Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1901, PART I, Page 11, Image 11

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1 1
Virtually Dttr;niad.
V 1NI1 V IT AM TflEC I KV f"'1 that ls th? la"1 bcforo th8 Minnesota
lJU I lLAJI lULj Lli'L 1 gsrae at Minneapolis on October 12.
After tliat event 1 past tho tctim will
commence work for VIronsln nnd on Or-
VVnn f w.u. .1. n j it j tuber 19 Omahans will be given an oppor-
game with the Omnba Medics here. Thu
next Saturday will nee them at Lincoln
Pitted riKaltml the Ames agricultural col
lego team. That will bo October 26 and
no more games will then be played until
(hat In Milwaukee against tho Uadgera on
November 2.
It Is expected that tho boys will be taken
to Wloconsln some days before tho (tame,
for they could hardly bo In good shape Im
mediately after a rldo of 700 miles on the
train. Kvery precaution In lnstiro perfect
condition for that game will be taken.
After that Is over two games and prob
ably a third very Important ono remain,
Missouri Tigers will como to Lincoln on
Second nnd Third flirt rn Slmiil
flendy o Itclnfnrce Vnralt) WIioii
Any Wrnkneaa .liny Jlnke
Itaclf Apparent.
Every day of practice ns It passes Illu
mines with a stronger 1 U?ht tho promise
that the University of Nebraska foot hall
team will this year rank far nnd awav i November 9 and the Kansans on November
above nnythlng that It has nttnlned In all
lta years of ups and downs on the western
With an avcrago of forty men out for
practice every day tho last week and with
o doen mora husky stalwarts watching the
Ttmmagcs from tho stdo lines with tears
u their ycn because thero are not vet
ulln enough to accommodnto them all, with
all of last year's material to work on nn.I
n vast grist of now rough diamonds to cut
Into shape, It now seems assured that the
champions of four states last year will
extend their domain of superiority over a
far greater extent of territory by next
Thanksgiving day
Two great games are In prospect and
every student at tho university seems to
realize that this it tho critical year for
the foot ball team of Its alma mater. Of
course there are malty other scheduled con
tests and. ono or two of strong minor Im
portance, but in scanning tho list tho Ne
braska enthusiast cannot but let his gaze
wander over to tho dates October 12 and
November 2, for those nro tho days on
which their favorites will meet tho rivals
of tho north, tho Oophers of Minnesota and
tho Hadgers of Wisconsin,
As tho tlmo for tho Minnesota gamo ap-
1 proacbes less and less anxiety concerning
tho outcome Is felt at tho State university.
1 JtciSorts from tho northern school, Instead
of growing moro favorable, aro ench dav
of a gloomier vein, and there seems to bo
llttlo In tho work of tho Oophers from
which oven tho most sangulno of their back
ers can derive much comfort.
Of course It In possible- that tho press re
ports nro distorted from tho real faelH, for
tho men of tho north rcnllzo that thov
havo tho game of their lives before them,
and nothing could pleaso tbcm better than
the Installation of n vicious growth of over
confidence In tho minds of their Nebraska
However, figures cannot llo nnd In the
face of what showing tho Oophers modo a
week ago against the High school teams of
Minneapolis anil St. Taut it Is hard to be
lieve that their progress so far has been
rery great. For an entire half tho eleven
from the Minneapolis Central High school
compelled tho university men to keep a
rcspectnblo dlst.mco from tho goal line,
which tho school boys gunrdod no zealously,
16. Then, provided Nebraska has succeeded
in playing as good at a tic with either
Wisconsin or Minnesota, Northwestern unl
vrrslty has promised to come to Nebraska
for' the pott-season game. Students down
at the university nlready think it a. cinch
that Northwestorn will bo called upon to
keep Its promise.
Host if Mlanoiirliwift Ntrlvr for I'refrr
niiMit on (In- lllovi-n Which
Wriirs TIor' .Stripe,
In the matter of candidates, the Missouri
stato university has Nebraska distanced
and discounted. Klghty men are now
clamoring for plucrs on tho team
which Is to represent tho Tigers this year.
Nebraska considered Itself in unusual luck
with forty-five asplrantB on hand,
Hut Missouri's good fortune Is due largely
to tlii) fact that this fall marks a great
I ndvanco In the rlso of that school. Tim
nttcndaucu has Increased greatly and,, of
! course, athletes havo como with tho roit.
Aa nt Nebraska university, it has been nec
essary to order nddlttonnl new suits, tho
supply laid In proving- Insufficient to clotho
all tho gridiron giants,
Coach Fred Murphy Is already confident
that the team will consist largely of now
material. He has somo of this on hand, ho
BD.ys, that Is too good to bo neglected and
only four or flvo places will go to old men.
With tho Increased prosperity of tho school
nnd a larger nttendnnco comes naturally a
higher Htnndnrd of football nnd tho team
of last year In to bo outclassed by tho pres
ent ono If coaching nnd unlimited material
can do It.
A HUpnbuudnco of big men among this
year's candidates causes tho team ns picked
out thus far to look rathor unwioldlv and
awkward when lined up, but iib soon as tho
ball ls In play these big mon display sur
prising nullity nnd It Is on this unusual
combination of dash nnd weight that Mr.
Murphy bases hln highest hopes.
Captain Charles Wnsher has Just ar
rived from Knnsas City, whero ho has
been 111, nnd his return has given nddod
Impetus to the work. Ho will bo unable to
play for sovernl days yet. but can assist
ful one It consists of Knowtton, fullback
and captain, tal'ans. halfback, Doble, quar
ter, Fee. left tackle. Mueller, right guard,
and Anne, end. With this bunch as a
starter of certainties and with a host of
new aspirants tho (Jophor coachto arc hard
at work. A great team will doubtless be
the result. Hut the Minnesota newspapers
pretend to be scared to denth. Here Is a
sample of what they are printing with ref
erence to tho Minnesota-Nebraska game!
At Minnesota tremendous gaps among
the Individuals mut be closed nnd then
tile Whnie tlriimmn.l niirl ImmmarArl liiln -1
Unit, ii mnehlnn f im .i nin. ..n
wo,rklng In harmony, and one which
".I in, i iircnK or sunt in me middle, me
question Is, "Can It be done, and can It
bo done before October 12."
as urn gamo with Nebraska approaches
It nPCnrilP mnt ti .1 ni.oarnni tl,f
the Cornhuskers nro "layltiK themselves
out to wipe out the defeat they suffered
nt tho hands of Inst years Jllnnenpolls
team. The preparation for the game be
gan within h few days after tho game of
lait Thanksgiving nnd It has covered
everything" that an experienced coach and
willing students of the game could think
of. Nebraska last fall had men on the
Minnesota urnllnrlB wiitrlllni? them tilnl'
Their conches on the side linen nt the game
nvif flunking .iiinnesoui s s.veicm or pi.iy
nnd the Individual characteristics of Min
nesota's players. Consequently when the
game was over they were In 11 position to
discuss the various plnys and to o over
the system thoroughly That was whnt
hey began with nnd worked over during
the winter It Is safe to say that Ne
liraska s men of hint vmr innv nmttv
nearly all there Is to be known nbotlt Min
nesota's game ns It was played n year ago
Vi lo "e Known ny men
who did not play the gnme themselves.
The .Minnesota schedule reads;
October S-Mllll.n.nln nr...!.,... ...
College Hf ''hyslclans nnd Surgeons.
October 12 Minnesota nimtnst Nihrnal
19-Mliinesotn. against Orlnnell.
October 2i,-Mlnnesotn against Iowa.
November ?-flt,,...,,.. ,,-..
Indians -" iiKitiiiri jiaPKcii
I)akoVtambCr &-M'nn"01'1 ngnlnst North
Novemtinr 1l.tlnn..,n . ....
sin. at Madison. " .scon-
wesleTlrn't ChTcr90,a Xorl"-
November 2S M I tlfJ nt A rrt liiat 1 1 1 1 I
at Champaign. """""
materially In tho training. Tho old play
Not onco could tho Oophors score In that ( ers now In practice aro McCaslln. Rills,
half. Then tho boys from tho St. Taul Smith. Houx. Sanders. Robinson and
Central High school enmo against thorn to 1 Frompton. Tho Tigers' schedule rends.
finish tho gnme and bernuso these young- l October R, Klrksvlllo nt Columbia.
liters had not tho spunk nnd determination
of thoso whqm they succeeded tho 'vnrsltv
was finally enabled to score, making throo
touchdowns. And of theso Mr. Knowiton,
fullback, missed two gonls.
That Is not Huch n lino showing for a
much vnunted championship aggregation to
mako against High school boys and it has
not served to ruluo tho hopes of Minne
sota men very high. Wisconsin will un
doubtedly give tho Gophers a terrible drub
bing this year and It will bo a pity If tho
Uornhuskors cannot do tho same.
Tho fact that thero will this year be
three organized elevens at tho University
of Nahrnska Instead of two as formerly ls
of great Importance It slmly means that
tho second eleven will bo so nearly equal
to tho first thnt tho latter will bo having
championship contests evory day In prac
tlco. The teams will bo run on n system
of merit strictly. Tho eleven men on tho
second cloven will hnvo to work very hnrd
to keep tho stars of tho third team from
displacing them nnd nil this will conduce
to tho good of tho 'varsity men themselves.
Never bofore hns tho first team been out
lined na quickly as thlB year. This la pos
slblo becauso of tho fact that so many old
men returned and nlso because thoso who
nro already slated for places stand out so
ntrongly above other competitors. It now
seoms almost certain thnt tho following
fifteen men will bo llrBt team players dur
ing tho early season nt least:
For the line, Kochlcr, Klngor, Westovor,
llrew, Moloney, Stringer, Shedd, Cortelyou;
for quarterback, Drain; for backs, Crnndnll,
Kingsbury, llcndor, Lohmcr, Hell and Wil
liams. However, this personnel Is by no means
assured. So far these men hnvo shown
themselves tho worthiest nnd best, but thoy
van hold thulr positions only na long us
thoy contlnuo so to do. Thu plan Is civil
service) strictly. As soon ns any man on
the second tenm begins to shlno with a
bright light he will bo tried In his respect
ive position on tho first oloven nnd If ho
does hotter than tho man whom ho hns dis
placed thero ho will romaln as long ns ho
exhibits tho tamo superior class of work.
No games othor thnn mcio tryout nlfnlrs
will bo played by tho university tenm until
tho Minnesota contest. That with tho Lin
cola High school n week ago wns the be
ginning' of this class of work. Tho game
with tho osteopaths at Klrksvlllo, Mo., yes-
t?rday was another such. This coming Sat
urday tho team will contlnuo tho prelim
inary work In a gamo with Uouno college
October !. Nebraska nt Incoln.
Ootobur 12, Simpson nt Columbia,
October Iff, Warrensburg nt Columbia.
October 26. Drnko nt Oca Moines.
November 2. Ottawa nt Columbia.
November II. Tnrklo nt Tnrklo.
November 16, Texas at Columbia.
November 1R, Haskell at Columbia.
November 23, Kansas nt Kansas City.
Only Sli nf the Mlnnesiifn Jqnnil of
Fifteen (Until Show Up Tills
Yenr fop Prnctlre.
Tho Interest of tho Nebraskan conlcrs
now In tho Minnesota team as first of Its
big opponents. October i'2 Is tho dnto on
which tho Cornhuskcrs nro scheduled to
meet tho Oophers at Minneapolis. Tho
northerners woro If anything oven a llttlo
nhead of Booth's men In tttnrtlng training,
It was aboiit August 23 when a ecoro of
candidates began preliminary work nt Ornnd
Mnrlns, Mich. Hut It was not till Thurs
day, September 12. that tho first practice
was held on Northrup field at tho unl
If tho returning of many old men Is any
great ndvantage, Mlnuesotn has cortalnly
rocelved u hard blow. Only six of that
terribly squad of fifteen giants will be
back In school. However, Nebraskans well
remember tho second team of the Oophors
Just before the gnmo nt Lincoln last
Thankeglvlng day, when tho vast crowd was
anxlotiHly nwattlng for tho teams to appear,
a bunch of stalwart strangero In red sweat
era nnd moleskins trotted out on the grid
Iron. Nebraskans were appalled at the size
of the men, for they were giants compared
with the sturdy Cornhuskern. Nevertheless
they wsro npplnuded to tho echo and much
admiration wns expressed.
But thero wero nlso somo Mlnnosotnns
present on tho benches, nnd when tho locnl
enthusiast emitted gnsps of admiration tor
tho Oophor players theso turned to their
southorn neighbors nnd said:
"Hut that's only our second team. Walt
till you see tho rcnl thing."
And It was true. Not long nftcrward the
real thing tamo nnd tho ndvnnco guards
wero consigned to tho oblivion of the aldo
lines. Thoso who took thulr plnce woro
wonderful to behold. It was a terrifying
sight, nut It did not mnko so much dif
ference In tho end, and this yenr thero nro
about forty cornhuskers working hard each
afternoon who say It won't mnko any.
Hut tho sextet of remnants ls a power1
Not One Failure.
OurVaouum Organ DovalopsrehouldhouFnt
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Oiinnl nml (Innrter Who Alilril Trnin
to Vletiiry In Old li1H An
.MInnIiik from Their I'lners.
Up In tho Hndger stnto the foot ball
men nrp getting to work slowly, ns seems to
bo the caso In most schools this year. This
week g play has been tho flrt of scrlmmogo
work, ovcrythlng previous to that having
been confined to lino forma ons without
opponents, signal practice and general
Umbering work.
Just nine men of tho old tenm are now
out for duty. Tho othor two ore. serious
losses and both have placed tho team In
a predicament that It has been unnblc to
rscapo from so far, "Activity" Tratt. tho
famous little quarterback, Is gone and It
ocems impossible to nil his place. Mttlo
Activity wns the smallest quarterback
Wisconsin ever had and yet probably the
most einclent. Anywhere but on the foot
ball neld ho was mild mnnnered, retiring
shy nnd dlmdcnt to his own Injury. He
would not even ask for what was duo him
and went nbout On tlptoo for fear someone
would look at him. Hut on tho gridiron It
wns a different Tratt. Year after year ho
played tho peripheral position for n team
that was nover less thnn second best In
tho wc3t, nnd ho weighed only 125 pounds.
rnjg is snowing up well for quarter, but
ho Is very light and It ,s feared that In op
position lineups he will not stand tho
strain, oa It Is hnrdly to bo expected that
ho will bo a second Tratt.
Then tho old veteran, Jerry Ulordan. n
guard of many seasons, Is gone, leaving a
vacancy In tho line. Schrelbcr ls belne
tried out for the plnce, but is not mnklnjc
n rcmnrknblo showing so far.
That "Fat" Driver will be nhln tn inko
ins old position at fullback ls not absolutely
yet certain, as ho ls working In tho ofTlco
of tho adjutant general of Wisconsin nnd
Hint gentleman has declared against tho
game. Hut great Influonco Is being brought
to bear Upon tho soldier nnd Driver has been
out to prnctlco twice. His running Is of
tho samo old Invincible sort nnd his kicking
has greatly Improved during tho summer
by constant practice.
Tho Wisconsin schedule) bAran yesterdnv.
with tho game against Dixon 'college at
Madison. It carries games with Minnesota
nnd Chicago, but not with Michlgnn, read
October IS. I'pper Iown nt Madison.
October 2, lielolt nt Milwaukee.
October 19, Knox nt Madison.
October 2fi, Knox nt Madison.
November 2, N'ebraskn nt Milwaukee.
November !. AmeH college nt Madison.
November 10, Mlnuesotn nt Madison.
November 2S, Chicago nt Chicago.
I'rliireton In Only Ten in nf IIIk Fl
IV hi eli Does nt Suffer .Seriously
Thmnuli Cruiliinllon.
Hicbolla' 6mi Eiitci to Demonstrate Local
FUjori' Exosllsnce.
He lletlrs Critics nf the I'rellmlnnry
MglitltiK Method, tint I'lnys
Ilnldly nml with Dnsh
When Itendy,
For years back prominent foot bnll In
terests In the enst hnvo centered In four
schools, tho Hlg Four Harvard, Yale.
Princeton and Pennsylvania. This season
nnd last, however, a now factor nns cropt
In nnd becomo vory Btrorrj. That 1b Cornoll
university. Theso flvo Institutions now con
stitute the big ring. Most of theso colleges
played their first games yesterday.
It Is n peculiar fact that tho nflllctlon of
almost all these tenms this year Is tho
same, a Inck of old men. Only nt Princeton
ls this not true. Cornell, Harvard, Ynlo.
Pennsylvania, nil are grlovlug over their
lack of old material on which to start in.
At Pennsylvania this Is oapeclnlly true.
Only two of last .year's regular 'varsity men
and three substitutes aro at hand, which Is
a condition tho Quakers havo not been called
upon to fnco for many years. As a result
Coach Woodruff has been compelled to
adopt tactics radically different from thoso
of previous seasons. Heretofore ho has
novor had any regular scrub practice In
line-up till after tho first gamo, this bolng
possible becauso of a full complement of
men who wero already familiar with tho
Cornell's greatest loss Is that of Full
back Starbuck, n man who was picked for
tho nll-Amerlcan star team last year.
Namack, Dormer, Morrison, Alexander and
Cross nro also gone. However, Horrlen and
Weeks nro In tho gamo nnd other good mon
of experlonco. Line-ups with tho scrubs
havo already begun.
Cornell has determined upon n new stylo
of coaching, The captain of tho team will
havo complete charge and bo head coach.
A trio of Instructors will assist him
throughout tho season, whllo graduatp play
ers and conches will be numerous.
Harvard people nlso havo cause to mourn.
Tho loss of mon llko tinly, Hallowell,
Kills, Iawrnnce and Sawin Is a trial not
to bo' calmly endured. Hut tho rest of them
aro hard nt It, being out twice a day for
practice thrco times a week.
Yalo has been a heavy loser of good men
and starts tho season with chances' con
siderably reduced, Coachlns has thereforo
beon moro careful and thorough than over
before. A radical change In tho llno-up ro
contly mado wits taking Olcott back from
center to fullback. A man wns needed In
tho latter plnco to succeed tho famous
Porry Hale, who made such n record on
last year's championship tenm as n plung
ing back and Olcolt seemed best for the
place. Ho Is most active, and, ns his weight
has been reduced to 178 pounds, ho Is of an
Ideal build for the plnco.
At Princeton alone Is found real Jubilance.
Cvery Tiger Is certain that last year's
defeat nt the hands of Yale ls to be wiped
out this fall with a vengeance and to that
one game of the whole list are they looking
forward especially,
Of chief Importance among the golfing
events of the last week was the visit In
Omaha of Bernard Nlcholls, the well known
profefstonnl player from Hoston. The show
ing mado agalnt him by local playcri has
demonstrated more clearly than ever befora
Just how high the latter stand as golfers
and tho outcome of the contests furnishes
an Interesting forecast of what such men
as William J, Foyc could do when arrayed
against tho cracks of tho cast. Foyc'a re
cent experlcnco In Chicago has already
given Omnhaus n good line em tho compara
tive merits of their golfers nnd thoso of
tho many clubs surrounding tho windy city
nnd now tho ndvent of Iiernnrd Nlcholls
makes possible n further comparison, Stars
of the game In the states of the eastern
coast, Imvlng pursued It much louger, nro
popularly supposed to surpass by a con
siderable percentage on nn average those
farther west, but If Nlcholls l a good sam
plo of tho best In New Kngtand golf, which
seems certain, then local players have uo
cause to feet that they nro so far behind
tiny of "them.
Nothing could have been more Instructive
to ft golf player thftn to follow the contest
nt tho Country club last Tuesday afternoon
nnd note the work of Nlcholls as compared
wim timt of his opponents, Foye and Iaw-
rlc. Tho featuro of It all was bis stead
iness. Kvery drlvo ho made was a good
one, cvery approach, Bavo one, was superb.
u was on tne puts that he hurt his came
and even In this his defection wae noticed
to bo duo to a peculiar condition. Direc
tion wns not what bothered him, but force,
hvery put of his that missed hollnn out
hit tho hole nil right, but was shot Just a
llttlo too hard to drop, so that It either
rimmed or lumped across.
(imii,. of l.tnKn Mny i:nliiin It.
Why ,uch nn experienced man should
make this error so repeatedly Is dimcult to
explain except upon ono basis. Ilo had
played the day bcforo over the course of
tho Omaha Amateur Athletic association,
whero greens nro not In such good shape
as at tho Country club and whero more
forco Is needed behind tho stroke to cover
a given distance. It may bo thnt the ehnm.
plon could not succefafully adjust his re
duction of power next day.
Ntcnoiis power In u drive seems almost
Incredible becauso of tho fierce speed of
his stroke. Ho takes all tho time he wnnti
to address his ball, but does this with his
club heeled out beyond his ball, not directly
behind It. Then ho makes n couplo of short
pauses abovo the gutty, swinging Jerkily
back and forth within a small arc. The
next thing the stroke hns been made nnd
tho ball is gone. Ono would think that tho
noston man had not drawn his rlub back
around his shoulder nt nil, but close watch
ing on tho next fchot will show that ho doco
so. What seems as peculiar about It Is that
he does not swing up slowly. nB do most
players. Ills up stroke Is as flerco as his
downward one on the ball, though not ns
heavy. Tho tremendous distance he mnkM
would seem to bo a silent ndvocato of lib
method of rapid swinging. Doth with tho
winu ami against It his drives wore vurv
long, and the remarkable thing was that ho
nlways got better direction thnn his on
ponents. At tho ninth hole. 203 yards, he
went away over It fifteen yards nt least,
with practically perfect direction. Fovo
nnd Iawrle, too, wero right up on the green
at that hole.
. Ills Out- Iti'liiiiiKiihlr nt, .
Nlcholls made Just one remarknble nut
during tho match'. At tho Blope, or third
hole, Foye drovy squarely on the green.
Nlcholls considerably to ono side. Fovc'b
approach then brought him up to within
easy holing distance, whllo Nlcholls stopped
full four yards from the cup. It seemed
llko Foye's hole, ns ho dropped In at three,
but tho visitor holed out hs easily from the
long distance ns Foye hnd from his better
position, nnd tho hole was halved. All tho
rest of tho time, however, Nlcholls' puts
went very wrong. Direction wns almost al
ways good for un out. but the ball never
stayed whero It was sent.
Only onco was tho visiting player bunk
ered, and It chanced to occur at tho samo
nolo at which tho poorest and tho best
wlints of thu day wero mado, both by Foyo.
It was at eleven, tho Hillside, where ono
looka from tho te0 down "a steep slope,
across a ditch at tho bottom, up another to
a doublo bunker, behind which Is ensconced
tho holo on n pretty green, securely forti
fied. The bunker Is a long one, broken In
tho mlddlo, leaving n clear pathway to tho
green about eight feet wide.
Ilniv It Wns Done.
Foyo had Just topped his drlvo at tho
fortress and ho repeated tho stroke, merely
rolling down tho hill to tho bottom and
stopping in tho long grnss Just at tho edgo
oi me oitcn. Nlcholls drovo clear un ihn
DR. McGREW'S reputation as a
IST has extended until he is treating
men from almost EVERY STATE IN
THE WEST, Patients actually coming
treated by him,
throughout the wost will toll
you that the (JONKIDEXCti
GIUOW won never betrayed.
Ills sympathy 1h ever extended
to those who seek his service
or advice hence M12N 1UC
EVERY DAY brings many
llattoring roporta of tho good
ho is doing or tho relief ho is
1)K. McGUKYV A I Atih S
THE 1HHTOW fully and seriously comprehends the extensive responsibility aris
ing from his great work among men of all elasses.
26 Years' Experience. 15 Years in Omaha.
Dr. Mcfircw Cures Varicocele - Hydrocele
in less than ten days without cutting or loss of
time from work. AN AHSOLUTE
IMIbCIW fill 112 flERIl STV 1'Oss of Vitality, Loss of Brain Power, Poor Mom
SvkliliUyv likDILz I T ory, Despondency, and all weakness and unnatural
fMffcO 031l8ini?J n,ul n11 Mood diseases cured bv a troatment which is far
i'iLlUJylJ E UWiiiid more satisfactory and successful than "Hot Springs"
treatment -at less than -half the cost, All breaking out and signs of the disease disap
pear at once. A cure thai is guaranteed for life.
THE DOCTOR'S (Jl'KMv CUKES AND LOW CM I A ROES are daily proving what a
great good can be done for men at a Nominal Expense. TWEAT.MENT It V .MAIL.
OFFICE IIOUI5S Sa. m. to tl p. in.; Sundays. S a. in. to n p. in. I O. HOX 700.
MEtitam im m i ii'Hiiiiiiii i mil Wn 1 1 ! i
Fiild Sportsman Qivu Some II Hmested
from Ixperinc.
Ailjinlnirnt Slioulil Ho In tlip I'loi'O,
No! In lli Mini Then Thrro
Arc 'I'lilnun I" lli'iiiciiilirr
Aliimt It t'nrc
Cured While
You Sleep,
19,846-CURES LAST YEAR- 19,846
If there Is nnyltiliiR ns essential to a
Fpiirtmnnn n n knowlidRO of how to nsi a
gun It ls how to buy one nnd to taVio care
of It afterward. On this subject a promi
nent Held spoit has this to sny. Kvery man
who shoots a gun believes as a rule that
the particular mnko of weapon he uses is
tho bem that could possibly bo turned out.
This of courwo Is nntural, as otherwise ho
would not have bought It. H can bo safely
nsserted, however, thnt all makes nnd
grades of American shotguns will bag the
game If proper ammunition Is used and they
nre held straight.
Tho various mnkes vary only In details of
construction and tho dllferent grades In the
amount of ornamentntlon on their mctnl
work, the de?reo of Ilneness of their
barrels, nnd the quality of wood In their
Blocks. Hut a V' gun will kilt Just ns much
game nnd kill It Just ns dead ns ono costing
sixteen tlmeo ns much. The closeness with
which n gun will shoot that Is to sny, the
number of pellets It will placo In a thirty-
Inch clrclo nt n given distance is simply
a matter of boring tho barrels. It Is not
so many years ngo that tho hantmerlesi
was only shot by n few sportsmen who could
nfford to pay from $100 upward for n
weapon. Now, however, that gun ls tho ac
cepted type, nnd a doublo hanimerleis of
good mnko nnd workmanship tuny now bo
hnd for ns low ns ?23.
;! Urn- Thnt I'Ki.
Tho man who goes directly to n Bportlng
goods store and picks out n gun without de
termining whether it fits him or not has
handicapped his shooting at tho very out
set. No mail would go Into a clothing storo
and come out with a $23 suit of clothes,
slopo to tho bunker, rolling In. Koyo took ! "'Pl'6'1 UP ln " P'-'knge, without having
Strlctnro Ik Inttnntlr Roliovotl and the Obtrnotlon Dissolved Llkn Suon
Vnrlooccle ! Cured nd Weolc Mon Aro Rostored by th Mngio St. Jamoi
Treatment Applied Locally wnd Dlrtotly to tho AlToctcd Parts.
"Brnn.Sol vriu" UUnl vr ftirli'turc like minw lirni-nth llir ami, onrm
VAIIICOCKIii: anil 1I. lt(i 111) I'lUISTATK, nml lr-nltll..-n Itir Seminal
Murta, aloplllliK ilrnlna unci rmlnaloiii IN I'l l'ii".i: I) A VS.
tlmum to ruin the at niunnli, hut a illrcrt Incul it ml lioaltlro npnllcn
Mnii to tlin entire Irrthral Trnot.
l.verv sufferer from Stricture, and tho offspring. Varicocele,
1'rostutltls nnd .Seminal Weakness, should write, to the St
James Association. G2 Ht James llulldlug, Cincinnati, Ohio, for
the Illustrated work showing the nartH of the liiiiiinn uvstem
Involved In t'rethirt! Ailments, which they semi to mate applicants, recurely wrapped
in piaui iiHCKage, (irepuui
COCC TUEAT1CC nmillflM Cut nut thin coupon nnd mall It tu th
raCC lilCHBItJk UUUrlfil t Jam A.-ocl.tlcli with your nume an.l
adilrnxi plainly written, when they will enntl you a copy of their eihnuatve treatli"
e-'curately llluatrateil In lulf-tone, ahowir.g Hie parts of the male ijetem Involved In
t'relhrtl AllmenU,
Ploaso sond to mo a cony of your Corripluto Illustratotl Work-iWJn tho
Male, Sexual System, so- j Name
curol.v settled, PREPAID, :
a spoon and cupped his ball out of tho
grass on a bee lino up tho slope. It was
not high enough to clear the hunker, carry
ing only nbout two feet from tho ground,
and It seemed that he would go In bcsldo
Nlcholls, ono stroke Jo tho bad. Hut thu
wind entered Into tho gnmo and swung tho
flying gutty north so thnt It skimmed right
in between tho two sections of tho bunker,
talcing advantage of nn eight-foot gate
way from a striking distance of moro than
100 yards.
Foyo says ho did not My to do It, but It
was a wonderful shot, anyway, nnd It put
him on tho green In two, though a good dls
tanco past the hole. Nlehols went down
Into tho bunker, intending to scoop his
ball out and land It right by the holo In
two. At the bottom of tho ditch tho ball
lay In n llttlo hollow nnd Nichols looked
for his mnshlc. Hut the caddie was away
down tho hill, so ho played It out with
tho approach Iron he was carrying. Tho
first attempt hit tho bank and camo back.
Tho seconil Just bnrcly scraped over the
rim and Innded on tho green. Another
shot brought Nichols to holing distance,
but Toyo went out In four, winning.
A vast deal of criticism has beon hurled
through tho sporting prints nt tha golfer
who Bights n put boforo addressing tho
ball, Despite this It was notlrod that
Nlcholls Invnrlably sighted. Approaching
his ball on tho green ho w'buld nlways get
around behind it nnd somo dlatnnco nway
nnd look along over it toward the holo,
getting both tho nature of tho ground and
tha sense of direction. Then ho como up
and played tt very quickly, as ho did all
his strokes, Ills putting was absolutely
free arm and he gots down low.
Cnnainniitlnii Tli rrn toned.
C. Unger, 212 Maplo St., Champaign, III .
writes: "I was troubled with a hacking
cough for a year and I thought I had con
sumption. I tried n great many remedies
fnd was under the enro of physicians for
teveral months. I used ono bottle of
Foley's Honey and Tar. It rured vac, and
I bnvo cot been troubled since,"
previously tried them on. Yet tho same
mnn has often been known to purchnso n
gun costing doublo that amount, which no
more fits him thnn would n youth's suit of
dun stocks vary In length from 14 to li'3
Inohes from tho center of tho butt-plnto to
tho farwnrd trigger, whllo tho drop of the
stock thnt Is to sny, tho difference In Icvol
between tho top of tho barrels and the top
of thn butt-plnto will run from two to three
Inches. A man with u long neck will of
necosslty require more drop to n tock
than n man with a abort one, nnd tho
length of wtock will vary nccordlng to tho
length of olio's nrm. Of course It la possi
ble for a long-necked man to contort him
self so that he mny shoot with a compara
tively straight stock, whllo hl shorter
necked friend mny manage to do fair shoot
ing with n gun In which tho drop Is too
great for him, hut tho correct way is to
got tho gun tn fit tho shooter, nnd tint for
tho shooter to twist himself into attitudes
to fit tho. gun.
Senile Other TIiIiiko et.
Ilon't by nny means use all of your ap
propriation on tho gun Itself. Thero are ono
or two other items that aro needed, nnd
whoso posscsilon makes all the difference
between a well kept and n slouchy looking
firenrm. No gun, however cheap, Bhould
bo without n gun case, not only to protei t
It from dents nnd nicks when traveling,
but also from dampness and dust when
put away in n closot between shooting sea
sons. A waterproof canvas case, with two
compartments ono for tho stock and nn
ather for tho barrel, nnd to which nre at
tnchod ono pocket for holding fifty cart
ridges and nr.othor for the accommodation
of a cleaning rod, costing $1.00 Is for all
practical purposes Just ag. serviceable and
good oh a handsome leather rnso cnstlnu
from 10 to J20.
Ilniv tn K eep It, '
To kotp tho gun In good condition a
three-Joint blrehwood rod, with a screw at
tun end, to which may bo fitted a wool
swab, a wire brush and n slotted Joint for
holding a cleaning do'h will keep a cun In
Temptation Tonic
:' , y
r fat 4 MEbUi
ymtitcf ,KTjrWoiJ;r
liri-,i l' iimi jn
j t ;
1:1 '
t m ittnsD
, ""I
The World's Greatest Ideal French
Tonic, Stimulator, Invigorator
Tho only genuine Imported French Tonic and posit I vo
remedy for Debility and Impotency, A NHUVR TONIC.
Ilrlngs the pink glow to palo checks nn.I restores the firo of
youth. Ask for our book of tctlmoiiials.
TEMPTATION TONIO has effected cures In elthor sex
whero nil other known treatments havo fnllcd.
T15MPTATION TONIC hns long enjoyed tho reputation as
a tonic for men nnd women of wenkened vitality.
Compounded by L. M. I.AOAARP,
Paris, Franco.
Temptation 'I onic is for Sale
In caso your dealer bhould not have our goods wrltn to us
for full Information. Ilegln taking "Temptation Tonlo" nt
onco. Sent to you on receipt of $1.00. Correspondence ans
wered nnd advlco given in strictest confidence.
Illtli and Cuming Stivct, . Omaha, Neb
good condition. A rod with the Implementu
mentioned may bo hnd for about 76 cents
nnd will do tho work Just as well an a
handsome ebony rod costing moro than
twice ns much. In addition to tho canvas
caso a pulr of chamois covers, ono for tho
barrel nnd one for tho stock. In which tho
gun Is to bo placed bcforo putting In the
ottsldo case, may bo had for $1.25 and nro
almost a necessity In tho neighborhood of
salt water. IJvon with theso cases eternal nnd constant examination and cleaning
of one's firearms nro tho prleo of keeping It
tn good condition nud no innn who expects
to get the best i emits nud havu n decent
looking weapon will think of putting bin
shotgun nway nt tbft end of a season and
giving It no enro until tho beginning of
tbo next.
Ilo very chary of oil. A llttlo lubricant
la n good thing, but too much only clogs
and mnkox tho locks work badly. Hpeak
I tig of locks, It Is well to select a shotgun
from whkh tho locks mny bo removed read'
Cheap Rates
Many Places
Ohio and Indiana
Sept. 30 and Oct. 7
Home-Seekers Excursions,
On salo 1st and 3d Tuesday of each -Mouth.
I'nuilst Itutt'H on sale DA11A" to all sum
mer resorts, allowing stop-overs at Detroit,
Niagara Vtiu-J. iiuffulo ami other noun
lly, so that they may Do occasionally wipcij . i.'or rules, lake trips, Pnn-Aincrlciwi cle
off with n soft cloth and Just tho tinniest Hcrlptlyo matter and all Info
drop of oil applied at Intervals when fiT,5V,x" "fou" filoik) "wfu
needed. IIAUUV fc-, .MOOlll.H, U. A. 1. V., Onuha,