THE OMAHA DAILY BEJSt TI'KSPAV, SEPTEMBER 17, 1301. i 1 NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MINOR MBWTIO. Davit dnigt. Btockert tells carpets and rUM- Fine ABC beer, Neumayer'a hotel. das fixtures and globes. Blxby & Son. Wollm-n. aclentMc optician. 4W Broadtvar. C E. Alexander tc co.. picture and frame. Tel. SO. , , A. Whltelaw of the Boston store Is home from his enstern trip. Mat Mergen left Mat evening for a week a vUlt In Leavenworth, Knti. Born, to Mr, ami Mm. V. F. Groff, 6M Mynstcr street, n daughter. Missouri oak body wood, $5.80 cord. tt'm. Welch, 23 N Main at. Tel. 13. Get your work done at the popular Uagl. laundry, 724 Broadway. 'Phone 1(7. James Hunt, In the we.itern part of th .lt, i thw iinMpsnr nf r two. headed rnll. Clark Hayed of North Klrat street hj returned home from hla vacation trip to tr tho tlnirlrl Hntdwln nf rish'n Eddy. N. Y Is vl.ltlnir hla mint. Mm. C I". 1'. Froom. .41 TiriWMR lit" Lily camp No. I, Iloynl Neighbors of America, will meet tonight In tho Merrlam block. Co-.inty Superintendent nnd Mr. O. J. WcManua returned yesterday from a four wrrnn llijr III U1U i-itni. Wanted, good steady mar., capiblo of i running engine and holler. Apply In person to foreman of gns work, Council lilufts. . .... . L. . . . ..II . I ! Tno condition or airs. t-. i. .MiKeseu m Avenue C hoa Improved to such nn extent that her friends hnve hopo of her recovery. A meeting of tho members of Abo Lincoln I ft. flanl Avrrw nt thn ttemihlln. tin Been cnllcd for this evening In John Limit's Office. Mrs. V. M. Bookwnlter nnd children nf Kansas City are giusts of Mrs. Book waiter's sister, Mrs. ft. K. Robinson of "Willow avenue. The Council Bluffs High school foot ball team will play Its first game, of the season Saturday against the Omnha High school leven In Omaha, Thn case against B. O. Tucker, Main troet photographer, charged with obstruct ing tho sidewalk, was dismissed In police court yesterday morning. Jesuit Fathers V. J. M-Iconry and M. J. O'Connor, both of Chicago, will conduct a ten days' mission at St. Francis Xnvler'n church, beginning October C Burning paper In the rellarway under Bam Snyder's pawnshop gave the fire de partment a run last night at H o'clock. Tha Blaze was extinguished, with no damage. . The Misses White of the city schools nave received a letter from Mils Florenco Reed, a former Council Bluffs teacher, now tn tho Philippines, announcing her arrival In Manila. Roy. Hnrvey Hosteller of the Second Presbyterian church went to Manilla, la., yesterday to assist In the ordlnntlon nnd Installation of llev. T. W. Malcolm ns pas tor of the Presbyterian church. The funeral of Peter Hasten will bo thN afernoon at 2:30 from the residence, 530 S.ouy?. ou''th street, conducted by Rev. O. E. Walk, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church. Burial will bo In Walnut "ill cemetery. -!I!!'.A,fre', Knton nnd daughter Helen of Chicago, who havo been guests of Mrs. M. i,2h,i3l,?.n,n1?.yo for ,thclr hnmo lonlBhr. Miss Nell Robinson leaves for Chicago today. She will bo the guest of her cousin. Mrs. Alfred Katon. J?.T,2.ul1..R ml".t.nk". ,,le resolutions of n?K?Xttii.Ui0.?en,.h of --tlent McKlnley & ,chg.,,,Ub,!c' Kft t'1'lnv,,W0,!l, .".i"01"1 conductor, was struck by one of the Omaha brldse sun. hSV'if'U n,El,t nnd bn"lso1 crushed so that It was necessary to tako him to the Kos wCceA'"ClllW h'''"'' fund .nt ,ho. ,own Masonic drone? 'ifif' Vre. forwarded yesterday to Dos ?tt,rMn? J'.a Atkins of this-city; hrfc7f N. T. Plumbing Co.. telephone SM. 1 4,; t Will Reopen (innii1 Sohool. The Board of Education atVs monthly session last night decided to r'edpen tho Ounn school. Dillon Ross was reelected sccrotary of the board at a salary of $420, an Increase of I120v Secretary Ross" report of tho school icnsus.of the Independent school district of Council Bluffs showed 6,210 children of school age. 3,180 girls and 3,030 boys. It was decided to close the schools all day the day of President McKlnloy's funeral. The board doetded to open three addi tional rooms at the Second Avenue school, instead of. two, as first planned. As this will give thn Janitor additional work his pay was Increased $10 a month. It was decided that tho auditorium In the new High school building should be used for High school purposes only. Miss Edith Martin of Oakland, la., and Miss Hoffman of this city wero elected teachers, the former at $45 a month and tho latter at $35. Misses Cooper. Watson nnd Robinson, who have been acting as volunteer tcschers in tho kindergartens, were placed on the reg ular list apd, their pay fixed at $20 a month. Their promotion was due to the resignation of Miss Laura Coleman, which was ac cented. , .Miss Ada 8tephenson was granted a leave of absence for one year, as sho Intends to go to Chicago to study In one of tht normal schools. Indicted for Cat-OIT Saloon. Carl and William Negethon, who are charged with maintaining a nuisance In the shape of a floating saloon on a steamer In Cut-Off lake, wets arrested yesterday, an Indictment having bscn returnod against them by the district grand Jury. They each gave ball In the sum of $$00. Marrtaire Llcenaea, Licenses to wed were issued yesterday to the following: 'Name nnd Residence. Age. A. P. Anderson. Denmark, Neb 2.S Olg C. Peterson, Omaha ,. is Unr,r.y X' Anderson. Omaha i 22 Mollle P. Jaeobson. Omalm fi., 20 If your food does not digest well a, Uw doses of Prickly Ash Bitters will set mat ters right. U sweeteus the breath, strengthens the stomach and digestion, cre ates appetite and cheerfulness, . fstts tsr thste w! fcnon hu'i jit I. Woodward's Ganymede Chocolates MOpira BonBons iladt By - Jcton 6. Woodward & Go. The Candy Men.' Council Bluffs Iowa. Iowa Steam Dye Works .104 Broadw.ty. Make yom oid clothss look llkt o. Clianlng. Dyeing and Repairing. LEWIS CUTLER ' Funaral Director ls)uccMr to tv. C, tfsttji . UAML kTHfeiKf. 'I'SUIftO ?. a ru FARM LOANS 5 PER CBNT Nes;ottatu .tn ivukiurn .brMi and Iowa. James N, Casady, Jr, Est aUlft.att.. Council Blusta. BLUFFS. DEMONSTRATION IN OPEN-AIR Tribute to McKinUj is Pohidulei for Thand.y Afternotn. GENERAL PUBLIC EXPECTED TO UNITE In the Forenoon There Will tie Herv Icen liy thr Churches Plntfnrm for ftpenkrra Wlierc. Mc KlnlrV .Mood. The meeting called by Mayor Jennings to make arrangements for a public demon stration of sorrow for the death of Pres ident McKlnley yesterday morning was at tended by a large gathering of representa tive cltUens which filled the council cham ber to overflowing. Th mayor presided and Ocorge S. Wright acted ns secretary. It was decided to have nn oprn nlr dem onstration on the day of President Mr Klnlcy's funeral and Mayor Jennings was authorized to nppolnt nn executive com mittee of fifteen, himself being chairman, to make tho necessary arrangements for speakers, music, etc. This committee was nppolntcd by tho mayor: Jtidgo J. It. Heed, Judge (leorgo Carson, Colenel J. J. Stcadmon, M. F. Iloh rer, C. M. Harl, Emmet Tlnloy, Lucius Wells, II, W. Binder, R. W. Harl, J. M. Oalvln, S. 11. Wadsworth, I. M. Troynor, Victor B. Bender, Ororgo 8. Wright. After some discussion It was decided to hold the demonstration nt 2 o'clock In tho afternoon In order that the several churches of the city might hold memorial services In the forenoon without Inter ference. It was also decided that tho plat form for tho speakers should bo orectcd In front oMthr Grand hotel, facing First avenue, on tho spot whero President Mc Klnley spoko when in Council Bluffs In It Is expected that the business houses of tho city will comply with Mayor Jen-1 nlngs requost ns made in his proclamation and close their places of business that aft ernoon. Judge Macy announced yesterday that district court would bo adjourned for the day of the funeral. lroicrnni tn Outlined, 4 The executive committee met last night at tho flrand hotel and decided that there be no parade, but that all civic nnd military bodies be Invited to attend tho cxsrclsos. This program was outlined: Hymn. "Lead, Kindly Light." Scripture rending. Prayer. Hymn. "Ncaror, My God, to Thee." Address, "McKlnley: the President tho Statesman. Music. Address, "McKlnley: the Soldlor-tho Pntrlot, Music. Address, "McKlnley: tho Mun-tho Martyr." Hymn. "America." NBcncdlctlont These committees were appointed: Speakers and Program-John M. Calvin, 8. B. Watsworth, Judge J. R, Reed. V. E Bender. Finance-Charles R. Hnnnan, J. P. Orcen shlelds, (, McDonald, K. Wi Hart, IL ni.4 ( . i Mayor Jcnnlngn was selected as president of tho day. It was "decided to limit tho ad dresses to ten minutes. A meeting of tho veterans nf thn rin ... was held last' evening at the Grand hotel nnd a committee was appointed to arrange for memorial services Thursday night In tho Broadway Methodist rhnroh ir. ,,!, all soldiers, union, confederate and Spanish- American war, are invited. All veterans at tending will meet at Comrade John Llndfs offlco nt 7 p. m. to march to the church. A special meeting of the Eagles has been called for 7:30 o'clock Wednesday evening to take action In regard to the memorial services of the late president. llo Not Fear an Kiildrmlc. Numbers of parents whose children attend tho Twentieth avenue school have com plained to the Board of Public Health bo cause the school has not been closed on ac count of the prevalcnco of diphtheria In that neighborhood. Complaints were also made to the Board of Education and the latter body asked City Physician Jennings to Investigate. Dr. Jennings' Investigation showed that there wero ten families afflicted In the vicinity of tho school and that most of tho complaints came from them. His Inves tigation also satisfied Dr. Jennings that If the quarantine regulations wore strictly compiled with there would be little to fear of any epidemic. He called tho' attention of tho police to reported violations of thj quarantine regulations nnd suggested that any family found falling to obey them be prosecuted. Dr. Jennings said ho would not adviso tho closing of the school, as children from that neighborhood attended the higher grades In tho Bloomer and High schools and that"lt would be Just as proper to close thesa buildings as the Twentieth avenue school. Throo cases of diphtheria were reported to tho Board of Health yesterday: Petet son child, 1912 South Eleventh streot; Lor son child, 707 Twenty-fifth avenue: Willlo Mllntz. 1923 South Eighth street. In ths latter xase the family already was under quarantine. Davis sells glass. t'aara of Iminult'. James A. Evans, a well-known farmer of Carson, who was recently before the commissioners on Insanity and allowed to go In care of his brothers, was yesterday committed to thn stato asylum nt Clarlnda, his condition having become worse. W. F. Fabor, committed August 31 to St. Bernard's hospital by the board, was or dered discharged as cured. Dr. J. M. Bnrstow, Attorney A. T. Flick Inger and Freeman L. Reed, comprising tho Insanity board, left laat evening for Clttrliidn, whero they will Investigate' the condition of the pntlento from this county in tho stato asylum. They were accom panied by Dr. F. T. Roybcrt. Davis sells paint. Settle, for Fifty Dollars, The personal Injury damage suit of Harry Stein, by his father, Jacob Stein, against Ihe Qmaba & Council Bluffs Railway and Bridge company, was settled In the district court yesterday by agreement, young Stein being glvej) a Judgment for $50. Suit was brought to recover $1,000 for alleged Injuries received by young Stein In August, 1000, Ho was thrown from a wagon with which a motor collided at Nineteenth street and Avenue A. Controversy Ovir fiold Mine. A controversy has arisen between counsel engaged In the case over the postponement of the famous suit of James Doyle against Jamas P. Burns, president of the Portland Gold Mining company of Colorado, from September 23 to October 1. nnd both sides will he given a hearing before Judge Mncy In the district court this morning. The case had originally been assigned for September 23 as tho first day of tho present term, but on a showing made by the attor neys for James Doylo last Saturday Judge Macy postponed the trial to October 1. The showing made by Doyle's attorncyn was on the understanding that Burns' attorneys had agreed to the postponement, It having been reported to them that an agreement to that effect had been reached at Colorado Springs, Yesterday Ross & Rors, Burns' local at torneys, received a telegram from Governor C. S. Thomas that nolther he nor State Senator T. M. Patterson, both of whom will appear for Burns here, had agreed to the postponement and that they Insisted on the case being tried as originally assigned on September 23. In view of those complications Judge Macy yesterday set back tho trial to tho original date until he makes a further order In the case. CITY D0NATESSTREET LAND CJItc n Xtrlp to t'linrles It. Ilnnnnn nnd Another tn F. Hamilton, At the meeting of the city council last night President Charles R. Hnnnan of the First National bank succeeded In Inducing tho aldermen to donato him nine Inches of tho public Street on Broadway nnd tho same amou'nt on North Main street so that ho can place a modern swell front on the property purchased by him and his asso ciates from the receivers of Offlcer & Pu sey's bank. This donation of tho public property wnA made by resolution, tho original ordlnanro Introduced by Hannan giving him ono foot on both streets having been tabled. Colonel Hnnnan asked to withdraw the ordinance, but Alderman Clark, who pre sided In the absence of Mayor Jennings, held that Borne formal action should be taken on li nnd It wns accordingly laid on tho tabln. Then Hannan Introduced tho resolution reducing to nine Inches the amount ho wanted from the .city for noth ing nnd this passed, Alderman Boyer alonn voting no and Lougco bolng absent. Boyer Btatcd that ho would havo voted tor the original ordinance, but considered tho reso lution dimply n ruse to avoid tho questions raised by tho ordinance. Colonel Hnnnan and E. A. Wlckhara promptly filed their ncccptanco of tho grant under tho resolution and nnothtr resolu tion was adopted approving of their accept ance, Boyer alono voting against It. Then a similar resolution granting a. F. Hamilton of tho Hamilton Shoo storo a tri angular space east of the cntranco to. the store, 'twelve by fifty-two Inches, was adopted, Boyer alone voting against It. Poll Tax Collector Fcllentretcr submitted a list of tweny delinquents who ho snld were amply ablo to pay their poll tax and recom mended that suit bo brought against them. The list was referred to the Judiciary committee with Instructions to notify the delinquents that unless the tax was paid within five days suit would bo Instituted. David Bradley & Co. notified the council In writing that thoy would held tho city liable for damage- by flooding of their basement due to a defective sewer. The matter was referred to the city engineer. C. Jensen requested that an old building on Pierce street bt condemned and de stroyed In-order that hp might build a largo dwelling on, the adjacent lot. The matter was referred to tho commlttoo on fire and light. J. E. Gallagher was grnnted n permit to conduct a snloon nt 818 West Broadway. Seeing that all the fixtures were seized under tho Benjamin Injunction last even ing the permit will hardly bo needed now. Alderman McDonald called attention to tho almost Impassable condition of South Sixth street south of Ninth avenue and the motor company was ordered to piece the thoroughfare In as good a condition as. It was beforo tho Suburban laid its tracks there and which have since been taken up. This led Alderman Brown to call attention to the condition of Sixfcunth avenue at the Intersection of Sixth street, where a pond had formed, ho said, "suffi cient to float a boat," and the marshal was instructed to notify the motqr company to place culverts undor Its tracks there. .Tho street commissioner was also Instructed to dig temporary ditches undor the motor tracks at this point to drain off tho pond. A discussion on the now electric lights and tholr reported deficiency led to tho city electrician being Instructed to Investigate and report. It was Btatcd during the dis cussion that some nf tho lights burned dim while showing a proper voltugc. Alderman Huber complained at thn delay of Contractor Wickham tn paving Harrison street. Wickham played a trump card by calling attention to tho fact that the per manent grade had not been cstabl'hbod on part of the street and that there was more or less grading to be dono which, under his contract, ho had no authority to do. Tbl3 was found to bo the fact and tho city engineer was Instructed to prepare an estimate of the cost of grading ihe street. Tho commltteo on fire and light was In structed to confer with the railroad com panies with a vlow to Inducing them to placo electric lights at their mbre Im portant crossings. Tho commltteo was also Instructed to confer with the Union Pacific and tho motor company with a view to In ducing them tc bear a portion of tho cost of maintaining a light Just north of tho transfer depot. Alderman Hammer, chairman of the com mittee on city property and bridges, re ported that he had sold tho lot at the corner of Third street and Eleventh ave- ,nuejo B. M. Culver for 9451. Tho highest oia oerore for this property wns $33o. The council adjourned to next Monday night. Gravol roofing. A. H. Read. 5.J3roadwny. nirrtvlth Ordered .Not to Hell. Attorney Fremont Benjamin, nothing daunted by the Indictment returned against him by the district court grand Jury, went before Judgo Macy yes(orday and secured a decree granting a permanent Injunction against Charles Blerwlth's sellinK Intoxi cating liquors In the saloon attached to tho Metropolitan hotel. The decree carried Judgment for costs amounting to $17 and an attorney fee for Benjamin, ns prescribed by Jaw, of $25. In addition to enjoining Bterwlth from the sale of llquons the de cree ordered that all liquors, bar fixtures and appliances for tho Hale of liquors be seized and destroyed. The decree docs not hold against the building, as Benjamin had been unable to secure service on the owner and the caso as against him was continued. The execution was placed In the hands of Deputy Sheriffs Canning and Baker, who promptly proceeded to act under It. ,A1I the liquor found In the saloon was destroyed by being spilled In the gutter. The bar fix tures wcrr torn from the place, loaded Into wagons and rarted away In care of the sheriff. The dismantling of the saloon at tracted a large crowd. Charles -Dlerwlth stood silently by while his property, amounting to several hundreds of dollars, was being destroyed. , ALL DATES OFF THIS WEEK Republican Ceatral Commit tto Abandons Opining Campaign Till Monday. FEDERATION OF LABOi? WANTS MINERS CoiiKrrsainnii Hnll !icnU to School Children A hunt MoKlnle) Sorlftt Nl Denounce Aniirclij lliuik low Business t'lntirlftlirn. (From n Staff Correspondent,) DES MOINES, Sept. lfi. (Special.) Tho republican state commltteo this morning la- sued a circular aa follows, In rrgnrd to the abandonment of speaking date? this week nnd tho postponement of tho opening of tho political campaign: To the Public: The republiciin Mate com mltteo desires to announce tho abandonmtiit of alt republican Micikiti? diitin ftr lh prcrent week. Mr. Cummins felt that th.'ic should be no Meld work until nft. r a so rowing nation hlid paid Its lust sad tribute to the lamented president nnd until tin s.icred dtiHt hnd been consigned to the gr.jvc. nnd this belief was shared by the commlttfp. Tho postponement of the republican open ing will permit Mr. Cummins to be present at the funeral of the late President McKln ley. whore close personal friend he was. Tho urcpsMiry work at thu repubban headquarters will he pushed fnrwnrd bv mi Increased foico of clerks and when t. o people of Iowa f hall havo turned their eyes from the. nnd sceiies at Canton, tho advocacy of tho principles which the presi dent believed In will bo begun by the lead ers of tho party which he dt-irly loved, and tho campaign pushed vigorously and with out cesHnttou until election day. The republican campaign will bit fnrmal y opened ny Mr, Cummin lit Ceim rvlllo on next Monday afternoon. September 2,1. . II, SP15NCE. IChnlrmun. Nciv t'oriiorntlons. These articles of Incotporntlon wero filed with tho secretary of stato today: nttttlntvn Triirttt..,, .....I i . Ottumwn: capital. J.Vo.OM: by Jofeph H. Merrill. Gurdjn W. Wattles, Calvin Mann ing and others. Excelsior Thresher Tooth cntnpnny, Hex- ,,ICM;,.t'?i"Vi1' ,f,fi,J:?(H,; NS'' ' "ebrse, pr.-M-(lent. J.. II. Fitting, secretary, uiamanrl Oraln company, Ocs Moines: Carroll oil and Pipe Mm- company, nr- .len .sl"'; "ffi WI"" n. Arts, presi dent: Sylvester I'rbany. secietnry. Ienox & Clearlleld Telephone company. drr ?i-Vnp,Wi ,I5,W0: N' Smith, presU ,ntl, ;.1?: Ty'er, secretary. lAidy Calhoun Mining ccmpanv. Mnr..h ill town: capital. KOO.OOO: by J. C. Welch, W -llam II. Calhoun, I)tils Calhoun and otheK for mining- In Sonora, Mexico. ol,lerf'' Wnverly Telephone System of Iowa. Sweet, Q. G. Ulckley and others. I llnny Xnv llnnUx. The Guernsey Savings bank of Guernsey. Poweshiek county, with a capital of $11,000, was Issued a 'charter today, with J. H. Wherry president and A. C. McGlil cash ier. This makes a total of twelve savings banks nml five stntc bankB Issued charters since Juno 30 last, when tho last call was raado for statements. Miner nml Federation nf ,iil,1)r. Tho secretary 'nf'tho State Federation of Labor has senf out circulars, to tho differ ent minors' Unions of Iowa Inviting the unions to nfflllato with the federation. All the other unions-of 'any consequence In the stato are nfnlljitcd, but tho miners havo held aloof. A Jojnt committee of tho two formulated, a pap (or tho union and this circular Is lnituicordanco with, the agreoJ ment entered .J(p,to 4by the. committee.. Tho circular- suggests that nil miners' unions Join the tradesVnaBcmblles, but In Isolated places, whore ' (hero Ih no trades assembly, to Join .tho federation dfrect, Spenkn or I'reslilrut MeKincly. Congressman Hull nddrcsscd tho pupils of tho East Dcs Moines High school this forenoon upon President McKlnley and paid a fitting tribute to his memory. The date for thu memorial meeting In Dcs Molncs for ttio lato president has been fixed for next Thursday, it will bo In chargo of the. ..Good Citizenship league, linker Nearly NufToclntr. Carl Wlcht, a bakor, camo near being surtocatcd at 3 o'clock this morning. Ho' was sleeping In, a hack room o'n tho first, floor when he 'was awakened by pounding on tho window and cries of some ono on the sidewalk. He tried to get out of bed, but could not, and when pnsecrsby finally got In thoy found him inscnslhto and car ried him to n drugstore, whero medical help was secured. The flro started nt the bake oven and burned a hole through tho floor of tho bike shop nnd up through tho main storeroom, doing nbout $560 damage. Socialist Denounce Aniireliy. Des Moines socialists adopted these res olutions yesterday: WhereiiM, Socialism- Is tho direct opposite, of annrchy nnd Is therefore tho most con sistent foo of unarchy In existence, there fore bn It ' RebOlved. That we. tho Des .Moines branch of the socialist party, do keenly re gret and nbhor tho killing of President Mc Klnley. Resolved, That we do hereby express our slncero sympathy with Mrs. McKlnley In her desolation. Resolved. That wo dedicate ourselves anew to the destruction of. tho anarchtstio competitive system qt, IndustrV, which Is the cause of anarchy, and to the construc tion of the soclollstlo co-operative common wealth, which will remove that cause' and extinguish unarchy forever, Kn roll in e tit nt Grliiuell. ORINNELL, la., Sept. 1C (Special.) Tho enrollment of Iowa college in all depart ment numbers approximately -100 .Undents. tated, just parilla. If in Wmm doctor if he knows of anything better. "A neighbor of mine had a " " O - - - vwwf,L t VII) 0VIUIUW for a long time. Having used Ayor's fjamparllla n my own family ... MAna. ...I nil.'. I . V .. ! t L I . . . ' mi Klcav j"1"! M,,t mended it to mv neighbor. The were greatly delighted." N. K. Deah, KM. AU Dmnlrt. Of this number 262 aro In the college proper, soventy-seven In tho academy and sixty-one In the t'onscrvntoty of Music. Since tho departure of former President George A Gates Professor J. H. T. Main has been acting president nnd during his management of the college ho has wou the highest re spect and confidence of the students. Professors 11. W. Norrls. biology nnd ge ology, and F. F. Almy, physics, arc away on loavo of absence, Prof. Norrls pursuing his studies abroad and Prof. Almy contin uing his work In Chlcago'unlverstty, Prof. Matlack takes tho place of Prof. R. G. Cole, resigned, as director of the Conservatory of Music. Prof. Matlack comes highly recom mended and tho succesn of tho conservatory Is considered nssurcd under his manage ment. COUNCIL BLUFFS PREACHERS Methodist Conferenre nt t'hnrltoii Annies Minister for the Coming- Yrar. CHARITON, la., Sept. 16.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Tonight's session of tho Des Moines conferrnco closed ono of tho most Import nnt meetings in Its history. The min isters aro pleased with their treatment In Charlton, Tho charges against O. P. Fry were not sustained. Tho conference after much debnto passed strong resolutions In rofcrenro to tho prohibition of the liquor traffic by a vote of nlnety-soven to six. Tho conferrnco upholds tho passage of tho nntt-cantcen law and commends the work j of tho Women's Christian Tempcrnnro union I nnd the Anti-saloon lcagun. It demands the destruction of the snloon nnd ceaseless I warfare upon tho liquor Interests. It ! pledges the members not to support any I candidate "whoso past record or present attitude Is unfriendly to tho cnuso of tem perance." Tho appointments of ministers to new charges were read tonight. These aro thy nppoinmoiits In the Council Bluffs district: ' BInnchard, O. W. Tlpplucott: Coin, A. A. alburn: Council Bluffs, Broadway, W. J. Cnlfoe;. Fifth Avenue, E. W. Erlckson: Trinity. W. H. Cable: Defiance, J. E. Mnth eney; Dcnlson. E. M. Holmes: Dow Cltv. u, M. Houghtclln; Dunlnp, D. M. A. Allen: i-.snex, v. A. Carlson: Farrngut, J. J. Vnr ley; Glcnwood. It. B. Shaw: Hamburg, E. II. FIclsher: Hastings, L. B. Carpenter: Hills dale, George Fldler: Little Sioux, F. P. Slgler, Logan, J. 8. Iloreman; Malvern, A. E. Slothower: Minlalla. Lewis Bradford; Magnolia, E. E. Goodrich; Missouri Valley, W. L. Douglass; Neola, J. P. Kolloy; North Boro. William Mercer: Pacific Junction, L. J. Smith; Panama, to be supplied; Persia, Peter Jacobs; Randolph, W. N. Graves; Rlvcrton, F. T. Stevenson; Shenandonh, William Stevenson; Sidney. E. M. Hoff; Silver City. John W. Wright: Thurman. M. M. Cable; Weston, C. E. Gillespie; Wood bine, Enoch Hill. CAREY WILL RUN FOR SENATOR .Vonitnntcil on FHty-FlrsI Rnltot liy Democrat of ThlrtFotirlli District. MISSOURI VALLEY, In.. Sept. .-(Special Telegram.) Tho democrnts of tho Thirty-fourth senatorial district, composed of Harrison, Crawford and Monona counties, had their convention here today. Hon J. B. Romans of Denison was chairman. Reso lutions wero adopted endqrslng the stato platform, expressing symputhy for Mrs. Mc Klnley, nnd other near relatives of the dead president, and stating that an assault on tho chief executive should bo mndc an act of treason. At 10:30 tho rnnvnimi balloted for a senatorial candldntc. Pat terson of Harrison, Carey of Crnwford nnd Chrlstman of Monona were the leading can didates. John T. Carey of Denison was nominated on the fifty-first ballot. This district will go republican. 'fA'LTINS0N IS NOMINATED Kdltor of Armstrong Jonrnal Mntle Democratic Caiiclldntc for lie present alive. SIBLEY. la., Sept. 16 (Special Telegram.) At the democratic representative conven tion held in Sibley' today for tho district comprising Dickinson, Emmet nnd Osceola counties, Kasptr Faltlnton of Emmot county, an attorney nnd editor of the Arm strong Journal, was unanimously nominated. Resolutions wero passed declaring for a canvass on state Issues. I Old Soldier at Webster City. WEBSTER CITY, In., Sept. 16. (Special.) The old soldiers of Hamilton, Wobstor, Wright. Hardin, Boono and Story counties have their reunion here today and tomor row. Tho principal speaker for today Is President Beardsbear of the Iowa State Ag ricultural college at Ames. Tho principal address tomorrow will be made by the Hon. Sidney Foster. Woman Cannot lie Identified. OSKALOOSA, la., Sept. 16. Tho badlv decomposed body of a woman was found this evening In a patch of high weeds northeast of this city. Identification is Imnosslhle'. Tho surroundings and tho nosltlon of the. body Indicate foul play. No person hero Is Known to be missing. s A Hliooklnic Cnlnmltr. ' "Lstoly befell a railroad laborer," writes Dr. A. Kcllott of Willlford. Ark. His foot was badly crushed, but Ducklen's Arnica Salvo quickly cured him. U'b simply won dorful for burns, bolls, piles and all skin eruptions. It's the world's champion healer. Cure guaranteed. 25c. Sold by Kuhn & Co. Help Others Help them to help them- ' selves. What better deed? Then why not tell your friend who is ill rust what Ayer's Sarsa- parilla has done for you P When you see a person weak and pale, nervous and debili recommend our Sarsa- doubt about this, ask vour child who hari antVr- r,.,i- wuw 4UMa;iory reruns, i recom child was quickly cured, and the narenta Spencer, Ind. J. C AYRR CO., Lowell. Mas. -y4 62 ft Lydia E. Pinkhmm'a Vmgmtmblm Compound It will ontiroly euro tho worst forms of Fomrtlo Complaints, all Ova rian troubles. Inflammation and Ulceration, Falling ana Displacement of tho "Womb, and consequent Spinal Weakness, nnd is peculiarly adapted to tho Clmnpo of Life. It has cured moro cases of Backache and Lcucorrhroa than any other remedy tho world has over known. It is almost infalliblo in such cases. It dissolves and cxpols tumors from tho Utorus in an early stago of development, and checks any tendency to cancerous humors. Irregular, Suppressed or Painful Menstruation. "Weakness of tho Stomach, Indigestion, Moating, Flooding, Nervous Prostration, Hcad- 1-v1.n!4.. ..!..l.1.. ..." l.l i. i?' ' uuiu;, vii.iu; xuumi-jr quiUKiy yiums lioved ac harmless as water. Womb troubles, causintr nam. wehrht. and hfiok-nnlu' nstnntlv ro. nnd permanently cured by its use. Undor all circumstances it ts in harmony with tho laws that eovom tho fomaln avatrim. nnd is as It quickly removes that llearinp-down Feeling, oxtromo lassi tude, "don't caro" and " want-to-be-left-alono" fooling, excitability, irritability, nervousness, Dizziness,, sleeplessness, llatuloncy, melancholy or tho " blues," and backache. Thc.o aro suro indications of Fcmalo Weakness, or somo derangement of tho Uterus, which this medieino always cures. Kidney Complaints and Kackacho of cither sex tho Vogctablo Compound always cures. No other feinulo medicine In tho world has received such widespread nnd unqualified endorsement. No other modicino lias such a record of cures of fcmalo troubles. Those women who refuse to accept anything clso nro ro wnrded a hundred thousand, times, for they pet what thoy want a cure. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Refuse all substitutes. Not in Nature for anyone to always feel tired. There ts no need to drag out an exUtence without ambition. Weak nerves ore resnmullile for lan guor, depression, debility and varico cele. DUen ed nerve, whether due to over work, over-indulgence or any other ctm.e, can be made ntrong as steel by the use of They tone and Invigorate even' organ of the body, noothe anil strengthen the nerves and transform broken down men and women into strong, healthy, vigorous, ruddy-cheeked persons. If yon find this isn't to, you git your money luck. 81.00 per box; H boxes (with guaran tee), So.OO. Hook free. ' For snlo bv Kuhn & Co.. Fullor Paint & Drug Co., Omaha: DIMoii'h Drug store, Bouth Omuhn, nnd Davis Drug Co., Council ttlurra, la. UeWitt's Little Early Risers The famous little pllis For BIliousnesB, Torpid Liver, Constl fiatlon, Sick Headache, Dizziness, in estlual Obstructions, Jaundlco and all other Liver anil Bowel Troubles DeWitt's Little Eaiily Riskus aro unequalled. They act promptly and never gripe. They are so small that they can be taken without. my trouble. PreDrd hi' tt. O. IloWSK Oo.. Ohlnnqo $5.00 A MONTH SPECIALIST in All Diseases and Disorders of Men 10 years in Omaha VARICOCELE and HYDROCELE cured. Method new, without cutting. p,4 ,r loss of time. CV DUII I curd!orll(anatnepo!son O T rwt I Imt 3 thoroughly cleansed from the system. Soon every sign and sytnploro disappears completely and forfcver. No nitE AIUNO OUT" of the disease on the aUln or face, Treatment contains no dangerous drugs or Injurious medicine. WEAK MEN from Kxcesses or Vtcnui TO TmtVOUR DEniLITV Or RXIIiCSTION, WASTINO Wbak.nkhs with KAHI.T Iucat in Youno and Midik.k aosd, lack of vim, vigor and strength, with oigautt Impaired and weak. STRICTURE cured with a new Home Treatment.. No pain, no detention from busl nets. Kidney and Illadrte.' Troubles. CHARGES i OW Coaiullatfan free. Treatment by Mill. Call on on or uddress 1 1 9 So. 1 4th St. Dr. Searles & Searles. Omaha. Neb NO CURE. NO PAY. HEN. Hlontaklnemnllclne. If you bin .mull, Kttlc cry))., lot power or tteuk piling drain., our Vacuum Orirtn IXtrloper will rlur 7011. Vn !ruK. Miifluro anil V.ilcoctlo p?r nunently cuird In I In I werk.i 7S.000 In lite 1 not ons fallurri nnt ' one returned 1 rfTei't Immrillalei no (I. O. !. frauil 1 wrlln for tree iartlcu I Ian. arnt fpatt-f In lilaln invlnnp. 10CAI APPLIANCE CO. 130 Ttiorp Blk., Indlmipolli, Ind. Inexpensive Offices THBIin AUK NO DAHK OH UNDESIRADLK UOOM3 IN TIIK UEB BUILDING. YOU PAY ACCORDING TO THEIR SIZE. TIIERR ARK A b'EW VERY NICE OFFICES WHICH RENT KOR ONLY J10.00 A MONTH THIS INCLUDES LIGHT, WATER. HEAT, JAN ITOR SERVICE AND ALL THE CONVENIENCES OF THE REST rjUILDINO IN TOWN- The Bee Building R. C PETERS & CO., Rental Agents (jroiind Floor lice Ultlg. -MUst U. rtcleffis III aPHBsanBBSSSB How Truly the Great Fame of Lydia E. Pink ham's V egetable Com pound Justifies Her Orig inal Signature. W It UDUCATIOXAL. Browtiell Hall Instructors graduates of colleges recog nized ns nmong tho llrst In Amerlcn. tllva good gcncrul education and also prepares lor uny collvgu open to women. I'rinclpnl'a ccrtlllcutu udmlta to college without cxuml nation, excellent ndvautuger. in iniulc, art, modern lunguuges. Latin, Greek, natural sciences nnd mathematics. Music: Miss Ware, three years a pupil of tho lato Oscar Itulf, Uerlln, Qcrmnny. Thorough ncss Insisted upon ns cssontlal to character- building, Thrco distinct departments primary, prepnrntory and academic. Phys ical training by professional Instructor. School reopens September 16. Terms mod erate. Send for catalogue Address MU Macrae, principal. Omnha. Racine College Grammar School "Cftt School Chat Itlakts manly loys." A fclRh rrto aclicol tircparlnc bnjrs -from to 18 eurH old for bualnraa llf a nr the. HnAraltlM SoparoU) School Hoom and Dormitories for the iiiMBnoja. err cnroiui moral anil oociai irnininf. Flftrreuraofiuocreslulwork. Bend for catalogue. Bcv. Henry D. Roblnion, Warden, Racine, Wli. St. Louis School off Fini Arts 36th Yoar Openo Sept. 33, lOOl 'Furnlahos superior Instruction in Drawing, Modeling, Painting, Artiitlc Anatomy, Per spective Composition, Architectural and Mechanical Drnwlrjg, Decorative De.lgn and Applied Art. All instruction individual! ad vancement dermis upon proficiency. Teachers from the Art Schools of Europe. Htudnnts mny enroll at any time. I'orillii.trntid circulars nddren HAL9EY C. IVES. Dlroctor. SI. Louis School cl Fine Aril, SI, Louli. Mo. SPECIALS $13 Buffalo and Return $13 W -New York and Return S3I Tho Wntmsh from ChlcnRo will roll tlckats at tho nuovo rntes dally. Abldo from those rntes tho Wabash runs throuKh trains over Its own rails from Kunsus City, fit. Louis nnd Chi cago to Buffalo und offers many spo cliil rates during the summer months, allowing stop-overs at Niagara Falls und Uurralo, Ha Hum your tlcketn rend via the WAUA8II HOUTIS. For rates, folders and other Information, call nn your nearest tlckot agent, or write IIAIIIlV I. .MOOlllix, tJcn. Agt. Pass Dept., Omaha, Neb. Or C. M. CIIAXE, O. V, & T. A.. St. Louis, Mo. DR. McCREW (Age 52) SOCIALIST , , Dlaciiai'a nml DUarderH tif Mm Onlr "ii vi.n n' (.iierlritcu, in rear. In OiiinliN. WAUIPflPUl C cjred In less than 10 days, VAnlUUuLLk without cutting. Hydrocele. I'VDUII IC and nil Blood Diseases cured OlrnlLlo tor llfo. All breaking out and ilgns of tho disease disappear at once. OVER 20.0U0 SSR.W?uBi S? ' nnd all unnutural wcuknmees of men. Htrlcture. Ulcot, Kidney and Jlludder Die- Cures (iiinriintreil. ;niH'"" Fre, CHAR: ES LOW. ovVreM,ny. and Douglan Hts OMAHA. .NEa CURE ,tQURSELF ! . tlx Ml l for unnatural dfchargM,Jnflaminallorii. IrrltaiUn. or .iMraiioni ii in ii eons murnran.. II. .!.. , ana ni i not MUu. ffCDt Or noiaonnna. n, .... In ht.U If .a. or S botU SI fcW aoi u .iflrt.ra. , lasa ft i riaulTL O. Mata.