THE OMAHA DAlljY-- H.BE: 'MltJHSDAY, OCTOJJKK 1001. 1 1 SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements fnr these columns till hm lakrn until 13 in. for the vprlnc edition and uotll H.flO p. tn. fur moraine nnd Sunday edition. Kiln, 1 l-lin n nord Aral luitrtlnn, 1p a irnrii thereafter. Ituthlnc taken for lei than Sine for the flrat Inaer lnn. Theae a vertlaeaaeata mnat be ran consecutively. Advertisers, by requesting a aim kereal check, can bnre aaawera a IrraacA tn a numbered letter In ear of The Dee. Auertera a adarcsee will be aellverea arcaeatatlaa of tk ataaak eml-r. SITl ATIONH WANTED. WANTED, the position of orptaker Iri th elty fif Omiilm Address 420 H. 10th n Cedar Rnpldg, Jn. A -M692 3 WANTEO-MALIi iima. WANTED, flrst-clara Innuranco solicitors; We will make very liberal eontruut with urn u ability i-apublo of handling gcnetul agency. Cull oraodross, Fldulity Havings 6i 'trust Co., 317 N. Y. Life Bldg., omuliu. 11 176 07 WANTED, first-class- barber, nt once; m'ir rled limn preferred. F. (.'. Deurdurft, David City, Neb. Il-MlMi W YOUNG rtiHii wanted to v.ork In drug stoie, must Iiuvo references, Walnut lllli phar macy, nth and Cuming. B 653 2 DRUG clerk wanted; registered In No- hrnskn; good references. S. E. Howell, K'3I ICiiveliworth. D 652 2 GOOD messengers wanted. A. D. T 212 S. Ulll. B-MGCt WASTED, a Rood man In every county to lake, subscriptions' for The Twentieth Cen tury Farmer. Our agents make Rood wokcn. uverywheri'. References rciUlred. Address Twentieth Century Fanner, Olnahn, Neb. 11-013 WANTED, exherlcnced bushelmun. Apply rlothliiK department, J, Drandcls & Hons, Boston Store, D 0092 WANTED, few Rood responsible, men to travel In Neb. and sell to, nil users of Ink nnd pon an article that sells Itftelf; salary or commission. Address Fred E, Dlekoy, Bmlthwlck, 8. Dak. DM19 3 MEN and women to do copying at homo; must write a. fnlr hand;, J.1 to 11;' weekly, working eiveiilngs; positively no canvass ing; enclose stamp, Northwest Copying Co., Box 629 Minneapolis, Minn. B-MG17 0 WANTED, hoy with wheel. Sherman & McCotmell Drug Co, D-M116 3 WANTED, at oner, two tinners with some experience In furiinco work nt Crouton Cornleo Worko, Creston, Iowa, B-M615 5 WANTED Young man of some experience, nnolit 20 years or afro; tn work In drug store. AVnlnut 1 1 1 1 1 Pharmacy. 40th and CumliiR. u-mg:c S SAIiKSMUK WAXTIID, CIOAR aaleamen -tvlth established trad with largo dealers, who buy, direct from factories. Addres. with full particulars, II. C. KlsHer, Pishcr' building, Cliieaso. ' -M3.Oct WAN'rED-l'lilSlALU iiuli, WANTisD, 200 kUIs.. jtf Dodge. Tel, 8T6. C-910 10 QIHLS, alt .kinds work. Canadian Olllce. COOK. Apply DM Park AVe. C-152 liADIRS to ltftrn halrdrcHHlug, manlcurlni; or facial' maBsaRuj only Tour 'w't-eka rc iiulred; you cannot obtain the advantaRos of constant prautlco and liiHtrucUon.s ex cept by our method; tools presented. Call or wrlto Molur CoIIcrc, 1B2J Karnam st. C-M2IS OS OKRMAN Rlrl for Renernl housework: small fumliy; good wucus. 217 South '.'oth' street. t . C 2S0 ' aini for general 'housework. 191S Cas St. ' C-D82-2 CIIOCOIjATH dippers ono who ran do strliiK or fancy dlppliiR-at Dyball's.,l5is DoURlas (5t. C 579 2 WANTKl). general servant for small fain lly; highest wimes paid, lis North 20th St. t:-.M" 3 WANTED. Rlrl for Renernl housework. 200 S. 30th St. C S163 131 III fnr Rctipral housework: two In fnm lly. Mrs. Caldwell, Oil Mynstur street. vj( iniiiin. C MtW 4 VANTKD, Rlrl for Kenernl housework: flimllv of tu'ri. 1M1 Kit IRtl. (It ' C-A1621 3 OKKICH Omaha. Rlrl, Rood penman. Ilox 253. C-MU20 i run hunt housks. 1JT VOU want your houses well rented placo them with llenuwu & Co, D m 8E15 I1KNHV U. 1-AVN13, 601 K. Y. LIFE TO MOVE right vet Omaha Van Storage Co,, otllco liliVi i'urnatn, or tel. lM-SUj" D !)U HOUSES, stores. Uemls, I'axtdn block. t D-814 HOUSES, etc. V. D.'AVcad, 1521 JJouglns. . D-916 HOUSES and flats. Illngwalt, Darker Hlk. 1206 W1L.L.1AM ST.. a-rgcod three-room flat, with tlty. water. Ji.. . , OMAHA 'LOAfl AND TIljBT CO., 10th and Douglas 3ts, D RIG KOft ENT, clKlit room houie; convenient; ull modem;- and. CttlltornluiSis, in. VJlre No. 607, N. V,.lJIu bulldliig. . .', , , D-rMi'S VOll ItENT, ll-room. stnne house, '415 N, 25th H. 11. T. Clarke, 437 Itamgu Ulk. . , f D-M76I 219 S. 29TH.. AVE., 8-room house, all mod' cm: will paper and vurnlah throughout; rent 25 to Al tenant with references. OMAHA LOATf, AND TRUST CO., Itith and Douglas Stu. D-815 TO IjET,- 8-ro6m house, near Curtl'a Tilrnor Potk; jiow, wiiu every convonicnco. w. l'ariiam Smith Co., 1320 Farnam st. D-M473 HOU8EH tor rent In all parts of tho city. Urennan-Lovu Co.,,3uo South 13th strout. ' . " " ' D-019 FOR RENT, house and barn, all modern, 2137 South 33d St. Apply 402 Merchants' National Dank IJldg, D-917 7-ROOM, all modern house, 3520 Dodne. Claj;kB Powell, 420 N, V.. l.lfc, D-M710 HOUSES." WHEATON, 428 Paxton Blk." D-U3 1S-ROOM hniiMo; nil modern, tho Knrbach property. 20th ard Leavenworth, liinulre ill So. 20th. D-.M9S2 05 MODERN resldtnco, 10 rooms; eiisy"wtilin Iiir distance from business portion. $33. Ring-wait llros., Darker lllk. D M210 10 LET, largo 14-room dwelling, furnished, for six month,' In West Furnam district; line lawn nnd barrr.. Wi Fnrnnmt Smith A Co. ,1320 Fnrnam St.' DMI37 ROOMS. ficJnn Hauscom park: good con iittlon, (15. Phbno 523. D-MI10 3 S ROOMttnrliY'Jia. fnrjulro27lO Parker - D-iVI 1412 Parser, six rooms, barn, H. 2204 Mapte Vt... koven rooms, 120, J. N. ,FRENZIR, OPP. OLD P. O. DM435.-G.5r ELEGANT S.'room houno. all'. modern' Im provemeuts. 401 North 23il-st. iwaagv FOR' RENT, lAitly Yurnlshrarooril hoUrtn,; pOHssiIon lyuti at oni'i. Slsp 'ii gnod-H-room house. aVd barn, 11?. tymnllAVutci---man, W9 lleo llldg, D M515 3 NEW 6-room rottiigr, nice Ihwii. wiiter and gas, near car line, 115 per mouth, ln uulrn Win. 1. Klcrstcad, Room :w City Hall. D-611 NEWLY painted house of 5 splendid rooms; alo newly iiapered house of 9 rooms at '9th nnd Plerco sis.; reasonable rent, hoiUics opened for Inapectlgn. J, W. llob blns, ISOJ Farnnm. D-M2W nm iin.T-notsn. Df HlRAHl.E dwelllnR, 10 rooms, modern, n, both, furnace, laundry, excellent rp pair, good location. 2W2 No. 18th St. Ap ply to Garvin llros., 1601 Knrnam St. D-MC01 , NO hnrd coal nepded, central, spven roojn house; alto llvo room flat. Tliard. ft! N 24th. D-OOil N 1 10-ROOM furnished house, modern. II 54, lice. D-M625 & I-'Oll Iti:.T KUHMSIIEI) HOOJ1S. DEWEY European hotel. 12th nnd Fnrnam. ' E-323 THE THURSTON, Cool, airy roomi . 12 -021 STEAM heated furnished rodms. 1101 N. IStli. 3d lloor. E-MM1 7 MCELY furnished front ronni, with alcove, bedroom, In private family. Hjltntije for two, Near 2uth and Capitol Ave. Ref erences. II 62, lice. E 5S3-t3' ROOM-ltwd Capitol Avenue. ' ,B-67S 3 NICE furnished rooms over Ilcrgcr's res taurant; modern; $1.5o up. 1120 UixIrc. E-Ms9l 3 KURMSIIEU HOOitS AXD IIOAUU. UTOPIA. 1721 Dnvcnport t. F-925 ftLENCAlRN, transient I1.2J day. 1009 DoUg. ROOMS and board. Tho Rose, 202O Harney street. F MIC. Jctl2 Ft'ltNIHHED rooms witli boaro. 2." Har noy St. V-m 022' ROOMS sultnblo for three, with board;; also table boarders; modern. 25SO Harney at. , F-rMI33 0; NICE home for joudr men. 108 S. 25th st- I Jii FUU Ri:T-t'M'lJHMfIIED ROOMS. DE3IC loom space, $3 rer month, ground Hour room in The live building, facing Furnam street; no expense for light,- heat or Janitor service. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, Ilea llulldlng. O 410 6 ROOMS. 2519 N. 25th st. Q-M283.01 FOIl HUNT 9'1'ORIJS AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, etoro In flrst-chiBs location: rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co., ground lloor, Dee llldg. 1 2C6 FOR RENT, ofllco with vault and part first lloor or nil top floor, 1114-10 Harney St. .Midland Glass and Paint Co., 1110 Harney St. 1-929 FOR RENT, tho building formerly occu pied by The lice nt 916 Fnrnam Ht. It has tour otorlus und u basement which was formerly used us Tho Pea press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. -Rose-water, secretary, room 100, Deo Uulldlng. AUENTS WAJiTED, LIFE OF WM. M'KINLEY, with memorials .ulma nrntnlnt.nt mptif lifrvA fnltu Illustrated: extra terms: freight", paid; credit given; big pay for -quick work; outfit ready; free; send 10 tents for' post age. KIcgler Co., 324. Dearborn nt., Chi cago. ' i". J-M7S0O3 M'KINI'EY'8 LIFE, by Murat Hoisted: best nuthpr; best book: best terms; re tails J1.S0; will duplicate any offer on In ferior books; credit 'Riven! freight' paid; outfit free. J. S. ZIEOLER & CO.,.qhJcno. Ill, J-M273 Ol AGENTS wnntcd for new publications; prospectus, etc., fret-. . George Rarrlo & Hon, 1313 Walnut st Philadelphia. .1-M2S1 Janl2 ' AGENTS wanted, "Life of Mclflnley," live hundred pbro, large book, handsome Il lustrated; nuttlt free: now ready;. 75 per cent discount to ngents: freight paid; credit Riven. Henry Nell, 323 Dearborn St.. Chicago. J-MS30 Ol AGENTS for 'A new housetiotd necessity; scllH' llko wildfire; send 10c silver for aample nnd terms; mention this paper. A. E. Tomblln, box 215, imperial, Nob. J-M&91 5 COUNTRY canvassers .can make good money taking subscriptions to The Twen tieth Century Farmer as a side line. Ref erences required. Address lice Publishing Co., Omnha, Neb. J CI 2 LIFE of Mcltlnlny; salesmen 'wanted; ten dollars n day; send ton cents nostnge on nuttlt. Crescent Publishing Co., Ilnston Illock, Minneapolis, Minn, J M621 3 WILLIAM McICINLEYt HIS LIFE AND WORIC, nv GENERAL CHARLES II. GROSVENOR. the lato presidents lifelong' friend, comrade, In war, colleague In congress nnd cham pion In tho house of representatlvefl; was' near tho presidents side with other great men when his eyes wore closed In di-nth; followed his remains to national capital 'ami to Canton. Millions of copies will be sold. Sales spreading like flro In dry stubble; men and women taking 10 to GO order dally. It Is tho olllclal book. Eulogies from gov ernors, senators, editorials from great dallies. Last nnd dying words of world'n great men, but none so grand as McKln-loy,H-"IT IS GOD'S WAY,1! Contains pho tograveuro of last photograph of president ever taken. You can easily and quickly clear $2,500. The general requires thnt share of proceeds of sal of every book sold shall bo donnted to a McKlnley rrionu ment fund. Thus every subscriber to this book becomes a contributor to this fund. Everybody will buy It; orders for the nsklng; no ono will refuse. Send twelve two-cent stamps for elegnnt pros lieetus. 100.1100 ponies will tin sold In this vicinity quick: wideawake .business inan.or woman or some means can mane a rortune quick by getting solo "control ot n' state. Address .i THE CONTINENTAL ASSEMBLY, Third Floor 241, W. 23d St.. New York, or Corcoran Building, Washington,- D."C. J-MG22 3 . WAvrnn to hknt; TWO OR THREE unfurnished or'ntrtly furnished rooms for light ' housekeeping in or nrnr ooutn umann. it ru, neo. ' JC-Mqia-J' STORAGE, PACIFIC Storage and "Warehouse Co.. 9)2 914 Jones, general storage and forwarding. -930 ' OM. Van Stor. Co., 151U& Farn. Tels. 1559-4SJ. 9 STORAGE Household goods and other articles stnea at low rates, j. j. uermnt & Co., 1119 Farnnm St. Tel 3J. -932 waNteu-to nuv. WANTED, 10 carloads of furniture and stoves ror si. iouis isxpo. uei. 771. Ad dress J. Levlne, 300 N. 16. N-r55l 031 ELK teeth. Albert .KdhQltn, Jeweler, Omaha. N M618 FOR SALE-FURNITURE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. wm x?mi. nn4 nnpnnflnnnrl fii,nltn,. bought, sold, exchanged. 0933 PUBLIC sale. All our household goods; from 9 a. m. to 4 p. in,, Snturday, Octo ber 5, 1901. Nnson, 1621 Cuss St. ' 0-577-1 A NEWLY furnished 10-rdom house nil rooms rented": line location; leaving' city,' house, lent cheap. 11 40, Bee. 0-M347 4 KOll SALE-HORSES, VUHICI.KS, UTC, TALIC it up Harry Frost, 14tli and Leavi enworth, maktyi good vehicles. P 449 WE HOLD an auction sale of-horses; every Wednesduy p. m. at the union Stock Yards. Wulworth-llllllker: Co. t,-.i, s : P-M671 Olf . FOIl rfALU-SllSUlli.LAKEOlJS.' rDUls'D safe Cheap." DerVght, ltl9.FartiaTn. i .;j, -,r, BA'FES;tairtrir"4TOn'kMftdld?repteu. i'an3 EDISON COLUMBIA, .talking niaolflrfia and recora. umana uicycie Co., mth and Chicago. QSOi FOR HAM:- MISCKM.AMiOlS. FIR timbers for houscmovcrs, etc., 49 to 71 ft., cribbing and hog fence. 901 Dou Its. Q-9CK CHOICE tot of milch cows for sale cheap, a. T, Campbell, 4213 Center St Q-391 25-SETS ot seoond-hand double and single harness, 15 saddles; genulnu bargain". A. tslnger, 416 N, 16th; removed from 12(9 Douglus Q-M3S7 Oct.G J HORSE-POWER boiler, und engln. for laic cheap. 610 S. 14th St.. ) M393 O10 K OVERCOATS, bargains, Marowltj, 418 N. 16th. Q-239 FOR SAIiE, chenp, nn under-feed furnace for soft coal. 126 8. 27th st. Q-M370 3 FOR SALE Cheap. An under-feed furnise for soft coal. 128 8. 37th St. Q-M37.0 4 IIOLIi ton desk, tnblp, chairs and' filing' cases for sale very cheap, and desk room to rent. Inaulre 307 Hrown Illock. Q-M599 CADET coat, good as new; will fit boy 13 or Jl years old. Address H 63, Pee. Q-Mttl CLAlItVtirANT..' ' MRS. FIUTZ,,clalrvoyart. H9 N. lCth. MME.. GYLMER, genuine" palmist, 315 8.' 15th. it.". . a-450 ' i7oN'Tf a I l7o FaiFanii-consu 1 1 the Roll' manlnn gypsy, who reveals all secrets nnd' reads nnd explains to you your entire life. 1923 Douglas st corner 2th. S-M429" OS PERSONAL. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns ami superflu ous hair removed by electricity. It. 12, Frcnzei block. U-941 M. GOLDMAN & CO.. only perfect ac- llln.llMi. ..Inn. In !.,. .1. . . 1 1 Ulte 209, Douglas block. U-610 VIAVI, woman's way to health: rntlonil wholesome home Treatment. 313 Dec llldg, C-9.2 PRIVATE home for ladles before nnd dur ing conllneinent; babies adopted, 2020 Uurdotto st. Mrs. llurget. U 571 09 OMAHA Accordion Plte Co., 1521 DoUg!a). u 43 MME. SMITH, baths, US N. 15, 2d floor. R 3 U 3SH OT' VCCORDION pleating; cheapest, best nnd quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17th nnd Fur nam. U o30 WALL PAPHR clenhcr. C. Meddlemlst. Phono 12S9. Leave orders nt 1519 'Farnam; Rooms cleaned, $1 nnd up. U $03 019 WE RENT sewing machines for 7S cents per week, we repair nnd sell needles nnd parts for every machine manufactured. 'Phono 16K3. Neb. Cycle Co., 15 A Harney. Branch Offices: 612 N. 24th, South -Omaha;! phono 2173. 3.14 Broadway, Council Bluffs. U-S7I 021 RUPTURE permanently cured. lu 3iJ to" 60' days. Send for circular,, O. .8. Wood. 'M.' D 621 New York Life BliTg., 'Omnha. !Neb. , TJ-6S1.P15 MISS HARRIETT FRANCES B&CKER-i Voice culture. 1910 Capitol nve. . . U-MI2J 05 ELITK PARLORS. CIS So. 16th St.. 2d , "SMOKE IK YOU LIKJ3." ' " ' And when you snjoke yo'J'll'Uke it hetlf'rlt you smolte tne ' ' PRINCE OF OMAHA. . an unexcelled 5c unlon-mndo cigar. Whole snies ni t.ii per l.uuw W. F. STOECKER CIGAR CO. -i 17-MI49 OS RUPTURE CURED without the knife. Em pire Rupture Cure, K52 N. Y. Life Rldg. ,U 551 MME. AMES, 317H N. 15, flat E. baths. U-M573 03l 'i ' - r . GRAMOPHONES nnd supplies, wholesale, nni rcinu. uoiuns l'tano Co.. vs&i Doug las. , . U-M003 ADV. calendars. , Burklcy Pt'g. Co, ,l ' , .it - i ,U M597 Janl FRIVATE hospltnl, before and during con finement; babies adopted. 2606 Grant st. Mrs. Oardels, . - U 91t PRIVATE hospital, before and during con. llnement; bnideu adopted. 2306 Grant 8t, Mrs. Gnrdels. , U-944 A COMPLEXION of satin texture,, cleari ress and beauty follows, use of Satln-Skln Cream and Powder, 25c V M622 3 MOM3V TO I.OA-HEAI, ESTATB. 6 AND i per cent loans. W. II. Thomas, First National Bank building. Tel. 1648. W-94U LOANS on enstern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at 5 per cent; borrowers can pay 1100 or uny multiple; any Intttteat date; no delay. Breunuu-Love Co., 309 So, ISth St., Omaha, Neb. W-950 WANTED, city loans, bonda and warranti. George & , Company, 1601 Farnam street. W-ai7 WANTED, city loans and wnrrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam street. , W-9tS WANTED, cltv and farm loans: also hnmia and warrants. R. C. Peters &. Co., 1701 f arnam m., uce mug. w V4 4 TO & P. C. money. Semis, Paxton Blk. W-9G1 I&0.000 SPECIAL fund; loans 1500 up; lowest rates.. Ourvln Bros.; ICOt Farnam. ' W-953 $300, $400. $500 PRIYATE money, to loan; 1, 2, or 6 years. W. L. Seiby, Board of ' Trado.Bldg, '.' 'j. .Wt3 SEE HENRY 13, PAYNE. 601-2 Ni.T. Life. I V - W-189 MONEY to-loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brcnnan-Love Co., 309 South 13th, 1 -14 W-854 W. B. MEIKLK. 401 8. 15th St.; loans money on residence property at 5 per tent. .- W-956 PRIVATE money! Sherwood,' 9)7 N. y; L. w-as PRIVATE money.. F. D. Weed, 1624 Douglas. , W-957 4K A'ND 5 PER. CENT R. C, Patterson,, 81 New York Life. W-M1J9 021 MONEY TO l,OA.-CUATTEI,S. ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS MU11H UJ' $10, $15, ' $20, $25, $30, $35, $10, $50, $75. $100, $200. '$250. $300. ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. HORSES, WAGONS. ETC, Also to SALARIED PRO- PLK on ineir pinin note ni raies wnicn honest people can afford to pay. The prop erty to remain undisturbed In your pos session. You Rot the money tho same day you iisk lor 11 uou inu irnnsuciion in ncia tn strictest confidence. Olllce hours, 8' n. nt. to. 0 p. m. Wednesday and Saturday eveultiRs until 8 o'clock. RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY. Room 303, Third Floor, Paxton Block. X-68O- MONEY loaned on furniture, live-stock. Jew elry; also to sulnrled people without s:cur Ity: cheap rates: easy payments; business contldenMul. Foley Loan Co., successors to Duff Green, R, fc. Barker Blk. Est. 18S9. X-M5C3 LARGEST BUSINESS In LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team steis, boarding houses, etc., without Sd. curlty; easiest turms; 40 offices In princi pal cities. Toliuan, 440 Jlourd of Trade llldg. X-DU LOANS ON SALARIES,' FURNITURE, llvo stock, etc. Oulck service nnd lowest raits guaranteed. J, W. TAYLOE, 633 (top flcor) Paxton block, northeast .comer 16th and Farnam; entrance on 16th. street, . Xr-bCO w M-O-N-E-Yt-iT-O-L-O-A-N-O-N Furniture and Pianos. Horses, Wagons and Carriages., Also, on SALAUIES. , . you moiey )n snort notice. You receive the full amount .In rnih You may keep ItjiUe month br.more, 119 BoarJ qf-Jfrado Bdg t!,.?; (Established IStil) ,"8. isfht., 1 I i tli) MONEY- -loaned1 'oh' pianos', furniture. Jew- eiry, nnrses, cows, etc. c, t , iteea, 313 s 13. -V-Ml xou.puy.ior oniy wnai unia.ynu Kcop it, our rates, aro nsAIn.w as the lowest,. V . . Our business Is . confidential. ! Our mottffts, "Try tn plese.",, . " 3I05KV TO l,OA-CIIATTI,K.l. MONEY lontud on plain note to salaried people; business conttdtutlai; lowest rate. 514 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X-SM IltJU.N'HSS CIIAM-EM, TELL me what you have to sell, Tell Me what you want to buy, If 1 do not find you a deal Tou nay say I never try, J. II, Johnson, 811 N. Y. Life. 'Phone L 2270. The real estate nnd business chance man, Y MHO RANCH to lease; 1,000 acres, all fenced nnd oross-fenced, 230 acres under cultivation; fine new house, large barns, cribs, sheds and yards; good grass, plenty of running 'rater, 700-acre pasture: on South Ixiup, six miles from St. Paul. Neb.: rent for term of years. Address E. M. Chadwlck, St. Paul, Neb. Y-M272 04 PHOTOGRAPH gallery to rent, In good location. Address box 221, David City, Neb. Y MliO I' FOR SALE, good bakery, doing Al busi ness. Address C. C. Wolf, 611 Court St., Beatrice, N:b. Y-M407 Ol FURNITURE of 7-room flat, completely equpped; has roomers; fine location; 5ood reason for sailing a bargain. J. 11, ohiison, N. Y. Life. Thono L-2270. Y-M132 FURNITURE of 8-room, house, desirably located for roomers, Lady going away; for salo cheap. Good opportunity. J, II. Johnson, N. y. Life. Y-M432 FURNITURE of 15-room modern flat, com pletely equipped, fine location, full first class roomers and bonrders; parties leav ing city, n bargain. 'Phono L-2270. J. H, 'Johnson, N. Y. Llfe Y-M432 FURNITURE"" of" 14-room, well equipped, llncly located flat; 1240 monthly incomi; roomers nnd boarders; furnace neat; rent $50. Lady advanced In years going east to reside. No reAsonnble. offer rejected, Her loss, your gain. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. FOR SALE On nctount of the Infirmities of old ngn, the secondhand business of John Eusden at Columbus. Neb. Will sell stock and building or soil the stock nnd rent tho building, Address. Ilccher, Hockcnberger & Chambers, Columbus, Neb. Y-M3S3-0-5 FOR SALE, Rcneral merchandise stock of J. C. Trailer, deceased; fourteen years es tablished. Mrs. M. 13. Traber, Admx., Waterloo, Neb. Y M6I4 FOR HALE HEAL K STATE. HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also lire Insurance. Bemls, Paxton blk. RE 466 BEE HENRY B. PAYNE. C01-2 Y-JLIfe. HOUSES and lots In all parts ot ott;; also acre property and farm lands. The F, DavU Co., Room 552 Bee Building. RE-741 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Fnrnam St. , RE-971 FARMS. 0. F. HARRISON, 913 N. Y. Llfo. - f RE-503 O 8 GREAT.. JIARGA1N CUMING ST. ,F.or n few days 1 offer 22x150 on Cuming evirnordlnnrV low fluuro of $730. Rented ,for $8. and with. some repairs would, bring C2i,f(nl,l,i ffr llinrtri' irrfipprl' linn ,njnall fuctory or could, be changed 10 (residence. " Bee me' at mce. GEORGE G. WALLACE, Brown Block. , , ..'-,. RE-U7- TEL. THREF, ONE-FOUR. HARRISON. . . RE-342 N5 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the ' Union. Pacific Railroad 'company. B. A. McAlluster, land commissioner, Union Pa ' clflo Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. ' c RE 97 7-ROOM; atl modem house. 3520 Dodge St. CLARKE POWELL, 'Phone 921. 2d New York Life. KK-S73 FOR SALE, fruit nnd .gnrden place and grocery store; "seven acres, part In choice grapes, -plums and qthcij'.fruU; a splendid business location : barn,Jco house, sheds, well; cistern, etc.; one-,mlle out of town on mntu road. ImUlr.anat 333 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. - RE-MI45 FOR SALE, 72 neres or 272" acres, within two miles .of. Hastings! Neb.; well Im- firovod; would take as pftrt pay residence n Cou.icll Bluffs or 20 to 40- acres close up or ni' cheap grass farm. Address Box 572. Hasting, Neb. RE-M2C9 Ol 2 COTTAGES, 4 rooms, city water. In fine repair, near Hanscom Park, $750 each. Small cash payment, $15.00 per month. Modern house. North ISth street, 8 rooms, $2,000. 6-room cottnge, $1,200, easy terms. 5-room cottage, good repair, $1,100, An acre of rrult, 6 rooms nnd barn; call and let me tell you about It; $2,000. 3',4 acres, house nnd ham, Just the place for chickens and ducks, $600. GEO. E. GIBSON, 160J Farnnm 8t, Telcpuone 2417, RE 510 2 1 FARMS FOR SALE. '660. ACRES Improved, pot far from South Omaha. 320 Improved, Sarpy county. 640 'acres r.eur South Omaha; no Improve , mhts, 172 ncres, well Improved; 25 miles from Omnha, 274 acres well Improved, 9 miles northwest from Omaha. 190 acres', 30 miles west of Omaha; fair lm- provements. 35S ncres Improved, 20 miles northwest of Omaha. 700 ncres twenty miles from Omaha. 240 'acres,-12 miles from Lincoln, 80 acres, line, smooth farm, 5 miles from Lincoln. IP) acres,-13 miles from Lincoln; good stock term. , 40 -acres, 5 miles from Omaha city limits; an varieties ot truit, ana improveu farms farther out from-$10 to $2o per acre; unlm- F roved land, from $2 to. $4 per acre. ,YMAN WATERMAN, fi9 BEE III, DO. . . RE-M590.3 F. D. WEAD'8 BARGAINB IN HOMES. $S00. 4-r, pottage and 2 lots. $1,025, 5-r.,'26th nqd Bristol, paving paid. $1,000, G-r 22d and Mason st. $1,200, 4-r, house 'and lot,- 20th and- Izard, pavlnir paid. $1,C50, 6-r. house and beautiful lot near Hanscom pant. . $1,750. 7-r.. rent $216. one block west of High ncriooi. . $2,230, 7-r with heating plant, west part of city. $2,000, i8r; house and bam, 4169 Cuming st, $2,250, 9-r. house, cost' $3,800, good condition, full lot, fine trees. $8,000, lino brlclt residence, west Farnam district, two lots. $7,500, one of finest residences north of Hanscom parx. K. D. WEAD'8 VACANT LOTS-SNAPS. $250, good building lot, 25th nnd Emmet St., trees nnd fence, $400. 130-ft. enst front. 40th and Parker. $1,050, -17x130 fronting Bemls park on Cum- nK hi $1,500, 80x165, 37th bet. Farnam and lav enworth, $2,000, 44x136, fronting east on 23d nnd west on 34th, near Cuming t small houe, $3,000, 66x132, Cuming, near 18th. F. D. WEAD'S BARGAINS IN ACREAGE. $1,000, sightly 4-acro block, Flornnce. $1,200, full block on 30th st Florence, $1,000, 5 acres near Central park, $4,000. W acres, 1 hour's drive from postofllce. $30,000 will buy 640 ncres Douglis county lnnd, rich land, large buildings. F. D. WEAD, 1524 DouglnB St. RE-608 3 EASTERN party now In city will accept $1,500 for ground bounded on south by Hamilton st., east by 34th st, nnd on north by Charles st room for 6 houses. F. D. Wend, 1524 Douglas st. RE C07-i FARMS "FOR RENT. 400 ACRES near Gretna, Bnrpy county. Duff Green, mom 8, Barker block. 108 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged lending specialist In diseases of women In Omaha, would call the attention ot suffering ludles 10 his unsurpassed accommoda tions before and during confinement, and his treatment for Irregularities, 110 mat ter what cause. Call or- address, with stamp, Dr. Pries, 1513- Dodge' St.. Omaha, Neb., ' M-M563 f - " - " ' LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best. Safe, reliable, Talis , no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief lot rLadles," In letter by return ntl. - Ask your druggist. Chichester 1 ClwmlcM Co., Philadelphia, I'a. ';. -1 : 7- . " 1 -- .BOILERMAKERS. OMAHA Boiler Works. team boilera. tanks. Blacks, etc. Tel. 1359. 12th and liard Sta. -3i SIIORTHAM) AM) TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN BANT S school. 717 N. Y. Life. -0:9 BOYLES' College, court reporter principal. Bee Bldg, -J0 NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater, :tl GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col, 16th & Doug -9S2 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 515 N, Y. L. Bldg. Tol. lt64. Alice Johnson, D. 0 ladles' dept.; Old E. Johnson, Ostcopathlst, Mgr. 978 DONOHUE, Osteopath, Paxton Ulk. Tel. 1367 977 DR. MUSICK, Douglas Illock. -311 DR. T. HUNT, suite 512 McCague bids. Tel. 2352. -750 PATIENTS. WILL BUY any good Invention or patent, address Lock Box 760, Dcs Molnos, la. 9i HAVE cash for good patent or Invention. Address P. O. Box &, Omaha, Neb. iM N7 LOST. LOST, Monday, pearl crescent pin; finder rewarded Ilbernily. 110 No. 23a St. Lost-M604 3 SMALL black and tan dog, Tuesday ntter- 110011, undei loth street viaduct; return to blacksmith shop, 823 S. 7th st; reward. . 1JSI-M621 3 FRENCH AND (IF, II MAX LESSONS. FRENCH und German lessons, nntlvo teachers, ten years' experience, success guaranteed. Mr. and Mrs. Beauchoux, I9S California street. 610 PAW.UROKHRS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas -tiSJ LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry: shirts, 7c; collars. 2c; cuffs, 4s. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 647. OSS TAMMEHIXU AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. -3S4 SPANISH LESSONS, SPANISH lessons. 43S 8. 24th St. MUSIC. PROFESSOR Charles Petersen, piano In- structlou and volco training, ltullan method. Roundness and carrying power of tone guaranteed. 513 W. of W. Bldg. 293-0-2S BOOKKEEPING. LESSONS 111 bookkeeping, etc, day or evtn-J nig. it is. torn, Nat. iJanK. u. 11. iiamuun. 310 STOVES. WE curry tho biggest lino of stoves In city, uuy of ui. Prices right. Enter prise Furniture Co., lv.'-l S, 14th. Tel. ifflti. -Mo74 031 CARPENTERS AND JOINER. ALL kinds ot carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ocnlltrve. nth and Lake SU. -370 MIRROR FACTORY. Damaged looking glasses resllvered. 703 N 16. 621 FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M. S. Wnlklln, 2111 Cuming St -87$ TRUNK FACTORY. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases. Trunks rcpulrcd. Om. Trunk Factory, 1209 Farnam. -471 012 TAILORING. LADIES' garments clenncd. nltered, ro- pairca rcasonanie. mux jp ogei, j-j i r 11 mum. M221 UZ3 NICKEL PLAT1NQ. STOVES, Inmps, etc., reptatlng, Omaha t'lating L.O., ueo uiug. iei. .oo. sj You may RCt cheaper dentistry than vo charge, but you know thnt to get tho best always pays. We do the best and chnrgo res hbnnble for it. Bailey the Dentist am Paxton Illock, 16th and Farnam Sts. Tel. 1085. Est. since 1888. POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by .all Interested, as changes mny occur at any time.) Foreign mnlls for the, week ending Oc ,,,1.., 1; 111. will close. (PROMPTLY In all cases) at tho general postofllce as fol lows: Parcelb post malls close one. hour earlier than closing tlmo shown bolow. Parcels post malls for Germany close at G p. m. Monde y and Wednesday, Regular and supplementary malls close at foreign branch halt hour later than closing time shown below. Trnnantlnutlu Mnlls. THURSDAY At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s, f. Deutschlnnd, via Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg (mall for France must be directed "per b. b. Deutschlnnd"); at 7 n. in. for FRANCE, HW1T.ER LAND, ITALY. SPAIN. PORTUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE, BRITISH INDIA und LORENZO MARQUE5, ptr s. s, La Champagne, via Hnvro (mall for other parts of Europo must bo directed "per b. ft. La Chnmpagno"). SATURDAY At 7:30 a. m. (supplementary 9 n. m.) for EUROPE, per s, b. Cam panla, vln QueenHtown; nt 7:30 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. h. Rotter dam (mall must bo directed "per a. s. Rotterdum"): ut 8 a, m. for ITALY, per s. s. Trave, via Naples (mall must be directed "per s. a. Trave"); at 9:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s, Ethiopia (mall must be directed "per s, h. Ethio pia"). PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-ThU steamer takes Printed Matter, Commercial PnperB and Samples for Germany only, Tho sume class ot mall matter for other parts ot Europe will not bo sent by this thlp un less speelally directed, by It. After the closing of the Supplementary Tranfi-A.tlantla Mnlls named above, addi tional supplementary malls aro opened on the piers of tho Amcrlcnr, English, French nnd German stenmers and remain open until within Ten Minutes ot tho hour ot sailing of steamer, Mnlls for Sonth nnd Central America, West Indies, Etc, THURSDAY At 10 a. m, for HAITI, per s. h. Prlns Willlum.IV (mall for Curacao, Venezuela, Trinidad, British and Dutch Guloua must be directed "per a. a. Prlns William IV"); nt 12 m. for SANTIAGO, er . b. Yilun; at 11 y. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND, per s. ' s. Corcan, from Philadelphia. FRIDAY-At 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. m. Matanzas, via Tarn pi co (mall must be' directed "per s, 's, Mntanzna"). 1 SATURDAY At 5 n. m. for BRAZIL, per b. s. Hove, vi (mail for Northern Brazil, Ptls-loFI'tCE NOTItn. Argentlnp. Vruguhy nnd Pnrugun)- mm; be directed "per s. s. HevelltK "I, at :'H 11. in. for ARGENTINE. FRUGl'AY mil I'ARAOUAY, per s. s. Conning; al 9 n. ni (supplemrntnry 9 ,'W 11. 111.) lor PORTO RICH (Via Hall Juan), Cl'RACAO und VENK'.I'EI.A, per s. s. Philadelphia (mall for Savanllln and Carthageim must be directed "per s, s. Philadelphia") at 9.30 a. m. (tuppleinrtitnry 10:.t n. 111) ,or FORTUNE 191. AM). JAMAICA, SAVA NILLA and CARTH GENA. per s. s Altai (mull for Costn Rica must ho directed "per s. s, Altai")! at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10.50 n tn.) for HAITI nnd SANTA MARTA, per s. .. Andes; nt 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s, s. Mevlco, vln Hnvniui; nt 12:30 p. m. for MATANZAS. CAIBARIEN. Nl'EVlTAS. G1BARA Hint BARACOA, per s. s. ullndn (ordinary mull only, which must be directed "per . s. Ollndn"); nt 12:30 p, m. (siit)lemen tary 1 p. ni.) for TURKS ISLAND nnd DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, tier s. s Cherokee; nt 1 p. 111. (s.ipplemeninry 1:31 p. in.) for BE L-.ll.ML l.. per s, Pretoria. Mall foe Newfoundland by rail to North rtyuney. niiii inenco oy sicamcr, cicse ni this office dnlly at 6:30 p. m. (connecting close here every Monday, Wednesday nnd Saturdny). Malls for Mtquclon, by rail to Boston, und thence by steamer, cloc nt this otlloc dally' at 6:30 p. in. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tatnp.i, Flu., and thence by steamer, close at this olllce dally nt "6 n. 111,. (tho connecting o'oc nra on Monday. Wednesdny ntul Satur day). Malls for Mele City, overland, uillesr specially nddressed for dispatch bv steamer, close at tills ofllco dally ut 1-31 p. m. and 11 p. m, Mnlls 'or Costn Rlcn, Belize, Puerto Cortcz and Guntcmnla, bv tall to New Orleans, and thence by stenmer, close nt this office dally nt 1:30 p. m. (connecting closes here Mondays for Btllzi, Puerto Corlez nnd Guatemala nnd Tuesdays for Cos, a Rica). "Rotls tcrcd mail closes at 6 p. in, previous day. 'I'minimi-ino .Mn IN, Mnlls for Hawaii, Japan, China nnd Philip pine islands via Mail lTuncisco close here tally ut 6:30 p. in. up to September "20, lm luslvc. for dlsimlch tier s. s. Peru. Mails for China und Japan vln Vnucnttver close nere uauy nt u:;io p. in, up to Oc tober "1, Inclusive, for dispatch per s, a. Empress of India (registered mall must bo directed "via Vniicouvei"). Mall, ex cept nerehandlo. which cannot be for warder ii Canada, for tho U. 8, Postal Agent ht Shanghai, closes at 6:30 p. m. previous dny. Malls for China nnd Jnpnn, via Tncoma, ciose nero nany ut :;w p. m, up 10 Octo ber Inclusive, for dispatch per s, a, Brneinnr. Malls for Hawaii via Han Francisco cloo hire dally u 0:30 p. m. up to October 7, Inclusive, for dlsuatch ner s. s. Mails for China and Jiipnn, via Heuttlo, i-iusp nero nnuy at u:;) l. m. up to ucio ber 9, Inclusive, for dispatch per s, s. Knga Maru (registered mall must bo directed "via Senitle"!. Malls for Hawaii. Chine, Japan nnd Philip pines via uan I'rnncisco close hero uauy ut 6:30 p, 111. up to October 10, Inclusive, for illsnateh tier h. h i'.ii.iIiv Mills for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands via nun I'Tiinciseo cioso hero ilally at 6:30 p. 111. up (o Octobor 12, Inclusive, for dlsnntch tier s. h. Aimtmlln Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes vin j-iurope, and New Zealand, which gdua via San Francisco), und FIJI Islands via Vnncouver closo hero daily nt 6:20 n, m. after September 2S and up tO'Octotier "I2, Inclusive, for dispatch per h. s. Aorangl (supplementary in'ills via Seattle- nml Victoria) close at 6:30 p. m. October 13. Mnlls for Australia (except West Australia, ihlii is 1 or warned via igurope). New ealand, FIJI. Samoa nnd Hawaii via Sun 1-rnneisco close hero dnlly nt 6:30 p. 111. ,.ul?.rPt'"'1.,or "13 and up to October 19, Inclusive, or on nrrlvaL of s. s, Etrurla, due Atr ,Np,w York October "19, for dis patch per s. s. Sonoma. Traiwpntlflc mails aro forwarded to port ut suiiiiiK imiiv Hnu mo sriipntnn nr no. Ing Is nrranged on the presumption of Ii.." , """"errupuHi ovcnnna transit. RcRlstemd mall closes at 6 p. m. pre vious iLy. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmnstor. Postolllce, New Y.ork, N. Y Sept. 27, 1901. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. OFFICE CONSTIUIC.TlNn" OtTAJlTMn uiuninr, rori i.eavenwortn, Kiinsus, Sep tember 27, 1901. Sealed proposals, In tripli cate, will bo received hero until 11 a, in., central time, October "JO, 12-01, and then iipened. for constructing the following buildings, Including plumbing, heating nnd electric, wiring: Six infantry barracks, ono bund barrucka. one nrtlllerv tnrru,l. imp artillery stable, ono nrtlllerv gun shed, ono nrtlllerv Ktiard house, slion. oto one Incholor olllceru' quarters (24 sots), fourteen uuiiuie bpih iieuionanis iiuariers, auuiiious to and nltcrntlons In one barrack buldtng 40, and repairs 10 porcne.-t or nnrrncKH tu, 47. 48. 49 and 50. tit Fort Leavenworth. Kau nas. Bidders will state In their bid tho time In which they will complete tho work, as tlino will form nn Important considera tion In the nwnrd. Full information und blniik .forms of proposal furnished on up nllcntton to this office. Plans nnd sneclil- cations may be seen here: also In ollico of Depot Quartermaster nt Chicago, St. Louis and Omaha. United States reserves tho right to accept or reject any or nil pro posals of nny part thereof. Envelopes to bo enuorsen, - i-roposnis inr i-uouu mum Iiirs," und uddrcsscd to Captain D. E. Mc Carthy, Q. M. 830 01-2-3-24-23 PROPOSALS for Fresh Vegetables-Office Chief Commissary. Omnha, Nebraska Sentember 30. 19U1. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will bo received hero until 11 o'clock 11, m., October 9, 1901, nnd Mien onened publicly for furnishing nnd delivery of such quantities of potatoes and onions ns may be rcquircu uy 1110 subsistence ue nnrlinent of Forts Crook. Niobrnrn. Robin won and at tho Omaha Depot, Neb. Pro posals will also bo received und opened by the commlssnries at Forts Robinson nnd Nlobrarn until 10 o'clock u. m., mountain standard time, October 9, 1901, each post commlssury receiving proposals, for his own post only. The right Is reserved to reject any or ull proposals In whole or In part. Information as to conditions of contract will be furnished on' application to thin office, or to nny of tho above mentioned offices. D. n. AVILSON. Lieutenant Colonel 25th inrantry, Acting unlet uomminsnry. 830 d4t 07-8 CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE Omnhn, Neb., Octobor 1, 1901. Healed pro posals, In triplicate, will bo received hero nnd atonices or uuartermasters at sta tlons named, until 10 a, m., central time October 15, 1901, and then opened for fur nlshlng wood, bituminous conl. shelled corn, oats, bran, baled hay and bedding, at umnha Q. M, Depot, Forts Crook, Robin son nnd Niobrara, Nebraska, Jefferson Bar- racKs, .Missouri, Forts tavonworth and iiiiey. Kansas. Reno and Hill. Oklahoma Proposals for delivery at other points will bo entertained. U. 8. reserves right to reject or nccept nny or all proposals, or any part thereof, Information furnished 011 application' here, or to Quartermasters at stations named, Envelopes containing proposals should he marked "Proposals for ," and addressed to undersigned, or wunriermasiers ui minions 11 novo named, JISU, W. 1'U1jL..M Ai, (.'11101 W, Al. O3-1-5-7-10-11 flAII.WAY TI3I15 CA'RD. BURLINGTON STATION-lOTIt & MASON Unrllnatou A Mlaannrl Valley. Leave. Arrtv Nebraska, Express ..a 8:40 am a 7:35 pm Wymorc, Beatrice und Lincoln a 8:40 nm bil:C5 am u, 1 in 1 V'Vi a ,:;;a vm a 3;(J0 Pm Sound, Denver Con nection a 9:00 pm a 6:45 am Lincoln Fast Mall .b 3:00 pm n 9:17 am Fort Crook and Platts- mputh ................... ,b 3:20 pm bii;05 am Bellcvue & Pacific Jot., a 7:40 pm a 8:20 am uviicvuu oc x ui:iiiu uui..u a;iu am Kanaaa City, St. Joseph & Council UlnffN. ICnns&s City Day Ex.... a 9:20 am n 6:05 pm Kansas Cltv Night Ex,.al0:30 pm a 6:15 am 01, i.ouis v Iyer, a d:iu prn auuo am Chicago, BiirlluaTtou & Qulucy. Chicago Special a 7:00 am nl0;20 pm Chicago Vcstlbulcd Ex., a 4:00 pm a 7:45 am Chicago Local ,, a 9:30 am a 4:05 pm Chicago Limited ..,.a 7:50 pm a 7:45 am Fast Stall a 2:45 pm a Dally, b Daily except Sunday, UNION STATION-IOTII AND MAIICY, Union Pacific, Leave, .a 8:20 am ,a 8:50 am Arrive, Overland Limited,,,,,, Fast -Mall. ..... Mall and Express Colorado Hnecial a 7:20 pm n i:25 pm 1111:35 pm aii:2r. pm n 4:25 prrt a i:mj ,m Illncoln-Stromsburc Ex.b 4:05 nm Diz:30 nm Pacific Atlantic Ex., ,11 4:23 pm Grand Island Local, M,,.b 5;3Q pm Omnha. u St.'I.opla, . a 6:50 am b 9,35 am St. Lotlls "Cannon JBalf'a 0:15 Jim jv.8U!0 am Kansas City and Qulncy Local a 7:25 am a 9:00 pm AII.W.U TI ME ( A Ittl. IlllnoU t'riitrnl. Chicago l-Apress . ...a 1 Chlciuo, Mlnnnpolls .1 St. Paul Limited a 7: Minneapolis v.- 8t Paul Express ,, b 7i Fort Dodge Local, from Council Bluffs a 6 ;00 am a 5:10 im !l5 pm a -M am 00 nm b 9:40 pm :00 nm it I'nclflc. Chlenuo, Rook alnitit EAST. Dps Moines and Davcti itnrl t.oenl.. ..n .ft MM. M A. 4 , Chicago Express ...bll: I . ' till, . ,MI, 1:13 am n 4:55 pm 1:20 pm bU:50 am i-.oo pm a 1:23 pm i)pa .Moines i,ocai a w Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:1 ..til.. llall,l und Chicago a iiw pm a s;io am WEST. Lincoln. Colo. Springs. Denver, ruewo auu Went a 1: 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm 1:20 pm n 9:50 am fnint-iiilo. nktnhoma and Texas l- iyer a e: Wnbnsh. St. Louis "Cannon Boll" Express .a n:u pm a s:v am .MlKoiirl Pnolflc. Ht. Louis Express 10:00 nm a 6:25 pm K. C. & St. L. Express. ,nl0:S0 pm a 6:15 am Chlengn, MIImuiIUcc .t St. Paul. Chicago Limited. . ,, ,1. .a 6:00 pm a 8:05 nm Chlcntp) & Uniali.i Kx,.,b t.l5am bJ:yni a Dally, b Daily except Sunday. C'lileuun ,V North viestrrn. Chtcngo Special ,,,,a 7:W am nll:30 pm Chlcngo Passenger,. .i..n 4:13 pm a 8:40 nm Eastern impress, ,,,.,,aiu:M am a voo pm Eastern Hucclal a 4:55 pm n 4:05 urn Fast Mall a 2:43 pm Omahn-Chlcaso LTd,..a 7:15 pm a 8;u) am Fast Mall a 8:30 am Cedar Rapids Fnsseiigcr a 6:30 pm Twin City Exprcss..,,,,K 6:55 nm nlu::"3 pm Twin cny liimitea. ,.,.a ceo pm n mi Sioux City Local a 8:ov um a 3:50 pm a Dally, b Dnlly except Bunday. WEIISTEII DEPOT HIT 1 1 A WEIlSTKIt Frrninnt, Elkhiirn A .Missouri Valley Leave. Arrive. Black Hills. Deadwood. Hot Springs n 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 3;0fl ;m e 5:00 pm Hustings, York, David City, Hupcrtor.uoncvu, Kietpr and Sewnrd....b 3 00 Dm b 5:00 nm Norfolk, Lincoln and ... I. ?, - ... UA,S - i' re mini 11 iv uiv.. iu Fremont Local c 7:3( am .Mlaannrl Pacific Nebraska Local, Via Weeping water u :io pm aio:2o nm UhleiiKO, St. Paul, Minneapolis Oninliii. Twin City Passenger.. ,.n 6:00 nm a 0:10 pm Sioux City Passenger.. ,n 3:43 pm nll:10 nm Emerson Local b 5:30 pin b 8:30 am a Dnilv. b Dallv excent Sunday, o Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday, e Dally except .Monuny. WILL SHUT OUT THE AGENTS Ilnnkers Milking Arrannonienta to Have Couinilaalons nn Inanr Hiiee Go tn Association, It Is probable that within the next thlrtjr days tho bankers of Nebraska will have completed arrangements whereby the asso ciation which includes n large majority of tho banks ot the state wlt receive Into Its treasury the commissions Upon fidelity and burglary Insuranco written In favor of the members of thnt association. At the last convention the executive com mittee was authorized to make a contract with this object In view. At n recent meet ing of the oxecutlvo committee the chair man and secretary were empowered to en ter into contracts after the contracts had been approved by a committee consisting of George W. Post of York, T. E. Stevens ot Blair nnd V, B. Caldwell of Omaha. Henry W. Yates is chairman of the execu tive committee and II. R. Gould Is secre tary. They will draw up a contract this week which will he submitted to the mem bers. It Is probable that the fidelity nnd bur- gin ry Insurance ot the association will bn placed In tho hands of the National Surety company of New York City nnd tho Ocean Accident and Guarantee corporation, lim ited, ot London. Tbcso companies have the preference for the reason that when the scheme was first proposed tn thts state they were tho only two companies In tho business In similar relations with tho Mis souri Bankers' association, and a repre sentative of that association has pro nounced tho arrangement satisfactory to both parties, Other companies gave as a reason for not favoring the plan tbo fact that thoy already have agents In the Held and did not feel like taking tho business of the banks from them. Seasonable Fashions S939 Mltsea Waist, ii 10 10 yfi. Misses' Illouso Waist Closing at the Back, No. 3939 Low round yokes are much in vogue nnd aro well adapted to young girls' wear. This very pretty blouse combines that feature with the stitched hands and box plaits, that are fio fashionable and Is essentially smnrt at the same tlmo that It is youthful, Tho original Ik mado of, pastel Inn cloth with tho yoke of taffeta 'in a darker shade, and makes part of n cos tume, but tho design Is equally well nutted to odd waists of silk, albatross, cliallle'and (ho like. Tho foundation or fitted lining, extonils to tho waist lino only, but closos at thn back with tho waist beneath tho centre box plait. The yoke Is plain, applied over the lining, but tho lower portion of the front Is laid In box plaits that nra stitched nt oach edge. The back Is laid In plaits for Its entire length which nrc, drawn togother at the waist Una. Tho sloevc are In bishop style, and tho nock In finished with stock, collar that Is trimmed with stitched bands to match those on tho waist And yoke. To cut this blouse, for a girl of 14 years of age 3V4 yards of material 21 Inches wide, 2?i yards 27 Inches wide or 1 yards 44 Inches wide will be required, with yrd for yoke and collar, The pattern 3939 Is cut In sires for misses ot 12, 14 nnd 16 years of age. For 'he accommodation of The Dee read ers these patterns, which usually retail at from ii o 00 lentB, will be furnished at a nominal yrlce, 10 cents, which covers til expcnio. in order to get any pattern en close 10 cents, glyo number and name of pattern wanted nnd bust measure. Allow about ten days from date of your letter before beginning to look for toe pattern. Adlreis, Patter- uart:neht, Oiaalia Ota. R 1