TTTE OHAIIA DAILY IJEE-. TVESDAY, OCTOTCET? 8, 1001. WORK BEGINS IN NOVEMBER ! JLndhrium Board SU Time When Con itiuction of Building1 is t Btfin. r. E. SANBORN IS RE-ELECTED PRESIDENT I Kr.vr llnnril nf Hirer-torn ()rnitlrri In Short Order !' CIiimihIiim; Olll , ccr (ienprnllj Will linn quel Tnrniln) 111 vnlilir. HONORS FOR OMAHA JURIST ItiKtntlntlon nf I'rnnk Irtliic n .Mem ber of Cornell I. an I'multy Hrliim Out I'lnmlnu Comment. The first mcctlns of the new nudltorlum board wns called to order by I'rctldcnt San torn nt 1 yesterday nfternoon. The mem born present wero Krcd I'affenrath, OoorRe V. lloobler, C. II. l'ickens, 11. 9. Wellcr, C. 13, Ady, P. II. Davis, P. J. Ililrkley, G. 0. , I'enrse, J. A. Sunderland, M. P. Punkhouscr, i J. L. linker, Alfred Millard, John A. John lion, D. J. O'Hrlcn, Prank T. Hamilton, J, II. Lehmer and William A. Dcllord. In calling the mcetlnR to order Mr. San fborn said tlmt nt tho meeting would i bo tho report of the wnys nnd means com mlttco on the 'osiilt of tho annual election, i tho election of olllcors and tho transaction I of general business. C. II. l'ickens, through tho Rocrotary, sub- mltted tho result of tho election an previ ously published. C. II. l'ickens nominated P. K. Sanborn or president of tho company. This nninlnn- !t!on wan seconded by P. II. Davis and II. 8. AVellcr moved that, tic election be by nccln , watlon. Ilcforo tho question was put Mr. Sanborn mado n whorl talk, In which ho reviewed his work during tho last year, and ! stated that ho would rather Reo someone lso elected, but that ho would accept If the demand wero mado Imperative. Ho wns then chosen to tho position unanimously. Ho accepted, with thanks, nnd pledged him erlf to do his best for the overprice. Ho tinted that during tho last year the com pany had raised about $20,000 a month of actual time eight months nnd that the raising of nn additional $10,000 would re qulro nbout Blxty days. P. II. Davis was chosen vlco president unanimously, C. II. l'ickens, who was nom inated, nlso declining to serve. (leorgo V. lloobler wns unanimously chosen as sccrotnry, no other name being submitted. Por treasurer tho names of Alfred Mil lard nnd Prank T. Hamilton were sub mitted. Mr. Hamilton declined nnd Mr. Millard was re-elected to servo another term. V, A. Dp Ilord, the only attorney on tho new board, was chosen as i'ot'"llor. Y 8. Wright and C. II. . Kens wero elected as a npcclal committee to advise tho president as to tho appointment of etnndlng eommlttces for tho year. Theso committees will be announced nt the next tniotlng. Willi! Jloiiry l'lrnt. P. H. Davis suggested that no start should bo muilii on tho building until tho sub scription list is completed. Tho president announced that It would probably lm sixty days before tho nrchl tert'a plans would bo ready for tho contractors. John A. Johnson, n former member of tho board of directors of tho Transmlsslsslppt exposition, declared that It would bo fool ish to watt until nil nf tho money Is col lected before, work Is begun, and that if this courso hnd been followed by tho ex position company thero would havo been no exposition. C. O. 1'eareo seconded tho opinions of Mr. Johnson, ns did J. It. Lohmer nnd J. A. Sunderland, who believed that tho building should bo paid for when completed. J. L. linker thought a start should be mndo as soon ns pnsslhle. P. J. Ilurkley said that work on tho building nnd work on tlc subscriptions ahould bo carried on Rlmultnncously,- pro vided no alteration would bo mndo by tho receipt of additional funds. This Idea was endorsed by W. A. Deliord and by D. J O'llrlen, who thought that subscribers nnd citizens generally should bo shown that tho dlrcrtory was In earnest. Tho re-elected members nil agreed with tho Hentlrnents of tho president fltnrt to work as soon ns possible. Prod I'affonrath moved that It bo tho eenso of tho board that work bo started Immediately nflor tho plnns nro received from tlw architect. J. II. Lohmer said It would bo best to havo Bonm particular dato set for tho bo Klnnlng of work. Tho motion wns amended to provldo thnt work should begin Novcm ber 18, provided tho plans nre ready at that tiuio. Tho motion was unanimously ndopted nnd tho board adjourned until Tuesday evening nt 6:30. Tho architect has sunk several wells on tho auditorium grounds to discover tho nn turo of tho soil. At tho southeast corner, whero trouble was anticipated, elny was Htruck at tho depth of twelve feet, whtln tho samo formation was reached nt four feet nt tho cornor of Howard and Pour tcenth streets. The Installation of Prank Irvine, formerly supremo court commissioner of Nebraska nnd well known as one of Omaha's prnc tlclng attorneys, In his now place In tho law faculty of Cornell university has called forth commendation that will be gratifying to his friends here. In his address to th students President Schurman said: Then wn Innt frnm Ihn fnmiltv of InW I'riif linilflnM' lilu tillinn hn Iwipn 11 1 1 I'd t)V Prof, Irvine, n graduate of this university, who wns afterword tho district nttoniev ut Washington, then went to Omnhn, whero bu nriictleeil l.nv: wns iilm Indue of one of the lower courts, wns then appointed special Judge of tho supreme court, In which ca pacity ne served tor a numner or years, it is n great thlnif for us to xecura for the chair of practice and procedure, scholar wmii ims iiiiii nt once mo truining mm ex perience of I'rof. Irvine. Referring to the same acquisition to the faculty, tho Alumni News, tho college paper published by tho graduated students, ex tended these words of welcome: Tho high stiinilnrd Het by Judge Irvine's DrnlcctiSsor must ht nmlntulmvl. nnd the ability which Judge Irvine has dlspliyed ns attorney nnd Judge leaves no room for doubt on this point. We rejoice to see our incuities ueing mtuie up more iinu more largely of Cornell men. and especially of Cornel! men who have always taken the active Interest In its welfare that Judge Irvine has done. It Is a privilege to wel come him back to university circles. Whitt'n Vmir fr'nee Worth t Sometimes n fortune, but never If you havo a callow complexion, n Jaundiced look, molh pntchr and blotches on the skin nil signs of liver trouble. Hut Dr. King's Now Llfo I'llls give clear skin, rosy checks, rich complexion. Only 25 cents nt Kuhn fc Co.'h drug store. AiiiKMiMi'ciuriil of the Tlienloi. Just a dnlnty boxful of confections, all of the first quality, well nssortcd, not too many of any, that Is "Tho Casino Olrl," the muslcnl comedy which will bo presented nt tho lloyd theater for a slnglo perform ance Prlday evening, October 11. Tho music Is sparkling, the book Intensely humorous, tho dances sprightly, tho feminine con tingent pretty, tho costumes charming nnd tho scenery beautiful. Tho story tells of tho lovo of n young New York doctor for a Bwctt comedienne. The couple nre sepa rated by reason of the usual lover's quarrel tuid chanco to meet In Cairo, whero count less characters aro Introduced nnd a fiiAt nnd furious carnival nf fun Is held. Illliinln t'entrnl Itiillrnnil. OfTlclnl lino to missionary convention nf tho Christian church, Minneapolis, Minn., October 10th to 17th. Tho Illinois Central railroad has been de clared tho ofuclnl lino from tho stnto of Nebraska to the Minneapolis convention. Special scrvlco has been arranged for the delegates to leave Omaha union depot Wcdnesdny, October Oth, nt 8 p. m. Tick ets on salo October Oth, 10th, 12th and 14th, good for return until the 19th, nt rato of $ lO.CS for tho round trip. Ily depositing ticket with tho Joint agent limit enn bo extended for return until October 31st. Call at city ticket ofllce, 1402 Parnam street, for full particulars nnd reservations In special sleepers, or address, W. II. DRILL, D. V. A., Omaha. I.imv Hate KieurnloiiN To Ohio nnd Indiana points; nlso Louis ville, Ky., via B. & O. S.W., September 17 nnd 24 nnd October 1 and 8. Oood returning thirty days. Call on nearest ticket agent or nddrcss P. I). Olldorslceve, District Pas senger Agent, St, Louis, Mo. 11. K. Prcdrlckson hns leased the W. It. nonnctt company's hulldlng nt Plftcenth and Capitol avenue nnd will move about January 1. Tho front nnd Interior of tho building will be romodclcd nt nn rxpenso of $3,000, making ono of the handsomest carrlago repositories In the city. Dlnmonds, pearls, rubles. Edholm, jeweler All kinds of baths, scientific massage. Ladles only. The Ilnthcry, 21C-220 Bee bldg. Tel. 1716. Illlnolm Onlrnl Itnllronil. Official lino to missionary convention cf the Christian church. Minneapolis, Minn. Round trip, $10.65. Tickets on snln October 0, 10, 12 nnd 14, good, If extended, until October 31 for ro turn. Tickets nnd sleeping enr reserva tions, city ticket office, 1402 Parnam street, Special service Wednesday evening, October Oth, at S p. in,, from union station. Knnsnn Oily, Mo. Prom Oct. B until Oct. 12 tho Missouri Pacific Railway will sell round trip tlckots to Knnias City nt tho ono way rato. Por further Information call at union station or city offices, S. K. Cor. 14th nnd Douglas. THOS. P. GODFREY, I & T. A, Strinkrii with l'nrnlj sin. Henderson Grlmmott of this plnco was ntrlcken with partial paralysis and com pletely lost tho lino of (inn arm nnd aliln. After hnlnir treated bv nn eminent nht-nlelnn for quite, n whllo without relief, my wife recommcnneii unnmneriain'a rain Halm. nnd nfter using two bottles of It he Is nl moat entirely cured. Oeorco It. McDonald Man, Ixigan county, West Vlrglnln. Several othor very remarkable cures of nnrtlnl paralysis havo been offected by tho uso of this liniment. It In most widely knmvn however, ns a euro for rheumatism, sprains ami onuses, for saio ny all druggists. COMMERCIAL CLUB RECEPTION Com ml tier. Will Kntrrtuln Western JlolrKUtrit to Mliiumiiollfi Chrlstlnn Convention, Notice. There will bo a special meeting of the Hungnrlnn-socloty Tuesday evening nt 7:30 nt 25th nvenuo and Cuming street. All members and friends Invited to attend. ( SINGER, Sccrotnry Snprems Benci Affirmi Dioition lelatlrt t Pnvmtnt of Special Tins. Thn Tlntherv Is onen Thursday nnd Sat urday evenings. Por appointments telo- phono 1716 or call 216-220 lico Building. Tlnn't desnnlr. tako Cramer's Kldnov Cure, two sizes, ruc nnd ji.uuj an druggists Publish your legal notices In The Wcokly Bee. Telephone 238. Chafing dishes. Edholm, Jeweler, mnn, The Colorado nnd western delegates to tho Christian church missionary convex tlon nt Minneapolis will nrrlvo In Omaha "Wednesday nt 3 o'clock. They will bo met tit tho depot by n committee of tho Com. morulnl club consisting of I. W. Carpenter, II. II. Ilaldrlge, Uobort Smith. Dr. W. P. JMIlroy nnd Dr. W. O. Henry. They will be escorted over tho city and at 6 o'clock will bo tho guests of tho club nt a dinner nt tho Commercial club rooms. At 8 o'clock tho dolegntlou will leave for Minneapolis, "tin l.uitpr" Is a term meaning storing of beer In re frigerated rooms until tho porlod of full maturity Is reached. This Is dono with nil of Its brands by tho Anheuser-Busch Browing Ass'n, St. louls, U, S. A Bud- welser, Paust, Mlchelob, Anhcuser-Stand- rd, Palo Ingor, Pxport Palo, Kxqulslto and Ulack & Tan. JACOBI-C. D., Sunday, October 8, 1001 Punernl Tuesday at 2 p. m. from res! deuce, lii sewnru Htreei, 13 VANS John, nt tho residence of his son Kdwnrd u. twins, n. vjtn st.. at p. m., October 7, aged 79 years, C months and v nays. I'unerni noueo inter. COYLK Mrs. Kmmn, aged 25 year, October 7, at o n. in. Kuneral from 1313 JIuson streot. Services nt St. I htlomcna H wednesdny. October 9, at K:30 n. m. Interment Ht. Mary's, South urnnnn. Citizens Who l'rollt by Speelnl Tnicn .Must .Not tluentlon Their Vnllillty UnlliiK In the HiittcIlL .MiliiKli l.ltlmttlon. M. l.oilU, Mo. Prom Oct. 6 until Oct. 11 the Missouri Tactile Railway will soil round trip tlckotf to St, Louis, Mo,, at tho ono way rato. For further Information call nt union sta tion or city olllces, S. R, Cor. 14th and Douglas Sts. THOS. P. GODFRI3Y. V. T. A. Send articles of Incorporation, notices of ntockholders' meetings, etc., to Tho Bee. Wo will gtvo thorn proper logal insertloa, .Telephono 23S. Why Buffer with rheumatism? Tho Bathery. 210-220 Bob bldg. Telephone 1716. Tor ladles only. Rccd Burton stiver. Edboltn, Jeweler. SoROSlS The New Shoe for Women. The lilting qualities of Soro sis nre conceded. The style there is no question about. The workmanship is right or the tit and style would not be there. The price is unheard of. in any other line, of women's tine foot wear. 3.50 always. SOROSIS SHOE STORE 203 South 15th Street, l-ruiik Wllcux, Mur. Send tor catalogue,, , OWER COURTS SUSTAINED ALFA MILLION OF PROPERTY INVOLVED A decision recently handed down by tho Nebraska supremo court will affect nearly half n million dollars' worth of spo- lal taxes In the city of Omaha. The de Islon sustains tho lower courts In their ruling that persons who profit by special taxes aro estopped from questioning their nlldlty. It goes further and declares that even If purchasers havo paid more than two-thirds of tho gross nppralscmcut of property offered nt Judicial salo tho pur chase Is still subject to all Ileus which have been duly certified nnd deducted In the nppralscmcnt. Under the Nebraska laws property can not be sold under foreclosure sale unless It brings two-thirds of the gross appraise ment. Persons rho bought property In this manner havo contended that whero they paid more than tho perccntngo of the appraisement required In lnw they did not tnko advantage of any liens nnd conse quently could not be said to have recognized tho validity of liens. Cnne In I'olnt. Commissioner Pound prepared nn opinion, handed down by the supreme court In tho caso of Bnttello against J. H. Mcintosh, which demolishes this contention. Tho ense concerns taxes on a property near tho corner of Park nvenuo nnd Leavenworth. The section of tho decision which bears on his point Is ns follows: A purchase of property nt n judicial sale nt wlilcii certain liens have been duly certi fied and deducted In tho appraisement is a purohaM' subject to such Hens and the purchaser will bo estopped from question liiir tlielr viilldltv In milmenilent proceed ings', although he may havo paid moro than two-tlilrds or tne gross iippraiseineni. James H. Adams, asslstnnt city nttorney. Is of the opinion that under this decision tho city will havo no troublo In collecting Bpcclal taxes on nil property which has changed hnnds slnco tho levy of tho tnx. Tho court's application of tho prlnclplo of estoppnl Is very much broader than that of he lower courts nnd Mr. Adams believes that tho decision will apply to property which has changed hands by privnto sale ns well as that which has been sold to saf ety mortcnucs. Not less than $200,000 worth of taxes will bo affected by this decision," said Mr. Adams. "Tho amount may run up to $400,000 or even $500,000. Tho decision will bring nn end to many cases which nro now pending In tho courts nnd will dlscour ago future litigation." I'l'iimotlon for llrnverj. Word reaches us of n small bund of sol diers who held nt bay a large number of 'lllplnos for over two hours until usslst- nce nrrlvcd, thereby snvlng nn Important point from capture. Por their bravery they wero nil given promotion. To bo brnvo it is necessary to have strong norves and a good digestion. If your stomnch Is weak nnd you suffer from Indigestion, heartburn, belching, nervousness or In- snmnln, you Fhould try Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. It will euro you. Physicians recommend our treatment for rheumatism nB tho most successful. Ladles only. The Bathery, 210-220 Beo bldg. Tolo- phono 1710. Ask J. C. Orecn If Cramer's Kidney Cure Is good. EOc and $1.00; nil druggists. Wedding silver. Edholm, Jeweler. NO, IT WON'T MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE TO NICOLL ' if you have bsen unable to get your clothes to fit. NicolTs cutters know how to cut the cloth so as to fit jthe figure and hang correctly. Tho new fnll woolens now ready at $20 to $40 a suit to $12 for trousers. Tho best workmanship and tho most satisfaction. T2-IE TAILOR Karbach Block, 209-11 So. I5lli St. Typewriters ! New Century, New Densmore, New Yost. Wo tell, reat, exchange, repair type writers. Everything considered speed, grade of work, cost of keeping In repair, durlablllHy, etc. ours aro by all odds tho cheapest typewriters on the mar ket. For Information regarding type writers, address or call on United Typewriter & Supplies Co., UU Parnim St., maha, Boston Store Notion Sale Tuesday Is Notion Day at the Boston Store It's the Day You Can Supply All Your Notion Needs for a Mere Trifle Come Today and See How Far Your Pennies Will Go Prices Average M VllltV SU'KCfAli IIIIIMO.V KAMI. 1,000 pieces of fancy 5-Inch nnd 6-lnch wldo ribbon, mndo to sell nt 25c, go at Sc yard. 1,000 pieces of strictly all silk B-lnch nnd G-lnch wide fancy striped, checked nnd plaid ribbons, mado to sell ns high as 50c, go nt 10c yard. (MIAMI .NOTION All sizes Infants' bibs, mndo lng, worth 23 c, go nt Cc each. Nlckcl-plntcd Treasury safety II Altr.Al.VS. of white rubber shcet- plns, worth 10c, at 2c dozen. I Drapery pins, worth 10c dozen, nt lc dozen, 10-yard spools all silk and satin bnby ribbon, worth 25c, go nt 10c spool. 25c needle nnd pin books, nt 2c each. All kinds rubber dressing combs, worth 19c, nt Cc. Finishing braid, C yards In n bolt, worth 10c, nt lc bolt. Kin est quality finishing braid, worth 35c, at 3c bolt. Corset clasps, worth up to 25c, go nt 2c pair. Fine silk elastic In garter lengths, worth 25c, at Cc each. Shell hair pins, worth 25c dozen, go nt fio dozen. Aluminum dressing combs, worth 25c, go nt 6c each. Crochet cotton that generally sell nt 50c, ko t lc ball. ' s'"s bIncl llllt I'in8' on cnr,' worth Cc, nt lc card. 3vv! Embroidery silk, best grndo, 2c dozen. Now York Mills thread, lc spool. Velvet grip hoso supporters, mndo to sell at 25c, for children, mlsi-cs and ladles, go at Cc pair. Hump hooks nnd eyes, worth 2c card, nt 3 cards for lc. t. vrNSg;Wi' rsiocKinet uress mucins, rc pair. y 1 c Itubbcr shir t waist cuff protectors, worth 25c, 5c pair. ' 10c hnlr pin cablnctst lc. Queen steel skirt supporters, tho 23c and COc kind, go at 3c each. 10c Witch polishing cloths. 2c one h. Genuine pearl knob hair pins, worth 10c, go nt lc. Importers' Stock of Lace Curtains at 1-2 Price Tho great sale of lace curtains continues tomorrow. Tho values aro wonder ful In the extreme. tfil.fiO l.ACIl (I.HT.I.S Sf. Wldo Nottlnghnm laco curtains, 3',i ynrds long, all now designs, worth $2.50, go at 9Sc pair. Expenslvo laco curtains, brusfels and Ilattcnherg designs, extra wide, full length, worth $1.00, nt $1.98 pair. Finest Nottingham cahlo net cur tains, point do callo, nnd Imitation brussels, worth $G pair, go at $2.08 pr. ijiio lack rriiTAixs, :.. Flno lnce brussels curtains, Ilnttcn berg, Hococon, cnblo net, Point d'Arnbc, nnd other Jlno curtains, worth $10, go it $3.03 pair. Tapestry portieres In every com bination of color, nil now elegant dcHlgns, fringed top nnd bottom, worth up to $1.50 pnlr, go at $1.08. i?:i.r.o intKss I'.trniiixs or r v.mids at For Monday wo will offer 300 dress patterns of 40-inch fancy suitings, n silk mixture, In nil tho nutumn shades, worth COc yard, or $3.50 for full dress pattern of 7 ynrds, go nt $1.60. On Monday, October 14th we are going to have a great sale of made-up carpets and room-size rugs wait for it. JDDAN DEL! s STOP' SDNS UVni!U' iMT uens The Great $37,000 Clothing Sale at Its Height. Men's and boys' finest ready-tailored clothing, closed out to ns for spot cash at about r0e on the dollar, will be on sale Sntimln.v. Till-: GKIUATKST VALUI5S KVEU OFFElHiU ,IN r.EST TAILORED, STYLISH, DKPKXDAHLK, PERFECT FITTING OVERCOATS AND SUITS. Cull and examine these splendid values. At $3.7C we offer Men's Vienna Overcoats mndo In thf now styles with cuffs on 1mtb nnd full length coat real worth $7.60. MEN'S $7.60 SUITS at $4.00 Viae neat worsted suits made dependable, with French facing, aatln piping. MEN'S $:.50 SUITS at $5.00 All wool harr line, striped casslmern, sack cult, In all sizes from 34 to 4S. MEN'S $22.60 SUITS at $13.75 Finest Hockcnum worsted, In small dark cheek, all slies from 34 to 44, also SLIMS AND STOUTS. MEN'S $12.50 SUITS at $7.00 Mndo of ono of the nowest etrlped worsted, sites 34 to 42. MEN'S 1S.OO RYTON OVERCOATS at $10.00 In extra flno vicuna, made with raslan pockets, cuffs and sleeves and 42 Inches long. .MEN'S $16.00 SUITS at $7.50 In flno worsted blue serge and genuln meltons. Thoy como In 4-botton sack styles, double-breantod and slnglo-brenstod square cut sack siylcs. In all sizes, 34 to 46. Also stouts nnd slims. Doy's thrce-pleco knee panta suits, nf finest worsteds, vicunas, tweeds, cheviots and casslmero suits mado to retail from $4,00 to $10.00 sale price $2.75, $3.60 and $5.00, all bIzos, 8 to 16. Boys' combination knee pants suits made double-breasted coats and two pair of kneo pants In four now, neat shades of strictly all wool fabrics. Every suit a $0.00 value salo price $8.96. All sizes, C to 16. NOW THEN Why shouldn't you give STBIN-BLOCH MEN'S CLOTHES a trial thif season. The new fall and winter stylos are hero for your sel cctlon. Btoln-nioch Suits from $10.00 to $26.00. St!n-Bloch Overcoats from $12.60 to $27.60. HAYDEN BROS. Selling tliemost Clothing in Omaha. Kppf pV (ln" 'l'" est ciilitril of lic Kccli-y xjNtciu of. limtl. 2 tutcft, Hid only Kroley IiiHlltnle In JVelirimkn, C'liren vLlC Ilriiuki'iiiu-iiN, Cure limit Lxorn, Toliiiei'ii Umcrn, Till: K1:i:I.I:Y IS l i rt) ri:, lt mill Leavenworth, Onmliii. We Sel! as We Advertise Homo neonlo ndvertlso articles nt certain prices and when you call fur them tlmy rhiirtrn from 2 to 6 cents moro thllll tho advertised price. Wo KOt this stralKht and it must no irue. mius is not our myie. When wo ndvertlso on urtlelo for 15o wo don't nuiko you pay 18c. Every prlco you tieo In our nds you can bank on tlmt you won't havo to pay nny moro than that price. Talcum rowrtcr, can, oc, wc, i:o, jsc J3c $1.0(1 Nuwhro'B llurplcldo o $1.00 I'eruna 6Sc $1.00 Temptation Tonic 7.1e 5iHj Pozzonl l'owdor 2!u 25c Woodbury's Kuco rowrtcr 13o $2.00 McOadu's Succus Alterant) $l.S $1.(0 Austin's Hnlr Tonic 45o 60a LlebtR's Extract of lleef 17o 50c Cramer's Kidney Curo 40a 25c Hox Heat Soap 3 cukes 15o Lie 4711 Soap 12o 60o Ocm Cnturrh Cure I :;no 25c Qulnnceto best for colds 20o $2.00 Karl Cramer's Tansy Cottonroot and I'eiinyroyal Pills $1.00 EKyptlau Lotus Cream Ilk' Goods delivered I-'UKH to nnv pnrt of city. (.tit Pritftt Druj; Store Tel. 747. S, W. Car. ltltU nnd Cblonico Glazing Wo can furnlRh a glnzler. I Will fsnnrl vnn n nnmnntnnl mat. Telcahono 310, Window Glass Wo carry In stock all sizes and can fill your orders at once. Telephone 319. It is tacitly conceded That this store is pr eminent in Women's Shoes YOU COME HERE For the newest ideas. For the largest assortment, For the newest patterns For the lowest price, For the best fitters, For your own good, Nor do yon fail of yonr coming. We call your special attention to the women's shoes that the shoe man will show ,vou at $2.90 JO very pair guaranteed to (give entire satisfaction viei kid, strong, durable, yet dressy wide, round or medium toe, full medium or extension sole, military or Cuban heel, width A A to D, sizes i .to S. SGHAEFER'S mum DRUG AND PAINT 00. IIAVnCII! its, Jackets, VIA I UCIlS Capes and Skirts More and bigger bargains than ever shown in thcrhistory of our cloak department. Jatest arrivals in ladies' tailor-mado suits. 200 ladies' man-tailored suits, in Vene tians, cheviots and broadcloths, in black, blue, gray, brown, tan and cas tor, in the Norfolk and eton styles--other houses ask 10.50 RlO Jlayden's .price JplvJ 7i ladies' high class sample suits, in fine Venetians, broadcloths and cheviots, made in all the latest styles suits well worth 22.50 and 25.00 t 1 llayden's price ipiO We have also ladies' finest suits at S1S.50, 20.00, 25.00 and 30.00. Jackets . . . .Women's box coats, made of extra heavy beaver, trimmed with satin .strap down UL front, worth 5.00, llayden's price kPJKJVJ Women's box coats, made of excellent quality, Washington mills kersey, lined with the famous Skinner's satin, strapped seams.and strap' across sleeve a jacket some houses ask tl7 t C jl i 4 12.00 for llayden's price Women's box coats, made of finest quality American Woolen Mills kersey, lined Avith Skinner's satin, warranted for two years' wear, strapped seams, trimmed with annuo velvet wear, strapped seams, trimmed Avith panne velvet iplw Specials for Tuesday 50 dozen flannel etto kimo One lot of Indies' plush capes, thlhet I trimmed, 30 Inches Iohb, worth ?7.60, liny- den's prlco $4.05. Ono lot ot ralny-day skirts, worth $6.00, nas, WOl'tll $1.50, for 45c. HAYDEN BROS. This Bath Cabinet $5. Tho nueheyo Culiliiot hIiowii .iljove 1? every lilt nH booiI iih many iiramn wmi nro pold for $7 50 and J10.W fnll and seo it or write ror circular Sherman & McConnell Drug Go. Cor 16th and Dodiro, Omaha. TAFT'S Philadelphia Dental Rooms 1517 Douglas St, Oood not teeth Gold crowns (2Jk) Vltnllzcd nlr I'llllnss, nn low ns..,. All work flrBt-clnss, $3 00 6.00 no Something Refreshing -especially In tho ovenlnK nfter the then ter-ls n hottlo of Metz I.ncr Ucor. It's a Rood beer, honestly browed, only tho bent materials and procewcB being used, and It In bottled iih hnncHtly, to preaervo tho wholesomo features, which honest browlnK Klve, Thero In no bottor beer browed or bottled, Metz Bros. Brewing Co. Tel. 119. Omaha. ASK FOR A 14th and Poutflo 3l. Contains the best Havana Tobacco. Equal to imported cigars.