t THE OMAITA "DATLT BEE: SATVHDAY, SEFT.EMTCET? 28. 1001. 12 HOT PACE DOES NOT SLACKEN Ornaifc Jbbn Ntto No Doprtnian in Trade of CrlTal Wuk. FULL-BLOOD SIOUX IS SHREWD MERCHANT Charles TnrnlliRlinu l A t (rutin to He llllliiK HI" Hmitty Shelves, ulth n Keen I3yt to Hie Aitvitntnito of llinnelf nnil Customers. Omah Jobbers report a satisfactory Inula tbli week, where they expected a mnrkel decline following the rush of the ten days preceding Many heavy buyers wcro In the city during th lam four days and tho pur chafes havo been phenomenal. Ono housu reports the receipt of nn order for 600 dozen shirts from n Utah deulcr, something which would be considered heavy In any Jobbing tenter In tho United States. The feature ' of the week has been thu heavy orderj wb-ro least expected. Om of the interesting characters In tbo district this week Is Charli-3 Turnltighawk, n full-Mood Sioux Indian from the Pino Illdgn agtncy. Turnlnghawk conducts a sio.e at tho agency and his trade In the dry Roods lino with Omaha amounts to rcveral thousand dollars a year. Ho visits tho house, to make his purchases and per nnally Inspects tnch article purchased. Dealers say that ho shows excellent Judg ment, In making selections and Is a clo.io layer. In his personal appcaranco Turn Inghawk Is n typical Sioux Indian of tho eld leaven and his presence In tho house teemed an anomaly. I'rlnl I'i-Um-n AiUiiiut. Another advance In American Indigo prints, Is nnnouncnl to take effect to day, making nn advance nf la cent per ysrd In this line of goods within thirty dnyr. All other cotton goodsi aro strong in sympathy with tho lino which In advan cing and dealers especially look for un ad vance in muslins In n short lime. Traveling men havo started from the hvuses this week, carrying tho spring lino of manufactured goods, shirts, skirts, overalls and tho llko. Tho spring samples of pleco goods will bo sent out In a few weeks, as soon as tho buyers who aro now In tho east re turn to thti house. Letters recoivod from these buyers say that tho dry goods mar ket In New York on spring goods Is par ticularly lively this season nnd tho buying Is heavier than it has over been known before. Indicating that Jobbers In nil parts of the country aro anticipating n trado unprecedented. From tbo present Indications there will bo but llttlo chnngo In tho styles of dress r.oods next spring compared with those of tho spring of 19'Jl, nnd those changes will bp In design rather than In material. It Is rather early to mako a llnnl announce ment as to tho spring styles ns Forau lino may come Into popularity which Is now ecnsldered no more deslrnblc than tho average. Docnn't Seem to l.ll.t- It, There Is hardly n state lnsurnnco com missioner In tho country who docs not either criticise or openly condemn tho theory and rraetlco of fraternal llfo lnsurauco. Tho latest pronounclnmonto concerning It Is from the lnsurnnco commissioner of Minne sota, who In his last ottlclnl roport Just Issued says: "The present lawn of Minnesota govern ing this class of lnsurnnco societies nro, ns I havo frequently had amplo reason to ns tort, an actual disgrace to the Btato. Dur ing the last session of tho leglslaturo a vigorous effort was mado to enact a new fraternal law which provided a minimum rate, bused upon regular standard mortality tablrs, thus guaranteeing n stamlnrd of solvency thnt would Insure tho permanency of these institution!), providing tho tunnago incnt was honest, economical nnd elllclont, This 'bill, If passed, would havo repealed tho present Htatute, thus protecting tho citizens of Minnesota ngalnst tho further or gnnlzntlon or ndmlsalon to tho statn of irresponslblo corporations of this class The effort, however, was unsuccessful nnd, consequently. Institutions organizing on tho so-called frnternnl or lodge plan for tho transaction1 of llfo nnd casualty lnsur nnce aro springing up llko mushropms In the night. Applications for ndmlssion of theso societies nro pouring In from overy section of tho country, but unless n eatls factory financial showing, together with ovl denco of an able, otllclcnt and honest mnn ngoment Is furnished llcenso Is refused. "Tho word 'fraternal' certainly covers a multitude of sins, ns applied the In suranco business. Mac? ripcar to think that becauso tho society Is conducted upon tbo fraternal plan It must bo snfo and pound, when, In many cnseH, It means noth lng of the sort. Tho laws, however, should bo sucli that tho word 'frnternnl' would carry with It tho confidence of and security to the mombers present as well as pros pocttve. ThlB can only bo accomplished by legal requirement that tho premium payments made under tho policy or ccrtlfl eato contrncts shall bo sufficient from data of Issuance of tho policy nnd annually thereafter during tho llfo thereof, to create , reservo which, at 4 per cent Interest an nually, will niaturo tho faco amount called for In the policy contract at the tlmo of 1U certain maturity, with a sufficient loading I added to meet tho necessary running ox I pennon. ' "Thoro is cue thing absolutely euro nnd ennnnt ho gainsaid by unyons familiar with the principles of llfo Insuranco, nnd that Is tho mortality cost in a fraternal society In bound to equal that of any old lino or legal reserve company; therefore, tho only nloment -whereby Insurance,"1 protection can bo furnished for n less sum than thnt charged by any other class of companies Is In tho matter of nxpenso. Tho sworn statements of the vnrlous frnternnl so cletles filed with this department show that tho average percentage of expense to each dollar of mortality cost exceeds that of tho old lino companies," HAvnnvs mo sine ptnciiAsn. Oreni .stork of .villi it tit! Velvet from .In. I. Itussrll .V Sons Mills, SOU) TO 1IAYDEN UttOS. Hayden Ilros. bought them nil. Not a single yard of these fine silks nnd velvets can be secured elsewhere. Illack and col ored silks In plain nnd fnncy, black and col ored velvets, velours, Venetians and fnncy velvet cords and fronts for waists. You can look for the biggest bargains ever known. All go on sale commencing Monday morning. I'artlculars In Sunday papers. hayden nnos. A mistake occurred In tho V. II. Hen nJtt Co.'s advertisement of Friday evening. Itttend of being twenty-five bars of laundry soap for 25c It should have read ten bars laundry soap nt 2;c. Aimiitlitt'fiiiriit of the Theater. There will bo no performance tonight nt tho Trocndoro, Fred Irwin a big show clos- ng Its engagement Immediately after the matinee today. Thoso who havo not wit- fssed tho performances of tho eight Cor alias should not fall to do so this after- oon. Tho Ony Olrls of Ootham," one of tho upcrlor road nttrnctlons, arc underlined for next week, commencing tomorrow matinee. Tho flrace llnvwiirtl comnanv will he the attraction nt tho llod for one week begin ning Sunday nftcrnoon, September 23. Mr. Ferris promises complcto productions for every night ami matinee during their en gugnncnt. They open Sunday with the Lourtnu melodrama "Slaves of Russia," which will be mounted with sneclnl scenerv and effects. Sonic really beautiful scenic display nro made for this piny, chief among them being the palace of Iotoska, tho stono vlllngo of Sltofkn, a poetry In Inoscnn nnd tho retreat of Kbor In the tower of Sltofka. It's Just llko finding money to trado at Hayden Ilros. Rend their nd on pago 7. All kinds of baths, scientific! massage. ndles only. The llathcry, 21C-220 Hco bldg. 'el. 171U. Havo you caught any of tho bargains In our front window? SHIVKHII'K FURNITURE CO. peflnl r.irtirfilim (lutes to .Inn I'rnn. eluco, tftft. Tho Union 1'aclflc has authorized n rnto of $45 for tho round trip between Omaha and San Francisco for the general conven tion of the Kplscopnl church. Tickets on snlo September 19 to 27, Inclusive. Final return limit November 1,"., 1901. Cltv ticket office, 1321 Fii r nam stroet. Telephone 310. Your opportunity of getting a little more than your money's worth In every purchase Is what you get nt tha big storo of Hayden jiros. ueau ineir aa on page 7, Cold Drug Figures Tho prices slven below furnish their own argument nnd Bound the death knell to TRUSTS. $1.00 Duffy's Malt 'Whiskey ...v 7ic tia Mention's Talcum Powder ia lOo Deef, Iron nnd Wlno qq $1.00 Crnmor's Kidney Cure 490 $1.00 I'eruna tSo ,1.00 Ncwbro's Herplcldo (He 11,00 Kirk's llnlr Tonic S9c S5e Pucker's Tar Soap , Ha 1 ulnt Wood Alcohol 14n K.W McDade'o Sucous Alteraus $1.40 tiOo Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin 2So tOa Pozzoul Powder 2Sc She corps uuncirurr euro , via Oood 2-quart Fountain Syringe foa Good Atomizer :15a Good Uulb Syringe 60c Colgate's English Process Soap So Kirk h Jap ltoso Honp 7c Finn rinse. Vlalttt Soap , ,, 6c w mu xor catalogue, i Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go. Curncr Mxlreiith uutl Dodge, Aotlfp of nivltlt'iiil, Dividend of f0 per rent of tho balance luo creditors of the German Savings bank Is now ready fur distribution nt my ofllco. 100 No. 16th, oi) nnd after Sopt. 28, 1901, THOMAS H. M'CAOPK. Receiver of tho German Savings Hank of Omaha. Send articles of lncorportlon, notices of stockholders meetings, etc., to Tho lies, Wo will glvo them proper legal Insertion. Tclephono 238. Dance Tonight, .lully Klght's lively ball this evening, Washington hnll, 1Mb nnd Harney streots. Ino orchestra; n grand good tlmo for you. ficnts, 25c. Welcome. Physicians recommend our treatment for hcumatlsm ns tho most successful. Ladles only. The llathcry. 21fi-220 Heo bldg, Telo phone 1710, nargnlns going overy day In our fiont window. SHIVKItICK FURNITURE CO Publish your legal notices In The Weekly Bee. Telephone 238. The New fall and Winter footwear There never wnas a season when stylo and fashion allowed such lati tude In tho varlntlon of STYLISH FOOTWEAR. Advantageous price concession for Saturday's selling. Women's Shoes Dox Calf and Vic! Klil, closo trimmed and wide exten sion soles, ropo stitch, a $3.50 value, Saturday, $2.50. MEN'S fc WOMEN'S SHOES. $2.9.1, worth $4.00, Potent Enamel. Ideal Kid nnd Patent Dox Calf, cltto shoo fashions, Saturdny, $2.95. HOYS' AND GIRLS' SHOES Satur day will provo to you that wo nro headquartersj better values hero thin elsewhere. Unprecedented .prlco con cessions In our Hoys' and Girls' de partment Saturday, The Rochester 1515 DOUGLAS 1515 KELLEY, ST1CER & CO, LacHi' and OhlldrWi Uidervmr and Hisicrj Spicial Prices for Baturdaj. STORE OPEN TILL 9i30 SATURDAY EVENING Fall Opening; Snlo of "Women's nnd Children's Hnnlrry nnd t'tidcr wenr llest floods nt I.oMPst Prlrrs. Full and complcto line of the "Munslng" plaited underwear, union suits, vests and pants. 25c for women's vests and pants, fine fleece lined In natural nnd ecru colors, nicely trimmed, all sizes, 3 to 6. 50c for women's fine natural wool plaited vests and pants, with 'French bands, vests silk-tapped, n rare bargain for Saturday. The "Munslng" union suit is tho onlv perfect littlng suit for women, looks well, woars well. Our fleeco lined combination suit nt $1.00 In ecru or naural color Is n real bargain. Our half-wool suits at $1.50, open ncross brenst or down front, has no equal; our better lines nt $2.25, $2.05 nnd $3,00 are special qualities; our mercerized suits In flesh nnd sky Is a beautiful fabric. our price only $3.25, fully worth $1.00; tho Munslng union suits for boys nnd Rlrls, lleecc lined, natural color, medium nnd cxt heavy, 50c and 75c per Milt. 25c for women s fast black cotton hose, double sole, heel nnd toe, nlso n very good fleece-lined stocking, special qualities. 50c for nn extra fine llghtwolght black enshmere hoso for early full wear, high spliced heel and toe, double sole. Tho Pony stocking for boys and girls, special quality for school wear, fast black, double knee, heel and toe, size 6 to 10. Children's fast hlnck, flecce-llned hose, fine ribbed double kneo nnd foot, the never-wenr-out kind; all sizes, 5 to 9, only 25c pair. $1.50 ladles' black silk umbrellns: 26-ln. steel rod, Paragon frames, pretty bandies, pearl with sterling trimmings, fnncy horn, Princess, n very handsorfto line, special vnluc. Read nil about tho big store's bargains on page 7. Why surfer with rheumatism? Tho Rathery, 216-220 Ueo bldg. Telephone 1716. For ladles only. BOSTON STORE WRECK SALE 5 Cases of Fine Muslin Underwear, Purchased from the R. R. Co. on Sale for First Time Today. $1.00 MEN,S'WHITELAUNDEREI) SHIRTS, 25C Today We Will P.ialtlvoly CWnjlTut tha Hiluticj of tlu .Msu's Fur iiishliijH I'lircluisuil from K, K. Co. A Bee Hive A customer- music professor this ono was nuiile tlio remnrK in our more inn oiner day thnt our store reminded him of n bco hive. "Why," said he, "you seem to ho busier than ever here, what's the cause?" Wo told lilm It wns lieenuso wo didn't be long to the OrilK Trust Combine nnd neither do tho puolle. The people must llko our stylo of running our store ojr wuy. Best 2.1c box of Soap, 3 cakes 1,'c $1.00 I.lsterlne (Lambert's) 6Jo jou Luxiitivo Hromo Quinine 12c 5(1.00 Wine of Cardul 4c uoo Crumer'H Kidney Cure 40c 1.() Temptntlou Tonic 75c Sl.W Pcrutm 'jSc $1.00 Ncwbro's Herplcldo Cl'o $1.00 IClrk's Hair Tunic 40o yc Victor Pills bo 25c Packers' Tar Soap , :5c 1 pint wood Alcohol 16c i pint Columbian Spirits 25o ,0c Syrmi of Figs 29o $2.00 McOndn's Suectis Alternns $1.43 Wc Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin 20o $2 00 Knrl Cramer's Tansy, Cotton Hoot nnd Pennyroyal Pills, genuine $1.00 50c I'nzzoul Powder ?Sc tl.n0 Wlno of Cardul 40o 75c Coke's Dandruff Cure 33c Cut Price DrtiK Store Tel. 747. 4. XV. Cor. Kith and Chicago Goods delivered FREE to any part of city. SGKAEFER'S Shoe Co. Avetiarius Carboliueuiii L'icd for preserving wood, both above and bolow tho ground. Wood treated with It will last threo times longer than the nat urnl way. Its qualities nro: 1st. Prevent dry rot and decay. 2d. Prevent warping and expelling damp nces. 3rd. Prevent tho attack of insects, worms, mice. 4th, Prevent crumbling and decay of brick and stono work. 5th. Is nntlscptlc nnd freo from all pol sonous Ingredients, Call for circular. P. S. Going to use a llttlo to presorve the harmony of Omaha druggists. Sold only by FULLER DRUG AND PAINT CO. 14tu and Douslaa Ms. The Boys' and Juvenile Apparel. which wo nro showing now Is thn result of months of preparation nnd careful buy ing. Wo have chosen what wo consider to bo tho vory best in regard to fashionable ness, durability and high-class tailoring. Tho boys of B to 16 will find rannly llt tlo Norfolk suits, double and single breaRted, short trouser suits, mado from Iron-wearing fabrics, sewn so strongly In tho seams that they cannot rip apart. Specially priced for Saturday at $4,00. Tho llttlo chaps 3 to 8 years old. will find nn enormous assortment of TAILOR IILOUSK suits, In a variety that will please tho most fastidious parents. Specially priced for Saturday at $3.60. Wo want you also to see tbo magnificently v.nrm, beautifully tailored fall and winter overcoats for tbo boys of 2 to 16 years. Phono A 2221. 1415 Douglas St. Opposite Orchnrd & Wllhelm. Atomizer tig fj I UjJ Ptrftct Ml 11 Pirfjma Never out of order finished In nickel sliver, or gold- Si. BO, $2.fiO and $3.50 A necessary no eessory to my iniiy-B lonet at home or abroad, Myers Dillon Drug Co., Kith and Furnam St. ItB m Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms, 1517 Douglas St. When your teeth first show signs of decay Is the time to consult a dentist. FILLINQS 7SC UP BET TEETH $5.00 UP Muslin Underwear 15c fine cambric and muelln corset covers, lace trimmed, all slies, nt 7c each. I, utile' a.'e Drawers, lor I'll I r. 23c quality ladles' fine muslin drawers, full site, mado of good grade of muslin, yoke bands, with cltlster of tucks, go at ISc. 60c ladles' corset covers nnd umbrella drawers, with cambric ruffles, corset covers neatly trimmed with embroidery, go at 23c each, I. utile .llnsilii SklrtR, :t!)e. At 30c, ladles' fino muslin skirts, full size, with clutter of tucks, handsomely trimmed with wldo and narrow embroidery, nlso corset covers trimmed with laco nnd cm broidery, all go at 39c. At 49o, ladles' night gowns, drawers, cor set covers nnd skirts, all extra well mndo, full size, trimmed with showy lace, Inser tion and embroidery, all go nt 40c each. I. mile' l,n MkIUrou in, title. At 6!c each, Indies' finest muslin nnd cambric laco nnd embroidery trimmed night gowns, drawers with deep ruflles, corset covers In all tho latest styles, skirts with dust rulllo nnd deep embroidery, worth up to $1.00, go nt H9c. At 98c, nil the finest muslin undorwenr from this lot, Including gowns, skirts, thomlflj, drawers, etc., trimmed with the very bost torchon nnd Normandy Valenci ennes lnce, nlso neat, wide and showy em broidery, f,n flne quality, worth up to $2.00, go at 98c. l.OO Apron .ttlr. 650 Ladles' nurse aprons with bib and bhouldcr straps, plain hemmed and hand somely trimmed with flno dntnty cmbrold cry, nil sizes nnd extra wide, worth $1.00, i;o at 39c. Children's Vmnredt Wnlstft, 10c. Mlesc', children's and boys' Xnzareth style knit undorwnlsts, all sizes, 10c each. l.OO nnil ai.no Cornel, rilir. All the popular brands of high grade cor sets from tho wreck, all sizes, some slightly mussed. In black, whlto nnd gray, nil lengths, at t'Oc each. Alen's Furnishings. 1 Mrn' Wtiltt- I.miiulr rrtl Mtlrl. U.le, CO cases of men's white laundered shirts nnd colored percnlo shirts, most of them In sound and perfect condition, only a few of them soiled, nil sizes, go nt 23c, t.'.' JMrn' l.rnthrr tilnves, nntl ROe. To clcso out all the men's lined nnd un lined kin and leather gloves nnd mitts from this railroad purchase, we put them on bar' gain square tomorrow nt 23c and f0c. Ilti)' l.pnllit'r Mill it ml (ilovr, lftf .Men' SIIL .NeeU our, If. To closo out nil tho men's silk neckwear of every description that becatuo damaged In this wreck, we put them on snlo nt lc each. All tho men's sound nnd perfect four-ln- hand silk neckwear, 15c. Men's 2,c suspenders, 9c. Hoys' wool sweaters, 25c. .Men's fleeco lined underwear, 29c. $2.50 Embroidered Afghans, 59c. 400 whlto eiderdown afghans, elabor ately embroidered nnd ribbon trim med, In all the new shapes, for go carts, baby cribs, baby carrlnges, etc., ns displayed In our w Indow go nt 59c Mrn'H Doinrt MkIi Shirts, Idle. One case full size flno Domct flannel night shirts uO nt .19c. Hosier- from the Wreck. Ladles', misses' "and boys' nnd mnn'' hoticry In fast black, flno nnd heavy ribbed, nlso plain, soma with soles nnd knees, worth up to 23c, go nt 10c pair. Ladles' fine hosiery In fnncy lnco effects, drop stitch open work llslo thread, medium weight, full regular plain Egyptian cotton, worth up to 35c, go at 18c pair. Ladles' finest Imported hosiery In French anil Oermnn lisle thread, plain black, hun dreds of styles, fnncy colors, all full regu lar mode, worth 75c, in two lots at 25c and 19c pair. JDDAND soNS HAYDENJ A Great . CLOTHING SALE f 37,000 worth of flno roady-tnilored men' and boys' clothing at about HALF THICE. On sale , Saturday, Sept. 28 While this sale is on yon can buy depend able perfect fitting clothing at about half their real value. Men's suits and overcoats in nil sizes from 3-1 to 41. Also slims and stouts. The Showing and Selling of Women's Cloaks, Suits and Skirts, will find no competition counterpart, An exceptional ex hibition of the choicer more exclusive ef fects from the world's foremost tailors, for Women's Taib.r Made Suits made of fiuuall wool choviots in all the now shades jacket tall'eta lined now bias llonnco skirt well lined perfect A 7 fitting ltl.tJ (XL "t 7 C for Women's Norfolk Suits new vest. P J front, made of tho now basket cloth, in a handsome lino of now fall shades, velvet trimmed and stitched witli satin bands, new long dip front skirt, with deep bias ilounce 1 O E stylish and perfectly tailored. -J J. O $47.30, $29.75, $24.75, $22.50, $21.00 for Choice High Grade Suits Now blonso and dress front effects. Venetians and new weave home spuns jackets with tho now long waisted dip front effect, skirts with graduated bias flouncing. Walking Skirts in a full line $3.90, $4.90, $6.90 $1475 At $3.75 we offer Man's Vicuna Overcoats made In tho new styles with cuffs on sImtss and full length coat ral worth $7,50. MEN'S 7.W SUITS at $4.00 Fine r.t worsted suits made dependable, with Freneh facing, Mtln piping. , MSN'S $0.50 SUITS at $5.00 All wool hair Una, striped casBlmcre, sack suit, In all sires from 34 to 45. MEN'S $22.60 SUITS at $13.75 Finest Hockenum worsted, In small dark check, all Ins from 34 to 44, also SUMS AND STOUTS. MEN'S $12.60 SUITS at $7.00 Madu of one of the newest striped worsted, sires 34 to '42. MEN'S $1(1.00 RYTON OVEUCOATS at $10.00 In extra flno vicuna, mado with raglm pockets, cuffs and sleeves and 42 Inches long. MEN'S $15.00 SUITS at $7.50 In fine worsted blue serge and genuine meltons. They come In 4-botton sack styles, double-breasted and single-breasted square cut sack styles, In all sizes, 84 to 4G. Also stouts and slims, Hoy's three-piece ltneo pants suUs, nf fluest worsteds, vlcunns, tweeds, cheviots and casslmere suits audi) to retail from $4.00 to $10.00 sale price $2.75, $3,50 and $5.00, all sires, 8 to 16, Boys' combination knee pants suits mado double-breasted coats 'and two pair of knee pants In four new, neat shades of strictly 11 wool fabrics. Every suit a $C.OO value eale prlco $2.95. All , e . , e itflHlilPHr Nw THEN Why shouldn't you itte STHIN-BLOCH MEN'S hlH'iLlr-H u m htiipq n ini BAiinn. ThA nftii fall And winter Htrleit I tUIJ U II IUI - " " - - ....... - are here for your sol ectlon. Bteln-Bloch Suits from $10.00 to $25.00. Bteln-Dloch Overcoats from $12.60 to $27.60. mm HAYDENs Sample Suits, Waists, Skirts,, ATTEND THE .MILMXKKV OPENING. The buying of samples from t lie right kind of manufacturers requires tact and readi ness. No house can do it unless person ally represented in the eastern markets anil that is why we are in position to give to the people of Omaha and surrounding country such tremendous values, such stylish suits, such excellent jackets and other sample garments in the past few days. Women's box coats, mado of West of England kersoy, strnpprd sonms nnd mlr roro velvet, lined throughout with tho fa mous Skinner's satins, warranted for two years' wear, our leader nnd nn unmntcha- HAYDEN BROS Belling the most Clothing in Omaha. Ont of the Many Styles of Hats Shown By mm Black the $2 50 Hatter llluck AIho Sells Shirts, Underwear and Neck Ties 107 S. lOtli Street Bee Want Ads Produce Results, foot fitters Not often nro lines of flno Shoes In so many different popular shapes 50 styles of SnroHls, Fitting feet naturally without making It necessary for tho upper to push out over tho edgo of the sole. In nil tho new leathers, With extension soles or cloio edges, to suit the wearer. I'rlco $3.50 always. Quality tho best. A maid, always In attendance, shines your shoos free of cost, SOROSIS SHOE STORE, 203 South loth Street, KriiiiU Wilcox, 31 nr. Send for catalogue. -1 . For a final effort wo havo taken all tho samplo suits. Jackets and skirts still re maining, nnd will put them on snlo Sat urday to mako this tho greatest bargain giving day ever known In this or any other cloak department In tho west. Samplo suits from flvo houses, tho manu facturers sold as high as $15.00, sample sale price $7.60. Samplo suits In Norfolks, etons, blouso nnd double breasted garments, mndo of lino cheviots, serges nnd venotlnns, manu facturer's prlco $18 to $20, samplo Balo price only $10. Samples of flno suts mado by ono of tho foremost manufacturers of Now York city, In Norfolk, blouso and eton styles, In Im ported cloths, Jackets lined with tho fa wouso Olvcrnnud's taffetas, skirts pcrcallno lined and Interlined, on sale for only $15. Just arrived by express: 200 rainy day skirts will bo on sale Saturday at $2.90 nnd $1.00. 75 women's skirts, mado of tho famous Olvernaud's taffetas, applique flounce, tucked all over, worth $18.50, for only, each, $10. 75 women's skirts, mado of pebble cheviot nnd serges, trimmed with threo nnd four ! Olvornaud's taffetas, all silk, worth J5.00, rows of black stitched taffeta, lined with ! Saturdny In our clonk department for $2.98. ncarsllk, velvet bound, n nklrt mado to I Women's silk oton Jackets, made of Olvor sell for $S,50, sale price, $1.95. I nnud's taffetas and lined with silk and JACKETS satin nnd tnffetas. thoy havo sold as bleb Women's box coats, trimmed with bands ! as $16, for only $2,98, bio coat at $10.00. Women's nutomobllo coats, made of all wool kersey, lined throughout with sntln, 42 Inches long, coat or storm collars, worth $18, for $10.00. Women's nutomobllo roats, In all wool kerseys, lined with serge, worth $16, for only $8.98. Women's nutomoblles, mado of tho very best quality American woolen mills ker seys, trimmed yoke, collar, cuffs ami pock ets with pnnno velvet, lined throughout with Skinner's satin, coino In storm or I.'AIqlou collar, n cost Hold In this town for $28, snlo prlco only $10.60. EXTHA SPECIALS FOIl SATURDAY Ladles' dressing sacqucs. In reds, blues, tans, grays., old roao and hello, worth $1,50, for only 13c. Women's llnltlo seal collarettes, ten Inch cape nnd six Inch collar, for $1.00 each. Women's blnck tnftetn waist, mado of of stitched taffeta, a coat worth $7.00, for only $3.50. Women's box coats mado of American mills kersey. In blacks, browns, rods, blues, and tans, with storm or coat collar, tho best coat over offered for tho money, worth $8.60, for only $1,00. Women's Ilght-wolght Jnckots, In two lots worth up to $10, for $2,98 and $4.98, FIIOM 9 UNTIL ll O'CLOCK SATUR DAY MORNINO wo will put on salo wo men's wrappers, made of 10c percales, on sale for only 25c. READ ORE AT SALE ON PAGE 7. HAYDEN BROS 7 U KppI pV 0,10 nf "ie IichI equliiiieil nf Die Ktclry )li'm of limtl CJ7JrJl liilrs, the only Kettle? Institute In .Vitlirnsl.ii. Curee CUlJC nriinkrmiefta. Cure, Ilrun 1 M'lT, Tnliuceo liters. TUB ICi:i:i,i:V I.NSTriX'Ti:, 111 nnil l.enveuuui'lli, ) in it Int. ASK FOR A Contains the best Havana Tobacco. Equal to imported cigars. Mnufttotursdljy F.-Ulao Mofcaniilo Gl?wt' Qo., St. fuU Union Mado,