Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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An Excellent Combination.
Tho pleasant method and bcncllclal
eTcctn of the well known remedy,
Kynui' or Fioa, tnnmifiicturcil by the
Cii,iro:iNiA Vin Smut Co.. Illustrate
tho valueof obtaining tho liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to bo
medicinally laxative and presenting
them in the form mmt rsf resiling to the
tastn and acceptable, to thu fiyolcm. It
Is tho one perfect f.truntftliciilnp; lnxa
ti , clcansinp tho byhtem effectually,
dinpclliiiK' colds, headaches and fuverr
gently yet promptly and en.-.bllnjf one
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and Mib
stance, and its acting on tho kidneys,
, liver and bowela, without weakening
or irritating them, make it tho ideal
In tho proccbs of manufacturing Onn
ro used, as they arc pleasant to tho
taite, but tho raedlolnal qualities of the
remedy aro obtained from be una and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to tho Camfoiinja Fio timur
Co. only. In order to pet 1U beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, plcaso
remember tho full namo of tho Company
printed on tho front of every package.
X.0tTIBVri.Z.E. ky. NEW YORK, It. Y.
Bbrtelobynll U'UBglits. IMcoLOo pcrbolUt.
THE EVIDENCE submitted clear.
y proves that the profes
sion ns well ns all wlin have used
Vln Mariuni pronounce it
All Druggists. Refuse Substitutes,
Is Crowded Almost Constantly
With Invalids Seeking Health.
Three Months' Services
Arc Given Free
To All Sufferers Who Call at Its
Office in the Board of Trade
Build.UK. Rooms 4118-1-39,
Before October 22nd.
A staff ot eminent physicians and sur
geons from tho Drills!) Medical Institute
have, at the urgent solicitation of a large
number of putlonts under their care In this
country established a permanent branch of
tho IiiBtltutu In this city at
Corner of llltit ami I'liriiiini Htreetx,
HnoitiK las-l.'IK llonrit of Trade
These eminent gentlemen have decided to
glvo their services entirely frco for thrco
months (medicines excepted) to all Invalids
who call upon them for treatment between
now and Oct, 22,
These services consist not. only of con
tultatlon. examination and advice, but alio
of all mtnor surgical operations.
The object In pursuing this course Is to
become rapidly and personally acquainted
with the sick and atlllcted, and under no
conditions will any chargn whatever bo
mndu for any services rendered for threo
months, to all who call beforo Octoher ?
The doctors treat all forms of dl;e.iso
and deformities, imd guarantee h euro In
every case they undertake. At tho first
Interview, a thorough examination Is made,
and. If Incurable, you are frankly and
Kinuiy I oui do; aiso auviseu ngainst spend
Inrc your money for useless treatment.
Male and femalo .weakness, catarrh and
catarrhal deafness alto rupture, goitre,
cancer, all skin diseases, and nil Him
of tho rectum aro positively cured by their
new treatment.
The chief associate surgeon of the Instl-
turn id in pcrsomti t'liurge.
Office hours from 9 a. m. till 8 p. m.
No Sunday hours.
Si'HClAI. MIT1UH If you cniinot full
eu.l Miuuo for question Itlnnk for
hnnin trcntmrnl.
(Sold Seal
Gold Seal my bo placed
on tjsn table of tho most
fastidious connoisseur
without fear of criticism
or comparison with any
Imported champagne,
'1 hen why pay twice as
much for foreign labels?
Order a case for Oirlfct
mas, ,uu for It at your
club and eafe. (JOLl)
SKAL is sold by all first
class grocers and wlno
Uruann, N. Y.
or rdl; notched Milr.
Imperial Hair Regenerator
TTlll MMTiral r trill An Tt- i
- - - '-J It J UB'jUUUIII 4 1 lilt' K
to h UffUtral AMi IUouiIa iriNiureL
PnlnM ar iIiimM T" . U 11... Jr
nlntPiy htrfnlffla.' Stn,ilr of hair ir.
IMPERIAL CltDUCAL MFO. Ca, 22 W. ZW St., fit York.
No barking, eneei
Ing or coughing
around the house
where Antl-Kaw
l kept. It Isn't merely a help, It's a cure
na only 25e a bottle at drug store.
Deputy State Veterinarian.
Food Inspector.
PTTV VPTVlllvinin.
Office and Infirmary, :sth and Mason SU
Telethon fl
Mr. and Mrs. Savars Expreio Pelljht Orer
Fan-America Visit.
.Silirrlnenilrnt Forrler lienor lilt
W'nrtilnu In (In TeiieluTN l.nlior
Commissioner Aflir Vio
lators iif
(Krom a Start Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Oct. 7. (Special.) Oovrrnor
and Mr. Savage, accompanied by the mil
itary Btaff, rciurned today from the Ne
braska day culcbratlon at tha ran-Amerlran
exposition. Mlsa Savage waa with the party
nt Huifalo, but remained at Chlcaso to visit
with friends. Chief Clerk Clancey of the
Kovcrnor's offlcc left tho party at lluffalo
and proceeded to Washington.
"Tho state did Itself proud on Nebraska
day at the expedition and on the whole It
was one of the most enjoyable trips 1 have
ever taken," said the R0ernor. "Our whole
party enjoyed tho trip. We experienced
no mishaps and the oftlclals treated us roy-all;-.
"Nebraska day was a complete success
In every way. Tho meeting was held In the
Temple of Music. The program was en
tertaining and tho crowd was Immense. Dv
the officials I was Informed that the gath
ering on that day numbered G.000 more than
at tho l'ppnsylvanla celebration, which Im
mediately preceded ours, There were about
fifty members in the party. Wo were en
tertained at dinner hy tho exposition oftl
c'nls, which, according to Commissioner
Vance. Is a courtesy that has been extended
to but one other stale during the summer.
As to the fireworks and electrical dis
play, they cannot bo too highly com
mended. The latter portion of the program
was devised by Kdward Hustln, a young
Omaha electrician.
"At tho invitation of the street railway
officials tho whole party took a seventy-six
mllo ride by Niagara Knlls, passed the rap
Ids nnd then proceeded along tho Canadian
bore past tho monument of (iencral Ilrock.
Mr. Kly, the mannger, placed his private
car at tho disposal of tho Nebrnskans."
Lincoln .Vnllonnl llmikn.
The statements of the national banks of
Lincoln at the close of business on Septem
ber 30 show that all three Institutions aro
in a remarkably healthy condition. Do
poslts and loans have increased materially
and cash and eight exchange shows equally
well, ranging from 32 per cent In ono bank
to SO per cent In another. Tho last quar
terly statement showed 14,627,000 of deposits
and $2,(133,000 of loans. Thu statements
made one year showed $3,685,000 of deposits
as against J4.K27.000 this year. Following
Is a comparative statement of deposits and
loans on September 30, this year:
Deposits. Loans.
First National
. 2,S70,Ooo
. 1,071,000
J 1, 836,000
Columbia National
City National
ll.iZrt.CX'O $2,SWJ0
School Ctinrl (innir AKnln.
Superintendent Fowler has received a let
ter from Minneapolis warning him that
agents aro at work In Nebraska selling
school charts for ten times their real value.
The communication exposes the schctno ot
their operntlons nnd Is ns follows:
MixxnArni.ia. Minn.. Oct. 4. Superin
tendent Public Instruction, Lincoln, Noli.:
In your stnte today mere is a never oum
being worked by experts In sellng charts
to rural districts. The chart coHts less
tiinn 3 to tho mami facturer. Including
stand. Notwithstanding they are highly
polished and contain muctt color inoy aro
not worth JIO In any school.
Tho plan Is to visit rural districts only
and srll the charts for from $30 to $5i.
The selling price depends on thu cost cf
Drilling tho majority of the board. Tha
agents have to qualify before they can
opcrato nnd they are past mnBters in II ml
lug out susceptible members of tho board.
The bribe is nnywhero from $5 to $10 per
memnor. as soon as mo county noam is
worked nil time paper Is sold to local
banks at from 10 to S5 per cent discount.
An expert agent Is worth to his firm $5,io
a year. In some cases county superintend
ents recommend lor a price, nut ir they
condemn the thing tho ngents ostensibly
leave tho country, then their lender calls
his men from other pnrts of the state and
thov rush tha country to il finish nfttlmru
before the county superintendent Is nwaro
or u.
The agents do not call themselves "chart
agents," but mask as general school sup-
iuj iiirn. i nt- oniy ining mey nreail is
notice In lornl nnners. hjcIi miner
country people read, thus keeping It bo-
iarc inu puuiiu. lours truly.
ftl. I . HUUDKTTH.
Tho school chnrt swlndlo was first
brought to tho attention of Superintendent
I owler early last April nnd at that time
ho Issued -a noto of warning to county su
pcrlntendcnts and other school officials, who
might be approached by tho agents. For
tho purpose of again placing them on their
guard Mr. Fowler has reissued his notice,
wnich Is as follows:
chart ncont hnn hxoti
the COlintles. lint nnlv anaklntr tt'hnn. 1m
might devour, but devouring nearly all of
ttlOSe hO H.1W. Tim irnhtlimnn ...
have n recommendation from the state
Buiirruucwieiu, inn the records and letter
copybooks of this otllce show nothing of
the sor . We think ho is mistaken and
his conduct Impels us to the following de
cision for self-protection; Henceforth we
wl! ".'r0 to, vrlte' ,,lc(nte, grant or sln
any testimonial or recommendation what
soever of any school nimri. i
..n.l . .I.l """Ml i"-
SAVvi.n. . " :.5. ?.f r I'roi-pect of
....... .o. unci UIUI'FN,
Fenmlo nml ChlM Labor I.imv.
Deputy Uibor Commissioner Watson I
continuing his warfare against violators of
trio femalo employment anil comrmlsnrv
education laws. Ho announces that he will
personally Inspect all establishments where
femalo and child labor Is employed and
that any person found disobeying tho laws
win ho prosecuted. Ills notlco follows:
LINCOLN. N'eh.. fli-i r. ;., .!,., .
Under sepurnto cover I have forwarded to
your address a number of public notices
containing copies of tho acts regulntlm,'
the employment of women and children !n
I would resnectfullv
that this bureau Is very much In earnest
n Its cfTorts to see that the provision? of
these nets are compiled with and letters
will bo nddressed to employers nnd to
rounty superintendents of public
t on and truant unicorn In the state, with
ty' i'IV,of inBce.v.ta.'"'"B ,1,c truo coiidltl jii
of alTalrs In their respective localities
As an officer of thn m,,t.. r
n,i!,10.'.L,.ii.,I1" y' ,i'll0,.( a'"1 hall use
.... iiv,.i in intvo ineso laws
properly enforced. Tho manner of In"
vestlKiitlon will not bo conilned to cor-
11'f.imiiuviiL'u neieen employers and tMt
bureau, but shall embrace the more thur
oush method of personal inspection of all
establishments where female and child
labor Is employed. ",lu
Any employer doing business within this
state, who shall neglect or refuse to ac
cept and consider said notices and certlli.
cntes and to carry out the prnvlslo s
of fnld acts, shall bo liable 0 a pe mlt
'' '' collected In an nctlon wherein the
Deputy ' Commissioner of Lu'bor.
rlriikn CU- dim Coniinn.
Articles of Incornorntlan of th i-'in,-.
Cas Light company of Nobraska City wcra
" """" secretary of state's olllco
,1 Ji10 took of ,lle tompsny amounts
n" .1 ' "CM Principally by Nathaniel
ChlcaSo and Charles J, Hayes of Nebras
lleiiilltlon for Arronsmilli,
Oovcrnor Savage this afternoon granted
a requisition for tho return of Thomas Ar-
rowsmmi rrom Colorado to Nuckolls
county, Nebraska, where ho Is wanted to
answer to the charge of assault upon u
17-year-oId plrl. The action was resisted
by the man's attorneys, but the governor
ii i" Bimu ami aiso i-ertincates or School
Attendance, and "Parents' and Gunrdlans'
Lertlllcatus. au will confer a favor by
acknowledc nc Ihe r.x.lni r K.., '
concluded that the evidcme was sufTli-lent ,
to warrant issuing tho papers.
I'or VIolntltiK (.nine l.niT.
Chief Oame Warden Slmpklns was noti
fied today that Jesse and Guy King wero
arrested nnd convicted at Elm Creek, Buf
falo county, for fishing with a dip net, their ,
lines amounting to J23. In an adjoining
county George Kelley and William Aschutt
were fined $14.33 each for having quail lu i
their possession. 1
I'cilcrnl I'.iitrt In Session.
The October term of federal court opened
this afternoon with a fair sited docket,
which tho court began calling at 2 o'clock.
Civil business entirely will occupy the time
of tho court and a number of Jury trials
arc slated. Criminal business nowadays Is
rather slim nnd not enough has accumu
lated during tho summer to Justify the call
ing of a Jury. Since tho government
adopted the salary system of paying deputy
marshals Instead of tho fee plan and a.
lows no expenses bbvc when tho deputy
holds a warrant, there Is no detective work
performed and no working up of cases.
Hootlcgglng Is not the profitable business
It onco was and tho United States pays
but little attention to it In the towns, but
Is as vigilant ns Is possible In Its watch
over tho Indum reservations. Lo Is a
thirsty bird and ho Is willing to pay good
prices for his nip nnd this Is a constant
temptation to tho Honor men of the bor
l.nneiiNlor Conn I Tencliors.
Lancaster county teachers organized for
tho year last Saturday. Tho following of
ficers were elected: Principal A. W. Os-
terhout of Bethany, president; Miss Marie
Lclst of Normal, vlco president; Miss Net.
tlo Uaker of Waverly, secretary, and J. L.
Halnbrldgo of Davey, treasurer. J. L.
Mcllrlen, deputy state superintendent of
public Instruction, talked on matters per.
talntng to school organization and man.
lli'iuoorntN' Vli'p Chnlriiinn.
C. I). Scott of Kearney has been appointed
vlco chairman of the democratic state cen
tral committee nnd In this capacity he will
have direct nnd active charge of the cam
paign. Chairman Hall will remain nt the
head of the organization, but will act slmnlv
n an advisory capacity. Tho headquarters
of tho commltteo will be opened In the Fitz
gerald building, 111 North Ninth street.
within a few days.
rjtliliiiis' flriiml I.o.Ikp.
Delegates to tho thirty-seventh annual
convention of the Knights of Pythias grand
lodgo of Nebraska began to arrive In Lin
coln tonight. The sessions will be held in
representative hall at tho state house, tho
first beginning nt 10 a m. tomorrow.
Prohibition Ticket In DoiIbp.
NOHTII II END. Neb.. Oct. 7. (Special.)
Tho Dodgo county prohibition convention
placed In nomination this ticket: For
county Judge. D. M. Strong, North Bend;
for sheriff, F. II. Wallace, Fremont; for
county clerk, Oeorge Ely, Fremont; for
county treasurer, S. W. Young, Union; for
register of deeds, W. J. Oregg, North
Bend; for superintendent, MIbs Mary
Fowior, North Bend; for coroner, Dr. E. N.
Leake, Fremont; for surveyor, Walter J.
McVlcker. C. C. Bevcridgo, chairman of
tho prohibition state central commltteo, v
says the party Increased Its vote from 1,000
In 1S3S to 5,000 In 1900 nnd that a vigorous
fight will bo mado this year throughout tho
Skull Crocked by I'lylllR Hock.
TECUMSEH, Nob., Oct. 7. (Special.)
Irani Purdy, a laborer In William Moa-
landcr's quarry In the western part of this
county, was struck In the head by a pleco
of stone whllo blasting rock Thursday.
After lighting a fuso to a charge of powder
for blnstlng he did not get out of reach of
tho flying missiles nnd a piece of stone
Btruck him on tho head, ranking a com
pound fracture. In an operation mado by
a surgeon nt Vesta a number of small
pieces of his skull were removed. He Is
now resting well and may recover.
Woman's Work in Club
Tho Omnhn Woman's club began its work
for tho year 1901-1902 with a general meet
ing In Its rooms In tho First Congrega
tional church yesterday afternoon and
though 3 o'clock was h. time for tho open
ing a largo proportion of tho membership
assembled fully half an hour earlier to ar
range for reports and talk over matters
pertaining to tho state federation mooting.
which opens today In Wayne.
In compllanco with tho decision last
spring the session was held In tho lecture
room Instead of the auditorium, ns for
mcrly. By this nrrangemcnt tho club ro
ducts Its rent from $S0O to $500 per year.
Though tho full membership of tho orgnnl
zatlon was not present, the assembly
filled the room nnd whllo In many respects
It was not as pleasant ns the auditorium,
no serious Inconvenience was experienced.
Ono member called attention to the fact
that tho room wns crowded and asked what
would bo done tf the full membership
should attend at one time, She wns In
formed that the house committee had that
mnttcr under consideration nnd would make
a report at the next meeting.
The re-elected president, Mrs, George
Tlldcn, called tho meeting to order and
the Invocation was by Mrs. Towle.
Mrs. C. C. Belden then rend n most beau
tiful memorial upon the death of President
McKlnley, signed by Mrs. C. C. Belden and
Mrs. Balllct. The club accepted It by rls
Ing and It was later decided that a copy ot
tho paper bo prepared and sent to Mrs,
Tho first matter of unfinished business
was tho report of the Louisiana purchaso
memorial commltteo by tho chairman, Mrs.
H. S. J.tynes, Mrs. Jaynes read tho pro.
Jects proposed nt tho Kansas City confer
ence and reported the committee as fa
voring first tho establishment nnd support
of n chair for tho teaching of tho science
of motherhood In somo well established
institution of learning nnd second the
erection of a fountain with figures historic
and typical ns n memorial to tho Louisiana
purchase. Sho further snld that but for
tho difficulty of securing sufficient financial
support for Its malntenanco tho commltteo
would have preferred the erection and
JSfijio MiSuTtsI
Irt I Ml laBTMY I ' 1 I
has cured thousands. It is guaranteed to cure you. 50c and $1 bottles. All druggists.
inu Doras ana a rerv m
Nebraiktni of that Daiomic&tion Aitembla
at Blair.
Itrv. C. W. Ilrlnntnil of (ltiiutin HeiuN
Allium! Heports of Committees
Slev. J. V. Cnrpcnler
BLAIIt, Neb., Oct. ".(Special Telegram.)
Tho Nebraska state convention of Bap
tists opened this afternoon In the com
modious church owned by the society of
lilalr. Delegates arrived during the day
by trains from all directions. Tho citizens
of Hlalr have generously opened their horn. is
for tho accommodation ot the delegates and
everyone will rccclvo a cordial welcome
while In tho city. Tho session was opene.l
this afternoon by the board of milling 'ra
In annual busslness meeting, with llev. J.
F. Carpenter of Omaha ni president. Tho
ovenlt.g session began at 7.30 with sink
ing, followed by devotions and nn address
by Hev. C. W. Iloach of Columbus, Tho
annual sermon was by llev. I. II. Wood of
Falrbury. Tho address of welcoma by Hev.
C. E. Tlngley of Illulr was responded to by
Hev. J. F. Carpenter. Tho report of com
mittees for various places as appoints!
by tho bonrd of managers were read by the
corresponding secretary, Hev. C. W. Hrln
slad of Omaha. Tho, church was crowded
.pn- It it 1 1 it In K n nl i'nhlr Itoek,
TABLE HOCK, Neb., Oct. 7. (Special.)
The brick work on the new school build Inn
was finished yesterday with tho exception of
the tower and tho chimney. It will be ready
for occupancy December 1.
Tho basement of the now Odd Fellows'
block was finished and work Is being pushed
forward on the first story. It Is to be a
brick block, two stories above tho basj
mcnt, 26xS0 feet, nnd being built on the
site of the old building. The first floor will
be used as a storeroom nnd tho upper story
(or a lodgeroom, an anteroom and a kitchen.
liilsenlirrry .liny lleeovcr.
ORAND ISLAND, Neb., Oct. 7. (Special.)
Information from Alda this morning Is to
the effect that at 12 o'clock last night tho
condition In the Qulsenborry home, four
teen miles southwest of this city, was
much the same, with slightly more hopes
thnt somo of the burned mcmbors of tho
family might recover. The daughter Ornco
and Mrs. Qulsenberry were reported to bo
In the most serious condition. McKlnley
and Ida, the twins, aro barely alive.
Kill Vnonnoy In Tielcpf.
ORAND ISLAND, Neb., Oct. 7. (Special.)
Tho Hall county republican central com
mltteo elected D. Arkernian chairman,
John Alexander treasurer and A, F. Buech
ler secretary. Tho vacancy caused by the
resignation of A. C. Koenlg as candldato for
surveyor was filled by the nomination of
C. A. Baldwin.
Pined for HrrnklitK nninr,
WEST POINT. Neb., Oct. 7. (Special.)
Deputy Sheriff Gallagher captured two vio
lators of tho game law near this city Sat
urday morning. Tho two men, Kelly and
Ochaut, wero strangers here. They were
fined $10 nnd costs by Judge Krnke.
Mrs. MorKfiit .la mew I'nrnlyzcil,
OSCEOLA, Neb.. Oct. 7. (Special.) Mrs.
Morgan James suffered a stroko of paralysis
In tho throat Saturday afternoon. Sho
has been unnblo to speak' since. This Is
the second stroke sho has 'had. Physicians
bavo hopes of her recovery.
Fair Yield of Suunr Ilpels.
TECUMSEH, Neb., Oct. 7. (Special.) A
number of Johnson county farmers who
maintenance of tho proposed Industrial
normal, which should Include not only tho
tenchlng of tho sclenco of motherhood, but
other things consistent with tho general
trend of the advancement of women. After
some discussion It wns decided that tbo
Omuha club would recommend tho erection
of a building to bo used as hendqunrtcrs
for women Interests and later equipped for
the Industrial normal. St. Louis Is tho
most likely location for such an Institu
tion. The delegates to the Wayne meet
Ing were requested to ncccpt this decision
ns Informal Instruction to guldo thorn In
their vote on the matter at tho stato meet
ing. The membership commltteo reported
fifteen new menibers ns having qualified
since the last meeting, which gives the club
n membership of 117.
Miss Bertha Hill next contributed two
piano numbers and responded to nn encore.
Sympathy was expressed by a rising vote
for tho members who have sustained losses
by death during tho summer. Mrs. Foster
of Shroveport, La., ex-presldent of tho
Louisiana Federation of Woman's Clubs,
was then introduced and extended greet
ings, also Mrs. Holmes of Kearney, a
member of the state Industrial committee.
Mrs, W. H. vuoer, chairman of tho new
philanthropic committee, next mndo n re
port of the progress In thnt work. It was
decided last spring, after much discussion,
that the club should adopt as Its phil
anthropic work the conduct of an nuxlllnrv
club, for the benefit of the women nnd
girls of the First wnrd and to admit of
properly supporting such a work, two other
wcll-ojtabllshcd and most cffcctlvo works
had to bo dropped. Mrs. Wllber re
ported that though tho commltteo ap
pointed for the formulation of plnns wns
cnlled, but three of the members responded
nnd so the work voted to begin during tho
summer had to bo dropped. Another elfort
was made recently for a conference between
tho mcmbors of the commltteo and tho
leaders of tho different departments. This
too proved unsuccessful and It was decided
that the matter should bo brought up before
each department and the leader Instructed
as to the Judgment of her department, nftor
which she will confer with tho committee.
Dyspepsia is called the "American s Disease," as it Is said to attack moro residents of this
country than any other. Americans live too rapidly are always too hurried to (five proper at
tention to the selection of food and to take the time to eat it If you have an especially distressed
condition of the stomach after eating, an inability to partake of tho lightest meal with perfect
freedom from a "crowded feeling" in the stomach immediately afterwards, belching, ir
ritability and a generally disturbed mental condition, you have Dyspepsia..
Dr. CaJdwell's
Syrup Pepsin
and Herb Laxative Compound
- .ereuina utue book on stomach troubles sent Iree.
grew small fields of sugar beets this year
for experimental purposes are now harvest
ing their crops. Despite the dry spell,
the yield Is ten tons per ncre. Four dol
lars per ton Is tho local market price. The
whole product of the several farmers en
gaged Is being shipped to the factory at
Mother llrenL.. IIuIij'n In l'lny.
ULK CHEEK, Neb., Oct. ".(Special.)
While playing with her little year-and-a-half
old daughter Thursday evening, Mrs.
O. II. Mendell, a mile north of town, tossed
tho little one onto the bed. Saturday It
was noticed that something was wrong
with one of Its legs. She was brought to
j town Saturday night and Dr. Youngman
found the limb broken.
llnliy l)lr nildenl- nt Knlrnintit.
FAIRMONT. Neb.. Oct. 7. (Special.)
The 5-year-old son of Conrad Lcnz, n
section hand on the Burlington, died sud
denly this morning after eatlug breakfast.
The little one complained ot Its stomach,
lay down on tho bed and expired suddenly.
It had an nttnek of mumps thrco weeks
ago, but has been In Its usual health .since.
Tenia Ilium Aimy irllli Mnll Wnitun,
HUMBOLDT, Neb., Oct. 7. (Special.)
Tho team driven by llornce L. Bennett, tho
rural mall cnrrlcr, ran nwny while on tho
way home Saturday night, throwing Ben
nett out and bruising him considerably.
Tho team broko loose from tho mall wagon
beforo going far and camo on to town. The
mnll was not Injured.
IoIiiimoii County Prohibitionists.
TECUMSEH, Neb., Oct. 7. (Special.)
The Johnson county prohibitionists have
nominated this ticket: For treasurer, E.
D. Hounds; cor clerk, W. S. Dllworth; for
Judge, C. F. Lee; for sheriff, F. M. Ander
son; for superintendent, E. C. Thompson;
for commissioner, first district, William
'York Fnlr Closed1,
YORK. Neb., Oct. 7. (Special.) Tho
York county fair Just held was more suc
cessful than anticipated, owing to Its being
postponed. The exhibits of farm produots
wero very good. A number of speedy horses
entered, both running nnd trotting races,
The largest atteudnnco was Friday, which
wns children's day. v
T. AV. Tnjlor Home from Alnskn,
TABLE HOCK, Neb., Oct. 7. (Special.)
J. W. Taylor nrrlved here Saturday from
Alaska. He Is the husband of Mrs. Chris
t( na Baker-Taylor, who was drowned In
Alaska several months ngo. She had been
a missionary there for seevral years, He
comes to visit his wife's parents, O, V.
Baker and wife.
Demoerrtt Nominate nt Writ Point.
WEST POINT, Neb., Oct. 7. (Special.)
At the city caucus of tho democrats of
West Point these precinct nominations
wore mado: For assessor, Charles Dcmary;
for Justices of the pcacq, D. M. Clancy and
Georgo L. Hebhausen; for constables, L.
Homo and Jefiie Camp.
More Itiiln nt Norlh I.nnp.
NORTH LOUP. Neb., Oct. 7. (Special.)
Another heavy rain fell hero Saturday night
and Sunday. Much damn go to hay and
straw In tho stack Is being done by the wet
weather this fall. A larger amount of tall
grain Is being plnnted than usual.
Celebrate M'rrtilliiK Aniil veronry.
TABLE HOCK. Nob., Oct. 7. (Special.)
Over 100 people gave a surprise for Mr.
and Mrs. W. L. Taylor Friday evening at
their home, It being tho twenty-fifth anni
versary of their marriage They received
several Presents.
West Point Tin Officers.
WEST TOINT, Neb.. Oct. 7. (Speclnl.)
At a meeting of tho volunteer fire depart
ment of this city F. E. Krauso was elected
president, P. E. J. Hotnlg secretary, F. A.
Schmeln foreman, Henry Dlschcr nsslstant
and Charity
Mrs. Wllber called attention to tho fact
that tho responsibility of tho movoment
lay upon tho entire club and that tf It
proved a falluro tho odium of the failure
would lay upon tho club, which had voted
tho plan. Sho expressed tho disappoint
ment of tho commltteo that It had not re
ceived moro suggestions from the club at
the tlmo tho matter wns decided upon and
said that the commltteo had not proposed
the First ward us tho field for its work
because It deemed It In the greatest need
but because It has to mako suggestion of
somo field nnd expected tho club to decide
upon the locution most needing such help.
Sho concluded with reminding tho women of
their Individual responsibility in tho mnt
ter, nnd at the closo of her report there
wns n general "I told you so" from those
who had proposed tho plan In the begin
nlng, preferring the continuation of the
work that had already proved effectual to
the adoption of a new and great undertak
Mrs. Tllden then read tho annual ad
dress, opening with a touching tribute to
President McKlnley. Among tho matters
sho touched upon wero the proposed aux
lllary club, and urged tho women to recog
nlzo Its seriousness and accept tho responsi
bility. She spoko of, tho law providing
that all members shall be members of at
least ono department of tho club and ad
vised that steps bo taken to enforce It or
clso It bo repealed, and advised the adoption
of a suggestion box as a means of benefiting
tho organization,
Mrs. J. II. Dumont gave a most Interest
Ing report of tho twenty-eighth annual
meeting of tho National Society of Chari
ties and Corrections recently held In Wash
lugton, D. (!., which aho attended as tho
club's delegate.
As new business, It was decided that not
only tho Omaha women, but women from
South Omaha nnd Dundee should bo In
cluded In tho GO-cent ndmlsslon charged
Tho following announcements were made
regarding tho opening meetings of tho de-pnrtmcnts-
Oratory, 10 a. m., Wednesday
domestic science, 10 a. in., Thursday;
French conversation, 10 n. m., Thursday;
English literature, 10:30 a. m,, Thursday
MonticeUo, Ills.
Take the Only Remedy
That Is Guaranteed
to Effect a Cure!
They Are Dropping by the Way While the Great
Work of Paine's Celery Compound
Goes Steadily Oh.
If ever a person needs to cxerclso the
Oodglven quality of common sense, It Is
when ho begins to bo sick,
One can afford to bo stupid or freakish.
or carelefs nnd frivolous when well. Thero
Is no man so poor, It he has his health, nnd
his nerves are In good order, his muscles
sound, and tils stomach normal, who cannot
correct his mistakes.
Hut tho moment ono falls sick when as
suro as fnte, disease with Its mild begin
nings, If not promptly checked, Is bound to
develop Into serious Illness thero Is no
longer tlmo to experiment or blunder.
Tho experience of tho world has shown
thnt In every enso of sickness resulting
from Impaired nerves nnd Impure blood,
Pnlne's celery compound does Immedlato
nnd cffcctlvo good! For the last ten yenrs
tho thousands of authentic reports of In
dividual cases have multiplied, until It can
be absolutely said that In no one case does
this great remedy over fall to benefit, and
It taken promptly, to cure!
And yet during that tlmo a hundred
worthless nostrums under patented catchy
names have been foisted upon tho public,
and somo of them for a brief period have
had largo sales. Hut every one of them
having been tried has been found sadlv
wanting, and after their unscrupulous pro
prietors have mado all tbo money thoy
could In defrauding tho well and seriously
harming tho sick, these .quack medicines
and their catchy, silly names have disap
peared from view. Thero Is a concoction
being sold In this stato today, where its
speculative advertising was begun n year
inter than In other states, a year or two ago,
which has gono tho way of Its predecessors
so rapidly that In every section of the
country where It was first exploited, tho
sales have dropped off as rapidly as thoy
begun, and tho obscure company behind It
finds It no longer possible, even by tho moat
sensational methods, to create any demand
whatever for It.
Unlike all these and other such prepara
tions, Palno's celery compound has stood
the test of tlmo and experience. It Is not a
patent medicine; It Is the discovery of one
of tho greatest physicians the world has
had, probably tho most successful prnctl-
tloner In this country, whoso reputation
wns nlrcndy established as a specialist In
nervous diseases, nnd who was and Is tho
foremost authority In the world on tho
diseases of the blood and nerves. Prof.
Kdward E. Phelps, M. D., LU, D. As dis
tinguished In his way ns his kinsman, that
other great Vermonter of tho family of
Phelps, who ns our recent minister to tho
Court of St. Jsmes so nbly eurncd the tlUo
ot diplomat and stntesman.
In theso last ten years, tho proprietors of
Palno's celery compound havo been sending
Made famous by the early Traders, Explor
ers, Pioneers, Mormons, Emigrants, Pony
Express Riders, Overland Stage Coaches,
Indian Encounters, etc., are seen from the
car windows of the Union Pacific trains.
In travtllng over this line you can ace the
wonderful achievement of the Union Pacific
engineer over mighty chasms, lofty peaks,
and through mountains of solid rock.
Be sure your ticket reads OVER THIS ROUTE.
"X City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam
'Phone 316.
A. Mayer Co.,
'Pious 171
Re-No-May Powder
relieve and cures all disorder of tha feet
Cue to excessive perspiration.
Price 50 Cents.
Bold by druggists and glovo dealers every
where. Sent by mail for 5c additional to
cover postage,
".Una wants but
little here belotr"
Said u morbid poot
long years ago,
I'm prone to doubt
thnt mule nt saRo
Wlui. . look at The
Uee'H yreat "Want
Ad" page.
this greatest of alt prepared remedies tfl
tho four quarters of tho earth, In larger
and larger shipments, relieving and curing
the sick, restoring the weak ami depressed
to health and strength, making It posslbln
for many nnd many a person to live, who
could Hud no relief In woll-lntcnded pre
scriptions, or nntlqunted and worthless
harsnpnrlllns and nervines.
In these years that havo seen so manv
quacks como and go one so-called medleiUA
wns put up by no more experienced a hand
than a pushing Phlladelprla real estato
dealer; another has been and Is now run
In part by n group of sharp newspaper men;
another which originated ns a pleasant thing
for colds, has added not to Its virtues, but
to Its schemes of advertising, until Is has
becomo In tho minds ot Its projectors a
euro for all tho ailments under tho sun
nnd such Instnnces might bo multiplied.
Don't touch them!
All Ihcs havo had. or are having tholr
day, whllo the demand for America's great
est family remedy a real remedy for real
Ills an effcctlvo tonle nnd honest Invlgorn
tor, has not suffered from tho attempted
substitution of other preparations. Palno's
celery compound Is a medicine that cures
the sick, and no high class druggist ever
attempts to Induce a customer to tnko any
thing In Its stead.
Palno's celery compound has gone on
steadily gaining In fame these years bc
cnuso those who have tried It havo grate
fully Bung Its praises, nnd In every com
munity In tho country havo by word ot
mouth spread Its fame.
According to tho well known ethics of
reputnblc physicians, this prescription was
at the very outset frcoly presented to physi
cians In good standing, and tho formula Is
gladly given them today.
For that reason Palno's celery compound
has never been Included nmong patent medi
cines. Coming from so his n source, and
so searchlngly tried nnd recommended,
physicians have long employed It as unhesi
tatingly ns they hnvc used their official
It driven tho poison germs of deep-seated,
dlseoso from tho blood.
It brings buoynncy of spirit In plnco of
lassitude and dcscondcncy.
It allows tho overtaxed system to start
fairly on tho ronil to health.
It procures tho sleep so necessary to
brain nnd nervo centers.
It strengthens.
(lives new tone to tho' system.
Makes the blood henlthy.
Is food for tho nerves.
It tnnkes people well!
Thousands have been benefited, thous
ands havo been cured by Pnlne's eclcrv
I compound, when everything elso has failed.
DR. McCREW (Age 52)
Disease mid Disorder of JIimi OiiIj-,
50 rears' experience, & ,enrs In
VARICOCELE cwl:1ou,t"os.Irn 10 'ly,
CVPUII IQ and all lilood Diseases cured
OlrnlLIO for lire. All breaking out and
klgns of tho dlseaso disuppcar at once.
fitCD On finn cases cured of nervous
llVCn ZUUUU debility, loss of vitality
"tnd all unnatural weuknosscs of men.
btrlcture. Gleut, Kidney uud Bladder Uls
C4BKH. Hydrocele cuied permanently.
Cure Giiarnulrril, Ciinmiltiitioii 1 roe,
Treatment by mall. P. O. Box 766. Olllc
over -IS tioutb llth street, between Farntra
and Douglas Bts., OMAHA. NI2U.