THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, SErTEMllER 2,3, 1001, ORANGES Vulenelaa, J4.0CO3.W: Med. 'ANANAS Per bunch, according to size, 12.0022.50. cinarnlifornl.i. new cartons, ,5c! lay ers. 63c Imported, per lb.. 101112c. DATES Persian, In Oo-lb, boxes, Balrs, 6c. ;.iiBi;i.-ii.AiM,uua, . . ......,. 11.. ..Holt ..... ll, 1 F.P ! ft I berts, per lb, 12c; almonds, per lb.. Iwi r,nv ntmnuts. Dor lb.. EltSlie; roasted, 64tf 7hic; Brnzils, 13c: pecans, lwl22c. CILJfcill l'cr DDI., Jl.oo; per "! HIDES-No. 1 grcon. 64c; No, 2 green. 8Hci No. 1 salted, Sc, No. 3 anea, ,c. Settlement of Steel Strike Help Slocki ?n,f,rt0 i5 lbs.. 6c: dry hides. t13c: sheep m n, ii ir News from pe. uioc; narseniues. .,vu-. AMERICAN OUTLOOK BETTER Locdoi Pinanolen Tiki Mmo Hopeful Visw of Money Mil-kit. PLEASED WITH ROOSEVELT'S ATTITUDE Eric Arc South Afrlra linn Ilenrrss Injr EfTcet. St. I. on In Ornln nnd Provisions. HT. LOUIS. Sent. 21. WHEAT Lowerj No. 2 red, cnsli, elovntor, iOViC; trnck, 725J 7214c; September, 69ic; December, 71s4c; LONDON, Sept. W.-Attcntlcn In Vncn" COHN-Lowcr; No. 2 cash, 6lsc: trnck llnanclul circles lust wenK vinij which G9Uc; September, &.ici December, 69Vu trii'd upon tbo New ork mar get , y In stilt" of thu mourning frJ'i indeed OATB-Lower: No. 2 cash, 37c: track, 33 ?T .!.,, t..Kfnty showed flrmnoHS. IIIUCI.U U.nt.mhn, !l?Li Tl or fin tier. tSUC! i no of "tho features of the J , y.' No " 2 Vli teT'so Utf4c. ii... 1, 1 Imnriii-einciit In American mo iiVd.iIi,- . r.c Hiinrpit as compared with quotations . 'C7'"li' t "2?, .,,,. .. M.I0 Wlicut had a dull, heavy market. De- ml0H of utm fhnre. Some desroo of sup. h. Vr. Jr. V . 4.411 ti.VJ'J 2.231 'nLrX: 8!fr! .VStST' ,ra,8,,,' ,3-3',5! stcab'i.t iS&WTOWfc tt clal Saturday JMJI .y'rrffio no market: Umo.hy. s.cady, rwra'r hero a d S,VcXW WJ?SidiS? fV.": S5 bujlni: of Americans. The "V"1 .lY?oc t Ion VliNAtKAtStendy, J2.90. uIs reported good harvest. Under light of the year on .time 17. The stock closed at ! s ' P 21 075 3U.7U A,. t.UVAit?15 mtANedcked. east track. nMr'ZnXnl.ccount a!so was a de- 5$ WMW-Boulh Africa Made. fffiM po.'nts"" ' ca'Js." compared w.tU 7n lyJX , v. rtfW',lnKeff,ct upon -ctrl tU-H i" 1 1.0 "iiOVISIONBWic. nrm: jobbing. SIR. year no. l'rlmary .eceipts were I.1W.4W nMxV, lwr?hXiT& 1801. 100O.IM..lS98.(lS07.l. liS. Vhr.!Ht il."V .v Inn . lower? JDSSH DVy" bu.. nKalnst last year's l,0.,a .7 bu. Sw- iwnwil. The lonti reduction. In spite of the - c , , W . '.m.'riV.r h I Tut bern an serious as m boxe.l lotn, extra shorts. 19.2,-,; clear ribs, board clearances In wheat und Hour ciuaied weeks activity by ; sp eculativc pools in ho ep. 1... B W 4 .01 - M - . i 3J 1 ""li'n nJp,r ' Arientlno bonds ID.12H; clear sides, 19.50. Hacon. steady: l,2,fi.s70 bu. f. " f 1. , " V. . I1!1.? s2 L" J' r V 1 ' I'.n hSJ I'M r. J, . I a 65 I 07 2 si 1 34 . "... rtiv nwlnic to tho boxed lots, extra shorts. 110.23: clear ribs. Corn was QU ct. WltlJ little ouihjuo nnv- ... .. ...... .u Buriiius r in nerivo - ; y , . - - . e. o 71 1 71 tsn-nveii Kieui """'""ii"""., , ,V,iipf Hint no- i-iirir ilex " Sli) 2'. rst D eeinber oneiied steady. Uu to c miimionai atlvntttiiRc from tile ga ns of g""'- o , w ' "I '. f 11 ! 1)1,1,1 stc rs, J5,7&tni.30; rair to koou, j.i.hhi rlfio In wool and parti) to ho lellcf tnat 10. u n r id e h, S4 S7w4 , 6,,el. fZVeJ? lt "sV'to t 6i"iftvVc. on stea.iy cash on the subtre.isury operations. Tho P. 6... & 2JU 5 0;M "I 3 . -. ,C ! 5.73; Blockers and foalers. $3.00J?3.75; wc.M- 'WSiii'rcl o,,hCii 'b . A rS r'c- ter. oTtl i-hlShor; sales. mJfe. and Sw no' liberal sellK by local und strenKth ot the local tractions and a lively ; ..- ?4 6 Jfi u 3 C 4 0, j fed steers. JUCyfi.Wi uestcrn tanijo J 'SSfK LhVwnHSMrSSSS 'tV, chickens. 7c: sprln.s. Wp mtuf bflJufJf D c HH"?S f" S "hSSS ""f ff ?)2SSh? m r'., " I , ,p , mrrnSII-FIrm, creamery. ,C021c: da.ry. JXM! Affl 5 S" ? 3 J 31 3 771 j S ' " .'..'". I .l. .Aan.. I ...n ....i.. . I "... ... ......I ,.r A ...ill 1 UlUlllliC V11H eilllllV flllll llllMIM4. 1fil I U lO'.ai U 111 1 - t - .1 . I American dematia lor Rum uw-u" 1..... i nu-iuiy in ioc. o iiiRner ai J'j'hc, mnu uii " "'''J" iinlxheil In tin. ilr.i iinV ( V,ii.. n.i - Sent. 11.. k tiu E W 4 301 3 Ml 3 J - UJ 1 v" x ectatlons rut are not likely to bo- nKCF.UTS-Flour, 7,000 bl.K: wheat, closed a shade hlhcr at 3'ifl:.c. lie- l,"l,llrI ih0 mirl.V w,Vi i.?HVv "', n1!0 So lJ ' 6 M 4 33 3 i 3 hi 2 c?,me "inner. 41.010 bu ; corn. 20.W bu.; oats. W.000 bu. eclpts were 227 cars. , , . , , coi?alnK tcTe SIMl'MHNTS-Klour. 11 .000 bbls.; wheat, I'rovlalons had a uulet market. Most of rovers ' In tho tor r SL . i i '" He! t. 17 G 5 13 i 3 tai 3 801 2 tol 4 12 HARD TIMES STRIKE GERMANY etw b., com. w m... oats, bu. ffl-SS ,rrtS' SSiS oTOtS,1? SrK1 SfeA I hd-i3 o llpprpclntrn MUiip" "ni .ni No. 2 red western winter. s 9d; Nn. 2 north- 12150 clown and Jnnuary libs were l-'.-.c 31 .u - rloatnir nru, nn Irdlcatcd Sunday. Holiday. nn..mi si.iunatl.Hi. em sprlnc. (lulet. Cs fid: No. 2 California, lower nt thu cloto. .... ,i,i'v,S vuCu?i, ---i"? prUes on .lrul-...:.-, " .-. t P,.rR of stock Us lid. Futures, uuleti Dco-mbcr. 5s Ofcd: Kstlmated receipts for Monday: Wheat. I ....c. , no, oi cm. . '" , ...... I nrriiiiriii in luiiikv vjj v. j - Cattle.HoBs.Sh scs. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL f atnrdij Markets in tht Board of Tiadi Aio Dull Afftli. WHEAT OPENS HIGHER, BUT CLOSES LOWER slon there was little rnllv to the market and prices at the close were net 51110 points off, with tho tone steady. The spot markat ruled steady to slightly higher quotations, but this fact deemed to have no effect upon me tuiure market. Total sales ot inures were lC.dOO bags, Including: September, 4 'Me; Oetobcr, 4.93c, November, &c; December, n.iuc, jnnuary, 6.ioC, .Marcn, a. r-rjio.ioc, .nay, o.So'JiS.COc, July, 5.70C. MJW YOIUC STOCKS AM) HOMJ.H. Corn (lulcl, tvltli Little Outside Inter, ests, Closes Finn I'rlpps In Onta Are Slendy I'ritvlslotm Unlet. Weakliest of Cipppr ViispIIIIiir Influ ence on Slnrket. NKW YOlllC. Sent. 21. The acute weak ness of Amalcnmnted Copper as a result ot the omission nt tho directors' meeting yes terday to declare the usual extra quarterly dividend of 14 per cent, with tho regular 1'4 per cent was an unsettling lnlluenco on the whole market today. The reticence of OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET All Kinds of Eeef Steers Considimbly Higher fr Week, Cows About tedy. HOGS THIRTY-FIVE HIGHER FOR THE WEEK Sheep Arc I'lftren tit it llunrter I.nvtpr Tli mi Lust Week unit l.iuulis Have Declined IIIk TwpiiI) -II c Cent Feeders Arc About ytendy. CHICAGO, Sept. 21. All mnrkcts on the all having olllcl il connection with the com Jard of Trade, the usual prece- KClr.T .tVf.rV..r'tU1? ron'.K tho Influence .jf the break. Tho policy of oillcml Monday u'" the Insiders In the stock seemed to be to K " i yosd ,). . .. .. .0S3 let the sellers make the opening price, uVneiia eancsday 6.U0 0,120 4,1 Hoard aent fot Saturdays, were ,dull today, uo- tiou of tho company's business, added to teuiucr wueai closed U'iU lower, utur ber corn lie higher and oats a shade up. Provision, closed 10c to 12',jc lower, SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. 21. ii l.... ....-.,. Cut ill'. llOHS. QI1VUI1, anything nt all good his sold at fully stead) prices. e.,. (juotatlou. i.noire yenrunps, .nio.iiv, fair to g-od yearlings, I3.1MT3 30; choice wethers. S3. 20173.85; fair to good wethers, f3 003.2O; choice ewes, J2.75'jI3.W; fair to g..od ewes, 2.5oca2.i5, cholro spring lambs. Ml: fair to cnoil niirlni; Iambs, $l.Wf 4.M; feeder wcthrrs, J2.75v3.2o: feeder lambs, tnnjlli.W. iicprcseniniivo saies. .n v. I'll f..o.1rr pwrs.... 71. 1 25S feeder lambs CO 2 .5 7(5 feeder Iambs it - N5 feeder ye.irllngs S3 2 i5 175 feeder yearlings 19 3 .5 715 feeder lambs Gb 3 u lr. ciiicaoo i.ivn .stock .MAititrr. Cnltlp .Voinlunl, IIok IIIkIipp nud Slirep Slend. anni. ?i r.iTTI.I'.-ltoee tut". 1.100 head, 'including StO Texans; maiket nominal and unclviinged; good to prime steers. tfi.lnfri.RO! noor to medium. J1.0 if 6M; stockers nnd feiders. W.Wlt.SO; eo and heifers. J2.25Ji5.l); canners. Jl.w0-.lO; luilln 11 iri'.ir. nnli :! fMfii.t5: rtnckem and feeders, S3.C0ttl.50i western steers, J3.50 1IOOS-Itecelpts. 13,0 heail; estimated Monday, 3t,niiii. left over, l.tOJ; market otiened Kill I1.' lilirin.r weak! mixed and buteiieis, jfi.fiOll7.2o; good to choice neavy, r, iwt ,,); rough heavy., llcht. Jil.;:,-!;; in. imiu nr iiV-.-iifT.nV 81IKKP AND t.AMHS-Hecelpts, 5"K) head; steady at recent decline; good to cholro wethers. S.1.hivf.vnri'. fnlr in elmlpn tnlxi'd. S3.M3.00; western sheep, J3.25U3 (t; n:tho minus, w.wu&.io; wcstirn lamuit, fj.iuui.u' Kmisna City l.lo Klot-k Mnrlift. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 21.-CAVTM1-nc- ceipis, sw neau; compared wnn a weeK ami, the innrket Is lfi!f. hlcher: todav's Ollota- Hons nomlual; cholro export ami dressed CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE leuie EWs Lilt Wiek Broko All PreTiou Kicordi bj Big Mirgin. MARKETS SHOW BUT LITTLE CHANGE Itpimrts Itpgnrillng; lohcp .r... llrnill Show Hie l.nrnpst Yield Her Itppordeil In History ol tin '1'rnde. OMAHA, Sept. 21. i.n.i uppU in. Hie banner week In tho history of the wholesale trade of this city. Jobbers say they never before experienced anything like the house trade that they had ast week, and although they were looainn for a good many merchants, the nuniDir that actually did arrive was for In excesi of their expectations. All the traveling men from Nebraska nnd also a great many irom the surrounding states were In the cit) meet their customers and wall upon them, but still there was such a rush of buyers Hint even with the assistance of the trnvol Ing men It was dllllcult to gle nil tho mer chants prompt attention, ine majoruj retailers who visited the market placed ex ceptionally liberal orders, w hlch would In dicate that they arc conicmri"K h"ii- ting a good fall and winter uu.inrs". .."- who were Interviewed on me u.......u.. .... . ...m.MP tin.1 lieen very said tnat irauo una , . . Mnrrli r,n t'.il 11ii Piirn: ram. 210 ears: oatB. 115 CUVS! hogs, ,,,,,. UFttt.1V Sent 22. The depreciation ni uuit. apoi, nrm; American mixed, new, i Ba.m) neau. values on the Berlin bourse continued 1 6s 9d. Futures, Innctlvc; October, Es 14dJ throughout last week, almost without In- November. 6s lid; December. 5s !$d ;..V...i.. Ti,n .iMcnntion became more PICAS-Canadlan. steady, fis 4d. and more' marked ns tho week ndvunced, FUOUlt St. Iiuls fancy winter, steady, .i.. i. ...... i... rp.. ,.r ill.. vp;ir being reached Ts Gd. nt inn end The market Is still under tho HOPS-At London (Pacific .coast), dull, i. n Af Vh Hre.4l.iu nnd llellbronn JJS SsifXiS 5s. Incidents A depressing effect was caue I PROVISIONS Href, firm; extra India bv tho 'latent published balance sheets of mess. 70s. Pork, llrm: prlmo mess, wrst- tho Indiislrlnl companies, which show ho ivy em, 72s fid. Hams, short cut, II to 1(1 lb., .n.i.i.iii.i.i. 1., p-trniiiun. Another imtownr.l llrm. 53s fid. tard. strong: American ro Inlluence was tho additional Informallon lined, In palls, 61s; prime western. In tierces, MJ published regarding tho affairs of tho ynrl f.Os fid. IMcoii. strong; Cumberland cut, 4,"?r tl" mortgage banks recently In dllllcultles. 2.i to 30 Ibi.. G3n C-l; short ribs, Hi to 20 Sept. ." .' J,un l.u.l lionn II, Ml fi,1: Innif plmir mlilillpu llwlil in Dec. The leading futures ranged ns follows: Articles. Open. High. I Low. Close.l Yes'y. 76--iiSt. I'nul do pf.l M do lifd Dixltlmore Sc Ohio. ..10li So. Pacific Wheat Sept. nec. May Corn- Sept. Deo. May ;its Mav Pork Oct. Jan. Slay showing worse conditions than had been lbs., 50s 6d; long clear middles, light. 23 to r...-.-7i Ti,.. pnmmlltpn Invest Icat tint tho 31 lbs.. 50s fid: long clenr middles, heavy. affairs n't tho Pomeranian Mortgage bank 45 to 50 lbs., 49n 9d: short clear backs, 1(1 to renorted yesterday, esiimaiing inu man in - '., tm. vnn. ..t.iii:.-., iu u. m.i., bji, .... . ..rii- niiliLMiilntm in he lfi.000.. shoulders, snunre cut. 13 to 19 lbs.. 49s !d. m marks and tho annunl Interest loss from Hl'TTER-Stemly ; finest United States, rSL obligations over 1.0U0.000 marks. Tho com- 9s; good United StntcB, 7s. snt mlttro also expressed a conviction that tho 01IEKSK Quiet: American finest white, 0 ', ' entire capital of thu Institution was lost, l&s; American iincni c noren, fun. It recommended tho reorganization of tho TAI.I.OW--Prtme city, strong, 72s 8dj bank by tho holders ot the obligations and Australian, In London, llrm. 29s fid. n conversion of theso Into stock. KniiMiin (.it) urnin nnu I'm vlslntin. xi,.. wppk'M Inilnstrlnl renortH colnclds. showing deteriorating conditions. Tho Essen a ml Dtieldorf bourses ngreo thnt the Iron hltuatton Is still weakening. Tho Cologne Ciizetto says: "The situation Is very un settled, Tho domestic market Is less will ing to buy. while the mills nre making un usual exertions to get export orders, which are now not remunerative. Oermnn half finished Iron nnd steel now go to Groat Ilrltnln In largo quantities, playing tho ha I''. Oct. Jan. Rlbs- Oct. Jan. May C95J4 C9' GS- fiSi 71VUH "l'i 7o: 71 74Vi!-' 7li 71',i 74i I 50! 571, 5(?',i 67'i 5S3-i5 63 &8 68 IW:6H. U1M, 0014 60 33 33 33'i 3I1 .Wi, 3lr) Sfili .WA1I&, 8.S4 31H :Wl4';i U W 15 00 11 8214 14 & 10 10 16 40 1 23 16 25 16 55 111 55 16 3714 16 3714 10 1714 10 1714 10 074 10 0714 10 25 10 25 10 0214 10 0214 9 65 0 7214 9 5214 9 53 8 95 9 10 8 85 8 85 S 6714 8 421a 8 4214 8 65 8 55 8 4714 8 4714 CO Hi t do nfd. Cnnarllan Pacific. C'aiiHila So Clio. & Ohio Chicago & Alton. do pid.... 94 .lliy-l . SO 45H . 30 77 7W3i Chlcano. lad. & I 43-Si (10 pM... 5 ChlciKO & E. 111... 126 Chicago CI. W :u; do 1st I'M SI F,GV. GO'ifJTi Po, Hnllnav no nra....f iTexas & Paclfle. Tel., St. t,. & w do nfd Union Pacific .... do pM Wabash do pfil Wheel, .t u n.. do ai prrl KANSAS CITY, Sept. 21. WHEAT Dc unber, 671,'fJ671ioi Mny, 71tf7114c; cah. No. hard. 6oWn Wlio: No. 3, ftiliifiGGc: No. 2 red. KtWlOC. uuiiin opiemi)or. mw; uecemocr, ovue; Mny, fi014c: cash, No. 2 mixed, G014il6114o No. 2 whlto. 0014-961140. OATS-No. 2 white, 3614c. KYIS No. 2, 57C No 2. Cash nuotattons wore as follows Vl.OIIIt atendv: winter tiatents. 11. 'Ota Illinois Central j.uj; siraignis. u.vvin.w; clears, li.V)H3.Zj; iowu -.enirni srr nn specials, si.iuui.iu patents, h.vmc ao piu... S.iO; bakers, S2.20-JJ2.65. H'lllSAT-NO, 3, tii-lJIiSJiC; NO. z rcu, (I'lW vi Vie do 2d l.fd iS l'l. L'emrnl Chlcngo (t S. V...U6'i do pfd C, It. 1. & P UZV, Adams lix , CIiIcuko Ter. & Tr. 2.1! American Kx do pfd 131, V. B. Kx C. O. C. & St. I.... S7 Wells-lCflriio Ex.. Colorado So UVtAmal. Corper ... do 1st pfd 51 Amur. Car & F.. do III Did i! do nfil 10 2214 Del. & Hudson 165 Amer. Mn, oil Del. U At w Denver A. II. do I'fd i:rle do lit pfd do 2d pfd Ot. Nor. pfd..., Hocking Valley do pfd 3314 3GV4 3SV, It 92'.4 16 33 10 1714 8 85 8 85 8 53 lSV.i .. IJ'i .. 22'i ..IW14 4111 .. 1S ..18) ..190 ... 93 ..10') ,..100i 1:., m. & st. p. ny 0. st. l. ity.... Missouri l'aonio '.." Union Pncltlc system .. C. & N. w. ny K.. ft M. v. . C, St. P.. M. & o. Ry. H. fc M. R. R. H C, H. .-i Q. Ry C. R. 1. & I'., cast Illinois -jcmrai I 11 6 10 11 10 1 85 Total recelnts .. The disposition of the day's leeeinth wj as follows, eucn uuyer purcnuBiut. -...u ber of head indicated O. ame rnlo then: as tho American product DrairP J14.50. iliyed last year." RUTTER The Vosslsrhe Zettung points out that taney, 14Slf!c. HAY-Cholco timothy. S14.50-313.00: eholca "'.J?.-IS.0' e..3i'-.. - - wnlle- WU rnlrle.S14.50. ' w9J1NQ". white. 3S-TJ3914U, Creamery, le'fflOo; dairy, overproduction exists throughout the -whole EGOS Firm; fresh Missouri and Kansas Iron tradn nnd urges a restriction of output. atoc- nuoted on 'chnngo, 15c per doz., loss Aerordlng to a dispatch from Chemnitz, 0ff cftsC8 returned. tho textile and other Industries In Saxony RECEIPTS-Wheat. 107,200 bu.; corn, 13,600 .win i iiiiiiiihm p..i.. ..i.r, p. v.. s. u"- DU.; OBIS, 10.IHJU D'J, rim uiji-Liiin.. niiiip ' Htiii'MUiiM ia m neat, vo.iw pu.: corn. miifrinniliiil T.t uiima nn, tn a .11 r. , ,1 -,. 1 1 ri . 1 I a rA. .... . .... ' ' ' n,,.n.. ... ... ey..,.. ....... . ...... ,;..i,.,. , ow UU.J Ullia, JU,UW UU. factories have shut down. Others nrn re- duelng wages and dismissing employes. Mlnneitpoll Whent, Flour nnd llrnn, i lie money murtiui urgws nunicwimi je's .......... easy, owing to the npproachlng end of tho MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 21. WHEAT- t i do nfd ... ISV Amer. H. & It ... 9l'a do pM ... 43', Aline. Mln Co ... 71U Brooklyn II. T ... 57 Colo. Fuel A Iron. con. oas 223 ... 54 Con. Tobacco pfd. ..115 ... .oKiuen. Kiectrla :ci;4 Qlucosa Stiirr r.r. ... J HocklnK Coal ,, ,.. 72 Inter. Taper ... ... 67 I do pfd ...131 'intpr. IViivap 1.. & N I06 Qaa .... Manhattan I. 123T4 National Illacult Met. St. Hy 67i National I,ad . conirai ao. American Omaha Packing Co.. t!..lf. o.iil fnlimnnv.. 3Vi i...,inl... i,... Ul.,.r r'. . Vuu'"' '."X"""" 17 49 42H 9Sk 42?i C9 99 Armnnr Co. Llv ncstone i Hcliancr.. A. S. Mawhluney Other buyers Cattle. Hos. Sheep. 9 S3 1.527 1.9J-3 176 2,247 ... 16 .... 6 .... 7 ... 9 1,329 ..71 6.709 1.503 Iike nrln & V. do pfd.... Totals PATTI.EThrn were nnlv a few bunch-s of cattle In tho yards today, nnd not enough to muko a test ot tno mnraei. i; Inerensn in the sunnlv this week Is noted nvnr Hint nf hif week nnd tho last reV- ...1P4V, crul weeks, but there Is still quite n de- "ii crease, ns compared wun ine currespuiiuiuH 7 wuek of last year. In this connection, how- '4 ever, It should be remembered thnt thcro 90 ti'tiu nn mnrlipt nn ThllrmlnV nf tills Week. 434 Thoro hace not been very many cornfed 1" cattlo offered this week while the demand in n .o. i. ooviiiuuvjc. X- .. .i I i ; wns of nulla Iberal proporl ons. as a re- HARLEY Fair to choice malting. B4575Sc. J .Rt'u"a ,iiHC 2C suit prices have advanced 1325c. Tho top 8,?KDBS?: 1,llnx.', S;nl north- Mo"ni'aclnc loll M S ce' " Ui. wS : was l$.0J. but strictly western. S1.62: prime timothy, $5.40. 1 'J 104 cholco cattlo would probably have sold l'ROVIHIONH-Mcss pork, per bbl., S14.90 M;- K' T ml . J,8' Cnr 0!i considerably higher than that. The com- Olt.93 . Lard, per 1) lbs. S10.15ffl0.20.' Short ZlYaMT'i tin graces T corn "cSttle haye not lm- I .ortoiK 1 oon1 uo pta ? cim ,k ..r..u. .. .... - niuirier. iirivm iiihuiiuiu reiiciunK iior l ''"'V -ji'. ....'. .. '7ti."-'.ii. j. tiuui, ..l.,p. rent during tho week. The Relchsbank Tc- unft,l"ic5,: o. i nnru, 72Hc; No. 1 Wheat, bu 2J9, commltteo will meet tomorrow. Most nf no.5i?F!V, SL1"0- ? n.or,he. Z'0- . . 22fi, the financial papers expect an advance In -JJb0-,!00 Oats, bu 1S5, the rate, others, however, point out that JZ $ 31 ,lrH' ll'uf bu; ,0' this Is not necessary, owing to tho laree ..'"Mi'.9!! -?SSSDa. 9ioaTa 2-2S- Rariey, ba 90, uiliiiiuuii.ii, f jd.w,;,,a,Bj, 1 note rcservo and tho fact that the Rank of Franco Is supplying the demand of New York, Amsterdam exchange, hns turned In Germany's favor nnd Dutch gold is ex pected here. Hlntistirs or uermanya foreign trade for . . . .nA.AnA . . ' . I I . UAlDlllt ;V'US,' """" 'rr,nH.Jil!po"c.a'.y'"1I' billed through. Peorln Mnrket. PEORIA, Sopt. 21,-CORN-Steady: No. a. r,9c. uatb-irregular; io. j wnite, 36V4w6o, l.l..u t.....,l n t'.K.u t. , i.tD.v i uunn ,11 iiiui. iiif.'n. . . ... Tho following aro tho recelnts and shin. r. w "" meuls for tho last twenty-four hours; iennvlviinla Articles. ltocolpts. Sh omcnts. u-..iin W l.l.'JiJO .In lit tlfil. " lli'W do 2d pfd wu JU3.0JU 000 112,000 000 2,000 0"J0 23,000 On tho Produco oxchnnwro todav thn hut. tor market was firm: creameries, 14tif;2014c: dalrlos, 13Q1314C. Cheese, Rteudy, 9?4!h10i4S. r.KK, mill, iienu, a,;atiou. St. U As K. F.. do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St. L. Southw.. do pfd . KT Kll-nl .n... . 97 iTenn. Coar'&'i'roo.' 63s . JM Union IU & v 15 .-w,' uu yiu ,,,, 1. 42 U. S. leather . . do pfd . 04 U. S. Ilut.ber . ,. 4SUI do pfd . "9 'U. S. Steel .... . do pfd ,. 31 Western Union ,. 63 I ago. "0 127 18 S3 43'i NKW YOIUC C.F.MtllAI, MAItKET. lnn nxnnrted. w i eh U nn,np nt m iwi . ."""'"i " " " '-ov ur tons. Tho receipts of Oermnn rallwnys ror August were i& marks. This represents n falling off of 3,000,000 marks which was nlmost wholly In freight charges Oulnth drain Mnrket. Qiintntlnna nf tlie Pay Commodities. nn Vnrlnna .ew York Money Market. NEW YORK. Sent. 21. MONEY On enll. nominal; prlmo mercantile paper, Mj6 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Nominal, with actual business in bankers' bills at S4.84Txil 4.85 for demand and $l.82?iQ4.S2l4 for sixty uuys: uuoii'u mien, i.o.i)t: aau; c Mnrket nt Manchester Innctlve from Interruption Due to McKlit. ley'a Deutb. CORN-570. NEW YORK. Sent 21. FLOIIR-Rccelnts. X,..V7.lf 1,111. ii n w, i'-fif 1 riaVn. tSA' ,;;rCn''r1r'l!n', Z'mi.'Zm ?.'u,r"l-'m'' O0c' Mexican aouars, LITTLE DEMAND FOR CLOTHS aW-SSi fSBSTj October. S 3-3.; ailnneaotri P"tf"t. S3 3.00; RONDS-Stato, Irregular; railroad, In- y". '-i..n.. 1 X..., ... hww, v..,u-u..u, Limn," ii, i.iuuv, vu, ruir.. iuita; cuiiDon. iuj: s. recr. nn, 3..iO'UJ.f)0. rounon. 108: now 4s. rair. nnd rmmnn im CO RNMBAL Quiet; yellow western, 11.22; old 4s, reg., 112; coupon, 113: 6s. res', and Cotton Mnmet. city. J1.20; Hrnnclywlno, W..W3.50. coupon, 10. in r. csieaay; io. a wesiern, oic, r. o. i). The closing quotations on bonds are u hiiuiii. to tows: UAitLii'Ji uuii; leening, 010, c. I. I. iiui falo; malting, OOlffilo, o. I. f. Ruffnlo. WHEAT neoolpts, 102.901) hu,; exports, NEW YORK, fisnt. 31 mTTflK-Hnnl closed steady, l-18e lower; middling up- 10-IBc: middling gulf, 8 9-16c: sales. ruuros ciosea stcnuy; septem- ArAMr'HtrsTtun wcintn wn mh. lands. 8 ernllv lnnntlve. In th marlcnt thrnnc?hntit I 1.160 bales. ln( wonk. ntclni. In Ihn Hpnlh nf Priul.l.nt ber. 7.7flc: Ootobar. 7.7SO: Novpmher. 7.7Rn 1SC fi"0 till. Rnnl. Hfpnilvi Kn ? rpil 7l'.V.p f McKlnlcy, which Interrupted business. December, 7.77o: January, 7,78c; February, o. b. ntloat nnd 760 elevator; No. 1 north Ther.i was, howovor, a fairly Bteady tone ''I?o ; March, 7.80o; April, 7.S0c: May, 7.81o. em. "B&ic, f, o. b. nnoat; No. 1 hard, Slc, ana some small anerations wern oxnitan in 1 o. vvo, ouiu. i.-v.ui ivn uuiot nna 1 n. . ai oat. untions. stenciv to nrm witn miscellaneous unos. tho demand lor sta- u,iv r B,,,C8' miuunng, b i-ioc. corn and on canio nows, nut trace being ities tor tno rnr east was rarely poyond the i.ivtiruuij, oepi. si. tui ion-opot, iignt eaneii orr n utile toward midday on mng export nomnnu: closed ensy Them have been a irood many cows nnd heifers on HJIo all tno weeK, nut ine oe mflml wun Htifllplent In take about every thing offer-d at Bteady prices. Trade was actlvo each day and at times the market looked a little better, but there has not been ennuuh chance In tho prices pnld to tin worthy of mention. The demand for 93H ennners has been unusually good. 92Vi nulls, calves ana stags nnve niso sora in noout tne samo noicnes tney inu a wern. JlifO. The uemana ror neavy tecacrs snowing quality has been ruiiy equal to tno suiipiy, and prices havo changed vory little. Most of the country buyers want the heavy weight cattle, ana men, too, mere nave been a gooa mnny neavy cntue nougiu hern to ho fed nt the different distilleries, so thnt sellers have had no difficulty In disposing of that class or stun at steady prices. Tho light stockers and partlcular'y tho common stuff, however, havo not moved ns freely and aro oareiy steady tor tne week. Tho bulk of the receipts all tho work have boon made up of westorn range cnttle. The steers that were good enough for kill ers havo ad'-anced 16j25c and have been in actlvo demand. Cows sold readily nt steady prices, and so, also, did tne de sirable crades of feeders. Tho rnmmon stockers, though, were almost un;alablo IIOGS-Recelnts. 3.000 head: mnrket Sflloc nigner; top, ,.oi; uuik ot sales, jimoki.iv; heavy, Ji.tAVfi7.02'-; mixed p.ickcrs, SG.i'mIj i.w; ugni, )G.:oiifi.w; pigs,; rc relpts for week, 41,600 head; previous week nj.wi neau. SHEEP AND LA MRS Recelnts. 400 bend sheep and lambs 151125c lower, .is rumpared with a WeeK ago; western Intiius. is.tHOifl 61 western wethtrs, J3.15)j3 50; ewer, S2.7:jn.2r. feedirM. S2.75fi3.10: stockers. Sl.75ii2.5U: re celits for week, 24,S")J hend; previous week ii,(oo neau. St. I.ouls Lite Mtneh Mnrket. ST. LOUIS. Sent. 2I.-CATTLE-Rrcclpts 900 head, Including 3C) head Texans; market steady; native snipping and export steel s S 1.755 fl.35: dressed beef and butcher steers 13.5Xi5.8j: steers under t.Mi lbs.. f2. i.'ll stoc ters ami leeders. J2.2j5i.oo; cows tun heifers. S2.l)1f3.23; canners. S1.23U2.25; '.tills I2.v0f 1.00; Texas nnd Indian steers, $2,705 a.lo; cows and heifers, J.".pvjt3.;u liuus Here us. svjim head: mnrKct ar tlve. 51H0c higher; pigs and lights. $6.7517 ft., ...,..i.,..u t.; rr.ttis ft- . -p. '.;-T U.."', I,... .... p, ,w ,,.j., null nir, (.u-.j,.,, Mtll-.I'.I' A.MJ lAl lis lrcei)ts, 1,101 bend: market uulet: native muttons. S2.7S1 3.50; Inmbs, S3.50J4.tVi; culls nnd lucks, $1.7i Qji.n; stocKcrs, j.'.ooi2.wi. Now York l,lve MtneU Mnrket. NEW YORK, Sept. 21.-nKHVES-Rc celnts. 2.216 head: no sales reported. On bles unchanged. Exports, 2,002 cattle. 13S sheen ami quarters or Deer. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 3.291 hend: slow, generally lower: sheep. $2,501 3.60; culls, Sl.5nfl2.00; lambs, S3.07!4fi3.90 culls. S3: no nrlmo to choice lambs sold. CALVES Receipts, 39 head; no trade o Importance. HOGS Receipts, 1,274 hend; very few on salo; no sales reported. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Sept. 21. CATTLE Re celpts, 4,200 head; inarKot steady; native, 11.ou4I8.30: Texans nnd westerns. S2.751i.i.& cows and heifers, Jt.35ff55.10; bulls and stags 2.25i4.&5: Blockers and feeders. 2.oniff4.(i yearlings and calves, S2.25Q3.S5; veals, $2,505) HOGS Receipts, 4.100 head: market MiU hleher: light and light mixed. 16.751753 medium nnd mixed, $6.80(if7.10; pigs, J3.535J; ouik, .u i.w. SHEEP AND LAMR3 Receipts, none. .Sinus City Lire Mtnck Market, SIOUX CITY. Sept. 21.-(Speclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 200: mnr'te steady; beeves, $1.2396.7: cows and lulls, mixed, ..Ki!i(j.&o; Miockers and reeriers, 12 tiS.'o: calves and yearlings. S2.S01i3.5O. HOGS Receipts, 27; market 5c higher Helling nt t6.70530.83; bulk ot snles, $G.72145j 6.75. The following table cattle, hogs and sh stock markets for Se South Omaha.., Chicago Kansas City..., St. Louis St. Joseph Totals satisfactory, alt things cons u ere . . w... there was every reason for looking i"" 1 ir 0 .1 o ml lemaml III tho luiure. IV-P ' Nebraska and iif.lKlit'rlnK j,l te h iileniy of money and will hl, "uroM, ,c"co livers as they were a year S0-...C0"IY' ItitialttaiktM WaH. Ill ''' more encouraged than, c ei. nlon nt.jong jooi ers . .. "u-ceMfui of "J an? el'WiXas mor, Vhe J;"'r c of K,l!m?V.VV,,e,lertni!m,e ::fi!iuurr 11 lower icici . leaeliltig come. ... . (Jroeerle HoHi .immh ii' The wholesale grocery houses were llooded with visiting merchants an . - - W. OTon' l.m gg. Jl.f ; J" ,V'fMt w iu h. w.p .. " ". :',., fpw market While there nine m-uu ' iliiituatliins since last rciori. mui" tievcrtlieioss, n number of icntilies wo rth If mention. The demand lor sugar Is still oxcelllCaV . heavy for s season o enr nnu y next thp Ripply, so that this market Is now cn days or two . wcck.. nuiiti Will lltr" tlU. ""' - r TliVre Is ut little change In canned gooda with the exception of corn 'V,dV "d'nrlv w ileli nre a little tinner, and particularly V hat ?rrne of" the latter. There were frost, last wck of ronsldcrnhlo extent, W'liui rai'tleally put a stop to the packing of o m 1 es. an l present Indications are hat hlK ir prices will rule nt no very distant he cheese market for some time Pt has been ilderahly lower "."""" this time of vear. That condition was brei.ghmUoutNhrough . DL'f "1 ir 'S5 .,ftTo lfSorh Export! whl7h lias given a nrmer tone to the nvir ket nnd higher prices, arc looked o. In iMwtWn,i m'oarkVts'nimn? 'fnaceo ns'goodshere Is no change, except I beans, which are a trlllc Irmer. owing to excessive rains In Wisconsin ami Michigan, which are the two big bean 1.. Lininu nf the country. I i I r cd fruits there have been no change !,, .Sou ion" In thin mar liet wor I. me . t tloning. It Is reported, however, that tit bulk of the California evaporated p ave Lsed out of llrst hands "ml for that reason as sojii as the fall demand sets. In hlgm" P ices may be looked for. lrticu larly on he cheaper nnd ft.ncy grades. rh L..'l ".,!.. .' uHfoelntion ns yet has not crown goods nro practically out of tno Stnok In mlil. market. mimeilnc eonslder- 1 1 ne conee niiu.ii.w,, ,...." -.. -, shows tho receipts of ablo attention because or the uni s 1 m m n at tho nvo nrl nciiinl dltlons which exist. I-or some Mmi llist ptcmber 21: those posted on tho condition 01 n o c Cattle. Hogs Sheep Hrazll predicted an enm -n. "'" J'"": ; . " 227 5,167 s''fi l. doubtful If , nnyonc rea Ized how f r In 1 Iim inu r. ,.f nr.flnll VflirS till' Crop WOlllll Ml. . t ....... 4, 4 l.rr,, V. S. ref. la, re..,10SH Hocking Val. 4H..106H at any price. Representative sales: An couoon 109 do S. reg 103 do coupon 105 do new 4s, reg.. ..139 do coupon 129 do old 4s, reg 112 do coupon 113 do Es, reg 10S do coupon 103 Atchison Kn. 4 104V4NO. Paclflo 4 inv. do adj. 4s 9P,, do 3s 7? Haltlmore & O. 4a,.103H N. A W. con, 4,.,102'l do 314s 94 Heading; gen. is,... 95 U....K ... v.. wi-uiuiiiuti , 1 wuiii, uMji-io, uu. opui, tiiemi, ,u, win eiuviiiuri UO COI1V. la.. ...... iv. m li ot l Al c. &S.,11Q October g. O. C. 4 24-64174 25-64d. Sellers: Oc- nnd 6l3t t. n. h. ndnnt. Dntlnnn mnrltut I i-nnnHn So. 2s ICS St. I.. & S V 1. si toDer ana novornuer, 1 zo-mw zi-Bid, sellers; was llrm on tho English advnnces nnd light central of na, 6i...io7 st, L. Southw. is.. 97u Ii-uvouiuui hiiu viuouiuQii i io'uu, uutTHj iirosis in Iowa nnu Illinois, suosequeniiy I do is inc no .a 7914 pioembtr and Jnnuary, 4 17-044 18-64d, rel- gave way to realizing, but milled ngaln on Chcs. & Ohio 4Vis..lMi San A. A A. P. 4s. seji 1, ,r..,l.t, . . . . it 1 ..L.nAu l,,,ln,..l. 1 mnrtnrfltO hllslnASS! nrlpnn nnphnnnnrl In .llaannnlnll s.'itlsllcd the more Important requirements l-lBa.lwr.S American middling fair, nt 14o net loss; May, 79?i1fS0Uc; closed at smaller markets was poor. Yarns were, middling, 4U-32d; good ordinary, 4B-32d: 1 74,if71fcc : closed nt 74Vio: December, 76J4 mill, mo nroKen wcoits causing nuyeri to I uu'"u. " r uiurua upenca quiei a.n la-itic; closed at I'AC. wiinnoid nuicuauee. 1 nnu uiuu uu.uijr bh-huj. auiviii-uu nnu- luili neccinis, jo.yvii ou.: cxtioris. j.'j.- uiinK 1. in. o.. oBuiomuer, 1 tw-uiu, uuyers; zio uu. tspot, sieaoy; iNO. i, oin elevator moor I. & N. unl. 4s lniM wuirai is,,.. 3 1 do la Inc 33 Minn. & St. L. 4s. .10214 M.. K, & T. 4s n .o .!. 3 iN. Ontral Is. ...10314 uu Ken. a'ta in7 N. J. C, gen. S....130 NEURASK.V. No. Av. Pr. 1 steer 850 J2 75 3 calves..,. 333 4 00 2 cows 1025 2 23 9 cows 902 2 80 OMAHA WIIOI.ESAI.B MARKET. lers; January and February, 4 17-64W4 18-6ld, sellers; February and Marcn, 4 17-643! 18-01 J. Staple and Kanoy Prodaoe. lCGOS-RecolDts fair: loss off. 14015c, e.!1F,5 -Y.0.1 .Avril.iii-Ma, Belters; LIVE POULTRY Hena, TOTHc; rwn&foi&mi..rn. nnd old roosters, 4c; turkeye, G06o: ducks ., 1,800 bales: easier; ordinary, 61-16o; uud gcusu, 5Q61ic; spring chloUens, per lb., good ordinary, 6'ic; low middling, 7 9-lCc; UylOo. Qdddllajjr, 8c; good middling, Sc; mid- uunisii-i.ommon 10 rear, u'Aiiiio; idling rair. n4c, rnvrrhiir nnd closed steady nnd UiffV'.p I rhl. & Alton 3!4s... $5 So. Pacific 4s nigner; Amy, wwiiwsic; closed ot tlc; c, i. w. mw , co, uauway 5s.....ii5 September. 63ir63ic: closed at 63Mc; Do- C. M & St P g. ts.HOTex. & Pacific Is. ..119 cember, 6341KWc ! closed at C3Cj C & N. W. c. 7s. .140 Tol. St L & w 4a,. OATS RecelptB. 198,600 bu.: exports. 40.274 C. n. I. & P. 4s.. ..106 tu. spot, quiet; xso. 2, aac: no. a, aswc; No, 12 white. 41(fi.4H4o: No. 3 white. 4nUe; trnek Chlcaco Ter. 91 mtvpd wpurcrn .mtifftinp. trnplr n'littn Tinix. I rnlnrMilo So. 4 S714 n T,r"T.'II . n 1.1 1 . I 11 l LU. I h a I . ....(-.. .... I ... n . . .. .. . . !.. .... I . ' ' - 1 . . r ,n..y i..wa4.x4i wuiuuiuii w mui, 4.i-i4ir-u. i.iiuitr, mn, otiiu, i , i j 1 1 1 1 u i , i 1 1 i a , i,.io lottto. uptions Bteati) nut quiet. i Denver ot n. ... tb.iv.7s cnoice uairy, in tuoa, iBtfiooj separator, zu Dales; siook. oi.ies Daies. sutures, steady; HAY Bteady; shipping, GO'QGjc; good to Erie prior lien is.., us CJ21C - (3. Ulvll.uci , f.ouu. uiiiuuvi, l.ouiJl.oic; JTO- ICllOlCe. flOurjUC VTavr m..i. v .. 1. 1 , I v. r, ,1.. v. . , .... I 'irtri. " ,"v . .iudi4 . ,uii-u,uuu u, xov, vrimu i vcinucr, (.Dyi.wn;i jvcuviuuei, i.o-'iyi.njc; I tiuto steady; Bta buna. 10c: bluefl.h. He: bullheads, loo: blue January. 7.62ft7.63c: February. 7.tUrfl7.sip. 10.-11 pr. nnu. imn (ins, 7c: buffnloes, 7o; catfish. We; cod, lOe; 'March, 7.647.65o; April, 7.6ig7.63c; Mny, 6Uc; Pacific c'oasti 1900 'crop, 115715c; 1899 l,vV41l,u,u, cronules. 10c: halibut. Ho: herring. 7c: had docK, 10a; pike, 10c; red snappor, lOo; sat mou, 14c; suntlsh, 6o; trout, 10c; whltotlch, lOo. OYSTERS Standards, per can, JOo; extra HOPS Steady: state, common to choice, crop, umioc; loaa crop. do general 4s 8S F. XV. & D. C. 11...103H Offered. Oil and HoMln. nil. PITV. Ph.. S-nt. 51 OTT.R Credit milio, pur can, cic; now io couma, pur Daiancos, ti.ia; ceruncatea, no ma; no runs can. 45c. PIGEONS Live, per doz., 0c. VEALS-Cholce, SU9o. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesalo Hoy Dealers' assoclntlon: Cholco uplnnd, S10.&0: No. 2 unlnnil. S10: medium. S'J.60: coarse, JS.D0. Rye straw, J4.50. Theso prices strained, common to nro for nay or good color and quality. De- tine, quiet and stend 11 Ifl nil fnlr. ltnnwlntii 11 n rot I t TiftW nAni a v CORN-6IC. OATS-3IC URAN-J10 so. VEOETARLE3. EGG PLANT Per doz.. 75c. GREEN CORN Per doz., 10c CARROTS Per mnrket 'lasket, 35o. HEETS Per lialf-bu. uaskot, 35c. TURNIPS-Per bnskot, c. CUCUMliERS Homu-grown, por doi., 10 C ((fine. LETTUCE Per bu 20c. RADISIIES-l'er doz., lf5J15o. PARSLEY Por doz.. 20c. SWEET POTATOES-Per bu., ll.H.. CAUliAGK Homo grown, 20kc; Holland seed, crated, 24c TOMATOES Home-grown, per 18-lb. baa ket, 5c. ONlONS-Home-grown, por lb 20214c liu,.. ax, per ',)-ou. unHKei, cocj or shipments. NEW YORK. Sept. 21.-OILB-Cottonsecd, dull: prime yellow. 4MMlc. Petroleum, nom inal: refined New York. 17.50: Phlladelnhla and Baltimore, $7,45; Philadelphia and Unl- m'0ss iimuic, in ouin,, 91.00. cron. MIllc: 1898 cron. 5di0c. HIDES-Steady: Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs., isc; uanrornia, n to 0 ids., ii)V4c; Texas dry, 21 to 30 lbs.. 1414c. LEATHER Steady: hemlock sole. Tlnn. nos Ayres, light to heavy weights, 23140 Consols, money London Stock Qnutatlona, LONDON, Sept. 21.-2 p. m.-ClosIng: , 3H'Norfolk A XV., No. Av. Pr. 5 Rtetrs.... 624 J3 61 1 calf 620 S 60 1 bull 14ii0 2 35 5 cows 1008 2 75 HOGS There was n fair Saturday's run of hogs here today and as the demand was in good shape the market opened up StflOc higher, ine duik 01 tne nogs soia nt, with the better grades going from $6,8714 to $7. The loss desirable loads sold from $6.8214 down. At tnoeo prices tne marget was not particularly active, ns packers did not like to pay tne navance, nnu iy ino nine nnu the hogs had changed hands they lowered their bids and for a time very little was done. Sellers, however, held on for the morning prices nnd finally packers came to their terms. The extreme close wns again a trilio weak, as packers had their more urgent orders filled. There has been about an average run of hogs hero this week as compared with the last several weeks, though there is a do crease as compared with the same week last year. The upward tendency of prices rnntlnued through tho week, the advance Wis. Central u .'.'. ti amounting to nearly 35c. Tho week closed UP Ul II1U lIlfeM IJU.Ill ul'U ,11 lltUL l.l.l UUl- urduy mnrket was at the highest point readied since June 2, 1S93, when thu avcrago cost was $0.91. Representative sales; :wo poo 2M) 3,000 2,200 4,1W .2,727 27,707 2.SCG union racino IS....1K.V. do conv. 4s 10714 itvnnatin is 119 "do : iioh do deb. R Mlj Woat Shore 4s 11314 iineei. I is. IS,, 91 2414c: acid. 2314'S2414c. do account KH do pfd PROVISIONS-Heef. firm: family. Sll.Mfll Anaconda 8U,No, Paclflo pf. 12 00? mesa. Jfl.KfKiilO.OO! henf hums U'.vi now Atchison 21.50; pnekot, $10.oo10.60: city, extra India do pfd jiu.iWiH.w. i-ui meals, steady; llaltlmoro & Ohlo.,107 7Si Ontario A W. ..lOOVilPennsylvanla pfd. noaiii, Bieaay; iPCed bell es. S9.5CKfIll.25: 11 ek ed shnii . Canadian i-acinc. . .mvs 800E',,Sii.', TurPen- ders, $7.25177.50; pickled Imms, SlO.GOSi 10.75. Chea. & Ohio IS'4 y, 36w30c. Lard, steady; western Bteamed. $10.65! 10.60; Chicago a. ,. 3.. I.OII.S Cottonseed. 1 1' M. St. ! 167i , r, 1 iuiiiivi dikiiuj . iwiiuiiciii, i'.., .iiiiiiii 1 . - 1- .1 24s. Turpentine 1 m,.,. n sn. nnmnnnml 7 ni,.r7 ?k ih.i, Denver A It, 0 60 LIVERPOOL. Sent. Hull refined, spot firm. 2Piriif jqui'? :iJ?.6l7' R08,S' fommn- firm: fnfnily. $17.0fltj 17.60; short cl'en'r, $17.50 Jo p"---ateady, 4s l!4d. Petroleum, refined steady. Una. V nicaV tin no?i7 m ' Er a 6HdA...LI"Aeeil. Bteady, 32s. .. HUTTER Firm: creamery. lE(f721t4c: fan- do 1st pfd... i.urMJJU.N. eept. 21. oils Calcutta n- nrv ,,ri.-.i iiiiriKUpr i,i,,i seed, Bpot, 64s; Unseed, 31s 3d. Petroleum. I Vml,rv itiruue stnt intv ni"iip Illinois central American refined. ,t5f.2As. 19-W. . . fancy, largo white. 9c: fancy, smnll 'col. T- BAVAMAll, Ua., Bept. 21. OILS TUr- nr...!. flU!)He! fnnnv. mnll white. 1Up do pld. ept. 21.ILS-Cttlcutta Mn- tory, Juno packed. 1414Q15V4C; Imitation , ' 0 p1 ' i,nSc,e31VS(J' I'etroteuni. creamery. 141(1714c: Btate dairy, ll20c. Illinois Centn led, 61-16d. Turpentine splr- CHEESE Firm; fancy, lnrge colored, 9c; &..'v'c"" nr. ant 01 nir a t... lancy, largo wnue. yc; tancy, smuil coi sf!4vi?epfcfA:9Iil?irHS owl. 9149Hc; fancy, Hmnli white. 9!ic R r. . t iiTBVIi f it V. ."V ' EUUS-Firm stale anil Pennsylvania, 20c; & ftsnVi.?' t- $.! S' U'So w ?r.,25Wlo!l-! western, uncandled, 1514119c; western, cani HiS011' U,t"' N ,2',0: W' G" w '0: w died, lSV419c. " W.fiO. TALLOW Firm; city. 57;c; country, 6i . 97 ',4 .. 44'J .. 73 .. Ki ..U0 ..10714 .. :oh .. 6S ..102 lleadlnK do let pfd.., do 2d nfd... So. Hallway , do pfd So. Pacific .. Union I'aelflo do pf,l 91V U. S. Steel 45 do pfd 97 Vabah 22!i dc pfd llij Spanish 4s 70V Hand Mines 714 91 994 20M 7 214 29j 21 25 01H (W 102 Ilnnk ClenrlUKa, OMAHA, Sept. 21.-Clearlngs, $1,154,608; corresponding day last year. $1,037,172; In crease, $117,436. Clearings for tho week, $5,764,908; corresponding week Inst year, $5,b79.954: decrease, $123,046. niKTIVV.lTI Sn 51 Plpnrlnpa 1" 105. miiiii., per jj-uu. uuonci, we. mo; money, 4yti por ceni isew x orK cx- O.N'lONS-ilomo grown, per lb.. 2Q214o; change, 40c discount. &l'.,!ll?,1V.poi'.,c,r.?.te'.,,1'M' . , NEW YORK, Sopt. 21,-Clearlngs, $237,- CANTALOUPE-lloine-Brown. per doi.. 628.256 ; balances, $13,481,021. 255350c: crniea, J1.5fi.75: Rockyfords. ner PHii.AnRi.tMtiA. Kent. 51 cieHrin.rH. erjite, S2.50. I $111,367,443; bnlimccs, $2,273,957. For tho week! ...., , ri.tyv..,-.-., utiiiiiiLva, t.t.iiittui, r ui inu ivvuivi WATERMELONS Missouri. Iowa and I CTinirinb. $in,953,5n: balances, $11,880,509. ,'ubrnskii, 204i25c, as to alziw flli.'JWrrt. UKLi'jiiv-Kaiamazoo, per ouuen, voaijoe; 'tiua-iu.N, hoiii. si, cicnrings, $3o,&24,79v; .,ii;,fil4, Ncbruska. nci bunch. 2OIi40c: Colorado. 100 balances. S: 60C. CHICAGO. Sept. 2l.-Ctearlngs. $23,554,069: NAVY IJEANS-Per bu $2.5oa2.75. balances, $1,8,9,726; posted excliango. $4.83'.jQi FRUITS i'- Now "rlt exchange, 20c discount. APPLES-Pcr bbl., J2.23ff2.W. , S,T- L0UJ,8l..Sf.P(1t' n Clenrlngs, $7,055,6-19: PEACHES-Callfornlu lioeatone. per box. ".".k'VxehanV-ei. Vel, iCcn-t! e3o; clings. 7Eo; Colorado freestone. 751Jt5c; ,,?rlii la ' '""count bid. 2oc K llnrlns. ll.liasknt irn n. II .aw 1.40. ....... PLL'MS-Callfornla. tier crate. S1.251T1.50: home-grown, per 8-lb. basket. 15s. PEAHS-Bartlatts, $2.60; Utah. $2: New Yolk Rurtletts, kegs, $2.50. ujiai'i-;h California Tokay, t-lo, crate, Forelicn FliinnelHl, ' MADRID, Sept. 22, The report of the Hank of Simln for tho week ended veatpr. day shows: Gold In hnnd, 45,000 pesetuH; $2, Muueutx, $1.50; Concords, home-grown, silver in hnnd. IncrenBo" 263.000; notes in clr per 4-lh. basket. l&217c. PINEAPPLES-Per crate of 12 to 16, $4.25. CRANBERRIES Per bbl.. $7: per crate, TROPICAL FRUITS. USMONS-Fancy, $l; choice, $3.W. dilation, :i.lK.',W"i. Spanish is closed yes terday at 79.4.: gold was quoted at 43. Rome, Sept 22. Tile gold quotation at phmlnir yesterday was 25.35 HUENOS AYRES, Sept. 22.-aold was quoted yesterday at 131. SILVER-Ilar. quiet, 26 16-1 cd per oz. MONEY 1 per com. Tho rate of dls count in the open market for short hiiiu RICE-Stendy: domestic, fair to extra. 4H 2ViQ?i4 per cent; for three months' bills, Q6iic; Japan, 4ic. 2 immj.-'m per cent. jiulashlib-Hieaoy; rsew uric-ins open kettle, cnod to choice. 33(il2c. POULTll Alive nnu dressed, steady nnd unenunKeu. METALS Trading In tho local metal mar. ket was along narrow lines today iin.1 nn usual on Saturday price were Immaterially ...... I. '!'.., ........ , .-... .. 1 , 1 , Iloaton SlonU Ituutntlona, BOSTON, Sept. 21.-Call loans, 5(flfl per cent; time loans, 516 per cent. Olflclal closing: a., t. A R, F ihn nrevnlent anathv. Tin wn at -ivm I do pfd Si, 25.50: lend, dull at S4.37'4: snelter. stendv i Amer. Sucar l3. $4.051J4.10: Lake Superior copper, nominal American nt $16.5017.00. and $16.3714(316.14 for cast- ' ,V1,11bny",,, al.ptrnlvtlp. Irnn 71. ill n rur. I lloston l,leH(el ...Ui ll.h mi,, .i.u,,w ' 'X. ' "l IJ.WUI'l,w jt- Mo 11 ..Irr m,i n'nrrnn Vn 1 nn-tl...... llOSlOll A- 310. ...... ,lif iu. . ,... . m . ..... ..w.iiiuiii iiiiiii. I - ,. r. . dry. S15.OO4ila.50: No, 2 BOUthern fnnmlrv; ro. i souinern touiidry, S14.76(ff 15.25; No. 1 southern foundry, soft, $14.75li) 15.23. ColTse .IliirUet, NEW YORK, Sept. 21.-COFFEE-Spot Rio, steady; No. 7 Invoice. Sje. Mild, quiet; Cordova, 7'.4Jitlc, Futures opened steady, with prices 5U10 points lower umlor n realizing movement, resulting from disap pointing cables, heavy receipts In the crop districts nnd absence of bull support. The chief cause for the depression was to be found In tho cable news. Instead of show ing marked advances, ns wns natural to ex pect following our llrm rloso of the previous day, Havre came 'f not lower nnd Ham nurg onty a partial 'i pfg. up. Discouraged hulls on tht side quickly took profits, forc ing prices down, as noted. During the acs- Domlnlon Coal I.'. S, Steel do pfd Kltchburg pfd.. den. Electrla ., Mex. Central .., N. K. 0. ft C, Old Colony Old Dominion . Union Paitflc . 7l4'Unlon Iind 314 .West End 93V, Westlneh. Electric. 71',, lAdventurn 28 illlnKhani Mln. Co... 35 Amal, Copper looii Atlantic 35 45 'fnl. A Hecla 720 .... 434 Centennial 23 .... 931) Franklin 174 ..,.143Vj Humboldt 40 ....!Mlt Osceola 104H . .. 24 Parrot 47V .... V4 Santa Fe Copper ....20(14 Tamarack 330 .... SOU Utah Mlnlnit 25 ....100 Winona ii No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 01 173 80 6 75 60 250 120 6 fS 16 m t0 6 7714 60 232 SO 6 Si 59 203 200 6 77H (3 2S9 ... (65 69 79 40 6 SO (A 208 120 6 f5 77 233 2S0 6 80 48 249 40 6 S5 67 231 164 6 6214 C4 229 300 6 ii II 266 ... 6 82V4 59 M5 40 6 85 49 313 160 6 E2V4 70 238 ... 6 85 53 239 160 6 52V) 56 25S 80 6 85 10 200 ... 6 82V4 61 267 80 6 85 67 232 240 6 82V4 74 233 40 6 f 43 27 40 824 64 124 56 2S9 80 6 824 (5 214 ... 6 83 70 216 204 6 624 72 257 ... 6 85 59 223 200 6 824 51. ...... .299 ... 685 66 247 1C0 6 )2 4 63 252 60 6 85 67 369 40 6 824 41 271 .... 6 63 72 239 160 6 824 R W " 59 249 ... 6 82 4 72 249 240 85 72 205 80 6 82 4 59 257 160 6 85 63 231 40 6 624 21'3 6 5 65 246 120 6 824 ' ' 6 S3 C9 251 120 6 85 75 23T. 80 6 85 72 249 120 6 65 60 238 120 6 85 M 271 ... 6 83 4) 2CS 44 6 65 55 2S2 44 6 85 56 284 HI 6 85 Kl 164 6 85 61 255 14 IS 85 62 263 80 6 83 79 2e 234 6 674 76 202 60 6 83 68 213 64 6 874 60 283 ... 6 85 67 274 8') 6 874 91 232 200 6 &, 67 200 64 6 8Hj 61 277 ... 6 85 71 235 124 6 67 4 73 222 80 6 83 91 204 160 6 874 64 259 100 6 8i 73 213 124 6 874 70 199 2S4 6 SJ 73 234 64 0 874 76 209 340 6 85 (4 24) ... 6 8714 63 263 80 6 S 3 76 254 244 0 874 72 219 84 6 65 51 251 124 6 67 4 CJ 277 12 ) 6 85 M 213 ... 6 674 64 233 2'A1 6 63 l 303 ... 6 67 4 65 227 84 6 83 67 251 ... 6 94 70 237 244 0 84 CO S15 ... 7 () nid. Mllwnakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Sent. 21. WHEAT Mar ket steady: No. 1 northern. 70P71c; No. 2 northern, oa-c; ueccmner, iic. RYE Firm: No. 1. 6665Vic. HA R LEY Steady ; No. 2, oOc; sample, 459 63C. CORN-Dcember, 65ic. . EVENING DHF..SS I.N SARATOGA. Not Hie Swell Enitern Resort, but SnrnliiKii, Wyn, John Charles Is a cowboy from Saratoga, Wyo., in San Francisco on n two weeks' vacation, reports tho San Francisco Chronicle. In Saratoga. Wyo., full dre.s Is a wide sombrero, Annuel shirt, corduroy trousers, knee hoots nnd a six-shooter on each hip, suspended from n belt tilled with cartridges. Charles took advantiiKc of his vnentlnn to pay IiIb first visit to San Francisco, but unfortunately no one had told him of the difference In customs nnd lie was In full dress when ho met a policeman, Now, there was nothing rude nor nggrrsslvo In tho meeting, only nn invitation to go to the Hall of Justice, where Charles had to ball himself out with money ho had earned, the pntrolman having charged him with carrying concenled weapons. When lie wns arraigned for trial the Judge asked: Do you always wear those things in Saratoga?" ' why. yes. judge: it's the custom. A man ain't fully dressed without his gunn, especially in the evenlmr. Un them 11 la good form to oil, wlpo nnd load and buckle on your guns nt a o cloclfln the ovenlnr;. I had Just finished dressing nnd got on thu street when I met this officer. My guns were not roncealed: nnvhodv could sen them. It nln't good form to hide the fact that you nro lie?led. "Well, Charles, you were not arrested so much for violation of tho law, being n traveler, as you were for your own safety. Some ono might conceive the Impression that you were a bad mnn nnd take your ptstolB nwny from you. Wrap thoo weapons up In n newspaper now nnd take them back to your hotel, where you must leave them until you nre ready to leave town." "All right. Judge. 1 nm much obliged to you for putting me right. Being a visitor, I don't want to break any custom. Good day." T I Tin total ncelptH of Brazil ruffe, iro n lirt July I to September 16 'f the present year ., were 4 150.000 bags. The largeit pre.v.0111 receipts for the correspond ng period wer-i In 1S89 und amounted to .viv" ;- receipts. It Is said, .ire nerensli " rapid rate, so that It is iiiougui 1 mi 1 mi p iis oOer nil pievlnus years wl 1 con tinue to Inerenso during the next two motiths. To t-how how fust the crop Is be g marketed. It might be snld that nt tho prescnl time there aro 715.000 bags on l,Johhersr'aii(l brokers, however, call atten tion to the fact that nlthough thy crop this year is enormous, still slrlctiy high-grade, coffee will not he ns low ns would seem reasonable and will be considerably ubova thu quotations on inn guiieim mi. "i " This Is owing to the fact Hint a largo pro HE FOUGHT AT SAX .ll'AN. Therefore ThiuiRht llo Knew Some thing; About the Scrap. It happened the other night at a North Side boarding house, reports the Chlpcgo Tribune One nf tho boarders Ib nn English man, who talks with much wisdom on mnny subjects. He Is particularly strong on military matters, and one of his favor ite pastimes is to criticise ssverely tho tactics of famous generals In ncint cam paigns. He thinks nothing at all of "rail ing down" General "Joe" Wheeler or Gen eral MacArthur, find not even his own Lord Kitchener escnyeB his nlmblo tongue. The other evening Til dinner ne niippcneu portion 01 tne new eiu i ir. ....... "bllghty." that Is, Inferior There will, of course, he plenty of good coffee on thn market, but buyers will have to pay n llttl more for It than for the general run of .1, ...i,ipii is nnw helnc marketed. In view of tho enormous crop, those posted on the Bltuntlon predict 11 dull and wenk mar ket for snmo little time to come. Buyers will naturally bo afraid to load up for that prices will take a drop, and for that reason trnde. is apt to he light until there a falling off In receipts. Since last re nor" there is a little llrmer feeling on thn arkets abroad, but It Is thought that It is purely speculative and will only be of short duration. Hardware Heninlna Firm. Hardware JobberB, the same as whole salers In other lines, experienced a very nice trnde last week and made Die ac quaintance of mnny of their friends and customers that they have been doing huM ness with for the Inst several years. Th' visitors as n rule placed very liberal orde s, to the extol, t nt least, that wholesaler broke all previous records for house mles. The market Is In about tho same position ns It wiib a week ago. Prices aro llrm nil along the lino nnd nlthough the strike situa tion has Improved and many of tho ldl mills are -at work, still Jobbers do not look for nny weakness In tho mnrket. Most of tho mills were far behind with their order before the strike came, ro that now they are so bndly swamped with business thnt It will bo some tlmo before they will bo able, to put out enough stock to weaken tho market. C'll Flooded with .llerelinnls. The dry goods houses on Howard Mreet seemed to bo tho general meeting placn for visiting merchnnts lnt week. Jobbers had prepared for a host of vis tors, but as they hnd never seen anything like an many retailers Ir. the city at any one time na arrived last week, they .were In u way un ptepnred, but still their customcr-i wer waited upon In good chape. In speaking of the trade for the week, a representative of ono nf the Iioiikcs said that they sold fully 100 per cont more goods Inst week than they dlil during Ak-SHr-Ren week a year ago. They tried to clone their hoiibes on Thursday afternoon, but there were fo mnny buyers crowding Into tho stores that they hnd to keep open the samo ns usual. Ho far as iiiarnei news is concerncu, miti in said, ai hiime as it . ..r. 1,A fi,.hl nt ti.,,, Tnnn III I mid I " r.w K", .,1 ' r 1 l practically nnu ing new to 1 miui iiminnH .uu ,"' ,'i ' , ' ,,,. tho genera l mnrKct is anout tne coniciu ne i-Kiiu i pun ' "- week ago. age and military discipline shown by , , , was n wcck ago. .,.,, 'i'h nthtti. linnr.lers ivliu knew the Friills nud Produce hukkp There were a few cars of lambs on sale today, but they were mostly feed crs and sold at Just about steady prices. The supply of Hheu has been the larger t tills week for some little time, but still there Is a big decrease as compared with the same week of last year. The general tendency of prices has been downward at all market points nnd Chicago reports a decline of 40c to 60c for the week. The market tins not broken that badly here, as prices are not over 151725c lower than they wore at tho close of last week. Ewes ate pot over 16c, Lr possibly 20c, lower. The lamb market has also taken a drop, the break being oven greater than on shep. The genernl market car. sarely be quoted a quarter lower for the. week and In some cases more. ...... The demand for stockers and feeders, has been In pretty good ah,ape all the week, and uselessness of arguing with the great mill tnry critic, were listening in nroiiu r i earn. It happened that ono nf the negro wnlt crs employed In thn ho-trdlng house wns In the dining room nt Hie time ihn soldle's rf the American army In Cuba were bfliis denounced, it was seen mill na mm mim ing under some suppressed excitement. Finally ho could stand It no longer. "Excuso me, unli." he began, approaching Die orator. Before ho could get any further the, great military critic turned on him fc.ivngely ..... "What do you mean by Interfering In this conversation." growled the critic, "What ho vou know nlmut II, anyway?" "Well, shIi." the negro went nn. "Of course, I don't know much about It, snh, urn l Huvrd ten years In the Twpnt v.imi, regiment, sah, nnd I was In dat clnrge myself My own brqther was killed right nerino me in iroiu oi lie mocKhousc, sah Dat's all I know about it " The other boarders broke out In n roar ot nppiause, unuer cover ot wmcn the mill tury critic beat a hasty retreat. There was a very good demand last week for fruits and vegetables. The great Influx of visitors Increased the local demand nnd men, ioo, ine vinuiug inercimiiin pun-m . good many liberal orders. The markets have been rather devoid of Important mar ket fluctuations and the prices nt wmcn the different lines are selling will be found In tho quotations given in another column. Teiopnuue IOl.ll. Boyd Commission Co Successors to James U. Iioyd Co., OMAHA. NED. COMMISSION GRAIN. 1-noVISIO.NS AND STOCKS. Hoard of Trnsla KallalluB, Direct wires to Chicago and New York, Certtssondcncc, John A, Wairct) aCa ,