of butter wero offered on board today nnd that wns withdrawn with no sales. Thn market was declared steady at 22c, tho same as last week. Sales for tho week, 607,668 lbs, Dolntli Oral 11 Market. Dt'Ll.'TH, Oct. 7. WHEAT Cash, No, 1 hard, 70c; No. 2 northern, 64Sc; No. 1 northern, 67fi67Sc: October, 07c; Decem ber, 67o; .May, 71Hc. OATP-SCflSSijC. COHN-56c Pcorln Mnrkct. COHN-Hlgher; No. 3, OATS Firm; No. 2 white. 36c, billed PEORIA. Oct ,1. , WHISKY On the basis of $1.30 for fln ished goods. M-JW VOItIC HTOCICS AM) IIOMIS. Xome Trnilrlicy Towui-d l,liiildiit Ion I'oiitluueKi In OpcnliiK .AInrket. NEW YORK. Oct. 7.-I.lquldntlon of the samu character ns that which has been mnjtlfcst for some time- proceeded today. Some ragged breaks In tho price levil of the market resulted, but heavy con centrated buying was hi evidence nil dny. Ab a consequenco tho decline wns checked and the latter part of tho day wns given over to 11 brond and comprehensive cover ing movement, which lifted prices through out tho list, losses In the rnllmad list being nulte ficiierally recovered mid largely ie luced even In tho weakest of tho Indus trials. When the market opened n feeling of dis couragement was general, especially be cause last week's liquidation had proved In ertcctual to recuperate the condition of the banks by reason of the new credits. The competition of the season of tho Interior movement of currency was still to be mot, therefore, ami the only clear source from which to supply this requirement was by further liquidation Iu tho stock market. I-nrelgn exchange continued to ndvunce, precluding tho hope of relief from that quarter. Largo scIIImk of stocks for Iin ilon account sustnlm-d the exchango mar ket. Renewed demoralization In foreign copper securities and forced liquidation In Paris were the occasion of this foreign Fell ing, nnd tlui prompt decline) In Amalga mated Copper hero gave promlrn of a con tinuance? of that disturbing Inlluenco. Pressure from tho lenders of money wni undoubtedly nt the root of the stock mar ket depression, but vulnerable points In tho Industrial t bore the brunt of tho pres sure rather than tho railroad list In gen eral, and rates for call loans were not dis turbed. There wns a growing spirit of skepticism as to the prospect of dividends 011 Industrlnl common stocks, which organ izations are dependent for success on con tinned or even Increased prosperity. This sentiment townrd recent financial projects was extended to the railroad world by rea son of nnnual showing of the Chicago, llur I ngton & Qulncy, which was published on Saturdny and which showed 11 balance of enrnliigs after charges In sulllclent to pay the Interest on the newly Issued bonds for wh eh the stock Is collateral. St. Paul, which sold ex-dlvldend of 3 per cent, was subjected to savage attacks and wns forcd down li. Missouri Pacitlc lost ns much nnd some of the cotton and corn carrying rail ronds were quite weak. The selling of Brooklyn Transit, which carried It down 4S, wns apparently bns,nl on the general condition of poor earnings and an unduly high price. Sugar was weak at the extreme decline of 3'i, on dread of tho effect or the, war against beet sugnr. Atchison led the recovery on very confi dent rumors that tho semi-annual dividend rnto Is to be Increased to 2 per cent. Theio wero purchases hv n single commission of several thousand shares each on various stocks alt around tho room, nnd this was supposed to represent covering by n largo western bear contingent. Tho rally ran be tween 2 and 3 points In many of the prin cipal active stocks and the demnnd for Amalgamated Copper showed some ur gency, the utock rising m over Saturday. The day's net gain Is 11 point. The cover ing demand made n llrm closing. A re newed ndvnnce In some of the Junior Vnn derbllts was n feature of tho day. Railroad bonds were weak earlv, but ral lied in sympathy with stocks. Total sale, par value, $2,370,000. United States 4s de clined -;i per cent on last call. The Commercial Advert ser's Iindnn financial cablegram says: The stock mar ket today was depressed and stagnant. Paris Is still upset ami thero was a fresh break In Amalgamated Copper. Rio tlntos touched 4u,fc and closed at 46, n net lorn of 1 for tho day. Tho Ameilcan depart ment wns neglected but sagging through out, except Atchison, on which 3 per cent was given to call 20,000 shares at end of tho v,e,?rTno. lJnk f England has engaged 25,000 gold from Hatavia. Austria am Germany nre both inquiring for tho metal. The price has been advanced to 77s li'.d September trnde returns show n decrease 11 Imports or 7 per cent and of exports 10 per cent. The lntter Is due to a falllng off of coal exports and a reduction In shin building. ' Tho tollowlnc nre the closing prices on the New York Stock . 76 Mo pfd ISO . 94 So. Pacific 55 J? lSo.- I'nlljvay 31. .102 Texas & Paclllc,. 39H Atchison do pfd Hal. & Ohio.. do pfd Can. Pacific . Can. Southern hOM V.. SI I. IV Ches. & Ohio 43 do pfd Chicago & Alton 33 Union Pacific . do pfd 77 t do pfd Chicngo. I. & L.. 39 Wnblsh do pfd 72 do pfd Chicago & E. I. .122 W. & L. E Chicago Gt. W.. 21?i do 2d pfd.... do 1st pfd 81 .Wis. Ceentrnl . no Dio -ii Chicago & N. W. 191 C, R, I. & P 13S :o 34 93 87 201, 37 17 29 20 40 do nfd Adams Express.. ISO nm. express .,..158 Chicago T. A: 1.. -Ills Ui S. Exnrnss on do pfd ......... 3,-) "Wells-Fargo I3x..l60 C. C. C. & St. L. 93H'Amal. Copper .... 851 Colo. Southern .. 13 Amor. C. & P.... 2I'a do 1st pfd 52 I do pfd 73(4 Ull teU I'Lllt,, Del, & Hudson Del,. L. & v .. 23 ..162 . .220 Gt. Nor. pfd Hocking valley. Am. Linseed Oil.. 15 no prd 3 Amer. S. & It.... 39 90VAna. Mln, Co.... 35!i 39' Ilrlr Mm, Tr r.-i? . cs . 63 .183! 51 73 Denver & R. G.. 42 do pfd 93u 111) 1U1 Erie do 1st pfd.. do 2d pfd.. ..158 .. 22: Colo. F. & 1 01 Cons. Oas 212". Con. Tobacco nfd 1.11! Gen. Electric uiucoso Sugar tiocking Coal . Int'n'l Paper .. de pfd Int'n'l Power .. Laclede Can ... National Hlscult.. 41 .uiiiiiu i.eaii ., jyiji National Salt ... 33 no nrn 12Tlt No. Amerlejin - .101 IPacltic Coast .. . j lis i-acinc Ainu do nfd . . Illinois Central ..143 Iowa Central .... 38 do pfd 72 L. E. & W 65 do pfd 125 Louis, & Nash...l0Pi, Manhattan L ....118 Mot. at. Jty.... Mex. Central . Mex, National Mln.. & St. L. Mo. Paclllc ... M.. K. & T do nfd N. J. Central 160 N. Y. Central 1544 Nor. & West 53j, do pfd 88 No. Pacific nfd.. 93'i Ontario & W 32 Pcnnsylvnnln ....14.1 Rending 39 do 1st pfd 74,U. S. Leather.. uo .(i pin -i;i.v 00 prq .247 . 15 . 13 sl 73 9i) 70 91 60 24iiPeoplo'8 Gas ...,103 60i,iPres3ed S. Car.,.. 37I Will U Pullman P. Cnr..2l5 Republic Stcul .. 14 pfd 63 Sugar 11J.V. Tenn. C. & 1 61 L'll. u. ti l Co... 11 i'i' irj . 79 st. l. & s. f.... 41' u. s. Rnbbef;:::; m. do Id nfd 77 do nfd do 2d pfd 63 U. S. Steel...," St. L. S. W 27 do pfd do pfd 58 West. Union ... .St. Paul 155?; 48 42?i D2i Ex-dlvidend. Iloaton Slonk ) notn t Ions. BOSTON, Oct. 7.-Cnll loans, 3J4 per cent; time, loans, 405 per cent. Official closing: A.. T. ft S. F..., do pfd Amer. Sugar .... Am. Telephone ., Boston & Alb'y, Boston Elevated Boston & Ma Dominion Coal ., do pfd U. 8. Stool do pfd Gen. Electric Mex. Central N. E. G. & C... Old Dominion ... Rubber Union Pacific ... West End , io'V 91 114 150 257 170 192 44 116 42, 92 217 , 21 , 5 , 2 , 13 , 95 , 33 Westing. Elec. N. E. a, & c. Adventure Ring. Mln. Co. Atrial. Copper Atlantic ....... Cal. & Hecla,. Centennial iranKiin Humboldt Osceola Parrot Oulncy Hnnta Fe Con. Tamarack tan Mining ., Winona Wolverlnos ... 70 6s. 50 ... 2111 ... 28 U ... X5 ... 20 ...CIO ... 19 ... 16 ... 25 ... 91 ... 40 ...160 ... 4 ...280 ... 23'i ::: Ilank Clrnrlnifa. OMAHA, Oct 7. Rank clearings for to day, $1,135,894; corresponding dny last year. $1,203,107; decrease, $72,513. NEW YORK. Oct. 7,-Clearlngs, $125,910. 407; balances, $S.993.167. CHICAGO, Oct, 7.-Clcarlns, 127,855,066; Ml s- balances, $2,513,5H; posted exchange. $4.51 46, Now York exchange, par to 10c dl IIOSTON, Oct,. ".-Clearings, $li,149,164; balances, $1,750,077. PHILADELPHIA, Oct, 7,-Clearlngs, 111, W3 80S; balances, $1,868,692, HALTIMORE, Oct. 7,-Clearlngs, $3,0SS. 2S3; balances, $682,267. CINCINNATI, Oct. 7,-Clearlngs. $3,660. 70); money, bQii per cent; New York ex change, 35c dlscoant. ST. LOUIS, Oct, 7,-Clearlngs, $8,763,397; balances, $930,637; money, 5H6 per cent; New York cxclts ngo, 20c discount bid, 10c dis count asked, cw York Money Mnrket, NEW YORK, Oct. 7,-MONEY-Closc: On call, llrm. Jigt per cent; last loan, 3 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 4Q5 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with ac tual business In bankers' bills at $4.8SV& 4.83 for demand nnd at $l.85i for sixty days; posted rates, $I.S4!ij4.S4fi4.SS; com tnelclal bills, $I.S2JV(II.83. SILVER Uar, 6ic; Mexican dollars, 4aP. HONDS-Govcrnmcnt, weak; state, In active; railroad, Irtcgular. Tli o closing quotations on bonds r at follows: U. II. ref. 2s, reg, do coupon do 3s, reg do coupon do new Is, reg., do coupon do old 4s, reg. . do coujKin do 5s, reg do coupon Atch, gen. 4s do adj. 4s Dal. &. Ohio 4s... do 3s do con v. 4s Can, So. 2s Cen. of Ga, 5s..., do 1st Inc Clies. iit O. 4s.. Chi. & A. 3h.... C, II & Q new 4s, C M & S P g 4s., C. ft N. W. c. 7s., C. H. I. fv P, 4s., CCC & S L g. 4s., Chicago Ter. 4s., Colo, S. 4s Den, A: H. O. 4s.. Erie p. 1. 4s do gen. 4s F W ft I) C Is.. Hock. Vnl. 4s... ,109 109 107 ,108', ,138 ,13fj ,112 ,112 107 107, .1024 , 97 ion;1 93! ,101 ,107 I ,106 73 106 81 , W' 110', ,13344, 105'' ,101 I 93 VK'l 9.; 86 'i 102 IWVl L. ft N. unl. 4...101H Mex. Central 4s.. 84 do 1st Inc 30 Minn, ft St. L. 43.103 M., K. ft T. 4s... 98 N. Y. C. Is 103?. I do gen. 3s 109 do 2s 80 'N. J. C. g. 5s. ...130 No. Paclllc 4s. ...101 do 3s 72 N. ft W. c. 4 101 Heading gen. 4s., 93 ISt L ft I M c. 5S..115 St L ft S F 1 93 8. L. Southw. Is. 97H do 2s 78 8. A. ft A. P. 4s.. 85 So. Pacific 4s 9 1 i So. Railway 6s... .117 Tex. ft P. Is 119 T St L ft W Is... 81 Union Pacific 4s. .105 do ennv. 4s 105 Wabash Is 119 do 2s 1104 do deb H........ ti) West Shore 4 112 W. ft L. E. 4s.... S9 Wis, Central 4s.. to Con. Tob. 4s 46 Offered. London Mluck .Market. LONDON. Oct. 7.-1 p. m.-ClosIng: Cons., money.. 92. do nccount.. 92 Anaconda Atchison do pfd Baltimore & O..., Can. Paclllc Clies. ft Ohio Chicago Gt. W.. l, M. ft St. P..., Deliver ft R, O.., do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Illinois Central . Loulrt. ft Nash..., M., K. ft T , do pfd N. Y. Central..., 13.16 15-lts: 98 101 110H 41 ira 41 93 40 U9'4 r5 117 101 25 53 159 Nor. ft West.... do pfd No. Paclllc pfd. Ontario ft W... Pennsylvania ... Heading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd So. Hallway do pfd So. Paclllc Union Pacific ... do pfd U. 8. Steel do pfd Wabash do pfd Spanish 4s Hand Mines DeHeers . 55 . 91 . 98 . 32 . 73 . 20 . 3S . 244 . 31 . 87 . 66 . 97 .90 . 43 . 93 . 21 . S3 . 49 . 40 . 37 lVXIit.Sv.I',Y,I.3n-stcn'1'' 2fi,id Pcr "nce. "'ON h lVa per cent; the rate of dls- S.01!,1.,1" 1,10 1,en '""fleet for short bills Is 2tl2 per cent; for three months' bills, i per cent. New York .11 1 11 1 iik Uuntntlnns, NEW YORK. Oct. 7,-Tho following arc the closing prices on mining stocks: Adams Con ,. 20 .Little Chief 12 Alice 80 .Ontnrlo lft:r. Rreeco 140 Onhlr Brunswick Con... 6 Phoenix Comstock Tun... C Potosl , Con. Cal. ft Va...ll iSavago Deadwood Terra. 5J 'Sierra Nevada Horn Silver 19 Iron Silver 6) Lcndvlllo Con ... 6 Sma'.l Hopes .. Binuunret 70 .. 7 .. 5 .. 1 .. 15 .. 45 ..335 FnrclKti I'liiiinelnl. LONDON. Oct. 7. Money was In moder nto demnnd today and the market was Hooded with unanticipated government div idends. 'Iho tenders for-local loans Octo ber 9 and the consols, Installment October lo are expected to cover somo of this sur ,.,u!f' business on the Stock exchange was dull. 'Iho settlemenuivhlch commences to mrrrow tells ngnlnsr business. Weakness prevails on tho general dissatisfaction with the government and tho disquieting rumors about tho health of King Edward. Paris was also n source of weakness. Consols and other llrst-class securities relapsed. Home mils were neglected and flat. Amnrlcans opened depressed In response to New York, especially Delivers, Union Pacifies and Southern Pnclllcs, The only good spot was Atchison, which showed a trifling tem porary Improvement. Prices closed quiet ami easy. There were somo recoveries In South Africans, e-spcclnliy DeHeers. The amount of bullion withdrawn from the Bank of England on balance today wns 5.000. Gold premiums are quoted ns fol lows: Buenos Ayres, 139.70; Lisbon, 33.75; Madrid, 42.75; bar gold, 77s lld. PARIS, Oct. 7. Prices on the bourse to day wero weak, owing to the fresh decline In copper. Rio Tlntos relapsed sharply nt tho opening, which wns later accentuated. Spanish 4s nnd Brazilians were easier. ICalllrs were weak. Three per cent rentes, 10U 60 for the account; exchange on Lon don, 25f 17c for checks; Spanish 4s, 70.22. BERLIN, Oct. 7. Home funds were de pressed on the bourse today owing to re alizations. Internationals were stendy; Spanish 4s were somewhat harder; Amer icans were dull; Canadian Pnclllcs re lapsed: banks were dull; moneys wero weak, but closed somewhat abovo the low est prices of tho day; exchange on London, 20m 39 pfgs. for checks. Discount rates: Short bills, 3 per cent; three months' bills, 2 per cent. t Condition of the Trcnsnrr. WASHINGTON, Oct. 7. Today's state ment of tho treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve In tho devlslnn of redemption, chows: Available cash balance, $172,031,0)5; gold, $101,451,828. Wool Auction Soles. LONDON, Oct, 7. The offerings at the wool auction sale today amounted to 13,317 bales, Including n largo selection of New Zealand. Sjperior sorts brought out spir ited competition nt llrm prices. A large supply of low mediums wero Irregular. Sllpes sold well nnd pieces broken were taken freely by Germnn buyers. The offer ings of crossbreds were lnrge and several parcels wero taken by American purchnses. Several parcels were withdrawn, owing to tho firmness of holders. Following are tho sales In dotnll: New South AVnles, 2,400 bales; scoured, 4d5ils 5d; greasy, 3 iflOd. Queensland, 100 bales; scoured. Is ml; greasy. 68d. Victoria. 1,200 bales; scoured, 4fflod: greasy, 3flld. South Australia. 900 bales; greasy, 3J9d. Now 'Zealand, 7,600 bales; scoured, 4013d; greasy, 7(f(9d. Cape of Good Hope and Nntal, l.lM bales; scoured, 7djls 2rl; sreasy, D'iSSd. " Oil nnd Itoiln. OIL CITY, Pa.. Oct. 7.-OIL9-Credlt bal ances, $1.30; certificates, no bid; shipments, 337,353 bbls.; runs, 183,702 bbls.; average, 76.992 bbls. NEW YORK, Oct. 7.-OIIS-Cottonseed, market easy; prime yellow, 43c. Petroleum, quiet; refined New York, $7.67: Phlladel phln and Baltimore. $7.60; Philadelphia and Baltimore, In bulk, $3. Rosin, steady; strained, common to good, $1.12. Turpen tine, steady at 37c. LIVERPOOL Oct. 7.-OILS-Cottonsoed, Hull retli.ed, spot, quiet at 23s 6d. Turpen tine, quiet nt 39s 9d, Rosin, common, steady nt 4s ld. Petroleum, redned, stendv at 7d. Linseed, steady at 32s. LONDON. Oct. 7. OILS Calcutta linseed, spot, 33s 9d. Linseed, 30s 5d. Turpentine spirits, 26s 9d. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 7,-COFFEE-Spot Rio, stendy; No. 7. Invoice, 5;c. Mild, quiet; Cordova, 75711c. Market opened steady, with prices unchanged to 5 points higher, tho ndvnnco being due to covering and Ger mnn buying. A shnrp advance In the Ham burg market was responsible for the cov ering movement here. Aside from this Item tho foreign news was generally bearish In tone, nlthough Havro Improved later in tho day and Inspired fresh local covering and bull support, upon which prices stiffened 5 points. Domestic warehouse deliveries were heavy on a strong market for spot. Fu tures market was finally firm and net 51110 points higher. Sales Included October nt 4.95c; December, 5.10c; March, 5.3536 40c; May, 5.55c: June, 5,6505.70c; July, 6.70c; Sep tember, 6.S0C. Sugnr' Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 7,-8nOAR-naw. stendy; fair refining, 3 6-16c; molasses sugar, 3c; centrifugal, 96 test, 3c. Refined, steady; No. 6, 4.60a; No. 7. 4,40c; No. 8, 4.30c: No. 9, 4.26c; No. 10, 4.20c; No. 11, 4.I&0; No. 12, 4.15c; No. 13, 4.05c; standard A, 4.60c: confectioners' A. 4.90c; mould A, 4.75c; cut loaf, 5,00c; crushed, 5.60c; powdered, 6.10c; granulated. 5.10c; cubes, 5.30c. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 7.-8UOAR-Qulr': contrlfugal yellow, 31ilc; second. 'Sj) 3c. llQlameB, steady; centrifugal, SIOo. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cittls Rocdpti LlhUr Thai a Week lp and Fr.oii Held About Btwdj, HOGS TWO AND A HALF TO FIVE LOWER Liberal Snpplr of Iloth Sheep nnd Lnniba, but Demand Liberal nnd Market Held About Steady on lloth Fat Stuff and Feeder, SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. 7. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. Official Monday 3,480 4, 6o lS.l.u same 11 ay last weeie oitf Same week before 6,944 Same three weeks ago... 4,842 Same four weeks ago.... 4,10u Same day last year 0,607 Average price paid for hogs Omaha the partsons 16,013 li.Kt 08,336 6,193 10,o67 South past several days with com 2,110 3,101 2,95a 2,117 2,81 at Sept. 15., Sept. 16., Sept. 17.. Sept. 18., aept. U., Sept. 20., Sept. 21. Sept. 22. Sept. 23. Sept. 24.. Bept. 2o., Sept. 26.. Sept. 27. oept, 28,, aopt. 29,. Sept. 30.. Oct. 1..., Oct 2.... Oct. 3 ... Oct. 4..., Oct. 6..., Oct. 6.... Oct. 7.... I 1901. 100.1899.)33S.1S37.180.11S95. 2 10! 2 72 4 12 2 Gu 4 12 3 71 4 04 i BOj 4 V4 4 I 1 5 091 I l I b W' S 13 I 6 To I 5 13 I " I 6 IS I 6 76 5 22 .) 6 85 6 23 I 5 21 , 6S9! I U 31 I 3 14 4 331 4a34j 4 as 4 33 4 31 4 31 i 72 3 Ml 3,68 3 U 3 71 6 80 6 la 1 79 I B 81 I I 6 87 I 6 75 6 16; 5 161 6 15) 5 161 5 17 I 5 131 0 O'J-4 a 131 6 b'JUl 6 191 I 6 67 U 6 20J u o.fti O IUI 0 11 6 49 4 361 3 73l 4 41 I 3 77 I 3 771 3 71 3 72 3 till 3 M 3 67 3 71 I 4 41 4 39 4 36 4 441 4 37 4 261 4 39 I 42 3 66( 4 3! 3 64 4 Jl. 4 o 4 34 3 63 4 35 3 68 3 87 3 841 3 til 3 94 4 03 4 0l 3 t 3 76 3 &8 3 82 3 3 83, 3 SI 3 81 3 851 3 79 3 73 3 it 3 74 3 64 2 83 2 81 2 8l t H 4 00 2 Sl 3 2 9i 4 Si 2 89i 4 81 4 81 3 89 4 81 2 91 2 Oli 3 96 2 941 3 98 3 oil a w 2 97l 3 86 1 3 82 2 93, 0 6J 3 04 3 04 3 SO Indicates Sunday, The olilclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'ges. u., .M. & st. P. ley..., 1 9 U. 1'. system 30 C. & N. W. Ry F E. Ac M. V. Ry.... 41 C, St. P., M. & O H. & M. R. It. R SO C, B. & Q. Ry 1 12 K. C. At at. J. Hv.... C R. 1. At P., east.... C, H. I. Ac P., west... Illinois Central Hy.... 21 '0 11 14 1 6 68 69 14 Total receipts 101 The disposition ot tho day's receipts was as fallows, each buyer purchasing tho num. uer 01 ucau incncuieu rattin. Omaha Packing Co 270 bwitt and Company soj Ciiilnhy Packing Co 425 Armour Ac Co 683 It. Rcckcr & Degnn 88 J. L. Carey 68 tubman Ac Co 221 W. I. Stephen 86 Livingstone & Schaller.... f) B. F. Hobblck 36 Hamilton At It 228 L. F. Husz b Wolf & M 223 Other buyers 4&S Hogs. Sheep. lid 1,M8 1,199 1,204 1,271 190 1.723 900 9.178 Totals 3,637 4,448 13,(49 CATTLE There was not a heavy run 01 cattle hero today tor a Monday, as the table ot receipts above will show. The big bulk of the offerings was western rangers and in spite of tho fact that Chicago was quoted a dime lower the market here was quite active nnd lully stendy with last week on anything at all desirable. There were scarcely enough corn-fed steers In tho ynrds this morning to make a test of the market. It was evident, how ever, irom the wny packers bought up tho western steers thut they would have paid steady prices for good corn-feds. 'there wero rignt nrouno 40 cnrB of cows and nelfers on sale and the market could be quoted stonily and active. The goon cattle In particular moved freely nt lust week's prices, but oven the commoner grades also sold at right around steady prices In tho majority of cass, Thero was not enough cruinge In tho prices paid for bulls, caives unu stags to lie worthy ot mention. The uemand tor stockers and feeders was In excellent shape this morning and prlceH advanced consluerabiy. 'the same as nas been the case all along, tne cholco heavyweights sold the best and they ad vanced this morning lOUlSc. The less de sirable cattle, such ns have been almost Impossible to move of late, Bold touay without much trouble at better prices than were paid last week. Stock cows and heifers advanced more, It anything, than the steers. , As was noted above, tho bulk of the re ceipts today was western cattle, but still there were only nbout 35 cars of steers that were good enough for pnekcrs. They seemed anxious for tne better grades and paid steady prices for them, but the com moner kinds they neglected and certainly paid no more than steady prices for them. Cows and heifers also sold In Just nbout last week's notches and the market was fairly nctlve. Feeders were In good iu quost and tho mnrket was strong to wy 15c higher. Representative sales; UEEF STEERS. No. 40 1 14 1 1 1 2 10,... 1.... Av. ..1221 .. 720 .. 768 .. 870 .. 940 ..1000 .. 702 Pr. No. 5 15 14... COWS. 1 60 ISO 1 80 2 00 2 25 2 65 1. 1... 1... 1... 1... 3... Av. ...1131 ... 940 ...1050 ... 920 ... 970 ...1030 ...1040 Pr. 5 20 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 2 23 2 60 HULLS. 2 00 1.... 44 feeders.. 1105 ...1140 ,.. 910 2 2s STEERS , . . 885 3 80 CALVES. ,.. 170 6 00 NEBRASKA. 820 3 15 AND HEIFERS. .1055 .1056 930 820 920 970 .1015 2 cows... 3 cows... 1 cow...., 1 cow..,., 1 cow...., 1 steer..., -2 feeders R feeders.. 970 3 feeders.. SSO 4 feeders.. S70 3 feeders,. 953 1 cow 1070 3 cows 880 16 cows 1082 2 bulls 1300 2'bulls 1165 1 feeder... 630 10 feeders.. 875 1 cow 1500 1 cow 1030 1 cow 790 1 cow 1050 2 cows 860 17 feeders.. 1016 1 feeder... 1170 35 feeders.. 935 15 feeders.. 1218 3 feeders.. 1103 36 feeders.. 932 2 feeders.. 932 12 feeders.. 681 1 leuuui .. vvj .. 938 ..1160 ..1180 .. 850 .. 880 .. 970 ..1220 DM 600 740 716 620 9 cows. 1 cow.., 1 bull.., 1 cow.. 1 cow.. 3 cows. 1 cow.. 15 heifers.. 6 heifers. 3 heifers. 3 heifers. 1 heifer.. 1 feeder... 610 19 feeders.. 697 2 feeders.. 7ft) g feeders.. 960 6 feeders.. 825 5 feeders.. 876 1 bull 1200 2 cows 1043 24 steers... .1098 21 feeders.. 912 1 feeder.,. 780 2 feeders.. 1085 5 cows 9T0 2 cows 1000 6 cows 973 4 feeders.. 810 3 feeders 6 cows... 2 cows 1110 2 cows S85 2 cows 870 6 feeders., 680 2 feeders.. 900 W. 15 cows 911 1 cow, 1050 4 cows 950 29 cows 995 2 cows 980 L. 46 feeders, .1101 2 feeders., swj 6 feeders 1 bull 2 bulls..., 1 bull 1 feeder.. .1120 1 feeder... 960 3 feeders.. 1006 3 feeders.. 986 1 feeder... 940 10 feeders.. 990 37 feeders.. 1089 1 feeder... lift) 1 feeder... 1100 7 feeders.. 788 1 feeder... 1070 1 feeder... 1060 76 feeders.. 1012 2 feeders, ,1105 4 feeders. . 80) 34 feeders,, 665 27 feeders.. 717 31 feeders.. 949 4 feeders.. 807 4 heifers... 745 1 cow 9S0 1 cow 1050 1 bull 1020 1 bull 1160 1 COW 870 1 cow 920 1 cow 1120 4 cows 992 2 steers,.. .1040 8 feeders.. 803 2 feeders,. 975 3 feeders., 9S3 11 feeders,, 350 2 steers..,. 875 an 986 4 00 2 65 2 55 2 00 2 55 2 00 2 65 3 75 2 75 3 10 3 10 3 10 2 65 2 75 2 70 2 00 2 60 2 00 2 50 2 25 3 40 1 60 1 85 1 i5 3 00 2 (5 2 65 3 55 3 65 3 20 2 60 3 10 2 60 2 70 2 26 2 30 2 75 0 25 2 50 2 50 3 00 3 00 2 25 2 25 2 50 2 75 2 75 2 75 3 00 3 00 3 00 2 60 2 15 3 90 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 05 2 30 3 06 3 25 2 00 1 60 3 65 2 35 2 25 3 25 2 85 T. Young Neb. 1 60 f heifer.... 2 40 2 heifers... 40 1 feeder... 00 490 252 .106 700 1080 1030 795 1 feeder 1 feeder 16 feeders.. 712 3 feeders.. 570 1 calf.... 11 calves. 2 cows... 1 cow,... 1 cow,.,, 2 cows... 2 heifers.. .1080 1 heifer.... 810 2 heifers... 910 11 heifers... 815 2 heifers... 975 1 heifer.,,. 760 8 cows 1148 42 feeders.. 950 9 cows 1123 1 cow 1010 7 feeders.. 1002 3 cows 1060 6 cows 853 17 cows 935 7 feeders.. 1000 18 cows 1030 3 cows 993 10 cows 1048 5 cows SOU 9 heifers,.. 746 13 feeders,. 669 800 790 760 1 bull 1340 70 70 W. Blckle-Ncb. ,. 828 . 830 .1305 .1350 3 90 3 00 3 60 1 85 1 85 1 85 2 cows 1C60 1 cow 1110 21 cows 1083 1 COW 960 36 cows.., 28 cows.,. 17 cows., 6 cows., 1 cow... COWS 910 4 rows 9,7 WYOMING. ,. 756 2 70 28 steers.. ..1208 ,.1061 3 30 15 cows 1065 i. A. Munson Colo. . 930 2 15 36 cows William Mathews Colo. . 916 2 45 1 feeder. . 760 1050 2 45 1 feeder... 720 4 0) 2 65 3 00 3 10 3 00 3 00 4 25 4 25 2 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 55 3 25 3 (0 2 f6 2 50 3 65 2 35 2 30 2 85 2 40 2 CO 2 0) 2 10 2 75 3 00 2 70 2 70 3 20 3 20 3 i'0 3 ro 1 75 2 00 2 00 2 75 2 50 3 :o 3 50 1 50 2 25 2 25 1 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 75 3 15 2 75 2 50 3 45 2 85 1 75 3 45 3 05 2 30 3 05 3 65 2 70 1 73 2 90 2 10 3 00 3 75 2 fO 2 80 3 0) 2 0) 2 15 2 95 2 ns 2 60 2 15 2 15 4 ro 3 30 1 cow 630 3 00 8 feeders,. 845 911 2 65 2 5) 2 ro 3 0) 7 cows (91 2 4 3 cows. ,.,.1016 Ed Wlthrow-Colo. IDeows,.... 962 2 05 69 cows 967 Fred Gclgor-8. D. 1 feeder .$80 3 50 6 steers,,. .1255 1 cow 1080 3 35 2 steers.. ..1230 1 cow HO) 3 35 3 steers... 1310 3 cows. ...1013 3 So Scows 1086 1 cow 1140 3 35 2 cows lilt) Western Ranches S. D. 92 steer 1135 3 85 F. Hentilng Wyo. 7 steers. ...1262 4 25 7 steers.. ..12o 1 steer 1050 3 60 12 steers. ...133") 4 steers.. ..1450 4 65 Cnrl Hrvant Wvo. IS cows 963 2 SO 7 steers. 1 heifer.. ..1290 4 00 A. C. Cronn-S. D. 2 cows 1H5 3 30 2 cows 1260 8 cows. ... 901 2 80 1 cow 9V) Scows lo74 3 40 1 cow 910 1 cow 1060 3 10 2 cow? 1CM0 1 bull 1110 2 65 11 steers... .1181 lri1n Ilrrttt f,i 3 cows 1133 3 50 9 cows. 10 rnws lilt f fkl Hlddlo Cnttlo Company Mont 2 45 2 65 4 SO 4 60 4 60 2 80 2 85 ,1147 4 00 3 3) 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 5 10S6 2 J5 7 steers... .1178 IS steers... .1331 1 steer 1320 1 heifer... .1160 21 steers 1210 H. D.ikitison Wyo, D COWS 1)44 2 cows 1150 3 cows 1016 8 COWS 1032 Lyon Si 17 cows 1072 2 85 I cow 900 2 25 3 60 4 80 4 35 4 35 I 35 : 80 : 45 : 95 ! 9.1 3 cows 1030 82 cows 929 7 cows S"0 1 calf 180 2 heifers... 910 27 steers.... 1193 11 steers,.. .1300 a cows 950 A.-Neb. 1 cow 3 cows 6 cows 33 feeders.. 830 986 814 966 18 cows 971 1 1 steer 830 1 75 1 feeder.. Sift 5 firt John Hroddenn Wvn. 6 steers. ...127S 4 65 1 Bteer 1S30 4 20 E. Fitch-Wyo. 4 60 20 steers... .1232 I 60 4 steers... .1162 P. Harvey Colo. 11 steers,. ..1232 I" 8 steers,.. .1202 3 steers,. ..1263 G. 2 15 2 35 2 0) 4 CO 3 00 4 20 1 20 2 94 2 85 2 25 1 7d 3 15 4 00 4 60 4 10 1 cow.. . .inSft f Hoqs-Thero wns n good run. of hogs here today for a Monday, nnd as buvers were looking for still heavier receipts to morrow they were bearish In their views. Tho fact, however, that this market lias been higher than the Chicago market fur several days past wus the principal brar .iurc. Huers started in bidding gen erally 2c lower and the bulk of the early sales went at 6.60, against 6.52 on Satur day, borne of the choicer loads sold a little above $6.50. but the commoner grades went be ow that figure. At those prices the market was not active, as only half tho pnckjrs were bidding that much, the others offering only $6.47. The last end of tho mnrket wns very slow and weak nnd packers were bidding 011 y $t,4. and $6.17, or 11 big 5c lower. Sellers did not like to take off that much, so that It wns rather late beforo n clear ance wan made. Representative siles: No. 90... No 10 Wvnnlin AifAa 4S7 Wvomlni. wethers!!!!.'!"!!!!! 32 Wyomln-; wethers 15 lltlpW tiimltu 2,273 feeder tomb's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"" 1 ''L'll Irl.'tht. Imi.l.u 201 South Dakota ewes..','.'.'!!!!.'.' 25 mill ,'ivnu 361 Wyoming feeder wethers!!! mu n j oining women) 2603 feeder wether's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 412 western wethers 1 western wether 150 fonrinr lamliu 800 feeder iambs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fftnrlnf lift, 1503 Maho iambs!!;!.'!;;!;!;!!;;;;; Av. .1S1 .1 in. 45 237 69 231 !3l Sh. Pr. 240 6 35 6 61.. 16.. 67.. 72.. 98.. 58.. 37.. 69.. 61.. 30. 5S. 51. 56... 62... CS... 65... 61... 69... 66... 51.. 78.. 45.. 73.. 81.. 62. . ..212 !!!!so4 ....264 ....226 ...,25S ....277 ....219 ... 252 ....226 ....25S ....314 ....278 ....197 .283 .239 .230 ...22 ...291 ...303 ...293 ...263 ...2S0 ...257 ...220 . . .262 . . .253 ...235 . .. 91 ....290 40 200 80 80 40 80 SO 200 SO 210 i:6 120 120 160 so 200 160 80 200 40 40 200 80 40 200 40 200 40 1! 40 6 45 K 17 0 47 0 17 0 47 6 50 6 60 6 60 6 50 C 50 6 50 6 50 6 50 0 50 6 50 6 50 6 60 6 60 C to 6 60 6 50 6 50 6 60 6 50 6 52 6 62 fl 52 6 52 6 524 6 62V4 6 60 6 65 6 45 Av ,2S6 No. 66... 73 227 fit 278 63 235 Sh. Pr. 40 6 43 68. 67.. 65.. 57.. 51.. ..248 ..308 ..280 ..321 . .201 68 27S 61 211 61... 62... 78... 61... 6.1... 61... 66. . . 63... 72... 65... 64... 57... 54 210 68... 75... 68... 58... 61... 75. . . 60... 62... 60. . . 58... .2.19 .22 1 ntty '.2S1 .293 .296 .265 .233 .206 .308 .216 "S0 !!is7 ..311 ..231 ..261 ..248 ..313 ..262 80 40 160 10 160 210 160 200 160 20 80 80 120 SO 240 40 80 160 160 120 120 40 40 40 '40 'so 120 220 it 6 43 6 45 6 43 6 45 6 45 6.43 6 47 6 47U 6 471 6 4 0 47 6 4i'j 6 4 6 4 fi 4 6 50 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 50 6 50 0 60 0 50 0 50 6 50 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 50 fi 60 6 52 6 55 6 55 SHEEP Thero was a liberal supply of sheep here today, but evidently thn de mand was equal to the supply. Packers took hold In good shape nnd bought up tho fat stuff at right around steady prices. Ihey seemed to want nil that wns offered alio n4 n rnaulf onllnr. l.n.i !... .ii... culty In disposing of both their sheep and Vim J 1 ""ol" '"si weeK s quotations, mere was also n strong demand for feeilMru un tvr,t l,n.. . . ,' .. ntvii; Mill, 11111. iiiuen 01 nnv plume w,i,.Ani.i.-. 1.. 1 f. nlthojgh a good proportion of the offer- niKn ivhh leeocrs. Quotations: Cholco yenrllngs, $2.9303.10; ii Vrriio. :"','" .wu.Jii ciirucc weiner., I3.jM3.2o; fnlr to good wethers. J" i.wo": -''6f(S.O0; fair to good ewes, ...5'ij2.6o; choice spring lambs. JI.10WI.25: rnir to good spring lambs. $3.80 10; V. ' " -"- icwiu luinus, I.l.2.i'ij3.80. Representative sales: Av. Pr. , 102 n -5 97 3 10 , 88 3 10 , 61 3 ;o 63 S r0 69 4 10 9S 2 60 83 1 75 88 3 00 116 3 10 S3 3 10 79 3 10 HI 3 10 100 3 10 61 .1 SO 6i 3 80 60 3 80 66 4 15 CHICACO I.IVIl STOCK JI.tllKKT. Choice Cut tie nnd Sheep .lp. Stendy Hem Stroim. CHICAGO. Oct. 7. CATTLE Heeelnts. 20.000 head, Including 1,000 Texnns, 7,000 westerns: cholco stendy; others Wo to 15c lower. Good to prlmo steers, $0.00j(6.00; poor to medium, $3.60(5.83: stockers and feeders, $2.25(4,00; cows, $1.2531,60; hclfors. $1.75J)6.0O; canncrs. $1,251(2.25; bulls, $1,751? 4.63; calves, $2.f,0!Tfi.25; Texas steers, $2,905 A.75-, western steers, $3.65ft5.30. ltuuH Jieceipts today, 27,000 head; to morrow, 24.000 head; left over. 4,000 head. Opened stendy to strong, closed weak: mixed and butchers, $6.33J(6.70: good to choice heavy, $S.60(6.90: rough heavy, $6 20 (S6.50; light, $6.500.70; bulk of sales, $6.40 SHEEP AND LAMRS Receipts, 40.000 head; good steady, others a drag; lambs, good, steady, others a drag; good to choice wethers. $3.35fl3.75; fnlr to cholco mixed. $:.90ff3.30: western sheep. $2.50tf,'3.40; native lambs, top. $4.75; bulk. $2.75f4.25. Official Saturday: RECEIPTS-Cattle. 1.230 head: hoes 9,870 head: sheep, 2.181 head. ' SIHPMENTS-Cattle. 1,143 head; hogs, 756 head; sheep, 2,369 head. Kiiimna City Live Stoe-U Market. KAN'HAR PITY. Clrt 7-r-ITTlp re ceipts, 7,600 hend natives, 2,000 head Texans, im, cnivi-B, Ki-iit-'iimy nifiiuy 10 luc Higher; choice dressed beef steers, $5.60f?70.20; fair to good, $4.605.40; stockers and feedero. $2,7544.25; western fed steers, $4.6005.50: western range , steers. $3.25(Jf4.50; Texas nnd Indians, $2.6005.60; Texas cows, $2.25172 75 nntlvo cows. $2.6.V34.00; heifers, $3.rj0f5!c0: $30O"?'5 ,,,:!j0-'CUi bullB' --'iH.0O; calves! liiOGS-RecelptH, 6,0n0 hend; market Bteady; cnmmoji quiet; top, $6.75: bulk of $8.70-30.73; light, Il.lles. S6.35flfi.7n. Imiift. $5.758.C5: Digs. JI.75fiG.fii). 8I1EEP AND LAMHS-Recelpts. 6,000 head; market steudy; lambs, $3.60f?5 33; western wothers, $.1.003.25; owes $"'50cr 3.15; feeders, $.'.60fj3.23; stockers, feooflaSf St. Louis Live Ntoi-U Mnrlcet. , T. LOl'IS, Oct. ?. CATTLE Receipts, 6.000 head, Including 3,000 Texnns; market steady for best natives; Texnns dull, i?wrei ,Pat vo "hipping nnd export steers. $l.75f(0.4.); dressed beef and butcher steers. $4,001(5.80; steers under l.flflO poinds, $2.6jfi) 5.40; stockers and feeders, $2.15(3.S5. cows and heifers. $2.0Ot?l.05; canners, $1.501,2.23; I'..U-8503-751 Tex'ai' nn'1 ""'" trs '-wrc?5'.,00"!8 nna heifers. $1.50173.10. HOGS-Recelpts, 4,100 head, market stendy to strong on best, others dull, slow pigs and lights $0.254,6.60; packers, $6.2jrf 6.50; butchers. $6,601(6.85. ' " SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelpts. 1.600 liead; market dull, slow; native mutinim 2.75fl3 33; lambs. $3.6W4.60; culls and buSSS' I.75i,3.25; stockers, $1.754 2. 25. '""-as, Nt. Jost-pli Live- Stock Mnrket. ST. JOSEPH, Oct. 7.-CATTLE-Rccelnts 2-M0 head; mnrket 104,15c lower; natives' $3.101,6.90; cows nnd heifers, $1 OfiSlO veals. $3 OOfe.m; bulls and stags $S 4-S5.uH,,ockfirs nnl feeders, $2.50ffi4.10 HOGS-Hecelpts, 4,300 head; msrkne steady; light and light mixed ' $6.5036 70 medium and heavy, ?6.00fl6.80; 'pB, U,jr$ 'SHEEP AND LA MHH Receipts, 5 Too head; market 10c to 20e lower: lamh. 41.15; sheep, $2.25Q3.25. mml,B M-SS ISrw York Live- Slock .Murkrl NEW YORK. Oct. 7.-HEEVE8-Recelpt, 6,215 head; steers slow nnd lower: bulls and rows generally steady, fnt bulls lower: stfers, $1,60-35.75: oxen and stags, $2.S74 4.25; bulls, $2.454,3.75: cows, $l.r.0f,3.40; extra fnt cows, $4; stockers, $2.6043.40; cables steady; shipments tomorrow. 850 rattle. 2,250 sheep and 5.6O0 quarters of beef, CALVES - Receipts, 3,296 head; veals steady, graseers lower; venls. $4,50f??..Y); little calves, $1; eratgers and buttermilks, $2 75113.40; f0w sales, $3.37; western calves, SHEEP AND LAMUS-Hecflpts, 19.3IS head; sheep Mow: lambs steady, cholco nW; ."."-Sr?1''. tt-KifS.65; few choice, $3.65; culls, $l..iV(f2.00; iambs, $l,00&4.37; Canada lambs, $5,004(6.37. IK'GS-Hecelpts, S.323 head; lower at $0,70 6.80 for stoto hogs; western, $6.4006.60. Stot-k In Sight. Tho following tnblo shows tho receipts of c?i if' "0R, ."',! t tho live principal o"Vt uiiiiAUia (UT UClOllCr 1 Cattle South Omaha Chicago ... , Kansas City St. Louis .... St, Joseph .. Totals .... 3.480 20,U 9.(11) 6,000 2,900 Hogs. 4,465 27.1M) 6,000 4,100 4,3W Sheep. 16,120 10,000 6.000 1,600 5.70O 40,380 44,865 68,420 Cotton Mnrket, NEW YORK, Oct. 7.-COTTON-Spot closed quiet; middling upland, So; mid dlltig, Sc; sales, 1,500 bales. Futures closed barely steady; October, 7.S5c; Novembor, 7 87c; December, 7.86c; January, 7.91a; Feb ruary, 7.94c; March, 7.92c; April, 7.92c; May, 7 92c. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 7.-COTTON-Opened higher nml closed ensler; snles, 5,150 bales; ordlnnry, 6 316c: good ordlnnry, 6',c; low middling, 7 ll-10c: middling, Sc; good middling, 8c; middling fair, 8c; re ceipts, 10,815 hales; stock, 69,111 bales, Fu tures steady; October, 7,79c; Novembor, 7.76c; December, 7.77c; January, 7.76f7.77c? February, 7.764r7.77c; March, 7.764j'7.77c ; April, 7.705l7.77c; May, 7.7tVrr7.7S( ST. LOl'IS, Oct. 7,-COTTON-Qulet; middling, 8 l-16c; sales, 127 bales; receipts, 2,231 bales; shipments, 2,368 bales; stock, 31,468 hales. GALVESTON, Oct. 7,-COTTON-8tedy nt 8 3.16c, LIVERPOOL. Oct. 7.-COTTON-Spot, good business done and prices l-16d higher; American mixed, fair, &S-;t2d: good mid dling. 4 31-32(1; middling, 4,d; low middling. 4 19-321; good ordinary, 4 13-32d; ordinary, 4d; sales, 15,0m) bales, of which 1,000 wero for speculation nnd export nnd Included 13,2i) American; receipts, 6,200 bales, all American. Futures ntiened stendv nnd closed quiet but steady; American middling, g. o. c, uctoner, 4 3-6l4j4 S7-tiei, Buyers ; Oc tober nnd November, 4 30-64(1. buyers; No vember and December, 4 7-6UI, buyers; De- rrtmhtr nml .1nminrv i ?ft.filf,.l V'T.AIil. hllV- eis; Jnnunry and Februnry, 4 26-6ld, sellers; rciiruary and Marcn. 4 26-wd, sellers: March and April, 4 2661d, sellers; April and May, 4 20-Gld. sellers; May nnd Juuo nnd Juno nml July nnd July and Augiibt, 4 26-6ld, sellers. Evaporated nnd Dried l'rnlts. NEW YORIC. Oct. 7. Trndlnc 111 tho mnrket for evnpornted apples was mode rntelv artlve with tho feeling eiulto steady at unchanged prices. Stnto common to good, 65Sc: prlmo, S4J8ic; cholco, 9c; inncy, 'jihc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Dllll but stendy nt old prices; prunes, 3i4J7c; nprlcnts, Royal, 8c; Moor Park, 84f8c; peacnes, peeled, iwisc; unpceieu, i(9c. .tt York Dry 4onfa Market. ' new YORic. Oct. 7. nriY nnnns- Tbere has been n quieter demand today In all departments, but n good business Is looaeo ior inter 111 tne week, urown cot tons arc very llrm. some exporters nnvlnir r slight ndvnnce, Blenched cottons are llrm nut' nuiei; course-colored goods are scarco and llrm; prints are very firm; print cloths. nulot ,but strong. 1 AVonl Mnrkct. or t ni'ic n, 1 wnriT n.,ti. -.1 1 grades. 12B17c: Kht tine, 12-B14c; heavy fine, 91illc; tub washed. 1224c. lledrlck Wished to C'nnitnnnil. NEW YORK, Oct. 7.-A Halifax special to the Journal and Advertiser gives tho fnllowlnir storv of the cause of the trouhln between Robert K. Penrv and Dr. Thomns S, Dedrlck, as told by Captain Joseph Ulnk ney of the Peary relief stcnmshlti Erik: ur. ueoncK wisneu tn nnvo command or the Windward during Mr Peary's absence. Penrv refused to grant this renuest nnd soon after the doctor tendered his resigna tion. The resignation was promptly nc cepted nnd tho members of the pnrty con sidered this ncceptaneo a surprlso to Dr. DcdrlcK. Shots tint Ainerlcnii Miners, SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 7,-Dr. Evanoff, a representative of tho Russian govern ninnt. who llns returned from a trio of 111. spectlon to Nome nnd Slborln, states that American miners win uo siricuy proniimco from either mlnlnir on their own nccount or working for wages In Siberia, Tlll'l REALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS filed for record Monday, October 7. 1901: Wnrrnnty need. G. L. Barton nnd wife to Lucy Bar ton. 19 acres In nw no and 11c nw 17-16-13 $ fOO Newton Lnnd company to C. D. Chnm- Hers, lot 17. block 'JO. Florence wi F. 1. Thomas and husband to S. O. Jones, lot 3 nnd 11 lot 4, block 11, Carthage add in R. II. McClellan nnd wife to Great Western Stove company, wis lot 8, block 133. Omaha 12.500 II. R. Clnrk to J. H. Farls, w of e and c of wV4 lot 16. llawes' add.... 2.500 Jacob Strlckler to Julius Treltschke, 11 38 reel or s uu reel lot mock 149, Omnha 3.000 Anna Callahan and husband to Her man Kesslcr, lots 9 nnd 10, block 9, West End ndd 4.500 Edward Hansen nnd wife to Mnry HufTcrty, lot 4, block 21, First ndd to Corrlcnn Place 7f0 Union Trust company to J, D. Stew art, ot 7. mock II. llrlggs l'lace 1 C. II. Frederick and wife to G, H. Mayer, lots 2 and 3, Frederick' ndd 600 Louis Sautter und wife to Jurgcii Brnhn. lot 2, block 3, Cottage park.. 1,500 Michigan .Mutual Life Insurance com pany to Joseph Bauer, lot 4, block 10, Wilcox's add 600 Quit Clnlm Deeds. J. M. Green, trustee, et nl, to F. D. Wead, w 25 feet of n 150 feet lot 4, block 6, Park Place 1 Total amount of transfers $24,483 S5.0Q A MONTH SPECIALIST in All Diseases and Disorders of Men lOyearslnOmabft VARICOCELE and HYDROCELE cured, Method new, without cjttlnr. 9MC jt Ion of time. CVDUII curdforllftanattipoUon 9 T rniLIO thoroughly cleansed from the system. Soon every sign and symptom disappears completely and forever. No "UHEAICINO OUT" of OiedliaaienntbeiWln or face. Treatment contains no dangtroua flruci or Injurious medicine. WEAK MEM. Irom Excesses or Victims o Naiiroun ukiiimty or EXnirjenor. W-RTI-O WlAKNEBS With EAKLY DlOAT In Youno and MlDin.r. Aor.o, lack of Tim, -Igor and strength, with organs Impaired and weak, STRICTURE eiintd with a new Rome Treatment. No pain, no detention from bust nets. Kidney nnd Bladder Troubles. , .CHARGES OW CeaiittitlM I ret. Treatment by Mll. Call on on or address IIO So. 14th St. Dr. Searles & Searles. Omaha. Neb. QNO CURE. NO PAY. HUN.-HtopLklntrmMldn. If 700 hafe imvll, rak orpnt, oct power or fliriiln(r ilnlm, our Vcuum Orgm prtrluprr will rritore you. No druBi. Stricture end Varicocele rr menmtly cured In I to t wetlii 78,000 In met not one failure t rrnt one returned, effect Immeillelei no C. fl, I), fraud 1 write for free partlcu lare, sent erated In laln envelope, LOCAL APPLIANCE CO. lie Therp Ilk., tn liniptlli, Int. 'IVai-priour iei,in. Boyd Commission Co Buccenori to Jamet B. Boyd A Co., OMAHA, NEB. COMMISSION -RAIN, I'llOVIMIOKS AND BTOCKt. Buarl ot Tr4 lUlas. Direct wire to Cblcaco and New Yorlt, Correspondence, John A. H'urren it Cc. OLD EST I R AFKKTt I1KSTI WALL STREET tloue Will tirii lllv Mvntbly Itatarna The Inveetor'a Tunel Paya Seml-Monthly. The oldest eHtabllehed In America. No certificate-bolder ever lost a cent. Pay ments made to all aubacrlbers every It day. No trouble. No delay. Money refunded on demand. Write today for particular!, free to any uddrem. C. 12, MACK I'. I ,t CO., lludeou Uutldluw, ,cn York.