12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1901. TRAGIC END OF JOnN LARSON Veteran Omaha Hack Drirers Ecalp ii Tom frtm Hit Bkull. MYSTERY SURROUNDS THE AFFAIR Demi Iloilj- l I'liunil In limine Street Alley In llvnv of llnrn lt- Ilntec tlvcn anil Ciirmirr Are Mnk tnis Iiivmtlnatlnn. obn Lanson, a bachelor, to years old, who for thirty-four years ha driven n hack In Omaha, was found dead In on alley back of a barn at 221f Dodgo street yesterday, the ccalp literally torn from his skull. The Immediate causo of death was a fracture of tho hkull, which was determined late yes terday nflernoon nt an autopsy hold by Dr. W. It. lavender. Ho will innko his report today to tlio coroner's Jury. I'or sovernl months Larson hod been keep ing his horsed In tho barn In tho rear of which ho was found dead and had been Bleeping on n cot on tho scrpnd floor. Just off tho hay mow. A door opens off this floor Into tho nlley, the descent from the "sill to tho ground below bolnR about ten feet. As It Nvits Immediately beneath this door that tho body wan found, It Is supposed that Larson, who had been drinking, had walked out of It nnd been killed by tho fall. An other theory is that hn was struck on the head with a club or other blunt Instrument In tho bands of someone, unknown and tho body afterward rolled out oi tho door to Rive tho Impression of accidental death. Tho body Is now In tho rooms of tho coro ner, whero an Inquefct will bo held upon It today. A half 'dozen witnesses havo been subpoenaed, Tho Hunk Drivers' union will havo charge of the funeral. So far ns known Larson's only relntlvo In thltt coun try Is a brothor, dus Larson, a well-to-do farmer living near Wahoo, Neb. Ho has been notified of I lie death by telegram. Tho deceased hlmtolf Is reputed to have been in comforlablo circumstances, among bin possessions being some farm land In tho interior of tho stnto, a bank account and two good teams of horses. Iitvratipjntlfin In On, City detectives aro nn'v; Investigating the circumstances nttondlng Lnrson's death and the Hack Drivers' union Is taking an nctlvo Interest In tho matter. Thero aro several points about It which tho coroner nnd others consider peculiar. "I don't see," said tho coroner, "how such a wound could havo been mado by falling ho short a distance upon' perfectly smooth ground. Tho wound Is eight or nlno inches long nnd the scalp Is torn awny so that a largo portion of tho skull Is ex posed. If thero weru sharp stones, pieces of wood or Iron there for him to light upon I could understand It, but ns It Is It looks queer." A ploco of a pitchfork handto tbroo feot In length with red stains upon It was found on tho second floor ot tho stablo, though whether theso stains wcro of blood or paint could not be determined. Tho bludgeon was turned ovor to Dr. Lavender to bo ex amined jntcroscoplcally. So far ns known A. J. Clark, C17 South Fourteenth street, was thq last person to co Larson allvo. He was with him until 6 o'clock Monday evening. "When I left hlra," .said Clark, "he, was sitting on the edgo of his cot In tho barn. He was just getting ovor a drunk and said ho was going to bed nnd try to get some sleep. At that tlmo ho could walk and talk perfectly straight. Ho had no liquor with him then, Tho next tlmo I saw him was at 7 o'clock this morn ing, when ho was lying dead In tho alley." I'rontrutr In A Hey. Tho next person to boo Larson after Clark left Monday evening was A. Robinson, who lives near tho barn. "It was a few tnlnutoi after 1) o'clock," said Itoblnson, "that I hap pened to look down tho nlley horo and saw n man l:'lng on the ground. I went at onco to a telephone and called up tho pollco station, tolling them that there was a man lying drunk or dead behind tho barn at 2219 Dodge street. I waited for an hour or ao for tho wagon to come, and as It didn't show up I went to bed." Tho body wan found shortly after daylight by a man named Mornn, who lives In tho neighborhood. It was cold nt that time, death having ensued evidently eovcral hours before, Larson wn3 born In Sweden, February 10, 1838. After ncaulrlng his majority ho served eovcral years In tho Swedish army, and," la 1863, sailed for America. Tho greater part ot tho ttine since then ho has lived In Omaha. For excessive May powder. perspiration try Re-No- Hard Coal Now is the time to se cure the benefit of early fall prices. $9 50 Per Ton. C. B. Havens & Co., 1522 firnam St. Tela. 817 and 82S. TT JEELEY no of lh" be"t 4V 7:11 DP nira, me nmjr tveeie? matituie in Nebraska. Cure Urunkeiitiraa, Cure Urn Urr, Tobacco Users. KIIKI.ISY 1N8TITIITK, ltt and l.rnvenwurtb, Omaha. fr LaflaLaaMl Mr m YvJLVaVaVjLjLTaVaT to the best. See the handsome line of children's cloaks wo are showing. A large stock of flannel ami silk waists just in. FAIR DEMAND FOR MONEY Inerennc In Com mr re I ill I'nprr OfTaei Alisriici- of ('nttfrntcit In Money Mnrket. The Omaha money market Is firmer now than It has been for some time, with fair demand and rates at 6 and 7 per cent. Thero Is n scarcity of cattle paper In the mnrVnl nr.mn -r.,1 with Oinpr J t'ain Hi linn season, but there Is an Increase In ordinary commercial paper, wnicn to a certain or greo offsets the lo's of the paper of stock men. The high price of corn Is responsible for it... .i,..in nt demand from feeders. Corn Is now worth 50 cents and this price cannot be paid for tne purpose oi inucnins unless the probable prlco when the stock Is ready for the market Is at least 8 cenH. Thero Is no probability of such a price ob- .ll.,t navl anrltit n ffvftril who have lltiiiiun " v - " , r i " clock on hand aro carrying them over with the Intention of fattening tneni ncxi year. Th .tanlt, nt tral,1nt MpKltllpT CflUStll n slight falling off in business with local banks, but as the demand for money is irom regular sources, which at this time of tho year require a certain amount of cash, It Is believed that tho shortage of this week brill hn mniln I in nnvt W0V. All banks will bo closed Thursday out of - . . I . . respect to tne memory or me laie rresiueni McKlnlcy. Mr. 0. A. Stillman, a mercnant of Tarn pIco, III., writes: "Foley's Kidney Cure Is meeting with wonderful BUccess. It has cured soma cases here that physicians pronounced Incurable. I myself am able to testify to its merits. My face today is living plcturo of health and Foley's Kid ney Curo has made it such." Annonncrntfnta of the Thflfr. Tho musical comedy, "Tho Gypsy Prin cess." nt tho Trocadero, with Uaby Lund nn tho star, Is making a hit, entertaining large audiences. Tho olio contains n, num ber of meritorious acts, the evolutions of tho electric Hussars, the antics of tho comedians and tho versatility of Baby Lund making a program 'of unusual strength. Tho "ladles matinee" yesterday proved an Interesting event, the next one occurring Thursday ufternoon. The en gagement closes after next Saturday mat inee, with two performances 'dally, except on tho latter mentioned. Tho eight Cornallas with Irwin's big show como next, Sunday matinee. Cbauncey Olcott has mado the hit of hla llfo in his new comedy, "Oarrett O'Magh," which Is announced for production at tho 1'oyd theater this afternoon and tonight. Ho is credited by tho press throughout tho country with being the cleverest Irish comedian on the stage today. His flno. well trained tenor volc, it Is said, wns never In better trim than at tho present time, and his singing of the Irish melodies will, as ever, no doubt be one of the most delightful features ot tho performance. The curtain will ralso Immediately after the parade. Nothing like Re-No-May powder for ex cessive perspiration ot hands or feet; posi tively curc tender and swollen feet, corns and bunions. SAN FRANCISCO AND RETURN. 4S Via Reek 1ilia Route. Tickets on sale September 19 to, 27; good for return until November 15. City ticket ofSce, 1323 Faraam street. Re-No-May powder brings relief to teidet feet. Harrison & Morton offer bargains in farms. See special column. FREE SIMPLE ASTHMA CURE If you suffer from asthma, call for FB12E SAMPLE KUOALYPTUS ASTHMA CURB. This preparation Is a combination of herbs nnd bnlsams, which havo tho effect of re laxing those particular forms of muscular contraction which effect tho respiratory organs, nnd nro known under thn specific name. Asthma, phthlula nnd shortness ot brenth, spasmodic, or difficult breathing. $1.00 Crnmer'H Kidney Cure for 47c $1.00 Klrk'H Hnlr Tonic 49c Boo Florida AVuter 25c "5c Irene Talcum Powder So Soda-Mint Tablets 10c 11.00 2-quurt Fountain Syringe 60u 'Jnp Ilosn Soap , , 7c Qt. bottle California Port or Sherry.... 35c LIthlu Splits (aperient) 10c Oood Atomizer 35c Head our prices and you'll strike the LOWEST PRICES como to our store nnd you'll strike tho GOODS. Shirmin'& McConmll Drug Go. Cor. 16th and Dodge, Omaha. Bargains in Drug Sundries 25e Mcnnen's Talcum Powder 12c 25o Pear'B Unscented Soap 12c !5c Allen's Foot Ease He 26c Dromo-Qulntne ., Mc 25c Davis Headacho Powder 12c 0o Lieblg'a Extract Beef . ioc 60c Pozxonl'a Faco Powder -. 30c $1.00 Ciamer'a Kidney Cure..,' 48c $1.00 Kirk's Hair Tonic 48c $1.00 Verona 62c $1.00 Lambert's Llsterlne 62c $1.00 Wine of Cardul .. E9o $1.00 Newhro'a Herplclde 62c All other patents at same cut prices. Headquarters for strangers In town. Mall orders promptly filled. Mytrs-Dillon Drug Co. 16th and Farntim Sts. l1"Pel of thr Kneler ayatem of Inatl TUB MRS. J. BENSON Fur Scarfs, Stoles, Collarettes, Etc. We enn show you the newest niid pret tiest things in all kinds of furs for the neck, with or without muffs to nintch. ' All the new shapes in scarfs, in n great variety of fur, and prices from the lowest "FUhltitf." The month o September 1? tht best in the year and the Minnesota lakes the best In the world for fishing. Get a copy of booklet. "Beauty Spots," telling you whero to find them. Re mark bly low rates at Illinois Central city ticket office, 1402 Farnam street, or address W. II. Brill, D. P. A., Omaha, Neb. It brings relief Ro-No-May powder. Ask your druggist. If your feet troublo you try It. Oninlm Kclalltra' AnanclnUon. All members nro hereby requested to closa their stores at 11 o'clock on Thursday morning and keep same closed all dav Thursday on account of funeral of our late lamented president, William McKlnley. By order of GEORGE MUNRO, II. FISCHER, President. Secretary. If You On to Colorado Be sure and go over the Loup. The finest trip In tho country. Send 3 cents In stamps to T. E. Fisher, general passenger agent. Denver, Colo., for Uaodsomo i Illustrated book describing this and other attractive trips offered by tho Colorado Southern railway. Re-No-May skin food tor facial massage. Re-No-May cream soften and whltem hands and face. A. Mayer Co., 220 Be building, Consultation free from 2 to 4 dally. A memorial meeting will be held t Ger mania hall Thursday afternoon at 2:39. All German-Americans aro Invited and members of tho club nro especially re quested to attend with their families and friends In memory of our beloved president. ROBERT O. FRICK. MAX FEIERMANN. President. Secretory. Tho Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha railway will hold train No. 8 Era erson passenger, due to leavo Omr.ha (Web stcr street station) at 6:30 p. in. until 11 p. m. on Wednesday, September 18, to ac commodate those desiring to return to Em erson and Intermediate points aftor tho electrical parade. Reduced rates to New York and return, via Michigan Central, "Tho Niagara Falls Routo," good for return within twenty days and for stop-over nt Niagara Falls' 'and Buffalo. City ticket omce, 119 Adams street, Chicago. Wanted, bids for placing a small steam heating plant In a hotel. Call at Paxton hotel office. J. H. McMILLAN. Ask your druggist or glove dealer about Re-No-May powder. A great economy In hot weather. Cures excesslvo perspiration saves gloves, parasols and fine dress goods. No dress shields needed It you use It. Send articles of Incorporation, notices, ol stockholders' meetings, etc., to Tb"Be. Wo will give them proper legal Insertion. Tclephono 238. Publish your legal notices in The Weekly Bee. Telephone 238. For tired feet Rc-No-May powder. ''We'll Stay by You" . The above and many similar remarks are made to us dozens ot times a day relative to the fight wo nro having with tho Omaha drug trust, which goes without saying that tho public are not HALF AS ANXIOUS to see us quit the CUT PRICE business as Is the local combine. Don't worry, wo aro not In It to quit, nor to rob our customers. WE CAN'T BUY PATENTS IN OMAHA. WHERE WE SHOULD.BUT WE GET THEM SEE? Como in and see that great soap snap best 25c box of soap in America for 16c BOUGHT IT RIGHT SELL IT RIGHT who gets tho benefit? YOU AND US. $1.00 CRAMER'S KIDNEY CURE,-.... 75c &0c Cramer's Kidney Curo 40c $1.00 Peruna 5Sc $1.00 West Brain Treatment 7c 60c Caldwell's Syrup of Pepsin 33c $1.00 Wine of Cardul -18c SGHAEFER'S Cut Price Drug Store Tel. 747. S. W. Cor. 10th and Chicago Goods delivered FREE to any part of city. Grtat Carnival Salt WEDNESDAY. Visitors to the Ak-Sar-Ben especially in vited. THE REDFERN Tne ideal shoe for women comfort, ivu uuuuuri, 3.00 oiyie ana durability 20 styles all widths and alien price WOMEN'S SHOES Box calf kid top extra extension,, sole best value ever offered all widths and sizes WOMEN'S SHOES 2.50 Exclusive styles patent leathers vlcl kid 50 different styles representing all vovtitltiaj' Mil 3.50 the new ideas ot high art shoe making $6.00 $5.00 $4.00 and MEN'S SHOES Impossible not to be able to be suited here Ncttleton's and Hanan's lutest produc 3.50 tlons $7, $6, $5. $4 nnd ... MEN'S SH0ES- THE ROCHESTER SPECIAL Made of the very best stock, including patent leathers 50 styles all widths "ait niuiiis 2.50 and sizes excelling all $3.50 shoes elsewhere our prices $3.00 and..... BOYS' AND OIRLS' SHOES IN END LESS VARIETY, THE ROCHESTER SHOE CO., 1515 DouKlas 8t..-l5l5 Whoop 'er Up During the Carnival week, but don't let your enthusiasm make you forget that now is the time to lay in your Hard Coal for the winter if you would save a generous percentage ot what you would have to pay later. The Price la Xow .50. ' Hald & Rice. Tel. 1238. 606 S. 16th St. jnnAynns New Fall Suits, Long Coats, Wraps and Skirts An extraordinary evetlt, new autumn attire at specia prices. New black and colored cheviot suits made with now shapo skirts, Jackets lined anteed taffeta silk, at GOLF A new walking EXTRA SPECIAL--$7.50 GOLF CAPES $2.98 For totriorrow $7.50 golf capes, plaid back, plain flounce nround cape, In cloak department OUR FALL SHOWING OF NEW MILLINERY Continues Tomorrow and you positively cannot make a mlstnko In selecting your hots hero, as It Is conceded by all the well drossod ladles of Omaha that our designers have no equals In this city. For Wednesday we offer tho following great bargains: Copies of the swcllest imported hats $A 08 Beautiful trimmed velvet fiats black and colors $1. 08. K Ready-to-wear hats $1.08. .SPECIAL BARGAINS . 98 for 6 and 7 yards of camel's, liair cloth, all wool invisible plaids, black de signs, silk nud wool novelties- olas, nnd all on bargain nqtiaro at, per pattern..., .y.. 1.98 xerns $5 Bdys' '0l Suits $1.50 2.Q0O BoysV and Children's All Wool Suits, Bought from a Chicago Manufacturer, at One-Fourth Their Value. Watches Given Away Free A Most Remarkable Purchase of Boys' and Childs' High Grade Clothing Enables Us to Offer These Extraordinary Bargains the whole week and Tomorrow at .. Boston Store, Omaha $5 Boys' Suits at $1.50 On our front bargain square on main floor we will show tomorrow 2.000 two' and three piece all wool knee pants suits, made up In the very latest styles wmM ages .1 to 16, worth tip to 1 1 five dollars Hnd they'll all go A,l J VV WATCHES GIVEN AWAY FREE. On our second floor we are showing the finest line of boys' and children's high grade clothing, In the no west styles, patterns and fabrics wc have given extreme care to our boys' clothing department, and offer an elegant lino ot boys' and children's suits at $1.0R. J2.9&, 3.98 and With every boys' suit which wo nsll at free an Ingersotl watch, guaranteed for Men's and Boys' New Fall Hats and Caps Wo have a complete lino of men's fall hats In all the latest styles anu newest BhapeB and colors. Tho I)UNI,AI VOUMAN'nnd KNOX shapes. In different fall styles, present an unlimited rango for choosing the hat that best becomes yo,u. The prices wo quote aro from 60c to $1 under regular batters' prices: $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 We offer a splendid lino of boys' hats, In stiff, fedora and golf Ofto shapes, and In all tho latest colors, at , V Ow Kverythlng that Is now In boys' nnd children's caps, can be found In our boys' bat deportment on second floor, Oolf and yacht styles 'lCr, iS prevail. They como In all colors special vulucs at uC, JDDAND BlIY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS MANqFACTURBD BY CALIFORNIA FIG 8YUKP CO,, MOTS TUB MAU& 0' w gDNS elegant In tho latest style, 9.98 throughout with guar, The new Norfolk suits, blouse suits, black, blurs and bron3, In Venetians, kersey nnd broadcloths, many of them tnado with the new yoko effects, go nt $15.00, $22.r,0 nnd $23.00. Now fall Jackets and box coats In kerseys, all colore, satin stitched collars, cuffs and reveres, lined through out 'with h;nvy satin nnd tafTctn, a special bargain at $1.08, $7.50, and $9.98. Tho new length and nutomobllc coats In tnns, browns nnd black, made of kersey, with guaranteed satin lln InK throughout, nnd stitched trimmings, nt $D.0S and $12.50. SKIRTS AT $4.98 skirt made of high class material, hair line slrlpe, also chev- 4.98 lots In black, oluo and brown, on sale at New silk dress skirts mado In this sea son's latest styles, new taffeta silk, ex tremely Htyllsh, go at $7.50, $10.00 and others up to $50.00, with plaid or ' 2.98 IN DRESS GOODS 40c yard for strip.ttv nil u-nni hi.nv storm serges, French serges In black colors, French Flannel In polka dots, i nrcsaen cirects, nornl designs, oriental pat- ns, oriental pat- 49c ana stripes on light nnd dark grounds, all on bargain square at, yard . $4.98 2.08 or more, we will give away a year. ris WIS SONS CMJCMriTf Pl'B CNOLIBM In Hri ..4 tlU Htl.lll. bIM M.IH ilk tl.rl. Tk.a.tktr. M.fti.i ak.tltallM. ImtiM. Mob.. B.7 .f y..r ptiuui. r M.4 At la mm fcr Fartlcalara. Tattfaanlali u fUlt.r Wr ljiT.fc"m r T. i.m M.II. l.uootMiia..i.i.. a.i4lr em 3TJ Mattes tUi Mf. JU4Imb Saaax. r JU&L. fit i.r Correct Clothing Men's All Wool Oxford Gray Suits Men's Brown Scotch Suits : Men's Gray Mixed Scotch Suits SEE F AH NAM STREET iiAvncii' H you want t0 kl,0W llAT UlIIS what smartly dressa' man will wear this season ask ta see Stein-Bloch Clothes THE MAN OF TASTE he who has well denned ideas' as to what constitutes well-tailored per-fect-fltting fashionable clothing will realize his highest ideals in suits and overcoats of the Stein-Bloch make. Stein-Bloch Clothes are made with the same infinite caro that the highest price custom tailor devotes to his product. The fabrics are thoroughly tested and the tailor ing is done by skilled' operatives, un der the most scientifically sanitary conditions in the most perfectly equipped tailor shops in the world. Suits 10.00 to 25.00. . Overcoats $12.50 to S27.50. Extra special offerings for this week. Men's S?12.50 genuine melton suits in double andsinglo-broasted sack styles, at $7.50. Mon's $10 cassimere suits for $6. 50. Mon's SI 1. 50 melton overcoats at 86. 50. Men's 12.50 kersey overcoats for $6.50. HAYDEN BROS gelling the most clothing in Omaha. DIAMOND CONFIDENCE diamond". Tho coiitldcncn Omului people imvc InK Dlamonu Hioro cu uinuuit. Mawhinney . . . Mall orter"lVCT "careful attention. Election Doctors Agree That It Is wholly unneccsnury to operato with tho knlfu for oppondccltlB If nn nlylmi discharge can ho errecten. u i -llheil fact, ami well Known amons tho, medical fraternity thnt tnis uiKiiamu ; ho hrouBht ahoiit, by tno use ui omuu. . KIk Powder. 7 ...I.. ia ,h K.nhirv nt aelontlflc medl- cat dliicovory nnd advancement wo claim ... .utistnntlAtn our claim, thnt wn havo made a dlacovcry In the midlcnl world that has proven n won to mariKiiin, it -ou aro threatened wttn appendicitis nnd n doubt of the curative power of thin medl- elno a trial box will convince you. l or Hale by all drtfgRlsts. W. J, Stirader Medicine Co,, V. V..I Haam 10 Vi fin l.'n., 1IIV 3r 10M N. 21th St., Omaha, Neb. The kind that has made "The Nebraska' fn iiioits through out the north west. You take no chances when you leave your money hero. Wo keep it for you until you're perfectly satiHlied with your purchase. To bo well dressed does not mean to bo ex pensively dressed. Wo havo mon's suits and topcoats in all the latest weaves and color ings. Wo guar antee them per fect in ovory par ticular. Men's Cheviot Suits, $5 to $17.00 Men's Blue Serge Suits, $7.50 to $8.50 Men's All Wool Wors ted Suits, $7.50 to $22,50 $9 to $12 $4,50 to $18 $4.25 to $18 WINDOW. KnEaRaKalaaaaBalft 4 in im in wmu - & Ryan Co., ifiih niul DotisluH Streets. pacKngc ewt to responsible partlo5. 5SP Dead Ones STIIAW HATH. Live Ones III.ACKH $2.50 Hats A ? Hnl for r-'BO, 107 S. 16th Street j )