THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1001. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MINOR MHNTIOJI. Davis tells drugs. Btockcrt sells carpets find rus. Fine ABC beer, Neumayer'a hotel. Gas fixtures and globes. Bixby & Son. Wollman, scientific optician, 409 Broadway. Myrtle lodge, Degree of Honor, will meet tonight. ,. ... For Sulc-Apples at Sldcntopf's place. A. G. Gilbert. C. IS. Alexander & Co., pictures and frames. Tel. S6. Lorn, to Mr. and M'f. Page Morrison lam cnnii:, a son. Mrs. Jrihn '! Smith of Woodbine Is guest of Mrs. Ilenn on Vino street. For Item .uoueni i-room residence. In quire at No. 231 Main street. Missouri oak body wood, J5.60 cord. Win, Welch, 23 N. Mnln st. Tel. 128. Fur upholstering, repairing, mattress work, feather renovating. Ostlmoor felt mattresses go to Morgan & Klein s, ivi Bouth Main street. Lucas Neumayer has gone to Excelsior Springs, Mo., In tho hope or Benefiting his lie.uui. liu wum accompanied by his sister, iUes Theresa Neumayer. Council Bluffs lodgo of Elks will meet this morning at bM at tho clubhouse and ptocrcd to tst. Francis Xuvlcr's church to uttend tho funeral of James M. Fcnlon. Gctllcb Zelpwatigor of Qjlck, la., foro- t wore allegiance u inn urrmnn emperor ri-Jtcrday and wan naturalized as an Amor can citizen by Judge Aylesworth of tho tupurlir court, Miss Laura Fllcklngcr will go today to Olenwood to act as court reporter for Judgu Wheeler, taking the placo of Reporter llrulugton, who will report the Wclls-l'at-tuu case In the United rf talcs court. Jjllus Kcr-Ktr of Cut Off, charged with stealing luinlr belonging to I'oter Clausen, & ri'sldcut of tin; same place, was lined t5 and costs In Justice Bryant's court yester day. Having no means to pay the tine" Kroger was committed to the county Jail for llftfcn days. Kincst Nei'llng, deputy dogcatchcr, will have a hearing before Justice Bryant Octo ber .1 or. the charge of stealing u pet dog belonging to Miss h'llen Dunn. Nerllng claims hv cnucht tho amino louse without It. tag, while Miss Dunn asserts he took It trom the front porch while sho was stand ing two feet aiHtant. JamoH McCnmmon of Olenwnod filed a fietltlon In voluntnry bankruptcy yesterday n the I'nltcd Htatca district court here. Ills liabilities aggregate 14,lw0. His schod ulo of assets shows JilO worth of person. il property, In addition to a 110,000 policy of Ilfo Insurance, nil of which he claims as exempt. Tho body ot Charles S. Carty, who dkil In IK'iivtr, arrived last evening und vtm taken to the homo of his parents, Mr. anil Mrs. Fred Carty. 107 Washington avenue, where rervlcea will be this" nftprnoou nt utter which the body will be taken to Earl vllle. la. Charles 8. Carty was 29 years of BK-- and his death bereaves a wlfo and two children N, V. Tlumblng Co., telephone 250. TAKEN FROM THE JURY Dnninnc Suit Aicnlimt XorilnTeatcrn Contra ito Nmtilrn Clime. The trial of tho damage suit of Illchard Hayes, administrator of tho cBtato of Samuel J. Coffmnn, against tho Chicago & Northwestern Kallroad company came to a, sudden close In tho federal court yester day morning. Judgo Mcl'herson, at tho close ot the plaintiff's ovldenco, sustained tho motion of tho defense to take the case from tho Jury. Hayes sued for $12,000 for tho death of CoRman, who was killed In Fobruary whllo driving across tho tracks at Avenue E and Eleventh street. The case In which Clara E. Breckablll sued Nathan Merrlam for $20,000 for alleged Injuries received In an elovntor accident In the Merrlam hlock was settled and dis missed, a stipulation being filed that the plaintiff have Judgment for $1,000. A motion was filed by the plaintiff for a new trial in tho suit of Lawrence Brown against tho Union Pacific Railway company, tried at the last terra of court, and In which tho Jury returned a verdict for the railroad. Tho suit of Lucius Wells against James A. ration Is set for trial today. Judge McPhcrson announced that ho will tnko up the matter of tho Orand hotel receivership Monday, when all persons hav ing claims against the hotel will be given n hearing. Tuesday Judge Mcl'herson will devote to bankruptcy matters, when all persons having cases for consideration will ho expected to bo In court. This, It Is expected, will bring tho terra to a closo. Gravel rooting. A. 11. rtcad, 6U Broadway. Urn I Fatnte Trnnafem. Theso transfers were filed yesterday In tho abstract, tltlo and loan office of J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street: Charles E. Bradley to William H. Bradley, lot 1, block 7. Carson, w. !..$ 60O Freeman L. Paine and wlfo to Jane Mario Evnns Colgan. lot 9, block 8, Pierce's suhdtv, w. d 2,5 James Nelson nnd wlfo to Chris Nel son, s4 lot 15, McCioe'a subdlv of hlock 2f, Hughes & Doniphan's add, w. d. 60 KUceno W. Hebard nnd wife to J. . NorrlH, lot 12, Fnrroll's subdlv of block 25, Neola, w. d T50 Ilobert Bleakly and wlfo to National Heal Estato and Investment com- nnnv. lot 7, block 2, nnd lots 33 and 34, block 7, Highland Plnce, C. B., d. 33 Total ftvo transfers $ 1,243 Davis sella paint. Third annual musical and dance at Rnval Arcanum hall Friday evening, September 27. Admission, 25 cents. Dance, 50 cents, Program: Orchostra ' Selected Vocal solo, "the Mnld nnd the Ttoso." DeKoven Miss Cora Schwartz. Baritone solo, "The Brigand." William P. Spenco Mr. J. L, Felgar. Soprano solo, "O, Luce ell Quest An- Ima" Donizetti Mrs. Mabel Hypes. Rending An Object of Love Miss Ethel Lemon. Vocal duet. "When the Wind Blows In from the Sea" ,....Henr.v Smart iuiss jesnicn vwiiiuce, air. i iuuim i.ewis. Davis sells kIujs. gg ' it Witt lor thota wi kmw vnhit'i flQl Woodward's Ganymede Chocolates aj! Opera BonBons Made By John G. Woodward & Go. 'The Canity Men." Council Bluffs low Iowa Steam Dye Works .101 ''roadway. Make youi oid clothes look Ilk now, Cleaning, Dyeing ind Repairing. LEWIS CUTLER Funeral Director ibucci-or to . c iitjl SH I'liAltl. silt KIM'. ''liiv W, FARM LOANS 5! irnit M.'KSr NeKOtlauu In Luaturn .".ctir.ii'.u ana lawa. jum.-i jn, Lnav. jr., lit Main St., Council Bluffs. BLUFFS. RICHES LEAD TO DIVORCE Whon Gold ii Hoarded in Ohiit, Lot Flies Oat of Horn. MRS. PETER KADEL SEEKS LEGAL RELEASE Declnrrs Hrr Ilustinnd's Mlserlj llntiltn Work Too Heavy Hard ship nnd Ask for nig Perm anent Alimony, Mrs. Harriet Kadel, after thirty-two years of married llfo and raising a family of nine children, all of whom, with the exception of one, aro of ago and doing for themtelves, now seeks to have tho matrimonial bonds between hcrf.elf and husband, Peter Kadrl, a wealthy farmer of York township, sov ered by due process of Uw. The petition filed In the district court yesterday rocltes a pathetic story of tho privations and hard ship to which Mrs. Kadcl alleges she was subjected by her husband, who, although worth between $70,000 and $80,000, refused, she says, to provldo the baro necessaries for the proper support of tho family. Tho Kadels were married In Hock Island, III., August 9, I860, and havo lived In York township over twenty years. Tho plaintiff Is 56 years of age. Sho charges her hus band with being a miser and that for tho last fourteen years ho has been growing more miserly ovory year. For years, she says, the family has been denied the necessaries of Ilfo and that tho children have been denied proper schooling. Mrs, Kadcl further charges her husband with abusing t,nd threatening her so ns to en danger her heulth nnd life. Her husband, sho says, has refrained from striking her during the last fourteen yearn, but has repeatedly threatened to kill her. As one Instance of the manner In which her husband trcnts her Mrs. Kadel alleges that for the last two years ho has locked the door to his ruom and refused her ad mission so that sho could clean it. The room, she avers, In consequence of want of nttcntlon, Is a filthy place and when thcro Is company at tho houso her husband, sho says, opens tho door and Invites the guests to look nt It and sec what a slovenly womnn his wlfo Is. Peter Kadel U owner of 200 acres of flno farming land In this county besides 300 acres In Madison county, Nobraska. Ho also owns houses and lots In the town ot Mlnden, la., and has personal property to tho value of $10,000. Mrs. Kadcl, In ad dition to the divorce, asks that sho be awarded $25,000 as permanent nllmony and the custody of their minor son, Chester, aged H ycar.s. Chambers' Dancing academy, Royal Ar canum hall, reopens for beginners Tues day, October 1; children 4 p. m., adults 8 p. m. Complimentary reception to past pupils and their frlonds, "adults," Friday, October 4. Circulars at Whnlcy's drug store. MANY CASES OF INSANITY CominNMoiicra llnvr an All-Diiy Sca Hlun, with Still More Work to Do. The Board of Insanity Commissioners was in session nil day Thursday, owing to tho unusual number of ca3ca demanding ltn attention. Charles Barghauscn. who, after assault ing his sister-ln-lnw Wednesday, attempted to thrust a tablo fork Into his throat, was adjudged Insano and ordered committed to the stato asylum at Clarlnda. Ho will be taken thero today by Sheriff Cousins. Eugene Vnder, against whom an Infor mation was filed by his wife Wednesday, was adjudged Insano nnd ordered com mitted to St. Bernard's hospital, whero he had heen a patient since last April. Vador until lost November wns employed nt tho smelter In Omaha and his condition today Is tho result of Injuries received whllo working In tho smelter. Whllo feeding a furnace ho was struck on the head by the Iron handle of a whcclbar.-ow loaded with ore nnd knocked senseless, The next day ho apparently felt no 111 effects from tho Injury and went to work again, but when he returned homo that night he beenmo unconscious and remaiued bo two days. Since then he has boon mentally deranged nnd has been a patient In St. Bernard's hospital at the expense of the smelter com pany. The company, howover, refused to contluuo to bear tho expense and tho wlfo brought tho enso beforo the commissioners. Ho has two young children, tho eldest 5 years of age. After hear.'ng the testimony of Mrs. Cooke, who came hero yesterday from Wat son, Mo,, tho bonrd decided that the legal rcMdencu of Henry C. Cooke, adjudged In sane Wednesday, was In Woodbury county, Iown. The evidence and tho finding were forwarded to tho State Board of Control for Its final determination. Pending this Cooko will be confined In St. Bernard's hos pital. Mrs. Mlnnlo Miller filed nn Information charging her 17-year-old son, James Colo man, with being Insane and his ease will ho Investigated by tho board this morn- .Ing. In the caso of Mrs, Clara Eckhart. wlfo of O. W. Kckhart of this city, the board decided to request permission from the stnto board to have her transferred from the asylum at Clarlnda to St. Bernard's hospital, with a ylow to having her paroled In care of her family. Superintendent Wltto of tho asylum ot Clarlnda has recommended that tho woman ho paroled. Sho was com mitted to Clarlnda January 7, 18SC. and was onco beforo pnrolcd, but her mental condition became bad again and sho was sent back Miss Anna U Nelson of 710 Wnshlngton avenue, an elderly spinster whose eccen tricities have been complained of by vnelgh hors, was beforo tho boanf again yesterday afternoon. She rclteroted hor promise to live with friends and tho board again re frained from committing her to the asylum. Hotel llnaenirnt Flooded. Th end of thn wntor pressure tank con nected with the elevator at the Grand hotel blew out last evening with a force that shook tho building, The boBemont was hadly flooded. Recolver Hart estimated the damage at $800. Ho expects to have thi elevators In service again today, the pres sure to be secured by direct connection with tho water main, ClinlleiiRer from St. Joe, A letter was received yesterday by Sec retnry Haas of tho Manawa Yacht club from J. H. Van Brunt of St. Joseph again challenging Andover for anothor race to be Cut Prices on Millinery PEN NELL MILLINERY, (II Broadway, Council Bluffs. tailed October 6. L, S. Clark, one of the owners of Andover, said ho was willing to race, although Mr. Dickinson would not be hero to sail his boat. The Van Drunts In tend to bring another boat from Lake Con trary In placo of the catboat with which thoy met defeat last month. .Millinery Opening. Fall and winter hats at Miss Sprlnk's Saturday, September 2S. No. 21 South Main street. NEW PLAYGROUND OPENED Colonel Ilnnnnn Advise Cltlirna to Ilnlae Fund for Christian Home, , C o ! r-r. c 1 Charles R. Hannan, president of the First National bank, made bis debut as a public speaker last night. He made an address at the opening of the new park and playground of the Christian Heme, tpeaklng of tho Institution from a business stand point. Colonel Hannan niartn a practical and buslncss-llkn talk. He told ot tho money that the Institution spent every year In the city and said that ns a purely busi ness outcrpriso every cltlicn should take an Interest In tho homo. Ho called attention to tho fact that a. wealthy friend of the homo, living In nn eastern city, had prom ised to donate $25,000 to the Institution If $10,000 should bo contributed from other sources. Colonel Hannan said that the friends of tho home should see to It that this money was raised. He also told ot tho plans Managor Lcmen had under way for the erection of a handsome brick rchool houso for the home. Attorney J. J. Stewart In his address re viewed the history and growth of tho Insti tution during the nineteen years It has bosn established. He said It was a home In every senso of tho word for the 235 children now being cared for In It. His address was a tribute to tho energy and devotion of Row J. O. Lemon, founder and manager ot tho home. Tho exercises In addition to tho addressos consisted of music by Whnlcy's orchestra; songs by the home children, who formed a pretty picture grouped under the electric lights on the handsome new bandstand; recitations by Mrs. Jessie Brown Dorward of Omaha and Miss Ethel Lcmen, nnd a solo by Lucius Pryor. Prayer wus offored by Pastor Calfco of the Broadway Methodist church. Five hundred peoplo attended tho exercises. Tho park occupies half a block between Avenues B and F and North Soventh and Curtis streets. It Is surrounded by a hand somo network fence. On the east side of the park Is a covered playhouse 150 feet long. A platform runs on one side the en tiro length, and on the other thirteen large double swings aro arranged. On tho west side nnd facing tho cast Is the large band stand, a handsome structure. Both the bandstand and tho playhouse aro lighted with Incandescent lamps. The park on the south side Is somewhat below grado and Is reached from the street by a broad flight of steps. Millinery Opening. A grand display of millinery will take placo at Mrs. Albln Muster's mllllncrv store, 321 Broadway, next Saturday, Sep tember 2S. Mr. and Mrs. Albln Hustcr, who recently took a trip east, have secured tho most beautiful goods and latest styles in the millinery lino. At New York and Chicago Mrs. Huster has visited all the principal wholesale nnd retail stores and Bocurcd one ot the most odd and. beautiful collections of hats and patterns for her patrons to select from. Tn Instnll Itev. llontrtler. An adjourned session of tho Council Bluffs Presbytery will be convened at 2 o'clock this afternoon tn the Second Presby terian church. In tho evening at 8 o'clock Rev. Harvey Hostetler will bo Installed as pastor of the Second Presbyterian church. Revs. Olllngcr of Carson, Maealllster of Missouri Valley, Barnes of this city and others will participate. Mnrrlnite License. Licenses to wed wore Issued yesterday to tho tollowlng: Nnme andRpsldcnre. Ago. W. L. Smith, New York City 35 Josephine Bordwcll, Omaha 27 J. L. Benson, Spearflsh, 8. D 25 Mnudo Kior, Council Bluffs 19 George II. Conrad, Lincoln, Neb 31 Mlnnlo CavcH, Lincoln, Neb 19 William Horn, Mills county lown 25 Cora Sknggs, Mills county, Iowa 13 WINNERS ARE RENOMINATED Iteiinlillcnn Banner Ilenrera Again on the Ticket for Monona County. ONAWA, la., Sept. 26. (Special Tol- gtam.) Tho republican county convention was In tho opera house this afternoon. A. Klndall of Onawa was chairman and O. R. Cnrhart of Maploton was secretary. The committee on credentials was John S. Ord- way, George O. Holbrook and Georgo W. Oli ver; permanent organization, J. S. Carmody, J. E. Scott and John Johnson; resolutions, O. J. Easton, W. T. Day and C. E. Under bill. Congressman Lot Thomas of the Eleventh Iowa district spoke thirty min utes. Ho complimented Monona county on changing from tho banner populist county to tho banner republican county of Iowa nnd the winning ot the Tippecanoe bannor two successive years. He was heartily ap plauded. A. D. Smith of Asbton township wns nominated on the first ballot for countv treasurer over N, L. Gordon of Castana by vote of 95 to 71. Tho nomination was mado unanimous. "W. E. Strain, for sheriff: F. E. Lark, for superintendent; Dr. E. E. Fisher for coroner, and R. S. Fessebden. for surveyor, wero nominated by acclama tion, James C. Johnton of Soldier was nominated for Bupervlsor on tho second bal lot over C. M. Blackman by a vote of 85 to 81. The Castana Glee club sang. The con vention was largo and enthusiastic. Tho proceedings were harmonious and tho out look for a republican victory In Monona was never better. The Tippecanoe banner, won for two successive years, was dis played ou the stage. Fall from Top of Rlevator. MISSOURI VALLEY. Ia., Sept. 26. (Spe cial.) James Brown, a carpenter aged 24, fell from the top of an elevator hero to day and was probably fatally Injured, He fell from tho highest point of tho big Up dike storage elevator being built In the east ern part of the city, striking on the hard wood floor of a grain bin nearly sixty feet below. He had lost his footing by tho over turning of a pile of lumber on the plat form where ho was working. His legs and arms were broken aud he received Internal Injuries, He was taken, to a hospital at Fremont. Brown's mother lives at Valley. Neb. Ynnnx .Nominated After Mm Fight. DES MOINES, Soi. 20, (Special Tele gram.) Tho prolonged senatorial deadlock at Wnyland was broken today and John A. Young ot Washington county was nominate! oer T. J. Gater of Henry county. The two counties had the same number of delegates tn tho republican convention and nearly TOO ballots had been taken. Galcr withdrew and ended tbts convention harmoniously, ACCUSED TRY TO EVADE liW Officers Charged with Ooiipiracj Seek t Uscxpo n Technicality. GRINNELL COLLEGE IN NEED OF MONEY German Daptlst Conference nt Mar- linlltorrn Indictment for Al leged Wife Murder lovran llclil am an Annrchlst. (From n Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Sept. 2(3. (Special.) Tho Justice court scandal In Appanoose county, involving prominent officials, Is attracting a good deal ot attention. The Indictments aga'lnst the three officials for conspiracy were returned by the court to tho grand Jury because the minutes of testimony on which they wero found had not been at tached to the Indlctmcnis. Beforo this was done however, the defendants nppenred and demanded that they bo arraigned nnd an effort was made to secure their release on the technical defect In the Indictments. The defect will bo corrected tomorrow and Sheriff Cllmle, Justice Henderson and Con stable Smith will be arraigned. U Is learned that the testimony brought out by the Centervllle Business Men's association charges on extenslvo conspiracy to secure fees from the county. Detectives, It Is alleged, had been employed, who camo to tho city In tho guise cf tramps and were arrested and released, only to be rearrested immediately. This process was repeated several times as a feemaklng process be fore tho detectives made themselves known. It Is expected that indictments will be found against others. Will ClirUten a Ship. Governor Shaw has ennferrsd tho honor of christening the protected cruiser Des Moines upon Miss Frances West, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry West. Tho christ ening will take placo at the shipyards at Qulncy, Mass, Governor Shaw, Mayor Hnrtenbower nnd a number of state officials will participate. Tho Des Moines has a displacement of 3,200 tons, a speed of lC.f, knots per hour and an armament consisting of ten flve-lnch guns, eight slx-poundcrn. two one-pounders nnd two Colt machine guns. Stntt! I'll I r Insurance I'rolilem. The executive committee of the state fair has secured from tho auditor ot stato an opinion to the effect that they can spend the $1,000 a year appropriation tor Insur ance and repairs In whatever way they de sire, hence It will be all used for Insuring tho buildings. Hcrctoforo thoy have followed the plan of Insuring for but one year at a tlmo. Now they will take out a ten-year policy and eavo money. The executive com mittee has purchased ot the Chicago, Bur lington & Qulncy Railroad company tho building on tho grounds erected by tho company and will use It for an office tor tho secretary, as It Is a much better build ing than the one now In use. The commit tee Is preparing to do a great deal ot paving nnd laying sidewalks on the grounds this year. New Corporation. The 'Citizens' State bank of Anthon has been Incorporated with a capital of $25,000. D. W. Connote, president; A. Olssen. cashier. The Brotherhood Reserve Llfo association ot Des Moines has become Incorporated. R. E. Dorr, president; H. E. Teachout, sec retary. Tho Farmers' and Miners Savings bank of Albla has been Incorporated; capital, $25,000; F. M. Drake, president; L. T. Rich mond, cnshlcr. The Dunlnp State bank of Dunlap; cap ital, $50,000; L. Kedlogg. president; S. J. Patterson, cashier. Tho People's Savings bank of Albla; cap ital, $30,000; 3. L. Collins, president; B. P. Castncr, cashier. College I DlNnppolnted, The recent death of Edward Manning of Kcosauqua, merchant aud capitalist, has up set tho plans ot Iowa college at Grlnnell. Some time ago he had promised to give the college a generous gift and thn amount mentioned was $50,000. Tho college au thorities regarded his word as absolutely good and have bcon relying on this gift to help them In certain matters. Since his dtath no will has been found and It is prob able that the college will get nothing. Tho Interest rates have been lowering to such an extent that tho incomo of tho college from endowments Is materially decrnased and last year tho deficiency In college finances was $51,000. An effort Is to bo made to greatly Increase tho endowment. German Ilaptlat Conference. The annual meeting of the German Bap tists of central Iowa Is In uesstoir In Mar- shalltown. A number of delegates went from hore this morning to attend tho ses sions. The delegates aro mostly from tho Dunkard settlements at Brooklyn, Panora, Harlan, Cedar Rnplds, Dallas Center, Dca Moines, Ames and Prairie City. Change of Ilecrultlng Officer. Cnptaln W. S. Scott of tho First cavalry arrived In this city this morning from Fort Meade, to take charge of tho local recruit ing stntlon for the array. Ho Is accom panied by his wlfo and son. Cnptaln 8wcezey expects to leave Tuesday to Join his regiment at Fort Robinson. Imllcteil for Attempted Murder. Elijah Heathcoto was placed under arrest this morning on an Indictment charging him with attempting to murder his wife. He Is alfo under Indictment for burglary. He broko Into the apartments occupied by his wife and stepson last Juno and shot her. They had Boparoted and he was living else, where. Ho hod previously had trouble with her two sons, Sho was at first supposed to be fatally wounded, but has slowly re covered. For Mewing Mnclilne Fraud. Bert Johnson, alias Louis NeUon, has been arrested for alleged fraudulent trans actions. Ho took orders, mostly from Scandinavian servant girls, for sowing ma chines and received from them small sums to be paid down and In this way secured $150. Ho claimed to represent tho Globe Manufacturing company ot Sioux City, anil as there Is no such concern, he was ar rested. Ho Is reported to have operated in a similar way In Boone, Logan, Missouri Valley and Carroll. Rupected of Being an Annrchlxt. Calvin DeFostcr of Waterloo Is under arrest In New York on suspicion of being an anarchist. Reports from there Indicate that he uttered remarks about Presldeut McKlnley which Indicated sympathy with Czolgosz. The New York authorities have asked the Watorloo police for Information, It Is found that in Waterloo hp operated a small watch repair shop and while there was constantly under the surveillance of tho police. He was suspected ot being ft "fenco" for the disposal of goods, and whllo In Waterloo was regarded as having an archistic tendencies. Ilatrrlaon County Fair. MI8SOURI VALLEY, la., Sept. 26. (Spe. elal.) The forty-third annual fair of the Harrison County Agricultural society opened here yeiterday. The exhibits of grain and stock are exceptionally goo-t The track was too soft for racing yesterday owing to a heavy rain. The races will be off this afternoon and tomorrow. The fair will close Friday evening. J. W. ELLIS AJ0R GENERAL .Mnqnoketn Veteran llend the I'nlon for Department of Ioitii CLINTON, la., Sept. 26. (Special Tele gram.) Tho annual reunion and encamp ment of the Union Veterans' union, De partment of Iowa, closed at Maquoketn to day. Old veterans were present from nil parts ot the state. A big banquet was held Wednesday night. Plates were laid for over 6C0. These officers were elected. Malor general, J. W. Ellis of Maquoketa; first dep uty commander, CharlcJ Ovlngton of Clin ton; second deputy commander, Colonel McKcnzle of Des Moines. Clinton was se lected as the next placo ot meeting. PERJURY TO GET A BRIDE Eloping Groom Is Tims Accused Dr Fnther of Girl nt Clinton. CLINTON, la., Sept. 26. (Special Tele gram.) Charles Paget and Miss Rosa Stolb of Sterling, 111., eloped to this city nnd were married Saturday. John H. Stolb, father of the bride, came hero today and swore out a warrant for the arrest of Paget and John Krumer, charging them with per jury In swearing that the girl was 18 years ot age when application wns made for tho Ilctnse. Tho bride's father says his daugh ter is hut 16 yearn of age. Since their marriage Paget and his wife havo lived In this city. SHAFFER ACCEPTS CHALLENGE Propose to Mnmc Arbitrator to Ile clde Who lln Told the Truth. PITTSnURO, Sept. 26. When President Shaffer ot tho Amalgamated Association ot Iron and Steel Workers was shown tho open letter of Samuel Gompers of tho American Federation of Labor and John Mitchell, president of tho United Mlno Workers, Issued last night, In reply to bis statement charging them with tho responsibility for the failure of the great steel strike, he said ho would accept their challenge and was ready to submit to an Investigation as to tho truth of his charges. "I have no objections," said he, "to tho men n'imorl by Mr. Gompers to act as a committee of Investigation, hut as he al ways looks to arbitration, that Is what I will agree to. I deslro to go to the root ot this matter and will solect as my man Simon Burns, president ot tho Knights of Labor, nnd tho National Window Glass Workers' Association. Mr. Burns can choose a second man, und Gompers nnd Mitchell the third party. "The meeting should take place In Pitts burg. Gompers and Mitchell gave us three hours to nccept tho proposition of tho United States Steel corporation, nnd In de manding my ncccptlon to tholr terms, they now limit mo to three days." THISTI.i: AMI DAMlltl'lT, f An IntcrrntliiK Pa ml I el nnd f Valu able- Deduction Therefrom. Cutting down thistles no more relieves the land of thistles than does scouring the scalp euro dandruff. In each case perma nent relief can only coma trom eradicating permanently the cause. A germ that plows up the scalp In searching for tho hair root, where It anps the vitality, causes dandruff, falling hair and baldness. If you kill that germ, you'll have no dandruff, but a lux uriant suit ot hair. Ncwbro's Horplcido Is the only hair preparation In the world that cures dandruff, falling hair and baldness by killing tho germ. "Destroy the cauee, you remove the effect." FIRE RECORD. nrataurnnt nt Coznd. COZAD, Neb., Sopt. 2S. (Special.) At 1 o'clock this morning fire broko out in the restaurant of R. E. Foresman. The Are company soon had the blaio under con trol. Tho entire stock of goods was re moved without much damage. The damago to tho building, which belongs to Ralston & Davtes, was $200, covered by Insurance. Fnnnhonnr Nenr Elk City. ELK CITY, Neb., Sept. 20. (Special.) The farmhouse of O. A. Wolcott, one-half mile north of here, was burned at 3:30 yes terday afternoon. Most of tho contents were saved. The fire was caused by a lamp explosion. Tho loss Is partly covered by Insurance. Ttnuch lloune Dmt royeil, LARAMIE, Wyo,, Sept. 26. (Special.) The ranch house of Jud Hance at dimming City burned to the ground yesterday. Tho contents were lost. It Is supposed the fire was set by some children. Utiltnrlnu Klrct onu-era. SARATOGA, N. Y Sept. 26. At the opening of today's session of the National Unitarian confsrence the committee on credentials reported an attendnnco of 1,000, Including 332 delegates representing 116 churches nnd organliatlons out of an aggre gate of S00 In the Unltnrlan denomination. Tho election of officers resulted as fol lows: President, Carroll D. Wright, Wash ington; vlco presidents, Thomas J. NJorrls, Baltimore; Georgo E. Adams, Chicago; Georgo C. Perkins, San Francisco; J. Har sen Rhondes, New York; Francis C. Lowell, Boston, and Rockwood Hoar, Worcester, Mass. DOEWAii JACI Economical Fuel Whatever fuel Is moat economical, most conve nient to your house, can bo used In a Round Oak Furnace chunks of wood, soft conl, hard coal, coko anything thnt (Iro will consume. What ever you put In It will glvo most heat, becauie Round Oak KurnnceH waito no fuel ; burn nil the furnace,) nnd Is roanonable In price. All of tho heat goes Into the house - no waato tnrouah flues out- aldo tho ermine, chim ney or tn collar. If jon want a furnaca, writ" for the Hound Oak Fnrrjaco book-lull ot fuel (l, blntt on fur nace regulation, etc. Heinle of P. D. BECKWITH, Dowaaiac, Midi. Maktri of Dtkuilh'i ftov in Me world. ataai4 Oak FHrnaoo r for aalo la Omaha by Milton Rogers & Boa Y if a Crime 7 Thousands of men nnd women are turned out of positions ami many (all tosecute situation be came their gray halts make them look old. This need not be. Hay's Hair-Heaifh .t... i.t ....1 1 1. 1.. ... lliaAva .'tit tin,, tun, kC:c(J ti,uu-.umiat III employ ment because it takes years from their apparent ngc. II tively restore cray, faded or bleached hair to its youthful Its use cannot be detected. Equally good for men nnd wo Ctntltvtm At lorlv nv htlr unil nuMache p!ce beemt hi fy hIf nudt him lnk elder t hi fy hlf nudt him leak elder than he Profiling by his perln s Halr Meiltll, with the remit that I ruve the lame dilV.l,ion curly hair l! Held my pcultlon, although manjr younjtr men, whoe cnty lault Ihelr jm led. I thank you for my portion. ; J. Railroad t iOin n linTTI lie- AT f I mi.i r.n,i1lirv. Free Soap Offer Cut out I and len tMi coupon In five dav. five you a urge bottle ol Hay's Hair-Health and ajc. cake of Harllnj Medicated Soap, the ben soap lor Hair Scalp Complexion. Path and Toilet, both lor pltty cem ttguiar rt e, Redeemed by leading druggists everywhere at their shops only, or by the Phllo Hay Specialties Co , t) Lalayette Sl , Newark, N J , either nh or without aoap, by ck-reu, rteaa.J In plain leiled package on receipt ol 6oc and ihli coupon. GUARANTEE, benehted, may have I orRctALTiD n., i.anyeue ..enark, ft j. Address ,Rihh tuiititutis Jmtii tn An: i llty't lUir lttiltK Following Druggltts supply Hay's Hair-Health and Hnrll.-.a 5oa- I ri-opj ot,iv . O.uAIIA .tlli:HM.V. C MoCO.VM;i.l., 16th and Chicago. crw.xril. ni.irr'FS MORGAN, H2 Broadway DoIIAVKN, 332 Central Broadway BROWN, 527 Mnln; WIIKLEY, 410 Broadwny. ALL THEIR BONES BROKEN CeYeral Mn Die Violsntlj in Oil Ezploilob at Newiilf, N, J. OCCURS WHILE SEEKING FRIENDS' RESCUE Workmen Overcome In Tntik nml Tlioar .Outrtlile Try to Cut TlirtiURh the Mitrn with Kntnl llexult. NEW YORK, Sept. 2C Six men, possibly seven, wero killed and soveral Injured by the explosion today ot an oil tank of the Estcx &. Hudson Gas company at Newark. N. J. The known dead arc: LAWRENCE KIRCH, employed In the works. WILLIAM MEYER. OTTO NEWMAN, foreman of tho works. ALFRED SNYDER, Jersey City. NICHOLAS MILLER. UNIDENTIFIED MAN. Many witnesses say there Is a body In the river, as they taw It hurled high In the air and thrown In that direction. Tho tank which exploded was one of a number of Immense steel reservoirs which wero undergoing Its periodical cleaning, it having been emptied of Its oil In the morn ing. Tho tank was twenty feet deep and Kirch and Meyer entered through the man hole first without taking the precaution of having ropes tied about them. They were Immediately overcome hy the fumes. Foromnn Nowrann saw this nnd started down after them after shouting a warning to tho other workmen in the yard. He, too, collapsed In tho tank. SpnrU Doon I'll nl Work. Nicholas Miller, a grocer nearby, had onco been foreman of tho works. He was In tho yards and at once Resumed charge I of the rescue. Summoning others tho men began with chUels to cut a large ring In tho tank. It Is supposed one of the chisels, In striking tho steel, caused the emission of n spark, for Instantly there wns an ex plosion llko that of a cannon and then a shent of flame. Ten men were on the top of the tnnk at tho time. They wero swep' away In all directions. Miller, Snyder, the unidentified man and tho one supposed to be In the river seem to have borne tho brunt of thn terrific shock. Tho thrco first mentioned were not badly mangled, but not n bone In their frames wns left unbroken, nays tho county physician, this fact being duo to their being blown many feet Into the air and the force with which they struck the ground. The tank was rent In twain and after all wao oer the bodies of the three men In It wero tnken out. The gns nnd other tanks In tho yard wcru surrounded by flames for n short time, hut none exploded and thn firemen had llttla to do. Ambulances soon conveyed tho In jured to a hospital. Con nu unit Ion Til rent cued. C. Ungor, 212 Maple St., Champaign, 111 . writes: "I was troubled with a hacking cough for a year and I thought I had con sumption. I tried a great many remedies r.nd wns under the caro of physicians for revernl months. I used onn bottle of Foley's Honey, and Tnr. It cured me, and I have not been troubled since." NEBRASKA DEBATES STANFORD Orntora from the Antelope Stnte. to Make (lie Journey to the Connt. STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Cal., Sopt. 26, According to negotiations new In progress there Is a probability that Stanford will enlarge its ephore of intcrcolloglate debat ing by meeting team from the University of Nebraska this fall. Such a contest would bo tho first on record betwoon col leges of tho east and west. Nobraska propoees that tho debate take placo here, near tho closo of the semester, tho cardinal representative to reciprocate by making tho trip to Lincoln next year. fuel, the gnses,and inostof tho smoke; keepflro 12 hours with wood, 21 hours Willi coal. The Round Oak Furnace Is solidly constructed and Is airtight (tho only airtight - - Hound I na4 Oak Paraaaa wltb outer caalnaj remove. HAIR-HEALTH will pos. coior. it. is noi a uyc. ttnn turning m A Mm.l ihm he Profiling ty hU pfrine, I htctn Cntyhalr, hate AT t Dinik'fi rmninicTi! Ooodfoi 250m oako HARFIHASCAP. late It to inv of the fo!lo ln ilnieclua and irW :il Any renon purehaMng My' Bur Health anywnen in tne u, n. who vt not been iv have hli monev back bv addieirin- Piiuu llv Kith nml DoiIrfj SCHAFHR'S DRUG STORE, $5.00 A MONTH SPECIALIST In All Diseases and Disorders of Men 10 years InOmaba VARICOCELE and HYDROCELE CUMd, ' " Method new, without entitle, VM. ,r lost of time. CVDUII I o cured for lite ana tne po!ion OT i n 1 1 I thoroughly cleansed from the system. Soon every tgu and symptom illsapprars completely and forertr tlo "11 UK A KINO OUT" ot tht disease on the aVI'i or face lreatment contains no dangerous aruga or Injurious medlclnv. WEAK MEN from Excesses or Victims tO NKIIVOITH DKMMTV lir EXHi I3STI ON, Wkakmkku wltb i:atii.t Hi cat in nnd Miod:.k Aosd, lack of rlin, vigor and strength, w ltn organs Impaired and w rak, STRICTURE cured with a nw Homa Treatment. No pair., no detention from busi ness. Kidney nnd lllnldr' Troubles. CHARGES v. 3VV , Conjcltstion I rtr. frealmeal bv Mill, Call ou on or uddrrFS 1 19 So. 14th Sti Dr. Ssarles & Searles. Omaha. Neb. tfuy and Try a Box Tonight. While you think of it, go buy and try a box of Cascarets Candy Ca thartic, ideal laxative, tonight. You'll never regret it. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold ir bulk. All druggists, ioc. INSURANCE. THE FIDELITY MUTUAL Lift Insurance Co. of Philadelphln . Issues all fornix uf lltu aud endowment uollclcs. thn rntcs arc low. After the In surance has hern In force u llxeil number of wars, the niunev von ti.ild to the com pany for your Insuranco Is returned to you In CASH. II. K. MISMM.WITZ. Mn II river, S4I-6 Re Ilullillng. Omnhn, Neb. JUBBEHS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA ALEXANDERJACOBSEN CO. BROKERS . AND MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS, SUITE-105 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Correspondence solicited with large deal, ers and manufacturers Interested In out method of personally Introducing and fob lowing up the sale of first-class merchan dise of all kinds TO THE TRADE li Omnhn, South Omaha and Council Bluffa Nebraaka and Western low. MACHINERY HNU P0UNDRY' Davis & Cowgll! Iron Works. UANUrACTUREnS AND JOBBBM OF MACHINKTIT. OBNERAL. REPAIRING A IPBCIALTl IRON AND BRA08 FOUNDER. 1S01, ir.OU anal 1SOB Jaouna Itfaat, Omaha. Mea. Tel. Una. B. Eabrlakla. Acant. J. B. CawtrUl, Ufa) Olds Mobiles and Olds Gasoline Engines OFFICE AND SAMPLES III4-III6 Farnam Street. Omaha. KANE CO. Manufacturers and Jobber ot Steam and Water Supplies Of All Kinds. 1014 and 1(11(1 DOUGLAS ELECTRICAL SUiTLIfcS. A7estern Eleofrical vv Company Electrical Supplies. kilactrU Wiring Ualla aad Ou IikMaaj Q. W. JOHNSTON. Mur. 1M0 Howard au "dry "goods. E. Smith t Co. importers and JaMra1 Dry Goods, Furnishing Qoiii AND NOTIONS. WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT Byrne-Hammer Dry Goods Co. HOWARD STItrcriT, OMAHA'S GREAT NEW HOUSE. TENTS AND AWNINGS. Omaha Tent & Awning Co.y OMAHA, NKtl. TENTS FOR RENT. TENTS AND CANVAS GOODS. flUND VOR CATALOGUU KUUBaSIl 83,