Mormon Stronghold in Southwestern Iowa Views of Labor Day Parade in Omaha MORMONISM am! polygamy art' not synonymous, as must pur son believe. There le today a large ami aii.iri'iitly perma nent organization of Mormons, tunnioniy known as Iittor Day Saints, with almost r.O.UOO eommuiileants. who not only disbelieve In plurality of wives, but actually oppose and denounce the practice. This sect resembles the Utah organization In many respects. They claim to bo the only true Mormons and the only faithful disciples of Joseph Smith. With head quarters at Lamonl, a small town of about L',000 Inhabitants, located In the choicest part of Decatur enmity. Iowa, and under the leadership of Joseph Smith, Jr . who is a son of Joseph Smith, the "seer, these people semi out elders ami mission aries to every state ami territory in the union ami to nearly every nation of t lie earth, Including the Islands of the seas Under the direction of their president they founded this colony or settlement in 1SS1 when a committee, cc.nststlng of David Dancer and Elijah llatita. came fr mi I'lauo 111., then their headquarters, to the prairies of southern Iowa, where a company was formed, which purchased all the land l could secure. This same land was after ward sold to their brethren who followed within a few years, Forty-seven families either elder, priest or tiacher. .Mormons are aggressive nun they want moinbers. They are all well stocked with a knowledge of their church and Its doctrines and every possible means Is usid to convert to their faith those who happen to live among or near them. Nome Mormon luntltiitlun. l.amoul has a Mormon college, a large tabernacle, an extensive publishing hous". where the Saints" Herald, a weekly paper, and many other periodicals and books niv published, It has three public school build- YbYbYbYbYbv' H BBBaaBBBBBBBBBBBaBBL bbbbbbbt4bbbbtI bbbbbbV bbbW BHI bbbbVHbbv' bbkWbbbH hhk zbbbbi JOSEPH SMITH. Jit., PRESIDENT OF THE REFORMED CHURCH OF JESUS CIIHIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS. came nt once. Lament was founded and named from a familiar character in t lie Hook of Mormon. Mormons then came, within a short time by the carload and i'vcn by the tralnlnad from every pari of the United States and at present there are several thousands of them living in De catur and surrounding counties. 1 .11 11 1 ii Suered Town. I.amonl is a wonderful and oven a sacred town In the eyes of the average Mormon. They speak of It as "Zlon." In this little (;tit-of-the-way village lives Joseph Smith. Jr., president of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, as they believe, one favored of God, whose father blessed and transmitted to him all the powers of prophesy, healing, of receiv ing revelations and performing miracles, .which the elder Smith claimed to possess. Bishop K. L. Kelley also resides here and Is next In order of the great and powerful men chosen of God to lead his people In these latter days. He Is first counselor to the president. Then comes Alexander Smith, patriarch, son of Joseph Smith, sr.. ihshop l. kellev of the mormon church at lamoni. ings, a "Saint's Home" and no saloons, al i hough Intoxicating drinks often llnd their way through the borders of Zlon. All aged saints who have not the means or ability to support themselves may gc. to the home, where they are clothed and fed. If they desire, they are allowed to do light work In the various departments. David Dancer, who died somo years ago, was the originator of the Idea of building a homo for the aged poor and gave liberally toward Its establishment. Ills plan was to make It as nearly ns possible a sclf-supp.wtlng in stitution. .sinry of Joe Smith. Many persons have heard the story of a young man barn In Vermont in ISO.", who, when but I I years of age, became Intensely Interested In his soul's welfare and failed to find comfort In any of the churches of his day, having Joined several ot them. It Is said that this young man was one night out In the woods praying for guidance In the matter, when an nngel from tind ap peared to him and in a wonderful and powerful voice Informed him that he had found fnvor In tho sight of Ood, and that he was chosen to give to the world again the Blp-BBBE BBBBBBwl ..iBBBBk H hbVP'bVbwbwbb- BBBBB j'V'v'1BBBBBk, KORAH A COMANCHE INDIAN WHO IS A MORMON ELDER. and nlso counselor to the president These three nro known ns tho first presidency, fo these men nil true members of the church sincerely bollovo that Ood, through Ills angels, appears and roveals His will and pleasure concerning Ills chosen people. There Is also a quorum of twelvo who or dan elders, baptize and claim to have the glf't of administering tho blessings of tho Holy Ghost. The seven quorums of seventy aro tho elders and missionaries who preach tho "truth" to tho world. There Is also a quorum of high priests nnd many other minor ofllcors. Tho organization Is pat terned nfter the early church. Nearly eery man who belongs to this chcurch Is MATCHKOHA. A SOUTH SKA ISLAND MORMON ELDER. only true religion of tho latter dnys, which had been taken from It many years before. Ho was told where there wcro buried near l'almyra, N. Y., n set of golden plates, whlon he must dig up nnd with them ho would llnd tho ''Urltn nnd Thummlm," two transparent stones set as a pair of spectacles and by tho aid of them only would he bo enabled to translato tho messago from God. This Is said to liavo transpired in 1819 and It was not until April C, mo, at Manchester, N. Y., that this man chosen of God was enabled to found the Mormon church. The Hook of Mormon purports to bo a sacred history of tho aborigines of tho American continent and the Mormons be lieve thnt Christ preached to these mound builders during Ills forty days' absenco from tho Old World, nnd that after His as cension these people fought with tho In dians, who were a wicked and cursed race, until 3SI A. D., when a decisive battle was fought on the hill of Cumarah, In western New York, In which the Christians were de feated and anuihllattd. A man by the name of Mormon Is said to have written a history of this people ami was directed of God to bury It until lie should see fit to bring It forth. This history they bollovo Is the Hook of Moimnn. Smith found followers ami In 1 S:l I settled VBBBra11 'raiCK. (uiuiHi W HOD CARRIERS' UNION GIVING N IDH OK Till': STRENGTH OF Till' HI I I.Dt G TR DKS I N IONS d by u Staff Artist LOCAL UNION OF STAGE HANDS MADE A FINE APPEARANCE IN THE PMtADH- Photographed by a Stalf Al list ICHSHIL- 'bbbH Local two No 9 HHHS IB "Amm M w 1 Wfll'MI vi 'iBI W "'swSlBK'IHHI VBVBBYBVBEZMVfflBRABYJHBBBf ml BArtSE m, MteM H VHrWHHH BbYbbAhBbI fSBHVSSVflHKKlBV jmhkSk. JbtohbtAyBXEataVbtA'btJaV BbBvJBT BbbYbYbYbvJH BHKiSBiJUM J9gNbsH'('4 UHmAiJBnSflHBBTBIBBBlMEYAmBU BWBWBBWb9bVAEbVBHBWBWBWBWBWBWBBM k-la KctflCBAwBiMnBB Vbbt AvVbybybhHbbbybybybybybybyI BWBWBWBWBWBBWBVffABBAIBKBWt' .HMHE3IiBkBV.BbBBBIBBBBBBBBI BBBBBK BmVAlBmAl .-i-BXH' ABBBBmBBWBBBBVBHABBkBBBBBBiSKBABBBBBBK BBBBBBBT ..M'rBBHl BBBBBBBBBY BJBjnBBMBBBBBBBBBBBMBBBBUBBBWBBBBBBl BvABvATvPAVBra'VBvAW.'' afaaavAvaW aVKalBBBBHHiwiRlSiBS BAwbW?"AwbVjIbT'.& BfHBBBBBMBBBWBBBrAWj IHROTHKRHOOD OF STATIONARY FIREMEN IN IIAHILIMENTS OF CRAFT -Photographed by a Stall rti t tm HREWERV WORKERS' UNION, THE M EM HERS WEARING WREATHS OF HOPS Photographed by n Staff Artist In K irtland, O , where a templo was erected In 1S.1S they pushed west to Mlwsourl, but were driven out in 1SI19 and went back to Nauvoo. III., wlieie another temple was built. January 27, 1811, Joseph Smith an I his brother, Hiram, were killed by a m b at the Jail where they were conllned In Carthage, III. The Mormons thru had dif ferences and troubles among themselves In that community. Ilrigham Young, with about lO.Oim followers, went to Salt Iake City In IS 17. There were no less than eighteen men amhitioiiM to succeed the deal leader and as many divisions were i kuh each with Its president, everyone (lain, n ? to be chosen of God by revolution to kim ceed Smith. Tho Josephltes, rs th"V urc sometimes called, and which Is lb I.amonl branch, was not permanently orgnm.'d in, til Juno, 1 8r2. when they held their I t conference at Zarahemala, Wis. Th- Ir an nual conference Is now held In April of every yenr. La i spring they mot at Inde- ,,. , . ,, COUNTERMARCHING AT SEVENTEENTH AND DOULG S STREETS I'ho t0raphed (( .1 ii ...Ml on .Seventh Page) ,,y a(ff A,.Hti bbbbbbVbCbBbVb'1BIIbbbbbbb1 HBBiBEK-'VflBBBBl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaHlBVifBBBBBBBBBBBV