Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1901, Image 19

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    H'.ipyrluht, 10)1, liy (JUs-m .
AT THIS moment l'lul;iinp Castro,
si ir-VflllOil president of Venezuela.
i.iii say, wlih more of i rut li than
I. mils XIV of France s it ; "I
inn tlu stale " Castro Is Vene
zuela I'i- bus si en no part of tin- world
oil'Mil of lift own country. Inside It h,. s
nbsiduii Til- world's attention has been
atlra.t.,1 t S.-uih Auictli-an republic,
hoi I.- ili,. pcsslhllliy of i, , lash of arms
In1 i iii Vi tiiv.iii'lii it tttl Colombia, not by
iho so-called asphalt war, nor by lite "On to
Ciinirnx" i ry of the icMdul huilsts. Inn by
ilir man who Is t lie cause of the noise
whi'i his country Is ninkliiu -Castro.
Th" president, nr. to use the only title 'o
wlileh he el has lceal rluhl. the dictator,
works us slli inly as a servant In rubber
dmes. He mows III the darkness, stealth
ily, ns cue whose Intuit may be elialli lined,
lie Is a bat ntnrii't the people. Ill" nioe
inenis have bei n reported to the nations,
and hence ihe w irbl Is watchliiK him. .lust
now he Is piip.irlliK fer the cry, Halt' his
prepatatlnis helm: ii'i-de with n view to .it
last seeing the world I eyond Vein zucla.
Fur sooner or later he must follow i n or
another of his prcilec- ius (!u.iian
Illation, who all il wealthy In Paris. Cro po,
who was shit In battle: Andrade. who Is
now working for his lln In Trinidad. It
la tint likely thai he will dipart as did Ida
Immediate piedecessor, Andrade. who. hav
ing e.scnpid tlif'-uch the bacli door of the
palace as Castro and his si Idb rs crashed
In nt the front, lied to Harbndns rn Vene
zuela's only Kunbeat. nud linn, wl h Inllnlle
courtesy, sent the boat back to Castro with
a note sayltiR: "1 return you the navy; you
may need It yourself." Castro's aspirations
lean rather to the Illanco method of exit
ami to n gulden i lle Traitors In his own
house tell of friiiucul shipments of pcM
suit abroad by the thrifty president. So
when the people pnunre up u him with a
slKht draft, as It were, ilomandinn that he
pay the pmalty of hlx meed, he will not
have to stop to link for his pocketbonk; his
wealth will have cone before him and he
can lly on the Instant
Castro rules not with tonmie or pen or
ill wlBsi
i i
swird. but with his thumb. As he moves
that thumb, to I hi- left, to the rlk'ht. so
Is the law; as .Simon said: "Thumbs up,
thumbs down." one day last year, in the
I'rado, a man named Lopez tired a pistol
P Int blank In Castro's face, lly a miracle
ill" bullet went astray. When the would-be
. Ksassln was brouuhl before Castro, the
illi laler jerked Ills thumb toward the door
and l.o'iez was thrown Into that lllack Hole
of Caracas, ihe Itotumla. Keccntly, when
ihe JuiIkc of the silpieine court llispeotrd
ihe prison, none of the prison authorities
could remember havlni; seen I.op". after
the first days of his incarceration.
"Hscapcd." said the governor of tho prison,
bill offered no proofs. The verdict of Car
acas, when the Juilm' told tin- tale, was
"Murdered and buried In tho Jail." Per
haps Castro had Jerked his thumb down
ward. The dictator bag the face of a tired man.
DOW CITY, III.. Sept. 17. -To the Kdltor
of Tho lice: In ynur issue of the l"th Inst
I notice nn nrllcle over the slKiiiiture of
Norman W. I. auburn entitled "Mormon
StroiiKhohl In Southwestern Iowa." which
in the main. Is unite fair, thmiKh there nr"
some serious errors therein which should
bo corrected in Justice to our people, and.
bollevliiK that you wish to treat all fairly
and misrepresent none, I wish to state as
follow.). The namo under which our church
Is Incorporated Is "Tho IienrKanlzed Church
of .lesus Christ of Latter Day Saints," and,
as tho nnme slunlfles, we are disciples of
Jesus Christ, thoiiKh we buliuvo that .Jo
xeph Smith, tho seer, was called of Hod to
lo a special work We nrn believers in
Castro of the Steel House
eyes of the ferret, mouth of cruelty, Hy
temperament he is nerxous. irritable. Im
patient, his excitability llmllng expres
hIoii principally in his thumbs. Of
government he has shown that he knows at
milch as a chief of bandits llv some he I.
called the Clown or Mlra Florcs. win. h
liteds explanation. In the heart of tin canl
tal city Iheie U a palace of steel Tin
house is called Mint Mores and was the
lesldeiice of Orcspn when that IIkIiIuik
Koiioral was presldi m . The steel cxn n-n .11
was not built with the foreihniiKhl of lire
It Is eartluiuake proof. It ims two rooms
like i mil pa 1 1 tiient s in a safe tlcpiHll aul
and In this strotiK box of a place the dicta
tor spends most of bis time lo On
Scltnra Castto The. cume natiiralh In
their fear of earl liipiakcs When the town
of Cucuta. years nuo, was shaken from Un
may as a crumb fiom a tablei Imli Senora
Castro vii the only member of her famiU
to escape the devastation. Castro bluim If
stood on n hill outside the town and saw
hla abode crumble like a house of . ards
upon the heads of those within uuin Ian
October the (-rent Cararas e.irlluni il.e m
tliodead of the nielli, threw Ccsirn from liu
bed. Then In his fright he Juinpcd thimiL-h
a window to a paved court ami leoKe his
lee The next day he moved from the Yel
low House, the White House of Venezuela,
to Mlra Mores. And there, in the wlm:
where walls. Moor and celllut; are all of
steel, the Castros eat and sit ep Inci
dentally the man who published the verse)
In which the dictator was christened Clown
of Mlra Flore, one Dr. lVdro Mlitnres. is at
this moment lntiKUlshltu,' in the Itotunda.
havltii; been confined there since last April,
when his peon. 111 hi appeared all this with!
out trial and by the simple mandate ol
Castro's thumb
That the steel house Is bulletproof Is
an added point of merit In the dictator's
eves. That which Castro most fears Is not
eartluiuake, not nature, but humankind.
Were he to camp on the summit of Vesu
vius. Ihe iinccrtalnt) of the prnlniiKnt Ion
of Ills career could not be mentor than It
Is as the dictator of Venezuela The coun
try over which he rules Is u vol -ami and
Caracas Is lis crater nd wle n comes the
eruption the first viitltn will be Castro. A
revolutionary army Is mobillliiK in the
Held. Colombian re c.lnl InnHts are pour
Inr, over the border to lend a hand to their
Venezuelan brothers, whh the iinderstand
liiK that the attention will he rcclpnicatfd
when Castio is ovcrthio.wi ami Colombia
hi comes the seat of war.
That Venezuela has a revolutionary party
Is, of course, not remarkable. The con
servative element of one admllilst ration In
variably becomes the revolut lonarv element
of the next administration, llut tho par
ticular discontented parly which Is now
in tho Held has a spei lal KrudKo iiKiilnst
Castro. The dl tutor shot the revolution
ist's leader, Ceneral Acosta. Now. In that
country, where such lead'is aie as thick
as tramps iiIoiik a rallmad. never before
has one been punished by dinlli. Hut Castro
said: "If ever my soldleis capture Acosta
he shnll be shot." So last February, when
the revolutionist was taken In his lair, the
Day Saints of
the Hook of Mormon and the Doctrine and
Covenants, but hold that they nre only
auxlllnry to the bible; that the blblo Is
Iho book of hooks nnd that it would be Just
as consistent to call us bibles as lo call us
Joseph Smith of I.nmonl. In . Is. as stated,
tho president of tho church, hut he Is the
only one now llvlm? thrnimh whom a revn
Intlon rnn come to the church that would
be binding upon the body. When a revela
tion Is received It Is carefully nnd prayer
fully examined hy each and all the quorums
of tho church, nnd diligently compared
with tho teachings of Ihe blblo nnd all
former revelntlnns Klven to Hie church, and
It must harmonize with them or It would
not bo received. After this Is done It Is
submitted tn tho conference ns a body, to
(jether with the decisions of Hie sovoral
miu i"i.oii:s i'iti:sini:
dictator sent an ordi r
t et An in l a linn i ui ,,, .
that he, C.islio iiiikIii
for his alitor t
N til llll'c I 111 jut li
ll.lM' 111" 1. 1.' IISIIIi'
If superMsliiK th,. ccctitl li I'alllni; ihU.
tile older was to sin ol Acosta on Ihe IMa
wheieuv .e mlKht be. When came Hie I'.llh
the pil-eiir vms still I'nn bv hore flicn the
capital nd so Acosta. one of the brlnhlcst
llltellei Is and luaviMl so.dieis In Venezuela
was mi li- lo k in i 1 ,u the nib die of the
toad, with his ba. U to the llrlni; sipiad, and
thus was en I led out an ilhcr seulelice plo
lii nil e I h) Cn -it id's 1 1 it it 1 1 1
To appn elate the Importance of Ih- ilal
of this i cciii rence II Is uctssarv to state
that 1'ibiuai.N :'o was Ihe dav on which
Caslioiailel his ioiiki-iss tonelher, chaiiKed
Ihe con-l 1 1 lit li u to suit Ills own purposes
iml ileilaii'd 111 niKi 1 1 no huiKcr dlclator,
I ill cninlltutinual president The constitu
tion forbids capital punishment. As dic
tator Castro inlKht shout Accstas bv the
score and his lepal ilpht lo do so would
only be a mailer of dispute llut once he
bnaiei II hlef excMilive under the eoli-
Hlltutlou such nil act would be illegal
beyond ipicsllon and Castro, Immune as
diitator. would be subje t to conseiiuences
as president.
Castro's own sddleis love him not "lie
look uwiiy iiur thin uniforms." Ihev sav.
"and dressed us up In cloth uniforms and
cups, like French soldleis. Ilealde. he
-elilom pnvs us So he Is Kind when we
diserl. simply put l Inn new men In our
plans" The olllci r of Castro's arinv.
however, make no complaint. For everv
lime the dl'ialor IIm-m Ihe til il 1 1 il rv as the
list rutin n for maklm; a Kohlcu haul the
ofllcers K't the drippings. To llluslrato:
l-ast fall the soldiers reported that three
rich Carauis ineichants were hoaidlim
Kohl within tlndi homes. The dictator or
dered that each of these men be taxed
jcn.nnn for the "support of ihe nivorntncnt."
The men bants refused to pav Castro
turned them i ver lo erialn army olllccrs
who, linWui; maib them prlsoiiers. ki .t
them tied lo stakes faclim the sun all ii
and facliin an electric Unlit as flench
bilKlit as ihe sun all nluhl. Half lilliel 1
and almost crazed by their sulTerlims. Ihc
;.t last yielded and paid tho "lax."
Another case was not ipilte so prolltable
elthir lo Castro or his military siair A
Herman merchant arrived In Caracas I
Ploi led lo collei t IiIIIh payable lo the
nmouni of jiL'.oiin in cash ('astro mil onh
forbade the Herman to take the money on'
of the country, but ileiiiainleil that It be paid
over for "Koerntnent support." The man
was arrested and loitured until he under
stood that It was his money or his life an I
so led the soldiers lo the p wh r,
treasure was hidden A Tew weeks later
one of the kaiser's eiiilscrs pill In at I, a
!uara. the captain hurriid over to Cara
ens and demanded mil only the (il'.ikmi i,ui
the punishment of the oillcers who hid
inallreaied a Herman subeei. Caslro. ,vld
of face, liquidated on th Hiti lin, tll
Ktlllly iiiemhers of Ills stuff are -t m
Maracnlbo iirlson.
Castro has not n single friend amoiiK the
forelKti representatives In Caracas. All the
members of tho diplomatic corps, on behalf
ef countrymen who have Interests In Vene
iiuotiims. and when adopted by them it
becomes a law to the church.
The ministers of our church havo always
proclaimed nKnliist polyKiimy and Its kin
dred evils, both In public and In private, as
Its record will show. I.amnnl Is not Zlon,
hut one of Its stakes The stakes al In
dependence, Mo., nnd I.amotil, la., wore
orKnii7-d Inst spring i after the ad
journment of Kcnernl conference, and tho
minutes of the whole procedure were pub
llshed in our clinch papers hst siimmor,
mid there Is nnthliiK tmro of vital trn
portnnco to come out next sprint;.
Joseph Smith, the seer, never heloiiKed
to nny church hut that of the Latter Day
Saints, thoiiL'h Ht Ollf t drift fit lilu i-riiiii.
ho was favorably Impressed with tho tench- , oi mo .MCUIOUIHIH. Hcspectfully,
and His Foibles
r i stiio
zuela, wat. li Castro with su-i
irusiliin e)is 1'ur the dlctaloi
I III II oil' e opelllv assittid that, il
ho would 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 all concession
Ki'nultd to foielnneis by bis pi
lous llll
has mure
lie could,
of laud
and sell the same out imalli to "'let's He
actually did annul ci.tircssious . ajoyed hy
the various Orinoco Ither eotiip.iules all
American loiuenis llut he Ins not yet
Mil i i filed in selllllK lie se dm r .i -alii
For the sunt of $ll,tii)l), Imwexer. ho
rallied a iiincessloii of a part "I .in tnerl
can asphali iiimpaiiy's iiilues in Hie state
of llel'lllllilez. Hill the mines lleis disposed
of bcloliK lo th. asphalt compaiu, both by
rlnht of n concession of many -.irs' stand
inn and by pun hase In fee simple tti'tiie
Castro had sold propeity whb b an Mneit
can corporation owned nutrlt-'lii This, hi
a nutshell, was the cause of Hi" asphalt
war. In tho llrst days of thl Industrial
ft Kilt . the then I'nlted States monster, Mr
l.ooinls. Iii a formal conferen e 'iih i'uhIio
HtiKKesteil that Veiiezuelans si Id prolci
Amcrlcau Interesis In their iniutry In
order lo ellcoiiiane the Investment of Alllel l
call capital In Hie ilevelopiin i 1 of Vene
ziielau linlusirles Mr I.ihiiiii miih Indi I
with the statement that Castn. (illlinl.
lowaid Ihe asphalt company i- opposed
lo the polliy just oiitlltii'd. an I uni cnl
in la l I'M to niilaconlzo .ipllal Ti
The llee has second a , fles of beautllill I epl iidin I Ions of
leailllful pb lures III Thesi pictures are all suitable
look hanilsoine In ativ liiitne The llfth of th series will In
TIiIk hi autifiil pii nin
and Is mi cx client subj
How to
These pIcturcH are Ifi by 21 Inclum nnd have never been sold at the art stores for
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Mir iii:i'ii', 111:1: itiii.ixiii-w; (, omoha.
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which Caslro. In his reply, mio (his token
of inlet national courtesy:
Well, Mr LoouilH. those American as
ph. ill people are HcttliiK ory excited
Take Iheiu lo a snlooil nud Klc them some
li e cieain to cool them HIT "
i:elt Hie cotlise of Justice Is peru'i'tcd
us Caslio wills The dictator reccitll in
totlned the attorne K u c 1 1 :i t his b-Kitl
aiisunu-nts In Hie famous asphalt dispute
mmlit to In- in fn Mir of the cotii-esslonalri
itiemles The attorney (-etieral. hnwever
handed down an opinion m fmor of Hie
i o licess In na I I'e The upshot of the tnalt.r
was thai the atlorne Keneral was com
pelled to reslsn. and a lawjer who imrer I
in think wllh Castro's tnltiil was appoint I
In his place.
The law of Veiieuela commands the Jadci
"f the superior court In each federal ill-,
irlct to Inspect prisons, ascertain through
the prisoners llieuisches how their ciisih
are luomessin, hear their complaints and
provide rem, ..lies Th,, judne of the Cara
as disti l, i ha- very reccnth not ntily com
piled with Hi s law. bill has made pilhll.
Hie tesull of his liiM'siiiMtlons Ho men
tli'ii- facts piovlnt; that under Caslro
ui'M-riiniciit Jiisii,,. ,1,,,'s not tun in Hie path
or law. thai there are ltiill Iditals In He
prisons who were committed by Castro
nKonts Instead of bv the courts, that a
number of newspaper men lit the prisons
hive been wallliiu' for months, mid are still
walllm;. for trial, and thai the most shock
Inn abuses are practiced within the prison
walls Follow Iiik up the publication of
these revelations, the JihIko advised the
lower Judges to pro I at once with the
delayed cases nud to order the release of all
prisoners unlawfully deprived of their lib
i rlv Ills orders will not be carried out
for Caslro has Just thrown him into prison
to share the fate of those whom he tried i i
ol e;j;s or nine is m
isvt in in.istiiiK M
Plion coffee
I It is all coffee- tuire coffee I
1 strong and ol ilclii inus llavor. rM
I Soiiif coffees arc vntnislieil with Uf
I a i heap i iMtiiiK of ens, ejiie or m
f ollii r eiii,illy noviniis siilist.iiit es,
i I Iimmk.iIi-'I luii-kiMii iiiMiiii-H iiiiiruriu
I IJUIllll) Hint fll--.ll linn
famous paluiiiiKS ami
for framtiii; and will
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for tin duiliiK room
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