THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, lui. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL 1 Bills Make but Woilr Effort to Control a Etarith Market. DECEMBER CORN CLOSES SOME HIGHER IVhrnt In WenU Tlirmmlionl Srlon and Closes l.cmiT-llntu Arc , hut I'lriii lrM Inlom Hold Stendy. CHICAGO, Oct. 3.-Hulls made a. wchk effort to control a bearish market today mid December corn closed ,c hifiher, De cember wheat 'AWiC depressed and. cccm her oatH Hu higher, l'rovlslons cloned W 'o'ndltlorm favored an advance. In corn el the start. The cables were ""$"l' and thcru win u scarcity of offerlnm", which caused I).iemlr to open '(;;; higher at 0tr4tffikc. Though ther nan little trading, there was an Incllna Ion on tho part of long lliiuldntors to reinstate. The HCuntlnesH of offerings pointed to a considerable shortage and December ad vanced to f.7'e. Tho bear crowd, while not selling, was Inclined to antagonize tho udvanco and late In the session when a report that Ihe Iowa crop report votild Klve a condition of 70, ngnlnst September K prices began to sag and December cloned easy anil Uc higher at Stfic. Uo celptH were 1S cars. Wheat followed tho lead of corn In o flull and weak market. December opened pl shade lo Wi'tv higher at fiOliWiHc, betUr rablen and finite, buoyant feeling In corn. Mont of the traders deserted tho wheat till for corn and what llttlo business was Done, was among scalper. When corn ad vanced wheat followed ,c nnd later -when rorn sagged wheat professionals began to view tho size of the receipts and sold De rernber to fiS'e. December closed weak nnd MlUc lower at f.S?4e. Local receipts wero 1M ears. Minneapolis and Djluth re ported SI7 cars, making a total for tho three points of i.ow cars, against last week's 711. and 697 a year ago. l'rlmnry receipts were I,.1l2,0uu bushels, compared with CW.000 bushels u year ago. Seaboard clearances In wheat and Hour were BI8,OX bushels. Oats wero dull but firm. There was some local buying, especially for the crowd that Fold short yesterday, but nothing decided cither way. December sold between Mic nnd Xic, and closed easy and Uc higher ut &Ve. Hecelpts wero 120 enrs. There was almost no Interest In pro visions, though tho market held steady on a stronger hog market. January pork dosed 2nc higher at lS.7i, January lard re up at i'J.'i'i'i and January rlba 5tf7V4c higher at s.(jf,?(8.07V4. ... Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 31.1 cars: corn, 210 cars; oats, 173 cars! hogs, jV0 head. The leading futures ranged oh follows: Articles. Open, Hlgh.l Low. I Close.l Yea'y. Wheat Oct. fi7'i Dec. ft.'l ff May 72V41J-S Pnrn i Oct. r's Dec. GfiWftV May O.its Oct. 31 !i Dec. May 37H 1'ork Oct. II 3714 Jan. 13 r2'4j May I 15 6714 j.uru l Oct. f ! SO Nov. n K2!$ Jan. ! 2214 .May. a 20 Jtlbs- Oct. J no Jan. S 02',s May I 8 124 gow warrants closed nt 51s and Middles borough closed at 45s Cd, n7, G7 07 b" r,9i 6s BSti fiiTi'flOJ 72i 72'.i 72l72i1)V4 CBS KHi, Ki GITi M'.Mli 5S?iM?if?i 5S1& 3IU 33T4 31 31i 33 ST.Vi r,Si 33H 375i 37Ufi' 3714 37i 1 37'4 14 33 14 35 II 25 15 K2',4 15 52(4 15 Sis 13 Ktt 15 75 15 C3 15 75 15 l!,14 9 E0 3 R0 0 7214 ft CO fl 6214 9 fiO fl K2'4 !l 1714 0 23 !i 2.) I fl 2214 0 1"Va 9 23 9 20 I 9 25 9 10 S 50 R 50 8 50 S 50 R 0714 0214 8 07',4 00 8 15 8 10 K 15 S 03 No. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents. 3.Wfl 3.tW: straights. J3.O0OT.40: clear. J2.S0fl3.-C.'; spring specials. patents, $3.30 S.m: straights. S2.WW3.20. WIIKAT No. 3, UGffCdTAc; No. 2 red, CS'iW CDlic. CORN-No. 2 yellow. 57',Jr. OATS-No. 2. 35i(837Uc: No. 2 white, 3714 tfWSo; No. 3 white. 36413Sc. HYK No. 2. 53c: fair to choice malting, 64 'il CIV. SKKIJS No. 1 northwestern, S1.62; prlmo timothy, S5.45fffi.55. ritOVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl $11,401? 34.43. Lard, per 100 lbs.. S9.R2i4ijj9.83. Short ribs, sides (loose), JSTiR.fij. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). S7.50f7.7G. Short clear sides (boxed), S9.30ft9.l0. Tho following aro the racclpts hnd ihlp- ments for the last twentv-iour hour?: Articles. Dour. bbls. Wheat, tin. , Corn, liii. ,., Oats, bu. ,, Itye. bu Hurley, bu. , Hecelpts. Shipment. .... 43,000 27 0)0 .... 153.000 14.000 .... 222,000 102,010 .... 211.000 122,000 .... 11,000 .... 26,000 111,000 On Hid Produce, exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, IHf 2Hjc; dairies, 13t( 10c. Cheese, steady. 30C Kggs, ilrm, fresh, 17c. ,HW YOHK (SIlMlltAI. .MAIIKKT. Iliiolntloni of lilt Dnj- on Vnrlnna Com mod It lea. NKW YOUK. Oct. 3FLOt'n-Recclpts. 10,475 bbls.; -exports, 14,534 bbls.: very dull nnd barely Mteoily;' winter straights, 13.2511 S.I0; Minnesota patents, S3.5Tiri3.S5. Hyo flour, dull: fair to good, S2.85ft3.15; choice to fancy. :t.30j3,53. COItNMKAt-l''lrni; yellow western, II. is: city. 91.16. TlYH Steady: No. 2 western, 60c, f. o. b. nlloat. ItAHLBY Quiet; feeding, 52c, c. I. f. lturfalo. Willi AT Receipts, 181,550 bu.: exports, 13,975 bu.: sppt dull: No. S red, 75c, f. o. b. ntloat; No. 2 red. 75Uc, elevator: No. 1 northern. Dulutli, 75c, f. o, b. nlloat: No. 1 hard, Dnluth, 714c. t. o. b. afloat. Options opened Ilrm and for a time wero sustained In sympathy with a strong corn market, hut oventually weakened under realizing iind closed easy at 'In net decline; May. 77 7-l77 15-lGc. closed 77e; October. 72'i 72'je, eloseil 72'.ic: DccemDor, 74?y74IiC, closed 742e. CORN Hecelpts. 47,fW") bu: exports, 32. P49 bu.: spot steady; No, 2, 62c, elevator, and ftiVie, f. o. h. afloat. Option market had ii strong opening and advanced on good outsidii buying, room covering nnd 1)1 shipments from Chicago, after which It was weakened by unloading. Klnallv rally ing on n late demand from shorts it closed steady: Slay, ti2'4riC3'.c. closed B!Mc October, 61H)GlHe. closed 6lic; December, lilUhCSUc. closed 61Tic. OATH-Heceipts, 113,000 bu.: exports, 13, f32 bu.: spot steady; No. 2 red, 3SHe; No. 2 while. 4lV4c: No. 3 white. 40Aie. Options Irregular at llrsl, advancing and later weak ening with corn. MAY Quiet : shipping, vfl5c: good to choice, S5fii90u HOI'S Qjlet; state, common to choice. 1931 crop. 1315c: 1900 crop, lH15c; 1S99 crop. 6flllc: racilic coast, 1900 crop, HQ15c; liM crop, fifffllc: 1S9S crop, 5(39c. MIDKS-Stendy: Oalvestou, 20 to 25 lbs., JSc; California, 21 to 23 lbs., 19Uc; Texas dry. 21 to so His., 14Vjc. LBATIIKH Steady : hemlock sole, Hue res Ayres, light to heavy weights, 23Vs 8U4e: acid. 23Ha21'4c I'ROVfSIONS-nenf. firm: family, Jll.rOff 12.00; mess. J9.50W10.0O; beef hams, $20.00' 21.50; packet. SlO.oofi 10.50; city, extra India mess, JlS.OOVi 18.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled liellles. 9'44illl.o: pickled Hhoulilers, 7Uic 7'sc: pickled hams, 10jjlic, lird, steady; western steamed, S10.25; October closed nt Sio.35, nominal; rcllned, Ilrm; continent, 110.50; South America, $11.25: compound, $8.00 fJS.25. I'ork. steady: family, $l7.50iilS.W; Hhort clear. S17.WX&19.W. niCE-Qulet. MOLASSi:S-Steady. TALLOW-l'Inn: city (S2 per pkg.), 6c; country (packages free), filUtOUe. ni'TTICH-Hecelpts, 4,56$ pkgs.; steady; utate dairy lift 21c: creamery, 150224c: Juno creamery, 20fj22c: fresh factory, 124W H'jc. C'MEESR Receipts. 9,963 pkgs.; Arm; fancy, largo colored, 94c: fancy, large white, 9V4c: fancy, smull colored, lOic; Taney, small wniie. inc, OMAHA WIIOLKSAliB MAIUCUT. Cotidlllnn of Trade noil ltinlntlons on Jnile nnd I'ntiey Produce. KOOS-Recelpts fair; loss off, liyiSc. LIVK 1'OULTHY Mens, 78714c: young and old roosters, 4c; turkeys, oyscj ducks and geese, b'aoic; spring chlckeim, per lb., "lIl'TTEH-Common to fair. 12ai2V4c; cholcw dairy. In tubs, lM(16c; separator, 22 l' i inii "UiacK nass, ic; wniie bass, lw, blucllsh, He; billlhends, 10c: blue tins, 7c, buffaloes. 7c, catllsh, 12c; cod, 10c; ernpptes, loo; halibut, 11c; herring, 7c; had cock, 10c; pike, 10o; red snapper, 10c: sal mon. He; sunilsh. 6c; trout, lvu; whitcltsh, loc. OYSTERS Mediums, can. 23c: Stand ards, per cull, 2ic, extra sclecM, per can, 35c, Now York counts, per can, 4oc; balk standards, per gal., $1.35. I'lUKUNS-Live, per doz., COc. YEA LS Choice, He. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice upland, Slu.oO; No, 2 upland, $10: medium, 19.50; coarse. $8.50. Hve straw. 15.50. These prices nro for hay of good color und (luallty. De- maim rair. Hecelpts, 5 enrs. ll-. J WJU. COHN-lc. OATS -Old, 35c. HHAN-$I6.C0. VEOETAnLES. rOTATOES-Hnnio crown. Sl.0Mfl.15: Salt Lakes, $1.20; Colorado, $1.10. KUU l'l.A.NT rer UOZ 6C CAHHOTS-l'er market basKct, 35c. HEETS I'er halt-bu. basket, 33c TUHNIIH-I'cr basket, 30c. CUCUM1JEHS Homu urown. ner doz.. 10 015c. I'AHHI ky rer dot., 20o. SWEKT 1'OTATOKR Home crown, tier bu., Sl.W; genuine Jersey, per bbl.. $4.00. UAiiUAUii Holland seed, cratca, ic. TOMATOES Homu crown, tier la-lb. bas ket, 6oc. HEANS-Wux. ner '4-bu. basket. COc: string, per ',4-bu. basket, COc. onions Home-grovn, per lu., itliW, Spanish, per crate, $1.60. WATERMELONS Missouri. Iowa and Nebraska, 10320c, as to size. CELERY Kalamazoo, per bunch, 25335c; Nebraska, per bunch, 50340c; Colorado, 40 it coc. wavy liUANS i'er bu., $2.5ugz.73. FRUITS. APPLES-CooklllK. per bbl.. $2.6092.75: snow apples, pet bbl., $3; Jonathans, $3.50; uenellowers, Jl.b&' l'EACIIES-Callfornla freestone, ner box. nic; clings, 73c; Utah freestone, 75c; EI- uerios, H-nasKei crates, ji.ju'ji riic.M'iw cian, per craie, i..t. I'EAHS Utah Flemish Ream v. 12.00: Cal ifornia fall pears, $2.O0'j2.25. OHAPES-Callfornla Tokuv, 4-lb. crate $2.00; .Muscats, $1.50; Concords, eastern, 18c riKKAiTLKs-I'er craic of 12 to 16, $1.23. CRANHERRIES Per bbl.. $0.25: nor crate. $2.5J. QUINCES-rcr box, $1.63. . TROPICAL l'RUITS. ORANGES Valenclas, $4.0o5.00: Med. sweets, $4.50. j.GMONa rnncy, 3.iu; ciiolcc, $3.25. 11ANANAS Per bunch, according lo size. $2.002.5O. 1'KIS Cnllfornln. now cartons, 85c; im ported, per lb., 12'flllc. DATES Persian, III CO-lb boxes, ner lb.. 6',4c; Salrs, Be. liUftKi-ter si-seciion case, J3.75. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS-Engllsh walnuts, per lb.. 15c: Al berts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb,, lSfj20c; raw ucauuts. per lb,, 5H5Uc; roasted. GViii 7J4c; Urnzils, 13c: pecans, 10ff22c. ciDEit i'er ddi., i.iiu; per li-oui., HIDES No. 1 green. 6Wc: No. 2 creen. B'.ic; No. 1 salted, Sc; No. 2 salted, 7c; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12'X Ib.i.. Sc; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6u: dry hides, ;jl3c; sheep pells, iU'oc; norsciimcs. i.y.'.so. Ut. I.ouU rnln nnd Provision. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 3. WHEAT Lower; No. 2 red, cash, elevator. 6S;c; trnck. 70i4Q'.H4c: October, 6SHc; December, lviUOific; .May, laikc; ro. nam, W4C. CORN Firm: No. 2 cash. 67sc: track. B7(;c; October, B6jic; December, 57?c; May, 5714c. OATS 1' Inn; No. 2 casn, iracK. w; October, 37Hc: December, 36ic; May, 3S'ic; iso. a wiute, 3'J5i;iy'ic RYE-lwor, 57c. FLOUR Unchnnsed: red winter patents. S3.405i3.55; extra fancy and straights, $3.00 3.15: clear, $2.65112.90. heeds Timotny, dun, steady, jj.zbBO.w; flax, dull, $1.43. CORNMEAL Steady, $2.90. H R A N Steady ; sacked east track. 77tf79c. IIAY-Steady; tlmothyr $12.&0fll5.00; prai rie. SS.004ni.5O. VHISKY-8teady, $1.30. IRON COTTONTIES-$1.20. IIAOCi I Na-64f j7'4c. TWINE Hemp, 9c. PHOVISIONS-Pork, steady; Jobbing, $16. Lard, steady at $9.6714. Dry salt meats, boxed, steady: extra shorts and clear ribs. $9.00; clear sides, $9.374. Macon, boxed, steady: extra shorts and clear ribs, $10.00; clear sides, $10.25. .mistais Lod. nuiet, $4.27V44.30. Spel ter, quiet, S3.92',4r3.95. POULTRY Quiet; chickens. 614c: springs, 7'4c; turkeys. 6V4c: young. 541614c: ducks. 5fi5V4c: geese, 4f(5c. hut J EH steady; creamery, 175jv3c; dairy, llfil7c. KCiaS-Hlgher. 164c RECEIPTS-Flour. 7,000 bbls.; wheat, ai.mio bu.: corn. 31.00a bu.; oats, 21,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 8.000 hbls.: wheat. 35,ioo bu.; com, 2S.O0O bu.; oats, 17,000 bu. hard, 6?'4c; No. 1 northern, 66"ic; No. 3 northern. 64V. FLOUR Lower; first patonts, $3.(V(3.6.); second patents, $3.65fi3.73; llrst clears, $2.70$ 2.W: second clears. $2.15. URAN-In bulk, S12.755J13.00. .M2W YORK STOCK.SA.MI IIO.MIS. Industrial lltiotnHnns Are (irnrrnllj erliaiilcd nnd llrndjnstt'd. NEW YORK, Oct. 3.-The opportunity was taken today for nn overhnuflng nnd a readjustment generally of current quota tions for Industrial stocks, An extensive assortment came under the public review of the professional traders on the ex change, who went systematically through the whole list with a testing process of what Is called "offering down," If no purchaser was forthcoming for a stock at the last quoted price It was offered ut successively lower prices until the making of a purchase fixed the new pflce Iewl. The results of this process demonstrated a barrenness of tho public appetite for theso securities, which Is a revelation to many persons who have been Impressed with the quoted prices ruling in the mar ket. These prices In many cases wero made during the period of active specula tion, when purchasers could be attracted by the mere device of n sudden advance In market quotations. Actual transactions in a number of securities have been few and far between for many months past. lotiays operations revealed tne tact Hint tho slinnortlntr orders, which wero kuut in these stocks while there wns uny hope of outside purchases, hnd been entirely withdrawn nnd the quotations crumbled away Into fragments under the offering own process above described. Homo of he s.ifferers in the various movements wero affected by specific developments, such as declining earnings and actual or threatened new competition, but the wl-ioln class of stocks wns too generally affected for any explanation to sulllce except one of general application. Of course, thw re sults amount to a clear demonstration that ruling prices nave been the result of flagrant manipulation. In stocks to wnleh this applies, the mere fact of tho cessh tlon of tho manipulation is stilllclent ex planation, without regard to developments affecting the actuul value of the prop erties. The severe speculative losses caused by tho recent collapse In the price of Amnlganvitcd Copper are probably the mmeniaic cnuso or tno spirit ot distrust ngenoereii ngainsi me inausiriais ns a hiss, nnd esneclnltv against tho most notable offenders In tho policy of conceal ment of earnings, expenses and even assets. Tho action of tho United Stntcs Steel corporation on Tuesday in publishing a statement of monthly net earnings IndticsJ a feeling that other industrial corporations inusi ionow nun or suuer toss oi con fluence. Sentiment was affected also ny some recent destructive criticism of the plans of organization and capitalization of a number of minor industrial compnnles. uri'uu oi legislative aiiacK ana tne gen era! apprehension of excessive over cap italization ns a rule were elements In tho results. A statement of the cxtremo declines recorded will servo to complete the story of tho day. These were: National Salt, 15U; no sales of the preferred nt 551J60 at tho closing, compared with tho nrevlous sale of 75V4; International Power, 12?4; New yorK Air Hrake, uiucosc, s; liergen County Oas and United States Rubber preferred. B: National Lead nrcferrcd. 3?.: Amerlcun Wool preferred and United Stats uuDuer common, ;iw; American Mtueiting, 3t; Tennessee Coal, Twin City Rapid Transit and 1'coples uas, ;i. The list or industrial stocks declined from 1 to 2. Tho railroad list was extremely dull nnd slug gish, but It Is slgultlcant of tho spirit of tho speculation that New York, Chicago & St. Louts second preferred rclnpsed 5',j points, me common nnu tne outer Vandcrbllts from 1 to 3. after their re cent manipulation. The whole market closed nctlvo bux weak, after showing some resistance during the day to the weaKening cucci or tne ltuiusiriuiB. Hul road bonds wero lrregulnr. Total snles, pur value, $1,990,000. United States bonds were nil unchanged on the Inst call. Tne following arn tlie eluslnc tiricss on the New York Stock Liverpool (irnln nml Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 3.-WHEAT-Spnt. dull: No. 2 red western, winter. 5s 6d: No. 1 northern, spring, 5s 61jd: No. 1 California. &s iiKi. futures Btcatiy; uccemocr, &s G'u; March. Bs 8'id. CORN Spot, quiet; American irilxcd, new. 4h Mt4d. Futures steady; October, 4s 10;d; November, 4s 104d; December, Is Krtid. PROVISIONS-Iard, American refined In palls, dull, 19s fld; prime western In tierces, dull, 5fls. Hams, short cut, 6s 6d. Racon, snort rins, nun, ws; long clear middles light, dull. DOs: long clear middles, heavy, dull, 49s 6d; short clear backs, dull, 16s 6d; clear neiues, mill, uis mi. TALLOW Prime city, strong, 30s; Au etrallan, lu Iondon, strong, .lis. HOPS At London (Paclllc coast), dull, 3J3 5s. Receipts of wheat during the Inst threo days, 313,000 centals, Including 262,000 American. Receipts of American corn during the last inrcu uuyn, .t,w ccninis. Knnini City Grnln nnil Provisions, KANSAS CITY. Oct. 3.-WHEAT-De cember. OS'ic: May. 69-Mc: cash. No. 2 hard 6414fi 65c; No. 3, 61c; No, 2 red, 70c; No. 3, 6814c. CORN December, 6SKi58e; May, 5SJP F.Mio! rash. Nn. 2 mlveil. RVUffl.-.SV.n. M.. Willie, uyc. OATS-No. 2 white, 38ic RYE No. 2. 36c. HAY-Cholco timothy, S13.50S 14.50: choice ptnlrle. S12.00S12.5O. HUTTER - Creamery, 16V4019C; dairy, fancy, lllfilfie. EGOS Steady: fresh Missouri and Kan sas siock, quoted on ennnge, i&c dozen, loss on, cases returned. RECEIPTS-Whent. 4 .800 bu.: Corn. 41. 600 bu.; oats. 21.000. HI I IPMENTB Wheat. 56.000 bu.: corn. 72.. iw mi.; oais, I,.; iiu, EGOS Receipts, 9.037 pkgs.; steady; Btato nnd Pennsylvania, 214j22c: western candled, 20c; western iincnndled, 16!4j'19!;e. POULTRY Alive, steady; dressed, Arm and unchanged. METALS Tin In londnn advanced 1 15s today on manipulation. The market opened firm with n cood business In nronrefs nnd rilled Ilrm nil day. closing at 113 for dpot and 109 15s for futures. locally n svmnathctlu rise occurred of about 3 points with thu market Arm at $21.60(121 80 nt the close. Copper in loiidou was 2 6d lower toduy nt 64 7s 6d for spot nnd 64 7s 6d for rumres. At New YorK the market was featureless, and nominally un changed. Lead was unchanged In New York nnd nt rxindon, closing at $4.37'u and 11 12s Sd. Spelter further gained 2s 6d In London! closing Armer with spot quoted at 17, Our market for that metal was 19 points better lu sympathy wth Loudon st S4.15C4.SO. Domestic Iron markets wero unsettled a nominally unchanged, Glaj- Toledo tirnln mid Seed. TOLEDO. Oct. 3, WHEAT-Dull: steady: casn. uysu; wecemm'r, i-Vic; may, IbMc. CORN Moderately nctive, higher: Decern ber, B7V: May, 59Hc, OATS Nominal: December. 37c: Mnv. HYK &4C. HEEDS Clover, dull. Arm; cash prime Oc tober und December, $5.20. l'lilliuleliililii Prnilnrr Mnrhrt. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 3. BUTTER nnu cent lower, uncy western creanitry. '3i. liiiiuy iiraruy prims, ;ac. EGOS Dull and 14o lower: fresh npnrhv 20c; fresh western, 2V; fresh southwestern 19o: fresh southern. ISc. CHEESE Firm: New YnrW full small, 104o; New York fair to choice, 9 I Mllnrnnkee flrvln Murket. MILWAUKEE. Oct. !.-VIIEATlMr No. 1 northern, 6SV4ft'69c; No. 2 northern uiintvvc; uccemner. usc. HYE-I.ower: No. 1. 54c. HARLEY Steady; No. 2, 60c; sample, 45 CORN December, 56Tc. Dnlnlh C. rill ii .llnrkrl. Dl'H'TH, Minn.. Oct. 3.-VHEAT-Cash No. 1 hard, ffllic: No. 2 northern. 63;e: No 1 northern, 661ic; October, 661o; December, wu; .iiuy, iUVjC. OATS-35(Q 3514c COHN-55C. I'eorln Mnrket, PEORIA. Oct. 3.-COHN-Flnh: No. 3. see. OATS-Flrmer; No. 3 white, 3Sc, hilled lurougii. WHISKY-On tho basis of $1.30 for fin ISIH'U gOUdS. .Mliuieaiinlls AVhenl, Klorr nnd Bran MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 3.-WHEAT-Cash ici uccember, M'dUiVic; ou track, No, Atchison 7SVSt. Taut la pfd '.ij'.St. Paul pfd llitltlmore & Ohio.. 3',i ,o. Pacific Dili 40U do nlil 93 Canadian Paclnc....lOS; Canada ho SI dies. & Ohio tv.i CIiIcbko & Alton.... 3C'i do rfil 77 Chicago. Ind. &. L.. It dn tifd .3 Chicago & E. 111. ...125 chk-ngo o. w ny do 1st ptd mv do 2d tfd 44 ailcago Ac N. W...193 C, It. 1. A P 140 Chlcngo er. A Tr. 2014 do lift! 33ft c. c. c. & st. l... nr Colorado Ho Uli rin 1st pfd Mt do 2d nfd 2 Del. & Hudson .164 Del. L. & W 23014 Denver & It. 0 4114 do pfd Erlo do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Ot. Nor. pfd Hocking Valley .. do pfd..'. Illinois Central .. Iowa Central do pfd Iike Erie & W... do pfd I.. &. S. Manhattan I..... Met. St. Ily Mex. Central .... Mex. National .., Minn. & Pt. L... Mn. l'ncltle M.. K. & T dn pfd N, J. Central .... N. Y. Central ... Norfolk & V do nfd No, Pacific pfd.. Onlnrlo & W Pennsylvania .... Heading do 1st pfd do 2.1 pfd. St. 1 1. & S. F.... dn 1st pfd do 2d pfd fet. 1.. Souttiw... dn pfd So. Hallway , do pfd , Texas & Pacific., Tol St. L. & W, do prd Union I'aclllc .... do pfd , Wabash do pfd , Wheel. & I E.., do Id pfd Wis. Central dn pfd , It. S. Kx , WelU-Fargo Ex.. Amal. Copper .... Amer. Car & F... do pfd Ainer. Lin. OIL... do pfd Amer. Si. & It.... do pfd Anaconda Mln, Co.. 3G Ilrooklyn It. T 60 Colo. Fuel &. Iron.. 91 6SU Con. Oas 216U (I Con. Tobacco nfd. . .Ha 1; .. m .. 3J'; .. S31 .. II .. 391i .. 9oTi .. 8 .. II .. 3"'.l .. 17 .. isia .. 211. .. 41 .. 90 ..160 .. .. 25 .. 7915 .. 17 ,. 43 .. 41j OJVi If- Ocn. Klectrlo SIVi Olucosa Sugar 74 . 38i . 74 . 60 .117 Hocking Coal Inter. Paper , do pfd Inter. Power I-iiclf rl; (las , National lilscult. 102U National I-a(l I1VS 165 SI'i 13 101 91 National Salt .235 43 13 IP; 76 Vj 91 43 1914 do ptd 5 No. American ParlHo Coast Paclllc Mall . People's (las , IMib'nMjscd s. Car... .. K ..16: 69U 91 . 63 4IU .193 . 37'j . 7S .112 . 13 . fid .H7i do nfd... Pullman P. Car Republic Steel ., do pfd , Sucar . 93',i,Tenn. Coal ,fc Iron. .Vj ... union uas & P 15's m.iu'i no pru ... Wi U. S. Iuthcr ... "! do. pfd ... 31'j.U. S. Itubber 4414 .7 6611 IS 3D do pfd U. fv.Steel do pfil Western Union 7t . 11 !i . 7? .111 . 4S . 43 . 9.1U . w Ex-dtvldcnd. S'etr York Money Market, NEW YORK. Oct. 3-MONEY-Close. on cull, steady at 3J4 per cent; last loan, 3 per cent ruling ruto, & per cent; prime mer cantile, paper, 4US514 per cent. STERLING EXCIIANGE-Steadler. with actual business In bankers' bills at HX. for demand nnd JI.S3U54.S3?i for sixty days; posted rates, 11.84ft 1.81!: commercial bills. SILVER Har, 5se; Mexican dollars, iW. HONDS Government, stendy: railroad, tr. rcRUlur; state, inactive. The cIoilnK quotations on bonds are as fellows:, , until V.v .( Itv , v.'-. tlsn'i. New York exchange, 30c discount. HALTI.MnnE. nr-1 .1 figurines. 11.333.- M2, balances, $53S.1S1. NEW YORK, Oct. 3.-Clcarlngs, J214,S93, 0i4; balances, 15.(K,iXV. i iiii.AiJi.i.i'iiiA. uct. 3. LicannRs, , 7S9.7I2; balances, $3,133,473. Ilostnn Stock tuo(allins, IinSTON. Oct a f,il Iniin. 43", per cent; time loans, 4'4i6 per cent. Official closing. A , T. fc H. F dn pfd Amer Sug-nr American Tel lloston A Albany. ttoston Hlevated ,. lloston & Me Dominion Coal .... do pfd.... , V. S. Steel , do pfd Gen. Hlectrlc Ed. Electric HI Mex Central , N. H. U. & C (Mil Colony Old Dominion Rubber Union Pacific U. S, ref. Is. reit...l09 u & N. unl. 4 Km (in couihiu ....."' aicx. (en(rni is... M do 3s, reg l7'i do Is lnc,.. 3Sli an coupon iu Minn, s Ht. i. 4s, .104 dn new 4s, re-...lJSli M K. & T. 4n 94 do counon 1381j, Mn la si dn old 4s, reg Ill N. Y. Central ls..105H do coupon ........11: Mo cen, 315s 109 dn 5s, reg 10714 'N. .1. C. gen. 5s... 130 do coupon 107Vj No, Paulilo 4s... ....104 Atchison gen, 4s....10Ilil do 3s 7... 7ii do adj. 4 97i s, W. eon. 4h...1i. Hal. & Ohio 4s 10: lllcartlng gen. 4s 971, no Jivs vt:s -at lj gc i ai o. Ss.,111". t I, K i- Is 53 St. L. Southw, Is... 97M do Is ;sv; San A. A- A. P. 4s.. f1V, So. Paclllc 4s 9Pi So, Hallway .', 116', Tex, & Pacific Is. .11914 -101. n 1, fc w in... j Unlcn Paclllo 4s,... 103 do conv. Is ior. Wubash Is.., 11914 u - nn do deb. II CO n pi .nore is 113 "Wheel, & L. n. 4s, 90 Wis, Cintrol 4s.... Mi Cons, Tob. 4s 63 rto conv. 4s 10li Canada So. Is 107 Central of Oa. '5a, .10614 do Is Inc 74 (lies. & O. 4Hn 1061; Chicago & A. 3Hs, t C, II. & Q. n. 4s... 97 C. M & S P g, 4s.H0 0. & N. W, c. 7s.H0 C, H. I. & P. 4s, ..10614 ( L'CiHH, 4f.l04 (lilcagn Ter. 4s 94 Colorado So, 4s Denver & It. a. 4s. 10: Ilrle Drlor Hen 4s . 7 do general 4s 67'V F. W. & D, C. Is. .103, Bid. Offered. New York Mlnlnar Qiiotntlons, NEW YORK. Oct. 3. Tho following- are the closing prices on minim,' stocKs; Adams Con 20 Alice ' nroecu 149 Itrunsnlck t'nn Cometocli Tunnel... 61; Con. Cnl, . Va 163 Deadwood Terra ... l Horn Silver TO Iron Silver 60 Leadvlllo Con ' I.lttlo Chief ... Ontario Ophlr I'hoenlx Potest Savnge Sierra Nevada Email llopn ., Mtunitara ...... .... II ...1100 .... 70 . . 6 . . .. 3 .... 1 .... 17 .... 40 ....313 Ilnnk C'lpiirliiKs. OMAHA. Oct. 3. Hank clearlnas to, lav. $1,122,430; corresponding day last year, ST. LOUIS. Oct. 3.-Clearings, $S,333,000 balances. tl.26K.43l. Mnnev. K'ifi ner cent New York exchange, 25c discount bid, 10c nsked. ROSTON. Oct. 3.-Cearlngs, $23,557,775; bn lances, $I,400.2iV). CU1CAQO, Out. 3.-Clcurln63, $2o,7S7,195; Cons., money..... do account Anaconda Mchlson dn pfd Ilaltltnore & Ohio, Canadian Pacific, Ches, Ohio Chicago O, W M. & St. P.... Dener A It, (1.., do pfd Krle do 1st pfd do "il Pfd Illinois Central,,.. M.. K AT , do pfd , MS its 139 137 171 ,19! 44 HXi 42' M'l ri, IM S(Wi, i;; 9i'4 Union Land Wolverines Adventure Illnghaui Mln. Co. N. K. O. A C. 6s. Winona Utah Mining Franklin .... Humboldt .. Osceola Parrot Qtilncv 8anta Fe Corrr.. IT.inmrack .. IWestlngh. Klectrl West I'.nd ... Atlantic .... Amal CepP'r Centennial .. .. 3 .. M ., II .. 30 .. 5014 .. lit .. 13 .. 161, ,. 73 .. 96 .. 40 ..1M .193 c. 70; .. 93'4 .. 31 .. 90 l.nnitoii Stuck Qnntntlons, LONDON, Oct. 3.-4 p. m.-Closltig: .93 3.10 93 3-14 .. 71,1 -. 7S-4 .. 99 ..10S, .H:i.4 .. 40 .. 2J ..164', .. 46i; .. 93 .. 42U ,. 71 .. W, ..143 ...IMS - 27?, .. 67 N. Y. Central .. No' folk, v.... (ill tifd. Vn lr,,.n. tifd.. Ontario A W.... Heading do 1st pM do Id nfd (So. Hallway .... do pM. .......... Bo. Pacific. Union Pacific ... P. S. Steel Wabash do nfd Spanish 4s Hand Klines .... Delleers .!'! . 9; .10014 .34K ,. 20'4 . 3Sli . IS . 314 . US . r,u ,. 99'j ,. 4t' ,. I! . 33 't . 69', .. ' ,. 36', HII'VER-nnr. dull, 26 13-16d per ounce. MONEY 2522-V. tier rnt. Tli Ml nf (lis. count In open mnrket for short bills Is 2 3-it,t73li per cent; for three months' bills, 2!tl2-H per cent. 1 FnrelRii Flnnnclnl. 7,ONDON. Oct. 3. fSnli! wns in cnod de mand today and dls.unts strntiir. On tho Stock oxchnngn tlio ohniiKcs wero Inslg lllllcant. Consols lvrrn dull In rnnsentipncn of tho tincectalnty regarding money. Amer icans opened weak, Improved Bomewhnt, re mained Inactive, nml closed quiet nnd easy. Grand Trunks wero harder on the largo triune increase. Tho weekly bank state ment of the Hank of England shows tho following changes: Total reserve, decrease, (.', ,tn t at 1 ... ? ...iwiw;, uii uuiuuuu, iiiuiviue, -ii,i-to,wv, bullion, decrease, 1.160,067: other securities, increase, i;i,7u0,ooo; other deposits. Increase, Jt4l6,ouo; public deposits, decrease, 9,000; notes reserve, decreaso, 2,56),Wi0: govern- rncni M'curuies, increase, ii.wv.issf. ine proportion of tho Hank of England's re- servo to liability is 4S.01 per cent; last week Ik 4IB UI.UO jicr CUlll. llllf) VI UlCUUlll (111- chnnged nt 3 per cent. Tho Hank of En gland todav announced tho lssuo of 3.000.- 000 of local loans ut a premium price of 9S, wiin interest, ut j per cent, rcueemaoio 111 1112. Tenders for tho loan closed lower. Gold premium nt Uuenos Ayrcs, 130.30; at uomc. 01. in. PARIS. Oct. 3. Pr ccs on the bourse to-. dny wero generally better, operators gener nlly being more conlldeiit owing to tho set tlement. Rio Tlntos und Sesnovlc advanced well nt thn start: Inter Rio Tlntos were In further demand on the dividend nnd Sesno vies Hrazlllans und Hank of Paris were In nctlvo demnnd. Tho closing was generally Ilrm. Rentes wero heavy nnd neglected; DeHcers wero supported.; Knlllrs wero Irreg ular, but the tendency was Ilrm. Threo per cent rentes, loif; exchange on London, 25f 19!4c; Spanish 4, 71.221&. lil.KI.I., uct. a. I'rices wero nrm 011 1110 hnnrur. tnilnv. .stip(ln llv mines, nil tllll is suing of a rescript by the minister of public works to tne cnect mat 111 oruer to nnmm Industrial establishments laboring under dltllcultlcs, tho rnllrpud tidmlnfstratlon should accelerate tho construction of rall- rnmlj lliititu u'vrn linrdnr nml Internatloll- uls were quiet. Discount rates: Short bills, 4 per cent: threo months' bills, 2i,lcr cent. Tho weekly statement or tno unim 01 uer mnny shows the following changes: Cnsh In hand, decrease, 11,180,000 marks; treasury notes, decrease, 3.900.000 marks; other so iriiina ttirrpn a. lM.xso.OfO murks: notes In circulation. Increase, 290jo,ouO murks. JIAUUIU, UCt. ii. npanisn 10 tiuacu ut 75.SO. Gold was quoted nt 42.80. i 1 Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Oct. ,3.-COTTON-Spot closed steady, Itc higher; middling up i,,.iu g r..i,v. midillliKr L-iilf. 8 9-16c: sales, 50 baies. The market opened steady with prices 4 points lilglicr to 1 point lower. tiio cany nrmness was cnicnj- m i" tw.nrer tinal t InilH. nn tbeV had II special demand In the way of covering. Later the market gave way nnd prices sold off 10 to 11 points with January declining to 7.CSc. I no uecune was suuuii unu biu , ujw much tnislness was none nt tne low ng urcs. At noon January, tho speculative favorite, wac dragging at 7.S697.S9C. Then the government repot t was read, giving tho condition us 61.4, Immediately the wildest excitement nrevntlcd. ns this meant 11 decllno of 10 points for tho month and tne lowest snowing ror a term or years. Enormous blocks ot cotton were bid for. Thn iinwnrd movement did not ston until January touched X.02c. The selling wns In most eases by parties who had profits lu sight und were willing to secure them. Them was some selling, however, for short account. The market eased off nt the cloe nd wns t mil v steady In tone nt a net rise of 21 to 21 points. Trading was very active nil tho afternoon with total sales estlmnted nt 25O,0ij bales, or the largest In some months. Futures closed stendy; October, 7.91c; November, 7.92c: December, 7.97c; January, i.osos Fennmry. 7.9ic: Marcli, 7.P6c; April. 7.96c; May, 7.92c. ST. LOl'IS. Oct. 71,-COTTON-Qlllnt. 1-16c higher; middling. 7 15-16c; sales, none; re ceipts, 2,070 bales; thlpments, 1.S9S bales; stock. 31,675 bales. GALVESTON, Oct. 3,-COTTON-Stcndy. 8c. 1 LIVERPOOL. Oct. 3.-COTTON-Spot, good business done; American middling, fair, 5 l-32d; good middling, I 27-32d: mid dling, 4d: low middling, 4 7-161 : good or dinary. 4 7-32d: ordinary, 3 3l-32d. Sales, 15,000 bales, of which 1,00 wero for- specula tion and export and Included 12,900 Amer ican. Hecelpts. 3,000 bales; no American. Futures opeutd quint and closed barely stendy; American .middling, g. o. c: Oc tober. 4 26-6ld. sellers: October nnd Novem ber. 4 19-61d. sellers; November und Decem ber. 4 15-64d. buyers; December nnd Jnn unry, I 16-6ld. buyers: January nnd Feb rttiiry, 4 15.6ld, sellers; February nnd Murch. I 15-6ld, sellers; Mnrch nnd April. 4 15-64d, buyers; April and May, 4 15-6IJV 4 16-64d, sellers; May and Juno, 4 15-645i 4 16-Cld, value. 1 1 Wool Auction Snles. LONDON. Oct. 3. WOOI-Tho offerings nt tho wool auction snles today numbered 11,562 bales, Including n large supply of medium scoureds nnd greasy crossbreds. Flno grades wero in fnir demand, but in terior stock wns Irregular. Withdrawals ,.., iti.isi.-, 4 n-w imicuia 01 gnon cross bred combing wero tnken. by American buyers. A irnoil Rolprllnn nf Vaw -s.,ni.,..., superior combing grenslcs was in nctlvo . 1 n n -in,! .1 .1,1 ui.l.l -1 . . , , n . .................. , ""I limn. nClllirCOS sold principally to the homo trnde and Cermauy at extreme prices. A fair t-e-lection of Capo of Good Hope nnd Natal wns taken nt prevailing rates. Following are the sales In detnll: New South Wales ,!-. uiiivo, niiMiini, .i-vnifin i(i; greuni. 3i 9d. Queensland. 100 bnles; greasy. 9d. Victoria. SCO bnles; scoured, 4iidils M grensy. 3yi0d, y0HU Australia. 06 bales; scoured, scoured, 2dfrls 4d: greasy 4ijifll!d. West Australia. 200 bales; grciiayl Mi 14(1. New Zenland, 7,700 bales; scoured 4V4dfl1s 4d; greasy. 21MjlOHd. Cape of Good Hope and Nutal, !Xi bales; scoured Is &ls 5Hd; greasy, 49d. ' Failures Since Jannnrj-. NEW YORK. Oct. 3.-Fallures In the I'nlted States reported by R. G. Dun & Co for the nlno months of 1901 numlier 8.141, with an aggregate indebtedness of $97,856, 416. In the hame months of low the number ".".fnY Pmuller. 7,895, but the amount of liabilities was much heavier, $133,234, 9. Subtracting tho slxty-ono failures of bank-!"5"-n;!.0,",?r Institutions with liabilities of $1, 23.551, thn defaults In strictly commer cial channels wero S.0S3 In number and $S0,. $30).S(jS In n rrion n t . against 7.851 In number und $101,867,418 In amount Inst year. Snitnr .Market, NKW YORK, Oct. 3.-SUGAn-Raw. quiet; fair refining. ,3 5-16c; molasses sugar, 3c; centrifugal. 94 test, 3;c. Rcllned. steady. No. 6, l.tnc; Net. 7. 4.40o; No. S. 4.30c: No. 9. 1.25c: No. 10. 4.20c; No. 11. 4.15c; No. 12, 4.15c; No. 13, 4.06c; standard A. 4.90c; con fectioners' A. 4.90c; mould A, 5.43c; cut loaf, 5.60c; criiEhed, 5.60c; powdered, 5.20c; gran ulated, 5.10c; cubes, E.25e. LONDON, Oct. 3.-HEET SUaAR-Octo-her, 7s 7?id. i:niMiritted nnd Dried Fruits. NEW YORK. Oct. 3. EVAPORATED APPLES Trndlng In thn market was of a' hand to mouth character today. Exporters appear to have ample supplies. The under tone was steady at unchanged prices. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-DuII but steady ut unchanged, rules, . OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Oftttle Trade latbtr Slow Ttt'aj and Lowtr n All but Kelt Qradts. HOGS AVERAGED A SHADE BETTER Receipts nf Sheep nnd Lambs Continue Heavy and While ,ot Fnr from Stendy Prices Were I'nld the Mnrket AVni Very Hull. SOUTH OMAHA, Oct. 3. Itece nts wrrp! 1-1. 111.. Official Monday 7,576 Otllclal Tuesday V-'15 Omclal Wednesday 5,515 Oltlclal Thursday 4,w0 Four dayt this week. ..26.019 Samr ilnva Inui i.,..i nt 11,11 Same week before 16,01 oamo tnrce weeks ago. ..14, 126 Same four weeks ago... .13,811 Same days hut year 21,891 A(',ritu.i .lrt ....l.l . .. . - - "ri; ,i i(.u Mtlu 1U1 liuf(n ill ouuu Omaha the past several days with com I'ik.ouiiii, Hugs. Sheep. 2, 1 10 16.573 8.9VO 11.5..7 ,' 1I.U9 5,511 11,73 23.930 21,156 16,718 17.W1 27,916 53,912 40,3.0 3J.41I 2A.851 2i,t33 32,5il South Sept. 15., Sept. 16., Sept. 17,. Sept. IS., Scpt Sept, TO., Sept, 21. Sept. 22. Sept. 23. Sept. 24.. nept. i'o,, Sept. t6. , Sept. 27. SClt. is., Sept. 29., Sept. 30.. Oct. 1... Uct 2.... Oct. 3 ... I 1901. 1900.1S99.183S.1S37.,1896,IS95. 2 70 i 731 4 12 2 60 4 12 3 fl 4 04 '.' 8b 4 03 4 irj 2 S3 I 9 2 81 2 tl 4 00 2 81, 1 Sj , 4 Hi 6 621,1 6 75 6 76T4 6 85 6 8H 6 81 I U 80 6 75 t 79 6 MVi 5 03, & 13 6 13 6 19 5 22 6 Zi 5 21 5 14 6 16! 5 15 6 16! b 1 6 s: I 6 75 I 5 13 6 69 il 5 18 6 59j 5 19 4 33 4 34 I 4 32) 4 i.1 4 31 4 31 4 35 4 41 III 4 sat 4 36 4 441 4 37 4 36! 4 39, 4 42 3 72, 3 M 3 b 3 74 3 71 3 71 3 73 3 3 77 3 71 3 72 3 64 3 64 3 67 3 711 3 M 3 8 3 84 3 861 3 94 4 03 4 01 3 t 3 3 8S 3 78 3 S3 3 81 3 81 S 85) 3 79, 2 89 4 81 4 ?8 4 81 3 S9f 1 Mil ' 2 97 3 96 2 94 3 S8 3 021 3 9.: 2 91 3 86 Indicates Sunday. v Ihe omclal number of car of stock brought In today by each road wns: Cattle. Hogs. H'r's. Sh'p. C' M. & St. P. Ily.. .. 6 O. & Hi. L. Ry 1 Mo. P. Ry 4 2 U. P. system 12 12 2S C. & N. W. Ry 3 F E. & M. V. R. R. 74 19 C St. P., M. & O. Ry 3 7 2 1 Ii. & M. It. R. R.. 8.1 14 17 C, II. & Q. Ry 1 3 K. C. & St. J 2 1 C. R. I. & P., east.. .. 14 C, R. I. & V.. west.. 4 1 Illinois Central 3 .. 1 Total receipts 1S3 85 47 2 The disposition of the day's rocclpts wns an follows, each buyer purchasing tho num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. him Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company 893 Cudnhy Packing Co 630 Armour & Co 772 It. Uecker & Dcgnn.... 638 Vausiint & Co 106 J. L. Carey 15 Lobmtin & Co S9S W. I. Stephen 10 Livingstone & Schaller.. 122 'Dennis & Co 21 A. S. Mawhlnney 6 Hamilton & R 259 L. F. Huhz 81 Wolf & M IMS Other buyers 751 677 869 1,815 2,013 378 4,06t 550 2,871 5.70J Total 6,210 6,331 13,565 CATTLE There was a good run of cnttlo today no fai as numbers arc concerned, but tho quality was rather common. Thete were a few pretty good westerns, but the fat steers ns a general thing were com mon. The same wns true of tho cornfeds. The senrcity of good cattle today naturally had a tendency to make buyers Indifferent and the liberal receipts alt tho week also gave them nn excuse for buying conserva tively. The market was far from being active, and it was late before tho bulk of tho offerings was disposed of. There were only Just a few cornfed steers In the yards nnd most of those were on the commonlsh order. Good stuff would proba bly have sold about steady, but tho unde sirable grades were slow sale, nnd lu most cases n little lower. There were close to seventy-five cars of cows and heifers on sale today, and tho market was steady to a little lower. Prices seemed to be a triflo uneven, as is very apt to be the case when the market has been going down ns rapidly as It has this week. Some salesmen, for that reason, thought they got steady prices, while others thought they had to take off another slice. The market wan not brisk nt any time, and It was late before the pens were cleared. Uulls. cnlves and stags sold at about yesterday's prices, where the quality was satisfactory, but otherwise they were very slow nnd lower. There was a good, strong demnnd today for feeders showing quality and weight, but top much cannot be snld about the way In which cattle weighing from 800 pounds down, and the common cattle of all weights arc selling. Thero Is simply no demand for mm union 01 siock, ana tno prices nt which It Is selling aro extremely low and have been getting lower every day for some tlmo past. Steer calves of good quality have sold fairly well, but heifer calves nre slow sale. There were not very many western beef steers Included In thn receipts tbls morn ing, nnd while the good kinds sold about stendy the common grades were slow nnd generally a llttlo lower. Cows sold steady to a little lower, and good heavy feeder's were steady nnd active. Common feeders were not wanted at any price. Representa tive sales: REEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. 3 943 3 00 1 1) 3 40 1 ,. m 1 so 7..., ,.. 732 1 6 ..,,.; S!U 1 73 2 m 2 01 1 ,..lo:o 2 01 " , 1078 2 10 7 871 2 C 1 910 2 10 7 m i 23 ; 7Jj 25 17.,... SOT 2 33 1, 1110 2 33 3 1013 2.13 1 910 2 SO 1...'. 800 2 50 10 $20 2 M II 2 715 2 M No. Av. Pr. 1 1000 4 CO -1 m 4 93 ws. 7 10SS 2 60 1 720 2 M 2 1042 2 -"! 1 1030 2 60 1 K0 2 63 7 1007 2 63 2 1033 2 K 21 1040 2 70 1 ,1020 2 73 31 t63 2 80 10 999 2 SO 1 1180 3 00 973 3 00 4 876 3 0i 1 1170 3 10 3... STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 630 2t 2 SO 1 1 1 1 1... 1... 30 7, BULLS. 2 21 1..., 2 25 1..., 2 40 1..., 2 40 1.... 2 40 STOCK CALVES 2S0 4 () STOCKER8 AND FEEDERS, , 700 1250 ... 994 ...1270 ...1330 ...1320 ...1400 ...1360 2 40 2 43 2 10 3 00 SCO 603 710 , M 360 , 807 23 25 2 63 2 70 2 75 3 00 19. 1.... 11.... 23 6...., 1.... 803 , 680 , 969 S93 60S . 950 3 00 3 00 3 20 3 23 3 13 3 SO 876 639 639 .1110 645 , 873 2S feeders., 4 feeders,, 3 feeders., 5 feeders., 18 feeders. .1127 21 feeders. .1025 15 feeders,. 636 55 calves... 335 1 calf 330 6 cows 973 4 cows.,,.. 810 3 cows.... 976 26 feeders.., SOU 1 feeder.. 9 feeders. 3 feeders., 2S feeders. .1101 7 cows 870 1 feeder... 890 6 feeders.. 906 1 feeder... 1090 1 feeder... 1000 13 feeders., 914 I feeder... 1240 6 feeders.. 910 18 feeders.. 853 45 feeders.. 8Vi 6 feeders.. 820 9 feeders.. 1064 II cows 72 1 feeder... 760 60 cows 975 6 cows 1010 13 cows 915 10 cows 959 21 cows 1093 42 feeders.. 912 2 feeders.. 795 6 feeders.. 830 2 feeders,. 950 2 feeders.. 930 18 feeders.. 646 20 cows. . . . ,1028 0 feeders.. 950 2 feeders, f 550 33 feeders, .1110 1 feeder... 850 39 cows 970 57 cows 1025 5 cows 928 15 cows.,.;.1000 25COW6..,, M NEBRASKA. SO 3 55 3 00 3 55 2 80 3 65 3 35 3 30 3 00 2 60 2 16 2 65 2 85 2 60 3 23 3 20 3 55 1 25 3 10 3 10 3 10 2 80 3 05 3 SO 3 30 3 30 3 .10 2 50 3 GO 2 85 2 50 2 is) 2 65 2 55 2 10 3 65 3 25 2 25 3 05 3 05 3 OS 2 25 2 65 3 55 3 55 4 35 4 35 2 75 3 05 2 65 2 80 : 50 .1000 .1101 850 18 cows.. 7 cows,. 1 cow... 8 cows 1035 1 cow 10U 4 cows 990 1 bull 990 1 heifer.... 730 1070 00 1 bull 1 heifer... 13 feeders.. 6 10 1 feeder... 700 1 feeder... 620 6 feeders,. 890 4 hulls 915 6 bulls 1281 16 cows 1040 2 cows 710 7 cows 867 2 cows 1135 1 cow,. , . 1 ,1010 1 bull 13V) 7 bulls 1451 5 COWS 1096 13 cows 901 7 cows 1051 24 cows 1031 11 cows 936 1 feeder.. .1180 .1075 .1020 . 975 . K5 .moo 975 40 cows.... 4 cows.... 4 cows.,.. 12 cows.... 4 cows. . . . 97 feeders. . 3 feeders., 601 3 feeders. . 933 3 feeders,. 660 3 feeders.. 5v) 47 feeders,. 11W 6 cows 920 5 feeders. . 950 2 feeders. . 7S5 1 feeder... 86) 17 cows 923 14 cows 916 4 cows 995 12 cows. . . .Win 5 feeders,, Hi 2 75 3 HO 3 00 2 70 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 75 ! 55 2 70 3 00 2 50 2 60 3 20 1 90 1 75 2 65 2 00 2 65 2 (5 2 65 2 65 1 10 2 65 2 75 2 65 2 60 2 m 3 00 2 90 2 6B 2 10 2 80 3 65 3 20 3 05 3 05 2 85 3 50 4 fJ5 2 00 3 6 3 0) 4 35 1 90 2 '0 2 80 2 80 3 25 18 feeders . 858 3 15 5 feeders. . 660 16 feeders S () 43 feeders. P2 65 feeders., 845 2 60 29 cows 931 29 Steers.,. .1006 4W 20 cows 1053 8 cows S77 2 80 2 cows 1133 8 cows 1195 3 10 15 cows MS 6 cows ...1073 2 75 S cows. 10.1) 14 feeders.. 1010 3 155 4 feeders., 910 fi feeders.. 826 8 IO 4 steers. ...low 9 steers. ..10W 2 ft) 10 feeders,. 605 8 calves... 120 6 2j F O. Olson 18 feeders. .1013 3 75 8 feeders.. 9:;7 :i tw C. U Pitman-Neb. 891 2 75 J. ('lark Neb. 620 1 75 4 heifers fan) t 65 35 heifers 891 2 f C. Thledc Neb. : Si a teeners., iwg ! I'm J. Kelly-Neb. rt) 8 cows K0 3 W U. Ballard Neb. 3 00 60 feeders. .1011 Oeorge Hrant Neb. 600 2 25 12 feeders.. 793 Hen Roberts Neb. 17 feeders. .1079 3 25 71 feeders. .10.9 E. Hollcn-Wyo. 60 feeders.. 1090 4 .5 15 cows 1114 10 feeders.. 1057 1 23 1 slug 1110 D. C. Hurdlck yo. 3 feeders.. 850 3 00 25 feeders.. 9S5 K. W. Hatikin-Neiv 68 cows 1 feeder... 2 feeders.. 12 feeders,. 3 feeders.. 890 2 feeders.. 855 W. IS cows 931 7 cnlves... 210 II. 27 feeders.. 810 2 cows. R. Neb. 30 feeders., 1027 770 930 3 25 3 65 3 W 2 0 3 10 3 10 2 ix 3 23 2 61) 3 60 3 35 2 05 2 60 65 1 63 4 cows 81 4 cows KXt b cows... 1 cow...., 30 steers, 11 steers., .1083 .1M) ... 830 9J5 J. 2 50 2 rm 2 65 2 l"i 2 60 2 70 L. Putney 3 feeders.. S10 IS feeders. . 911 31 heifers... 856 3 heifers... 683 32 steers.,.. 775 00 4 0) 3 4) 3 50 3 65 2 90 3 15 2 3i) 2 73 2 50 Neb. 13 cows..,.i 915 8 55 t feeders.. S03 3 10 Helner it C.-S. D. 1 steer 1210 4 60 1 cow .1130 ICO 1 steer 1230 1 60 2? steers.. ..l'.Ol 4 50 14 steers..,. 1035 4 W HOGS There wns by no means a heavy run of hops hern today and sellers for that reason held their droves at stronger prices. Buyers stnrted In bidding Just about steady with yesterday, but they only got ti few loads, as sellers wetc asking nn advance of 2',i'j5c. Packers would not pay it nnd so It wns rather late before very much was done. They finally, however, were forced to raise their bids nnd tho bulk of the hogs sold ut 16.5714 nnd 16.60 or 11 shade stronger than wstfirrlitv. Sonio of the choicer loads went nt 6.62ii and from thnt up to $6.75. Hefore all the loads hud changed hnnds, though. tho market weakened nnd p.iCKers irien 10 buy what wna left at J6.5. and $b.6iVn. It was late before the yards wero cleared. Representative sines: Ml, 71.. 57.. 57.. 82.. 61.. 64 63 62 ei S9 61 (.., CO.. 66. . 59.. 69.... St.... 47.... No. Al ls 224 26 221 SC 231 21 301 36 208 30 214 .210 .196 1.... 60.... 71.... 45.... 66.... S8.... M.... 7,... 57.... 58.... 69. . . . S6.... 70.... 57.... 43.... 61.... 2 ...26.'' ...304 ..2M ..218 ..278 . .2.10 ..221 ..312 ....229 .228 !!"297 ....2V! ....233 ....238 ....200 ....212 ....237 ....263 ....276 ....235 ....247 ....375 ....322 ....247 60 224 72 224 S2 2S7 72 274 77 211 40 400 12i) 240 ICO 80 160 80 240 "m 120 400 80 200 57... 60... 49... SS... SO 40 S) 80 SO SO 160 2S0 120 l'20 200 l 236 64 271 64 234 Pr, 6 :.i) 6 5 6 85 6 53 6 53 6 33 6 57H t7'.i 6 5714 6 571,1 6 67!i 6 57U 6 57'i 6 57a 6 57', 6 ST'i 6 5711 C hV.'t C J7',i 6 Si', a 6 57Vi 6 37 14 6 87ii 6 ii'.s 6 3714 6 57'k 6 S7, 6'57!i 6 57 H 57'j 6 67!, 6 37 1 j 6 57!i 6 57',, 5 57'J 6 57',, 6 57',i 6 57s 6 S7, 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 W 51.., 63.., 57.. S9.. 82. . 61.., 37.. 62.. St.. 74... tY.'.', 57... 54... Av S?) 275 232 227 273 214 26S ,.,.,200 260 239 ..300 ..243 ....257 ....735 ....252 ...265 ...271 ...310 ....2S0 ....266 ....3iW ....253 ...,2S9 ....2.18 ....223 ....248 ....301 ....'.Ml ....213 ....276 ....262 ...251 till. 4'o 80 40 80 120 160 2W 120 80 160 40 2(0 160 40 40 80 40 16i) 244 200 40 200 120 f) 80 Pr. 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 6) 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 6) 6 60 6 60 C 60 6 60 6 60 6 Co 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 GO 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 CO 6 62i 62( 6 6!f!i 6 62 li tl 65 6 65 6 63 16 241 S3 28S ... 63 306 320 74 236 40 20 321 ... C7 ICS 80 S2 273 ... 67 239 ... 30 320 SO 6 73 71 233 120 8 65 54 246 ... 6 SHEEP The recelnts of sheep nnd lambs were liberal again today, making the supply lor 1110 weeK exceptionally neavy, rncRcra nro evidently pretty well filled up, ns they did not tnko hold with much life, nnd the morning was well advanced before very much was done. As a general thing tho linttur irrjulpH nf fives nnd wethers sold at Just about yesterday's prices, but tho lambs xney inea to uuy n lime uiwer, purucuiuny if the quality was not very good. It was a slow market from start to finish on fat stuff, but feeders were active nnd sold without much trouble at fully yesterday s Quotations: Choice yearlings, t3.35l3ii0; fair to( good yearlings, J3.20Q3.35; choice wethers, $3.2oCT3.35; fair to good wethers, $3,004(3.20: choice ewes, 12.763.00: fair to good ewes, 32.23(02.65; choice spring lambs, 11.1514.33: fair to good spring lnmbs, 13.90 4.15; feeder wethers, 12.7o'a3.16: feeder lambs, ueprescmauve saies No. 42 cull ewes 1 native ewe 65 native wethers 2 cull ewes 49 culls 83 western ewes,... 77 western ewes 1 western ewe 4 western ewes 5 western ewes 1,010 Idaho wethers 5S:i feeder wethers 27 western wethers 217 western lnmbs 161 western lambs 535 feeder lambs 989 Wyoming lambs I.003 western wethers 751 Idaho wethers 1,891 Idaho lambs Av. Pr. 89 2 00 SO 2 50 81 3 10 105 2 00 8S 2 60 105 2 75 110 2 75 100 2 75 92 2 75 80 2 75 111 3 00 88 3 CO SS 3 25 61 3 76 61 3 75 42 3 80 62 3 85 112 3 M 97 3 15 67 4 15 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Sheep Aro 3.-CATTLE-Recclpts. ; 1,000 Texaps and 2,000 nest Cnttlc, IIok" nnd About Stonily. CHICAGO. Oct 9.600 head, iiicltldlui: westerns; nest Hienny, sin omers 111111 nnu lower; good to jirlmo steers, $6.156.60; poor to medium, $3.75135.90: stoekors and feeders, ; cows, JI.25fll.C0: heifers, J2.00fi 4.75; dinners, $1.2.Vri2.25; bulls, S1.75f4.5; cnlves, 2.50(t(6.50; Texas steers, $3,0013.90; western steers, $3.76195.25. IIOOS-Rccelpts today, 23.O0O head; tomor row. 20,000 (estimated); left over, 5,000. Mnrket steady to ilrm; mixed and butch ers, $6.35(Jj0.65; good to choice heavy, $6.60 (T).85: ropgh heavy, $6.20ft6.40; light, $6.40 6.50: bulk of sales. $6.40ffi.6O. SHEEP AND LAMHS Receipts. :8.- 000 head; sheep about steady: lambs, steady to 10c lower: good to choice wethers, $3.30 4(3.75; fnir to choice mixed. $3.Ooig3.30; western sheep, $2.50'i3.60; native lambs, $2.60ffj4.75; western lambs, $3.4011' 1.40. Oftlclal yesterday: Recelnts Cattle, 23. 20 head; hogs, 31,465 head: sheep, 23,767 head. Shipments Cattle. 4,S't3 head; hog3, 4,661 head; sheep, 5,730 head. 1 Knniai City I.Ito Stock Mnrket. KANSAS ClTYt Oct. 3. CATTLE Re ceipts, S.OftO natives, 2,600 Texas and 1,300 calves; cornfed steers, steady at recent decline; stockers and feeders, steady: grnss cattle, slow; choice export and dressed beef steers, $5,505(5.65; fair to good, il.6iWj5.60: stockers and feeders, J2.50ftl.35; western fed steers, $4.50(35.50: western range steers, $3.25ifj"l.55; Texas and Indians, $2.50 (U3.60; Texas cows, J2.10J3.10; native cows, $2.6084.25; heifers, $3,00.00; eminent, $1.35 02.50; bulls, $2.60ft3.75: calves. $3.00if5.25. HOOS Receipts. 9,000 head. Murket 65T lOn lower; top, $6.82t.4: bulk of sales, $6.50 flj6.75; heavy. $H.75fi&824: mixed packers, $6.H6.75; light. $6.00ff 6.6ji,; pigs, jS.00tj6.iW. SHEEP AND LAMHS Hecelpts, 1.60) head. Market stendy: western lambs, $3.5) ft4.25: western wethers, $3,001(3.15: ewes, $2.SOfj3.noj feeders, $2.605j3.23; stock sheep, tt.60'02.75. St. .Insriili Mvr Stock Mnrket. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Oct. 3, CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.600 hend. Market uteady on na tives and heavy grassers; others weak to 10c lower; natives. $3.0ofi5.25: Texans and westerns, $2.75i??5.S0; cows and heifers. $1.50 (H5.10: bulls and stags, $J.ooai.S5; stockers and feeders, Jl.MW7l.2o: yearlltiBH nnd calves, J2.00Hj5.85; veals, $3.0)516.00. HOOS-Recclpts. 6.000 head. .Mnrket opened steady to weak and closed Wfi 15c lower; light nnd light -.mixed, $6.40-116..;. medium nnd heavy, $6.50fj6.8iH; plBB, $i..a ff(6 SO- bulk. $6.6O0.05. SHEEP AND LAMBS - Receipts. 4.400 head, Market steady; top native lambs, $4.50; top Wyoming wethers. $3.15; lambs, J 50-h4.S ; yearlings, $2.85'33.3i; ewes, $2.60 '$ wethers, $2.7OTj3.20. Nevr York Live Stock Market, NEW YORK. Oct. Il-BEEVES-Rccelpts. 800 hend, mainly consigned direct; no sales reported: dressed beef. Hteady; native, 10Q c per lb,, Texas beef, IWittoi cables, un changed: exports, 150 beeves, CALVES-Hecelpts. 193 head, Market eak: veals, common ki iiur, i. vnn.i a; xnPserH. J3.00TJ3.50, 1 car western calves, SliEEP AND LAMHS - Receipts, fi,. i9 head, JlurKOi siow ami wciik: sneep, I.6O5J3.00; lambs, $l.235J5.12',ij dresht'd inut- HIS. tiljie; ureeii uuuix", tu,vi-, HOOK-Recclpts, 2,002 head; ubout two cars on sale. Market weak. St. Louis Lire Stock Mnrkrt. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 3 CATTLE Receipts, 4.000 head. Ineltidlng 3,500 Texans; market Blow and tiilOc lower; uatlvo shipping and w g $3 489 J2 tons export steers. $.V00JI8.33: dressed beef and butcher steers, J4.uitf5.55; steers under LOW) lbs,, J2.SOfr5.30j stockers and feeders, M.faft JiiO; cows and heifer. $3.00Sr5.00; canners, $1.252.25; bulls. J2.251j3.60; Texas nnd Indian steers, J3.00y3.I5; cows and heifers, J3.13W 3.3o, ,,.c9:,,l'cl,!, CM head; market weak nnd 101720c lower; pigs nnd lights, J6.3ilj6.15; ,inJ'.k.prr,',(5-J'fI,5-45 butchers, $6.5006.70. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts, 3,500 head; market steady for lambs and 100 ilgher for sheep, native muttons, $3.(03.K; lambs, $3.,oj4.6o, culls and bucks. $3.00(83.25; stcckcrs, $2.20. Stuck In SlKht. The following tnhto shows tho receipts of catt e, hogs nnd sheep nt tho live principal stock markets for October 3; I'ntflA llA.a C3I.MA.. South Omaha t.tvso 5,oil 11,72.1 I.IIIUIIKU Kansas City lo,5c0 St, Uuils 4.I..H) St. Joseph 2,000 23-OitO '.MHO 6.500 6.6 18,000 1,000 3,500 4.4(0 Totals i 30,680 60.611 39,2.M Co flee Mnrket, NEW YORK. Oct. 3.-COFFEE-flpot, Rio, quiet; mild, nulct; Cordova, 7Htd1c Tho market opened steudy In tone, with prices 5510 points lower, under liquidation of a room character, prompted by weak ness abroad nnd tho tremendous primary receipts. Within n row minutes after the call, however, the feeling among traders changed for tho better nnd demand from both locnl und foreign houses steadied prices to almost the level of the previous day's close by midday, although trading was not particularly active irt any time; tho close was unchnngrd to 5 points net lower, with sales of 17,230 baps. Including: October. 1.93c. December, 5.0ujt6.10c; Jan uary, 5.20c; March, 6.40c; May, 5.6Jc; June, 5.60c; July, 5.70i3.75c, (III nnd Hoslii. NEW YORK. Oct. 3.-OIL-Cottonsced. firm: prime yellow, 42ff43e. Petroleum, steady: rcllned New York, $7.65: Philadel phia and Baltimore, In hulk, 13. R,iln, steady; strained, common to good, $1,124. Turpentine, stendy at 36H5?37c. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 3.-OIL-Cottotipee.l, Hull refined, spot, qutct nt 23s Cd. Turpen tine, quiet nt 26s 9d. Rosin, common, stendy at 4s 14d. Petroleum, refined, stendy at 7(1. Llusccd, steady at 32s, Wool Mnrkrt. ST. LOl'IS. Oct. 3.-WOOI.-DU1I; medium grades. 12Hffl7c: light line. 12UW14Wc: heavy line. 9WiilHc; tub wnshed, I2324c. r m m m m i m m m m m m m m CHEAP FUEL COMING ill to 0i ft ft to to to to to to United States Fuel Oil Go. to 144-14(1 Endlcott flnlldlnic. Ill St. Paul, Minn. Stock 7 Cents Per Share. No lean The only company Inter ested in lirlnclna; erode nil to the North nnd Writ for fnel purpose. Do yon Trant cheaper Kneir than 100 luaneil. ahnrea You Know About Ihe Company. All Off the Mnrket Soon. to to to to to to HV SPECIALS $13 Buffalo and Return $13 $29 NewYork and Return $29 The Wabash from Chicago will soil tickets nt tho abovo rates dally. Asldo from these rates the Wabash runs through trains over Its own rails from Kansas City, SL Louis and Chi cago to Buffalo and offers many spe cial rates during tho summer months, allowing stop-overs at Niagara Falls and Buffalo. Bo suro your tickets read via the WABASH ROUTE. For rates, folders and other Information, call on your nearest ticket ascnt, or write HAiiny IS, MOORF.S, Gen. Agt. Pass Dept., Omaha, Neb. Or C. S. CRANE, Q. P. & T. A., St. Louis, Mo. Is your office cold in winter? If It In, tho bost thins J""" enn do Is to move nntl move now. It nmy save you sotuo doctors' bills, to sny nothing of nnuoyiineo and discomfort. The Bee Building Is tho wnrnicst bcKt heated best ventilated best-In-evcry-rcHpect building lu Omalia. R. C. Peters & Co. Rental Agents Ground Floor Kee Hldg. UY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS MANUFACTURED BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYURP CO,, NOTE THE NAMB, 'Otrpliour ion. Boyd Commission Co Successors to James K. Boyd Co., OMAHA, NUB. COMMISSION GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND STOCK. Ilukid of Trad Handing. Direct wires to Chicago and New York, i.vtteuanc,r( Jvbu a, Wuirun & C. I J i i-4