Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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ju.vm jiijxtiox.
Davis sell drugs. ,
Htuckcrt sells carpet nn.r rugs.
1'lnc ABC bsi r, Ncutnayer s Hotel.
tV", .mure, and globes. 'u' & fn'
Wollm.. sclcntluc optUl.U.. w
C. Alexander & Co., pictures ana
frames. Tel. shi. , ,. . .,, J ru ryrnPISFS nN FIRST AVENUE
Missouri nuk body wo"iii ?" ur -
Th! D7 ii Dirotitl to Mourning fr
Frttidait MoZinlij.
... . Mntit Hi. Tel. 128.
O t your work Uo,,C at the Popular Kagle !
mi nron.lway. 'Phonu la7. l
"Washington and UcNCiunu
. . i cMit, tintll
Albert Kcmmcrrer nnu ueriic f ; "c ty
DC till evennm ... -:""-"",,,,, f
Wanted. K0'1 sternly man. .VV' .ron
runnl is mm" nd bolftr. Apply-ln.P--on
K'&aii of Kh works, Council "1"
.i norfnrmpfl till! tnnrTiiiH..
" Atwood and family, returned yes
Irrday from Mniill. L'tuli. wjicrj- it icj have
been visiting relatives and friends for two
Utcnd the crund opening of pattern Jiaw
and 1 fall "mllfincry frrldjy ""t' n o r f "it
(September Z' and 21. Mr- SI,nnl 1 " "
.Major Jennings Preslilca anil Many
Orntors Pay Tribute tn Martyr
Schools anil nnslnesa
House Close.
Mlllcdgc with the larceny of ft horse and
buggy belonging lo Mrs. .Mary Chrlstensqn.
The horso and buggy wero hitched outside
Warren's rcsldenco when tho three lads
camo along and thought It would be fun
to take a ride. This they did and after
driving around the city for some time ro
turned tho buggy nnd horse to t'jo place
where they found them.
Council niuffs, In common with the rest of
tho country. 'lll pay l' tribute today to
the late president' and tho day will be. ob
served as day of mourning generally
throughout the city. Business will bo sus
pended as far as possible.' tho city schools
and tho public offices will bo closed and
public memorial exercises will lie held at
" o'clock In the afternoon from a platform
hatl, i erected on First avenue In -front pf the
arana notci.
Tho program for the public exercises has
been slightly changed from mat originaii?
Dr. Macrae. ""'VVmU.i tbo moetliig outlined by the exocutlyo committee mm
' V ii.J"Medlc5ll Moclely ""the! MlSoSl vil- will bo as follows, the topic of the addrcsst-s
ley lit Ht. Joseph ami Kurcka Hprlng-. beng icrt to tho speakers to select;
lnmpH l'Viilnn. who whs re moved from h.n "Lead, Kindly Light"
oprTmems" ho (Irnnd hotel t Ht. 1 em- """"Itey. George Snyder
nn K nosuum
..ii.i xnnrrBi... "".,?".7."
last night to lie In a prccanou c... A(,(lrcRS .0"- ;.!V,.:Y .i."
from almoin Icltls. . Hymn -ntnrcr, m.) ' ,
Tlin fnsi!
with assaulting n , ; .. . -- "" " . "America'
Kins, was ciinii. .' .... ,.
iigalnst James Ilnsklns. .luirKed A(MreMI d&Xl M iiV!
!iom. I Tho music will bo rendered by a choir ot
V V l.nnKdon cu nn iniormivi
Ay in Jttlce I.ryant'H court, .h-irgl ;
voices selected from the several
churches, undor tho direction of I. M. Trey
Platform Mlmped 1.1k Cro.
Tho nlatform, which has been erected In
tho form of a cros, will be resorved for
Dlr and pastors ot tne
Mayor Jennings will
8 ?v Jf.' .Vnm'vvn
mIIIYik Intoxlr.itlng liquor to his so... 1 tarry
Liingilon, n minor.
Willie the 2-ycar-nld son of Mr. nna
Mrs T. H. Flctrhcr. KOI South K Bhtl.
!kd.ft& be speakers, the choir and pastors of the
tho residence and burial will bo In the Keg different churches
Creek township cemetery. preside
n.. Mi .ini.1 PrnlortlVP association Ot ,
jn- .im.. - .... .it ino mru
?'. !?S ! ''.!)-.. ffWrraoX' 8. of tho old soldiers at the Broadway Meth
nt K. Perry's grove., There wilt be In addl- 0lltst church this evening will begin at 7:30
tlon to ti basket lunch a program of nil- . , k colonel J. J. Steadman will pro
X"tU,rno?nd U' W" !lile and this will be the program:
Chicken thieves wero at work In the "NcHrcr, My Clod, to Thee"'......
wes erft paVt of tl.coolty Tuesday night. .... Choir S W C&aVfoo
Kllsworlh Johnson, 3720 Avenuo .. lort ; Invocation Hev. J. . Calfco
i! ,d iVviS 'the loH"of six- Kindly Light"
teen. C. Addis. 3512 Hecona uvenue, is miun
twpntv of his best birds. 'Oration
. M rs. Sarah .Ann U , wrey. wife of William Solo , , . . .. ..... ........
Ixiwrey, meu yeHicrmiy w ' " :"........... Mrs. W. W. Sherman
ither smyth
Some Plenil ot (fullty to Indictment
nnrt Uthrrs Ask fur Time to
Think Over Their Crises.
Defendants against whom Indictments
have been returned by the grand Jury were
arraigned beforo Judgo Macy In tho district
court yesterday. With tho exception of
three, who took time to plead, all deuled
being guilty as charged. Counsel was pro
vided by the court for those unable to pay
for the services of an attorney.
Walter Do Armond. charged with the
theft of $1)0 from S. It. Hoard, when Rskcd
by the court It ho had means to employ an
attorney, stntcd that ho had somo property
which was In the hands of the sheriff. In
reply to questions of tho Judge, I)c Armond
paid that the property consisted of some
clothing and Jewelry. Further questioning
brought out tho fact that the Jewelry con
sisted of sixteen collar buttons, which Do
Active Preparation! for th Dta'.era Con
vutitn in Octobtr.
Fnrinrrs' Kxcnrsl'on to Ames College
Xntlonal. tlunril Monrns McKlnley
City el Kovcrel-tn (Irnnd
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Sept. 18. (Special.) The
arrangements for tho national meeting of
tho 'Grain Dealers' National association In
Dcs Moines October 2 to 4 are now com
pleter! and tho olllcers In charge report
that there Is a certainty of the largest na
tional convention of dealers In grain ever
held. Oraln dealers of Chicago today tele
graphed for the reservation of hotel rooms
for tho persons who will como from there.
A commlttco representing the grain dealers
of Kansas City Is In the city looking up
accommodations. ltallroads have shown
great generonlty In regard to tbo conven
tion. The Chicago & Northwestern led off
shalltown; W. It. Doggett, Ottumwa' David
Harman, Ottumwa; Jacob Wagner, Fnrm
Ington; 11. A. Durrell, Washington; J. C.
Smith, Washington; Charles Scott, Center-
lllo; J. T. lngman, Vllllsca; Charles Loppe,
Muscatine; Wllllum Harrison, Olenwood;
deorgo C. Duffleld, Pittsburg; H. Palmer,
Itcd Oak; E. II. Gardner, Council niuffs.
IJrts SiMfrelttii (Jrnn.l I.oiIko,
A telegram received from Grand Master
Newman of this city, who Is nttcndlng the
sovereign grand lodge of Odd Fellows at In
dianapolis, conveys the good tidings that
Dcs Moines will get tho next sovereign
grand lodge. It was so decided by voto this
forenoon. This will be the biggest national
convention ever held In Dcs Moines.
A Mnnnd In n . - ... '
than nnvbndv rUn ., J.m . ,i Vi Chicago to bring tho Chicago nnd eastern
llbcr T ,r, tell .them If members to Des Moines free from Chicago,
at UDcrt. Tho court told him he would ti. tt fn,..i u ., , .,?.
better sell them and uso the nrbceeds In
securing counsel, nnd that for the present
ho would make no order In his enso In this
Tho Judgment entered tn tho suit of T. F.
Gatchcll against J. II. Emlngcr was set asldo
on a showing made that Emlngcr Is Insnno
and an lnmato of the asylum at Clarlnda.
A. S. Haiclton was appointed guardian ud
litem for Emlngcr.
The ault brought by the Portsmouth Sav
ings bank against J. P. OrCenshlelds. real
cstHto dealer, was dismissed yesterday with
out prejudice. The suit was brought by tho
bank to compel Oreenshlclds to slvc an ac
counting of a real estato transaction nnd to
convey to the bank tho title to 180 acres
of land which It was alleged was part of the
consideration received by Orcenshllcds In
tho sale of certain proporty belonging to
tho bank. On behalf of Greenshlelds It vn
l-sald that tho 180 acres figured In nnother
Tho memorial services under tho auspices j transaction than the ono In which the bank
was interested.
Mrs. Ida Wels Sevbcrt
Hon. John N. Halrhvln
Hobert Mullls
nklln, D. U.
home In Weston, this county, from a slid- . . :; . . ltev. Fa
.len nttnek of apoplexy. She was 72 years"? ::; "."?.......
of nge mid had been n resident pf lintel "wnrewcfi" ....... ....... Mrs. Ho
Dell township thirty years. Iter husband. .Address . . . . Hill Hev' D. C. Frnt
her. Tho funeral will bo Friday moriilng , uea 1, 17judge! Oeorgc Cnrson
ut 10:30 from tho Hazel Dell church. lgolo
A sheriff's Jury decided yesterday trnt . 'Homo Land" Miss May Caldwell
Hie property levied on nt tho Country club- i ''America" Pholr und Congregation
house, Mnntiwii, In tho suit brought by . Jlencdlctlon ,Ilev. J. W. Wilson
A. MeUgcr & Co. nKnlnst Jlcrmnn nerner Memorial ol rfethodUt.
RnOllui ip poiq ni'iHvinut'i i in- '
lucrense Is it Mnttcr of One nnd One
KlRhth .Mills Over One
Venr Aro.
nri nthor nronortv el7.?d nt the Metro
nolltnn saloon under the Injunction de r o
cpcured bv Fremont nenjamln ngiilnH
riinrlcs lll'erwlth will bo sold by Hip fharlff
on October 9.. r r .i
The case against F.ft and Andrew linden,
charged with iissaulllnir J. M. Uaber with
Intent to commit great bodily Injury, was
dismissed In Justice Bryant's court yf
terday for wunt of prosecution. It was
stated thnt the Hodens had Induced Babor
to drop the case, but It Is understood tin
matter Is being investigated ljy the grand
Jury. Tho cniu In which the Hodon ute
rnnrgeu wun nswuiiinK uunu ...
Pacltlc Junction was tontlnued for thirty
The Ak-Sar-Beu festivities and parade In
Omaha almost depopulated Council BlunTJ
Inst night. The motor company hnd every
thing that could turn u wheel pressed Into
service between the two ulllfs to neenm
modato the Immonse crowd, but even then
the cars were packed to tho sufrocat.on
point. On tho return tho local service wai
completely swamped and hundreds were
compelled to walk to th3lr homts. which
. meant n long, wet trnmp for those living
In the outskirts of tho city.
1'At Hannlphan. nn old time offender, was
before Acting Poller Judge Fsrrler yester
day morning for being drunk. Pat nd
mltted he hud Imbibed too much and wIipii
the coart sentenced him to twenty days In
tho county Jail suggested that It be mado
forty. The court told him he could not give
him more than thirty dnyu. but he would
give him that If be liked. Pat, however,
changed his mind and said Iip would bo
contented with the twenty days, us he be
lieved he could sober up In thut tlmo,
Tho Carpenter company Is tho firm namo
of the amusement organization which pro.
iluccd the Uusso-Slberlnn pluy. "For Her
Bake," a four-act melodramatic creation
said to embody many original features. Tho
piece tells the story of n Russian noble
man whore love for n serf girl cngejider.i
a scries of plots of the Intensely dramatic
(i.iallty which these nusslnn plays afford.
Tho ''henvy" In theplny Is n member of
the czar's secret police and at the same
time a nihilist. The play will 'be seen at
the Dohany theater soon.
N. V, riuuiblng Co., telephone 250.
Will Close Todar.
Cu. of respect to the memory ot the late
Prccldcnt McKlnley and In accordance with
th proclamation Issued by President noose
volt tho Boston storo will close Its doors
at noon today for' tho rest' ot the day.
Davis sella glass. '
There will bo memorial services this
morning at 10:30 o'clock In the Fifth avenue
Methodist church.
Postmaster Treynon announces the fol
lowing hours will be observed at the post-
office; Stamp wlndoV, general delivery'
window and money order division will bo
open from 7:30 a. m. until noon; carriers
will make regular delivery In the forenoon
apd there will be a, collection In the busi
ness section ot the city In the afternoon,
tho carriers leaving tho office at 1 o'clock.
The library will bo closed nil day. Su
perintendent Tarklngton has ordered tho
shops ot tho motor company closed and
work suspended all day as far as practica
Exercises In memory ot President Mc-
The total tax levy In Council Bluffs for
1901 will bo 8rVi mills Instead ot S4U mills
County Auditor Innes, In checking over tho
levy yesterday discovered that ho had pro
vided for .only a levy of $60,000 In tho
teachers' fund, whereas tho Board of Edu
cation asked for $65,000. This will make the
total school levy 32 mills Instead of' 30,B
mills. Tho total levy tor the city will bo
mado up as follows:
City general taxes :i7;
County nnd state lsti
Park fund
School , 32
Total 83t4
-ThlB will make the levy for 1001 3 mills
greater than for .last year. The -levy, for
school purposes Is 6ft mills greater tbnn for
This was followed by an announcement that
tho Burlington will, bring all tho southern
mcmbora free lrom St. Louis and Peoria.
Tho Wabash has placed at the disposal of
members from Kansas City and Texas
points a special train from Kansas City,
transportation to be free. Tho members
from Minneapolis and St. Paul will come
frco over tho Minneapolis & St. Louis and
Jlock Island roads. In addition to this the
Northwestern will glvo the Chicago and
castorn delegates a frco excursion via Sioux
Clt,y before returning home
It Is expected that there will bo from COO
to 800 members present at this meeting. Tho
association has been growing rapidly In
recent years nnd now Includes members
In nearly all the largo trade centers. As
yet tho morahers from Omaha have not r.lg
nlflcd Intention of coming. Tho programMs
filled with speeches nnd papers on topics
of interest to grain dealers, and aside from
this there will be abundanco of entertain
mont for all who arc here. The addrcssos
ot welcomn will be by Governor Shaw,
Mayor. Hartenbowor and Captain M. T. Bus
sell, president ot tho Cereal club. Re
sponscs will be by E. L. Rogers of I'hlladel
phla, Henry Lassen ot Elreno, R. L. Mc
Kellar of Memphis and J. !. McCaulI ot
The president's address will be given by
B. A. Lockwood of this, city on October
.Charles S. Clark ot Chicago is secretary and
. On the program arc such men as G. A
Stebblns, Red Oak;. George A. Wells, Den
Moines; Frank ,IL . Peave Minneapolis; J
P. Harrison, Sherman, Tcx.( Warren T. Mc
Cray, Kcntland, lnd.;L. Cortclyou, Musco-
tah, Kan.; H. A, Foss, Chicago, and J. R
Sago, Des Moines,
Conference of Nnperlntcndenls.
The next quarterly meeting of the super
intendents and heads ot state Institutions
will be held tn Des Moines In the office ot
the state poardf if. control next Tuesday
September 24. Tbo folowlng Is the pro
gram which has been arranged:'
"Should ftluvonllo Reformatories or In
dustrlal Schools bo Regarded aa Penal In
last year. In the tonphnrs' fund fhorA woo
raised last yoar $60,000, while this year stltutlons?" N. f. Jones, warden Btato
ino Doara osks tor Sj,uuu. L.ast year there, """".i f ...u.uu
'inva Nil now viu inn nr s t
was raised for tho contingent fund $22,000.
but this year the board wants $40,000. Ot'
this $9,000 Is needed for freo text books.
There was nothing raised last year for tho
scboolhouse fund, but this year tho board
asks for $6,000.
The school levy this years Is made uo as
follows: 1
Repnhllcnns at Onsnn Adjourn After
raisins HraolaHona Over Ass
aailuatloM ot President.
ONAWA. Ia.. Sept. 18. (Special Tcle-
Klnley wore held yesterday afternoon In all .--.,.,.. , . J"VJ?;
.u' . .u.. ti. -i. -ui Teachers fund. nA
ui iuu uny buuuuid, ti mc ..iku oiuuv. ifjontingent fund 'iott
tho exercises wero held in the auditorium. Bonds nnd Interest ail
Addresses were made by Howard W. Tllton school House fund.... it
nnd Rev, George Edward Walk, the prayer Total
being ottered by itav. w. s. names, iievs. .
Walk and Barnes also addressed the pupils I Davis Bells paint.
at the Washington avenue school.
Orders Issued.
These orders wero issued last evening:
Attention. Abe Lincoln nost. No. 29. Grand
Army or tne uepumic, ana an soiniers,
sailors and marines of the civil. Mexican
and Spanish wars and ex-confederates!
you are earnestly reauestea to report, in
front of tho office, of Llndt & Mynster this
msAtilnir n. TK n'MnnU ri nttni! till. X -
erclses nt the Broadway Methodist church gram.) The republican acuatorlal conven
In memory of our deceased president nnd tlon of the Thirty-fourth district, composed
Comrade, William 'McKlnley. n nrr.wrnrri UnrrUnn nnH Mnnnnp oni.n.
GEORGE B. MILES. 8. V. C. 7, "' . Vn . , . .1.
EDWARD J. ABBOTT. Adjutant. t,cs opened here nt 10 o'clock this morn-
All members . of Abe- Lincoln Relief corns log. Only nart of tho delegates wore ores
No. 180 will meet nt the front entrance o I i,..t -. w
I. n , i - . . , . ....... I MUW IHbll .UUI..I no I Dili VBGilUl ..U
the Broadway Methodist church nt 7:30 ht, , ' , 4Vl. ..
o'clock this SvcnlhB and Join the Grand business was transacted except the paaslng
Army or tne itepunuc ana veterans in tne i oi idib resolution oy a unanimous, vote:
exercises in memoty of our departed pres- whereas, since the tlrst session .of this
Idont, William McKlnley. convention the nation has been called upon
mahv it, Auuuu, to. mourn the death of Its chief magistrate;
. ricniuciiu . ana, ,
FAVORETTE 'WEATHERBY. Whereas. We. ns loval citizens of tho re
SCCrotary. I nnhllp. loin In in, hrnfmmil nnd llnlvnrAnl
By mutual agreement nil the saloons of srlof caused by un irreparable loss: be' It
the city will close .today from noon until 6 "oaolvc.aT,Lftt n!.tt mHrk f respect ror
I the great leader, tho Immaculate citizen,
V- the wise and noblo president, who now Ilea
Pythlarikleaolatlonii; dead, stricken by tho fell hand of anarch-
I I a m tlilu unnLjinllnn nnw .irll.iir.i wlllinn.
St. Albans lodge 'No 17, Knights of Pyth-i tho transaction of other' husiness. to re-
las, adopted these resolutions on the death convene at Onawa at 10 o'clock Monday,
of President McKlnley at lta1 meeting last "i1"""
Gravel roofing. A. II. Road,kD4t Broadway.
MnrrlaKC I.lrrnses.
Llcneses to wed were Issued yestorday to
Inn following:
N'amo nnd Residence. Ago.
Fred II. Krnusntck. Omaha 24
. . i ii . . . . .A i
iirriiuv j.uruiivit vuiuiii ..n. ...
Chester A. Dorrance. Omaha
Pearl II err, Shenandoah, la
Albert Kemmerrer, Lincoln, Neb..
Bertie Smith. Lincoln, Neb
Fred G. Shaw, Fremont, Neb v.
Minnie Adams, Vnnllorn, la
V, W. McDonald. Omnliu. J3
Albla. Maystrlck, Omaha
Wti lorthoit who know at' Ul
Ganymadi Ghocolates
M Optra BonBons
Made By
John 6. Woidward & Ge.
fTh Candy Mn."
I 1 Council Bluffs - Iowa.
a . .
Iowa Steam Dy WorkM
304 Hroadwny.
Make yotil old clothes look Ilk oa.
Clesnlnf, Dyeing and RepiIrDg.
Funeral Director
tauccasaor ta W. u. itji
:n PUAIIL. kTHKUr. au'
Naatlaliil in t.unleiii .-.sliraaak
a4 Iowa. Jampa N. Casaay,
Whereas. Our brother knloht. William
McKlnley. white holding the highest posi
tion within the irlft of tho renubllc. has
been stricken down by the hand of n disci
ple ot the doctrine of ruin and chaos In
government, tnerelore be it
Kesoived. By Ht. Albnns iodae no. Ii.
Knights of ,Pythlas of Io.wa, thnt while we
mourn him ns a bravo man and true knight
Divorce Case at Avoca,
AVOCA, la.. Sept. 18. (Special Tele
gram.) Walter G. Blake" of the firm of J,
S, Blake & Son, has applied for a divorce
from his wife, Lulu C. Blake. Ho asks for
It on the grounds of cruelty and Inhuman
treatment. His wife claims there has never
HIVUI II ...II. H. UII4VU I. mil Ullll HUD nillll. I . . , . . , .
wo forget not the menaco to society In the been any trouble between them and that
teucnings nnu creea or ms assassin; nnu. isne Know notbipg ot his intentions until
DOnL..vIi"rV.,.. .j .... . informed by his lawyor. He hnd been to
Ing household that knightly sympathy nnd Colorado for his health and began pro-
Is said family Influence Is the cause of his
kindly chivalry which he no welj expressed ceedlngs as soon as he reached home.
in nis own me; ami, oc it lurtncr
Resolved, That we pledge our support to
any legal means .or 'methods which will
result in tno destruction or anarchy and
tne suppression, or atmrcnislic societies;
and. be It further
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions
ConrtwrlKht Is Nominated.
CEDAR FALLS. Ia., Sopt. 18. (Special.)
be furnished Champion lodgo of Columbus. The republican convention of the Thirty
O.. that tho same bo spread upon our rec- iclghth senatorial district, which comprises
uiua u. .u K.fii tuj ui ii.v riun un innicii . Qlnck Hnwlt nml nrnnilv rnnntlpa nnnnail
In our lodge rooms for u period of thirty umcK awit nna orundy counties, oponed
anys, ana mat n portrait or rrcsiaent Mr- i v .uiuuccb, uuu. u. u. wuun
Vl.l... nAAMla.'nnA.I i . .1 . . .. I ,-.1.1,, M It. ...... . 1 . 1 M .
jviiiu.') iiu iiiuiiviij ii . uuvu iiiiii iiiiiih uiiuii ni ikiil ui liaLcnuii hum limn i nil nil Kir nun
MA'lVVaMaTOVS opposition. Peter Melendy of
Black Hawk county and J, C, Adams of
Grundy county wero named as the senatorla'
of thirty days, and that tho city papers bo
rcquesteu to pumisn tnese resolutions.
Attest: Committee.
Cooler Wenthcr Followa .numerous
Showers All Over the
des MOINES. Sent. 18. (Special.) Fol
lowing nro tho details by counties of the
Iowa crop report for tbo week:
.orthenst lllstrlet.
ni....i,i.,v i tiMtrdwnvi ltnin. 3.11! sev
enty hours' precipitation during tho week;
pastures improving, .""' . ,,
Breme (Wuverly)-Raln. 207; showers on
the Sth. Sth, 11th nnd Hth! rorn cutting
well ndvuiit'ed; late corn Itlllng nicely, but
needs warmer wnither to mature;
ttires showing Improvement.
Allnmuker (llossvilii!) uroimi pnuL-nj
oru most nil ninturc! will hardly come up
to former estimate.,
WlniieslilfiK tiiesperj f. oru nn jiiiu .."in
frost: potatoes few in hlils, pastures start
ing well. . , . . .
iinviMii-,1 n-rr-sroi ltnin. .i.m: nnoui riiuiii
n mmulilv iiMrncn! wrll dNtrlhilted: corn
about nil cut up that Is needed for fodder.
Clayton (j;ikudcrj nam, .-.zi. inciuuuiK
66 on Saturday evening; pastures revived.
North Central District.
l'ulo Alto (West Bend)-ltaln. r..M; rool
und wet; another week without frost will
bring corn out all right.
Emmet (Ksthcrvlllc)-Rnln, 3.42: com look
ing line; much of It now mature nnd nil
win in. nr itn: mums nn'
liptlfir Minn nKtirrtril. Dim mull limit l
e.irly potntoes with covering or Hirnw una
hum u good yiem or nno large tuners.
Kmnklln (llnmntonl ltnin. 2.58: pastures
tileo and green; corn about 25 per cent cut;
ram sutnclcnt to mnite lull iccu nnu to
help full plowing.
Franklin (Geneva) Drouth broken; plenty
ot rnin to start grass ami ncip plowing.
by over 2 Inches of rain during the week!
!J per cent tt corn cut; seeding begun nnd
ground In fine order.
Mouth (Vntriil District.
Mnhnskn (Oskaloos.i) ltnin. 1.15; showers
started gras nnd put the soil In condition
for plowing; corn cutting wen ninng.
Madison ( wituersctj aii men mm n ntir
of ruin night of the 10th gives a different
nppi'iirance to pastures thnt were brown
nnd bare before; everybody rejoices.
I'nlon (Aftoii)-Haln. 2.01; this materially
helps piistures nnd puts ground In condi
tion for fall plowing nnd seeding: corn
is well nlong out of tho way of frost; we
may class our potato crop nmong the fail
ures; utter giving cornfields the bot ex
amination my Judgment Is 25 bushels per
acre the average for I'nlon county.
Lucas (Charlton) Hnln, 1.5S! no more
rnln needed to mnkc corn; pastures much
Improved; plowing progressing finely.
Luciis (fWnrren Township) Rain. 1 10i
ninny cutting nnd binding corn; no surface
wnter; some stock, being fed.
Monroo rfAlliln) Hnln, 1.57; week hns been
cooler nnd wet and highly beneficial to
growing cropa; plowing can be pushed now.
Decatur (Van Wert) A great amount of
corn being cut; most of It about out of tin
way of frort.
Ringgold (Mount Ayr) Rnln. 2.4?; drouth
oroKciii pastures sinning nicciy; corn cut
ting well under wny,
Southwest District,
I'nge (Clarlnda) Rnln, 3.C7! paturcs
helped nnd ground put In good com! tlm
.for plowing and seeding
Adams (Coining)-Rnln. 2.3I; another week
will put Into corn out of the way of frou;
crop being cut nnd shocked fart ns pos.
siuie; urown iieius cuangeti 10 green.
J. R. SAGE. Section Director.
L. F. O., Asslstnnt Director.
Itrrnrd of I'rece.HnK Week Is Dupli
cated, hut One Year Arii It
Wan Greater.
CINCINNATI. Sepf. 18. (Special Tele
gram.) The Prleo Current tays: The total
western packing Is 320,000 hogs, eompnnnl
with 320,000 the preceding week nnd 360,000
last year Slnco March 1 the total Is 12,
430,00) head, against 11,680.000 a year ago.
I'romlncnt places compare as follows:
1901. 1900.
Wifo of President Jnkoman of
Elders of tho Mormon Church.
Salt Lnko City. Utnh, ltecom
mends Lydia E. rinkhaiu's
Vegelnblo Compound For Wo
man's Periodic Talus.
"Dr.Ait Mn. I'ikkuam : ttefore I
knew of Lytlln K. lMnklmm's Vcr
otnlilo CoiupoHlitl 1 dreaded tha
approitch of the time for my menstrual
period, ns It would menu a cotiplo of
I'hlcngn ....
Kansas City
Ut. Louis ...
Ht. Joseph .l.COT.OOO
Indianapolis ftVi.000
Milwaukee 373,000
Cincinnati 277.000
Ottumwa 2)1,000
corn harvesting In progress nnd most Holds i ,.oimr rtnpTls" "lOWO
nrc now out of way of frost; help scire, j,'0UX cltJ. u'm
to shock tho corn; somo potato fields still . m. iaul 2T0,000
committee for tho next two years.
Frost at Oakland.
OAKLAND. Ia., Sept. 18.-(8pcclal.)-
There was a heavy frost here last night.
Will Close Todar.
Out of respect to the memory to tho late AH garden vegetables except cabbage Is In
President McKlnley and In accprdance with Jured. Fifty per cent of the corn In Potta
the proclamation Issued by President Roose- wattamle county la In shock. The average
velt the Boston store will close Its doors yield of corn will be doublo the estimate
at noon- toasy mr tne rest of the day. of August 1. Late rains have helped fall
wiiitelaw ft OARDINER, pastures and feed Is now assured
Theft of Horse and Baaar. Kails I.lfe with Carbolic Acid.
Tyler Warren filed an Information be- MISSOURI VALLEY. Ia.. Sent. 18. (Spc
fore Justice Bryant yesterday charting i.i T.wmmit.oiii. iimtixv aired ns.
Claud Deeds, Fred Mllledge and Oeorgo committed Bulclde at his home In this city
last nlglrt by taking an 'ounce of carbolic
acid. He was a brlckmaeon and, being out
ot work, he became despondent. He leaves
a wife and three small children.
All are invited to attend bur mil
linery onenlna. Saturday. September
.. 'a. T .. . I
J, Hi UUf II"" BlUir,
'Ml Broadway. Council Bluffs.
Haralara Tap Bank Safe.
BLOOMINO PRA1RIK. Minn.. Bept. 18.
The aafo tn the bank of J. C. Rralnerd &
r-n vmu hlnwn bv ersrksmen last nlaht.
Iletween 14,000 nnd $5,000 In turrency was
taken, -no ciue.
State Supervision ot Labor-Employing
Institutions." C. ,F. Wenncstrum, state
muor commissioner.
"County Poor Relief," Dr. W. R. Tatter
son, State University ot Iowa.
"Institution Dnfrylng," Dyron F. Morton
stato dairy commissioner.
"Modern Provisions for the Insane," Dr,
William F. Wegge, atato insane hospital
Milwaukee, wis.
ChaiiRC Route of Electric nond.
The promoter of tho electric railway east
from Dcs Moines, Mrs. Butler of Cleveland
O., who Is supposed to represent tho Hanna
nnd Rockefeller interests, has changed her
plan ana is now engaged in working for
franchises and right of way for a line
through Colfax and, Daxter to Marshall-
town. Th6 people of Nowton. who had been
approached on tbo subject, did not re
spond to the suggestions made and It Is
now announced that the lino will bo built
to Marshalltown through the northern part
ot Jasper county. Public meetings h'avo
been held at Baxter and elsewhere and the
project has been favorably received.
State Colleire Ontlnw.
The annual farmers' excursions to tho
Iowa State college at Ames occurred today,
when excursion trains brought many farm,
era and others to the state farm and col
lego. Three special trains left hero for
Ames during the forenoon and tho railroad
officials report that a larger number than
usual took advantage of tho Invitation of
the college people to visit the Institution
and personally inspect its work. Stntc
Superintendent Barrett went from here to
deliver an address.
lteappearance of Kmnllpox.
Two cases of smallpox were reported to
the health pffleers In Des Molncs today, tho
first In a long time. One Is In a family on
East Twenty-scvcnth street and the other In
at East Walnut arid Flrtli. Both are light
casct-, but thero had beon no new onts dur
ing the summer. Thomas Malono caused a
seoro at pollco headquarters by making com
plaint that he had been thrown nut nf n
boarding house on tho south side without
cause. A hasty Investigation showed that he
naci symptoms of smallpox and he was sent
to Tracy hospital to await developments.
National Onnrd Mournlnir,
Adjutant General Bycrs today issued gen
eral order No. 11 relating to the death of
President McKlnley. in which bo directs
that tho colors be draped in mourning In
the various companies of tho Iowa National
Guard, that tho usual badge of mourning tie
worn by Guard officers and that on tlm
morning of the funeral the national salute
De nrea at the state capltol and one gun
every half-hour during the day until 4 p. rn.
misinesB win De moro nearly completely
suspended In Des Moines tomorrow than on
any holiday except the Fourth of July and
mis win go so tar as to Include the sinn.
ping of street car traffic a portion of tho
day. There will be two main memorial
meetings at me Auditorium, ono In the
afternoon, In charge of tho republican
county commlttco and one In the evening
under the auspices of tho Good Cltlzonshlp
league, more win be, besides, a number of
otner special meetings.
Preparations are being made for a meet
ing at the Methodist church on Sunday
afternoon, to be addressed by Governor
Shaw nnd to deal with the religious sldo of
tne lato president's life.
United Htatea (Irani! .furors.
Commlsiloner MacArthur has chosen the
following grand Jurors for the United States
court, which convenes at Keokuk In Octo
bert J. L. Hargrove, Milton; Volney Nagte,
Milton; F, A. Connor. Mount Pleasant; C
E. Logan, Hlllsboro; D. K. Hellerbrow, Mil
ton; Herman Raax. Valley Junction; Frank
O. Moorehead, Des Moines; C, E. Snow, Des
Moines; I). H. Sleeper, Des Moines ; Will
, Forby, Deep River; K. E. McMIM:u, Mar
ppotfri n twl iritu.'lrifr.
Wright (Dows)-Rnln, 2.5fi; fall plowing
delayed; nil corn Is now safo from frost.
llumiioKit (iiiimuoiut) ltnin, .i.iu; n great
portion of tho corn Is cut and nhoukeil;
pastures nro much helped by tho rnlns;
plowing nnd needing condition Improved;
another week without frost will secure all
the corn crop.
Hancock (Urltt) Rain, .i.ra: corn Harvest
retnrded by showers; clover seed hnrvost
fair to roou; late sown nnx ueing Har
vested and dnmnged by rnln.
Kossutn (Hurt) too much rain Hindered
corn cutting; corn about all safe.
Pocuhontas (Plover) naln, 4.E9; corn
about all safe.
Northwest District.
Osceola (Sibley) Rain. 3.14: pastures green
ngnln; threshing much delayed by wet
C uv (Snenccr) Rain. 3.35: Pastures
grcntly Improved nnd soil In fine cond'-
tlon for plowing; corn continues to uo
well, but considerable amount needs a
week or ten days moro without fro3t;
threshing retnrded, out grain in stacK lias
not been damaged.
Cherokee (Washata) Ilnln. :U6. from Ttn
to 13th Inclusive: considerable corn In shock;
ground in line conaition tor plowing.
West Central District.
Woodbury (Sioux City) Rain, 3.63 for
week ending 14th: temperature deficiency
for tho week 43 degrees.
Monona (Onawn) Rain. 4.75; too wot for
farm operations; pastures looking finely.
Carroll (Carroll) Heavy rnlns, over three
Inches, prepared soli for plowing nnd will
be beneficial to fnll pastures.
Audubon (Audubon) Sovornl rains this
week nnd soil In fine condition: pastures
nnd meadows turning green quite rapidly;
nn frost.
Shelby (Harlan) Recent rains hnvo put
ground in lino condition ior plowing nna
tho work Is In progress; considerable corn
is being cut nnd there Is promise of a
iminh better yield than has been antici
pated; pastures aro Improving; , potatoes
senrce; cattle doing well.
Harrison (loganj ltnin, i.w; oroiun
windstorms: pastures Improving; water
famine relieved; corn and potatoes not
benefited by the rain.
Central District.
3,130,000 3,130.000
I.SflO.OOO 1,506.000
1,270,000 1,21 V
:i.'j,rio 77d,tt)0
('(itinolltlntliiK Itnllrond Properties.
ST. LOUIS, Sept. IS. Articles have been
filed In tho office of tho secretnry of slatn
consolidating tho St. Louis & Memphis
Rallrood company, the Memphis & St. Louis
Railroad company, tho St. Louis, Caruthers
vlllo & Meruphl Itnllrond company under
tho name of the St, Louis & Memphis Rail
way company, with n capital of $1,125,000.
Referring to tho consolidation, tho Globe
Democrat Bays that It Is genernlly under
stood In rnllroud circles that tho 'Frisco
has an option on tho three properties
named, which aro located in southeast
Missouri, on tho Arkansas border, and that
It Is the Intention of tho 'Frisco manage
ment to establish a short lino between St.
Louis and Memphis.
Came Near IleliiK n Cripple.
Josh Wcsthafcr of Loogootce, lnd.. Is n
poor man, but ho says ho would not be with
out Chamberlain's Pain Ilalm It It cost five
dollsrs a bottle, for It saved him from being
n cripple. No cxtcrnnl application Is cnual
to this liniment for stiff nnd swollen Joints,
contracted muscles, stiff neck, sprains and
rheumatic and muscular pains. It has also
cured numerous cases of partial paralysta.
It is ;or sale by all druggists.
la to lie Wnrrarr In I'.nslern Port
of Htnte, However Krl
Any Fair.
18. Forecast for
SUMMER SPECIALS. IndlnnnunllN nnd Return.
On snle Sept. 16, 23, 30, Oct. 7i I
fSO.Utl Louisville, !) nnd Return. ,
On snlo Sept. 10, 23, 30, Oct. 7.
ftXO.lfO Cincinnati, (.. nnd Return.
On sale Sept. 10, 23, 30, Oct. 7.
$20.70 Columbus, O., nod Return. '
On snlo Sept. 10, 23, 30, uct. 7.
fttO.UO .NprhiKllelil. ., and Ileturn.
On snlo Sept. 10, Z3, 3". uct. i.
fZt.'M HnudiiHlty. .. mid Ileturn.
On snlo Sept. iu, si. uct; .
.:t.7.. ew York anil lteturn; iiniiy.
fll.r.O St. Louis nnd Return.
On snio ucu o io 41.
aU5.7. lliilTnlo and Ileturn. dally, ,
Home-Seekers Excursions.
On salo 1st nnd 3d Tuesday of each Month,
rnurlst ltates on salo DAILY to all sum.
mcr resorts nllowinr; stop-overs nt Detroit,
Niagara rnno. uuriuio umi uwicr ijuuua.
For rates, Inku trips, Pnn-Amerlcnii do.
ccrlptivo mnttcr aim air .miorraiitjoit can
STREET, (l'axton Hotel Hloclt) or writ
UAUIll IS, .MUUliM u. . i: uiiiuua,
Thursday and Friday:
For Nebraska Showers Thursday:
thoroughly broken; showers cnme without 1 wnrn;cr In eastern portion; Friday probably
fair; variable winds.
For Iowa and Missouri Partly cloudy and
warmer Thursday; showers at night or
Friday; warmer Friday in eastern portions;
variable winds.
For Illinois Fair Thursday; warmer and
partly cloudy: probably showers; light north
to east winds.
For North' Dakota rnrtly cloudy Thurs
day; prohably showers; warmer In central
and castorn portions; Friday fnlr; variable
winds. ,
For South Dakota Partly cloudy and
warmer Thursday; probably showers In
castorn portion; Friday fair; varlablo
For Kansas Partly cloudy and warmer
Thursday; Thursday partly rloudy, cooler
In western portion; southerly winds, be
coming variable.
For Colorado Cooler Thursday; prob
ably showers In eastern portion; Friday
fair; winds mostly northerly.
For Wyoming and Montana Generally
fair Thursday and Friday; northerly winds.
Local Record.
OMAHA, Sept. lS.-OfTlclnl record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
tho corresponding day ot tho past three
mi. idol 1S59. um.
Maximum temperature ... 67 f. 71 90
Minimum temperature .. 32 D2 44 W
Mean temperuture 44 5'.) rs
1'reclpltntlon 00 .15 .00 .00
Record of temperature and
nt Omaha for this day cna since M nrc 11 1,
Normal tempcrnturo ........................ ft-,
Deficiency for tho ilny 21
Total excess since March 1 614
Normal precipitation , 10 Inch
Dfiflclriicv for tlu day Wlnrh
Precipitation since Mnrch 1 17,51 Inches
Deficiency since niuren 1 i.oii-en s
Oreene (JcffcrHon)-Raln, 1.45; gross re
vived; plowing begun; corn mostly cut that
WilooncC(Ogden)-Rnln. 2.30; a splondld week
for pnHturcH; corn cutting well ndvitnced.
Poweshiek (QrlnnelD-Rnln, 1.K7: pastures
begin to show green, and plowing Is com
menced: a large nmount of corn In shock;
most fields now out of the. way of frost.
Polk (Dcs Molnes)-Ruln. 1.38; tempera
ture for week 6 degrees below normal; corn
cutting being pushed rapidly; soil Just right
for plowing. . .. , ,
Dallas (Perry)-Rnln. 1.25: the week has
brought sufficient moisture for plowing and
soil is wet down to the usual depth the plow
runs; pastures and lawns that seemed be
yond resuscitation aro green nlnce tho show-
CrWebster (Fort Dodgo)-Raln, 2.02; show
crH hindered cutting corn; fully i0 per cent
safo from frost. . . , , , .
Grundy tOrundy ContcD-Coplous rnlns;
corn out of the way of frost: potatoes bet
ter than expected; clover yields two to lUo
V 1 1 a Vi a i u nrH1 nnTfS
jasper truewton; iiuiu, ..t, i""
grass and potatoes.
East Central District.
Dubunuo (Dubunuo) Rnln, 2.71; mean tem
perature 61.5 degrees. (Route A) Soaking
rnlns on four dnyu this week: beneficial to
nastures and will help plowing meadows
and late potatoes.
Linn (Mount vernoiu nam, 1.00 ; uruuui
broken with more ratn than In July nnd
A Itlackhawk (Wnterloo)-Rnln. 2.15; the
.!,., , uiimvnrx lofti'iinl tha soil, enabling
furmtra to commence run plowing; i
springing up nrrean ami ihsi n-ru win
Jones (Olln)-Rnln. 1.61; drouth broken
and pastures ncconiing green in,mi "
Plowing s'arted: corn better than expected,
iorior iTintniiiTlaln. 1.05': mean (cm-
pernture'5,5 degrees; com maturing rapidly
and by the 25tli greater part will lie cut tip
or out or danger; corn crop ihuvihk " v
1m11.l1 twittor 1I11111 curlier rt'oorlM Indicated
deeper grain and larger percuntngo of
wuii-iiueti ears.
Muscatine IWliton) i.ato rains imvu im
proved pastures and potntoes look us If we
! 1...:... .. ...... ...I...... nml rvn Hpml-
Ing more than usual in nmount; early coin
cut. ... .
1 n n.n A m ri n n IlolM 1 "N IllPjl 1 IF milL'l II
uviti mniHiiui I. ..-"I
nru dir. ,loirr,.,w unll 111 l.'OUll I (HKlHlOll for
plowing; garden truck and potatoes oenu
tiTi-n-i trrnua i n i 1 1 u nrri limine uivt n
Delaware (Delaware) Rain. 2.2;i; most of
corn crop cut or out of danger; pastures
improved. ,..,.
r hotitlicnM District.
Henry (Mount PlensanD-Good rains and
everything doing well; plowing arid revil
ing fnll grain In ptogrers; corn rlpsr.lns
nicely; kiock reeuing buh.-ihi.
i ii.'.niiiki Hn n. 1.32: avernuj duly
,.r.A.. nr inniiifimture 2 dpEreea: ground In
good condition tor ikuwiub. mmii w.hd
replenished; pastures revived: pieties and
tomatoes benefited. .... . ,,.
Vrfn iior..n iiionanartci itain. j.i:
Dnflcleni'V for cor. period. 19).. 2.10 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1&90,, 3.74 Inches
Iteport from Mtittloua ut 7 p. in.
1 Hi K H
li I n 9
: : 3 :
: r. ; :
Omaha, cloudy
North Pliitte. cloudy
Cheyenne, clear
Suit Lnko City, clear
Rapid City, Clear ....
Huron, cloudy
Willlston, part cloudy
Chicago, clear
St, I.duIh, clear
dust has been laid, but rrnclis In bottoirn , St. Paul, cloudy
of sloughs not' tilled; will take ai mil' li 1 Davenport, clear
more to stnrt vegetation. Kansas City, clear
Van Huron (Mllton)-Iong continued I Helena, cloudy
drouth broken by over 2 Inches rain, only . Hnvre, part cloudy ,
rnln since lust of July, except spilnklcv, 1 Bismarck, cloudy ,
Ktid yet corn has done wonders: some Holds I OulveHton, clear i
will make over forty iiusnsis per iuio; - : ,
one cornllel.l has been sold for 20 pe-J T Indicates trace of precipitation
acre; all stock on feed. (Plttsburg)-Oreat-, iferMalt Official
est drouth ever known here was broken I Local 1'orccusi uiuciai.
521 fi .CO
51 6) .00
CO 72 .01
70 7h .0)
50 61 T
46 50 .0)
44 50 .Mt
12 51 .yi
51 5t .(0
tfi It .ffi
52 5S 00
51 5 .0)
52 54 .01
54 54 T
4C 4S .0)
72 71 .0)
days in bed with intense pnin and nut
fcrintr. I wus tinder the physiclnn
enre for ovcrn yenr without any relief,
when my nttcntlon was called to Lydla,
K. IMnkitnm's Vcgetnblo Compound by
f,evernl of our Mormon women who '
hnrlbccn cui'otl throtiRli Its use.
I begun its systematic tt&a nnd im
proved prndtitilly in lienlth, and after
tho use of six bottlcn ray health wna
completely restored, and for over two
venrs I liave had ncltlier nche or pain. ,
You hnvo n truly wonderful remedy for ,
women. Very sincerely yours. Slna.
llm.PA .Takksian, SaltLakeCUy.Utah."
JS00O forfeit If abeve ttitlmonlal It net firmtn. j
Just ns stiroly ns Mm. Jnlcc- '
nitin wns cured Just so surely will
Lydla E. Plnklmm's Vegetable i
Compound euro every tvonion j
Buffering from any form of fo 1
male Ills.
Mrs. Ilnltrinm ndvlncs Hick ro
men free. Address, Lynu, Mass,
In life Ii more often due to exhsustrd
nerve force tlinu to lock of capital.
Strong ncrvei sre the capital that
help, men conquer conditions.
When people loe their capital they
set to woik to regain it.
When vie lose our nerve force we
ought to seek n iiicnin of getting It
back. There Is n way, certain and
feed the nerves, roaliiiif; them steady
nnd h'.rotign.i steel.
We do net lielltve they can fall to
cure Nervous Debility nna physical ex.
h.iustlnii; thnt'i why we agree lo refund
your money if six boxes do not cure
$1.00 per box; 0 lwxes 85.00, moiled
securely nea'.ed upon receipt of price.
Hook free.
For salo bv Kuhn & Co.. Fuller Pnlnt S
Drug Co., Omaha: Dillon's Drug stors
South Omuha, and ouvis urus co., uounci
LilufTs, ia.
Cures Quickly
It. has lonB been it household favorlt
for Coiinhs. Colds, Bronchitis, Pueu
monitt, Asthma, Whooping Cough and
all other Throat and Lung Troubles.
It is prescrihen i9 u speclrlo for OrlnrMV
Mothors endorso H as un infaillbU
remedy for CrotiD. Clirdrcn Jiko It.
tYtparod by E.Q. Oo WUt . Co., Obloag
Relief for the Gentler Sex
"Mother's Friend" i a special friend
during the nine tryinj months beforo clillublrtli. it i
is afiimnle liniment of marvelous power, nnd, by Its
relaxation of the muscles, allays all nervousness, re
lieves distressing headaches, cramps and nausea.
It im a Umamlng tn m bottlo, robbing
confinement of all its pain.
Mount's Frl.nd " Ii oM tr lt rfrofniU dnircun ISI .OO r
file, if Ii U founrf. lll n4 ll ly eii fttftti .
wher. in th. Unlu.1 fct.l.i upnn redd M price.
.--.. L I.. ft. . k L. tl rmt K.lhmkil llill ARB .J I Kit .VBAflaftt
rnkin TiMllfd lr. upo riwit. "0,fot ttUtfr
vJVi. -V '
Of tho west, aro creating n great deal e
excitement, much talk and speculation
Ice on tho Union Pacltlc, "Tho Overland
but there Is no spccjilutlon ubnut tho scrv
Route," Tho trains ara quicker, the ser
vlco better, tho roadbed superior, th
line shorter, and tho routo morn Interest
Ing than that of any other road.
New City Ticket Office,
1524 Karr.atn St. Tel, 31,
Union Station,
10th and Marey. Tol. C25. .
Deputy 3tatn Veterinarian,
l'ood Inspector.
H. L. RftMICCtOTTI, D. V. Si
Office and Infirmary, 2sth and Mason Bt
Telephone Ui.
"" UMftl MWSS"