THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1001. n SPECIAL NOTICES AdyertlartuvKta far thtio niilnmn trill he taken tttittl 12 m. for tho rentnz edition anil until 8:30 p. an, fur morulas: and Hunilay edition. Hates, 1 HUn a itord tint Insertion, 10 nroril thereafter. Nothing taken for than a.'.o for the flrat laser tlun. Thema ad vertlseaaenta milt ra coanrentlrel jr. Advertisers, lir rrqne.Mnit a bercd check, can liae ninii ad ttreaieit to a numbered letter In ear nf The Ur. Aaavrera a addreaaed will ho dvllverad mm areaeatatlaa ml hk alr SITUATIONS W A .V T I : I ) . YOUNG man quick nt figures wishes em ployment from 7 to 11 p. m.i excep tionally fjood reference. II 67, BeO. A MS3I 12 WANTED-MALH HELP. WANTED, first-class Insurance solicitors', v win make very liberal contract with men of ability capablo of handling general agency. Call ot address, Fidelity savings &. Tiust Co., 317 N. V. I.lfo Bldg., Omuhu, U-176 U7 (1001) mtuwehuors wanted, A. D. T 212 8, 13th. U-M66I WANTED, a good man In evory county to take subscription for The Twentieth Cen tury I-'armur. Our agents muko wood wages everywhere. References remitted. Address Twentieth Century Farmer, umitha, iseb. n-ui;i WANTED, experienced bushclmau. Apply clothlnK departtucnt, J. DrundclH & Hons, uoston Biore, 11 v.w MEN and women to do copying at homo; must wrlto 11 fair hand: 3 to 112 weekly working evenings! positively no canvass ing; endlosH stump, Northwest Copying i.u uox o.j .Minneapolis, .Minn. I1-MC17 WANTED, a good hrooni maker, 1.117 Clib cngo st, ' 11 MOTS 7 J1KN, to lenrn harbor trade; now Is tho time to laKo up tho wont; wo icncn 11 in two monthx: liri'MHiil rnuinletn outfit. of tools, allow Saturday wages, grunt di plomas n nd guuruntco positions from 112 to n weeKiy in country or ciiy simp; no trndo offers better Indiicciuents. Call or write, ..muut uuruer 1 ouege, iuj i'nr nam st, B-M671 10 CIVIL service government positions; 9.59 appointments made last year; probably iu.iiw mm year, common scuooi ouiicniiun rroulred fori tho examination: catnloKUO Of Information free. Columbian Corre spondence College, nsiungton, i. u. B-M710 7 WANTED, responsible person to hnndlo oil stock; lands in proven fields In Texas and Ind, Ty. Guaranteed Oil Investment CO., ra l-cori si., iicnuiuont, iox. B-M855 8 WANTED, a cotnpotent ofllco boy. 222 Bee bug1, Jl msw ( JiAI,RMF.N WANTED. BALE8MAN bv lone established mnnufnc turer of flavoring extracts, spices, eto. til vo full your oxpeiionce to lusuro reply. (.mod sninry. uox iu, unicago, 111. 715 WANTED FEMALE 11121.1. WANTED, 200 girls. 1521 Dodgo. Tel. S7C. C-H7 10 GIRLS, all klnda work. Canadian Ollleo, WANTED, ladles to learn hulrdrcsslug, manicuring or massage; ono inonin com pletes; coma ,now and preparo for busy Reason:- positions not less than 112 weekly guaranteed; tools donated, diplomas uwnrrfpil! nn trntles offer linttnr fn,lit,.n. ments; call or write. Jlolcr College, iczi Farnam t. c .M(i72 10 WANTED A good girl for general house work. Mrs. M. J. .Mcculloch, 101.1 Dodgo C-!D-7 I I I i , I.I. t . , WANTED A llrst-Clafcs cfiok In ft small family, where there Is a secpnd girl; no wasning. Jixirn largo salary to a com petent cook, 212 8. 17th HI., Cor. Douglas. u-tisy 7 A aoOD paying position to an energotlo lady In each town; also lady travelers to represont us. Thyrold-I.ymph Co., Ml Ileo uidg, C-r.Stf WANTED, sales ladles, only those who havo had oxperlence selling dry goods ueei appu. .ppiy ni oiuco Aiominv I tween l and 10 a. m, Jloston Store, J. u iirnmieis m ons. C S74 X roil ui:r nousi'.s. IV VOU want your homes well rented pinco mem wnn iienawa s uo. d 453 SEE HENUY U. I'AYNE, 601 N. Y. MFE, D-470 TO MOVE right get Omnha Vnn Htorago CO., oltlco 151H4 Farnam, or tel. 1550-803. D-171 IIOUSE8, stores, llcmls, I'axton block. D-173 HOUSES, eto. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas. D 173 1C05 WILIJAM ST., a good three-room flat wnn cny water, jj. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO., lfith and Douglas Hts. D 475 HOUSES and flats, ningwalt. Uarkor Jllk D 474 FOH RENT, 11-room stonn house, 415 N, D 177 219 S. 20TII AVE.. S-rOdm hnimn. nil mn.i orn: will papcx and varnish throughout rent !2j to Al tenant with references, U.V1A11A UIAN.A.NP TRUST CO,, 10th and Douglas Sts, D-478 HOUSES for rent In all parts of tho city iiiL'iiniiu-L,ro v.u,, .ivj souin isin sireoi, D IW FOR RENT, houso and barn, all modern 21K South 33d SL Apply 463 Merchants .Hiionai iianK Jiuig. u ibi HOUSES-WHEATON. 428 rnxton'RIk. D-183 easy v dlstnnro from business portlo 11, 33. Ring wmi uros., uarnor jjik. ij MZW NKWLY painted houso of 6 splendid rooms; also newly-papered house of 9 roomB nt 19th and I'lerco Sts.,; reasonable rent; nouses opensd for Inspection. J, W. Rob bins, 1S02 Farnam. J D-M253 5-ROOM cottage, 112. Inquire 2710 Parker. D 133 NO hard coal needed, cfntrni, seven room house: nlso flvu room flat, Tlrard, 221 N, 21th, D-6CK1 N 1 NSW C-room cottage, nice lawn, wnter and gas, near car line, 115 per month, In quire Win. 1, Klersteud, Room 303 City Hall. D-6U VOR nENT, slx-room cottoge, 2211 Call ' fornhi street: convenient; city nnd clsturn wuter. Apply at 607 N. 19th streot. D-M617 ELEGANT K-rooni house, all modern Im provements. 404 N. 23d St. D-M6I3 7 TO LET, 'largo 11-rooiu dwolllng, furnished, for six months. In West Farnam district; flno lawn and barn. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. D-M437 DltSIRARLE dwelling, 10 rooms, modern, gfts. bath, furnace, laundry, excellent re pair, good location. UC02 No. 18th St. Ap ply to Oarvln Uros., 1601 Farnam St. D-MCOl TEN-ROOM furnished house, modern. R09 South 20th. D-MC25-7 3511 SEWARD 8T, Five-room cottage ; Two largo lots, shado trees, bnrn, city water; a nlco home, Rent,' 112.60 per month. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO.. 16th and Douglas Sts. D-CSI- FINE family marc, gentle, afraid of noth ing, new aurrey, phaeton, top bugijy, harnesses and saddles, "cheap. 1607 Loth rop sj D-MS37 7 FOR RENT, elegant "-room house, mod urn except furnaca; llnlshed in oak. 3230 Wwbster at,, 113. Inquire 3110 Webster. D-M785 7 FOR RENT, 7-room hou. 2363 Durt st, D-M781 7 roii ni:.T unit ni'.s'T. 1135 North 10th street, 0 rooms, all modem, good bnrti, 1:5 without bam, u,.w wnn 11. POTTER, FOROAN ft. HASKELL 'Phones 1929 and 470. 420-121 N. V. I.lfo. D-M697 8 FOR RENT10-room modern house, 613 North 19th St.. 14o. room modern house, 22IS North 18th St., uo. room modern house, 1142 South 32d St., 130. room house, city water, jsw south zstn St . 115. HRENNAN-I.OVE CO.. 309 S. 13th Street. TOU S. 27th, "-room cottage, city water, larirn bnrn. 2 hlks. from street cnr. Cor. 20th and l'opploton, S-room house, nil modem, largo yard. 835 H. 3ith st., part ot modern house, 4 largo rooms, 1st floor, J12.W. 1613 N. 33d, C-room cottugc; wltl paint uouse, louses for snln on payments. A snap In north part city, 7-room house, tun lot, YM. rlvate money to loan. Write lira Insurance. J. It, SHERWOOD, 9.17 N. Y. I.lfo. Thane, 3M. L S3U 1 von nr.NT 1433 South 16th st.. C-room flat and, store building, detached, all In good repair, 125. 1S1G North ISth st., s-rootu house, steam heat and ham, 25. 1516 Howard St., 6 rooms, good condition, 130, 2U13 or 17 North 21th st., u rooms each, $10. OEORUE & COMl'ANY, 1001 Famatn St. COTTAGE, furnished, bath, near cars. .'13. zsij iiicKory si, u .mt,4 7 F011 m:T-i'i it.visiiiin moomh. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Famam. r. 4J THE THURSTON. Cool, airy rooms: E-1SI STEAM heated furnished rooms, lioi N. istn, 3d floor. . E MMl 7' i NICELY furnished rooms, well healed, JIMS iwUpilOl UVO. li NICELY furnished rooms. 313 Sftuth 26th, E-6SS 7 PLEASANT rooms, nicely furnished, heat una gas; second lloor; references required. 622 N. 19th St. E-M7C1 S FURNISHED rooms suitable for light Housekeeping. 110 Ho, 20th AVe. K-MfCO g FURNISHED rooms, hlso rooms for light nouseKecping; steam heat. JUt, .N. l&in ai nai 1 I'. .msiU !s' TWO front, modern, chctip. 832 S. IStli st. ROOMS, furnished or Unfurnished; ovory iniug modem, now nousu, wm ti. l-jm st, E-M770 & FOR RENT Furnished rooms In now, modem hoiye; gentlemen only; rof'ir encos rcfiulred. Corner I'ark Avenue and iiicKory. is cos o Fl'ltM.MIIIlll IKIO.IS AM) IIOAHI). UTOI'IA. 1721 Davenport St. F-185 OLENQAIRN, transient 11.25 day. 1609 Doug, t 450 ROOMS and board. Tho Rose, 2020 Harney Hireei. Mm uii" FURNISHED rooms with board. 2570 liar lioy St. F-03S 022 NICE homo for young men. 10S S. 25th st. ill ROOMS suitable for three", with board; also lauio bourdcrs; modern. 26S0 llornoy. F-M790 12 ROOM for 2 gcntlomen. 509 8. 25th ave. F JIdtlit FOR ItF.NT !KirilNISIlNI HOOMH. DESIC room space, 13 per month, ground lloor room In Tho Deo building, facing Farnam streot; no expense for light, heat or Janitor service. R. C, Peters .St Co,, iieniai Agents, iieo iJiinoinR. u no THREE rooms, with bath. 606 S. 13th: only inoso wuu ino uesi ot reicrenceH neca apply. G-M642 10 SUITE ot rooms for couple, can do light nouseKecping 11 uesireu, Aiiuress J , uee. u Man y FOIl RENT HTOHES AM) OFFICES. FOR RENT, store In flrst-clnss location rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & co ground lloor, iieo uidg. 1 zee FOR RENT, oltlco with vault and part first noor or an lop iioor. iiu-i ttarney Ht. Midland Ulass and Faint Co., 1110 Harney Bl. I 181 FOR RENT, the building formerly oecu pled by Tho Ueo nt 916 Farnam St. It has four stories and a basement which was formerly ured as Tho Iieo press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If interested nppiy ni once 10 u. c. Hose water, secretary, room lOO, Ueo Ilulldlng. I ifJI WANTun. MEMORIAL Life of McKlnlev. four Un guagos, 650 pagss. 100 halftones, $1.50: free outllt. W. A. Ilixvnbuugh .t Co., :0J Ware blocK, umnna. J S65 COUNTRY' canvassers' can mako good money taKing suuscripiions to 'i nc xwun tloth Century Farmer as a sldo line. Rof. crcuces required. Address Ueo Publishing uo., umaua, inud, j AGENTS wanted for now publications prospectus, etc., freo. George Harrle & Hon, 1313 walnut St., Philadelplila. J-M281 Janl2 STOHAOK. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Cn.. (.15 911 Jones, gcnerul storage and forwarillng ivj OM. Van Stor. Co., 161P.4 Farn. Tels. 16S9-S63 490 STORAGE, low rates. Doright, 1119 Farnam St. S77 YATKD TO IlUt. WANTED, 10 carloads of furniture nnd stovvi ror hu loul8 Kxpp, Tel. 771. Ad' uresH Ji uoyiue, JWi Pi, 10. nfSi Uil ELK teeth, Omaha, A,lbort Kd holm, Jeweler, i 1UD15 LATE modl Remington or Smith typo mir, Kuuu uh new, 11 ov, noe. N-MC63 WANTED, to plrchaso, a second-hand sioel uuiiK Btue, Auuress iiox 11, ataaison, rseu i ,Mb79 11 WANTED, to purchaso, Smith Premier or tiemiugion lypowrner, Auurcss j 4, ilee N-M80I 7 FOH .SALU-FURXlTIIItE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tol Zulu xsew aim zunanu, uougni, sold, ox cnungeu. u 19; FOll HAI.E-HOIISES, YI'JIIICI.i:1, ETC, WE HOLD an nuotlon sale of horses vory Wednesday p. m, hi tne union stoo. Y'ards. Walworth-Hllllkor Co. l'-M671 OH GOOD repairs on wagons, etc., nt Harry t rosi s, mil nnu wavonworiii, r iiu OR SALE, Concord buggy, full leather top, in good oilier. Anurous j 1. ueo olllce. P-MS54 FOR SALE. Phaoton, Columbus make, good condition; bargain. Address J 2, llee otllco. l' MSia s FOIl .s.i,e-miscf.m.aneoi;h. 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam W 491 GASOLINE enclna for sale: seven nnd half horso rower. Almost now nnd now doing excellent work. Cash or good noies, i;ountry Publishers' Co. 1)683-7 SAFES, standard makes, sold.rented. 114 8 13 VJ 19 EDISON COLUMBIA talking macht and records. Omaha IJlcvcls Co.. lsih 1 ;nes nd Chicago. Q oi FOH lAI,i:-MI!CKI.I.A.KOfS. I n timbers for housemoverr, etc., 40 to ft , cribbing and hog fence, Wl Doug. Us. q-4W CHOICE lot of milch cows for sale cheap. S T. Campbell, 4213 Center St. q-HB; 23 SETS of secondhand double and single harness, 13 saddles; genuine bargains. , Singer, 4l N, 16th; removed from 12C9 Douglas. Q-M357 06 25 HORSE POWER boiler and engine for sale cheap. 610 8. I4tn at. q .mu uiu 500 OVERCOATS, bargains. Marowiti, 41S N. 16th. w-i ROLL top desk, table, chairs nnd filing enses ror sale very cnenp, ami upsk room to rent, lucitilre 37 Brown Block. Q-M3D9 'OR SALE, meat market fixtures, Ico box, counter scales, etc. Address iwv i.eaven worth St. L 36-INCH French burr mill, new. nnd very cheap. P. J. schnon, uroiuiway ana l'oarl sts., Council Bluffs. Q-M&70 S CADET coat, good as new: will fit boy 13 or n years oiu, .uiircss 11 w, ucn. Q M3S1 FOR SALE-Speclul built National bicycle! cost ids, new mis npniiB, , in mcni-ui condition, has not been ridden Joo miles, 123.50 cash buys If. it real snap for some ono looking for ft bargain In n wheel, Address or Inquire W. A. Plxloy. .Ne braska Telephone blag. Q M60j i 50 Sqi'ARE pianos, $S0 each; 50 cents per woeK. nrnmoner o.- .nucuci, ,,io 1 iiiimin street, Telephone 1625. q M.81 19 'IANO boxes, good for coal bins, cheap, FOR SALE, ladles' three-quarters length tan coat, nearly as guuu as new, 111 tow price, Call 1050 Georgia ave. q-M331 S PHAETON, steel and rubber tires. Buggies, open and top. 0 family carriages, 1 c.pnss. carriage. 1 victoria aim 1 uocn.iwuy. 1 hack and 2 broughams. I depot wagon. Second-hand harness also: UIII.M.MUM) UAHHIAUK CO., 18th and llnrnoy. Q-MS2D FOR SALE, chenp, all tho music oratorios, cantata, g ees. orchestral scores, etc.. and conductors' stand, used by the Apnll ciun. inquire iiiu, i.ninrop si, q-M833 7 CI,AIHVOYATH. MHS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 819 N. 16th. o 19 MM E. GYLMER, genulno pslmlst, 313 S, mm, h w DON'T fall to call and consult tho Rou manian gypsy, who reveals all net rets and reaus anil explains to you your entire llfe( 1923 DoUglas st., corner 20th. S-MS16 12 I'EIIMO.VAL. DR. ROY. chlronodlst: corns and stiperflu ous nair removed uy electricity. 11. i. ! renzer uioch. u ww M. GOLDMAN .i CO.. only nerfect nr cordion pleating plant in the west: man orders solicited, wuuo zw, uougias iiiouk, u .h VIAVA wnmnn'n wnv tn hinllht rational. wnoiesomo homo treatment, am nc uidg. u w. OMAHA Accordion Pltg Co., 1521 Douglas MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d lloor. R 2. . .i, - ACCORDION nlentlnc. cheancst. beet nnd quicxcat. Mrs, A. t.'. .Mnrit, mil and i nr- nam. u m AVE RENT sewing machines for 75 cents per ween; we repair and sell needles ntui parts ror every macniuo manuiHciuieii. 'Phono 1GC3. Nob. Cvclo Co.. 15 Harney. Branch Olllres: 612 N. 21th, South Omaha; pnono zi.s, sh uroauwny, uounrn imins U-S7I 021 RUPTURE permanently cured In 30 to CO tinys; scnii ror circular, u. m. 'womi, .11. D., 521 Now York Life Bldg., pmalm. Nob. J BSl ui& ELITE PARLORS, 615 So. 16th St., 2d floor U 1 UZb- RUPTURE CURED without the knlff. rim- plre Rupture Cure, 932 N. Y. Life Bldg. U-551 MME. AMES, 317H N. 15, flat E, baths. U JI573 O.H' GRAMOPHONES nnd supplies, wholesale nnu retail. v;oiuns 1'iano uo,, lis.. Doug las, U AltiU3 ADV. calendars, llurklcy Ptg. Co. u Miv; ,ioni I'RIVATE home for ladles before ond dur ing confinement; babies adopted. 2620 uurrtotte St. Mrs. ipirget. u &7l U9 PRIVATE hdrpltal, )ieforo and during con finement; babies adopted. 23(H5 Grant St. Airs, uaruois, u h A IiADY. stranger In city, wishes to meet a wealthy nnu reiined gentleman, between tho ago of 30 and 50; correspondence dtrictiy connuentiai. 11 , uee. U-M674 7 THE SKEPTICAL MAN cun positively bo convinced that THE PRINCE OF OMAHA ts tho best Bo cigar, on tho mnrkct. TRY ONE. Unloll madn, flavor unexcelled, cool nnd free. Wholesales at 137 per 1.000. W. F. STOKCKER CIGAR CO. U-MC93 12 TAKE NOTICE, tho grcnt, Pullman Polish nt 312 N. 23th st. a. u. vroman. U-M7S7 8' WALL PAPER cleaner. C. Moddlemlst. 'Phone, 1258. Leavo orders at 1519 Far nam. Rooms cleaned,, $1 up. U M833 12 ADHESIVE, Invisible, harmloss. SATIN SKIN Powder Is tho only ono that doesn't clog ths pores. 25c. U M879 7 MONEY TO I.OAX-IIRAI, ESTATE. b AND 8H per cent loans. W. II. Thomas, First National Bank building. Tel. 1648: W-30S LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at 5 per cent; borrowers tan pay $100 or any multiple; any Interest date; no delay. Brennan-Love Co., 3(9 80. 13th St., Omaha, Neb. W-609 WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants, George & Company, 1601 Fnmam street. W-510 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co,, 1320 Farnam street. W-611 WANTED, city nnd farm loans; also bonds and warrants. It. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Farnam St., Bco Bldg. W-512 414 TO 5 P. C, money. Bemls, Pnxtnn Blk. W-513 $60,000 SPECIAL fund; loans $500 up; lowest rates. Garvin Bros,, 1601 Farnam. W-514 4M AND 5 PER CENT R. C. Patterson. 810 New York Life. W-M139 021 $300, MOO. 1500 PRIVATE money to loan: 1 2, 3 or 5 yoors. W. U Selby, .Board of Trade Bldg, W-,115 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601-2 N. Y. Life, W-5H MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate, Brennan-Lovo Co., 309 South 13th. W-B17 W. B. MEIKLE. 401 8. 15th St.. loans money on residence property nt 6 per cent. W-318 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L W-519 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1551 Douglas. w-szo MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON Furniture and pianos, Horses, wagons and carriages, Also on SALARIES. You get tho money on short notice. You receive tho full amount in cash. You may keep It one month or more, You pay for only what time you keep It. Our rates itro as low as the lowest. Our business Is confidential,' Our motto Is, "Try to please." OMAHA MOKTUAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trad Bldi. Tel. 2295. (Established 1S92.) 306 B. Hth St. X-537 SIOXHV TO LOAX-CHATTEI.S. ONE HUNDRED "THOUSAND DOLLARS IN SUMS OF 11V, 110, i-V, lio, I.W. Wi, Uti, 130, 175. 11(0, lyx mm fcW, W ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, HOUSES, WAGON'S, ETC. Also to SALARIED PEO- riiti on ineir piuui note ai rates wnicn honest people can afford to pay. The prop erty to remain undisturbed in your pos session. You get tho money the same day you ask for It and tho transaction Is hold I.. Artnll.lfltli,., , 1 , n t u III RUIVtC". luuitiinnv, vyiiiiu ,iui,i?, o n, n. to. 0 p. m. Wednesday and Saturday vcnlngs until ? o ciock. lir.llUIUUIi V.ltl,l'IL LUiiliAl, Room 303, Third Floor, Paxton Block. - uo'y MONEY leaned on pianos, furniture. Jew- elry, horses, cows, etc. l F Hoed, , 319 H.13. X-526 LOANS ON 8ALARIES, FURNITURE, live stock, otc. quirk service nnd lowest rates gunrantoed. J. W. TAYl.OE, CSI (top floor) Paxton block, northeast corner 16th and Farnam; entranco on ICth street, X-522 LARGEST Ut'HINKSfl In LOANS TO SALARIED people, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curlty; easiest terms; to oftlces in princi pal cities. Tolman, 410 Board of Trade Bldg. X-Jil MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock. Jow- elry; also to saiarieu people without sf cur lty; cheap rntes; easy payments; business confidential. Foley Ixan Co., successors to Duff Green, R. S, Barker Blk. Est. 18S9. X-M3C3 MONEY loaned on plain note tn salaried people; business commrntiai; lowest rates, 611 Paxton block. Tho .1 A. lluttoirco. X-521 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses. cows, jewelry, utur ureen, it. , iinrKer iiik X 523 IH'MI.M'.KS CHANCE!). TELL me what you havo to sell, ion mo wnat you want to buy, If I do not find you a ikal You mav sov I never try. J, II. Johnson, nil N. Y. Life. 'Phone L 2270. The real estate and business chance IT an, Y-62S FURNITURE of 7-room flat, completely equipped; hus roomers, tino location; goon re n hum for selling; a burgaln. J. II. John son, N. Y. Life. 'Phone L-2270. Y-M432 FURNITURE ofls-room modern Hat, com pletely equipped, lino location, full llrsl class roomers and boarders; partita leav ing city, a bargain. 'Phono L-2270. .1. II. Johnson, N. Y. Life. y-Mir.2 STEAM LAUNDRY, comnlete. with up-to- date, now machinrry ami running at pres ent, for sale on very reasonable teriiH and nt n very low price. Illness of owner renson lor selling. Airs. f. ai. Aiariiii, Central City, Neb. Y-M6?2 7 13,00) STOCK clean staplu general mer chandise; will sell nt "00. cash, If taken at once; good business opening. I). Miller St Co,, I,olgh, Neb. Y-.MSC0 7 FOR SALE, nn old established grocery business, Atldress R, Bee olllce. Council Minns. v-Jiya FOR SALE, cheap, 3-room house and n number ot residence lots In South Omaha, In walking distance of the new packing house winch will employ z,wJ people, Owner will bo on nremlses. 27th and llnrrl. son sis., Oct. S nnd 9. Thoru lotH will 1)9 sold as low ns 52i. lOxlzr, rect, nil on grade, smooth and level. Thee lots have sold from 1100 to 1400. Come nnd see them or address W. M. Post, 37th and llnrrlsnu, Y M776 9 FOR SALE IlK.ll. ESTATE. FOR SALE, monthly payments, 8-room modern house. G. M. Nattlnger, lice building. P.E-MS45 12 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; nlso lire insurance, iicmis, i-axiou hik. RE-11 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601- N. Y. Life, RE-5.'9 HOUSES nnd IoIh In all psrts of city; also acre property anil rami lands. Tho O. F, Davis Co., Room 552, Bee Building. RE-5.10 CIIA8. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Fnrnnm St'. 111; 3i FARMS. C. F. HARRISON, 913 N. Y. Life, RE 563 OS TI:l7 THREE-ONE-FOUR. HARRISON. RE-312 NB 7-ROOM, all modern house 3520 Dodge St. Cl.Aiiivu rowKivU Phone 921. 420 New York Lite, JtE-873 If OR SALE, fruit nnd garden place and grocery alore, seven acres, part In choice grapes, plums nnd other fruit; 11 splendid business locution; barn, Ice house, sheds, well, rlste-n, etc.: ono mile out of town on main road. Inquire nt 335 Broiidwnv, uounen minis, in. 111; aiiu 8-R. houso on 16th, near Center st., specials tuny poio, a snnp ni fi,vw, l. I), wend, iwi uougias. iti-j .I7!, 1Z HOUSE and lot, 81 feet front; price, $3,500; parties leaving city. 2015 California st. RE-MCfil 11 RANCH nnd farm lands for sal'o bv tho Union Pacific Railroad company. H A McAllaster, land commissioner. Union Pa clllc Headquarters, Omaha, Neb, RE-532 a'Tiargain. ' Fine building lot, oast front, nn 15th street, south of Hickory st.. for one week. Price. 1700. R. C. PETERS & CO., 1702 Farnnm, Bee bldg, RE MS 5 LOST. LOST On Wednesday evening, October 2, iimm-cii ouster street depot ana llith ond Douglas, lady's light brown pocket book containing bills nnd silver between 115 and s0; owner's cards, Liberal re ward If returned to Beo olllce, 1.0St-6S5 8 LOST Watch. bctweenjioBtofllco nnd I.onv worth Ht. on 16th St. Return to 1713 Leavenworth for reward. Lost 6s7 10 LOST, n. black mare, weight about 1,060. big white star in forehead, white on tip of nose; last seen at Waiuiliigton station; $5 reward by returning samo to Grnvert, Benson, Neb. Lost M676 7 LOST, pocketbook containing pnpers of value to owner only: reward If returned to L. L. E. Stewart, U. 8. Nnfl b ink bldg., room 37. Loei-M&78 7 THURSDAY, pocketbook containing $10 07. Reward If returned to Beo Ofllco. LoSt-634 5 .SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'B school. 717 N. Y. I.lfo. -f3l BOVLES' College, court reporter principal. Beo Bldg. 534 NEB, Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. y, GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 16th & Doug G3tl MEDICAL. DR, PRIES, the acknowledged leading specialist In diseases of women In Omaha, would call the attention of suffering ladles 'o his unsurpassed accommoda tions before nnd during confinement, and his treatment for Irregularities, no mat tor what cause. Call or address, with stamp, Dr. Pries, 1513 Dodge St., Omaha, Neb. M M66Z OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. 615 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel, 1664. Allco Johnson, D. O., ladles' dept.; Gid E. Johnson, Ostcopathlst, Mgr. 337 DONOHUE, Osteopath, PaxtonDlk71l'ol 1367 -Ms DR, A. T. HUNT, sulto 612. McCaguo Bhig. Tel. 2361. -510 DR. MRS. MU8ICK. Douglas Block. -311 BOILER .MAKERS. OMAII V Boiler Works, steam boilers, tanks, stacks, etc. Tel, 13S9, 12lh and Izard Sts. 515 FURNITURE nEPAiniXO. TEL. 133L M. 8. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St. -CM PATEXT5. WILL BUY any good Invention or patent. Address iick uox 7(w, ues Aioincs, in i47 HAVE cash for good patent or Invention. Aauross 1: u. iiox 6, umann, .od. ISI N7 FIIEXCII AM) HERMAN I.ESMlNS. FRENCH and Gorman lessons, native tescners, ton years- experience, suceess guaraiitoed, Mr. and Mrs, Beauchoux, m2 California street. -610 S I.Al'MIHY. OMAHA Stonm Laundry; shirts, 7c j collars, zc, cuns, ic. li&v i.oavonworin. lei. &i,. 542 JIl'HIC, PROFESSOR Charles Peterson, piano In struction ami voice training, ltnuan method, Roundness and carrying power of tone guaranteed. 513 W. of V, Bldg -293 O-'s l'.W,MIII()ltnit5, EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; an business confidential. 1301 uougias. -511 IIOOKKECI'IMI. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or even- iiih. ii iu, -uiii. ..u. uuiiu, it, 11. iiaiiiuuii, -311 5TOVES. WE carry tho biggest line of stoves In city, uuy 01 ub. iticos rignt. Enter tilso Fjrnlture Co., K2-4 3. llth. Tel. ZZ9t!. -Mo7l 031 CAItt'EXTERS AM) JOIM'.ltM. ALL kinds of enrpentor work and repairing promptly nttendcti to. j. x. ucniitrce, zutn nnd liko Sts. -370 MlltltOH FACTORY, Damaged looking glasses resllvcrcd. 703 N 16. -0Zl Tltt.MC FACTO IIV. TRUNKS, trovollng bags, suit cases. Trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Factory, 1209 Fnmam. -471 on TAIL.OI11NG. LADIES' garments cleaned, altered. re paired reasonable. Max Fogel, 1207 Farnnm -.aizzi uzs M('Ki:i, I'LATIXf!. STOVES, lamps, etc., roplntlng. Oma Plating Co., Boo Bldg. Tel. 2&3l -51 ha 18 FA IOIH FOll II EXT. 4K) ACRES ntnr Gretnn, Sarpy county Duff Green, room S, Barker block. 56S nitllSSMAKIXK. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. 257t! Harney 0-N-3 STJIMF,IUMJ AM) STUTTEItlXG. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. 343 tiOVEIIXMF.XT XOTICES. CHIEF QUA RTE It. MASTER'S OFFICE l-lttl!!l, OUI)., WUIUUUI I. ,,'Ul. Ol'UIUU IIU- posuls, 111 triplicate, will tie received here 11 ml at olllces of quartermasters nt sta tions named, ,uhtl 10 11. m., entrnl time, October 15. lf)l, and then opened for fur nishing wood, bituminous coal, shelled corn, oats, bran, baled hay anil bedding, nt Omaha l). M. Depot, Forts Crook, Robin son and Niobrara, Nebraska, Jefferson Bar racks, Missouri, Fprts Leavenworth and Riley. Knnsns, Bono and Sill, Oklnnoma Proposals for delivery at other points win be entertnlned. V. 8. reserves right to reject or accept any nr all proposals, or any part thereof. Information furnished on application hero, or to quartermasters at stations named. Envelopes contnlnltig proposals should be marked "Proposals for - ." nnd addressed to undersigned, or quartermasters nt stations nbovo named. JNO. W. PULLMAN, Chief q. M O3-4-5-7-10U CHIEF qUARTEnMASTER'S OFFICE Omaha. Neb., September 21, 1901. Soiled proposnls. In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received hero until lo o'clock a. I m., October 10, 19J1, and then ...... ..!. .... .. , , H I, r .. I . . . , ..wn- upt'lieu, ill mu i iT.ein.-r m unending lud- ders. for live hundred und forty (510) f ...... .Ir.. Unr'na .....1 I ..l ..1. ,3 Artillery Horses, for delivery ns follows. I'nvnlry horses 22 at Fort Rlloy, Kansas. tin lit I'ori feiivriiwnriii, nansus, 3'c ai Jefferson Bnrfaoks. Mo., nnd the artlllory horsen at Fort Riley, Kansas, nr prominent .... I1..rt.. .1 nnlnlu I U -1 L . . . Itl.11,,11,, , ,,,. , n rumvi iikiii it, I ,: Jeot or accept nny or nil proposals, or any I'uii itiv, eiitun tut inn 11,1 lllillllllfl IIIMI circular giving full Information and re quirement, will bo furnished on application to this olllce Envelopes containing propo sals should be marked "Proposals for Horses," and addressed to JNO. W. PULL MAN, Chief q. M. SD27 27 07 S LEO A I, NOTICE. NOTICE. Bids will bo received nt tho ofllco of tho commissioner of public lands nnd buildings In Lincoln for the construction nnd putting in place of four Iron doors for four vaults In basement of the capital building In Lin coln, according to specltlcatluns on tile In the olltco of commissioner of public lands itnd buildings. All bids to bo submitted on or before Mondny, October 11, at 12 o'clock noon, The board reserves tho right to rolect any or all bids, OEORGE D. FOLLMER. Commissioner Public Lands and B illdlngs. RAILWAY TIME CARD. 1 IV.0 IS CENTRAL Jtallroad-Clty Ticket Of flee, 1402 Farnam Street Telephone, 245. Depot, 'lenth and Marcy Streets Lea VS. Arrive Chicago Express u f:uu am a o.-iu p'w umcago .uimiieu. pin u ;ij am Minntniioiis &. faut ExiireM 1:04 am u 3:40 pm Minneapolis & St. Paul ' Limited a 7:15pm a 8:05 am Fort Dodge Local from " Council tJluffs..... b 4:J0 pm a 8;ii om Fort Dodgo Local from " Council Bluffs a 0:00 am u Dally, b Dally except riunduy. St. Louis Cannon Ball LcaV9- ArrlVB' KnuTcl.y ana"quinVya B!l5 Pm ,l 8:20 ly a7:00um a 9:00 Pro UNION PACIFIC-"TIIE OVER. iiiiiu jiuutc uenern nm; N. E. Cor. Ninth and FV nam ,Jf "y Ticket Ofllco ml ! urnuni atrcpt. Telephone. 318 1 j , 1 ,1 1 . .,,11,11 nn.i ,... " . , Marcy sts. i-.r, .... .1, U A ciciiiuiiu, uit Leuve, Tho Overland Limited.. a s:zo um The chfcugo-l'ortUmJ Special a S:20 um The Fast Mall. l X-.iv um The Mall and Express ,all:35 pm The Colorado Special ,..ull;& onv Lincoln, Beatrice and Btromsburg Express.. b 4:06 pm Tha Pacific Express. .. .a 4:2U p;n Tha Atiaiitlu Exnrflss... Arrivo. 7:30 pm ? I'm u 4!.1i pm a 0:50 um bl2:33 pm 5 J:5? am uranu isianu i-ocui d a 30 nm h 1 ri- a Daily b Dully except Sumlay. 8'J' 0n CHICAGO. JULWami-lCT. & St. Paul no IwnJiiri'VJ e!eg s Leave, Arrlvi Chicago & Omaha Ex, ,.b 7:16 am h 3'Jn m Chicago Limited Ex, ..a C:oo nm n .'itr TIP a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, ' "" W A II A HII RAILROAD Tlckat Offto. 1418 Farnam Htroot. Telephone, 322. De pot, Tenth and Marcy Sts, Telephons, 629. Leave. Arrive. St. Loula "Cannon Ball" Cxprets ,,, a 6:16 pm a (:20 am HllWAUKE?) V rtAII.WAV TIMI-J CAUU. Bl RL1NUTON ,t Mid- sourl River Raiiruua 'llic Burlimttou Kouie General unices, North west Corner Tthth and lurnam Streets. TIcKat Olllce, 1301 Furmuu btreot. rii..,,,u ... Buriiiiglon Station, Tenth and ...uon Sttccts. leieunoiu 1 Lincoln, Hastings and . McCoia s'40 am R 'i3i Via Lincoln. Denver. Colo- Alll.inco Express ..u 1 ..J pill ,1 .1 iNl t.ft. , . llt.f.1, tlltla O'lh) nil, 11 6:15 Hiu 11 U:45 11 111 u am bll:63 am a 6:43 am bll:03 am ..III' Jill W 11HI.B , . . . . . . . . .vw Montaiiu. I'uaet UouiKl.,11 V,W pm Lincoln Fust Mull b 3;M pm wymote, ueuirice anu Lincoln .... a 3:10 am Deliti'r, Colorado, Utuh fltut l Mllf OMIill ..... ... Fort Crook, So. Bend, Louisviuo. riatism 111,0 pm llt'llVt 11V, il,U..,IUU.UK tnlf!.v tiit.rfl.,,. . ... 7i,V ni i k'TU n,n Bcllevue, P.Jttsmu'uth U ravine junction 11 .i;iu uin a Dally, b Dully except dun day. KANSAS CITY, ST. JO. tph & Council Blurts Rulltoad "The Burlington Routu " Ticket Olllce, 1501 Farmtui Street. Tclephono ZiO. Depot, Tenth unci Mason Streets, Tele- phono 1-5. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a u.zj urn a u.ui inn K.S1.SS Clll Nlglit Ex..ul0:30 pm a ;13 am st. 1.01.U Fiyci. '"f.r'v , ., Joseph anu at. wuuii ji.. mo a Dallv, CHICAGO, & yuincy Burlington Ofllce. 1502 TU'PPono 1 1' 111 11 und TGleiihouu BURLINGTON'Tho Route' Ticket Ptirunm Stioet. 260. Depot, Mason Streets, 1Z6. L.cave, igo Spe- . ... . ..a 7:00 am Arilve. Duyllght Chu clul ni0:20 pm u 7:45 am a 4:u5 pm n 7;j it tu u 2:45 pm Chlcugt, Yittlbuna kx.u 4:o ,.111 Chlcugo local :Ju am Chicago Limited u iM pm Fust Mail ' a Dully. CHICAGO. ROCK 1SL. ond ,v Puclllc Hullroua -"lho Great Rof.u lbluhd Ruulu" iiiit. Ticket Olllce, 1.123 Fni' namSticct. relophoue, 4is. Depot, Tenth nnu muity airects, Tele bhotic. UZ9. l.i'UVd. EAal. Dos Moines and Daven port Locol a 7:26 am Chicago Express ... 1)11 Ij 11 in Dcit Moines a 4;Aipin Chicago Fi'M Express.. a 6 00 pm U.S .MllltlLK. no K isi- Arrive. a 9:33 pm 11 4:i pm bli:5Jnm a 1 .23 pm und and Chicago. .....n 7:40 pm as. 10 am l'H'l Lincoln, Colorado Spgs., Denver. Pueblo nnd West a 1:30 pm Colorado, Oktahomn M Texus Flyer a 5:20 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday a 4U3 pm n 9:50 am FREMCnT, ELKHOIIN & Missuurl Valley Railroad The Northwestern Llnu" Gcnerul utilces, United States Natiunnl Bank Building, S. W. Corner Twelfth und Far Ticket Olllce, 1101 Farnnm St. Deuot. 15th and Weoslor Sts, i ilephulit', Ills. v Ltuvo. Arrive. Black lulls, Dendwood, Hot Springs . .. u 3:o0 pm a 5:uo pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglus d i:W pm a 6:00 pm Hustings, York, David City. Supeilor, Geneva, Kxetorand Sewar,i....b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk, Veiuigre anu Fremont b 7U!o um bl0:23 am Lincoln, w a loo Si Fre mont b 7:30 am bl0:23 am Fremont i.ucul t 7:20 um e Dally, b Dally exeep', Suuuiiy. o Sun day only d Dully exxept Saturday, u Dully except Monday. CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway "Th Northwestern L.lno" l.cave. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 7:00 am Chicago Passenger u I'M pm Eastern Exnrexs. Don Arrive. ull:30 pm a b:W am i-.usierii u.xpres, Lies .Moines, Mursh.tlltowii, Ccdur Rupids und Chlcugo ul0:6ri am Ia.stem Upoclul, Chi- 1 catio and ast u 4:53 pm lust Mall. Chicago 10 Om,.hu , Omaha-Chicago L't'd...a 7:45 pm l'ast Mail...... Cedar rapids Pas,nsor. a Dally. a 4:05 Din u 4:05 pm a 2:45 pin 11 b:uo um u b;Zo um u 5:zo pm CHICAGO, ST. PAUL. Minneapolis A umuhu itullwuy "The North- western Lino" General unices, Nebraska D v ulon, 15th uud Webster Kits. Cltv Ticket Olllce. liui furuuiii mi. leicpuoiie, oijl. Depot, 161 h una Webster Sts. Telephone. 145i. 1 Leave. Arrivo, Twin City l,usknger....ii 6:w um u 9:10 pm Sioux City Puisenger...u 2:45 pin itluio am Emerson Locul ...b 6:30 pm b b: JO am u natty SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Rillroud "Tho North western Lino" General unices, United Stutes Nutionui uuiu; uuildlng B. w. Corner Twelfth .mil Kortiuni Mtu 'I'leU,,, U1111.C, nvi f arnam hi, iciepnono, Wii. do, pot, lenth and Murcy Sts. lelephcne, aty, Leavo. Arrivo. Twin City Express a 6;t6 um alu:25 pm Twin City Limited a 7:55 pm a t;15 um bioux uuy iocai a :w um u 3:so pm a I'Uiiy. .MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL ruuu uenerui uinces and Ticket Oftlcea. Southeast Corner 14th and Dougiua Sts. 'ielephone, 104. Depot. Leave. Arrlvn r,,l Kansas nitv lixoress a lu:oo am a 0:25 om K. C, St. L. Express.. a 10:60 pm a 6:u am Leave from Itlh and WebBter dtrcote: N'elirusuu Local. Via Wneplnff atar b 4:10 pm nlO:45 am a uauy. 5 jany sxceui aunuay. OMAHA ti ST. LOUIS HA IT,, road Omulia. ICaimnu ntv & EuBtorn Railroad "Th qulncy Route" Ticket Of- nce, ins rurnaia 01. T010. phono, ,122. Depot, Te.ith und Marcy Sts. Telephone i,i Leavo. Arrlvn. at t n,, rvintion Ball Express ........a 5U5 pm a t:20 am Knnsns City and qulncy Local a 7:00 am a 9:00 pm a ualir. PROFESSIONAL HOUSE OPEXEIt. Novel Oci'iipiitlnn by 11 Nmv Woninn lu Xvrv York. Tho Inventiveness of tho modorn woman argues well for tho fortunes of tho sox. Shu Is continually devising; now avenues of no tlvlty In which her talents may find play nnd hrlng to her .1 menns of comfortable If not elegant Bu'bslstnnce. Thero Is one woman, n resldont of New York, who has solved tho problems of her own llfo by undertaking tho occupation of a profe3 sionnl houso oponor. A recent conversation heard nt a tashlonablo resort brought this womnn to tho notlco of n newspaper rep rcsontattvo. "I am always glad to be at home onco I nm fairly settled," said a woman, "but I hate tho getting homo and putting the house In order. The prospect ot opening up a houso or un apartment that has been closed all summer .long Is not a cheerful ono and sometimes It Is much worse when It has boon occupied by a masculine room' bor of tho family, who has nttemptcd to keep bachelor's hall during tho vacation. Invariably, too, a spoil of hot weather sots In Just nt that time and It makes things doubly dlsngrorable and disheartening, It Is Impossible to leavo things of this sort to servants and then servants are soat tored during the summer and have to he hunted up always uhen ono gets back to town." "You can avoid all that trouble this yoar," Bald a woman who sat In tho group, "If'you are wining to pay well for a com fortable houi on your arrival, with per nam Sts. leleullul.e. City Ticket Olllce. 1401 Fdiuuiu St. Telephone, 101. Depot, '1 vnth mill Murcy Streets. Tcle phono, UZ9. Ht. LuUl feci cleanliness gunrantoed. stookOil lardrr. dinner roady and ovou servants hired for you In advance. This Is ono of the comforts that are part of the twentieth century. "Ono young woman tilth brains, aniloui to branch out In a new llnef of work, has msdo It her vocation. She attend to tit a opening up of houses and apartments that havo been cloied nil summer, and stio alio undertakes the closing of residences on tho departure of n family She Is absolutely reliable and Is responsible for everything;, She Is busy all tho year round, for alio pre pares country houses at Christmas and Thanksgiving for houro parties and closet them after tho family departs. "In this way tho working staff of sort ants at the out-of-town houso or country cottage Is not disturbed In Its regular work. A hnslessVsn give a dinner party th night before she starts for one of tho many living places necessary for a fashionable (ab llshinont nowadays, and she can hare card! out for a luncheon nt tho now dwolllng place If she wills. "Tho houo opener has her own staff of trained helpers nnd pays thorn good price for their work. She sees that rooms and beds arc aired and made ready, halls swept und covers removed from furniture, and statuary. Brass work, silver nnd glass nro polished and table linen nnd silver atid china made ready for use. She Is on hand to greet the owner's return with hor help ing inn Id ready, nr otso with a now staff of servants Installed In their ptsoos, This valuable service Is doing away with the old custom of putting up 'at n hotel while th house Is got ready for tho family's oecu pnncy. The value of the new service con slats In tho absolute lack of rare on th pnrt of tho returning travelers, for th young woman who hus Invented tho voca tion does not watt for orders, but goes about and toes that things are properly done." i tiolorn t mini 1 11m. This has long boon regarded ns on of th most dangerous and fatal diseases to which Infants are subject, it can bo cured, how ever, when properly treated. Alt that I necessary Is to give Chamberlain' Collo. Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Hetnody and castor oil os directed, with each bottle, and a cur Is certain. Since this remedy has com Into such general use there arc very fw dsaths from ehnlern Infantum nnd non whatever when It Is given, For JAlo by all druggists. SAVED THE LIFE OF A IMG. Ill Order o Do It 'the Oirner MnrrleA Hie Thief. The ofllco of Magistrate Conohan, In Wllkrsbnrre, Pa , was tho scone of a novel wedding a few dnys ago, tho participant In which were Miss Mathilda Parkonon, aged 53, and Illrnin Johnson, nged GS. About a week ago Miss Parkcrson and Johnson claimed tho ownership of a little pig. Miss Parkcrson said It was hor pla; and lllram look an onth that tho pig was his property. After squabbling for ton doys tho matter was brought hoforo Justlc Conohan, who promised to settlo tho dis pute. The pig wns brought to tho squlrn's o(Tlc and tho Interested parties wero on hand. Miss Parkcrson swore tho pIr was hers. Then Johnson wns sworn. Ho called tha pig by name and tho Utile, ono followod 111 in all over the room. Ho had trained th pig nnd for half nn hour ho amused that squire nnd nil tho witnesses. The nldcrmnn finally rendered tho follow Ing verdict: That tho pig should bo killed anil roasted nnd divided equally between Miss Pnrkcnsnn and Hiram Johnson. Both protested. They did not want to seo th pig killed, Miss Parkcrson said sha would save tho pig If shti had to die for It. Th squlro fliiggcated that they got married It would save the pig and they would both own It. Hiram said ho would not propose) to Miss Parkerson ns ho was ashamed. ' After some hesitation Mathilda finally nsked Hiram If ho, would bocomo her hus band. Tho Jtistlco remembered thnt'ho had a wedding ring In tho safo that had been, left there for security. Tho groom boughb II for $2.60. Tho roiipln Ihnn got a mar rlngo llcenso and the alderman made them man nnd wife, thus saving tho Ufa of tha pig. After tho nlrtormnn had kissed tho pair ond wished them a prosperous life thoy got Into the form wagon, tho pig between them, anil drove homo. Charles R. Wcssmar, Evanstnn, III., writes: "My boy, 2 years old, had aj tovero cold which refused to yield to any treatment until wo tried Foley's Honoy nnbl Tar. Ho wns compktoly cured before using ono bottlo," Take none but Foley's. Seasonable Fashions 5942 Tuokad Blous, 32 to 40 Bust. Woman's Tucked Dlouso, Closing at thf Back, No. 3912 To bo mndo with or Tilths out tho fitted lining, Tho tucked wali that closes nt the back retains and will extend Its favor through tho coining sesaomj This smart nnd dnlnty model Is suited tj many inntorlals, silk, cashmere, albatross. Henrietta, crepe do chine, poplin nai all tho pliable waist materials, but as shown Is of cream chnlllo patterned with pasttl groon and Is worn with a groon liberty) satin tie and belt, tho stock collar belnaj finished with turnovers of white silk. Tho foundation Is a fitted lining on which tho waist proper Is arranged and wniole' closes with the waist at the center back, Tho front Is laid In narrow tucks ot gradu ated length that turn toward tho centsp and form u deep point, but the backs ar tucked lu groups for their entire length) ond aro drawn down snugly at th waist line, The sleeves aro In bishop style, wltts narrow pointed cuffs. At the uoclc Is stock collar, with protective portions that are Joined to the upper edge, To cut this waist for a woman of medium Ir.e 3fi yards of material 27 Inches wid. 3i yards 27 Inches wide, yards 31 Inches wide or 2 yards 44 Inches wld wll bo rssulred. The pattern 3942 Is cut In sizes ror a 33, 34, 86, 38 and 40-Inch bust measure. For '.he- accommodation ot IDs Deo reads rs these patterns, which usually retail ai from t'o 'o 50 isots, will bo furnished at nominal price, 10 cents, which coma all expenee. ,n order to get any pattern en dote 10 reals, give number and nam of pattern wanted ind bust measure. Allot, about ten daya from date of your letter; before beginning to look for the pattern, AddrcM, Pattern Department, Omaha Ba