THE OMAHA DAILY UEE: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1001. 1 1 f s SPECIAL NOTICES Aflvertlarmenta for these eolnnms 'till hm (ahtu nntll 12 m. for the renin-- edltlou and until S..10 p. aa. tor naoralac and Snnda? edlllan. flatee, X l-2e a word Aral Insertion, .1o m nord (haraaflar. Nothing tnUra far leaa thnn 2fto for tkV Oral laaer tlaa, Theae advartlaeaienla taaal ba a caaaecntlvclr Aflvertlaerai hjr reqneatla-t a -fcereal check, can hnrm aaintri ad-elrea'aa-a to a numbered letter la ear ' The IT p. Anarrera a itddreea will be dallvrrad preat atatlaa a( thai keck lr. WAXTHU MAI.K IIIH.p. A ATs'TED, 'TED, rtrst-tlass Insuranco solicitors, will mako very liberal contract with wo rill iiiarvu hui cii (.uiiuutl Willi of ability capable of handling general :' Call or uuuress, Fidelity tsuviiigs & t Co., 317 N. V, Life Bldg., UmHhn men fifc-ency D 176 07 TEAMS wanted, nt once, ono mllo south or Kurt Crook. Jackson Uro.s. U M&23 MEN njirl women to do copying iu home, must write ii lair hand, o to Jl.' weekly, working vvcnlngti; positively no canvas slog; IncloRo stump. .Northwest i opying Co.,. iiox 629, Minneapolis, Minn. , . , U -M219 01 SOLICITORS Ivnntcfl for 'M.FfTnml DIs tlnguished H.tvIcoh jr William McKIn ley, ' by Murat Hulstcnd, Chuuncoy Dcpew und others; rtrt memorial edition; big book, w paws, prutuccly Illustrated; only Jl, pay no inoru; commissions trom 60 to'73 per cent; profits trom 100 to Z'n per cent, agents reporting from 10 to 100 r (Icth (inlly; bonanza) books oji credit: Height pHldj outllts tree. Standard Pub. House, dept. F; Chlcugo. H M2l$ W TfOUNO mnn, good rapid penmun, for bill clerk, rutercnecs required! Address H 31, Dee. B-213 is WANTED, sausago mnkcrs; only flrlclusa men nee apply. Address the Agnr lack ing CO., Den .Moines, la. II M2S& 2S JOOD messengers wanted. A. D. T. C".. 212 D-M2I7 29 a. join m. WANTED, first-class barber, nt once; mar I" C. t'V.V,1 irC'crrctl. F. c. 'Denrdtirff, -v ".IS1' NuU: U-M-JiJ 0:f "WANTED, men to travel In Nebraska: reasonably salary ami expenses; holiday 0i0!Ll!Jcf.rtb"Hl"-Ml 'lislness; references. Address" .Manager, 201 Pontine bldg;, Cht- va?0- u-Aiao .v AJh'irl'3S' lnn to. lr.arn I'nrbTr tradT; eight woekH reiiulrod, iooIb presented country or rtty shops; speclul Induce nentH to applicants from i Istanco: cata ic!! nialled free. .Moler HarbJr I'mVkV. 16J lAamum st. U-MT,'J OJ' WANTED, ofltco boy. 222 Dee bidK H-.M2T6 2.S SAI.KSMUX WAKTUI), CI9Ant aIct"J?n with establUhed trade with largo dealers, who buy direct from factories. Address with full particulars H. C. Klshcr, Klshcr building, Chicago. M3I3 Oct C aA.!i.Ki?MA: by ilonK e"tn"'lHhed manufac turer of llavorlng extracts., spices, etc.! Slvo full your expcrlonco to Insure reply good, milary. Uox 617, Chicago, III, 1 ' - ' -M2t 2S WANTED KKJIALU 1II31.1. WANTED,,. 152 Wodge.A .TcU S7C l l - .. i .- . . C 910 1 ID 6ini, all klruls. worlt. Canadian Oltlco. , s o nil WANTED..hAusekoat)cr- In small American family. Addryst, tdt I3ce. U-AUt NUI13E8' 'Training School, I'ucblo, ColoT thrco. inonths' course; diplomas; Dp?n October 1; address ubovo. ' ' 0 M7U1 Ol WANTHDi'1 ladles to learn halrdrcsslinT manicuring and facial massage; entirely now plan; only four wueks rCqulreu; thoroughly practical training. Call or .uuj, .uuicr unege, J.J tairiinm Bt. c air.'o 27 COOKt Apply 1120 I'ark Ave. C-15 ,A ANTED-!-Irst class exporlencod choco lato forelady, one that cun handle help, teuch girls to dip chocolates; statu ex perience, references, salHry expected: good position to the riht party. Ad dress C. C. C. Uox 630, I'jeblo. Oolo. . C-.Mltil 30 . GJRL.'for general housework. 207 South -h HU C-1DI-30 WAi,T'iH KirI ,0T general houeswork, " "I. l L'l A ANTED, a refined nnd educated girl, who Is willing to utslst with second work, lliqub-o 2o26 Dodge st. C M257 23 W ANTED, a good cook and neat iiouK.t keeper: two Iu .family. Call nfter il p. m. .Mrs. Houston, 1M7 N. 21th, South Omaha! . . C-2S8 2.1 WANTED, ifilrlB to make shirts, pants overalls on.V duck clothing. Apply to ljyrno A Hammer D. a. q0,. 12th aid Howard Sts. ' C 207 2U COMPETENT cook. 27C-I Earnam St. ., C iffiS 20 WANTED, young lady to cdnk "orTa 7how Sa,' u."o filrl to wash illsln-b; send photo Johnso-Btatcr, Schuyler, Neb. Im01"- ' C-.M27 23- EATJIE8 to learn holrdrcflslng, "ni7i 1 7 1 p TiTTTT or fae al massage; only fot r "eks re quired.' you cannot obtain th n 5 , a of constant practlco and Instructl". i s vx. cept by our method; tools pr.sotit" I rail or write Moler College, lei linmnl st. C .M27S Q.T KOIl HE.T HOUSES. IE VOU want your houses well rontcd place, them with lleiiawu:j4 Co. D-"l2 SEE HENUY U. I'AVNE, C01 N. y. UE1J '"O.-VOVE right gu Omaha Van Storage CJ... olllce lotis funiam, or tel. ltSJ.stfJr d-hij HOUSES, stores. Uomls, l'uxtou block. HOUSES, ctsi F, D.'Wcad. 1524 Douuln IIOUSE8. and flats, ihnuwalt, Uarker luic. 12C5. vyiLElAM ST., a gcod three-room llat. with city wutor. . OMAHA EOAN AND THUST CO.. 16th and Douglud Sts. , ' ' . i D-sia FOH RENT, clght-ruom houc; convenient: all modem; SM una California Sis.' m 1'Jlro Np, 607, N. V. Utu building. D MotS FOR RENT, ll'room -tone houne, 415 S, 25th St, 11. T. Clarke, ? Ramgo ink. D-M7CI FOR RENT, S-room house, city water! bath, la-ge yard. Wth und Uuit St.. J. A. .Eoveten, 1 l'uxtun Ulk. D 231 215 a 29TH AVE., -room house, all mod crn; will paper and vurni.h throughout: rent $25 to Al tenant with lefercnce.. O.MA1IA LOAN AND TRUST UO.. lCth and Douglas Sts. D-S13 TO LET, STOom hou.e, near Cdrtls Turner park; new. with every convenience. W. Fnruum Smith Co., 1320 Farnam st. D-.M47 L07 MNTO.N street, store with two live room llati above. The whole building has Wmi "i l)jll,lcl1 n'l PH'tred throughout. Will ninko a very ri-.mnnni,i i-.., in n good tenant, or will separately. THE OMAHA LOAN ! TltUST CO.. ,10th and Douglas Sts, D-A1S HOUSES for rent In nil parts of tho city. Hrennun-Love Co., 3U9 South 13th ntrrt. i D-J119 FOR RENTi house nnd bnrn. all modern, 2137 South JJd St. Apply 402 Merchants' Nntioiml Dank Uld.-t. D-917 NO HARD coal needed; slenm heat: nil modern, central, 7-ronm house; lull, bath, basement. Tlinrd. 221 N. 2tth. D--513-;:g VERY nlcasant alx or elaht-room flat, well located and lu fine repair, Inquire M0 IJrown block. ' u 171 7-ROOM, all modem house. 3I? Dodge. Clarko" Powell, 420 N. Y. Life. D-M71J 1337 SO. 31ST St. Tel, 311. " , D--S10 30 - - - FLEtTANT S.roAm houia, atl modern lm proveiuenta. v iN, ju. u i3 it' TOR RENT-HOUSES. HOtSES. WH EATON. 12$ I'axton Ulk. D-158 It-ROOM hous, all modern, the Karbach property, 20th ard Leavenworth. Inquire ill So. 20th. D-.MSS2 US SNAP C12 fl. lSthHiiowlO-r, strictly mod em. tx,. Sco Henry U, Payne, 601-2 Now York Life. D-.M1S3 ONE C-reorr. llat, modern, 1112 S IJth. D 0u MODERN residence, 10 "rooms; eflsy walk ing dlstnnce from business portion. Rlnuwnlt Ilros., Parker Dlk. j?-Mi0 25S2 D A V E N PO TitTToo in s and bath. '22.-0. 112 N. 20th. S rooms, modern, ttlng wait. Marker btk. D22! -ROOM hou-e, modern, barn. Inquire 1911 N. 21th. Tel. A-2. D-215 NEWLY painted house of 5 splendid .ooms; also newly p'lpered house of D room, nt !Hh and Pierce sts.; reaf,onab'e rent! houses opened fir Inspection, J. W. Uob blns, 1S02 Fnrnam. D-M:5. HOt'SES FOR RENT. flrnnt, 6 rooms, city watcf 9.00 Plnckney, 5 rooms, batn, city water 10.00 .Maudersnn. 0 rooms, city water..., 10.00 2011 3010 2.111 2411 2421 Mil Kill i""'ir"vi ' iuiihb, iiiy wiier ji.w Cuming, 6 rooms.'clty water. 15.00 Chicago st., bath 20.00 H. 25th nvo., 9 rooms, modern 2iM. Tn.1 fl . . . l .... i. 2012 WI 2f9 22(i r220 i iiMiuin, iiiiiuerii ............ .,iij l)odge, 10 rooms, modern 23.00 H. 24th. 3 rooms, hot water heat ... 27.60 I'nrnnm, 10 rooms, modern 27 50 Hurt ht.. 10 rooms, modern 2S.() u.Mivirn imuH., i6oi Fnrnam St.! Commercial National Hank Hulldlng. D-M2S2 23 for iir,T-i'i itxiMinn huomb. 3 ROOM, for light hou'Ckecpltig, 1112 S.i 11th Ht. E-MMI DEWEY European hotel. 13th nnd Fnrnam. E-9-3 THE THURSTON. Cool, airy rooms ' E-021 LARGE front room nnd nlcovo, well fur nished, modern; sultnblo for two, 2i Cuss St. E-M437 FOR RENT, two large furnished or un f Jrnlshed rooms. Address F IS, Uee. E-H2 3 ROOMS for light housekeeping. 1112 S. Jlthst. E-MS8I COSY front room. 1.11 l!ake Ht! ' E-M12. 2S ROOM. 1905 Capitol ave. E-M277 ?a NICELY furnished room for genttemnn; modern detnehed house; steam heat; close. In. 2215 Fnrnam st. E 30 FUltMSIIEU UOOMS AXU I1UARU. UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St. F-923 r.LENCAIRN, transient .1.25 doy. 1C09 Doug. F-927 THE Mcrrlum, summer rcnort, 23th & Dodge ( F-.Jii TWO large front rooms, with board. 1903 Capitol Ave. F 316 ROOMS and board. Tho Rose, 2020 Harney street. F M4(B Octl2 FRONT room. 310 S. 20th St. F-S33-2S FURNISHED rooms with boarn. 2376 Har ney St. F 95S 022 HOARD, 1-oomB, 222 N. 19th St. F-r153V30 . t j DESIRAHLE rooms, first-class board '23SV Harney. 4f231-' I'Oll RI.T-IJ.FR.I.SirU,UOp"-is7" DESIC loom space, J,' per month, 'ground floor room' in Tho Dee building; facing Furnum street; no expense for llsht, heat or Janitor service. It. C: Peters & Co., Rental- Agents, lieo Uuildtng.. O 4)0 6 ROOMS. 2519 N. 25th Bt. Q-M2f.ll O.r I'OH HK.NT-STUIIES ASu UFK-CI-lfl, ' FOn RENT, store ir. flrat'cltis-f focfttlofi-. rent rcasuuablc. Apply U. C, I'eters '& Co,, grouud lloo., iluo Uldg. 1200 FOR' RENT, otneo with vault nnd part lrst' tliwir nr fill tnti llnnr. 1114. IK IfrirriAi Hr Midland uiuss una raint co.,, iuu Hur irnuv St. 1-929 STORES, with fixtures, suited for depart ment stores. Tlzard, 221 N. 21th. 1-512 30 FOR RENT, the building formerly oeou pled, by The Ueu at 916 Faruam St. It hus four otsrics und a basement which was formerly used ub Tho lien press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply ut once to C. .C, Rose water, secretary, room 190, Ueo Hulldliih'. 1 -til AUENTS WAX'i'liB, PRESIDENT M'KINLEY'S Assas-lnatlon; oomplcte oindnl mrmorlal edition; tragto details of anarchistic plot; life of assas sin; hundreds of pictures; only authentic book; largest, cheapest, best; prices cut; we are not in thu book trust, 70 per cent profit; erorinous demand; fortune fcr ngcutb first in Held; most liberal tifms; tecuru territory now; first book ready; credit given, freight paid; general agents wunted on salary; valuable premium, free with each book; book outfit alone free; both book and premium outlltH prepaid for 25 stamps to cover cost of sending; order quick. Monroo Rook Co., Chicago. J-M737 30' MEMORIAL life of McKlnley by his life long friend, Murat Hulxtoad, the his torinn; porltlvely tho largest nnd llnest book published; slzo hxia Inches; 1U0 splen did Illustrations; price only 11.50: terms 100 per cent profit, ercdl and freight paid; large photograph of McKlnley tree with each book; outllts ready nnd mailed freq to those meaning business: don't bo fooled 'by promises of "exclusive territory;" don't work for 40 per cent; we give 103 per cent profit anil will also divide $1.0t0 In cash among our agents. Ad dress Amorlrun Hook and Ulble Jlotlte, 110 N. 10th St.. Philadelphia, Pa. J-.MS2.1 S2 LIFE OF WM.-M'KINLEY, with momorlnU by ii'itloi'B prominent men: large, fully Illustrated; extra terms; freight paid; credit given; big pay for quick work: outfit ready; freo; sand 10 cents for post age. Zleclcr Co., S24 Dearborn st., Chi cago. J-M7S0 03 I1EST nnd 'largest $1.50 Memorial Life of McKlnley, 000 pages, 150 Illustrations; out lit free. W. A. Hlxeubaugh & Co.. 16th and Farnam, Omahc, Neb. J M107 El M'KINLEY'S "l.lKE. by Murat Ilnl-ted! best author; best .book: bent terms; re- .nil- l K.1, ...III mnn i.4r, iin iiueu in any oner on in ferior books; credit given; freight paldf outllt free, J. S. ZIEOLER & CO., Chlcngo. III. J-M273 0 4 AO E NTS wanted, "Our Martyr Presidents;" iiiiipii iiiun mil, iMiuiiu itiiii private, or tvtr lato Preildent Win. McKlnley - Lincoln (iartleld; their noted speeches, their as sassins; history of imnrchyt large volume; f-.ur books In one; only 11.50: over 100 fire engravings ; full account of President Me Ktnley'M funeral; only authentic b"ok; Just nut. by Senator CuMoni nnd J aim Coulter; best commission guaranteed; freight paid; credit given; canvassing ample freo; send 10c postage, Oeo. M Hill Co.. 100 8. Clinton st., Chicago. J-.M271 Si AGENTS wnnted for new nuhllcntlnna nrospeetus. etc., free. George Harrlo Son, 1313 Walnut st., Philadelphia. J-M2M Janl2 WAMTEIJ-TO HE.T. WANTED, furnished rooms or furnhho.l house for light housekeeping. Address 11 30, Ree. K M231 23 STORAGD. PACIFIC Storage nnd AVnrehouso Co.. 312. 914 Jones, general storage and forwarding. 930 OM. Van Stor. Co., IJltVi Fnrn. Tels. 1559-St). STORAGE Household goods and other articles sirrea nt low rates. J. J. uerieni Co.. 1119 Fsrmim St. T -133 WASTED TO UVV,. SMALL eastern Nebraska- farm; must be a oargaiu, give ttrcnon numbers ana lowest pilco for spot cash, Address H 25. nee. N-M170 28 AV1LL nav cash for Rmtth Premier tvni' writer. Give price and repair. Address 11 do, uee, "i l-sa FOR MALE KlJRJtlTtlnE. Fl RNITt'RE of 15-room modern flat, com pletely equipped, fine location, full first class roomers and bonrdrrs, parties leav Johnson, N, Y. Life. INK lll, !. ltl I k,lllll. I'HUlie 1.---II. J l, 0-237 27 CHICAQO Furniture Co., HIO Dodne. Tel. 2020. New and secondhand furniture bought, sold, exchanged, O 93a FOR SALE-HORSES, VlilllCLES. ETC, TALK it up Harry Frost, llth and Leav enworth, makes good vehicles. P 449 WE HOLD an auction sale of horses every Wednesday p. m, ut tho Union Stock Yards, Walworth Hllllker Co. P-MG71 OH FOR SALE-MlSCKLLA.NEOlSi , . .J , SDILA.ND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. g-93j SAFES, standard makes.sold, rented. 114 S 13 g-9J6 EDISON & COLUMRIA talking machines und record-. Omahu Ulcycia Co,, 16th nnd Chlcugo. Q-SJ4 FIR timbers for housemovers, etc., 40 to 11 ft., cribbing and hdg fencu. Uul Doug Us. ' ' U-'i-i'J CHOICE lot' of tnllch cows for sale cheap, a. Ti Campbell, 4U center St. Q mil UUQOIES, phaetons, surreys, wagons, bl cyclec; big stock new, ccond-huhd bar , gultis. Fredilckson, 15th und Dodge. , .q-msis aa to-SETS of second-hand double and Mngle harness. IS saddles; genuine bargains. A. Singer, US N, 16tb; remqved fiom 1.19 Douglus q M357 Oct.O IT HOllSE-POWER boiler, and"ctiglne, for i ,iale cheap. 010 S, 14th st. Q-MJi'3 OIJ JLWINU sold my 9-room houso nt 3711 N, lHtli street, 1 will roll at onco tho furni ture, all or any part. Who wants a snap? 'Phonu F-2059. U. E. Fredrlckson. Q-210 29 JA) OVERCOATS, bargains, Murowit-. 418 N. 16th. Q-239 COMPLETE sot of household goods. Call nt once. No. 10, 'Shertnan Hats. Q-M239 20 CLAIRVOYANT., MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. SID N. icth. S-64J MME. QYLMER, genuine palmist, 315 S, 13th. S-450 DON'T fall to call and consult the Rou manian gypsy, Who. roveals all scctetn and reads and explains to you your entire lire, 1923 Douglus St., corner 20th. S Mill 2 PERSONAL. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous liulr removed by electricity. R. 12, Frtsnzci block. U 941 M. GOLDMAN & CO., only perfect ac cordion pleating plum in- tue west; mull orders syH-lled. Suite 2W, Douglus bluuk. U-aiO VIAVA, woman's way to luulth; rational, uholejome homu treutmout. 31a Ueu Hldg. C-912 PRIVATE hospital for ladlos .before and during conlincnicut; babies adopted. .30 J Urunt. street. u 941 JENNIE, meet me at the Collins P'ano Co. 'a store, 1022 Douglas st,,.-tomorrow,, at ,.i p. m. and hvuj. tlVu VVIlt'ful Monarah ' talking machine. .Oeofgi;. U Jllj PRIVATE homo for Indies before and dur ing contlueinent; . bubies adopted. 26J0 .Uurdottf sf. Mrs. Uurget. U 371 09 OMAHA Accordion Pltg Co., 1521 Douglas. U-ifU SUPPLIES for' nil machines: machines' for rent, White Sewing Machine, Jti2U Doug lus. Tel. 2231. U-946 PTtHtE! CURED wltliouftlicknlfn KtA plro Rupture 'CUTe, 932 N.' V," Llre-Rldg' ' U-1'90 S3J ' iiME. BM4TH, buths.UlS N. IS; 2d (loof, R J I ' U-3S2.07 VCCORDION pleating; cheapest, best und quickest. Mrs. A., c Mark, 17th and Fur- ,nam. U 53i) WALL PAPER oleanor. C. Meddlemlst. 'Phone 125?. Lenvo orders at 1519 Farnam. Rooms cleaned, It and up. U ids o;9 iTNNEKA j'aNS IH-jT RS 'v7rtmeeT nt 320 N. 15th street, October 1, at 2 p. in., In Omaha, Neb. Mrs. Mary Cirrey. Treas urer. U M10S 20 MRS. JACOBSON, 1S11 Lake st U-MI3I 2S Ol'R MOTTO lr In eymy man's mouth, A GOOD ClOAR. . Smoko thobest and you won't go wrong, ' Tho name of W. F. STOECKER CIOAR CO. on tho box Is a correct attest as to quality. Our 'Prince of Omnua Is tho best 6c cigar on tho market union made. U-192-27 PIANOS tuned, 91.75. Address II 22. ReeT" U-MI7S 30 A NICE healthy bnby girl for adoption nt 14C9 So, 17th street, Omnha. U M20-) Ol WE RENT sowing machines fcr 7.. cnts per wock, wo repnir ana sen neenics and parts for every machine manufactured. 'Phone 1CC.I. Neb. Cycle Co,, 15 ft Hariicy. Rranch Ofllces: 012 N. 21th, South Omaha; phono 2173. 331 Uroadway, Couml) Hluffs. ' 'U-S74 Oil' RUPTURE iiermanently cUreil 'In" 30 to 00 unys. Bcnu ror circular.. , u. s. wood,- i. D 521 New York Llfo Bldg., Omahar Nob. U-1S1 015. LAlY piano teacher, gradunta .front east ern oonservniory, win give lessons nt 60 cents n lesson. Address II 33, lice. . U-260;23 FREE sewing school with competent In structors,- 'tnursqay ami Haturdnyx.. all day and evenings. Everybody welcome. Nebraska Cyclo Co., 15th and Harney St's. U-2J4.23 JIOXEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. 6 AND 634 per cent loan's. W.. tt. 'Thomas. Flfst TCHflniVll ltnhl,' h.tll.lttlfr ofiol Uahk. bulhllpg. Tel. 'WIS. ' LdANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa, farms .at, 6 per cent; borrowers can puy 11W or any multiple; any lutetest date; no delay. UrenuauLovo Co., 303 So. 13th St., Omaha, Neb. W 950 WANTED, city louns, bonds and warrant. flnnrtri. A. l?limti:lll V ll-ll 1,'fipnfim u , . W-317 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam street, W-318 WANTED, city nnd fntm loans; also bonds nnd wurrants. R. C. Peters Ai Co., l7o2 Furnum St., Uee Bldr. W 94V 4Vi TO 6 P. C. money. Dcmls, Paxton Dlk W-9 50,000 SPECIAL fund; loans J500 up; lowest rates. Uurvln Uros., loot Furnam. W-332 $300, $400, 500 PRIVATE money to louii; 1. 2. i or 6 years. W. L. Selby, Uonrd of Trade Uldg. W-333 SEE HENRY U. PAYNE. 60L2 N. Y. Life. W-1S3 MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real estate Urennnn-l-ove Co., MO bourn lutii W-934 W. IS. MEIKLE. 401 8. IJth St.. loans money on residence property ut i pur cent, W- 1:0 PRIVATE money. Sherwqod, 937 N. Y. L. W-9J5 PRIVATE money. F, D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. W-T157 4M, AND 6 PER CENT-R. Patterson. 810 New York Life. W-M139 Oil MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. LARGEST BUSINESS In LOANS TO SALARIED, PEOPLE, merchants, team eteis, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 40 ofllces In princi pal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Lid. X-'XM LOANS ON 8ALARIES, FURNITURE, live stock, etc. Quick sarvlce and lowest rates guaranteed. J. W, TAYLOE, 633 (top Hear) Paxton block, northeast-corn tr.aeth and Farnam; entrance on ICtb treat; X-K9 MO.M.V TO I.O.W-HEAL ESTATE. ti DO YOU NEED MONEY7 We loan U0 and up on furniture, planoa, hortes and other chattals. SALARY 1AJANS W Ithout mortgage to people holding perma nent positions. You can get the mony In a few hours after making application nnd take 1, 2, 3, 4, S, 6 mntht or more In which to pay It back, and you 'need not pay for It one dav longer than you keep It. Wo charge nothing for papers ana we glte you the full amount In cash. There ate no lower lute than ours; our terms are the easiest, our business is confidential and our motto Is "try to please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Hourd of Trade Uldg. Tel. 2235. (Established 1&22.) 0W S. 16th t X-903 DID THE CARNIVAL HREAK YOU? Salary Loans To honest working people on their plain note. DON'T GET FOOLED by others. Outs are lowest ratoi , given to salaried people. Easiest payments, strictly confidential. REL1AULE CREDIT CO., Room 303, third floor, Paxton Block. X-3H MONEY loaiiid un plain note to salaried people; business conlldentliil; lowest rates, 611 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X-901 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows. Jewelry. Dutt Green, R. s, Uarkcr blk , , X-902 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew clry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 31H. 13 13. X-961 BUSINESS CIIAACES. TELL mo what yon havo to sell, Tell me what you wont to buy, , If 1 do not find you 11 deal You may say 1 never try. J. H. Johnson, 811 N, Y. Life. 'Phone L 2270. Tho rcul estate nnd business chance man. Y M610 $10 DAILY profit, long established first-class legitimate business, suitable fur lady or gentleman; lino locution; bear closest in vestigation. J1.600; controls $l,ooj c'ufh, balance eaty; ono meaning business for further particulars sou J, II. Johns. in, N. Y. Life. ' Y-M037 FOR SALE, stock of general merchandise; invoice. about 10,0w; cash sales, Run dally; Investigation solicited. Address II 1, Ueo. Y-MS31 23 FOR SALE, milk business In good Iowa town, population 5,wot have 60 cows and nil necessary fixtures needed In the bul ness. Will leaso- farm to buyer if da sired. This Is a mopcy maker. T. M. Cllne, 1234 O St., Lincoln, Neb. Y-M329 2S FURNITURE of llToom, well equipped, fine located flat, (210 monthly Income; roomers and boarders; furnace heat; rent 50. Ludy advanced lu years going east to reside. No reasonable offer rejected. Her loss, your guln, J., 11. Johnson, N. Y. Life. V 2i 27 RANCH to lease; 1,000 xioreH, nil fenced nnd cross-fenced, 230 acres under cultivation; lino new house, large barns, cribs, shedi nnd yards;' good grass, plenty of running water, 7oo-ocre pusture; on South Loup, six miles from St. Paul, Neb,; rent for term of years, E, M, Clmdwlrlc, St, Paul, Neb. Y M272 Ol FOR EXC'IIAMii:, . TO EXCHANGE. LEADING JIOTKL, luateu by steam, In northwestern lotvn tovi-n of l.frnj; want good cattle runch. Johnson Ilros. Co,, Armour, S. D, .-M220 FOR MALE HEAL i. , 1. ESTATE. 7-ROOM, rrfl modern house. 3520 Dodge St, 'CLARKE POWELL, Phone 321. 420 .nuvi York Life. SEE HENRY"!!. PAYNE, 001-2 I. V, Life. 1 r.t R--3.J HOUSES and' 10 In ull parts ut city; ulso acre, nruilcl tii ami turm lunds. Thu O. !' s Davis Co., ltouin'aJ- Ueu jjuliulng. -liOUtiKb una lots-In ull iurts of .::y; uUu uc'.e property unu Jurm lunds. 'linj ). f, avU Co., 1.00m iui 11 vo UUIldlug. HE 741 . -, --. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St. 1 .f RE 3(1 WE HAVE on 'hand ut nil times selected in at mortgages 011 lmpioved propvi ty ut b'4 to ti per cent. Cull and see us. PA 1 .S E- Iv .s OX CO Al PA N Y, Main Uoor, New York Life Uldg. r RE-.Mltuo FARMS. C. F. HARRISON, -913 N. Y. Life. RE-3C3 O FOR SALE, fruit nnd garden place und grocery store; beven acies, part lu choice grapvs, plums and other truit; u splendid business location; burn, Ice house, sheds, well, cistern, etc.; ono mllo out of town un main road. Inquire ut 33j Uroudwuy, Council Uluffs. la RE-.M4Ij GREAT H A RGAIN CUMING ST. For a tew duy's 1 offer 22x1do on Cuming St., with ouo-story tramo building, at the extraordinary low llguro or 760. Rented for S and with some repairs woilit bring lo. Suitable lor laundry, grocery, shop, small factory 'or could bo changed 10 residence. Seo mo nt once. GEORGE G, WALLACE. Hrown Ulock. RE-187- TEL. TlimaE-ONEFOUn. iiarrisonT" RE-312 N3 RANCH and farm lands for sulo by tho Union Pnclflg Railroad company. U. A McAllaster.'land cvmrnlssloner. Union Pa- clllo Hcuuquartcrs, umuna, Met). RE-975 GREAT BARGAIN IN NEBRASKA FARM. 330 ncres goon rnrmmg mini near Keir ney, Buffalo cdunty. Neb., 250 ncrcs under plow, all good Soil, J12.50 an ncre. Hicks Land Agen y. Board of Trnde. RE-MC50 27 DOUGLAS COUNTY FARM. Best bargain In county, of 320 acres, cloe to town; over 20) acres llnost level land; fair Improvements; good orchard. Price, J45. For quick sale might cut little. Wo havo been all over tho land. Rcnta for i'jiH) venr. D. V. SIIOLES CO., 310 N. Y. Life. Tel. 829. Ri; J1261 29 SNAP. HE&T BARGAIN- In city If taken by Mon day ncxi; iu , iJisi si., wxim. rooms, well built, modern houso; lino location;, 14 ' block from l'ark line. Owner wunts to leave city next ween sure, seo It and mako U3 an. .offer. Ask 33,500. and It Is clierfp. D. V. SHOLES CO., 310 N. Y. Life. Tel. 823. J 1 15 31200 23 12 1- Vim CENT IN'VEST.MEN'T. NEW HOUSE IN HANSCOM Pl.ACH. 1139 S, 28th st. (Just north of Poppleton) r am offering h new two-story, six-room house, with nickel-plated plumbing, porce lain bath, hot and cold water, gas nnd electric lights, furnnen, laundry In cellar; lot 10x160 feot; street paved and permanent sidewalks; rented to first-class tenant for two years for $760 nnd water rent. Prlco, $3,2f0. Lot me show you this bargain. Byron R. Hastings, Agent, 212 S. 14th st. RE-.M249 29 FOR SALE, 72 ncres. or 272 acres, within two miles of Hastings, Nob.; well Im proved: would take ns part pay resilience In Council Bluffs nr 20 to 40 ncres close ut or n cheap grass farm. Address Box 572, Hastings, Neb. HI-!2C9 Ol PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Joan Olllce, reliable, accommodat ing; all business conHdcnttal. 1301 Douglas -937 LAUNDRY, OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collar, 2c; cults". 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 647. -03i STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Rnmge Bids. -93 1 SPANISH LESSON'S, SPANISH lessons. 43ST 8. 21th St. 850 O-6 MORTGAGES FOR HALE. WE HAVE on hand at .all times selected first mortgages on Improved property at tVa to 6 per cent. Call nnd see us. ,PAYN-KNOX COMPANY. Main Floor, Nt York Life Bldg. ' -408 30 MlOKTHAMi A.N D T VPEWRITI.NO. A. C. VAN SANT S school. 717 N. Y. l.lfo. -919 UOYLES' College, court reporter prlncp.U. Uee Uldg. -no NEU. Uuslne-s A Shorthand College, Hoyd a Theater. isx GREGG Shorthand. Om. C, Col, 16th & Doug -9S3 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 615 N. Y, L, Bldg. Tel. lt04. Alice Johnson, D. O., ladles' dept.; Old E. Johnson, Osteopathlst, Mgr. -Hit) DONOHUE, Osteopath, Puxtou Ulk. Tel. 1337 -977 DR. MUS1CK, Douglas Ulock. -311 DR. T. HUNT, suite 612 McCague bldg. Tel. 2J32. -760 IIOOKKEUPI.NG. i-ESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or even ing. It li. Com, Nat. U i nk. G. it. Huthbun. 3W UOILEIt MAKERS. OMAHA Uotler Works, steam boilers, tanks, Hlucks, etc. Tel, 1359. 12th und Izard dts, ' -9s CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work und repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ocniitree. rut 11 and uae Sta. 37 .Ml It HUH FACTORY. Damaged looking glasses resllvcred, 70S N 16. --21 FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St. TRUNK FACTORY. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases. Trunk repaired, urn, Trunk Factory, 12v9 Furnum. 471 012 PATENTS, WILL BUY any good Invention or patent. UdroBs Lock Uuk 700, Des Mollicrf, la. -3j8 HAVE cash for good patent or Invention. Address P, O. Uov: Hi. Omaha, Neb. 4S4 N7 IIRESS.MAKIN'O. IN FAMILIES. Mlvs Sturdy, 2576 Harney. -S73 S29 NICKEL PLATING. STOVES, lamps, etc., reptating. Omaha Plating Co., Ueo Uldg. Tel. 2535. -9S3 TAILORING. LADIES' garments cleaned, nllered, re. paired rensomtbl;. Mnx!, 12J7 F.unnrn. -M221 OJS TEETH extracted .ubsolutoly without . pain by local application to the gum. I OAS OR VITALIZED AIR given when dCHlrod. I Ol It PRICES nro consistent with high grndo dentistry. 1 jCL. Bailey the Dentist :tiu pnxiiMi iiiiii'U, 1 v 16th nnd Farnam Sts. Tel. 10S3. Est.'slnco 18SS. P().STtFFICE NOTICE. (Should be tend DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending Sepr tcmber 2S, 1301, will closo (PROMPTLY In all cases) at tho general postolllce ns fol lows: Parcels post malls close ono hour enrllor thnn closing time shown below. Parcels post malls for Germany clone at 5 p. in. Monday and Wodnesdny. Regular nd supplcmenlnry mslls close nt foreign branch halt hour later than closl'ig time 6hovn below. TriiiiNutlniitlc .Mulls. SATL'RDAY-At 7;30 a. m for NETHER LANDS direct, )er . s. Mansditm (mail must bo dliected "per s. s. Maasdam")! : r..- c..,r-,.i.i 1 vn ,11...., r 'J x. H I 30 a. m. fur SCOTLAND direct, per l...,.,i-alA .....ill tnnat In. HtrnMArt n. n, 1 hi ii, rem ...... .- "per s. s. I'lirnessia ); lit n:i.j a. in. tiup plenientnry 1 p. m.) for EUROPE, per s. h. Etrtlria via Queenstuwn. PRINTED MATTErTeTC. This steamer takes Printed Mutter, Commercial Papers nnd Samples for Germuny only. The same class of mull mutter for other parts of Europe will not be sent by this chip un less Hpei'lally directed by It. After, the closing of tlio Supplementary Tranii- tlantlo Mnlls named above, addi tional supplementary malls ure opened 011 the piers of tho Amerlc.-ir, English, French nnd Gcrmnn steamers nnd remain open until within T6n Minutes of the hour of stilling of steamer. Mull for South und Central Amrricn, Went Indies, Etc. , SAT U R D A Y A t 9 n. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. s, Ponce via Sun Juan;. at 9 n. m. (supplementary 9:30 11. m.) for CURACAO nnd VENEZUELA (via Marncalbo), per h. h. llllilur (mall for Savanllla and Carth mrenii unlet be directed "per s. s. HII- dur"): at 3:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:3) n. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JA MAICA, BAVANILLA, CARTH AGENA nnd OREYTOWN. per 8. s. Alleghany (mall for Co'stil Rica rpust bo directed "per s, s, Alleghany"); "r.t 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a, s. .iiurro laiaua vm jiuvuoii. Malls for Newfoundland by rail to North Bydnov. nnd thonco by steamer, close nt this ofllco dally nt 0:30 p. m. (connecting close hero every Monday, Wednesdny nnd Saturday). Malls for Mlquclou, by rail to Boston, and thenco by ntcamcr, close at this ofllce dally nt 6:30 p. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fin., and thence by ntenmer, close at this office dally ot "S n. m, (tho connecting closes nro on Monday, Wednesdny nnd Satur day). Malls for Mexleo City, overland, uulesr specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, close at this oHIce dally at 1;39 p. m. nnd 11 p. m. Malls 'or Costa Rica, Belize, Puerto Cortcr. and Guntemnlu. bv 1 nil to New Orleans, and thenco by steamer, close nt this ofllco dally nt 1:30 p, m. (connecting clotos here Mandays for Belize. Puerto Cortez nnd Ountemala nnd Tuesdays for Costa Rica). "Rojls tcred mall closea at 6 p. m. previous day, I'rnnspnelllo Malta, Malls for Hawaii. China, Japan nnd Philip pines via 8nn Francisco clnso hero dally nt 0:30 p. ni. up to September -,2, In elusive, for dispatch per s. s, Nippon Maru. MallH for Australia (except West Australia, which Is tnrwnrded via Eurobe). .New Zealand, FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii via Sun Francisco closo hero dally nt 0:20 p, m. after September 15 nnd up to September "2S. Incliihlve, or on arrival of s. s. Cam pania, duo nt New York September "2S, for dispatch per 8. s. Sierra. Mails for Hawaii via San Frnnclsco c)oo here dally r.t 0:30 p. m. up to Ofitobcr "7, Inclusive, for dispatch per n, s. Alnmodn. Mnlls for Hawaii, Japan, China nnd Philip pine Islands via San Frnnclsco close hero dnlly nt 0:30 p. rn, up to October 1, In clusive, to." dispatch per s. s. Peru. Mnlls for China and Japan via Vancouver clnso herb dally nt 6:30 p; m. up to Oc tober 1, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Empress of India (registered mall must be directed "via Vancouver"). Mall, ox oept merchandise, which connnt be for warded vfii Canada, for the I'. S. Postal Agent at Shanghai, closes nt 6:30 p. in. previous dry. Mails for Tahiti anil Marquesas Islands via San Francisco clnso here dally nt 6:3) p. m. up lo October "12, Incliulve, for dispatch per s. s. Australia. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, nnd New Zealand, which goua via San Francisco), and Fiji .Islands via Vancouver close here dally POVroFI'ICE NOTICE. nt 6:30 p. m after September "2J ard tip to October "12, Iticlu-ivr, for dispatch per s. s. Aorangl (supplementary 01 'lis Ji Seattle and Victoria) close nt 6.3J p. m October "13. Transpacific mnlls re forwarded to port of stilling dally and the -chedule of rl s lnir Is arraneed on the nriHiiinniiivi ,t their uninterrupted overland Iran-It I "Heglsterod mall closes at 6 p. m pre 1 vlous iLy. CORNt;LIFP VAN COTT. Postma-ter I Postonice. New York, N. Y, Sept 2V10I. LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE. Bids will be rerelved nt the office of the commissioner of public lands and buildings at Lincoln, Nebrnska, for tho constriction of sixty steel colls at the str.te penitentiary In Lincoln, conforming fts nearly ns may bo with those now In place, the Hoard of Pub He Lands nnd Buildings reserving tho right to increase tho number to ninety, should It be deemed best to do so nt the tlmo con tract Is made. All bids must be submitted on or before Mondny, October 14, 19)1, nt 12 o'clock noon. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. GEORGE p. FOLLMER, President Board Public Lands nnd Build- lags. 827dotm NOTICE. , Rids will bo received at the olllce of the commissioner of publlo lands and buildings In Lincoln for the construction and putting tn place of four Iron doors for four vnults In basement of the cnpltol building In Lin coln, according to Hpeclflcntlons on tile In the oHIce of commissioner of public In nils nnd b.illdhiKs, All bids to bo submitted on or before Mondny, October II, nt 12 o'clock noon. The board reserves the right tn reject any or nil bids. GEORGE 1), KOI LMF.R, Commissioner Public Lands an I B Hidings. SJ7dlutM GOVERNMENT NOTICE. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OKF1CE Omuhn. Neb., September 21, 1901 Soxled proposals, In trlpllcuf, subject to the usual conditions, will bo received hero until lo o'clock 11. m , October in, 1901, nnd then opened, In the presence of attending bid ders, for live hundred and forty (510) Cavnlry Horses, nnd twenty-eight t2S) Artillery Horses, for delivery as follows. Cavalry horses 22 at Fort Riley, Kansas, 216 nt Fort Leavenworth, Kaunas; 3"2 at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., and the urtlllory horses nt Fort Riley, Kansas, or prombient r.illrond points. V S. reserves right to re ject or nccept any or nil proposal", or any part thereof Blank forms for bidding und circular giving full Informnrion nnd re quirement, will bo furnished 011 npptlcntlon to this olllce Envelopes containing propo sals should be marked "Propos.ils for Horses," and addressed to JNO. W. Pt'L!, MAN, Chief 0, M. SD27 27 07 8 RAILWAY TIME CARD. FHEMCr-T. ELKHORN Missouri Valley Rullroad "Tho Northwestern Line" General Offices, United States National Bank Building, S. W. Corner Twelfth und Far- nam Sts. Ticket Ofllco, 1101 Furnum St. 6bl. Depot. 13th uuu Webster lelephui.e, tits. 1 jleuliune. 145&. Leave. Binck Hills. Deadwoud, Hot Spiings a 3:00 pm yumliig, Cusper und Douglus d 3:00 pin Hasitlnga, Yuri;, Uuvld City, oupcilor, G-uuva, ilxeter uud bewurit....b 3:00 pm Norfolk, vctuigro and Fremont b 7:30 utn Lincoln, : aoo & Fro- , 'iioui u 7:3) am Fremont Local 7:30 uui -rrlve. a 6:00 pm e 0:00 pm b 5:01) pro bl0:25 am blo:23 am z A-'iily. b Dally expep aunujy. 0 Sun duy iuul s d Daily except Saturday, e Dully except .Monday. CHICAGO & NORTH-w-jMctii Railway "I'lie Northwestern Line" City Ticket Olllce, 1401 1-a main t. Teluunoue, 661. Depot, Tenth aim Murcy Streets. Tele phone, t3. Leave. Spe . a i:uO am ...a 4:13 pm Arrive. all:20 pm a n:4U am Daylight Chicago clal 7.., .Chicago Pustn-ngr t.UBtem xnr... ues .Monies, AlurshuUtuwu, Ceaur Rapids and Chicago .al0:53 am a 4:03 pm Lustern Spoclal, Chi- cucu and ;asi a 4:55 pm a 4:03 pm I'ust Mall. Chlcugo to um..ha a 2:43 pm pmuhu-chlcugo L't'd...a 7:45 pm u urn I' 'i!it Mull a s:ju urn Ccdur tup!d3 Pah"5t:scr. a 6:jo pm u Dully. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, Minneapolis umuliu Runway "The North western Line" Ueuerul Olllces, Ncbruska Divi sion, Jjth uud Webster Sts. Cite I'leUnt nftir.. 14V1 Furnam St. Telephone, 501, Depot, lain uuu Webster Sts. Telephone, 145s. Leave. Arrive. Iwln City Pur.i!enger..,.a t:uu um a 9:10 pin Sioux City Passenger. ..u 2:43 pm ull:lo um Emerson Local b 6:30 pm b 6:30 um u Dully SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "The North western Lino" General Olllceu, United States Nutlonul Uunk Uulldlng, B. W. Corner Twelfth lirt It'll rniim Mia Tlilr.t otttce, -,,i Farnam St. Telephone, 6C1. De pot, lenih und Murcy Sts.r I'eluphcno, 029. , , Leave. Arrive. X win City Expresa a 6:ui um alo:23 pm Twin City l.innied a 7:50 pm a a:15 um Sioux City Local a a;w am u S:5u pin u I, ally. BURLINGTON & Mis souri lttver Rallruud "The Burlington Route" Generul Otilces, North west Corner Tenth and Farnam Streets. Ticket umce, iwz furnum street. UurlitiKton Htmlon 'IVnth and Mni.on Streets, lelepnone 123. ix-uyi.. Arrive. Lincoln. Hustings and McCoor. i:i0 am a 7:36 pm 1 J I 1Gllllli viw.w- rudo, Utah, Cuhfornlu.a i;Z pm Alliance Uxpretis u 4: pm Llncoin & Uluck Hills. .a 9:oo pm Montnna, Puget Sound,, a 3:00 pm Lincoln Fubt Mull b 2:uu pm Wymorc, Beatrice and Llnpoh ,.. a 8140 am Denvur, Colorado, Utun and California Port Crook. So. Uehd, Louisville. f'Uttsm tn.b 3:20 pm Uellevuc, P.attsmauth &. Paclilu Junction a 7:40 pm Lincoln. Denver. 0010- a 3:tw pm u u:uu pm u 6:t5 am a 6:46 am u 3U7 am bll:66 am a, 6:45 am bll;03 am a S;20 am ueuevue, I'iaitsmouui et Pacific Junction a 3:10 am a Dally, b Daily except Sunday. KANSAS CITY, ST. JO vepli & Council Bluffs Railroad "The Burlington Route" Ticket Office, 15U1 Farnum Street. Teletiliona 260. Depot, Tenth und Mason Streets Tele- phone 128. i-eave. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a :: um Kansus City Night Ex..alo;30 pm fit I.01.U l.-lvc:. for tit. Arrive, u t:ui pm u 1:15 am Joseph und St. Louls.a a:10 pm alius am a Dully. CIIICAOO, BURLINGTON & Quincy Rallroad-"Tha Burlington Route" Ticket Ofllco, 15r2 Furnum Street. Telephone 250. Depot 'leiun unu Mason Streets, Tclcnhoiie 12S Leave. Arrive. Daylight clal .... Chisaxu Spe .a i :w am JlOiM pm a 7:45 um u 4:03 pm a 7:43 um S145 pm Chicairt, Vcetibulefl Bx, 4;oo pm 8hlcago Local Express. a 9:3J um hlcago Limited u 7:60 pm Fast Mull a Dally, dlionuum 1-C-41"JC RAlf rni.l-e. ... "" inaaiitrir , . , .... vmimill Unices ann Ticket Ofllces, Southeuit union Sutton':' ' "epu LpBl'n . iut, St. Louis and . city isxprcss a iu;uo am a C:2i K, C, St. L. Express,, a 10:50 pra tt C:l Leave from lllh and Webster dtrcets: Nebrasga Local, Via WK'.I"S b.!A9 I'm w:45 pm am am EI 1 1 CAGC', MILWAUKEE 81. Paul Railway-city Ticket nmr. ivu i.! ICMIcl llLWAUA . , . . Ml , , U 1 j I hjrec . Tel. phone, am. Depo U Tenth and Maaon T.fmVa A hpIi,. Chicago A Omaha Lx.,.t 7:it am b 3:40 pm Chicago Limited Ex 6M pro a $;0J an. a uauy, u uuuy cAit-y -uu. r. .SM A 1 1.RL 4 Wtli. CHICAGO, ROCK ISi. and At Puclllc Railroad ; ine Oieut Ho, k Island Route" -utr Ticket Ofllce, 1.UJ Far. hum Street. Telephone. Marcy Streets, Xcie" phone, flis. i-eave. EAfil. lies M, ,,nes nnd Daven Arrne, port Local , a 7;.6 am A 9.33 tun Cidcugo l-.xpress. . till. 15 am Des Moines l,ocal ., ...a 4:20pm f. 4;tw pm bll:M am a 1:25 pm cmcHgo Mist express. .a 6.00 pm Lda .Hollies. iUKK isl and and Chicago, .... .a 7:40pm a 8:10 am t.u 1 . Lincoln, Colorado Spgs.. Denver. Pueblo and West a l:j) pm Colorado. Oklahoma ItlS pm :S0 am itfkna Klinr. a ft-" -any. o alty except Sunday. , - -. ... .... ........ V . J Ull. 1 1 LL1NOIS CENTRAL Railroad-City Ticket Of fice, 1403 Farnam Street, Telephone, 245. Depot Tenth and Marcy Streets. Leave. Arrive. Chlcauu orpss. i;vfi 'ili Pm iili pm u ;yj Mm 'aut Chlcugo I.imllnl Mlnuranolls .v H. Expreti ... Miin.rjiicilm A St. Paul b 7:M am b !40 pm a 1:05 am a 1:15 am Limited a 7:15pm Fort Dod-o Local from Council Ulufts b 4:30 pro Fort Dodge l.ocal from Council Bluffs a 6:00 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday Leave. 6t. 1aiu$ Cannon Ball Express a 5:1S pm Kansas City and Quincy Local a 7.00 ra a Dally. Arrive, a 3:20 ura a 9.00 pra UNION PACIF1C."TIIK QVPII land Route"-Gcnerai oinri," N, E. Cor. Ninth ami Fiirnnm Streets. City Ticket oihc," bepo t , Ten ill o ntl .M arcy s t Telephone. 629. w au- cave. Tho Overland Limited. ,n s:0 am The Chicago-Portland Speclnl a S:20 utn The Fast Mall a K:5u am Tho Mall and Express ,ull:J3 pID Arrfv 7 30 pm a 7:30 pm U 3.2C Out " ?.::' I'm 1110 ooio.-auo special ,..uu;ii ,11. Lincoln. Beatrice and " o;au um Stromsburg Express. .b 4:03 pm bl2 3.1 ,, The Puclllc Exprea....a 4:26 pm "JJ pra The Aiuntic Exiires.,. n 6 80 nm Grand Island' Local.....!, 8:30 pm b 3-S a Daily, b Dlly except Sunday. am VAH H' "JUW RAIL road Omaha, Kansas niv baateru Railroad "Tha Quincy Route"-Tlckat Of fice, 1415 Furnam St, Tele, phono. 322. Depot, Tenth UC29.MarCy 8"" TeWlWne. Leave. Arrive St. Louis Cannon Unll Express ft 6:13 pm a 8:"0 am Kansas City and Quincy WABASH RAILROAD -Ticket Office. 1415 Farnam Stleet. Telephone, 322. De. pot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephone. (2S. i-eave. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Expres ...a 6:15 pm a 8:20 am NATIONAL FARMERS' CONGRESS Fifteen llnndrril Itelci4r Exprelrit tu Attend the .Hfftlng nt Sluux Falls. SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Sept. 26. The twentjr-tlrst annual meotlng of the Farm ers' National congress will begin hero Octo ber 1. Tho governors of nearly all the states have appointed delegates nd an nttendnnce of nt least 1,500 Is anticipated. The object of the organization Is to pro mote closer social nnd friendly relations between persons In different sections Inter ested In husbandry, and to assimilate knowledge of tho best method or promot ing agricultural lntorrsts In the united States, Tho officers nt present are; President, R. J, K. Cnuago of Brookllne. Mass.; treas urer, Levi Morrison, Greenville, Pa.; sec retary, John M. Stall, Chicago; executive committee, H. K. Clayton, Indlanola, Ia.s F. L. Furness, Furness, Ind.; W. G. Whlt- more, Valley, Neb.; E. E. Wettstln, Louis ville, Ky., nnd C, A. Slaughter, prosper, Tex. "Governor Charles N. Berried will wol- cotno the delegates to tho state, and among thoso who will respond on behalf of the organization are Governor Savage of Ne braska and ex-Governor Hoard of Wiscon sin. Amoinr thoso on tho program for ad dresses are Hon. II. F. Sccor, Iowa; Hon. Charles K. Knight, Illinois! Prof. Benja min E. Andrews, Nebraska; Hon. M. 8. Oreeloy, South Dakota, nnd Hon. J. R. Dodge, Washington, D. C. Huron Punt or nealajna, HURON. S. D.. Sent. 27. (Special.) At the close of prayer meotlng Wednesday evening Rev. Charles A. Brand tendered his resignation n pastor of tho First Con- eronatlonnl church ot this city to take ,effect October 7. He resigns becauea of falling health. He has been In charge of this church for tho last three years. HU dennrturn la much rearctted by tha church and the community. Mr. Brand and family will return to Oberlln, O. Seasonable Fashions 8935 Child'! Drawtrt; 1, 2 and 4 yrt. Child'" Draweri, No, M35 Tho noccsitt for ample, comfortably shaped underwear l ono that every mother recognizes and ad mits. Children must bo so dressed as to allow absolute freedom at the samn tlmn that they aro daintily and carefully clothed. Tho drawers shown In the Illustration comply with all tbe demands and will bo found entlroly satisfactory. Tho material of which the original gsrmont is made la cambric, with a frill of needlework, but long cloth, nainsook and fine, soft-finished mutlln are nil correct, the last being trong enough to endure hard usage and, for that reuson, being preferred for every day wear. Tho body portion Is ample and so shaped as to bo roomy without over fulness and taa legs are gonnrously broad, Openings ar cut nt each side and the upper edges are at tached to bands that can be buttoned onto tho underwnlst. To cut tbeso drawers for a child 2 years of ago 1 yard of material 36 Inches wide will bo required, with 1 yard ot needlework edging to trim Is Illustrated, The pattern 3935 Is cut In sizes for chil dren of 1, 2 and i years of age. For '.he accommodation ot The Dee read era there pattens, which usually retail at from t'j 'o 60 lents, will be furnished at a nominal price, 10 cents, which covers all expense, in order to get any pattern en close 10 rents, glvo number and name ot pattern wanted ind bust measure. Allow about ten days from data ot your letter before beginning to look for the pattern. Adlreu, Pattern Department, Omaha Bee. aViTrr'H 1