THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. SEPTEMKEH 17, 1901. T M EM SPECIAL NOTICES A4ver('mnt tor these column, mill b,iUrn nntli 12 ir.. (or thit evening edition and until 8,30 p. ni. for mnralig ana ffnnriu edition. Rates, I .2o word Drat luarrtlnn, lo a -to-,- thereafter. NntliltiK taken for leal than Z5o for I lie Or Hi Inser tion. Three advertleeaaenta mail raa cinaeeatlv,lr. Advcrtlarra, by reqaenMna; a "real check, can hne antntri ad 4reaaed to a nnmbered letter In eara I The tier. Aninfra a adUreaaed tlll be delivered aa artaealatlaa ml taa beak amir. SITl I'ATIO.V" WASTED. YOt'NO LAWYER, college croduato ami graduate of I'nlvcrslty of Nebraska col lege of law. desire position In law office; merely routine work or position affording no opportunity to rlso not desired; nmpln reference. Address It., Suite 33, Douglas Hlock. A-M5IJ II W A STH 1151 A 1.13 H I, , WANTED, - ftrst-claaa. Insurance solicitors; we will make very liberal contruet with men of ability capable of handling general agency. Call or nudrcss. Fidelity Havings & Trust Co, 317 N. V. Life P.ldg., Untahn. B-176 07 TEAMS wanted, at once, ono mile south of tort Crook. Jackson Bris. B-MS23 WANTi:b,Tarbcr.AlfrcdTlVrrls. Plerro, Neb. h-m;;j 10 WANTED, salesman for Omaha nnri vicin ity to sell groceries for u Chicago house having nu established trade; grocery clerk preferred, must give bond. Address H 16, Lord & TlioniiM, Chicago.. B-MI33 If WANTED, traveling salesmen by Septem ber i ilro ndvertmors; cash salary. Tri umph, Pallas, Texas. - B M487 20 MEN and women to do copying nt home; mast write n fair hand; W to $12 weekly working evenings; positively no cniiva. sine, Incloso stump. Northwqst Copying Co., liox 629, Minneapolis. .Minn. H-M9t 20 WANTED, men to learn "barber trade":, only eight weeks required; tools pre sented, board Included, wages .Sutiirdit), position guaranteed; Kiaiuntcs wnnt.vl for trnlns. hnnpltnls, eountrv niul city shops; catalogue mailed free. Moler Darner College, 1823 Farnam si. II M19I 19 JOHN WANAMAKEIl' TvaTits rellab e Agents to trtkn MUbocriptlons for Every body's Magazine with New Census Atlis or ctilbblnti offers; great opportunity; ex perience unnvcetunry; liberal commission and cash prizes. John' Wrtiiamfiker. Dip . 102A, New York. H--M7I7 11' WANTED. 10,0)i) active agents Immediately I?. tle orders for "Life of William Mr Klrilcy." .Memorial edition. Graphic rec ord of his whole lllltstrlous career. E.ab oratrly llhistratcil. HMIh ni night. It at terms tp agents, credit. Sample, enabling you to m:ike from V; to 912 dalli, by mull postpaid. FREE on application. Address Globe lilble l'ub'g Co.. 73 Chest nut St., Philadelphia, Pa. II-.M7I3 1 TAILORS wanted. I'amorium. H-M702 !! ALEf4ME. M'A.VI'EI). OIOAR salesmen with established trade with large dealers, who buy direct fiom factories. Address, with full particulars, K. C. Fisher. Fisher building. .Chlcugo. -M3I3 Oct ti HOOK salesmen, nttentlonl There Is again n wonderful demand for ."the ''Hncyclo-' pacdla IlrltaunlcH" In the west; ntir'pofltal card method brings nsponieA froin'tha best people; in leu extremely large; ivo pay railroad fare; ipplyyou with cards; pay liberal ommUsiou, 1''. u, Mayer, llroadway and, I.ocusl nl,, tit. l.nuls. Mo, M7"l 2J' ANAMhD, salesmen of ability and good appearance; goju opening for right iartv. '; I'- My.r' -Bromlwuy and Locust sti ML Loqls, Mo. 4I70j '.M' WAXTHO I'UJIAI.K HlJliI. WANTED. 200 girls. 1511 Dodse. Tel. S76. !' - C-'JW 10 GIltLS. all kinds wdrk. Canadian O.llce. ; C-an WANTKD, liotiBekueptT In small American family Addrcsa K 49," live. C--.U3G0 COOIC wanted. 3310 Farnam st. C M3W WANTKD. Indies to learn halrdresslnitT manicuring, facial' massago or chiropody; only four weeks requited; ono year's ip pri'ntlccshlp saved; you cannot obtain the advantages of constant practice, expert Instructions, lectures, etc., In any other way; thoroughly practical training; tools presented each graduate. Call or write at oneo. Moler College, 1C33 Farnam at. C-M4W 19 WANTKD Immediately, a few flrst-chias boys "frbm 11 to IS yeara of age ns mes-sengi.-rs; good wagcu; A. D. T. Co., 212 K. 13th St.. ' 0-B24ll7 WANTKD.' a cook.' Mrs, ChuTcl! T. Kountze, S9.-6 Dewey Ave. C 111 1? WANTKp. compeloiH cook and laundnps, also n housemaid. Latfdon Court, Ith houso east of S. 2tth St. C M712 A COMPETENT girl for general house work; references required. Mrp. Warren Hwltzler, 2TOI 8t. Mary's ave. C-M718 IS WANTliD, lady with-experlnnce to press , skirts and wulsts; steady work. Van- 1 1 t W 1 1 1 1 C-M701 19 POIt nKNT HOUSES. JF YOU wartt your houses well rented place them with lienuwa & Cu. D ids 1 8KB HENUY D. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. D-lda TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storngo Co., otlleo 1511 j',urinim, or tel. lfa-463. D-'JIJ HOUSES, stores. Ucmls, Vaxton block. D-9U JIOUSK8.' el; F. D. Wead, 1621 Douglas. HOUSES ,dA flnts. ningwalt, llarker Itlk. D-V3: iOU hKNT The Vutnam.Co.. 504-5 N. Y. L. Hide, tiun a -room nat. steam heat, water, mouern; lung Ivmu 10 gooil tenant. i D-M141 KOH HUNT, 11-room alone hoiuc, 415N. iith Ht, U. T. Clmkti,- 42; numgo.uik. D-M76I TWO 5-rcom brick houacs; all modern con ventcnoes. 1 122 nnd 124 S. 25th at. Inoulia 1203 Furium st. D MiJ HOUSEa. mVTON., j:8 lax7onliTk7 . ' D-1M FOIl KENT, S-room 'house, city water! bath, durgo. yard.., 30lh. nnd Hurt Eki. J. A. U)greu. 4211X1011,111. D-2J1 12C5 VI LLLufsT. a gCoif thrcT-rOTm7latT with city water, (5. f OMAHA LOAN AND TUUST CO.. ,10th and Douglas. Sin. D-MJ -noQM brick .house, 67S 8. 2Sth at. Apply lo Wlllianis-llaywatd Shou Co., 1.01 Howard u. D-M3j6 S-JIOOM brick house, modern. 2717 Jackson, icli-pliono a. Tniynor, 491 or L-2toJ. ' ' . D-021 VEIIY pleasant six or eighttroom flat, well located and in mm repulr. ilO Urowii block. , D--77I 21 S. 29TII AVE., s-room Itouse, all mod "ni '".'i)e.r and vnrnljh throughout; rent 125 to At tunant wtlh leferences. OMAHA LOAN AND TltUST CO . 10 til and Dougia bta. D-813 ii07 VINTON, street, atora wits two live room flat above. 'Ihe whola bulldlnw; has Just been palnted-and papred throug'hout Will mako u vory reasonable rent to u goo(itm)anr or will rent separately, THE OMAHA LOAN .t TUUST CO.. 10ti and Douglas Sta, ' ' D-H5 HOl'SES for rent In all parts of the city. ilrennan-Love Co., 309 South 13th street. D-01S FOll HKNT, house' and -barn, all modern. 2I3r rWuth 33l Ht.- pply 4U2 Merchant' National Hank Hldj. D-S17 ONE 6-rcotr. Hal, modern. 1112 S. 11th. D-r9iJ f-HOOM house, furnished or unfurnished. liU Davenport. D-UI 16 I'OM KUMT-HULSHS. , m HO. SD ST.. 1 n orns, city water. In Rood condition; writ. $10.0 OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO.. 16th urn Douglas His. D-14J FOIl IIEN7, eight-room house; cotivenltnt; nil modern; i'2d and Cdllfornlu Sta. in quire No 607. N. Y. Ufe building. D M4 KOH ItENT. Sept. 15, elx-room cottage, 2211 California at., )22. Apply at C07 N. ISth st. D-COO 2&)7 S. 32D ST., good 7-room house; city water, furnace, barn; owner wants good tenant who will care for property, rather than high tent; will rent for 113. OMAHA iXJAN AND THUBT CO., Sixtconth and Douglas Sts. UM'Ji TO LET. S-room house, near Curtis Turner park; new, with every convenience. W. li mum Smith Co., 1320 Farnam st. D-M472 C-IIOOM, new modern house. 1317 S. Slh St. D-5JI 11 ONE "-room hotie. Just completed. 2M6 Elm St. T. II. Fell, m Merchants Nut. Hank Hldg. D 4'.4 ATTK ACTIVE house, completely furnished' in best residence: neighborhood; will rent for the winter. Addreus O 28, Bee. D-M604 20' 10-HOOM house, modern conveniences. 2317 Harney st. D-M403 ELEGANT 8-room house; all modern" im provements. 401 N. 23d. D 518 16 NO IIAIIU coal needed; steam heat: all modern, central, 7-rnom house: hall, bath, basement. Tlanrd, 221 N. 21th. D-313-30 NINE-HOOM house, Dundee: good repair. L. L. Johnson Co., 314 So. 13th. p-317-lil COTTAGE, In gooii repair. $10.'. 1M0 HarT rroft St. i D-315 18' EIGHT-HOOM modern house. 11 S., 31st ive. ; F-28i?. Ave.; line location. Information, 'phone. -n o7 21 S-HOOM modern house. 116 8. 31st nve.; line location. Informttlon, 'phone F205' D-MI01 l 5-HOO.M modern, with barn, 1816 Miinderson. Tel. A-26W. J)-fSl KOH KENT, furnished 6-rqom. house t ou South Omaha .car line; references -rfr quired. Address G f3, Hoe Office. - D-S9Q 16 6-ltOOM detached house, nil modern, lawn, etc., 721 S. .Tph. Will tlrowne, ir. ' D-693 'X$! 7-HOOM. all modern house, 3520 Dodge. Clarke Powell. 420 N. Tv.I,fe. D-M710 FOIl ltl'.M'-Ft'llMGll-;i) HOOM.".' Housekeeping rooms 18 up. 823 St. Mary. E-M640 824 3 UOOMtl for light housekeeping, 1112 8. 11th St. E-M8M DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnam, E-92J THE THUHBTON. Cool, airy roome. t E-MI SMALL, neatly furntshod, wcll-he.ited .-oomn; everything modern. 11C S. 23th St. ; E-2J7 LAHGE front room and hlcovo, well fur nished, modem; suitable for two. I ill Cuss St. E Mi37 FOH HENT, two large furnished or un urnlshcd rooms. Address V II, Bee. E-141 KOH ItENT. to two gentlemen, a large, well furnished front room, south nnd east exposure, within 6 blocks of poHtoltlco; no other roomers. Address F 37, Uce office. K-24U NICE front room, ccntrully located. 1612 Davenport. E 413 It 3 HOOMS for light housekeeping. 1112 8. llttrat. E MSSI TO ItENT. furnished front rodm to young man. references required. 2319 Jones t. E-M609 17 rilREE furnished rooms' for housekeeping. 16SI Shcrmnn nve. . E M80 17 TWO nicely' furnished rooms, with or with out board. 718 8. 28th. K 691 ,! FOH HENT, nice room to qne or two gen tlemen; excellent location; refcrencts re quired. 509 S. 20th. K M710 19 ' r i . i , i i 1 NICELY furnished roomh by tlay or weelc: nil modern; rates reasonable. 2312 Doug las. E-M706 17 Ftll.MSllED KOOMK AND DUAUD. UTOPIA.' 1721 Davenport St. F-9. GLENCA1HN. transient 11.23 day. 1C09 Doug. F-927 THE Merrlam, summer resort, 23th & Dodge R-'J'.'S TWO largo front rooma, with board. 1909 Cupltol Ave. , f 346 HOOMS and board. The' Hose, 2020 Harney street F-M4C3 Octli DESIHAHLE rooms, flrst-claas board. 2584 Harney. 'r F-M588-21 I OH HKNT U.N'KUHMHIIBD nOUMS. DESK loom space, $5 per month; groifnd floor room in The Ueu building, fating Fnrnnm -Jtreet; no cxpenao for lliht; heat or Janitor service. Hi C. Peters &' Co., Hental Agents, Dee Hulldlng. G 416 ' FOH light housekeeping. 202 St. Mury's. G-MG17 KOH nBNT, unfurnished room suitable for light housekeeping, In Wlthnell Hldg., Cor. 16th and Harnoy. See Janitor. O 6S8 17 , FOIl HE.MT-9TOHI2g.JLKD OFFICES. FOH HENT, store In first-class location: vent, reasonable. Apply. H. C. Peters ,&l Co., ground floo.v Bee Hldg. r 1200 KOH HENT. orTW with vault and port I rat Hour or ail top floor, Itli-lU. lliiriioy, St. Midland Glass and Paint Co., 1410 Harney. St. 1-929 FOH KENT, the building formerly occu pied by Tho lice at 914 Farnam St. It hua. four ntorles and a baaemdnt which va lormerly used as The l)t; press room. Th'.a will be rented very reasonably, it interested apply at unco to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, lleo IJallding.' 1-281 ' STOHES. with fixtures, suited for depart ment stores. Tlnard, 221 N. 24th. 1 612 3o AUEYra WANTED.' AGENTS wanted: "Life of MoKlnlon" by Murat Hulstead; fjll account aHsasstna Hon, anarchism, etc.;. -largest, best, lllua. trated;. authentic, fl.fio. V give 60 par cent and premiums; freight paid; credit given. Agents clear $16 dully: big caio assured: tree outltts ready; order today. Gillespie & Metiger, Chicago, III. v J-M875 17i WANTED, canvassing agents, lq overV county to solicit subscriptions for THE, TWENTIETH CKNTUHY FAHMEH and tho NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK and COMPLETE STOCK DOC-' TOU. This splendid book contain 1.409 Imperial octavo pages, 800 pbject-teachlntf engraving and Is the only book ou J(v slock over published adapted to the every day, practical, money-saving uae of every farmer nnd stock' owner. Steady employ-! incut with assured good Incomo. Agents In the country with horse, and buggy es pecially desired. Canvassers make easily $00 to $100 per month. Address Century Farmer Solicitor' Uurcau, Ueo Building, Omaha. J-4S7 WANTKD, an active and capablo man An each town near Oniahu to renresent a strong oil company now operating In the wonderful Kern river oil held: good prop osltlou for the right man.' Address 1911 Davenport at., Omaha. J M122 AGENTS wanted. "William McKliiley'e. Il lustrious Life," memorial edition, official, . oy Murat HalsteaJ; 6t,0 .pages.. Illustrated: only $1.50; hlgheat commission: freight paid; credit given; outllt 10c: now ready; order quick. A. II. Kuhlman Co., Chicago. HI. J-MG03 17 AOKNT8-"McKiniey'g Memoirs,", special dedicatory edition, highest Authorship;' on y ; comp ete and authentic book, ex"y Illustrated: beautiful e5lx photograph with book; exclusive terri tory; extraordinary terms: freight pall; ?' l,u'?,"" fms. Address National Piibl shliig Co. (cstabllhhed 1867). Lake aide bldg., Chicago. J-MCM i; AOE.NTS waxtkh. i;:.cite.h:nt intense - a o e n t b n't ed to sell 'ofh mahtyh ,al uknth, just out. The only At1' l.l'l rt II. A 1.1 HnHH .t... 1 I in inn ii,.iir. nuu i.rilll.vril iiiciii, nlso history of annrrhy. Profusely lllu trated, Ove'r S0 pajtcs, Uest commMMrm. ircdlt. Freight paid. OUTFITS FHEE. Send 10c for postage. George M. Hill Co., lfifi S. Clinton st Chicago, ill. , J-M711 17 EXCLUrflVE territory on the Memorlil Life of President McKlnley by one of hit most distinguished friends, Col. A. K. McClure, biographer of Abraham Lincoln. Over OX pages; magnificently lllustrntcd: price $1.6'). Hlg money for agents. $10 to $25 per day made easily. Opportunity of a lifetime. Highest commission; freight paid; credit given. Send for ontttt today. Stato territory you want exclusively. Ter ritory assigned nnd outfit mailed free on receipt of 10c to pay postig. Addrca ofllce nearest you, The John ,C. Winston, Co., Chicago, 111., or Philadelphia. Pa. J-.M714 21 LIVES of the martyred presidents their assassinators nnd history of anarchism, 600 pages for $1.50: outfit free; 60 per cent, commission: credit and freight given. MaCHrady, Star hldg., Chicago, J-M700 IS M'7 I NLE Y '8 LI K B, authentically written by Murat Halsted; get the best: sell no 'other; everybody wants It; largest book; nearly one hundred Illustrations; .highest commissions guaranteed; credit given; freight paid; deal with manufacturer; order freer outfit today. Chicago Hlblt House, 56' Fifth avc, Chicago. "J-MfiM I6 . i AO ENT8 W ANTE DTlTfcTof sTciiTnley. hv? hundred-page large book; handsomely II-' iustn.tcd; outllt free: now ready; 75 perj cent discount to agents; rreignt papt: credit given'. Henry Nell, 323 De-irhorn at., Chicago. J-MfM 19' wa.tei)to rtKS r. , W ANTED, by man and wife (no children), room and good boiird In private family, or small, select boarding house. Address Philomel, cr Her ofllce., K f!7 WANTED, byTmaJl family, modern house nf about rooms, good- location, near car line, furnished or unfurnished; state terms. Address O 65, Hco office, , ' ' K-8 17 A'. W-ANTED. by quiet couple, one 'or two iiirmsneii room. w)tn board, in private family: good location, near car line. Ad dress G 54, Hee ofllce, K 8s5 17 AN EXPERIENCED teacher wants fur nished room for light housekeeping In exchange for piano lessons. Address O 57, Hee. K-M7I9 ! FRONT and back parlor, centrally located, with the privilege of light housekeeping. Address G 68, Hoe. , K MOT 18 WANTED', by two"' young gentlemen, room and board in prlvato family;, atate price. Address O 69, Uce. K fWi 19 9TOIIAGC. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 912 14 Jones, general storage and forwarding. 930 OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511V4 Farn. Tela. 1669-SG3, -931 STORAGE Household gooda and other articles strred at low rates. J. J, Dcrlght & Co.. 1119 Farnam St. Tel. 353. -932 WANTED ;TO BUY. MAX FOG EL buys 2d-hd, clothing. 1207 Far. N-M470 012 I HAVE $12,000 cash which I will- Invest In one good Improved farm or In several smaller ones. Address G 49, I3ce. N-M649 21 A GOOD 5 or 6-room cottage nnd lot; must be a bargain; state price and location. G 66. Bee. N-92 17 GOOD Omaha Gas Co. gai cooking stove or range; cash. Write. to 1203 Farnam. " i N-MJ20 17 WANTED, LAND. If you want to sell 80 to. I0 acres at u bajguln .liv S. E.'iis'ab.-ar-eastern Neli., ' might pobilblr'ioonsldcr other locality, write Box CO) Falls City, Neb. N M709 17 FOR SALE-FUKNITfJHB. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. New and secondhand furniture bought, sold, exchanged. ' ' O 933 FOH SALE HOUSES, VEHICLES. ETC. MULES 'for. sale, In; carload lota, or.spaua; big, stock to aelecl from. "Walwarth-Uli llker Co,, Union Stock Yards. . , ;P-M605 S20, TALK it tJp-Hnrry Frost, 14th and Lettvi enworth, make good Vehicles. P 419 OPEN cabriolet, hand made, for sale cheap. Apply nt bll Urown Blocki P-M577-17 WE HO.LD nn' auction Halo of horses every Wennebdny p. m. at tho Union Stock Yards. Wulworth-Hllllker Co. i P-M671 Ol4 FOIl SALE -MISCELLANEOUS. 2DHAND safe cheap. Dcrlght, 1119 Farfium. SAFES, standard makes, sold, rented, ill 8 13 UIG line of secondhand wheels, $3, $i, $8, $10. Omaha- bicycle Co., ICth and Cnlcagu Sts. W-9J7 F1H tlmoera for housemovers, etc., 40 to 71 ft., crluolng and hog fence, vol Doug las. Q-9J9 CHOICE lot of milch xomt for aale cheap. 8. T. Campbell, 42U Center rit. Q 3VI BUGGIES, phaetoni, surreys, wagons, bi cycler, r, big stock new, second-hand bar gitlris. Fredrlckeon, 13th and Dodgo. ; QMSfll S2I SPECIAL bargains In ladles'' wheels. Omaha Hlcyclu Co., Cor. 16th & Chicago Bta. ' q-710 CHESAPEAKE Bay puppies, ilneit re trtera l, water fowl; u few left; reti aonauia prlceB. A. J. Hayne, 3824 N. 23d .St. . Q-310 11' 25-8ET8 of second-hand double nnd single harness, 16 eaddlcs; genuine bargains, A. Singer, 418 N. 18th; removed from 1a Douglas ' Q-M.357 Oct.8 2 IIORBE-POWER boiler, and ens-lne. for sale cheup. 610 S. 14th st. Q M393 O10 $16,000 SALOON and store building; 7 living rooms upsiaus; grounu noxtn; corner vntx and Douglas. Lnuer Bros. Q 690 FJR flALEf Slot machines; all sizes nnd styles, electric and automatic; good as new; nt yojir own price. Address, , o. Box 381. David City, ,Neh,' Q-,M626-2S $60 BUYS a largo size, square .Clilckerlng piano, In good repair and tune. H0 Grace St. CJ-083 18 LEFEVER 'hammerless, 2 seta of barrels' IS gtt,uge, good hs new, snap. 1009 Grace Ht. Q-6!4 rOH SALE, cheap, live pnlra of high pedl greed Belgian hares. Call or address 2911 Hickory st. Q M707 19 CLAIItyO YA.TS, MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 819 N. nth 8-649 DON'T fall to call and consult' tho Rou manian gypsy, who reveals all secrets and reads and. oxplalns to you your en tire life, 1923 Douglas St., Cor. 2flth. 8-M635 21' MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist. 315 8. 8-436 PERSONAL. M. GOLDMAN & CO.. only perfect ac cordion P'oaUn plant m tne west: mall orders solicited. Suite 200, Douglas block. U-919 DR', ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu oda hair itruowd liy electricity, n. it. Frenier block. ulnii" VIAYa, .worniotal.way to'healtliT raticna'r, wholesome home .treatment. 348 Bee Blda. U-312 PRIVATE hospital for.ladlai before and during confinement; babU adopted. 'Mi Grant street. U-)ta .UiOiLiiii ! junt uiii, l nu oii ait- TIIKNTICjboJi.' Introduction by. iEN V-t TOU Ct'LLOM. glvirtgTHVs of LiNt'OLNT (I A HFIELD andifull account of tli( AS- bAulV (TlfV rit.- lir.!..alnt.l'. 'V. I'F.nso.tAi.n. PRIVATE home for ladles before and dur ing confinement;' babies adopted. ?ii20 Hurdfctte st. .Mrs. Hurget. U-J71 09 WE KENT sewing machines for 73 cent per week, we repair and sell needles and jparts for every machine manufactured. 'Phone 16CX Neb. cycle Co.. 15 & .tlarnet. Branch ofllres G12 N. , 24th St., souill Ohinhai also 334 Broadvay, Council IHurfs. L'-AI433 Sl7 1HIVATE home for Indies before nnd dur ing confinement; babies adopted. 21.0 uuraette m. Airs, liurgot. u 117 SJ SUPPLIES for all machines; machines for rent. White Sewing Machine, IC20 Doug las. Tel. 2231. U-916 RUPTURE CURED without the knife. Em pile Rupture Cure, S32 N. Y. Life Bldg. U-990 830 OMAHA Accordion Pltg CO., 1321 Douglas. U-94I MME. SMITH, baths. U N. 13. 2d floor. H 1 U-292 07 VaLLPaFeh cleaner. CIeldlemlst! 'I'hone 12.. Leave orders nt 1519 Farnam. Rooms cleaned $1 and up. U- j an:; U'CORDION pleating! cheapest, besfnnd quickest. Mrs. A. C. Murk. 17th and Far nam. U 530 AK-SAn-HEN. PROGRAM NOW ON. wi.oo Tritiuno . . . 50.oo Rugby $t0.00 Andrae .,.... $40.00 Feathorstonc $30.00 Nonpareil .... $35.00 Crescent .$33.00 .... 35.'i 52.60 .... 33.00 .... 13.10 .... 25 W 13.00 111). Secondhand wheels. , . ounaries nna xopniring. FLE8CHEH, '1622 CAPITOL A VS. U-M3Hn JENNIE, meet me at tho Collins Piano Co.'s store, 1622 Douglas st tomorrow at 2 t. m. nnd hear tho wonderful Monirch tan Iking machine. George. U-4HS THE PRINCE! Gentlemen, behold I THE PRINCE OF OMAHA! In our midst Is the Prlnccr Union Made, best quality, free nnd cool flavor, unexcelled. Bought for $37 a thou sand and sold at 6c straight. The laloat fad is to atnoko the Prince of Omaha. W. F. STOF.CKER -OIOAR CO. U-MJ33-21 HERNIA permanently cured. Send for cir cular. O. 8. Wood, M. D 521 New York Life Bldg.. Uimihn. Neb- IViWl 013 SibNEY -fo LOAX-IIEAI, ESTATE. 6 AND 64 per cent loansi W. II. Thomas, First national HanK ouiiaing. xei. iois W-946 WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants. Gcorgo & Company, '1601 Farnam strcot. . W-94T LOANS on eastern Nebraska nnd western Iowa farms nt 3 percent; borrowers can pay 1100 or any multiple; any Interest date; no delay. Brcnnan-Dovo Co., 309 Ho. 13th St.. Omaha, Neb. W-S50 WANTED, city loans, and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam street. W-918 WANTED, city nnd farm loans; nlso bonds and warrants. K. C. Peters & Co., 1703 Farnam St., Deo Bldg, W 949 4tt TO 6 P. C. money. Bemla, Paxton Illk. W-911 $50,000 SPECIAL fund; l6ans $500 up; lowest rates. Garvin Bros., 1C04 Furnnm. W 932 $300. $400. $.-)00 PRIVATE money to loan; 1. 2. 3 or 6 years. W. L. Selby, Bourd or Trude Bldg. , W-953 BEE HENRY ,B. TAYNE. 601-2 N. Y, Life. w-m MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real estate Brennan-Lovu Co., 309 South 13th, ... W-954 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. . ,i W-953 W. B. MEIKLE. 401 S. 15th St., loans money on rcsldenco property at 3 per cent. , W-936 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1524 Douglas. ; W-957 TO LOAN, n sum of .money at 4J4 to 64 per cent on farm lamlccurMy In 8. E. Neb., owing to nmotintu anil security. Addrtrs Box 60. Falla City. Neb. W-M70S 17 MONEY T0 LOAKfCIIATTELS. MONEY loaned on pi am. noto to salaried people; busliieeB confidential; lowest ratos. bll Paxton block. The rJ. A. Hutton Co. X 961 MONEY loaned ou plaiibs, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Heed, 319 8. 13. ' X 961 DO YOU NEED'CMONEY? We loam $10 and up on furniture, piai:oa, horses and other chattels. 8ALARX LOANS Without mortgage to people holding perma nent positions. You can get tho money In a few hours after making, application nnd tuke 1, 2, 3, 4, C, 6 mouths or more In which to pay It back, and you need not pay for It one day longer thun you keep It. Wo charge nothing for papers ana we cite you the full amount In cash. There are no lower rates thun ours; our term are the easiest; our business s .confidential utid our motto Is "try to please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade -Bldg. Tel. 2295. (Established 1M2.) 606 S. 16th SL X-963 VO YOU WANT CARNIVAL MONEY' Salary Loans To honest working people . on their plum note. DON'T. GET FOOLED by others. Oura are lowcat rates given to salaried people. Rauleat payments. Strictly confidential. , 'RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Room 303', third floor, Paxton Block. X-Jll LOANS ON BALARIES, FURNITURE, live stock, etc. Quick service and rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYIAJE, 633 (top floor) Paxton' block, northeast corner 16th and Farnam; enlrunco on 16th street. X-9C0 LARGEST BUSINESS ln LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team Btets,. boarding houscti, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 40 offices .in princi pal, cities. Tolman, 410 Bourd of Trade Bldg. X-9,-3 MONEY loaned on 'pianos, furniture, horses, cows, Jewelry. Durf Green, It. t, Barker bik j ' ' ' X-962 BUSIN ESSCUA. CES. AN elegantly nnd completely equipped 12 room residence, fluent location in Council Bluifs, beautiful lot surrounded by flue shaae trees; furniture tor sale nt sacri fice: $363 monthly Incomo; roomers and boarders; rent. $t0; barn- brings' . Who will uvall themselves of this golden op portunity? J. l. Johnson, 8n W. Y. Life. 'Phono L-22TO. Y-.M407 FURNITURE of 14-room, well equipped, tine located flat, $240 monthly income; roomers and boarders, furnace heut; rent $50. Lady advanced In yeam ;guing oust to reside. No reasonable offer rejected. Her loss, your gain. J, 11. Johnson, N. Y, Life. , Y-M400 SAM SING'S restaurant for sale. 1316 Web ter. . ' Y-4S9 19 FOR SALE, 'drug store, In thriving v tlage; gDod reasons for selling. John G, Regan. Platte Center, Neb. , Y-.M131 ?. RESTAURANT, llnest phtronnge, largest business, :i live town, 8.001 souls, 60 mllta of .Omaha: .eastern business reciu.res nn'n.i.'j ottmiHnni Ovtfirna -n . .' 1. .. .. . " " II . . a MI...I..W... IM..UI.K .El , IJCa, (new); also furniture of "-rooms a bow; $2,000 cash, gopj Clear land or city prop- - J . a huiiv .4 ,v. . ... wuMiiv.fll, fn full nnrl Inulam V tjli Y-M841 TELL me what you have to sell. Tell me what ymi want to buy, If 1 do not find you a deal You may say I never try. J. H. Johnson, 841 N. Y, Life. 'Phone L 2270. The real estate and business chance man. Y-M6I0 LIVERY business, flno location. $3C0 to $600 monthly revenue exclusive of so regu lar boarders; It's a money maker; entire outfit valued at $5,000 to $6,000; If you have some good property maybe we can deal, J. U. Iohnson, N. Y. Life. Y-6"i8 FOR SALE OR RENT, a' good dining room business; newly furnished; 'nri exc.lent opportunity; family sickness cause for change. Address Hpx 502, Sheridan, Wyo Y-M7038 FOR SALE, grocery, gooil location and business. 34th and V sta., South Omaha. Y-MH5 19 DRL'G STOCK for sale! Addreas-C II Smith, Burlington Junction, Mo. T-M6J5 21 ntSIAKSS CIIA.XCE!. $10 DAILY profit, long established tlrst-clnss legitimate biislntss, suliablu tor lady or gentlemaii, line location', bear closest in vestljjatlon. 1.&1; controls $ as'is balante enky; om mcnnlng butlness (6r further particulars ace J. 11. Johns it. .V1. Life. Y-MS.57 I FOH r.CllANJl.'. KOH EXCHANGE, merehnndlser good stock general dry goods, furtiMitng goods, notions, etc.; clean, staple, salable goods; all nearly new; will exchange tor part cash, part real estate, farm land pre ferred, must have sumo cash to pay ullls due; i;lv full particulars and vultie- of property; might assume some mortgage If uood property. Addrct- Homers & urown. ou? Manhattan Block, St. Paul, Minn. X. 131 FOll SALE HEAL ESTATE. SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. C01-2 7v Y. Life. RE-973 FOR SALE, 19,000-acre ranch; over 30 miles fence, 7 miles of river; If taken nt once. $1,000. Address F 15, Bee. HE-M104 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. Tho O. F, Davis Co., Room 652 Beo Building. HE-971 HOUSES and lots In all parts of .!!;; alio acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room bt Hco Building. RE-741 RANCH nnd farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAUaster, land commissioner, union Pa cific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-972 MINNESOTA. South Dakota, Canada farms. WHEATON. 428 Paxton Blk. RE-163 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St. HE-971 WE HAVE on hand nt nil times selected first mortgages on improved property at 6ft to 6 per cent. Call and see us. PA YN E-ICNOX COM I 'ANY. Main floor, New York Life Hldg. RE M 408 tf) FARMS', C. F. HARRISON, 913 N. Y. Life. RE-663 O S TEL. THREE-ONE-FOUR. HARRISON. RE-312 N5 FOR SALE, 9-room modern house. Inquire 621 8 . 26th ave. RE-5SS IS" FOH SALE, nt a bargain. If taken in ten duys, 19 ncrca of pood land 3ft miles from postotneo; good six-room house, barn and well; all In riiitlvutlon, $1,600. A. F. Clat terhuck & Son, 601 First avenue, Council Bluffs. HE-M310 20 FOH SALE, three lots, wTth six-room cot age. in Wnlnut Hill; price. $1,600. Ad dress G 18, Boo office. HE-M112 18 KOH SALE, fruit nnd garden plnco and grocery storo; seven acres, part In choice grapes, plums and other fruit; a splendid business locution; barn, Ice house, sheds, well, cistern; etc.; ono mile out of town on main road. Inquire at 333 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. HE-M443 100 FARMS In eastern Nebrnska, some close to Omaha. Lyman Waterman, 009 Hee Hldg. RE-481 17 1IANSCOM TLACE BARGAIN. 1127 So. 31st St., full lot, line S-room home, modern, flno repair, well built, fine loca tion, CHEAP for reason owner leaving city. Don't fall to see this, Can go through It any day. D. V. Sholcs & Co., sole agents, 310 N. Y. Life. Tel 829. HE (S3 22 DO YOU want n home on monthly pay ments? I have n 6-room houso, 33th and Jackson. Seo me quick. Five rooms, north, $1,100: near 24th street. lou-foot front, a comer In Hnnscom place, large modern house. This can bo bought cheap. See me. 160 acres, north of Florence, cheap. Mako an offer. GEO. E. GIHSON, 1609 Farnam. RE-519-16 l.ONT. LOST, diamond shirt stud, between Paxton hotel nnd Hubensteln tailor shop on 14th St.. Friday morning; Under please leave same and receive reward from day clork at Paxton hotel. Lost M670 17 PATK.T. WILL BUY any good invention or patent. Address Lock Box 760, Dcs Moines, Id.. -OSS HAVE cash for good patent or Invention. Address P. O. Box 85, Omaha, Neb. . j 481 N7 MORTGAGES KOH' SALE. WE. HAVE on hand at all times selected first mortgages on Improved property at 6!i to 6 per cent. Call und seo us. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. Wain Floor, New York Life Bldg. 408 30 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading tpeclullst In diseases of women in Om.iha, would call tho uttentlon of. .suffering ladles to his unsurpussed accommoda tions before and during confinement, and nls treatment for irregularities, no mat ter what cause. Cull or address, with stamp, Dr. Pries, 1513 Dodgu St., Omaha Neb. M-S60 8.1 LADIES! Chlchester'a English Pennyroyal Pills uro the best. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief foi Ladles," In letter by return mail. Ask your druggist. Cnlchester Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 515 N. "Y Li Bldg;' Tel. itxri. aiico oonneon, u. u,, males- aept.; Old E. Johnson, Osteoptthtst, Mgr. -1iU DONOHUE, Osteopath, Paxton Blk. Tel. 1307 -977 DR. MUS1CK, Douglas Block. -341 DR. T. HUNT, suite 612 McCague bldg. Tel. 23!2. -750 DETECTIVE AUll.MJY, CAPT. P. MOSTYN, 517 Karbach Block. Oinuha, Neb. Reliable operations; bual tivtis cor.lldentlal. 576 Sib I'AHl'EVrcilia A.NU: JOl.VUIIS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree. 20th and Lake Str 370 IHIOltKKHPI.MJ. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc.. day or even ing. R 15 Com. Nat. Bank. G. It. Ruthbun. 309 IIOILEIt MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler Works, steam boilers, tanks, stack, -tc. Tel. 1369. 12th and Izard Sta, 9J MIHHOH FACTORY. Damaged looking glasaea resllvered. 70S N.16. -621 Illir.SSMAKI.M.. IN FAMILIES. Mlta Sturdy. 2576 Harney. .. -873 829 . LAlJ.nilV. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, "c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4o. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 647. 3S1 NICKEL PLATI.VO, r 8TOVES. lamps, etc., reflating. Omaha Plating CO.. Bee Bldg. Tel. 2635. -0Q PAWMIHOKEKS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1201 Douglas . -987 THIT.VK FACTORY, TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases. Trunk rtpulrcd. Co. Trunk Factory, 12C9 Farnam. 171 012 ,8TAJIJIEni. AM) Tt'TTEIUXO. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. -931 FUltMTUItR HEPAiniMn. TEL. 1231. M. 8. Walklin, 2111 Cuming St. -tii SIIOHTIIAM) AMI Tl PKWHITIMl. A. 0. VAN SANT S nhooir7l7N. Y. Ufe. -979 n2Y,-'!:.i! ''oN'Rc, court reportet principal. Bee Hli'.g ) NEB. Business, ft Shorthand College. Hnyrt'a Theater. " 'sj GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col, 16th & Done -9v2 LEGAL Mll'lt i:. CALL KOH REPUBLICAN COVNTY CONVENTION. It j authority and direction of the repub lican county committee, duly ghon at n irgulnny called meeting, u County detcga u lonvcutlon of the republicans of Dotuias (.-utility Is hereby called to meet at Wasn Ington hall, In the City of Omaha, at 2 P. m., Saturday, September 2$, 1101, for the purpose of nominating candidates to bo voted on Ht the general election November 6, 1901, for the following county oillccrs; One sheriff, one county Judge, one county clerk, one register of deeds, one county treasurer, one county surveyor, ono county Mipcrlutendtfiit of public instruction, one county coroner, two county commissioner, to be choieii by the delegates lrom the respective districts trom which thty aro to be elected. Ono representative to nil vacancy Six Justices of tho peace alnl one police Judge lor tl.o City of Omuha. Two Justices of the peace for the City of South Omuha. Six constables for the City of Omalin Two constables for the City of South Omahn. One assessor for each ward of tho ,Clty of Omaha. One assessor for cadi ward or tho City of South Omaha. Precinct ofllccrs for tho various country predicts. Also to members of the republican county central committee und to transact such other business us may properly coiuo before It. By the same nuthorlty a ptiinary cloctlon Is also called, to bo held Friday, September ST, 1901, in the various wards and precincts, subject to the rules governing primary elections adopted by said republican county committee for the. purpose of electing dele gates to said nominating convention. Tho representation In said convention shall be fifteen delegates for each ward In the City of Omaha. Five delegates for each of the four words In South Omaha and flv delegates for each of tho fourteen country precincts. At this primary election tho polls will be open iu the cities of Omaha und of South Omaha from 12 m. to 7 p. m.. and in the country precincts from 7 p. m. to 9 p. m , at tho following places, OMAHA. First Ward Sixth and Plorco streets Second Ward Twentieth and Custellar streets. Third Ward-1124 Douglas street. Fourth Ward Bee building. Fifth Ward-Sixteenth, near Corby street Sixth Ward-Idlewlld hall. eel Seventh Ward-1331 Park uvenue. Eighth Watd Twenty-second anrtCumln streets. Ninth Ward 291? Farnam street. , SOUTH OMAHA. First Word-627 N. Twcnty-fourth street. Second Ward-Evans laundry, 2309 N st Third Wnrd-aw South Thirtieth street. Fourth Ward-Flaherty barn, 331 K street COUNTRY PRECINCTS. ' Chicago Keluer'a hall. Clonturf Joo Munscr's place. Douglas School houso No. 66. East Omnha Prelst'a hall. Klkhorn Swclchart's shop. Florence City hall. Jofforsor. Mangold's lumber office. McArdlo Glandt school house. Millard Millard school houso. Platto Vallcy-Jall building. Union Powell's blacksmith shop. Waterloo Masonic halt. Benson Benson hall. Dundee Dundco engine house. Tho boundaries of the various primary election districts shall bo the same as the boundaries of the respective wards of Omaha and South Omaha nnd of tho various vot ing districts of the country precincts as existing at tho last general election. Tho namen of all delegates to b placed on the, official primary ballot must bo nied with tho secretary of tho commlttco with n fee of $2 for each delegate not later than 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday, September 24, 1901. The officers of said primary election must bo selected at least ten duys before tho primary election from names submitted to the committee. 11. E. OSTROM, Chairman Republican Central Commlttca. R C. JORDAN, Secretary. Dated at Omaha, September 4. J901. Beautiful Teeth enn be had by most every per To have them, consult a relia ble man. Bailey the Dentist Tblrd Floor Paxton Hlnok. 16th and Farnam Sts. Full set teeth, $5.00. Teeth ex tracted In tho morning new set before dark. nUllI.I.(JTO. STATION lOTII A MASO.V Knnsaa Cltr, Si, Joseph Jt Council lilnlTa. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 9:20 am a 6:05 pm Kansas City Night Ex..al0:30 pm a 6:15 am St. Louis Flyer i 6:10 pm alias am CIiIcmso, llurllnston & Qalney. f ' li t n n .... Unnnlnl n -. (VI ., niA.M Liu i ,w nil. iit.'.fe-s )iii Chicago Vistlhulcd Ex. .a 4:00 pm u 7:15 am fl.ln...... ff n A . 4A n J.fP bllll BHU lwUl.,lli( U V.O, UIII U 1.1U Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm a 7:46 am Fast Mall a 2:46 pm UurllnKtun at MUaonrl Valley. Nebraska Express a 8:40 am a 7:35 pm Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln a 8:40 am bll:53 am Denver Limited .....a 4:25 pm a 3:00 pm Black Hills and Pugct Sound, Denver Con nection ....a 9:00 pm a 6:43 am Lincoln Faat Mall b 3:00 pm it 9:17 nm Fort Crook and Platts- mouth i b 3:20 pm bll:03 am Bellevue' & Pacific Jet., a 7:40 pm a 8:20 am Bellovue & Pacific Jet,. a 3:10 am WEBSTER DEPOT 15TII A WEHSTEIl Fremont, Elkharn A Missouri Vallej Leave. Arrive. Dendwood. Hot SnrinKS a 3:00 nm a 5:00 nm Wyoming, Casper nnd Douglas d 3:00 pm o 6:00 pm Hastings, York, David City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Howard. ...b 3 00 pm b 6:00 pm Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:26 am Fremont Local o 7:30 am MMsuurl 1'nclflc. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Wotr.'....,,,b Cblracn, St. Paul, Oinnlia. 4:10 pm a 10:23 am Minneapolis A Twin City Passenger.. Sioux City Passenger. Emerson Local .a 6:00 am a 9:10 pm .a 2:45 pm ullilO am .b 3:30 pm t 8:30 am a Dally, b .Dally excoDt Sundav. o Sun e Dally day only, d Dally except Saturday. except .Monday. UMOX STATION 10TII AMI MA ROY. t'nlon Pacific. Leave, ,,,a 8:20 am ...a 8:60 am ...811:35 nm Arrive, a 7:30 pm a 3:26 pm a i:2a pm a :60 am bl$:30 pm a 6:60 am b 9:35 am Overland Limited., Fast Mall Mall and Express . Colorado Hneclal... ,all;35 pm l.lncaln-StromaburK Ex.b 4:03 nm I'acltlc c Atlantic Kx.,.n i:. pm Grand Island Local. .....b 5:30 pm llllnola Central. Chicago Express. a 7;oo am a 5:10 pm Chicago. Minnfapolls & St. Paul Limited,' a 7:13 pm a 8:05 am Minneapolis St. Paul Express .i....i.,........b 7:00 am b 9:40 pm Fort Dodgo Local, from Council Bluffs '....-.a 6:00 am Wabaab. St. Louis "CAnnon Ball" Express a 5:15 pm a 8:20 am Mlasonrl Pacific St. Louis Express a 10:00 am a g;25 pm K. C. & St'. L. Express.. ai0:50 pm a 6:16 am Omaha A Ht. Louis. St. Louis "Cannon Haifa 6:15 pm a, 8:20 am Kansas, City and Qulncy Local a 7:26 am a 9:00 pm pAILWAl 'I I. ME t A It I), t'Tilfiiaii. 5lli V St. Paul, Chb-ngo Limited u C:0O pm a .; am Chicago ft linintui K ..b7:)5iim b 3:10pm (III en mi, HiM'k lOiiiiil A i'neltle, I:ast. Des Mouii-s nud Daven- port Local a 7:23 am a 9:11 pm Chicago Express l)ll;15 am a 4:65 pm Drs Alnllies Local a 4:20 pm hll:60 am Chicago Fast Express.. it 5:W pm a 1:23 pm i;r .iitiues, iuu-k jsiaiui and Chicago a 7 WEST. 10 pm a 8:10 nm- Lincoln. Colo. Springs, Denver, Pueblo and .West a liJlpra n 4:15 pm Colorado. Oklahoma and Texas Flyer n 6:20 pm a 9:30 am a Dally b Dally except Sunday, vniciiHii ,v ,orinTrsirrn. Chicago Special a 7 I h!cao Passenger a 4 I'.nstern l.'vi.-a nhl :00 am 16 litn nll;80 pm a $;4o am a 4:03 pm a 4:06 pm a 2:43 pm a 8:00 am a 5:30 pm nl0;25 pm n 8:13 am n 3:50 pm :63 am Eastern Hpeclul.J ... :u pm :I5 pm :30 nm r hi( .inn . ,,, Otnaha-ciilcago 1. fd ..a 7: Fast Mall a 8 V,r ,,,V.1,U.1? I'n"enger :65 nm :66 pm :00 nm jnui . ii.v i.inntetl , ,,a 7 Sioux City Locnl . a 8 a Dally b Dally except Sunday. ju.Hii!iwimg WCor Vr 4 Data. 7,HeurMi!St5. BOSTON to LIVERPOOL, via niirruTnitiii Commonwealth. Twin teraw. inna iaai. oa Ntw England, " Tom. del. ,ImP,fIB,n ' raneour Oel. 6 uei, m vaneouter ..... a m . a .... ... .. , . C Hsr' Offlwi. W Daarbara St. Okan. lUa. I'OSTOKKICE NOTICE. , (Should be read DAILY by all Intereitsd. ni ehinges itmy occur at any tlme.l Foreign malls for the week ending Sep tember .21, 19)1, will close (PROMPTLY In nil cases) at the general postoftlc as lol lows: Parcels post, malls close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. T'ft rpnl. -.11. rn. ,iAn.nn.. . . - m..v. i . aiiiiii.-. vi i ii iiiniij nuai BV 6 p. m. Monday and Wedncsdny. Regular nnd aunplemenlnry malls oloi at foreign branch half hour later than dol ing time shown below, Trana-Atlantln Mhlla. TUESDAY At 1:30 a. ni, for EURQPE, per ii. s. Celtic. la Queenstown (mall for wurope must bo directed "per a. s. Cel tic"); at 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per a. a. Lnhn, via Southampton nnd Bremen (mall for Ireland must bo directed "per s. s. nt S'-30 a. m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per s. s. Archlmedo (mall for Italy, via Naples, must bo dlrocted "per s. s. Archlmedo"). WEDNESDAY-At 6:30, n. m. for IRE I'AND, per h. s. Oceauln, via Qtteenstown (mall for other parts of Europe must bo directed "per n. s. Oceanic"); at 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per h. s. St. Pnul. via Southampton; at 10 a. nt. for BELGIUM d rect, nei- a. a. Kensington tmall must be m?.1rr.cA!VI . JJcr.s' Kensington". THURSDAY At 6:) n. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. Columbia, vin Plymouth. Cher botirg nnd Hamburg (mall for France must bo directed "per h. s. Columbia"): nt 7 a. m. for FRANCE, 8WIT.EIU LAND. SPAIN, ITALY. PORTUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT. ORE ECI5, BRITISH 1NDLV und LORENZO MAHQUEZ. per s. s. La Hretagite. via Hnvro (mall for other parts of Europo must be directed 'per s. k. La Bretagno"); at S n. m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per s. s. Spartnrt SATURDAY At 7:3t) a. m. (supplementary 9 a. n.) for EUROPE, per Vs. Lucanla, via Queenatown; nt 7:30 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per a. a. Pots' dam (mall must be directed "per n. s. Potsdam"): at 8 a. m. for ITALY, per a. s Aller, via Naples (mall must bo directed "per s. . Aller"): at 9:30 a. m. for 8COT I,AND direct, per s. a. Anchorla (mail must bo directed "per s. s. AnchorlT") at 11 n. m. for DENMARK direct, per il Norgo, (mall must bo directed "per s. s! PRINTED MATTER. ETC-Thls ateamet takes Printed Matter. Commercial Pa' pers and Samples for Germany only. The eamo clasi of mall matter for other parti of Europe w I not be sent by this ahlo unless specially directed by It. 9 . 'irL.1 ?.f lnc SupPtemcntari lrans-Atlantlo Malln named above add!- " lih9nlnr.U,P.p,ycn.,,"ry ratt,ls nra 0Pned on i tho plera of the American. English, i-ronch and German eteamcrs and remain open tintll within Ten Mlnutoa "f tne hour of aalling of ateamer. Malta for South nnd Central Aaaerlcn, Weil lnlea, Bto. TUESDAY'-At 9 a, m- for PORTO RICO, i-uuui-, per p. s. loiirnrnian; at 9:30 n. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) 'or CENTRAL ' AMEItICA (exret CosU Rica) and SOUTH PAC1FIO PORTS, per ... ....... .vv-, . iu. viimii iinuii ior uuaro- mala must . bo directed "per s. r. Finance")- at 10 a. m. for GRENADA and TRINIDAD, also CIUDAD BOLI VAR, per n. s. Grenada; nt 12 m. for NORTHERN BRAZIL, per a. V b.matan; ut 12:30 p. m. (supplementary 1 n. m.) for ,r,H!HS8nIS,'AND an,rt DOMINICAN 'RE PUBLIC, per s. s. New York: at 1 n m . for PIldfiRESO, per s. i, HuvcnSdaTe (mat must be directed "per . s. navoiVs dale"); at 0:30 p. in. for JAMAICA; per ?i n mif"1 FfXMiiK' tram Boston; at 11 p. m for JAMAICA, per , a. Barn, stable from Phlladclphlo. " nrt toYAt :S0 . m. for INAOUA ind HAITI, per a. a. Belvernon; at 13 in for CUBA, YUCATAN. CAMPFPIIP' CHIAPAS and TXHASCb, per a! sTlfe i2",?i,.m.!i". f.?r olhfr P of Mexico must tio directed "tier s, a, Havana"! THURSDAY' At 10 n. in. f of HAITI ner s. s. Prlns p llemlrlk (mall forCtirucao , Venezuela, Trinidad, British and Dutch Oulana must bo directed "per s lrin F. Hendrlk"): at 12 in. for SANTIAGO Rf ';., Clenfuegoa; at 6:30 p. m. tor ItMion. ' "r 8" Admlra' BWW, 'rim FRIDAV-At 10 a. m. for BRAZIL, per s a Wordsworth (mall for Northern Braxu' Argentine Hopubllc, Uru guay aHd Po?i. guay must be directed "per a. a. Words! worth"); at 12 m. for ST. KITTH hiut 1S1I, DUTCH and FRENCH ablANA via Demernrn, per s. a. Ullor- at is m' for MEXICO, pr a. a. Ylica Sn via Turn. Pico tmall muat be directed "per h a Vol catan"); at 11 p. m. for nK toi'inii .VlA3lphla!,er ' '' crlh'"'n. froWllI "Sney; 0dW,Aen ZV this ortice dally at 6:3o p. m7 (connecting close hero every Monday, Wediiesdav nfl Saturday). Mafia for Mlqiielon by ralf o Bneton. atid thence by afoamer. closi it this office dally ut 6:30 p. m mhii2 lol Cuba, by rail to Port, Tampa. Fla ' and thenca by ateamor. close at thlit ortlco dally at 6 a. m. the .soniiect tilt e?oae2 nro on Monday. Wediusday amf Satur! duv). Mrlla for Mexico cfty" oVeNand unless spccLUly addressed for dispatch bv ateamer, cloe nt this oftico dally it Hcllxe, Puorto Coi toi and Ouaternali ' i. J lull to New Orlcan. and thence' bv ateamer. close -t this omco dally at .pw p. m. (conrlectlnrr closes her Mondivi for Belli... Puerto Corlez iid Ouatemub! nnd Tuesda- - fur conll ' Ilea). .JUgu't tcred mall closes atjlp. m. ptiviom , fiiy" ,Traua-lnolR' Ma( Malls for Hawaii. Japan. China and Philip Pine Islands, via San Francisco, close Mr, daily at 0:6 p. m. up to fieptembe? "II. IncluHlvc, for dispatch per . a. Doric Mulls 'or I In wall, via Hun Kraiirlsco. ios, here dally at 0:20 p. in. up to Sentcmber 16. Inclusive, Tor dispatch per Ti? A" medn. Malls for Hawaii, China, Japan and Philip pines, via Ban Francisco, close here dully nt 6:J0 p. m. up to September In'Jii slye, for dispalch per . s. Nippon Maru. MalU for Austrulm luxcerii Wmt Austiaiia, which la forwarded via .Europe), Naw Zealand, Fiji. Samoa pnu Jluwuu, vln nun Francisco, close here dolly ut 6:30 p, m. litttLAtKrnhr.T "''w'ld up to Septem ber; 28, Inclusive, or on arrival of a. a. Campania, due at New York September 28, for dispatch por a. a. Hlerru. Malls for China und Japan, via Vancouver, closo hero dally at 6:30 p. in. up to Octo ber "I, Inclusive, for dispatch per si a Empress of India (registered. mall mut bit ulrtctt-u "via Vancouver"). Mall, r.ncepi merchandise which cannot be forwarded via Canada, for tho U. H. Postal Agent at Shanghai, cloaca at 6:30 p. m. previous day, . i . Malls for Tahiti And Marquesas Ishuidt, v(a San Francisco, close hern dallv ar : p, in, up to October "12. Inclusive, fdr d la patch per s. s. Australia, Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe. nd New Zealand, which goes via Han "rancleco) and Mil Islands, via Vnneo'iver, clot, her dally at 6:30 p. m. after September "2$ and un to October "12, Inclualve, fQr dispatch per a. a. Aorangl (aupplementnry malls, via. Seattle and Victoria), close at 6:30 p. m. October 13. ' CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Potmastr. . rostomce, New York, N. r., Beptember 13 IVQim