Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1901, Page 5, Image 6

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Men's Shoes at
S3, $4 atid $5
Everything that Is now, everything that
.Is good In vlcl wUl, volour calf, willow calf,
box calf, Ideal kid, corona kid, patent
leather nnd enamel, drill lined ond leather
lined. Wo positively guarantee the leather,
the lit, the workmanship and the wear of
these shoes In every possible way, Thoro
Is nothing new, nothing better In the way
of shoes to bo bought anywhere.
At 98c, $1 25
$1 59, $1.98 and
$2.98 .
For thoso who want shoes for less money
wo offer some splendid values for tho
above figures. Wc guarantco every pair of
shoes' wo sell, no matter how llttlo we soil
them for. And we will sew any rip freo
of charge, no matter If you havo worn tho
shoes six months or n year.
Advance Sale of New Fall
400 prottily trimmed cbil
dron'd huts in nil tho now and dc
slrablo colorj. Tnosu hats tiro
prod ucod to moot tho riopulnr do-
rnand for stylish, yot Inoxponslvo
iits. Thoy nro nc'
tual $3.03 valuoi
our prtco is .......
Ruin Oifttai Lito in tho Aftornooa and
Largs Crowds Visit the Grcnnds.
Special Complimentary I to lie Tend
ered h' Mlwiinr Sorrciitlno (iliMim
on Account of I'rcoldont lul
Trnsrdj Children Dny.
After a day of drizzling, gloomy rain; the
sun shono out lato in tho afternoon yes
terday and gave now promise to tho Ak-Sar-Den
carnival, tho progrpis of which
had been materially Interfered with on
account of tho bad weather.
Tho.appearanco of tho sun was tho signal
for crowds to go to thu carnival last night
nnd tho evening program 'was carried out
without Interruption. There was. however,
no merrymaking on tho grounds and tho
dying condition of President MoKlnley was
talked about In subdued tones, nlmost U
tho exclusion of all other topics,
Whllo tho nil n wan sputtering down In
tho afternoon, Superintendent Rctz nrranced
for a Ilnnda Rosaa concert In tho llovd
theater and announcement to that effect
was sent nut. Tho sudden cessation of rain
changed this plnn, however, nnd tho con
cort was given on tho carnival grounds.
Special MnrnliiK Concert.
Slgnor Borrentlnn has consented to glvo
a special concert this forenoon at U o'clock
In addition to tho regular performances
which aro to bo given nt 2 o'clock and 8
o'clock p. m. This special concert Is com
plimentary to tho Ak-Snr-Uen carnival bv
tilgnor Sorrentlno and tils musicians, for
tho contract culled for only two concerts
Feed your hair with
Aycr's Hair Vigor.
It makes the hair
grow long and thick.
to Gray
It checks falling of the
hair, keeps the scalp
clean, makes the
hair soft and glossy.
II. Atldnnkrf. " J.C
Wo ore showing all tho now styles
of boys', youths' and llttlo gents
shoes for school wear anil for dress
wear. Every pair absolutely guaran
tccd. They como In calfskin, vlcl
kid. volour calf and box calf, In sin
gle, lmlf double nnd full doublo soles.
Prices range from
89c to $1.25, $1.50,
$1.75, $2.00,
$2.25 mid $2.50
Trimmed lints nt Five Dollars
A large number of cleverly executeil copies
of some of our Imported tints as well ns a
splendid collection of our own Ideas. Plvo
dollar hats nro -a specialty with us, and wo
say without reservation whatever
that we produce tho best
hats at that price
to be found In
100 excellently trimmed huts thnt
would readily soil for $1.00 nnd a
.IH go on sulu
Ostrich Plumes, 25c -000 cartons
of Prcnch dye, black ostrich
plumes, fully VI Inches long jC.
easily worth GOo sale prlco
each day. Tho Ilnnda Hossa engagement
ends tonight.
Today Is children's day, when nil tho
little folka will bo admitted to tho grounds
at half prlco nnd tho satno reduction will
bo mndo for entrance to all of tho midway
shows whero a foe Is charged. It Is ex
pected that tho city schools will be well
represented on tho grounds. In honor of tho
children, Miss Harry's dag circus will bo the'
nccno of a reception, when all of tho dog3
will be turned looso nmong tho llttlo ones.
Thcro will also bo other features designed
especially for tho juveullo contingent.
Tho prlzo buby show comes Monday. This
show will be held on tho free stngo and
every mother In tho country Is ontttlcd to
mnko an offering, l'rlzca will bo given for
the" following:
Handsomest baby boy, between 1 and 2
years old.
t Handsomest baby boy, not over 1 year
Heaviest 'baby boy, between 1 nnd 2 yoarB
Heaviest baby boy. not over 1 year old
HantlnnmcHt buby girl, between 1 nr.d 2
ypnivt old
Hundsiomcst baby girl, not over 1 year
Heaviest baby girl, bstvcen 1 and 2 years
Heaviest baby nlrl. not over 1 venr nhl
Handbomcst twins, nny ngo under a yenrj,
AVomcn ActN an .ludKCH,
A commlttco of representative Ornahn
women will net as Judges and two well
known olub hcuso bachelors will conduct
tho ceremonies. Tho hour Is 2:30 o'clock
Monday afternoon.
Thero Is much speculation ns to what
effect tho sorrowful and unexpected turn in
ho presidential tragedy will havo upon
tho carnival, It necessarily casts a deen
gloom, but. tho Ak-Snr-llen governors seem
to be of tho opinion that there li nothtnc
to do but to continue thu carnival.
"With tho utmost respoct to tho ureal
dout," said H. J. l'cnfold, treasurer, "wo
nro simply obliged to fulfill our contracts.
and thero can bo no material alteration of
our plnns,"
AVE8C0.,UwIl, Mu,
jl my
mm whv
Shoes, Ideal
Kid Shoes,
Corona Kid
Shoes and
All tho latest styles
In Ladles' bright
leather shoe, In nil
tho now tocHiuul now
heels, In ovary wolyht
of solo, commencing;
In price nt $1 91 nnd
from thnt to 2.M, $.1.00,
J3.5J, JI.(K, $3.0)' nnd
$6.0) n pair.
Ladies' Louis Heel Shoes.
Vo aru showing this fall till tho swoll tiro as shoos with
Louis heels, beautiful bund turnsoles nnd hand welt solos, no
finer shoes than tliciu wore over brought to Omuhn, prices
range from SiJ.Ol) to $8.00 pair
Trimmed Hats nt Three Ninety
eight In this division will be found a host
of charming conceits designed by our best
artists, who pay that same minute attention
to detail in the construction of these hats
ns If they were worth ten times tho price.
Tntts you get tho host
styles and good materials '
nt n very low price They,
aro jf nais eisewnere, at
Ten styles of Indies' street lints
draped with silk and ornaments
regular $175 values ClC
Fenther Hrensts, 25c and 40c 125
dozen feather breasts, In white. a
black anil colors, Imported to Eoll I 1 J"
at 75c and $1, on salo nt 25c und
Pate of Presidsnt McKinley tkt Abinrbing
Topio Amonp SoldieH.
Wet Wrntlu-r MhUtIhII IntcrfcrcN
11 Hh Comfort, KNpcclull)- In the
Culinary Depart incut .Vuni.'i -oun
Mcmlii-rfi Arc SIcU,
Anxiety over tho fato of President Mc
Kinley produced a spirit of gloom' at
Camp Omaha all day nnd whllo thu regular
duties of camp llfo wore performed so
far as tho rain would permit, whenever n
now iirrlval would reach camp ofllcerB and
mcu would surround him, asking for tho
latest news from Duffalo. Arrangements
had been mado for the latest bulletins to
bo sent to the camp us they woro received
In tho city, but all seemed to fear that
somo nows would escnpo them.
Target practlco was held for tho first
time today. This morning tho first bat
talion of tho First regiment marched to tho
range, which has been established east
of the fort along tho river and thero ln
dulgo In practlco for an hour. Tho other
battalions of this regiment and tho entire
Second regiment practiced In extended or
dor on tho camp grounds, using blank car
tridges, which were Issued for tho pur
pose. Five hundred rounds of blnnk car
tridges were Issued to tho two regiments
and to Trcop A for practlco purposes yes
terday. ltnln CnnscN Trouble.
An examination by onu of tho medical
oiDcers of tho First regiment showed that
this regiment wns In bad shapo In regard to
tcntago and straw. Tho troublo with the
tents wns In tho culinary department, thcro
being no canvas to covor tho fires, anil
this mado It almost Imposslblo to prepare
food In tho rain. Tho straw In mnny of
tho tents was found to bo wet. Immedlnto
orders woro lesued for dry straw nnd ad
ditional tontB. Tho men got the straw for
their beds Inst night, but as the additional
tents havo to como from Lincoln they will
not be received until today. As a result
of thu damp weather nnd exposure thlrty
flvo men wero reported unfit for duty ou
nccount of slckuess, Thlrty-ono nro slclc
In quarters and four aro In tho hospital.
Nona of tho sickness Is hollevcd to be seri
ous, dry bcdB and a few days In tho hospital
being all that Is nccctsary to put thu men
In shape.
Tho orders aro out for Sunday, Showing
n slight change In tho routlno from woel:
days. At 0:30 Inspection will be huld nnd
at this time the Inspector nt tho camp,
who was appointed today in tho porson of
Major Joliu W. McDonnell of tho Second
regiment, will mako a formal Inspection.
The men will be brought out In companies
r.nd nrms nnd accoutrements examined. At
tl o'clock church services will bo held, last
ing until 11;35. Tho chaplains of tho two
regiments havo mndo extensive preparations
for the only religious Borvlccs which will
to held In camp this year and thero will
bo a special effort mndo to provido good
music. It Is cxpecled that many people
will drive out from tho city to bo present
at these se'rvlces.
Inspection of Quarters will begin at 2
o'clock p. m. At this Impaction thu tents
ami bending will be examined nnd necessary
changes recommeuded. Dress parade will
bo at t:30, followed by the mesa call nt
'0. At 7 o'clock retreat will bo sound!.
This ceroraony Is one of the most beautiful
of llfo In camp. Tho soldiers drawn up lu
lino In tho company streets stand with un
We place on snli today for tho opening
over 0,000 pair of ladies' lino sowed shoes,
in lace and button, in black and a beautiful
shade of winter
made to sell this fall at .? and $ a pair.
Wo have every size and every width in
each stvlo and there are 42 stvles, in all the
different weights of sole, medium, light
nnd heavy, plain or patent tipped toes, not
an old style in tho lot every one of them
made tor tins
choice during
opening sale
Another special offering for the opening
is about. 2,000 pair of ladies' extremely fine
welt, and turn sole shoes, made by the fin-
cstshoo makers In America regular selling prlro of
theso shoes would bo from $I.C0 to J6.00 pair our
special opening price will be ROD, J3.'0 and $4.00.
. Bargains
Ladles', men's and children's fast
black, tun nnd fancy colored Hone,
with doublo solos, npllced heels unit
toes, nil made full seam-
Ictts,, silk finished,
uc values ut
Ladles' plain and fancy lace and drop-
Mitch lisle thread Hose,
nil new patterns, 33j
values ut
Ladles' ilncst Imported plain and
fancy Hose, mndo of lino maco cot
ton nnd French llslo thrond, great
variety of fancy
colors, 75c
values ut ....... ....t...
. Ladles' nnd men's plnln white nnd
fancy colored border hemstitched and
incc cmnrninerea
worth up to 'Joe, at..
Ladles' and men's sample Hnndkor
chlefs, Including nil pure linen, hcni-
stllchrd and embroidered
nnil lace edged stylet,
worth 35c at
In light, medium nnd heavy ribbed;
also plain llccce lined, all
sizes, worth up to 75c, go
at lac, wo unu
AND 53C.
Ladles' plain and Fancy Neckwear,
Including ties In plain and fanqy em
broidered lace und embroidery
trimmed Collars, Boleros
nnd Vest Pronts,
at, each 15c and
covered heads whllo tho band plays "Tho
Star Spangled nanncr" and the flcg Is
lowered for tho, night. It will bo tho first
tlmo tho ceremony has been thus performed
nt Camp Omaha.
First Lleutennnt Chancellor A. I'hilllDS
of Company II, from Aurora, has been ap
pointed acting regimental quartermaster of
tho Second reglmont whllo the organization
Is tn camp. Sergeant C. II. Schncht of
Compauy C, from Nebraska City, has been
appointed sergeant major of that regiment
nnd Prtvnto S. J. Stewart of Company F,
from Lincoln, has been appointed hospital
All drills wero abandoned yesterday nftcr
noou on nccount of tho rain nnil officers'
schools of Instruction wero held Instead.
Over 100 men wero absent from camu
Thursday evening after 11 o'clock, the tlmo
of check roll call, and as a result an order
was Issued yesterday providing thnt all
persons absent without loavo at check roll
call hereafter will forfeit one day's pay.
ninclplinc In Strict.
Otllcers nro not required to securo a pass
v.hon they lcavo camp, but they nro not
oxpected to be out of the lines' after taos.
A failure to observe this rule gavo tho
lynx-oyed guard an opportunity to dis
tinguish Itself Thursday night. A party of
half a dozen otllcers, Including one colonel
nnd nn acting assistant ndjutnnt genernl.
was marched to tho guardhouse after It
o'clock ond their names reported to head
quarters yc3terday morning.
Orders for thu day, Issued last night, put
tho following officers on duty today: Officer
of tho day, Captain John C. Hnrtlngton,
Company II, Second regiment: officer of the
guard, First Lieutenant Charles M. Ander
son, Company C, Second regiment: super
numerary officer of the guard, Second Lieu
tennnt John H. Linton, Company C. First
regiment. Sixteen men from each regiment,
ono Bergeant and two corporals from the
First regiment nnd ono corporal from the
Second reglmont, aro detailed as guardB for
tho day. Tho band and bergeant major of
tho First regiment will attend at guard
mount this morning.
F. H. Meyers, Into first lieutenant nnd
quaitcrmnstcr of tho Second regiment, was
the guest of tho officers of that reglmcut
Thursday evening nt mess.
At tho CI030 of tho concert Thursday night
the Second regiment band serenaded General
Colby nt Ills headquarters.
Orders havo not yet been Issued for the
movement of tbo troops to Omaha for drill
and dress parade today, but it la under
stood that they will inarch from tho enmn
tn tho city, two hours being allowed for
the march,
Offered liy the Iliii'llnKton.
September 10 to 27. inclusive, tho nur
llngton Itouto will sell you a round-trip
ticket to San Francisco for
No moro delightful outing can bo im
agined. The tilp Is mado at a time of
year when traveling is a plcnsuro and
tho climate of California at its best.
The return limit Novombcr 15, 1901 Is
nn unusually long ono tor tickets sold at
so low a rate. Stopovers aro allowed at
pleasuro, both going and returning, at and
west of iho first Colorndo, Wyoming or
Montana uolnt onroute. All In all tho op
portunity Is one which noi man or woman
who contemplates a visit to California can
afford to overlook.
Folder riving details on request.
Tlckots, 1302 Farnam street.
Sun Anloiilo, Tex.
Ono faro plus 12 for the round trip via
the Missouri Pacific railway on September
14, 15 and 16. For further information call
on or addrcsn company's offices, southeast
corner Fourteenth and Douglas streets,
Omaha, Neb. TIIOS. F. OODFRKY,
1'. & T. A.
Each year
our slipper do
tmrttuont has
lncru:icd I n
public f a v o r,
from tho start
wo tOOK tho
load, and today
by all
to nbov tho
Illicit sllppurs
west of Now
York. For thu
Ak Sar Hon
ball and oven
ng wear gen
orally wo show
you an assort
meat that 1 .s
simply lrroali-tiblo.
tan. These shoes were
lairs trade. Take your
ste of Fall Suits, Capes, Jackets, Skirts
y.r,iak - v v
advantage of.
a $10.00 value.
for ladies7
$o Jacket
mado cf lino
kersey, box style, with satin
stitched reveres, cuffs nnd pock
ets, well lined, L'Alglon collar,
In tnns, castors, reds, royals
nnd blacks $8.00 values for
Railroad Improv8rnnta Will Frocied is
Soon as Weathir Will Permit.
Union I'm-inc. mid Hlklinrn IIoiuIm Arc
llctlt Active In (lie Mntlcr of Ini
provrinrntM .Vumcroim Sldc
trnckn Arc IIcIiir I. aid.
City Engineer Real has received notlco
from F. W. Marsh, chief engineer of tho
Elkhorn road, that tho road Is ready to
begin tho driving of piling for tho founda
tions of tho two abutments to support
tho plate girder across tho South Omaha
boulevard. Mr. Marsh requests that Ileal
set stakes on the center lino of thu boulo
vard nt tho point whero the girder crosses
so that tho nbutmcnts can bo accurately
located with roferonco to tho street. Engi
neer Denl will set these stakes as soon as
tho weather permits.
Tho heavy rains havo caused considerable
delay in tho railroad construction work
now going on In tho northwestern part of
tho city, but tho engineering force of tho
Elkhorn hopes to complete tho greater por
tion of tho heavy work before cold weather
sots In. Mnterinl of all kinds Is on hnnd
In large quantities and with dry weather
tho construction of tho abutments rcforred
to nnd tho laying of tracks to connect with
tho Union Pacific nt tho summit will be
Work on tho Union Pacific Improvements
In South Omaha and Albright Is being
puihcd along as rapidly as possible. A
third heavy rail track Is being laid to the
cast of the mala lino tracks from Omaha
to n point beyond the southern limits of
tho city. In addition to this track a num
ber of sidetracks havo been lnld In Al
bright and preparations aro being inaifb to
Iny n similar sot of tracks along tho com
pany's right of way north of L Btreet.
Chief Mttrr Home from Convention.
L. F. Ettor, chief of tho South Omaha
fire department, Js homo from n threo
weeks' eastern trip, Whllo away he nt
tonded .tho convention of tho national flro
chiefs. Ho said that 281 cities wero repre
sented by chiefs nnd that tho people of
Indianapolis spared neither pains nor ex
pense to entertain tho visiting chiefs, In
reply to n question put In tho convention
Chief Ettor said that ho was compelled to
stnto that South Omaha had only threo
hose companies. Surprlso was expressed
that tho city did not maintain at leos ono
first-class truck nnd ono steamer. Ho ex
plained this ,by saying that tho packing
houses maintained flro departments of their
own. Tho other chiefs thought, however,
that tho city should nt least maintain ono
truck and ono steamer. Next year tho
convention will meet In New York City.
For tho entertainment of tho n&soclatlou
New York, has set aside $30,000.
Another Diimnifo Suit.
Richard Dronnan has brought suit
against the city of South Omaha for $3,000
damages. Ho alleges personal Injuries by
reason of a dcfcctlvo railing nt tho west
ond of thu Q street vlnduct. The legal de
partment of tho city will combat this claim,
as It Is assorted that llronnun lias no right
to demand damages. At tho tlmo the nc
cldcnt was said to havo occurred Urcnnah
was throwing snowballs nnd missed tils
footing nnd foil down n flight of stops. Tho
special agent of tho legal department has
ascertained thnt tho Tlalm was not filed
until somo weeks after Hrcnnan had ro
turned to work. Other provisions for tho
advantage of.
ft 6
for Ladies' $17.50 Tailor-Made Suits-iu the new
loiiK blouse frontB, slnglo and double-breasted styles. Thoro nro 100 sample fcults In
thu lot, no two alike, mndo with tho now llounco and flared skirt taffetn nnd satin
trimmed. Tho mnterlnls arc tho best. This Is a timely offer nnd one you should tnko
for Ladies' $10 Tailor-Made Suits
mndo of all wool ro verts, clnmlncs, homespuns, etc., In ull
colors blouse, cton nnd reefer styles. The Jackets are silk
llnrd nnd skirts nro lined with beat percnllno. Kvcry suit Is
for Ladies' $10 Silk Skirts made of
extra quality taffeta, llounccs ribbon trimmed, extra well
lined nnd finished. A very good vnluo for $10.00
on sale nt 50. OS.
9Q for Ladies' $5
mndo of splendid rovorslblo golf cloths
rovoralblo band and flounce nicely finished.
New Autumn Silk
Our first showing
293 3.98, 4.98
wm nnd up to 12.50
nai for golf skirts
that aro up-to-dato
In every particular
cloths, shades, styles and
trimmings. Wo show tho larg
est assortment ever shown In
of every thing that is now
in this season's silk
waists, made of tho best
taffeta, lace striped and
plain taffeta, pcau dc fole In nil
colors, tucked nnd corded, many
of them tucked all over sleeves and
bodice, all with
new sleeves
now coltnrs, on
sale at
filing of claims wero not, It Is asserted,
complied with.
Mayor Kelly In Cnnndn.
Yesterday City Attorney Lambert re
ceived a letter from Mayor Kelly, who 1b
now In Toronto, Ont. Thu mayor says that
ho and his party wero In tho Tcmplo of
Music at tho Uuffnlo exposition when Pres
ident McKinley was shot. Excitement was
at fover heat, says tho mayor. From Tor
onto tho mayor and his party will Journey
down tho const of Maine nnd thenco to New
York City. A visit will bo made to Wash
ington, D. C, and from thero tho party will
return home. Mr. Kelly expocts to rench
South Omaha tho latter part of next week
or by October 1 at the latest.
MnKlc City Coxnlp.
The repairs to Masonic hull, Twenty-litth
nnd N streets, are about completed.
MIeh Mario Chaffee ban gone to Dexter,
ln to visit relntlves for a few dnys.
Colomd J. n. Wutklns hnB returned from
n business trip to Chamberlain, S. D.
Snnltnrv Inspector Jones wrlteH from
Uuffnlo that ho will bo homo on Monday.
There will bo n meeting of the Young
Men's Itepubllcnn club at Kells' hall to
night. A potltlnn In being circulated for the
gradlnn of Twenty-seventh street trom H
to F street.
It la Htuted that John Mclntlro will ho n
cnndldate foi- county commissioner on thu
republican ticket.
Persons who drlvo ncross the L street
viaduct complain that tho grade nt tho
west end Is too steep.
The condition of Mrc. W. L. Hollnnd, who
Is ill with typhoid fover, was not Improved
to any extent yesterday.
President Murphy of tho South Omaha
Itepubllcnn club bus called a mooting of
the cljb for tonight In thu hall over thu
city offices.
If you eat without appctlto you need
Prickly Ash Illttera. It promptly removes
Impurities that clog and impedo tho action
of tho digestive organs, creates good ap
pctlto and digestion, strength of body and
activity of brain.
Kmlorxc Candidacy of I'. A. IldiiuUt
for IIciiiiIiIIciiu Nomination
for County Surveyor.
Thoro was a largely attcuded meeting of
Swedish-American citizens at Pattorson hall
last night for tho purposo of Indorsing tho
candidacy of P. A. Edqulst for tho ropub
Hcan nomination for county surveyor. Then
doro Johnson called tho meeting to order
nnd A. W. Johnson wns elected chairman,
with J. L. Jacobaon as secretary. Tho fol.
lowing resolution was Introduced and unani
mously adopted:
Whereas. Mr. V. A. EdquUt, a cvll en
gineer of nblllty, has announced himself na
a cnndldate for thu ollico of county nur
veyor at tho coming republican county con
vention, Kcfcolvcd, Thnt this mass meeting hoartuy
Indorse tho enndtdncy of Mr. Edqulst for
tho oillco of county rurvcyor and respect
fully request tho republican county con
vention to grant our request by nomi
nating him for the position to which lu
NelBon C. Pratt, who had boon announced
ns tho speaker of tho evening, was called
upon, but he graciously paid a high trlbuto
to President McKinley nnd excused himself
from making a political speech at a tlmo
whon tho nation Is In grief. Short talks
wero also mado by Itov. P. M. Llndberg,
Rev. C, E. Elvlng, E. M. Stcnborg, O. An
drccn nnd O. E Malm.
A commlttoo of ten was appointed lo
prepare resolutions of sympathy with Mrs.
McKinley In her great allllctlou.
To TcxnK llurlliiKton Itoute,
Only $28, CO to San Antonlc and return.
September H-17.
Tickets, Wi Farnam street.
Children's and
Misses' Shoes.
l'or the opening we show
all the best and newest
styles of shoes for girls'
school wear, for party went'
and dress wear. We art? es
pecially strong In children's
shoes wo warrant every
pair that goes out. of bur
house, and wo will show you
more different styles than
anybody else. We can lit
every foot, ami we 111 every
foot properly. Trices range
from ROc to 2.00. The (null
ities are higher than any
body else carries and our
prices are very much lower.
Golf Capes
Waists Autumn
Our first sale of
flannel waists made
In thu new autumn
styles, tn blnck.
cardinal and navv.
all of thorn hand
somely tucked bnck
and front, nlfo
brnlded, ko on snlo
Goes to New York With lint Ilope Firm in
His Mind.
Until ItcNHlt of Conference In Known
S Hcveloimictiln In flic
Htiiutlmi Arc Hx
rceteil. PJTTSUima. Sept. 13. Tho absence of
President Shntfor from Amalganilitcd bend
quarters was noted this morning, and when
the day passed nnd ho did not nppenr tho
report that he wns In New York wan re
ceived from sovoral good sources. Tho offi
cials of tho orgnntzitlon declined to discus:!
tho strike situation In any form nnd said
they did not know whero Mr. Shaffer wnn.
It was learned tonight that President
Slmffor, with scvcrnl' ol M advisers, took
tho 10 i. m. train for Now York, picBtiniably
uudiir nrrnngemonts with the steel people to
settlo tho strike. It ennnot bo tnld posi
tively that this Is the case, but nil evldenco
points to It.
Tho Indications enrly lu tho day wero that
a settlement of tho strike wbb looked for by
thu Amalgamated men.
Until t);o result Is known no developments
nro' expected In tho strike situation.
Dccf stands for health In tho
homo and economy In tho
Oct tlio gcnnlna
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