Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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Aavtlaeasaa far the eolomn
"III fca Itkta aatll ta m. for tk
ealnaj !! aad antll 0:30 p. at..
tut aaaralaar aaaar xlltlB.
tea, a 134 wort Aral laaertlea,
) taereafler, Natala lakea
or leaa taaa B for lae rat later,
tloa, TaeaeaaWertieesaeate aaaet be
Advertisers, ay retjaeetlast a aaaa
ee check, caa hare aae-eere ae
eeaael te aatalre'rad laftar la eara
1 The? Kac. Aasvtrra aa adtreessMB will
ti delivered aa preseatatlet. (
aaaa eaty.
DRUGGIST, competent registered phnrma
rlst desires position In Omahn: cnnrae nt
SohbOI of lUitrmncy: sober; best of refer
ences. Address G-tM, Bee. A M767.20
WANTKD, first-class Insurance notlcltors;
wo will make very liberal contract with
men of ability capable of handling general
itfenOy, Call or undress,' Fidelity Savings ft
'uttst Co., 317 Ni Y. Llfo F.ldg., Uinnha.
B-476 OT
1 -
TEAMS-wanted, at once, ono mllo south of
Foft Crook. Jackson Bros. B M&2J
WANTED, ttnvollnB salesmen by Septem
ber ilrn advertisers; cash salary. Tri
umph, Dallas, Texas. D-MIU7 20
ilKN and' -women to do, copying nt home;
must, wrlto a fair handr $5 to $13 weekly
working evenings; positively no canvas
sing; incios stamp. "Northwest Copying
Co., Box 623, Minneapolis, Minn.
ANTED, men to learn barter irado;
only clKlit wjMkK required; tools pre
entcd, lionrd Included, wages' Sftturdios,
positions tfuurfiiitcedT graduates wanted
lor trains, lio.-iil talfi. country nnd city
shops) rataloguu mailed free. Motor
Barber- Colltgc, 1623 Farnam nt,
B-M43I 19
TAILORS wanlcd. I'antorlum.
B-M702 19
WANTED, bookbinder, forwarder and
ruler, none but ilrst-class workmen need
apply. A. I, Hoot, IIM16 8, 12th St.
11-722 23
CANVASSER wanted for.rLlfo and Dis
tinguished Services,, of William McKln
ley, by Murilt Ifnlstpad. Cha'.tnccy
Debcw. Or ll.i Orosvonor, A. J. MuiWhii
and others; big bookt pages; profusely
ItlUHlrnted; art memorial edition; only ;
loweRl ilrlcei, bMH Mcllrrr blKKcnl commln
rloiiJi: Inrlosu (Ivn -cent MtninpH for poat
ukv on freri outfit.' Standard l'ubll-hlnu'
Ifuiiy. dct. D, ChlcaKO, n-M733i
W'ANTUD, n Rood componltor; a man. who
ha had smnc experience In Job and ad
york, ili Work under u foreman. Hnx 70,
1-OlfHilIa. MI31 20
WANTKD, au experienced' travellnu hap
nesn almun. 11, lick llox S,, Council
BlUffH, lif , i 1w7Mki
WlJojiKSAlt?, hoiiso remits VymniK men
for. .truvullnK salemeil on salary and cx
penAei, experience -not tibsolutely reiinlrcd;
want Hloady, Holier young men; noml ref
erence 'and small bond rcoulred: stnto
iiRe. Address Grocery, illg. Co.. 31H ff.
,MnJn t., iiii.rllnKton, lw, t H-M7(,20
'1 JVO husfrers, with IU0OO to 115,(100. to tnko
Chume. of branch house In Omaha for
miintjfacturJnK cunccrn dealing with mor
chftnts only; woven to' ten salesmen ro
JM,"edi ,lH!lpe reference-when replying.
7)w'!.rJ2 -American Tank and rixturo Co.,
IM-llJJ ith. at, St. 'I.onlH, Mo.
is aictw lu'
"- 'li" F L 'I II . I I '
WANTKOdry Roods salesmen and window
Omaha, Neb,. oi address ifit.nhl.ntv nrn.v
CiWrPnllit,i ja.
U-M762 19
.MAM anH TKlfn llarmn., O . .
110. chlldrpii. Woman, must bo Rood cook:
man ta dp Reno rot work! Hteadv nmi.i.ivl
,mcit; .Rood Wbhca tq .right parties: Ad-
'dress O 01, IJee.
U-iM775 21
OiqAfl, salesmen with eataUllshed trada
with, iato dealers, who buy direct from
UctoricB. Addreja,. with-full particulars,
II, C. Fishery Jflshcr bulldlnK. Chicago.
llOOIv salesmen, attcntlonl Thero Ut aKutn
' a wonderful . demand for thn "Kncycld.
""Si"" "i-jiontilda" in tho westj our poiital
cai-fl method brlnsa responses from the
best peoplu; uales extremely laro; wo
pay railroad faro; fiUpply you with cards:
.lay Iberal commliislon. iv'siayer
jUioUdwuy uiid l,ocut sis., at. I-ouls, Mo
' , M704 23
WANTED, salcsmc:u, of ability and good
appoarnnce; good .opening for right jwrty.
F. D. Mayer, .Brdadway and, Locust sts.
St, Luuls, Mo. T-M703 23
A' dim,- fbr gpneral housework; Bood
J?""- Apply Mandi'lberK Jewelry Store,
loth and 1'nrnam streets. C M77I
'iT20, l'0"lH n ninnagorcss of rooming-house;
best of reference given. Ad-
rst., Llncdln, Neb. r CAf 779.22'
WAVrKD-KliMAtia ftKtiV;
WANTED," 200 girls. 1521 Dodgo. Tel. 878.
. -- C 910
CO UUU.S. .all kinds, work. Canadian Ofnee.
' 1 ' 0-ill
WANTED, housekeeper.-In small Amorlean
family. Address f 49, llet. C-"15fl0!'
WANTED.' 1 Indies To Tcayn hnlrdresslrigT
manicuring, facial massage or chiropody
only-four . wMka required; bne year s' ,pi
llrtntleeshlp cannot obtuln the
?vHirM ot conirtant practice. cxpVrt
Instr.uctloiw, eclurcs,- eta, lniany o hor
why; .thoroughly practlcul training;, tool
prpsciued- each igraduator t?allor VMto
a Once,, Moler College, 10M Farndmist.
1 ' " t - CMiytf 19:
WIANTED, sT" eon-.. ' Mra. riinrl.i ' v
JpnqtsB)!39;5 Dewey A-e.; C 3ilT.lS
W A N.TKD,. competent riinli ami 1,,.... .1-.,'
also a, houstmald. I.andou Court- lib
house casfc-.of 8. 2tlh at, " C-M71'
K.tftU' 'n,,' 'xprrlence'to press
slilrtBnand wnlstB: steaiiv wnrb r,..r."
U'AN'TEtj, ii llrst-class woman cook to in
iu- wini roumrj-jriamny: or Tour; Iftbrtirrv
sent put: -second girl-kept? wm'i"a V.ST
moiitti, Apply Embtoymont Aitehev. r
DOIIRKSt. V-Mlli'xir
A'A;U),?, 'x B:l,l'lca or dtoaks, mil
liiicry,Klry goods' etc 17 and isr a. mViIii
nt.i 'Council llltiff h. ' C-MT4S 19V
Oini for gonerul hoisework, lKX)"cXs
J - w;-. ,)' -f, . ' Q-M7tl ;)
WANTED, a girl 'for general lioiisework
In family of three: no wushlng; r;f"r.
ences renulred.- Apply nt 115 N. sutli 8t.
' ; CM734:o
WAN'TBD. ten .girls for cataloSue work!
n,El,,Si ,,s'Jc" "r08" noor." Thursday
tunriilnt;. -O-203 11
It 'X0V! .'Wit. 'Qur houses w?l) rentaU
""'-" i'ltu wmi uauawq , v. i ls
SEE llKNItt X. I'AYNK, tot K Y. LIFE.
Ton'Smi. T,h P.1 Omaha Van "Storage
CO., olllce 1511(4 Parnam, or tel. 15J9-863.
HOUSES, fctorys. Hemls, Paxton block.
, ) 4 D-9H
HOUBRSJ, cle. K. D. Wead. 1531 Douglas.
' . ' P 916
HOUSES -and flats. Itlngwalt, Barker nik.
. ,V ' ' d-h;
Ftn ItBNT-Tho Puthaaa Co.. km-5 n. Y.
L. llldg. has n nat, steam heat!
watervniuUcrn; Innglleaso to good tonant!
"mi, .( u'i P M1U
''P.11. llNT- Uroom jtone house. -iia N.
th St. 11. T. Clarke, f Ilumga nik.
WHEATQN, J'axton Ulk.
" "1 D-irj
1X6 WILdlAM ST.. a gcod ihree-room Hat.
with tlty water; M.
.'lth and Douglas at a.
TWO 9-room brfck housc'salf modern con-
vrnirncaa, 14; ana a(n si. jnquii
FOIl HEN7, eight-room house; cunvenlrnt;
All modern: d and California Sta. In
) (4'Jlto No. (07, N. Y. Ufo building.
FOIl ItENT, J-room house, city water,
batli, large yard. 30th and Hurt SH. J
A. Lpvgren, l IMxtun IJlk. D-231
9-noOM brick homje, S7s 8. JSth st7Apply
to wntlams-Jfaywnrd Shoe Co., 1.01
Howard t. D-M3
t-HOOM brick house, modern. 27t7 Jackson,
Toltphotie A. Traynor, 491 or b'fiJ
VEKV pleasant six or eight-room -flat, well
located and in fine repair. Inquire M0
Iirown block. D 77
219 8. 29TH AVE.-- 6-room house; all mod
ern; will paper and varnish throughout;
rent 125 to Al tenant with references.
18th and Douglas 'Sta.
1707 VINTON street, atora with two. live
room flats above. Tha whole building has
lust been painted and papered througnout.
Will make a vary .reasonable, rent to a
good tenant, or will rent, separately
16th and Douglas Bt. H
HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city.
Ilrennan-Lovo Co., 30 South 13th street.
FOR HENT, house and bam, -all modern,
2137 South 33d St. Apply 402. Merchants'
National, Bank. Jlldg. 4 Dt917
ONE fl-room flat, modern, 1112 S 11th.'.
M SO. 23D ST,, . rooms., city waterfc In
good condition: rent, lio.oo.
16th and Douglas Sta.
FOR RENT. Sept. 15. iUf-room cottese,
2211 California at., 122. .Apply at 607 N,
19th st. D-Wo
2S07 S. 32D ST., good 7-room House;, city
, water, furnace, barn; owner wants good
tenant) wh(iwlll earn for property, jat her
than high rent; will rent for ,615. , ,
Sixteenth and Douglas Bts.
TO LET, 8-room .house, near Curtis Turner
park; new, with every convenience. W.
l-'arnam Smith Co., 1320 Farnam st.
ATTRACTIVE house, completely furnished,
In best residence neighborhood; will rent
for the winter. Address O 2S, Bee.
10-ROOM house, modern coirvcnlcnccev 2317,
Harney st D Attyj
NO HARD coat neodedi' stcarn MMtt: -nit
modern, central, 7-roonl house; hnll,' batll,
basement. Tlrard. 221 N, 24th. D-313 !W
EIOHT-ROOM modern house. 116 Si 31st
Avn.; lino location. Information', "phono
F-2y. D-587-21
5-ROOM modern, -with barn, 1015 Maiulerson;
Tel, A-26C8. D-6S2
6-ROOM detached house., all modern, lawn:
etc., 721 8. 37th. Will Browne, in
D-693 10V
7-ROOM, all modern house. 3520 .Dodge;
Clarke Powell, 420 N. Y. Life. D-M710 .
ELEGANT 8-room house',, toll .modem lm-.
provements 404 N 23d.. j'D M73I 20
FOIl RENT Modern 6-room house. Inquire
1520 North 18th St. D-f750-l8
FOR RENT. 639 8. 29th nvo.. 8 roonmoiN
ern, 330. McCague Inv. Co, D MTfO 20
' - 1
Housekeeping rooms $6 up. 2023 St. Mary's.
E-M640 S24
8 ROOMll for light housekeeping. 1112 8.1
Jtin 01. fi ,t K MMl ,
DEWEY European hotel. 13lh and,'
THE THURSTON. Cool,' airy rooms.
SMALL, neatly furnished, wolt-hanted
.-ooms; everything modern. 116 8J25th St.
' 'K-2J7
LAItOE front room .and alcove, well fur:
nisnea, moucrn; suitaoie for two. gilt
Cass St. &-M437
FOR RENT, two large furnished'. or un
f jrnlnhcd roonia. Address ,F 18, Bee.
. ,. I . L.,... ' - I
FOR RENT, Ho two gentlemen, "a' large",
well furnished front room, south 'and east
exposure, within & bloeka of pdstofTtcoi no
other roomers. Address F 37, Bee offlce,
3 ROOMS for light housekeeping. Ifl2 S,
11th st. E.-M8SI
FOR RENT, nice room to one or two gen
tlemen; excellent location; references re
quired. 509 S. 20th. E M716 19
LARGE Bouth' room. '2204 Webster. .
E M744 21
ROOMS nicely furnished. 2011Harney.
' E M747 19
UTOPIA.. 1721 Davenport St.,
,aLENCAiru?, translent .2S day. 609'Doifg.'
THE Mcrrlam, summer r.esort; 25tri t)odc
TWO largo front rooms,, with' Hohrd., ii5
Capitol Avc.. . ' vLatn
ROOMS and board. 'Ttia.Roae' 2020 lXarncy
DESIRAHLE rooms-. flrsi-c.losVboord, ZtM
Harney. . , F-M586---21 ' .
DESK 100m space, V rer.moiitU.Tground
floor roam in The Due bulldlug, .facing
Farnam street; no expense fort 114111, Jita:
or Janitor service. It, C.ptem Coi,
Rental Agents, Beo Building, O-4I6
FOR' light housekeeping. 2024 SU-'-Mary's,
i v Or-Mm
. ; -' 1 " 1 T
I' OR RENT, store In tirst1assr Idcatlou'
rent reasonable
. Appiy it; v, meters at
j Co., ground floo.y Bee- Bldg,
FOR RENT, office with vault and part llrkt'
Hour or all top floor, 1414-16 Harney St.
Midland UUss und Paint C04 llloluniey
St. .... jjj
r 'rv.
FOR. RENT, the building formerly .occu
pied by-Thellee at 916 Fa run 111 8t:' It lias
four stories and a basement wjllch was
formerly .used us The Bee' press room.
'Ui'. will be rented very reasonably. If
Interested apply ut oncu to "C. 1 C, . Rojt-'
water, secretary, rodin lOO,.Becr Building.
STORES,, with fixtures.' suited fqV' de'purt--
mont stjires. Tlmrd. 221 N. 24th. '
' 'V ' ' ';-6lso'
V) J7
BXCLU8I-VE territory on )Iiq Metnorlil
Ufe of President Molvlnley by one of I1I.4
most distinguished, frlrnds, Cgl. A. K.
MoClurc, biographer of AUrsham Uncoln.'
Over coo pages; magnlilcenilv ltiustrnted
prlco tl.SO 'Big money for-agentsi ,l0ta;
jj per uny maio cosnyi .opportunity of
a lifetime.. Highest commission: freight
paid: credit given. Send' for outtlt' today.
State territory you want exclusively. Ter
ritory assigned and outtlt mailed free ou.
receipt of lOo to pay postage, Addrtsi
olllco nearest you. The John .C. Winston
Co.i Chlcagoj lit., or Philadelphia. Pn.
. J-M714 :! .
AOENT8 WANTED, 1Kb ol MeKUiley. live
hundred-page largo book; handsomely- .
lustruteil; autllt free;, now ready; 75. pr
cent discount to ugonts: frtlght paid:,
credit given. Henry Nell, 323. Doirbirn
st Chicago. - jmcji i9t
WAITED,, ah tiejlvii nrtd caprtblo 'tnan-tlai
each town near Omaha, to ' represent t-ar
coninliit. nfiif.ini.. mm...i..i ui.v.
ii r nnwrchlstlo plqtl life of asias-
Hint Kiiiitl-u.i . L .
mr-i-'-i hum,. iiiiiriTL- iinrr
cred t given, freight paid: genera) Agent i;
wanted tin salary; varuapie remtura'treo
with each book? book outfit afinefHe!
both book and premium outfits prepaid
for 25 stamps to cover cost of sending;
order uulck. Monroe Book Co., Ch'cago.
J-M7J7 )'
pi tin i-nuiHmij- U iklllis III lliu
wonderful Kent river-oil Aetdr good-proni
osttlou for the right man. AJdrcwm ,m)
Davenport St., Omahu. J-MI22
bnki largest, Cheapest, eirnrlces'-ottr:
fl".1?' n?'-m U"k.trot; 74 per cent,
n 1 iprnip:
WA-VTED, ngents everywhere fbrth
"Life and Public Services of William M -Klnley;'
profusely and elegantly Illus
trated; dlstlngjlshd nuthorsnlp: to save
tune send, at once for canvassing outfit.
Inclosing 2c to pay, postnge. Ailurcss ,N.
D. Thompson Publishing Co.. St. Louis,
Chicago or New York. J M728 24
IJXCirEMKNT Iiitciisel agMUs Wonted tq
jell "Our., Martyr Presidents: list out;
! iiitr uin uumcmic --oook: inironiiciion ny
Senntor Cullom,-gtvlng the .lives uniLpub
lie services of Lincoln, Oortlcld and Mc-
ixiiuci, 01 ina vuuaos . wno neirnycu
them, also tho history of anarchy; pro
fusely Illustrated: over W pages; best
commission; credit; freight paid; outtlt
free. Send 10c for postage. Oeorge M.
Ulll Co., 166 S. Clinton st., Chicago, III.
i . J-M771 19
WANTED, agents for memorial edition pr
"l.lfo 0 McKlnlcy," &no pages, fully III is.
trated; send six, 2c clamps for mailing
free prospectus; agents, arc .rnqkljiK' as
high as S10 n ilnv: Srdura terrllnrv at
nnce: Northwestern Bible Hbuse, Kfi
Dearborn. St., Chicago '.J.-M7W 2
M'tINLI3Y mcniorfnl pictures! new, novel,
eVcffrmelv hdMlltlflll? ttrlt n rhmn nltn..
but genuine k memorial; 'copyrighted!'
ngentn wanted: 25c each. 9 for II, luo for
$9.59. Standard Co., Omaha bldg.r Chi
cago. 1 ; if J-tMTCC 19
. WAlBD--To''liB.T..
WANTED, by man and Wlfo (no children),
room: and good .board In private family,
Or small, select boardlrfp; hoilse. Addies.s
Philomel, cf B60 oOlco. , K 187
"ANTE0',0)' twb young gentlemen,, room
iAj.iii in tirivuio laniuy; .siaic price.
Address O 53, lieer ; K--MU91 13
NTED'to rcjt. three 'Or, four nllfur-
...... v.. .uuiun tut llgllL JIUUSUHCping. iU-
dress Q. 63, Bco. ' '- K-755 23
' ... . .
HOARD and-room In' a respectable private
family for lady; referencea given: ohly
want nice, clean, good family; wlllltiB to
nnv for rlvht n o .i.t. . , "
wnni nice, cicnn, good family; willing
pay for .right n ace. Ailiin... ii ? un
JC-M701 ?0
PACIFIC Storage and WarehousoiCo.. 912.
I 914 Jones, general sioragu.and forwarding.
1. ;k WO
OM. Van Stor. Co., 15llJi Varn. Tels. 1539.863.
. -0J1
STORAGE Household goods and other
articles staled at low rates; J. J. Derlght
& Co.. 1119 Farnam 8t. Tel. XiZ. -9J2 "
MAX FOG EL buys 2d-hd. clothing. 1207 Far.
'N--M470 O12
1 HAVE $12,000 cash which t will Invest In
t one good Improved inrm or In Hcvjlr.U
smaller ones. Address U 43. ,llcc.. "' ',
N-AK49 21
WANTED, LAND; if, you want to .sell SO
to 640 acres at, a nargaln In S, E. Neb.. or
eastern Neb., might possibly consider
other locality, write Box w, I'olls city,
Neb. N-'MTT'.: 19
CHICAGO rurnltaro Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel.
W.u New and" secondhand turnlture
bought, sold, exc-banged. 0931'
FOli SA.LE-nyjts, vehicles, irc.
MULES for sale, In xarload'lots or 'Spans;
big stock tu select trom.- Valworth-HII-'Inter
Co..'. Union tttock Yards;!. -
(ii ' . . f M605 S20
TALK'it up-r;HBrry Frost, Hth und Leav
enworth, inakea good vehicles. P 449
WE HOLD un auction -sule of liorses every
veuntauuy p. m, at the Union Stock
Varus. Wutworth-Hililkvr Co. ,
. ' , v-'h P M671. OH '
WANTED, to buy. for; cash, a good horso
and buggy. Adorcss O to; thls-ottlce.
- x t P-MW1 21
SDUAND-safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam.
t- if iti "i ,g-!i
SAFES, standatd. mskes.uold, rented, ill 813
- -n' l . Q W
BIG line of secondhand wheels, .$3, $5, S, $10.
Oinana xilcyciL Co., ,16th una Cnlcugo bts.
I y. 4-9J7 A
FIR timbers tof.. houscmovers, etc., 40. to
71 It., criDuing. anu nog ienco. ui uoug
las. , - Q-939
CHOICE lot of milch' tows for sale cheap,
&. t. Campbell, mi center St. Q it
BUGGIES, phaetons,, surreys, wagons, bi
cycles; Dig stock new. socond-nand bar
galiiJ. Fredrlekaon, .lath und Dodge.
Q MSiS 829
23-SETS ot second-hand double-, and single
hurncss, 13 saddles;,genulnu bargains. A.
ainger, 416 N, 16iii -removed from 1a
Douglks- Q-rM357 Oct.6
S3 HORSE-POWER boiler, and. engine, for
aalo.clieup. 610 S, Hth St. Q M393 O10
$16,000 SALOON and store building; 7 living
rooms, upstalis; ground 66x6tt; corner 10th
and Douglas, Lauer. Bros. Q MM
FOR 8ALB-81ot machines; all sites nnd
styles, electrln and automatic; good as
newi ut your own price. .Address, p. o.
Box 391. David City. Nob. Q-Ma2S-23
$00 BUYS a large ulse, squaro.tChlckerlng
iiiuiiu,- ii iuuu ivjiuii iiu lune. uuj
(Irnco Ht. -il io
-.--.-r j til
' :' - Mt t
LEFHVER:;hammerless, 2,seti!of barrels,
u buwu a uvn, qimi,, JOUJ uraCS
St. Q-6i4 ls
FOR SALE, cheap,-five patrs of high pedi
greed Belgian hurcs. Cnll or address jii
Hlckoryst. q M707 19
FOR SALE, a number of- good second-hand
Uuruilllts l-UHIUt-B, AUUri'QB U IU, lieC.
Q-M732 19
FOR HALE, thrcc-qunrtas length tan coat
nnil.ulntAF ImiI f'nll irvu, n.Ain -
...... Ni... ,wv.u(Uilll AW.
1 fA. Q-753 25
i iMKltil.Kr.'T-
? ,'Hl send you by mull his picture, also' it
la III I rtil nliKlnuw..,!. .1... m .
.. . . t-.,v.n...i. mi iiiu tiemnie or
u iV. " f'ns-A-merlcnn Exposition.
n.i.vT ...w , vai.icni. iviib nilOl, Ull TeCCllIt
of 2oo; Order nt once. Johii.H. Mayer
Lewis bk.. Bjffalo, N. Yr Q-M760 19 '
MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 819 N. nth.
' . S-S4J
DON'T, fall to call and consult- tho Rou-
iiiuiimii 'yyajt "UV. -'tiiB ll secrOlS
and. reads nnd oxplalns to you your en
tire life., 19.3 Douglua Si.,- Cor. 20th.
,J i Sr-M6J5 21
MME, ,'GYLMKR, genuine palmist, 315 a
15th n- 8456
M. GOUDMAN & CO., only perfect ac
cordlqn pleating plant In Uig .west; mall
orders solicited. Hullo 20o; Douglas block.
' , U-810
DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and supertlu
ous hair removed by electricity, a i
Frenzer block,,. U 911
V1AVA, womaiils. way to health; rational,
wholejwine homo treutmeht. 3I Bee Bldg!
PRIVATE hpfpitgl for ladTesVefore and
.'lVA!F.lri ""nLSfpr1- laJier be(are and'.liur;
' itlg connnemWiri bablos - adonted' s
j Ilurdctto st. Mr. Burgat, ,-571 fft
OMAHA. AccorJoji Pltg 'jCo,, '521 Douglas.
I UIVATK homi.ior laUIJ Vetoi and dur-
1 y
gurdof SU Mrs. BurgYt.- Tu'jr'0
8UJ'?I4&8i ,Qba:,1 .n"l:W"',f pachlnts fot.
pjra Ruptury:ur. 933 y, ..Life1 bldg.
it ., - . U-9W H30
JENNIE, meet ma at tho Collins Piano
Co.'a store, 1623 Douglas st., tomorrow at
3 V.PU nd hear the wonderful Monirch
talking machine. Gorge, U-Cia
WANTED ,ia rent,, lease; might buy it
cheap; 1 ta 10 acres, rnlfo from packltig
1 houses, r.enr- iitrccr Tars. Bito . pr,c ?
Jcrnls and location. ,Adiresrf .Q' M R1.
.A (, - ,f if. - Tj.
BEE; THURSDAY, BliPTEMU EH. 15), 1001.
.(ME. SMITH, baths, 11! N. 15, 2d floor. It 1
U-S92 Oi
VCCORDION ideating; cheapest7best ami
quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17th and Far
'nam. u 530
W.W Tribune $33.00
J50.00 Rugby 35.M)
II0.W Andrnc .,1... 32.50
$10.00 Featherstono .... 73.00
$.T0.(W Nonpareil JS.tJ
35.W Crescent 25.0U
Secondhand wheels. $3.oo up.
' Sundries and repairing.
Mcntlemcn. behold! THE PRINCE OF
OMAHA! In our midst Is the Prince;
I'nlon Made, lwst quality, free and cool
.llavor, unexcelled. Uoiinlrt for $37 a thou
sand nnd sold at 6c straight.
The latest fad Is to smoke the Princo of
HERNIA permanently cured,
cular. o. 8. Wood, M. D.,
Send for clr
21 New York
U-efl OlS
1.110 iiiiig., umnna, isop.
.1 NICE healthy baby girl for adoption at
1IC9 8. 17th street, Omaha. U-723 23'
... 1 , , 1 4 , , .1 . . , , ,-
11 r.RNlA permanently cured In !W to 00
nays. Bcnn ror circular, a. 8. Wood. M.
D 521 N. Y, Life llldg., Omahn.
U-C81 OlS
A COMPLEXION of satin texture, clear
ness and beauty follows use of Hfttln-Skln
Crcnm and Powder. 25ct U MT69 19"
XI A T) TV ... ..1.. . 1 . f .. 1. nil., --r . .
--- ...u.iiik iu Dim ijiinu wiiiun
someono to load with him. Can have
'.V."1- uuress J. u. live, council
Bluffs, ilrst mall. U M7S2 19
SIO.MEV TO LOA.I-ltliAl, US 1 A 1 ui.
6 AND li per cent loans. W. II. ThomaSi
First National Bank building. TeVlOU.
WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrant.
George & Company, 1601 Farnam street.
. W-UI7
LOANS on eastern Nebraska und western
Iowa farms ut 6 per ceut; borrowers tan
pay $100 or any , multiple; any Intetest
date; no delay. Urcniian-Luvu Co., M Ho.
13th St., Omuhfl, Neb. a W-950
WANTED, city loans nnd warrants W.
Kaniuin' Smith & Co., 13:o;,Furnam street.
WANTED, city and fat in loans; also bonds
and warrants. II. C, Peters & Co., 17i2
Farnam St., Bco Bldg. W-349
4U TO 5 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton'.BIk.
$50,000 SPECIAL fund; loans $500 up; lowest
rat oi. Garvin Bros., 1601 Farnam.
$300, $100. $000 PHIVATH money to loan; 1,
2. 'i or C years. W. L. Selby, Board of
Trude Bldg. W-953
SEE JIENRY fl. PAYNE. C01-2 N. Y. Life.
. t , ' W-189
MONEY to. loan on Improved Omaha real
estate, Brcnnan-Love.Co., 309 South 13th,
PRIVATE. m6ncy. Sherwood, 937 N. T. L.
W. B. MEIkLE. 401 8. 13th St., loans moneys
on rcsldcnco property at G per cent.
PRIVATE money. J": D."Wcad, 1524 Douglas.
TO LOAN, a sum of money at 4',4 to 6' per
cent on farm land security In 8. E. Neb.,
owing to amounts nnd security. Address
Roa 60, Falls City, Neb. W Mf73 111
MONEY loaned 'on plain note to salaried
pcoplel'buslitess conrklentlal; lowest rates.
. &14 paxton block. Tho 'J. A. Hutton Co.
' X-964
MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew
olry, horses, cows, etc C. F. Reed, 319 8. 13.
b X 961
Wo' loan $10, and up ,on"-turnlture, piano,
horses and .other chatxtiiy . 1 .
BALAI(Y,,ftoAN8 '
Without mortgage, to peqpu holding perma
nent positions. You caU get the money In
a few hours after mukUig, application aud
take 1, -', 3, 4, 5, '6 months or mora In which
to pay it back, and you need not pay for
It ono dny longer than you keep It. Wo
charge nothing for papers ana we gls
you the full amount In cash. There are
no' lower rates thun ours; our terms are
the: ussiest; our business Is confidential
and our motto Is "try to please."
119 Board ot Trade Bldg. Tel. 2293.
(Established 11)92.) 306 S. 16th St.
1 Salary Loans
To honest working people
.on their plain note.
by others. Outs are lowest rates
given' to salaried people.
Easiest puyments. atrlctly coiuldentlal.
Room 203, third floor, Paxton Block.
live stock, etc. Quick service and lowest
rates guaranteed. J, W. '1'AYLOE, 633 (top'
ItcorKPaxton block, northeast comer 16th
und Fanium; entrance on-16th street,
t- X-960
, SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team-
sicin, uu-uruing :iuuni-s, eiu., wmioui se
curity ; easiest terms; 46 oiticcs In princi
pal cities. .Tolmau, 4 Ui .Board of' Trade
Bldg.- X-9
MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses,
.caws. Jewelry. Dull Urcen. a, s, uarkcr bik
.- ' ,X-6j.
AN elegantly nud completely equipped 12
room resluence, tlrtest locution In Council
Biuits, ueuuti'ul lot surrounded by line
snuqtr trees; furniture for sale nt sacri
dice; $363 monthly Income; roomers 'and
iio.ndoiHi rent. no; onrn orlugu wno
wnl uvull themselves o( this goiuen Op
portunity? it. Jonnsou, sil i. Y. Lire.
Pliona L,-22iO. , Y-M40J
FURNITURE of 14-rooni- well eoulnnetl.
line located :tat, $210, ' monthly 'income)
'rootperu hint hoarders, turnuce beatr.ent
, $50. .Lady Adyahced m ytjura gutng east
iu. rniuv,., lyu .reuBuii.iuiu uuvr rejccicu.
losBypur gain. a. ir. Johnson, N, Y.
8AM StKG'S restnurant for sale. 1516 Web
ster. Y-489 19
TEI.L mp what you' have to sell,
Tell me .what you want lb buy.
If 1 dd' not rind you a deal
' Yo'u. may say I never ry. .
J, H. Johnspn, 841 N, Y. Life. 'Phone L
2270.' The real cstato and business chance
man; Y M6I0
FOR SALE, drug stoic, In thriving v.liage;
good 'reasons tor selling, John G. Regan,
Platte -Center, Neb, Y M434 2:
FOR SALE, n manufacturing business,
thoroughly established;,' unlimited demanl
for product. G 61, Bee. Y M735 20
$10 DAILY profit, lung established nrst-clnss
legitimate business,- suitable for lady or
gentleman; find location; bear closest In
vestigation, $1,500; controls $1,000- rash,
balance eay: one meaning business for
further particulars see J, II, Johns n.
N. Y. Life. Y-M617,
FOR SALE, grocery, good location and
huslness. 34th and U sts.. South Omaha.
Y-MiI5 19
DRUG STOCK fpr sale, Address C. II.
Smith, Burlington Junction, Mo.'
A BUSINESS opportunity. I want a aood,
rHiiiBiiue luirij- ur nun to isge the
agency for the Fisher Book Typewriter
and Billing -Machines In Omnha and Coun
(t'll Bluffs. Addresu, with references, A,
A, Spulir, Casey, lown, Western Agnt.
TO RENT, a photograph gallery; good lo
cation 'For .particulars address David
City, Neb., P. O. Box 221. V-M780 24"
FOR SALE, 2-chiilr burbfer shop in city of
5.600; well located: ft bargain If taken nt
once. Address Box C83,York, Neb.
Y-M76I 20
FOR EXCHANGE, merchandise; good
stock general dry goods, furnishing goods,
notions, etc.; clean, staple, salablo goods;
all nearly new: will exchange for part
cash, .part real estate, farm land pre
ferred; must have some cash to pay bills
due; glvo full particulars and value of
property; might assume some mortgage If
good property. Address Bomcrs & arown,
507 Manhattan Blcck, St, Paul, Minn.
S20, Sarpy county, some good
land, soma rolling $20 an acre.
a near SprlngHcld, fair Improvements
i T 17 an acre asked. Want offer,
1 200, 11 miles N. of Omahn,
, good' portion level, lmprovcd-$10,ono.
1V fine land, near Springfield,
Very cholcc-IVW.
320, Sarpy county, perhaps the best
Improved half section In tho county $19,,.'.
Tel. 314. 912 and 913 N'. Y. Life.
ili:-7;i 19'
SEE HENRY 1J. PAYNE. 001-2 1. Y, Lite.
FOR SALE, 13,000-nure ranch; uvcr ;u m'ues
fencu, 7 miles. .of river; If taken ut one, Addrets F 15, Bee. RE-M104
HOUSES aud lots In all pulls ot city; also
acre propel ty and farm lands, 'ihe O. F,
Davis Co,, Room &32 Dec Building.
ItOUbES ami lots ill all parts of -It;'; ulsu
acre pMperty and farm lands, 'lhu ), F. Cd,, ltootii 3o2 lito Building.
RANCH und fnim lauds ror sale by the
Union l'ueltlc Railroad cumpiiuy. ii, A.
McAllaster, land ivrnmissloner, union I'u
cillu iiuudquartcrs,' Omaha, Neb.
CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 1203 Farnam St.
WE HAVE on hand nt nil times selected
Ilrst mortgages on Improved property ut
5Vi to 6 pur tent. Call and see us.
, Main lluor, New. York Lire Bld.
FARMS, C. F. HARRISON, 913 N. Y. Life.
RE 30J O t
FOR SALE, nt u bargain If tnla-n In ton
days, 19 acres of goou land .T,t miles from
postolllee; good six-room house, barn and
well; all in cultivation, $1,500. A. Ft Cldt
terbuck A: Son, 5ll First uvenue, Council
Bluffs. RE MnlO 20
FOR SALE, fruit nnd garden place und
grocery store; s?vcn acres, part In eholce
grapes, plums and other trult; n splendid
business location: barn, Ice house, sheds,
well, cistern, etc.; ono mile out of town
un inu In road. Inqulro at 333 Broadway,
Council Blulttr, in RE-M445
1127 So. 31st St., full lot, Hue 8-room house,
modern, tlnu repair, well built, Unu loca
tion, CHEAP for reason owner Ic.ivlng
city. Don't fail to sec this. Can go
through It uny day.
D. V. Sboles & Cd., sole oger.ts, 310 N. Y.
LUc, Tel 829. . RE-18J 22
. . FOR SALE. .
$1,875.00 for 6-room house, 2502 St. Mary's tiv.
$1,450.00 for 6-room house, 3 blucks trom Illch
$1,150.00 for 4-room house, 3 blocks from High
$ 9i-.oo for33-ft. lot, 3 blocks north of High
GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St.
RE-M743 20
610 ACRES near Kearney. Neb.; nearly 500
acres under plow; splendid place for corn,
cattle nnd hogs; price, $12 un acre,
Madison county, Neb., rtne buildings,
water, orchards, large grove; the biggest
bargain In eastern Nebraska for $20 un
acre. '
FINE STOCK FARM. 800 acres, Custor
county, Neb., line buildings, largo barns,
cattle' aheds, etc., abundant wnter, river
and splnrgs. over 600 acres rich valley
land;, especially adapted for alfalfa, $14.50
an ncre.
CHOICE FARM. 320 acres. Wood river val
ey, large portion rich valley land; house,
barn, wells, windmills, etc., flno stream
wnter, $13.60 an acre.
FINE 480-ACHE FARM near Lexington.
Nob., over 400 acres In cultivation, fencod,
two good farm Jiouscsj three barns, pearly.
nn line vaiey 1ana.117.bO nn acre.
HICKS FARM LAND CO., 325' Board Trade.
Jlli 101 IS'
We are authorized to sell a new 6-room
tnodern home, with porcelain bath closet,
hot und cold water, furnace, etc., at
Prlco reduced from $3,250 for quick sale:
, $600 to $1,000 cash;
till1nnrl nt ft nnr nan t
Now rented at $30, which Is 10 per cent on
Think of It and see us quick.
Main floor Now York Life llldg.
RE-M777 21
u'lrnr i-'tiirf t . .
44 rent limt w... nt at.., ...... i.A.. t...,.i,
i . iiuiri UIIIIUlllK.
Owner reduced prlco to $7,500 for quick sale.
This Is fl decided hanrnln it ih.r .
one. See us.
Main floor New York Life Bldg.
HE-M778 21
HkS, ".."'.U1 in6 houses are NOW HE-
iiViii" .1 1 skai 11KUI, BEMIS
iA,,"" J" ttn' otl,cr nddltlon In tho
city. Plans for 6 or more are being
drawn ' in mi; trnm 1 KAiV ... aia
Wo have only a few lots left and' they will
eoon be closed out.
D?:i'?u.w.a-!,.tJ?.i(2! ,n tne MOST REAUTI-
B E M 1 8 PA R K. UMAI,AT T"c"
AJieiu.,V.1 ner Lot 0I! I:fnette avenue,
interp t -,,B" "') per montn; no
Ihslde lots same street,. $600; $30 cash: 810
ipr montn; no interest.
' " r,v iiiuiiii; no n-
10 per cent discount for all' cash.
We will make very liberal loans .to parties
i...V. .V, i . iner worus, you
buy the lot, we furnish money for the
Why pay rent when Villi r:in i7Al n lw.itiA
on such easy terms and In such a beauti
ful location?
Plans for a fine $4,000 dwelling Just com
pleted for Lincoln Boulevard. Alto cor
nc,r lot on Lafayette avenue sold ,'last
week for Improvement.
,ftil.nAi4l,iJi,i be,'v7T?MIS I'AIUC IS
!t . nn lt us show you
WEEDSPCr Hhuntlcs and NO
Main floor New York Life Hlug.
RE-M776 21
120 ACRES Improved, near Arllngtou'vetT.,
$12.00 per ncre.
160 ncres west of Millard, in Douclas
county, $50.00 per aire
Several good farms from 80 to 323 hc.-ui
In Sarpy county.
GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Famnm St.
M742 2t
LOST, on Stttutduy. a small gilt picture
case, with portrait; somowlmt like u
watchcaso In appearance, and In u buck
skin watch pockot. Finder please leav at
Beq ofllcc and recelvo reward. -
I.0BI-M729 19
LOST, a pair tortoise shell eyeglafss with
gold-mounting, between Twentieth nnd
Cuming nnd 26th und Davenport. Return
tu Beo nfflcn und gi t reward. '"'lI,m
l-OHt-,;57 2)
THE man who picked up diamond stud lii ui iiaiuii iiuiei . riuay, September
3, and refused $5 for same, can save
troublo by delivering It to duy clerk at
Paxton hotel at once, Lost-M759 20
!l'i?.., l-ia.!ie.A.?!!icJa ?a' cre from
Pj?VMn1?.rt na 18,h Hnl ''nmarn: reward
M N. 23d. Ist M7XR !
DR. PRIES, tho acknowledceil
specHllst In diseases of women lii-Om.ih.
would chII tho attention of
ladlts to his unsurpassed accommoda
tions before and during confinement, and
nis treatment forlrregUlarltlc.i. no mat
ter what cauie.. Call or addrcs. with
stamp. Dr. Prlej, 1513 Dodge St., O.imlia.
cb- M-' S:J
LADIES! Chlchester'a English Pennyroyal
Pills aia tho best. Safe, reliable. Take
no- other. Bend 4a stamps for particulars.
"Relief for Ladles," In letter by return
mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester
Chemical Co., Fhlladalphla, p.
JOHNSON tnstHufe. 515 N Y. L. Bide t.
1661. Alice Johnson. U. O., Indies' dent ,
Old E. Johnson. Ostcop.uhist, .t3r. -97s
DONOHUEi Osleop.ith, Paxton lllk. Tel. 13.
DR. MUStUK, Douglas Block
DR. T. HUNT, suite 512 McCague bldg. T
2-.132. -7V1
A. C. VAN S A NT'S slIuoI, 717 N. Y. Life
BOYLES College, court reporter prlne'tMi.
Beo llldg. -9(0
NEll. UuslnOs Sltorthaiid Collige. Hoy 1 a
Theater, -:M
GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col, 16th A D u-g
; -0v2
(J ,
WILL BUY nny good InventlPli or patent.
'ddrjss Lock llox 7C0, Des MolneJ, In.
'HAVE 'ensd for good patent or Invention,
Addrcs P. O. Box ib, Omaha, Neb.
WESSON'S In bookkeeping, etc.. day or even
ing. Il 15 Com, Nut, Bank. G. It. iiathbun.
OMAHA Boiler Works, steam lol.ers, tank,
stuck, tc. Tel. 1339. 12th mid liurd Kts.
Damaged looking glosses re silvered, 70S N 16
WE HAVE on hand nt nil times selected
tlrst mortgages 011 Improved propel ty at
5,! to 6 per cent. Cull-und ecu us,
Mtiln Flour, Now York Life llldg.
IMS 30
ALL kinds of carpenter work und repairing
promptly intended to. J. T. Ochiltree. Wth
and Lake Sts. 370
CAPTi' P. MOSTYN. 517 Karbach Rlocki
Omaha, Neb. Reliable operations, Inii; coiilldentlal. 576 81,
I)lt ES.M A IC I
IN FAMILIES. Mlts Sturdy. 2576 Harney.
-873 S29'
. l.AU.MJUY.
OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collar,
2c; cuffs, 4:. 1730 Leavenworth. Tel. 517.
STOVES, tamps, etc., replating. Omaha
Plating Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2535. -93
EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat
ing; all business coiilldentlal. 1301 Douglas
TEL. 1331. M. 8. Walkllu, 2111 Cuming St.
TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases. Trunks
repaired. Om. Trunk Factory, 1209 Fariium.
-171 012
CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg.
if teeth In tho morning, and
new set teeth the same day.
Set teeth, $5.00. Best teeth, $7.60.
Aluminum Plate, $15.
Fittings, 50d up.
Gold 1 tilings, $1,30 up.
Fillings, Due up.
Sailey the Dentist
'Hunt 'liioi- t'ttiluii Hloci.
J6th apd Farnam Sts.
I'loueor Reasonable prices 1.
By authority and direction of the repub
lican county committee, uuly given ut at
regu)any called meeting, u cuumy delega.v
convention of the republican.) ut Dou.a
county Is hereby culled to meet at Wnsn
ingtoti hull, In the City ot omutia, at 2
p. in., Saturday, tseptember 28, nui, for tho
PUI'poao ut nominating cundidaus to . be
votid un ut tne general e.ecuou isuvcmbi-r
5, 19vl, loi the following coumy ulttcir..:
onu snviu, one county juuge, ono county
cleric, onu icgisior of ilic-s, unu county
treasuier, onu county survcyur, uiu Luunty
supennU'tidcat ot uKiruclou, 0.10
county coroner, two county coinm.sjlunviis,
,tu bu choLeu by the delegates no. n tr.e
respcctivir uiittivta irom ui.y ...r.
to be uiectcu. onu itprcaeiiuulvu to 1.I1
vucauci. " ' '
eiix jiiklices of the peace and-ope pollcu
juugu lor ir.fc. city ol ulnahii.
Two Justices of the pviico tot- the City ol
South Omuliu.
Six coiiHtubles ror the City 0' Omaliu.
Two constables tor thu Cay of Huuth
Omahu. Ore utttHior tor nn:t: -Amil of tho
City ot Omaliu. On: unbetisjr ryi' vOlIi
ward of thu Cit ot South Omana. '
Precinct oltlccrs for thu vurlous tour.iry
Also to sele.-t niembcrs of the repiibliian
couutyccntrul comuuttce und to tru.,siol
sucn uthtr business us muy pruiutL cuuw
before it. 1
By the sumo authority a pMmary election
is alto called, to bj held Friday, September
27, IMl, In thu various wards and iirtcinets,
subject to the rules governing
elections adopted by salu republican county
cominlttt-u lor the purposj of. eluding Utl.
galea to fuxVi nomluatliig couventtuii.
Thu representation tu salu cum call in
shall bo -itfU'L-u uelvguus-ior men ward In
the Clfy ut O.'iiuha.
Five delegatus for each of tho four winds
In South Omahu und flvt delegates toi
cacti of tho fourteen country piecmct.
At thu primaiy election the poili will be
open in int. cities of Omaha und m South
Omaha from 12 m. to 7 p. nr., und In :r,a
country precincts from 7 p. in. to 9 p. m.,
al I ho following places.
First Ward sixth unu Pierce streets.
Second Ward Twentieth and
Third Wnrd-1124 Dougliu street.
Fourth VV'nrd--Beo building.
Fifth Ward-Sixteenth, neur Corby street
Hlxth Wurd-ldlewlld hull. i
Seventh Wurd 1331 l'ark uvenue.
Eighth Wiud-Twenty-second und Cum n
strts. ' "
Ninth Ward-?HS raniam street.
First Ward-627 N. Twenty-fourth street.
Hecond Ward-Evans' aundry, 2309 N at
Third Wa'd-259 houth Thirtieth street. "
Fourth Ward-F.ahorty barn, 3.11 K stroot
Chlcagii Kelner's hall.
ClonUrf-Joo .Milliner's olace.
Douglas School house No. (5,
East Omahu Prelst's hall,
Elkhnrn Svvelchnrt's shop.
Klorence-Clty hall.
Jefferson Mangold's lumber offlce.
McArdle-'Olundt school house,
Millard Millard school house.'
Plat to Valley Jail building. ,
Union Powell's blacksmltn thop.
WaterlooMasonic hall.
Benson Benson hull.
Dundfo Dundee enalne hoiiso.
I Tho boundaries of the various primary
i.r.u i, m i nc.
clerllou dltrlct ltall be ih sum as tv-a
bduiuiililes ..r .in iciMtive rd of om .ha
and Souin On. un of Hie vnrous vot
ing dtriiieis v. f the louutiy piecincts as
c.tlstlng nt ihe it'l iiemrnl e eetljn.
The l.nniis or ml ilelegites to be plncoit
on the oillclnl prima ry ballot must bo file I
with Hip secretary of the commltteo with
a fee of $i for 'iuh delegate, hot Inter than
12 11 cluck noo'i, Tuesday. September 24, tool.
Tin- flleers of snld primary election must
t sc. -led at least ten days before tho
primary election Horn uniOes submitted to
the eiiminlttee. H. E, OSTROM.
Chnli m ill Itepubllrnn Central Comtnlttta.
It r JOItDAN, Secrttnty.
Mated ut Omaha. Septeinber 4. 1901.
PIlOPijSALS for 8ubs!stenco Property
oillee t'ltrehu It g Cnmm s.snry of Pub
ststcne , Otnnh.i, Wih., Mptember 16. .9)1.
Bt'iilid iroo-n,H subject to the usufll cdii
dlili.ns, will br rrielved at this fifuce until
10 o clock ti in.. September 26. IMl, nt whlrh
lime nud place tin y will bu publicly opened
for furtilshliu su1s!stenei property, ns follows;-
Stutlonery nnd miscellaneous articles.
Prefcreili 11 will be given to urllelii pf do
nlefllf prodlietltin, it iitik proposnU at,d
siocillcntli ns enn be 1 hinlnrd at this nffloe.
D. R. W.I I.HON, Lieut Colonel 25th Infan
try, Puirhaslng Commissary.
81" dtt-S2l-23-c.
l)lllr tilnef Comml.iMii'v, Oiniiti:!. No
brnskni September 21, IWI Healed proposals.
In triplicate, will be received here until 11.
o'clock 11. in.. October in, irwt, nnd Hint
oliemil publlrly for. furnlshiui; and delivery
of such quantities uf potatoes and onions
11s may be required by the Subsistence De
IMirtmeiit ut Forts I'nvenwortb, ICmsns,
l.ogau II, Hoots, Arkansas und Jefferson
Barrack. Missouri, between October 31st,
1'ul, ami June :wth, 1902. Proposals will also
bo received and opened by lln Commis
saries at Ihe posts mimed, each Post Com-mlssii-y
reeelvlug proposals for his own
pcsl only. 'Ihe right is reserved to retect
iitiy or all proposals In whole or In part.
Iploruiattpti us to cbiidltlons of contrite c
w'.l be furnished on application to this
iiiiice, or 111 any or ine iitxivo inrunnneil
olllcers. D, H. WILSON, Lieutenant Colonel
inn iiuauiry, .icung unier i.ommissury.
D-21 23 2 l23 0et9
liiilon l'neine.
Leave. Arrive.
Ovcttnnd Limited 11 8;2) am a 7:30 pm
Fust M.111 11. ..u 8:50 inn a 3:25 pm
Mall and Express ..allMI pm a 4:23 pin
Colorado Hpeclal ill:3 pm 11 titfjO am
Llncolii-Stromsbui'g Kx.b 1:05 pm b!2:30 pm
IMetllc .V: Atlnuttr Ex.. .11 4:2a pm a 6:50 am
Grand Island Local. ,....! 5;3o pm b 9:35 urn
Illinois tYittriil.
ChleiiRo ICxprcss a 7:00 nm n 0:10 pm
Chicago,' Mtnninpolls pi
St. Paul Litnlied a 7:15 pm n 8:05 am
Mluuenpiilis It St. Paul
Express 1) 7:00 am b 9:10 pm
Furt Dodge Local, Irom
Council Bluffs. ...11 6.:00,um
Wnbiisli. ,
St. Louis Cannon Ball"
Exprers n 5:15 pm a 8:20 nm
MIsMinrl Puellle.
St. Loulii Express nlO:00 nm a 6:25 pm
K. C. & St. L. pm u 6:15 nm
O11111I111 .t St. Louis. ,
St, Louis "Cannon Dall 'n 5:15 pin a 8:20 am
Kansas City nnd Qulucy
Local 11.. ..a 7:25 Am a 9:00 pm
Chicago, Milwaukee A. St. Paul.
Chicago Limited, .1 a 6:00 pm a 8:03 nm
Chicago & Oinnlm Ex..,b 7il5nm b 3:40 pin
Chicago, Ruck Islnnd 1'nclRo.
Des Moines nnd Daven
port Local., a 7:25 nm n 9:35 pm
CnlciiRo Express.. .1)11:15 am u 4:55 pm
Des Alolnes l.ocnl II 4:20 pm bll:50 am
Chicago Fast' Express. .a 5:00 pm U 1:23 pm
Des Moines, Rock Island
and Chicago a 7:40 pm u 8:10 am
Lincoln, Colo, Springs.
Denver, Pueblo and '
West ..a 1!30 pm a 4:15 pm
Colorado. Oklahoma aud
Texas Flyer., i a 5:20 pm a 9:50 am
! I' , T '
11 Dully, b Dully except- Sunday.
ClilciiKO V Nartliivpstcrja,
Chicago Special. ;n 7:00 nm rill:30 pm
Chicago Passenger '.a 4:15 pm- a 81IO ant
Eastern Express alo:to nm a 4!05 pm
ICastern Special ...a 1:53 pm 114:05 pm
Fust Mull n ::45 pm
Ouiahii-Chlcngu L't'di.,a 7:43 pm 11 8:00 ant
Fast Mall 1....11 8:30 am
Cedar Ruplds Passenger n 3:30 pm
Twin City Express a 6:50 Am nl0:25 ptn
Twin City Llmltcdi a 7:65 pm a 8:15 urn
Sioux City Local a 8:00 um a 3:50 pm
n Dally, b Dally except Sunday.
Ht ltl.l.VdTO.V STATION-lOTIl & MASO.4
Knusns City, St. Joseph A Council
1 ' Leave'. Arrive.
Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 9:20 am n 6:05 pin
Kansas City Night Ex..nlo::tO pm u 6:16 nm
St. Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm all:15 am
Cblenuo, lliirlliiKton A (lulney.
Chicago .Special a 7:00 um 11 10:20 put
ChlcnRO'ViHtlbuled Ex,.n 4;i pm it 7:i5 nm
Chlcugo Local ,a 9;30 am n 4:05 pm
Chicago Limited ...n 7;W pm a 7:46 am
Fust Mull..., ,. 11 2:46 pm
tlitrlliiiftoii & Missouri Valley.
Nebraska Express. ,.i...n 8:10 am a, 7:33 pm
Wymoro, Beatrice and
Llucolir ...a 8:10 nm '1)11:55 am,
Denver Limited u 4:23 pm a 3:00 pm ,
Black Hills and Pugel '
Sound, Denver Con
nection .........a 9:00 pm a '0:13um
Lincoln Fust Mql...,,t) 3:00 pm a.9:l7ani
Fort Crook and, Platts-
mouth i.....' 1) 3:20 pm bll:03 am
Bellevue.ft Pacltlc Jet, .11 7;40 pm a 8:20 era
llellevue & 1'iiclilo Jet. .11 3:ld am
a Dally, b Dully except Sunday.
Fri'iiioiit, Elkhnrn Jt Mlssonrl .Valley
Leave, Arrive.
Black I lills, Deadwood,
Hot Springs u 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm
Wyoming, Casper and ...
Douglas ...,...d 3:00 pm e 3;C0 pra
Hustings, York. David
city, Superlor;Genevu, .
Exeter und Seward, ,,.b 3 00 pm- b 5:00 pm
Norfolk, Lincoln and ,
Frwiipnt ,.b 7:W mi blO;2J am
Fremont Local o 7:3( upi
Missouri I'll cine,
Nebraska Local, Via
Weeping 'Wut-!r.....,-..h 4:10 pm 'htQ:!5 ant
Chicago, SI. Paul, Minneapolis
Twin City Passenger, ,..n 6:00 um n'9:10 pm
UIaiiv 11... llnj..l.nV ,t . .. 1 1 . 1 A nM
Emerson Local, -.,..! 5:30 pm b s:30 um
a Dally, b Dally except Sunday c Bun
day only, d Dully except Saturday, e Daily
except Monday,
Record Vo.aa Pars. 7 llaunaahiuler
Commonweallh.TwIn Screw, 12.000 loni.Sept. 23
NswEsjUnd. ll.600Joni. Oct. a
.smbroman ,. Sept. 21 Vancouver Oct. I
'omimon oei. 19 Vmcouter Wo. a
Frfnrtbrlsfraatlet.sMms I
Ceaassy's OIMm, tt IkanWa St.. Cla. Ills. J
l-'IniMl for Allenipled Assault,
ORANU ISLAND, Neb., Sept. J8. (8pa
clal.) Charles Cain wis arrested 'yester
day afternoon nfter he had'betn quit
roughly treated on thn charge of assaultjne
a llttlo girl. The fellow look hold of the
girl several times, wanting her to coma
with him. When spectators interfered he
became abusive to them. He was severely
handled by three men. He was fined 123
and costs.
Trenton Children Shinr Sympathy.
TRENTON, Neb.. Sept. 18. (Special Tel
egram.) Tho teachers and 'pupils, of tfsa
Trenton schools adopted resolutions 'of sym
pathy and condolence for the national be
reavement, Services will be held tomorrow
In the Congregational church, nuslness
houses will bo closed and school will La
dismissed during liie hour of servlca,