V THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMTJET? 21, 1901. I uiniiitions invmer .. .... ,- -,; niiiK ir a quiet session mi ; Jc today. December wneiu vvu tj- Iit Saturday, December corn W 'AC 1 1 ttmttl)ll fllllH .: 1111. i iu- COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL "BcirUh Conditioai Exiit it Opening of loard f Tad. WHEAT STARTS DULL AND CLOSES EASY Corn Renin Muilerntclr Action null in rirm nl l.nil H Art- il"t, It n I nt leprennl l Hc yortu PrmUlons Steiidr. riiK'AOO. Rent. 23.-Rcnrlsh n.!!st.l!' nnil tradi urn: II Kliri Y" . ; ",i;..r VlfXnt " e e .1 under" the Iniiuonce of lower cables, luavy worlds shipments and liberal receipts. December slnrt-d Ml'sc depress) u iit TOV to .oi2c. Ui-ars locmnd to have evir thing their own way nt the beginning, the riietor enrryltK mo weight being the report of shipments 'mm Russian ports exceeding S.iOyxri bushels. Under n liberal offering or long wheat De tembfr eased off to 7)i'W70'Sc. On 11 good ri'nctlnn In rorn December recovered some of (he Ions and cloned easy, W( c lower nt 7i ?iii Local receipts were 1M ears, 4 rf contract grade; Minneapolis nnd Pi luth reported l.ull rnrs, making n total rur the three points of 1,2( cars. ngnlnst -.411 'lust week and 1.269 n yea rngo. Prlmnrj re telptH were: I,M1S8 bushels, compared with last year t,727.ix) bushels. Heabojird clearances In wheat and Hour equaled m2, i0 bushels. World's shipments wero 0.31I, lj) Inishelf. ns compared with last years 7UW0 bushels. The tiantlty on passago was 2,1W,WI bushels. The srabourd tcported fj li.ads taken lor export C'nrn opened on a moder.Uely nctlvo day, dcprrsseii by reports of fair weather In tho wt. December opened UtiUe '9w,'r f'''iiiiHi' and wns depressed to ixltc by lower cublos. The early trade wn very light, but soon u demand for the cash arti cle began to develop and reports 1 or M Wills taken for export advanced Decem ber to n'J'iC, closed firm, "itt'.tc higher nt tKVuWie. Hecelpts were 2M cars, iiatM were quiet, but dldn t seem to feel the depressing clfectH of statistics na much ns tho other cereals. December opened i,y'4c lower at Xc, but with few offer inits and a fair general demand sold to M-Ic, having touched MVie on liquidation and closing firm, higher nt ZWUSVic Receipts were 19i cars. Provisions were unlet and stonily. There was u steody cash demand und opening prices wero hlKher, with higher hogs. Jan uury pork closed 6c higher at $16.30: Jan uury lard 11 shade higher at l'J.63 and Jan uary ribs 214c up nt 18.15. Estimated receipts for tomorrow, whent, carHi corn, Hi cars, oats, 235 cars; hogs, 23.00) hend. Tho leading futures ranged ns follows: 3;Vi;c, September, 37-4c ; December. SS'ie; May. I"'e, No. 2 white, 39',fi394c. It VI; Firm , , , . KI,Ol'K-Qulet and unchingfil; red win ter patents, J3.4'jfi3.DO; fnncy nnd strnlpht, J3.iO-ii3.lS; clear. $2.eJ2.t(. Hi;ivD8-Tlmolhy, steady nt H.lhQj.'.O; tla.x, no innrkct. COHNMi:AI-ateady nt .. UHAN -IJiilel hut steady; sacked, enst track, "sjiwf. IIAY-Tlmothy, steady nt J12.t0fll5 0); prairie, JIO.WWS.OO, '.'lllHK Y-Steady. it.3rt. IKON COTTONTIK8-I1.20. H. O O NV J fiif 1 7l.-ic. 1 1 KM I TWINli-'Jc. IMtOVIHION8-lork; Firm; JobblnK, . t.ird, steady nt S.S2. Dry salt mennts, llrm; boxed lots, extra short, tfl.25; clear ribs, J3.12H, clear shies, I9 60. Ilacon, firm; boxed lots, extra fhort, JW.I6; clear ribs, J10.00; clear sides, Jlt.37Vj. I,ard: Steady at J9.S2H. MKTAI.H- 1-eadi Quiet nt $4.27g4.33. Spelter: Firm at 3.9i'Vj. rut 11 in - iwi") i cnicKons, 7c; springs, r; turkeys, .'.40; younB, 7c; ducks. CQ7c; creamery, 16521c; 70,. 9c chi'si. 4e llt'TTKIt-Slendy; ilnlrv. 13t10C. KtiflS-Htendy nt lfic, HKCHII'TS-Flour. lO.W bbls.J whent, l.; mi.; corn, ow) uu.j oats, 41.VW UU, SINI'MKNTB-Floiir, 1.00D bbls.; whent, f3,0O) bu,; corn, 2I,0 bu.J onts, SO.OCO bu. OMAHA WIKIMISAM'. MAIIKKT. Condition of Trnile nnil (luolnllons in Stniile nnd I'niicy Produce. KaCJ3-ltecelpts fnlr; ljlr. 'Ul' ,t y-I ens. nnd old roosters. 4c: turkevs. nnd Reese, frUJijc; sprlni; chickens, per lb., 74 4Ul I 317i 3fiViU 71 l-oufs,! 74H73'rtrt! .1. RS-V WW 14 Ifi 3') 1G 40 10 17, 10 07 W 9 C7 9 G7',4 9 no 8 ; 8 l"Vi 8 W 3.S?i ir. 00 IB 3S 10 4.p. I 10 17'.4 10 10 9 fi7',i 9 07',il I 9 03 9 00 8 r.o S f.5 r;H t,syt 31 3CU 35'i II W 10 2f 10 40 7iy4'f?s 1 COUffS, mT8'if:i 1, 8Si '1 74 R7 6i 34T4 Articles. I Open , IllKh. I Low. I Close.l Hnfy. Wheat Sept. Dec. May "Corn Sept. Dec. May Oats Sept. Dec. May Pork Oct. Jnn. May J.M nl Sept. Oot. Jan. Jlay Hlbs-- Scpt. Oct. Jan. May 35 V.i 30Hfii3S'SifJi 3 I 10 1U 9 90 n r.ri 9 B7V51 R 97V4! 8 90 I 8 40 SCO 11 9714 10 30 16 40 It S3 1G 25 10 3!4 10 .10 I 10 074 10 02',4i 10 02V4 9 65 9 67HI. 8 97V4I S 46 8 60 9 re 8 !B 8 KV, 8 474 No 2. Cash nuotntlons wero ns follows KLOUH-Stoady: wlntor patents, J3.EC-9 .co: striiiKhts, f3.WKts.vi; clears, jz.sws.so; prlni; specials, tl.10ij4.20; patents. f3A1U B.70: bakers. I2.2Wt2.ii... WHUAT-No. 3. 67flfl7Hc: No. 2 red, 70?i COItX-No. 2 yellow. 68UflE9c. OATS-No. 2. 303Slic; No. 2 white, 8S',i (ijasi:; No. 3 wiute, 3S439C. KYK No. 2. rv4ii5Gc. UAKI.KY-Knlr to choice maltinn. r.lSCOc, SUIODS-No. 1 Max. J1.68: No. 1 north- western, $1.60: prlmo timothy, $5.60; clovor, contract Kraii-i, j.ss. PHOVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbl.. $14.95 fiflS.O'). l.ard, per 100 lbs., 110.07WW 10.1214. Short ribs sides (looso). $?.90H9.10. D'y rnlted shoulders (boxed). $7.G247.87H: thort 3Joar sines tooxeu;, j'j.ujo'.'.w. WUISKY-Ilasls of high wlnos, $t.30. Tho t'ollowlriK nro tho receipts und ship- nenis 1 or 1110 lust iwoniy-ioar novrs Articles J-'Iour, bbls. Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. , Oats, bu. .. 3tye. bu. .. Hurley, bu. Hecelpts. S.ilpmetita. 40,000 2),(J0 .....609,000 05,(K0 ....300,000 479.030 338.000 137.W0 2I.0M 1,0.0 )I,VM 3,WJ On tho 1'roduco exch.im:a today the but. tor tnurket wns llrm; civamerles. 119204c; dames, isijiic. i-neese. steaay at u(flo?ic, agga, iirm; iresu, iuc. m:w yohic i;i'.m:iai, maiikkt. Qnnlfillon of Hip Dnr Conimnillttos. on Vnrlous loss off, 11315c. 9755c; young 6SC! C1UCKS patents, $3 SO; first clears, $2.8532.90; second clenrs, $2.25. UKAX-ln bulk, $13.0013.23. balances. il.Vh.6CS: posted oxehance. $4.S3U 4(4, SG,. New York exchange, 25c discount I'eorln Mnrkel. 111., Sept. 23.-CORX-Steady; white, 36Hc. billed or $1.30 ror fin- PBOltlA, No. 3. 39c. OATS-Steady; No. throUKh. , WHISKY-On tho basis lshcd goods. MOVKMK.M'S OK STOCKS AX HOM1H. rnntlnncs In mo? IIL'TTBH Common tn fnlr. llU,12c: choice dairy, In tubs, 16?fl6c; sepnrnior. 21 22c. riiKHH r ISH lllucK bass, 18c: whltn buss, luc; bluetlsh, He; bullheads, 10c; bluo llha V,, , r. 1 - . rtn,.lal, ,nA. MA.I iru, (t.to, ,v , MuunitJcni miiiriii (.uii, ,v, croppies, 10c; halibut, 11c; herring, 7c; had- cock, iuc; piKe, mc, rcn snapper, vjo; sni mun, He; Runllsh, 6c; trout, lOc; whlteflsh, 10c. OYSTKnS-Medlums, per can. 23c; Stand ards, per cun. 2!ic; extrn selects, per can, 35c; New York counts, per can, 4jcj bilk standards, pr al., $115. PIOnONS-Mvp, per doz., flOc. VKAL.H fllOlCP, SC. HAY Prices nuoted bv Omaha Vhoaalo Hay Dealers' association: Choice upland, fiv.w; .no. 2 upland, Jin; medium. .w; coarse, $5.60. Itye strnw, $4.30. These prices nre ror nny or good color and quality. jj0. manu rnir. neceipts, a) cars. whp;at-&oc. COHN-Slc. OATS-3IC. nitAN-$16.60. VEanTABLES, POTATOES Homn crown. I1.10TM.1S! Snlt Lakes. .11.20; Colorado, $1.20. KCiO PL,ANT-Por dOZ.. 75C. GHKKN COnN-Per doz., 10c. OA H HOTS Per market baskot, 35o. HI2ETS-Por halr-bu. baskot, 35c. Tt'HNIPS-Per baskot, 30c. Ct'CL'MUEHS Home itrown. tier doz.. 10 (315c. uiiTTt'CB l'er bu., 20c. HAD1 SUES Per doz., 10315c. PAHSI,EY-Per doz., 20o. SWEET POTATOES-Per bu., $1.26. CA11HAOE Homo crown. 2fi2iAe! Holland seed, crated, 2c. TUJIATOES-Homo grown, per 18-lb. ban ket. 60c. ONIONS Homo-Krown, per lb., 2T2Vc. 11EANS Wax. tier H-bu. bnsket. fOc: strlnif, per Vi-bu. basket, 60c. ONIONS Homp-Krown, per lb 2fl2ic; Spanish, per crate. $1.50. CANTAI,OlTPE-Home-RTown. per doz., 23j50c; crates, 11.601.75; Hockyrords, per crute, $2.60. WATEHMELONB Missouri, Iowa nnd Nebraska, 20326c, ns to size. CEL.EHY Kalamazoo, nor hunch. 25HS52! Nebruska, per bunch, 30310c; Colorado, 40 NAVY HEANS Per bu., $2.6032.73. FRUITS. APPLES-Cooklnn. per bbl., $2.2532.50; snow applps, per bbl., $3.0033.25: Jonolbans, $3.5034.00; Hellellowcrs. $l.ftif1.75. PEACHES Cnlirornla freestone, per box, 86c; clings, 75c: Colorado freestone. 73j5o; tiincrtoH, c-bnsket crates, $1.3031.40. PMJMS-Cullrornla, per cr.tte, $1.2531.E0: honie-Krown, per S-Ib. banket. 15c. PEAHS-Hartletts. $2.60; Utah, $2; Now yorK liartietts, kegs. $2.60. GHAPES-Callfornla Tokay, 4-lb. crate, .uiijcuis, ji.iw; uoncorus, nome-grown, per 8-lb. basket. 1G317C. PINEAPPI.ES-Per crate of 13 to 16, $4.25. CHANIIEHHIES-Pcr bbl., J6.60; per crate, .OI. QUINCES-Por box. $1.65. TROPICAL rnuiTS. OHAXOES - Vnlenclns, $4.0035.00; SIoJ sweets, $4.60. IjEMONS Fancy. $1: choice. $3.50. HA NANA S Per bunch, according to size, Chicago, I. & I, $2.001,2.50. do pfd i' ilib uaiirornin, now cartons, 75c; lay. crs. C5c: Imported, per lb., 10312c. DATES-Poralan, In 60-lb. boxes, Solrs, 5c. MISCELLANEOUS, NUTS EtiKllsh walnuts, nor lb berts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb., lS320c: c'h'lcaco T. raw peanutp, per lb., 6354c; roasted, C43 do pfd .. iTui jriiii9, 101:; pecans, iu'j.c, CIDBR-Pcr bbl., $1,50; per H-bbl., $2.73. iiiuiiB-so. 1 green, nw, so, 2 green, 5V4c; No, 1 salted, 8c; No. 2 salted, 7c; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12U lbs., Sc; No. 2 vral calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides. j313c; sheep ....!., '1 7 r . 1. r. I. I , man n - j.UILn, M1(UU, lllll BttJllUUn, fx.uuiff.j. AntiilKnnintril Copppr Kit 1 1 In Price. NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-Amalgamited Copper fell SVi below the final price o. Saturdny late In tho dny today nnd after n 2-polut rnlly on covering by room shorts, was running off rnpldlv again before the close, the last price showing n net nss of 74. following the 64 loss of Saturday Annconda, tho only one of the controlled companies dealt In exchange, fell an ex treme 64 nnd lost 5S net. This comprised most or the market for tho day. There was some early resistance In n row railroad stocks, but It was nbandoned In race of the persistent and heavy lluulda Hon In Amalgamated Copper, and the whole market turned weak. The net loses run between 1 and over 2 polnta In ipilto nn extended number of stocks. Such a violent decllno us that or Amalgamated Copper Is bound to affect the stock mar ket by sympathy, whatever the conditions elsewhere. The Amalgamated Copper movempiit gained In Influence by reason or collateral Inferences drawn from It by speculators. Although a highly manipu lative specialty, tho stock has bcn more favorably regarded than some other In dustrials by renson of the Influential char acter or tne control 01 me company, ini reduction In tho dividend and the collape In the price hnvc led to (lying rumor of shortcoming In management nnd flnnnrci of the snmo character recently dlsclcsed by sovernl or the minor Industrial com panies, The effect was to engender dis trust or nil tho Industrials nnd their blind pool mctlt)ds, Also the reduction of the Amalgamated dlvllon rollowlng upon the consrrvnt.ve rerusal by partly Identical Interests (o ml vnnco tho St. Pnul dividend wns taken ns a broad Indication or the disposition or the Standard Oil capitalists to stimulate n rise In prices. As the ract has beeu ob vious tnat tne insiiicrs were ndvnncmg the Mornan rnllroad nrnnertlrs and the Gould properties, Southern Rnllwny. Ere nnd Manhattan, continuing an ndvance ih s morning, speculators were Inclined to draw nn Inrercnco of renewnnce of discord among tne powers wnose nctloni preclpltntod the Northern Pnclllc corner. In addition, the itovernmciit fiscal onera- tlons aro not expected to bring such re sources to tho monev market ns wns the case Inst week, while the heavy movement or currency to the Interior continues. An- otner nay or reverses to the British nrms In South Africa seemed to bring home to tho London market that 'hey must face another government loan nt nnnthrr perol to meet n protrnnted war expenditure there. This brings another dement of doubt into tne protiiem or the amount of gold ror olcners will nnrt with for th nnmiim gold movement to Now York. The ndvance in discount rnto by tho Imperial Hank rf ucrmany was anotner element. The ror elgn exchange rato hardened today, end ing the tnlk or rurthor engngements or Bom. tho mnrKct closed weak. Railroad bonds wprn Htronir onrlv hut npcnme irregular as stocKs turned weak- Total sales, par value. $2.750.of0. Unlte'I btates 4s advanced 4!j per cent on tho lmt Cilll. I he Commercial Advprtlnnr'a 1 iinanciai caoiegram says: The Jewish holl day restricted business on tho vini-u ,.v, change today, as did tho ract that vm are pn tho ove or settlement day. The pro- itiiiKiuK'n 01 inn nopr war nnil hip isrlllsh iivuiocn guvo n nenvy tone to the mar ket. Copper stocks were Hat Anncondi declining 4 and tlntos, 1. American stocks were Idly firm on your Saturday bank statement, but thero wus a sharp break on mu huick on me ciosc or imnnefH on a fresh fall In Amalgamated Copper, The ilium 01 nermany nns ringed tne discount rato irom JV4 to 4. London nttempted to narucn umcouni rates, nut railed, ns Amor ica sun gets eagles chenper In Pnrls. Aui trnlla still romnlns the only Inquirer ror gold. Saturday's reported rlso In the prlre ui uius ,,uvvn ei i uiiuuim, us wie pnco re mains nt 77s 3Ud. Money rates rulo steady. 1 luiiifrmiH uiq wiu f'luding pricea uii 1110 new 1 oik sidck excnaiige Cons., money ilo aocount Atmctindn trhlon 73M, do ptJ ,,,. 10 ItJltlmore A Ohio.. 107', Canadian rnclnc ..HP4 hei. t Ohio IiIcuku Ot. W C, M. & at. 1 Denver H II. tl do !fd Erie do 1st pM.... do 2d Hi, I Illinois Central I. .ouln. & Nash..i...lOi M.. K. & T 30 do pfd 55' SILVER-Uar. dull at 2615-lCd. MONEY' 13 1'.S per cent. The rato of dis count In the open tnnrkct ror short bil.s Is 2V24 per cunt; ror three months' bl.ls, HOSTON, cent; tlmo closing: S. V. , T. & Jo pfd Anifr. Kimar Amer. Teltphone Bonlon & Alhanny lloston Llrvnted . Ho Moil g. Me Dominion Coal ... do pM V. H. Hteel do pfd Oeneral Klcctrle . M i:iec 111 Mrx. Central N. 11. O. A C Old Dominion .... llubbcr Afhlson do pfd Baltimore do pfd Canadian Paclflo Canada Southern Chen. A Ohio.... Chicago & Alton. do pfd "5'i St. Paul i I do pfd Ohio. .102H So, PaclOo 03 .So. ltallnnv 110 do pfd 7S4Tex. & Paclnc... 4 IT.. St. L. & W... SSV4 do pfd 77V4 Union PiiclHc ... 15e: fll- I.. 41 74 .126 China trr Jt- 1 Chicago & at. W... 21HrV, do Ut pril do 2d pfd...., Chicago & N. W c. it. i. & r.. & T MEW YOIIK. Sent 23. FLOUH Recelats '35,617 bbls.; exports, 20.111 bbls.; fnlrly actlco and steady; winter patents, $3,503 i3.80; winter straights, $3.3033.15; Mlnnesotu ijiatenls, $3.653.9o; winter extras, $2.632.S0. lityo flour, steady: fnlr to good, $2.8533.15; choice to fnncy, $3.3033.60. COHNMKAL Klrm: ypllow western, $1.22; city, $1,211: Hrnnd-ivlnp. $3.3333.50. , RYE Firm; No. 2 western, 61c, f. o. b. .ullnat. HARLEY Stpady : feeding, 61c, c. I. f. lluffalo; malting, iQ0lc, c. 1. f. Huffalo. ' WHEAT Hecelpts, 336,0(0 bu.; exports, 170,996 bu.; spot steady; No. 2 red, 764c, f. 10. b. afloat; No. 1 Duluth, 72?;c. t. o. b. .afloat; No, 1 hard Duluth, 814c, r. o. n. iRllont. Oitlons opened e.usy and depressed most or tho day by buarlsh statistics, 'lowor cables, unrlhWQst selling, poor ex ,port demanil and new offerings. They finally rallied with corn and closed steady; lilny. 75Hc; October closed 74c; December, '76 1-lfi. closed 7fiHc CORN-Hecelpts, 87,400 bu.; exports, 18, y!31 bu.; spot llrm; No. 2. 634c olovntor and '64Hc f. o. b. nllnat. Option market opened "puny on lino weather west, but experienced . strong Into ndvnncu on export buying und activity nmong shorts. May, 64436ls4c, 'closed (Vlc; September, 63S6lc, closed 61c; October closed rac; Dccomber, 6343614c, lolosod 64c. OATS-HpccIiiIh. 21,861 bu.; spot steady; ils'o. 3 white. 403404c; options ralrly nctlvo tiind stundler ' HAY Firm; shipping, 00363c; good to ichoico. sjyooc. HOPS Q.ilct , stntp, common to choice, 19J1 crop, 13315c, 'M crop, 11316c; 1S9D crop. jC31lc; Pnclllc const. 19(H) crop, 11313c; 1899 Icrop, 6311c; 1S9S crop, 539c. HIDES -Steady; Uutvestnn. 20 to 23 lbs,, il8c; California, 21 to 23 lbs., 194c; TexaH Ulry. 21 to 30 11 w 114c. LEATHER Steady ; hemlocl: sole, lino trios Ayren, light to heavy weights, 2J4W Isi4e; acid. 23432l',tc. PHOVISIONS-lleiif. llrm; fnmlly, $ll.r0? 12.00; mess. .$9.50310.00; beef hnnis, $20.00( 21.60; packet. $10.1103 10.50; city, extra, Indlf. tness, 16.(-418.ou. Cut meats. firm; pickled bellies, $9.75311.75; pickled shoul ders. $7.25; pickled hams, $111.753 11.00; Toflued steady; continent. $10.75; South .Anierlcu, 5U.5o; compound, $7.603 7.73. Pork, lllrm; fnmlly, $17.00317 50; short clear, $17.50 Kfjl9.(t; mess, 16.0041 17.00. HUTTER Receipts, 6.725 pkgs,; Arm; etato dairy, Hyjutjo; creamery, 15322c; Juno creamery, 20ii'21V4c; Juno rnctory, i4wn54c CHEESIJ-Recclpts, 2.270 pkgs,; aulet; Ifnncy, large, colored, "Ja; fancy, large, white, 9Jo: rancy, small, colored, J4c; liuioy. small, white, 94394c. ECK1S Recolpts, 5.192 pkgB.; firmer; stata and Ponnsylvunlu, 21322cf western c&ndlcd, S04321c; western uncandled, 17UC0c. MOLASSES-Stcady. POI'LTRY-Allvo and dressed, nominal. METALS--Tln In local motnl circles wan a. shndo lower today under un nbsenco or Ijuyors and In sympathy with tho deprca Blon nhroiul. Tho close was easy nt 25.20. whllo spot at London closed nt 115 Hb 6J nnd ruturps at 112. Copper was nominally unchanged here and In London was weak, wiih nixit nnotpil nt iinr 17s Gil and futures nt 6." as. Iad unlet at $4,374 here while ut London spot closed at 12 2s 6d. Spoltor was quint ut $4.uwi.io here. At i,onnon nn ndvunco or 2s M was recorded, thus Bpot closed ,nt 16 17s 6d. Domestlo Iron iiiarkets wero dull, unchanced. Glasgow warrants closed nt 54s lid nnd Mlddlesbor- ojgli at I5s 9rt. St. l.ouls Grain uuil Provisions, ST. IDIMS. 8pt. 23. WHEAT Receipts, T0,ft bushnls; Arm; No. 2 red cash, ele vator, 70Uc; truck. 714372QJ September. yusc; i;ccetnDer, itinc; aiay, ifto; ho, ; hard, 69c. CnnK'lllDliar. Vn "llln. IranV .''8ivi'!: Soptemwr, 59c; December, 63I4o; Hay. Cl;c. OATU- lllcber; No. 3 cash, 31 Vic; trac.k, LIvi'riiiMil fi nil 11 nnil Prnvlslnnn. LIVERPOOL, Sept. 23. WHEAT-Spot, quioi, io. 4 rco, western, winter, os fd: no. 1 iioriiicrn, sprlns, os 74a; No. 1 Cab rorula, 5s Ud; futures, qu.ot; December, os 4 ' s i ; Aiarcu, ih uvici. cuitiN apot, nrm; American mixed new, 5s 14d, futures, quiet; October, 6s 4d; No- vemoor, us; uecemucr, bs PEAS Cnnndlnn. steady. 0s Id. r LOUH at. Louis fancy winter, steady, IS Ml. HOPS At London (Pacific oast), dull, 3 MB. PROVISIONS-Reef, Arm; extra Tndla mess. iOb. pork, llrm; prlmo mess, west em, 73s. Hums, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., strong, 6is. j-nru, strong; American re fined, in palls, 51s; prlmo western, In tierces, bus bu. iiacon. strong: Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 ltn., 53s 6(1; short ribs. 16 to 20 lbs., strong. 51s. 6d; long eltnr middles, light,. to ai ins., strong, 01s; lung clear middle), hoavy, 45 to 60 lbs.. t0.4 3d; short clear backs. strong: 16 to 20 Ihs.. 47s 6d: clear bellies. 14 to 16 lbs., 60s; shoulders, square cut, 13 IO 111 1119.. 1JA Jll, BUTTER Steady; finest United States, ss; good I'nitPii tates, vs. CHEESE-Qulot; American finest white, 4SH ua: American, nncsi coiorea, ids ua. TALLOW-Prlmo city, strong. 72s 9d; Australian. In London, firm, 29s Gd. Tha imports or corn rrom Atlantic ports last wcck wero im.iiti quiirier. C C C. & St. L. . Colo. Southern .. do lnt pfd do 2d pfd Del. & Hudson.... Del., L. & W Denver & It. O... do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Ot. Nor. pfd Hocking Valley . do pfd Illinois Central ,. Iowa Central .... do pfd L. IZ. & W do pfd Louis. & Nash.... Manhattan 1. .... Met. St. Hy Mex. Central Mex, National .... Minn, & Ht. L. . . . Mo. Pacific .... M., K. & T. . . . do pfd N.' J. Central.. N. Y Central.. Nor & Well.... do rfd No. l'ftclflc pfil Ontario & W... Pennsylvania .. Headluc do lrt do 2d St. L. A do 1st do 21 St. L. B. do pfd do pfd Wabash do pfd & L. 12 11 do 2J pfd... 15 'wis. centinl .. 104 I do pfd 14J4 Adams Express 22 Amer. Ilxprom li U. a. I:xprvss SS Wells. Fargo Ux.... 144 Ajnal. Copper 6 Amer. C. & V KVj do pfd ICl Amer. Lin. Oil.... 224 ilo pfd , . 4S4 Amer. S. & it.... ... 81 1 do pfd ... 424 Ana. Mln. Co ... '64 Ilrk. ltap. Tr ... 67 Colo K tic I . . . If Cons. Oaa ... 63 Con. Tobacco pfd . .. mi uenerai Kiecinc ...IlHi Olucose Sugar .. ... 42 Hocking Coal .. ... "iS Int'n'l Paper ... ...CI I do pfd ...128 'int'n'l Power .. . ..10li Licledn Oas . National lllscult ...lbs National Salt .. ... 2JM, do pM ... No. American .. ...ion Paclno Coast ... ...1024l'aclnc Mall .... ... IS4 People's Gas ... ... t34Piesed H. C.... ...1C3 do pfd ...H6i Tubman P. C. pfd.... pfd.... S. F. . pfd.... pfd.... W 644 .. St .. .. MH ..1HU .. 414 .. 76! .. 61 .. 48 .. "8 .. us .. 30'.4 .. 624 Republic Steel do prd .Sugar Tenn. C. & I Union II. & P. Co do pfd 17. K. leather do pfd U. 8. Rubber do pfd U. 8. Steel do pfd Western Union .. .1(24 .1S3 . 57; . 34 ..6 . 42' .... 3i4 .... 0S4 .... .... :p, .... 3'j-, .... IS .... 30 43 ....no ....1P2 . 92 . 93 . 2 . b . n . 41 44', . 1S . 37' . 664 . 074 .2114 .117 ..262 .. C6 .. 14 .. 234 .. 7S4 .. Ill .. 85 .. 41?i .. 41 .. 74 .. a .. 07 .. 404 -.107 .. 404 .. SI ..210 .. 15 .. 6i ..124 ..16141 154 834 174 42!i 92', 91, Ex-rlghts. Kniisnn City G nil 11 nnd I'rorliilnna. KANSAS CITV. Sept. 23.-WHEAT-Sep-tember, 65c; December, 6740674c; May, aiuc; casii, no. 2 nam, 6jjwc; no, 2 reu, CORN September, 634c; December, 594a 61)0: Jlay. 0ijJ;(ri6u7ic: cash. No. 2 mixed. 615111140; no. wiute, Bine, nominal. OATS-No, 2 white, 3i3Sc. kvk-.M), 670. nominal. IIAY-Cholco timothy. J14.6016.00: choice prairie. I4.60. HPTTEH-Crenmery, 104910c; dairy, fancy, lliflijc. LlltJS nrm; rresh candled Missouri nnd Knusus stock, 16c, loos off. cases returned. HECEIPTS-Whcnt, 133.600: corn, CO.SoO: oats, i'JMA'. .SHIPMENTS Wheat, 61,000; corn, 27,200; onis, Tnleiln fir 11 In 11 nil Seed. TOLEDO. Sent. 23.-WHEAT-DU1I: No. ensh nnd September, 72 l-3c; December, avic; amy, ii'c. CORN HlKher: cobIi and September. 5!c: uecemurr. u'JV2C. OA i n unlet; casn nnu Heptembcr. 37c RYE 54 4 p. SEEDS Cloversoed, active. lower; prlmo cash nnd October, Jj.224; December, o.20. Ictv York Money .Mnrkrt. NEW YORK. Sent. 23.-MONEY On call, steady at 34ff44 per cent: last loan 34 per cent; ruling, rate, 4 per cunt; prime STHRL NU EXCHANUE Firm w th nc tuul business In bankers' bills nt S4.85V& for demand ami ui Jj.s; tor sixty days; posted raien, v.co'ui.eu; cuiuiiivi cuii 0111s, i.n.1 's'uiVER-Uar, 6S4c; Mexican dollars, 454c. jjunjjs uovernment, stcauy; state, in active; rail, Irregular. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: London Stork. LONDON, Sept. 23. Untitntlnn, I p. m. Closing; MS-UN Y. Central ...142 . 93 S-U.Nor, A West 174 ilo pfd 91 No. Pacific pfd 10 Ontario A W.. .. S6V Pennsylvania 75 Heading 21 do pfd 27 So. Hallway 36 do pfd 9i'i So, Pacific 604 Union Paclflo 1MV, do pfd 91 V. 8. Steel 44U do pfd Wa basil 23 do pfd 414 'punish 4 704 .and Mines 4IH . 214 .1', . 494 . 9 . 414 . ;' . 69 ....lMi, OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Bef Bten Sold Fnlly Rttadj and Bo Did Choica Fdcti-Cowi Wr Wink. 0CS TWO AND A HALF TO FIVE HIGHER Llbernl Hecelpts of Sheep nnil l'rlees llrnke roily n Dime, hut l.nmtia Sold .StenAy u n Shndo Lnnrr, 3-1615 1-16 per cent lloston .Stock QnotKtl'Hi). Sept, 23, Cnll loans, loans, 6Tj per cent. 435 per Official .. 7S Union TacUla M .. M Union !aml 3 ..124V4 Westing. Klectrlc... 71 ..1M I Adventure 23 nine Mln. Co 314 ..12 Amal. Copper 91 ..192 Atlantic 31 .. 414 Cnl. ft Hecln "! ..116 Centennial 214 .. 42, PranUIln 14 .. 92 Humboldt 40 ..1M4 Osceola 94 ..2 Qulncy 160 .. 234 Santaa P Copper.. 5 .. 64 Winona 2 .. 2i Wolverines 63 .. 17 SOUTH OMAHA, Sept. 22. Receipts were: Cnttlo. llog.. Sheep. Oillclnl Monday 6.9J6 3,101 Ij.O.T Same day last week...... 4,s42 2,955 U,M6 samo wceK beroro 4,p;u .111 Same three weeks ngo... 4,34 2,5iJ ZU Hmno four weeks ngo.... 6,039 3,7o'J i,vm Same day last year 7,690 2,310 13,'i04 Aveiage price paid for hogs at 6011th Omaha tho past several doyH with cum-purisons: I 1901. KO0.,lS99.,lSM.n97.lS96.,l&95 6 04 I Ximv York Mining Cluntntlnns. 'RU' vnrik'. Sent 23. The folfowlnir nro the clolng prices on mining stocks: Adams Con Alice llreeee Irunswlck Con . Comstock Tun .. 'on Cal. A vn.. )eadwood Terra Horn Silver .... Iron Sliver Ladvlll Con .., . 21 . 40 .110 Little Chler Ontnrlo Ophlr Phoenl t4 Potosl ...165 .. 60 ...lta ... ... 6 Savage Hlerm Nevada Small Hoi.i . Stand.ml .... 11 ...12 .... "3 .... S .... S .... 6 .... 10 .... in ....326 I 99 4 07 4 07 4 04 Ex-dividend. I'oreluu Plnnnclnl. LONDON. Sent. 23. Money was easy to day nnd discounts hardened with Indica tions tnat tney nan toucnea tne lowest point In view or the Increase In the Ger man hank rntp. Huslnpss on tho Stock ex change wnH Inactive, but prices were steady. roreigners wore niiei'ieu oy inu iiuruiiLc ui the Jewish operators, duo to the holiday. The strength of Argentines was the fcaturo or tho day. Americans were Inactive and Irregulnr. though tho tendency was better. Atchlsons wero the best renture. St. Paul and Lotllsvllles were, exceptionally sup ported. The closo was steady. Cotton .Market. NRM' YntlK. Son! 23. COTTON Snot closed nulct. 1-I6c lower; middling upland, Mlc; middling guir. S4c; snles, SSo bales. Futures closed barely steady; September, 7.63c; October, 7.62c, November, 7.61c; De- comber, T.iiic; jonuary, reuruary, i.ic; March, April. 7.69c; May. 7.70c. iinchnnced: mtddllncr. H l-16c: snles. 160 bales; receipts, 1,150 bnles; shipments, 1,173 unies; siock, nnies, GALVESTON. Srnt. 23.-COTTON-QaIot: Mc. LIVERPOOL. Sent. 23.-COTTON Spot. moderato business: price. l-10d lower: American middling fnlr. 4 l-16d: cood mid dling, 4 29-32d: middling. 4?sd; low middling. i3-32ci: cood oniinnry. 4 3-au; ordinary. 3 27-32d. Sales, 10.000 hales, of which C00 were for speculation nnd export nnd In cluded 9,000 American. Receipts, O.Ooo bales. lucludlng 6,2(0 American. Futures openod ensy nnd closed unlet, but steady; Amer Inn., ml.l.tllnn f l f U.nlAmkn, A 10-111.1 IVIbV, IlllUlllllt, ,,, .'ft, V.., UKVltlll.tt -I tTJ-'J IV. sellers: October, g, o. a. 4 Zi-wai zi-eid sellern; October and November. 4 19-6lj7 4 :o-6id spiiprs; ovemner anil uecemuer. 4 17-Gld buyers: December nnd Jnnuary. 1 16-Olfl I 17-trlu sellers; Jnnuary nnd Febru ary, 4 le-olfi't l7-64d sellers; February and .unrcii, i iu-iiiy-1 17-eut sellers; March nnd April, 4 1,-oid sellers; April ana May, 4 17-64d buyers. Sept, 3... 6 07'. 5 02 nept- 4...I 6 16 I 6 06 4 19 pi. 6... 6 264 6 OS 4 22 Sept 6.. lb 34 I 5 05 1 4 23 Sept. 9... 6 364 4 29 2I. 10.. 6 4441 6 161 HtPt. 11.. I 6 394 6 221 4 2V sept, u,. c 34 5 201 4 3ept. 13.. 1 6 464 6 OS 4 26 Sept. 14.. 6 514 5 05 4 30 Sept. 16.. I 5 091 4 33, oept. 16, .1 6 574 4 31 nept. 1,.. 6 6ji4 5 js . Sept. IS.. 6 75 5 13 4 32 Sent. ls)..i IB 191 4 33 Sept. 20.. C 764 5 22 4 31 3 71 4 03i Sept. 21.. 16 S5 6 23 4 31 3 711 4 Oil Sept. 23.. 6 21 4 35 3 73 2 16 Sept. 28.. CS9H 14 41 3 77 13 70 Irdlcatcd Sundnv. Holiday. Tho official number of cars or stock brought In today by each road was: Cattlc.HoKS.Bh'p.H'ses. c, M. ec St. 1'. Hy.. .. Mo. P. Hy P. system 49 C. & N. W. Hy... 5 F.. E, & M. V. R. R.107 C, St. P., M. ft O. Hy 1 1). & M. R. R. H. 74 C. H. & Q. Hy.... 3 K. C. & St. J 8 C, R, I. & P., east.. 6 u., it. l. ot t, west., i Illinois Central Wool Auction Sale. LONDON'. Sept. 23-VOOL The offering at tho wool auction sales today number) d 4.9S9 bales. Including 2,252 bales puutn arenas, which sold readily at 13 per cent advance. Tho demand was good and win chiefly from the homo trade in ml the con tinent. Merinos scoured sold well, Cross- bred comprized hulf tho offerings and all were sold at stonily prices, Capo of Good Hope and Xntal was readily absorbed. Fol lowing nre the sales: New South Wnbs 3,700 balos; scoured, 54dJJIs Bd; greasy, 4O104d, Queensland, 100 bnlps, scour-d, 114d(iilH 5d:, Victoria, 1.200 bales; tcourod, 54djila 04i; greasy. 34'injii. south Alia tralla, 700 hales; scoured, lOd; greasy, 4'rf lC4d. west Austinlla, r.iKi bales; grtnuy, 40S4d. New Zealand, 6.F01) bales; scoured. 64dflls 5V;d; greasy. 34fSV4d. Cape of Good Hope and Natal. UK) hales; scoured, is 4d; greasy. bfcyba. I'untas nrenai, 2.232 bales, 6?id. Oil nnil Itiisln. OIL CITY, Pn Sept. 23 -Crcdlt balances, ii. ij; certincates, no dm; snipmcnts, .ji,' 1S2 bbls.; avernge, S9.917 bbls,; runs, 191, C82 bbls.: average, 9S.072 bbls. NEW YORK, Sept. 23,-OILS-Cottonsced aulet: crime yellow. 42c. Petroleum, nonv Inal; refined New York, $7.60; Philadelphia nnd Baltimore, S7.45; Philadelphia and Hal tlniore, In bulk, $4.85. P.osln, steady strained, common to good. $1.40. Turpen tlno. oulot and steady. 3G4Ji363ic. LIVERPOOL. Scot. 23. OILS Cottonseed. Hull refined, spot llrm, 24s. Turpentine spirits, quiet, 23s 6d. Rosin, common, "tendy, 4s 14d, Petroleum, refined steady, !,. L,insecu steaay, ojs, LONDON, Sept. 23.-OILS-Cnlcutta lin coed, spot, 54s 6d; linseed, 31s 14d. Yc troleum, American rellncd, 6 3-16 d, Tur pontine spirits, 26s 24d. SAVANNAH. Ga., Sept. 23,-OIL Turpon tine, firm at 83c, rosin, firm. Sugar Mnrkot. YORK. Sent. 23.-SUGAR-Raw. fair refining, 34c; centrirugal, 9a NEW nteady: tost, Jic. .Moiasses sjgnr, s Ji-i.c itennod, steady: No, 6. 4.63u; No. 7. 4.55c: No.' 8, 1.45c; No. 9. 4.40c: No. 10. 4.35c: No. 11, 4.30c; No. 12. 4.3Cc: No. 13. 4.20e: No. 14. 4.?iVi! roc res U. 8. ref. 2s, do coupon do 3s, res. do CLXpun do'new 4s, do coupon do old 4i, res do coupon do 5s, ree do coupon Atch. gen. 4s do adj. 4s. 1084 IlocUIng Val. 44s. .1004 wj i.. Ac uni. 4s 10.4 1D Mex. Central 4s.... fl los do 1st Inc 32 134 M. & St. L 4 1024 1394 M., K. & T. 4s M Hi ' do 2s S3 113 N. Y. Central H....1MU 110 gen. 3'js ioi Btnndnru A. 1.05c; confectioners' A, 5.03c; mnuiu j. o.wc; cut lo.it, d.ioc; crunneu 6.75c; powdered, S.35c; granulated, 6.25c cubes. S.KOe. LONDON, Sept, 2S.-SUGAn-Beot sugor, firm. 7s 9d: Sentembcr. 73 Mid. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 23. SUGAR wiuot; coniriiugai yellow, 4 3-iec; sec-ndr, 233c; molaabcs, steady; centrifugal, Cl0c. CufTec Mnrket. NEW YORK. Hnnt. 5.1 COFFEE Snnt nio, cjulot; No. 7 Invoice, 5.081T5.0SMC: mild iiuioi, I'jtures ononon auiot unennngeu to 5 potntn on room liquidation, coupled with heuvy Ilrazlllan rocelnto und lowor rato or Rio sturllnir oxehance. Lntor reepvereu nnu ensed off again on retaliation una ciosoQ naroiy stonily to a points higher, v.'R' ones, mciuning wciouer ni f.ujcric: November. Be: December. 5.15c Januury, 5.23c; Mnrch. .Las-ft" 5.55c; April u.uvc, Aiuy, o.uoc; July, o.vi'tp.ioc. 103 .101 101 H7 N. J. Cen. g. 5S...12J4 .Ml. I'.ICIIIJ IS. . I do 3s & O. 4S..104 ,N. & XV. can. Plillndf Iplilu Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 23,-BUTTER- Flrm; good demand : fancy western crcanv ery, 22o; fancy western nearby prints, 24c. EGGS Firm. 4c higher: fresh nearby. 204c; fresh western, 20c; fresh southern, I5c: tiesn soutnwestern, inc. c 1 1 E n S E Firm : Now York fu creams. rnncy small, 9449Hc; rnncy small, fair to Clioicu, nvv'uyc. Haltlmore & O. 4s.. 104 ,N. & XV. con. 4s. da 34s Wi Heading cen. u . do I'onv. 4s 107 St L & I M c. Us Canada So. 2s 1M St L & 8 V 4s.. Central of C.a. 5s..HM1'St. L. 8. W. Is.. do 1st Inc si do 3s C. O, 44 1034'San A. & A. P. C. & A. 34s 4 So. Pacific 4s... C. n. & Q. new is., .on so, tiaimay is, C M & S I g. 4s..U0'4iTex, & P. la.. "C. ft N. W. c. 78..14 (Tol. St I. A XV 724 1024 .1164 .... 91 .... 974 794 4s. S64 93 117 1184 4s.. M4 Mllwuiikee, (Srnln Market. Sept. 23.-northern. 70Te: May. ! No, 1, 65c, WHEAT Mar- 70a70Hc; No. 2, 74c. 60c; sample, 45j? MILWAUKEE, kot lower; No. 1 69c: December. HARLEY Firm; No, 5iVe. CORN December, 694c; May, VT4C Dillnth Grain Mnrket, DULUTH. Sept. 23. WHEAT Cash, No. 2 hard. 7142: no. 1 nortnorn, t4c: No. l northern, 64c: September, 6840: October, M'ic: um'iniier, w-4c; .nny, i.nui.'ic, ,OATli-364fl36Hc. CORN 6S4c Minneapolis Wheat, Plonr nnd' slran. MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 23.-WHR,VT Cash, 694c; December, uaVic: May, 714c; cn track. No. 1 hard. 724c: No. 1 northern. C94c: No. 2 northern. WW. FLOUR First patents, 3.&J.CC; tucond C, II. I. & P. 4s.. VW Union Paclflo 4 1054 C C C & 8 L e. 4s..phj do ronv. 4s 1OS4 Chicago Ter, 4s,.. 84 Wabash Is J184 Colorado So. 4k 874' "do 2s U04 D. & R. O. 4s 1014, do dob. II 634 Erie prior lien 4s... ui west Hhore 41 l4 do gen, is 91 a .1.. n. is oov, F. W. & D. C, If. .105 Wls. Central 4 84 Hid. "Ofroredj I Hank Clrnrlntra, OMAHA, Sept. 23. Bank clearings today, 1,205,4S1; corresponding day last year, uinuinnAiii 4?epi. ii.-iuunc), ima pnr snt; cleartnus, W.KU.eSO. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 23,-ClearlnR9, $S,C29,329; es. I1.480.7R5: money. 4Q per cent: ivc discount ma, a halnni New York exchange, discount nsked. NEV YORK. Sent. Sl-Clearlnga, J224, 434.2S8: balances. $6,K47,405. UOBTON. Sent. 2S,-Clearlnss, 1S.5S3,. H6; balances. M.635.2H. PHILADKLPHIA, Sent. Clearlniil. m.lK.702: balancos, $2,72i.E27; money, 4D14 per cent. BALTIMORE. Sent. 5S. Clearings, $3, 225.4SS: bnlancos. 5685,261. CHICAGO, Sept. 23,-Cloarincs, $26,2.11,010; JVevr Ynrk NEW YORK, Dry Goods Mnrket. Sent. 23 DRY GOODS Tho market ror dry iroods has ruled very jiiini, inrougnout mo uny, so inr as spot bUHincrs Is conccrnod, the Jewish observa tion or the day or atonnmcnt restricting tho number or buyers In attendance, Thero has been no chanpn of tone In any dlrec Hon In either stnplo or rnncy lines In cot ton coods or In woolens or worsteds. Uvnpornted nnd Dried Fruits, NEW YORK, Sept. 23. EVAPORATED APPLES A steady to llrm fee nc nrevnll In the market for evaporated apples and a fair trade wns reported nt unchangsd prices, -CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Rule actlvef but about steady nt old prices, nifrln Ilutter Mnrket. ELGIN. 111.. Sent. 23. HUTTER Ad vnnced 1 cent today, the offerings, 7.600 nounds. Hellinu nt 21c. at which price, th mnrtrft wns declared firm. The snles of tho week aggregated 607,000 pounds. Wool Mnrket. BT. LOUIS. Sept. 23. WOOL-Qulet hut firm: medium grades, 12431"e; heavy fine S4fU14c; light fine, lSQ144c; ttihwashel 124i24c, Stock In Slnrht. The following talilo shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the five principal diock mariicis tor bepmmDcr iJ. Cattle. Hogs. Blimp South Omnha 6,9:3 3,104 1S.U27 Chicago 24.000 28.003 30.000 Kansas City 15.400 4.&J0 7.W0 St. Louis 7,500 'M Ht. JORcph 4,000 3.00Q 600 Totals, C7.0K 45.004 C$,417 S 61 3 65 3 621 3 03 3 63 3 60 3 in 3 6 3 77 3 79 3 63 3 72 3 681 3 CS i 3 74 3 71 3 71 i 3 7' 2 771 2 61 2 81 2 71 2 4 03 4 02 2 7S 4 0U 2 M 3 91 2 M 3 93 2 Mi 3 Sl 2 tt 3 S21 3 831 2 CO 3 S7I 2 7U 3 ill 2 731 3 S6 2 CGI 3 91 3 71 2 S'JI I 2 S3 2 SI 2 18 4 37 4 H 4 21 I 11 i 20 4 22 4 21 4 (Hi 4 CI 4 Ua 4 ("1 4 Ot 4 12 4 12 4 04 4 03 .1 02 S 96 4 00 Total receipts .266 7 1 43 2 6 S 6 1 7 .. 2 7 .. . 9 '3 !'. '.! 4" 4S 4 The disposition or the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing. 1110 num bar ot bend indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 607 3 swift and company.... 1.073 ill Cudahy Packing Co 1,612 7E0 Armour iV co l.usn l.itw Swlfl & Co., K. C 73 R. Becker .St Dcgan 37 Vansant & Co 3i5 Labman &. Co 3'.6 W. 1. Stephen tl Hill & liuntzinger 1 Ronton & Underwood,. 211 Llnvlngstono & Schallcr 62 N. Morris 70 Hamilton & Rothschild. 2.M, L. F. Husz 40 II. L. Dennis & Co.... 63 Hnmmond Pkg. Co 331 H. F. Hobblck l'V, Wolf & M 93 Krcy Pkg. Co 213 utner buyers 733 1.502 2.952 2,03) 4,103 4 bulls . 27 r.teers. 2 feeders,. Mu 4 feeders.. 822 6 feeders.. 613 9 feeders.. 506 2 feeders., Vio 16 calves... 22t 10 calves... 200 13 cows 913 2S cow s 954 10 cows..,., it'j 2 cows .... 9SO 2 cows 950 4 cows 925 10 cows 103d 15 cows lull' 20 cows IMS 31 feeders.. 935 5 cows 1142 6 cows 190 4 cows 9SO 1 cow S20 IS feeders.. 914 3 feeders. 1 heifer.., 4 cows 10K 23 steers. ...Ill I 44 calves.... 274 A) feeders.. 851 5 feeders.. 20 cows 939 S cows 976 60 cows 971 7 cows 90 S feeders.. Ml 20 cows 992 II cows...i. 771 21 cows,,... 967 1 COWS IWl 3 cows SS5 2 cows 1115 W 1 heifer... 1770 16 feeders.. 96 1 heifer.., 1293 2 40 910 3 30 2 43 . 780 970 45 3 75 3 40 3 () 3 60 4 26 3 23 2 70 3 15 2 23 2 25 2 90 2 M 3 ) 3 15 3 15 3 ll 1 90 2 .'0 2 75 .' 60 3 () 3 75 2 Oo 4 ( 4 20 3 m 3 60 2 K, 3 IV 3 TO 3 heifers.. 693 2 steers. . W5 ii bolter... 1193 4 heifers... 5S7 2 heifers... S26 2 cows OtM 35 cows 9.17 4 cows..... 9 3 cows 1066 6 feeders.. 63.4 21 feeders.. 60S 6 feeders.. 6?5 2 feeders.. 96 2 feeders.. 9Ju 15 feeders. 26 cows.... 931 1000 1 feeder.. 2 heifers. 2J cows. 13 cows 1 cow . 12 reciters.. 1031 2 cows ...UV"i 16 cows. 26 cows. 6 cows 21 tows. 9 cows !i cows 3 reeders. 31 feeders 17 feeders. 2 20 heifers. 3 75 11 heifers. 2 S3 6 rows . . . 2 S3 scows... 2 1M 16 steers.. 3 10 1 pow .. . 2 00 I cow. . 2 V. 8 cows. . H. Huff-Neb. 2 25 14 COWS 930 3 20 1 feeder... 910 $50 970 ..lin'J 910 .1070 ..101(5 .. 9S2 ..1U21 .. 950 .. ,SS7 I11K 939 ,S29 ,. 922 . . 7M5 .. 971 .1013 .1112 .. 970 ..1110 .. SSI ;: 0) 2 50 . lJ 3 'V 2 2 75 3 56 2 5,1 3 40 3 35 3 10 3 35 2 25 2 W 2 90 3 50 3 01 3 f irt 2 95 2 20 2 95 3 70 :i 35 2 SO 2 95 2 15 3 10 2 So 2 01 3 40 3 20 3 45 2 (V, 2 90 2 So 2 85 3 90 3 10' 2 So 2 90 3 0 10 cows. . 20 cows., 1 bull... 900 2 25 F. Langworthy Neb. 07S 11 !l 7 nmi'u 2.IS4 Totals 6.S93 3.174 13.131 CATTLE There 'was n big run of cattlo hero today, this being ono of tho big days of the year so far as receipts go. Mint everything wns from tho range country, and n heavy proportion was cow stuff. Packe's and feeder buyers tooK hold In pretty goon shnpe, so that the market wns very sat isfactory, considering the heavy receipts and the rather unfavorable reports rrom otner points. . inero wero only about fifteen cars or cornfed steers on sale this morning, and Just about steady prices wero paid icr anything nt all desirable. Some or the choicest bun;hes even sold, perhaps, a little stronger, while some of tho common stuff was negiecten, so that on the averago 11 was a good, steady market, t nero weri right close to 100 cars of cows and heifers In tho yards this morning. Packors, however, had quite liberal orde's. so that they bought up the better grades at Just about last week's prices. Sellers, in a good many cases, however, thought they nnd to tnKc a little loss for what they had, and the general Mtuatlon could, per haps, best bo described by calling the mar kot sternly tn fc or 10c lower. Tho mar'tet was ralrly nctlve nnd the bulk wns d's posed or In reasonably good season. Hulls, calves and stags so Id at not far from last weck'B nuotntlons. where t!-. nunllty was at all desirable. 'mere wee mute a few stnekers nn 1 feeders offered this morning, but the de mand was sufficient to tnko tht h4!ir grades of heavy reeders at practlca'ly tteady prices. Stockers or good quality n'10 soul in minui last wesK s notchc. The medium weights, though, wero very slow salti and lower. Common stuff of all weights was almost unsalable. There wa a good Innu rv this mnrnlnc on the part of packers for western steers of good quality, and anything nnswerlng to thnt description sold at fu'.ly steady prices. Cows sold steady to a little lower and good reeders hold steady, while eom mon stuff was slow nnd lower. Representa tive sules. BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. 5 790 1 75 84.. 34 10 6 40 35.. 18 1166 6 W COWS, 2. Av, Pr. ...1137 E eo ...1313 6 a 1 2 2 6 1 1 1 2 :o 4 2: 3 36...., 19.... lj'.'.'.'. . 960 1 40 . 846 1 75 .oca : 00 .. 910 2 00 , . f SO 2 00 ,.1040 2 til . KM 2 1U . 945 2 15 .10:2 2 25 9S0 2 45 650 2 60 720 2 60 S63 2 60 70 3 60 975 3 60 1080 3 50 1020 2 C5 94S 2 75 1013 I 73 862 2 S3 925 2 83 1000 2 85 9C6 ....1125 2 M 3 1040 2 90 4 1085 2 90 8 060 2 M 5 1014 2 90 8 10C6 2 50 9 1004 2 90 7 950 2 90 20 1MI3 20 32 1056 90 48 932 3 00 82 953 3 00 2 1085 3 00 .1075 3 00 925 3 01 2 1 2 f 4 2 I 1 4 3 HULLS. 1 1 1 1.. 1.. 1 1 to 1 HEIFERS. 7S0 2 6-5 81 717 2 70 9 2 7J 24 STOCK CAIVES 100 3 00 94 271 3 30 32 193 3 S 1 320 3 95 44 CALVES. 170 6 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS, : S3 .... 893 2 90 .... 930 2 00 .,.,1300 2 25 .,..1440 2 30 ....1300 2 35 ....1450 2 40 .H95 ..1190 2 45 ..1595 2 45 ..1500 921 1000 3 00 1115 3 00 948 3 05 , 1010 3 05 10O0 3 23 .....1106 3 23 13S0 3 40 P'30 3 50 10CO 3 60 1000 2 60 ... SCO 2 :o ...lico : eo ...110) 2 60 ...1340 2 m ...1050 2 75 ...1360 2 83 ...1340 4 10 ...1450 4 25 745 S 05 707 3 05 553 3 25 301 3 95 307 4 05 150 4 60 135 4 60 650 1 60 606 2 15 4 13 2 27 7 ( 1 3 28 23 4 746 3 15 2 830 2 75 944 2 75 ,1042 3 CO , 903 8 00 ,1140 S 00 , 973 3 00 , 6S 8 10 1029 S 15 1C.. 62.... 12.... 21.... 16.... .... 1.... 3.... 15.... 14.... 725 3 15 957 8 20 724 3 20 Mft 3 25 900 3 25 810 3 25 730 3 JJ 960 t 35 1100 3 35 911 3 35 HI 1U 11. ( 5 1 9 1 14 , 28 I , 12 IT 15. 61 3 35 . VS2 3 374 .908 8 37 4 .1070 3 374 .1304 3 374 . tfO 3 50 . 707 I Hi , 819 8 60 . 848 8 60 . 6(3 3 63 .1160 8 70 921 3 70 3 1030 3 70 10 CS1 3 70 1 1080 3 70 8 927 3 75 1 390 3 75 33.. II 1 10 .1001 3 83 .1030 3 K ,. 300 4 0) ,.1124 4 00 fll rows. 30 cows..... 670 2 90 2 roirs,.t. s i 7 cows..... 90S 2 66 1 cow 1210 $ Si 1 cow 1090 2 75 44 cows 644 2 76 12 cows,.... SCO 2 40 1 cow o 1 no 1 cow,., IS cows., 1 cow,., 1 cow.., S3 cotrs. Scows.,... WO 2 25 :r cows 1061 r. :t IS COWS..... 2 60 1 cow 910 2 75 cowa SI7 2 90 1 COW SM NEBRASKA. . 034 1 90 1 steer..... 010 3 70 13 steers.... 1032 3 70 1 steer 740 2 TO 21 steers.. ..1070 3 10 2 hulls 1310 2 25 26 reeders. .1103 3 65 3S reeders., 1040 3 KB 3 reeders. .1040 3 26 S5 reeders,. on) s 65 21 reeders.. 9R4 3 20 14 readers.. 0! 3 25 17 feedern.. Hf 5 35 9 cows 1053 2 IO M KtocrB... J3 S!0 7S0 2 On , tra 1 ft , roo 1 so , 950 2 25 .954 2 90 IS Slers...,10i3 3 !0 lrow ,1103 SCO 1 cow JCSO 2 2J 1 cow ISO 2 '6 1 cow ... M0 2 a 19 feelers .6.0 3U 3S calves. 115 steers. ..1108 fti cows .. 9iS 2 9o 7 cows. . ... S61 2 15 15 cows., ..1130 2 00 COLORADO. 3 60 15 cows... WYOMING. 3 70 R. S. Mcse Neb. ... 937 2 50 Tcabor Bros. Neb. .1010 : ... 976 : 95 15 2S3 35 steers... .1178 125 Minor .fc 1 steer., Rogue Nob. steers... 916 2 75 92.) 3 '0 ennners. $1.60(82.60! bulls, 2.25If4.25 calves, 13.1515.50. .... , , llOUa tteceipis, l,iw nenu; inuritri ro hluher: ton. $7.10. bulk or sales, JOOffll.f); heavy, 17.vW7.10; mixed packers, J6.S5fi 10; light, jo.'.Vi6.yo; pus, K.tviiti.iu. . . SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 7,00 hnml: mnrkot lOo blither: western Iambs. ti. 60114. 40; western wethers, J.00f3.3S; ewes, J2.501J3.W; stockers and reeders, 12.VC03 25. St. Loiilt Live Slouk .Mnrket. ST. LOl'IS. Sept. 23.-CATTLE-RecelPt, 20J hend, Including 4,800 Tex fins; marked te.idy to strong ror natives, steady to easy for Tcxnns: native shipping nnd ex- Port steers, J3.OVH6.35; dressed beef nnil iiutclier steers, 13. 6OT(0. S3; steers unilct l.ov lbs.. 12 75ii:i 35; Ktorkprs and rpedersA 12.30 Oth.nO. . ows nnd heifers, IS.UOflo.TO; dinners, It .23d: 25, bulls, 2.v0(il.0i; Texns nnd In dian steers, 12.75U4.Ou; cows nnd heifers, !2.251 30 HOGS- Rei lpts. 6.401 head; market 60 higher; pigs ano lights, 16.ttit.W! packers, J6.601I0.9.-,. butchers. t7.rOil7.3o. SHEEP AND LAMRS-Heeolpts, 900 heail; mantei niguer, nntlNo muttons, K.T&Ui.uu minus, 3.'.ni4 &o, pulls and bucks, 11.75M 3.25, stockers. 12 Ojj.W. Xew York Mir Mnek Mnrket. NEW YORK. Sent 2.1 REE VEft Re ceipts, 3,802 head; steers, steady to strong; bulls, barely steady; cows, n llttlo firmer; mills, 2.uwir;i.; cows. Ii.riif2.75, Export tomorrow. 810 cattle. 1.540 sheen nnil 4.5fO quirters of beef. CALVES-Recclpts, 1,657 hend; veals, 13 0 OV25; tops, ls.60; choice. 13.75; western calves, H.20. SHEEP AND LAMHS - Receipts. 16 901 head: good sheep llrm, others slews prlsio nil choice lambs stroni:. others slow; shetp, 12.2Mi3.75: choice, 14.0); culls. 11 7.VTJ2.00; ono car. 15.75; culls, 13.01UT3.M; Canada Iambs, 15.23ji5 6.i, HOGH-Heceipts, 6.32S head. Market firm; western hogs, 16.70. 960 ifA 19 steers.... 915 3 30 1 steer.. ..Mo 1 60 25 cown 1060 3 01 23 cows.... 3 cows 9i6 2 60 J. Halley Nob. 1C steer... .119s 4 60 2 steers.. ..UfO 6 steers.... 91 3 85 22 cows 1011 2 cows 1010 2 60 .1 F. Hourett-Ncb. 26 cows Oil 3 25 10 reeders. .1135 16 reeders.. 1023 3 53 1 feeder... 910 Decmer & O. Neb. 35 etrs.Tex.1036 4 00 21 cows .. ..1041 32 strs.Tcx.1073 4 00 2 cows 915 2 cows 9S5 3 00 1 cow 10iV George McGlnlpj- Nob. IS cows 1068 3 00 28 feeders.. 1072 4 cows l(Hi7 3 65 3 feeders. .1246 1 cow' 1O00 3 ( Swan Lund nnd Cattln Co. wyo. 3 (0 3 00 3 50 3 10 3 65 2 75 3 0 2 60 3 Ol 3 00 3 40 12 steers.. ..1060 4 40 3'J Btrcrs ...1122 4 40 30 steers.. ..1136 4 40 41 steers.. ..1124 4 10 F. Currie 23 cows 1078 3 25 1 feeder. . . 830 3 Si No. Av. Sh. IT. No. Av, Sli. Pr. 90 181 160 6 7i 67 261 11) 6 99 CS 0J3 120 0 63 237 40 6 90 93 192 120 6 S5 M 207 1 3) 6 90 61 250 SO 6 115 VI 275 120 6 90 77 239 120 0 S74 i2 21 ... 90 63 261 40 6 S74 04 219 f) 6 '.1 53 210 ... 0 57 4 73 241 ... 6 90 61 294 120 6 M4 (fl 25S 24 90 73 210 1W C 87 4 77 224 10 6 90 61 27$ 160 6 874 63 248 80 6 90 61 2S6 120 C 87 4 70 218 ... 6 90 5S 262 SO 6 $74 19 274 ... 6 90 72 235 40 6 S74 CO 210 ... 6 80 67 216 ... 6 874 64 221 50 6 90 69 240 SO 6 9) (4 Slli 80 6 90 63 254 40 6 90 66 1ST SO 6 90 67 237 160 6 90 1 6 303 .,. 90 69 277 120 6 90 65 234 80 fi 924 75 258 120 lJ 61 SO 40 6 924 65 252 N ll 71 229 120 6 924 60 292 160 6 90 55 250 160 6 95 73 245 120 6 90 219 253 50 7 00 63 255 120 6 90 30 steers 1148 4 40 43 steers. ...1113 4 40 39 steers.. ..1115 4 40 15 steers.. ..1146 4 40 & Co. -Neb. 1 bull 1500 2 60 47 feeders.. 10JS 3 S3 J. Engllsh-Ncb. ..109S 3 25 16 feeders.. 1102 3 70 11. Joncs-s. D. 3 SO 13 feeders.. 1032 3 SO C. Hrnmkump Colo. 3 00 H. Huff Neb. 4 10 1 steer 1050 4 10 Hourrott Neb, 12 cows W. 4 reeders.. 1202 Chnrles 7 cows 1000 W 14 steers.. ..1092 P. 6 reeders.. 1093 1 feeder... 920 2S feeders. .1135 C. L. nnd A 7S stoerH....1233 4 25 li steers.. ..1182 4 60 3 75 ..1028 ..1050 3 00 2 60 104 calves.. 14 cows 4 steers.... 43 cows.. .1230 ..1010 ..1071 3 65 3 60 1 00 2 35 980 2 80 , 770 330 , 910 , 357 , 186 3 25 4 00 2 15 3 70 6 U0 12 cows. 3 25 1 cow.. 4 20 Christian Neb. 12 cows 1256 1 steer.. E. McCrtllls-CoIo. 4tr7 3 90 O. S. Farrell-S. D. . 9S9 2 90 F. Farrlle Neb. .1157 3 S5 1 bull... ,1007 3 10 7 cows.. J. 11. Orr Neb. 3 feeders.. 856 3 25 10 feeders.. S32 3 25 7 fcederclOU 3 25 A. T. Lowery Neb. 2,reeders.. 870 3 25 10 cows.... 1 cow 1100 2 SO L, M. Owen Neb. 1 bull 1150 2 00 1 feeder.. 23 cows 927 2 75 1 calf W. H. I-avIngton-Colo 14 feeders.. 972 3 15 4 cows.... 1 bull 1420 2 25 15 calves.. 26 cows 1028 2 9 ) 6 cnlves.. C. E Lovell-Wyo. 35 cows 962 2 90 Johnson & 3. wyo. 17 Btoors....ll76 3 75 4 steers. ...1140 .7 Tex. ntr.1119 4 10 1 Htcor lliw 1 Tox. str. 950 4 10 P. L. Mnrdell-Wyo. 3 feeders.. 916 3 45 5 reeders.. 1160 J. Garrett-S. D. 3 l!tccr....1150 4 20 HOGS Thero was rather a light day s supply of hogs here today, and, nl though puckers tried to buy their sup- n los nt stead v to a s nide, lower nrici'H thev did not got tho hogs nnd ntter the first round the general murket wns 24'jOoc higher than on haturuay. They seemed to want the hogs mid utter trading was well under way ma mantel was tinny active und It did not tako lout; for tho bulk of the offerings to ch.iUKo hands. The bulk of tne noes sold from lu.xi'-v to iu.vo. witn few ot the choicer loads above 16.90 and a few of the common bunches below !ti.S74 lowurd tne close I tin market was tuns' uc higher, us anything (Usirablo would sell at lb.90. Representative sales 3 73 4 10 3 60 Mon SHEEP There was u big rush of sheep horo today, and, ns Chicago wns roported K'015c lower and slow, packors at this point tried to buy their supplies a little lower. Tho choicest bunches of owes and wethers woru probably not over a dlmn lowor, but common stuff was neglected and 10ffl6c lower thiVt nt tho closo of last week. After trndlng wns well under way tho market was fairly active and tho bulk or mo receipts soui cany. tho tendency was to pound mo lamo market also, but still desirable grades sold at very closo to steady prices. Com mon atoff, however, wus neglected and In most cases a llttlo lower. Thero was not much chango notlccnblo in the prices paid for feeders. Quotations: Choice yearlings. 13.3033.60; fair to geod yearlings, 13.1653.30; choice wethers. 13.20W3.35; ralr to good wethers, 13 004(3.20; choice owes, t2,75'3'3.0: ralr to good owes, 12.50(22.75: choice spring lambs, 14.30iT4.60; fair to good spring lambs, UM'ff 4.30; feeder wethers, 12.75tf3.25: feeder lambs, 3.iif3.t)0. jtepreseninuvo sales: No, 756 Ws-omlng owes.,.. ill feeder ewes 28 western uwes 130 Idaho wethurs.... 151 Idaho wethers 2 yearling wethers.. 1539 western wethurs. 171 Idaho lambs 16 western lambs 169 Idaho lambs 1S40 western lnmbs.... Av. 101 80 1U6 83 93 fll SO 101 69 62 61 . 69 Pr. 2 80 2 65 2 7a 3 20 3 20 3 20 3 20 3 15 3 35 3 75 4 0) 4 35 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Choice Cnttle nnil .Sheep Sternly 1!ok Htrniift nnil I Hither. CHICAGO, Sopt. U3.-CATTLE-Recclpts, 21,000 hend, Including 2,000 ToxnnB nnd 4,000 westerns. Choice steady, others slow; westerns and Texans strong; good to prlmo steers, 16.20J)0.60; poor tn medium, lla 6.00; stockers and feeders, 2.6Oi)4.30; cows, 12.60474.75; heifers, 12.251)6.00; canners, 11.603 2.40; butchers, 11.804.76; calves, 13.00&6.75; Texas stcors, 13.X)iri4.50; 'western steers, 13.75 4)6.45. HOGS Receipts today, 28,000 bond; to morrow, 25,000 head: loft over, 3,372 head: strong and 6c to 10c higher; mixed and butchers, 10.767.2."!; good to cholco heavy, i7.104f7.374; rough hoavy. 16.WKS.93; light, 16.905)7.15: bulk of Balen. 16.85ffJ7.10. 8IIEEP AND LAM HS Receipts, V.VQ head; generally steady; lambs strong to JOo higher; good to cholco wethers, 13.tAii3..S5; ralr to choice mixed, 13.30ti3.flO; western sheep, 13.25(1)3.75: mitlvo lambs, 3.0O4)-l,75; wostorn lambs, 13.754)4.65. Omelnl Saturday: RECEIPTS Cattlo. S43 hoad; hogs, 14, 635 hend; sheep, 620 head, SHIPMENTS Cattle, 735 head; hogs, 1,751 hend; sheep. 450 head. Knnans Clt- Lire fttoek Market. ' KANSAS CITY. Sept. 3.-4VTTLE-rie. relpts. 16,400 head. Including 6.000 Texans; cr.rn-Ird oteers 1rm. other cattle stcudy; rholco export dressed steers, S6.lC4j6.25; fair to ptfi2. H.SWJ.7&! ntochors nnd feeders, M.tJt.3: fed wmternn, 14.76Ju.75; western rang sierra. M.W74.70: Tcxnns nnd In i:nn, S2.G3A3 65; Tfcrns cows. M 15J?l.fi. native con's. 12,03 1.03; heifers, ,2VtiS.u; St. Joseph I, Hp Mopk Mnrket. ST. JOSEPH. Sent. 23.-CATTLE-Re- cclpts, 1,010 head; Texans mostly 10c higher; natives, j.i.iuhi an; reans nno westerns, ,'di. 75; cows nnd heifers, ll.3o7io.lo: nuns nnd stags, l2.2,rij,"i S3, stocked nnd fpptlcrs, 12.01Jfl.ol; yenrllngs and c.uves, 12.251i3.75: vrnis, j.'.TKija 7.1 HOOS-Hocelnts. 3.0O head: mnrket mostly 55i74e higher; light and light mixed, js.sny i.im; medium nnu nenvy. js.&orif 7 .v;v; pigs. s.s.i4)H.fiii; nuiK. jr,,!Kuv,'. SHEEP AND LA MHS Receipts. 2.50 hend; market nctlve nnd steady, top, Idaho lambs, 14. 611, top I'tah wethers, 13.3.. LEGAL NOTICE. CALL FOR REPUBLICAN COUiN'TT CONVENTION, lly authority and direction of the repub lican county commit tin, duly given at a regularly culled meeting, a county deleja, convention of the republicans of Dougm county Is hereby culled to meet at Wash ington nun, in tne uuy 01 umaun, at J p. in., Siuurduy, September 2s. 1M)1, tor the purpopu of nominating caudldatia to bo voted on at thu guneral election November 6, 19U1, lot tho following county officers: Ouu sheriff, out: county Judge, one county clerk, one register of deeds, uiu county treasurer, one county surveyor, ono county superintendent of public instruction, on county coroner, two county cuiuinlsslutiois, to bo cliuLen by the delegates truin tha rcspectlvu districts irom whicii tiny ari to be elected. Ouu represeutatlvu to 1 1 11 ucuuey bix juhIicub of the peace and one police Juuriu lor U.o City ot Omaha. two justices ur. tne peucu ior tne iny oc South umuhu. Six couiitubles lor tho City of Omaha. Two constublcB lor thu City or South Omaha. Ono asesor tor rncn wurd of the City ut Oiuahu. One utisvsaor tor taih wind or mo uuy or soum uiuana. Precipe: uniccrs fur tho vuiiuu country predict. Also tc select members 01 tne republican county ctnlrul committee and to traniuct aucii utnur uuuiuesn as limy propurty com before It. Uy tha same authority a pilmary election Is also called, to bo held Friday, September 27, liwl, In thu various wurdu and piccincn, KUbJvct to Uiu rules guvvriilug pr.mury tWcUunu adopted by nulu republican county coinmliuo lor tne puiptsu ul ekcllng Uclc gules to kdlu iiumlnatliiK convtntluii. Thu icpicuvntalluu in nulu convention hall bu ilttecii uvlutiu.ts tur vach wurd III thu City of O.'iiuhn. Five delvKUlus tur vach of the tour wards in South Oiuahu and live delegate for each iit thu luurueii country precincta. At tnls prlmiiy ulectlon the polls will be open In tne cities of Omaha and of South Omaha from 12 tn. to 7 p. m., and In th country precincts from 7 p. iu. to 9 p. to,, ul tile following pluccs. OMAHA. First Ward Sixth una Pierce streets. Second Wurd Twentieth and Castellar streets. Third Wurd-1124 Douglas street. Fourth Wurd lice building. Fifth Ward Sixteenth, near Corby strett. Sixth Ward lulowlld hull, tioventh Wurd-1331 ParK uvenue. Eighth Wind Twcnt) second and Cuming ltrutu. Ninth Wurd-2I5 i"a.-nam street. SOUTH OMAHA. First Ward 027 N. 'J'wuniy-fourth itreet. Second Wuril Evuns' luundr, 13CD N 8L Third Ward-2f.li tiouth Thirtieth Htteet. Fourth Ward Fiubui'ty burn, m K stieet. COUNTRY PRECINCTS. Chlcuuu Kelliur'u hull, Clonturf Juo AluiMer'n place. Ijouglus Hi hool housu No, 16. Kiisl Otnahu Preist hu... lilkhorn bwelchari s shop. Fluruticu City hull. Joffernoi. Muuguid's lumber office. McArdlo" Qlnnut scliool house. Millard Millard uuhoul liuune. l'lnttu Valley Jail building. Union Powell's biucl-xmim shop. Wiitorloo iUsunlc 1. all. llenson Htnnun hull. piundoc Duiuieo eiinlno hounfc. Tho boundaries of tha arluus prlmarjf election districts shall be tho 1111110 an tho boundaries ut the lespectlve wards or Omnha und South Omaha nnd or the various tot ing dlrirlctn or the country precincts as existing at the last general election, Thu bumcs of all delegates to be placed on the official primary bullut must b file I with Hit secretary of tho committee wllh a fee of 12 for each delegate, not luter than 11 o'clock noon, Tuesday, September 24, 1W1. The officers of suld prlmury itectlon must be selected at leant ten days baforu thu primary election from names submitted to) thu committee. II. K. OdTHOM, Chairman Republican Central Committee. It C, JORDAN, Uecretury. Dated ut Omaha. MepUmber 4. 1901. Weak Nerves People cannot help worrying when their nerves sre weak. That feeling of languor, dullness and cxhauntion la the fearful condition which often pre cedes lucnnity. The power to work or tuuy uimiuuiici ana acipouueucy ac presses the mlud iiIkIH and dny. If you are nuffcrliig the tortures of Nervous Debility, there U uo knowing bow soou you may decline to iomettiliig more horrible. Ilut you cn get well The youthful truzth, buoyancy sud hoppluesscaa be restored by the uieol They have cured thousands, and we have o much confidence lit them that we (five nn iron clad guarantee with a 6.00 order. Bent anywhere In plain packsge. $1.00 pe r box, 6 boxes for 1-5 00. llook free. For sale by Kuhn & Co.. Fuller Paint t Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's Drug- store, South Omnha, and Davis Drus; Co., Council Bluffs, la. OLDEST! SAFENTl HESTI WALL STREET Money Will Kuril llltf Monthly llatnrns The Investor's Fund Pays Beml-Monlhly. The oldest established In America. No certlllcatc-holder ever lost a cent. - Pay ments mado to all subscribers uvejy IS days. No trouble. No delay. Money f"funled on demand. Write today for oartlculars, rree to any uddress. C. E. MACIvli) A Vl., Hudson Ilutldliitf. York. TetepKoae lOIIfl. Boyd Commission Co Successors to James K. Boyd 4 Co., OMAHA, NBH. , COMMISSION GRAIN, PIIOVIBIOXII AND STOCKS. Bsard ot Trad Balldlasj, Ptieot wires to Chicago and Nsw Torfc CottSondcace, John A. Warreo A Ca