Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Davis sells drugs,
Btockert sells carpets nnd rugs.
Fine ABC beer, Neumayers hotel.
Oas fixtures nnd globes, IJIxby & Son.
Wollman, scientific optician, t Broadway.
For Sale-Apples at Sldentopf'a place A.
O. Gilbert.
C. E. Alexander & Co, pictures and
frames. Tel. 265.
Lily enmp, Royal Neighbors of America,
will meet tonight
Misses Hostile Conoyer and Bessie Crowd
son nre visiting In Module. In.
For Kent Modern 7-room residence. In
quire at No. 231 Main street.
Mrn. Oeorgo Sanford nnd children are
home from the northern lakes.
' Missouri oak body wood, J5.S0 cord. Wm.
Welch, 23 N. Main st. Tel. 123.
Frank II. Shugnrt of Chicago Is the guest
of his brothel, Itollit J. Shugart.
Get your work don at the popular Eas'.e
laundry, 72t Uroadway 'Phone 157.
C. R. Tyler arrived homo from New
York yesterday. Mrs. Tyler will return
The Ideal club will meet this afternoon at
t o'clock with Mrs. Mctcalf to reorganize
for the season.
Receivers Murphy nnd Hereshelm of the
Officer A Pusey bank have secured offices
In tho block.
"The Two .Merry Tramps," Wood nnd
Ward's big farce comedy, will be seen here
In the neur future.
Augunta grove gives n dnnce on next
Thursday In Woodman of the World hall.
Tickets 2o cents each.
The third of a series of free socials will
be given tonight In the parlor of the First
Congregational church.
Rev. a. W. Snyder of Bt. John's English
L,uthernn church will attend the lowiu
eynod In Iowa City next week.
C. W. Huntington, n farmer of Dow City,
has been taken to the Woman's Christian
Association hospltul for treatment.
Put CIcary, charged with assault nnd
battery on J. C. Morrow, was lined 11 und
costs In Justice Ilryitnt'M court yesterday.
Tho dato for Instituting the Odd Fol-
iows' lodge at Weston, this county, has
icon changed from October 2 to October 12.
William Uoswlck of Norfolk, Neb., Is
tho guest of his brother, Captain O. E.
licswlck, special officer for tho Rock inland
A bill of sale on a stock of groceries at
521 Main street, from II. F. Knudscn to E.
Meyer, was filed In tho recorder's ofllco
Achlo Myers, nephew of Justice llryant,
was killed n few days ago In Moberly, Mo,,
by falling under a train on which ho was
Tho Woman's auxiliary of Orace Epis
copal church will meet at the homo of Mrs.
.George II, Jackson, First street, Thurs
day afternoon.
For upholstering, repairing, mattress
work, feather renovating, Ostlmoor felt
mattresses go to Morgan & Klein's, 122
tiouth Main street.
Solemn requiem high mass was celebrated
yesterday morning In 8t. Peter's Catholic
church In memory of tho former pudtor,
Rev. Father Adolph,
Charles Walle. n rnnchmnu of Rcld.
Mont., was taken 111 while Journeying cast i
nnu was piaceu in tne woman s cnrlsiiiin
association hospital.
Monday was a busy day for the county
treasurer's ofllce. It being the last day tor
the payment of the second half of the
taxes for 1300 without the penalty.
George II. Mnyne and H. M. Metz, com
mercial ngent oi the Illinois Central, havo
gono to Uoyd county, Nebraska, on a
chicken hunt. Knrl Mayne will Join them
A. II. Mitchell, known In police circles ns
"The Minneapolis Kid," Is under arrest nt
the city Jail ns a suspicious character and
Is to have a hearing before Judge Ayles
worth this morning.
Mrs. John 1. l.utz, assisted by htr daugh
ters; Mrs. Wallace Shepard and Mrs. Wil
liam Pyper, will entertain the ladles' Aid
society of the First Congregational church
weanesnay artcrnoon.
F. C. Reed yesterday filed Rrttcles of In
corporation ot tho Council Muff & Omaha
Transfer company, naming the capital
I'tock nt 52O.M0. Emmet nnd II. I.. Tinley
nro tho board of directors,
Edward l'ostle walte, o conductor on the
Illinois Central railroad, nnd Miss Carrlo
Lewis, both of this city, wor mnrrled Sun
day afternoon by Justice llryant ut the
homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. George U. Martin.
Contractor Wlckham has completed tho
paving of Stutsman street from llroadwny
to Pierce street. Tho work on Upper
Uroadway Is expected to be dono today.
Jlcavy rains havo dolajed the pavltij on
Glen avenue.
Articles of Incorporation for the Younksr
man Seed company were filed yesterday In
the county recorder's ofllce. Tho Incor
porators are: Oscar Younkerman, A. F.
and W. C. Grote. The capital stock Is
placed at $15.'J00.
The care against William Rlackburn,
porter, charged with tho theft of $;0 from
Fred Clausen's barber shop, wns dlunLsed
In Justice Ferrler's court yesterday, the
grand Jury, to which the mntler wns re
ported, having failed to return nn Indict
ment, Rulldlng permits were Issued yesterday
ns follows; F, W. Miller, two-story frnmo
dwelling und barn on Oakland avenue,
5,000; Peter Monson, one-story frame cot
tage, at Twenty-second street nnd Sixth
uvenue. 1,2iW; II. D. Howard, one-story
frame cottage on Fnlrmount avenue, Jl,4uo.
John Hlrd, nupposed to be from Sioux
City, who wns picked up by the police Sun
day ns being mentally deranged, was bo
lero tho commissioners for the Insane ye. -terday.
Bird's condition was such that
nothing could be learned from him. Ho
was committed to St. Bernard's hospital
for observation,
"Midnight In Chinatown" which will bo
presented at tho Dohany tomorrow night. Is
said to be ono of the few sensational mnlo
dramas of tho present day that can lay
claim to being a sensational production It
nil Its situations and climaxes yet consili
ent In every sense und detail. Though con
taining numen.un thrilling situations the
nuthor has luteraced a beautiful heart
Interesting lovo story with good wholesome
comedy and pathos. The scenes presented
are cxirt reproductions of places of In
terest In the Golden Gnto City of the Pn
clfte coast, nnd an opium den in San Fran
cisco, Walter Wcllman used to tell fomo har
rowing tnles of life In tho convict mines of
Siberia. Tho theme Is one that has nlwnys
claimed close attention from the public,
whether presented In lecture form, in !
Wcllman. or In dramatic cuise. Them
ought to be unusual Interest In the offering
of the Dohany theater tonight, for It deals
Slrth AtWVhfiS? a'ceoRr,ilhn0grOroK,i;.f !K
counts. The play ndvertod to Is the one
rnuiieu "for tier Bane, it is a four-act
melodrama, end It has to Its credit n long
nsi or inaorsemenin nnnicn in other cities.
The piece Is especially commended for l ha
clever craftsmanship displayed In comb n
Ing the light nnd shade effects of IU plot.
Tho comedy Is snld to bo of unusual Inter
est. ea
Vic's lor thou wSd kt w'ufi gn I
Ganymede Chocolates
ajLOpera BonBons
Made By
John G. Woodward & Go.
"The Candy Men."
Council Bluffs - lowa.
Iowa Steam Dye Works
30 Uroadway.
Make youl old clothes look like n.
Cleaning, Dyeing and Ilepalrlns.
Funeral Director
iduccessor to IV. c. Et?l
3ft I'HAIIl. STIlEKT, Tbuno '7.
Negotiated tn Eastern NebruK
and Iowa. Jamas N. Casndy, Jr.,
Hi Main St.. Council Bluffs.
City Council Unablo to Dotermbe the Low
est Eitim&tei.
flPKlstrnrs for Nnvrinlir r Klretlon
Arr Appointed ('lnlnin for In
itlnn Creek I prlsInK Arc
Promptly Mnile.
Owing to the question of the grading tho
city council was unable Monday night to
determine which was tho lowest bid for the
four-foot sldcwnlks, that of I.. C. Hesley or
that of John P, Weaver. Tho tabulation
furnished by tho city engineer and his re
port rhowed that Ilesley was low on the
walks west of Eighth street nnd Weaver
low on the walks cost of that dividing
point, taking the grading Into consideration.
IJeslcy contended that the grading should
not bo considered and after considerable
discussion tho matter wns referred to tho
city solicitor for his opinion,
ItcKlstrnrn for Election.
These registrars for tho November elec
tion were appointed on the recommenda
tion of tho chairmen of tho republican and
democratic city central committees:
First Wnrd First precinct, John Corliss
(rep.), J. T. Young diem.); Second precinct,
James Peterson (rep.), J. J. Kline idem.).
Second Ward-First precinct. J. W. Ulan
chard (rep.), J. W. Kates (dem.); Second
precinct, J. I). Johnson (rep.), Kdward
Hates (dem.).
i Third Ward First precinct, John Chlsum
' (rep.), J. O'Nell (dem.); Second precinct, II.
"M. Goss (rep.), J. If. Bryant (dem.).
Fourth Ward First precinct. C. G. Robin
ron (rep.), V. Badollctt (dem.): Second pre
cinct, D. J. Whittaker (rep.), Fritz Frohart
I Fifth Ward First precinct, O. II. Alter
(rep.), E. B. Bowman (dem.); Second pre
cinct, J. H. Strock (rep.), Bartcl Nelson
Sixth Ward-First precinct, P. J. Clnttor
buck (rep.), Cilnt fiercer (dem.); Second
precinct, 0. O. llnnillton (rop.), C. Nego
thon (dem.).
Apiilli'iitlons for Allejs,
Owners of tho property on tho north
sldo of Broadway between Scott and Sixth
streets, represented by attorneys, asked
that an alley, for which they wero wilting
to donntu tho land, bo established at tho
rear of tholr buildings, This nnd tho ap
plication for tho establishment of an al
loy between Seventeenth and Eighteenth
avenues and Seventh nnd Eighth streets
wore referred to the committee of tho
C'lnlnis for Creek UnmnKes,
James Malonc, living on North Eighth
street Just north of the bridge over In
dian creek, complained that through the
carelessness of some of tho city officials
In Dot properly nttendlng to tho bank of
the creek near his house his premises had
been flooded by tho overflow.
Mrs. L. Dickinson complained that her
premises had been flooded by the ovor
flow in Indian creek and asked that she
bo compensated by tho remission of taxes
for 1900, as she could not afford, sho said,
to pay taxes and repair the damage dono
by tho overflow. Her request was referred
to tho Judiciary committee.
iinrK nine .ro Ileum I'rnm.
Alderman McDonald called attention to
the need of an electric light at First ave
nuo and Sixth street. Ho said evcryono
know It was a dark hole and needed light
Ills. This brought Beveral of tho aldermen
to their feet with tho announcement that
thoy also had a number of dark holes In
their wards, with tho result that sugges
tions for new lights were referred to tho
committee of the whole.
I01 rntlt Miepl KootlirldKr.
Alderman Hammer, chairman of tho
commltteo ou city proporty nnd bridges, to
whom was referred tho matter of a foot
bridge across the creek at Eleventh street,
reported In favor of constructing a foot
bridge east of tho Northwestern railroad's
bridge, on which thcro wero four tracks.
To build a sidewalk across tho railroad
brldgo ho considered too dangorous. Tho
coat of n separate footbrldgn ho estimated
nt $125. He also recommended that In tho
event of the bridge being built a sidewalk
bo laid fiom Broadway to Avenue A. Til's
matter wns referred to tho commltteo of
the whole.
MlNecllnucoiin Mntd'i-N,
Tho street supervisor wns Instructed to
clean Broadway west from Eighth street,
North Eighth street, Mynstcr streot and
Washington avenue, which aro covered with
a doposit of mud left by tho overflow of tho
creok Thursday night.
Contractor Wlckham was Instructed to
ropalr two bad places In tho paving on
North Main street Just north of tho creek
Tho city engineer was Instructed to on
forco tho completion of John M. Hardcn's
contract for the grading of Avenue H and
Tonth street.
Tho request of Dr. F. B. Seybert that he
be permitted to erect a frame barn cov
ered with sheet iron In tho rear of his
residence at 534 First avenue was referred
to tho commltteo on fire and light.
Tho appointment by Poundmastor Burko
of Ernest Norllng ns donutv noundmnstpr
i and dog entcher was approved.
I Tho cuc Thursday after-
I noH.
N, V. Plumbing Co., telephone 250.
Davis. sells glajis.
Gravel roofing. A. II. Read, 541 Broadwny.
For Cleric mill Currier.
The United States Civil Service Commls.
slon announces that on November 20 an ex
amination will bo held In this city for tho
position or clerk and carrier In tho post
ofTlco service. For application blank, full
Instruction, specimen examination ques-
Wednesday, Oct. 2
Big Sensational and Comedy Produc
tion In Four Acts,
Perfectly presented by a company of
Jn callable artists Embellished with
sumptuous scenic Inventlture and mar
velous eieciric ana calcium effects
Beautiful Mountain Ton The Office of
Big Bonanza Metggs' Wharf and San
Francisco Hav A Street In 'Frlnrn-
The Owl Resort THE INTERIOn OF
r Ut'lL .M UKN.
Prices 23c. 3oc, 60c
Cut Prices
on Millinery
Ml Broadway, Council Bluffs.
tlons, and Information relative to the duties
and salaries of the different positions, ap
plication should be made to Fred Johnson,
secretary of tho local board.
Applications must be on file with tho sec
retary of the local board before tho hour
of closing business, October 23.
JuiIkiopiiM AkiiIiisI .lame A, Pntton
for Tit ii Thoiisnnil Dollnrs,
Intercut nnd Costs,
The? sealed verdict In the case of Lucius
Wells ngalnst James A. Patton was opened
by Judge Mcpherson In United States
court yesterday morning and was found
to be for the plaintiff, Rising him Judgment
for $2,000 and Interest and costs of the
suit. Patton was given until October 7
to flic notice of appeal, but Is understood
none will bo taken. Wells sued for HO.OOn
for his services In reorganizing the old
First National bank nnd effecting a settle
ment of the Indebtedness of the Council
Bluffs Oas & Electric Mght company, the
stock of which the bank held as security
for n large loan.
Tho suit brought by W. S, Balduff of
Omaha ngalnst F. Collins and others to
restrain them from Interfering with his
business at Lake Mnnawa and charging
them with conspiring to Injure hts busi
ness, was dismissed at plaintiff's cost. The
suit resulted from nn nttempt on behalf of
tho Wallers' union to restrain Balduff from
selling liquor nt the Lake Mnnnwa Casino
Inst summer.
Judgo McPherson will devote today to
bankruptcy matters. Wednesday he will
tako up tho Grand hotel receivership mat
ter. The Grand Hotel company filed an
answer yesterday to tho petition of Inter
vention of the Penn Mutual Life Insurance
company, denying the latter's ownership of
tho furnlturo In the hotel.
Tho caso of A. Tcltsort, administrator,
against tho Chicago & Northwestern rail
road, having been settled out of court, wns
dismissed and costs taxed against both par
tics. The five suits In which B. Elscmnn ap
pears ns plaintiff nnd which havo encum
bered the docket for eleven years, wero
dismissed for wnnt of attention by any of
the parties,
Jnme l.utoii Art ns Ills Orrn Cotm
!, With tlu t'finnl IteMilt
to Client.
James Laton, a young man who claims
Des Moines ns his home, ncted as his own
counsel before Judgo Aylcsworth In police
court yesterday morning, to the charge ot
stealing u rlng-tcstlng stono from tho pawn
shop of Henry Lapldlus on West Broadwnv.
Iaton had been fully Identified by Lapldlus
as tho thief. When Lapldlus was on the
stnnd, Laton propounded thU question to
"Would you swear that 1 am dresied tho
same way now as 1 was when 1 stolu the
Tho court smiled, but the young man
failed to notice that he had practically ad
mitted the theft.
Laton, when placed on the stand and ex
amined by Assistant Attorney Kimball, de
nied bolng tho thief and said: "Now, It Is
not likely that I took this stone, because
when 1 left the pawnshop I met several
police ofllcers, and if I had been the thief
they would surely have arrsted me right
then and there, and not waited until the
next day.
Latin's logic did not have weight with
tho court. Judge Aylesworth concludud he
wns guilty and sentenced him to ten days
In the county Jail. The value of the stone
was $1.50.
Men Indicted for Sitloon Xnlsnncc anil
IMcklnK lockcti Sny Tliejr
Arc Innocent.
Carl nnd William Nogothon, charged un
der an Indictment with maintaining a nul
sanco In tho shape ot a floating saloon on
a steamer In Cut-Off lake, were arraigned
before Judgo Mncy In the district co.irt
yesterday and entered n plea of not guilty,
Fred Smith, Albert Brown. A. IX. Wlllard
and G. W. Harris, alleged pickpockets,
chnrgrd with robbing n farmer named Hes
ter, at tho Union Pacific transfer depot,
were arrnlgned under the Indictment re
turned ngalnst them nnd entorcd pleas of
not cullty.
In tho caso of E. G. Pugh, against Sarah
Promt, a suit over a road In Rockford
township, Judgo Macy overruled tho de
nnnrer and a motion to striko out part ot
tho petition.
In tho Ofllccr & inisey receivership, Day
& Hess filed an nppllcntlon that thoy bo
sold eighty acres In Lewis township, be
longing to tho bank at their offer of $5,200.
Tho receivers had been offered $5,050 and
tho court had been askd to approve tho sale
at thnt nmount.
The trial of tho famous suit of Jnmos
Doyle, against James F. Burns, president
of tho Portland Gold Mining company. Is
to bo begun today before Judge Macy and a
Chambers' Dancing ncademy, Royal Ar
canum hall, reopens for beginners Tues
day, October 1; children 1 p. m., adults
8 p. m. Complimentary reception to past
pupils and their friends, "adults," Friday,
October 4. Circulars at Whnley'a drug
Davis sells paint.
Mnrrlnwc Licenses.
Licenses to wed were issued yesterday to
the following:
Name nnd Residence. Age,
Edwnrd Postlewalt. Council Bluffs 21
Carrie Lewis, Council Bluffs 20
Hnrry E. Mendenhall, Pierce, Neb 21
Ella E. Burnworth, Council Bluffs 18
W. M. Perkins. IOvoland. In 39
llebecca Price, Lnvelaud, la 41
A. J. Stanley, Red Oak. In 42
Salllo Johnson, Lake City, la 30
Wocd & Ward'u big company presenting
"The Merry Tratnpe,"
ltet. John W Wilson I'lnils He I'nn
not Cope With Conditions
In Ills Church.
Rev. John W. Wilson has tendered his
resignation as pastor of the First Con
gregational church and n meeting of the
church hoard has been called for Wednes
day evening to consider It. The resigna
tion Is to take effect January 1 or sooner If
the church selects his successor before that
In his letter of resignation Mr. Wilson
says; "The reason which fias had most
to ro with my decision Is that 1 have grown
weary under the strain of heavy burdens,
and I find that my resources are not suffi
cient to copo successfully with tho situa
tion as I find It In this church. And I
cheerfully vacate my ofllce and commend
you to the leadership of some experienced
man who will come fresh from another field
and with resources that nre Inexhaustible."
No statement has been mnde by Rev. Mr.
Wilson ns to his future plans, but It li
known that he has received a business offer
from his brother-in-law In Minnesota, and
It Is thought likely he will forsake tho pul
pit for tho commercial world.
To Greet Phillips lormnll.
Chairman Brooks Reed of the democratic
county central commltteo said yesterday
thero would he no public meeting on th
occasion of the visit to this city Wednesday
of T. J. Phillips, democratic candidate for
governor. Mr. Phillips will be accorded nn
Informal reception nt the Grand hotel, and
a meeting of tho big guns of the party will
bo called to formulate plans for the cam
paign In Pottnwnttnmlo county.
Sciirchcil for Oninhn MlinpllftltiK.
Ccnstnble Albertl, on n warrant Issued
from Justice Bryant's court yesterday after
noon, searched the premises at 821 Seventh
nvenue, occupied by Mrs. Nathan Mnssey,
arrested In Omaha on a chnrge of shoplift
ing. Dress goods, lace curtains and other
articles, said to havo been stolen from tho
Boston store, Omaha were found. The In
formation on which tho warrant 'wns Issued
wns sworn to by L. E. Grler.
WecUly ShootliiK Tonrnnincnts.
The Enterprise Hunting nnd Gun club
will meet nt the Cyclery Thursdny night to
perfect organization. The club plans to
urcnrn irrnnnilK for weeklv trim shooting.
Tim Mmrtnr infmhi-rji nre: Painter Knox.
"Frank Watson. O. Hill, Amos Utterback,
Jnmcs Hownrth, W. F. Mnus, ueorgo
Crane, Jr., H. K. Smith, Clyde Lloyd nnd
Jny llelsler.
Itcnl Eslntc Trnnsfcrs,
These transfers were (lied yesterday In
tho abstract, title and loan office of J. W.
Squire, 101 Pearl street:
F. J. Ducir to Jesse Barr. lot in nnd
cVi lot 9, block 8, lllghlnnd Plnce.
w .1 550
Heirs of E. A. Conslgny to Cnssle P.
Couslgnv, lot 15, official plot of 9-77-39;
lot 1. Dnvls' Park add to Avoca.
w. d 1
Cora L. Day to J. W. Davis, w 10 feet
of lot 9 and e 12 feet of lot 10, In
subdlv of block 4, Avocn. w. d 600
Heirs of Snmuol G. Damon to George
E. McMnhon, lot .10, Johnson's ndd,
w. d 400
Peter Wlsch and wife to Edwnrd Car
roll, lot 10. block SO. Avocn, w. d 1,375
Executor of D. C. Bloomer to C S.
Savage, lot 23, block 25, Central sub
dlv. w. d 100
O. C. Sorensen nnd wife to Otto
Skodsholm. lots 13 nnd 14, block 11.
Burns' ndd, w. d 1,?00
Total seven transfers $ 4.S23
Omnhn Pnnnenurr Trnln l.fsvrn Italia
nt Dnnlnp, lint .Volnnlr tn
DtlNLAP, la., Sept. 30. (Special Tele
gram.) Passenger train No. 1 on the
Northwestern railroad, due here at fi a. m.,
was' wrecked near hero this morning
while running nearly forty miles an hour.
Conductor Charles Campbell wns In charge.
The train was cloven minutes late, but
would havo run Into Council Bluffs on time
hut for tho accident, which Is considered
a most fortunate one, not a single passen
ger on tho train being Injured.
A broken rail Is supposed tn have been
tho cause of tho derailment of two chair
cars, two sleepers nnd a tourist car. Tho
locomotive and other cars kopt the track
and after thirty minutes' delay the locomo
tive, with tho cars on the track nnd all
tho passengers, got awny for Council
Tho trnck wns badly damaged and the
wreck will not bo fully cleared nwny bo
foro tomorrow night. Thn accident oc
curred at tho coal chutes nnd had the
coaches turned toward thorn Instead of
from them thero would havo been great
loss of life. Ono of tho passengers In a
sleeper was not aroused by tho accident.
Wnoil worth Held for Trlnl,
ClinrKCil nlth l)rfriiiii!liiK
AkpcI Couple.
FORT DODGE, la., Sept. 30. (Special.)
Tho mystery which has surrounded thn al
leged fraudulent procuring of the deeds for
the Kempley farm, located In Webster
county, has been cleared away by tho con
fession of Mr, Kempley's daughter, Mrs. H.
M. Wonders. Sho confessed In tho trial
of the case that tho hold Orrln Wood
worth had over her was stronger than filial
love and that, without other consideration
than his demand, sho had made posslblo the
scheme to deprive her parents of their
farm. At tho end of hor evidence both
sides submitted tho case without argument
and Judge Hall at onco hold the prisoner,
Dr. Woodworth, to answer, with bail fixed
nt $10,000.
Tnle n Hundred nnd TTTcnty
Five llnllnrs nnd
WEBSTER CITY, Ia Spt. 30. (Special
Telegram.) Rev. F. E. Day was robbed In
tho Northwestern passenger station thU
aftcrncon, a wallet containing $125 and
valuable paper benlg taken by plckpockots.
There is no clew to the robbers.
C.'InrUc Connty'w Crl nilnnls.
OSCEOLA, la., Sept. 30. (Special.) The
district court of Clarke county ndjourned to
day after a session of two weeks. Clnrke
county has hnd her shnro of criminals to
deal with this term, therft being In tho
county Jail nt the beginning of the ses
sion three men who wore Indicted by the
grand Jury. Two of them, Ed Hilton,
who was arrested at Murray for stealing
harness, nnd Jim Monyham. the prisoner
who was shot In tho neck In tho spring
whllo being captured and afterward broke
Jail and was recaptured In about a week
with a whole Jewelry store on hi a back,
hnvo had their cases continued until the
December term nnd will bo placed In the
penitentiary for safe keeping. Tho other
ono, "Dutch" Lowe, who assaulted his
wife with a razor last May and came near
killing her, pleaded guilty to assault with
Intent to rommit murder and received a
ten-year sentence.
Katoi Olty Man to Take Put in
Rally nt Grciton.
Senntyr Allison nnd SpenUrr Hender
son Announced to SprnU nt Mnu
chester Next WeeU-flpii-crnl
Lima Nens,
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Sept. 30. (Special.) The
republican state committee today made the
announcement that arrangements had been
made to have James E, Blythc of Mason
City speak with A. B. Cummins nt Creston
tomorrow evening, and thus make of It a
general rally of republicans. Mr. Cummins
went to Lenox this morning early to upcak
In the afternoon, nnd tomorrow nftcrnoon
he speaks at Red Oak. It was thought best
to have another speaker with him for the
evening meeting and Mr. Blythe was sent
for. In the preliminary contests they wero
arrayed ngalnst each other, and have gen
erally represented opposing factions In the
parly. Somo years ago both were candi
dates for the position of republican com
mlttcem..r. for Iowa, but they have always
been personally good friends. A big rally
for the Third district has been nrrnnged
for Manchester ou tho 10th, when Senator
Allison and Speaker Henderson will speak
with Mr. Cummins.
Court Itcport Bendy.
The Judges of the supreme court today
approved volume HI of the Iowa supremo ,
court reports Just published. The volume
wns at llrst disapproved nnd the Judges re- I
fused to accept the volume offered beeatisu '
of poor typography and had proof reading. 1
A new edition had to bo prepared.
Members of tho stato law commission
arc here preparing for tho fltst examination
of applicants for ndmlsslon to the bar under
tho new Inw. There will bo n small class
of applicants, owing to the stringent re
quirements for ndmlsslon. not more than
a doien having signified a willingness to try
th) examination,
Tho auditor of state todny Issued char-
ters tn the People's Savings hank of Albla,
cnpltal $30,000, and the Farmers and Mln- I
era' Savings bank of Albla. capital $2.'.000
tho tho two banks will begin business In
the same town nt the same time. The Lnko
View Furnlturo company, capital $1,500,
has filed articles of Incorporation with tho
secretary of state.
Sarn Farmer for Hnpc nitc.
The sensational caso in Hamilton county,
In which A. Kowry of Fort Dodge, a ped
dler, was nearly eaten up by a hlg dog,
and for which Ward Deffcnbach was ar
rested for nssnult, hut acquitted, will come
up In n new form In court at Webster City
soon. Kowry claimed In the criminal case
that Deffcnbach hold him whllo the dog did
the biting, and at nny rnto he wnB so se
verely Injured by Deffcnbach's dog that ho
was confined to his bed for weeks, Now
he has brought suit for $5,000 damagCM
against Deffcnbach. The surgeons who at
tended Kowry found tblrty-slx places whero
tho dog had bitten him.
Inspection of County Hospitals,
Dr. M. N, Voldeng of this city, the newly
appointed superintendent of the State In
sane hospital at Cherokee, started out this
morning to make investigation on behalf of
tho State Board of Control of the county
Insane hospitals of Pocahontae, Wehstor,
Sioux, Woodbury and some other counties
In northwestern Iowa, The Stato Board of
Control made new rules and regulations In
regard to these county hospitals and pro
vided that if theso rules should not be com
plied with In one year they would havo to
place their Insane In a state hospital. Tho
present Inspection Is to determine whether
tho rules have been complied with. A sim
ilar Inspection will be made of all the
county nnd private hospltalci of the stato
by doctors from tho four state hospitals.
Mntf Support of IIIkIi School.
Superintendent Barrett In his biennial re
port to the governor will recommend tho
adoption of what Is known as the Cowics
bill for support of high schools. This bill
provides that tho tato would offer a bonus
of $400 to nny district high school that
would maintain tho high school free of tu
ition to all pertons from the country. Tho
bill wns beaten In the Inst legislature be-
cnuso It was not understood. The superin
tendent approves tho bill and with the ap
proval It Is likely to becomo a law, Tho
general purpose Is to afford to residents
of the farms as well as of tho towns a
chanco to secure high school education.
r.viileiu'e A km I nut KnufTninn,
E. C. Musgravo of this city was summoned
to Cedar Rapids to testify beforo the Lynn
county grnnd Jury relative to F. C. Kauft
man, formarly of this place, who was ar
rested nt Portland, Ore., charged with ob
taining money under false pretenses. Ho
wns brought to Linn county on n similar
charge and Is now In tho hands of the
grand Jury of that county. Kauffman whllo
here represented himself 'o bo tbo manager
of tho American Paper Stock company. At
ono time he was nrrested hero on tho charge
of obtaining money fraudulently, but was
dismissed because of insufficient evidence
to hold him. Later ho went west and U
said to havo swindled a large number of
paper stock merchants wfco were induced to
cash his drafts upon their being O. K.'d by
the home offlco at this place. Ho Is said to
havo fleeced Cedar Rapids parties and It Is
for this crime ho Is under Investigation. It
Is understood chnrges will be preferred
ngalnst Kauffman In this county as soon as
Linn county Is through with him.
Tvo Unnilreil Persons, Including:
Women mill Ofllcers, I'ittht
Over n Iiimaiilt,
MARION, la., Sept. 30. (Special Tele
gram. ) A riot Involving a largo number
of persons took place on the streets here
at 6 o'clock this evening. Two brothers
named Woods, from the northern part of tho
county, nttneked Clinton Chesmoro, a
farmer, ns a result of legal differences now
pending In the courts. Ofllcers Interfered
and a general fight followed, the wives of
tho brothers and a number of other persons
attacking tho officers.
Finally 200 men became Involved In the
riot, and tho services of the whole police
force of the town and the sheriff and his
a IV! r n
t iew isomer cxpecieu
It will brintr iov nnd comfort,
is made easy to the mother.
Children born under painful circumstances or sur
roundings before or during accouchement are rarely
strong, hearty and healthy.
Parents and relatives should recommend a trial of
"Mather's Friend" for external use. It is a
simple and effective liniment, relieving all pain by relax
ing the muscles. There is nothing like it in the world.
Sold t-rU Dfujjhti. or if nt byeipreipMon re eiptof prlr , 91 pe r hnf tie.
Till'. lin.tlinill.D HMil'I.ATOU
Mrs. L. A. Harris, a Prominent Member
of a Chicago Woman's Political Club, tells
how Ovarian Troubles may be Cured with
out a Surgical Operation. She says :
" Doctors have a perfect craze for operations. The minute
there is any trouble, nothing but an opera; Ion will do them; one
hundred dollars and costs, and included in the co3ts arc pain, and
agony, and often death.
" I suffered for eight years with ovarian troubles ; spent hundreds
of dollars for relief, until two doctors agreed that an operation was
my only chance of life. My sister had been using jLydiiiE. Pink
ham's Vegotivolo Compound for her troubles, and been cured,
and she strongly urged mc to let the doctors go and try the Com
pound. I did so as a last resort ; used it faithfully with the Sana
tive Wash for five months, and was rejoiced to find that my troubles
were over and my health restored. If women would only try Lydia
K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound first, fewer surgical operations
would occur." Mrs. L.A.Harris, 278 KastOlst St., Chicago, 111.
$o()00 FOISFHIT IT Till: AMOVE TjHTTKU is not gunuink.
When women aro troubled with irregular, suppressed or painful
menstruation, weakness, louporrhn?ii, displacement or ulceration of tho
womb, that bcarinc-down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, back
ache, bloating (or flatulence), general debility, indigestion, anil nervous
prostration, or nre beset with such symptoms as dizzinesr, faintness,
lassitude, excitability, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy,
"all-gone" and " want-to-bo-lcft-alono" feelings, blues, and hopelessness,
they should remember there is one tried nnd true remedy. Lytliu 13.
IMnklinm's Vegetable Compound at oneo removes such troubles.
Dchairj Theatre,
An Elaborate Scenic Equipment!
;i A Great Cast! i;
i Sensational Situations ,, Startling Climaxes ,, Bewildering Effects
dcputlcH were required beforo thn principals
wero overpowered mid Inmlcd In Jail.
As a rcnult of the trouble one of the
Woods brothern Is lylnK In a critical con
dition In the county Jail, and Samuel Dan
iels, ex-pestmnntor, nnd I,. 1'. Danhvell,
editor of thn Pilot, were nn s-rloualy beaten
us to require the nttcutlon of physicians.
Mm. .Inlin Mnrinimrll or I' ill ton
tin- Vlrtlin iif Wt'fflt mill
CLINTON. In., Sept. 30. (Special Tele
gram.) Mrs. John McOonnell, nn nsed
widow of Fulton, mot with a terrlblo acci
dent on Saturday which resulted In her
death this morning, Her clothes caught fire
while she was burning weeds In her yard
with tho aid of kerosene, nnd slin was Im
mediately envoloped In flames. Her cries
brought neighbors to her assistance, but the
unfortunate woman was nlrcady terribly
burned nnd she suffered untold agony until
this morning when she wai; relieved by
death. Mrs. McOonnell was 70 years of
ago and resided alone.
Kiiftterii VUltor All Ilu.
AIJEHDEHN, S. I)., Sept. 30. (Special.)
Transfera of real ettato are particularly
lively for this season of the year. Flftv
nino transfers wero recotded In one dav
nt tbo register of deeds' clllco recently.
Eastern parties nre flocking !n continually
and few leave utthout having purchased
ono or more quarters of South Dakota land.
esncciallv if ils birth
Vrtr womin should
fn(l frr a Utile l
we pubiMhrm
CO., Atlnntll. ;n.
ho), ' it It Tree
Tuesday, Ocl. 1st.
Strong Nerves
are the true source of good, healthy
Persons with half.fctnrvrd nerves al
ways look worried ami "drnggtil-out."
You cannot be lmppy without nerve
vigor, you canuot be natural without
nil the powen which nature meuut you
to have.
produce n healthful glow which nrt
cannot Imitate. They Invlgorateevtry
organ, put new force to the nerves,
elasticity to the step nud round out the
face and form to Hues of health nnd
tl 00ptIkjj: (1 boies (with wrltteu
Ciiarautee WW Hook f-er.
For sale by Kulin & Co., Fuller Paint A
Lirug Co., umahu; Dillon's Drug store,
boutli Omaha, and Davis Drug Co., Council
Uluffa. Ia.
I)) ft (?S
known thcro In
tl n n k or In ft
coukIi. Thu only
hafts way Ih to Mop It at once. Antl
Kuwf will stop tho worxt hind of it
coiiph, A trlnl will prnvt' It. l!."f n hot-
tn ut tllf (ll'US btOW!.