10 THE OMAHA DAILV Mill: SUNDAY, S.bPT.EMJ Stilt 22, 15)01. MONEY PLACED ON PONIES Bitting t tbt Ktca Trick is Mire Extensile Thau Urn!. FAVORITES PLAY IN HARD LUCK Nw S pee I ally Miii-lllim Hi out Occurs mill flu- Winners I'iiiiip ThroiiKh Without I'lirtlenliir Incident 4 it in it r- if the IlttMil". Favorites wero In n norry plight nt tho Imposition park races yesterday. In four rvcntH not ono was ridden to a winning nnd tho books were touched up to n consldcrnhlo Litem on tho successful long shots. A good crowd whs present and tho betting was moro extensive than on any day yet. Tomorrow Is tho Int day of tho meet and, Judging from tho attendanco and Interest nt ytntcrtlay's running ihero will bo a law number of eiithusIaRts on hand this after noon, most of them ready buyers, too. To mako tho last day especially memornbla nnd successful tho management announces hlx races, nil of which will bo crammed with cntrh. No particularly startling event can bo picked from Saturday's card, as thero wcro no hairbreadth Multibus nor sensational de noutiients gcuernlly. Horses won clear to tho good In overy went, but time was by no means slow im a consequence. Tho sec ond event, In fact, enmo within a fraction i f u second of breaking tho track record for tho distance, Uirec-fourths of n mile. Six horse startml In this fast race, Dora O being favorite at 3 to fi. Alcroy, howover, n'artcd nwny fiercely nnd kept n good lead till tho last iiuarter, with Fred Heed nnd Hilly Van pushing up. Along In tho lnt eighth Fred forced Alcroy out of It nnd they finished ono, two. ltnstus was third. After oiico taking the lead Heed camo down tho fitretch easily, as Alcroy eased up Into n nafo second berth nnd It was a surprlfco when tho tlmu was announced as 1:10V1. That Is a quarter of a second moro than tho track record for tho go and Heed could easily have ciit It at least half a second moro had ho kept It up In tho last 150 yards. Ily all odds tho prettiest riding of tho dny was dono by Snell on Mont (ieut In tho fourth rnco, a mllo event. Tho lad was on n 3 to 1 shot against such horses, as Ilobert llonnor, played favorlto at 3 to C, I'nchant nnd Highland l'rlnco. Thero wns not much Mont Rent talk going on. Snell feared lion tier, but ho knew tho fnvorlto's ono fault, a slow stnrt. There fore, he did Just tho right thing to win tho raco with an Inferior horse. From tho flag Itself ho dug In with whip and spur nnd by tho first eighth was leading them nil a good distance. Bonner was fourth nnd coming slow. Snoll then maintained this four lengths lead r.U through tho first half. Then It was that Ilonncr made his Jump, which Snell know ho would do, So ho put the whip to tho Rent ngaln, and down tho back stretch It was fierce., all tho rear horsos gaining slowly on tho Ocnt. At tho last eighth polo Snell finally got his horso waked up to tho business at hand and ho pulled away ngaln and enmo down an easy winner In tho good tlmo of 1:I31J. Enchant was second nnd Bonner third. Tho first raco at four and one-half fur longs proved n walknway for Jim Hicks, at fi to 1, and there tho talent wns hit hard. Jno Foster, tho 3 to 5 fnvorlte, did mako second place, but ho never had a chnnco to lic.nl Hicks, whom llttlo Doty kept well to tho foro nil tho way around from n good stnrt. Druggist was third. Seven horses ran. Flvo horses showed for tho third race, another threc-fourths-mllo event, with tho popular llttlo stallion, Horno, a strong Helling favorite at I to C. Dctty II., at 2 to 1. and Klemerlto, nt .1 to 1, wcro nlso well liked. Tho lnfctor horse, under Snell's guidance, did nil tho running till tho last 610 ADVANCE STOVE SALE At Tho People' Store. A decided saving In stoves to all buyers hero this week. 20 styles and sizes of I'cntnsulnr Kstato Oak soft coal heaters. 7 styles and sizes Coral Oaks and Uasoburners i) styles and sizes Stnr Kstato steel ranges. 7 styles nnd sizes Eureka steel cooks. 25 styles nnd sizes Silver Gom stoves and ranges, etc., etc., etc. Cast Iron linages, -I nnd C holes with or without rcscr ar with or without water front sold on our EASY PAY MENT SYSTEM upward from $14.50 Star Estate Steel Ranges Heavily lined with asbestos thick plates of Solo agents far I'cntn sulnr Hascburners, tho perfection of hard coal heating stoves Sold on our KASY PAYMENT SYSTHM On snlo tomorrow upward from $24.50 Bteel closely riv itod square ovens, sold on our ..Ul jssa. Easy Payment System of $1.50 por week, on sale tomorrow up wards from $27.50 4J5lilllBl,ipfo. No. 8 Cook Stoves on sale I To- morrow at $9.75 ffvni THIS priOPI.F.'S FmKITimi' AND XEHIKKa lir DUIYWU1LEA"S. quarter, but tho Jockey was tmablo to get his mount far enough to tho front, and Hetty I), caught and passed him lor first place. Klcmerlto rlung to second, whlk' Horno was only third. Summary: First race, tour and ono-half furlong, purse $.V: Jim Hicks, fi to 1 (Doty), won; .toe Foster, a to 5 (Long), second; Drug gist, ft to 1 (Mend), third. Time: U:5H. May I (Jo, Virgil D, Itcvona and Hilly Derby also tan. Second ran-, threc-fnurths of a mile, Tor horses unplaced thus far: Fred Hoed, S to S (SpoliM). won; Alcroy, 3 to 1 (Miller), i-ee-ond; Hustriis. ti to t (Hale), third. Hum: l:lfi'i. Hilly Van. HI. Ktipert and Dora O, favorlto at 3 to ft, also run. Third race, three-fiurths of a mile, purse $75: Hetty it, 2 to 1 (Stewart), won; I-.le-merlto, 3 to t (Snell). second; Home, 4 to fl (Daley), tblid. Time: 1:1S. Kmernld and Air Castle also ran. I.,.... tl. rnn fill,. mllP. fnf hflTI W MOOTS 1 il...u ..tirtfn $50: Mnntntm ll.-llt. 3 til 1 (Snell). won; Hnchntit. 2 to 1 (Davis), sec ond; Hubert Homier. 3 to 3 (Greene), third. Time: l:l5h. Highland I'rlnce nlso ran. Hiitrli-N fur Todnj. Four and a half furlongs: Coral (Miller), Itcveiiue (Waters), Mary Ann (Cornell), mny van i.enoi, jnn hicks (Doty), wuven , (Stewart), Joe Foster (Long). Seven-eighths of a rlllo: Archie McKay (Hcese), llupert (Water". I'ncliant (David), l.aroiiuulso (Stewart), Title (Daley), Olardo , (Crawford). I Five-eighths of a mile: Coral (Mead), i Uncle Samuel (Zeno), Iteveniio (Waters), I False (Clnrey), Alcroy (Iteese), Almerlto i (Snell), gucoti I. (Stewart), Joo Foster I (Long). ' Ono mile: Clreenwlok (Crawford). Kit f chant (Doty), Luruquolsc (Stewart), Kmer (i )I (Milter), Uoliert Homier (llerry), Clio i (l'arker), Title (Daley), Dora (J (David). I Three-fourths of a mile: Undo Samuel )(Zeno), Alcroy (Snell), False (Mend). Ala meto (Heese), Hetty B (Stewart), Ulanlu j (Crawford). 1 SCHORR'S FILLY IS FIRST IN liuliiriitico by II f Klit 1,1'iiiln HiiiicIi of Thirteen In Holly Handicap lit (arilVCSfllll. NF.W YOflK. Sept. 21. Endurance, by Hlght, J. W. Schorr's crack western (Illy, took up 13' i pounds In the Holly handicap at Gruvesend today nnd won cleverly by a length from a high-class Held In the track record tlmo of l:u7 for llvo and n half fur longs. Tho Holly handicap was the fcuturo event of the ilny'H program anil thirteen 2-year-oldH faced the starter. F.nd.iranco liy Hlght wns u strong favorite at T to 3, wlillo ICIng Hanover was second cholco at 7 to 2 After n delay of fifteen minutes Mio starter sent hem off to a good start. Un ilurance by night and Whisky King rushed right to tho front nnd showed tho wuy, head mul head up the backstretch, while wo lengths back King Hanover and Chil ton headed the others. Into the stretch the two lenders came wish a rush and for tt few strides Whisky King showed In front. Undurnnco by Hlght was only galloping, howover, and when Woods called on her sho gradually drew away and won cleverly by a length. Tho second special, at one mile and a half, was won liy Hlues, and In this event the track record for tho distance was broken on a track that was dead and (low. Water Color, tho favorlto In the race, mndo tho early running, but Hlues pushed him at the end of a mile, and, coming on, won easily by four lengths In 2:3.1, u full second better than Imp's record for tho track. Ite sults: First incc, nbout six furlongs: Cevera won, Flora Pomona second, Uelvlno third. Time: 1:15. Second race, steeplechase, about two and a. half miles: Doctor Klehbcrg won, Jessie S second, Hacclianul third. Time: 5:02. Third race. Holly handicap, live and a half furlongs: Knduruncu by Hlght won, 'Whisky King second, Chilton third. Tlmu: 1:07. Fourth race, second special, ono nnd a halt miles: Hlues won, Water Color sec ond. Advanco Guard third. Time: 2:33. Fifth race, about six furlongs, selling: Mary Worth won. Mnn-o'-war second, Lady Sterling third. Time: 1:112-5. Sixth race selling, ono mile nnd a six teenth: Hlack Dick won, Alfred Vargravo second, Kthlcs third. Time: IMS 1-5. At lielinnr I'll rK. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 21. Form players were In their element at Delinur park today, four favorites, two second choices nnd ono outsider taking down purses. Dalo was In great form, piloting four mounts to victory and getting second placo on another. Track fust. Results. First race, six furlongs, selling: Hurry won, Flying Kaglo second, Allno S third. Tlmo: 1:111. Second race, ono mile, selling: Orris won, John Morton second, W. CI. Welch third. Tlmo: l:Zi. Third rnce, six furlongs, purse: Tnlpa won, Sambo second, Marque third. Tlmo; 1,1.1. Fourth rnce, six nnd a linn, furlongs, baseburncrs. 9 styles nnd sizes Solo agoiits Estate. Oak guaranteed to hold lire 48 hours with ono charge pf soft coal, up wards from $11.00 Sold on our Easy Monthly Payments Coral Oak Heaters, on s.tlc tomorrow at $8.75 Sco our September furniture solo of pugo 7, Hot Blast Stoves on sale To- mor 'w at $8.75 OMAHA. CO. TAHPRT purse: Lunnr won, Fltzknnet second, Miss Sine Day third. Time: 1 :2oV Fifth race, one mile and a sixteenth, purse; Peaceful won, Iteann second, Wall third. Time. 1.ISV. Sixth race, one mllo and twenty yards, selling: Kitty Clyde won, Guide Hock sec ond. Neknrnls third. Time; 1:14. Seventh race, ono mile, selling: Marlon Lynch won, Satin Coat second, Ceylon third. Tlmo: 1:12. At llnu lliornc, CHICAGO, Sept. 21.-Jockey Coburn rode Argregor t'i vic tory at Hawthorne tod iy, capturing tho Iroquois stakes of II.1W and soundly beating St. Marcos, the well bucked favorite. Thieo times bad the same rider brought St. Marcos In a winner and the result today was duo to his clever work. Merriment, u Canadian horso, gavo tho talent another surprise today In tho second rnce at llvo and a half furlongs. Tho (Illy carried 112 pounds and against a heavy wind down tho back stretch, made a hand some finish, Weathef warm; track light ning fast. Results: First rnci, soven furlongs: Constellator won, Toah second, Johnny McCarty third. Time: 1:27-. Second rncr, llvo anil a half furlongs: Merriment won, Evening Stnr second, Hag Tag third. Time: 1:07. Third race, steeplechase, handicap, short course: Corrlllo won, Captain Conovcr sec ond, Hva line third. Time: 2:57. Fourth rnce, Iroipiols stakes, one mile: Argregor 'von. Cluster second, St. MnrcoB third. Tlmo: l;IUi. Fifth race, six lurlnngs: Oeorgo Arnold won, Money Muss second, Honey Hoy third. Time: 1;13'. Sixth race, ono mllo nnd n hnlf, selling: Kentucky llnbe won, False Lead second, Tammany Chief third. Time: 2:37',4. Seventh race, one mile, selling: McChesnoy won, rifdt second, Jlarraclt third. Time: l:39i. At Toronto. TOHONTO, Out., Sept. 21,-Tho Country and Hunt club's meeting opened today. He suits: First rnce, six furlongs: Invasion won, Tremnr second, Sprlngwell third. Time: 1:15. Second rnce, live furlongs: Meditation won, Demllson second, lied Hobe third. Time: t:oi. Third race, novlco courte, nbout six fur longs: Hilly won, Courtier second, Prlmso third. Time: 1:2814. Fourth race, ono mile and n quarter: Talla won. Top Mast second, Montreal third. Time: 2:l(j!4, Fifth race, steeplechase, thrco miles: ArquetiiM won, Copover second, Wedlock third. Tlmo: 7:0514. Sixth race, one mile: Hull Clnlro won, Knsloso second! Frco Lance third. Tlmu; 1:4511. Seventh rnce, polo ponies, one-quarter of a mile: Sklp'i won. Wolflto second, Har hautn third. Time: 0:23. PROTESTS HEATJN THE DARK Driver of Oziiiiiini .llnkes Trouble for the .IiiiIkos nt Onl.ley Park. CINCINNATI, Sept. 21.-Thcrc was an unusual scene at tho closing of tho fourth day of tho Oakley Park grand circuit meet ing. P.ilm Loar, Janice and Ozanam had each two heats In tho Grand Hotel purse of J3.WO for 2:11 trotters nnd In the fast grow ing darkness Ed Honyon, driver of Ozanam, followed by a crowd of about 2W, wont to the Judges' stund to demund tho enforce ment of the rule against racing after tho daylight was too far gone for any ono to be able to distinguish tho color and gait of tho horses. The Judges Insisted on de ciding tho rnco and Pnlm Ioaf and .lanlco wcro sent nvay for tho final Journey. It was to dark that no color of horse or driver's cap could bo distinguished on tho back stretch nnd far turn. The heat was won by Palm leaf. Tho Judges declared third money to go to tho ussoclatlon. Honyon entered a protest amid tho cheers of tho crowd nhd the money Is now tied up for a decision by tho National Trotting as sociation. Tho unfinished 2:10 trot went to Sister Alice. In a hard raco of four heats with Cambria .Maid. Oeorge Castlo won the 2:30 pace. Cambria Maid won tho third hent In 2:09?i, thus becoming a new 2:10 performer. There wns nothing In the 2:14 paco to mako tho unbeaten Dan Patch extend himself and tho rnco went to him in straight heuts. summary: 'ironing, 3: class, purse $1,590 (tnrco heats decided Friday): Sister Alice, b. m., by Haron Wilkes (Kenny) 112 1 Miss Sllgo. 1). m. (Hltchlleld) 3 2 12 H. H. V., b. h. (McGrnw-IIudson).. 2 3 3 3 Time: 2;171i, 2:15, 2:11. No tlmo on last heat taken. I'nclnc. 2:30 class, nurso Jl.r.00! Georgo Cnsele, b. g., by Hoscborry (Thomas) 112 1 Cambria Maid, b. m. (Hoyd) 5 2 13 Tho Grazer, b. g. (Lyons) 8 B 3 2 Annlo Js, b. in. (Mnnon) 3 n 5 fi Tuexberry. gr. g. (Isormnn) 0 3 fi 7 Indy Hrooks. b, m. (Marshall) 4 S 7 I'.mma iou, i in. (jnunson) 0 7 9 4 Tom Keene. oh. tr. (Sewarenircn. lt 1ft t R Strathllne, b. g. (Hotfmnn) 10 0 10 !i Harry, b. g. (Silvers) 7 It S 10 Myosotlsh, oh. m. (Dnrnnby) 2 4 It ds Ethel Hrown. blk. in. (Curtis) 12 ,1b Cricket, b. in. (Price) ds Time: 2:i;i?4. 2:i2'.i, 2:0,J,2:ll-')i. Trotting. 2:11 clnss. Grand 1 Intel nnrso value 3,ou0: Pnlm Ijwif, b. g.. by On ward (McCarthy) G 10 !) 7 1 1 i Janice, b. nt.. by William Harold (Hudson) 1 S 10 1 2 2 2 Ozanam, br, in., by Axtell Wiunyuni 10 I I S 7 3 Lady Thlsbe, blk. m. (Kenny) o 2 2 6 4 ro Prlnco of Indln, br. h. (Lyon and Young) 2 5 r, 3 3 rn Grnclo Onwnrd, eh. m. (Mncey) r. fi 7 2 s rn Ida Sullon. br. m, (Hoffman) 3 1 3 C 5 ro nusie j., ro. in. (.MOKep).... 7 a I 4 0 ro Kscobar, br. h. (Miller) 11 11 fi ) ro White Wood. gr. g. (Snow) 4 3 S ds Molo, b, g. (Mitchell) S 7 11 lr -urn not stn.'t. Tlmo: 2:12. 2:12U. 2:13':. 2:1S 5;1S. 5-ir, 2:1814. '" ' ' ' Pncinij, 2:14 clnss, tho Ohio purso, vnluo Dan Patch, br. h., by Joe Patchcn (McIIenry) i i i Captain Sphinx, b. g. (Voile) 3 3 2 Council Chimes, blk. h. (Snow) 5 2 3 .MiiniKt Aiarsnall, n. m. (.McDowell).. 2 4 4 Lady All Hlght, ch, rn. (Hoth) 4 fi r. Paulino Hoy: b. h. (Voglo) 0 5 5 Timo: L'lo'jvii, s:t)7, 2:11. DERBY WINNERS ARE BUNCHED I'lnlc f.'mit, SI due)- l.iii'iis nml Itoliert Wad dc 1 1 Knlereil In CIiIoiiko's Cnniliiir It nee. CHICAGO. Sent. 21. Tho Harlem Jockey club Is planning to mako Its brief autumn meeting, which will last from September .10 to October it, tho most mcmornblo nlno days of Chicago's racing season. The principal ovent of tho meeting will bo tho $S,(W Twentieth Century handicap, which win no mo greatest raco or the ran in tho middle west. Among tho elgthy-nlne en tries for tho ovent nre tho last thrco Atnerlcnn Derby winners. Pink Cont, Sidney i.ucas and Ilobert Waddell, besides ninny other high-class horses, Tho distance will bo n mile nnd threo-slxteenths. Adtnnco Guard, who last Tuesday at Sheepshoad Hay, again proved himself tho grentest horso in mo country at weignt ior ngo over a mllo and a half. Is among tho en tries and word has been received thnt ho will como west to run at Hnrlom In tho big liuuuicnp, HARVARD-YALE TEAM CHOSEN 1m Made Up for the .Mcctlnsr vrUli tlic KiikIUIi, After Fliint Trials. NKW YOH1C, Sept. 21.-Tho Ilarvnrd-Yalo ntliletes held trials In four events at Herk ley today to decldo on tho team that will meet Oxford and Cnmbrldgo In the Inter national track nnd Hold meet next Wcdnoi dny Yolo won threo of tho events, Sprakcr Jumped In flno form, clearing tho bar at each height nn his first nttempt. Hr only took ono trial In tho broad lump, clcnrlng 22 feet 3H Inches. Nearly all tho members of tho Kngllsh teams wero pres ent, Workman nnd MacNaughton running two miles In 10:0S. J, H. Converse of Harvard, In a trlil over tho hurdles at 120 yards, covered tho distance In 0:15 3-5. At n meeting held nt tho conclusion of tho games, the Hnrvard-Ynlo tenm was selected for all the events, witn tne excep tion of tho hammer throwing, ns follows: 100 yards N. H. Hargrave, Yale; J, R. Hnlgl), Harvard. 410 yards Dixon lloardman, Yale; 13. C. Hust. Hnrvard. Hnlf-mlle-D. W. Frnnchet. E. 11. Hoynton, Hnnnrd. Ono mile H. H. Clnrk and II. S. Knowlrs, Harvard: W. D. Hrown. Yale. Two miles K. W. Miles and J. C. Swan, Harvard; H. G, Tokay, Yale. 120 yardr K, J. Clapp, Ynlo; J. H. Con verse, Harvard, Huniilng high Jump J. S. Spnrker, Yale; 11 A, Kernun, Harvard. Hunnlnc broad Jumi-J. S, Sprakcr, Yale; NOT DUE TO ANY ONE THING Whj Omiht Sid Not Land First Flic Easily ExpUtmd. COMBINATION OF FAULTS IS TO BLAME W lie 11 It Wasn't One the Other Weak lies 1 Mliorrcit I'll nnd Just at the Time to Turn tha Scale of Victory. To nnnlyzo tho faults In style, form nnd general play that landed the Omnha baso ball club In fifth placo nt the close of tho season Is dllllcult, for to no one defect can tho result bo ascribed. Tbo team has ex hibited no particular constant mlstnku In playing ball to which Its accretions of de feats might be duo. Neither errors of play, errors of Judgment, Inefficient pitching or. Inability to hit was largely rcsponslblo In a general way for tho standing of Hourko's men. Kach of tho four wns concerned, nnd nbout equally. Point blank errors lust the Inst game, tho ono that kept Omnha out of fourth place. A few others went through the samo cause. Tho had features which are present In tho work of nil base bait nines seemed, In tho caso of tho locals, to lit In unfortunately In Just tho wrong plnces. They could never como In n bunch In ono game, causing a real hard lose, but seemed to bo scattered along by sections Just heavy enough to loso game after game. For Instance, take tho sixty-three defeats which Omaha has suffered, nnd this Is their history: When tho pitching wns good enough to win any ordinary game, tho boys wcro unablo to mako even hits enough to glvo tho small number of tallies necessary to top off tho score of tho visitors. When tho batting was terrific, bringing many runs, tho pitching would bo so bad thnt tho opponents could bat oven harder, nnd win In n gamo of high scores. When both pitch ing and batting wero top notch, fielding would fall down, and sufficient costly errors would bo mndo to glvo tho other nlno nn unearned victory. Thus tho trouble was scattered over a considerable area. It Is n peculiar fact thnt In only ono gamo of tho entire slxty-thrco which wcro lost wcro all threo agencies, batting, pitching nnd lidding concerned In tho result. Ono or tho other did It all. Hut now that It Is nil over nnd tho pen nant has been lost nnd won, It Is Inter esting to learn something of tho personal Uvea of tho men who havo struggled so valiantly on tho diamond this year to bring their team out toward tho top. As ball players they aro all well known. Kvory spectator of tho gamo here feels ns If ho knew personally euch man In tho club, and was well acquainted with tho character istics of overy one. This senso of Intlmncy cannot but compel an Interest In their lives off tho diamond, where they nro from, what they do during the winter, how old they really aro, nnd numerous other things. To begin with. Captain Stewart, whoso namo Is Asa and not Ace. Thero Is no man on tho team concerning whom a moro general error In public opinion exists In rcgnrd to ono particular, his ngo. To hear pcoplo talk nbout Stewart ns comparod with most of tho others, one would think ho wns grny-hcaded nnd Bhrlvelcd. Hut ho Is only 20 years old, and ho has not played ball so very long, after all. Ho Is from Tcrre Haute, Ind., whero ho has gone now. Soma of tho tlmo ho 13 engaged In tho saloon business there. That Is what ho did last winter. During tho balnnco of tho season ho Is busy holding down tho tltlo "King of Tcrro Haute," an appellation which has clung to him for years. Asa Is unmarried. Old Dick Huckley Is tho patriarch of tho flock. Forty-four Is his flguro, and It Is very probnblo that ho has played his last season. Dick has a pool hall In Chicago ond makes good money during tho winter. In the summer ho lots his brother attend tho business, whllo ho plays ball. Ho left for Chicago ton days ago. niiot.nr i,.rrv Coons of Newcastle, Ind. Well digger. Thero is nnothcr surprlso. n tvmiiii not e.tnect a ball player from such nn occupation, especially a twlrlcr. Coons Is a young man, being Just a llttlo past his quarter century. Ho has gono back to tho mines. 1,'r.mk Genius Is nnothcr man who is much older than Stewart, being closo to 3C. Genlns 1b a ball player by profession, and that only. Ho rests during tho win tor at his homo In St. Louis with his wifo nnd family. "I'mliro" Allowny. tho merriest man on tho team, is from Petersburg, Ky. Thoro ho Is nc export In tho big distillery, and hn ims cono back to work till ha Is called i.iniin nixt Aii-11 to work tho kinks out of his good right arm. Podgo Is a young ono. .iimmv Toman Is not so aged. on each day since tho season ended ho hns had a different plan for passing tho winter. His lntest is to go somewhere and play ball, niihnr nut nt Ocdcn or with a shift team that Goading Is organizing. In Philadelphia Is a Inrge hotel, on tho lctterhend3 of which can be seen "Toman & Son, Proprietors." Thnt 1r Jlmmv nnd his pater. If the short stop cares to go east for the winter thnt Is tho berth that awaits him. Kildio Cordon, collegian. Is the Infant of hn lenm. Ho Is 23 years of age. Gordon Is taking tho law course at tho University of Nebraska, having completed tho Junior year. Ho has left for Lincoln to end his courso and get his L. L. II. Ho says ho will not pluy bal another season, and that ho never Intended to. It wns a means to an end, and good experience. Tnm Letcher In n vntornn of 35 venrs. That ho Is getting over the milestones and lu n lltllii Htttf In ennncnupnrn enn tin seen by his cn't In running. Tom lives nt Grand llnpius, Mien., but thero is a llKcllhood that ho will stny In Omaha nil winter, probably as malinger of a local pool hall. Otherwise ho will go with (funding and his crew. Davo Calhoun Is a youngster. Ho Is still In Oimih.i nnd mnv remain Indefinitely. Davo Is , Quaker from Philadelphia, whero no wnB onco a puny policeman, lie 11 pot go back this winter. Gondlng wants him in his uuncn or travelers. Tom Fleming Is n ticket agent nnd also a Quaker. He has gono back to tho big Penn sylvania city to ply his trado as n rall roador. Fleming has not yet reached tho 30-year mark. Art Herman Is from Louisville, Ky., wheneo he has fled. Helng from that city of Kentucklans nnd whisky, Art naturally spends his spare tlmo tending bar. He Is 25 years of ago. Tom McAndrown Is another youngster, 25 years of age, nnd Is tho second collego man on the team. Ho Is a Canadian originally, but his homo now Is Scranton, Pa. Tom Is staying around Omaha and may not go cast, Gondlng Is trying to lend him west. Catcher Johnny Gondlng Is young nnd nctlvo, but ho has played ball all over thlr continent, throughout tho United Stutes, In Canada and In Cuba. Ho Is waiting in Omaha, trying to get n gang of players to take a chanco toward tho west. His only troublo Is to get a pitcher, but now ho says that Gordon will go along. His plan Is for himself, Gordon, Calhoun, Letcher, Toman and McAndrows to play.wlth different cities for a price. Tho two new men, Stone and Weaver, fielder anil catcher, havo gono home, Stone to uiencoo, ja., and Weaver to Holland, Mich. Thus tho men aro scattered to the four winds, with a small ueuclcus still left. Five tl l 0 U tl W. Post Carnival Sale Our snlo expect ntions of carnival week lias been more than realized, in fact it lias been the largest in years. It proves that the puri'luising public appreciate a G10XU1NE HA KG A IX STOKE. Xow, whilst we prepared for a big carnival trade, we also looked ahead to have enough in transit to replenish exhausted stocks. They have all arrived and are here subject to your wants at the same low prices for which our store is so well known. Head the Extra Special for Monday and Tuesday. VI l il ii 0 il t! l tti il tl (1 tl tl tl tl tl tl tl t tl tl tl tl l tl Carpet Dept. Tiuitn I'l.itoit. Our stock of Carpets and Ruru shows such wldn vnrlety In design anil prlco, which Insures easy and satis factory choosing to all. TAPESTRY CARPET Handsomo patterns good range of colors an unprecedented QQn bargain per yard OtC VELVET CARPET Heavy pile good designs and color ings a very durablo A.fr carpet per yard xtC VELVET CARPET With border to match best grade mado of selected wool beautiful do- signs and colorings per yard 83c AXMINSTER CARPET With bolder to match charming floral designs rich colorings a dur ablo and effectlvo carpet a per yard J C SMYRNA RUGS Tho reversible kind mndo wool you should boo tho pretty patterns nt, each .... tl tl 0 tl 0 tl tl tl tl tD 0 tl tl 0 tl il 0 tl tt tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl of host ..59c ART SQUARES Hcautlful floral and medallion effects In all color combinations ...3.48 9x9 only HxlO 1-2 only IM.IS 0x12 only lr.,4S Hardware Dept. FIRST FLOOR Wo carry everything that pertains to a comploto hardware department, and at tho lowest prices. A 14-quart Galvanized Pall at A 21-quart Oranlto Dish Pan at A 4-quart Granlto Pudding Pan at A Perfection Hall Bearing Kgg Heater at A Surprlso Egg Dcater at A flno Stovo Brush at 19c 62c .17c ...9c ...lc ...9c Wo also call your attention that now Is the tlmo to buy your Coal Hods, Stovo Plpo and Elbows, Oil Heaters, Stoves, etc., of which we arc headquarters. Wo aro positive wo can save you money. Our mail order department is beyond question the LAKGEST IX TITE WEST, and Is constantly growing. We have since last spring doubled our force. All orders are care fully filled and promptly shipped. For city orders we supply postal cards free and have three 'phones, with attendants, for your immediate necessities, inclement weather, or for any other cause that you do not wish to come or send to the store for your goods. Telephone J37. W. R. BENNETT CO. S, tl of them aro married, Genlns, Fleming, Huckley, Alloway nnd Letcher. A fact not generally known Is that most of them savo tholr money, some of them all of It. Tho truth concerning tho Omaha team In this regard Is that there wcro only two men who did not save. Davo Calhoun was the spender of tho bunch. Herman followed him closely. Tho rest nil havo money now from their season's work. Genlns took $800 homo with him Thursdny. Gondlng has that amount In tho bank hero. AH tho rest saved moro or less, largely more. Haso bnV players of the class thnt mado up the Omaha team nru not profligates. Thoso of them who now go to work at onco nnd mnko a living or n llttlo moro during the winter will bo better off nt tho end of tho year's work than many n man In business. And this Is only a minor league. Manager Hourko says that none of his players has signed yot, nor will any for some time, till It Is seen how everything connected with leagues and clubs Is coining out. Ho says that players do not sign this soon anywhere, despite what the pnpors say. Gondlng vouches for tho Htato mont. Rourko announces, however, that ho Is willing to tnke any or nil of tho men ho has had during this season. Tho manngcr builds great hopes on tho new agreement between all tho minor leagues of tho country. Ho says that this will not only protect minor lenguo clubs against other nnd minor leagues against each other, but will also Bhleld tho smnller leagues from Interference by tho blggor lJnullsli 'Irani ill lint. I'HILADKl.I'llIA, Sept. 21.-Tlio cricket match begun yesterday at WlHHiiHhlckon Heights between Captain HosainiuefH Eng lish tenm nnd tho Philadelphia colts wns ie sumed today under more fnvorablo condi tions. A warm sun tempered tho atmos phere and many who wero kupt uwny from tho grounds yesterday by the cold, bleak weather wcro Interested spectators of to. day's play. The wlcltot was fair mid fu vorod tho batsmen. 1'rlcstly and Wilson, the two not-outs, shojld have fuced tho bowling, but Wilson wus latu In arriving and Hosanaue took his place. Tho bowlers wiito l'atten nnd Graham Priestly was clean howled lor four In the tirnt over und Mitchell mini the vacant anil, with Kosniiiiuc carried the ecru to 17. Tho latter was caught nut for 11 runs. Wilson took his. placo with the hcore nt 11 for two wickets, At tho closo of yesterday's piny, when stumps wcro drawn, tho colts had scored 173 runs, all out, anil tho Kngllsh men had 5 runB for no wickets, Aiuuti'iir Driver' ,imv llernril. CLKVKLAND, Sept. Sl.-At tho matinee of tho Gmtlnmen'B Driving club today tho bay stallion John A, XUKerron, driven ty his owner, H If. Uevereaux, tr 'td 11 mllo to a wagon In establishing a new world's record for amateur drivers. Tho first half-milo was trotted In 1:04, nnd tho last buir la 1:024 and tho last quart ;r R. BENNETT CO. Candy Dept. FIHST l'l.OOlt. Extra Special! 1,000 Cartons Figs 10c Each. Theso nro now Callfornlns and nro delicious, Huy thorn whllo you can nt this prlco 10c 10c 10c Chocolnto CreamB per pound Caramels per pound Mixed Candy per pound 15c 12Jc 9c Jewelry Dept. Fill ST FI.OOH. A Big Drive. Wo placo on snlo for Monday nnd Tuesday COO pair latest stylo Sleovo lluttons, In Itomnn and bright llnlsh solid gold fronts warranted for llvo years actual valuo COc r 4 at 24c .HCl.HNOItS AXIJ .SIIIO.VHS. Wo carry a largo assortment nnd placo them 011 snlo at about ono-half tho prlco other stores nk for them. A S-ltich bludo Scissors 1 a for IOC A splendid heavy Shears patent nut nnd keen cutter c 4 for 24c Ask for our prices on Kyo Glasses and Spcctncles. Wo can snvo you money. Trunk Dept. IX IIA.SI2.1IK.vr. Deforc you buy nnything In this lino It will pny you to look over our slock. Wo carry a full lino of leather goods, flno dress suit cases, leather bags and valises, In all sizes und In tho latest shapes. The I'rlrr Alwttyn the I.nwrst. Special prices on a lot of flno Leather lings and Valises, in different shape;, nnd sizes, worth up to - qo 13.25 your cholco nt A.tJO Shawl Strnps z each fJG Hook StrapB q each OC Wo carry tho largest lino of Trunks In nil sizes and stylos In tho city prlco ranging up from 1.98 SPECIAL NOTICE YOU'VE COT TO HURRY If you want to sco tho ItUNNINO HACUS nt tho OMAHA DRIVING PARK THIS AFTEItNOON. Tako tho 24th Street or Sherman Avenue Car. In 0:301;. A largo number of watches caught tho mllo In l!:0tU und 2:0Cit. CRICKETERS HAVE REVENGE Allilt'tlr AnniicIiiIIoii .1llll.cn .IiimmhU for lli'lrnl Itrcel veil ill II11111U of SIiiiix City. Omaha tonk sweet revengo yesterday on tho Amateur Athletic iiHsoclutlon'a cricket grounds for tho defeat of u few weeks ago, when tho loinl ti-am Journeyed to Sioux City. Tho Iiiwans wcro present on this occasion '11 forrt, bringing their best ma terial. Waller showed up particularly strons for the visitors, bringing In twenty two for his sldo in the first Inning. Nealo anil Vaughn were towers of strength for Omaha, however, and by their aid, tho local men ltil by ten at the end of the llrst. In the second Inning Sioux City added to their m-oro forty-four, leaving them a net Itii. 1 ot thirty-four. Hate mul Moore took tlm wickets In nggrosulvo style, how ever, and hold them for forty points, giv ing tho locals a safe lead, Tho iicoro Is as follows: OMAHA. First Second Inning, inning. Cameron 1 Nenlo 18 Monro I 17 Howell 11 ilatn '' L'.'l W. Vaughn a G. Vaughn 17 SlniH 1 Hourly :i Francis 3 DougliiH ,-. 1 Hyes 7 No ball 1 Totals 5S 40 Second Imiliiv. 10 s 3 H a 3 0 1 1 5 7 SIOUX CITY. First Inning. 7 Johnson . Wallor ... Hoomo .. Short .... Deal try . Park ltao llrathv .. I.eiinun . Lan , Howes .. ' Hen I Leg byes Totals IS 11 In the tennis doubles the wind acted as nn important factor. Long and Caldwell had nil Interesting contest wllh Sherwood nml Mclntyre, winning by the scorn of 0-3, 3-0, CH. IiiiikIii Win Prexlilf nt'n Cup. NUW YORK. Kent ''1 - Findlnv H. riniiir. j las of the Nassau Country club, Glencove, I U. I , won tho PrcaldenCs cup, tho chli f ipuze. 111 nn) unniiai iiiviiation tournnmcni I of tho Tuxedo Golf club today. Though 'Douglas yesterday mado Uv rocord eeoro to to to to Sporting Goods Dept. HI'.CO.M) FI.UOU. gi:i:si: nucics HO.MC 1IO.MC IIOMC UCACK UVACIC tlCACK I'rom northorn shores thoy como; They top to feed On Nebraska seed, And Johnny gets his gun. Judging from our Increasing sales In Shot Gum, Rides, Kovolvbrs, Shooting Coats, Caps, l'auts, Holts, , Gun Cases, Ammunitions of nil kinds, etc.. etc., ho ovldeutly knows whoro to get tho best sporting goods for th least money. Our assortment Is comploto, not only In goods pertaining to field sports, but ulso In our full lino of Air Guns, Pox lug Gloves, Indlnn Clubs, Toot Halls, Exercisers r.nd anything In tho lino of Hportlng goods that delight tho old und young. Call and cxnmlno our stock wo know wo can savo you monoy. Woodenware Dept. IX IIASI2.11i:XT. In this department wo carry n largo lino of useful household articles nt tho very lowost prices, Kor Monday nnd Tuesday wo offer a largo Wood Chopping j Bowl for XOG A hardwood finish Hat nnd Coat Hack for ...9c ...9c ...9c .58c A whlto enameled Hat and Coat Hack for A hardwood finish Towel Holler for Largest slzo Willow Clothes Ilusket for Our largo nnd comploto lino of Washing .Machines cannot bo beaten, and us for price, thoy nro boyoud compare. Wo havo ton different makes to chooso from, ranging in prlco from. 2.98 to (5.85 It will pay you to stock before buying. cxamlno our and Capitol Ave. of seventy-four for tho links, tho best that ho he 1 iiiild do today in both of bis mutchcn was eighty. IIiioI.'n lleaiilleN Win. Muck's HeautlcH defeated tho Union Pa elllc freight auditors' baho ball team by a score of 10 to 3 at tho old exposition linrlc yesterday. This is tho third Miccessh victory for tho licautlcs. .It-Mule K'IIiik IteturilK. C. II. Hoby inn returned to Omaha with .lesplo Klltig, pacing mare. I fu has started hor In i-evi'ii races, winning monoy In each race and camo out first at tho Lincoln stala fair. I'rlNoner .Self-Ciemiitecl. SAITI.PA, I. T., Sept. 21.-A man glvlnit his name ns .lames Jones of Newton county, Missouri, eoiillned In the town Jail for lar ct 11 v. w.ri in rind lo death tills morning. It Is believed he fired tho Jail, hoping to escape. Till! ItllAl.TV .MAIIKHT. INSTItl'MIINTS placed on record Hatur day, September 21: Witrranly Deeilx. C. II. Ilrldenbecker and wlfo to J. P. Murphy, lot II, block 1, W. h. Helbu's 1st mid 175 G P. Davis and wife to samo, o',4 lot 7. block 3. flush H S.'h mid 10 J. W. Harris and wlfo to John Shell, tindlv. M of west 10 aires of east 15 acres of nw',4 si'li fi-l 1-13... 1 BiO J. N. Xlmincr nod wife to M. A. Smith, west 20 a res of east 30 acres of nw'i swij H-16-12 2,200 X. M. Kliillh to John 1 1 II 1 1 It'll, lot 1!, block 2. Patrick's 3d Saratoga mid, 225 Omaha I. nun nnd ilulldliig association to M. K. O'Connor. nVj lot 3, block H), South Omaha 1,300 Anna ISowis 10 M. i: u le, south IH4 leet of WCHt 70 feet of south 12MS; feet lot 3, Martini's add 1,200 A. J. Sloop et a to NleholnH Olsen, vist 110 acres of awli 21-10-12 0,000 Unit Claim llecil. C. II. Jacobs and wlfo lo J W Kar ris, undlv. V4 of west 10 m n s of east 1.1 acres of nw'i seV, C-ll-13 I C. C. Hull lo Wllllain Hull, lii'Vt 32-15-12 1,723 J. J. Whiting and wire to S F. Hick erinan. lot 12, block I, liedford Placo 1 S F Dlckerman to M P. Whlllng, name 1 Deeili. S. il llurnham lo Margaret A. Hum bum. llVi lots J and 2, block 41, Omaha and strip adjoining; lot 1, block 12, Shlnn's add., lot 1, hlock 3, lot I, block I, lots 2 and 3, block li, lot 2. block x, lot I and 2, block !i, lluriihiilti !'!.", lots 13 nnd 1G, Fi nr. 'ii Place i I'nli'd fUites lo John laind, s'j kcV I and n't HU't 21 Pi 12 (patent) Samo to Alfmd Keetch, uo'i und BWU 2I-W-12, Q'tUcuO ,