Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 03, 1901, Page 12, Image 13

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Centend that Order Madi bj Judge Eaiir
is Whollj Voii.
borne Tnlk Aiiiiimk Itrpnlillenii loni
jtiltf ci'tni'ii AImiiiI I'iiKIiik I i ('nil
illitiili' Ao I riMt CiiiiiiiiII)- llrfore
Court I'liKKr mi the Cnsc.
A copy of Iho alternative writ of man
flnmim lwiucd out of the supreme court to
compel County Clerk Ilaverly to cnll for
n election of n county commissioner In
tho Second district nnd to have printed on
tho ofTlclal ballots the naiiio of Jntncs I.
Connolly as the candidate of tho democratic
and Independent people's parties for that
ofilcc or to appear on October 15 and dhow
cause why ho should refuse so to do, was
nerved on tho county clerk yesterday.
The writ was Issued on the relation of
allegation! by Mr. Connolly, who act forth,
among other tliiiws, the proceedings In
Judge tlakrr's court which resulted In tho
entering of an order requiring tho county
clerk to rail for an election of a commis
sioner In tho First district, composed of
thn Fourth, Seventh and Klghth wards, Mr.
Connolly contends that the order made by
Judge Maker Is wholly void nnd of no force,
for thn reasons that Judge linker did not
lmvo Jurisdiction to try nnd determlno the
disputed questions of fact and that no va
cancy exists In tho First commissioner dis
trict. Mr. Connolly relates thnt County Clerk
)lacrly, relying upon tho order of Judge
linker, will fall and rrfuso to call for tho
election of a commissioner In the Second
district nnd to place tho name of Con
nolly on tho olllclal ballots ns a enndlduto
In tho said Second district unless so or
dered to do by the supreme court.
Tho relator further slates, on Information
nnd belief, that Mr. Ilaverly has announced
that within n few days of tho day of clcc
11cm nn injunction will bo asked from tho
district court prohibiting him, Ilaverly,
from rrlntlng tho name of Connolly on tho
ulllclal ballots.
"It Is not true," said Mr. Ilaverly, "that
1 lmvo announced that tho district court
will bo asked a fow days beforo eloctlon for
nn Injunction to restrain mo from printing
Mr. Connolly's namo on tho olllclal ballots.
If any ono contemplates asking for nn In
junction I know nothing of It. As far ns
putting Mr. Connolly's namo on tho ballots
Is concerned, I don't know Just what will
be clone, I suppose tho question as to
whether nls namo ought to go on will bo
r.ettled In the supremo court on October 15
and 1 hm going to comply with tho order
of tho court."
When tho republican county committee)
meets on Saturday tho mandamus proceed
ings in tho supremo court will probably bo
discussed with a view to bringing out n
rnndldt'.to to run ngalnst Mr. Connolly In
thn Second district. Somn of tho commit
teemen do not think it would bo wlso to
postpono n nomination until after tho su
premo court passes on tho case, which will
bo Just twenty days beforo the election.
lYed Hruning of tho Second wnrd Is anx
ious to mil No tho race against Connolly nnd
lie will probably be given tho nomination.
Of course) tho nomination of a republican
randldpto In tho Second district would be
In anticipation of n reversal of Judgo
H.ikor's order by tho supremo court and
would enrry with it nn implied abandon
ment of tho position heretofore taken by
tho republican organization that the only
vacancies on thn Hoard of County Commis
sioners to bo filled on January 1 will bo
for tho First and Fourth districts. I.ymnn
Waterman, tho republican rami Ida to In tho
First dlstil'ot. will bo placed In a peculiar
position if his party puts up a cnndldnto
in tho Second.
Tho Judges nnd clerks of election this
year aro to bn appointed by the clerk of
tho district court nnd not by tho county
Judge, as heretofore. Thn ehango was made
nt tho last session of tho legislature, which
nlso reduced thn number of Judges and
rlerks In each district from seven to five.
Tho clerk of tho district court will make
Ihn appointments from names submitted to
him by tho hcvoral party organizations.
I'.ikI nf I lie lluri' Wnr.
The Iloer war which has been raging for
the pnst two years, will soon bn ended, ac
cording to thn latest advices. News of
peaco will bo hailed with Joy by all. War
is n errlhln tiling nud has slain man)
people, but wo holtavo stomach troubles
liavo slain oven more. When tho stomach
Is out of ordct, and you suffer from dyspep
sia, Indigestion, flatulency, sick headachu
or constipation, wo would urgo you to try
Ilontotter's Stomach Hitters. It will euro
Opals for October. lMholm, Jeweler.
I)bl you evei buy furniture nt your own
prlcti before? Watch our window. Shlv
ciiclc Furniture Co.
Tho Ilnthcry Is open Thursday and Sat
urday evenings. For appointments tolc
phono 1710 or call SIG-Siu Nee Ilulldlng.
Oct tho best Cramer' Kidney nnd Liver
Cure; fiOc nnd $1.00. Sold by all druggists,
Vldinv nt I'rt'nlilrnt I'cikhoh
Tliriiimli Omnlin iilnu to
Sim Frniii'lNt'o,
Mrs. James A. (larlleld pnsscd through
Omaha Tuesday afternoon on hor way to
rian Franelsco. She arrived over tho
Northwestern and was met nt tho stntlou
by President Hurt of tho I'nlon Pacific,
who placed his pilat. car at her iIIb
liosal.s Mrs. (..irllcld wan In tho city but a
few minutes, leaving on tho I'nlon Pa
cific for California. 8ho was accompanied
by Mrs. J Htnnley llrnwn of New York.
wlfo of tho iiBsliitant sccretnry of the
Union Pacific, nud several other friends
who nro on their way to California to
Hond tho winter. Mr. (larlleld camo from
her homo in Ohio and was met In Chi
cago by the other members of tho party.
('tiolcrn I it f it ii I u tu .
This has long been regaided hi ono of tho
Sjcat dangerous nud fatal dltcascs to which
sifssts tiro subject. It can bo cured, how
ever, when properly treated. All that Is
necessary Is to glvo Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Hemcdy and castor
oil aj directed vlth each bottle, and a euro
Is certain. Slnco this rcmcdv has come
Into such general uso thoro aro very fow
deaths from cholera Infantum nnd none
whatever when It is given. For sale by all
Publish your legal notices In Tho Weekly
Hee. Telephone 238.
Dr. W. J. Hrownrlgg has returned from
his ranch in Wyoming and will bo at his
olfico during tho fall and winter.
Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure Is tin
best; two Btres, t0o nnd $1.00. Druggists,
Wntch tho downhill prices In our cast
ivlndow. Shlverlck Furniture Co.
Tiffany wedding rings. Edholm, Jeweler.
A Tremendous Purchase of
Millinery and Ribbons
$20,000 worth of new seasonable up-to-the-ttiometit
merchandise at 25 cents on the dollar.
Olio of tlio lnrRost Jolililnp; limifos III tlio west who will not permit n to u
llit'Ir mime found tlii'iiifolvrR ovorloniled, unci wnnn weather stnrltiij tlinni In
tile fnee, they looked to tm for relief. Wo bought ?0,f)0() worth of now millinery
nnd rlliboni for spot ensli ,nt 2." on the dollnr. Como curly nnd get n choice
of the Brand barK'nlns.
$1 Fancy Ribbons 15c yd
$1.00 oil silk fancy millinery ribbons In
satin, taffeta, moire, plain and fancv
stripes, plaids, printed warp, In fact all tho
absolutely new nnd novel ribbons that
would nlwnys sell regular at $1.00 -4 C--,
yard, go at, yard lOw
Ladies' 50c Belts 5c.
All tho fancy leather nnd velvnt bells
that sold wholesale as high as $0.00 dozen
from this Block, go at,
Ladies' 50c Neckwear 5c
All tbo ladles' nil silk fancy band bmvs
nnd neckwear that sold as high 'as $).M)
dozen, go in one lot nt,
All the Imitation Hattcnberg Tidies nnd
Splashers made to sell at 25c, go CS-
In ono lot nt, each ....... ,-J
Great Sale of Lace Curtains on
Monday, Oct. 7th Wonderful Bargains.
Lieutenant McCllntock Tnlifi Up
lliiHi'N nn AM-ilc-CiunD fur
Crnrrnl Iliitr.
First Lieutenant John MrCllntock of the
Fifth cavalry, recently nsslgned to the staff
of (lenernl Hates, has arrived at army
headquarters and taken up his duties us
nld-dc-cainp. Captain H. R. U. Mlchlc,
who has been noting nsslslnnt adjutant
general of this department, la now rcllovcd
of his duties as engineer officer nnd Inspec
tor of small arms practice, Lieutenant Mc
Cllntock being assigned to tho charge. Cap
tain Mlchlc's other positions, those of
ordnance nnd slgnnl officer, now rovcrt to
Major R. J, McClernnnd. who has Just re
lieved him as assistant adjutant gcncrnl.
After a lengthy lenvo nf absence spent In
tho enst Cnplaln Mlchlo will Join his com
mand In Texas.
Coplain James n. Krwln. Fourth cavalry,
acting Inspector gcncrnl of this department,
hns been ordered to Inauguratn an Inspec
tion of the following places in tho order
LcHVi'iiworth, Kan., National cemetery:
St. Ijoillt, M.. disbursing ofllccrs of Flitted
States clothing depot. I'tilted States cimir
terniaster'H depot, I'nltod States medical
depot. recruiting officer. pnymnster.
purchasing commissary. Mississippi river
commission (2), corps of engineers (2); Jef
ferson llarracks. Mo., commissary nnd
(iiiartermastT, National cemetery: I.lttle
ItocK, ArK. ciiFimrsing niiieer. iniim stntos
engineers, recruiting ntllcer. National ceme
tery; roil MTUiii. ArK., .National cemetery:
Fort liicson, i, i., .uiionni cemetery.
tTnon completion of this duty Contain
Krwln will return to his station nt these
.Ocneral Hates has ordered that Second
Lieutenant Walter II. Heed of tho Tenth
Infantry and tho detachment of Compnny
H of thnt reglmont ho relieved from duty
nt Fort Logail II, Hoots, Arkansas, by ono
commissioned officer nnd twenty-three on
listed men, to be Bent nt onco for the pur
pose from Jefferson Harracks, Mo., by tho
commanding officer there. Lieutenant Heed
will bring his detachment to Fort Crook,
Neb., nt once, where they will bo stationed
i.Mroinw.vr seiK.vriFiu mscovimv.
A Clhilfiil 1'rciiiirmion Hint I'onltlvrly
IC 111m IIii- Onnilriinr lirrm.
A most Important discovery has been
made after a year's patient laboratory
work aimed lu it certain direction It Is
Newbro's Horpicldo, a preparation that
cures baldness, prcvonts falling hnlr and
speedily and permanently eradicates dan
druff. Theso evils nro caused by a germ
or parasite 'that burrows, into the scnlp,
throwing up dandruff-as It seeks to sap tho
life of the 1m tr at thu root.. There's no
baldness without falling or thin hair, no
thin hair without dandruff, and no dandruff
If the gorm Is destroyed. Newbro's Horpi
cldo ls tho only preparation that will do
tho work. "Destroy the cause, you remoo
tho effect."
MiiKiirn Full Itliiiiilnnti-d.
Tho Michigan Central, "Tho Niagara
Fulls Route," lias established at Its Falls
View stntlou a powerful electric search
light, which every night Illuminate' tho
face of tho falls and tho rnplds for the
benefit of tho passangurs upon Its train
passing after dark.
For tickets nnd folders npply to city
ticket olfico, 110 Adams street, Chicago.
(lorhnui silver. Kdliolm, Jeweler.
All kinds of baths, scientific massage
Ladles only. Tho Dathery, 216-220 lice bide
Tel. 171(i.
Speclnl Kiciimliiii ltnfeia tu bnn Frnn
' ttlncn,
Tho Union Pacific has authorized a rate
of J 4T. for tho round trip between Omaha
and San. Francisco for tho general conven
tion of the Episcopal church. Tickets on
ssle September 19 to 27, Inclusive. Final
return limit November 15, 1901. City ticket
office, 1324 Fn run m street. Telephone SIC
Send article's of incorporllou, notices of
stockholders' meetings, etc, to The n.
We will rIvb them proper legal insertion.
Telephone 23S.
tw sons
Military Walking Hats.
Florodora street hats, ready-to-wear hats.
Thcfco are fino felt hats In black, castors,
grays, nnd browns, handsomely trimmed,
Just tho thing for autumn wear, every ono
worth $2,150, go In two lots at
25c and 50c
Bargains in Ostrich Tips
f0 dozen handsome blnck ostrich tips
there arc worth regular $1.00, go GZ-i
in millinery department at, cach.'-'
Children's Mexican Crown, flno trimmed
felt hats, 3Dc.
25c 6c 50c Ribbons 10c yd
All tho 25c and 60c fancy and plain rib
bons In new nnd beautiful patterns nnd
colorings, stripes, over shot silk taffeta,
most of them would bn n rnro bargain at
60c, nil In ono big lot,
at, yard
$7.50 Silk Waists $3.50
ISO new styles In tnffetn silk waists.
corded nil over nnd hemstitched, all colors,
on main floor
only 3.50
New French Flannels 49c
Now French Flannels, plain colors, silk
dots, embroidered, fleur de lis patterns,
etc., also fancy printed flannels In polkn
dots and stripes, sultnble for klmonas.
waists, house gowns, etc.,
all at yard
The Horses Balked.
We were "skeerod" yesterdny when ono of
Al Gordon's big vans brought up the first
:ond of patent medicines from the depot
ror rear one 01 me uicuu TKl'HT DETKO
TIVK8 would "get on" to where? ,wo are
huylng our goods now because the load was
eo largo one of tho horses balked nnd It
compelled Al to get another team and the
wagon stood In the nilddlo of tho road for
over nn Hour nut as tliero was only ONK
i :am i.urtii-wo iiniiuy goi mem nil in
and now we aro loaded to Iho guards with
patents again and tbero Is weeping mid
Kinisning i iceiu among me drug trust.
Ml. Ill) IVriinii rHc
Tl.oo Austin s Hnlr Tonla 4nc
Jl.flO Temptation Tonlo 76c
$1.00 Newbro's Uorplcldo 6i)c
$l.(t) Klrll's Hall- Tonic 32C
Jl.W Allsslna llulr Tonlo rc
c Miriiiii'rn m niinifr IS
inc C ramer a Kidney C ure 40c
r,c victor I'IIIm
IBc AVoodbury's Fnee Powder 13c
'.So brtx Best Soap of 3 cakes 15c
wo c'liiciweus tjyrup i-epsin ;7o
52.011 luiri c ruiiier s uoiion Hoot, Tansy
nun I'cnnj royiu i-iiih (
Goods delivered rrlBK to any part ot city.
OUNAtLrCn O lni Store
Tel. 747. S. W. Cor. llllli nnd Clilcano
Ak-Snr-Ilpii i vornorn Will Sot Kitmv
C'nntlltliiii nf TbHr rinnnce
for FitrlnlRlit.
The Hoard of Governors of tho Knights of
Ak-Snr-Hcn nro still engaged In settling
the nffalrs of tho last carnival. Tho treas
urer announces that It will bo at least
two weeks beforo they can get a general
Idea of the condition of tho treasury and
It will probably bo a month before a state
ment showing tbo exact condition of the
finances can be made.
Tho board Is wondering what It will do
for u placo to store its property. Thoro Is
approximately $S,000 worth of material
stored In tho old Coliseum. Including tho
now running gears for the floats purchased
last cnr. Hy tho terms of tho contract
entered Into with tho owners of tho build
Ing Inst fall this property must be removed
within a short limn and thorcforo a place
for It must h'o found. So far no one has
suggcfcted n suitable place nnd the board
Is ready to receivo practical suggestions
along this line.
Purr i:ti-nc of ('linlrmt Mnlt.
Malt-Nutrlnc. prepared br tho Anheuser
Huseh Hrewlng Ass'n, St. Louis. U. S. A,
Is no experiment, Years of nrnctlcnt tpxta
anil careful nnd Innumerable analyses hav
rcsulteil In tho ono perfect tonic, known
Mnlt-Nutrlnp. It is tho pure extract of the
choicest malt and contains H.60 per cent
extract matter nnd less than 2 nor nni
alcohol, being therefore absolutely non
Why suffer with rheumatism? The
Hathery, 210-'J20 Ueo bldg. Telophone 1716,
I or ladles ouly.
Rich cut glnss. Kdholtn, Jowcler.
Another rii'tltirtlon In llouuil-Trlp
Itule In imv York.
Commencing September 15 nnd continuing
until October 20 the nnlttmoro & Ohio rail
road will sell tickets from Chicago to New-
York nnd return nt (29.00, with limit of
twenty days. Good going via Washington
Haltlmoro nnd Philadelphia and returning
via Buffalo, with stopover privileges In
both,,dlrectlons. For Information call on or
address J. 0. Bureh, T. P. A., Omaha, Neb.
or B. N. Austin, General Passenger Agent
Chicago, HI.
Notice of Dividend.
Dividend of 50 per cent of tho balance
due creditors of the German Savings bank-
Is now ready for distribution at my office
I0G No. 15th, en nnd after Sept. 28, 1901
Receiver of tho German Savings Dank of
Physicians recommend our treatment for
llicumatlHm at. the mot successful. Ladles
only. The Dathery, 21C-220 Bee bldg. Tele
puonn 1716,
Tiiur.sila v, at S o'clock, u plntr on sale 500 pillow shams ami
center pieces, worth ifl.OO to U.U0 each, the very linest embroi
dered and spaehtel work, at U'.lc each. 2s'oL soltl in quantities.
J,000 boxes of HEMJlXli 1U5US' best sewing silk in 20-yard
spools, blacks and colors, on sale.
you net J 120 yards of the best sewing silk made for 5c. No off
brand, but the very best of standard .make.
We will open the dress .trimming season with a grand sale on
all .kinds of blnck, white and
irochet trimmings, Venice and
cial cut prices.
This.s a lot of odd pieces of line colored dress trimmings for
childrens dresses, bought from
at lc a yard.
signment of fall dress goods just
and are of a high class grade.
SATIN TWILLS, in all colors,
as line as silk, will wear like iron, is made lo sell for $2 yard, to
tomorro.w we will sell, for one day only, for 1.50.
made of ill wool warp and mohair wonf and will not wrinkle
will guarantee to wear longer
material made, we will sell for
irice is 3.50.
ing materials ihah some of the small stores have in dress goods,
everything from 21c to 5 yardcome in and examine our line.
Thursday's Special Sales
in the Bargain Room.
Gigantic spot cash purchases
corduroys, underwear, hosiery,
French llannels, muslins, etc..
value. The shrewdest; and most economical buyers will be
molt' than pleased in this sale. .
All the stnndard Prints, Quilts, Robes,
etc., worth up to' 714c on one counter
In pieces from I to 12 yards at SHo
3 cases of full standard Prints 24c
10 cases of flno fast color Apron Ging
hams, In worth 6c 3c
3 cases of 36-inch flno Madras Ging
hams, the 25c grade G'ic
50 rases of 3G-lnch Pcrcolcs. tho 15c
grode, any quantity you want, at per
yard ,., 5c
10c nice grade Outing Flannels 5c
16c nice- grndo Outing Flnnnels BHe
19c nice grndo Outing Flnnnels "lie
Flno printing flno colors, extra heavy,
por yard .......... rc
Beautiful colorlngfc. worth 15c THc
3fi-lnch wide, w;IUj , nnd without border 6c
3Grlnch Imported "French flannelette,
perfect Imljatton of, French Flannel.. 10c
Fancy silks, worth 25c lOc
Plain colors fn Chlnn Silk and other
grades iac
Extra fine Silks, the 75c grade, In
stripes, fancies, etc snc
Velvets In all colors, 60c grndo 19c
Corduroys, the $1 grade 39c
One case of strictly all Wool Granite,
that was made to sell at 75c, on
Wednesday It will go at 49c
Ono case flno Granlto Cloth that was
mnde to sell at C9c, will go at 39o
Ono case of strictly all Wool German
Henrietta, 46 colors, mnde to sell
75c, will go at..; 29c
Ltberlnn diamond coffee 12VJc
Liberia!! II, B. coffee 13 Vic
Very flno Santos coffco 13c
Maracalbo coffco 17 Vic
uuatemaia conco 2uo
Interior Java coffeo 25c1
Private growth Jnva coffco 31Ho'
Ansoln Java S2C
Mondellng Java 33c
Arabian Mocha and Old Government... 35c
With every pound of good tea, 5c to 50c
per pound, you get a fancy tenpot.
Fancy Quinces, per dor.; 35c.
Fancy Oranges, per doz., 40c.
Then stop looking and
come to us we make
tailored suits to your
order at about the same
price you would have
to pay for the ready-to-wear
clothes, $20 to $40
Absolutely the largest
assortment of fall wool
ens In Omaha pants,
$5 to $12 overcoats, $20
to 40.
Kiibacti Block, 209-11 So. 1 5th SI.
$2 Pillow Shams
for 69 cents.
at spools for 5e. Keniember,
colored appliques, escnrial bands,
Arabian lace trimmings at spe
the factory on sale Thursday,
ON II AND Another new con
in They are made in Germany
extra heavy cloth, with a finish
another German fabric it U
and look belter than any other
one day at 2.50 yard, regular
have now in stock more waist
EJAV flll7
El A I UI.H5
of dress poods, silks, velvets,
children's suits, quilts, blankets,
etc., sacrificed without" regard to
One case of Black Fine Ureas Goods,
made to sell at 75c,
One case of Hlnck Orcpous, made to
sell at 60c, will go nt
Ono rase of SS-lncli Cashmeres, made
to sell for 2.c, will go nt
500 Dress Patterns, worth $5.00
500 Dress Patterns, worth MO. 00
500 Dress Patterns, worth U2M ....
An entire now lino of Fancy Wnlst
Ings, strictly nil wool, tho 75c
nrades will go at
$1.00 Comforts
$.25 Comforts
$1.50 Comforts
$1.00 Blankets
$1.25 Blankets
$1.50 Blankets
Children's Camel Hnlr Underwear,
10c, 12Vc, 15e, 19c and
Worth double.
Children's Flno Fleeced Underwcnr,
nt 10c, loc, I'.ir and
Worth double.
Ladles' 15c Hose
Men's 15c Half Hose
Men's 50c Suspenders
Boys' 25c Suspenders
!5o Men's Ties
Men's Turkey Red Handkerchiefs....
Boys' $3.00 all Wool Suits
Hoys' $2.50 Woolen Suits
Hoys' $3.00 Reefers
Boys' $2.50 Reefers
Boys' $5,00 all Wool Capo Coats
Hoys' $1.00 Corduroy Pants
Boys' S5o all Wool Pants
Boys' 75a all Wool Pants
Men's $4.00 Odd Pants
Men's $3.00 nil Wool Pants
Men's $2.50 Worsted Pants
Men's $2.50 Woolen Pants
2. PS
Wisconsin full Crcntn Cheese, 16e.
Wisconsin Brick Cheese, He.
Iowa Cream Cheese, 10c.
No. 1 Knmlly Whtto Klsh, 6'ac.
Holland Herring, per lb., 10c.
3-lb. cans solid packed tontntoes, very
brst sio
2-lb. cans solid packed corn siic
3-lb. cans California apricots 12Uo
3-lb. cons very flno California pcnches.l2'.c
BIb Boo Lemons, per doz 10c.
Choice HolllnR dates, per lb., 6c.
Wo nro IIKADQUAIlTIcnS for Colfiix
V'ntr, which Is so highly prized by
inatiy. Wo havo It In pints, ciuarts nnd
liair gallons, both PLAIN AND UAItBON
ATK, Wo are flNcd to niako prices which
will HAVH VOCIt KHHIOHT on this wntcr.
it you drink any kind of inlncrnl wntcr
see us.
Colfax qunrts, cases of 60, $0.00.
Colfax lllllf LmllnilM lllltln fnn cuu j-rtttAa
of 12, ta.m.
Knllnl of Annlllmirlri in tiiu... u.,l,ln
. .-.. ... ....... , o,...,.,iv; nun
remedial virtues-It costs less than two
thirds ii h inui'h,
Quarts Carbonated, dozen, $2.00.
t'llho 60 qunrts, $,6
Pints, Carboiiiitcd, dozen, JI.60.
Sherman & McGonnell Drug Co,
'Tho Drug Store on the Corner"
25 lbs. Weighted Floor Brushes
Regular Price $3.50
Our Price $2.50
15 lbs. Weighted Floor Brushes
Regular Price $2-50
Our Price $1.50
These aro well mafle Brushes, wllh good
bristles, strong handles and full weight.
Call nnd Inspect thorn.
.41 U unil UuuiflM M
Women's Suits,
Jackets, Etc
Suit Specials
for Thjrsd.y
Women's Tailor-Made Suits
Made of a tine all wool cheviot, .new elon jacket, with long
dip front, taffeta lined and handsomely I rimmed with satin
bands, new flounce.. skirt, trimmed to mutch jacket a sui
that would at. 15.00 - )
Our Thursday price lUmUU
Women's Tailor-Made Suits
.Made of an extra line quality. of cheviot, jacket with tho
new vest fronts of taffeta silk, .with tailor stitching-, and
llariur culTs to ina(ch--l he new panel shape skirt, lined
with the best percalino lining, perfect titling and perfect I v
tailored suits-- , JJ. 7
Our Thursday price It"1 3
Women's Tailor-Made Suits
Jn line clivviofs, Venetians and the new basket cloth, in all
the new shades, new blouse, new,,Xorfo1k, new hip seam
coat, and new vest front, styles, all with stylish long
dip fronts, some plain and some handsomely (rimmed with
silk.or velvet, no better suits sold in. VljTh 7FT
Omaha for less than $L'n Our Thursday price .J5I Jti J
Walking Skirts for Thursday
7fi women's walking skirls, made of a good quality of , golf
ing material, new tlounce effect, finished with lail'or-st it cit
ing and cording, a perfectly hanging skirt and as good as
any .(;."(! skirt sold in the city, colors black, '3 QA
brown and gray. Our Thursday price $3b"U
Other Exclusive Styles in, Skirts
S-l.SIO. $(S.7flf $7. DO, and t).7.j.
EELKV 0'"' "f ""' ,,",IMel r III.; ICcrlry Mciu of Instl-
fill?? ,,"e'' ""'' Kiolry InMKiile In c I) in nlm. Cut-en
VUiJD IiMiitliMiii-iii, fur.M Drim I.nri-M, Tolinruo VnrrH. Till!
Ki:i;t.i:V I.VSTITUTI:. It) nml l.onvriMvoilli, Omnlin.
Typewriters S
New Century,
New Densmore,
New Yost.
We sell, rent, eicbange, repair type
writers. Everything considered speed, grada
of work, cost of keeping in repair,
durtabllllty, etc. ours aro by nil odds
tho cheapest typewriters on tho mar
ket. For Information regarding type
writers, address or call on
United Typewriter
& Supplies Co.,
I6U Farnini St., Omaha.
Philadelohia Dental Rooms
1517 Douglas SI,
Try our VITAMZKD A1K for Pain
less KxtrnctliiK and you will novcr
have a tooth oxlrnctcd without its
use. Nn nfter effects.
Contains the best Havana Tobacco. Equal to imported cigars.
Manufactured by F. 11. Uicu MorcunUlu Cigar C ., oU L)uls, Union Mutlo,
Autumn and fall
days will test and
prove the prepara
tions of the past few
weeks, and your faiv
cies will find every
thing harmonious
with their strict dis
An exceptional ex'
hibitionof the choicer
more exclusive ef
fects from the world's
foremost tailors.
Sornsls HborH for Women nut only look
like, bill ii rr J5 00 values.
Hume $3.60 linos aro undo so you't
tell tin- illffrrriicn between llieni nnd
hlslltr prlreil shoes With Sorosls nobody
olso cnii eltlior theio Is no difference.
There Is no hidden cheapness In Snrosls
Tho value Is there Tho wear Ih there
Tho fit Is there Tho stylo Is there The
prlco Is there It Is always tho same, J3.60.
All Jcnthcra nil wcIbIUs all now shapes.
203 South 15th Street,
lrnnU Wllcoi, .lr.
Pond for catalosue.
A Beacon of Health
for the tired and overworked, n tonic for
tlio effects of change of seasons, MeU beer,
now, as always, la tho Ideal boverago, Good
and healthful all tho year 'round, It Is tho
October drink par excellence. If you do
not now koep It In tho house, plnco a trial
order and you will become a regular cus
Telcphonn 119.