Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1901, Page 8, Image 9

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Davis cll drug:.
Btockert sells carpets and russ.
Fine ADC brer, Ncumayers hotel.
da fixtures and globes. Ulxby & Son.
Wollmun. scientific optician. WJ IJroadmiy.
U. U. Alexander & w., textures and
frames. Tel. 8C6.
Missouri onk body wood. 5&.50 cord. m.
Welch, a N, Main at. Tel. 12S.
Get your work done nt ihp popular i-agls
laundry. 724 Uroadway. I'honc 167. -
Myrtlo lodgn No, 12. Degree of Honor,
will meet tonight. .
AsHlslunt County, Attorney Kimball Is In
Wyoming, lii-1 -n business. ,..,.,,
Mrs. Uva Murray and son llix of IJlow
Hvcnuo lire vl-IUng In Chicago.
Mrs 14. 1.. I-'Vls of North First street
Is'homo from u visit nt Hamburg, la.
Mlis FnlronT of Chicago Is guest of Miss
I.XTlc ! Patterson nf Houth Hlxtli trt.
7' Iir NVobuVyV, Pearl street
H M. Penrlmnn of the Novelty Uon
ore li homo from his trip to New i.o'K
Wanted, office noy. iTcinr om ;"'
1 On account of Its being Vm?v'1w
Novelty Cloak store, 634 Hroudwio. win no
inning engine and holler. Apply If.'iL
",...( ivnrks. Council l.llllTH.
son, Neb.
WIH lSon of lad. 8. !.. H wn y to
iih city '
Alderman McDonald bas token out a
jl dlnT permit for tho erection of n res
nco at KlfUi avenue and Heventh street.
to cost W.uOO.
The wMI of Judge J. H. Wostiott was
file, for i rol itb In the district court yrr
iVJinl. .'v..,..,i for a l.-micy of W his
property is icu u """
.Morten Petcnon ami Miss I.oiilsa I-arsen
were married Thursday ovcnlng at tbo
homo of tho bride's paronts, '1 w.mll.;lh
avenue ana rmmii
ltryant. ... , , ,.
The sheriff's olllce was notified yesterdav
that a tenm of horses stolen from Jitcott
Doner of Armour, this county. h;.;l boon
tound by th- Dojglus county authorities
near Denson, Neb.
Tho Infant daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. J.
W. Walker. 711 North Fourteenth street.
died yesterday morning. The funeral will
lie tills afternoon at 2. from tho residence.
Jlurlal will be In Knit view cemetery.
For sale, nt a Brent hnrcaln. a nice smmra
piano, $1, with stool: also a lino Brand up
rlKht U'0 piano, nearly now, nt J210. Itoiirl
ctus' Music House, 335 Ilrondway, whero
the orKau stands upon tho building.
The funeral of lira. Johanna O'Hrlen,
who died Wednesday In Sioux City, will bo
this morning nt 8:S from tho residence of
Tier son, Ilichard , O'Hrlen. ll Klithth
avenue. Uurlul will bo In tho Catholic
Miss ISdlth Wyckoff, who has been visit
ing her sister. Mrn. J. J. Hughes, returned
yeiitcrday to her homo In Jacksonville, HI.
Hhe wns ueeompanlcd by Mrs. Hughes nnd
little daughter, who will visit In Jackson
ville several weeks.
I.lnnlo Stlnwood, a 11-year-old boy, died
nt tho Christian Home yesterday of tuber
culosis. The chilli's homo was In Wood
bine. Tho funeral will bo Sunday after
noon at 4 o'clock from tho Homo chapel
nnd burial will be In Fnlrvle.w cemetery.
. James Hasklus wna urrestcd yesterday
on an assault and battery charge preferred
ngutnst him In Justice Ferrlor's court by
his brother Joseph. The trouble Is said to
nave been over money matters. Huskln.4
Save ball und will havu n hearlnu Wcdncs
ay. The residents of Vtiper Harrison street
nro complaining that the city has done 1
nothing this year to plnco that thorougii
farc In u parihle condition. From Llttls
Ilcntoii Btreet to Fleming nvenun tho Etroet
Is said to bu In n bail condition. The matter
will bo brought to tho attention of tho city
council nt the next meeting.
Thn High School Cadets hnvo chosen
these noncommissioned oillccrs: First ser
Reant, Horace Haverstock; quartermaster
sergeant, Norman Fuller; sergeants.
Barnes, Spetrnan, Hooker and warren:
corporals, VanOrder. Itnbertson, Chernlss
ni)d Schorr. Merle Warncs has been mado
trensurer nnd Kenneth llamcs clerk of the
civil organization.
The Dohany theater will present tomor
row night the latest sensation, thu now
melodrama, entitled. "Tho Convict's
Daughter."' which has met with brilliant
s.uccess everywhere. PIuj-b whoso prom
inent features ure love, heart Interest,
heroism, comedy, pathos, vice und vlrtuo
nlwnys Und favor and tbeso nro tho dom
inant characteristics of "Tho Convlct'H
Daughter." Tho scenes uro laid In tho south
and various types of life, good, bad and In
different, lncudlng a unliiuo tramp char
acter, are Introduced, while tho scenic dis
play Is said to bo extra good.
N. T. Plumbing Co., teiepnant 2S.
must havo good sight, with unimpaired
optlo nerves, If their criticisms would bo
correct. If their vision Is Impaired they
can supply thu deficiency by having their
eyes tested and lltted with proper glasses
from our high-class optical goods. Our
lTencli crystal nnd Brazilian pobblo glasses
are not only new eyes, when lltted properly,
but glvo an aristocratic expression to tho
kitt for Uio who knaa whAt'i pool
Ganymede Chocolates
ajlOpera BonBons
Mods By
John G. Woodward & Go.
"The Candy Men."
Council Bluffs Iowa.
Iowa Steam Dye Works
HO Hroatlway.
Maks yout old clothei look lllio naw.
Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing.
Funeral Director
(buccesaor to W. C. KtP
S I'KAIIL Sl'ltKUr. l'bono !17,
MtaoiUteu in Ka&ieru NtlrijK
and Iowa. Jamea N, Casady, 'Jr.,
U Mala St., Council Cuffs.
ttev. U. I.. Knox, rector of U
ro.l church, left lnt "VonlnK tnl
land, 111., to perform u etiem luy.
V marriage license was Usue. yest M
to Patrick Howard. aged 30. of Jn mil.
and Kllcil T. uoran, hk- -
At tho nrsi rrrsuyiei m ' ':::,r1
S.nin5naW.?KSffinnV tR
I.Vssons." The sorvlcu will begin nt ,:M
.t.itrnli BlimlllV
Four Young Men Jatled n Way t Ak-3r-Btn
S. A. Hester, n Knnxna Farmer, la Ho.
Ilutril nf III l'ockctbook mill
(ilycn the Tli Tltut Corrals
the IJKlttllnRcrril liinrct.
Four young men who gavo their namea
ns Fred Smith, Albert Brown, Clcorgo Har
ris nnd A. It. Wlllard, supposed to bo pro
fessional pickpockets on their way to Omaha
,to work tho crowds at the Ak-Sar-Beu
festivities, aro under arrest at the city
Jail. They v.oro arrested yesterday morn
ing at tho Union Pacific transfer after pick
ing tho pockot of S. A. Hester, a farmer of
Ottawa, Kan. They were caught after a
hard right and chase within a fow minutes
of tbo robbery and nn hour later their caso
was being Investigated by tho district grnnd
Jury now In session.
Hester, accompanied by his wife, arrived
from Ottawa yesterday morning on his way
to Maltland, Mo. Ho was entering n car
on tlis Burlington train when Jostled by
tho four men. Ono of the four crowded
In ahead of him while another telzed his
grip and tried to forco his way between
him nnd his wife. Tho other two also
crowded In nnd tho manner In which they
pushed and Jostled caused Hester to ex
postulate. When Hester and his wlfo finally
reached tholr seats tho latter romarked
that sho believed tho men were pickpockets
Mr. Hester felt for his pockctbook, which
had been In his hip pockot, only to find
that It was gone. Ofucer Qulnn was stand
ing nenr ttio train and Hester at once told
htm that ho had been robbed and accused
tho four young men.
Two CiiiikIiI, Two Hun.
Officer Qulnn snw the four men hastening
across tho prnlrlo north of tho tranefcr
and with Baggageman John Abbott and
others gave chose. Tho quartet was quickly
overhauled nnd Officer Qulnn succeeded In
grabbing two, but tho other two ran. Bag
gageman Abbott started after one of them
and ran him down. Tho fellow, seeing
that escipo wns out of tho question, turned
and put up a fight. For n few minutes
thcro was a rough nnd tumblo tlmo of It,
but Abbott flnay succeeded In getting a
hold on the fellow's throat nnd subduing
him. The fourth member of tho gang had
a good chance to get away had not one of
tho pursuing gang commandeered a wagon
und given pursuit. After n raco of about
four blocks tha fellow's wind gave out and
ho was corralled. In responso to a tele
phone call Officers Slack and Plattncr
brought tho patrol wagon and the four men
were hustled in.
.Smith Tries to Encnne,
On tho way to the city Jail Fred Smith
suddenly Jumped from tho wagon. Ser
geant Slack gave chase, but the fcllqw
proved to bo somewhat of a sprinter and
the officer twice fired at him beforo he
finally overhauled him. Ono of tho bullets
from Slack's revolver went dangerously
closo to Smith and he concluded that If ho
wanted to have a whole skin ho would better
glvo up, which ho did.
Whon searched at tho city Jail Harris
was found to havo two $5 bills, of which
Hester claimed to havo been robbed. Tho
pocketbook was found near the transfer
depot and a woman whoso namo was not
learned told the officers she had seen one
of tho men throw It away when pursued.
Wlllard was found to havo $24.10 In hta
possession, but tho other two had only 10
conts apleco. They claimed not to know
ono nnother, and each gavo his homo In a
different placo.
Wanted, experienced girl for general
housework: wagos 4 a week. Address L.
H. Reams, It. F. D. No. 2, Council Bluffs.
Attorney Fremont Ilrnjninlit Fulls to
Cnrry 111 Point In A surna
me lit Case.
Judgo Macy In the district court yester
day handed down his decision In tho two
stilts brought by Attorney Fremout Uenja
mtn against tho city to nullify the assess
ments for special Improvements levlod
against certain property owned by hltn.
Tho ruling wns In favor' of tho city and
gavo tho city Judgment for costs. This
decision Is of considerable Importance to tha
city, ns several similar suits depouded on
At the trial of tho suits Benjamin con
tended that tho action of the council In
fixing tho assessments was Irregular, in
asmuch that tho records failed to show
the adoption of the resolution. Judgo Macy
held, however, that the actions of tho city
council were substantially in compliance
with tho ordinances aud statutes 'of Iowa.
When Benjamin first brought the suits
ho depended on the ruling of the United
States supreme court In the ense of tho
town of Norwood (0.) against Baker. In
this ruling the supremo court he)d that as
scssmcnts for special Improvements should
be levied not nccordtng to the lineal front
footage of the property nffected, but ac
cording to tho benefits derived from the
Improvement. The United States supremo
court has recently nltcred that ruling and
hold that assessments according to. tho
llnenl front footage were valid. In view
of this change In tho United States su
preme court's ruling Benjamin did not
bring up that point at the trial of hit
suits, but depended solely upon alleged Ir
regularities of tho council In making tha
In a formor suit- of a similar nature
brought by Benjamin against tho city and
tried beforo Judge Walter I. Smith befory
his election to tho United States congress
tho court decided In favor of Benjamin.
This case has been taken by tho city to the
stato supreme court and Is now pending.
Tho same questions were involved In that
as were In the two decided by Judge Macy.
Judge Macy's decUlon In tho Benjamin
tults dctotmlnes that of Frank E. Alex
ander against the city, an agreement having
Dohany Theater
Tho Most Towerful Melo-Drama of tho Day!
In Five Acts, Depleting
Tht Convict's Daughter
Ivovc and Pathos, Hato and Passion.
SEE The escape on a moving freight train!
The beautiful southern home)
Tho unique character, Weary Willie!
Tho hobo hero!
been reached that both parties nbldo by
this ruling.
Benjamin, It Is understood, will take his
cases oi, optical to the state supremo court
Davis sells paint.
Mity Vrto Bxprrssmcn'n Ordlnnnor.
It Is not bolloved that Mayor Jennings
will sign the ordinance making North Main
street a standing place for the teams and
wagons of expressmen nnd common carriers
whllo waiting for hire, should tho menaure
bo passed by tho city council In face of the
protests of tho nronerty owners on that
thoroughfare, Tho mayor has oxprcss'id
himself as strongly disapproving of making
a "stabla" out of a paved street like North
Main street, although ndmlttlng that the
question of providing the expressmen with
a standing place la a difficult one to solve.
Wallace & Oroul, owners of tho Bluff Cltv
laundry, who havo Just expended n large
sum of money In erecting n handsome build
ing for tbclr business on North Mnln street,
nro tip In nrmii ngalnst tho proposed ordi
nance nnd before submitting to having the
street blockaded in front of their place by
wagons, will appeal to the courts.
Davis sells glass.
Files CliurKf Annlnxl llodcns.
John Burke of Pacific Junction, who was
with J. M. Babcr when ho was beaten bv
Ed and Andrew Hodcn Wednesday, filed un
Information in Justlco Bryant's court yes
terday charging tho Hodcns with amault
and battery Andrew Hodcn was arrested
nnd gavo ball for his nppenranco next
Wednesday, when tho two enscs against
him nnd his brother will bo heard by Justlco
Bryant. Ed Hodcn Is carrying crutches ns
the result of Injuries received In n runaway
a few weeks ngo, nnd ho wns not nrrested.
being allowed out on his own recognizance.
Bnbcr, whoso skull was slightly fractured
In tho fight with the Hodcns Wednesday,
was reported to be Improved yesterday.
Gravel roofing. A. H. Head, fill Broadway.
Itrnl Hatntc Trniiafern.
These transfers were filed yesterday In
tho abstract, tltlo and loan office of J. W.
Squire, 101 Pearl street:
Mary Belknap to J. n. Belknap, nne-
thlrd Interest In lots 1 nnd block G.
town of Carson, w. d $1,00
Leonard Everett to Henry W. Hothcrt,
lots 10 and 11, Itohrer's subdtv., s. d. d. 00
J. W. Ferrler to J. O. Icemen, trustee.
pnrt of ei block 6, Mill ndd., Council
Bluffs, w. d l.JOO
Frank Case and wlfo to Patrick Oun-
noude, lot 3, block 10, Hlddlo's subdlv.,
w. d 550
Theodore Stortenbecker nnd vvlf" to
Herman Schnepel, wi ne4 10-74-11,
w. d 4 M0
Five transfers total...
Hold on .Suspicion,
John Nothcrs and Mrs. Jennto Knausso
nro under arrest at tho city Jail as sus
picious characters. Thoy arrived from Sioux
City Thursday. Nothcrs when nrrested
complained that the woman had fllmflnmmcd
htm out of $12. Sho wao arrested about I
o'clock yesterday morning. The woman Is
thought to bo Gladys Bush, wanted In
Omaha on tho chargo of robbing n man of
a large sum of money In a hotuo three
years ago. According to the woman's story.
Nothcr3 Is a professional sneak thief.
Mrn. TlrniuH Get Divorce.
Judge Mncy yesterday granted Mrs. Male
Brandt a dlvorco from E. J. Brandt, tho
custody of their son. a student nt thn Iowa
School for tho Deaf, nnd $500 nllmonv. Tho
cross-petition of the husband wns dismissed.
A suit brought by Brandt to recover $5,000
damages from J. A. Wlntt for alleged alien
ation of his wife's affections Is pending in
tho district court.
Tlileics Tnke I'niiilly Sliver.
Tho resldenco of Hon. N. M. Pusey at
Willow avonue and Sixth street was broken
Into Thursday night and robbed of a quan
tity of solid sllverwnro nnd n small sum
of money. Much of tho stolen Bllvorwaro
wns family heirlooms. Two roomers In
the house heard the thlevcu In thn dlnlnz
room nnd pantry, but supposed It was somo
member of tho family.
Dentil of (icnrgr Crnrri,
George Graves, n resident of Council
Bluffs since 1S(B. died Thurwday nt mid
night, at his home, 220fi Second uvenue. He
wan SI years old. Seven children survive
hltn. The funernl will bo nt 2 Sunday after
noon from the resldenco nnd burial will bo
In Fnlrvlew cemetery. Itov. G. K. Walk,
rector of St, Paul's Hplscopnl church, will
conduct tho services.
(nanllnc Nturtn Fire.
Oil overflowing In n gasoline stove called
'the, llro department last evening to tho
residence of C. M. Hnrl, 521 Oakland avenuo.
Tho blure was confined to a Djmmer
Son of CniiRrmxitiaii Thomas of Storm
Lake Klopca with Hanker'
Dan Kliter.
SIOUX CITY, In., Sept. 13. (Special Tel
egram.) Frank W. Thomas, aged 25 years,
sou of Congressman Lot Thomas of Storm
Lake, and Mlns Flcta Brown, aged 19 years,
daughter of W. E. Brown, president of tho
First National bank of Storm Lake, worn
marrlod In Sioux City at noon today. They
eloped from Storm Lake. Their parciits
objected to tho match.
Secret Ornnnlrntloii in Slnnx City to
Wipe It Out of the
SIOUX CITY, In., Sopt. 13. (Special Tolo
gram.) A secret society has been organ
ized In Sioux City for tho purpose of wiping
out anarchy In the United States. The
promoters of the society hope to spread
the organization throughout tho lund. A
local attorney will framo the constitution.
I'll Ion Veterans' Knciinipiiieiit.
CLINTON, In., Sept. 13. (Special. )-Tho
annual encampment of tho Union Veterans'
union, Department of Iowa, of which James
Ellis of Maquoketa Is major general, will
bo held at Maquoketa September 24, 25 and
26. The members of the Twonty-fourth,
Twenty-slxth and Thlrty-flrst Iowa Infantry
will attend In a body. They will also hold
tholr regimental reunions. On tho evening
of tho 25th a banquet will bo given by tho
members of the Maquoketa Woman's Belief
Corps to old soldiers and sailors. Exhibi
tion drills will be given by tho lown Na
tional Guard and by the Illinois Naval Bo
rerves. The principal speakor will bo Sen
ator Allison. General Dyrenforth of Wash
Ington, 1). C, and soveral of tho Iowa con
gressmen will deliver addresses.
.tletlioillstn Pray for Prevalent.
CHARITON. Ia., Sept. 13. (Special Telo
gram.) The Des Moines conforence of the
Methodist Episcopal church today adopted
tho constitution of the church as recom
mended by the general conforeneo by a
voto of 113 to 17. Seven applications for
tho mlulstry wore examined and passed lo
the second year and fifteen second-year
students were admitted to the conferense.
A special message relating to tho condition
of the president was read and Rev. W. V,
Kelly, editor of the Methodist Review of
New York, led In prayer service for his
Opening of Eepublicvn Campaign Poit-
poncd Btciuie of BufFilo Newt.
Hills I'nmlly of HHtliervllle Claim
Property In Kimliuid Funernl or
Cinirnil VoiiiiKcrntnn nt l)c
Mo I n en.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Sopt. 13. (Special Tele
ginm.) Tho meeting for the opening of tho
republican campaign nt Atlantic has been
abandoned by tho republican state commit
too on account of tho news from Buffalo.
Cliilm n Vnlimtile Kntntc,
Tho members of tho Ellis family of Eath
crvlllo think they aro heirs to a large es
tato In Euglnnd. Mrs. Laura Stelnburg of
Boston, n relative, who sent an attorney to
Lnglaml, found nu cstnto worth $360,000,000
awaiting distribution. Thcro arc three mem
bcrs of tho EIIIm family In Ksthcrvllle, one
In Ixis Angeles, another In Austin, Minn
and another at Stewnrtsvlllc, Minn., In
business. They will Investlgalo further.
I'll n mil of Coiirnit VoiiiiKermnn,
Tho funeral of Conrnd Youngcrman of this
city was hold today and wns ono of tho
most notablo funerals ever held here. Ho
had been a member of tho local lodge o
Masons for thirty two years nnd tho funeral
was in their charge.
Fnlr Pi r in I ti in m I'nlil.
Tho last warrants far tho premiums won
nt tho lovia Stato fair wore sent out to
day. Tho total of premiums paid In the
speed department was $1,750. Tho largest
amount, aside from the speed department
won by any exhibitor was by J. It. Pcako
Winchester, 111., on standard horses, his
wnrrant being for $397. Tho lnrgcst pre
mlums on cnttlo went lo T. F. B. Sothnm
Chllllcothc, Mo., $318 on HereforJs. Ocorgo
W. Troue, Rushvllle, Minn., got $216 on
hogs and Thomas Teal Son, Utlca, Ia
got $210 on hogo. E. O. Rubers it Co., Fort
Atkinson, got ubout $200 on chickens; Fred
Hlthcrshaw, Des Moines, got $281 on farm
products; L. O. Clutc, Greoloy, Ia., got $281
on farm products, and Ocorgo Harding &
Son, Wnukcsha, got $200 on sheep, Theso
are all tho largest amounts received on
premiums in their respective departments
.ow Corpornt liinn.
The nnmc of the Marshalltown & Dakota
Railway company has been changod to
Boone, Rockwell City &. Northwestern. Tho
capital stock was reduced from $2,000,000
to $1,500,000.
The Greene & Western Telephone com
pany of Brltt has Increased Its capital
stock to $150,000 and elected two more
Tho estato of tho late Andrew H. Mur
ray of Cedar Rapids has been Incorporated
with a capital stock of $30,000.
Tho Diamond Grain company of Dc3
Moines has been Incorporated with n cap
Ital of $30,000 by C. L. Mott and others.
Tho Heart River Land company has been
Incorporated with a cnpltnl stock of $150,
000, with headquarters' In Dcs Moines. It
is to cngago in land and stock business In
North Dakota. Tho president Is D. F.
Witter nnd tho secretary Is George Hcaton
of Perry. John Harriott, candidnto for
lieutenant, governor, Is ono of the directors.
GcttlitK n 'cw Crop of llnlr nnil Him
No More Dandruff.
Everybody In tho northwest knows Colo
nel Daniel Searlcs, the veteran Journalist
and publicist of Butte. January 10, 1900.
tho colonol writes: "I tised n couple of
bottles of Nowbro's Hcrplcldo with marvel
ous results. Tho dandruff, disappeared; a
new crop of hair haa taken root nnd the
bald spot Is rapidly being covered. Herpl
cldc is tho only hair preparation that kills
tho dandruff germ that digs up the scalp
In scaleB ns It burrows Its way to the root
of tho hair, whero It destroys the vitality
of tho hair, causing tho hair to fall out.
Kill tho dandruff germ with Herplclde.
Seasonable Fashions
391 1 Men's Bath Robe,
34 to 46 Breast. ,
Men's Bath or Lounging Robe, No. 3911
A comfortablo lounging robe, that .also can
bo worn to nnd from tho morning bath, Is
essential to every man's comfort and health,
The woll-cut practical modol Illustrated
suits both purposes to a nicety nnd Is abso
lutely simple nt thu Bamo tlmo. As Illus
trated It Is mndo of striped Turkish towel
ing, with n heavy cotton cord and tassel;
but elder-down and plain ftannol nro cqunlly
correct, whllo colored blankota aro much
Tho fronts aro comfortably loose, having
forward-turning plaits nt tho nock nnd aro
supplied with umplo and convenient patch
pockets. The back Is plain ncross. tho
shoulders, but Is drawn In slightly nt tho
waist by means of tho cord that Is passrd
beneath straps attached to tho under-arm
seams, At the neck Ih a big sailor collar
and tho coat sleeves nro finished with roll
over cuffs.
To cut this robo for n man of medium
slzo 6 yards of inntorlal 27 or 3 yards 44
Inches wldo or a blanket measuring 70
Inches wide will be required,
Tho pattorn 3911 is cut In sizes for n 31,
38, 42 and 46-Inch breast measure
For the accommodation of Thn Bco read
ers theso pattorni, which usually rolnll at
from 25 to 60 cents, will bo furnished at a
nominal price, 10 centK, which covers nil
expense. In order to got any pattern en
closo 10 cents, kIvo number and name nf
pattern wanted and bust measure. Allow
about tin day (mm dato n( your letter
beforo beginning to look Mr tho palter".
Addrcia, Pattern Uopartincut, Omaha Bce(
Pit I III re to l.onil Mhlpn lit fun I'riiu-
elseo Leave City Short of
HONOLULU, Sept. e. Tho San Francisco
strike threatens to canto serious trouble in
Hawaii, by reason of tho failure of San
Francisco exporters to ship cargoes of pro
visions here. I.ocnl stocks of foodstuffs are
becoming low. The largo Honolulu dealers
nro refusing to fill big orders and small re
tail stores cannot replace their stocks na
they sell.
The British cable ship Britannia, which
has been surveying for the routo of the
cable from Victoria to Australia, has nr
rived here. Its officers report that the
cable will He within 220 miles of the Ha
waiian Islands, to the enstward. Tho ar
rival of the vessel hero has revived talk of
tho possibility of getting cable communlcn
tlon with tho outside world, without wait
Ing for action of congress, by means of a
connection with tho British lino nt Fan
ning Island, only about COO miles from here
Slxto Ivopcz, Agulnnldo's agent, made
quite a stir hero by his utterances. Ho left
by the Gaelic two days ago for tho Orient
ami Is understood 'to be going to Manlln,
where, Judging by his remarks here, ho Is
likely to bo n troublesome factor. Major
Robinson, United States quartermaster
here, has sent to General Young of tho Do
partmcnt of California a statement nf
Lopez's utterances whllo here, with a view,
It Is stated, to having him watched when
ho reaches tho far cast.
SInirTer'M Order lie during It Off In on
the AVny mill .'Men Al
ready nt Work.
JOLIET, III., Sept. 13. Although not offi
cially sanctioned, by a Joint conferenco of
tho local lodges tho steel strlko In Jollct Is
at nn end. An order from President Shaffer
1,1 on tho way declaring tho strlko off. Tho
order will not reach hero until Into tonight
and the men will hold ono moro meeting
tomorrow to ratify tho action of President
Shaffer. Tho mills started at 2 o'clock this
afternoon and many of the strikers have al
ready returned to work.
Humored Thnt I'nlon Pacific mill Some
ICnntem Line May lie Com
bined. CHICAGO, Sept. 13. (Special Telegram.)
It Is reported that tho delay In announc
ing tho resignation of President Hays of
tho Southern Pacific nnd tho election of a
successor Is Ae to a change In the plans
of the Hnrrlman syndlcato affecting tho
properties undor Its control.
Ono of tho reported plnns is tho placing
of ono set of officers over either tho Al
ton and Union Puclflc or Illinois Central
nnd Union Pacific and electing a president
to operate tho Southern Pacific Indepen
dently. It Is believed that It this plan
should bo followed the Jurisdiction of Pres
ident Folton of tho Alton will be extended
to cover the Union Pacific. President Burt
will then be sent to San Francisco to look
after tho Southern Pacific.
Another plan is the extension of the au
thority of President Fish of tho Illinois
Central over the Union Pacific instead of
Mr. Felton.
I.ouU Full..
WPP.Ptwn WATRIl. N'cb.. Sent. 13. fSne
T.nnU Polls, nn old resident of Woco
Ing Water, died last evening of heart trou
hie and dropsy Mr. Foltz was vico prcs
iient nf the Plrst Notional bank. Ho wr
01 years of ngo. Ho leaves two sons ati
one daughter.
Thut In the Prediction for Sntur-
itny, but Sunday Mny
H Fnlr.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 13. Forecast for
Snturday and Sunday:
For NchrasUn Fn'r In western, showers
In eastern portion Saturday; Sunday fair
varlablo winds.
For Iowa Showers Saturday; cooler In
eastern portion; Sunday fair; varlablo
For North and South Dakota Fair In
western, showers In eastern portion Satur
day; westerly winds; Sunday fair.
For Kansas Fnlr Snturday; cooler In
Boutliwcflt and warmer in northeast portion;
Sunday fair; west to north winds.
For Colorado Fair Saturday and probably
cooler In eastern portion; Sundny fair; varl
able winds.
For Wyoming Generally fair Saturday
and Sundny; no'th winds.
For Montann Partly cloudy Saturday;
warmer In southeast portion; Sunday fair;
westerly winds.
For Western Toxas Fair Saturday; cooler
n northern portion; .Sunday fair; west to
north winds.
For Now Mexico Fnlr Saturday; Sunday
partly cloudy; probably showers and cooler
n northern portion; northerly winds.
For Arkansas Showers Saturday; cooler
n western portion; Sunday probably fair;
southerly winds, becoming iambic.
For Illinois Partly cloudy Saturday and
piobably showers; Sunday fair; light tc
fresh southerly winds.
For Missouri Showers Saturday; cooler
n eastern nnd feouthorn portions; Sunday
fnlr; varlablo winds.
I.uenl llcroril.
OMAHA, Sept. 13. Omaha record of tem
poraturo nnd precipitation compared with
mo corresponding uay or tiie past tnrco
1501. i:o. IStO. 1SDS
Maximum temperature .. "o Nl 71 tkl
.Minimum temperature ... ti til 52 Si
uciui lempcratliro - n m as
Tecipuuinu ii i" i .u
Itccmd of temperature and nroclnltnUnn
nt uniunu tor tins uuy cmi sinco .March 1,
Jorninl tcmnerntUi'p C.I
wi'iii'ivncy nir inn uuy j.
Total rxroHH since Mnrcli 1 Tfl'j
Normal precipitation 10 Inch
sxcess tor the May ul Incn
'rt'Olpltntlon since March 1 17. W) IneliOH
uonciency sincu Mnrcli l k.&g Inches
noflclcnrv fnr cor. tHTlod. lifctO.. Inchon
ueuciency tor cor. period, iw.i. . s.ii inches
ltrinrt from Stiilloiin nt 7 p. in.
H1 a
c d
: i o
o ; k a
fil M .70
I f 70 .(O
I ii. 70 T
70 Vi ,W
r,s "o ,.k)
ti2 -70 .01
68 as T
GS TI .1)
71 SO ,111
71 7S ,oo
M 82 .00
M ESI .01
tkll iW T
Oil M .01
SO h5 .00
Omaha, cloudy ,
. iieyenno, cloudy
North Platti, partly cloudy....
Halt l.ako City, clear
napiu city, partly cioidiy
Huron, c iiiiiIv
WllllHton, cloudy
Chicago, -dear
Hi. Louis, partly cloudy
luvi'iipori. partly cioijuy
CnnmiH City, cloudy
ii'iciia, pariiy ciouiiy
lavre. cloudy
Hlsm.irrk. nurtlv cloudy
(iulvcston, cloud v
T Indicates trnto of Precipitation
Ii, A hwHIli
Locul Vorccaat Ortlclal.
ach. Enriches the blood, increases its
nourishing power. Good for ill, convales
cent and well. All can use it with benefit.
Sold by druggists. The superb product of the
Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass n
St. Louis, U. S. A.
Brewers of the Original Budwclscr, Faust, Atlchclob, Anhcuser-Standard,
Palc-Lagcr, Export Pale, Black & Tan and Exquisite.
"I cure stricture
without cutting or
dilating, thus avoid
ing tho horrors off
surgery, "
My original n.nd strictly
modern treatment fnr .Stricture
euros the disease without cut
ting or dilating, thtm avoiding
the horror of surgery.. It Is
the only treatment that should
ever be used, and the only cno
recommended by tho legions of
men who havo recently been
sured by It. It acts Immedi
ately nnd directly upon tha
Strlcturs, dissolving It com
nlotoly and dlslndsinc ntl dis
eased tisoiin, which comes away
in BuyjH or enrca-Jlke fiber, al
laying all Irritation nnd inflam
mation and leavlnc thn
entirely freo from obstruction
anu in a sound, healthy condl
men Tn ttiii i, ., i i ' "i "ras nnu nssociate Ulseases und weaknesses of
i t c malodlefi n'otio I havo earnestly devoted tho best years of my life,
to hold tSrCT"nnt?JaPliVa 0 V."ne.Ql aml Klvo to :nch ''" " LKOAI, CONThACV
madS1llfo0an0ew multliudca of ZlnT yW wh,to ,0 ,nvc""" 11 curo
j.i jou cannoi can at our offices, wrlto your symptoms fully.
Office Uotirs-0 a. m. to 8 p. in. Smid iys 10 a in to 1 p. m.
1308 Farnam St., Bet. 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
On Arrlvnl nt North Sidney, Cniic
Ilreton, IU-iortN All "VVVIl
on Hoard.
NORTH SIDNEY, C. Ii., Sept. 13. Tho
Peary Arctic steamer Erik, from Capo
Sabine, Ellesmcrelaud, August 29, arrived
hero today. All well.
In a letter dated Congor, April I, 1901,
Lieutenant Penry summarized the result of
his year's work as follows:
First Tho rounding of tho northern limit
of tho Greenland archipelago, the most
northerly known land In tho world, prob
ably tho most northerly land.
Second Tho highest latitude yet attained
In tho western hemisphere (S3 degrees 50
Third The determination of tho origin
of the so-called poleocrystlc Ico (floe berg),
Aniinnl IU'pnrt SIiimvn Incri-itxcil
KurnliiK". DerrciiNOil Mipt'iison
li n (I n Sunn SurpliiN.
NEW YORK, Sopt. 13. The annual report
of the Chicago, Mllwnukco & St. Paul road
wns made public today. The gross earnings
were $12,309,012, nn increaeo of $1S4,320; the
operating expenses were $27,977,503. n de
crease of $413,331; and tho not earnings
wero $11,391,509, an Increase of $927,051.
Thoro is a surplus now on hand of, $2,738,977,
an Increase, of $631,095.
AVnr Survivors Itt'iiiemliei etl by the
(irncrnl Covcriimt'ii t.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 13. (Special.) Tho
following pensions havo been granted:
Issue of August 23:
Nebraska: Original Channel O. TInir.
card. York. 16. Original widows, etc
rhnebe J. Lawrence, Rising City, $8.
Iown: Original Robert C. Prcmlee, Mnr
shnlltown. $ti. Original widows, etc. Mary
June Patterson. Nuwnmrki.t. iS: I.nrn A.
Hennctt, Marshalltown, JS.
As Dr. Pierce's l'nvoritc Prescription
for womanly diseases, No one knows
this better than tilt; woman who lias
tried local doctors nnd ninny medicines
nnd found no cure until slic began
the use of "Favorite Prescription," It
establishes regularity, etops weakening
drains, heals inflammation and ulcera
tion and cures female weakness. It
makes weak women strong and sick
women well.
I was tioiibled for three yrnrswlth iileeru
tlon and female wckne and my doctor gave
me but little relief," write .Mi, Lulu Hunter,
of Allenlon, St J.oul Co.. Mo. "I nv nn
advertisement in the paper of Doctor 1'lerre'a
pavoiite Prescription. I began the use of it
atjout a venr ago. I took five bottle of it, mid
one Iwttle of '(Solilen Medical Discovery,' and
mv health ia better now than It wa for yenra.
1 have nlo recommended these medicine to
oi!ie of iy friends, irlio MilTeied front female
weakness, and good mult have followed,".
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser is sent i ff on receip. of si one
cent skimps to pay expense of mailing
only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce. Uuf
falo, N. Y.
The Great
Food DrinK
is easily assimilated
by the weakest stom
$5.00 A MONTH
All Diseases and
Disorders of Men
10 years lu Omsha,
Method new, without
catting, vMC A loss
of time.
QVDUII le curedfnrllfeanathepolson
1 ', - thoroughly destined from
the system. Soon every sign and symptom
disappears completely and forever. No
"imiiAKINO OUT" of the illsenso on the skta
or face, lrentment contains no dsngeroui
drugs or Injurious oieclclnu.
WEAK MEN from Kxccsses or Victims
Youno and Minn:.K Aobd, lack of vim, vigor
aud strength, wltn organs Impaired ami weak.
STRICTURE cured with a new Home
Trfiitment. No palu, no detention from bust
nets. Kidney nnd Hlni1ri' Trotiblos.
Contultatlon I rrr. Treatment by Mall.
Call on on or address Q So. I4tll St.
Dp, Searles & Searles. Omaha. Neb.
DR. McCREW (Age 52)
IJlHcnm-n mid Dlmiriluri. of Men Only.
-II i')n' vxiorlL'iiL'i', !, jcur III
WAUlPflPEI C cured in less than 10 days,
inillUUULLL w
Itliout cutting, Hydrocelu.
I'VDUH 10 and ull tllooil UIhciihch cured
llim I l.i llfn All l.rnnblni' itMl
Kffrnu nf thn Hl.rnn Hl.rmiMinr nt nnrfi.
flVPD Ofi Dlifl cases cureo of nervous
U V Ull ZUiUUU debility, loss of vitality
md all unnatural weaknesses of men.
litricturc. meet. Kidney and Hladdcr Ufa-
(Jui'i-n r.uiirinid'cil. OniMiillnlloii I rw,
Tr,-film.iit hv innll P. O. HOX 706. OlllCB
over i!13 South Hth street, between Faninra
nnd Uougliid Sts,. OMAHA. NCR
MF.S sioptnUiKMnr'Hrlne. If oil
lino .mall. ek uruuf. I""' I1""'
,r ek.'nln ili.lm, 'ir tamiim
Orifan will M-t.,io . ,N'
ilriiio. blrleliire '' Vaiie.Ml I'M
iiiaiitiilly cuitil In I
14,000 In ut . f lot o fallura. mil
unit n-tiirneil. eir't HiwiKllatei no
( O. II fiaml. wrlifiirlrrlaitlcii
In,. ,i.nt , ruled III Ulnlll enTrlne.
LOCAL APPLIANCE CO. IJ8 Thorp Bit., Inilmipolli, ni.
thk nun HUii-niNo. you
vbhy nick offices which
iu:nt for oniy $10.00 a
month. this incmjdk8
mght, watkil, hhat. jan
itor skrvick and am.
Tin; convi:nh:nci:s op
thi: nusT iil'h.dino in
The Bee
R. C. PETERS 6c CO.,
Rental Agents
Ground Floor lice Hldg.