Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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Democratic ConTtntlon Nullifies Work f
8uth Omaha Primaries.
Pelrmnlem from South Tonn Fall to
.utiilii-i(r .Mint Who Won Out for
Jiiallce of the I'rnvc nt
the I'rliiinrlcD.
William Holmes, who wan beaten out of
tho nomination (or justlco of tho peaco In
South Omaha by tho democratic county con
rentlon after having won at tho local pri
maries, talks of bringing mandamus pro
ceedlngs against tho county clerk to get his
aamo on the ofllclal ballot.
In accordonco with custom Holmes and
Jacob Levy had their nnmes placed on the
ballots for tho South Omaha primaries as
candidates for Justices of tho peaco and
they received a largo majority of the votes
cast. Ordinarily such an expression directly
from tho voters would carry with It the
party nomination,
Dut In tho convention last Saturday tho
delegates from South Omaha decided to
throw about seventeen different kinds of
prunes Into Holmes, despite the fact that
the candidate was there with practically the
unanimous endorsement of the voters. When
It camo to naming two candidates for Jus
tlce of tho pence for their bailiwick, tho
twenty-four delegates from South Omaha
selected Patrick Caldwell as a running matu
for1 Judgo Levy, Holmes secured the floor
and entered a protest, declaring that Cald
well's natno was not even presented to the
voters nt tho primaries.
C. S. Montgomery of Omnlia thon Injected
llmself Into tho tnnglo by asking If the
created could bo stronger than tho creator.
Ho sntd that tho delegates from South
Omaha had been made by tho votorti of
tlint town, who at tho samo time bad de
clared thomselvea In favor of Holmes for
justlco of tho peace; thcrcforo tho dele
gates should carry out the plainly-expressed
wish of tho voters they rcpre
nonteil. Mr, Montgomery moved that tho
nomination of the candidates for Justices
of tho peaco bo mado by tho cntlrn con
vention, Instead of by the South Omaha
Tho South Omaha delegates made a hasty
appeal to Ed Howell, who promptly- came
to their rcsctio by telling tho convention
that It should let tho south town name Its
own candidates for local ofllccs tho same
as It had allowed Omaha to do. "South
Omaha has tho best dolegatlon hero today
It has over had," Raid Howell, for a
clincher, "and wo can't afford to slap It In
tho face."
Montgomery, not being In tho moqd to
Blap anybody In tho face, withdrew his
motion and tho South Omaha delegation
Iras thoreforo permitted to throw Holmes.
Mr. Holmes believes that he legally won
tho nomination nt tho primaries and ha
rill Insist upon going on tho ticket unless
Itrong pressure Is brought to bear to dls
kuado him from his present purpose.
Councilman Lobeck of Omaha enjoys the
groat distinction of being a delegate to two
conventions of different political parties In
session at tho sumo time, while donylng
that he belongs to cither party. His name
Was on the credentials of both the populist
delegation and tho democratic delegation to
tho state conventions from Douglas county,
o ho had tho privilege of tho floor of both.
As tho connecting link between the 'two
wings of fusion without being a part of
either, ho shines In a new light.
Tho failure of tho Lincoln poople to per
form the duties devolving upon them as
convention hosts was again most noticeable
on Tuesday. The only decorations of the
Auditorium were the pictures of McKInley
and Itoosovolt, left over from the repub
lican convention, to which portrait collec
tion was added at the last mlnuto some last
year's portraits of Dry an and Towno and
tho labol of thn local populist paper. Tho
eonta for tho different delegations wcro not
even assigned until T. H. Tibbies dragged
out of n closet bo remnants of the county
standard used by tho republicans and
planted them promiscuously without regard
to geography or population. Not even
drinking water was supplied, nor any of tho
conveniences usually furnished lor tho com
fort of delegatus. No wonder tho visitors
ro romarktng upon tho coldness of Lincoln
hospitality as compared with Its eagerness
to gather In all tho political conventions.
Tho republicans of Valley precinct held
caucus Tuesday night and agreed upon the
following named delegates to tho repub
lican county convention: Mons Johnson, A.
W, Wlckstrom, Louis Larson, John Steelo
and William Moonoy. The delegates are
unlnstructed, but they aro understood to
favor tho rcnomlnatlon of D. M. Vinson
ftalcr for county Judgo and the nomination
of Qcorge McUrlde for sheriff.
fin to Haffalo and Return 13 '
Via Nickel Flate Road, dally, with limit of
fifteen days; twenty-day tickets at $16 and
thirty-day tickets at 121 for the round
trp. Through service to New York and
Boston and lowest available rates. For
particulars and Pan-American folder of
building" nnd grounds, wrlto John Y. Cat
nhan, General Agent, 111 Adams street,
Nothing llko He-No-May powder for ex
cesslvo perspiration of hands or feet) posi
tively cures tender and swollen feet, corns
&d bunions.
V 45 Via Rook Island Haute.
Tickets on sale ScDtember IS to 27: good
tor roturn until November 15. City ticket
pClce, 1323 rt.rnam street.
The lumber dealers of Omaha and South
Omaha will close their places of business
all day Thursday out of respect to the late
Thoso wishing copies ot the September
15 issue or Tho Illustrated Dee, containing
the picture or the late President McKIn
ley, should place their order at once betor
the supply is exhausted.
For excessive persplr.ttou try lie-No
May powder.
A Beautiful Picture
With no dlsltgurlng advertisement or any
thing elso to mar Its beuuty. A picture
largo enough to frame and pretty enough
for nnyono home, la tho souvenir wo ntu
Riving fren with each box of JOHNSON
&' JOHNSON'S (every ono known these
peoplo nnd their products) Uorated Talcum
Powder, the equal of which we have never
seen at any price. Regular price Uo can.
Our price, 15c, ami the picture thrown In.
A few more "hot shuts" ut the Dltua
Coke's Dandruff cure riSo
Wine Cardul. Sl.w) slxu , t8c
Llsterlne. $1.00 size tfc
Klrk'H Hair Tonic, $1.00 hIio isc
Lelhlg s Reef Extract. Mc also , :7c
Laxative llromo Quinine. 2Sc sliy
Possonl I-'acn Powder. Mo slxc.,, iWc
Temptation Tonic, fi.oo hIio ............ TSu
Vexf R. & N. Treatment. $l.l) size... 7o
Caldwell's Byrup Pepsin, We. xlzu Xe
Cut I'rfcu
Drug Store
Tel. T4T. . W, Cor. ltlb and Chleaaa
fioodi delivered FREE to any part of city.
The month, o September I? the best In the
year nnd tho Minnesota lakes the best In
tho world for fishing.
Oct a copy of booklet. "Ilcauty Spots,"
telling you whero to Dnd them. Re marka
bly low rates at Illinois Central city ticket
office, 1402 Farnam street, or address W.
H. Brill, D. P. A., Omaha, Neb.
It brings relief Ite-No-May powder. Ask
your druggist. If yeur feet trouble you
try It.
Bxteimlun of I.I m It
On Buffalo Pan-American tickets via Nickel
Plato Itoad. 13 for round trip tickets good
for fifteen days; 116 for round trip tickets
good twenty days. Three dally trains with
vestlbulcd sleeping cars and first-class din
Ing tar service on American Club plan.
Meals ranging In price from 35 cents to
SI, ( Address John Y. Calahan, General
Agent, 111 Adams stre'et, Chicago.
It Von Go to Colorado
Be euro and go over tho Loup. The driest
trip In tho country. Send 3 cents In stamps
to T. E. Flsber, general passenger agent,
Denver, Colo., for handsome Illustrated
book describing this and other attractive
trips offered by tho Colorado & Southern
Aiitimiiin-iiiiMit of the Thr-itrrn.
Speaking, ot the Chinese puszle Mark K.
Swan'a Intent farce "Whose Baby nre
You?" that comes to the Boyd theater Sun
day matinee and night, September 22, It Is
a labyrinth or maze of complicated situa
tions and side-splitting mistakes that
would tako tho subtle ralud of a diplomat to
unravel. "Whose llnby are You7" Is n
tangled skein of fun and frolic Interwoven
with laughter, wit, Jokes, bright epigrams
nnd everything In general that makes lite
worth living. It has n perfect plot nnd
complete story constructed purely, for tho
purposo of laughter only.
Rc-No-May skin food tor facial massage.
RoNoMay cream softens and whiten
hands and face. A. Mayer Co., 220 Bee
building. Consultation free from 2 to 4
MiiRnra I'nlln Illunilnntril.
Tho Michigan Central, "Tho Niagara
Fulls Route," has established at Its Falls
Vlow station a powerful electric search
light, which every night Illuminates the
face of the falls nnd tho rapids for the
benefit of tho passangcrs upon Us train
passing ntter dark.
For tickets and folders apply to city
ticket oince, 110 Adams street, Chicago.
For tired fcot Re-No-May powder.
' l" ,
Low Hate Excursions.
To Ohio and Indiana points; also Louis-
vlllo, Ky., via B. & O. S.-W., Soptcmbor 17
nnd 24 and October 1 and 8. Good roturntng
thirty days. Call on nearest ticket agent
or address F. D. Glldcrsleeve, District Pas
senger Agent, St. Louis, Mo.
An unlquo window display Is made by
tho Smith Promlcr Typewriting com
pany, corner Seventeenth and Farnam
streets. Tho manner ot getting out cor
respondence In he days of our ancestors
nnd tho present buslnesBllko method ore
cleverly contrasted aiid tho result la an
attractive window.
naffalo Pan-Americas
Fifteen-day tlckots for $1.1 via Nickel
Plate Road. Twenty-day tlckots $16. Low
est rates to all eastern points. John Y.
Calahan, General Agent, 111 Adams street,
Chicago. City Ticket Office, 111 Adams
street, Chicago.
Rack to Ohio ana Indiana.
September 17 and 24 the Burlington route
will offer greatly reduced rates to points in
Ohio and Indiana. Detailed Information and
tlckots at 1502 Farnam street or at Bur
lington station.
Ask your druggUt or glove dealer about
Re-No-May powder. A great economy In
hot weather. Cures excessive perspiration
saves gtoves, parasols and fine dress
goods. No dress shields needed It you use It
Re-No-May powder brings relief to tender
If you suffer from Asthma, call for FREE
This preparation is a combination of herbs
and balsams, which have the effect of re
laxing tli ono particular forms of muscular
contrac'lou which effisit tho respiratory
organs, and nre known under the specific
mime. Asthma, phthisis and shortness ot
breath, spasmodic or difficult breathing.
11.00 Cramer's Kidney Cure for 47c
11.00 Kirk's Hair Tonic 49c
60c Florida Water 25o
25c Irene Talcum Powder ,, So
Soda-Mint Tablets v., 10c
11.00 2-quart Fountain Syringe 60c
Jap Roso Soap , ... 7c
Qt. bottle California Port or' Sherry.... 33c
Llthla Splits (uperlent) loc
Good Atomizer 33c
Rend our prices and you'll strike tho
LOWEST FRIt'ES-cnmo to. our storo nnd
you'll strike tho OOODS.
Sherman & McConnell Drug Go.
Cor. 16th nnd Dodge, Omulm.
Typewriters I
New Century,
New Densmore,
New Y09I.
Wo sell, reat, exchange, repair type
writers. Everything considered speed, grade
ot work, cost ot keeping In repair,
durlabllllty, etc. ours are by all odds
the cheapest typewriters on the mar
ket. For Information regarding type
writers, address or call on
United Typewriter
& Supplies Co.,
UU Farmm St., miha.
Taft's Philadelphia
Dental Rooms,
1517 Do.glar St.
Neglect' your teeth and you neglect
your personal appearance.
FIIMngs, 75c up,
Vltallied Air. 50c.
Set ot Teeth. $(.00.
Grcut Sale of Ladies' and Children's
4 Full and Winter Underwear.
Also Wonderful Vnluc In LiullcV
SiiIIk. Sklrla nuil Millinery. It's
n Hxcellcnt O-ipiirtunlt) tu
Save Money.
Misses' nnd children's vests and pants In
fino and' heavy ribbed, ilecco lined, worth
up to 35e, go at 15c and 19c each. , J
Roys nnd girls' vests, pants nnd drawers,
Australian natural wool and camel's hnlr,
plnln nnd heavy ribbed, flceco llucd, all
sizes up to 31, worth regular up to 75c, go
at 25c, 39c and 60c.
600 ladles' porfect-fttting union suits In
medium weight, ilecco lined, worth up to
65c, go nt 29c Bull.
Ladles' vests and pants mado of lino
Egyptian cotton In ccruo nnd silver gray,
flno nnd heavy rlbbod, plnln nnd nlco soft
fleece lined, In all sizes, worth regular up
to $1.00, go at 25c and 50c each.
Ladles' finest underwear In Saxony wool
ribbed, In plnln natural wool and camel's
hair, nil perfect fitting, very best goods
made, go In lots nt 69c, 9Sc and $1.39.
New block nnd colored cheviot suits,
mado In tho latest stylo, with now shnpo
skirts, Jackets lined throughout with guar
anteed taffeta' silk, nt $9.9S. -
dolt skirts at $1.98. A now walking skirt
mado of high class material, hair lino
strlpo, nlao chovlota In black, bluo and
brown, on salo at $4.98. ,
Extra special $7.60 golf capes, $2.9S.
$7.50 golf capes, plalft back, with plaid or
plain flounce around cape, In cloak depart
ment, $2.98.
Our fnll showing of now millinery con
tinues and you positively cannot mako a
mistake In selecting your hats hero, as It is
conceded by all tho well dressed Indies of
Omaha that our designers havo no equals In
this city. Copies of tho swellest Imported
hats, $1.98.
Hoyden Ilros. Poll and Winter stock
every desirable style, shade and fabric
cost. Spot cash purchases In tremendous
bargains ' this week.
LOT 1 Hox coat made of all wool serges,
strapped scams, now cuff, storm collar,
stitched with silk; a garment worth $8.00,
for $3.00.
LOT 2 The greatest lino over shown In
Omnlin; they come In 15 different shades, in
all wool korscyj; lined througout with the
famous Skinner's satin; strapped seams,
silk embroidered; they coma In 27 nnd 42
lengths, worth fully $18.50 in this gale,
only $10.00.
LOT 3, Tho most elaborate Una of Jack
ets ever shown; made of tho finest American
wool kerseys; lined with furrlera" satin;
trimmed with Panne volvot; a beautiful as
sortment of garments In all colors and sizes,
worth fully $25.00 In this sale only $15.00.
1,000 Samplt Suits at 0ns
Thlrd Lsss Than ths Manu
facturcrs Pries.
Our New York buyer always on the alert
for bargains, secured over ono thousand
Sample dults from four of tho greatest man
ufacturers In Now York City. They come In
KEELEY H,, ,he hrtt eulieil of Uik Keclpy HNtrm f limtl
CI1RP tuff". !' only Krclry limtitnie In .Vi'lirimUn. Cnrci
VtWC nrunkeniie.., Cure Unite IWn, Tolmiio liner. THIS
KMKI.KY INSTITUTU, 10 nnd Leuvrnwnrlli, Omiilm.
l i.1 -w m
I Li 1 31 aifvi.v
Contains the best Havana Tobacco. Equal to imported cigars.
Manufactured by l It. Hlco Morcuntllo Cigar Co., St. Louln. Union illtidi;.
Greatest Bargains Ever Offered in
Fine Dlunkcts and Comforts.
Vt Will Give Yon the Ilcueflt of
the Aitvatitnae M'c (liilneit liy
HnylnK When We Con 111 liny
Ativan tiiBcousl.
Wo will offer a'spcclal lot of strictly all
wool silver gray blankets. Thcro aro no
butter gray blankets made. They aro all
wool, extra, largo she, very soft and should
bo seen. The extra heavy ones, 121 size,
we will sell for $i.CS pair. The medium
weight 114 stzo wo will sell for $3.9S pairs
and tho rcgulnr weight In 111 size for
$2.98 pair. These would bo bargains for
doublo these prices.
Ono big lot of very heavy Untied States
navy blankets. Thcso aro oxtra heavy whlto
and largo black borders. The United States
government pays $7.50 for them. Wo bought
this lot for spot cash and will sell them
at $3.50 pair.
Ono lot of strictly all wocfl scarlet
blankets at $2.9$ pair, worth J3.5U.
A special lot ot extra heavy blankets
mndo nt tho California Woollen mllla. Thcv
weigh 12 pounds per pair, at $0.98, $3.50,
$10.50 and $12.50.
Special offering In medium weight white
all wool and half wool blankets at JI.-j.
$1.98, $2.98 and $3.98 pair.
Cotton blankets, white, gray and tan, at
49c, 75c, 98c and $1.25 pair.
Wo havo the largest range ot comforts In
Flno sateen nnd sllkoltne comforts nt
98c, $1.25, $1.60, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, $2.60 and
A complete lino ot feather pillows at
98c, $1.50, $1.98 and $2.50 pair.
Rest grade prlmo live gecso feathers at
65c pound.
A targe and complcto lino of plush lap
robes at $1.39, $2.25, $2.98, $3.50 and 11.98.
Horso blankets at 75c, 98c, $1.25, $1.98
and $2.98.
Tho greatest variety of French flannel
over shown before. Thcso aro 75c nnd 85c
qunlttlcs, In plain colors, with satin stripes,
polka dots, floral designs, light and dark
grounds, all the best goods on sale at 49c.
Astonishing Sales on
Furs, Jacktts, Suits.
of Jackets Is now complete, nnd embraces
at a saving of fully ono-thlrd of the usual
quantities mako this pQsslb.ble. Three special
cvery stylp Imaginable the now blp scam
coat tho English Norfolk style the box
style the blouse the double-breasted and
all tho foreign and ribmcitlc designs. Divid
ed Into 5 magnificent lots for selling this
week nt tho astonishing low prices of
$7.95, $10.00, $12.50, $15
and $18.50.
You owe It to yourself to carotully ex
amine these suits, whotber you Intend buy
ing or not.
Always tho first In the market with tho
now things.
Visit Our Fur Dspartmsnt
Enlarged and fitted up with the most
magnificent line of furs over brought to
gether by any house In America. The range
from the cheap $1.00 garment to tho fine
Alaska Seal at $300.00.
Extra Spaeisls for This Sals.
Children's nnd Misses' Jackets, made ot
elegant quality mixtures, beautiful styles
special price $2.95.
Women's Waists, mado of French flannel.
In all colors,. reds, blues, tans extra special
price, $1.00.
Women's Collarettes and Scarfs mado of
astrachans, near seal, sable, opossums, Imi
tation stone marten and minks, well worth
$7.00. tor $2.95.
Women's Silk Skirts, made of elegant
quality taffeta, worth up to $10.00, for $4.95.
Women's underskirts, the $2.00 quality
special at 98c.
Women's Rnlny-Day Skirts, tho $7.00
quality, for $2.93.
Women's Silk Waists, mado of fnmous
glvern' nnd taffetas, guaranteed not to cut
or break, the $6.00 quality for $3.95.
Ono small lot of Silk Waists for $1.50,
extra heavy weight.
Children's furs at 98c, $1.25 and $1.50 per
Ladles' Flannelette Wrappers, In extra
heavy weight, extra wldo at tho hips, worth
$1.75, for 98c.
k I H 31
Borosls welts for fall aro tho proper thing
to wear If you would have a combination
ot stylo and comfort ulong with a $5.00
value for $3.50 always.
Tho storo Is arranged with comfort
Ideas all through.
The rest room for women has readlug,
writing and telephono desks for their uao.
A maid Is always lu attendauco. Sho
slilnCH your shoes free.
203 South 15th Street,
KriuiU Wilcox, Mi-r.
Ask for catalogue.
UEcd for preserving wood, both abovo and
below tho ground. Wood treated with It
will last threo times longer than the nat
ural way. Its qualities aro:
1st. Prevent dry rot and decay.
2d. Prevent warping' and expelling damp
ness. . ;
3rd. Provcnt tho attaclt-of Insects, worms,
... i
4th. Provcnt crumbling' and decay of
brick and stone work.
nth. Is antiseptic and free from all poi
sonous ingredients
Call for circular.
P. S. Onlng to ubo a little to prcservo
tho harmony of Omaha druggists.
Sold only by ,
1-1 111 nuil IliiUKlua -its.
Ladies and Knights
ot Ak-Sar-Ben
Hark ye! Hear ye! Your presence dc-manjfd--This
serves without further no
tice Yo Knights are requested .to wear E.
A. Nettleton's full drees fchoes only cor-
roct styles lu tho city. tho perfection of
high art shoo making Ladles' slippers In
satins lo tup tch tho color of your costumo
Also tho new Columbian slippers In all
tho patent leathers nnd Md all widths
nnd sizes.
-1515 Douslas St. -1515
Ovir Suits and Over
coats arc made up under our own
eye We keep a man to do the look-"
ing for us and for you,
We do not pretend to say that we
spend as much time and money on the
getting up and finishing of a $5,00
suit as we do on a $2000 one, You
don't expect it, A firm who advertises
such, lies to you, We put a little more
work and time on our $5, $6, $7, $8,
$9 and $10 suits than any other house
within your reach, You can tell it at a
glance, Regardless the price you pay us
for a suit, we guarantee it to be better
in quality, style and fit than can be had
elsewhere, We don't try to make a
poor man believe his money will go
further than a rich man's, We satisfy
both, This is a store for the people,
You can turn in at the sign of The Ne
braska Clothing Co., and rest assured
that you'll get your money's worth or
your money back.
HAYDENs Bargain Room
Two big stneks closed out for spot cash on sole this week. Tho most aston
ishing bargains ever offered by any Trans-MisslaslppI house. (Mako tho IJIg Storo
your headquarters while lu Omaha.)
7'4o full Staudnrd Prints, 2 14c.
Simpson's black and whlto Prints, Si'.c
Simpson's silver grays, 3'c.
American Indigo bluo Prints, 34c
Slorrlmaok Patchwork Itobcs, 35c
Apron Checks, all colors, 3',4c
32-lnqh 'Scotch Ginghams. Cc.
36-Inch lino Madras (Ingham, 614c.
36-lnch Percales, worth 25e, 5c.
Flno Imported Percales, 7J4c
The JGo grade, lino colorings,, 3G Inches
wide, 5c.
l!io grade, flue, hciivy goods, 7',4c
25c grndo, Imported goods, with borders,
30 Inches wide, 10c.
Flno Unbleached Muslin, 2ic.
LL, extra heavy, 1 yard wide,- Sc.
7c Unbleached, lV4c
Yard wldo Uleachc'd Muslin, worth 7J4c, Cc.
714c towels, 3 ',4c.
10c Towels, 214c.
1214o Towels, 5c.
15o Towels, 7V4c.
19c Towels, 10c.
11.00 Cotton lllanltots, 58c.
$1.25 Cotton HJankets, CDc.
$1.30 Cotton Illankots. 75c.
10c heavy Outing Flannel, dark and light
colors, 5c.
.10o Shaker Flannel. 3e.
15c Outing Flannel, 8V4c.
Slmpscn'o Mercerized Sateens, worth 25c,
Arnold's Satin Solid, tho finest printed
material made, worth 33c ynrd, 10c.
Tho same good3 ar. you find In other
stores at from two to four times tho money.
$1.08 for entlro pattern $1.9S from C to 7
yards of 50-ihch Homespuns, 46-Inch all
wool Novelties, 42-Inch Satin Berber, black
and colors, and other goods worth up to
$1.00 per yard.
49c for 46-lnch Storm Serge 40-lnch all
wcol Henrietta, 54-lncli Homespuns, 54-Inch
361 casen fancy fitt'Hlono peaches, ftSllr
at per c.iso , Uub
Star Plug Chewing Tobacco, per plug, 37!5o
Horscahoo Chewing Tobacco, per plug, 374o
Fruit Julco Plug Chewing Tobacco, per
Plug , 10c
.Newsboy Plug Chewing Tobacco, per
Plug 7 lie
Duttle Axo Plug Chewing Tobacco, per
plug 25o
Climax Plug Chewing Tobacco, per
Plug, 3714o
Neve Plug Chowlng Tobacco, per plug, 29c
Gonulno Durham Smoking Tobacco.... tOo
Duko's Mixture, Smoking Tobacco 32o
Undo Tom Smoking Tobacco, per pack
age 714c
Old Stylo Smoking, per pound 25o
A good cigar, 50 In box .....114c each
A better cigar, 60 In box 2o each
Flno Ung filler cigar, 50 In box the
same you pay 10c for wo sell you 34c each
C'ltAOKKH S.M.i:.
Soda Crackers, trust pilco S14c, our
price Be
Farina Crackor.i, trust prlco 6?ic, our
price Ce
Glngor Snaps, tnut prico 8c, our price le
llutter Crackers, trust rrlco So, our
prlco 5c
Crack Meal, trust price 714c, our price 6o
Oatmeal Crack'ers, trust prlco 1214c, our
price c,4e
Milk Crackers, trust prlco 8c. our price 5c
Chovlots, 52-Inch nil wool Plnlds, 4S-lnch
nllk nnd wool Plaids, and worth up to $2.00
per ynrd 19o.
30-Inch bright Plaids, 5c yard,
30-Inch half wool Dobelges, Tic.
Ncnrly all Wool Shepherd Checks, 5c.
28-Inch wldo new novelties, 714c..' fi ," . '
36-Inch novelties, 'worth 23o, lOc; ! '; i '
25c Plnlds, 1214c .. '
4!ic Novelties, 15c.
41-Inch Serges, 19c. t
$1.00 all wool Novelties, 23c.
7Gc Crepons, 2oc.
75c Fronch Flnnncls, In dots, stripes, fig
urea and plain, 24c.
$1.00 all wool black Dress floods, 39c
25c Silks, all colors, plain and fancy, 19c.
50c Silks. 25c.
75c and $1.00 Silks, for waists and dresses,
39c. '
$1.23 and $1.50 black Silks, 49c
$1.00 and $1.50 Sill: Flannel", 49c.
Grand specials bn other Silks.
100 pieces of Velveteen, In all colors and
black, worth 50e, 19c.
23 plccee of fancy Printed Velvet, worth
$1.00, 2'jc.
73 pieces of iho now Dress Corduroy, In
all colors but black, worth 7Gd and $1.Q0
per yard, 39c. , v ,
Children's Camel's Hair Underwear, slzo
1C to 22, 10c; slzo 21 to 2S, 15c; 'sIztHso' to 34,
20c. ' '
Children's flno Fleeced Underwear, alia
16, 10o;. slzo 18, 124c; slzo 20, 15c, site
22, VJc; slrs 21 to 34, 25c.
MEN'S 73u lino soft; fleeced lined Under
wear, In gray or blue, all sizes, nothing
lllto it for the money shown In this town.
Mon's Hose, ladles, Hose and hoys' Hose,
worth 15c to 23c, 714o. '
Mon's 50o Undorwcar, 19c.
Mon's GOu Suspender;, 25c. r
Iloya' 25c Suspenders, 10c.
Doys' 75o Pants, 25c.1 -' i
Hoys' $2.60 Suits, 95c.
Hoys' $5.00 Suits, $1,3,
Hoys' $1.50 Long Pants, OSc.
Men's Odd Pants, worth $2.50 $1.25,
OA M)V I) IJ I'Altni IJXT.
Very flno (lum Drops Ko
Hnauted Halted Peanuts 6o
allxccl Candy, per pound So
Caramels , , Co
Peuni.t Candy 60
Chocolato , So
Wo mako nil our candy In tho storo and
would llko very much to hnvo all ludles
cumu and hco how It Is made,
31 HATS A.M I.AUI1, ' ''
No. 1 Uigur cured Hams, 1114c.
1-pouml can Rox brand Corned Heef, 1114e.
Chipped Dried Beef, per pound, 'l5c.
Fancy sugar cured Ilacjon, 1214c.
10-11), palls puro Leaf Lard, $1,16,
Good dry Salt Pork, 9c.
Boneless Corned Beef, 71Sc
;ni:i:si3 a.i fish.
No. 1 full cream Choeso, 12c.
Wisconsin llrlcle Cheese, 12V4c
Fancy fat Holland Herring, 10c.
Best grade puro CodfUh, 12V4.
Fancy family Whltoflsb, fie.
till A Nil. (JltOCUIlV HALB.
Ncbrasku Oat Meal, per pound, S)ic
Ohio Oat Meal, per pound, 3c.
Stocl Cut Oat Meal, per pound, 3:.
Hand-picked Navy Beans, tfc. ,
New whlto Lima Beam, 714c. ' '
Green Peas, (dried) Cc.
Marrowfat Peas, (dried), 514c.
Split Peas, (dried), 314c.
Pearl Barley, 314c
Flno Bago, per pound, 1c.
Imported Sago, 8 14c.
Hasty Jelllcon, 3 packages for I5c
10 bars Laundry Soap, 25c.