THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1001, COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Btringth ii Stock Llit Potent Factor ei Eotrd f Trade. 'AIL MARKETS ARE FIRM, THOUGH QUIET Wheat Holds t'p Tlirnnuhnnt Session Corn Sale I.ornl. but Knlrly Ac tive Provisions StrenBth enerl liy Wall Slrrcl. CHICAGO, Sept. tC-Strenstli m the slock lint whs a potent factor in rra though quiet markets on the Board of Trade today, jberemher wheat closed mITw corn c and December imts HWAc hlghor. Provisions closed SH'cioc higher tor January d Dercmher wheat opened I Mi'.ic higher at TS70t4cf the mrrngth of storks be lug In fluentlaf In unserving confidence In the llnanolul stability or the country. Alter tourliltiK 70HO Dercmbcr dropped to pVii 704c on protlt-toklnB by scnlpers. Theru were n number of renting order to buy wheat which came out on the reaction. Offerings been tne light and a fair local de Wind sprang up, somewhat Influenced t the corn strength nnd the market advanced in TlUe. Tho heavy receipts and rattier henrlth statistic caused llouldatlon on tne advance, hut Iho market reacted only to 70Ufe7GNc and tho close win firm. Decern' bor ift4e higher at 7W,g704c. Exporters reported 17 loads taken. Seaboard clear- celpts 2,'Jl5,W hii., compnrcd with bu, last year. Local receipts were 1.2 cars, seven of contract grade. Minneapolis ami Unluth reported 2,220 rnr. against ;3I a year ago. Owing to the holiday Saturday (here undoubtedly were many duplications In the reports of receipts and shipments The vis ible Increased 2,432,000 bu. World ship ments were fl,2M,CW bu. and the ciuantlty on tmssage showed a decrease of 2,301,000 nil. Confidence that the monetary situation has been undisturbed by the calamity at Jluffaln and lh fear of frost was the eon trolling Influence which resulted In an ad vance In corn prices. Trade was local but fairly active nnd although there wns con siderable profit-inking on the ndvance the close found the market In n strong position. December sold between 674c nnd 5c and closed c up at KHVWhC Ilecclpts were 365 cars. Oats were unlet but llrm.i the corn strength, light receipts nnd a decrease In local stocks giving the. market Independent strength. Local iihnrts did most of the buy ing. December sold between Wlc and S6iu nnd closed fVie higher at 3Gc. Hecelpts were 1S7 cars. . Provisions, trie most sensitive market on tho board to the notion of stocks, were considerably strengthened by the Wall street market. A fair cash demand further ndded a good tone. The market, however, was not active nnd .part of the early ad vance was lost on profit-taking. January Jork closed 6c higher at January lam ttfifjc up at J9.1714 and Junuury ribs 2V4tfoc iWlSc up at J9.17W and Junuury ribs 2Htf Improved at S I2Vf. Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, .1 KM hogs, ears: "orn, 330 cars: oats, 1,0 enrs: 19.000 bead. The leading lutures ranged as .follows Articles. I Open. High. t Low. CIose. Hat'y. Wheat Sept. Pec. May Corn 8ept. Deo, May Oats- Hept. Dec. May Jork- Oct. .Inn. Oct. Jan. Bibs- Sept. Oct. Inn. GS's fiSTi fiSH fSS 17T4 7.1T7IH 7IJ 73!? 7i 73i lav :r, risa, r,s tr, w.wK r,n Mii 53 5s r.ti sr.; 3ii, w .hi; X 3i.i 3,4 Srt 35UfiN, 371?35 WS 37. SiKKmK 14 75 11 77M 14 70 4 70 11 72, 15 7i 15 8) 15 72i 15 SO 15 75 9 47H 9 N'i 9 47U 9 55 ' 8 02',4 ft 42V4 9 CO 9 42$ 9 R21J 9 KU- 9 15 9 22W 3 15 9 17! 9 15 8 (Ti'i 8 62 8 fa ! 55 8 8 70 8 raU 8 65 8 60 8 07k S 15 8 07H 8 12V4 S 10 No 2. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUIt Steady: winter patents. $3.19 l.fO: straights. J3.W3.40: clears, $2.8)513.20; spring specials. $4.1034.20; patent"). $3.49if 3.70; Inkers. $2.20f2.C5. . WHEAT No. 3 spring, B5H06Sc: No. 2 red. 70V4tr7oVie: C'ORN-No, 2, 66e; No. 2 yellow, E6f (16T11O. OATS-No. 2. 35Wc: No. 2 white, 37U 87'4c: No. .1 white, 3tWifl37UC ' IIYR-No". 2. C58i5f.Vlo. 11AHLKY Fair to choice malting. 64&57n nnoun nil, i IIHI, !.(; ro. i iiortll wmirrii, i.i: primo limniny, u.Za. rnOVlSIONS-Mcss pork, per bbl., $14.7(1 ?14.75. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $9.Cofjft57W. 8hnrt ribs sides (loose), $8,55i.70. Dry snltod nnouiuors i Dozen i, tt.bmii.,Si. Hliort Ides (boxed). $9.25fl9.3.-.. WHISKV-Uasln of high wines, $1.30. SUOAn-Unqhanged. ' The following nre the receipts and ship ments for the last twenty. four hours; ..Articles. Hecelpts. Shipments. yiour. bbls 42.(i 13.0U0 Wheat, bu C02.000 771,000 Corn, bu 692,000 2R.S.OO0 Oats, bu 374,fiOO C2.000 Ilye. bu 21.000 2.000 Barley, bu 2OS.O0O DI.0O0 On the Produco exchange today the but ter market wns steady; creameries, ltfii'uo: dairies, 13C17c. Cheese, steady, 9iflliic. Hggs. Htcady; fresh. 15',4c. NEW YOHK aiSNERAIi MARKET. on Varlona close 115 10s and futures at 113 7s M. Here values further advanced 35 points under the same conditions, with spot at the close quoted at $2o. l("123.6o. Trading was moderately active. Copper In London wns quiet, but Cs 3d higher, wth spot quoted nt JL57 7s Cd and futures at 67 los, while the local market for that metal wns nominally .inchanged at I6.6I7.'ji) for Lake Superior and ll6.37Hltlo.G2V, lor cnstlng and electro lytic. Lean was dull and unchanged here at 14.3714. It was also unchanged at Lon don, closing nt 12. Spelled ruled un changed at $1 and 16 15s, respectively. Domestic Iron markets were nominally un changed nnd featureless, rig Iron war rants, $:).0jyi0.00; No. 1 foundry, northern, $l.i,l)Slj.W; No. 2 foundry, souhtren, $! H.&0; No. 1 foundry, southern soft, $14,75r 15.25. Olasgow warrants closed nt 61s Id nnd Mlddlcsborough closed at 19s 6d. OMAHA WHOI.KXAI.H MAIIKBT, Condition of Trndr and lnontlon on Staple nnd I'nney Produce, KOtJS ltecelptt. fnlr: loss off, 13fHc. LIVH l'Ot'LTIlY Hens. Tglittc;' young and old roosters, 4c; turkeys, (MSc; ducks nnd geese, 66cs spring chickens, per lb., 105l'i'c. lll'TTKIt-Coinmon to fair, llV4fH2c; choice dairy, In tubs, 15tJlCc; separator, 20 FHn.SlI riBH-Hlack bass. 18c; whlto bass, 10c; bluellsh, lie; bullheads, 10c: blue fins. 7o; buffaloes, 7c; catfish. 12c; cod, 10c; croppies, life ; halibut, He; herring, 7c; had dock, lio; pike, 10c; red snapper, 10c; sal mon, He; siintlsh, be; trout, loc; whltcflsh, loc. OYSTEnS Standards, ner 'can. 30c! extra selects, per can, J7t; New York counts, per can, 45o. I'KlliONB Live, per do., COc. VKALH-Cholce. 8'f"(9e. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hnv Dealers' iiHsoelHtlon! C!bnfee llnlnnil. V.fio: No. 2 upland. $9; medium, $S.50; coarso, ? SA tlt.A Hl.n... , i .-. , ml i - r V....-7. niilin. 1.(r, I urrc III tvt'fl K C I'll nay or good color and quality. Demand fair. Receipts, 2 cars. WIIHAT-COc. COHN-Slc. OATS-Stc. HHAN-JIrtSO. VKOHTABLES. KOO PLANT Per dor., 75c. C'.KKKN COHN-Per dor., 10c. CAHHOTS-per market basket, 35c. HKlCTS-l'er half-bu. basket, 35c. TI'ltNIPS-Per basket, COc. CUCUMUKHS-Home-grown, per dor., 10 i15o. L UTT I ' C K Pe r Int., 20c. HA DISH KS Per dor., 10JJ15C PAHSLKY-Per dor.. 20c. Ni:w POTATOi:s-Home grown, $1.1051 1.25! Salt Lake. $1.251.30. HWKHT POTATOES-Per bu.. $1.23. CAHIlAOf-J-Hnmc grown. 2fl2Hc; Holland Seed, crated, 2Jc. TOMATOES Home-grown, per lS-lb. bas ket, roo. ONIONS Home-grown, per lb., 22Hc MEANS Wax, per li-bu. basket, 00c; string, per i,4-bu. basket. 60s. ONIONS Homo grown, per lb., 22ttc: Spanish, per crate. $1.50. 23fi30c: cruics, tl.COQl.7n; nockyfords, per crate. $2.60. WATERMELONS Missouri. Iowa nnd Nebraska. 20f(25c, an to sire. CELERY Kalamazoo, per bunch. 25ff35e: Nebraska, pel bunch, 30y40c; Colorado, 40 60c ; NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.50fl2.75. FRUITS. APPLES-Per bbl.. $2.2502.50. PEACHES C'nllfornlu freestone, per box, f5c: clings, 75c: Colorado freestone, 75fli5c; Elbertos, O-basket crates. $1.3001. 40. PLUMS California, per crate. $1.251.60; home-grown, per 8-lb. basket, 15c. PEARS-Hartletts. $2.50; Utah, $2; New York llartlctts. kegs, $2.60. CRAPES-Callfornla Tokay, 4-lb. crate, $2; Muscats, $1.60; Concords, home-grown, per 8-lb. basket. lK17c. PINEAPPLKS-Per crate of 12 to 16, $1.25. (MtANHERRIES-Per bbl.. $7; per crate, TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Valenclas. $4.00ff5.flO; Med. sweets. $1.50. LEMONS Fancy. $4: choice. $3.60. RANANAB Per bunch, according to sire, $2.0052.6O. FIOS California, new cartons, 75c: lay ers, 65c. Imported, per lb., 1012c. DATES-Perslan, In CO-lb. boxes, Salrs, 6c. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS English walnuts, per lb., 15c; fil berts, per lb, 13c; nlmomls, per lb., 1820c; raw peanuts, per lb., 6tj6Hc; roasted, 6WM 714c; Rrnzlls, 13c: pecans, 10ft22c. CIDER Per bbl.. $1.60: per H-bbl., $2.75. HIDES No. 1 green, 6Hc; No. 2 green, 6V4c; No. 1 salted, 8c; No. 2 salted, 7c; No. 1 venl calf, 8 to 12W lbs., 8o: No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs., 6c: dry hides, 8fll3c; shceu pelts, 25Q75C; horsohldes, $1.60(8,2.25. Ht. I.onla Grain ProvUlons. Quotntlona of the Dir Commodities. NKW YORK. Sept. 16.-FLOUR-Recelpts, B8.706 bbls.; exports, 41,267 bbls: quiet but steady; winter patents. 53.Wii3.S0; winter tralghts, $.1,301(3.45: Minnesota patents, 13.65(93.90; winter extras, $2.6002.80; Minne sota bakers, $2,154(2.85. Rye flour, quiet; fair to good, $2,8043.15; choice to fancy, .S.303.SO. uuk.nmkan yulct: yellow western, 1.18; city. $1.16: nrnndvwlne. $3.2S3.40. -Hleniiy; No. 2 western. 60Hc. r. o. b. r., rcw vorK car ST. J.OUI8. Sept. 16.-WHEAT-necelpt8. 213.024 bushels; higher: No. ,2 red. cash, ele vator, 691ic; track, 7157710; September. 69o: December, 7P4c; May, 75c; No. 2 hard, 6Sfl63c. CORN-Hlgher: No. 2 cash. 364c; track. 6S85Sttc: September, 67?ic; December, 58c; yy. OSB60?ic. OATS Hlcher! tin. 2 rnnh. 5ffUf clear tS7J(37Uc; September, 36Tic: December. 37HQ1 jixc; may, j;w, No. 2 white, 3SViSJ38Hc. HYE Firmer, 67!ic. FLAXSEED No market. FLOUR Dull: now. red winter, $3.40553.56 ; extra fancy and straight, $3.00(Jf3.15; clear, $2.C3fl2.90. TIMOTHY Firmer, $1.7605.20. CORNMEAI Steady, 29c. HRAN Quiet: sacked, east track. 77c. HAY Irregular; timothy, $7.001314.00: prnlrle. $9.50f(13.00. u"w, WH ISKY Steady, $1.30. IRON COTTONTI E8-$1.32. P. ACQ I NO-64r 7Hc HEMP TWINp:-9c, PROVISIONS-Pork. firm: Jobbing, $15.75. Lard, higher and firm, $9.33. Dry salt meats, stronger: boxed lots, extra shorts nnd clear ribs. $9: clenr km tan nnn 2fi!on?n iwboxf(1 ,ot, oxtrn "horts and clear M ETA LS Lead, quiet, $4.27HfJf4.J5. Spcl ter, quiet nt $TS5. POULTRY-Stcady; chickens, 7c; springs, 9Hc: turkeys, Cc; young, 7e; ducks, 6M,c springs, 4c. .laiV1 H,ca"" creamery, 16f21c; ECGS-Stea'dy at 15c. JircuKlPTo Flour, 17,000 bbls.; wheat 213,000 bu.; com. 108.000 bu.: oats. 128.000 hi.' , HHIPMENTS-Flour. 22.000 bb s.: wheat 141.000 bu.: corn. 30.000 hn n.i. rtnnn : ..' RYE Hteadv: No. 2 western. 60' noat; state, .vtoef, c. I JOIS. BARLEY Dull; feeding, 54c. c. I. f., Buf falo; malting. t!0((64c, c. I. f., Buffalo. VIIEAT Receipts, 208,400 bu.; exports, 395,200 bu. Spot, firm; No. 2 rid, 76Hc. f. o. To., afloat: No. 2 red, 74"c, elt-vator: No. 1 northern Duluth. 76Hc. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard Duluth. nominal. Options firm and later advanced on firmness abrond, French buying, rood dqmestlc support, contldence In tho now president and a decrensn on l.issage. Later they reacted partially under a big visible supply Increase and reallr ng, but rallied llimlly on covering SPi' .p.lS Jr."1 nrm ut ViSyic net advance. May, Liverpool Grnln anil Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Sept, 16.-WHEAT-Spot No. 2 red western, winter, 6s6!4d: No. 1 northern, spring. 5s7Ud: No. l Cnllfnmin 6s lid. Futures steady; September, 6s5idj December. En M ,1 , ' ' CORN-Spot. quiet; American mixed, new, 5s. lutures. steady; Septemher. 4sUHd; November. 4s 10Hd. . --ts". riiuviMioNB-mrnn, Cumberland cut, firm, unchanged: short clear backs, firm 46s 3d: clear be les. firm' ks c,i ' t nrim? western. In tierces, firm, 48s.' T.iii,uv-l'rime city. firm. 26s 0d. iiuj-D ai L,onaon (Paclflo coasn. 35s. JHtf71?ic, closed at October. 734 lilt0:, c'0"! at 74',ic; December, WMP fff.lo, closed nt 76ic CORN-Rccelpts, 1S8.500 bu.; exports, S9.1C2 bu. Spot firm; No. 2, SJTic. elevator, and 63nc, f. -o. b.. afloat. Option market was firm and hlRher early with winter wheat and on cold wenther In tho northwest, to elhcr with firmer cable. It yielded a little to realizing, hut oventun ly recovered on a demand for shorts und closed firm at TtlUVc net advance. May. H3m4i63Wc. closed at 63Wc; September. 6j021i;. closed r.t b2;,::mL,ec.?mn ,i:!j;5. closed at 62V. OATS-Receipts. 297.6c5rt bu.; exports. 22.509 bu. 8pot. Ilrmcr; No. 2, 3SHc; No. 3. 3So; No. 2 white. 40c : No. 3 white. 39?;o: track rnlxeil .western, SSfcKlWe; track white. SOW 47c. Option murkot was quiet, but firm on the atrcngth In other markets. .nAYIPif,"dy! Bn,l'l,l"lf. 05C50! Bood to choice, ffiflaoo. HOPS Quiet; stale, common to cholee. 1900 crop. 11015c; 18f 9 crop. (mc old"? Hi Sc. Pacific coast. 1900 crop, lHitSc1 1899 crop. (Mfllc; old. tt3c. ujjiac. jwj HIDES Steady: Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs ISc: California. 21 to 25 lbs., 19'ic: Tevas dry, 24 to SO Ibr., llHc ' esus LK ATI! ER Sternly ; hemlock sole. Buenos Ay res. light to heavyweights, 23V4GT24UC1 acid. 2.tti24Wc. n-ic, PROVIBIONS-Beef. steady; family, $11.50 (312.00; mess, $9.60jil0.00: beef hnms, Hoc 22.00; packet. JlO.OOff10.50; city, extra India mess. $l.0(Xfri8.00. (Jut meats, steady; pickled bellies, I9.25flll.25; packled should ders. $7.2567.60; pickled hams, $10.50tfi 10.75. Lard, nrm; western steamed. $9.85: refined, firm; continent, $tai5; Hnjth Ameilca. $10.83; compound, $7.507.75. Pork, rtrm: family. Wj short clenr, $16,70ifflS.2l; mess, $15.75$ , TALLOW Firmer; city ($2 per pkg.), tc. country (pkgs. free.), 6HB5Vo. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra. isno'tc; jopnu, iic. , MOLABSE8 Steady; New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice. 35K42c. R UTTER Receipts, 6.244 pkgs.; steady; tale dairy. HfjisUc; creamery, 5iifl201ic; June imcked. fnctorv. ItidSUc. , CHEESE-Recelpts, 1.1S4; quiet; fancy, jarge, colored, &Te; fancy, large, wtii e( siic; fancy, small, colored, Hic; fancy mall, whlto. Uc. EGGS-Recelpts, S.96 ))kgs.; firm; state, -eiinsyironia, ikqivc; western, cunaicu jiiii: wrsiern. uncanilled, lJVtUlt',jC. MOL,VSSES-Steady. POULTRY-Altve. firm; springers, 12c turkeys. 6 If' fnn-la. Ilo. nr Arm printers, 12c; fowls. UOHMc; sprlnit tur keys. 10fli:c. MBTALH-Tlrt In London advanced 1 on . Ufhl peculation, thus spot stood at the dull, crease of 2.il2,000 bu.; corn. 12.052.000 bu., a decrease of ffiWOT bu., oats, 8.145.0CO bu., an Increast of 1.037.000 bu.: rye, 1,609.000 bu., a decrease of 26,100 bu.; barley, 1,125,0)0 bu an Increase of 462,00) bu. Minneapolis Whent, Floor anil tlrnn. MINNEAPOLIS, Sept 16. WHEAT Cash, CScl December, 67ic! May, 70Tij71cs on track, No. 1 hard, 70c; No. 1 northern, c; No. 2 northern. (4c FLOUR Firm: first t.atents, $3.8503.95; second patents. $3.ta3.73; first clears, $2.S0 2.85; second clears. $2.20. BRAN In bulk, $13.005j 13.25. KlRln Butter Market. ELGIN, Sept. 16, BUTTER There were no offerings of butter on the Hoard of Trade today hnd the market remained un changed. The board Indorsed E. Suddendorf of Elgin for superintendent of the dairy department of the St. Louis exposition. DuliKh Grnln .Market. DULUTH, Sept. I6.-WHEAT-N0, 1 cash, hard, "lic: No. 2 northern, 65ic: No. 1 northern, 69ic; September. 6Uc: October, b9Hc: December, 6$Uc; January, 72Uc CORN-56C OATS-36H'936Hc. I'eorln Market. Sept. 16.-CORN-Hlghcr; No, No. 2 white, SSftc. billed PEORIA, 2. 66c. OATS-FIrm; tnrougn. WHISKY On the basis of $1.30 for Ishcd goods. tin- Provision Mnrkrt Closes, LIVERPOOL. Sept. 16.-Thc Provision ex change here will be closed on the day of tho funernl uf President McKlnley. yUW YORK STOCKS AND HO MIX. Rampant null Market on First Day of Trading;. NEW YORK. Sept. I6.-A rampant bull stock market on the first day or trading following the death by nssasslnntlon of the president of the VnltPd Btntes Is nn anomaly. Bndly stntcd, that Is what oc curred. No one, even the most sauguln,', was prcpalcd for the action of tho day's stock mArket, Much was heard on Saturday and Ins been published since of the length to which tho lamentnble outcome, of the president's hurt had already been discounted In the operations of last week, and especially those of Friday. In part, these assertions were made with a view to Influencing speculative sentiment nnd keeping up tho courage of those who fenred a collapse in the market. Those who made the assertions sincerely probably hud no Idea of the ex tent to which the recuperative forces in tho market would be affected by tho sup posed temerity that demoralization would be checked and the market be nble to rcsl&t violent losses. Confidence was felt. In fact, that the purely speculative pressure on the market would be successfully overcome, owing to the extent whicli sneculntlve selling had nlrendy gone, and to the nmplo prepara tions and. concerted measures adopted uy the clearing house banks und great capital ists to protect tho money market and resist declines in the stock market. The portlcn of the problem remaining to be solved was tho effect which would bo produced upon business sentiment In general throughout the country and among tho substantial In vestment holders of securities. A move ment 10 liquidate on tho part of this ele ment, actuated by tho apprehension of a long debate faced, would Inevitably over come the market, In spite of t lie mod strenuous efforts of manipulation. The day's events seemed to demonstrate a strong underlying confidence In the future of huslncss and tho continuance of the country's prosperity. Powerful manipula tion avowedly had its part in the day s rise In prices, especially the opening, which wns designed to Intimidate the spcculutlvn bear clement. It not only had that effect. but caused a' scramble to cover 011 the part of tho uncovered shorts, who looked for n further drop. There also wns nn abundance of orders to buy at prices below the market on the. pan 01 investors ana uargain nunirrs. which served as a protection against bear aggression. There wns a. considerable ele ment as well which looked for nn opsnlng break In prices nnd hoped to secure bar gains by placing orders to buy at the market. As tho event proved, the opening market was from 3 to 6 points higher than on Friday afternoon. Thero was 11 lack of confidence In the early strength of Hie market ntd there were many reallz'ng movements during the day, but the ab sorpslvo power of the market proved too strong for the boars.. Tho solemn assurances given by the new president of his purpose to malntnhi the continuity of the Kovcrnmcntnl solicits was a relief to capitalists' conservative dread of change. Tho bank statement of Saturday encouraged tho hope that the treasury's relief of the money market would prove effective against money string encies. Larce dividend naymcnts today. Including: a distribution of $8,000,000 to Stand ard Oil stockholders, made themselves felt In the money market. The day's movement, however, was bnsed broadly on the assump tion that tho death of the president and other unfavorable factors in the huslne'S outlook have been sufficiently dlscoiinte-1 In the movement of prices of securities, with a promise of betterment In the future. Except In speculative Issues, which were nctive and ouoyant. tne price movement In railroad bonds and the amount of trading none was not large, rotai sales, par value, $3,772,000. United States new 4s advanced 1 per cent on tne last cnn. Tho Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: The stock mar ket (odny wns idle, except In the American department, which onened cheerful, as sisted by the news that the steel strike had been settled and by the New York bank statement of last Saturday. Local buying causeo a spun 01 irom . 10 .1 run points. Then there was a lull until after the New York opening, when, after n short pcrlo.l of dullness, thero wns renewed activity, aiong to a ouyins umsn. Kin tlntos were 63V4. on a rise in the metal, n decline of 983 tons in supplies within a fortnight and estimates of a 35 shilling dividend. Austria is still a moderate purchaser or bullion, The exchango will close nn Thursday. The following are tne closing prices on the New x orx chock Central quoted at 149. Grand Trunks roso sympathetically. Kaffirs were dull. Gold premiums were quoted as follows: Buenos Ayrcs, 130.60; Madrid, 42.62; Lisbon, 35.75; Rome, 3.75. , PARIS, Sept. 16. Prices were llrm on the bourse today on tho declaration of Preal dent Roosevctt that he Intended to follow his predecessors policy. Internationals Im proved, Spanish 4s benefiting by the gen eral llrmness and better exchange. Rio tlntos were hi active demand throughout on the rise In copper and a rumor that statistics will show a decrease In the sup ply. Russian securities were weak. The settlement passed off easily. Money waa dull. Three per cent rentes, lOlf 12Hc. ex Interest. Exchange on London, 25f 22Wc for checks. Spanish 4s, 71.60. MERLIN. Sept. 16. Business was quiet' and irregular on tho bourse today. Inter nationals were maintained. Spanish 4s were In good demand. Canadian Pacific were considerably harder on London od vances. Bonds were fairly firm. Mines fluctuated. Exchange on London, 20rn l.' pfgs. for checks. Discount rates: Short ins, s per cent: for three months' bills. !i per cent. MADRID. Sent. 16 The weeWlv inn. tnent of the Bank of Spain shows" the fol- uwiiik cnanges: uom in nanti, increased 1,00 pesetas: sliver in hand, decrenxed r,n pesetas; notes In circulation, decreased 229,ouo pesetas. .w York Moner Market. NEW YORK. Sent. 16 MONKY nn mil. easier, nt 2Q2 per cent; ruling rale, 6V4 per cent: prime mercantile paper, (85V4 per cent. STERLING EXCIIAKGR llenvv. will. actual business In bankers' bills at $4 81s; for demand nnd nt'.UKU tnr ,iiv days; posted rntes. $4,l3fJ4.M and $4.8 a M: commercial bills. $4.S2H. SlLVER-Uar. 5Slii Mexican dollars, 4Sic. BONDS Government nnd state, utmiiv railroad, Inactive. The closing quotations on bonds art a follows! U. 8. ref. U. rf.,..10s Nloeklng Valley ti..!XU do coupon 10SH u & N. unl. 4....10li .133 ...m ...112 ...113 ...10 ...lot ...104 do new 4s, re-. do coupon tin old 4r, ttf.,. do coupon ...,t, do 08, reg do coupon ,,,,,, Atch. gen. (.... do adj. 4...,,, . & O. Is Mo 3U do conv. 4s..... Canada So. 21... of O. in mi do lft Inc 79 C. & o. H 10.-, & A, 3U II II. .1 Q. new (;. KM (.', M A Ht P t I.. HO & N. W. 0. 7s. .110 V., It. 1. A P. 4S..1UK V C C & H la K 4s.. 102 'Chicago Ter. 4a.... $3 Colo. Ho? 4s 87; 11. a rt. o. 4 ioi, rle prior lien 4... 9V.4 do gen. 4s ! W. & D. C. li..I03'5 Cons., money ,,, do account Anaconda Atchlnon 1o tiM rinltltnore O... 'nnadlan Pacific Clies. & Ohio Chlraao Clt. ... H., M. & St. I'.... Denver & II. a.. do pfd rle do Int pfd do 2d rfd Illinois Central Lnuln. & Nash M.. K. ft T.... do pfd lAtr.hlaon do pfd naltlmore do pfd Canadian The Imports of wheat Intn T week wore: From Atlnntl.. nn.l. V -Si quarters: other ports. 4,000 qunrtcrs. ' . lie in iiuriB 01 corn irom At antic porta last week were 89,000 quarters. 1 Knnsna City Grain und Provisions. KANSAS CITY. 1ft Will,-(.m xi speculative mnrkot; cash. No. 2 hard. 65; Wo: No. 3, 6oWc; No. 2 red. 69c: No. V. rsr CORN-Cash, No. 2 mixed, 6SH59o; No. 2 white. R9c; No. 3. 59c. uAia-Mc, 3 white, iStfc. RYE No ?. 65o. EGGS Firm: freah Ml..nri n ..'.1 -....... . ntock quoted on 'change, 14c per "hoi, Toll Off. eases returned. RECEIPTS (two days) Wlleat. 191 tOOhu corn. 45.600 bu,: oats. 10.400 bu ' D '' SHIPMENTS-Wheat. 121,800 bu.; corn 49,600 bu.; oats, 57.000 bu. corn' Toledo Grain and Seed. TOLEDO. Sent. 16 lVITPiT1v.11 higher; cush and September, 72jJ73V$c; May! CORN-Falrly active, strong: cash and September. 67c; December, 67T,c; May. OATS-pull. firm; cash and September. 36Uo: December, 37V4c; May, 38!ic. 'no':T RYE 52Hc. ' v.-ujjvr;KSKKU-Active, h ghcr: cash and October, $5.37H: Dccembor, $5.40. 1 Philadelphia Produce Market. FiVmIl?iE!,'PHIA,' a86"1' I"- BUTTER Frv iu'V oe"u"1: f"ncy western cream"cUancy nerby prints, 23o. I'UUS-Y Irm. BOOd llamnn,l. trU ,.,K.. soulhniec' ,9C! fre,h B01'hwestern and fanwB, nv?yi-N?w i'ork fu" 'r,nn", ranc Bmnll, OjioUo; New York fu.l creams, fair to choice, SVt9c. drain Market. MILWAUKEE. Sent. 16 wiiBin. ,.. ket higher: No. 1 northern. SSeVic- No northern. 6Sfj69c: December. 7o;c " H A RLE Y Steady; No. 2. Me; sample. 4Vn December, 670. Visible Nnpplx of Grain. NEW YORK. Sept. 16,-Thc visible supply of grain Saturday. September 14, us com piled by the New York Produce exqbnine, IS tl HVllj WIIVWV uu,, an in annda Southern -her. & OM..O.... hlrago & Alton, do pfd Chlcnro. I, ft L.. lo iird ., Chicago & E. I... Chicago fit. W.. do lit pfd do Jd pfd Chicago & N, W,. C, It. I. ... Chicago T. A T.. do pfd C. C. ,C. & 81. L.i Colo, southern ... do Ut ptd do 2d Pfd Del. t Hudion... Del.. U t W Denver & It. CI... do rfd Crl do 1st pfd do ?i Pfd Ot. Nor.' pfd... Ilocklnx Valley lo pfd Illinois Central Iowa Crntranl , lo pfd K..& W lo pfll 59o. CORN iSn. Railway do prd Tex. & Pacific... T.. St. L, & V do pfd 1 Union Pacific ... do pfd Wabash do pfd W. & L. B.... do 2d pfd Wis. Central do pfd P. O. C. & St. I. Adams Express , 7 , Mi &, 0 103 .. 9$ Pacific ,.llH .. 76 .. 4SH .. 3S .. 77 .. (3'i .. 7CH ..127 .. 231i ,. (4 ,. 4 ,,193 'Amer. Hxprexa ,.Wi U. H, Express.. .. 2H Welln-Karito Ex .. 41'4 Amal. Copper , . WVl Amer, C. & F... .14 I do pfd . M 'Amer. Lin. OH,, . 244 do pfd HJV4 Amer. 8. A It.,. ,221 do pfd . 4J Amer. Tobacco . 94H Ana, Mln. Co..., 4SH llrK. Hap. Tr.... 70VJ Colo. F. & I 5"V('on. Rat ,-, lU'.i Con. Tobacco ... .... 51 dn pfd ., ..... 7 General Electric ....lll'.i (llucose HiiKar ,. Ia)ul. & Nash 103V4 Mnnnaiian i ., Met. Ht. Ily Mex. central ., Mex. National , Minn. & Ht. L.c Mo. 'a-:l(lc M.. K. & T do pfd N. J. Central.., N, Y. Central., Nor. & West..,, do pfd Ontario A W... Ptnnnylvanla Heading do Ut prd... do 2d pfd... St. L A H. F, do Ut prd... do 2d pfd... St. Ta. H. W.. lo pt.l Ht. Tatil do pfd So. Pad no .... Hocking Coal . 32i . 42i . :o . 34 . 98 . 22H . IS . 2HH . 70 ....170 ....192 .... 93 ...160 ,.,.10S .... 29i . 17 . 4' . 46 . 91H .134. . 4) . 93 .221 . t7 .114 .ion (7 71 lnl'n'1 Paper W'il dn pfd .125 int'n'l Power Ijlclede (las 1181 National- Illscult .. ....ie3ViiNatlonnt Lead 4't National Halt .... H'i do pfd ... .1M1J No. American ....IMS Pacific Count , .... :M, Pacific Mall .... 5.1(4 "People's Oa ....18: ITftneil H. C I5U do pfd , .... 84H Pullman P. C .... 86(4 Hrpiibllo Sttel .... .... S3V do pfd ,.,.144U Sugar .... 41'i Tenn. C. A I .... 7J!i Union II. A P. Co. .... 52H do pfd .... (5S U. H, leather ,,,, 78 do pfd .... 6S(J P. . Rubber .... 1 do pfd .... Mi U. S. Steel ...,161Vi do pfd ,. ,,,.188 tern Union ... iV.i 18 2484 7'JH 54 4.14 7 9S', 63 4 IT 109 4 8Ui !li) 14'4 B31 161 73 1V84 17', 44 94H 91 Tl Ex-dlv. "Ex-rlghls. Korelan Financial, LONDON, Sept. 16. Money was plentiful today und demand limited. Thero was a hardening tendency on expected rlxo In Voir Ynrk. which nave rise to an exnecta. Hon that President McKlnley's death would glvo rise to jold exports from horn. Tho nttcntlon of the Stock exchango centered uimnai wlmllv in Americans. In which the quotutloux were nominal. It was not thought that the death of the presldont will further reverse mo onoci i me irrininif tlr nf Hi a isnl atrlko In hn United State which had a favorable Influence, on tho mnrkot. During the afternoon prices fur. ther hardened, especlnllv on receipt of New York's close, and doted firm, with Illinois do 3i. ref.... 108 do coupon 0i Mex. Central 4s 81 I do 1st Inc .13(4 .Minn. A Ht. L. 4s..l03(4 M K. A T. (J 38(4 do 2s s:, N. Y. C Is 105U I "do Ken, 3(4 107 No. Tactile 4 10414 do 3s .. 98',1'N. A W. c. 4s lni ..I0314 Reading gen. 4ir S31, .. 9I(, fit la A I M C. (S..114 ..10H Ht L A S F 95 107 Ht. U S. W. 1 97W do 2s .., 78S H. A. A A. P. 4i.. 9 So. Paclflo 4s 91 So. Hallway 6s Wi T, A P. 1 ,.,..111114 T., St. L. A W 4s.. 8114 iinion racinc it... ,10414 do conv. 4s. Wabash la do 2s do deb. n , West Shc" 4s. . W. A L. E. 4.. Wis. Central 4s. ...104 ..119 ..11014 .. 62H ..113 .. 91'i 88(4 'Bid. London Stock Quotations. LONDON, Sept. 16. 4 p. m.-Closlna;' 95 12-16 ... 91 ... 914 .. 99 ..ViVi ..1I3H .. 4U .. 24 163 47i ... 964 ... 434 ... 7I4 ... 58 ...146 ...105(4 39 N. Y. Central.. Nor. A West.... No. Pacific nfd. Ontario A IV... Pennsylvania ... Heading do 1st pfd..,, do 2d pfd.... So. Hallway .... do pfd Ho. Paclflo Union Pacific .. do nfd U. H. Bteel do pfd Wabash do pfd Hpanlsh 4s K(4Hand Mines ...Wi ... 55(4 ... 91(4 ... 49 ... 73 ... 20( ... 384 ... 27 ... 31 ... 89 ... M ...100H 964 40 70(4 70(4 SILVER Bar, steady. 27d per oz. Rate of discount In the nnen mnrkot fnr short bills Is 2V4S2i per cent; for .three months' bills, 2 5-16fli per cent. New York Mining Stocks. NEW YORK. Seht. 16 The follmvln the closing quotations on mining; stocks: Adams Con ... Alice IlrFec Hmnswlck Con Comstock Tunntl .... V) .... 43 ....140 V R Con. Cal. A Va....l" Deadwood Terra ... So ILIttle Chief ... .Ontario Ophlr l'hoenlx Potosl ISavaae Sierra Nevada .173Hmall Hopas arc" ti; ... 12 ...10. ... 75 ... 6 ... 3 ... 3 21 40 Horn Sliver Iron Silver .Wl.'pjtandard 323 laciidvllle con a llr, h 4-; OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET All Kiodi .f CattU of DwirahU Qaality 8U 8u4j to Btrnr. HOGS AVERAGED BIG NICKEL HIGHER Liberal Itccelpt of, sheep and Lambs anil aa Other Markets Were laorrcr Prices at This Point Eased OR About a Dime, SOUTH OMAHA, Sept. 16 Receipts were! Cattle. Hogs. Sncep. Olhclal .Monday S.sris u,. Same day last week 4.1 .ih i.I'Jj butne week before , name three weeks ago., bffii J.iW bamo tour weeks ugo,... 4,Vs0 o.Uja . aamo aay last year 7, !.W um Average price paid tor hogi at SJUth Omaha tno past; several day witn com-pansohs: August SSI August M & !7H August zi 0 uu; AUKUIl JH CO AUgUSt Z)l aukusi au, AUgUlt 31 bept. 1... oept. sent. tiept. sept. Sept, Sept. bept. Sept. bept. Sept. bept. sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Indicates Sunday. . Th official number Of cars of stoCK brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs, sneep.11 r . C, M. & St. P 1 O. & St. L 1 Un on Paclflo system c. tt N. w I.. K. & M. V... C, 8t. P., M. &. O.... B. & M a. & - K. C. & St. J 6 R. I. & P., east... 1 C R. I. & P., west... 2 Illinois ucntiai..... Total receipts 176 Tha illknnnlttnn of the day.'s receipts was as foltowK, each buyer purchasing the num ber or ncau inutcaieu: Cattle. Hogs. Sliep Omaha Packing Co 3S4 Swirt and Company 697 Cudahy Packing Co t7 Armour & lo Swift, from country...... ss R. Becker & Degan Vansant & Co 216 U Carey 1 aObman & Co 344 V. I. Stephen bS Benton & Underwood 6 alvlnnstone &. scnaiier... iw N. Morris 4o Hamilton & Rothschild.. 11.1 F. Hum i- Walt & M . 22? Other buyers 624 Dank Clearing. OMAHA. Sent. 16. Bank clearings today. $1.127,983 ; corresponding day last year, tt.079.930: Increase, JIS.05S. BOSTON. Sept. 16.-Clearlngs. I17.707.2f9: balances, It, 447.279. NEW YORK. Sent. 16,-Clearlngs. S115.- 679.S68: balances. S6,40O,3S8. PHIIaA DELPHI A. Sent. 16.-C ear ngs. $12,174,370: balances, J3,0M,50. BALTIMORE. Sept. 16. Clear ngs. 12.903.- 639: balances, 7I.801i un caou. sent. 16. clearings, i2i.43i.4io: batnnces, )2.849,212; posted exchange, $4,844 J4.87: New York exchange, par. 1st. i.oi'iH. Bent. 16. u earings. i6.998.335: balances, $S90,225: money. 406 per cent; New i orK exenange, iuo discount Din, par asKed Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Sent.i 16.-COTTON-8not oioseci quiet. 4c lower: middling upland. KHc; middling gulf, 8Wc; sales. 2.710 bales. Futures closed steady: September. 7,fow 7,sc iMovemoer. 7.&sc: ueccmtier. 7.59c January, 7.60e: Pcbruary, 7,61c; March, 7.63c; April, ctnc; may. y.wsc. NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 16.-COTTON Steady; sales. 255 bales; ordinary, 61c; low miauling, ivic; middling, ifc: .good mi'P dllng, 8c: middling fair. 8 7-16c, nominal receipts, 8,059 naiesr stocK, 3I.S75 bale, Fu tures, steady: September, 7.05c, bid: Oo tober, 7.50Ji7.Kc: November, 7.477.49e; De cemoer. 7.47i..48c: January. 7.4.H7.4SC February. 7.49o; March. 7.4Dc: Anrll. 7.47SJ 7.49c: May. 7.49c. 8T. LOUIS. Sent. 6.-COTTON-Market quiet: middling. So: suies. 300 bales: re celpts, () bules; shipments, 417 hales; stock. Zi.aii nnies. - GALVESTON. Sent. 16.-COTTON-Mar ket easy at 7 15-16c. LIVERPOOL. Sent. 16. COTTON Sn-t. lair uemaiin; prices steady; American mm dllng, 4 17-32d. Sajes. 4.C00 bales, 600 rf which were ror specu'atlon and export, nnd Included' 8.400 American. Recelots. 4.0O1 bales. Including 600 'American. Futures' opened quiet and steady and 'doed llrm: Amerlcnn middling, I. m. c, September. 4 21-CI1, nellers; October, 4 31-64d; November, i-ohi: jMivemDer ann upeemner. ih.Kin. buvers: December and January. 4 14.8M. sellers: January and February. yi-64d. se'l ers: February and March, 4 15-fiirt, sellers; Aiarcn unci April, 4 14-B4d, ouycrs; April and May, 1 M'oum jo-mo. sellers. OH and .llnaln. Oil, CITY. Ta.. Sent. 16,-OHa-Credlt bal ances. $1.25; certificates, no hid: shipments. 290,727 bbls.; average, fS.Efd bbls.: runs for three days. 20..S77 bbls.: average. 76 612 bbls NEW YORK. Sent. 16.-OIL-Cottonseed. stein y; prime ye aw, wi-mic. I'etroieum. dull; refined, New York. $7.50; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $7.45; Philadelphia and Bal timore. In bulk. $4 85. Rnvln. steaiy: strained, common to good, tl.VJ. Turpen tine, steadv, 36Hfi37c. LONDON. Pent. 16.-OII-Caleutta Hn seed. snot. 54s: . linseed, .lis. Potro'cum. American renned, 6i-i(i. Turpentine spirits, ivu. 8ngar Market. NEW YORK. Sent. 16.-8UOAR-naW, steady: fair reilntng. 3 5-l6c: centrifugal. 96 test, 3jc Kenned, steady; no. . i.yoc; jvo. 7. 4.C0e: Nn. 8. 4.50o: No. 9. 4.40o: No. 10. 4.33c; No. 11, 4.30o; No. 12. 1.30c; Nos. 13 and 14. 4.211c: standard A. 5.0.1c: confectioners A. fi.OSc: mould A. 5.60o: cut loaf nnd crushed, 5.75c: powdered, 5.35c; granulated, r .- . I r A o.w.c; (llura. NEW ORLEANS. Sent. 16.-SUOAR Centrifugal, yellow, 3Soj seconds, 3il3y4c. Aioiassen, steaii) ; ceinni;. mime. Kvnporatcd nnrt Dried Krnlta. NEW YORK. Sept. 16. EVAPORATED APPLES-Whlle still being steady in tone, the market ruled very quiet todav at un- cnangeu prices; state, common 10 noon, 5fiSc: prime, hKfirKc; choice, 9j; fancy CALIFORNIA DRIED FRIMTS-Market InurtlvM nnd nominally unchanged. Prunes, 3iii7c. Apricots. Royal. SVj13e: Mcor Park. SHI lZc. Peaches, peeled, llultc: un peeled, 9313c. Dry (inoda Market. NEW YOnK. Sent. 16.-DRY OOODS- Tho general demand for cotton goods lias been quiet today, without material change in tone or price. Quotations nn mourning goods, solid black anil others, have been In good demand and prices are Irregularly higher. Slocks of black cottons here are limited. Print cloths are quiet nnd un changed. No change in the general run of prints or ginghams nor In while goods. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. 8ent. 16. WOOIa-Qulet: me dlum grades. 12H17Hc; light fine, 12fjtl4Hc ncavjr line, nviumjcj iuo wainpu, i.jtc I 1901. 1000.1S9.18:'8.1W7.U96,1895. 2 3... 4... 6... 6... 7... ... 9... 10.. 11.. 12.. 13.. 14.. lb.. 16.. 02H , 061 I 40) J 7j S 1 79 4iH 3 71 X Hi $ l 2? 0 Vi & 0V 1 a ivi VJ - m. " II 6 M C U)tl b Uo I 0 01 it? on, 16 t 26(4 b34 6 29H 6 36H H Hi. 6 3914 6 4SV4 bSlfi 6 574 6 02 6 06 5 OS 5 05 6.10, 6 16 6 22 b 2oi '6 OS 6 05 5 09 4 40 4 421 3 4 40i 4 4 2U t 7 i l o - 1 a 01 a 7S 3 91 I 4 19 4 22 4 2J 3 t5 4 01 t 3 621 3 63 6 OSM 30 a 53 4 M 0 Wl 4 28 4 22 4 25 4 30 4 33 4 34 3 67j 3 M 1 3 3 3 83 3 72 3 68 4 V7 2 el Tl 4 U2I 2 7 1 OH -2 Mil 3 t 2 M 4 21 4 4 a 4 24 4 4 at 81 4 34 t au 4 U 4 29 4 23 3 Wl S 84 I 3 82! 3 9 3 87 3 84 t ! 1 It 2lU I 2 69 2 "iU 2 73 4 Mii 4 l 4 t'J 4t6 4 01 4 12 52 87 5 'i 46 13 n 'fi 'i 5 .. 1 73.. 2 .. aa 4 1 a .. 43 45 15 537 801 755 8bl 1.2.8 3.101 2,309 U'.l 4,113 Total...?. 4.752 2.944 12,63; CATTLE There was a fair run of tattio inHnv fnr ilm ilri day nf tho week, tne bulk of tho receipts being made up of western ratifce cattle. The demand on tho part of local packters and also from feeder buyers ws qulto liberal, so that the gen eral market ruled active and steady to stronir on all desirable grades. ' Thn sunnlv of cornfed steers was very light this morning, as thero were not over a hair doren cars in tno yaras. uyB nrnntori u temr. an that anything at all good was picked up eariy ni sicaay 10 bhuih. pnceB,- unq in some tiiaea onun juuno. Higher. Tne commoner grades amu smu v tully steady prices. The proportion of cow stuff was quite largo this morning, there being fully forty- nve cars on saie. ine marnci wbb, !' -ham. a lit t In nnaven: 'nnrtlcularl V at first. but It finally settled down to a good, stcacjy to strong:, active maraei. i-iicitcra nu proved to" be liberal buyers, so that the bulk of 'the offerings was out of first hands In good season. Even canners so.d at very satisfactory prices today. There was not enough change notlceab'e today In the prices paid for bulls, calves and stags to be wortny 01 mention. There were a good many stockers and feeders, Including today's receipts, but the demand was sufficient to take the better grades at steady to stronger prices. The commoner grades, of course, were neg lected, the same as usual, as 'tne ocmana from the country for that class of entile Is very limited, but still about the amj prices were paid as thoso In force at tho close of last week. rhcre was a good, strong demand today for western range steers on the part of packers, and all the better grades were picked up In good season at steady to Htrong prices. The commoner grades also sold nt fully as good prices as have been paid of late. The cow market could bs quoted fully steady and feeders of good quality steady to strong. Representative sales: No. 4,... 6.... !.... 18.... 4.... I.... !.... 1.... 3..., 3..., 1.... 1.... 1.... 3..., 1..., 1..., 1..., 1..., 1.... 2...' 2 : 1 1 3 1 !6 4 1 , 3 i: 2..)... 1 1 1 1 2 Av. lOtt 778 49 inso 1177 1140 Tr. 3 00 3 03 3 !0 3 M 4 16 4 15 No. 1... 52... 1..., 21..., 19... Av. ... 940 ...13M ...UX) ...UU ...1284 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 910 t K .,..1060 .... 43 m ....1020 1 CO 1 60 1 f0 2 00 COWS. 4..,. 2.... 820 .3 00 900 ! 00 ..1070 ..1043 .. 990 .. 8&0 ..1130 .. 940 .-. 760 .. 890, .. 7M ...10W 880 ...1010 ...1120 ... 910 ... 930 ...1152 ... 360 ,.. 510 ... 704 ... 520 ...1000 ...1140 ...1120 ...1410 ...Hi 2 00 3 1 1 3 2 1 41 17 4 1 1 5 2.... 1 3 I 1 1 1... , 350 310 210 30 urn STOCK 1 4i0 J. to 1 1090 2 40 STOCKEKS 2 35 2 3S 3 40 3 40 2 45 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 CO 2.65 2 63 3 70 HEIFERS. 2 00 1...;. 1 75 5 3 03 7 3 15 5 BULLS. 3 15 1 3 25 1,.... 2 3 1 2 30 3 2 50 CALVES. 3 21 3 3 25 1 3 25 1 3 50 STAOS. 1 tC 1 COWB AND . 876 ,. 950 . 883 ,. 970 . 960 . OSS ,.1070 ,.1071 ". 955 . 990 . tso 1. 910 . 922 ,. 745 ,.1103 ,.1030 ..1116 ,.1010 ,.1050 ..1171 ...1160 ,..1188 ,.. 710 ... 700 ...ioao ... ISO ... 630 ...1333 . 710 , 200 110 Pr. 4 75 4 90 5 00 6 rj 6 63 2 75 2 73 3 78 2 73 2 73 2 80 2 80 2 80 2 S3 2 85 2 85 3 90 2 90 2 90 2 90 2 90 3 00 3 03 3 10 3 13 3 (5 3 IS 3 40 3 65 4 30 2 60 2 65 2 75 3 23 4 00 4 73 4 75 1.. 1000 3 60 HEIFERS. 1160 2 9) 2... 2. 28.,,..,. 25 ; 9 1 2 6 it 1 11 2$ 740 .. 750 .. 900 .. 62 .. 450 .. 13 ., 990 ..' 660 .. 801 . '. 904 .. 78 .., 640 .. 725 .. 778 .. 881 .. 965 .. 725 . AND 15,. 24.., 4... FEEDERS. 15 feeders.. 1070 2 feeders. .1035 2 feeders.. 965 60 feeders.. 941 8' cows 842 8 cows 962 1 cow 830 15 rows 13 3 cows 900 16 feeders.. 766 2 feeders.. 705 1 calf 220 2 calves,., 335 1 feeder... 1150 14 feeders, ,1028 29 feeders.. 91. 14 cows 865 2 cows 1050 16 cows 981 6 COWS 1006 27 COWS 1088 6 cows 922 1 feeder... 1007 5 feeders.. 826 3 25 2 50 2 50 3 73 3 00 3 00 3 03 3 10 3 20 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 45 NEBRASKA. 6 heifers 1 II 33 6 61 60 17 I 36 4 II 910 .... 854 ....'450 .... 600 .... 330 .... 620 .... 641 .... 658 .,..1040 ....1063 ,...1001 955 7S0 961 412 337 3 43 3 (0 3 (0 I 50 I DO 3 63 3 63 3 63 3 70 3 70 3 70 3 70 3 70 3 70 3 73 4 33 90? 3 75 6 rows 960 .1 (O 1 bull 1370 3 76 1 steer 940 2 90 6 steers.... C01 2 90 1 heifer..,. 580 2 10 2 calves... 580 3 ft) 5 bulls 1252 : 3.1 3 40 2 75 4 50 3 85 3 a) 3 70 340 2 65 2 95 2 95 3 40 2 50 3 W 1 78 l. CI niwmn-Neb. 3 cow...., D00 1 06 9 steers.. .,10. 6 4 10 2 COWS 940 5 cows 872 1 cow , 980 1 bull 970 3 heifers.,. 766 2 bulls 1535 26 rows 1043 7 cows 1032 20 Hirers, ... 953 11 heifers... 700 43 feeders,. 1061 35 feeders,, 816 29 feeder.. 1070 2 feeders.. 1070 49 feeders.. 626 2 85 2 15 2 50' 2 50 .1 85 3 10 4 ft) 2 15 .1 00 3 00 2 50 2 40 2 90 2 30 2 S) 2 20 3 95 2 8.1 3 50 3 50 3 9 2 50 3 40 2 cows 1045 3fA 3 steers.,. .1236 3 cow 970 3 05 1 steer 1520 1 cow 970 2 25 Alexander Burr Neb. 20 feeders. .1104 4 00 1 feeder... 910 FranK Jesse aeo. 13 feeders.. 6S0 3 85 1 feeder... 8.0 11. uraves aen. 43 cows 1031 2 85 4 cows low 12 feeders.. 890 3 as II. IllgglllS iNCD. 4 10 3 25 2 SO 42 cows 1045 2 85 IS cows 097 2 W S. II. 98 feeders.. SSS 3 35 15 feeders.. J sw 41 feeders.. 950 3 (5 Dye-Neb. 1 feeder.. ,1000 3 35 Delmer A: O. Nob, 46 steers. .,1097 4 05 Cioo. v oornecs .co, 2 bull 10S5 2 to 1 cow 89i) 3 10 11 cows $85 3 10 1 cow 10!1 3 10 Minor 15 feeders.. 1119 4 25 0 cows 950 6 cows 1060 1 steer 1020 3 steers.. ..1153 B.-Ncb. 26 cows.., I cow... COLORADO. 2 86 1 COW..., Behrens-S. V. 3 15 .. 976 ..1000 3 10 I 10 4 10 3 15 2 60 15 feeders. .1011 1 feeder.. .1200 Cox-S. D. C cows.. ...10W !o cows 956 II. 16 feeders. .1048 3 75 7 teeners. .1100 4 15 1 bull 1.110 2 50 , . William 19 Steers.. .,1057 3 90 1 cow isoo 3 25 F. Morrls-S. D. 3 cows UI3 3 m 1 cow 930 2 cows. ... 965 2 50 8 cows 913 S cows 1020 3 20 1 cow 109J 2 cows 955 3 20 3 cows 1000 Lvnmn MprH tv 26 steers. ...1133 3 90 WYOMING. 2 25 31 heifers... 712 id lo cows.., 2 ft) 3 90 35 cows.,,, 3 50 It cows..., 4 .'rf 1 1)1111. 830 2 25 8 cows 695 3 cows 773 4 cows 792 10 calves... 249 5 calves... 2.10 21 calves... is -II 851 LuddlchWyo. . 924 . 970 .1410 5 cows lW 2 cows 1040 Bcll-Wyo. 16 cows 930 1 cow 1.6) 972 7 steers.. ..1150 4 35 3 steer 1193 4 35 Tom 112 steers.. .1092 125 4 bulls 1382 2 40 19 rows 943 3 25 6 COWS.. 1 bull 1390 2 00 Ed Cook-Wyo. 23 cows 972 3 06 2 cows.. A, J. Hansen Neb. 6 cows 1023 3 f) 26 steers. 17 COWS 1125 3 tV) 2 rows.. N. N. lllll-Wvo. 0 reeaers., stiz 3 -js Johnson 4 15 4 15 3 25 1 0) 3 20 3 20 3 20 2 90 2 85 2 50 2-70 2 10 3 25 2 25 2 00 2 ffl 3 75 96) 2 50 ,1131 ,.lo70 4 35 3 00 3 50 S steers.. ..12SG Bros. Wvo. 41 steers.. ..1160 4 15 5 cow 1170 3 45 F. urumby Wyo. 19 feeders.. 1014 3 5 4 steer 952 3 50 E. Alexander Wyo. 59 cows 850 2 90 2 heifers... 723 2 90 18 feeders.. 927 3 90 1 feeder... 70 3 25 3 cows. ... 806 2 00 . 11. Petz-Wyo. 21 steers.. ..1152 4 25 1 steer 1310 4 25 1 ateer 1000 3 50 HOGS Thero was no moro than the usual Monday's supply of hogs hero today, und as the demand was In good shape the mar ket look another upward Jump. The llrst bids were only strong to 2!sc higher Ihun Saturday, and the early sales were mostly at $6.05 and $6.67',i. but there were only a few that changed hands on that ims'f. Packers soon lalsed their bids and the market became a big Cc higher. The bulk of nil the hogs sold from $6.55 to $6.60. and oil tho close $6.60 wns the popular price. It was an active market after trading win fairly under way, and everything wns de posed ot nt an early hour. Today's ad vance established new high mnrk for this year and carries prices to tho highest point reached since Juno B, 169J. Repic-scntatlvosnles: No. 67...,. 30 81 73 60 69,..,. 63 61 6D 79 4 41 68 64 66 25 80 48 80 61 63 69 34 80 AV. 8h. .Ill 120 ..1M ..223 ,..2.11 ...312 ,..225 ,.. 231 ..237 ..216 ..221 ..179 ..219 .262 ...250 ,.231 ..273 ,..: ...233 ,..262 ,..258 ,..243 ...262 ,..226 80 40 160 120 icu 80 4) 120 16) 40 120 120 80 160 40 120 120 1W 160 40 I'r. 6 40 6 50 6 55 6 M 6 M 6 35 6 SS 6 53 6 (.3 6 b 6 55 6 M 6 65 6 6S 6 63 6 55 6 57(4 6 67(4 6 57(4 6 574 6 67(i 6 57(4 67(4 No. S3...., 73.... 74.,.. M.... 63.... 76.... 65.... (8.... 66.... 63.... 79.... 67.... 61.... 74.... 77.... H7.... 69.... 76.... 18.... 72.... 1.... 18.... II.... Av. ,...234 ....210 ....".'!) ....237 ....307 ....223 ....246 ....307 ....270 ....233 ....243 ....241 ....243 ....221 ....203 ....25S ....276 ....237 ....246 ....232 ....291 ....215 ....277 fih. Pr. 160, 6 6714 10) 6 57i 240 160 120 120 m 160 60 6 6 60 6 61) 6 60 6') 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 i 6 6) 60 fi 60 6 60 G 60 6 60 CO A 60 6 60 fi 60 6 6 6 67(4 SHEEP There was a liberal run of sheep here today, tho receipts being the heaviest In several days. Tho fact that Chicago was reported 11 dime lower made buvrr.t rather bearish In their views, although th'y had liberal orders. Tho sheep market on thn averago was about a dime lower, though In Home cases thn decline did not seem to bo quite that much. Good stuff In particular moved freely, and It was not long before most everything at all desira ble was out of llrst hands. Tho lamb market was also fully a dime lower, though trade was active on good stuff. The commoner kinds were, of course, neglected. There wn a strong Inquiry for feeders again today, and tho market did not show ajiy particular change. Quotations: Choice yearlings, $3.60ft3.6a; fair to good yearlings, $3.35h3.50; choice wethers. $3.SOJI3.50; fair to good wethers, $3.CKVB3.30; choice ewes, $2.903.15; fair to good ewes, $2.5002.90; choice spring lambs, $4.60ff4.75; fair to good spring lambs, $4,259 4.60; feeder wethers, $2,750:3.25: feeder lambs, $3.0003.60. Representative safes: No. Av, 2 Idaho ewes 95 37 Idaho ewes 109 im uinno ewes ., vts 401 Idaho yearlings nntrwothers. 83 615 Idaho feeder lambs 51 390 Wyoming wethers 106 37 Idaho wethers 117 11 Idaho yearlings 81 209 Idaho wethers and yearlings. 90 316 Idaho feeder Iambs 332 Idaho yearlings nnd wethers. 247 idano lamps 31 Idaho ewes 29 Idaho ewes 121 Idaho ewes 80 Idaho ewes 133 Idaho wethers 658 Wyoming feeder lambs 269 Idaho yearlings and wethers. 123 Idaho wethers 25 cull lambs 69 Idaho larnbs 90 Idaho lambs 04 Idaho lambs 50 cull ewes 797 western ewes 416 feeder limbs 510 western Aethers 55 96 62 107 98 102 100 93 55 88 87 64 61 70 66 82 95 59 8S Pr. 3 10 3 10 3 25' 3 25 3 25 3 30 3 ro 3 50 3 ro 3 50 3 60 4 10 2 85 2 9) 3 0) 3 00 3 80 3 35 3 40 3 50 3 50 3 fO 4 30 4 40 2 00 3 00 3 35 3 50 CIIICAOO L.IVK STOCK MARKET. Beat Cattle Steady Hoga Illariier and Sheep Lower. a,iff". inn id a nTl I.- n.naln.a 23,000 head, Including 1.000, Toxans und 5, 00) westerns; best ruuy sieauy, others wean; good to prime steors, $6.0Of(6.40; poor to medium. 34.O0iil5.85f strikers and reeders. $2.5004.25: cows. $2.E0Sf 1.60: heircrs. $2.0 fy, calves, 33,uoa.i6; rexas tea steers, jj.uuo' 4.60; western steers. $3.75Q5.00. HOQS Receipts. 30,0011 neiiu; estimated to morrow, 23,000; left over. 2,500; strong to 5c higher: mixed and butchers. $6.6.Q6.S0: good to choice heavy. J6.6507.CO; rough heavy. $6.1006.40; light, J6.40Qj.75; bulk of ale., tit. 45ft 6. 70. HHKKi ainu laAmun iteceipts, jo.wj hend: sheen steady, lambs lO025o lower: rood to cholco wethers. $3.SC0I.25: fair to choice mixed, $3.5O03.5; western she"ep. $3.2G 03.76: native lambs, $3,005.00; western lambs. Official Saturday: Receipts Cattle. 123 head; nogs, w.ui neaii; uneep, head. Shipments Cattle, 1,140 head; hogs, 863 ncuo. St. Joacpli Live Stack Market. HT. JOSEPH. Sent. 16,-CATTLE-Ro- celpts, 1,700 head; market steady to strong on natives, others steady to 10c lower: 1 a Uvea, $2.7506.15; Texas nnd westerns. 82.700 u.75: cows a.nd heifers, $1.2504.90; bulls and iitags, $2.00li'4.60: stockers and feeders, $1.75 03.76: yearlings and calves, $2.2503.85; veals, $2.5006.50. IIOQH- Receipts, 2.700 head; marKot steady to 6c higher; light and light mixed, $6.4006.70; medium nnd heavy, $O.6O06.72'4; pigs. $3.5006.10; bulk, $6.6006.70. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rccclpts, 6,200 head; market active, steady. Kansas City Live Stock Market, KANSAS CITY, Sept. 16.-ATTLE-Re-celpts. 7.500 head natives, 3,500 head Tex nns, 600 head calves; market steady to 10c higher; choice export and dressed beef etcers, $5.6006.00; t Air to good, $4.90JT5.IO; stockers and feeders, $2.$Mfl.25; western fed steers. $4.7505.75; western range steers, $; Texans and Indians. $ '.7003.75: Texas cows, $2.100 2.80; native cows. $'.50tft 4.25; heifers. J3.wnfi.30; rainier, $1.4002.10: bulls. $2.0004.25; calves, $3.0003.50. HOOS-Recelpts, 1,700 hend: quality poor! prices 601OO higher, top, $6.70: bulk of nlcs, j6.33Tt.6o; heavy, $6.6506.70; mixed packers. $6.4(.06.5; light. $0.1006.50; pigs. $6. , SHEEP AND LAMUS-Rccclpts. 6.000 head: sheep, steady; iambs, steady to Pi higher: lambs, $3.5o04.75; western wethetr, $3.0003.!.,; ewes, $2.7503.25; feeders, $3,000 3.60; stock sheep, $2.000 2.75. .C4V York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. Sent. 16. IIKKVER Re ceipts, 4,779 head; steers In moderate de mand: top grades about steady, others 10li 15c off: common Texans not wanted: nuthe. steers, JI.OO05.2S: half-breeds nnd Tcxnns. $3.5001.25; oxen and stngs, J3.S50I.OO: bulls, $2.3003.26: cows, Jl.fiS0.UO. CALVES-Recelpts, 2.791 head: prime llrm to 15C higher, stenilv: veals. I5.S1SD 6.S214: western calves. $1.90. HIIKKP AND LAMIIS-Recelpts. Ifi.TfS head; sluggish and n shndo lower: lamia llrm to 25c higher: sheep, $2.2503.50; top. $3.73: culls. $1.0003.00: lambs. f3.7603.77U: few extra. $5.40i5.50; Canada lambs, J5.12'4; culls, $3.0003.1.0. HOOS-Recelpls. 7,191 hend; market lower: state hogs, $6.6506.75; few f.tticv pigs nt higher prices: no sales of westerns 011 'change. St. Louis Live Stock .Mnrkrt. ST. LOUIS. Sent. 16.CATTL!'-RecolnU. 5,800 hend. Including 4.5W) head Texnns: market steady: native shipping nnd export sterrs, $1.7500.35; dressed lecf and butrhcr steers, $3.6505.70: steers under l.floo lh , $2.3505.25: stockers and feeders, $2.ftV0i.5: cows and heifers. J2.PO04.65: onnners, 81. 260 i.z; nuns. t.-.Mi;.iiu; rexns ann uuilaii steers, $2.7501.20; cows and heifers, J2.K.0 3. ft). , MOOS-Rccclpts. 4,700 head; market ri higher; pigs nnd llghtii, $6.2506.55; pnckcn, $6.251i6.60; butchers, $6.6506.9714. , SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.2ft) head; market steady; native muttons. $2.75 ?3L I?'"1'. U5O0.I.75. culls nnd bucks, 2.OC02.25; stockers. $2.0002.50. Stock In MIkIiI. The following table shows the receipt of cattle, hogs nnd shee,p ut the ilvo principal slock markctf, for September 16: Cattle. Hog South Omaha Chicago ...... Kansas City. St, IaOtll St. Joseph.... 4.810 23.KO .....ll.(tt) 5,800 1,700 . Sheep, 2,;V, 13,3 6 30,fti) 30,0 0 1.700 .UO 1,700 100 2,7W 3,2 0 Totals 46,310 43.0J5 f3,7G Co ft J e Market. NEW YORK. Sept. l.-COFFEE-Sint Rio. quiet; No. 7 Invoice. 5!4c Mild, quiet: Cordova, S01U4c. Values scored a decided gain in futures today. The opening wa.i steady In lone at unchanged prices to 5 points ndvnnce nnd further advanced 5 jiolntx beforo the close of the session. Tlw bullish Influences Included better ndvlce.4 trom Havre nnd Hamburg In fai'o of heavy Brazilian receipts, higher exchange rnlo and some outside speculation. Trading wps moderately nctlvo and prettv well scat tered throughout the list. Sales on thn Initial mil were 1.500 bugs nnd for the day aggregated 19.WH) hugs, including: Septem ber, 1, 7504.80c; Oetoher. 4.85c: Novemher. 4.9004.95c; December, 5.03c: February, 5,20c; March. S.3O0G.35o; May, 6.1005.50c; jiliv, 6.50 0.5d. Tim local market closed steady at a net advance of 6010 points. Many llrnvrneil In l'loud. BUDA PEST. Sept. 16. Twenty-threo persons were drowned today by the wreck of a ferryboat which wns crossing tho flooded Kulpa river, near OsolJ, Croatia, ''ia The Oil Wells Of the .west, aro creating a great deal of excitement, much talk and speculation, Ico on the Union Pacific. "Tho Overland but there Is no speculation about tho serv Route.y Tho trains aro quicker, tho ser vice hotter, the roadbed superior, Iho lino shorter, and the route moro Interest ing than that ot any other road. New City Ticket Office, 1321 Farnam St. Tel. 316. ion Station, 10th and Marcy, Tel. 629. SUMMER SPECIALS. 5111.20 IndlnnapollH und Ilrlnrn. On sale Sept. 16. 23. 30, Oct. 7. 920.20 LnuUvlllr, Ky nnd Return. On sale Sept. 16, 23, 30, Oct. 7. $20,20 Cincinnati, O,, anil Return. On salo Sept. 16, 23, 30, Oct. 7. $30.70 Coluinlins, O., nnd Itetnrn, On salo Sept. 16, 23, 30. Oct. 7. 20.20 SnrliiKllelfl, l) nnd Iteturn. On salo Sept. 16. 23; 30, Oct. 7. 21.20 8nnlnky, ., and Return. On Bale Sept. 16. 23. 30, Oct. 7. f t;i.7n New York nnd Itetnrn, dnlly. St. laoulsi and Iteturn. On salo Oct. 6 to 11. 925,75 Buffalo nnd Return, dnlly. Home-Seekers Excursions. On salo 1st and 3d Tuesday of each Month. Tourist Rates on salo DAILY to all sum mer resorts allowing stop-overs at Detroit, Niagara Falls,, Buffalo and other points. For rates, hike trips, Pan-American de scriptive matter and all Information call at CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1415 FAKNAM STREET, (Paxton Hotel Block) or write HARRY E. MOORES. O. A: I'. D Omaha. w ILCOX TANSY PILLS Monthly Rioulitor. Safsand Surs. Never Falls. Druggists or bj Mall. Pries, 12 Sand fnr W.iman'a Balaouard (free). WILCOX MED. CO.. 329 N. 16th St.. Phil.. Pa. Bold by SHBRMA aX SloCO.V.VtSlJa. DRUG CO.. H, W. Vet. Hltb and Do SU Omaha. Neb. vtttiB loan. Boyd Commission Co Successors to James E. Ilojd Co.. OMAHA. NED. COMMISSION GRAIN, PHOVIHIO.NS AND STOCK 8. Duard of Trade nalldla. Direct wires to Chicago and New Torh Corvesponilenee, John A. Wmren Cw oi.dkst: hakbsti nnsTi WALL STREET Money Will Csrn III Mantblr Hatorna The Investor's Fund Pays Seml-Monthly. Tho oldest established In America. No eertlllcalc-holder ever lost a cent. Pay ments made to all subscribers every 11 jays. No trouble. No delay. Money refunded on demand. Write today for particulars, free to any uddress. C. IS. .MACK la I at CO., Hudson lluildlnw, Nrvr York. Thos. A. Edison, Jr., & Co, STOCKS. BONDS, GRAINS. stock. Fractional Lots a Specialty. . .. Margins Moderate. Market Letter on Application WHEAT Rlr profits, with abaolute safety. We will Kuarantoo you against loss ot principal If you will trade on our wheat system. Send for a copy of our booklet free. "Evils of tho Bucket Shop System." 47 Broadway, New York City. Mention This Taper . M )