10 THE OJfAHAMILY BEE: FRTDAV, OCTOT5ET? 1. 1001. LOOKING INTO ASSESSMENTS Bttl Eetat Eichaigs Suppliit Majority of So&rdi nf Rtlew. COMMISSIONER HOPES TO EQUALIZE VALUES Ilim llrd.ir. il Itrnl llntr 1, 000,(100 III Att$trruntv mill l Trjlnn In (Srt More l'rriinnl Properly on the Tin Holla, In the dlertiRston of the question of as sessments upon real estate before the Ileal Kstate oxchatigo there was considerable reference to the Hoard of Review, that body which passes upon the work of the tax com missioner before the books nro referred to the Hoard of Equalization. The board con sists of two members, appointed by the mayor, and the tax commission In addition to tho latter official. It Is their duty to qunllzc to a certain extent the assess ments. The law require that the two members appointed by tho mayor shall bo freehold ers of the city, and It has been the custom ln6o the law went Into effect In 1&97 to appoint persons Identified with the real es tate Inteiests. The first board thus ap pointed was for tho purpose of passing upon tho assessment made for the tux levy ef ISM. It ronslsted of John L. MrCague and Harry I). Heed In addition to the tax commissioner, Kred Sackett. The second board, In mid It Ion to the tax commissioner, consisted of Harry I). Heed and John Hush. They passed upon tho assessment used in H99. For tho two succeeding years th members nf tho board otner than the tax commissioner were John Hush and It, 8. Berlin, Of the members thus appointed all were either personally or through thnlr firnn members of the Heal Estate exchange with the exception of John Hush. 'I'm Vnliir Arc I'liiiilllfcril, Harry I). Heed, who for two years was a member of tho board, protested strongly against nny course which would have tho ffect of lowering the assessment on tho real estato within tho borders of the original townslto of Omaha, saying that when tho law providing for tho board of review first wont Into effect this property was bearing considerably less than Its Just proportion of tho real estate tux of tho city nnd that thn board In tho first two years had considerable trouble In ndvanclng tho rissessmentH to n point where they would tm fairly oqultnble as compared with the assessments placed upon property In tho additions, when the earning power of tho real estate was taken Into consideration. In this position he was supported by A. I. Tukey and ono or two other members of tho exchange. Tho next board of review will bo ap pointed by Mayor Moores somo time be tween now nnd November 13, tho time when, tinder the terms of the law, they must co.tveno for the purposo of examining nnd passing upon the tax rolls as prepared !y tho tux commissioner. Trlliliti- on I'rrmiMiiil (infill. In connection with this matter Tax Com mlfcsloncr Fleming says that ho Is doing all that ho possibly can to equalize the ns fccrsmcnt between real estate and personal property and believes that he will have accomplished much more In this respect thun tho mcro mutter of reducing tho tax upon real estntn In tho city generally about $1,000,000 from the assessment nf last yenr. "I have Instructed my assistants," said he, "lo mnko a close examination In the value of thn personal property In tho dis tricts whero they work, especially In the jnntter of horses, carriages, Jewelry and watches. I havo told them that there nre homes and horses nnd that I could not understand tho system which permitted the couch horsa and tho roadster with a long) pedigree to bo returned at thn same valu ation as tho draft horse and tho plug used by tho draymen nnd haulers. "In this way I expect to Increase the ntflofiscd valuation upon Omaha personal properly considerably; so much so that I bellevo It will havo a small effect anyway upon tho levy, but I realize that no man under the present laws can mako a per fect showing In this matter. It Is easy to conceal personal properly of value nnd tho assessors havo no power to make ehrowd examinations." Opals for October. Kdholm, Jeweler. Thn Hathery Is open Thursday and Sat urday evenings. For appointments tolo phono 1716 or call 216-220 Ileo Ilulldlng. Get tho best Cramer's Kidney nnd Liver Cure; DOe and $1.00. Sold by all druggists. Khun:, City, Mil. From Oet. G until Oct. 12 tho Missouri raclllo Itiillwny will sell round trip tlckots to Kanias City nt tho ono wny rnto. Kor further Information call nt union station or city offices, S. E. Cor. 14th nnd Douglas. THOS. I'. GODFREY. P. & T. A. T)ld you evci buy furniture nt your own prlco before? Watch our window. Shlv rlck Furnlturo Co. Dr. W. J. Ilrownrlgg has returned from his ranrh In Wyoming nnd will be nt his ofilco during the fall and winter. Publish your legal notices in Tho Weekly "flee. Telephone 238. Watch the downhill prices In our east Window. Shlvrrlck Furnlturo Co. Tiffany wedding rings. Kdholm, Jeweler. 1 nir.n. n.KISCHMANN-Kmmn. October 2. inn), ngcil :n years 2 mouths, beloved wife of Hmll t Flclschnmtiu and mother of Wil liam, John ami IIohkIo Klelxchmnnn. Funeral Friday afternoon, October 4. nt 2 o'clock, from Mnul-navls Companv pnr lors, 419 South Fifteenth Htrcet. Interment Forest Uiwn cemetery. Friends invited. r extra large cakes 10c, or three for 25c, Eight ounce bottles Florida Water, 25c, Our La France Perfume beats them all I only 50c an ounce. New Wool Shirt Waists Coming in Every Day. PLAN TO RETAIN MOISTURE Mr. Cnnililif II of lloldrcKr linn mi Idea Which He Prrnentu In Jtrn ntor Mlllnril. H. W. Campbell of Holdrege, an expert In tho treatmnt of soil for the storage of moisture, Is In Omaha consulting with Sen ntor Millard. The railways of Nebraska are Inteicsted In Mr. Campbell's Investiga tions and arc assisting him In his efforts to hao the government establish n station In Nebraska, whero his ylati for retaining moisture can be thoroughly tested. SMALL FIRE AT SWIFT PLANT llniul l.iimii In no mine llriinrlniriit lisplnili-, CmiikIiiu Vri) Mlluht Dm in n ue. The oxploMon of a hand lamp In the sau sage department of Swift and Company's South Omaha plant shortly after noon yes terday started a fire, which was put out be fore material damage wns done. An ulnrm was turned In, but employes of tbo company put the lire out before the members of the department arrived. "(iiirlniid" Stolen mill ltniiKC Awarded first prize, Paris exposition, 1000. Aiiiikihu'imuciiIk of Ihr Tl,rntpr. Stuart Hobson nppcars at the lloyd to night and Saturday matinee In "The Hen rietta " He Impersonates the character of "Hertle. the Lamb," This. It Is said. Is Mr. Hobson's last appearance as Hertle and ' very few cities arc to be visited. Tho cur tain will rise promptly nt 2 o'clock for the matinee. To tbnt class of theater-goers who de light In tho higher form of the drama, tho nnnouncemcnt of tho forthcoming engage ments of Annie Russell In "A Royal Fam ily," nt Hoyd's theater on Monday nnd Tuesday, October 7 nnd 8. brings with It special delight for more than one reason. In the first place wo nro to have the oriel nnl New York star, cast nnd production. In tho second plnco wo nro to bo Invited to attend an Interpretation of a play that fairly scintillates with witty dialogue ami brilliant hou mots. Tho scats will be placed on xnlo this morning, Commencing Saturday, October 6. all freight houses wilt close at 3 p, m. on that da: Physicians recommend our treatment for rheumatism as the most successful. Ladles only. The Hnthory, 216-220 Hco bldg. Tlo pliono 1716. Nt. I.nulft, Mo. From Oct. 6 until Oct. 11 tho Missouri Paclllc Railway will sell round trip tickets to St. Louis, Mo., nt the ono way rate. For further Information cnll nt union sta tion or elty offices. S. K. Cor. 14th nnd Douglas Sts. THOS. F. GODFREY, P. & T. A. I'lflh Wnrtl Itrpiilillcnn Thoro will bo a meeting of tho Fifth Ward Republican club nt Young's hall, 16th nnd Corby streets, Friday ovenlng. Oct. 4, 1001. All candidates earnestly requested to attend. Prominent speakers. C. W. Do LA MATH E, Pres. PAUL H. SEWARD, Sec'y. Rich cut glnss. Kdholm, Jeweler. I.imv Hntr KxriirRlnn To Ohio and Indiana points; nlso Louis ville. Ky., via H. & O. S.-W.. September 17 nnd 24 and October 1 nnd 8. Good returning thirty days. Call on nearest ticket, agent or nddress F. D. Olldorsleove. District Pas senger Agent, St. Louis, Mo. Notice of nivtilrnd. Dividend of 60 per cent of tho halanco duo creditors of tho Ocrman Savings bank Is now ready for distribution at my office, 106 No. lGtb, on nnd nfter Sept. 28, 1901. THOMAS II. M'CAflllR Receiver of tho German Savings Dank of Omaha. Why suffer with rheumatism? Tho Hathery, 216-220 Bee bldg. Tclophone 1716. For ladles only. Reduced rates to New York and return via Michigan Centrnl. "Tho Niagara Fulls Route," good for return within twentv days nnd for stopover nt Niagara Falls and lluffalo. City ticket ofllce. 119 Adams street. Chicago. Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure Is th best; two sizes, 60c nnd $1.00. Druggists. Send articles of incorportlon. notices of stockholders' meetings, etc.. to The Ilea. Wo will give them proper legal Insertion. Telepbono 23$. All kinds of baths, scientific massage. Lndles only. Tho Bathcry, 216-220 Bco bldg. Tel. 1716. Gorhnm silver. Kdholm, Jeweler. No Dust There uso''Cre " (1"St 11,0 I,nuso whero they "Saunders' Ruby Floor Oil." .imLh 1 Jv,1I1bo i01""' "11 easily applied tlnlsh for hnrd nnd xoft wood floor, lln- fJlPUIII. PI IV ' M.'i .h1!!.lJ.!1.? '""flnl Itinllty of prwei.ll.i sweeping, "m,r whcn DIRECTIONS. The floor should be entirely clean .mil dry. Then apply with n sponge, ra bat ting or wool rag. rubbing W1 n ,, u"l nV only enough oil to thoroughly cover 1 floor. 1 Hurfnces treated with "SAPNi-w.'rYc' ItlTHY FLOOR OIL" will J,o fomiVentVefv SOLD ONLY HY Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go. SIXTKKXTII AXn IinilOK NTH HUT, Mrs. J. Benson See the Regal Toilet Soaps in honey, glycerine and oatmeal. We are selling ELOPING COUPLE ARRESTED FifUn-Year-Old Lucy Htffman'i Romanct Snstaiai a Rod Shook. P.t SUITOR CHARGED WITH CHILD THEFT Mm- .ror nt :t O'clock In the Morn Imk to .Heel 1 1 1 in In (lie Poetic MonnllKlit mill ."Now Iter Drriini of Low In yhnltercil, Vincent Hoffman, n sturdy old German farmer from near Hndar, Neb., stood In the reception room of tho police station yester day morning, and with tears coursing down his cheeks, begged his daughter Lucy to re turn with him. "What have I done! What have I done, that n daughter of mine should disgrace her poor old parents!" he sobbed. Lucy, who is 13 years old, stood be fore him, shame-fneed nnd with down cast eyes, making no reply. It was evident to those who looked on that there was no longer nny glamour of romance about tho situation as viewed by her. .She had risen at 3 o'clock on tho morning of October 2, nnd, moving very cautiously so ns not to nwnke her 12-year-old sister, hnd made a bundle of her simple wardrobe. Hut tho stnlrs creaked us she started down, and tho llttlo girl called: "Whero aro you going, Lucy?" "I'm going to sco Millie," was the whis pered answer. Millie was u married sister living In the second farmhouse down the road, but Lucy hnd no Intention of going there. She knew Gcorgo Ketter wns waiting for her In tho buggy down behind thn cottonwood copse, for thnt was the trystlng place ngrced upon nnd a moment before she had seen him In tho moonlight driving by nnd ho had waved to her with his whip. So ihe stolo a look Into tho chamber of her nged fnther and mother as she passed. It would be the last time she would ever seo them sho thought; then she tiptoed out of the kitchen door, because the front door squeaked on Us hinges nnd might wake tho household. A moment later, as the buggy reached the summit of the hill, she asked Georgo to stop n moment thnt she might tnko ono last look at tho old home place. Kor nn Instant she wns nlmoHt tempted to turn back, but she didn't. Tho eloping couple wns nrrestcd at union station nt I o'clock Wednesday afternoon, upon authority of telegraphic Information received from the girl's father. Yesterday tho father arrived In the city with Sheriff K. V. Hass of I'lerce county. The latter carried u warrant charging lCet ter with child stcnllng, and, today tho quartet will return. Ketter said he was Intending to take tho girl lo Arkansas, where she was to work out until she wns nf age, then ho was going to marry her. They had known each other for about threo months. Ho had been moved to elopn with her becnuso her father hnd forbidden him to call upon her. Tho father sayH ho had nn objection to Ketter, and that his only reason for deny ing him he privileges of his parlor was the girl's youth. He thought she was too young to have n beau. WHAT BILL IE THINKS We met our friend Ulllie from North 24tli street this morning ami bo savx he tbtnkH the C'OMIIINATION HAND will have to reorganize iih it Is nhotit to Ht'ST, nt nnv rule hn wild the Ultl'.M WAS HI'HTHD, nnil iih the drum MAKIffi MO1II0 NOISK than nil the lest of a bund Oh" THIS KIND; something will lmv to bo done quick. The lender of this Ivuid, the one who wields the .MAtllP WANlt. must bo out of town on a hunting trip, otherwise he would not allow Ids members to talk this way. Tut up your J.l.no .-jitece agiiln boys and start another DIIUG TKlST, It's n GOOD THING (?) PI.IHI IVrtioii ns,. $1.00 Austin's llnlr Tonic 0c J1.00 Temptation Tonic 75i $1.00 Newbro's llerplctdo 60c $1.(0 KIiU'h Hulr Tonlo ;r.'o $l.i) Allsslua llnlr Tonic rrc -.", .Hhriiiler'n IMur INtuiIrr Is,, DOe Cramer's Kidney Curo iflc iino Victor I'IIIk .-. 2.1c Woodbury's Kaee Powder ):te 23o box Ilest Soap of .1 cakes ir,e tflo Caldwell's Syrup repwln ;7C $2.00 Knrl Cramer's Cotton Hoot. Tanny and rennyroynl l'llls .t) Goods delivered FHEI3 to nnv part of city. SGHAEFER'S Tel. 747. S. W. Cor. Kith nnil Chlcnuo 'SCQFIELD CLOAIC&SUITCO. JACKETS $2.00 Kvcry lady or miss who wants a good stylish Jacket should come In nnd sco our linn that goes on snlo Friday morning for $2.00 each. These Jackets havo originally sold from $10.00 to $1S.00 nnd tho sizes run from .11 to 10. After looking over this lino of fine Jackets let us show you our lino of fine dress skirts, suits, cloaks and flannel wnlsts. IK SC0FIELD r CUW&SUITCO. IfSlO Douulna Nt. $5,000,00 in Government Bonds Wo will pny the abovo amount where Fig Powder falls to pre vent appendicitis. No other medicine enn clalrr this hut Shrader's Fig Powder. If you nre In doubt, try It. Doctors enn send for sample, free. Ad dress W. J, Shrader Medicine Co., New York Room 10, No. 30 Kast 14th 3U or 1C02 N. 21th St., Omaha, Nob. TRENTON COAL is ono of tho best soft coals bright, clean and lasting. Lump and Egg, $5,75 Per Ton Nut, $5.50 Per Ton. C. 6. Havens & Co,, 1522 rarnam St. Tcls. 317 und 825. BOSTON STORE REMNANTS Our Friday Remnant Sales arc Largely Attended for the Hcason I hat the Bargains are Excep tionally Great Today's Sale Offers Thousands of Money Saving Opportunities. BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Hciniinnt or DrcM (iooil. f0c quality of wool millings, cashmeres, checks, plaids, evening shades nnd black, brllllantlnes, nil wool, chnllls and striped wnlstlngs, in remnants from 2 to -l yards. Many pieces to match on sale on main floor bargain square at ISc and 23c yard. $1.00 storm serges, navy blue nnd black, skirt nnd waist lengths, l!c yurd. Hcniiiiint, ,lf sliu Vrhcl fin nnil 10c llneli. Velvets for waists, velvets for millinery PUrpOSeS, VClVetS fur nnnlturnr. vnlvntu Tnr nil kinds of trimmings, worth from $l.nn to f-.u, iii oiacK ami nil colors, go according to length, ' li yard lengths, fie. 'fc yard lengths, 10c. 1 yard lengths, BOc. Mlk Ciulirohlcicil IVcncli rimillcU llc Vnril. An Immense as.qnrl mnnt nf ftlnli nlnni alllf embroidered flannels, these aro $1.00 quality on saio at 4',ic yard. Mlk MciiimiiitN ii( .)(. , nn,. Vnril. This Includes remnants of high clnss silk, many worth $1.00. $1.50 nnd $2.00 yard, go In skirt lengths, waists lengths, trimming lengths, at 49c nnd (J9c yard. Mil nnil i:ii,h Millinery. 100 dozen walking hats, military hats, fedorn hats, ready-to-wear hats, all trim med, go in our basement at 25c und 50c each. llcintiniitN of Luce. Itemnnnts and odd pieces of all kinds of lino lace, worth up to 2,V, go nt fie yard. Odd lots of ladles' silk neckwear worth tip to 25c, go at Cc each. IIOMli-ry nnil I'nilern en r. Children's ribbed fast black hose, 2e pair. Odd nnd end loin of men's fancy socks, 2c pair. Misses', children's nnd boys' underwear worth r.Oc, go nt inc each. Lace Curtain Sale, Monday, Oct. 7th J.500 Pair of fine Lace Curtains at About Half Price- DO YOU REALIZE that the Christmas lmlldiin will soon be here- You may nerd some HUggestlonH In t,0 way -.f Christmas gifts. Our store Is mil of '"lirint iiiiih Miiggcstlons new our'rc """UlCS "l S. W. LINDSAY, the Jeweler, 1S1( DoiiIjis St. Tfl GREATEST VALUES EV12U OFFKIlF.fl IN NUW AND I'SKD PIANOS are lo be found at tho mime houso of SCHMOIiLKR & Ml'KI.Lint. 200 instruments to select from. Including the greatest piano In tho world -tho STKINWAV. Also u specially selected stock of VOSK, K.MKHSON. IV'KKS & POND, A. II. CIIASK. .MASON & 1IAJIUN, STUCK, PACKARD, STKtlKU. and many others. Ebony Upright Tn.OO Inliog.iiiy Upright 905.00 Beautiful Walnut Upright . .$n.0l) Now Sample rhinos, $US, int and up. Handsome pianos for rent. Artistic tuning nnd repairing promptly done. WK SKLL, NKW PIANOS ON $5.00 MONTHLY PAY.MHNTS. SCHMOLLER The Largest Piano 1313 Farnam St, Iowa Branch 337 Broadway, LOOKING Tf yo.i nro wlno you will comn in now Inter If you Hnd anything that HUltH you Letter we will g a I ' , (, li.. oxAihSko Our stock Ih full nnd complete and we linvo many new and elm ' rle ei hi inidn for presentB-wo'll tnko plniHiire In allowing you whether y,,,, wImI! to buy or !ot Mawhinney & Ryan Co., Jewelers nnd Ai t Stittioners, Intlinnd DihirIi.s Streets. T PEELEY "' ' 1. rilDE "". !' "illy w DriinkeiliieNN, fiircs kih:i.i:y i.v.stituti Fall Pictures This Is n good time, now that the leaves are turning, for Inking nieo photos. We are exclusive dealers In kodaks and cameras und can show you tho largest nssortment of high grade Instruments In tho west. Our No. 22 0x7 Special Is tho bent camera on tho market today for tho monov. Call and seo us or writo for particu lars. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER C0A1P ANY 1215 Fitrnttm Street. Wholesalo and rotull dealers In Thoto Supplies. Developing nnd Finishing for Amateurs. He iimniilA In lliiciiient. The greatest array of basement rem nants that wo havo shown for n long time. Kxtra heavy light colored outing Manuel. 5c yd. Finest quality Kngllsh flnnnelette. S'frc yd. Itfi-lnch Imitation French llnntiel, lie yd. 27-Inch Imitation French ll.mnol, T'.se yd. Sfi-lnch wide line percale, S',4o yd, tixtru heavy mercerized sateen, worth 10c, nt 12'4c Ml. All kinds nf eiderdown flannel, worth "5c mill remnants nt l'.le vil. India llnous nnd Inwns, worth 12':c, at 5c yd. Turkey red and gntnet prlnls. nic yd. I'xtru heavy drapery velours, 2'Je yd. Fringed carpet remnnntH, suitable for rugs. In velvets, body brussels nnd wiltonw, worth $2.50, go at T5e each. 11. (Ml I'll lie) IUIiIhiu 1 1 in it (i ii I x. l.-ir Vil. IlemuantH of all silk fancy millinery rib bons. In satin toiTcta. moire, plain nnd fancy, stripes, plaids, printed warps, In fact all the absolutely new nnd novel ribbons that njways sell regular nt $1.00 yd., go at 15c yd. .-. nnil fillc milium llciniiniilM, .'c. All the remnants of 25c nnd 50c fancy nnd plain ribbons in new and beautiful patterns nnd colorings, stripes, overshot tillk taffeta, most of them would be u rare bargain at 50c, nil in one big lot nt 5c yd. I.mllct' .'lie licit, fir. Odds nnd ends of fancy leather and vel vet belts that sold wholesalo as high as $1.50 dozen from lb In stork, nt Cc each. I. mile' fiOc eck u en r, Be, All the odds nnd ends of ladles' silk neck wear nnd fancy nam! bows that told as high as $1.50 a doz., go at 5c each. .c llottenlieru TIiIIck, ,c. All the odds and ends nf Imitation Hat lenberg tidies nnd splawhers. made to sell at 2re, go In one lot at 5c each. sr sOHS House in the West. Omaha. Tsl. 1625. Council Bluffs. Tel, 378, AHEAD. 11(1 Il1'k'n Vtnr unlnnllm. HI...! ... "liillUi.Ml of Hie Ke,.,.y Nymci,, f .t. Ki-eley IiinIIIiiU In N.l.ijlsl.u (ii rci llrnu' I'Korn, Tohii t Ijnith. TIIU II mill I.eiM ciMvnrlli, Oniiilin, "iT.lt r mm It feels good In tho evening, and besides tho heat thoro Is nothing moro eherful than u grato lire. Wo recommend nur Jupiter Lump nt $5.7. a ton for burning In grates, or If you prefer wood wo havo tho best Missouri Oak j - largo size. Hald 6c Rice, Tel. 1238. 500 So, Kith St. 0 MUELLER. 21 CLOTHING Our so lee tod patterns for autumn and winter are extremely neat and effective, and many exclusive, in all just such a showing as should he made hy a first class custom-tailor. With this advan tage, a much hetter idea of the patterns can he gained when made up than from a tailor's sample. This is one of the ad vantages we claim for KEADY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING. Others are, the fact that they are readv-to-wear and their much lower cost. Disadvantages, we admit of none. In tit, finish and general desirability we invite comparison between our cloth ing and the best custom work produced as to cost, the following prices on sea sonable items are a good index: Men's Fall and Winter Suits $4.50 up Men's Fall and Winter O'Coats $5.00 up HAYDEN S Bargain Room Thousands of ynrds of It KM N A NTS of dress goods, sIIWr, flannelettes, outlnic fUn nels, miiHllus, velvet llnlngH and other goods, nnd will ho closed out tomorrow nt ft trifle of their eost. Thin will undoubtedly ho tho greatest Bale of high grade remnants we ever had, as we want tho room. UK A I) CAUKKUI.M" AND YOU WIlA. KIND KVKHY ARTICLE AS ADVRRTISED. HUNTS. 2'jc and ri4e 1 easo full standard prints, worth 7'.c at 2'.se. 2.1 rases of short lengths of Indigo blues, I'nclttc fancies, Merrlmao robes for nullts, etc., worth up to 70 per yard, nt 3!4c. AHtON (UNOIIAMS a',4c. fi cases of extra heavy lino npron checks, worth (Use, nt .H4e. .16-Inch lino Imported Scotch ginghams, tho 2fe grade, at G'fcc. 3t;-INC'II HCIlt'AI.KS. Be 25 eases IIG-lneh perenles, In dark and light colors, tho 23c grade, all you want by the yard, at Tic. 3'5-lnrh lino percnles, tho finest grade made, 7lc. Imported percales, O'.fcc. Ot'TINC. IM.ANNKI.S, r.e., DO.MKTS. ETC 10c extra heavy outing flannels, In dnrk and light colors, line styles, nt fie. S'iic ahaker flannel. .I'Ae. IHc grado outing flannel, 7ViC. KI.ANNEI.KTTES. r.e. 7VjC nnd 10c 10 cases of short lengths, In 10c flannel ettes, fine printing, etc.. .'c. ft cases of mill lengths. In nil thn fine colorings, extra weight, worth 15c. nt 7Vjc. 1 enses of 3fi-lneh extra line French llnn nelettcs. Bold this season nt 19c, nt 10c. 30-Inch extra heavy lino flannelettes, with border for waists or klmonas, nt 5c. DOMESTICS. SHEETINGS. ETC 10 bales of extra lino unbleached muslin, worth fio yard, at 2 7-Se. 5 bales of royal I.I., the finest LI. In the market, worth t!o yard, at 3 7-Sc. 15 bales of Lonsdale muslin, In lengths from I to 12 ynrds, worth 12V4c, at 5c. 7',-ic muslins, extra line, at 5c. SM-c drillings, extra heavy, at 5c. 10c walst-llnlngs, at 5c. 12'4e covert cloth, nt 5c. 100 dozen towels, worth 12n each, 7'&c. 50 dozen towels, worth 5c, nt 2e. SILKS. VELVETS AND COItDUUOYS 2c, Ec, 7c, !)c nnd up. 1-4, 1-2, 3-8, 3-1 yards of remnants of Kllks and velvets nt 2c, 5c, 7c, 0c and up. TaennopB, worth 25c, at 10c. Plain silks, all colors, at Iflc. 50-Inch checked Japanese silk, at 10c. 75c waist silk nt 30c. 1.00 wnust silk, .at 10c. Jl..-,0 silk flannels, at 49c. 50c velveteens, all colors, 19c. $1.00 corduroy, nil colors, at 30c. $1.5(1 grenadine, In black Bilk, very fine, only 40e. DHESS GOODS 60,000 yards of all wool and part wool remnants, on two lnrgo sqtinres, nt 1-3 of renl values. 5 cases or nleo, bright plaids, worth 10c, at 5c. $2 PILLOW SHAMS FOR C,9c. Wo place on sale 600 pillow shams and renter pieces, worth $1 to $2 each, the very finest embroidered und spnehtel work, at 69o each. Not sold In (uantlties. 1,000 boxes of HBLDINO HROS' best sow ing silk In 20-yaid spools, blacks and col ors, on salo at ! spools for 6c. Remember you get 120 yards of the best sowing silk made for 6c. No off brand, but thn very best of standard make. NEW DRESS TRIMMINGS Wo will open thu drcsa trimming season with n grand salo on all kinds of black, white nnd colored appliques, escurlnl bands, crochet trimmings, Venlco nnd Arabian laco trimmings at special cut prices. 25o DRESS TRIMMINGS. 1c YARD. This Is a lot of odd pieces of fine col ored dress trimmings for children's dresses bought from tho fnetory on salo at lc a yard. THE HIO SALE ON SILK FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OFFERS THE GREAT EST OF HAROAINS Wo never showed Biieh flue silks. Wo never showed so mnny silks nnd wo never did slch big silk business ns this fall. These prices will tell you tho reason why. All colors in China silk, worth 40c, at 25c. All colors In surah silk, worth 60c, at 35c. All colors In tnlfcta dlk. worth 75c, at 49c. , , Fancy silks of all kinds In blnrk and col ors, worth $1, at only 40c. Illack and colored taffetas, 27-lnchcs wide wfirth $1, nt only COc Seo tho flno black grenadines, doublo width, worth $2, on sain at $1.00. 60 boxes line silk face black velvet at 69c. Do you wear tho Laurel silks? They aro tho world's best. Wo aro the Omaha agon ry. LADIES' $1,50 GLOVES, 40c. A big purrhaso of ladles' $1 and $1 50 lino kid gloves, In nil colors nnd sljes, will bo on salo Friday Theso splendid, new, HAYDEN BROS Pridav is Remnant Day in the 5 cases of double fold debclges, worth 16e at Cc. C cases of doublo fold fancies, worth ISc, at 7lc, 5 cases of strictly all wool granite cloth, worth 75c yard, nt 49e. 3 cases of all wool German henrlctta, 3?e. 3 eases of 36-Inch English cashmeres, worth 35e, nt 10c. 5 cases of black satin bcrber. the 75c trade, at 29c. 1 case of crepons, tho 49c grade, nt 25c. 5 cases of $1,00 plaids, nt 39c. 5 rases of 25c plaids, nt 2r. 5 rases of 25c. fancies, worth 19c, At 10c. WAISTINGS, FRENCH FLANNELS, AND CHALLIS $1.00 nleo fancy wnlstlngs In nil colors, nt 19c. Strictly all wool fancy stripes, the 75e grade, at '39c. Strictly nil wool dots, figures, tc, tfaa 75e grade, nt 25c. Hald French flannels, tho 7or. grade, ISc. All the plain colors In wnlsttng flannels, at 21c. 1 caso of strictly all wool chnllls, worth 50c, at 29c. 1 ease half wool challls, nt 19c. COMFORTS. ULANKETS, ETC $1.00 cohiforts nt 59c. $1.25 comforts nt 73c. $1.60 comforts at OSc. $1.00 blankets at 69c. ' $1.25 blankets nt "Cc. $1.50 blankets at OSc. FURNISHING GOODS Children's enmol hair underwear, 10c( 12V&C. 15c, 10c and 25c. Children's flno llcccc lined, 10c, 15c, 10c, and 25c. Men's 76c fleece lined underwear, extra fine at 39c. Men's heavy winter, ribbed, 19c. Men's 50c llceco lined, 25c. Ladles' 15c hose, 7V4c Children's 15c hoso 74c Men's 25o ties, 5c. Men's 60c suspenders, nt 25c. Iloyn' 25c suspenders, at 10c. Men's extra heavy Jerfey shirts, regular prlco $1, nt 03c. ri.oi iiiNn. Roys' $3.00 nil Wool Suits ; $1.45 Hoys' $2.50 Woolen Suits 95a IloiB' $3.00 Reofors 1.60 Hoys' $2.60 Reefers ..2.'i ' Dnua1 4. fin nil U'nnl Pnnrt Pnlln 0'i Hoys' $1.00 Corduroy l'nnts 60n Hoys' 85c nil Wool l'nnts 40n lloyH' 75c all Wool l'nnts. 35c, Men's $4.00 Odd l'nnts .- 1.60 Men's $3.00 all Wool Pants 1.50 Men's $2.60 Worsted Pants 1.2 Men's $2.50 Woolen Pants 1.21 stylish gloves were closed out to us for spot rash nt about one-third their value nnd will be sold Friday at 49c. MEN'S AND LADIES' 60c HOSE, AT 2.1o A npeclnl purchase of IIjIo and faucy hoso, very flno Roods, now and stylish, worth up lo 75c, on sale 'Friday at 25c. Children's Shaw-Knit stockings nt 26c. SPECIAL HAM SALE Iowa's Pride hams, 9 to 12-lbs, at I3Vio l'ottcd hams, per ran, 3!4e. Nn. I California hnms nt 0c, llaltlmoro oysters, per qt., solid packed, 33c. Watch chicken sale Saturday. COFFEE AND TEA DEPT Llberlnn diamond coffeo 1243 , Iberian II. II. coffee nijo Vory flno Santos coffee 16a Maracalbo coffei 17H" Guatemala coffeo 2uo Intorlor Java coffeo ;6o Prlvato growth Java coffon 31V4o Ansoln Java t!2c Mandullng Java , 33 0 Arabian Mocha nnd Old Government... 35c With overy pound of good tea, 45c to 60c per pound, you get a fancy teapot. FRUIT Fancy Quinces, per doz., 33c. Fancy Oranges, per doz., 40c. GROCERIES Corn meal, per sack. 15c. 24-lb unek puro ryo flour, 33c. 10-lh sack purn graham flour, 16o. 21-lbs, ryc-grnham flour, 33c. TOI1ACCO Star tobacco, 3714c. Hnrso Shoe, 3714c. Nerve, 20c. Rattle Axo. 35c. Newsboy, 33c. Fruit Juice, per plug, lft. ', Hull Durham Smoking, 60c, Duke's Mixture, 35c. Mcrsrhnum, 35c, I Undo Tom, 33c. 1 L 'j