Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1901, Image 7

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HJYDENs 1 illiJ Da 1,1 the Great $l85'000 Underwriters Sale in Bargain Room HAY DEN
Trouit'iidous bargains and values never equalled in any other sale. Every yard elosed out regardless of value. The entire immense purchase to be closed out at
it. i i . . . t . t I
Thi Grand Millinery
Opening; Sale
me most nsiouisningiy low pries, vome eariy u possioie.
Agents for Uutterick patterns and publications. IManos sold on easy payments. .
The Grand Millinery
Opening Sale.
The Big Shoe Salt
Is ttia going on In both our thoc depart
ments. Newer and better bargains con
stantly being added each day. Tabled plied
high with shoes that you have been nccus-
tomcd to iay three and three nfty for In
both men's and Indies' shoes wo aro selling !
at one ninoty-six all new, clean, stylish,
up-to-date shoes, made by the best makers
of shoes In America.
We Bro also showing all the new styles
In both Hrooks Oros.' and the Ultra shoo
for women fifty styles to select from and
every pair guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Agents for tho Stetson shoes for mon
ths best shoe that money can produce.
We carry the largest lino of "Orovcr"
hoes In tho city. This is the shoe that
Is made especially for ladles who arc
bothered with tender feet.
Men's genuine box calf lace, Goodyear
welt, worth $3.60. Jl.OS.
Men's vlcl kid lace, Goodyear welt, worth
$3.00, $1.04.
Men's velour calf lace, Ooodwear welt,
worth $3.00, $1.08.
Men's wax calf lace, Goodyear welt, worth
13.00, S1.96.
Women's vlcl kid laco, MclCny welt, worth
$3.00, JUtS.
Women's cadot kid lace, McKay welt,
worth $3.00, $1.96.
Women's vlcl kid extension sola lace, Mc
Kay well,, worth S3.00, 11.00.
Women's dull dongola lace, McKay welt,
worth $3.00, $1.96.
Jiwilry Sptclilt Saturday
A magnificent assortment of sterling "li
ver, fancy pieces, consisting of bon-bon
poons, sardlno forks, ollvo spoons, baby
spoons with bent handles, cold mca forks,
ouvenlr spoons, etc., etc.; all with gold
bowls, worth up to $2.B0; sale price, $1.00.
The most beautiful and valuable pieces
ver offered anywhere at the price.
Itogeri tiros.' teaspoons, per set, 69c.
Wallace Bros.' teaspoons, worth $1.60, at
per sot, 83c.
The new process solid shell gold rings
In, plain and fancy sots, guaranteed to wear
6 years, fully equal to rings sold at $2.00
to $5.00, on sale at Hayden's for 25c and
Men's heavy band solid shell gold rings
at 60c.
We are closing out all our sterling silver
novelties, odd pieces, worth up to $1.00,
at 25c.
Duy now for tho holidays nnd save money.
Man's Furnishing Sala
Men's 26c and 35c Socks at 15c.
200 doten Men's Socks In plain and fancy
colors, every pair wnrrentcd porfect and
worth 25c and 35c, on salo at 15c.
Tho largest lino of Men's fine colored
Liundcred Shirts In all tho newest styles,
worth up to $1.50, on sale at 49c and 75c.
Men's 60c Neckwear at 25c,
200 Coien Men's Neckwear In all tho new
est styles and colors, made to sell at 60c.
on sals at 26c.
Men's 26c String and Dow Tics at 15c.
Mon's $1.00 medium wotght Jersey Ribbed
Shirts and Drawors, on salo at 49c.
Annual Report Mikii tn Exceptionally
Pine Skewing.
Imrmf Hnm Kipcnileil for Iletter
menU ol Rondbed anil Kuulpment
I,enre llsniUomr Mnriilna for
Dividends nnd Surnlu".
The annual roport of tho Illinois Central
tor the fiscal year ending Juno 30, 1901, has
been made public. It shows an exception
ally flno year's business, with a net Incorao
of nearly $7,000,000. The proprietary lino,
the Ynzoo & Mississippi Valley, makes an
equally good showing.
Tho Central operated 3,995.86 mllos of
road on Juno 30, 1900, and during the year
269.61 miles havo been added, making a
total of 4,266.50 miles. This Is excluslvo
of the Ynzoo lines.
For the year the gross receipts from
traffic were $36,900,460,47; expenses of
operation nnd taxes, $25,841,792.43, leaving a
total profit of $11,058,668.04. To this are
added tho net receipts from salo of lands,
Income from Investments and miscellaneous
profits, making an excess of Income over
expenses of operation and taxes of $13,56,3,
$60.33. From this there have been paid
fixed charges amounting to $6,596,190.58,
Waving a total net Income for the year of
$6,967,659.15. Two semi-annual 3 per cent
dividends wcro paid, making a total of
$3,780,000. For bettorments $2,895,399.75
were expended.
t'eualoita for Old Kniilu en.
To provide for the retirement from serv
ice of those employes who have reached the
age ot 70 years a scheme or pgnslons was
adopted and became effective July 1, 1901.
A monthly allowance la to bo made to each
employe rotlred, equal to 1 per cent of hiB
veraao monthly salary during the ten
years preceding retirement, multiplied by
the number of years In which he has con
tinuously served the company. Provision
bis also been mado for pensioning such
officers and employe;v61 years ot age and
over, as have become Incapacitated. From
the Income of tho ytar $250,000 has been set
apart as a pension fund nnd the company
baa obligated itself to make a yearly ap
propriation not exceeding $100,000 for the
Thero have been condemned and disposed
of during the year five locomotives and
1,11 cars. The former have been replaced
by an equal number of new engines, hav
ing more than double the capacity, ot tne
care 852 have been replaced by new ones of
greater capacity, and the remaining 264
cara are being replaced by new oues built
at the company's shops.
Addition to Kiinlnmnit.
With the railroad lines absorbed there
were received twenty light locomotives,
866 freight cars and twenty-foMr passenger
cars, In addition to the new engines and
freight cars bought or built to replace old
ones, fifty-eight heavy locomotives and
4,632 freight cars were bought and thirty
five caboose enrs and five baggage cars
built at the company's ahops, at a cost of
The company now has 891 engines and
39,685 car of nil kinds, In tho last yeu,r
there were added to the equipment seventy
eight engines and 5.679 cars. Notwithstand
ing these large additions to an already largo
equipment there la and has been for some
time a shortage of cars. Large cxpcndl
turea must be made in buying can and
Dress Goods Dept
OVER' $10.00.
In this department you will find every
thing up-to-dato. Every yard of last sea
son's goods aro carried Into tho bargain
room, so wo keep nothing but the- newest
goods In stock, Look at soma of the ex
clusive dry goods store windows and you
will see some of tho same French flannel
designs that wo sold last winter. This goes
to show that we aro always ahead of tho
little dealer and Is some consolation that
you ran find a stock where you can find
everything, every color, every grade, etc.
$1.60 French Venetians c'nturday In 27
new shades, !)8c. 60c Venetians in all tho
new shades, 46c. All the new stripes, dots,
nmnll figures, etc.. sold by other houses
at 75c Our prlco, 50c. Royal Persians that
other houses ask 86c and 00c. our prlco
only 76c.
Gratifying Nawi to ihiPaopli
of Omaha
Haydcn Rros, have just secured the exclu
sive salo of "Tho Rainbow City Glimpses of
the Pan-American Exposition." This Is a
graphic pen and camera portrayal of tho
beauties of tho exposition from Its Incep
tion in ihn . -lnlni- nf the cates. There
will bo twelve magnificent numbers In all.
Issued at Intervals of two weeks each. Tho
prlco will be only 10c ond tho complete
work will form one of tho handsomest,
most valuable and Interesting volumes that
cctild grace- a library or a home. Call and
see tho Initial number now displayed In
our book department.
Hardwara, Stoves and House
6-foot Sttfp Ladders, 45c.
2 largo boxes Tooth Picks, for 6c.
Carpontcr'r. Claw Hammer, 9c.
10-Inch Turkey Duster, 10c.
$1.60 12x24 Steel Wagon, 76c.
$2.00 13x26 Strcl Wagon, 98c.
$2.25 14x28 Steel Wugon, $1.19.
20-1) Nails, por 100 lbs.. $2.70.
2-holo No. 8 Laundry Stove. $2.95
Mrs. roll's Iron Handles. 6c.
Wood Wash Tubs, 37c.
Large Foot Tubs, 33c.
30c Uroom, 3-tle, 15c.
6-lncb Stovo Pipe. 11c.
6-Inch Elbows. 6c.
6-Inch Russia Pipe, 30c.
8-D Nails, per 100 lbs., $2.80.
Wood Hot Air Tight, $1.49.
Wo have a full line of Universal Heaters
the handeomost, tho finest workmanship.
tho heaviest In weight the most oconoml
oal coal saver, giving the most heat of any
double heating base burnor made. Wo can
sell you ono usually sold for $45.00 for
engines needed to raovo tho traffic now In
sight and contracts to this end havo been
During tho year 89.33 miles of additional
second track havo been put In operation
and a largo amount of work dono In grad
ing and bridging for further double-tracking.
Tho directors hnve ordered tho com
pletion of tho double track from Chicago
to Fulton, Ky., and tho building of a second
track from Jackson, Miss., southward to
ward New Orlcnns. Tho yoar'a outlay on
new scond track amounted to $2,015,067.92.
It Is estimated that during tho present
i year upward of $3,000,000 will bo made for
I thla purpose.
lucrenne In Cnpltiil Stock.
Tho capital stock was Increased during
tho year by $6,000,000. It is proposed to
further lncrcaso it by the Issuo of $13,200,
000 of new stock. The net Income (or the
year exceeds 104 per cent upon the present
capital stock of $06,000,000 anjl 8 per cent
upon tho $79,200,000, to which tho directors
recommend that It bo increased.
The annual report of tho Vaioo & Missis
sippi Valley company, issued at the samo
time, Is fully ns good. It operates 1,090.72
miles, an Increase of 90.64 miles for tho
year. Tho excess or income over expenses
of operation and tnxes was $2,070,385.27.
Tho surplus on Juuo 30, 1901, was $1,066,
079.91. Tho annual meeting of the Illinois Cen
tral will be held on Wednesday. Octobor 18,
at the company's ofllco In Chicago. The an
nual meeting of the Yazoo & Mississippi
will occur Wednesday, October 4, at New
UetlrliiK 1'rraldi'iit
Southern I'u-
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 27. Charles M.
Hays, president of the Southern I'acinc
coinnanv. formally onnounccd today that
he would resign from thn presidency, in
his announcement he says:
'The change in policy and organization
of the company consequent upon the change
In ownership of tho control of tho South
ern raclflc shortly aftor my taking service
with tho company has mado a placo, orig
inally attractive to nib, so much less so
that I several weeks ago voluntarily
placed my resignation and surrender ot
my contract with tho company at the dis
posal of the executive committee, effective
upon such date and upon such condition
as might be agreeable to them. We have
agreed upon October 10 as the dato upon
which my resignation shall become effec
tive Announcement of my successor, etc.,
will doubtless be mado shortly.
"I havo no definite plans yot, but ex
pect to remain some weeks enjoying tho
country with my family at Menlo Park
nnd will probably go east some time early
In December."
.o Truth In llnmor Thut Hp 1 to He
I'rralilrut ot Southern
A San Francisco dispatch says that Pres
ident Hays of tho Southern Pacific offi
cially announced his resignation yesterday
to toko effect October I. It has been a
matter of common belief there that Presi
dent Hurt of the Union Pacific would take
the position In addition to his present du
ties. When Interviewed at his residence last
night President Hurt said; "There Is ab
solutely no truth In tho rumor that I am
to become president of tho Southern. Pa
cific. No such proposition has been ad
vanced to me.
"I have no recent official Information
Ladles' Furnishing Goods
Ladles' pur cambric gowus, full sires,
worth 60c, at 25c.
Ladles' fine fancy trimmed corset covers
worth 60c at 25c.
Ladles' trimmed chcmlso, worth 50c, at
Ladles' fine fancy trimmed cambric draw
ers worth o0c, nt 23e.
Ladies heavy outing flannel gowns worth
76c, at 60c.
Ladles' short outing flannel skirts In
pink, blue and stripes at 60c.
Infants' fine cambric slips worth 60c, at
Infants' short dresses, embroidered
trimmed, worth 75c to $1.00, at 60c.
Ladles' flno cotton vests In white, pink
and blue, heavy quality, worth $1.00, at 49c.
Ladles extra long nnd medium length
corsets In drab and black, $1.00 quality Ht
49c. Straight front girdle In nil colors,
slzo IS to 24, at 49c, worth 76c. A full line
of W. II. Kabo, W. C. C. and La Grlcauo
corset In all the now styles, at $1.00 and
up. The Nemo, Military Pelt corset and
the La Grlcquo licit corset for stout
Ladles' black and fancy hoso at 13c
worth 25c. Ladles' black and fancy lisle
hose, 60c and 76c quality at 26c.
Hoys' bicycle hose, 25c quality, at 12Hc
Infants' wool hoso at 15c.
Sbotland (loss opera shawls In all colors.
Cptica! Department
A special salo of spectacles anil eye
glasses. Your cj'cs examined frco and cor
rectly fitted with glasses at very modcrato
Gold filled frames, guaranteed for 10
years, $3.00 value, nt $1.45.
Alumlnlco spectacles or eyeglasses, com
plete, with lenses, $2.00 value nt 9Sc.
Colored spectacles or eyeglasses, usual
prlco 60c, at 23c.
The Pan-Amer'can Souviner
On Sale
60c fancy garters, 25c.
60c fncy mirrors, 15c.
1,000 new novels Saturday, worth 25c,
only 6c.
Six spools Peldlugs Rros.' best sewing
silk, 20-yard spools, only 5c.
This means 120 yards of the finest sewing
silk for 5c.
Grand Ribbon Sale
Saturday is Ribbon Day at tho Illg Store.
Rargalns Saturday;
10c to 20c ribbons Saturday, 2,Jc.
25n to 35c ribbons Saturday, 10c.
35c to 50c ribbons, Saturday, 15c.
Special solo on velvet ribbons.
concerning tho resignation of President
Hays and if bo is to terminate his con
nection with tho Southern Pacific on tho
1st of October, I am not awaro of it."
I'renldrnt Mrllru and J ml hp Cnrulxh
Meet I'rcftldeiit Hurt to Uliounn
Court Trntllo.
President Charles S. Mellcn of the North
ern Pacific, accompanied by W. G. Pcarce,
assistant to tho president, and A. Love.ll,
superintendent of motive power, was nt
Union Paelllo headquarters yesterday con
ferring with President Hurt. W. D. Cornish
of Now York, vlco president of tho Union
Pacific, Oregon Short Line and tho Chi
cago & Alton, was also a party to the con
ference, It is understood that tho matter under
consideration is tho use ot the Northern
Pacific tracks from Portland to Seattlo by
tho Union Pacific At present tho Overland
trains run through to Portland over tho
proprietary lines, tho Oregon Short Line
and tho Oregon Railway and Navigation
company, nnd have done so for years.
North of Portland 185 mllos via tho North
ern Pacific is Seattlo.
The Union Pacific has desired an en
trance, into Seattle and the Puget Bound
country for tho last fifteen years. In the
latter '80s a lino was surveyed and par
tially graded, which may be seen to this
day, from Portland to Seattlo, but It was
never comploted. Within the lost year or
two tho project has been ruvlvcd, but in
stead of building the line It Is said that a
traffic arrangement will bo made with tho
Northern raclflc. It Is predicted by local
rallrond men that the" new arrangement
will be In operation within sixty days.
Prosldent Mellen is well known at Union
Pacific headquarters. For some time prior
to about ten years ago he was purchasing
agent, traltlc manager and later acting gen
eral manager. The president and his party
arrived yesterday morning from St. Paul In
the former's private car.
Judgo Cornish came In from tho west
and Is accompanied by his wife. He will
go to his home in New York at the close
of the conference.
Kxpeutnl Iletweru Hill
llnrrlniuu Fnrct'n.
Great Interest is being manifested In rail
road circles In tho outcome of tho annual
meeting ot the Northern Pacific In 8t. Paul
next week, says a Chicago dispatch. It
will then develop whether the Harrlman
interests really hold a majority ot the stork
or whether James J. Hill Is still In con
trol. The general opinion Is that there
will, bo a serious clash between the Harrl
man and Hill forces and that the "com
munity of Interest" scheme will receive a
shock from which it Is not likely to re
cover soon.
Should the result .of tho meeting turn out
n victory for Hill the Harrlman roads will
have all they can do to maintain them
selves, ns Mr, Hill undoubtedly will Invade
their territory wherever It Is feasible and
extend the Hurlln'gton from Guernsey to
Salt Lake City and Join Senator Clark's
forces in building the proposed linn from
Salt Lake City to Los Angeles. ,
,t Is said to be the Intention nf Mr. Hill
to prevent tho preferred stock from being
voted at the annual mcetlug next week, and
It he succeeds tn this he will be able to
crowd Uarrlman to the wall,
Hound for IMtlalinrir,
Tho Wabash is going steadily ahead with
its plans for extending Its lines Into Pitts
burg, In spite of the reported threats from
th) Pennsylvania, President Ramsay has
let the contract at Pittsburg tor the con-
Millinery Opening Display
There lg such a variety of now shapes
and so many beautiful combinations In ma
terials In tho autumn shades. The artistic
milliners of Dcrlln, London, Paris and tho
eastern fashion centers havo originated for
this season the most charming and ex
quisite creations In trimmed hats ever
In our grand opening display tomorrow
Is shown the first complete lines of all that
Is new, dainty nnd dcslrnblo In millinery
for fall and winter, 1901-1902. You aro
cordially Invited to call and Inspect tho
latest and swcllest fashions and to see the
elaborate Imported Parisian pattern hath
as well as tho hundreds of new and ex
clusive designs from our own work rooms.
All the very best styles In street hats at
astonishingly low prices.
Visit hero whether prepared to buy now
or not.
Men's Hats
Railroad hats In black, brown and nutria,
on salo at 76c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00.
l'neha bats, on special sale at $1.00, $1.25,
$1.50 and $2.00.
Wo have tho swpllcst lino of Fedoras
In black, brown, nutria, otter and pearl nt
75c. 85c. $t.00. $1.25. $1.60, $1.75 and $2.00.
Men's Cornets. In all sizes at 75c, $1.00,
$1.50 nnd $2.00.
Hoys' hats In Fedora, Pasha and railroad
at 40c, 50c, 75c nnd 95c.
Full line of Tams and caps from 25c to
Valuta that will hold the attention of
thrifty women:
68-tnch Table Linen nt 20c yd.
72-ln. Table Linen, worth $1.00. nt 68c yd.
68-ln. Illi-achcd Linen, worth $1.00, at
69o yd.
Crash Toweling, worth 12'4c, at 9c yd.
Towels, all linen, worth 12c aud 15c, go
ot 9c.
Napkins, bleached, all linen, worth $1.25,
r.t 95c doz.
For 1 hour Saturday wo will closo out our
35c India Linen, 40-ln. wide, at 12',ic yd
from 10 to 11.
Four money-saving rpcclals for Saturday
1,600 yds. U L. Musllu at 4Un yd.
2,000 yds, L. U Muslin, worth 7c, ut 6c yd,
9-4 bleached Sheeting, worth 22Hc. at 17c,
nirached Muslin, worth 10c, at 6$c.
Watch for tho big linen salo Monday.
structlon of the forty miles of now road I
which Is to give the Wabash entry Into (
Pittsburg. Tho cost will bo $2,000,000.
mt ODU'tTN for Itoud. I
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 27. Tho St. Louis &1
Memphis railway, which is n consolidation i
of tho St. Louis, Caruthersvllle & Memphis,
ttio St. IjOuIs & Memphis and tho Memphis
& St. Louis, has Issued circulars announcing
now officers, ns follows: S. Hrlnkerhoff,
president; John W. Worst, vice president; I
J. Cunningham, general manager; John
A. Cunningham, secretary and treasurer.
Two Tlioiiniiud Stny ou Const-
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 27. The Trans-
continental I'assengcr association una is- i
sued a report regarding Epworth lengue
travel to San Francisco last July, which
shows that 2,000 persons of tho 13,761 who
came from tho east at that time remained
on the coast.
Receiver of (ieriuilii SnvliiK" limiL
rtruily to Settle ivltli
Receiver Thomas II. McCaguo of the Ger
man Savings bank will today begin the dis
trlhutlon of over $100,000 nmong the deposi
tor creditors of the defunct institution, ioib
money was collected from tho stockholders
of the bank In pursuance of an, order of the
district court authorizing a compromise of
the claims ot the creditors agaiust mo
After all the assets of tho bank had been
realized on by tho receiver nnd paid pro
Other Shoe Dealers
Ackuowlotlgc the superiority of Dtcx U
Hhoomun'n 1)o.vh' $1.50 shoes. A tJollar
and n hnlf Isn't much unci you don't
iiHiinlly expect much ot a shoo ut thut
price but you havo n right to nxpeut a
$2 value nH values go when you buy
$l,r0 shoes here that's our vnluu-Blv-tiiK
way of dolus business. These ate
made of good honest calf nud oal; solo
leather a shoo of such merit that the
same pnrents buy them year In and
year out. IlrhiK tho boys In Knturday
wo can lit any boy to the&e shoes.
Drexel Shoe Co.,
New Knll CntnloKUc Now Ilendy.
Oinnlm'a Up-to-date Shoe House.
Talk About Talking-
Tho new Victor Talking Machine Is
setting tho town craay not driving peo
ple out of their mind, but Just tho op
posite they can't forget lt-lt sings,
plays tho "band, tells stories It plays
the vlolincello and does everything
man can do singly or In concert You
will bring your friends after you havo
heitrfl It
Uutlo and Art. ISI3-I5I5 Diutjlai.
Tobacco Sale
Star plug chewing tobacco, plug 37 He
Horseshoo plug chewing tobacco, per
plug 374c
Fruit Juice plug chewing tobacco, per
Newsboy plug chewing tobacco, per
liattlo Axe plug chewing tobacco, per
35c '
Climax plug chewing tobacco, per plug.37c i
Novo plug chewing tobacco 29o )
Genuine Durham smoking tobacco 50c (
Duke's Mixture smoking tobacco 35c '
Undo Tom smlklitg tobacco, per pack
Old Stylo smoking, per pound
A good cigar, 60 In box, each
A better cigar, 60 In box-, each
Flno long filler cigar, 60 In box, the
same you pay lOo for, we sell you,
Candy Department
Very flno gum drops 6c
Roasted, salted peanuts 6c
Mixed candy, per pound 6c
Caramels, per pound Cc
Peanut candy, per pound 6c
Chocolate, per pound 6c
We make all our enndy In the store nnd
would like very much to havo all ladles
como and see how It is made.
Canned Fruit Department
3-lb. cans solid packed tomatoes, very
best Sn
2- lb. cans solid packed corn 814c
.1-lb. cans California apricots l"Mc
3- lb. cans very flno California peaches. l2Mo
Fresh Dressed Spring
Chickens x
Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens. 9c.
No. 1 lean Sugar Cured llacnn, 12V4c.
Honclcss Rump Corn Rtef, 7',4c.
New Ilologna Sausage, 5c.
Cheese and Fish
Wisconsin full Cream Cheese, 16c.
Wisconsin llrlck Cheese, 14c.
Iowa Cream Chccso, 10c. '
No. 1 Family AVhlto Fish, 6c.
Holland Herring, per lb,, 10c.
Fruits and Dates
Fnncy Quinces, per doz., 35c
Fancy Oranges, per doz., 10c.
Illg Ileo Lemons, per doz., 10c.
Choice Holllng dates, per lb., 5c.
rata to tho creditors there remained n
liability of about $200,000 to be met by
nsscsslng tho solvent stockholders under
tho stockholders' liability act Tho re
ceiver went into court and represented
that he could without litigation collect
from tho Htockholders tho sum of $100,000,
sufficient to scttlo tho reninlnlug claims at
50 cents on the dollar, and Judge Fawcett
entered an order authorizing tho compro
mise. R. W. Hreckenrldgc, the attorney for the
receiver, nnnounccd ycbUf'.y that the
$100,000 had been collected and was now
In tho hands of tho receiver for payment
to the creditors an called for.
Urneri-M uuil (.rnoi'iil Meri'linutv' Anii
rlnllnii l;l nrotviiifi ttltli I.e.
iiiii.'LiiMu lllipllllly,
ReportB received from tho officers of the
Grocers' and General Merchants' associa
tion nro to tho effect that the organization
Is having a remarkable growth In tho state.
Thursday night nt Council Hluffs n branch
of tho Iowa association was organized with a
large membership.
At Lincoln an enthusiastic meeting was
held which endorsed the action of the. state
convention recently hold at Omaha. The
president, J., H. Conlngham of Lincoln, will
soon appoint an executive committee to
consist of one person from each congres
sional district In tho state and then the
work ot organization In thn towns nt pres
ent unorganized will bo taken up. An or
ganizer will probably be placed In the field
and tho systematic organization of thu
Closing Out a $185,000.00 Stock
Remnants of plain print cloth and worth
6c nt 1c.
Remnants of 74c prints, at 2Vie.
Remnants of Indigo blue prints, long
remnants of Simpson's black and white.
Simpson's, stiver gray, all kinds ot fancies.
Robo prints and worth from 6c to 7 V4c, In
long lengths, 3 He
26-luch percales In light aud dark colors,
from 6 to 20 yards In piece, will cut to
suit, and worth 25c a yard, at 5c.
Imported percales, extra fine, "tie.
Oldenburg, worth 26c, nt 7Vc.
36-Inch flannelettes, with border, worth
19c yard, nt 6c.
Arnold's flno printed flannelette, 64c.
Eclipse, the celebrated flannelettes, so
much like French flannel, with or without
border, 10c.
Remnants ot silks In plain and fancies, at
2c, 6c, 7c nnd 9c.
Remnants of silk, large enough for waists,
at 25c.
$1.00 silks In fancies, 39c.
$1.25 silks In fancies. 49c.
Silk flannels, worth $1.60, 49c.
60c velvets, 19c.
$1.00 corduroys, 39c.
39c silks, 19c.
$1.60 black fancies, 49c.
$1.76 black fancies, 49o.
Faconns silk, per yard, 10c.
28-Inch strictly nil wool waist flsnnol.
in 43 fall shades, worth 39c. at 21c.
All wool crepo do chine, with rich, bright
silk stripes, worth 69c, at S9c.
$1.00 all wool crepe de chine walstlngs, 49c
6,000 yards of worsted and all wool rem
nants of plaids, stripes, henrlettas, serges,
fancies etc., at just one-third of their regu
lar value.
All wool German henrletta, 39c.
English henrletta, 36-Inch wide, worth
Surprising bargains in men's, women's,
misses', boys' nnd children's shoes.
Women's flno vlcl kid lnce or button, nil
leather, In tan or black, the two fifty kind
for Saturday, $1.59.
Men's coltskln, vlcl kid and satin and
wnx calf laco or congress, $1.59.
Hoys' and youths' satin calf, tho $1.50
kind for Saturday, 9Sc.
Fancy evaporated Cal. peaches, now
crop, 1901, at 9c
Strictly choice California penches, new
crop, 1901, at 124c
Very good old crop peaches, nt 64o
New crop evaporated blackberries 9c
Now crop ovaporntcd apricots, 1901,
at 124c
New cleaned patrons currants 124c
New California loose muscatel rnlslns 10c
New California prunes, 34c, 4c, 6c.
84o and 124c
cities carried forward until the next con
dition is held.
If your food does not digest well a few
lose3 of Prickly Ash Bitters will set mat
ters right. It sweetens the breath,
(strengthens the stomach nnd digestion,
creates appetite and cheerfulness.
Mm. I'lilliunu Bet Divorce.
CHICAGO. Hunt. 27 Judite Illshon today
granted a deereo ot divorce to Mrs. Lynn
'unman rroin lieorgo 11. i-uiunnn, son ni
ho Lite nalace car tiuiKmitc. Alimony wn.ii
llxocl nt tl.Ooo ii vcar mill tho nlnlntlff
granted permission to apply for an fnerensa
n tno numonv nnu ror ntiorncy o reea
Inter. Mr. l'ullmnn. who Is now in Cali
fornia, let thu suit go by default.
Kiinfin Wnutn lloyee.
Sheriff Jones of Johnson county. Kansas.
camp to Omaha yertA-dav afternoon after
Amos,J, noycp, who wns, arreted ysterday
morning io ueiecuve neiircia. oyce is
uaiftcri for grand iarVeny.
When tho ficklo appe
tite of tho irritablo con
valescent rejects every
thing clso you can think
of in tho food line, try
him with a cup of bcof
tea made from
OP BEEF. Odda aro that he takes
it gratefully and foels better after.
Get It Fresh-
Wo are making up candy dally and
we hnve sulllclent demand for our con
fectlonery to keep our stock continually
fresh, simply because wo are not afraid
to throw In good quality, as well us
keep down tho prices Avoid stale
candy by dealing where you can do
pond on receiving the best and the best
Is what you'll always get vhon you
como to us Try ono box of our choco
late bon bons and you'll say you never
tasted any candy so delicious.
W. S. Balduft
1B20 Farnat St.
We Don't Want Much-
but wo would like to have nn order from
you. lust to convince you that what m
Is truo about our heating and cook stoves
Wo know our stoves aro better and w
don't say this simply to boast The Favor-
no uaiu uurnor llim ws sen ror 2u and up
Is unquestionably the best stovo made
and tho I'avnrltn rnni .- tc i. n.
, - - - - - . w . fui. hub
no equal for the price and don't forget
wo eeu uia .viajesuo iiteel range Should
you need a good hatchet we'll sell you ons
for 35c a good ax for 75ceoal buckets as
low as 25c Come la and see the Universal
food chopper you'll buy one 11.25 Is the
A. C. Raymer
Builders llurdwurc nnd Tools.
1514 Farnnm St,
39c, at 26c.
42-Inch wide extra heavy serge, 25c.
Strictly all wool granite, 49c.
$1.60 novelties, 49c.
28-inch double fold debclges, worth 16c,
at 6c.
Double fold wool check, 6c.
Double fold fancy plaids, 5c.
Double fold nlco new jacqunrds, "Me.
?S-lnch henrlettas, all colors, 10c.
$1.00 comforts, 59c.
$1.25 comforts, 75c.
$1.60 comforts, 9Sc.
$1.00 blankets. 69c.
$1.25 blankets, 73c.
$1.50 blankets, 98c.
Fine unbleached muslin, 2 "-Sc.
Extra heavy L L, 3 7-8c.
7ic bliached muslin, 5c.
Remnants of 12Ho Lonsdale, 6c.
Remnants of 84 muslin, 6c.
Remnants of 94a muslin, 6c.
A grand remnant tale ou all Kinds of
Children's camel's hair underwear, 10c,
124c, 15c, 19c and 25c, worth double,
Children's fine lleeccd underwear at 10c.
16c, 19c nnd 26c. Worth double.
Indies' 16c hoso, 74c
Men's 16c half hose, 74c.
Men's 60c suspenders. 25c.
Hoys' 25c suspenders, 10c.
25c men s tics, 5c.
Men's turkey red handkerchiefs, 24c
Roys' $3.00 all wool suits, $1.15.
Hoys' $2.60 woolen suits, 95e.
Hoys' $3.00 reefers, $1.60.
Hoys' $2.60 reefers, $1.25.
Hoys' $5.00 nil wool enpo coats, 05c.
Hoys' $1.00 corduroy pants, 50c.
Hoys' SSo all wool pants, 40c.
Hoys' 75c all wool pants. 35c.
Men's $4.00 odd pants. $1.60.
Men's $3.00 all wool pants, $1.60.
Men's $2,50 worsted pnuts, $1.25.
Men's $2.60 woolen pants, $1.25.
Misses' dongola lace, worth ono dollar.
69 cents.
Children's dongola lace, worth eighty
five. 69c.
Infant's laco or button 75c, 60c, 35c 19e
and 16c.
Wo enrry tho best brands of rubbers on
tho market nnd at lower prices than can
bo obtained elsewhere.
Llbcrlan diamond coffee 124c
Llbertan II. I), coffee 134a
Very flno Santos coffeo 13c
Maracalbo coffeo 174o
Guatemala coffeo 20c
Interior Java coffeo "Jo
Private growth Java coffeo 314o
Aneola Java :2o
Mandcllng Java 3,t0
Arabian Mocha and Old Govornment.. . 35a
With every pound of good ten. 45c to 60o
per pound, you get n fancy teapot.
I'ollcrmiMi Coulter Suy lie Win Per
manently Injured h- Defec
tive Slilrnnlk.
William Coulter has brought suit In tho
district court aRalnst the city of South
Omaha for $.1,000 damages. Ho olloge that
on tho ovenlnR of May 8, while putrollng
his beat as n policeman, he stepped Into n
hole In the sidewalk on V stroet and wna
given n fall from which he sustained perma
nent Injuries.
We sell a (rood
two-quort Water
Bottle for 60 cents
three quarts tor
for 65 cents nnd
tour quarts for 7&
cents. Then wo
have a better ons
for a llttlo more
money, If you want
Medical and Surgical Suppllos
1408 Farnani Street, Omaha.
i THE H. J