10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1001. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL CtmiUnt Bet: Frttsurt en Dull Uaikit Deprmts Wheat Markat Again. CORN ADVANCES IN SPITE OF THE BREAK Oat 1'nlrly Acllve TIiimirIi ."Serious, ClonliiK IIIkIut nml Firm WimmI 'i'rnitf In I'rtM liliii Iml Inllucne.eil liy ll'K. Chicago, ontlniied 'J r IIIHII ' UllU L(r.niui ....... -- ullnn ,.T,.n,l frum 12Ue In 32H(! (ll)U M Conditions favored the bears In tin- wheat pit. thn cables Wore weak, 111;1 weather fine nml receipts llborul. Till Muriel December 'U' to lie lower t BS'se to (.' ami nt the outset there wan more of tbe. samo selling Unit depressed the market nt yesterday's close. Ttii- Impression gnlmd Krouiul that much of the early telling was to nld com shorts. Occasional rallies on covering hi'ltK'd somewhat In bringing! tirlces biirk, but later In tin session n drive by ii smalt bear clique depressed Decem ber to GSlie. The eash sltuotlnn was In different, but nt the clone profit taking by shorts brought December to fA'slLO . :,fjAc under jcstorihiy. Inru1 receipts v,r,Tc 111 pars, Minneapolis and Dultith re ported W curs, mnkltiK n total for the three points of OIS pars, against 7tm lut week nnd 6!11 it ypiir ago, Primary re ceipts were 1.312,(K bushels, compared with J.fti8.nfl IuikIipIh n. year ngo. SpaboinV rlpnrnncpx In wheat nml Hour equalled 42ft,W) bushels. TIip seaboard ipportcd 48 loads taken for export. Corn Imrt n dull markpt wl.h bearl Ii condition!) tn tight against, but steadily nd vnnrpd In thn face, of this nml thp brpnk In wheat. Cnbles wcro weak and tlm wcntlier porfpet. Tlic piinIi Kltuatlon was dull and ttipro was only u moderate conn try movement. I.ack of offerings, how ever, had h strengthening pffoct and De ember, wlilrli nppucd n trlllp weak, snnn sold up to Me. When wheat brokp there was, an easier fooling, but npvpr any pop. tddcrahle pressure. December closed llrm Siff-sC higher nt tAc. Receipts were 171 ca rs, Oats had n fairly nctlvp, though nervous, market. Thpre was Home fear that bull Interests would pt go and several at tempts to break through depressed prlois tPinporarlly. After n fair commission hniiic deniaml Htendled tho market and Derembpr nfler decllnltiK to 3lio plnwed llrm "io lilxlier at KUo. ripppipt.i wrro 139 ears. 1'rovlfdotm wpre nioderntely active and lind dtcldrd beiirlHh tcndpucy, due to n lower hoK market mid eonsldcrnhlc ll'iiildii tlon on the part of the tired holders of futures. January pork nold between $ir.ft."i mid 115.W. nnd closed 3JB- lower at the latter flKiire. January lard closed ISVfce down nt H.17"i and January ribs 17Uc lower nt JS.ki, listlmated rppplpts for tomorrow: Wheat. lj.0 cars; eorir, ltt earn oats, 125 cars; Iiors, ni.oiio hehd, The leinlltiK futures rntiKed ns follows: Artlcles.l Open. I IIIrIi. Low. Close. yes'y. Wheat Oct. Dec. May t'orn Opt. Dep. .Muy Dec. May Vork- Oct. Jan. Mny I.ard- Oct. Nov. Jan. May JllhM- OPt. Jnn. May 67 H 17 IcsTi-fl'i, r.r'i, 72,-72!4(72!ifii Wii 73 B4S r.r,i; fiSVnD r,(t; ri? W, 33; 351.1 5?HI fvS .tin; .rl i 37(, 14 25 31 4 3rt?i 14 25 15 DO 15 C5 3I! 37 14 5" 15 S74 16 02V4 9 12i ! 30 !' 32'4 9 9i) 8 75 S 17!5 8 25 37 W.ll1 14 43 IE SO 15 13 n 8714 14 C, 15 sr 15 95 ! M fl 70 !i 30 i 30 8 75 8 15 15 52! lit Ul4 I) fO n 77h: 3 57',4 1714 ! 17V41 9 17W j la a 40 R 75 12 8 20 8 (0 R 00 8 C5 7 f7',4: Ii OS No. 3 Cash quotations wpro ns follows: I'LOUn-Stpadv: winter patents, moft I.fi0: stralKlits. J3.oOU3.4f); clears. .807?3.4": IptlnK specials. I4.iV)5H10; patents, J3 30f I.IV); strnltthts. J2.S0fi3.2O. ' f pWUGAT-No, 3. MTifiSSc; No. 2 red. 69 mSN5lc.n'Wt5"i0: fn'r to cholre .SKKDS-Prlmo timothy, J.-,.43fi5 SO riHJVISIONH-Mess pork, per bb ., S14 31 ,JMTaA WW lbs., J9.SO09.9O. .Short t hs sides (loose). JS.BO-ij8.70. Dry h.t I oil Hpulders (boxed). J7.50ft7.73. Short clear lldes (boxed). J9.30fi9.)O. nr WIUSKY-llaals of hlBh wines. Jl.so. r,JnJI.??...ll!?..r?"!PJs J hlp. ii iiuirn. Flour, bbls Itecelpts. Shipment . . . . 70,000 35,0 0 ... 227,000 Jl-S.tW 425.000 23t!,tW .... 3M,m 114,100 .... 2l,0e0 wneat. bu Corn, bu. nats, bu. live. Int. Barley, bu, I3.W 180 1.T miirkpV was-.lrm cumTb-s'. ?5e, iWlrles l.Wl!lc, Chei-se. steady, O'lfiiwlc' Kkks, llrm, frpsh, ICp. 4UI"'C' MOW YOHHTOKMIUAI, MAltlCKT. tin Million, of h. u,. Vurlou. Coin modi I leu. M'r'i ? ?- 2,r'''-0"-nppeipts. W,.tOO libs.; exports. 7.R02 bbls.; iimi ,,, barely steady: winter ValBhtH J3 2573 "o Mlnuesotu patents, JS.MJM.M. Ryo tlmir UJ?i,l?tv.,'Vl.'l6"" FlrmCr: !'ellow western, llloaSie!U',' "2 we8,,,r"' t- o.'o. llumilmI'EV""a,,,,(ly: tcpd'nK 52c c- I; WHKAT-Itecelnts. 130.000 bu. Spot, dull: ii i ,nfl",,lt! OPtlnn opened easy and dppll ie,l further under exclled CHIcobo "e ill Iiik by n prominent trader, helpeil bv blir n?hl' H'V'JW offl,t'PK l "'wer e.,bl,'K They rnllleil on covcrliiR nnd In tho lifter nnd for a tlmo were anxnlnn.i v... ...,.i commission house buylmr. hater they eased off with wheat, but recovered unit rlosed hi in -m net. n 1 1 vn nee; .May, Ui l-icifGS'ic: ern, 3SMl(40ii; track, white, lUSi 17c. Options " ivik. tiitiivi iiiiAt'ii went uutet unit barely stonily. HAY lCnsy; shipping 60GC3c; good to choice. SaftWo HOI'S-Uulet; state, common to cholco. JW1 crop. l:Ufl3c; 1900 crop, ll!i15c; 1S99 crop. 60 He; I'aclllc coast, 190) crop, Ufa 15c; 1S93 crop. 6'ullc; lSl'S crop, CQ9c. lllDKS-Sleady; Oalveston, 20 to 23 lbs,, 18c; L'allfornlu, 21 to 25 lbs., 1914c; Texas dry. 2t to so lbs., i4V4c I-KATUIJH -Steady; hemlock sole. Hue- ies Ayri'k, MKbt to hoavy welehts, 23WU '-.I't1- 111.H1. '.(Ul.jC. PltOVlHIONS-Heef. dull; family. JU.Mtf 12.1k); mess. J'.i.WJilO.Oo; beef luulis. J20.WJM .i.u.7, iixiiiii. iuA-'oiv.pii; cuy, exira mum iiiPBs, $lii.nns.ri. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, i)i1illHc; pickled shoublers, 7'! 7Up: plekled hams. IOMiUp. I.anl. easy; western stpuniPd, J10.20; October closed at S10.33. nominal: rcttn,,l. ,.ii. ,.n,ttiti..,ii 110.50; South America, $11.25; compound, js.uo nio.ij. rur. sieiiuy; lumuy, 17.WX!(ln.w; niC'li-Htendy. MOIiASSKS-Steadv. TAl.l.OW-Stemly; city (JI per pkB.), (!c; n"i"'ij wii v i,i p. i. n ui'i'i, u'auigwi. m'TTHU-Iten.lpls, 7,300 plus.: steadv Htnte Unify. It&iJlc: creamery, 1Mi22'4p; juiih creamery. 20f(22c; fresh factory, 12'i5(tmc. Clli;i:sH-UeceHts. 3,300 pkus., unlet' and firm; fancy lan;. colored, 90: fancy laiKe white, gHflnVN faiipy small colored, 101o; fancy snuill wliltp. Mc KUtiS Hecelpts, 9.83S pkRs, ; Htcndy; slatp nun i-cniisyivuiim. ;ntl--c: western cunilleil, 2ic: western u ilea ml I til. HiUitiiHiA,-. POl'IiTRY Alive, steady; drpsced. weak; nrWiKcrs, 11',4'12p; fowls, ll12u; turkeys, MRTAl-S Tin In l.omlon clo.ed the day lit a net loss of Jli after one time being 1:2 lirlow last nlshfrt llBiire The imdertoiie iik we.iK. apo was linaiiy nuuteil at 110 Is 6d and futures nt 10S 2s M. Locally the tin market opened weak, but later rullled on iifjcut DuyniK oroers uiui cioseii urmer ut tll'SAiUM. Conner ruled lifeless nt NTun- York at Jlfi.SOflli.OO for Lake Hutierior and sio.iii!4Bii."; tor cBsiuiB nun oie ciroiyttc. In London, however, copper advanced ISs. brtnRlng spot anil futures to the same, level M 10s. Lead, quiet at JL3714 here, while iv sharp decline of 5c occurred In th Lon don mnrkt, with spot closing; nt 11 12s fid. Knller ruled dull at JI.03U4.lf nt New York. Wit M i ti botUr at Lontlniv, eloitnc at Met. "A i' pressuro on a nun nmrKri ncpi '"'" again today. December elofced weak '4 V lower, December crirn closed iJ(Mic 1. 1. .I.. ., ...I milu IHl" IIP. ITU I . '. . 1lv.u,. "Port tlemand, c os. 'B "t'Uly Ht c loss; May, 77!4(Q78c: closed ... '-"'"'IPI'". 37.7W) bu,; exports, 1,370 niStC f, o, I), nllnilt. Onllnnu ,..,.l .nnri.. " -ni.. ,,nivfriuoni ill oivru: lie- comber. fittifilKuj closed at filSe. .OATHz!c,'l?l,!,H' 203-W '"I. Spot, easier; Jiv-rv3?'.?!.0- 3.;?St?;. No; - V'l".('. Tf 15 17s 6d. Domestic Iron ma.rke.tB were nulet but firm at J9.wvai0.50 for pic Iron warrants; No. 1 northern foundry, $15.007 lS.5fj; No. 2 southern foundry, I14.00ill4.5o. No 1 southern foundry, J14. .5015.25; No. i soft southern foundry, J14.7515.25. (How cow warrants rinsed ut 04s and Middles borotmh at 45s 4HU. 1 O MA II A U'IIOLUAI.K MAIIKI1T. Coiiitlllnti of rrnde nml (Itiotntlons in .Mnplr nml nncy Proaiicr. KOGS Hecelpts fair; loss off. HQlSc. LIVI-; POULTllY-Hens, 7g7i,4c: youns and old roosters, 4c; turkeys, tvy$c; ducks and geese, 5U6'.4c, sprlnc chickens, per H)., ' lU'TTKR-Commoii to fair, lZUllHc! liolce dairy, In tubs, lofllCc; separator, i2 4)2::p. FHEHH l'ISH -HlrtPk bass, ISc; white bass, 10c; bluefisli, 11c; bullhends, 10c: bluo tins. 7c; buffaloes. 7c; cntllsli. 12c: cod, 10c! dapples, 100; halibut, lir; herrltiK, 7c; had cock, lop; jilke, 10c; red snapper, 10c; sl mon, lie; suntlsh. Cc; trout, luci whltcllsli, loc OYSTKHS-Medlums. per can, 23c: Stand ards, per chii, 2SC, extra select", per enn, 35c; New York counts, per can, 4ci b'lllt stiindards. per gal., Jt.J.. PIOKONS-Llve, per doz., COc. VHALS-r-Chnlce, rtc. , , IIAY-Prlces quoted by Omaha Wholfale Hay Dealers" iisoclatlnn; Choice upland, Jlo.tl; No. 2 upland, JtO: medium, 9.50; coarse, JS.50. Hyp straw, J3..V. Tliesn prices nro for hay of good color and quality. De mand fair, Hecelpts, 19 cars. WHHATWc. P COH.N-5IC. OATH-Old, 35c. 1JHAN J10.50. VHOIiTAHLKS. POTATOKS-Honie grown. J1.0OS1.1S: Salt Lakes, J1.20; Colorado. J1.10. LUU J'LANT-Pcr tloz.. 7Cc. CAHHOTS l'pr market ba3Kot. 35c. HIJKTS-Por halt-bu. basket, 33c. TI'HNIPS-Per baskot, 30c. Cl'CUMHKHS-llomc grown, per doz 10 i6c. PA US I HY Per Am.. 20o. Htt'ERT POTATO KS Home grown, per bu,, Jl.wi; genuine Jersey, per bbl., J4.0O. CABHAOK-llollunil seed, crated, TOM ATOliS-Homo grown, per lb-lb. bas ket. HOC, HKANS-Wnx. per Vi-bti. basket, 60c; string, per ',4-bu. basket, DOc. ONION.S-Ilomc-grovn, per lb., I82Ho Siianlsh. per crnte. J1.50. WATIJIIMKLONS - Missouri. Iowa nnd Nebraska. 10'rl20c, as to size. CHLKHY Kalamazoo, per bunch, 23fj35c: Nebraska, per bunch, COSIOc; Colorado, 40 &0c. NAVY HKANS-Per bu., J2.50JI2.75. ritUlTH. APPriUS-Cooklng, per bbl.. J2.50S2.75; snow upplcs, pot bbl., J3; Jonathans, J3.50J llelleriowers. Jl.t'i5ai.75. l'KACHKS California freestone, per box, se; clings, 75c; rtnh frepstone, 73c; KI-' bertos. li-basket crates, JI.30iil.4O. Pltt'NKS-l'tnh, per crnte, J1.25. PKARS-Utnh Flemish llenuty, J2.00; Cal ifornia fall pears, J2.0OJ2.23. OHAPKS -California Tokuv, 4-lb. crate, J2.00; Muscats, JI.60; Concords, eastern, ISc. PlNi:APPLi:s Per crnte of 12 to 16, J1.25. CHANIli:RKIl-:S-Per bbl., J6.25; per crute, $2.50. QUINCKS-Per box, J1.65. TROPICAL FUUITS. OHANOK8 Valenclas, JI.W)5.00; Med. sweets. J4.50. Li:.MONS-Fancy. J3.76: choice. J3.23. UANANAS Per bunch, nccordlnir to slie. J2.W12.50. r iuB uanrornin. new canons, soc, tm- porieu, per 10., izjtnc. DATICS-Pcrslan: In GO-lb boxes, per lb., 5V4e; Hairs, be. iiorsiai per 21-scction case, $3.75. MISCULliANKOUS. NUTS-Kngllsh walnuts, per lb.. 15c: fil berts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb., lSQ20c; raw peanuts, per lb., 536!4c; roasted, OHtJ 7 Vic; llruzlls, 13c: pecans, 10y22c. uiDKii i'er dpi., per ',4-dbi., js.To. IUD128 No. 1 creen. 6c: No. 2 itreen. 6',4c; No. Ii salted, Sc; No. 2 salted, 7c; No. 1 veai cair, a to izft ins., uc; ino. s veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c: dry hides, SttlSc; shcop pelts, 2j'u"5c; horschldes. J1.5'J4i-.,.2o. Ut. I, mils CSraln and Provlalons. ST. LOUIS. Oct. WIIKAT-Recelpts. 38.541 bu.: lower: No, red, cash, elevator. 68ic; track, 715(72c; October, 6SV4c; Decern tier, 705(70!4c; May, 730; No. 2 hard, 6Sft tV4c. CORN lllglipr; No. 2 cash. 56o: track, 57',4ti58c: October, 56?c; December, b'Wti 57Hc: May. uflc. oats Higher; No, 2 rash, 37c; 3G?ic; May, 3Sc; track. No. 2 37sc: December, wnite. W(tz)c. KY15 1JU1I Ut KMC. FLOUR Dull: red winter patents, J3.Kra clear. 3.53: extra fancy straights, J3.U05j3.15 J2.B5fl2.90. s r; is DH Timothy, steudv. 5.40 for gooa. with prime worth JS.50; llnx, no market. fUIUSJI r;A Ii nteauy, J.'.w. HRAN Dull: sacked east track, 77jr79c. HAY Timothy, steady. J10.00CT15.00: prai rie, easy. WHISKY Steady. J1.30. IRON COTTONTI12B-J1.20. HAoniNo-c;i!g7!4c. TWINIC-Hcmp. 9c. PROVISIONS Pork, steady: lobbing. J10.00, iJird, lower nt J9.G74. Dry silt meats, boxed, lower: extra shorts and clenr ribs, J9.00; clear sides, J9.37V4. Bacon, boxed, lower; extrn shorts and clear ribs, J10.00; clear sides, J10.25. MKTALS Lend, firmer nt Ji.27V4fT4.30. Spelter, quiet nt J3.92V4ff3.93. j'OUl.TKY-oulet; chickens, evjc; springs. Hie; iiirKeys, ic; young, b'iic; iiucks, djj ujic; ceese, nunc. 11UTTKR Steady; creamery, 1723c: dnlrv. ll17c nuus-Hteaiiy nt 16c. RIX'ICIPTS-Flour. 7.000 bbls: wheat. S9.00U bu.: corn. 2i,000 bu.; oats. 40,000 bu. S IIPMKNTS-F our. 7.000 bbls.: wheat. 28.000 bu.; corn, 18,000 hu.; oats, 30,000 bu, Liverpool firnln it nil Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 2. WHKAT-Snot. dull; No. 2 red western winter. 6s Sd; No. 1 California. 5s lOUd: futures onened nulet: December. 5s ti',4d; March, Ch Sid. uujt.N spot, quiet; American mixed, new, 4s ll'4d; futures uulot; October, 4s lOd: November. 4s 10id; December. 4s 10-id. PROVISIONS-Lari . American rptlned. In prills, nulet. 50s 3d: prime western In tierces. steady, 51s. Hams, short cut, steady, 52s 9d. Kiicou, quiet, his bit; Htiort clear backs, quiet, 17s; Cumberland cut, dull, fOs. Shoulders, square, dull, 39s. Short ribs, nulet. 50a fid; clpnr bellies, quiet, CSa d. TALLOW-Prlmc city, strong, 293; Au strnllnn In London, firm, 50-i 3d. HOPS At London (Puc flo coasO. dull. 3f3 5s, Heceluts of wheat durlne the Inst three days, 313,000 centals, including 2C2.O0O Amer ican, Receipts or American corn during tho last three days, 2d,S0O centals. Knnsns City (Jrnln nnd IrnvIlonn. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 2.-AV1I EAT De cember, fiSTiflbCo: May. 6914c; cash. No. 2 hard. 64V4f(63c; No. 3. 6(o; No. 3 red, 70c. CORN-December. 57i'B"5"Ho ; May, 68U CSHc: cash, No. 2 mixed, 52c; No. 2 vhlte, 6b'HM?ic. u.'ib-.no, - wnue, uMifyjc. IIYB-Nn, 2. BfiUc II AY Cholco timothy, J13.50fJH.50; cholco prairie. 112.(KB12.60. Ht'TTHlt - Creamery, IGVifjlDc; dairy, fancy. HSi Ific. KCIOS Steady; fresh Missouri nnd Kan sas stock quoted on 'change, 15c dozen, loss off, cases returned. RHCKIPTS-Wheat. 34,090 bushels; corn, 52.M10 bushels: oats, JS.O0O bushels. SHIPMF.NTS-Wheat. R0.O0O bushels; corn, 59,200 bushels, oats, S.OOO bushels. Mliinruiiolls AVlieiit, I'lour Mild Itrnn. MINNKAPOLIS. Oct. 2,-WHIi:AT-Cash, 07c; Dpcember, wj'.ic: May, C9',ff('69;ic; on track, No. 1 hard. iOc; No. 1 northern, 67o; No. 2 northern, filJjiVI'ic. FLOl'R-Lower: first patents. J3.8R(h3.93; second patents, J3.73; first clears, J2.7512.n5; second clears, J2.20. HRAN In hulk, J13,00fi 13,25. Tnlcdo (Srnln mill Seed. TOLICDO, Oct. 2.-WIinAT-Dull: No. 2 cish. 711ii: December. "2Hu: Mny. 7Eic. CORN Quint: lower: No. 2 mixed, De- cemner, Mi-'ic; .miy, dvkv. OATS L'licliatiged. IlYH No. 2. 53140. SUIJDS Cloer, active; prime October and December, Jo.lis. Uuliith firnln .tlarkrt. nUM'TIL Oct. 2.-WHFJAT-Cnsh. No. 1 hard. fac: No. 2 northern, 63Hc; No. 1 northern, iVij,e; October, fifiic; December, MiTic; amy, Tiic. OATS-35(&35Hc. CORN-450. Prnrln MnrUrt, PKORIA, Oct, 2,-CORN-Lower; No, 3, OATS-Inactlve; No. 2 white, SfifoSHic billed tnrougn. WHISKY-On the basis of Jl.30 for fin Ished goods. Mllwnukre (irln Market. MII.WAUKKK, Oct. 2,-WHRAT-Lower; No. 2 northern. tPJiiaVje; No. 3 northern, 67li''ati'iI3c: December, 6STViitUc. RYIC-Steadyj No, 1. tOljc. UARLUY-Steady; No. 2, 0c: sample, 450 5S4c. Philadelphia Prodne Market, PiiUiADBbriUA, Oct. 1-BUTTSR- Klrm; fancy westerti creamery, 23c; famy nearby prints, 25e. KaOS-Dull and 4ylc lower; fresh nearby, 20V4C, fresh western, 2iXIi20'.4e: fresh southwestern. 20c; fresh southern, 19c. CHHHSH Firm; New York ful crenms, fancy, loimcj New York full creams, choice, Mj94C. .MHV Ytmit'Vl'Ot'KS AM) ll(M)!. Mnrkrt Slnrts Out vrlth 1 prrnrd Ituxb nf Prices, NliW YORK, Oct. 2. -The market started out today with something of an upward rush of prices. Appateutly the profession u ttuders were Imptessed with the Idea that the statement of net piirnlngs olllclnliy promulgated lust evening us the market closed, by the president of tho United Stiitta Steel corpora Hon, would have a strength ening ertect on the whole list. There was quite mi active denvmd for a whlla for 1 lilted States Steel, which lifted llio prlpi! Hi ovpr yesterday. Colorado FupI nnd Tpiinessee Coal showed sonic strength on the iissumptlol. that the favorable eon dltlotis In the trade revealed by the state ment of Sted corporation earnings would beiii'Ht those companies also. The railroad list wits affected by a de mand from the shorts, but the force of the demand spent Itself early nnd the market fell Into dullness and hea vims', punctuated by ,1 number of weak spots among tho Industrials, The American Car stocks, the Pressed Steel Car stocks nnd National Salt were notablv affected, losing from 2U to I points. National Hlscull. Rubber Goods, International Pump mid. International Paper fell from 1 to l'. Hrooklyn Transit continued weak under pressure of liquidation, which Is attrib uted to a weak annual report expected soon. The stock fell 11 11 extreme 4-H to be low KO, the lowest price of the year. Manhattan declined 2 1-3, partly In sym pathy. The reduction of rellned sugar ex plained the recent decline In the stock, which steadied toward tho close of Hie duy, ending with a net gain. The bulk of prlc. s generally was carried below last night, but net declines did not reach n point in Important railroad stocks, except for Mis souri Pacific. The money demand market continued ac tive and sterling exchange advanced ngn 11. The demand wob attributed to the re qiilrements for purchase of stocks bought recently In the liondon market. The im noiincement from the .Treasury depart ment that the purchase of government bonds for the sinking fund would censo will cut off the main source of replenish ment of the New York money market for some time against the Interior do mnnd for currency. There was a stgnlll cant drop In quotations on call for gov ernment honds, following the announce, incut. The postponement of the meeting of the Atchison directors, which was ex pected to Increase the dividend rnto of the common stnpk. paused some disap pointment nnd depression. Covering of shorts rallied the market slightly and It closed about steady. Railroad bonds were dull and Irregular. Total sales, par value, Jl,fin5,000. Unite.) States old 4s declined ",, the 3s ami ft '4 imd tho new 4s 1 per cent on tho last call. Commercial Advertiser's liondon Finan cial cablegram says: The stock market today was It'ln and Irregular. The copper snnrcs were steady, the metal hardening. American stocks quietly improved In 11 narrow market. Thero wns a general rally n the afternoon and htrength under thi: lead of Atchison, which Is expected to have, the semi-annual dividend Increased to 2 per cent. Two lending brokers bought 20,oou shares of tho common stock. South ern Pacific wns flat. Tho Steel dividend hud no effect. Money rates oro unchanged. The followlne are the closing prices' on the New Tork Stock exchange: Atchison 1 dn pfit lUltunlrc & Ohio, dn pM Canadian raclnc. (.'Htisdn So Cliff. & Ohio ChlCHgo & Alton.. 7ii IHt. Taut pfd.... .H7i . M 3'-'i . W, . 40H "2 : ,W4 . M . 87 . 21 . 3S . IS . 29 . 21 . 41 .ISO .1W . 90 .100 . 90 . : . 84 . lr . 4b . 44 . r,'.t . 3Cli . CD . 93 .215 .11S .Ut . II ',4 . 1) . K!; . 77 . 93 . 91 . u . 19'i . 29 . 67'4 , 91 . C3 . 41H .X0.-.1 . .'IS's . 7a .212 . is . en .1184 61 . 15 . 71 . 12U . 79'i 16' i . 53 . 43H . J3' . 90 i'k Ho. ParlOt! 100 Ho. Ilallwav do nfd... 1'.' Texas A I'arlfki.. B Tel.. Ht. L. rtc W. do pM Union rue no do pfd Chicago, Iml. & L do nfd... IWllli.l.lli do tiiu 71 do nfd.. ChleuifO A H. Ill Chicago Q. V.... IS' Wheel. & I.. E ? , u , 4) 104 ,13914 , 20 , 3' 2s;i a,, do lot pM.... 1I0 2d nM.. , Wis. fentrnl , do pfd Adams Ex , America 11 Ex t7. 8, Ex Wells-Pfirgo Ex... Amnl. Copper Amer. Cnr & F... do pfd Amer. Lin. Oil..., do pfd Amer. H. &. II do pfd Anac. Mill. Co Hrooklyn It. T Colo. Fuel & Iron Con. Otis Con. Tobacco pfd, Chicago & N. W... i!.. It. I. Jt 1'....,., Chicago Tcr. & Tr, no pfd C. f L & Ht. L... . 95 . 13i . 53',t . 24 .164 .320 . 44 . 92 . 40H . CMi . Ui . s . 52 Colorado Ho do 1st pro An 2d I'M Del. & Hudion.... Del. 1 1. & W Drnver & It. Q... do pfd Erie do Ut pfd do M Dfd nt. Nnr. Dfd. ...... Hocking Valley.... Qcn. Electric do prd Illinois Central ... 74 144V4 39 Vi Olucoso Hugar Hocking Cost Inter. Paper ., dn nf.l Iowa Central do Dfd 6'-j Lake Krle & W... . 6S',l inter. Power 1J! Inclede Oiik Nntlonnl lllseult.. .ii'l'i, National Irfad ... .1W (".Viitional Holt..., 23V , ,,fj 1J 1N0. American .... .l'JJ 'Piiclllo Coast J Pacini- Mall IM; People's Has 5HU Pressed H. Car .162 I do pfd ISfcVPullman P. Car.. . 63'a Hepubllc Hteel ... . SJ"! do pM . HiiBiir . 33'4'Tenn. Coal & I... .143ij Union Ilasg .t P. do rfd U & N . Manhattan I- M!t. Ht. Ity Mcxlcnn Central... Mex. National .... Minn. & .St. L Mn. I'nclllc M.. It. & T do pfd N. J. Central S. Y. Central .... Norfolk tc V ilo nfd 'n. PaclHu nM... Ontario & W renu'ylvanla Heading . 40i. do pfd no 1st prd rin at nfd . 74?, U. s. leather , . M do pfd . 4l!i II. S. Rubber.., . 77 ilo pfd . 67!i H. S. Hteel , .!!? do pfd . 61i Western Union ..15911 St. L. & 8. V do lut pfd do 2d nfd St. L. Hullthw do pfil Ht. Paul Last sale. Offered. Jiow York Money Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 2. MONKY-O11 rail steady at liftl pes, cent; last loan. 4 per cent. Prime mercantile, paper, 4ft4V. per cent. STERMNO KXCHANGK Firm, with ac tual business In bunkers' bills at J4.fi5i4?i 4.85 for demand and nt J1.83i;cf4 mm for sixty days: posted rates. J4.S4S4.ii614; com mercial IHIIS, tt.O4QJi.N34. SIIA'ER Bar, 6Sc! Mcxlcnn dollars, 4&Hc HONDS Government, weak: railroad. Irregular: state, inactive. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: U. S, ref. 2i, reg..,103 r & N. unl. 4s.. 10: SI no i-.vuyu,, . viri, irnirai is... do 3, reg 107'i ,o Is Ino do coupon 10s Minn. & Ht. U. 4.. 101'i ilo new 4s. ree...l38V4 m K. k T. 4s... VI 82 do coupon .13Sj do 2s do old 4s, reg., ..112 ..112 '.V. Y. Central Is.. 105H 105 130 101 72 101's 93H 1)4?. do coupon do gen. 3',js. do 3. reg 107'S.v. j. c. gen. 5s... do coupon lOi'j Nn. Pacific 4s : Atchison gen. is...iua do 3s do adj. 4s 97 & y. c, 4 nal. & Ohio 4s 102 'Heading een. 4s... do 94Vnt I. & I M c. r.s.. do conv. 4s 104 ,Ht 1. & H Pis... 9 1 97'i 7 fs Canada Ho. 2s 107',; Ht. I,. Houthw. Is, Central of Oa. 5i..l06',l do 2s do Is Inc "1 Han A. & A. P. 4s. dies. & O. 4V....10Si,j!ho, Pacific 4s 91l 116H 119'4 iZ 103 KW'i 119 119 61U 113V, f9',, SSI, Chicago & A. sue., siu So. Haihvav s. r . II. & l). n. 4s... OMk'Tex. & Pncltlo is.. C. M & S P g. 4s.H0 Tol, Ht I. & W 4s (.' 4 N. V. c. 7s.H0 I C. It. I. & P. 4s...KMVi ( C'I'iSIii. 4s,lo: Chlcaeo Ter. 4i 93 Colorado Ho. 4s.... 87'i Denver A It. O. 4s. 10! Erie prior lien 4s . 97! do general 4s 87ai P. V. & D. C. la.. 103 Hocking Val. 4j.l0fli; union pacific 4s.... do conv. 4 Wabash Is do Is do deb. II West Hhore 4s..., Wheel, & u E. 4s, Wis, Central 4s..., Con. Tobacco 4..., Hid. Offered. Foreign Flnnnrlnl, LONDON, Oct, 2. The demand was good and money was easier today, being affected by large dividend disbursements, Tho ralo at which Hie JCl.ono.OOO In twelve months' treasury bills were allotted yesterday was tho lowest since the war began. This weak ened discount?. Uuslness on the Stock ex change was quiet and nearly featureless, Consols opened III 111, but later they were easier. Americans opened fractionally lower nnd worn Irregular and Inactlvo until the' New York market opened, when thev grew tinner nnd closed strong and morn active. I'nlon Pacltlu and Atchison were the features, Copper shares were In better demand. Kaffirs nml DeUeers were llrm. Hur gold, 77s lid. Gold premiums ut Huenns Ayres. 1.30.20; Lisbon. 33.75. I'nlted States gold premium at Rome, 30.0214. HliRLIN, Oct. 2.-Prlces on the bourse; today wcro firm In tho absence of disquiet ing factors. Home funds were harder nnd American and Canadian Pnelrtcs were maintained. Hanks, mines and Industrials were considerably harder. Kxchnngn on London. 2flm 39?4 pfgs. for checks, Uls count rates: Short bills, 4 per cent; three months' bills. 3 per cent. PARIS, Oct. 2. nuslness on tho bourse today was unsettled. The market opened with a continuation of yesterday's firm ness and closed weak. Soanovlco wnv bought eagerly and advanced considerably" later a sharp decline in sleeping cars and Thomson-Houston depressed the whole list. During the lust hour a heavy fnll In the Hank of Paris and Brazilians caused un easiness. Rio Tlntos opened weak but firm n sympathy with tho rise In copper shares. DeHeers and Knlllrs were supported throjghout llio day. Three per cent rentes, lOlf 74c; exchange on London, 25f 20c; Spanish 4s, 71.10. llnstnn Stock Uuotei t Ions. HOSTON, Oct. 2.-Cnll loans. 45 per cent; time loans, 4,4't6 per cent. Official closing. A , T. & H, F , do pfd Amer. Hugar American Tel HoMun & Albany,, floston Elevated ,. Ilostou Ac Me Dominion foul ,,,, do pfd t. 8. Hleel , do pfd , Pltchburg pfd Mex. Central , N. E. (1. A C 7'i Westlnth. Electric. 70H t5'i N K. U. & C. 5s... 51 H4i, Adventure S31, 1v tllnnliarn Mln. Co.. 31 2.".J Amal. Copper M' 171 Atlantic 33 192 Cal. A Hecla CO HVi Centennial 2n4 119 Franklin It's 41H Humboldt 25 MTi Oiceola K'i HI Parrot 44 IJ iQulncy W 6 Santa i'r Copper... 6H I0'l Tamarack DO 37 Utah Mining U 14 Winona 2'4 96 ? 1 Wolverine 59 9JV Old Colony , Old Dominion , Kuhher I'nlon I'aoinc , West End London stock aaotatlnne, LONDON, Oct. 2.-t p. m.-ClosIng: Cmis., money do Hceount Anaconda .... Ati'hlt-nn do pfd , K 5-19 .. 9J4 74 .. ?, ..100 Norfolk W.... do pfd No. I'll c I lie pfd.. ,.. 91 .. t ,.. am .. 74 ... lo'i ... S4 ,.. 21't ... 34 ,.. .!, ... 5S ,..1004 ... M'4 ,.. 45H ,.. 074 ... 72 1.. 394 ... 59', ... 41 ... 36i Ontario & ... Pennsylvania ... Heading do 1st pfd to Id prd Ho. Itallluay .... do pfd Ho. Pacific Union Pacific ... do pfd 13. H. Hteel do pfd Wabash do pfd Hpanlsli 4s Hand Mines DeHeers HaltUuore & Ohio Canadian Pacific. Plies. A Ohio Chicago U. V.... C. M. A Ht. P... Denver A It. O... do pfd .1031, .lll1 . . 21 .1(5 . 4!i .. 95IJ .. 44'4 .. 7I' .. 5Si ..lSI't ..lt"l .. IS .. 57'.;, Erie do 1st pfd do III pfd Illinois Central. U A .V M. K. A T do pfd N. Y. Central .... 162 SILVHR-Hitr. quiet, 26T4d per ounce. MO.NKi-11,4',2 per cent. The rate of ''count In the open market for short bills, .. 3-112'i per cent; open market for six months bllli;, 2Uit2 per cent. Sew York .lllnlnsx ((notntlnne. KKW YORK, Oct. 2.-The following nrc the closing prices on mining stocks: Adams Con 10 A lie SO llreece HO Hrunswlck Con 4 Comsloek Tunnel... Con. Cal. A Va 170 Deadwood Terra ... to Horn Hllver 190 Iron Hllver o Leadilllo Con 6 Little Chief ... Ontario Ophlr ... II . .1100 ... 70 ... I ... 1 ... 1 ... 17 ... 49 rnoenix I'otosl Havuge Hlerra Nevada Kniall Hopes .. standard Itnitk Clenrlngs. OMAHA, Oct. 2. Hank clearings today, tl, 137,440: corresponding day last year, j::..200; Increase, $232,210. NKV YORK. Oct. 2.-ClenrlngB, $253,423, 00O; bnlnnces, $U,oSI,316. CINCINNATI. Oct. 2.-Money, 4fi6 per cent, Now York exchange, 35c discount; clearings. $3.723,?50. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 2.-Clearlngs, $23, I.B7; balances, J2.442.248. HALT MORU. Oct. -Clearings, $1,611,- 3SI: balances, JSI7,3GS. BOSTON, Oct. 2.-Clearlngs $32,741,028: ninnies, j,t.i,.i. ST, LOUIS, Oct. 2.-qiearIngs, $,302,OOO; balances, Jl,2fiS.I34: money, 4f) per cent; New York exchange, 25c discount bid, 10c discount asked. Condition of the Treaanrr. WASHINGTON, Oct. 2.-Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,010,000 gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, $169,713,811: gold, $101,610,790. ' Cotton Market. NKV YORK. Oct. 2.-COTTON-Spot closed quiet and steady: middling uplands, 3-lfic; middling gulf, 8 7-lCc: sales, 732 bales. Futures closed steady: October, i.ilc; November, 7.71c: December, 7.75c; January. 7.7Bc: February, 7.75c; March, i.i.tc: April. 7.73c; May. 7.73c. NEW ORLKANSi' Oct. 2.-COTTON- Steady: sales. 4.uV bales; ordinary. 6'tc: good ordinary. B9-nnc: low middling. 7ic; m ddlliiK. 1 l,ri-16c: good middling. Sc; mid dling fair, 3 7-lfic; receipts, 1C.9J0 balcn; stock, f.S.,00 bales. Futures, steady; Octo ber, 7.651"7.70o; November. 7,ff7.fiCc; De ccmbor, 7.fi3q7,64c; January. 7.627.030: Fcb- Jl.!f,V.,7'K!lV'Kk!!. Ml,rrn. 7.627.63c; April, 7.t2'f7.3o: Mny. 7.62'i7.63c. ScGALVKSTON, Oct. 2.-COTTON-Kasy at ST LOUIS. Oct. 2COTTON-Steady; middling, TTsc: sales. 3tw bales; receipts. 2,739 bales; shipments, 3.32S bales; stock. 32,503 bale. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 2.-COTTON-Hpot. good business done; American middling fair. 4 3-32d; good middling, 4 2.--32d; mid dling, 4 9-lfid; low middling, 4 11-32d; good ordinary. 4i,j,c: ordinary. 3Tid. The sales were I0.0OO bales, of which 1,000 were for speculation and export and Included 14,100 American; receipts, 2,000 bales, including 200 American. Futures opened and closed quiet: American middling, g. o. c, Octo ber. 4 25-0101 26-6ld. buyers; October and November, 4 18-645(4 IP-i'.ld, buvers; Novem ber nnd December, 4 16-fi4d, sellers; Decem ber and January, s",15-Cld, buyers; Janunry and I'ebruary, 4 15-Old, sellers; Februnry and March, 4 lfi-SId, sellers; March and April, 4 le-Old, buyers; April and May. 4 l.)-i.4WI lO-rtld, sellers; May and June. 4 13-6Ffl4 16-6ld. buyers. ' Cofle Mnrket. NKW YORK, Oct. 2.-COFFEE-Spot Rl o, uuiei: .o. 1 invo ce. &iic: mid ouiet! nr dova, 7!4Jillc. The coffee future market opened steady In tone, with prices 5 points higher on light room covering, Inspired by unexepcted strength In European mar kets and u falling off In primary receipts. A higher rate of Rio exchange also had a bullish effect on early sentiment. Brazilian market advices reflected easier conditions there. Estimates of 9.000,000 bags for the Santos crop, with private cable advices from Santos that tho bubonic plngue re ports had been much exaggerated, brought out free offerings from local bears late In tho morning nnd prices declined rapidly at the close, indicating a net loss of over 10 points. The market was llnally steady in tone. Sales were 37,500 hags. In cluding October nt ftfi&.OGc: November. 6.10c: December. r..l5J5.20c; March, 5.40fi5.45c: May, 6.60(u"5,6oc; June, 5.655j5.75c; July, 5.76 5.S5c; September, 6.93c. Oil nml nnsln, OIL CITY, Oct, 2,-Credlt balances, $1.30; ccrtlllcates, no hid: shipments, 123. 892 bbls,; runs. 93.781 bbls. NEW YORK. Oct. 2.-OIL-Cottonseed, llrm; prime yellow, 4243c. Petroleum, steady; rellned New York, $7.65; Philadel phia and Baltimore. In bulk, $5. Rosin, steady; strained, common to good. J1.12V4. Turpentine, steady nt 3G!4fl37o. l.lVKlipnni. rw 9nn r... , Lllull rellned, spot, llrm at 21s. Turpentine, v ... . '" """in. common, steady at Is 1'd. Petroleum, refined, steady at 6d. Linseed, steady at 32s. LONDON, Oct. 2.OII.r-LlnseciI, 30s fd. Turpentlnfl Bplrlts. 3Cs. Culcutta linseed, ?,pnt; i" J'.'1, I'elroleum, American re llned. 0 9-16d. t'VAFNAU' Pn"0ct. 2.-Splrlts turpen tine, 33c. Rosin, llrm nnd unchanged. 1 Wool Auction Snleu. LONDON. Oct. 2.WOOITho offerings J V'00' ""cMon sales today numbered 13.SS8 bales, vSuperlor merinos and Hcoiirels were In keen demand for tho home trade and Germany. Crossbrcds were In fair sup ply ami In demand, mainly for home, l'rench nnd German buyers, Several suit able parcels of crossbreds wcro taken for America. Following are the sales In de. tall; New South Wales, 8,000 bales': scoured. 2HiK71s 7Ud; greasy. 4',Jdfils. Queensland. 100 bales; scoured, 614diK Wd: greasy. 6ifi7id. Victoria. 600 bales scoured. Cd'fils 7d; greasy, iiod. South Australia. 300 bales; scoured. Is ldSls gud: greasy, 4010.1. West Australia, 400 bales greasy. 4 ,Ti7(. Tasmania, 30 baits greasy, lflHd. New Zealand, 4,300 bales scoured Sdi;, is fid: greasy. 3ft9d. Cape of p9! 'I"Po nnd Natal, 31 bales; scoure.1, 41UI1S ud. Dry Koniln Mnrket, NEW YORK". Oct. 2, -DRY OOODS riie market conditions have not changed today to any appreciable "xtent. .The general demand In staple cottons has been quiet at previous prices. Prints are flrm In nil staple lines; fancy prints mostly cleaned up: ginghams firm; print cloths quiet, regulars, 8c; men's winter woolens nnd worsted dress goods quiet, with business chiefly In stnple lines. Hsnimralril and Dried Pro Its. NEW YORK. Oct. 2. K VAPORATRn r. PLKS-Moderately active and rather firm ns to tone. State, common to good. t.flc; prime, WiR&c; cholre. 9c: fancy. 9!i39Ke. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Inactlve but steadv. Prunes. 3iSi7c. Anrirots. Ilo val siifll3c; Moor Tark. SB12c. Teacher, peeled, 11018c; unpe-eled, egO'.jc. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Oattlt Trad fiathir lltw nad Lwr All rtaad Todaj. HOG MARKET BREAKS BADLY Hood Itan of Sheep nnd t.ntnhs, but Demand Wa Folly Kqunl to the Snpplr nnd OfferlnK Chnnaed Ilande nt Stendy Prlcee. SOUTH OMAHA, Oct. 2. Cnttle. Hogs. Sheep. 7.576 2.710 16.573 Hecelpts were: Official Monday ... Oltlcldl Tuesday .. Ofllclal Wednesday ,. S.215 &.9S0 11,5)7 ,. 6,3i9 6,577 1I.1W Threo days this wek..21.1S0 Same days last week. ...20,911 Same week belorc 16,053 Hume three weeks ago..,ll,2SJ Same four weeks aico,...12,2!6 Same days last yeur 19,506 18.297 16,549 16,718 12.211 13,035 18,790 42.219 3J.564 33,414 20,2iO 25,1jI South com- Average price paid for hogs at Omaha tho past several days with parlsons; I 1901. 1900.1S99.11893.1S97.1S96. 11895. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Hept. Sept Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct It., 16., 17.. 18.. 19., VO., 21. O 23.' 24.. 25., 26., 27. 2s.. 29., 30., 3 72 3 87 2 "0 3 65 3 84 2 73 3 61 3 86 2 05 3 94 3 71 3 74 2 86 3 71 4 03 3 71 4 01 2 83 3 73 3 i 2 81 3 77 3 7 6 2 3 771 3 88 2 81 3 Si 2 W 3 71 2 83 3 72 3 78 3 61 3 S3 C SO 3 C4 3 81 2 91 3 67 3 81 2 9i 3 71 3 85 2 94 I 3 79 3 02 6 574 4 34 4 12 4 IS 4 04 4 03 4 112 t 9 4 00 3 80 4 83 4 81 1 8$ 6 t-Vl 6 76 6 13 6 13 4 32 6 191 6 22 4 33 6 76 4 31 5 23 4 31 5 SI 4 35 6 H 4 41 I 6 81 I 6 14 6 16 6 16 1 l 6 75 6 79 6U4 6 87 5 15 4 36 5 16 5 171 I 44 4 8t 3 96 3 PS 3 93 4 37 4 36 I 6 75 5 131 I 59V4I 5 18 4 39 Irdlcatcd Sunday. Holiday. The ofllclal number of cars of brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs stock Sh'p. C. M. & St. P. Ry 2 O. & St. L. Ry 2 .. Missouri Paclllc Hy 1 4 1 Union Paclllc system 55 10 3i C. & N. W. Ry 13 .. F., E. & M. V. R. It 81 23 7 C, St. P., M. & O. Hy 2 11 ; II. & M. R. R CO i: 6 C, U. & Q, Ry 6 10 K. C. & St, .1. Ry 1 C, R. I. At P.. east ' C. R. I. et P., west 4 .. 4 Illinois Contral Ry J Total receipts 210 102 54 The disposition ot tho day's receipts wns as follows, each buyer purchasing tho num ber of hcud indicated: uattie. nogs, oucep. Omaha Packing Co 287 Pwlft and Company 1.040 Cudahy Packing Co 1.304 Armour A: Co 1 1.123 R. Uecker vfe Degnn 699 Vansant & Co 137 J. L. Carey 4b Lobman & Co 244 W. I. Stephen Hill & Huntrlnger 16( Uenton & Underwood 82 Livingstone & Schaller.... 201 H. F. Hobblck 2t A 8. Mawhlnney 67 Hamilton & It 3? L. K. Husr Rj Wolf & M 19 Krey Hqulren ;;; Other buyers . 494 1.06.9 101 1,113 2,181 2,19.) 1,185 3,693 1,755 217 166 4,178 Totals 6,195 ei 10 DM Totals CATTLE There was a big run of cattle today at all market points, wnicn gai. buyers another good opportunity to pound the market. At this point the trains wore rather late In arriving and cattle were coming In all the morning. That fact naturally had a tendency to make packers alow about taking hold, and as a result It was late before much had been done and nearly all kinds of cnttle sold lower. Thero were a number of cornfed steers In the receipts, but buyers bid lower even on the good kinds. There were plenty of cases where sales were made fully a dime lower, und the market could be quoted slow ns well as lowor. Tho proportion of cow stuff was heavy again toda, and buyers took off Just nb.mt as much aB they did yesterday. The mar ket for the week Is fully a quarter lower all around, nnd today tho trade was rather sluggish, and It was late before anything llko a clearunce was mnde. Hulls, calves nnd stags nil sold lower today In sympathy with the decline on steers and cows. There wcr fully as many stockers and feeders today as were wnnted. with the exception of the choice heavyweights. Those wer.0 In good demand and sold readily nt Just about steady prices. All other young cattle, however, were slow sale nnd lower, and thn same ns has been the case nil along, the common truck wns almost un salable. Tho western range beef steers also suf fered a decline today, amounting to about ns much ns the decline on cornfeds. The market wni alow In opening, and In fact could not be quoted particularly active ut any time. Cows also fold around a dlmo lower, or 26c lower for tho week. What was said above for the native feeders ap plies equally well to the western rangers. Representative sales: BEEF STEEnS. No. 1.. 23.. 58.. 59.. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. ,.. MO J 50 (8 1315 6 90 ... Ml 6 V 187 1203 5 60 ...1115 6 W STEERS AND HEIFERS. ,.. 711 4 50 COWS. 40... 1... c:... 6... . 800 ,. 960 ,. 725 .1210 . 920 2 00 : 10 2 10 2 50 2 50 ... 84i ... 800 ...1028 ... 025 ...1005 2 55 2 75 i 75 25 2 73 2 43 2 45 2 60 BULLS. 1.... 1.... 1..., .1240 2 10 1 1430 .1410 2 10 1 1030 . 830 2 33 1 12.V) STAGS. . 900 2 40 1 CALVES. . 2M 5 00 1 S0 2 0) 130 5 00 1 STOCK CALVES. 10.. 28 3 00 tl 281 4 to 8TOCK COW8 AND HEIFERS. 608 2 00 3 523 3 25 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1.. I.. .. 10.. 5.. 50.. (.. 18) 2 00 24.. 8(9 ,'50 , 7J1 540 804 913 658 1 00 2 25 2 50 2 60 2 5 J 75 1... 4..., ... 6.'.'.' . 804 . 975 .1025 . 800 . S64 . 897 3 00 3 23 3 50 3 CO 3 60 3 60 NEBRASKA. 6 cows... 7 cows... 4 cows... 8 cows... 1 heifer.. 16 steers.. 946 $2 90 982 2 90 14 steers.. 8 steers,, 6 cows... .1107 $4 00 .1095 4 00 . 975 2 85 .1000 . 897 . 390 .1040 2 85 2 85 2 00 3 85 3 85 2 60 3 40 3 45 3 45 2 40 2 40 2 00 2 80 2 80 2 80 2 25 2 50 2 50 2 00 1 80 1 80 1 80 3 42H 2 80 2 95 2 95 3 40 3 75 3 40 3 & 4 00 3 10 3 10 2 50 2 85 3 15 3 25 2 heifers.. 5 feeders. 33 feeslers. 55 feeders. 68 feeders. 2 feeders. 1 feeder.. 1 cow 1 cow 2 cows.... 15 cows,,,, 3 cows.... 2 cows.... . 545 .1038 . 915 . 614 . 916 . 776 .1000 . 920 . 800 .1115 . 990 . 783 2 00 2 75 3 25 3 15 3 45 3 45 3 45 2 35 2 80 2 70 2 70 2 70 2 00 2 35 2 80 2 00 2 85 2 60 2 60 2 85 3 W 3 10 2 65 2 34 2 65 4 tO 4 00 2 50 2 50 2 65 3 65 3 IV) 2 85 2 85 2 90 4 60 2 60 2 00 4 (O 4 00 3 40 4 01) 2 00 3 85 3 40 3 40 :i 40 2 75 2 50 2 60 3 3.) 3 85 2 85 2 SO 2 65 2 10 2 M 2 70 2 70 2 85 3 60 3 steers.. ,,1160 6 feeders.. 823 60 feeders.. 1010 12 feeders.. 955 2 feeders.. 740 1 bull 930 3 bulls.. 1 heifer ..1016 .. 400 ,.. 935 .. 960 ... 897 .. 720 24 steers.. 11 steers.. 25 steers.. 1 feeder., 2 feeders 950 2 cows 1250 1 cow 800 2 cows 940 9 feiKlers.. 820 1 feeder... 830 1 feeder.., 830 3 feeders., 823 2 feeders., 775 , 765 1 bull 1 bull .. SS0 ..1450 1 cow 1000 3 cows 920 2 cows 1000 52 feeders.. 975 25 steers.. ..1018 15 feedors.. 746 33 feeders.. 867 3 feeders.. 910 6 feeders. .1061 21 feeders.. 1048 25 feeders.. 10HS 19 COWS 1107 20 cows 1011 7 cows 971 8 heifers... 731 27 feeders.. 1140 42 feeders.. 1085 5 cows 1040 3 cows 1016 7 cows 892 2 feeders. .1090 2 feeders.. 630 16 heifers... 621 3 heifers... 533 37 heifers... 550 5 feeders.. looo 20 feeders. 24 feeders. 7 steers... 30 steers... 42 steers... 4 steers... 6 steers... 50 steers. .. 1 row 2 cows,... 1 cow 10 cows.... 7 cows 4 cows,... 2 cows..,, 930 916 .. 7S4 ,. 9vi ..1027 ,. 925 ,. 695 .. 69S . 960 .. 860 . 860 ,. 974 .. 914 . 780 ,. 935 .. 846 .1200 . S97 . 926 . 942 3 65 1 Calf 200 2 60 17 feeders. . 976 2 60 1 feeder... 700 2 60 2 feeders.. 1123 2 00 1 feeder ..1020 2 60 2 feeders.. 1060 2 60 18 feeders.. 1044 2 ft) 1 steer. . .. 570 2 60 1 steer 1350 2 60 8 feeders.. 999 2 53 5 feeders.. 934 2 00 1 feeder. . . 930 2 00 2 feeders. . 785 2 (0 36 feeders. 731 2 00 2 feeders., 755 2 10 2 feeders.. 1180 3 10 IS feeders 1060 2 90 16 feeders.. 627 2 60 19 cows 961 3 65 6 cows 511 2 50 9 cows .... 817 2 84 5 cows 832 3 15 2 cows 1085 3 60 cows 921 3 ft) 4 cows.... ,1050 3 05 f. feeders.. 1008 Soper Nebraska. 8 40 1:1 cows,., 1 cow,... 10 cows.. . 2 cows... 5 cows... 5 cows... 820 1 bull (560 7 cows 891 12 cows 991 22 cows 110O 9 COWS 961 4 COWS.,., 3 cows,,. 3 cows,.. 20 feeder 587 , 880 , 856 b feeder., 1118 3 feeders.. 1013 21 feeder.. 860 H. K 14 feeder 903 Davtfi rtros. Neb. 1 COW., ,000 2 25 2 heifers... 815 2 $5 19 feeders.. 976 3 20 George Sweat Nebraska. 35 steers. ..t02o 3 S3 S steers.... 910 U. Ortmann Nebraska. 15 steers. ...1140 3 75 W. E Colvin-Neb. 3 cow toi3 2 30 21 cows 1056 J, J. Iiwo A Co. Neb. 66 feeders., 913 3 1 10 feeders.. 957 Scholleld A. K.-Ncb. 60 COWS 936 2 35 SOUTH DAKOTA. 1 feeder. . .10n0 300 3 feeders.. S66 10 feeders.. 812 3 00 1 feeder... SIO 10 feeders.. 952 3 40 1 feeder... M0 20 strs.Tex.ld.vi 3 .Vi 3 feeders.. i;i6 I str. Tex, 1070 3 53 13 feeders.. 46 9 steers. ...1173 3 60 1 steer 1210 1 steer H90 3 60 IDAHO. 14 steers.... 9IS 2 75 Georgo Tuttle-Colorado. 21 feeders, loll 3 25 Thotnns White Coin. 3 85 3 05 3 00 2 10 3 00 2 25 3 Oil 3 6) 9 feeders.. RM 3 25 13 cows 890 2 25 3 10 1 feeder... 3 feeders.. 34 cows 2.1 cows 1 feeder... 2 feeders.. 3 cows...,. 710 2 75 3,8 feeders.. IK5 CS3 2 SO F. Oreve-Colo. 817 2 60 17 feeders.. 614 883 2 13 4 feeders.. 697 700 3 00 1 feeder... 650 735 ' S3 3 25 2 50 2 00 J. M. Lynch-Colo. m;i on 1 cow. ,. 950 ,.1240 3 15 2 10 Neal Heaton Wyo. 1 hull 1150 2 23 1 nun..,, k t urner yo. 24 steers.... 739 3 50 1 steer 910 3 00 25 steers,. ..1046 3 70 5 heifers... 582 2 90 J. Storrl-Wyo. 97 cows 796 2 40 HOGS-There was a big break In hogs today at all mnrket points nnd, In fact, the decline was the greatest that hns been experienced In some time. At this point 11 few loads sold rarly nt from J6.62iiif 6.75, but when Chicago reiiorted the bulk of the sales there nt J6.tyd6.60 buyers dropped their hnnds here and were offer ing ffl.55, or fully Chicago prices. For some of the choicest they would pay a llttlo more than that, but It took n prime load to bring more than J6.&5. Even though the --N.il v, v u iii nt'lf tl tllJ t lilt" VIII" icaRo avrrnpc sellers would not tnkr off their btflfl nml hesnn tiuyltiK ttio rooiI Jhih at i i.ui-j nun n.nu. ,i inosp prices ino m itirnci whh iniriy active, mil still tlio pens ere not cleared until lute. Represcutii vc sales; w tl No. 120.. 14... 77., J..., 62... , 61... 18... 2.",... (5... 62... 60:.. 71... Wl... l... )... 71... 50... 60... 7... 64... 45... CI... 62... Av, M 11 Ui ,...m ....261 2SO 313 SI.", 29 237 2li iVi 2.M 227 248 245 ,....27,1 ,....230 ,....2t7 ... . .285 334 2Si .242 '.'.'.'.'.h't Hh. Pr. ... 5 50 ... 1S No. 4' .. 78... 40... 74... 71... 66... f.7... 51... M... 41... 78... 60... M... 63... 7" fsJi.'.' SO... 67... 67... 70... 61... 50. . , 67.,, 117... A v. 8h Pr. 6 674 6 674 671, A 674 574 6 574 6 67', 6 57 4 6 674 6 60 6 M 6 64 6 60 ft O ft CO -371 231 180 80 ISO 130 120 200 120 40 1 120 iio 80 K 80 ,..Sft) ..216 ..237 ,..218 ..218 6 50 40 6 IM 5.8 6 Ik. 6 51 (.5 6 6.". 6 .Vi 120 120 120 ft 320 40 MI 320 IM SO 2S0 120 4) 40 0 SO m 40 820 1M 80 40 120 200 120 2.W 241 237 247 26H 2'6 21) 256 26.1 W6 2M 281 27 261 272 .... 214 lHj 284 284 266 224 ! I ! liit .....255 208 250 255 281 289 ft 57' 6 17' i f.7 1 .71, ,7H, 6 6 f.7 ft M 6 60 ft 6) 6 60 6 60 6 60 ft SO 6 tO ft CO 6 CO 6 60 6 60 6 i1 ft CO 6 CO 6 60 60 ft tw 6 60 6 CO 6 CO 6 60 6 624 624 ft 624 6 62 4 6 624 63', 6 634 !4 6 (8 73 6 57j 6 57 H 6 J7'j 6 6711 ti 67', A 57'i i! 57', 67', 6 37'i 6 6 571, 6 57' , 6 M'.i 6 87'4 6 67li 6 67, 6 67'i 6 67V, 6 54 67 i 67 6 57',j 6 674 57V 67 6 f7ij 674 6 574 6 S7H 6 674 6 57? 6 874 6 574 6 574 674 6 67U 50. 66. 71.... 73.... 64.... 8.... 61.... 33.... 68.... 61.... 80. . . . 68.... 64.... 60.... fO.... 66.... 70.... 61.... .6 274 83 ...223 ...304 ...2.19 ...J72 ...248 ...242 ...251 ...SS 55. 70. S. 66. 69... 23... 62... 61. . 78... ... 64... ...231 ...SIS ...213 ...381 120 240 2)0 160 ico 120 240 80 ...221 ...241 62. ...jr. ..2s: 70 2.19 72 222 19 352 58 274 75 264 61 31S 68 $37 67 25.8 22 303 68 216 79 198 (7 274 10 283 76 263 65 314 13 317 66 29 809 56 !9.1 75... 46... 6R... 43... 47... ..240 ,..236 -.210 ..310 ..841 74 1M 6 ' 0 ( 70 ... 70 360 75 stinnlv nt 84. 218 ntiiuir j nere. wns a liberal snoop jiero today, and while tho trains were late In urr ivlng the market ruled iicuie ami lust about steady. Packers started In bidding steady prices on soon ft", i 1iutt .W1s sorted up and It was not ..".K l'Jioro tJ,p hulk of ,,lt offerings was out of first hands. Thero was no special f'li"") 1 ,he fn,lr.kfit' ns demnnii wns general for both sheep nnd lambs. 1' coders were also ready sellers tod-y whero the quality was at all satisfactory. There was no particular change In the prices paid. Quotations: Choice yearlings. J3..15i?3.r.0: fair to good yearlings, J3.20y3.35; choice JVf.J'S'i W-r:"1?5'33! fnlr to Kod 'wethers. J3.0OTJJ.20: choice ewes, J2.75;3.00; fair to fiTL'in"; 2-23(Jf2.65; cholco spring lambs. J4.3.i4.60; fair to good spring Inmbs, J3.90fl t?nm0r.V,,,er,, 2 ;B3 5: feeder Iambi; $3.0033.0). ReTiresentatlvo sales: rvo. Av. , 82 , 87 , 38 , (6 , 80 Si , 160 99 160 , 92 , SS 103 , 105 , 80 , 81 , 81 85 97 .109 150 Tr. $1 75 2 25 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 60 2 70 3 110 3 00 3 00 3 0-, 3 07 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 15 3 15 3 20 3 50 3 60 3 70 3 ro .1 90 3 90 4 05 4 25 4 30 18S cull owes 433 feeder ewes '. 211 feeder lambs 8 feeder ewes ii western eves ) 607 western ewes 1 blink 101 Idaho 'mixed. i western ewe 283 feeder wethers 117 feeder wethers 209 feeder we'hers 6IS feeder wethers 103 feeilfe u-.tlm-a 350 feeder yearllnirs!''"!!"' 106 feedi.r i.-.,f 347 Wyoming yea fi I tig's 31 western wethers 625 Idaho wethers 4 native wethers 201 feeder lambs 163 lVf.xfi.rn 1, 63 63 124 western iambs.;;;;"";;";;;;; 73 WdHliirn 1i..rtl.B 61 61 6.1 92 , 71 574 western lambs.. 4 native lambs L23 Idaho lambs .. CHICAGO , VIJ STOCK MARKET. Choice Cnttle Flrm-ll dKh ttlosr and Sherp Meiidy. CHICAGO. Oct. 2. CATTLE Recelnts fhM,l, Including 7m Texans.ftWwPs?: r?.Chu?' "r,mVJK?! W Jo.wer: good to YJi. ' , "".no."-'! poor to good, MM) t6iifi?5k?r.8ennd li??- 2.255f4.O0; cows, !:" bullsT $175 'c Hvcn$2Mg6l5? Texas steers. J3.0$.W;' western steersT jUS rn'iV PtB today, 34.000 head: tomor- v1 over, u.vaj; s ow ?lu.&P-?a lower; mixed und butcher steers. J6.3uo76.65; good to choice heavy, J6.60B6.S7Vi; . .7 """ "mhu.iw, IglH, U.4lI0.65: bulk of sales, J6.406.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 23,000 head: steady: lambs slow to weaker; good to choice wethers, $3.30ff3.75; fair to choice mixed, J3.WQ3.30; western sheep, J2.60(33.50: nntlvp Inmbs, J2.50Q4.75; western Iambs. J3.40-fj4.60. Oltfclal yes'erday: Receipts Cattle, 7,870 head; hogs, 24,100 head; sheep, 22,300 head. Shipments Cattle, 3.471 head; hogs, 1,647 head; sheep, 6,115 hcud, Knnans City I.Ito Stock .llnrkot. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 2. CATTLE Re celpts. 13.001) natives, 2,000 Texans, 1,400 cnlves; cholco corn-fed steers, 10c lower; medium steers, 10i15c lower; heavy feeders, steady; others 10c lower; choice export and dressed beef steers, $5,304(5.65; fair to good, J4,60ft5.50; stockers and feeders. Jl.25fju.76; western fed steers, JI.75Jj5.50; western range steers. J3.2504.C5; Texas and Indians, J2.50fu3.60; Texas cows, J2.6Oij'.',80; native cows, J2.70ff4.25; heifers, J2.90fo5.00; canners. J1.50fl2.60; bulls, J2.35fll.25; calves, J3.60? "llbaS-RccclptH. 12,000 houd; market iYq COe. lower; top, JO.92'4: bulk of sales, $6.50!fi 6.85; heavy, JC.Wiii.92b; mixed packers, J6.551j6.83; light. $6.00Ti.7O; pigs, Jl 601(5.90. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Hocelpts. 9.000 head; lambs steady, muttons 10o higher; western lambs, 13. 5WN.35; western wethers, J3.OO0j-3.15; owes and feeders, J2.60ft3.00; stockers, J1.S0 75. New York Live Stuck Mnrket. NEW YORK, Oct. 2.-CATTLE Receipts. 3,275 head; steers, dull and lower; bulls and rows, steadv: steers, J3.75'5.R0; oxen and stags, J3.0ti4j-t.Wi, bulls. $2,301(3.65; cows, $1.50 (T3.75, Cobles quote live cattle stronger: refrigerator beef, steady: shipments, 10 sheep and 2,700 quarters of beef; tomorrow, CAiyVES-RrcelplB, 2.636 hend; veals. 25c lower; other calves lower: veals. $4.50fj8.M; tops, J6.75; little calves, $3,605(1.00; grassers and buttermilks, J3.oof(3.60; western, $1.60; cltv dressed veals, 9fl2'4e. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelpts, 11.923 head; sheep, steady to 10c lower: lambs, generally 10f2m off: sheep, $2.CO!fj3.75; culls. Jl.ri0ifi2.0ii, Iambs, J3.70fj6.15; some sales choice. J5.25fl5.35; ono car. J5.37V4; oulls, $3.50 4II0'aS Receipts, 6,672 head; slow at J6.60 j7.f0; few choice, $7.10-8.7-15. St. Louis Live Stack Market. ST. IX1UIS. Oct, 2,-CATTLE-Recelpts. 7.100 hend, Including 3.WO Texans; market slow to 10c lower: native shipping and ex port steers, 5.0i'?Ift.4fi: dressed beef and mitcher steers, $4.00fit.S5; steer under l.ooo lbs.. $3.50t6.25: stockerH and feeders, $2,2&Jf 3.75: cows nnd heifers. $:.Ofi1i'5,oo; canners, $1.2522.21; bulls, $2.2534.25; Texan and la- 1 COW . ... 940 2 SO 1 row 10TO 2 fA dlnn steers, J3.OWJ4.10; cows and heifers, $2.lXSf3.30. nous- Receipts, 7,600 head; mnrket wenx, South Omahn 6,389 6,577 14.KJ Chicago 23.00 34,000 Kansas City 15,000 12.000 St. Ix)Uls 7,100 7,6(0 St. Joseph 2.2) 8,0(0 .1 -a 9.C 2 6"fl 4.3 0 Totals 82.659 68,777 53,09 Sngitr Market. NEW VOR1C. Oct. 2.-8tTOAR-RBW, quiet: fnlr rellnlng, 3 B-lfc: molasses ougnr, 3e; centrifugal. 96 test. 3c. Refined, qillet No. 6, 4.60c; No. 7. 4.4(V': No. S, 4.30c: No. 9. 4.25c; No. 10. 4.20c! No. 11. 4.15C! No. 12. 4.15o; No. 13, l.occ; si und old A. 4.90o; con fectioners' A. 4.90c; mould A, B.45c: cut loaf, fi.ftV; crushed, 5.6iV: powdored, 5 20c: gran ulated. 5.10c; cuhts. 6.35c. LONDON. Oct. 2.-HEET SUOAR-Oclo-bor. 7s 6M NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 2.-8tTOAR-Qulrt: centrifugal yellow, 3 lS.lCfft'ic: seconds, 2fl3e. Molasses, steady; centrifugal, 6i 10c. Wool Mnrket 8T. LOt'tS, Oct. 2.-VOOT-Dull. nom ...MrdLum "n,,e. 12H917C: light fine. 12'4(ii44c; heavy fine. QiftfllUc: tub washed, 12'jf2lc. SUPREME COURT DECISIONS List of Opinions Handed Down hy the Three .Indues nt Plrrr. PIERRE, S. D.. Oct. 2.-Sprc!al Tele gram.) In the supreme court today opin ions worn handed down In theso cases' Hy Fuller: Frnncls M. Ilubhcll against Town of Custer, Custor county, reversed; State of South Dakota, defendant In error, against Joseph P. Bradley, ptnintirf In error, Davis county, reversed; Joseph C. Davis, trustee, against Matons Novotlng. Minnehaha county, affirmed; W. B. Mnt tlce against E. L. Keith, nsslgnee, Brook ings county, affirmed; State of South Da kota, defendant In error, against William D. Sampson, plaintiff In error. Davltou county, reversed; Mary E. Henry against Leron Henry, Custer county, afllrnied; T. II. Holm against First National bank of Clark, Clork county, reversed: William J. Kouatz, as executor, against John T. Kountz and Low It I. Smith. Bonhommn county, reversed, Hnney dissenting; S. R. McConnell and I. C. McConnell against F. T. Splcker, Roberts county, roverned; Sir Frederick Richard Pollock ct al against Anna Wright ot al. Yankton county, af firmed; Carlo Gronnonath against Pletrc Mtrchellettt, Lawrence county, nftlrmed, By Corson: F. E. Kelly against Jens Aidcrson, Spink county, affirmed; North western Elevator company against B. E, Lee et al, county commissioners ot Cod ington county, affirmed; Floneer Savings. & Loan company against Anna M. Drer et nl, Marshall county, reversed: Henry A, Mullor against Timothy F. Flavin, Hon. hemmo county, reversed; Christie A. Wil son against Frank A. Zninnn. Sanhorr county, affirmed; Thomas G. Html et a' against Mrs. W. Fay, Hughes county, affirmed. By Haney: Martin Sands against Alex ander Crulkshnnk ot al, Lawrence cotintv, revorsed; William S. Elder, administrator, against Horscshoo Mining t Milling com pany, Lawrence county, affirmed: Peter A. Hommerqulst et al against Pioneer Savlnga & Loan association, Pennington county, affirmed; Mary Burnett and Elizabeth Schroeder ngalnst Annie I. Costello, Law rence countr. reversed. South Dnkotn Incorporations. PIERRE S. D., Oct, 2. (Special,) These nrticlcs of incorporation have been filed: Lost Mountain Gold Mining company, at Pierre, with a capital of $1,000,000; Incor porators, C. I. Cahnley, John Wenzln and T. L. Lockhart. Homo Petroleum and Iron company, at Huron, with a capital of $1,000,000; Incor porators, F. A. Saylor, Dnvld H. Craig and Philip Lawrence. Twentieth Century Mining and Invest ment company, at Huron, wlh a capital of $1,000,000; Incorporators, William P. Ames, Charles W. Metzol and Philip Lawrenco. Mangan Hardware company, nt Beresford, with a capital of $10,000; Incorporators, Jerome Mangun, Mark V. Mangun and Henry I Mangun. The Eloso Oil company, at Pierre, with a capital of $1,000,000; incorporators, Goorgo W. Baltic, R. W. Parkes, W. B. Von John son, I. S. Estcs and T. P. Estcs. Moore Nominated by Petition. PIERRE, B. V., Oct. I. (Special.) The name of Joseph B. Mooro of the Eighth circuit will go on tho judicial ticket by petition instead of through a Judicial nomi nation. The petition to place bis name on the ticket was filed In the office of tbn secretary of state Monday. Either tbn populists of tho Eighth circuit have lost much of their strength or else Moore did not caro to test his popularity In a con vention, His "God of Battles" speech was too strong for most of the populists in the Hills. Lightning- Sel Fire to llnrn. YANKTON, S, D Oct. 2. (Special.) Tho barn of Louis Anderson, near Mllbank. was struck by lightning Monday night and burned, togcthor with forty tons of hav. 1,000 bushels of oats, some wheat and hi wagons and buggies. The horses wero saved. The barn was a largo, new building. Tho loss was heavy, with only $700 Insur ance. Dentil of Phillip fi, Glllrtt, JACKSONVILLE, III., Oct. 2. Philip O, Glllett, for nearly forty years superintend, ent nt tho Illinois Institution for Do I Mutes, died this morning. He had an In ternational reputation as an educator. Tho deceased was a formor president ol the National Sabbath School association and a member ot the International lesion committee Tfieptisat lORtl. Boyd Commission Co Successor to James E. Bard A Co., OMAHA. NEB. COMMISSION tiRAIH, FROVIHIONB AND STOCKB. Board of Trad BaUdlng. Direct wire to Chicago and New York, Csriespondence, John A. Warren Co. OLDEST! 9AFF.ST! I1ESTI WALL STREET Mosey Mill Kara Uls Memtkljr Itvtarna The Investor Fund Pay Beml-Monthly. Tho oldest established in America. No crtiflcat-older ever lost a cent. Pay. menu made to all subtcrtbers every II day. No trouble. No delay. Money refundtid on demand. Wrlta today for particular, free to any addre, C. K. MACKi; A CO., Ilndsoa IlalldlBgr, Now York mms- itecetpts, i,mv nean; mnraei wt-im, lO-yav lower; pigs and light. J6.S596.50; packers. J,2.)lj.60; butchers. J6.7Of(6.90. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recolpts 2.600. hend; market stonily for sheen, 10c higher for lambs; natlvo muttons, JZiy.i-M: lambs, Jl.OOfll.tVO; culls nnd bucks, $2.0033.20. SI, Joseph Lire Stock Mrke. ST. JOSEPH, Oct :.-CATTLE-Uccelits, 2,200 head: natives slow nnd 10o higher; un lives, J3.rIi0.2o: Texans and westerns, J2..0 ff5.8i); cows and heifers, Jl.&oflii.lo; stockers nnd feeders. Jl,7.V4il 16, yearlings and calves, J2.(Hfj3.85; Veuls, J3.(HVji6 00. HOGS Receipts, 8,ijo head; fnlrlv active) and 15srAo lower: plgn 10jn.iv off: light and light mixed, J6,40ii(6.80; modlum and heavy, 6.555ffi.fl0: pigs, $(. 73116.50! bulk, $6.60116.80. SHEEP AND LAMHS- Hecelpts, 4,0 head; market active; lambs steady; top Idaho wethers, $3.23; lambs, $3.50'fj.5o; owes, J3.50ifl.2S. Stork In Slnht, Tho following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the live principal stock markets for October 2: Cattle. Hogs. Slircp.