TIIE OIATIA DAILY JJEE: SITS DAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1901. W"; hen you visit Omaha inako Boston Sloro your head- A 11 next week during the Ak-Sar-Ben Festivities half fare rates will be in effect oh all roads coming into Omah Liu The sights will bo won derful and you can save enough money on your purchases to pay for your trip .tuartera. Arrange to meet your friends here, get H m your parcels checked in our check room, make use of our waiting rooms, lavatories, etc., it all costs you nothing. Wo have a special rccoption room for ladlea. Ask our floor walker to direct you. Our restaurant (In basement) serves meals at popular pricce. Souvenirs Free Ask for them. L 12 i ni mm fj 1 solo k Days t Greatest Bargain Gifiig Ewer Emm Beginning Monday and Continuing Every Day to Saturday Night ATE will sell the best and most desirable grades of NEW FALL AND WINTER MERCHANDISE at prices that will astound and delight the multitudes, We will forcibly demonstrate to the thousands of visitors in the city that BOSTON STORE GIVES THE BEST VALUES, Omaha people know this, but we want every VISITOR to know it and they undoubtedly will know it if they attend this sale, You NEVER had a BETTER opportunity to save money, besides the time is opportune for buying fall and winter goods, , ,,,,,,,,,,, Opening Sale of Millinery New Dress Goods and Silks Priced Low I A 11 tlin tnnnf. rlesir.nhln rrnnrls nilfl llOVaf, HiTn nvi clin urinrr t1u c troll oaf. m-nnl ?rma In ?m. Special Showing1 of Trimmed Hats at w. $10, $12 and $15 Here Is where tho major ity of millinery artists fall absolutely. Not bo with us. Wo prlilo ourselves morn on hats at theso figures than at any others for tho reason thnt wo aro nllowcil enough latitude to bring tho French masterpieces right up to tho perfection point, thus effecting for real swell dressers nnd millinery connoisseurs a savins of over 100 per cent. Your presenco Is solicited nt this spe cial showing. $1qoo $1200 $1500 A 11 tho most dosirnblo goods and newest fashions in new iall materials and weaves in this immense assortment, comprising broad cloths, Venetians, granite cloths, basket weaves, all wool .Russian crash effects, hop sacking, camel's hair, cheviots, whipcords and many fancy stripes and plaid skirtings. VOW HEAVY HLiACIC AND COI.OHED PIEROLAS, cheviots, storm serges, French serges, nil of thctn puro wool, extra wldo goods, in nil the fall colorings, including black, many of them worth up to $1.00 yard, on suit- on front bargain squaro at 43c. VOK A LI j WOOL CASHMEHE, PLAIN AND COL ored cheviot, beautiful combination of colors, silk and wool novelties for entire milts, on bargain square at 29o yard. 49c 29c French Flannels. Trimmed Hats at Five Dollars A largo number of cleverly executed copies of, some of our Imported hats, as well as a splondid collection of our own Ideas. Flvo dollar hats aro a specialty with us, nnd wc say without reservation that wo produce tho best hats nt that prlco to be found In America SgOO Trimmed Hats at Thrco Ninety-eight In this divlnlon will bo found n host of charming conceits designed by our best nrtlsts, who pay that same minute attention to detail In tho construction of theso hats as If thev wcro worth ten times tho prlco. Thus you get tho best styles nnd good ma terials at n very low price. Thoy hro hats elsewhere, e, at .. J 49c 98c FOR AN IMMENSE ASSORTMENT OV NEW French lUnnels, In polka dots, Moral designs on light and dark grounds, nnd plain colors, with silk strlpo running through, for kimonus, waists and children's UrcaecH, sold In all other stores at 85c yard, on bargain stiuaro at 19c yard. FOIt NEW ' CLAY WORSTEDS, VENETIANS, two-toned camel's hair, heavy homespuns, suitable for skirts or entire suits, In navy blues nnd black. every yard worth from $1.50 to $2.00, while, they Inst In our dress goods department ut Wo yard. We are showing tho swellest creations in im ported silks, novelties of tho most cor rect styles suitable for entire costumes, walk ing skirts and waists. ELEGANT NEW PERSIAN AND O.MI1IIE EFFECTS IN NEW crepe meteor, figure-' crcpo do chine, now Terry poplins, new printed warps, now satin cnmeloons, now satin Lumlneaux, uow peau do gain, and swell exclusive patterns In grcu- -v ) ndluca and moussellnc, nt, yard, $1.00, $1.39, $1.C0 I J 4 and -, NEW VELVET CORDS AND COSTUME VELUTINAS, ALL now colorings, inese aro mo new velvet iiiuncs tor House waists and costumes, special price, per yard A VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT OF IMPORTED AND DOME3- tic black rustling turret as, wear guaran teed, woven on wolvodgo 21-lnch, 27-Inch Hid CO-lnch wide, speclnl opening prlco per yard .,..1 9 ULACK SILK SPECIAL-BLACK PEAU DE SOIE. ULACK peau de luxors, black Torry poplins, black satin do Lyons, black nuiu ijiumni'uux, uu Kuiirumi'uu pure dye, Lyons tnffetas, perfect weave, new soft llnlsh, wear guaranteed worth up to $1.00 a yard, per yard SILKS ON UAROAIN SQUARES OVER I.OW YARDS OF ALL kinds of silks, Including 27-Inch and VG-lnch black and colored dress and waist silks, suit-corded talTetas for waists, 27-lnch all silk lining taffetas In black nnd colors, satin striped waist Bilks, blank nnd colored satin duchessu, peau do sole, lousenes, wash lujLuuia, uiui'ii uiiu win iu liuicy curucu suns, wortn up 10 jz.w n yard' on salo por yard ijcwaim'i 11 i 1 m 11 mTTTnT Opening Sale of Suits and Skirts 1.00 ,ND DOMES- ?75. 98c satin tie i.yons, uiacic 75c, $1 49c, 69c 1ESL VOn 62 nncI 51-INC11 BLACK DRESS GOODS IN ALL TIIE NEW WEAVES, UNFINISHED WORSTEDS, f "V 9 clay worsteds, broadcloths, Venetian cloths, all on sale In dress goods department I I at, yard A-V7 Wo cordially Invito you to In spect our dl (play of new fall suits, wraps, waists, acparato skirts, tailor-made gowns, etc. Every thing we show we guarantee la correct for thw otnliu' fnll Beacon, nnd Just to add Interest to tho oc casion wo will offer tho following xpfMnl liidiivemcuts: Correct Sl)lcs In Tailored Suits. Tailored Stilts, made of nil wool btondcloth. cheviots and Venetians, new blouse styles, somo with cord ed back and front In new fancy designs, skirts with two lows of cluster tucks on tho front, mndo with high lloiincc in back, with stitched folds of penu do nolo around, colors black, blue and red, at Ladles' Walking Skirts. In tho now blouso styles, tight-fitting ef fects, new French dip skirts with high llouncc, Bonio taffeta lined, in ctamlnes, broadcloths, cheviots. Venetians, etc all A 35 Jl to ut 100 excellently trimmed hats that would readily sell for $1.00 and $3.00 go on salo tomorrow nt $2.49 Ten styles of ladles' street hats- draped with silk and ornaments- regular $1.75 values for 98c J00 prettily trimmed children's hats, in all the new and desirable colors. These hats are produced to meet the popular demand lor stvusli, yet inexpensive nuts. They are actual ;5.00 values our price is $1.98 We Do the Largest Linen Business in the West for the. reason that we sell better linens for less money than can be bought anywhere else. Our linens are mostly all of our own importation, thereby saving all middlemen's profits. We retail linens cheaper than most wholesale houses sell them. . At present wo nro selling 70-Inch extra lino bleached, all linen, satin damask nt Mo, yard. Napkins to niatch this at $2.9S dozen. 7L'-lncli very fine, heavy full bleached satin damask at HSc yard. Napkins to match this at $2.9S dozen. CS-lneh soft llnlsh, very fine, snow whlto double faced satin damask, elegant do Blgns at C9c yard. ..- str.o napkins to match at $1.59 dozen. 72-Inch extra heavy, bleached German da mask, nnd 72-Inch extra heavy all linen Irish cream damask, and 72-lncli full bleach ed satin dnmask, all nt ono prlco C9c yard, most dealers get $1.00 ynrd. 22-inch full blenched snUn dnmask, now nnd beautiful patterns, $1.35. yard. Nnpklns to match at $I.D0. This damask generally retails at $2.00 yard, and tho nap kins nt $7.&0 dozen. SPECIAL OFFERING IN NAPKINS. All tho heavy silver bleached nnd full bleached napkins, 51.25 dozen, generally sell nt $1.93 dozen. Sale of Hosiery and Underwear Lailios', moil's nnd child rori'.s fast blnok nnd tan and fancy colored lloao, with double, soles, splicud heels nnd toes, all in ado full suainlcss, bIIk finished, 20o values, at 10c Lndles' plnln nnd fnncy Inco and drop- Mitch lisle thread Hose, all new patterns, S3c values at 18c Ladles' Ann medium weight 'Jersey Ribbed Unlou Suits, worth 50c, on sale tit .... 29c Lndles' fine Jersey ribbed Underwear, In medium and heavy weight, nice soft lleeeo lining, Kill: trimmed, of wool and cotton $1.00 values per garment. .. 49c Ladles' finest Imported plain nnd fancy Hobo, mndo of lino maco cot ton and French Halo thread, groat variety of fancy colors, 75c values ut 25c Men'a flecco lined Underwear, In wool nnd cotton, dlttcrcnt styles and colors, worth considerably moro than tho prices wo ask 98c 75c 50c and 29c Notion Bargains Our notion riomrtuunt Is the most up-to-date department In Omaha, everything in tho small ware lino 1h always found at this counter as soon as It appears In tho east. A specialty In this de partment In dressmaker's Humilies and findings. Tho best goods at S tho lowest prices. ! Klclnert's dress shields nt 15c, 39a nnd 25c. Htockluot shields at 5a nnd lOo. Warner Uros. feathcrbono ut Sl-So, 10c, 15a and 22a yard. Corallno dress stays at 19a and 23a ECt. Dress stays nt 5c, 10a nnd 15a set. Rest whalebouo nt 23o yard. Horn bones 10c vet. DoLong hooks und eyes, pntont hump, Eo nnd lUo curd. Hooks and oyes with patent hump ut lu, 2o and 2o card. Premier dress clasps at 15a dozen King's basting cotton, 500 yards. Ea pool, Puritan dressmaker's pins, 1-2 pound packages at lOo per package. Misses', Children's and Boys' Early Fall Underwear In light, medium and heavy ribbed ulso plain tleeced lined ma nil sizes, Worth up to 75c, '3 "fl go ut 15c, 19c nnd 4 Kj W Men's camel hair, natural wool, scar let and sanitary health Underwnr, ut ono-ihlrd less than tho prices usually charged per garment $1.25 98c 75c and 50c The A I Clothing Sale of the Year We have made greater preparations for this sale than for any we ever held every possible opportunity that offered itself has been taken advantage of most im mense deals have been consummated and great stocks of the finest and best cloth ing that money can make and buy have been secured at a fraction of their value and avc commense the sale of ' Suits, Overcoats and Ulsters in all the latest and newest styles at PRICES WHICH NOBODY ELSE COULD MAKE. Every garment in the entire sale is the work of a master tailor every garment is thoroughly shrunk perfectly made and perfectly trimmed every garment is cut to hang and fit properly see the remarkable values we give at $5 $750 $998 $1250 $15 An excellent suit, made of fine cheviot, button oton coat, all silk lined throughout, rulllo drop skirts, finely stitched llounco skirt, roat finished with strapping of silk, black, nnvy bluo or (1 to A very stylish Walking Skirt of tho new halrllno men's wear cloths, with llounco and 2S rows of lino stitching on bottom, black with black, or bluo with whiter a real $9.00 value at ... Some very dressy Skirts of black point d'osprlt not, with roYs of narrow ribbon ruchlng set closo together over tho cntlro skirt, chiffon llounco on bottom and ruftled taffeta drop skirt, from red, with lining match, at A handsomo Taffeta Silk Skirt, trimmed with ribbon nnd ruchlng all iirouud, well mnda and shapely In every way. Our opening salo prlco from $6.75 $5 to $12.50 Correct Styles in Ulsters & Automobiles Tho now Automobiles and Ulsters, mndo of melton nnd covert cloth theso will bo THE stylo this year nud wo nro showing tho correct thing in theso popular garments from $20 to $49 9.98 to 24.50 Opening Sale of Blankets Wo have this senson tho most complete stock of blankets nnd comforts In tho west. Tho prices will speak for themselves. This line should without question he seen before you purchnsu your fall . blankets and comforts. Wo men tion n few of tho bargains: Full- slsso llecccd cotton blankets, 4&o and Wo pulr. 11-1 extra nlzo, very heavy fleeced blankets nt "5c und 83a pair. u All tho very heaviest tleeced blunkcts J1.25 und S1.WJ. Vu size, very heavy, wool blankets, whlto, gruy and red, at SJ.iti und J2.W pair. Ono big lot of nil wool blankets, 11-4 red, whlto ur gray, at $3.93 and Jl.OS pair. Hundreds of pairs, pf extra heavy, lino all wool blankets In red, white, gray or tun ut J3.0S pair. All the heaviest .California blankets, nil wool, largest sizes, weighing from C to 12 pounds, ut JO.OS to J15.00 pair. Hundreds of bales of tine sllkollno comforts, full size, hand tufted, tilled with tho finest white cotton, at 95a and JI.'Jj each. Very heavy comforts mado of French wit eon nnd filled with fine whlto cotton ut J1.60 and (2.00 each. Al the very finest sateon comforts made, extra largo, tilled with the best whlto cotton, ut C9S and 3,00 each. Wc arc sole agents for Regers-Peet & Co. fine cIothing-j1,Xsmol,Jca!ni; Boys' Knee Pauls Suits In this sale we are able to show you ;t stock of boys' knee pants suits that leaves nothing to wish for we have everything; that is up-to-date and new every style, color and pattern of cloth, and every kind of garment a boy will wear this fall and winter, and what is still better, we make a price that is just, about one-half what othors would ask you for tho same qualities $j25 $J50 $J98 $250 $398 Wc sell Rogers- Peet & Cos men's suits & overcoats from fc!5 to $30. Boys' Long Pants Suits Just as big as the bargains are in the , men's suits, are the bargains. in boys long punts suits and overcoats. The quantity and kinds and styles are almost; greater than could be imagined we can show you any style there is (if its new) and prices are just about one-half of what they were intended to sell for see some of them at $38 $500 $750 Men's Shoes at $3, $4 and $5 pair Everything that Is now, everything that Is good In vlcl kid, velours calf, willow calf, box enlf. Ideal kid, co rona kid, patent leather and enamel, drill lined and leather lined. Wo pos itively guarantee tho leather, tho fit. tho workmanship and tho wear of these shoes In every possible way There Is nothing now, nothing belter In tho way of shoes to bo bought anywhere. at 98c, $1.25, $1.59 awd$1.98 For thoso who want shoes for lefn money wo offor somo splendid values for the above llgures. Wo guarantee Hvery pair of shoes wo soil, no matter how llttlo we cell them for. And we will bow nny rip freo of charge, no inatlcr If you have worn tho shoes six months or n year. pat- Wo place on salo tomorrow for tho opening over C,0l0 pair of Indies' lino sewed shoes In lnco und button, lu black, and a beautiful shndo of win ter tan. Theso shoes were made to n'll this fall nt tSM nud JI.C0 a jialr. Wo liavo every size and every width lu each stylo and there aro 12 stylos, In nil tho different weights of mtU: me dium, light nnd heavy, plain or rut tltmnil friprt not an old stylo In the lot, every ono of them mndo for this fall's trade. Tako your choice during the opening salo lor . Another special offering for tho opening Is about 2.W0 pair of ladles' extremely lino welt ami turn solo shoes mndo by tho finest Hhoemnkers In America, regular selling pr.ee of these shoes would bo from Jl.to to JG.00 pair, our special opening prlco ...111 l.n $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 $1.98 Flannel Dept. Drapery Dept Fall Opening Sale of Carpets and Rugs In this department we can safely say Ave are showing the finest line of carpels and rugs Avest of Chicago. Our stock has been carefully selected and includes everything that is new and desir able, and they are soiling at Boston Store low prices, which means a groat saving. A fov of tho things thnt wo nro nfforlni; tiro tho finest Krench Savon lorro enrpots nt ?1.!K) ynnl. All tho very Intost (li'slgns In Smith's Axuilnstcr cnriiots nt $1.10 ynrd, All tho Intost nnd hntidspmcst rmt torns In Wilton volvot enrnots nt $1.10 ynrd. Tho finest nnnllty nnd nil tho now patterns In ton-wire llrnssols enrpet with border to match, nt S5c yard. . Yarn Dept. It Is well known Unit ut this department you can buy anything in tho yarn line. No ono In Oma ha carries us complete and up-to-date line of ynrns us we do, nnd we nro never out of nny color. Note tho prices: Flelsher's knitting yarn 25o skein. Ued Star knitting yarn, 15o slceln. Oermantnwn ncphyr. 10c skein. Spanish knitting yarn, I5u skein. Hhutlaud lloss, 10c sklcu. Imported saxony yarn, 10c skcln. Domestic saxony, Bo nkeln. llorlln sephvr, So lap, leo wool, luo ball, Angora wool lOo ball. An oloRnnt assortment of Ilnisscls enr pet in nil the new patterns, at C0c, r!)o nnd (We yard. All tho now patterns In the best qual ity of strictly all wool ingrain carpet, (l.'c ynrd. Host quality of nil wool lilled, cotton chain IiiKniln carpet nt S0c and -10c yard. A ba variety of Union Ingrain car pets nt 'Sta nnd 'JDe ynrd. Wo nre showing nil the very finest Axminister rugs iu the latest designs, Oxlli size, at $22.!i0. 8-HxlO-O size, nt ?1SX0. All the best grade of Smyrna rugs, tlx 12 size, $25.00. 7-0xl0-(i size, $17.fi0. All the eight-wire lUusseis rugs, 0x12 size, $15.00. , All tho very best quality 'ro Brussels rugs, nt 6.50, $7.D0 nnd JS.CO." All tho 27x54 Moquotto rugs, 11.98. All tho 27x51 Hlectrlo Axminister rugs, at $2.50 each. BOSTON iammmmmmmmmmmnnmmmtmmmmmmmmmammmaammmmmmmmaamaK lu tills department we have an entirely new stock. Wo mention below n few of tho prices, but they can give you but the faintest Idea of the magnitude of the stock. 51-Inch Klderdown at 39c and C9u ynrd. All wool Skirt Patterns at 75c. USc. and $1.25 each. Shirting Flnnnol, in chocks nnd stripes, from 15c yard up. Heavy wool Pants Cloth at 25c yard. Strictly ul wool Red Medicated Flannel nt 19c, 25c, 39c, 49c, 76c anil Sc yard. Kxtra wldo Klondike Flannel 39c vd. Amana Society Flannel, made In Iowa, lu checks, Btrlpcs and plaids, 35c yard. Extra heavy Amana Flannels, In whlto wool, tho best llannels uav whero, from 16c yard up. Kinbroldorod Flannels a Jnrge va riety of all this season's patterns at 09o yard. Shaker Flannol at Cc, 8fco and luo ytgut and dark Outing Flannel at Dc, S',4o and lOo yard. Tonnls Flannel, 28 Inches wldo, lOo Tennis Flaunol, 3C Inchos wldo. 12l4o yard. All tho now Kcllpso and Wavorly Flannels, tho largest lino shown any where west of Chicago all thoso now Persian patterns now bo scarce French Flannel patterns, now so stylish at 15c yard. 2S-lnrh wide Imitation French Flan nol, 10c yard. Double tleeced Oulnca Flannol, ex tra heavy, 10c yard. Canton Flannels from So yard up. It is hardly possible through tho medium of printers' Ink to give you an Idea Just how complete our stock 1st We havo everything in draperies that is requisite for tho finest house, from tho plain, sub stantial Nottingham Curtains to the furnishing of the finest cosy corners and Turkish rooms. And our prices are, as everyone con cedes, the lowest that can bo found. Wo aro at present offering n lino of genuine Hrussols Curtains that wero bought at a rocont laigo sate prices range from J3.0S to 115.00 pair, nnd nro fully W per cent under tho prevailing prlcef. A largo and completo lino of Irlfch lolnt Curtains nt Sl.Oi to $7.50 pair. A beautiful lino of Tolnt do Cully Curtains thut uro now so stylish, from J3.9S tn $10.00 pair, l'olnt d'Arabo Curtains, elegant ni sortmont of patterns,' from 54 'j8 to tlO.O) pulr. 25 styles of tho now Cnblo Not Cur tuins theso nro all In llattenberg pat ternsfrom $2.98 to $7.50 pair. Light, lacoy Nottingham Curtalns from 9Sc to $3.0'J pair. A full lino of Tapestry I'ortlcres, nil colors, nt $1.98 pair. 20 stylos of Tapestry I'ortlercs, three, toned Directs, nt KM pair. All tho lino Motrins) nnd Ottoman Itlhbed I'ortl rui4-$X9ii nnd $1.98. An Immormo assortment of Morccr Ized und Silk l'ortlerus from $5.98 to J20.U0 pair. 25 different styles of Hopo I'ortlcres. In every Imaginable combination, nt $1 93 tn $7.60 P 'lr. In Swiss, Mh Not. Madras, Cre tonne, Hllkolhi), O'nlm.. llungar'nn cloth, etc, we nro showing n larger variety than ulUlia other uteres corn-blued.