THE OMAIIA DAILY lUiE: MOM)AY. SJ2PTKMNEH 2.. 1001. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisement for theaa columns will t taken until 12 ni. for the verting edition ami until M :iO p. ui. fur moralng and Simon- edition. Hates, 1 l-3o a word flrat Insertion, le a ward thereafter. .toOita. taken 'or leas than 25c for the flrat Inaer tloa, Tbeae dftrtlirurnli mil be ran coaseentt-flj. Adrertlirti, liy requeaHnK a nam. bereal check, ran have nwer ad--resaed to a nnaabered letter la rare of The Ilae. .Uinin ao a-rac will be ll-erd prctratatlea at t aheak ami-. way-ed-mam: hem-. 1 ANTED, first-class Insurance solicitors, we nil make ery liberal contract with rnori of ability capable of handling general igncy. '.'all oraddre's. Fidelity Savings Trust Co, ill H. V. Life. Bldg Omaha B 16 07 'iEAMS wanted, at once, ono mite south of Fort Crook. Jackson Bros. B MSiS WANTED, bookbinder. forwarder nl ruler, nono but first-class workmen mt'il iPi A. I. Root, 4H-I16 S. uth St. n-; s WANTED, nn experienced traveling har ness salesman. II, I.ock llox 6IW. c'ounrll Bluff!, la. -7M WANTED, men to learn barber trade; only eight weeks reiptlred, two .tears' appren ticeship saved by our method of free clinic, export Instruction, lectures, etc. These advantages cannot be had In uny other way, toon presented, wages Sutur ilnyn and position guaranteed. Grad uate wanted fur trains, liospltuls, hotel', country mid city shops. inducements to applicants from distance. Catalogue nulled free. .Moler liatber College, 1023 Farnum st B Ma2G 27 W'ANTEp-Experlenccd show card writer. Hoatnn Store. J. I.. Urandels & Sofi. B-sJ7 23 WANTED, canvassers -In Omaha. South omah.i and every town In Nebraska; largi, commissions. Address C. II rush mati. Box 411 Omaha. Neb. 11 M1I3 Jo U ANTED, 10,o) active agents Immediately to take orders for ' Life of William Mr Klnley; memorial edition; graphic rerord of Ills whole Illustrious career, cltbor ately Illustrated, sells at sight; best terms to agents: books on credit, sample, enabl ing yo.i to make from 5 to 12 dally, by mall postpaid, free on application. Acl f.iV.0.'". ""''le I'ub'B to, 723 Ch.ntmit St., I'lllludelphfti, Pa. B M9I5 21 HOV for railroad oillre, must be bright well edacated, Industrious mid from in to 15 years old. Ac'ress It 30, l.'ee IJ-.Mli; s.i,i:.s.Mi: wa.m:d. CIO All salesmen with established tirade with large dealers, who buy direct from factories. Addrens, with full particulars, II. C. Usher, Fisher bulldlnt,', Chimgo. -AI3I3 Oct 0 1KJK HUlesmen, attention: There Is utaln a wonderful demand for the Encyclo paedia lirltanntcu" m the west; our postul card method brings responses from the lil-sl people, sales extremely large; na )ia rHllruail fate; sjpply you with cards, jia llberul cumtnlsslou. F. D. Mayer ItruaclwAy mid Locust Us., St. I.oulx, .Mo' .MJul Zl' WANTED, salesmen of ability and guod appearance, good opening for right party. F D. .Mayer, Hroadway and Locust sts St. Louis, Mo. , .M;o3 23 H'.l XT ED FILM ALU j 1 1 j t, p. WANTED, ZW girls. lMt Dodge. Tel. fcTil C-9IU .0 tllllLS, all kinds work. Canadian Office. WANTED, housekeeper In small American family Addresa V 4H, Hce. C SI3i A (Jlllh for general housework; good uages. Apply .Mauilclberg Jewelry Store, Kth and Furnam Btrccts. cj M771 NFIISES1 Training School. Pueblo, Colo., three months' course; dlp.omas; opn Uctolwr 1; addrcas. above C M751 Ol COMPETENT .girl for general housework. Mrs. T. S. Hull, I21S Sherman Ave. C-50S ANTED," Indies- to learn hairdresslng, manic irlnt; and facial massage; entirely new pinn, only four weeks required; thnro.ighly practical training, t'nll Or write today, Molor College, lea Farnatn " C-Mtt.i 27 WANTED, a girl for general housework; reterencert recitilrecl. Mrs. W. A. Aycrlgg, 22M I.andon Court, between Ilnlf-lloward st. and St. Mary's ave., nuir 21th st. C-Mfil 21 til HI, for general housework. S27 S. 25th Ave. C SIIV-23 W ANTED, llrst-class trimmer In mllllneTy department; largo salary paid to a good trimmer. J. L. Urandels ,t Sons, lloston flwi'. C-.M97S 2t OIIU, for general housowork: small family; good wages. Apply 2u7 Merrlam block. ciuncll llluffs. C M12!i 21 W' ANTED, girl for general housework, family of lour; good wages. S)2 Masun ht- ' C-7W 21 tJIHL for general housework. 26.19 Call fornla. Kttll IIE.VT-IKH M. 11 .oil want your houses well rented v ice them with Delia wa & Co. D 12 s-li 11ENHV IJ. PAYNE, dOl N. y. LIFE. D-ili TO MOVE right get Omuha Van Storags Co., olllce ljllis Farnum, or tel. 1M9-S63. D-91J HOUSES, stores, lleiuls, I'axton block. D-OH HOUSES, etc F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. D-91tj HOUSES and Hats. Itingwait, Darker Illlc. , .. D-'jii K? n i J.1 T-The Putnam Co.. rw-5 N. y. L. Illdg. nas a "-room nat, steam heat water, modern; long Icaso to good tenant D Mm ft. WILLIAM ST., a gcod three-room llat with city water, 15. OMAHA LOAN AND TltUST CO 16th and Douglas Sis. " ( D VI ONE 6-rootr. llat, modern, 1112 S llth! D-375 FOR RENT, eight-room hnuae; convenient: all modern: 22d and California Sts. in ci'Jlre No 507, N. Y. Life building. D-M.'f5 FOR RENT, It-room stono house, 413 N. 23th St H. T. Clarke. 427 Ramge Dlk. D-M76I HOUSES. WHEATON, 428 Paxton Dlk. D-1M lOR RENT, S-roorn house, city water, bath, la-ge yard. SOlh and Durt Sts. J. A. Lovgren, 424 Paxton Dlk. D 231 218 S. rJTH AVE.. S-room house, all mod ern; will paper and varnish throughout; ""li.v.1.0 Al lenant with references. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO., loth and Douglas Sts. D-S13 9-ROOM brick house, 57TsrSth st. Appiy llllms.Hayttrd Shoo Co., irH Hownrdjl. D-M3C6 VERY' pleasant six or rlght-room flatTvoTl located and In tine repair. Inquire 310 Drown block. D 771 1707 VINTON street, Btore with two live, room llnti above Th- whote building has Just been painted and papered throughout Will make a very reasonable rent to a good tenant, or will rent separately THE OMAHA LOAN .t TluST CO.. ltith and Douglas sts. D-41S HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. Urennun-Lovo Cu., a.'J South 13th street. D-JJID FOR RENT, house ami barn, all modern. 2137 South .Td SU Apply 402 Merchants' National Dank Dlds, D-917 FOR RENT Sept. 15, six-room cottage, 2211 California st., $22. Apply at tW N. 19th st. . D-000 l"-ROOM house, modern conveniences 2117 Harncst. D MI91 NO HARD rol rfreded; steam heat, nil modern, central, 7-roow house, hall, bath, basement. Tlrard, 221 N. 24th. D--J13-30 I'llll IIF.M-IIIH sf.s. T' ' LET. S-room house, near Curtis Turner park, new. with every convenience. W. I 'urnarn Smith Co., 1320 Farnam st. D-.MI7S "H'juM, an modern house, 3320 Dodga. t uwni, l. die. .ttiio STEAM heated residence, St , b n rooms, modern. No. 13C S. 1 D-75S 1 SO 31ST St. Tel. Sit. U 10 Foil HUNT, neatly furnished 7-room house modern complete. Also S-room house and good barn. Lyman Waterman, &9 Ilee. D-Ml ELEGANT S-room house, all modern Im provements, m N. SW. D-MS IS Jlft Modern house of 10 rooms, hot water heating, newly painted and papered. 1?3 Center st. J Attractive modern house of eight rooms; furnace, good yard. 2S23 Poppleton avenue. $15--Lsrge houc of 15 room", all modern, sightly ltutlon. 950 North 27th ave. THE OMAHA HEALTY CO., lJul Douglas St.. upstairs. D-MS30 23 SEVE.V-rtOO.M brick (tat. modrn. 712 S. 17th Ave. Inquire 717 S. ISth. D 8R2 2" S-ItOOM modern ho.ise, lW S. 31t ave.; fine location. Information, "phone F-Mnfi. D-M'MI 2i Ft'LLY furnished house In best residence iielghborhoocl, to rent for winter to de slrabla party. Address II 10. De. D-Mv5 Jl VIVE-UOOM cottage. 228 N. ISth. D-MvS-JS" 1S-HOOM houe, all modern, the Knrhach property, 20th ard Leavenworth. Inquire 111 So. 20th. D-M9K OS' S-llOOM cottage, 27th nnd F; brick (tats 21th and S. So otnahn; 6-room cottage 9th near Pierce. Inquire ltll Emmet. D-.M12C 23 ElOHT-UOOM modern houe. Ill S Slt ave., fine location. Information, 'phone F-2C05. D S7 21 FOU HF,XT-F ll.Ms:n Hoo.M.S. Housekeeping rooms it up. 2C23 St. Mary's. E-MGM S2I 3 HOO.MJ for light housekeeping, 1112 s. llth St. E-.MMI DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnam. E-323 THE THUHSTON. Cool, airy rooms E-021 SMALL, natly furnished, well-heated .-corns; everything modern. 116 S. 23th St. E-C27 LA HOT. front room and alcove, well fur nished, modern; suitable for two. 213 Cass St. E-M437 FOR KENT, two large furnished or un furnished rooms. Address F IS, Dec. E-H2 FOH KENT, to two gentlemen, n large, well furnished front room, south und cast exposure, within S blocks of postolllce; no other roomers. Address F 37, Dee olllco, E-2to 3 DOOMS for light housekeeping. 1112 S. llth st. E-MsSl FI'ItNISHED room to one or two gentle men. 2121 Chicago. E-f3123' FI'ItNISHED rooms, modern, stenm heat, private family. 220 Norlh 17th St. E-M123 2T DOOMS nicely furnished, house modern, steam heat. 2011 Harney. E M1H 21 COSY front room. I'll Iike st. K-MI22 2S TWO nicely furnished rooms, with or with out board. "IS S. 2Sth st. E-.MW3 25 I I lt.MSIIl'.l) DOOMS ..M) IIOAHU. UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St. F-925 GLENCAIDN, transient $1.23 day. 10 Doug. F-927 THE Merrlam, summer resort. 2Jth & Dodgo . F 'JJS TWO large front looms, with board. 19.0 Capitol Ave. F 3(6 DOOMS nnd board. The Dose, 2020 Hurney street. F-.M403 Octl2 FDONT room. 31S S. 20th St. FSJ3-2!' FL'DNISHED rooms with board. 2373 Har ney St. F-935 021- DESIDADLE rooms, first-class board. .SSI Harney. F-W 23' ion iti: r i.M'tit.MMii:D itooji.t. DESK toom space, $3 jer month, ground floor room m The Dee building, facing Farnam street: no expense for light, heat or Janitor service. It. C. I'eters : Co , Dental Agents, Dee Dulldlng. U lit) FOD light housekeeping. 2021 St. Mary s. G-.MU17 THREE south rooms, bath, gas. 3210 Cass. Cr M!91 23- FOUR unfurnished rooms, 621 S. 2rtth ave. U-M117 21 TWO or three modern furnished or unfur nished rooms; very desirable; housekeep ing allowed. 309 N. 23d St. Q-M1I.I 23 fou it t:T-st ion us ami offices. I'OR DENT, store In first-class location; runt rcasonuble. Apply D. C, Peters & Co., ground (luo, Dee Dldg. I 2CS FOR RENT, olllce with vault nnd part first Iluor or all top Moor, ltll-16 Haruuy St. Midland Glass and Faint Co., 1U0 Harney St. 1-929 STORES, with fixtures, suited for depart ment stores. TUard, 221 N. 2Uh. 1-51230 FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by The Dee at 910 Farnam St. It has lour -tortus and a basement which was formerly used as The Deo press room. This will bo rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at one to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Deo Dulldlng. I-2C1 A(ii:.N'l'S WA.Vl'EIJ. PDESIDENT J1KINLEYS Assnssinatlon; complete oillclal memorial edition, tragic details of anarchistic plot; life of assas sin: hundreds of pictures: only authentlo i book, largest, cheapest, best; prices iut; t V UK 11UI 111 lliu uuun uua.i I" I'V, VlilH prollt; vpormous demand; fortune for ugents ilrst In Held; most liberal terms; secure territory now; tlrst book ready; credit given, freight paid; general ngeuls wanted on salary; valuable premium freo with each book, book outtlt alone free; both book and premium outnts prepaid for 23 Jtamps to cover cost of sending, order quick. Monroe Dook Co., Chicago. J M7J7 30' WANTED, agents everywhere for the Life and Public Services of William Sb -Klule , profusely and elegantly Illus trated, distinguished authorship; to save tiuio send at once for canvassing outtlt, Inclosing 25c to pay postage. Aduress N. D. Thompson Publishing Co., St. Louis, Chicago or New York. J-M72S u LIFE OF WM. M ICINLEY. with memorials by nitlor s prominent men; large, fully Illustrated: extra terms; freight paid; credit given; big pay for quick work; outtlt ready; free, send 10 cents for post age. Zlegler Co , 324 Dearborn st., Chi cago. J-J'7 03 M'KINLEY'S LIFE, by Murat Halsted; best author; best booKj best terms; re tails $1.50; will duplicate any offer on In ferlor books; credit given; freight paid; outfit free. J. S. ZIEGLER A CO. Chicago. III. J-M797 20" AGENTS WANTED-Ufe of McKlnley, five hundred pages, largo book; handsomely Illustrate.!; outfit free; now ready; 75 per cent discount to agents; freight paid: credit given. Henry Nell, 323 Dearborn st , Chicago. J-M?J4 25 $25 PER DAY easily made soiling the only otlkial, authentic nnd Indorsed memorial volume entitled, "Illustrious Llfo of Wil liam McKlnley. Our Martyred President." by Murat llulstcad. for 30 years the prcsl I'W,, lnlate friend, nearly r.j pages, li Illustrations; full nccount of his spren did career tragic death, funeral eyre monies, fitting tributes, story of other !V.ari,lr,,llirrsl,,'.n!f' h.'ory of anarchism, Its methods, victims, dangers, etc ; high est commission guaranteed; freight paid credit given, complete canvassing outfit free ordrr oday Monarch Drok i , Chicago, 111. J-Mii; a AtJET. W .M F.II. l.MORIAL life of McKlnley by his llf--rg friend, .Murat Halstead. the hH--,an: positively the large-t and fittest nook published, size fxYo Inches; lmi splen did lllastratlons; price only $1 5, terms ' per cent profit, credit and freight paid. Ii re photograph of McKlnley free with .rteh book; outfits ready and mailed free to those meaning business, don't be fooled by promises of "exclusive terrltor ." don t work for 10 pr cent; we ulve b nor cent profit and wilt also divide $l,o) In cash prizes among our ngents Ad X''Cl4m.erlf.ltn. n"k ""d '"hie House. IIS niiaueiphla. I'a. J MS23 S2 5 7l ?' !'0.',h "If- ,or wonderful seller, rhe Ideal Hat fastener, guaranteed per fect, nothing on earth so good, salary or com.; sample. !ec. O. S. Chamberlain. Ft. Dearborn Dldg . Chicago. J-M992 23 ,JF.ST-. .n1 '"KMl J' J" Memorial IJfe of McKlnley, tiw pages, 1 Illustrations; out fit free. w. A. Hlxcnbaugh & Co , 15th and famsm, Otnahn, Neb. J M107 29 AGENTS, McKlnley memorial eardsT 5c, lost paid, lots of 25. So, iw, 500, l.(M) mailed to agents at half off, 24 each. Immense sales everywhere. 11 Acme, tilit and Vine, Philadelphia. J 922 23- VA.vri:n-To it ext. WANTED to rent, thrco or four nicely fur nished rooms for light housekeeping. Ad dress Q O, Dee. K 755 23" WANTED, to rent, farm near Omaha, about 2ut neres. II 2, Deo. K MS33 23 A SMALL family desires board nnd room with a respectable private family, wl.llng to pay ror right place. Address II V. Dee. K-M1I5 2 MTtlltAGC. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co.. 912 914 Jones, general storage and forwarding. 9J0 OM. Van Stor. Co , 1511'. Farn. Tcls. 1359-sa -9J1 STORAGE Household goods and other nrtlcles stcied ut low rates. J. J. Derlght & Co.. ma Farnum St. Toi s. -J33 WAXTEDTU III'.. MAX FOG EL buys2d-hd. clothing. 1207 Far. N-MI70 012 WANTED, a good established tobacco and cigar business, or good location for same address G tjo, Due. N Sll 23 W ANTED Secondhand sewing machine of standard make. -State price and condition. Address, II 6, Dec. N Mvs3 23 SECOND.HAND bnse burner, good ordor. H 15. Dee. N MfOo 25 FOR AI,E-FIUXITIHH. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. New and secondhand furniture bought, sold, exchanged. u 933 FOR SALE or rent, furniture and lease of 10-room modern llat. central; full of roomers. J 11 Pnrrotte, ISth and Dodge. O-SJI-21 FOU .S.c.l.n-IIOItsES, VEHICLES, ETC. TALK It up Hnrrj Frost. 14th and Leav enworth, niakecs good vehicles. P 419 WE HOLD nn auction sale of horses every Wednesday p. m. ut the Union Stock Yards. W alworth Hllllker Co." PM7l Oil 1011 .A1.E-M1CELLAXEU13. ID1IAND safe cheap. De-right. 1119 Farnam. y-935 SAFES, standard makes.sold, rented, lit S 13 Cj-9J'j EDISON & COLUMDIA talking machines and records, umaha Dlcycle Co., 10. li and Chicago. g y.4 FIR tlmDeri for housemoyers, etc., 40 to 71 ft,, cribbing and hog unco. 901 Doug las. Q 9J9 CHOICE lot of milch cows for sale cheap, b. T. Campbell, M14 Center St. (J Ml BUGGIES, phaetons, surreys, wagons, bi cycles, bis stock new, second-hand bar gains. Frcdrlcksou, 15th and Dodge. Q-MS3 S29 25-SETS of second-hand double and slngla harness, 15 saddles; genuine bargain. A. Singer, 41S N. ltJth; removed tiom Li9 Douglus Q M35i Oct.J i HORSE-POWER holler, nnd engTneTfor sale cheap. 610 3. llth st. Q M393 O10 $16,0") SALOON nnd store building; 7 living rooms .ipstalis; ground KxW; corner loth and Douglas. Lauer Dros. y 590 FOR SALE Slot machines; all sizes and styles, electrlo and automatic; good p.s new; at your own price. Address, F. o. Box 391. David City. Nob. y M320 23 FOR SALE, three-quarters length tan coat and winter hat. Cull 1030 Georgia Ave. Q-753 23' CI,AlllVOYA.Vr.S. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. S19 N. leth. 3-54) MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist, 315 S. 15th. S 136 DON'T fall to call and consult the Rou manlan gypsy, who reveals all secrets and reads and explains to you your entire life. 1923 Douglas st., corner 20th. 8 MU4 2s I'HMOXAI,. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superllu- niid l.itlr remiw..l 1. v lAi.trlnltu r ... Frenzer block. U 941 M. GOLDMAN & CO., only perfect ac cordion pleating plant In the west; mall orders solicited. Suite 2u0, Douglas block. U-910 VIAVA, woman's wuy to health; rational, wholesome home treatment. 31s Dee Dldg. U-912 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during confinement; habits adopted. 2301 Grunt street. U 944 JENNIE, meet me at the Collins Piano Co.'s store, 1622 Douglas st., tomorrow at 2 p. m. and hear tho wonderful Monarch talking machine. George. U 64s PRIVATE home for ladles before and dur ing contlnement; babies adopted. 2C0 Burdctto st. Mrs. Durget. U 371 09'" OMAHA Accordion Pltg Co., 1524 Douglas. U 94J SUPPLIES for all machines; machines for rent. White Sewing Machine, JC20 Doug las. Tel. 234. U-915 RUPTURE CURED without theknlfe. Env plre Rupture Cure, 932 N. Y. Life Dldg. U-990 S30 -1ME. SMITH, baths. US N. 13, 2d floor, R I U-292 07 VCCORDION pleating; cheapest, best and quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17th and Far nam. U 530 HERNIA permanently cured. Send for cir cular. O. S. Wood, M. D.. 521 New York Life Dldg., Omaha, Neb. U-6.S1 Ol3 A NICE healthy baby girl for adoption at 11CD S. 17th rtrret. Omaha. U723 2. WALL PAPER cleaner. C Meddlemlst. 'Phone 123S. Iave orders at 1519 Farnam. Rooms cleaned, $1 and up. U-503 019 WE RENT sewing machines for 75 cents per week, wo repair und sell needles and pirts for every machine manufactured. Phono lt3. Neb. Cycle Co., 13 & Harney. U-S7I 021 MRS. JACODBON, 1511 I.aKe st." F- -M-I3I 2S . , OUR MOTTO Is In every man's mouth. a A 000,) flOAR. nmokii Inn host nnr .mi ....i Tho name of '" "u" ' B wron' r, ..WU --,8TOECKER CIGAR CO. On the box Is a correct attest ns to quality Our Prince of Omaha Is the best 5c clear on the market-union made. IB r F-Mio ii MOXEV TO I.OAX ItU.VI, ICSTATU. 6 AND BVi per cent loans. W. H Thomas. First National Bank building, Tel. ion. W-948 WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants. George & Company, 1601 Farnam street. W-347 .MOX'HY TO I.OAX-lti: VI, l;vt'Ti:. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at S per cent; borrowers can pay $lti or any multiple; any Interest date: no delay. Drennan-Love Co.. M So. llth St., Omaha, N'eb. W 9ft) WANTED, city loans and warrants" W Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam street. W-04J WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds nnd warrants. R. C. Peters A Co, i:3 Farnam St , Dec Dldg. W 949 i 44 TO 5 P. C. money. Btmls. Paxton Dlk. W'-9il $30.0i) SPECIAL fund; Iprtns $100 up; lowest rates. Gun In Dros., 1601 Farnam. W-9S2 $.0. WO). $sro PRIVATE money to loancl. 2, 3 or 5 years. W. L. Selby, Doard Of Trade Dldg, W-93 1 SEE HENRY D. PAYNE. 0C1-2 nT-. Life. W-1S9 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Drennan-Love Co., 3ut South 13th VV-9M PRIVATE money. Sherwothl, StT N. Y. L. W-953 W. D. MEIKLE. 401 S. llth St., loans money on residence property at 5 per cent. v-9: PRIVATE money. V. V. Wead, 1324 Douglas. W-9'7 44 AND 6 PER CENT-R C Patterson. HO New York Life. W-.M1J9 Oil JIU.MIV Til 1.(1 X-CIIATTi:i.". MONEY loaiud on plain note to salaried people; business confidential; lowest ratts. iill Paxton block. The J. A. Huttou Co. X-Uil MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 ) 13. X-Ml DO YOU NEED MONEY? Wo loan $10 and up on furniture, plat.os, horses and other chattels. SALARY IX)AN3 Without mortgage to people holding perma nent positions. You can get the money In a few hours after making application nnd toko 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, C months or more in which to pay It back, and you need not pay for it one dav longer than you keep It We charge nothing for papers and we gl.e you the full ntnount In cash. There are no lower rules than ours, our terms are the easiest, our business Is confidential and our motto Is "try to please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. 119 Doard of Trade Dldg. Tel. 2295 (Established 1S92.) IvC S. 16th "t X-W3 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE, live stock,' etc. Quick service and lowost rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYt.OE, C33 (top :lcor Paxton block, uorthcust corner 16th and Farnam; entrance on lCth street. X-900 DID THE CARNIVAL HREAK YOU? Salary Loans To honest working people on their plain note. DON'T GET FOOLED by others. Ours are lowest rates given to salaried people. Easiest payments. Strictly confidential. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Room M, third floor, Paxton Dlock. X-311 LARGEST DUS1NESS In LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, bearding houses, etc., without se curlty; easiest terms; 10 offices In princi pal cities. Tolman, 410 Doard of Trade Dldg. X-939 MONEY loaned on Pianos, furniture, horses, cows, Jewelry, Duff Green, R. S, Darker blk X-9iJ IllSIXEhS CIIA.M'ES. TELL me what you haVo to sell. Tell me what you want to buy, If 1 do not tlnd you a deal You may say I never try. J. H. Johnson. Ml N. Y. Life. Thono I. 2270. Tho real estate und business chance man. Y MGI0 $10 DAILY profit, long established Hrst-clnsi legitimate business, suitable for lady or ! gentleman; fllie location; bear 'closest In- I vestlgatlon. $1,5W; controls l,o cash, balance easy; ono uumnlng business for I further particulars .o J. H. Johnson. N. Y. Life. J ' Y-M637 DRUG STOCK for sale. Address C. IL Smith, Burlington Junction, Mo. Y-M695 24 TO RENT, a photograph gallery; good lo cation. For particulars uddress David City, Neb., P. O. Dox 221. Y MTS'J 24 FOR SALE, stock of general merchandise; invoice about $16,XO; cash sales, Jii.i dally; investigation solicited. Address II 1. Dee. Y Mttl 29 FOR SALE, milk business In good Iowa town, population 5,""j; have PO cows and all necesnry fixtures needed In the bul-nes-c. Will leaso farm to buyer If de sired. This Is n money maker. T. M. Cllne, ir,5 O St., Lincoln, Neb. Y M929 23 rou NAi,r,-iM'i, estate. W. II. GATES. SIS New York Life. 10-room modern house, northeast corner 23d nnd Chicago, a good home, close In; owner leaving city and anxious to sell. $l.5. 7-room cottage, sewer and water, 2327 Dav enport, $2,"0. 7 rooms, bath, good barn, east front. 21st and Spruce. 54x110, $2,CO0. 6 rooms, cast front, barn, 2205 N. 27th. only $1,030. 4-room cottage, lot 20x127, 2C31 Durclette, $00). 6- room cottage and some money to ex change for an S or 9-room modern house. A 7-room modern houso nnd some money for a nine-room house. RE M101 21 SEVEN-ROOM house, full lot. on lltli, south of Hickory St. Parties wish to leave the city. See us about this property A. P. Tukey & Son, Board of Trudo . RK-MSS1-23 7- ROOM. nil modern house. 3520 Dodce St" CLARKE POWELL. 'Phone 921. 42") New York Life RE-S71 NEW' York Stato Stock Farm, with halN mile track; 2i0 acres; mansion; A', barns H. L. Reed, Amsterdam, N. Y. RE-917 23 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 0)1-2 v y. Life P.E-973 HOUSES and lot in all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. F Davis Co., Room 55.' Bee Dulldlng. RE-974 HOUSES nnd lots in all parts of -it;-; also acre property and farm lands. Tho 1. F. DavU Co., Room 532 Bee Dulldlng. RE-74I CHA3. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St. RE-971 WE HAVE on hand at all times selected first mortgages on Improved property at 5Vi to 0 per cent. Call nnd see us. PA YNE-K SOX CUM PAN Y. Main floor, Now York Life Dldg. RE-MiuS 30 FARMS, C. F. HARRISON. 913 N. Y Life. RE-563 O i' FOR SALE, fruit and garden place and grocery store; seven ncres, part In choice grapes, plums nnd other fruit; a splendid business location; barn. Ico house, sheds, well, cistern, etc.; ono mile out of town on mnln road. Inquire at 335 Droadway. Council Dluffs, la RE M 445 RANCH and farm lands for sale by tho Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAUaster. land commissioner. Union Pa cific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-173 TEL. THREE-ONE-rOUR. HARRISON. RE-312 N5 FARMS-160 near Springfield, $S,fio. 240, very tine Improvements, $35 nn ac re l.tXO acres, Douglns county, level, good buildings, mortgagee must sell, $33,C.i, Full section, Douglas Co., level, good Dldgs. 3.'. Sarpy, some rolling, $20 nn nrre. C. F. HARRISON, S13 N. Y. Life. Tel 311. RE-S39-21' .MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged Icnd'ng specialist In dUeasos of women in Cm hi. would call the attention of suffering ladles to his unsurpassed aecommoda. lions before arid durl nir confinement ami his treatment for Irregularities, no 'mat- I ter what came. Call or address. wih 1 aiamp, ir. 1T1CS, 1613 Uodgo Ht , Oma is. Neb. u-SiO 327' OM EOI'A Til V. JiHNSt)N Institute. 515 N Y 1. Dldg Tel. to!. .Alice Johnson. D. o., ladles' dept ; Old K. Johnsun. csteopathlst. Mgr. -Sr DONCHUE. Osteopath. Paxton Illk. Tel 1J; -977 DR. MUSICK. Douglas Ulock. -341 DR. T. HUNT, suite 512 IcCaguTldgfet 2332. MKlll I MAM) AMI T I'llWltl li.Ml, A. C. VAN SANT'S srhool. 7;; N. Y. Life. -j:9 DoYLKS' Ccdlege, court reporter prlnc.pal. live Dldg. J 0 NED. Dullness Ac Shorthand College, Doy.Ts Theater. GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. ICth & Djuc -9s2 .MOItTCACILS ion sai.i: W'R IIAVI'! nil hnn.t r. f nil II,,,.,. ... - - .... , "ifUlVCl nrst mortgages on improved property at v,3 iw w ier vein, e an nnu seo us. PA YN E-KNOX COMPANY, Main Floor, New York Llfu Dldg. . -4uS JO I.OXT. LOST, a Urge electric seal cape, from liuggy. Wednesday noon, between 23d and liav altltw.rf r..l l.'.t. l . "jv . ', . ,ul" e amain; rewaru N. 23d. Iasi-MI4s 23 LOST, Sunday afternoon, between 2511 How. Hrd noil tin.i ii.i..nn.w.. , 4 ... ...... .,,,,-,11,,,,,, uill J- II II - burst set. with pearls; reward paid If re- cu --li iiow.iru. Lost MHij 23 LAI. Milt V, OMAHA Steam Laundry: shirts. 7c; collars 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 547, Ml SIMXIMI I.ES.SOXS, SPANISH lessons 4.W S 24th St. -S.W-O-6 llOOMvLliPl.Mj; WESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or even Ing. R 15, Com. Nat. Bank. O. R. Rnthbun. 309 DOM, Ell MAICEIIS, OMAHA Holler Works, steam boilers, tank', stacks, etc. Tel. 1339. 12th nnd Izard Sts. , -953 rAW.MIItOKURS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing, all business confidential. 1301 Douglas -9S7 CAHI'E.MHIU AXII JOIXUHS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repalrtng promptly attended jo. J. T. Ochiltree Nth and Lake Sts. 373 MIHHOH FACTORY. Damnged looking glasses resllverod. 7M N 18. -521 FURXlTUIin HEPAIIUXO. TEL. 1331. M. 8, Walklln. 2111 Cuming St. -975 TRl'.MC FACTOIIY, TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases. Trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Factory, 1209 Farnam. 471 012 sta.m.meim.m: a.mi stutthhixo. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramge Bldg. -3SI I'ATF.XTS. WILL BUY any good Invention or patent. Address Lock Dox 76c), jjes Moines, la. -95 HA E cash for good patent or Invention. Address P. O. Dox 65, Omaha. Neb. -4R4 N7 imEKiAit:ixG. IN FAMILIES. Mlis Sturdy. 2378 Harney. ' 873 3 29 XICKEI, I'l.ATIXtJ. STOVES, lamps, etc., replnting. Omaha Plating Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2535. -9S5 I.liri.VI, NOTICE CALL FOR REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION. By authority and direction of tho repub lican county committee, duly given at a legulany called meeting, u county delega;e CoUNc-utlon of tho republicans of Dougias county Is hereby called to meet ut Wasn tugtou huh, In the Cit 01 Omaha, at 2 p. in., suiuidu), fteptemoer 2s, nul, tor the purpusu ot nominating candidates to be voted on ut the general election November 5, 1901, fot tho fuiiowing county otllcers. one shcrlft, one county judge, ono county clerk, onu register of deeus, one county treasurer, one county survejor, one count superintendent or pubdc instruction, 0,1a county coroner, two c-ountj commissluneia, to be cnotcn hy the deiegutcs irom the respective districts irom wh.on tluy ari to be cicctiu. Ono represcntailMj to nn vacancy bix justices of the peace and ono police Juuse ror tt'.e City of uinahu. Two Justices of the ptaco for the City of South Omaha. Six constables for the City of Omaha. Two constables lor the City of South omahu. Ore assessor tur eacu ard of tho City of Omaha, ops ussessor for each woid or thu city of South Omana. Precinct ultlcers for tho vurlous country prec.ncts. Also to select members of tho republican county central committee and to transact km n ,,fh.,r hnulduu. u ... ...... ... before it. By the same authority a p-lmary election Is uUu called, to be held Friday, September 27, I9ul, In the vatluua wurds and prccincti.. subject to the rulco governing primary elections adopted by suiu repuDucan county committee tor the purpuso ot electing uele gates to saiu nomiiiatlug convention. 1'ho reptBsentatlon in said contention shuil bo nflen delegates lor each ward In the City of Omaha. Flvo delegates for each of the four wards In south Omaha and flvi delegates lor each of the fourteen country piccincts At this primal y election the polls will ba open in tnc cities of Omaha and of South Omahu from 12 m. to 7 p. m.. and In the country precincts from 7 p. in. to 9 u m at the following places. ' OMAHA. First Ward-Sixth ana Pierce streets Second Ward-Twentieth and Casiellar streets. Third Ward-1121 Douglas street. Fourth Ward Dee building. Fifth Ward--Slxtentn. near Corby street Sixth W'ard-lQlowlld hall. v,ura"n Seventh Wurd 1334 Parx avenue Eighth Wftid-Twentj -second and Cumin. streets. Ninth Ward-US i-arnam street tt SOUTH OMAHA. First Ward-t,27 N. Twenty-fourth street Second Ward-Evans' laundry. 2309 ft at Third Wu'd-259 South Thirtieth street Fourth W'ard-F.uherty bam "a? liltvht COUNTRY PRECINCTS. Ctl Chicago Kctner's hail. Clonturf Joo Munser's place. Douglas Sc hool house No. 5. East Umaim Preist's hail. E.khorn Swclchart s shop. Florence-City hall. Jefferson Mangold's lumber office McArdleGlanrtt school house, Millard Millard school house. Platte Valley Joll building. Union Powell's blac."itu (hop. Waterloo Masonic null. Benson Benson hall. Dundee Dundee engine house. The boundaries of tho various nrlmarv elcctlondlstrlcts shall be the same ns tho boundaries of th respectlvo wards of omiha and South Omaha und of tho various vot ing dlrttlcts of tho count! precincts as existing at the lat general election. The names of all delegates to bo placed on the official primary ballot must b filed with the secretary of tho committee with a fee of $2 for each delegate, not later than 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday, September 21 psi The oltlcers of said primary election must be, selected at least ten days before tho primary election from names submitted to the committee. II E. OSTROM Chairman Republican Central Committer R C JORDAN. 8-cretary. """"' Dated at Omaha, September 1. lJOt iO r.HXMEXT XOTICE. tM.V,n'l'S Al's Ku!l FRESH EUKTAHI FX Utile I hlaf I '.....( .. ..... 1., v. . 1. ..i.l, ; ' feaieu propos.t 111 triplicate, win be re.eUed here ui.'il '1 clocK am. i. tnber b lsoi alui in. . opened public l for f irnlshmg and tUlis.iv of such quuiHllles if i.trttoes and tqilons as may be required b the Sub'lstetice D iwrtment at Forts Lent euworth, Ktnsas. Logan It. Roots, ArkaiisHS and Jefferson Barrack". Missouri, between October Jlt 1-d. and June )th. U2 Proposals will lo be received and opened by the I'otnml' sarls at the inists named, each Post Com mlsa' recchlng jironosals tor his own post only The right Is reerved to rete t any or all proposals In whole or in pun Information as to conditions of contra. 1 , " furnished on application to this otflce, or to ant of the above mentioned ofllcers. D B. WILSON. Lieutenant Cnoni 24th Infantrj, Acting Chief Commlssari D-21 23 24 J5 Oct8 9 TREASI'RV DEPARMKNT, OinceVuper Using Architect. Washington. 1). (' . Sep tember ISth. 1M -SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this olllce until 2 o'clo-k P m on the 4th day of October, 1901. ard then opened, for resetting live horizontal tubular steam boilers and installing smoke less furnaces In the I' P coirthoise. cu n'lTu ';'"',,.,!""! postolllce building at OMAHA, NI-.D. in accordance with draw ing und specification, copies of whlth w,'l be furnished at the discretion of the sup-r-x sing architect, upon application at this M,!k5',.Mri,"t ,h,,,,lP- of the custodian of the building at Omaha. Neb. James Knjx Taylor, supervising architect. povrorrici: mvmci:. Hsrlo.1;.'!. teaiX ,,A"-V nil Interested", mlf l"St -VV.'" f0.r. ,n0 Wt,,'k P'ldl'iC Sep ember 2, l!.q. Wl close (PROMPTLY In loU'n!,7.' n,,,h' ncral post, , tike us f. J.?.eM'.. ,'l!rC'',',.,H,''t t'l',!, ""' I"'"- earlier than time show n b dow 1 arcels post malls for Germany rt.-o at I' "I- Mopdey and W'edlies.lnt Regular and supidementnry malls ei .se at foreign branch half hour Inter than elosr g time shown below Trim ut I n 11 Mull.. TIESDAY-At 3-) a m. for KfllOPE ter s s. K. Wm. der Clroe via ('herb tirg. Southamiitnn nnd Bremen (mall f- r ire land must be directed "per s r K W m. der Orofse"); at 1 p m. for IT A t Y p.r 'l. " '''"''a via Naples imnll ir .st be ,,!'li',,PI',d "per t. s. LlKtlH.V 1 W LDNESDAY At 6 30 a. tn for El ROPE per s s St. I-ouls via Sotithanipt. n ,m feir Ireland must bo directed ', r s p .t Imls '; nt S:3o a m. isupplemoitart 1" a m , for EUROPE, per r s T. iron c v .i tjiieenstown; nt 10 11. m for DEL-lit M clirrct. per s. s. Zeelund (mall mint be .11- n-iiVrA. I,r " " Zeeland "t Till RSDAY-At 4 a tn. for EFROPF p r f Bismarck via Plymoith Clur nourg and Hamburg (mall for France must bp directed "per s. s F Rlmtrek Vi i ,nvml,,',".r.I',.UANrl:- fW'IT.ERI. xn: TALV SPAIN. PORTUGAL, Tl Hit HY t'nnK'vn im '"'' 'TI8ll INDI U1IIKNZO MAllgrnZ. per s I, tnlno via Havre onnll for other parts o' Europe must be directed "per s. s I. V m. tnlne' 1 SAT,,'I,lJJA;-'V '- m. for NETHER " !rrl- " i .Miiasdam fiaM '"."i1.-"0 '"ree'ed "per . s. Mniisdam at 9:30 n. tn. for SCOTLAND direct. rer s- s. I urnessla (mall must he dire to I per s. s tlnessK"); at 1130 n m, imp plementury I p. m. for EUROPE, per s. 1 Ltrurla via Quecnstown. PHJ.MTn. .M.AT.T- KTf -This steamer h o "'"'"""" ommerclnl Papers! nnd Samples for Germany onlv The .nm 1 class of mull matter for other parts or Europe will not be sent by this ship tin- AT,;:.,A,5.!?ri,,!,..5,,f supplement, ry .i-.V.T " .'ion. iiiuneii noove. ndip. t onal supplementary malls are oncn.d on ne piers of the American. English. I m5P.?W,L !.'f.,a.n.s,.,.'n-.r- nnd romsm : omi .tunutes or tho hour of sailing of steamer. Mnll for .South find Cent nil Viiirrlra, West Inillea, i;tp. MON'OAY-At 12 m. for NORTHERN PR - ...... ,.. , r iiiiiiunrai ii. at l 7,i) n tn r?,1".. AKOKNTIXi: REPUBLIC. 1 R. -GI AY nnd PAK inrw .. ... ' Ti$nU,AY"At 9:3 " .m l"Pril''meiitnry 'C;?1!' SoMn lllci" nnd SOUTH P CIFIC PORTS, per s s Orizaba vt,, Colon (mall for (Juntemala must be d. for INAOUA and HAITI, per s. s. Lue i -bllv"K; nf ':;3 I' ' 'or JAMAICA, per s. s Admiral Dewey, from Boston; at ll p. m Phriln.V.CA- Pr 8- l"ra"1'1' m l?S!l.AA"-Al 9 for NEW iui.uM.iii iiireci, per h. s Silvia at 10 a. m. for GRENADA nnd TRINIDAD also CM-DAD BOLIVAR, per s s Mara- fo?' st'-tioa.s't'T-roK-1 'J vV. DRIIIhll. DUTCH and FRENCH r.l i. -A;.5',rl, ;".'. .X'onm'mthshlre, at m for C I HA, YUCATAN. CHAMPFc IIP CHIAPAS nnd TADASro! per V Tiif iloK . V- . . ' negurnneii I and bANTIAOO, tier s. s. Santiago nt 1 l( m for YUCATAN, per s D.ggrv yla 1 rogresso (mall must he dlrecte. "per iTi'iin - V . A ""'' irom lloston iJr ilDAT.7At ." fof I'ORTO RICO. ! . ' "ii.c tin nan J nn; nt 9 a m J tin ,:,!" (vln Mnracalho., , or gr-n'lli'VereVi1!: rnfornM au'VRFYTo''-V;'' RTJI A G UN m:i,.l,!,Vr T0,-h -r , , . A.leghan, ?MrttH- " A1",-'"'n-): at 10 a. m for "A- P'T -Morro Cnstle via Havana Mst'.infvr ?,W?.U'",",1 b I-"" N'orth .1.1. ,.i . .v"-1"- " sieumer. c .ise nt this nltlc, dally at C:20 p. m. iconnectdiir close here every Mondnv. Wednesday i nd ,?,i",UUy)- ,M" for -Mlciuelon b y rail 7. thu' hi aml, i",nro hy "tenmer. cln?e it C ba lit "!; ntr, C'30 J' S; culm, bt rail to Port Tampa, ITa and tVATiy ' a t i'-a"" Ser; f t010'" ftt tM - ' cmiij nt a m. (tho connecting c'oes "r on, Monday. Wednesday a ml 1 Satur! c ay). Mails for Mexico city over?, ml unless specially addressed for , IsnatchT.y steamer close nt thls ofTlce dally it 1-3) TVnt7lnI n.p J1 Mnl"' fr Costa nica "al to Ve nCHr,rz aml 9-ncmnl: hv ran to Nt-w Orleans, and thenco bv steamer clo-e at this office dally at ! 30 ! m. (connecting clofes here Mnip'ivs for Belize, Puerto Cortez n rid I OuntimnV! and Tuesdays for Costa Hlca) ?Mte,s tered mall closes at6p. m. previous d.iy TrniiNpiicino MnlU. n e w1'? S"n ' ranclsc-o close here dal y at fi:30 p m. up to September '" in. elusive, for dispatch p'or s. s. Nlpp'"n Mnlls for Australia (except AVest Australia which Is forwarded tla Europe) Vew Zealand. Fiji. Samoa and HowSR Via "an I ranclsco close hero dally ntfi 30 nt aHer September "15 and up to SeptJml r 3inlnc "MVP- J on "rrlval of s s w f''w' '""nt Nw York September ""S for dispatch per s s. sierra ' .,lt,ar, H"wn!'. Japan, Ohlnn nnd Phllln PUrv,,,nfi,l"o'U S"" 'Neo close' VcPe Si I,, ",,!r0.,',l. "I' " October !. in. , Vi i V ' V. '""paten fier s. s. Peru Inclusive, for .1 spatch 'per , B pr!e0v"iu2,d08y,r,nK,,n'' "l0'- ' V m' Mfi"r" rtallan-- PnM "'" "I" in re i iiiij nt 6:30 p. m. un to Cti tnnr - Ml!Y?'U?lv(Vf?,i '""Patch peTs s Alamein San 'eV.Tc 'J" ""!' "riuesas Is binds v'a nan I rinclscn close here dnllv nt cii l m. up to Octolur "'i". c iihv tnl M,il.ip,Vrh .ppr " Australia. U,Ue' for .Malls for Auttralla (except West Ammn. wh eh goes via Euroie. and New- eM? .' which goes via 8a n' Francisco) an i'.' i Islands via Vancouver "lose t i Jl fit :30 p. m. after September 21 ,.nn"y to October 12, Indus v,, f0r ,n . "p . s. Aorangl (supplementnrv V-r llA in port Ing Is arranged mi L "c,lmh of rlos their unlnterrupfel hllr,llxmf)tinn vi'itr" ma,? o- m n a 1 mvai ti m'h'cTi n 1,7 WABASH RAII.nOAD Ticket Office, 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone. 322. D pot, Tenth snd ivlarcy Hts Telephone. fl2S. mBrc'r ' Bt Louis "Cannon Ball" Expres , ,,,.1.. .j..- 5.15 pm a J;?) am RAILWAY TI.ME CARD. FREMCMT, ELKIIORN U M.ssourl valley lUllroaj - ihe Northwestern Line General Ofllces. United states National Bank Dulldlng, S. W. Corner rweifth and Far- nam Sts. Ticket Office, 1401 Farnam St. 561 Deiot. 15th and Webster 1 ele'phot.e, sis. 1 'irpuunc, ios. Leave. Biack Hi. Is, Deadwood, Hot Springs ..a 3.00 pni W joining, Casper and Douglas it 3.00 pm Hastings, York, David City. Supcttor, Geticvu, Xxetcr und Sew-itrd b 3;W pm Norfi'.k, ciuigre ana . I'remont b ;;3o am Arrive. a 5:00 pn 1 6; ptu b 5:00 pm blO.K ana i.iiuoin, 'Aar..o Fro- iioni li i.30 am bl0;25 am rteniciit Local ....6 7.3'. am i Daily, b Dally excep. Sunday. 0 Suu clay oiii d Dally 2.c:pt Saturday. Daily except M outlier. CHICAGO St NORTH tt -stern Railway "Ths Northwestern Lint" City Ticket Oftlce. 1401 Fdrnuiu at. Telephone, til. Depot, Tenth iid .Marcy Streets. Tele,. Lhufli. L4. Dav light Chits go ejv. Arrive. Spe- f,,- "' .a i:w am Chicago Pasj-ng i .. a 4.15 pm Eastern Express. Des Moines, Murshuulown, Cedar Rapids snd Chicago alO.55 am Eastern Sujclal, chl- cago and ast a 1.53 pm I' ant Malt, Chicago to O111..I1.1 , Omaha-Chicago L td.. a T 45 pm Cedar rapids Pas"sn5uV.' a Dully. all:0 pnt a S;0 ant ft 4:05 ptu a 4;0 pra a 2:45 ptu H S.0O Hill a 3.30 am a 5:30 pnt CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, Minneapolis Omaha Railway - Tho North, western Line ' General Orilcea, Nebraska Divi sion, 15th und Wehstsf Hfa 1-ltv. TI..L.., l- . Vcr, ..err.' .v",wc ,.v t'UlllNUT -U A CICLlllOllO, OOi, USPOU, 15th and U..htr Hln. ivl.inli,in H'.m Liiuv. Arrlvo. Twin Cl(.' l'asfenger Sioux City Passenger Emerson Local u Daily ,a 6:oo am a 2.43 pm ,.b 6:30 pm a 9.10 pnt all 10 ant b S.JO unt SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC" Railroad "The North, western Lino" General Oltlces, United States National Bank Building, H. W. Corner Twelfth cttici, .tvi Karnam St. k'clephone, 501. De pot, 1 until and Murcy bis. Toiephcne. . Leave. Arrlvs Twin City F.xpress .... a 6:55 am alO;23 ptq Twin City I. milled a 7:35 put u 8:13 atq Sioux City Local s:oo am a 3.50 pm a 1 ally. L, BURLINGTON & J113- sourl River Railroad ' The Burlington Route General Otilccs, North west Corner Tenth and Furnam Streets, Ticket Olllce, 1502 Furimm Sll cut. Telepiicu. -m. uurcngtuu station, uctna snd iia.on Streets, leicpnonv 12s. uavk, Arrive. Lincoln, Hastings and McCous. S: am a 7:34 pnt Lincoln, Denver, Colo rado. Utah, i.2j pm a IM pm Auiance Express . .u 4. (im u 3:00 pin Llncom & Black Hills.. a f.W pin a :15 am Montana, Puet Sound.. u v;w pm a 6:45 ant Lincoln Fust Mall b 3;io pm a 9.17 am W'ymore, Beairlco and Llncolp a 5:10 um bll:55 am Denver, Coiuradn, Utah nnd California a 6:45 am Fort Crook, So. Bend, Louisville. Plattsm th.b 3:20 pm bll:03 nfn Ilellevue. 1 .attsmauth 6c Pacific Junction .. . .a 7:40 pm a 8:20 ant Bcllcvuo. P.attsmouth it I acilK Junction a 3.10 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. KANSAS CITY, ST. JO. eph & Council Hluffs Railroad "The DurtlngtOH Route" Ticket Orilce, lsol Farnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot, Tonth un4 Mason Streets. Tele Phono 12S. ave, Arrive. a ti.ui pn a 6:15 ana Kansas City Day Ex.. ..a 9.20 am Kansus City Night Ex..ul0.30 pm ri t civri. for 52t. Joieph and St. Luuls.a bilO pm all:13 ant u Dally. CHICAGO, BURLINOTOH & gulncy Rallroad-"Th Burllugtun Route" Tlckel Ofllce, 1502 Farnam Street. Telephono 250. Depot lentn and hiuson Streets 'iVletillonu 12. ' Lcave. Arrlvo. Daylight Chlcajto Spe- Fust Mall - 2:45 pnt Dully. CHICAGO, ROCK IHLs n.$rl? 1 u,c,ln -llroi The Great iioeri lland Route" - Ct3 Ticket .Office, 1323 Fir. nam Street. TluDhon 428. Depot, Tenth ami Marcy Streets. "tSi". phone, 629. " eave. EAaT. Des Moines nnd Daven port Ixicnl a 7:25 am Chb.igo Express bll :15am Des Moines Eocal a 4:20 pm Chicago Fnbt Express .a 5.00 pin Des .Mulnea. ituCK Isl and und Chicago. .... .a 7:10 Dm WEST. Lincoln, Colorado Spgs., Denver, Pueblo and West , a mo nm Colorudo. Oklahoma & P Texas Flter u R.m .. Arrive, a 9:35 pra a 4 ..' pm blLMarq a 1:25 ptu a -:10 am 4:15 pm u Dally, b Dally except Sunday. 9:50 am ILLINOIS CENTRAW ''"f'l-O'ty Ticket o2 nee. 1402 FartiAm Strsst, lcephone, 245. Vtpot Tenth and Marcy Streets! Chicugu Express a i;w am a a;lu u.m Clilcugo Limited..-.. a 7:45 pm a g;u6 iil MlniieiiJiolls ; ii'.. raul E.resi b 7:00 am b 9:40 nm Minneapolis & St. Paul ",w pn LlmltccI a 7:45pm a 8,05 am I-ort Dodao Local from " Council Bluffs b 4:50 pm a :l . Fort Dodge Local from u Council BlufTs a 6:00 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, St. Louis Cannon Ball LaV9 Ar,v KJ? City and UuincV Pm a "!M nB aDa'lly. a 7M aw - Pm UNION PACIFIC--THE ovm land Uoiiin"n...,T."r OVBrU land Routc"-Oenofal fim,U N. E, Cor. Ninth and cireeis, e;ity Ticket Onicc Tji-K?mA-? TeleplVon.' ff, Telephone, C29. Ieave, Tho Overland Ltmlted,.a um The ChrCHgo-Portiand Special a 3:20 am The Fast Mall i x;s om The Mall and Express .all:2i nm The Colorado Special ...all;jj, Lincoln. Beatrice and Arrive. 1 7.30 pm a 3;a p 1 Pm ci am Stroinsburg EvpM.a. ,b 1;0S n . Tho Pacific Express,. ,,u 4:23 p.n "-H I1 me Aiianuc iinrcsa r. - ... 1 r . I...... , , " '. . . :50 am a iniiv 1. r1.11.. .. r.l u 9 35 arm MISSOURI PACIFIC RAliZ road-General Office. CoCrnVr hts ti Ul -nU -ougia Arrive. tl4V'" m W ,rj Mill IC C, St. L. Express.. a lo;6o pra I." vnenStl r 1i, ,AA a 6.1: at Leave from 15th Webster Btrcots: NebrasKa Local, Wocplnc; W ater. . a Dally. , Dally and Via I' 4 10 pm alO: am exceut Sunday. n .7j2?. CHK llr.'. MILWAUKKm A- St. Paul Rftllway-citv Ticket Office. 1604 Farnani trtel. Telephone, at Depot, Tenth und Msaoi Streets, Telephone, "9 ri.011.4c.- WLWAUk d'rftii-, Chicago & Omaha Ex ..b 7:15 um h 3.(0 pra ChicuKci Limited Ex a 6:00 pm a t:W anl uauy u uany excupt aunuay, OJJAIIA & ST, LOUIS KA1I road Om.ha, Kansas City It Eastern Railroad "Thsi Qulncy Routs '-Tlcket Of. flee, 1415 Farnam St. Tele, phone. 222. Depot. Tenth und Marcy Sts. Telephone, LA VA Arrive. - 1:20 am ft l;00 pm cial ,....i;wam nio::o pnt Chicago Vcctlbulea Kx.a tiO'J ptu a 7;4o am Chicago Local Express. u 9:30 um a 4:05 prq cinicairo cimucu i .w uiii n 711 1 St. Louis flit. fit. Louis Cannon Rail " Express a 6:15 pm Kansas City and Qulncy Local a 7:00 am a Dally.