10 MEMORABLE DAY AT HARLEM Two Fm-Iarlons EmU ii Bttr Than MiiuU Tint. ST. MARCOS PUTS ON FINISHING TOUCH It ii tin a firent liner to Witt Clilontto .Multrn (Iter llitiiillfuiied Mlart Itrsull nl Oilier CHICAGO, Oct. !". Tho ChlrdKO slakes, worth I3.3S0 to tho winner, wmt to St. Mar cos at Harlem today. The event was fourth on the program mid tho distance, one mile, v.ns covered In tho fast tlmo of 1:38 45. In cldentolly Ht. Marcos proved to tlo hest of a brilliant fluid, breaking last Hnd winning laflly by two Icnsths. The horse wns bought Friday by 9. 0. Hlldreth fur JO.OOO. Dt'iininn Thompson beat I'lnk Coat, tho faorlte. over n mllo ami n Blxtccnth In the fast time of 1:15 lowering tho track iccord of 1 : 45 Sr- Harlem today offered one of the best. If r.n tho best rnrds of the year. Two flvo furious rnros run In less than u minute probably linn never been equaled before on any track emit or nest, and then followed 81. Mnrons' fast mile. UeeultB: First rare. six furlongs: School for Scan dal won, Kinmn recoiid. TohIi third. Time; 1:13 2-.V sWond nice, llvo furlongs: llosslo hniihr iwn, .NVIllo Wiiddcll Hccotid, J. V. Klrby third. Time: o.r!i 2-B. Third race, lle firlongs: Money Muss W'jii, Ml Hfiini'tt second, Iltttnmer thlnl. 'i.tne: o.5 Fourth race, tine tnlle, Chicago stakes: Kt. Marcos won, Itesedn second, Henry Hint tlilnl Time: IMS 1-5. Fifth rnre. mile mid oue-slxteenth: Ijoii man Thompson won, rink Coat second, .Mac (lylo third. Time: 1:15 2-".. Sixth race, mile and oiio-oljtlltli: Her meiiclii won, John Mefliir' second, Ade iale third. Time: .':2i4 :.. .... Seventh nice, mllo and fifty yards. I .Ik lit J,i 11 won, llalrd ueeond, Kunjii third Time: 1:12 t-&. .t I'nlr (ii'miuds, M. I, mils. ST. I.OIMS, Oct. S. Seven favorites In succession went down to dereat at llm fair grounds today, the winners turning up In threo second choices, one third cliolco and thiee nltslders. The events were well contested, threo or them resultlnt? In hnlr rnlslng finishes. Sling. Sir l.ewls ami Man finished noses apart In tho second race. In tho order named, and Kitty Clyde, 'Oncer ntid Menace finished with the same mar Kins between them In tho third. Kindred annexed tho fixture, the Autumn slake, a. slx-furlong sprint, worth J2.W0 to the win ner, bv n neck from III l.ec In the fnst tlmo of lilS'i, which Is within n imnrter second of tho track record. Ill l,ee shot to the front at ling fall, secured a com manding lead and would havo won had Watson not waited for his stable com panion, Miss Mae Day, who, however, could not net up. Troxlcr, who lay with Kindred In second pnMtlnn. brought up his mount with u rush, iicuiing the finishing line, and secured the verdict. I.ady Strath morn, llm fnorlte, was a. bad third. Track last Itesults: First race, live ntul n half f:irlnims, sell ing: Henpal won, Wnb.ni second. Pomolla third. Time: 1:(M4. Second rnce, six furlongs, selling: Htlng won. Sir Lewis second, Man third. Time: l:lSi. Third race, one mile. selling: Kitty Clyde won, Tenner second. Menace third. Tint": 1 :t2. Fourth race, five and n half furlongs, sellh's: Chiles won. Tenny Hello second, Fleklo Saint third. Time: 1:08H. Fifth race, the Autumn stake, selling-. il.OOo added, six furlongs: Kindred won, HI I.co second, Lady Strntlimore third. Time: l:13'i. Sixth race, mllo and a quarter, selling: Teagown won. Orris second, I.u Hpnru third. Time: 2:px. Seventh rnce. mile and n sixteenth, purs;: Found won, South Hreeze second, Nettle ilogont third. Time: 1:174. At UriivcM-nd. NF.W YOItlC. Oct. B. Tho fall meeting of the Brooklyn Jockey club wns cone.nded to day at Ornvesend and a big half holiday crowd enjoyed some spirited racing. Gobi Heels, the only favorite to wdn, scored a sensational victory In the Oriental handi cap, running tho mile and a iiunrter In 2:0.'i2-(, which Is a track record for t o distance, supplanting the old mark of 2:'i'i'i, made bv Hntrister In the llrooklyu hanul can of isO'i. Itesults: First race, about six furloni;s: Stimrt won, Isln second, Uuly Sterling third. Time: 1:11. Second race, steeplechase, about two miles: Sir Hubert won, Cock llnbln seco'id. Wood l'lgenn third. -Time: ri:.Vj 2-5. Third nice, the Prospect handicap, about six furious: Pentecost won, Flora Pomona second. Chilton third. Time; 1:10. Fourth race, the Oriental liaiidlcnp. oro mite and a quarter: Oold Heels won, Mines second. Terminus third. Time: 2:fi5 2-5. Fifth race, selling, one mllo and a six teenth: Astor won, Satire second, Alsl, c third. Time: IMS. Sixth race. selling, flvo and a half fur longs: Cnrrlngtnn won, Cnstlron second, '.Irl third. Time: 1 :0S 3-5. SEASON F0RRGHTS IS ON I.ottcp Temperature Ik I.I lie n Tonic for (lie Men Who Deal In I'lmlllnni. I.ocnl sports oro now confident Hint tho boxing gnmo will open upon Omahn thH winter wllb a vim Tho Influx of fighters common to all cities during the winter has . begun and tales of mnny matches nru now current. I "Doc" Irish, tho well known lightweight from Chicago, Is the latest addition to the 1 frnternlty In this city. He camo In last , Friday and Is eager to arrange tor sow ral lights during tho frigid months Irish has Just completed n summer of exhibition box- Ing In Cincinnati and other cities nnd last winter he spent llgntlng In Wisconsin, being kept busy most of the time evading tho vigilantes of Hovernor l.nfotleite, who was on the warpath against the gnme. The pugilistic affair now nearest on the horizon for Omahans Is tho battlo between cjiarley Whlttnker, the colored boxer, and J. II. Smith, also colored. The hitter Is well known hero and ho defeated "Spike" Leroy hero a few weeks since. This Whit-taker-Smith fight was scheduled to occur In "No Mini's Uind" shortly, but It Is now thought that It will be postponed till It cnu be pulled off In Omahn. Oscar Onrdner. Omaha's own, Is keeping busy down toward the south. Ho nnd Danny Haley are down in Missouri together nnd both of them are picking up mnny cont- sts In Kansiu City and St. Louis, Onrdner fought Claioncn Forbes before tho Olympic club nt the latter city Inst night nnd will meet Clarence Hlchlo nt lift pounds at tho fame club on October 15, Ho has a. further t Don't Lose Your Grip Gray hairs often stand In the way of advancement for both men and women, socially and in business. Many men are falling to secure good positions just because they look "too old," and no one knows how many women have been disappointed in life because they have failed to preserve that attractiveness which o largely uepenas on me nair. HAY'S HAIR' HEALTH hn ben Heilt; to theatindi. It Is htlr food, nourlihij the roon, forclnr luxuriant growth, covering bald poll, tfttorlnr fmhntu and lifo, snd poilllvtly brinti bck fray Xair to lt youthful be uty anil color. May's IfalMUalth Is not dye, and lit ute cannot be deiecle d. LARfJB soc. UOTTLUS. AT LEADING DRt'OOISTS. Free Soap Offer rBf' Cut out and !rn lhl coupon In fie dayi. laVe It lo my of the following dnigelilt ar.d they ) give yon a large boiil. of Hay's Halr-Hralth and a ijc. cake of tlarflna nedlcattd 9op, ihe "-eit soap for Hair, Scalp, Complexion, Hath and Toilet, both for Pllty tenti ; regular price, 75c Redeemed by leading; druggUta everywhere at their shops only, or by the I'lillo Hay Specialties Co., 9 UTayelte St .Newiik, N.I., either with or without op, by expren, prepaid, IB piaiu j wu ui w., aim lull guarantee;" benefited, may have hit Name, miv Addre ,,..K)utt lulititutii, Imtit en Aavimf Hat lUir. 'llntlk. I Following Drug glitt itipply Hay's Hair-Health and Harllna 5oap In their ihops only 1 prEC alius lo.. OMAHA SHERMAN MeCOXXKLl., 10th and Dodigr; SCHAFRR'S nRUO STORI-3. 16th and Chicago. COUNCIL BLUFFS MOItO AN. 142 Broadway; DellAVE.V, 332 Central Uroadway; DROWN, 627 Main; YVHELEY, 414 Broadway, ! bout with Fr.ink Colby of Ixjillsvllle In Sight Haley came out n beautiful winner In n inalfh with Pat Hnrl t St Ixitlls two weeks hr. .itid the success Ims lnsplrd him to furtner ventures IJarly weigh' d lf'l pnmd and Hal.y only )W, but the latter broke his antagonist's mio, knocked him down seventeen times and secured ft victory In the seventh round. Hn1ey-s next fight will be with "Hob" Uoilghis at St. IaiuIs on October 21. Haley and Onrdner are training together. Wrestling Is nlso on the rle here, in the first plate, there Is a Swede mat man who has just arrived here and Is looking for anything In the way of a match. Ills name Is John Olafson and he Is willing to tike on Loch, lloldeti or any of the locils. Then. Peter Iocli and Captain Joe Sullivan, the fireman, have finally been matched The bout will nccllf on October 26 at the Trocndcro. It Is for 11X) n side, best two out of three, lich and Holden rxpect to net together nKiilfi some time soon after this match. IOWA MEETS BIG SURPRISE Stuff .Normal Tenm I'iiIk t'p Mlfl (Jiiine unlust Hie llnw Ki'j es. IOWA CITY, la.. Oct. 5.-(Speclnl Tele gram.) Iowa defeated the State Normal here today, It! to 0. It was a harder game than was expected. The Normal was nerv ous at llrst anil all the scoring was done In tho llrst nine minutes of play. Tho Normal team then found weak points In Iowa's line and held the ball In Its pos session a great part of the time. The weak spot In Iowa's line wns at center. Knlpc tins been training his team In the old 'Harvard style on defense, putting Urlggs, the center, back of the line. This style Is now tiupopjlar with tho Iowa roofers, but Knlpe says today's game was not a fair test. Captain Williams made n slxtv-yard run for a touchdown ufler catching a punt. It was a samtdo of his many long tuna with the ball. Welland. at half, was a wonderful line plunger and was sure In his tackles. The strongest feature of town's team was Its superb Interference. The lowans yet lack much of being up to uist year's form lit speed und team work. Tli Normal team played low and wore constantly hurdled nt first. Lineup: IOWA -16. 0-ST.VTH XOIIMAI, Walter re lo Chantry Hollenbeck rt.. Smith rg llrlggs e Selbert Ig Hurrler It Hubert le M'elland rhb... Teirill lhb Williams il)..., Huckley fb It Streff Ig Stonks c Clark .rg Dunkcrton . ... rt Yenger ...ro T. .tones ...lhb Wallace rhb Wolf fh Sam Jones qb Seeley FARMERS WIN FR0iVI DOCTORS Ainr f)cffn(s Mitt CiiIIphp n Foot tin 1 1 In One.Sldeil f.'nine, AMKS. In., Oct. S.-fSpeclnl Telenram.) Stlll college of Oes Moines lost to lown State collegu at Ames today, 21 to 0. Iown won tho toss and Still kicked nIT The bnlt was returned bv Cove to the 2n-vtird line , ami shortly after It was rufhed over tho I line for n touchdown by Captnln Scholty. Schnlty missed goal. Coye and Deshl-r 1 each made touchdowns In the second half. 1 but both goals were missed. A large crowd wnncsseu uie game, wnien was tno first or the season on the Ames grounds. StlP's iiayers were speedy, nut too light for town's heavier men. Lineup: Ames. still. Stiinr.lnsor Wt end Atklnr n Scott left tackle Cn k Fbrrsole left guard An old Stevens center Hie s .rnrgensen right guard Rng lko William? rlclu mclfle v.,il... Throckmorton right e-id Hal s "'oieiK nuariernacK wooilv IJeshler right halfbielc Oiimblc oyo. left haltback SMnn r Scholty fullback Hnll StiiiI ('iiiiii. for Oiiimvu. ONAWA. Ii.. Oct. r,.-(Speclnl Telefinm) In a closely contested game of foot In 1 hero today Onawn defeated Castana. 17 to 5. Onawa s llrst touchdown wns made In the first five minutes of piny. The game w.is hotly contested, but Onawa showed lis superiority at every point In tho gnm-. Tho two teams had previously played a tio game at Castana. Thev will nlav a third game for u purse of SJj. rc. s. Fessonden wns referee. Twenty and twenty-flvo-mlnute periods wire played. Cnpllnl Kill Win. Tho Capitol lllll foot ball team Saturday defeated the Holly eleven. 10 to 0. and Is ready to meet any tenm weighing nn aver age of 112 pounds to the man or less. The tUil t ni If Jul n tin Un ttf.l.i I. .. tit... Hurnett nnd Will Itobei tsnn. The punting 1 ,f llfll frv ,1... I I. .11.. . , .. . ... w..... info nuveo uioin from a greater defeat. 011111111111 ftor C'IiiiiiiiIoiin1iI. OTTI'MWA fa.. Oct. B.-lSpecial Tele- v. .. . ...so rniuin oeieaTeo l Hurllngtoii n root ball here today In the I to 0 Bama f" "10 Htn, chnmplonshlp. 21 lliiiiiliiirg Cctn It c turn riiiine. HAMHrilO, In.. Oct. fi.-fSpocial To l grain. )-Hamburg defeated Nebraska Cpy lo a return game of foot ball hero today, , 21 to 0. GREAT WEEK FOR LEXINGTON Fnt Moneys llnve llrnivn All World llenters tor Hie llnrnc Mr i nt s. T.RXINOTON. Ky.. Oct. 5.-I?oralma Is suffering from a cold contracted on the trip to Lexington and Is under the caro of a veterinary. Herbert Oray, Mr. I.awson's representative, says he hopes that tho horse will be well enough to meet The Ab bot In the $31,000 match Wednesday Cresceus arrived tonight In good condi tion. The Abbot was Jo-rued this n'fer noon while Lord Derby restnd. He will trv noxt week to bent Cresceus' wor'.d's record of 2:02'1. The meeting beginning Tuesday Is rich In largo purses, nil events being filled be yond tho number; of provtoua years. Tho JlO.Ono futurity for 3-vear-olds. tin. ure.itesi annual colt, raco of tho harness racing wnr'd. Is tho feature of tho opening dny. The Tennessee J3.no :in class pacing will also be contested Tuesday. The Abbot Horalma race Wednesday for 130,000 represents the largest purse ever trotted for. The futurity for 2-vear-ol J. pacers, value Jl.ooo, will be an Important race of tho samo day. Tho Transylvania Jd.oco trotting Derby of tho world on Thurs day and tho J5.000 2-year-nld trotting fu turity Friday are other notable events of tho week. Mrs, T. Mrlddieman of Parshallvlllo, Mich., was troubled with salt rheum for , thirteen years and had tried a number of , doctors without relief. After two applica tions of Banner Salvo her hands became better nnd in a short tlmo she wis entirely cured. Ilcwaro of substitutes. coupon, Any peron purchasing Hay'i Halrdlralih anywhere In the U. b. ho hat not been have h i inontv hacV hv iHilr,.iiii. Pim n IIav ajo i.a aveite i . rewsii. I THE OMAHA DAILY JU3E: SUNDAY, OCTOBETJ C, 1WUI. VICTORIOUS GOLFERS RETURN Will Now Train fr IndiTldtul Honors on Horns Count. DOUGLAS COUNTY CUP THE TROPHY W. .1. I'o.ve SI undo (iooil dinner of WltiiiltiK II for Hie Third Time Ml Kounlre nn n Cliiiiu plon (lolfcr. Champions of the Transmlsslsslppl llolf atnoclatloii. tho team reprcnentini; tho Omaha Country club, has returned to pur sue onco moro tho oven tenor of Its way over Its own course. Tho members of the team were V. J. Foyo, J. It. Lcmlst, J. IJ. Rahn, W. 0. Leavltt and U. It. Klraball, flvo In all. They won by a big margin, being only 47 down on bogey, while their nearest opponents wero uC down. In this contest ench man played against bogey and totala of teams were added to decide the result. Nobody beat bogey, nor equaled It, but no body ever docs on that course, for bogey there Is practically par golf. It Is SO strokes and 85 Is the record for the course. Tho sturdy golfers who took top honors at tho llrst annual meeting of tho new organi zation nro now back on their native heath, training bard In preparation this tlmo for a contest In Individual honors, tho great semi annual tournament for the Douglas County cup. This event will como off some time dur ing the present month, tho date not having been definitely decided as yet. It will bo tho fourth time tho cup has been tho prlzo In competition, as It was first offered In 1900. nnd Is played for twice each year. This contest Is open to all golfers of Douglas county nnd to thn winner of the tournament on each occasion goes tho title of Douglas county champion, which stands as such till tho holder Is defeated or tho cup contest won by another. Threo successlvo winnings are necessary for tho permanent possession of tho Douglas County cup. It seems almotst certain that William J. Foyo will cinch his hold on the trophy this time. Ho began to play golf on Juno 1. 1900. and wns not, of course, capable of entering for the cup on Its llrst appear ance, the opening match being played in that samo month. Dut when the next tour nament camo along, In the next October, Foyo won It, being then a novico only. This year In June he won It again, and now has his nomo twlco Inscribed upon tho bur nished surface of the silver. If ho wins the coming tournament ho will bo sole owner of the cup for good and nil. lot'' llrllllnnt Ilreord. Hut these things nro mattors of great un certainty. Today there is no one at the Country club nor In Omaha whom Foyo can not defeat, for ha has been on his best game all tho week nnd luck has also been with him. However, when tho tournament comes along he may suffer a temporary falling off In Ills gamo or hft luck may play him faleo or both features may combluo to .over whelm him. That Is not snylng that the best man docs not win at golf; that Is merely a state ment that the chances ngalust his win ning are larger 111 proportion to those of victory than In any other game known. In tho llrst place, there Is no game In which n player can get so decidedly nnil disastrously off form as in golf. It Is purely a question of perfect eye nnd absolute nerve centering that a Blight deviation in cither makes a vast difference. Tho margin allowed for errors either of Judgment or of applied power is less than In other sports. This Is Illustrated every day. For In stance, at tho recent western amateur championship played In Chicago thero wero nluety-nlno entries. A qualifying round was played In which sixtceu high men wiro picked to contlnuo In tho tournament. When It was all over it was found that somo of the acknowledged stars of tho country wero not In that sixteen, while other Inferior and practically unknown men nppenred In tho list. Of course many of tho crack men were In also and them !s no doubt but that Iloyt, who won tho cham pionship, was the best man at that particu lar tlmo nnd ho might bo nblo to duplicate tho feat. Tho other chance element Is not one of form, but of luck, puro and simple. A player may be exhibiting nn excellent game of golf nnd yet bo unablo to make scores because of unfortunato lies, or other condi tions of tho moment equally fatal. Ho may drlvo off beautifully 200 yards or moro and away clear of tho bunker. Everyouo remarks, "Whnt a fine, truo drive!" and when tho elated plnyer conios up to his lull he finds It In a little hole, hollow or de pression, which precludes the use of a brasslo oriow-loften Iron for a pretty sec ond shot. He Is compelled to uso n stoep lefted Iron and makes n short carry stroke. Then ho turns back to watch his antagonist, whose ball lies fifty yards perhaps to tho rear. The latter finds n good lie, uses a hrasslo with telling effect and carries far beyond tho ball which had such a seem ingly good start of his. I'lnyn In (ioort Form. It doe! seem ns If something such as that must havo been to blame. From tho first day Foyo hnd been tho leader. In the qual ifying round he led tho entire elxty-flve players entered, playing the thirty-six holes In 176. That day ho made an elghty-dve for eighteen holes, This brought him a prlzo. John Stuart of Cednr Rapids, In., champion of Princeton In 1900 tho mnn who finally won the lournnment, was second with 179 and Worren Dickinson, who was runner up to Stunrt, wns third with 183. Tho highest sixteen scores qualified for tho championship. Tho noxt sixteen woro en tered for tho consolation, Tho re3t wero barred from It all. After that first day all play waa eighteen boles only. Foyo continued In form and luck and on Friday morning defeated Oeorgo Murrny of Knnsns City eaully by 4 up nnd 2 to play. Murray Is the mnn who covered tho Omahn courso In 77 recently during tho visit of tho Kansas City Country club team here. In tho afternoon camo the second round nnd hero Foyo ngnln won, but only ufter a tense battle. His opponent wns Dr. J. n, kognn of Kansas City. When tho eighteen holes wero finished the two were all even. Another holo was neces sary, so they stnrted out again on the courso. It was a critical moment, nnd also n bad holo to negotiate. About 225 yards from the teo rose a formidable bunker fifteen feet high. Down each side from tho teo to the hole was a rcw of trers, leaving only a narrow alley for play. Foyo drove perfectly, about twenty-flvo yards short of tho bun ker. Dr. Logan flubbed his drlvo nnd fell short. On the second Foyo made tho green with nn Iron. I.ognn barely cleared the bunker. Another shot laid Foyo within hazardous holing dlstnncc. Logan ap proached to within twelve feet of Ihe hole. It was too much of a risk to play safo with tho "doe" so near the hole, so Foyo putto.l for nn out, and got it, making tho holo in four, which is bogey. Logan missed his long put and could not halve the hole, going out In five. Saturday morning camo the seml-Hnals. Foyo hnd Warren Dickinson of Des Moines to combat. Stuart was pitted against Rich ard Sykcs of Denver. Foyc wns defeated 3 up and 2 to play. Ho wns still In pool form and played great .golf, but luck was nil agaluit him. On the crecus It tho we J up I made up my mind, soon after graduating from college, that 110 one mnn wns great enough t j master the entire field of medi cine and "jrirery. Many physicians linvo tried to do this, but they have met with results usually disappointing to themselves and often disastrous to their patients. For tills reason I determined early In my pro fessional career to confine my practice strictly to u single line of diseases and to prUlnatlng nnd perfecting cures for them. I therefore treat only what I am absolutely c,.r.,n!". .La" positively euro to stay cured 7,wV. !,IrP.rKI'':' NTKIPTt'Ki:, CONTA '1 ,'.,'oori POISON. NCRVO-SF.X-' V'.,l'V11 1'I''V. Hl PTFHi:, KIDNHY and t HINAHV DISKASKS and all reflex complications and associate diseases nnd weaknesses of men, To these mnladles nlona the best years of my life have been ear nestly devoted and on them nil my faculties are concentrated. Our consultation and op elating rjnins are thoroughly equipped with every scleutlite apparatus. Instrument nnd device essential to the mot modern methods or practice nnd our references, both pro resslonnl nnd ilnnnclat, are among the best citizens of this vicinity, who have, been cured by us and made happy. I want every aflllcted mnn to freely and fully In vestigate our treatment. Each case Is treated separately, scientifically, closely watching it nnd carefully following Its symptoms with remedies varied through every stage. The diseases that constitute my specialty are more fully commented on below and are well worthy the careful per rusal of all men In need of medical atten tion. Varicocele liiVl.1,'(!,?i' ,m b0 ,the C"U8C ot Varicocele, .,...".'2"" nrVct B wo" known. It de presses tho mind, weakens tho body, racks ' en!L0,Us' fy","5 ultimately lends ??o a complete loss of rexunl power. If you nmS v. n mi.f l,,ta ,llr" '""ease come to our ofllee und let me explain my process of ' "R "I1 wl11 "' not wonder why it vf.r VP,Jj curei1 hundreds of cases L,Vir ..el. ""ring the past twelve itrow.. Ju,pr.!ny treatment tho patient Improxes from the very beginning, All pain Itis nntiy ceases. rioren?ss nd swell inn quickly subside The pools of stagnant blood are forced from tho dilated vein", ii ii.ir,,!,i,,ily ""I1""'" 'heir normal size MiLnn? 1 V1? ou"'lnes. All Indications or ,V f, '.V1'1. WPnkness vanish completely ?u JJn!' .th, I,1,wl'".lre ot Perfect health anil rcstoted manhood. Stricture It matters not how long you have suffered (mm Stricture nor how many different doc- State Electro-Medical Institute 1308 Farnam Street, Bet. 13th and 14th Streets, Omaha, Neb. REFERENCES Hcst Banks nnd Leading Business Men in tills City. CONSULTATION In person or by letter FREE. Office Houri S a. in. to 8 p. m. Sundays 10 a.'m. to 1p.m. especlnlly strong. Theso are very bad at tho Knnsns City Country club. Foxtnll grnss abounds nnd thltt grows In tough, stiff bunches, thick nnd deep. Every tlmo Foyo lnnded on a green his ball seemed to find Its wny behind one of these nnd It simply mennt ono extra shot to get out, for It wns useless to try to put for tho holo over or through tho tufts. Stunrt won over Sykcs fi up and to play and In tho nfter noon defeated Dickinson 4 up nnd 2 to play. All tho Omaha man's golf conferees nro positive that he enn defeat Mr. Dickinson nlno times out of ten, ns thelnttcrls merely a hard plugger mid u steady player, his form being bad. Hut It is all over and Foyo himself Is not disheartened. He real izes that a man who hns played only n sea son and n half cannot expect to win Inter state championships nnd says that Stuart would probably havo defeated him anyway. Tho latter, Foye snys, Is simply too old a player and too wiso to tho game for the western novices. Ho has plnyed eight years nnd never mnkes the mistakes that tho Omaha men make, Beldom, It Is true, but still now and then. After his experience with the 100 starB In Chlcngo Foye Is cer tain that long experience counts something, even If skill be the same. But It Is not only tho masculine devotees of golf who nro doing high-grada work at tho Omaha club. If W. J. Foyo Is playing a remarkable gamo, thero Is a young woman who frequents tho links of tho Country club whoso work Is oven moro creditable. This Is Miss Oertrude Kountze, winner of tho women's medal play compe. tltlorr over olghtecr. holes for tho Foyo cup on lost Wcdnesdny. Miss Kountze turned the eighteen holes In ninety-eight btrokes and that Is really a llrst-class femlnlno score anywhero, being Just nineteen moro than bogey. To show Just how gcod tho work of Miss Kountzo really was on that dny rcferenco may be had to tho scores made by the eight women who qualified for the Women's Western Oolf clnniplonshlp won on Septem ber 28 by Miss Uessle Anthony of tho Glen View club, near Chicago. The tournament was hold on the Ontwcntsla links at Lake Forest and all tho eight who qualified are high In tho ranks of women golfers In the west. In their qualifying round medal scoro was tho test nnd for tho eighteen holes covered only one of them equaled that mode by Miss Kountze. She wob Miss J. Anna Carpenter of tho Wostward-Ho club and her scoro was 96. It cost the cham pion, Miss Anthony, 100 shots and tho run ner up, Mrs. II. C. Chatflcld-Tnylor, took 101 strokes nt It. Tho other flvo ranged from thero to 105. This Is not to sny that Miss Kountze Is tho superior of tho champion golfers or yet their equnl, but she Is distinctly In their clnrs and could mnko creditable showing In competition with them. That her scores should surpass theirs Is duo to the fact that tho Ontwcntsln course Is longer than that of the Omaha Country club. Ito bogey, too, is moro, being eighty-five. Dlstancos throw your liver out of gear, and make you act mean to those you love. Your stomach is sour, your skin yellow, your breath offensive, and you hate yourself and all mankind. Winter or summer it's all the same, when you are unclean inside, you are unhappy and so is everybody near you. The cure is pleasant, quick, easy, cheap, never fails. Cascarets, the world's greatest bowel cleaner and liver tonic. Cascarets are guaranteed to cure constipation, lazy liver, bad blood, bad breath, sour stomach, biliousness, and all summer and winter bowel troubles. Don't be un happybuy a box today. All druggists, 10c, 25c 50c. Write for health booklet and free sample. Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York. CURED BY gfoSS&Sjg MALADIE I do not treat all discuses, but cure all I treat. men only, and cure tlictn to stay cured. tors have disappointed you. Our treatment 1 TV 1 1 I' (.HPn t.M.. ...... - : ..... v.... - ,1,1, im ucri.iiiiiy up you como 1 to our office for treatment. I will not do It by diluting or cutting. My treatment R npH. ltfrL, I.. .1 ...I.I. - . fectly painless. It completely dissolves tho amoiuro and permanently removes everv obstruction, from tho urinary passage. ft' stops every unnntiirnl dlschnrge. allavs all Inflammation, reduces the postnte gland 1 when enlarged, cleanses nnd heals the tdnd der and kidneys when Irritated and eon- gested, Invigorates the sexual organs und: restore llnntth n.,,1 " 1 of the body affected by the "dlsense. Nervo-SexuaJ Debility I Men, many of you are now renplng tho result of your former folly Your manhood Is falling and will soon be lost unless you I do something for yourself. There Is no I time to lose, Impotency, like all sexunl 1 diseases, Is never on the standstill. With It you can make no compromise. Either you must mnster It or It will master you land till our whole futuro with between almost nil holos nro longer, tho totnl being 1,246 ynrds longer than the lo cal course. All these figures go to ehow that Mlts Kountze, playing In present form nnd fnlr luck, could turn tho Ontwcntsln courso In scores ranging anywhero from 10.1 down, after n brief prnctlco fnmlllnr lzlng herself with tho links. Her friends are urging her to piny linrd golf tho rest of this season and begin early again next yenr, entering then In some of tho women's championship events. GOOD GAME FOR THE SOUTH Snmple nf riiesaj Ilelorr the Mnnon nnd Dlion Line I'rolilemn Conceived In Iceland. John Lear; Yazoo City. Miss., sends tho scoro of a beautiful game played In sec tlon 2, southern division, twentieth century tournament, wherein Ezrn Smith, Ynzoo City, plnyed Whlto and Johu A. Ford, Dal Ins, Tex., played rilnck. CiIUOCO riANO. WHITE. 1- P-K 4 2- Kt-lv U 3 3- H-B 4 4- O-O 5- P-Q 3 (a) R-n-K 3 7- Q-K 2 8- P-K It 3 (c) 9- Kt-R 2 10- Kt-lJ n 3 11- Q n-Q 12- Uxll 13- P-Q 4 14- PxP 15- R-Q 2 lG-H-Kt 3 17- Kt-B 3 18- Q-K 3 19- Kt-K Kt 15 20- KtxK II V 21- ICR-Q sqr 22- PxKt 23- P-Q 6 24- QxP (ch) 25- I,-Q 7 (ch) 26- HxB (ch) llt.ACIC 1- P-K 4 2- Kt-Q B 3 3- B-B 4 4- Kt-B 3 5- P-Q 3 ft-n-lvt 3 7- P-IC 11 3 (b) 8- P-K Kt 4 (d) SV-Kt-K 2 10- P-Q B 3 11- Kt-Kt 3 12- PxB 13- Q-1C 2 14- PxP IB P-Q Kt 4 lrt-P-K R 4 17 Kt-B G 15- P-K Kt 6 lfl-PxP 20- PxP 21 Kt B 3-Q 4 22 R-IC Kt 23- Q-B B 24 B-K 3 25- KxKt 26- KtxB 27 Resigns 27-P-Q 8 Kt (ch) (e) P-Q 4 would havo given tho Max Lange nttack here. (b) This looks Ilka a loss of time usually, but, then, in this opening both players have tlmo to burn. (c) Ditto b. id) Must have somo notion of Castles Q R. (o) A pretty stroke. Tim newly knighted pawn Is attucked by four rogues in buck rnm nnd hns n bodyguard of but two swashbucklers. Yet Black, who hns a mato on the movo (If ho can get tho move, ho needs time now) cannot capture tho now cavalier and escape destruction. Supposo (and tho supposition may bo faulty): 27- 27-K RxKt 28- n-Q 7 (ch) 28-RxR 29- nxlt (ch) 29-K-Kt 3 30- QxKt (ch) 30-Q In 31- Q-K 4 (ch) 31-K-Kt 4 (a) 32- Q-K 3 (ch) 32 K-B 4 33- Q.Q 3 (Ch) 3.1 K-B 5 34- Kt-K 2 (Ch) 34-K-Kt 4 35- Q-1C 3 (Ch) a-K.Kt 3 3rt Q-K 4 (ell) Si-K-Kt 4 37-P-K B 4 (ch) 37-K-Kt 5 "S p-B B dls (ch) 3S K-R 6 39 R mates (2d a) Of course. If K-R 3; Q-R 7 (ch), K-Ktl must, nnd Whlto wins the Q. From far off Iceland come two copies of A CASE OF BAD Are you happy? Not if your liver and bowels don't work. Happiness depends on the bowels. Every time you eat, you put into your body not only good material for repairs and fuel, but a mass of useless stuff that has to be removed promptly or it will clog your machinery, poison your blood, MASTERED I trent misery nnd Indescribable woe. I have treated so many cases of this kind lh.it I nm ns famlllnr with them ns you are with the very daylight Once riired by us, you will never again bn bother d with emissions, drains, premnturencss, small or weak organs, nervousness, f.illtng memory loss of ambition or other symp toms which rob you of your manh od nnd absolutely unlit you for study, bill ness. pleasure or marriage. Our treatment for weak men will correct nil these ovlls nnd restore you to what nature Intended -,1 hnle, hearty, happy man, with physical, mental and sexual power complete. Contagions Blood Poison On account of ltn frightful hldeousnrsr Contagious Hlood Poison Is commonly called the king of venereal diseases. V may bu cither horedltnry or contracted Onco the system Is tainted with It, the dlsene may mnntfest Itself In the form of scrofula, eczema, rheumatic pnlns, stiff or un'nll..,, tnl( ..roitllnoa or eonner.enliiri.,1 spots on the face or body, little ulcors In a "bresspjnld" faltns postcard, brevkort, postknrto or bresskort) commemorntlng tho labors of Oeorgo Nelson Cheney, problemist. These cards nro Issued by I Uppuntnl, tho Icelandic chess mngnzlne, nnd copies may bo hnd by applying to tho secretary of tho Chens club, Reykjavik, Iceland. llrothcr Wnlrott nf tho Doston Post says that J. C Wnlnwrlght, Somorville, Mass., sent n batch of problems to I Uppnaml, and adds, "Perchance they will strlko a frost." From I Uppnaml, Reykjavik, Icelnnd, a two-mover, by Oeorgo Nelson Cheney: 8, C SI. Sp2K. 4k3. 3RPP2. 4Q3. 2Plp. 711. Snmo, samo author, two-mover: 1H6. 2p 1S3. 3bp3. rlk5. 2ppp2p. rl84K. 5Q2. R7. Samo, samo author, three-mover: 4Slsl. 4pplP. 2Plk2S. 3plp2. 3P1P2. 8. 7K. 8. Same, samo author, thrco-movor: 8. pp6. S. lkC. 1I12K3. PQ6. 10. FRIEND COURSING CLUB MEETS lilac Kvent Scheduled to I.nst Four Ilnys, In Which I'rles tn tho Ex tent nf Iflt.OOO Arc Offered. Coursing In Nebraska for tho fall season of 1901 will shortly bo Inaugurated nt Friend by a big flvo dnys' meet undor tho aus pices of the Friend Coursing club. The prizes will nggrcgato $3,000, nnd tho event will bo one of tho most Importnnt of Its kind over held In this slate. Tho dates are October 22 to 26, Inclusive. No other coursing meet Is scheduled any whero In the country for tho nnmo dates, so thero Is nothing to conflict with this nffalr nor mnr Its nucccss in any wny. Tho hounds will bo thero by tho hundreds from Kansas, tho Dakotas, Nebraska, Colorado and west, nnd lnrgo numbers of devotees of tho nport will follow tholr favorlto dogs to tho slips. Tho coursing Held at Friend 1b now very near perfection, It having been Improved In mnny ways In preparation for this meet. Tho town Itself Is all Interest In tho nffalr nnd will hnvo every facility ready for ro celvlng and caring for guestB during tho week of sport. Every Indication Is for a vast attendance. St. I.ouls coursers have, nlrendy chartered a special train for the occnslon, nnd will como In a body tho first day. Two great stakes which nttrnct most nt tentlon, nro tho Mississippi Vnlley Futurity stnko nnd tho All Ago ntnko. Tho first con sumes threo dnys, October 22, 23 and 24. It IncludeB a total ot $2,00o In purses, nnd 150 dogs nre already paid-in entries. This will bo ono of tho biggest events In Ainorl can coursing, and nlone assures tho success of tho meet. The other ntnko will bo run on October 25 to 26. Entries nro limited tn sixty-four In number, but tho event Is open to thr, world, bnr none, Tho purscn nggrcgnta nbout $1,000. This stake will bo managed by tho Friend Coursing club, tho first ono by tho Mississippi Valley Futurity Coursing club, nn Interstate organization. BOWELS 472 the mouth or on the tongue, snre throat, swollen tonsils, fulling nut of th hair cr evebrows and finally a leproti-ilke d 'Oiy of the flesh and bone. If you have any of these or idmllnr ympt'iins you nro cor dially Invited to consult us Immediately. It I find your fears nro unfounded I will quickly unburden your mind. Hut If your constitution Is Infected with yphIllt.o virus I will tell you of It. Our special treatment for Contagious Moid Poison Is practically the result of our life work and Is endorsed by the best physicians of America nnd Europe. It contains no Injuri ous drugs or dangerous medicines of nny kind. It goes to the very bottom of ti-e disease and forces out every particle cf Impurity. Soon every sign nnd symptom of blood poison disappears completely and forever. The blood, the tissue, the fl sh. the bones nnd the whole sytlem nru cleansed, purllled nnd restored to pelf ct hrnllh and tho patient prepared for tlu duties and pleasures of life. Associate Diseases In curing nn ailment of any kind w never fall to remove all Reflex Complica tions or Associate Diseases, If the cns Is Varicocele, the weakness caused by It disappears. If It I Stricture nnd bns de veloped Into Prostatic llludder or Kldno Affections, the Injured orgnns nre nil re stored to n perfectly healthful condition. If It Is contagious lllood Poison, any . ttiel all Skin, lllood ami Hone Diseases arising from the tnlnt are entirely nnd perma nently eliminated from the system. If It I Impotency, tho mnny dlslreslng symptom following In Its train nnd Indicating n pre. mature decline of physical, mental and sexunl power nre totally removed end rapldlv replaced by the youthful energy of robust inanlioi'd. Hence all resulting Ills and reflex complication, which mnv be properly termed Associate Disease and which. In fact, are often more serious thnn the original ailments that give rlo to them -nil, we say. disappear completely 'ill forever with the cure of the main mnlndy. Correspondence One, personal visit Is preferred, but If It Is Impossible or Inconvenient for you tn call nt our office, write a full nnd Un reserved history of your case, plainly stat ing your symntoms. We make no charge for private counsel, and give to each patient a LEOAI, CONTRACT to hold for our promises. If you cannot call today, write. Address IS MARVElOUSir EFFECTIVE. It convfyt a healing, strengthen ln( Influence to the afflicted organs which Is Instantly apparent. Quiets pain, stops wasting of the kidney tissue, removes that tired, despond ent feeling thst all victims of kidney ailments have A short coutse with this splendid remedy brings back strength, good digestion, energy and cheerful spirits. Priw, $1.00 at Drug Stores. PIMPLES POSITIVELY CURED. With my scientific trentmenta. spe cially prepared for each Individual ense, I speedily and permanently cure blnckheads. larae psre. pimples, ard all disorders affecting tno skin, the calp nnd nervous system, nt your homa. Consultation In person or by letter Is free and strictly confidential. JOHN H. WOODBURY D. I., KM STATK T., cor, Monro ClUOaOO. Cttrse OF DRINK CURED UY , White Riouon Hemedy ' Cni br ulii 111 '(" V liter, Tea or Colli') Million! I'liUi-ut' K Hint li'ilitf, Whit'' Hll'bon Keiiiedy will uro or destroy iho diseased appo lt' f"T ulehol c s.lniu luiitB, wbetne r the jmtliiiit Is .1 conflrnio I uiuUri.itc', "a tipp.ei, ' social diluhtr or uiui.KJi'l. liiipubMi.iu for aoouu 10 iiutu an uppuiit lor uleoliullc lltjuurt .ifUr uallitf lulu Klbboii Komedy l.llllOI HIMI M .l'....MTH lit IV. I.', 'I', I, Mm. ..loorc, hiiperinieiident of Iho Wuinan's cliilsiiun j i iiitiL-iaiiLO Union, wrius; "I linu lebitu U lulu ltlblioa Huiinmy on very ubMi.uiiu iiiuokiihiu, una Uio i;uih l:nve neon iii.iij. Ill many cases thu Keme'iy win 1,'iwui neciully. 1 cllout tmiy rucoiiitiieuu unu oiiuuiho Whlto ilib lion Itemuuy. Meinu.-ra 01 our Union nio Ut'llgllU'll lu Hint t pruuK'.il unit iKunu.iucal i'i-,twnctit '.o ulJ us 1,1 our luiupcraiuo tvorit.' Mik West, president uf tin: Woman's I'mifcilaii 1 !:)!, Hruiux' I nlun, siutes, "1 Knott uf ho m.iny ptoplu ieiieeiu ij iroin Hid cuiBo of 111I11K oy tin: unu i Ulilto Itlbbou Ufinedy lb... 1 ennn'Slly ri'iuesi o.i to glvo it a. trial. 1'or salo ny ilrurfglbts every where, or by null, SI. Trial packusu fleo by writing or calling 011 .lri. A. M. I nit nxi'iiil (for years Kecrotnry of thy Woman's christian Tcmperunco Union), UIS Tieinoiii .-it., Iloitoii .Miins, Hold la Oinahii Iiy Charles II. Schubfcr, lUlh and l llll.lL'U dtl cm. LOST VITALITY. a hvrrr.nm. f 1 ity years prnotleolins ennbliti urn to prodiim a pordtlvit euro for Weak men. I reitoro Lost Vj. rw.iTT. and quickly euro (io.soi;r,iia!A, lii.rvr, nnd tho rlfr-ot of Kicehhes. niiiin "rreni'rrrrrlpllon. r.iiH-iririu nppi nnre, . it. Don't 1. a t&ilt&fb v ;-xieotf.o:n tit lr.it fori llm world t.ijou. Mn utu,,x:', rr, r i.-ription ..f .xneotf.o:n thlnirfnrnntli wortn nil Mnll mo MP0nr.1l I will rend von mnn tnlnitiin ul.ln. your Mnctl nrli aW. Addle;.. J I, IjltsitiiAK, M. D, Marehsll, illclx. Uuz Nu, 10, KIDNEY V W TROUBLES IPsilBimRsI mm v