Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1901, Page 8, Image 20

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    s ' THE ILLl'STRATED liEE,
Septi'intier 1", 1001.
Bunker Castetter of Blair Writes to Hon. Edward Rosewater of the Bee for
Information Regarding the
Bankers Reserve Life Association
Mr. Roscwntcr'H Unqualified Endorsement of the Home Company, After a
Personal Inspection, Quoted in Full.
A. LWHTHTTHII. President.
F. M. CASTHTTHIt, Vice-President.
F. II. CLAHIIHIE, Cashier.
tiii: hanking iiousi: OF
Established W.I.
Incorporatcil l.S'JS.
Cnpltnl Slock, IH,i"0.
IILAIR, Neb., Sept. Cth, l'JUI.
HON. K. ROSHWATKR, Oliuilia, Nob.
Dour Sir: Can you nacurtalii for inu whether tho Hankers Reserve Life Association of Omaha Ih lliianolnlly sound anil
whether Its coml it Icin would Jimtlfy mo In taking out another policy?
Have you any means of looking Into lis nfTnlrs, and business methods?
Do you carry a policy In tills company, and If ho how much? If not, would you fuel safe In doing so?
I ask these questions because you aru reputed to ho the heaviest Insured man In this ntnte anil are considered well Informed
about life Insurance companies.
Trusting I inn not Intruding too much on your time, 1 am, Yours truly,
1'. M. OASTHTTUIt, Vlco-Prost.
OMAHA, Neb., September 10, 11)01.
Mr. K. M. OASTHTTUIt, lllalr. Neb.
Dear Sir: I hope you will pardon delay of tny response to yours of September 5th occasioned by business pressure and
professional work.
While heavily Insured I do not profcm to be an Insuranco expert, anil would not venture to proffer advice as to tho pro
priety of your Insuring In any particular company.
I do not carry a policy In the Hankers Reserve, llrst, because I already have more than $275,000, which Is all 1 can afford,
and. second, because I have reached tho ago limit llxed by tho Insurance companies.
On the main points of your Inipilry I would say that from the best obtainable Information the Hankers Reserve I.lfo Is
llnauclally koiiiiiI. Within thu past six weeks Insuranco Commissioner Ilabcock made an Investigation Into the business methods,
resources and liabilities of that company, nnd after a protracted examination pronounced Its itianagemenl and condition satisfac
tory. Two weeks ago Mr. Iloblson, Its prwhlont, urged me to examine thu books and records of his company, and after spend
ing nbout two hours In their Inspection, I became satlslled that thu system of accounting -was as perfect as any that I have
seen In any business establishment. Tho list of policy holders Is made up very largely of the most active and progressive class
of business men In every section of the state.
Incidentally I learned that thu company Issues no policy above $5,000 and has reinsured every policy above $2,000 In an
Iowa company that Is represented as hound and safe. This reduces tho risk of tho Hankers Rci-ervo Life very materially and
affords additional protection to its policy holdor. Very truly yours,
Breezy Gossip About
Prominent People
honor, petitioner humbly prays that in view
of tho accompanying Hats of a great cloud
of reputable citizens, giving lilm a phe
nomenally good name and fair fame, you
will havo compassion on him and relieve
lilm of tho hymeneal disability under which
his existence lias become a burden, bv
, , , awarding him tho llko privilege of mnrry-
A PARIS nuwspnpor glvca n retort clothes of a fashion different from that of jIR nKain; thus granting lilm a happy Issue
of tho lato Italian prlmo minis- others. Ho hnd a groat contempt for tho out of tM, ,,,' BOil ()f trtintilo Into which
ter. Ilo was recelvlnc n French younger generation. Ho won millions and (l ptiCSn rt"e liils whelmed him. For.
Journalist, who was also n doputy. lost them again. Moral principles hu 'comforting as tho velvety touch of an
Suddenly M. Crlspl unlit to his seemed to have none. Ho had his sentl- nKui'K lmm to the fever-racked brow, nnd
visitor: "I seem to recollect that your mental moods and when ho rend aloud from H(,ti,lng as tho strains or an Aeolian hnm
government put you In prison some ymrs n. book his voice would tremble nnd his wj,ou swept by the lingers of the night
ago?" " Ycb, I waB In prison for a political aye moisten at a pathetic pnssnge. Ilo wlnti allll (I,.n). ,1H tM0Sl) rU(1(ly ,lro,)8 thnt
offense, llko nveryono olso In Franco." wns fond of ordinary music romnuces. vB(t thtl(J0 ,, llt.arlfl of ,,,. ,m(1 BWCU,
'That's right!" replied Orlspl. "Hcgln by nypsy meionies, operatic nines -mil iraniuv nH sac,.n,ental wine to dying lips. It
being In prison and you will finish by being
able to send others there llko mo."
Oenornl John II. Llttlofleld, who studied
under Abraham Lincoln, gives this anecdote
of lilm In Success: "All clients knew that,
with 'Old Abo' as their lnwyer, thoy would
win their case, If It was fair; If It was not,
that it wns u wasto of time to take It to
htm. Aftor listening homo time one day to
a would-be client's statement, with his eyes
when life's fitful fever is ebbing to Its
closo to pillow one's aching head on som
fond wifely bosom and breathe Ills life out
gently there.
"And In duty bound to attain the pos
sibility of cotntmssiiiK such a measureless
men l thought I would question him a bum-dlctlon, petitioner will pray without
confessed that lleothoveu put him to sleep.
Episodes and Incidents
(Continued from Second Pnge.)
'Harney, how long havo
lilt and asked:
you kept hotel 7'
" 'Fifty years,' ho replied.
" 'During that time you must havu asked
on the celling, ho swung around in hU chair a great many men that punch question on
and exclaimed: "Well, you havo a protty cold and bitter nights.'
good ease in technical law. but a pretty bad " 'That I have,' came back the answer.
ono In equity nnd Justice. You'll have to And during those llfty years with tholr hear that you had lost your Job. What
get Home other fellow to win this caso for bleak winters how many men ever felt In- are you doing now?
you. 1 cauldn't do It. All tho tlmo while suited at being asked If thoy would take
talking to that Jury I'd bo thinking. "Lin- smuo punch on nights llko these?'
" 'only two."
" 'Who were they. Harney?'
" 'Judgo l'etcrs and Senator Hnlo!'"
censing in accents as loud ami earnest as
over Issued from celibatarian Hps.
"SAMUEL RICH. Petitioner."
Learning the Business
Chlcngo News: Strong I wns sorry to
coin, you're n liar," and I bellovo I should
forgot myself nnd sny It out loud."
Sometimes of n sunny nfternoon Mark
Tho following plea for Judicial mercy.
Twain strolls up nnd down that part of Hent to Uiw Notos by a correspondent, will
inn avenue aiinvu Twonty-tliird stroet, ))0 fl)mi iirimful of pathos: Hx parte
Now York City, whom art and book storos Samuel Rice.
are frequent. While there a few dnys ago xo tho Hon. II. A. Sharpe, Judge of the
his eye was caught by what seemed to bo city court of Hlrmlnghani, In equity: Your
an etching of himself In a shop window, petitioner, Samuel Rico of Mobile. Ala..
Tho humorist was stnrlng blnnkly n his would deferentially represent that on Jnnu
llkoncws when ho was Joined nt tho .window nry 10, In tho year of grace. IS'.H. your
by one of those chatty Individuals nlways honor dissolved tho connubial ties there
ready for n street corner exchange of opln- toforo existing between petitioner and his
Ion- consort, Annlo Rico, granting her a divorce
"I'rotty good likeness of tho old man, a vinculo et matrimonii, with tho beatlllc
Isn't It?" said tho chattorer, without bco- privilege thereunto annexed of marrying
lug the writer's full fnce, which wns pnrtly ngnln, n privilege it goes without saying
In shadow. she availed herself with an nlncrlty of
Mnrk said It wns. spirit and u fastidiousness levitv dlsdalu
"Say, what do you think of that fellow's lug pursuit, but on this vital point your
work, anyway?" went on the chatterer. honor extended to petitioner onlv tho cliar-
"I think." said Mark, still without turn- Hy of sllonco.
Ing bis head, "that he is the greatest Im- "Petitioner has found In bis own ex
poster the American people over refused to perlenco a truthful exemplification of holv
take seriously." scripture, "that It Is not well for man to
"How so?" bo nlone," and seeing an inviting oppor
"Well, because lie really Is sorlous nnd tunlty to superbly ameliorate his forlorn
because nnbody'll bellovo him: ho passes for condition by a second nuptial venture, he
being humorous." With thnt Mr. Clemens finds himself circumvented bv nn Ossu
faced his questioner. Pollon obslaelo which your honor alone has
"Willi. I'll tin iiu-ltnhnilt" nlniMilnlmt thn POWOr to rolllOVO.
chattorer "H,fl 'm's rnpldly verging on tho sere
' The fnce of the humorist beenme dcoply ''! 1'. 11,0 frults "V"1 owrs
concerned. "For heaven's sake, don't tell 1" nil going, tho worm, the canker and
nny ono I told you. It would ruin mo with the grief in eight, with no ono to love and
. : ........ i.i ..,i.. . none to caress him. petitioner feels nn In-
""Z'7h,, I ;;: ' ,: nZ doscrlbablo yearning, longing and heaving
I:.,, f-i-,,,1,, lo plungo his adventurous prow once more
into tho vexed wntora or tho sen or con
in ii ii.i.eiii art lelo" Count Tolstoi draws nublaltty. Wherefore, other refuge having
1 1 i.nrir.ilt of bis father. He was a Inrco none and wholly trusting to tho tender
nnd handBome man, who nlways wmo benignity and sovereign discretion of your
Weeks Taking lessons in wood carving.
Strong I la vo you a position In view
after louring tho nrt?
Weeks Yes. My wife Is going to open a
boarding house.
with state crrs, glue
nnd other things arc
not fit to drink.
Lion Coffee
is pure, unrontcd
coffee fresh, strong,
well Ihvorcd.
Tho Html tl imcknuH lit
Hiiro uniform finality
Aim irvHimettrt.
This week to our out
oMown visitors
and friends.
When you come to
see King Ak-Sar-Hen
don't fall to
visit our store and
make yourselves at
home. We will bo
glad to see yiu,
and tills week we
will give lo all vis
itors from out of
town a sample Jug
of 1111, I, Klt'S
KHY. Cut out this
ad. bring It to us
and get a souvenir
Jug, free. Don't
forget the address,
8 Years Old
Per Gallon
Henry Hiller,
whiskey that Is recognized
throughout the land for excellence
purity and richness of ilavor. I niter's
Rye Is n household word from Maine
to' California. No whiskey on tho
nun lo t today combines more essen
tially good features than this cele
brated brand of rye. It Is an excellent
stimulant for brain, nerves and entire
system. It Imparts new vigor to tho
tired housewife and the nursing
mother, the overtaxed business man,
the mechnnle and farmer, llller's Rye
Is pre-eminently one of the best Whis
kies on the American market.
522 No. 16th Street,
Ill I ' I. t.llllll.V t..'I..M. .... I. .1.
..i. i r. iii iiii..- nwi ii.r.w iir.i'ii ! mi
best, lias been the best, and always will
be the best, iiliHoliitrh pote. no germs,
perfectly sterilized. Healthful to all at all
times in your family l slmpK telephon
ing No. r.'i'r
Storz Brewing Company
Iclcphuitw l'2(i().
1'itr the rleiillJI llluttratM anl oti.ltrfullv niiUr nw Umfc
II) Ml(. Iii:. JOII.N . I.OliAN. It Hrlra) tlir uiiirr
lilr wi.ii.lrt f ill nrltvltlrt, llurvrU mnl liijtti rii'iiit the 'intu
H ttiinim knit hltililv priviti'tit'it uomun i-i't thiln llt-miti-Inlly
liliiktratril .o nut hy lion rnnu lit I'niiM'ht anil liti,
C j .il.l hv iiuriil-iinlv. Itl-t (tintiiunil Cr fi'M inoie
ii'lluTile at nts minti'il liotluurn tint u.inrn tiilonlvont'Hi'nt
n it nlurf C oiiio ot our uL'i-nu n tunkinu llui a niontli
C ' iliiMri. tin tttwtnlmt lot. i' 'oi, t'ruihl (.-. ( nt
t- 'rn ruin ami Kiuranli f t jrmit rr.iioiv iMri'
A, II. WOUTIII.Mi'l'O.N A )., Ilurll'oril. f.iiin.
The Choicest of Ingredients I
that enter into the make un of our
national beverage Is the most healthful
ami health giving vegetation that grows,
and lined In mil ti ways by medical science
today, Is Hop and Hurley .Malt.
I lie nest ami eiioicoHi ot liotn arc used In
111. le Ribbon Heer the nerfeet brow under
the Immediate sipervlslon of the most
skilled master of tho brewers' nrt.
snot Co
i", U aHHW m
New Fall Styles
'of the famous Regent Shoes have Just ar
rived thoy come In many exclusive styles
and leathers Including tho new natent vlcl
Kid, enamel, can, etc. everytninc new and
different, but tho price still your choice
for $:i.&0.
Regent Shoe Co,
nd for Illustrated Catatoxu.
Typewriters !
New Century,
New Deusmore,
New Yost.
Wo sell, rent, exchange, repnlr typo
writers. Kvorythlng considered speed, grndo
of work, cost of keeping in ropnlr, J
durinbllllty, etc. ours arc by nil odda
tho cheapest typewriters on tho mnr
kot. For Information regarding type
writers, nddress or call on
United Typewriter
& Supplies Co.,
1614 Par n a in St., Omaha,
A boarding school for bayu under tht
military syitam Oynmailum. Manual
training Dept. Prapare boyi for collnea.
Ideal ellmata. Trm low "on account ot
endowment. Send postal card for lllus
toitrd catalogue tn
WAIinT N RUSSKl,I,.Hend Master.
axil to Wrrkly anil Kx.
Iii llHi N. SIKX AXI ivO.TIK
Our rinta anil anlMmen nimle ovor
000.OIIO.00 ln.t ypiir rupplylnn the
I'linrinniiii ili'inmiil for our fatiKitm
nnUr llalli fiililnvi ali Rp.
I'lilllliiiK iiKfiilii li nllillTIIIl nellor
fin rhi'liif 4 iihIIkmU.
U'lll l'K. Imliiy fur fifw lropo-
urlil Jlfc. .. C. W'nrlil ll'M n, 4'liirliini, o.
yil'e rccommeiia above fit m at uliablt.Hiiitot J
Choice Confectionery
Chocolate Boii-ttons
Hent by Expreaa In 1. I, I an 1-pound
boxes flOe pound.
W. S. Balduff,
1B30 Parnntu St., Oaaaha.
Mrs. WIiinIimv'k Soollilng; Stiii
lms boenMislfd for over FIFTY YEARS by
Cl'RES WIND COLIC and Is the best renv
rdy for DIARRHOEA. Sold hy druggists
In everv oart of the world. Ho sure nnd
ask for "Mrs. Wtnilow's Soothing Syrup"
and take no other kind. Twnnty-rive cents
a battle,
Kisses are
when talmn from
Inoutlia Unit know ilttllcloua
) oap
i J Pn-i-rvi-M nnil li ten
vi , t'i'tl . tiHiii.Mhi'iii.i.fii
XfX I nurrlpi -Hu. Iiri.ltl, N
l lm luiiuiirii iiniiuii u fur a) jimih. i'n) lit ml ilruj.
kIkIh or hy m.i i I,
'. II. NTIIO.M1 .V CO.,
I lilt Will, f, s,
?Blftf.T,?,PAEN'1' rur.K.
.VVewlU rorfellgaofor any cate ot
!SrB.",l,!,n or IteblDM
aaaaav rurm me uerBI 1'lle Caret ftlli
tncure'ImUnt anil ix-rraanent rillt Write at ouce.
I Urm nrdlral Co., 2M K. 3d St., Clncluoatl, ul