12 j'11.15 QSA11A DAnT BEE: SAT VU DAY. SKI'I hli;iM( '-'I, mmu. DIETRICH HOMEWARD BOUND EtE&to: Kticbei fan Franciico ted at Once 8 tart i for Nibmka. PLEASED WITH PROGRESS OF FILIPINO fjnutlirrn liliitiilt In 1'n r( Iriiln r Arc ulrf it ml (ininl I'rrlliiK Miiril .t liter Irii iin llmilfrnt I'lilurc In IIHkIiI. SAX FRANCISCO. Sept. 20 -Uriltecl States fienutor Charles II. Dlutrich of NebraHka, who him been on a vinlt to the Philippines, TPtumoil on the Nippon Marti unit Imme diately Htartcd fur h!n homo. He loft thero Juno 20 on tho transport Hancock for Ma nila, in company with Adjutant General Corbin, Ouncral Weston nnil Congressman Julius Kabn. Soon nttor reaching the Philippine these olllclals, with Surgeon General .Sternberg, maile n circuit of the archipelago on the transport I.mvton. All wcro highly pleased with tbo progress made tinder American administration, no dissatis faction among tho Kltlplnos being apparent. Tbo moro southerly ports of tbo Islands, of which comparatively llttlo could be heard, wcro found to bo prosperous, with Ameri cans and Filipinos fraternizing. Tho fu ture of tho Philippines. In tho opinion of Ecnator Dietrich, U vtrv promising. It's right on pago 7. Hayden Ilroa.' big VI. A muni nri'inm h f lli! Tlirntcr. "Whoso Haby Are You?" rather a perti nent nuostlon. but applies to everybody, In cluding Infant, juvenile nnd adult. Wo aro nil moro or less somo one's baby. Our jnotbers' fathers', wives' husbands', itwcct hoartit' or lovers'. So wbat'u tho use? Hut tlmt'H got nothing to do with tbo question nt baud. If you aro at all Inter ested to know whoso baby you are, why tbo mystery. If it Is mieh, can bo easily solved to your utter satisfaction at Doyds theater on Sunday, matlneo nnd night, Sep tember when tho cleverest of farces tearing this entchy tltlo will bo presented. Churlea W. Ilowser will be seen In tho com tiy, supported by n specially selected cast if farceurs. For excessive perspiration try Ilo-No-Hay pti'Tdor. .MnKiini Kill I Illiimliiiitril. Tho Michigan Contrnl, "Tbo N'lagara Kails Houte," ban established at Its Kails VIow station a powerful electric search light, which every night Illuminate.) tho faco of the falls nnd tho ruplds for the benefit of tho pausangers upon Its train passing nfter dark. For tickets and folders npply to city ticket ottlce, 119 Adams street, Chicago. II You Go tn Cnliirmlo Bn sure and go over tbo Loup. The finest trip In tbo country. Jiend 3 cents In stnmpt to T. n. FIsbor, general passcngor agent, Denvor, Colo., for handsome Ulustratod book describing this nnd other attractive trips offaroj by tbo Colorado & Southern railway. Ask your druggist or glove dealer about Itfi-No-May powder. A great economy In hot weather. Cures cxcosslvo perspiration saves gloves, parasols and flno dross eoods. No drew shields needed If you uie It Low llnlc ICxcurnloiis. To Ohio and Indiana points; also Louis ville. Ky.. via H. Sr. O. S.-W., September 17 and 21 nnd October 1 and 8. Coed returning thirty days. Call on nearest ticket agent or address F. D. aildcrsleove, District Tas ecngcr Agent, St. Louis, Mo. Notice! AVooilniPii of the 'World. The funeral of II. T. Gels of Alpha camp, No. 1, will tnko place nt 2113 Lako street at A o'clock Saturday afternoon. All members of tho ordor aro requested to attend. R. E. M'KELVY. Consul Commander. Duller Tonight. Jolly Eight's lively ball this evening, (Washington ball, Eighteenth nnd Harney streets, flno orchestra: a grand, good tlmo for you. (lentil, 25 ccntH. Welcome. For tired feet Ito-No-May powder. Alcohol Figures We sell alcohol for burning nnd for medicinal use. Rest !).- per cent Ornlti Alcohol, pint..., tOc Rest !3 per cent drain Alcohol, quart.. 7Je Rest 93 per cent Grain Alcohol, gallon. .$3.00 "Columbian Spirit" Wood Alcohol, pt,. SOo "Columbian Bjilrlt" Wood Alcohol, (it.. UOo "Columbian Spirit" "Wood Alrohnl, gl.?2.(0 NOTE "COLUMBIAN SPIRIT" Is tbo equal of grain alcohol for every purpose except for Internal administration. IT HAS NO UNPLEASANT ODOR. Common Wood Alcohol, pint 20o Common "Wood Alcohol, quart l!re Common Wood Alcohol, gallon Jl.ro "Common Wood Aloohol," while being pf rather unpleasant odor, 13 all right for burning. Abovo prices DO NOT INCLUDE bottlo or Jug. -RRINO YOUR ROTTLE Sherman & McConnell Drug Go CORNER MTU AND DODCE. 1515 rrO Douglas St. qA M en's Shoes Broken lines, J3.50 values, to close, nt $2.50 Woman's Shoes Broken lines, values up to $3.50, to close, at $2.25 and $1.98 WOMAN'S rolling; all all widths 1 WOMEN'S SHOES-box calf vtel kid and all the patent eathers new extension soles tho new heels mid CO iifi tnes-$'.G0 and qJA.UU WOMEN'S FI.VRST SlinS oys' ' Shoes Broken lines, to cIobc, at $1.25 and Q8c the exclusive styles that huvo mailo the Rochester popular with the masses ff $fl.0(), $5.00 and CT).UU ROYS' AND OIRLS' SlIOlCS-Alw stltchesnew extension soles-all $2.00 and down to SI Satur day Special Sale 1515 Douglas St. tri: i aiivam i: ,otici:. Tuetln' .Mornlnu, .Scpl, -I, Urn I tin the .llimt Itrninrl.nlilr Snip of .Mcr cIiikI Imc liver lUimiti, AT I10STON STORE, OMAHA. The claim agent of the railroad company sells us Cft solid rases of mcrchandlte which were wrecked in transit. These goods have Just been received today anl wo aro now arranging them for the sale next Tuesday. Watch dally papers for further particu lars. ISOSTON STORE, OMAHA, J. L. Drandols & Sons, Proprietors. Selling Rogers, Peet & Co. Men's Clothing. It brings relief Ite-No-Maj" powder. Ask your druggist. )t your feet trouble you try It. STUDENTS G00N RECORD Voiinir .Mm of Crrllitni 1,'nl vcmlt Adopt ItcMoltitloni ( He aped mill (.'on dole nee. Tho following resolutions were ndopteil at a mass meeting of tho students of Crclghtou university: WherenH, Tim great heart of the nation Is Htrlekun with overwhelming Borrow nt tho deutli of our honored president, th MtudentK of Crulghtun university nnsemblod In their hall to give utterance to their fen tlmenta on t til lamentabto occasion huvo ilrnwn up and udopted tho following reno,il tlnns: Resolved, That wo feel deeply grieved ut tha loss which our country bus sustained In the death of her ablo and beloved ex ecutive, Resolved, That wo utterly abhor nnd loudly condemn the dastardly erlmo by which this unspeakable woe was brought upon our beloved country. Resolved, That we stigmatize as wicked, detestablo unci dangerous to the cotnmi n weul all anarchists and similar conspirators against the laws of Clod and man, and tli.it we express the hope that wise nnd encrgetle legislation w prevent In tho future nil promulgation of these destructive teach ings. Wo hem ami now resolve, on this memora ble occasion, ever throughout our lives to use nil tho liitliieneo we can command on behalf of religion and morality, which aro the only llrm pillars of the ntuto and of human society. For this purpose we tinnnl muusly resolve to be ever the friends nnd patrons ot religious education. Resolved, That we admire nnd glorify tho lamented pretddent for the Christian spirit of resignation to tbo will of Ood nnd tho forgiveness of wrong: with which he boro the sad and abominable crlmo of the cruel and unprincipled assassin. Turn right to pngo 7 and read Hayden Dros,' nd. Nothing llkp Ro-No-Mny powder for ex cesslvo perspiration of hands or feet; posi tively cures tender nnd swollen feet, corns and bunions. Publish your legal notices In Tho Weekly Dee. Telephone 238. i-iwr.iiAi, notici:. 'the funeral servlco of Harry F. Cles will bn held from the family residence. 2113 Lake street, Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Interment nt Kearney, Neb. mrcii. JENSEN-C. A., nged 63 years. Funeral Hunday at 2 p. m. from family residence In Benson. Interment In Spring well cemetery. All friends invited. These Gold, Damp Days Will make your faco and hands chap and burn nnd tho skin will become rough nnd harsh and you will bo at nuts with your self nnd everybody else, unless you uso our Egyptian Lotus Cream, which Is without doubt tho lines t preparation sold for cluips. Every one who uses It recommends It to other, nnd that accounts for tho Immense snlo' wu huvo for It. Tho season Is now on for Lotus Cream nnd we have a nice, fresh lot. Casts but 19a per bottle. Patent Medicines, Prescriptions and everything else at ANTI-TRUST prices. Rest 23c box Soap In America for 15c COKE'S DANDRUFF CUItE fc We. Plnaud'H Eau do Quinine 2ia J1.00 Plnaud'H Eau da Quinine Tin 1.W DulTy'H Malt Whtskoy iOc Jl.W ller's Malt Whiskey too Mo Malted Milk 11.00 Malted Milk 73C H.00 West's U. & N. Treatment 7c S1.00 Temptation Tonic 75C bOo Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin xSa Wc Poz.zonnl Powder t'a Mo Cramer's Kidney Cure -too 25c I.iiNutlvo Hroino Quinine i2C iVc Llublg's Extract ot Uoef 17U Jl.ttt Kirk's Hair Tonlo Sl.CMi I, Interim) fnQ U.OO Wine of Cardul QfilliFCED'Q cut Price dlSl1HErE.lf O Drugstore Tel. 747. S. W. Cnr. lUth and Chicago Goods delivered FREE to any part of city. Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms, 1517 Douglar St. Neglect your teeth and you neglect your personal appearance. Fillings, 7Co up. Vitalized Air, 50c. Set of Teeth, $3.00. jOi Da fgttr L -v-. -v of the now uturnn models the past UUP L.XJOa6 weok h K'vcn you the opportunity to study tho most artistic SHOE 1DLAS of the year. These creations, with hundreds of others equally exquisite In design, will be tho feature of SATURDAY'S SELLING. IDEAL SHOE style and enmfnrl nr. ... $160 hboes-ln all tho lealhers-20 styles I III and slzes-pdco :.' itJ3J MEN'S SHOES-A lucky pur chase 5(10 pairs of n celebrated maker shoe Is now being sold In this city at 5.O0 and im tn $7.00 all the leathers $3.50, $2.50 and MEN'S FINEST SHOES-only shoemaker that all others copy "Nettleton's" none iihcc in good price $7,' $6 and..'PO.UU ays first the new rope the leathers-$:.50, ! SA.V rilAJYCISCO AMI HUTUHM. 9 II, Vln ItocL Islnml Itoute. Tickets on sale September 19 to 27; good for return until November 15. City ticket office, 1323 K&rnnm street. Tho time to buy Is now the placo to buy Is at Hayden Bros.' big store. Read tho ad on page 7. riMlilnir." The month o September 1? ths best In th year and tho Minnesota lakes tho best la tile world for fishing. Get a copy of booklet. "Beauty Spots," telling you where to find them. Re marka bly low rates at Illinois Central city ticket office, 1402 Farnam street, or address W. II. Urlll, D. P. A., Omaha. Neb. Re-No-May skin food for facial massage. Re-No-Moy cream softens nnd whlteni hands and face. A. Mayer Co.. 220 Bea building, Consultation free from 2 to 4 dally. llnek to Ohio mill Indiana. September 23 tho Burlington route will offer greatly reduced rates to points In Ohio and Indiana. Detailed Information and tickets nt 1502 Farnam street or nt Bur lington station. Re-No-Moy powder bring: rellof to tenrtet feet. Read Hayden Bros.' ad on page 7. tmn ON THE I GROUND FLOOR The New Girls' and Boys' Store Our prlccH nro nunr thu giounil, us wull ns tho jrooils. An espfclully stronp; lino ot Norfolk: nnil tho throo-ploco sult.s, from ! to 10 yours, ut 53.50, ?.'.00 nnil ?0.00. AgciiUt 1'errls Unilurwnlsta, best In tho world, 2."c unci o0o. Fh'oco lined Union Suits, 0(k Entire Satisfaction Guaranteed, The Lilliputian Bazaar! 1415 Douglas St. Phono A2221. Ladies,' shoes specially adapted to tho sea sonmade with tho different weight soles, according to tho wants of tho trade. Extra heavy, with extension edges, In enamel or box calf. f 5.00 values .13.50 always. Sorosls aro certainly the new shoo for women. Fits right wears right and tho price (3.50 Is also right. SOROSIS SHOE STORE, 203 South 15th Street, I'rnnk Wlleox, Jtlur. Ask for catalogue. 1515 Douglas St. M lsses7 Shoes Broken lines, to close, at 98c and 69c Children's Shoes Broken lines, to close, at 59c and 48c (Cl Sk Infants' Shoes Atl styles and colors, 35c, 25c and 19c and box qq Satur day Special Sale 1515 Douglas St. BIG BASEMENT BARGAINS. Extraordinary Values in Blankets, Comforts, Flannels, Yarns and Cotton Batting, ON SALE SATURDAY AT BOSTON STORE. Every Advantage We Gain in the Markets You Get the Benefit of. The Following Extremely Low Prices Are Due to Several Fortunate Purchases It's Good Policy to Buy a Winter's Supply. SPECIAL SALE OF BLANKETS. A largo stock, nnd doing tbo largest Blanket business In Omaha. Tho most nd vnntngcous purvlmso that wo ever mado. A few of tho special bargains are: Strictly all wool, white United States Navy Blankets, mado for tho government, to bo sold nt $7.00 a pair; wo offer them as long as they last nt $3.50 n pair. Ono lot of strictly all Wool Gray Blank ets at $2.D8 nnd $3.05, worth $7.50 and $10.00. Ono lot of wool mixed Middlesex Blank ets, whlto nnd gray, $1.9S, generally sold at $3.00. Strictly all wool Medicated Scarlet Hlank cts nt $2.'JS pair. Fancy Wrapper BlanketB nt 75c each, pinks, blues, rods, etc. Special quality and special bargains In White, Cray nnd Tan Cotton Blankets nt 49c, 75c, OSc and $1.25 pair. COMFORT BARGAIN'S. Sllkollno Comforts, hand-knotted nnd filled with best Whlto Cotton, nt $1.23 ench, equal to any $2.00 Comfort In Omnha. Special bargains In flno Sntccn, fancy stitched Comforts nt $1.25, $1.50, $1.0S and $2.93 each. SALE IN YARN DEPARTMENT. Saxony In all colors, 5c skein, Gcrmantown Knitting, nil colors, 15c skein. , Flelshcr's German ' Knitting Yarn, nil colors, 25c skein. Shetland Floss, white, cream nnd nil colors, 10c skein, ' Best grndo Imported Saxony, lOo skein. Germantown Zcphcr, best quality, 10c skein. Angorla, white, gray nnd nil colors, 10c ball. Ico wool, largo balls, white and black, 10c ball. ;brandi HAYDEN 3 S Ready-Made Garments The greatest suit sale of the season. New Jackets by tho hundred. This season's best and choicest styles and prices ns usual ot quotations not obtainable In nnv other store in Anierlcu. much less In Oma bn. A few Items montloneil to partially show tho udvantoge gained by nu early pti rcbaser. All tho samp $12.00 nnd $15.00: All tho Bam to $20.00; Saturd All the sam Womon's bo tnc new curr, w Women's stv brown, tan, cas trimmed with st price 37. Ud. Women's Fit Last June when the Season lit - A . - we omraciea ior a ureat Many Purs. Our foresight Induced us to buy early. Never before havo wo been In such splen did condition to supply all need In high gr nde nnd medium priced furs. Limited spnee forbids mentioning moro than a few nt tho bnrgaius: Women's genuine Sealskin box front Coats nt $100.00. Women's best quality Alaska Sealskin Coats, latest style, nt $195,00. Women's real brown Marten cluster scarfs at $5.00. Women's Mink Collarettes, trimmed with six large fox tails, nt $3.9S. Women's combination Collarettes, made of Ncarseal and Muflloon, worth $12.75 for $t.9S, Women'n Benvcr Storm Collnrs, fine grade, at $7.60. Women's Collarettes, mado from elegant quality Coney, for OSc. EXTRA SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY 200 children's Jackets, worth up to $5.0 0, for $1.45. Women's Dressing Sneques, in plain nnd fancy colors, for 10c. Children's Jnckots, from a manufacturer's stock nt $2.60. Women's wool Waists, trimmed with brnld, a special lot at 70c. Women's French flannel Waists In all colors, only $1.60. Women's line French flannel Waists. Imported fabrics, beautiful garments elab orately trimmed, at $4, OS. Women's sik Waists, worth $i.00, fo r $3.0S, Women's flnnnelatU Wrappers, regular $1.25 quality, for 60c. HAYDEN HH.W A I) Have You Seen George? You'll know him, lie ciuiso lie wonrs ono of Black's $2.50 Hats Thcso hnts nro ? 1,0(1 huts for $ii.r0. Black Also Sells furnishings Black, $2.50 Hatter, 107 S. Kith Street FLANNEL DEPARTMENT. Great special bargains In scarlet flannel at 20c, 25c, 3!c, 49c, C9c and 75c yd. Special prices on Indigo bluo flannel, nil tho well known makes, California nnd Amnna flannels, a full line, at 19c, 25c, 29c, 35c, 49c and 75c yd. Whlto all wool flannel, most complcto slock In Omaha, 16c, 20c, 25c, 29e, 35c, 39c, 50c, 75c and 9Sc yd. Gray mixed, plaid, checked and striped shirting flannel, the largest lino ot patterns ever shown In tho went, 25c nnd 35c yd, Whlto embroidered flannel, all tho now patterns, 59c, 79c, Soc, OSc, $1.10, $1.39 nnd $1.75 yd. Double fold, 54-Inch wldo Eiderdown flan nel nt 39o and 50c yd. All wool flannel skirt patterns nt 75c, OSc and $1.25 each. Tho largest rango of Imitation French flannel In Omaha at 10c nnd 15c yd. Outing flannel nnd flceco back wrapper flannel, nil the now patterns, Sc nnd 10c yd. Bleached nnd unbleached Canton nnd Shaker flannel, extra special values nt 5c, 6Vic, 8J5c, 10c, lL5c and 14c yd. Doublo nap Guinea hen flannel, In gray, pink nnd brown, special values nt 10c yd. GREAT SPECIAL OFFER I NO IN COTTON HATS. Thcso wero bought by us when cotton wn tho cheapest. We offer them now, flno whlto cotton bats, at 5c, Sj,e, 10e' and 15o for largo rolls that now aro worth nearly double. Eis SONS An Extraordinary Sale of Ladies' lo suits of Cohen & Lovlne garments, worth Saturday's talo price, $7.50. plo suits of Shaft & Sllbermann, worth up ay's sale prlco $10.00. plo suits from II. Conhaim & Co, worth up to $30.00; Sa turday's snlo prlco $15.00. Most elabora to suits over shown In Omnha nt $20.00, $25.00, $30.00. $35.00 nnd $40.00. WOMEN'S COATS- x Coals, black and colors, 27-ln. long, with nrth $t.do, for $1.95. Ilsh Kersey box Coals, all colors, red tor and blue, lined with heavy satin rapped heanis, worth $12.60. Saturday's r Trimmed box Coats In all the popular Biiaucs, rigui up to uatc, at $10.00. Women's N owmarkets or Automobiles In all wool Ker seys, lined thro ughout In all colors, trimmed with Panne velvet, worth $2 5.00, nt $11.75. Women's An tnmobllo Coats, finest kinds of elegant Ker seys; others as k you $18.00, for each, $10.00. Was Ouiet in New York . T - BROS I OX I'AGU 7. Avenirius Carbolineutii Used for preserving wood, both nbove and below tho ground. Wood treated with It will last three times longer than tho- nat ural way. Its qualities aro: 1st. Prevent dry rot nnd decay. 2d. Prevent warping and expelling damp ness, 3rd. Prevent tho attack of insects, worms, mlco, 4th. Provcnt crumbling and decay of brick anil stono work. 5th. Is antlseptlo and free from all poi sonous Ingredients. Call for circular. P. S. doing to uso a llttlo to preserve the harmony of Omoha druggists. fcold only by FULLER DRUG AND GO. I'AINT KSSS Men's Clothing be learned about the difference in coiv struction and the quality, Metis Cheviot Suits, $5-00 to $17.00 Mens Blue Serge Suits, $7.50 to $8.50 Mens All Wool Suits, $7.50 to $22.50 Mens Grey Mixed Scotch Suits, $4.25 to $18 OO Wo can satisfy ovory posBiblo demand in tho choice of Men's Fall Top Coats tho values you'll find bettor than can bo found elsewhere. HAY I ' X men wsii wear this season ask to see Steiii-Bloch Clothes THE MAN OF TASTE he who has well defined ideas as to what constitutes well-lailored perfect-fitting fashionable clothing will realize his highest ideals in suits and overcoats of the Stoin-Bloch make. Stein-Bloch Clothes are made with tho same infinite caro that the highest price custom tailor devotes to his product. The fabrics are thoroughly tested and the tailor ing is done by skilled operatives, un der the most scientifically sanitary conditions in tho most perfectly equipped tailor shops in tho world. Suits $10.00 to 25.00. Overcoats 12.50 to S27.C0. Extra special offerings for this week. Men's ?12.50 genuino melton suits in doublo and Binglo -breasted Back stylos, at 7. 50. Mou's $10 cassimero suits for 66.50. Men's 11.50 melton ovorcoats at?6 Men's 12.50 kersey ovorcoats for 6.50. HAYDEN BR0 Selling the most clothing in Omaha. K EELEY ""' "'i" 'imh-'I or in., km-ii- m-i nihil. CI I DP "'" ""'' ,f',l,y Institute In .'NcliriiNl.il. Uurci WUitC iiriiiiK-rimcNx, Ciii-cn Urn Vnrrr, Tol.ni I rrn, Tllll Ki;i:i,i:V IXSTmiTi:, 1U uml l,m v.mim.h III, Oiiiiilin, A HOME PRODUCT Hotter than Imported. Cook's Imperial EXTRA DRY Dcllclous-lnvlgoratlriK harmlo&a. Abdollltely juire. 1' IMs m .i The style of clothing we sell is com manding the attention of men and young men who dress stylishly and well. The stock is great, the choice wonderfully wide. An at tempt to tell a correct style story of the outergarments for fall, fails. The resources of the designs are too great and produc tions too tang'' ling There's some wonder ful lessons to M. . it you warn w Know what emartlv rlrc(i CHICHtSTCn'S ENGLISH . r. II h .j n m tm. A - It 7 k.ll.lr.T .n.l ,1 -1 - tfl i V HAFK. ll-ifir.'ubla I. jdlt, ! DrurrlU fcr rim nrvrrir.s I'.Mii.isu lo lli:ii ' I i.i i.- tiutri itili) tllll .r' i. 'lukriinllirr. Ilrfn.. Ilunarroui miUlflullou. un ,ai," lp.. Do; f ; gr ImnjH. or Hni4r.il ait- .50. i r.r . . m ill 1 turn I II (inn -r J HtU Aitd Duuulu. su. I'., ' " wi.arv 1.-1 41. A