10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATUftPAT, SErTEMHEK 28, 1901. 2RCIAL AND FINANCIAL Euilntu on the Eord of Trade Little ImprtTinint. Ibowi CORN IS BEARISH THROUGHOUT SESSION Wheat Snle Are Mailt Mil Trice Is Loner nt Close-tints llxi-ecdiliuir Dull nml PnnUlons Uulct. CHICAGO, Sept. 27. --With the exception of n short-lived uctlvlty In corn business on the Hoaril of Trade was dull agfiln today. I n tuber corn dosed ic lower, .December whrat StlVjc down unci December pats Uc lower. 1'rovlslona cIohccI 6c to 10c higher. corn ffom tho start h:id a bcTirlsh ten dfii'V Tho weather was fine, tho cables It l'ffcrctit nnd thero wns plenty of profos nonul olTertng of tho cereal by longs. Do eniiticr opened quiet, a shade lower to un ci aimed nt MMrc nnd for a time trnde was only by scalpers, Hum longs who had In tight yesterday began to liquidate and th price of December rapidly fell off to 8c, r.iuiiK somewhat on covering, but falllntf nuiiln to BJTdc on tho continued pressuro. 'Jinn were less rush Bales reported ana tiwnrd the end or llio session mo mumti ;r'v dull ugnin, Uecemnor Closing weun, r lowt-r ut iJsc. Receipts were 356 cars. w iicat miners nou uuio i , v wt il tho lend of corn. December opened u uh nle lower nt 704c on cabled nnd large, ntlpts and pressed by the name small ) ot nears wno men rnwniu m , m ft t.i. ,rice below "lie It declined to that Uk nri Conditions were benrlHh, but nt this i nt there were chough nuying orders 10 ,r i.,' December up to 704c where It closed wi.rK i.r,ii.r inunr ihnti vestordav. Local j crli ts were 92 earn, f of contract grndo. "M'i ueapolis nnd Dtiluth reported SKI cars, r r, a totnl for the threu points of 9,S5 can. ugilnst l,27t! lant week nnd a year ii t. Pi imnry receipts were 1.2tS.ono bushels, compared with iViO.om bushels n year iiffo. Argentine shipments went lOl.t'O biiiils, roinpcn d with 2I0,)0 bushels Innt year. Seaboard clcaraiires In wheat und flour were 689,0) bushels. Oiit were exceedingly dull nnd followed corn. December opening Ho lower at 36'dc, bclni: the only price for over an hour. Knl loulng the break In corn December sold off to Xrc and with but little commission house buyiiiK closed weak, Vie. down at 36e. ftovhirii's were quiet, but hnd an upward tiiil(tir, In spite of the weakness In gr tins. The hog market was lilghcr and there was some local demand. Jnuunry junk elused TylOe up nt $16.1214. .January lard loc higher ut $9.l71i and January ribs bv higher ut $'J.32W. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wbeat, ln cars; corn. 315 cars; oats, 2nd cars; hogs, Jl.i' o head. Tho (eliding futures ranged as follows: Artlcles. Open. High. Low. Close. Yos'y. Wheat S.pt. Dep. May Dee. May O.ils Sept Dec Slav 1'ork- tlrt J 111 May l.i rd - fccpt. Ort .1 n Mny Oct. Jan Mny No 2. Cash quotation were as follows: KLOPIl fltendv: winter patents, $3.60a J.CO stralnhts. W.OoffS.40: clears, $2.SO03.2o; iprliiK specials, S4.10ff4.10i patents, S3.40W S 70, bakers. S2.20flZ.tir. VIIKAT-No. 3, 6&n3c; No. 3 red, 70IJ ' (l)lt.V-No. 2 yellow, 67T(ic. OATH No. 2. 3tfl37Vic: No. 2 whttn, 37?i )c; No. 3 white, 37UtJ38ic. ItYK-No. 2. fr.c. 1IAKLKY Fair to choice multlnc. MnflOs, SICKDS-No. 1 flax. Jl.fi.1; No. 1 north western, Sl.fH; jirlmo timothy, SS.3XffC.sn. PROVISIONS Moss pork, ner bbl., $14.!5W ,35.00, Lard, tier HH) lbs.. S9.07V4W10.O9. Short Tibs sides (looso), SS.ROMS.Ki. Dry united shoulders (boxed), S7.fiOfj7.7B. Short clear nicies (boxed), SD.MiP9.G0. WIUHICY-nnslH of high wines, $1.30. The following are th receipts Knd thlp nients for the labt twentv-four hours; Artloles. netclpts. ShlpmentB. Vlour, bblH 2U,0iX) n.OOO neni, mi, Corn, bu... Oats, bu... Jtye, bu.... llnrlcv. bu Cin thn Prnillirn rrhnni fniTnv h K. ter market was llrm; crenmcrles. ffj.21c; dnlrles. 13if17c. Cheese, stendy, lOflllc. Ecrs. firm; fresh. 16ijrf(17c. u L",ha' M5W YOHK OIC.VKIIAL MA11KKT. I (w: tvsi, ftsvi ratj wv, 70'iflV 7u 70 70(, 70tt 73M:. 74 731,4 73TI. 73t ' 67 7'i tS MS 67Ji 35i SIS 34V4 34'4 ZC, 3fli(, 35 3a 35i(,1)H3SH'Q'-i 37i 3S 3Sti 14 S7',4 14 II S7V4 14 87V4 II 82Vi 16 K Id 15 16 05 16 12(5 1 OS 10 2254 16 27V4 10 22'4 10 25 16 15 9 P7V4 10 00 0 97,4 10 (M ' 9 S7V4 !) 110 10 00 9 90 9 95 9 S2V4 9 I2V4 9 CO 9 421,4 9 47V4 9 37V4 9 42V4 9 M 9 42V4 9 I7V4 9 10 S K'.t, R So R 82(4 SK 8 So 8 85 8 87V4 8 80 8 8214 8 82V4 8 3i 8 V 8 324 S 321,4 8 274 8 10 8 40 8 40 8 40 3 35 ....174.000 ....252.000 ....210,000 .... n.fort :,ooo 111,00) 163,00.) 84,000 l.ru) 1.0OJ t ootiidmin of the I)ny on Vnrlnit C'niiiinoillttes. Ni:Y YORK, Sept. 27.-KLOUIl-necelpt9, 19.SJ0 bbls.i exports. 15,208 bbls,; dull: win ter patents. w.wm.i.N) winter HtralgntB, $3.30I Mlnnusotn patents, $3.65iS3.91: Rvo dour, oulot: choice to fancy, $3.30 patents. $4,00; first clears, S2.8o?2.90j second clears, $2.26. IIIIAN-In bulk, $13.y313.2. OMAHA WHOf,KAI,K MAtlKET. Condition of Trnde nnd Qnotntlons on Staple nnd Finer l'rodnce, EOOS Rccolpts fair; loss off, 14gi5c. LtVK POULTHY-Hens, 707ijc; young and old roosters, 4c; turkeys, 6yac; ducks and eese, tfiVic; spcfni? chickens, per lb., UUTTIIII-Cotnmon to fair, 12312V4o; choice dairy, in tubs, 15ai6ci separator, pilEUII FIflH-lllac!! bass, ISC! white bass, loc; bluetlsh, 11c, bullheads, 10c blue fins, "c; buffaloes, 7c; catfish, 12c; cod, 10c; croppies, 10c; halibut, llcerrlnK, 7c; hsd cock, loci pike, 10c; rvd snapper, 10c; sal mon, 14c; siinflsh. 6c; trout, 10c; whltcllsh, 10c. OYSTKHS Mediums, per can, 25c; Stand ards, per can. 2Sc; extra selects, per can, 35c; New York counts, per can, 45c; bilk standards, per gal., $1,35. lIOi:oNS Live, per do.. 60c. 'KAL8 Choice, 3c. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice upland, Slo.tiO, No. 2 upland, $10; medium, S3 50; coarse, JS.50. Ilyo straw, $5.50. These prices nro for hay of Kood color and uimllty. De mand fair. Receipts, 10 cars, wiii:at-ooc. CORN-Slc. OATB-Old, 35c. 11HAN-$16.50. VKQ RTAIILES. POTATOES-Home grown. S1.10S1.1S; Salt Lakes, $1.20; Colorado, $1.20. KOO PLANT-Per dos 76c. CARROTS Per market basicet. 36c HEETS Per halt-bit. basket, 35c. TURNIPS Per basket, 30c. CUCUMBERS Home grown, per doz 10 Q15c. LETTUCE Per bu 20e. RADISHES Per doz., 10916c. PARSl.EY-Per doz 20o. SWEET POTATOES-Per bu.. $1.25. CA HI1 AnE Holland seed, crated, 1C. . TOMATOES Homo grown, per 16-lb. bas ket. BOe. HEANS-Wnx, per H-bu. basket, 60c; string-, per H-bu. naskot, C0c. ONIONS Home-grown, per lb 22V4c; Spanish, per crate. $1.50. CANTALOUPE Rocky fords, per crate, n.r.o. WATERMELONS - M!sourl, Iowa nnd Ni'brnskn, 20H2oc. as to Mar. CELERY Kalamazoo, per bunch, 16335c; Nebraska, per bunch, 30&40c; Colorado. 40 060c. NAVY llEANS-Por bu.. $2.5082.73. FRUITS. APPLES Cooking, per bbl., $2.5032.75; snow apples, per bbl.. 3; Jonathans, $3.50; Uclleflowers $l.ffifjl.76. PEACHES-Callfornla freestone, per box, 85c; clings, 75c; t'tnh freestone, 75fr85c; Llbcrtos, 6-basket crates, $1.301.40. , PLUMS California, per crato, $1 25gi.t0; home-grown, per S-lb. basket, lBc. PEARS-Uartletts, $2.M; Utah, $2. GRAPES -California Tokay. 4-lb. crate. $2: Muscats, $1.60; Concords, eastern, 20c. PINEAPPLES- Per crate of 12 to 16, $4.25. CRANHERRIES-Per bbl., J6.50; per crate, $2.50. QUINCES-Por box. $1.65. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANOES Valenclas. $4.0005.00; Med. sweets, $4.50. LEMONS Fancy, $.1.75; choice, $3.25. HANANA8 l'er bunch, according to size, $2.0002.50. N FlOS-Callfornln. new cartons, 75c; Im ported, per lb., 12ft lie. DATES PerBlan, In 60-lb, boxes. Salrs. 5c. HONEY Per 24-scctlon case. J3.75. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS English walnuts, jicr lb., 15c; fil berts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb., 18020c: raw peanuts, per lb SflSVjc; roasted, 6V4fl 71,5c; Hrnzlls, 13c; pecans, 10S22c. CIDER Per bbl.. $4.50; per !4-bbl., $2.75. HIDES No. 1 green, 6V4c; No. 2 green, 5V4c; No. 1 salted, 8c; No. 2 salted, 7c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12V4 lbi Sc; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., Cc; dry hides. S13u; sheep pelts, 2yd75c; horsehldes. Sl.50i8i.2o. winter extrus. $2.5O$i2.S0. Ryo flour, qulot inir 10 goon, ...)Vi.i.ia; i3.3.',. CO RN M K A I En sy ; yellow western, 81.22; city. $1.20; Hrandywlno, $3.353.50. RYE Steady; No. 2 western, COc, f. o. b., HARLEY-DulI: feeding, 64c. c. 1. f., Buf falo: malting. 60i?Clc, c. 1. f Huffalo. WHEAT Receipts. 111.050 bu.; exports, CS.I22 bu. Spot, easier: No. 2 red. 74ic f. n. b.. Hfloat; No. 2 red. 7Bi.4c, elevator: No. 1 northern Duluth, 74c, f. o. b.. allout No. 1 hard Daluth. SOUc, f. o. b afloat. Options, dull and generally lower nil day, owing to bearish cable advices, largo receipts, tho corn decline nnd liquidation, closing weak. May, 78 13-l!ft79 1-IOc, closed at 7STic; Sep lember. 74Vjc. closed nt 74V4c; October, 73 7-16 K73J1-16C. closed at 73V4C December, 75iw 76c. closed nt 75ic CORN Receipts, (3.800 bu.: exports, 4,318 bu. Siiot, easier; No. 2, C2c, elevator, nnd fi.Vic, f. o. b ntloat. Option market opened steady, but whs weakened by heavy helling among Important western holders r.ml crop news. Closed weak. Mny, 63 3-16 Ol'jJVie, closed nt ffijlic; September closed, tilc; October closed, 62Hc; December, tl3 tklVic closed at fi3Vc. OATS Receipts, 230,900 bu.; exports, 10,900 bu Spot, easier; No. 2 white. 41fUHc: No. a white, 40;c; track white. 38040c. Options, qulot and barely steady with corn. HAY Ensler; shipping, ft)365c; good to choice, SiJjOOc. HOPS Quiet; stato, common to choice. 19)1 crop. i;sfii5c; 1900 crop, llOlbc; 1899 crop, affile; Pnclllc coast, 190) crop, lllSc; lf99 crop, fiftlle: 1S9S crop, 5Q9c. HIDES Stendy: OalvcBton. 20 to 25 lbs.. ISc; California. 21 to 25 lbs., 19V4c; Toxas dry. 24 to 30 lbs.. 14V4c. LEATHER-Stcady; hemlock sole. Bue nos Ayres, light to heavy weights, 23i4 riUc; acid. !34i(U24V4c. PROVISlONS-lleof. stendy; family, $11.60 an.-.iv, mess, j.ih(,ui.uii: oecr hams. $20.00 2J,W, packet. Sioooyio.60; city, extra Indlii mess, $16 CflfflS.00. cut meats, steady; piCKit'u ni'iiius, 'j.m'(ru.(u; picKieu nnnui ders, S7.251f7.60; pickled hams. $10.7Mi'11.00; Lnrd, llrm; westorn steamed, $10.45; re llned, tlrm; conttnont. $10.70: South Amer ica. $11.23: comnnund. $7.S7Ufi?sr.n nru llrm: family, $l6.P)iTli.ri0; short cleur, $17.50 TAILOW Firm; cltv (S2 per pkg.), 6c; country (pltgs, free), BT4T6Uc, lll'TTER-Recelpts, 7.7M nkgs.; firm; gtnto naiiy, iiiiwuti cicmnerji joc; juns rnc torv. lliililSftc. CHEESE Receipts. 15.S17 pkgs.; firm: fancy, largo colored, $c; fancy, large wiuie, u-ici laucy, emnii coioreo, SftiWlOC; fancy, smnll white, "mntie. Enna-lteceipts, 2S.23S pkgs.; firm; stuta and Pennsylvania, 21If22c: western candled, SOMBSloi western uncandled, 17520Vio. MOLABHKS-Hteady. POULTRY Alive, steady; dressed, firm; prices unchanged. METALS While tin In London shared a slight gain In vnlues our market for that inetnl met with tho revorso. Neither was of MgulflcMit Importance, however, ns trada was siow tho close at ixmunn was steady nt 113 2s 6ri for snot and JIlll B.s fnr fn. tures. Locally the closo was dull nt $2l.90t1 .n.ni. wopp"r in ionuon scored a net gain of l6s today. This was a natural reac tion to the recent heavy docllno In that market, Spot was quoted at 63 fid and fu tures nt 63 11s8d. Hero tho market was nominally $16.37V4J?16.2lj for casting and electrolytic. Iend was quiet at S4.37V4 here. j no closing norona tor spot was a:i.. spel ter wns unchnnged nnd dull nt homo nnd nnrnnu, uomentio iron markets were lire less nnd nominally unchanged. (Hasc.iw warrants closed t 64s and Mlddlesborough 111 ion lirsnt ailiineupolla Wheat, 1'lour and Ilrnn. MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 27. WHEAT enBn. icj December. 07V4c: May. 70V4QHC On track: No. 1 hard. 71i No. 1 northern, tSle: No, 2 northern, fififiiv 'LOUR-Flrst patents, W.9O8-4.00; itoind MOVBME.M'S OF STOCKS AND IIO.NDS. Professional Operntora Hare Mnrket tn Tliemselres All Day. NEW YORK. Stnt. 27.-108310081 operators In stocks had the market pretty miien 10 inemseives today, nut tney ioiina various mattHrq nf pneinirnirpnient. The dlscojragcmenl of the bears, with all the bad news In sight disposed of, wns corre spondingly great and their buvlne to cover their shorts was an lmpottant Inlluonce. 1110 8trengit) ot me copper stocKs in me early dealings kept the market unsettled, but the pressure of liquidation In them, ns wen ns eisewnere in tne mnrKoi, wns m.i terlllllv lluhtened nn,1 thv nlmred In the Into general Improvement fn the market. The recent notable buying of the Vnndcr bllts was resumed, the conviction growing that an early plan of merger would be an nounced. Now York Central rose 3! and the Junior Vnndcrbtlt group from 1 to 0I4. Ill the liberal speculative mood Delaware A: Hudson, lluftulo, Rochester & Pittsburg nnd probably some of the more obscuro railroad stocKs thnt moved lUrlng the day wore embraced In the nlan by the faith of operators. A Very lurge number of Incon spicuous sincics were tnnan ncuvo at mi vances all tho-wny from 1 to 7Vi. Among thoso In these cntecorles were tlie Mlnne- Bpolls, St. Paul A- Sault Ste. Mario stocks, tho Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic, tho Keokuk & Dcs Moines, Des Moines Fort woage, lowa Central, Kvnnsvuiii & Terre llnuto, Minneapolis & St. Louis. Toledo, St, i.uuis western hiocks ami Kanawha & Michigan. The coalers and trunk linen re. sponded early to the Influence of the Vnn derbllt movement, but It was not until Into in tno day that the recent lenders of the market among the Kraneers. l'nrlflcv. uml southwestcrns moved strongly upward. The level of prices on the day shows an aver age, advance of nearly a point. I' h p r A U'llH n IT find ilp.nntul tnm ,nit...,l lioiiils, which were slightly irregular. Total sales, par value, $2,265,(m. United States bonds were all unchamred on ilw. hmi ....n Tho Commercial Advertiser's London inancini cnoiegrnm says: The stock mar ket today was Irregular, but finally hard ened. Cornier wns still carefully watched. St. I.onla Grnln and l'ro IkIiiii. ST. LOUIS. Sent. 27 WHEAT No. "a red. cash, elevator. 70c; track. 71'872ic: Septem ber, 70V4c; December, 71iifl7lHc; Any, 75c; l iiaru, ot'uwc. CORN Lower: Nn. 5 c.mh. fJtf irm.li r.ov 59Wc; September, 68i,4c; December, 6SV4'n' 58c; May, UWnlc. iJAin i.ower, .no. z cash, 37c; track, 37i 4l3SUc; September, 37c; December, 37He; Mny, 39Wc: No. 2 white, 33339140. RVE-llctter. 6SV4i. 1'iAJUit AinrKet null, heavy; red winter patents. $3.40H3.f5: extra fnnev nnrt trn-irht $3:0flt3.45; Clear,' $3.653.90. ;i imotny, steady nt $4.75ff5.10; flax, no market. CORNMEAI-Stendy at S2.90. I1RAN Lower; sacked, east trnck. 77Q,79c. HAY Tltnothv. Hteadv. 112.00-fi 15.IW urat. rle, quleti easy, $11. uisK v steady, ji.30. IRON COTTONT1ES-$1.20. HAGaiNn-67V4c HEMP TWINE-t'c. PROVISIONS Pork, firm: tni.lilnn- tiRfin Iard. higher, JD.82I-. Dry sa't meats, boxed', steady; extra shorts, so.ti: cieur rh $3; clear side, $0.3714. Bacon, boxed, steady; -Auu ruiiiin, ciear rins, jio; clear sides, $10.37i3. METALS Lend: Dull nt $4.274 US. Spelter: Quiet nt $3.ti2i,4. n" -,yiuul '"-Quiet; chickens. 7c; spring. WhSc; turkeys, 7!4c: young. 7c: duelta. V,t, bu; geese, i&5c. 11 UTTER St dnlry. 13S17c. " I'.i.iJM stendy at IGc. RECEIPTS Flour. B flrtd i.hia 36.0110 bu.; corn. 29.000 bu,: oats. B3.000 bu. ' SHIPMENTS-Flour. 6,000 bbls.; wheat. ji.wj uu.; corn, iJ.uw tU.; oats, 26,000 bu. Liverpool Grain nml Pro talons. LIVERPOni,. Snn m viii.'att..m. No. 2 red western, winter. SsBd; No. i northern, snrlng. 6s7Ud: Nn 1 rniifnmin 5s 10V4d. Futures, eajjy; December, Ss7Wd; Mnrcli, 5s M. CORN Spot, quiet: American mixed, new. 6s id. Futures, qulot; October. 5s d; No vember, Bs 4d; December, 5s Hd. PEAS Canadian, steady, 6s 6d. FLOUR-St. Loula fancy winter, steady. 7s 6d. HOPS At London (Pacific coast), dull. PROVISIONS-Beef. firm; extra India mess. 70s. Pork, tlrm; prime mess, west ern, 73s. Hams, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs. dull. 63s. Lard, steady: America n re fined. In palls, steady. RSsGd: prlmo western. In tierces, stendy. EOs. Bacon. Cumber- ibiio. cut. quiei, m 10 an ids., 62s; short ribs, 16 to 20 lbs., steady. 51s; long clear middles, light. 28 to 34 lha.. Arm w. m. long clear middles, heavy, 45 to 60 lbs ' steady, fils; short clear backs, steady. 16 to 2? ,!!7H,r,i .clcnr. bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., steady, 69s fid; shoulders, square cut, 13 to 19 lli.. mruuy, li'W DU, BUTTER-Steady; finest United Stales. 9s; good United States, 7s. CUKKHW Quiet; Americnn finest white. 45s 6d; American, finest colored, 46b 6d TAIJ.OW Prime cltv. atrnnir 79 01. Australian, In London, llrm, 30s Cd. ' Receipts of whent during the last three days, 227,500 centals, Including 208,200 Amerl- CHIl. Receipts of American corn durlnr the last three days, 62,000 centals. ICnneae City Oruln rfnd 1'roTlatona. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 27WHBAT-Sep- tember. 64Un! neeomher mill tn cash. No. 2 hard, GSHfltVic; No. 2 rod. 70V4c ,HOK,f;'Scr,,'mber' WHc; December, 6S g.f.: 69fiJ9Vc; cash, No. 2 mixed, 67V4 GutiVjc; No. 2 white. 59HQ6I1C EOQS-Steady; fresh Missouri nnd'Knnsis stock quoted on 'chnngo nt 15o doz.. loss oft. easea returnp.!. ' RECEIPTS-.Whear. 16.000 bu.; corn, 49,0:0 SHI PME NTS Whea t , 26,000 bu.; corn 20,000 bu.; oats. 6.000 bu. ' Toledo Grain and Seed. TOLEDO. Sept. 27.-WHEAT-Dull. weak: cash and September, 72V4c; December, 73Vio; CORN Easier, dull: cash and September. BSe; December. 6SVic: May, 69HC OATS-Qalet; cnsli und September, 37c; December. 37i4c; May, 39c. RYE54Hc" CLOVER8EED Active, steady; cash, prime October nnd December, $5.20. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Sept. 27. WHEAT Easy; No. 1 northern, 70V4o; No. 2 northern, 6SV4 C3c: December, 7014c RYE Steady; No. 1, 5l?;tf&Sc. BARLEY-Easler; No. 2, 60c; sample, 45g 60c. CORN December, BSc. Unlnth Grain Market. ' DULUTH. Sent. 27. WHEAT Cash No 1 hard. l Nlo ! northem.l65t4cj No. i northern, ti7J4c; September. 68c: October 67nc: December, 63Vo; May. 71ii uc,ouer- OAT8-S6Vi36c. CORN-66hC Evaporated nnd Dried Frulta. NEW YORK, Sept. 27. EVAPORATED APPLES Trading In the market for evapo rated apples ruled moderately active and about steady at old prices. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Dull but steady. Prunes. 3g6o. Apricots, Royal, 8VCfl3c; Moor Park, 8Tl2c. Peaches, peeled, 1 11918c; unpeeled, 6Q9V4C. ..ii menu in in, i huh reiapsen i. iintos touched 47i. but fell back to 46H nt the close. Anacondas rose to 7H nnd closed nt '.if! ''ntencati shores were quietly steady till New York cnm. mul 1 1,.,., rather cheerrul und closed nt the top. Nov ttiW"1 u'V Pnrlleulnrly steady United StntPB steel was strong on hopes o regular dividends. me miiowlng are the closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atchison do pfd Baltimore & Ohio.. do pM Canadian Pnclllc... Canada Ho Ches & Ohio Chicago & Alton.. do pM Chlcano, lmt. & I. do nfit Chlcneo Sc K. III... Chlcnuo o, W do 1st pfd do Jd tifd Chicago & N. W... l, R. I, & V Chicago Ter. A Tr do pfd C. C. O. A Kt. I.... Colorado So do lat pfd do 3d pfd Del. A Hudnon Del. L & V Denver A It. O... do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Ot. Nor. pfd Hocking Valley ... do pfd Illinois Central ... lowa Central do pfd Like Erie A V.... o pfd. .7, A N Manhattan L Slot at. rty Mexican CVntral .. Mex. National Minn. A tit. L Mo. rnclflc M K. A T do pM N. J. Central N. Y. Central Norfolk A V do pfd No. Pactllo pfd.... Ontario ft w.. rennnylvanla . Ilradlng dn liit pfd.... do 2d pfd.... Ht. L. A H. r. dn lt pfd.r.. do 2d pfd.... Ht. L. Southw. do pfd St. Paul do pfd . .6 So. rnclflc . 9S'4 fa. Hallway I01i do pfd 93't Texna A Paclnc.... .110U Tel.. St U A V.. . M' do pfd . 5'k Union l'aclflo J7li do pfd . "ij Wntinnh . 4H do pfd . 4H Wheel. A L. E 123 i da 2,1 pfd . M AVIs. CVntral . 85'. do pfd . 47 lAdains Kx 1M Anterlcan Kx :t, V H. i:x 2". Wells-Kargo Kx.... . 414 Ajnal. Copper .... . 5fc Amer. Car A F.... . 14' do pfd . S4 Amer. Lin, Oil . 23 do pfd .13 Anir. S. A 11 .214 do pfd Si Amer. Tobacco .... . 92 Aanc .Mln. Co . 4Ui flrooklyn It. T . 0 Colo. Tuel A Iron. , BMi Con flii 187!t'Con. Tnbneco ' ia .113 . 41H . SO .73 .194 .103 V .1UV .164 . 23i . 11' .107H . n . J4-, .u: . 64i . f5 . 85', . 111. ,. 41 ,. 74" . 52 ,. 44 .. 71 . 6S .. 39 . 62 ..teo'k ..US', do nfd pen. Klectrlo (llucofe Sugar .... 'Hocking foal inter Paper do nM Inter. Power I.icltde am National llls'ult... Nnllonal Iy?ad .... National Salt ...... do nfd No. Americnn Paclile Const l'urllll Mall People' (las ...... rri-ned s. Car do pfd Pullman P I'nr Iteputillc Htecl .... dn pfd 'Sugar ,TVnn. Coal A Iron L'nlon Hag A p oo pfd V. !. leather do nfd U. S. Hubber do nfd V B. Steel do nfd Western Union .... 5T 33 S6S 4JI, 22', 33 H, 97. 671, . 2: 39i 8 3 i V: IS) 10J , M m 2s s IS 40 43, Mi 1.13 66 97h 31SI, 60',a 113, 2091, 55 2 77'j 91 90 43H 19 V 40V, 73V. 96 6.'. 40it ,107 , 41 . SI ,210 , 13'i . 6h .12J(. . 6.1 , 13 . 72 . 121, 7?4 . Ill, , 63 V, . 43 !i 94 J. , 91 Ex-divldciid. Nen- York Mone- Market, N'BW YOItK. Sept. 27.-MONEY-On call, firmer, 34 per cent; last loan, 4 per cent; ruling rato, 3H per cent; prime mercantile, paper. MpH per cent. STKHLINO KXCHANOK-Stendy nt de. cllne, with actual business in bankers' bills nt $1.85; lor demand und nt l.8iVhSf-l.i3-i for sixty days: posted rates, $4.844.StiVj; com mercial bills, J4.&214TI4.811;. SlLVKIl-liar, o8V4c; Mexican dollars, 4oHc. UONDS Government, steady; state, Inac tlvo; railroad, Irregular. The closing quotut'uns on bonds are a follows: U. S, ref. 2s, rec--. do coupon do 3, reg do coupon do new 4, reg... do coupon do old 4s, rec,.. do coupon do Si, res do coupon Atchison gen. 4a... do adj. 4s tlaltlmore A O. 4. do 3Vi do conv. 4 Canada Ho, 2s Central of Oa. 6... do la Inc Chra. A Ohio 4Va.. Chicago A A. C. It. A Q. n. 4s.. , C. M A S P g. 4i, C. A N. V. c. 7'..i C. It. I. A P. 4s.... C C C A S L g. 4s, Chicago Ter. 4s Colorado So. 4s.... Iener A It. O. 4 nrle prior Hen 4s.. do general 4s F. W. A D. C. !.. ,113 I OS ,103 ,105 97 .' Hocking Val. 44i. ,I0 I.. A N. unl. 4... Ii)3'i Mex. Central 4s... .10SH do Is Inc .139'i Minn A St. L. 4s.. .139'j M.. K. A T it ,112 . do 2s N. V. Central Is... I Mo gen. 31,4a N J. C. gen. 3s... No. Pacific 4s I Ma 3a 103 N, A W. con. 4i... , 93 'Heading gen, 4s... 10SU St I. A I M o. .. .107 St. L. A 8. V. 4s.. .lOtSVSt. L Southw. la.. , 81 Mo 2s .104 (Fan AAA. P. 4s 84ViSo. Pacific 4s , 96Vi 'So, Hallway 5... ,Wi Tex. A I'. 1 .140 Tol. St I. IV i. 106VUnlon Pacific 4s... ,10441 do conv. 4s 91 j'Wabash Is , 87ii Mo 2s ,102 do deb. H 9J (West Shore 4s 67'i Wheel. A I,. B, 4,, lOJijiW!.. Central 4s.. .. .1(64 .102 . 4Vi . Sli .103 Ki 8Hi .10 10SV1 .13i)i; .104', . 72i; .10J . .117V. . 93 . 9;i . 785 . 86' . 9lt .117 .119b . 834, .104', 1064 .119 .110 . 62', 113Vi . M . SS Bid. Offered. London Stock Quotations. LONDON. Sept. 27.-4 p. m.-ClosIng; Cons., money do account Anaconda Atchison do pfd Baltimore A Ohio, Canadian Pacific. Chea. A Ohio Chicago O. W C., M, A St. P .. Denver A H. a... do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Illinois Central .. L. A N M.. K A T do pfd 93 3-15 93 3-11 .. .. 77H .. 9SU ..101H ..11JH .. 4'l ... 23', ..175 .. 47H .. 93H .. KH .. 71, .. 57 ,.14S ..1M .. Ml .. C5i N. Y. Central.... Norfolk A W do pfd No. 1'acintlc pfd. Ontario A W Pennsylvania .... Heading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd io. nail way Mo nfd So Pacific Union Pacific, ... U. S. Steel do pfd Wnhnsh do pfd Hand Mines DeUeera .162H . 54 . 90 . 91 . 33 . 73; ,. 21 . 3Si . 26 . 34i . S1, . S8i .lOil . 44-, . 9 '. . 4H, . 3iH Ex-dlvldend. SILVEIt-Hnr, stendy, 16 15-16d per on. MONKY lViS per cent. Tho rate of dis count In the upon market for short bills Is ZiH per cent; for three months' bills, per cent. Iloaton Stock Quotations. HOSTON. Sept. 27.-Call loans. 405 per cent; tlmo loans, 4Vjff6 per cent, Oftlclal closing: A., r. a s, f. ... do pfd Amer. Sugar Hoston A Alhnny, Tloston Elevated.. Hoston A Maine,, Dominion Coal ... do pfd U. S, Steel do pfd Oen. Eleetrlo .... Mexican Central , N. E. O. A C Old Colony Old Dominion .... Hubber , Union raclde ... .. 74U .. 93H ..1331) ..:; ..171 ..19: .. 44 ..117 .. 43'4 .. 94V, ..2S9Vi .. 231, .. 6 ..J0 .. .. 17 .. 97V, West End Westlngh. Electric Atchison 4s N. E. 0. A C. ts.. Adventure Aninl, Copper Allfintli Il'al, A Hecla .... centennial Franklin Humboldt Osceola Santa Fe Copper. (Tamarack Utah Mining , Winona .i Wolverines 93i 70 102Vi . s: . 24 . 92t . 33i, .673 . 21' . 17, . 40 .1011 . 4V, .300 . 21 . 3 . W, RiiBnr Slnrkrt. .NEW YORK. Sent. 27.-8l'aAR-Tlaw quiet: fair rellnlng, .Tic; centrifugal, 96 test, .Moinsses sugar, . Jis.?. tienneu, steady; No. C. 4.65c; No. 7, 4.o5c: No. 8, 4.45c; No. 9. 4.40o; No. 10. 4.35c: No. 11, 4.3flc; No. 12. 4.30c; No. 13. 4.20c; No. 14, 4.20o; standard A. K.05c; confectioners' A, S.fioc; mould A, -6.60c; cut loaf, 6.75c; crushed, 6.75c; powdered, 5.03c; granulated, 5.25c; cubes. 6.60c, LONDON, Sept. 27-SUGAR-Raw, Musco. vado, 8s 6d; beet, 7s W. NEW OHLEANSi Sept. 27.-8LTGAR-Qulet: centrifugal yellow, 3 lS-16'8'4 3-16o; seconds, 23Hc. Molasses, steady; centri fugal, 6310c, CONDITIONS NORMAL AGAIN Restoration Stlm.Utti Flftointj f OrJtn it) Few Line, that Drag. WORK IN THE STEEL INDUSTRY RESUMED Leather and Hide Reflect tleinaiid for Finished Hoods Wool Is Quiet but Firm More Failures Thau I'snnl. t NEW YORK. Sept. 27.-R. O. llun & Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will say: Normal condltluns have been fully re stored Hi the distribution of merchandise, the placing of orders stimulating the tew lines thnt seemed to drag. Resumption of work bus progressed rapidly In tho steel Industrv since tho settlement of tho labor dlfllculty aud there Is little discord betwem employer ami ompioyeil in inner lines, oia bllltv of nrlces without lnllation Is tho rule. except where the unusual slzo of crops introduces a special rnctor. Tho steel production Is progresses at nearly tho average rate, l'roducors look for a rising market. A record breaking; out put of steel rails is practically nssured til." 1901 and the; new year will open with an unparalleled volume of business on the bonks. The market 'or footwear Is still on a strong busls. In a few cases prices are hither, whlln In other irrniles smnll lilts are sold at better llgures, but not much btlsf- ness is accorueu to warrant a cnang in list prices', Leather nnd hides still reflect the heavy demand for finished products nnd exports of leather are a sustaining feature. Textile) lines were well engaged as a rule, much better news being received from cotton splnnerH and tho north and southern mills are busy. Thero Is less night work. Wool Is inlet, but firm. Investigation of tho cottort situation throughout the ontlre belt reveals an extremely uncertain stato Of n tin Irs. There ilnnn nnt nnnenr tn tin nny concerted effort to hold back the crop unu iigiii port receipts must no attributed to the lateness of tho staple. Steadiness In quotations of corn at the present high lovel Is all that producers could desire. Making full allowance for tho rtnnlier yield nnd the decrease In exports, which has thus far been much greater proportionately, there does not appear to bo satisfactory reaon for the rlso of 15 cents over last year's figures nnd 25 cents over the price at this date In 199, Shipments from the Atlantic const for tho week were 7.'S,02) bushels, against l,6iV),01S bushels last year and 2,951, 4i7 bushels two years ago, A heavier move ment Is expected, owing to larger buying for foreign account, secured through lower rates for transportation. Wheat Is well sustained nnd still better prices are promised by tho heavy export movement which from all 1'nlted Stntes ports for the week reached 6.26S.413 bushels. Hour Included, ngulnst 3.5S7.4S2 bushels last year nnd 4.605.362 tiiiita in uni r;cclits of 8,292.456 bushels exceeds even the . ""'Pmeiiis in 19W or 6.361,777 bushel. ! allures for the week niitnlii-H 7 against 204 Inst year, and twenty-one In I anndii, against eighteen last year. WKIlKliV CLKAItINO HOI'.sn TABU3. .IggregHte of Tltislnrs Trunsacted by lie Associate llnttks. ' NHW YORK. Sept. 27.-Tho following tuble, compiled by Hradstrcet, shows the bank clearings nt all principal cities for the week ended September 26. with the ner- centnge of Increase and decrease as com pared with the corresponding week last year: CITIES. Amount. Inc, Dec. New York 11 i-mcago Hoston Phlladelnhla St. Iyiuls Pittsburg Haltlmore San Francisco Clnclnnntl Kansas Clt Minneapolis Cleveland ., ht New Orleans....;,.., Detroit Louisville i. Indlnnnnntlx I'rovidenco OMAHA Mllwilllknn PHuffnlo St. Paul Savannah Denver St. Joseph '.v. Richmond Memphis Seattto Washington Ilnrtford IjOs Angeles Knit I.lkn ciiv Toledo Portland, -Oro Rochester Peoria Fort Worth Atlanta Norfolk Des Moines New Haven Springfield, Mass Augusta Nashville Worcester Grand Rapids Sioux City Dayton, O Syracuse Scrnnton Portland, Me Spokane Tncoma Kvansvllle Wilmington, Del Davenport Fall River Rlrmlnghnm Topeka Macon Llttlo Rock Helena , Knnxvlllo Lowell Wichita Akron Now Bedford Lexington Springfield. Ill ninghnmton Chattanooga Kalamazoo Fargo Youngstown Springfield, O Rockford Canton Jacksonville Sioux Falls Fremont Rloomlngton, III Jacksonville, III Columbus, O Galveston Houston Colorado Springs... Wheeling, W. Vn.. Chester Wllkesbarro Totals. U. S Outside New York... 379,693,4431 157.46,469 160,959,663! 109.SS3.037! 46,19S.C4l! 41.663,794 23 229.491 24.00il.964 16.074,950; 20.679.874 14.927,510 14.75S.3S6 K.465 259 12,459.479, 8,TOS.W! 5, t23,203 6.3S7.CO) 6,S77f21 6, :5.r,4l9! 6,261,259 6,8 ,9,39s 3.M7.32S 5,165,122 6,132.329 3,C59.045 2,31f).S91 3.512 554 2.505,653 2.46I.61S 3,1H',416 .I.931.32S 2,361,021 2.S5S.703 1.150.82'; 2.WM.9I5I 3,S3.i,603 l.fSI.SW 1.281.20 1.879.7121 1.499,2 51 1.36...023 1.347.271 l,412,2i2 1.605.C21 l,2i7.S06 1,457,61s: 1.195.121! 1.1H6.157 1.424 9 ' 1.29,:67! 1,32'.017 1,384.235 1,(09.166 1,019,8411 9f6,U9 7f3,258 603.423 1.235.193 6160)1 616.728 C23 412 C37.0I6I WR821 f&0 '36 675.0.01 402,2.12 0),051 61S.0E6 333,500 463.9S7 93.356 42490 60S.2C9; 277,343! 315.201 2S),000 236,114 221.392 149,6;6 292.'92l 1:9,697' 6,772,901 8,1121,000: 1Z.750.SS1 1,600,508 663.491 265,1431 63.9 25.6 57.5 11.9 49.8 46.5 ...... 23.8 20.9 27.2 26.6 30.9 30.6 "(A.b 34.3 44.8 16.9 8.8 27.2 30,8 9.81 66.0 39 51 fO.l 34.8 3.5 18.2 3.1.6 27.2 46.0 6).3 13.8 2J.7 16.4 n.s H9.2 4 7 6.0 34.0 22.7 27.4 21.4 31.4 5.1' 15.9 11.9 21.3 11.9 22.7 27 51 7.5 J o 27.7 1.4 21.4 iii.'i 12.01 22.3 3.3 3.3 46.3 10.2! 4.9 39.0 63.3 47.9 4.2 32.3 16 6 11.8 22.3 .1 .lt2,16S.014,9il8 49.3! .1 7SS,321,574 29. I 17.0! 1.8 63.0! 81.1 15.5 38.3, '4L3 246.1 12.5 DOMINION OF CANADA. CITIKS. Amount. Inc. Dec. I Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Hnllfax Vancouver, n. C. Hamilton St. John, N. R.... Victoria. B. C.t. Quebec Totals. Canada.... (J 36,534.018) 20.0 17.522,440! 11.094,0031 3,098.442! 1,779,9C0 17.S 959,9651 1 718,947 849,723 510,509! 1.704,294, 25.0!. 13.8 69.1 . 4.01 13.0 8,3 40,2 Not Included In totalf because contain Ing other Items than clcnrlngs, Not Included In totals because of no comparison for last year. IHlAIISTIUlK-rS THAPI3 nKVIKW. Current of Trade lltinnluit Full In All Lines. NKW YORK, Sept. 27.-Rradstreet's to morrow will say: The current of trade Is still running full In nenrlv all lines nnd In some the tldo Is still -rising as shown by a firmer tone or actual advances In the level of prices except for such staples as cereals, hog products and rotton which are dealt In on tho exchanges. On distributive trades the features aro the continued good advices from Jobbing trades. Tho talk of tho wide, spread corn damage due to lata frosts seems to have fallen flnt. A quieting down demand for dry goods usual at this season Is noted at many markets, but these re ports ara generally accompanied by advices of an enlarged distribution of clothing for fall wear. Demand for Iron and steel, represented by strikes and for other causes has at last broken the usual trade limits nnd Is full nnd free In nearly all lines, , Hardware sales are. large, but galvanized Iron Is lower. Tho print cloth situation at Fall River Is pecullnr. A month ago talk was heard of possible strikes, due ; reductions of wages. Blnco then the prices havo ad vanced So per yard nnd this week two mills have announced wnges advnnccd. Wheat has apparently reached the bot tom ns regards dullness this week, specula tion being dormant nnd what few price changes occurred wero In sympathy with corn, which was affected slightly early by rost damage reports nnd good ex ports, but nbsence of demand Induced liq uidation, the result being only fractional changes on the week. Hog products weak ened nnd show qulto large reductions, not ably In lard. Wheat, Including Hour, exports for the week nggregnto 6.450,352 bushels, ns ngnlnst 3.840.674 last week and 4.242,810 In this week last year. Wheat exports July 1 to date (thirteen weeks) aggregate 7R.tB2.531 bushels as ngalnst 4l.70tl.22fl Inst sensott. Corn exports nggregate 685.706 bushels as ngalnst 611.62S Inst week and 2,166,171 last year. July 1 to date corn exports aro 12,718,910 bushels against 40,742,617 Inst sea son. . Failures In the United Stntes for tho week number 197 as against 168 last week, 169 lit this week n year ago, 129 In 1S99 and 166 In 1898. Canadian failures are 31 against 23 last week, 22 the week one year ngo nnd 11 In ISM. Cotton Market. NEW TOnK. Sept. 27.-COTTON-Spot closed Arm! mlddllnr uplands, S'ie; mid dling gulf, SHo: sales, nono. Futures closed stendy: September, 7.77c; October, 7.76o; November, 7.71c; December, 7.76c; January, 7.76c; February, 7.76c; March, 7,75c; April, 7.76o : Slav. 7.7c. NKW ORLEANS, Sept. 27.-COTTON firm; saies, i,ai naies; oruinary, 6 io-ito; good ordinary, 64c; low middling, 7 7-16c; middling, 8c; good middling, St,c; middling fair, SHc nominal. Receipts, 6,425 bales; stock, 68iSR bales. Futures steady; Sep. tember, nominal; October, 7.7l07.72ej No vember, 7.63'S7.fifio; December, 7.63f7.64c; January, 7.62fl7.63ci February, 7.63'a,7.6.ic; March, l.aw.izc, April, 7.63g7.66o; May, 7.6.V37.67C. ST. I.Ot'IS, Sept. 27.-COTTON -Quiet, un changed; middling, 7 15-".6c, sales, 100 ba es; receipts. 1,140 bales; shipments, 730 bales; stock. 84,340 bales. OAIiVESTON, Sept. 27.-COTTON-Qulet, 7 15-16c. LIVKRPOOL. Sept. 27. COTTON-Spot, quiet; American middling fair, 5 1-lOd; good middling, 4'4d: middling, 4d; low middling, 4 13-32d; good ordinary, 4 3-32d; ordinary. 3 27-32d; sales. 6,010 hales, of which 609 were for speculation and export nnd Included 5.000 American; receipts, 13,Ono bnles, In cluding 12,900 American. Futures opened stendy and closed firm; Americnn mid dling, 1, m. c, September, 4 25-6ld value; October, g, o. c. 4 2-6ld sellers; October and November, 4 2iV61d sellers; November nnd December. 4 19-6ld sellers; December and January. 4 16-6434 17-64d buyers; Jan uary and February. 4 16.6P?M 17-64d sellers; February and March, 4 16-61(ff4 17-64d sellers; March and April. 4 16-6lfri 17-6ld buyers; April nnd Mny, 4 17-Rtd sellers. (Ill nnd llnsln. OIL CITY, Pa.. Sept. 27.-OIL-Crcdlt bnl nnces, J1.25. no bid; shipments, lLtJ! bbls,; average. 96,687 bbls,; runs. 9S.878 bbls.; aver ngo. 81.104 bbls. NKW YORK. Sept. 27.-OIL-Cottonseed, tlrm; prlmo yellow. 42c. Petroleum, nom inal; refined New York. $7.60; Philadelphia and Baltimore. $7.45; Philadelphia and Bal timore. In bulk, $4.85. Rosin, dull; strained, common to good. $1.40. Turpentine, quiet nnd stendv nt 36.,(i736l;o. LIVKRPOOL, Sept. 27.-OII,-Cottonseed. Hull rcllned, spot, tlrm nt 21s. Turpentine spirits, steady. 27e. Rosin. common, steady nt 4s lVjd. Petroleum, refined, stendy at 6t,d. Linseed, strndy. 36 6d. LONDON, Sept. 27 OIL-Calcutta linseed, spot, 54s 6d; Unseed, 31s 6d. Petroleum, American refined, 6 3-16d, Turpentine spirits, 26s 6d. SAVANNAH, Sept. 27.-OII-Splrlts tur pentlno. Arm. 33c. Rosin, firm. Quote: A. II, C, 1). $1; K. ll.Of : F. $1.10; fl. $L15: H. $1.25; I. $l.3.i: K. $1.90; M. $:.30; N. $2.85; WO, $J.M; WW. $3.65. New York Live Stock Market. NKW YORK. Sept. 27. CATTLK Re ceipts, 3.381 head; medium to good steers, 10c higher: common, bulls and cows, stendy; steers. $4.2.Vof, 00; extra. $6.50; hulls, $2.6011 3.80; cows, $1.73iI2.75. Cables steady; exports tomorrow, 1,756 cattle and 1,762 quarters of beef. CALVKS Receipts. 249 head; steady for veals; grangers higher: veals, $5,00B.75; grassers. $3.60fM.2j: culls. $3.50. SHKKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,919 head; sheep, barely stendy; lambs, easier; sheep, $2.60i3-l.00! culls, $2: lambs, $4.005.6); one car. $.".60; culls. $3.50; Canada lambs, $3.4flfi.flO. HOOS Receipts, 2,197 head; steady nt $7.00Jf7.25; choice state, $7.3.). Wool Mnrkrt. BOSTON, Sept. 27.-W001.-The Borton Commercial Bulletin will say In tomorrow's report on tho wool trnde of the I'nlled Stntes: Wool dealers report a quiet mnr Kot, with the demand for small lots. The receipts of wool in Boston since Jnnunrv 1 have been 216.8VUI26 pounds, against 110,138,. 715 pounds tor the same period In 1900. The Boston shipments to date are 190,636,192 pounds, ngalnst sales of 10.),29i.000 pounds for the same period In 1910. The s.tock on hand In Boston Jnnunry 1, 1901, wns 76.309,50) pounds. The total stock today Is 102,525.06) pounds. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 27.-WOOI-Flrm; medium grades, HfiKo; light fine, 12i,ir 14Hc; heavy line, 9H1Tll.c; tub wnshed, 12?P 24c. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Goid Cattle Bold Readily at Steady Pnctx, bat Others Were Blow aad Jjewer. HOGS AVERAGE A LITTLE HIGHER Lluhter Receipts of Sheep nnd l.nmlis anil Market Hilled Aetlie nnd Jitend tn n Whittle llluher on All Desirable tirades. Oflklnl MontUiy.... Olllclal Tuesday.... Oillclnl Wednesdny Oftlclal Thursday . Olllclal Friday...... SOUTH OMAHA, Sept. 27. u.iiue. nogs, niircp. .. 6.9J4 3,114 13,W( .. fi.2!ilj 7,lol 9,41 1 .. 7,697 6,274 8.120 .. 3.7CS 4,ul7 9,i6 .. 2,917 6,603 4,39u .17.117 .16.210 ..15,243 . 3-MM 26,739 23,757 21,264 lii.S-'i ii. (96 31, IW 44,745 15,645 ;w,7iz JU.42S 3.8,093 Five days this week .27,596 0.111111 iiiijn iasi week . ..20,494 Dciiuti n n n ueiore Same three weeks ago Same four weeks ago.. Sumu days Inst year.. Avernco tirlce mm Omaha tho past sevetal days with com ls..Duiia. I 1901. lfOO.!li-99.l,93.l!!97.,lti90.,IS95. 6 041 for hogs at South Jievr York Dry fiootli, 4lnrket. NKW YORK. Sept. 27.-DRY OOODS-The chief feature has been nn ndvnnce of tc In Amerleon and Merrlmnc Indigo blue Rrlnt to ik per ynrd, Tho genoml mnrkct ns ngaln ruled quiet In all descriptions of cotton goods, with no other chnngo In tirlccH. Linens are quiet but llrm, Burlaps have again been slow this week and tend ing downward. The combination of Cal cutta burlap manufacturers Is reported broken up. MANCHESTKR. Sept. 27.-DRY OOODS Cloths. . quiet, with a moderate Inquiry. Yarns, quiet and unchnnged. Wool Auction Sales. LONDON. Sept. 27.-WOOL-The offerings at the wool mictions today numbered 21,100 bales, Including a good selection of scoureds, which met with a quick sale, hollowing nro the sales In detail: New South Wales, 4.000 bales; scoured, 6;d5f Is 3t4d; greasy, 4lld. Queensland. .Whales; scoured, lOWdBlB 74d. Vlctorln. 1,700 bales: scoured. 8V4dls6d: greasy. 4-3imd. South .Australia, 100 bales; greasy, 4fi9d. West Australia, 1,200 bales; greasy. 6Vi(ff9d, Tas mania. 400 hales; greasy. 3tJi9d. New Zea land. 7,200 bales; scoured. 4djils5d; grensy, ?l4JJ9Wd. Cape of Oood Hope and Natal. 600 bales; scoured, 7i;d3ls3d; grensy, 7574d. Coffee Market. NKW YORK. Sept. 27.-COFFEK-Spnt Rio, quiet: No. 7 Invoice. &K3c. Mild, quiet. Futures were flnnlly steady and net 6(310 points lower. Sales Included Septem ber at 6c; October. 4.rc; December, 6.10W 6.15c; January, 5.20c; March. 6.40c; May, 6.45c; April, 6.60c; May, 6.66?f5.60c; July. 5.70c; August, 5.75c. Peoria Market. PKORIA, Sept. 27.-CORN-Lower; No. 3, aSc. OATS Inactive; No. 2 white, 364c, billed through. WHISK Y-On the basis of $1,30 for fin ished goods, Visible Supply of Cotton, NKW ORLEANS. Sept. 27.-COTTON-Secretnry Hester's statement of the world's visible supply of cotton shows thn totnl Visible as 1,472,256 bales, of which 1.011,256 wero American. .Nerr York M Inline Quotations'. NKW YORK. Sept. 27.-Tho following ore the closing prices on minlim stocks: Adams Con Alice nreece Ilrunsulck Con ... Conistnck Tunnel. Con. Cal, & Va.... Pfailwoot Terra , Horn Silver Iron SlUer Le(ivlll Con . 20 . 65 .140 . 5 . .1J . 10 .18) . 5J . a I.ltlle Chief .., .Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potosl Havage Sierra Nex-aila Small Hopra ., Rtandard 11 ....1075 "0 7 .... 1 1 It 40 ....3!5 Fnrrlirn Flnnnclal. LONDON, Sept, 27.-On the Stock ex. chnngo business was light and Irregular. The tone was morn favorable, chiefly ow'ng to thn rally In coppers nnd Americans. Tho condition of money Is beginning to affect first-class securities. Business was Innc tlve until tho afternoon, when prices hnrd ened on New York buying orders. Ool.l premiums nre quoted: Buenos Ayres, 31.20; Madrid. 43.07; Rome, 3,05. American eagles, 7t3 6 4-5d. Hank ClenrliiK'. OMAHA, Sept. 27,-Bank clearings today, $1,028,609; corresponding day last year, $1.027.13S: Increase, $1.27t. CHICAOO, Sept. 27,-riearlngs, $26,278,778; balances, $1,405,442; New York exchange, 20o discount; posted exchange, $4.8lfl4.SH. NKW YORK, Sept. 27,-Clearlngs, $214, 210,000; balances. $11,115,760. nfiaTnM B.ni riAaina to tin . beJances, $3,ll3,ji Bept. L. Sept. 1,. Bept. I., Bept. 4,. Sept 6.. Bept. 6.. Hept. 7.. Sept. 8... Sept. 9... Kept. 10. Sept. 11. Kept. 3ept. 13. Sept. 14. Sept. 15., Sept. 16,. Hcpt.N 17.. Sept. is,. Sept. 19. Sept )., Sept. 21 Sept. 22. Sept. 23. SeV 25.. Seii. 26 Bept. 27. G11V 6 07T, e id 6 2i',Vi 6 31 6 29T4I 5 02, 5 06 5 OS 5 05 6 C8 6 10' 6 16 6 2i 36H 6 44 6 3-)7. 6 38'kl 6 2UI 6 46H 6 OS b 51H 6 05, 1 a w 6 674 6 6241 5 1S It id I 6 13 I 6 19! I 6 76! 5 22 4 19 4 22 4 23 4 30 4 SO 4 M 4 2 4 22 4 25! 4 30 4 : 4 34 6 85 ! 6 fS I 6 SO , 6 7.". I I 6 79 ! 6 23 6 21 5 16 6 16 5 15 S 01, 3 69 3 65 I 3 621 3 CT. 2 53 3 6O1 3 67 3! 3 79, 3 83 3 72 3 68 3 65, 4 32 4 33 4 31 4 31 4 35 4 41 1 . t 1 111 1 90 4 36 3 721 3 78) 3 74 3 71 3 71 3 73 3 1 U I 1 1 99, 4 07 I 4 Oo 4 02 4 l"), 3 91 3 93 3841 3 s: 3 89 3 87 3 81 3 86 3 91 2 77! 2 81 2 81 2 71 2 71! 2 79 2 M 2 Mj Mi 4 37 4 34 4 21 I 11 4. 20 4 23 4 21 4 I'll 4 03 4 01 3 f6 3 76 3 82 1 2 SSI 4 (t 2 7U I in 2 63 2 IV 2 73 2 Ofi 3 71 2m 2 S3 2 51 2 S, 2 l)i 2 89 I 01 4 12 4 12 4 04 4 UJ .1 m 3 90 4 00 4 ii 4 84 4 88 Irdlcnted Sunday. Holiday. The olllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by etch road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.HT's. 5 . . .1 8 C. M. A St. P.. Missouri Pacific 5 Union Pnclllc 37 C. & N. W V., K. & M. V 20 C, St. P., M. A 0 6 B. A M 50 C , B, .1 Q 1 K. C. A St. J 1 C. R. I. A P.. east.. .. Illinois Central 15 24 6 12 11 1 83 15 Totnl receipts 1M The disposition of the day's lecelpth was ns follows, each buyer purchasing tho num- Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 17 217 31 513 1.120 561 715 2.634 2 463 WW 2.2fO 37 49 68 36 20 5 57 .... .... 1S6 362 .. 231 261 .... 1.948 ,76.1 5,697 4.8(2 ber of hend Indicated: Omaha Packing Co. . Swirt nnd tompnuy Cudnhy Packing Co Armour A Co R. Becker A Degan 1, oilman A Co W. I. Stephen Benton A Underwood... Livingstone A Schaller. Dennis A Co Hamilton A R L. F. Husz Wolf A M Krey Packing Co Other huyets Total CATTLK Receipts of cattle were of very fair proportions today for this time of the week, which mukes the supply for the week considerably ahead of that of the Inst sev eral weeks and only a little short of the same week last year. The demnnd on tho part of local packers for good cattlo was quite liberal, so that the market was In ftood shape. Receipts Included about 26 cars of corn fed steers nnd there were moro of them choice than on nny previous day this year. There wan n big string good enough to sell nt $6.25 and scvernl bundles went from thnt down to $6.00. Packers were all nfter tl)e bettor grades and fully steady prices were paid, T ho common kinds, however, wero more or less neglected and In some In stances sellers found they had to take off a little from yesterday's prices. Owing probably to the fact that the sup ply of cow stuff has bucn very liberal nil the week buyer did nut tnko hold with Hiiy too much life today. Some of the bettor grades sold without much trouble nt right around stendy prices, but us 11 general thing the mnrket was 5c or 10c lower than yes- ,terday. Undesirable kinds nnd particularly lilt-' IIIL'UIUIII K!MI!l.'a viriu BlUW UllU I1IIIU 111 sell. Thero was not much chnngo notlccnble in the prices paid for bulls, calves und stags, but common stuff was a llltlo dull. This being the Inst end of tho week stock ers nnd feeders did not sell quite as rapidly as they have on the preceding days of this week. Tho heavy feeders showing quality sold stendy, but stockers, unless they wero choice, and common cnttlo of all weights wero liardcr to dispose of than usual nnd if anything they were lower. The demnnd from the country for common .-nttlo Is very ll.llit, so that sellers have to tako what they can get for such kinds. There were only a fow western rnnge steers In the yards' this morning and the bolter grndeB were picked up early nt good steady prices. Cows sold all tho way from steady to a dime lower and so nlso did stockers and feeders. Representative salens BKKF STKERS. No. Av. rr. No. Av. 1'r. 1... C50 2 00 15 ns 5 to 2 02 2 S6 3 1243 6 10 1 133) 4 U 31 1318 5 CO 3 703 4 4') 4 1172 6 W 1 1020 4 65 34 1320 00 2 1001 5 2S 39 137S 6 15 3 USt 5 17 1J71 6 25 39 1192 5 ii 200 ie7t 23 STKKRS AND 6TAC5S, 39 1222 5 35 COWS. 1 9M 1 0) 1 2 f,0 2 610 1 00 11 , 933 2 CJ 1 70 1 0) 10 640 2 65 4.., 85? 1 W 2 ijO 2 (,D 1.. .......... SS) 1 71 102 SS3 tin 1 70 2 OO 1 730 2 S5 1 90i) 2 0) 2 940 1 85 1 730 2 00 9 977 2 M 52 S30 2 IS S K43 3 00 C 75 2 23 1 12:0 3 CO S 946 2 23 II 934 3 10 2 1013 2 23 941 3 IS 8 864 2 30 2 730 3 13 6 971 2 40 1 1010 3 20 1 940 3 CO 1 1140 3 26 1 1000 2 CO 1 1230 3 U 17 f07 2 fl 1 1240 3 23 1 9)0 2 ft) 6 1146 3 40 4 1035 2 0 2 ioas 3 60 7 877 2 6l 3 104) 3 to ttf.5 2 60 1 10W 3 CO 3 10') 2 t) 1 1210 3 75 3 soli 2 CO 1 1480 8 M HKIFKRS. 11 712 2 2i 3 723 2 3 1 630 2 33 1 910 4 60 STAGS. 1 CM 1 CO 1 700 2 75 1 830 2 CO 1 1370 4 23 BULLS. 1 1410 2 25 1 144 0 2 7 3 1 1090 2 23 1 13) 2 75 1 1610 2 CO 1 1520 2 75 1 1310 2 (0 1 390 3 30 1 1140 2 MS STOCK COWS AND HKIFKRS. 1 ICO 2 CO 2 Ski 2 60 1 COW 1050 3 cow s. 9i 6 cows. 9'VS 6enn's... 1058 O. I 10 cows 864 2 cows... .10i " 11 feeders.. 815 V. 2 steers.... 9 1 steer 11.10 1 steer 1L0 2 M 1 cow . 2 to 1 cow. 2 SO 1 cow 2 80 1 bull. . . Uorrlngton Neb, 2 85 2 cows. , . 3 S5 3 01 McDermolt 1250 i:o win t2Sd 96.) 4 steers. 2 feeders. 3 cows... 11 cows .. 13 cows... SS cow . 3 cow s. . . 1C.H .1125 4 ( 4 IO 4 00 4 ft) 2 60 1 cow 91) -Neb. 10 feeders.. 892 2 feeders.. 90 1 bull 130 3 feeders.. 810 3 60 3 61 3 6.) 2 30 2 5 2 85 4 3d 3 30 2 40 2 50 972 96 cow 161 feeders. IOCS 1 cow. A.. 12"0 46 cows . . . !'32 21 cow s. . 90! Paul Rentcsch Neb. . 993 2 25 1 cow 750 1 50 . SS0 2 85 1 bull 132-) 2 M .1036 2 75 1 bull 1650 2 . S. Ham Neb. t .896 2 70 2 cows 12) 3 25 . 886 2 10 Jacob est Idaho. 3 15 3 80 4 0) 2 75 10 111 feeders 3 feeders 1 heifer .. 9 bulls .. F61 HVv1 , 611 12.13 3 fO 3 () 3 10 2 30 iiuur.--ueceipis 01 nogs were light igs n today and prices ruled a trifle higher Pack ers, however, were slow about paving ilie ndvnnce, but sellers held on and the market flnnlly opened, the tlr.t hog selling Jut nbout 24c higher than yesterdav. The hulk went front $6.75 to 16.80, with the long string ut $6,774. The choicer lo.id.i sold mostly from $6.81) to 16 95. and the com moner kinds from J6.7S down. At those prices It wns not a very active market, as buyers wanted to get their supplies for less money. They failed to succeed, however, nnd thern wns very little change In the mnrket from stnrl to finish, the close being fullv ss good ns the opening. Although the mnrket wBS not very active nt any one time, everything wns sold In good season. Representative sales: Av. Sh. IT. No. Av. Sh 189 M 70 72 112 160 7 237 4-1 1W 6 76 63.. C3.. 142 ) 231 316 311 .21) .21? ..192 .27 2)4 M .-. .248 S 27 1... 2.. C. 6.. 2.. 1.. 1.. 2.. 6.. 3.. 5.. 12.. 13.. 1.. 2 . 1.. OALVEft. 140 i 25 STOCK CALVKS. ,370 2 75 2 443 8 7) 370 3 W 1 260 4 M 275 3 25 1 310 4 00 3.10 3 60 1 ISO 4 00 STOCKERS AND FKEDKR8. 630 . 654 . 745 . 7W) . 490 . 820 . 910 . 610 .1C26 . 614 . 833 . 854 . 650 . 700 . 610 2 00 2 25 2 25 2 30 2 73 2 76 2 75 2 73 2 73 2 76 2 80 3 M 3 CO 3 00 3 01 3... 2... 3... 10... 4... 10... 19... 3... II... 18... 13... 21... 1... 30 l15 925 . 631 882 600 1 bull 660 2 bulls 1116 30 feeders.. 935 i, cows 1 row 7 heifers.. 11 cows.... 1 cow 1 cow 850 18 cows Ml 16 steers,... 960 47 feeders. . 879 U steers..,. C2S 6 feeders,. 951 K, 13 cows 1170 J 1 COW 780 1 cow ICnO 1 cow 760 NEBRASKA 2 65 2 10 3 30 liO 885 933 C37 20 !J2 937 "61 10 SI 830 C84 974 940 873 ..10S0 .. 800 3 10 3 13 3 IS 3 20 3 20 3 26 3 23 3 2A 3 30 3 3') 3 30 3 3) 3 30 3 CO 3 65 1 2 60 2 85 2 80 2 75 2 50 1 80 2 73 2 90 3 35 4 15 K 3 1 cow... 1 cow. . 4 feeders. . 863 2 cows 920 4 steers.... 120J 4 cows... 2 steers 2 bulls.. 2 bulls.. 3 cows 6 cows 2 heifers. French Neb. :) 10 cows. ..1037 .. 870 ..1215 ..1180. 1 76 3 ( 0 1 00 3 30 2 15 3 75 2 50 3 10 2 20 . 826 .If 66 610 1 85 2 91 2 75 Chllders-Neb. 2 25 1 row . 2 25 1 cow- SSI 3 20 ... C. .. C9 ... 61 ... 19.... 13..., 7 ... 63 ... 31.... 37..., 72... 00... 81 ... 48.... 80.... 61.... 63..., 82.... 80..., 63..., 41.... CO.... 82 61 CI 64 6! tm (9 .... 10 43 230 ....23 ... i ....300 ....27 ....2.17 ....233 ... 158 ....3.V. ... 2.14 ....2.M ....307 .. 219 ....517 ....249 ....276 ....231 ... 24) ....m . . . SSI 241 273 ....234 ....253 ....274 ....219 ....223 236 2JI . 206 ..221 . 244 ll 80 10 100 loo to 40 SO SlM 200 8) 120 IT. 70 6 73S ft 76 73 75 ft 73 76 ft 73 6 76 ft 774 ft 774 77i 6 774 6 774 ft 774 6 774 774 6 774 ft 774 ft 774 6 774 6 774 6 774 ft 774 6 77 4 6 77 6 774 6 774 6 774 ft 774 ft 774 774 ft 774 ft 774 6 771, ft 774 6 774 6 774 ft 774 ft 774 6 774 774 6 77-i 6 774 6 774 35... (9... 2... 67... 66... C5 .. tn .. 70... ft),.. 73... 7 .. 60... ftH... 64... 73... 69... 71... 65... 60... 63 62 49 C3 41 7 77 Cft 66 70 Av. .242 ....237 ....X4 ....11 ....2) ....33 ....211 ....13ft .... ....254 ....234 ....249 ....271 ....21ft ....240 ....2J8 ....220 60.. 75.. 62.. 71... 41.., 67.., 7.. 80. . 31.. 30 ., lift ., 0... 360 33ft ...2A7 ...346 ...291 ...314 ...269 ...281 ...281 ...2J4 ...210 ...245 .219 .307 .343 2) 237 234 2M 220 19J 239 264 197 238 308 2M 49 210 '46 M 40 CO 'io 240 2s,i 240 40 60 8) fifl 120 M 160 ii) 2O0 80 80 40 160 2O0 200 1M 40 -40 40 ii 80 40 IT ft 774 ft 774 ft 774 6 77i, ft 774 6 774 ft 774 ft 80 ft 80 ft 60 ft 80 ft 50 ft 80 ft 80 ft 8t C () ft M ft 60 ft Si) ft 80 ft 60 ft f.) ft 80 ft V) ft 80 ft 80 ft 80 ft 80 ft 80 ft 80 ft 81 ft 8t ft 80 6 80 ft 80 ft 80 ft 8n ft 80 6 824 ft 824 6 82 4 ft 824 ft 90 ft 90 ft 95 2 26 . 970 1210 1 COW 1170 3 25 3 25 3 GO SHKKP There were none too many sheep and lambs on sale today to meet the de mands of local packcm, and ns a result tho market was morn active than It has been for some time past, Practically every thing wns sold by nbout 9 o'clock, and good, steady to Hrong prices were paid. In soma cases sales wero mnde that looked 6c or 10c higher. That was true of both sheep and nmbs. Wethers sold as high ns $3.30 and liimbs $1.25. Tlie demand for feeders wns nlso equal to the supply, and fully steady prices wero paid as compared with yesterday. Quotations: Choice yearling. $3.25rf3.35: fair to good yearlings, $3.00fj3.2; choice wethers. $3.0003.20; fair to good wothers, I2.S6173.00; choice ewea. $2.j)S2.85; fair to good owes. $2.402 6O; choice spring lambs. $4.15ft4.35; fall to good spring lambs, $3.76ii 4.15: feeder wethers. I2.75if3.15: feeder lambs, 93.0tVi73.6O. Representative sales: No. 1 owe 6 ewes nnd stngs 4 ewes and stags 2 yearlings 1 yearling , 1 yearling 31 Wyoming wethers 105 Wyoming wothers 112 Wyoming wethers 96 Wyoming wethers 91 feeder lambs 86 feeder lambs 42 feeder lambs 11 feeder lambs 47 Wyoming lambs 41 Wyoming lambs 71 Wyoming lambs 66 Wyoming lambs 2,258 Idaho lambs 1 cull lamb 1420 Idaho feeder lambs Av. Pr. 70 $2 75 118 2 75 117 2 75 9G 3 27 90 3 30 60 3 30 93 3 30 16 3 30 93 3 30 86 3 30 68 3 60 68 3 60 60 3 60 67 3 50 62 4 16 65 4 13 63 4 15 63 4 15 67 4 25 50 3 bu 62 3 80 CIIICAfiO I.IV15 STUCK MA It KBIT, Cuttle Ntenily lions Ntronir nnd Sheep WenU. CHICAGO. Sept. 27.-CATTLK-Racelpt. 3,500 head, Including 350 hend Tcxans, 300' head westerns; market steady; no fancy cattlo here; good to prlmo steers, i (".() 6.45: poor to medium, JI.WflC.75: stockers nwP feeders, $2,2554.30; cows, $1.60fi 1.76; heifers. $2.001f-l.75; dinners, $1.50oy2.25: bulli, $1. 7511 1.75, calves, $.3.0076.25; Texas steers, $1.004.00; western steers, $3.6.ii!5.2fi. HOOS-Receipts, 19,000 head; left over, 3,Xr) hend; estimated tomorrow, 12.0oO head; good grades strong, others slow; mixed nnd butchers, $6.7Oj7.10; good to cholcs heavy. $6,801 ,.25; rough heavy, $6.40if6.75; light, J6 4yf(6.95; bulk of sales, $6.656.96. SHKKP AND LAM B8 Receipts, 12.000 head; sheep, weak to 10c lower; lambs, steady to strong; good to choice wethers, $3.00H0i); fair to choice mixed, $3.3O?i3.60; western sheep, $3,2513.85, native lambs, $3.00 6.00; western lambs, $3.7534.75. Knnsna City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 27. CATTLK Re ceipts, 4,9) head; corn-ffd steers, steady: other cnttlo steady to luo lower; drossod beef, t5.OCKEJfi.G5: stockers and feeders, $2.50Jp 4.25; western-fed steers, $4.25Jj4i.0O: western range steers, $3.605.76; Texas and Indians, J2.0r)43.70; Texas cows, $2.103.00; native cows, $2.60i74.35, heifers, $3.50St,.40: canners, Il.60ffl2.60; bulls. $2.25fH.O0; calves. $4.fir5.25. HOOS Receipts, 7,600 head; market strong to 6c higher, ton, $7.10; bulk of sales, $6.76 7.00; mixed packers, $6.65-87.00; light, $6.30$ 6.9u; pigs, $4.76ff6.15. SHKKP AND LAMBS Receipts. 20 head: market unchanged: western lnmbs, $3.r,fU 4.30: western wethers. $3.00ffi3.25; ewes, $2.60 14.25: fed wethers. $2.603.00; fed lambs, $3.00Q3.35; stock, $1.60fvl.6a St. Joseph Live Ktnuk Market. ST. JOSBPH. Sept. 27. CATTLK Re ceipts, 1,400 head; market steady on best; Toxnus, 6ti'10c lower; natives, $2.85ti6.60: Tcxnns and westerns, $2.70'86.85; cows and "heifers, $1.2ofj5.00; bulls and stags. $2.25'3 4.85; stockers and feeders, $1.76fi4.00; year lings nnd calves, $2.00173.75; veals, $3.fXV9 6.0O. HOGS Receipts, 6,400 head; market steady to 6c higher; light nnd light mixed, $6.78 6.93; medium and heavy, $6.8O8'7.10; pigs, $5.rV7CiO; bulk. $.8.Vfi6.9fl. SHICITP AND LAMRS-Rerelpts. t.350 head; market 10c higher on best lambs; top Idnho lambs, $4.60; top Idaho wethers, $3.3j; top Idaho ewes, $3.25. St, I, mils Lire Stork Market. ST. LOUIS, Sept, 27 -CATTLE Receipts, 3.61)0 head. Including 1.80O lienrl Texans; market steady, with Texans to lower: na tlvo shipping nnd expo-t steers, $4.6.W6.20 dressed beef nnd butcher steers, $3.5026.S5 steers under l.MO lbs . $3.S4i.Z5; stoow-rs nnd feeders, $2..!0'5 1 00, cows and herfen, $2.W3.0i); canners. II 23-02.3.i; hulls. $2.f 3.50; Texas nnd Indian steers, $3.10fj4.5; cows and heifers, $2 16f(3.35. HOOS- Receipts. 4,9 0 head; market stroni; to 60 higher, pigs nnd lights. 6.65fj5.tl; packers. $6.6,if76 90, butchers, 16.937.25. SHKKP AND LAM BS Receipts, 1.800 head; market stendy; native muttons, $.1.fn) 3.40; lambs. $l.wffJ4. 60; culls and bucks, $2.W Ji3.f6. . Stock In Sight. The following tabln shows the receipts of Cattle, hogs and sheop at thu live principal stock markets for September 27. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 2,917 6,603 4.305 Chicago 3,rio 19,f"0 13.000 Kansas City 4,900 St. Louis 3,6"i) St. Joseph 1,100 7,500 20 4,9)0 1,500 6,1'rt 2 360 Totals .. 16,217 42,403 20,545 Telephone lOHtl. 'Boyd Commission Oo 6uccesors to James H. Uo4 4 Co., OMAHA. NKO. COMMISSION GRAIN. lHOVIHIOi AND ITOCKi. Butid of Trad Ballala. Direct wires to Chicago an New TerJfc .Qeftifflcndenst. John A. Wtrrea a 2a