10 THE OMAHA DAILY 33EE; SAT U It DAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1901. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL titm of fmident'i Condition I)pmei the Boird of Trmlt. WHEAT MARKET STAYS DULL AND NARROW Corn Softer In Synilinthy mHIi Oilier Cereals-Oats Rest of Hit rfrsln Provisions Steady nnd Fcnturelcs. CHICAGO Scot. 13. Trade on the Hoard cf Tra of tho utifavoral.lo reports of the prcs le ill s condition. Grains to rotno extent tended to follow stocks In their weakt ew. " wheat clorcd fcc lower bun yeftcr. a. December corn was also ViO ; town, wl I o December ontH were rather Ilrm, closing Ji'OUc higher, Provisions closed 2!ie to Di. Whcat experienced a dull, narrow market Tho now. 'from Huffnlo had a jlecl. l ' depressing Inllucnco at the start, wn U . with large northwestern receipts, made De cemher open Wau down at U'-1' Outsldo house were bearish and c were depressed. Thin, with heavy sei hug and the quiet feelinK. brought the r cm down to 7oc. Itetter news from Uuffnlo helped a little till It touched closed heavy at 70ic. U'cal receipts ero 135 cars, nlno of contract Kra.le npolls and Dtiluth reported l.toa enrs. mak ing a total of 1,114 ears, 'JK''1'1,.1'-1!. "fj week and MS a year ab'o. lrlfnr rece p s wcro 1.47S.674 hu.. against 1.274..M " J.",r ago. ITImary shipments were 1.1 6,.,47 im.. ngalnst 779.630 Inst year. Tho scubourd ic ported twenty-seven loads taken. 1 lie Argentine market wan still dull, with 'i visible supply of 1.2SS.W Int., against 2.1.0 OW bu. last year. Seaboard clearances In wheat (and Hour equaled 1.S70.0-JO bu compared with 719,000 last yenr. ,...,.,, Corn suffered In sympathy with wheat I from tho Huffnlo news There was no change. In the actual condition of the m.ir kot. The bullish movement started by yes terday's shipping demand was present, but opened weak. VJV down, 'fading w-as local, with large offerings. Coverings for a small short linn brought a rally to 6,Mi tj'ic a cash demand kept It slumping far, hut It closed heavy at COH'ijjiC. .locdps were 211 cars. ..... , .,,, , a I I ....l(n thfl antttn i unrttJ. slon with other grains, although December opened 'c lower than yesterday .at y. There was a scarcity from the start. Two or three leading elevators wcro buying. The opening wns the lowest figure and 35ic was touched for December, the closing easing off somewhat to 35Vs03jc. Itecelpts were 112 cars. , 11 l.n.l n atrt'lftv f fill 1 1 1 ml PUS llinr- I kot. Traillnir wns for the January account, 1 There was a fair demand for the cash artl , cln and hogs were higher. All products, however, opened down. January pork stnrted 10o oft at $16.70 and llrmed up to $15.73, closing at that figure. January lard opened 24c down at $9.15. eaaed off to $9.12'i ft9.15 and closed there. January ribs opened 6fl7'.c down nt JS.07l4g8.10, touched JS.10 and closed easy at tho opening price. Kstlmatcd receipts for tomortow: ii it. 140 cars; corn, 270 cars; oats, 170 carr. The leading futures ranged as follows. Articles. I Open. I lllgh.l Low. I Closed Yos'y. Wheat Hept. Dec. May Dec. May Oats Hept. Dec. May Pork Sept. Oct. Jan. Oct. Jnn. "Rlhs- Sept. Oct. Jan. CA Willi 73?'34 66V'f57 68V 33 35i(, 37iiSs 14 70 15 70 9 40 9 15 8 62V4 8 07W f.SHfff TrWiA.'li. 65 591 Id 35i 14 75 15 75 9 45 9 15 8 6214! 8 10 I 67T4' 70 73H &SV4' 33i 35U 37!i 55 66 06816 14 B714 ir. to 1 9 40 9 12V4 8 5714 071, 8 67 fB'Mlti 70J 70.; 734 74fi!i 634 3)1.! M'4 14 n:4 it 72(4 15 75 S 02Vi 9 42U 9 15 8 55 s m 8 10 11 (3 14 75 15 SO 9 45 !) 45 9 1714 8 00 8 C71J S 15 . No 2. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUIt Steady; winter patents, J3.5&5J 1.60: straights, 3.00ft3.40; clears, S2.S9f73.20; prlng spoclals, I4.10W4.20; patents, J3.40 8.70; strnfghts. J2.S083.20, WHKAT No. 3 spring. C514Q67Hc: No. 2 red, 70sc. OATS-No. 2. 333rtc; No. 2 white, 36Uf? 371io; No. 3 white. 3rtl44(37Uc. IlYE No. 2. 55fj65ic nARLKY I'-nlr to cholco malting, t&SfiOc. 8EKD8 No. 1 flax, J1.31; No. 1 northwest ern, $1.52; prlmo timothy, $5.20. PltOVISIONB-Mess pork, per bbl $14.75 W14.S0. I,nrd. per 100 lbs.. $9.4214ifi9.45. Short ribs sides (loose), $R.MMiR.6.). Dry salted shoulders (boxed). $7.60ijn.75. Short clear sides (boxed). $9.25fti.30. WIUSICY-Hasls of high wines, $1,30. BUOAIt-Unchanged, Tho following arc tho receipts and ship ments for tho last twentv-four hours; Articles. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 20.000 lfi.ooo "Wheat, bu 223,000 46200 Corn, bu 270.000 163,000 Oats, bu 172,000 2O0.C0O Rye. hu 5,fl0 Uarlcy, bu SO.000 s.ftOO On tho I'roduco exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, 14fiiC0c; dairies. 135J17c Cheese, steady, 9v4i0-ic Kggs, firm; fresh, 1514c. NKW YORK r.KXRItAI, MAItKGT, UnotMtlons of he liar on Vnrlons Commodities. NRW YORK, Sopt. 13.-M,OUR-Recclpts. 18.380 bbls.; exports, 30,305 bbls.; sales. 8,590 pkgs. ; market unsettled and quiet, closing easy; winter patents, $3.003.85. Ryo flour, quiet; sales, 400 bbls.: fair to good, J2.80W 3.15; cholco to fancy, $3.303.60. CORNMKAlr-Qulet; yellow western, $1.17; BrHiidywInn, $3.3o3.50. RYIC Steady; No. 2 western, fSOUe, f. o. b. nfloat; state, 5o556c, c. I. f. New York car lots. I1ARI,13Y-Dull: feeding, 64c, c. I. f. Buf falo: malting. 6(V?jCc, c. i. f. lluffalo. WHKAT-Recefpts. 100.700 bu.: exports, 221,433 bu.; sales, 1,895,000 bu. futures, 4,0 bu. spot. Spot, easy; No. 2 red, 7r0ic f. o. 11. afloat; No. 2 red, 75c, elovator; No, 1 northern Duljth, 751ic f. o. b., nfloat; No. 1 hard Duhith, nominal. Options wero nf fected all day by tho unfavorable news from Uuffo o. They ruled generally weak nJ"1 ,v?,r,V "(, trndo being In fact at a. standstill. Cables wcro lower and north west receipts continued large. Closed casv nJ P6ocn,t ''feline. May, 7579Hc. closell fi.,78"-" September closed. 71c; October. 7314 t(74c, closed nt 73Hc; December, 75ili761lc. closed nt 7J4c. CORN-Hecelpts. SI.SOO bu.; exports, 44.655 bu.: sales, 1S5.000 bu. futures. 25.000 bu. si!ot. Spot, easy; No. 2, 62065c, elevator, and due. 'V ,ll,loat; Option markot declined J7,-'Jiuill,oly um,c.r nows ot tho President's condition, small clearances, favorable weather news and tho Liverpool break. Closed easy and 140 net lower. May. fiie i"iui nhcJ !3,l',S,mber' lVc; December WUWniHc. closptl at 61e, OAT8--RecclptH 13.000 bu.; exports, 3.493 bu. Spot. Ilrm; No. 2. 381io: No. 3 3Sc Nn 3 white. 40i,-ioi4e: tracV mixed western. SSW 39c: track whlto western. 39i?47c: track whito state. D0IH7C. Op tlonsV" quiet Slid easy with other markets. I TALLOW Steady; city ($2 tier nUo I ittos country (pnAitsf "ircej; i&r' FKliD-Steady: spring bran. $17.0Of?i7 no 20.W;U'cnity: $i;miQM; w''or braV,. $iV.W HOPS Quiet; stnte, common to rholoo 19M eron. UiflBc! 1690 crop. CCTllt- ", 1 raclflc const. 1900 crop, U&l5c; 1SC9 cron I $811c: olds. 14lc. cr0D HIDKS-Steady. Oalveston, 20 to 23 lb, 18c; California, 21 to 23 lbs., 1914c; Texas rtrv. 24 to 30 lbs.. 1414c. 71 ' LE ATI IKR Steady; hemlock solo, Rucnos Ayres, . hkv u cv)-, -ojs'tf-ino, new. l'llOYlSlONS-Ileef, steady; family. JH.0.1 T12.00; mess, $9.BOfll0.00: beef hams, jro.O'O 22.00;. packet. $10.0010.B0; city, extra India niMi. Iin.OO5fl8.00. Cut meats, stendv; nlrkln.i bellies, $9.25M1.25; plcklod shoulders, $7.25 T.do; pickicu asms, iu.iatuu.;j. i.aru, stenoy; westorn steamed. $9.93; rellned. ((ulot: Sep tember closed, $9.7214. nominal; continent, $10: South America, $10.BO; compound, $7.25'?J 7.50. iork, steady: family, $17; short clear, lfl.2.WlS.:3: mess, $15.7Bai6.B0. nUTTIUt-Recelpts. 3,3tVJ pkgs.: steady; tnto dairy. HUlSlic; creamery, 1514y2014c; June Hacked, factorv. 14fil5V4c. POULTRY Allvo and dressed, steady, un changed. CUHKHU-Recelpts, 4,BO3 pkgs.; steady; fancy, largo, colored, S'iifSTScj fnncy, largo, white, 8?;qst;c; lancy. small, colored, Site; fancy, small, white. fl'e. EOaS Receipts, B.576 pkgs.; steady; state nnd Pennsylvania, lSS19e; western cnndled, J7W1SC western uncandled, 1314i61io. MOIASSES-Steadv. MKTAL8 All foreign metal markets wero lower. This wns due to the cable grams received during tho .night on the nronldent's nrecarlous condition. It also affected local values of tin. while tho rest or tne list norn remainea at out prices, rna ogmiag louna puces on auoui .i p.oinu. This level was maintained nil day, the market closing unsettled at $ii.Oi)j2j.3il4. Trade was slow. At noon values were ud lower nnd futures were at 127 7s 6d. C'op per In London declined isrl to 67 Is 3d lor spot and 67 7s Od for futjres. Here tho market was dull nnd nomlnnlly un changed at $16.50ifl7.0O for Iike Superior nnd $l9.37'f!li.6J!s for casting nnd elec.rj lytle Lead was dull here at $1.3714, but is 6d lower In London, spot closing nt 12. Spelter declined 2s 6l to 16 15s for spot, while the local market closed nominal nt H. Domestic Iron markets wefo without thango and quiet 1'ig Iron warrants, $9.00 f 10.00; No, 1 foundry, $lo.0oo 13.50; No. 2 foundry, southern, $14, "Will. 50; No. 1 foun dry, southern, $14.ffM5.2,; No. 1 foundry, southern soft, $H.75yli.25. Mlnsgow war rant!! closed at 31s and Mlddlcsborough closed nt 45s 3d. OMaIIA WIIOI.IJSAIjI: mahicut. Coiidldon of 'I'm lie nnd (luntntlons on Mnplr anil rnnoy l'roilticr, KOdS Hecelfits. fJlr; loss off, 13314c. LIVJ2 I'OL'LTUY Hens. 70714c; young md old roosters, Ic; turkeys, t,ysc; ilucks nnd gcc.c, 554c; spring cnlckcns, per lb,, 1V1''..V lir'H'Klt Common to fair. llUf712c: choice dairy, In ttib., I5tfl6c; separator, 20 52Ic. J i tl :.SI i riSH-lltnek bass. lSc: whlta buss, 10c; blticllsh, lie; bullheads. 10c: blue fins. 7c: buffaloes. 7c: catllsb. 12c: cod. 10c: (.nipples, lOo; halibut, lie; herring, 7c; had Uock, 10c, pike, liic; red snupper, 10c; Eal moil, lie; suullsh, Be; trout, luc; whltcllsli, 10c OYSTKRS-Standnrds, per enn, 30c: extra feleits, per can, 3,'c; New York counts, per riUEU.NS-Live, per doz., COc. VUALS-Choice. SKOc. 1 IA Y Prlct'S fillrlffil hv Omnlin Wlintn,nlA UiiV Dealers' ussorl.itinn; Cliolr.. niiinnd. 13.50; N.) 2 upland, $9.0.); medium, $S.f0; coarse, i.uo. ityo straw, $4.60. Tbejo prucs are for hay of good color i.nd quality. De mand fnlr. Receipts, 1 car. CORN-filL. OATS-3lc 11HAN-$16.50 vegi:tai!li:s. KGO l'LANTS-l'cr doz.. 75c. URUti.N (.URN Per doz.. 10c. CARUOTS-l'or markot basket, 33c. Ui'lliTH i'er half-bu. uaskot. 3jc J URNIPH-Pur basket. 30c. CUCU.MU1CHS lioine-orown. nor doz.. 10 4il5c. LKTTUCE-Pcr bu., 20o. RADISHES Per doz., 10313c. PAHSLEV-Per ilo., 20c. NEW PoTATOH8-.tl.lnyi.2J. SWEET POTATOES-Pcr bu.. 1.23. caihiaue Ilome-grown, 23214c. TU.MATOES llome-urown. ner lS-lb. bnskut. 50c. unions Home-grown, per lb 232Vjc. UEANS Wax. tier W-bu. basket. 60c: string, per 14.hu. bnsket, 5Cc. CANTALOUl'E Ilotne-srown. per doz., 251150c; crates, $1.0031.75, Rockyfords, per crate, $2.50. WAiuioiiiLONS-Missouri. Iowa and Nebraska, 2Cfl25c. as to size. CELERY Kalotnnzoo. per bunch, 25035c; Nebrasku, per bum.li, aoif too; Colorado, 4V5jWc. eUUITS. APPLTTS-Pcr hbl., $2.2502.50. I'EAt'llES ('ntlforilln frni-Rlnnn ner lin. 83c; clings, 'Zc. Colorado freestone. 733!i3c: Elbertos, 6-bnsket crates, $1.3C3'I.4). PLU.MS California, tier cr:;-. ii.-,f.B(i! Iiome-grown, per 8-lb. bnsket. 15c. t'KAKH-uartletts, $2.fto; Utafi, $:; New York Unr'leits. kegs, $2.50. GRAPES-Cailfornln Tokav. 4-lb. erate. $2; Muscats, $1.50; Concords, home grown, per basket, 16317c, PINE APPLES-Per cratu of 12 to 16. $1.25. CRANBERRIES Per hhl.. 17.0); nfr erntn. $2.60. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANOES Valenclns. J4.u0fr5.AO: Med. sweets, $1.50. LEMONS-Fnncy, $1.00; ch Ice. $3.50. UANANAS 1'er bunch. nriMirnint. in $2.0U32.i)0. F1US California, new cartom. 75c; lay ers, 65c; Imported, per lb.. 10H12e. DAIES-Persian. in 60-lb. boxes, Salrs, 6c. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Encllsh walnuts, tier lb.. ix fll. bcrts, per lb., 13c: almonds. Der lb.. ISM200! raw peanuts. po lb.. B'ic: roasted, C14tf i-l, jiiaziiH, iocj pecans, iug--c. (jiuiti i-cr nui i.tiu; per 4-ssi., $2.75. HIDES No. 1 Krcen. 6Wc: No. 2 erenn 514c; No. 1 salted, Sc; No. 2 salted, 7c; no. 1 veal coir, 8 to 12'i lbs., Sc; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs.. 6c: drv hides. Ktil:ie? sheep pelts, KQlZc; horschldes, $1.50S2.2j. SI. I. nil Is (.rain nnd l'rnrlslon. T T niTIQ Cnnt 11 T1MIPAT T nnt.pi W. I. . .J. MlJIli ,U. ' ...... A V . , I . , No. 2 red. cash, elevator. fiSHc: track. 70W 70?ic: September, 6S)io: December. 70-i3 ivrkc; .iiny, n?ic, rso. . naru, iii'flWiitc. CORN Lower: No. 2. cash. 57i.ie: traek. B714368c; September, 67ic; December, 58;cj .iay, w. OATS Weak: No. 2. cash. r.fifT.V,Ue: trnrk. 36337'4c; September, 35iu; December, 37c; Mnv. Mile No. 2 while HUi. tin-; iiigner nt file. FLOUR Dull and easy: new red winter patents, $3.I03.55; extra fnncy and straight, $1.0033.15; clear. $2.65fj2.90. HEEDS Flaxseed, no market. Tlmnthv seed, nominal at $l.753".25. uuKN.MHAi steady at $2.90. U RAN Dull and steady: sacked, east track. 77c. HAY Timothy, stronir. $8.00311.50: nrnl- rle. ensy. $8.50313.00. WHisivY steady at $1.30. IRON COTTONTIES-$1.32. RAGOINC-6H'ini4c. HEMP TWINE-Kc. PROVISIONS-Pork. firm: lohbinir. Jts Dry salt meats, dull and heavy; boxed lots, extra shorts and clear ribs, $9; clear sides, $9.3714. Bacon, dull nnd heavy: boxed lots, extra shorts and clear ribs, $9.8714; clear sides. $10.1214. M ETA LS Lead, dull, $4.271434.35. Spel ter, dull. $.1.85. POULTRY Firm: chlcknnH. 7e unrlniT, 9c; turkeys, 6c; young, 7c; ducks, 514c; geeso, springs, ic. HUTTEIl Htemlv! ernnmerv livnu.,. dairy. 13316c. " liUUH-iitoady nt 15e. RECEIPTS-Flnur. 7.000 hhls wlient. fil.. 000 bu.: corn. 27,000 bu.; oats, 1S.00O bu. oi i 1 1 ai in i o r lour 14,000 bbls.: wheat, 62,000 bu.; corn, 43,000 bu.; onts, 19,000 bu. Liverpool Ornln nnd Provisions, LIVERPOOL, Sept. 13. WIIEAT-Spot, No. 2 northern, spring quiet nt Cs 7?id; No. l wi.K.i.i inn, uuu ki un j jii. r mures, qiuui; September, 5s 6d, December, 5s 714d. (-(jiii apot, quiei; American mixed, new, 5s. lMilurea, quiet; September. 4slllid; Oc tober, 4sl0',id: November. 10s d. PROVISIOKS-Lnrd. American refined, Ilrm, 47s 6d. Bncon, Cumberland cut, flrni! ui3 ou (uiik ciear mimnes, ugnt, firm, 49s; long clear middles, henvy, Ilrm, ISs 3d; short BSs. Shouldors. srjunro cut, firm, 40s. Hams, PIIUI L Villi, JUKI, MO! i Aiiiuw-Auairaimn, In London, stronR, fMrTT?I."HlT A mnrUati ...Lit. ..t : ' v 111 imi-ni y, niiu, imp i, in Cd; American ilncst colorcj, nulct. DCs Cd lini'H .TiMnt fit T ntulnii nnninH v dun; 333 Tsv. '""" -Jl?5cl",R of wheat during last three days. 337,000 centals. Including 316,000 American. itoi oi Americnn corn during ast three days, 19,400 centals. Kaunna City Ornln nnd ProTlnlnnn. If ANHAR PITV (lant 11H'TIT4Mi C ."U'i'J;, c; December. 66)3C614c; May. .0i3'i01ic: cash, No. 2 hard, 6314c; No. 2, eiJjifjfiJc; No. 2 red, 69c. .COU,N.TSc,,temn,,r' 65'ic! December, 57c: May, Mu; cash, No. 2 mixed, BSic; No. 2 white. 59c. OATS-No. 2 white. 3833814c RYE-No, 2, 55c. 1 1 A Y 1 ' tl n I i'o tlmifii CI 9 AA. ni. -i faVic;ri;.vf.6Tcrrampry' t-- i-;i,iiH Firm at 14c. tl.7f,l.,llT l'l.n 1ftiAA 1,.. . 400 bu.; oats, 37.000 bu. iup.MK.NTS-wiient. 13,800 bu.; corn, 17. COO bu.; oats, 22,000 bu. ' ' Toledo nrnln nnd Seed, tat rnn Qnn, ii Acrrntm cash nnd September, 71!4o; December, 73c. CORN Quiet, lower: cash, September and December. 57c; May, fOc. UATS-miiii enhii and September SCc" December, 37c; May, SSWc. RYE-52i,4e. nmvvini!i.ii.inPniii ir ,. v ,,r.,,. fj.iii; (Oc tober. 15.30! Deenmher ts nr, ' I PbllKdi-lphlii Produrc Mnrhrt. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 13.-ni'TTER-' 'imA.Jnnr.y western crenmory, 1214c. LOCiS Ilrm; fresh, wettern. 19c; fresh southern and southwestern. 16c. CHEESE-Dull: New1 York full creams fancy small 9l'3joi4c; New York um creams, fair to choice, Si,43i0c. MIlTTmiUrr (iraln Market. MILWAUKEE. Sept. 13, WHRAT Atar. ket easier: No. 1 northern. VoUc- v S northern. 67l436Sc: December. 7oiic' ' RYE-Steady; No. 1. 64c. ' 453 5Sc!LKVStC'Uly! N' U 6"SC! Eamt! CORN December, B6?i3o7c. MlunenpolU Wheat, Flour nnd Ilran. MINNEAPOLIS. Sopt. 13,-WIIEAT-Cash, 671jc; December, 6,lo, May, 701i3' 7014o; on tjack, No I hard, 69;c; No. 1 liui mh in. wi-w i w, m liui illtl ii( UJ7II;, FLOUH-Flrst patents, J3.S5tf3.9J; second pntents, J3.63S3.75; first clears, J2.S032.S5; second clears, $2.20. BRAN In bulk, $13.00313.&0. D11I11II1 tlrnln Mnrkel, Dl'LUTH. Sept. l.l.-WHIiAT-rnsh. No. 1 hard, 70'H', No. 2 northern, G5'4o; No. 1 northern, 67'ic; September, 67'4o; October, 6740; December, 63c; May, 71 Vic. CORN 55c. OATS-35T4G35NC I'eorln MnrUct. PEORIA, Sept. 13.-CORN-Flrm; No. 3, C6'ic OATS-Innctlve; No. 3 white, 33i;c, billed through. WHISKY-On tho basts of $1.3) for fin Ishcd goods, m:v yohic vrouKs ami iionds. President, llclnpse Cnnse, Cirenter NliocU Tlmn First AnniMincenieiit, NEW YORK, Sept. 13,-The shock of tho president's rclnpso struck the stock market with greater force than did tho llrst sh ck. Tho measure of the shock Is seen In the fact that prices as n rule fell today below tho low level of last Saturday. Tho la borious course of restoration of prices dur ing th.) week had cariled tho average to the average level of last Saturday nt tho close, before the news of the shooting was known In Wall street. A false report of the president's death had circulated In Ixindon today nnd the panicky selling from that center was thrown upon the opening mm ket here. The (ond.tlon of the money market and some of the do velopments of yesterday left the market vulnerable even to a normal course of events. Disappointment over yesterday's dividend notion on St. Paul was keen nnd n heavy selling of that stock was Inevitable in any event. Amalgamated Copper nlo continued under special pressure, owing to assertions that enormous stocks of copper wero being accumulated and that the main tenance of the price of the product wns becoming dllllcult. Republic Steel wns ncutely nffeeted by the comments on Its poor showing of earnings for tho yenr. The amount of offerings of government bonds brought out by Secretary Cage's proposals was disappointing, tho tot'l reaching only nbotit $7,B0,0w), compnred with the $20,0"O,Oi'O lnlted, but ns payments mnfn for these were In ciifh upon presentation nt the HUbtreasury today, mo'it of the offered bonds being sold In New York, this became u very important Incident of tho day, pour ing nn abundant stream of cash Into the market nt the very moment of gri'nlo.t need. The appreciation of this situation was seen In the prompt offerings of the bonds nt the subtreasury, tho payments on this account for the day reaching about $9,000,0(1. or practically the whole amount involved In the settlement of the purchase. There can be no doubt that this was nn Important factor In saving the dnv, for the pressure of liquidation was nt times very revere nnd tho enormous supporting orders executed by friends of various stocks were only partly successful. The critical condition of the money mar ket during the Inst week has npparently brought some relief of the drain on New York reserves and the cash losses are estl mated to be no grenter than $2,O),000. This does not Include today's large gain from the subtreasury. The loan matter Is one of mer" guess work, but the free lending of money ently In the week to keep down the money rate must be reckoned with ns well ns the liquidation which has been nf feeted. Call loans went to 10 per cent to day, but relapsed to 6 per cent. No extrn ordlnnry measures wero deemed necessary by the clearing house commfTtee, ns In fact that body was not In session during the day. Tho measures adopted early In the week continue In force, however. There can bo no doubt that the sentiment In Will street today ns to the president's recovery was practically hopclers anil the yrlco movement Is to bo measured from this standpoint. The moro Importnnt extreme declines were: St. Paul, 6; Amalgamated Copp-r, Northwestern, Rock Islnnd. Great North ern preferred, Colorado Fuel nnd American Car preferred, 6 to 6i; Chicago. Indian npolts & Ixnilsvlllo, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis, Dulawnro & Hudson, Union Pacific, American Tobacco, Republic Steel preferred. Consolidated Gns nnd Brooklyn Rapid Transit, 5 to 54; General Electric, 814; American Linseed preform!. 10. nnd tho majority of active stocks nil through tho list from 2 to over 5 points. Rnllroad bonds wero weak, but not so ncutely so as stocks. United State.s old 4s nnd Cs declined H, tho 3-i ?i and tho new 4s 114 per cent on tho last call. The following are tho closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atchison dn pfd HAltlmore & O do pfd Cunadlan rnclflo . Camilla. Southern . Cliea. & Ohio Chicago & Alton.. flo pfd Clilcaso. I. & L... do pfd Chlcaeo & n. I.... Clilcajfo at. W do 1H pfd do 2.1 pfrt Chicago & N. W... C. It. I. & V Chicago T. & T. ... do pfd C. C. C. & St. I,.. Colo. Southern .... do l!it pfd do 2rl pfd Del. & Hudson Del., L. & W Denver & It. G do pfd i:rle do 1st pfd do Id pfd Ot. Nor. pfd Uocklnir Valley .., do pfd Illinois Central ... Iowa Central do pfd L. K. & W do pfd Louis, & Nash Mnnhnttan L Met. St. Ily Mex. Central Mei, National Minn. & St, L Mo. Pacific M.. K. .t T do pfd N. J. Central N V. Central Nor. & West do pfd Ontario & W I'ennsylvaanla ..... Heading , do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St. L. & S. V do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St. L. H. W do pfd dt. Paul do pfd Fo. Paclno . 72H So. Railway . 03 do pfd . 9714 Tex, & Pacific . Oi T.. St. L. & W .10? do pfd . 51 Union Pacific .10!; do pfd . 3$4.WHbnh . 761a do pfd . 39H ,1V, A U K 72 I do 2d pfd .12" ,WI, Central . 22H do pfd SI P C. f & fj(. t. , 4714 Adams ICxpress .. .101 'Anier. Impress ... .13SJ; V. S. Kxpress . Wells-Fargn Ex .. . 3S'i Anial. Copper . K", Amer. ". & I- . 12T.I do pfd . M lAnier. Lin. Oil . 23'4' do pfd .lMVi Amer. S. & n .211 I do pfd . 4114 "Amer, Tobacco ... . W)i Ana. Mln. Co . 29V llrk. Hap. Tr . 6J Colo. P. & I . S31 Cons Gns .170 Con. Tobacco . 4 "do pfd .73 General Electric .. .H2' Glucose Sugar . 33 Hocking Coal . CO Int'n'l Paper . M "Jo pfd .123 Int'n'l Power .100i Iwiclede Gai .114 National Illscult .. .160 National Lend , 23 National Salt . ! do pfd .104', No. American . OS'i Pacific Coast . 2H Pacific Mall . M People's (las .1W Pressed S. C .BO'S do pfd . id'; Pullman Pal. Car. . " Republic Steel .... . 31l do pfd .HO'n Sugar . 3R;Tenn. C. I ave union 11, & r. i'o, . 43 . 43 . 77 . M! , 27 . 50 ,163 .181 . US Mo nfd ... P. S, leather do nfd I S. Rubber do nfil U. S. Sleol do pfd Western Union .... . S0T4 , SSi; , 40 . 20 . 33 . on; , S64 . :ov . 37U . 161i . 2S14 , -U . 401J . 60 'i IS') ,100 . 0.1 .m .105T4 . 2S . S3 . 16 . 41 . 43', . 0 .131 . 4) . 6i . 03 215'.4 6..1, .114 .2.VI , 5ai; '. 70 , 0.' . t5 . 42 . I8i . 40 . 73 , 03 . 60 . 35; W!U . 3K S0!4 .201 . n . 63 1; .125!i . M . 13'4 ' 11 . 7? . 17'i . r.3 . 40i . W, Trust receipts. Kx-dtvldend. Tho Commercial Advertiser's London llnauclal cablegram says: Tho stock mar ket today was dominated by tho alarming bulletins regarding tho condition ofPresl dent McKlnley, American stocks opened from 1 to 6 polntH under parity. The moro reassuring ofllclal news caused a slight Im provement ni me enu or tno nrst hour on tho theory that Micro was an opportunity tu buy stocks cheap. There was a sharp rally of from 1 to 214 points on tho New York opening. Then fol owed renewed sell. Ing, but tho market turned ngaln beforo tho unisu, c.osing aooui , anovo tno lowest, Tho opinion that tho wors,t Is over Is now discounted, but the mnrket entirely lncks cnnlldence, Consols wero 93'4. West Aus tralia is issuing a new ui,&oo,(M) 3 per cent loan at 91. Tlntos hold nt f.2V: Anneniii:i at 0 In sympathy with American stocks. Iliiitnn Htork, luntntloiia, IIOSTON. Sent. 13. Call loans. 4U.iu ner cent; tlmo loans, &f6 per cent. Closing; A.. T, & 8. v , do md Amer. Sugar Amer. Telephone , lloston Albany.. Ilostnn Ulevated . linnion & Maine.. Dominion Coal ... do pfd i. V. S. Steel do pfd l'ltchburg pfd .... General Ulectrlc . Kd. Klec. Ill Mex. Central Old Colony Old Dominion .... Rubber Union PaclOo .... Union Land . 72H .West End . 03S .Westlngh, Electric .U'3i 'Atchison 4s .JM'i Adventure ; 2- Ring. Mln. Co .lit Amal. Copper 191 Atlantic . 40H Cal. & Hecla ' .113 Centennial . 404 Franklin . 90',, Humboldt .143 Osceola .2SSV4 Parrot .2V) Qulncy . 2!!l Santa IV Copper..! 20S Tamar-ick ...... . 30'4 utuh Mining .. 17 (Winona ,. Ot',4 WoKerlnea .. 3 , . 03 . 7.1 .1(J . 27 . 36 ',4 .106 3( .730 234 . IS It . 23 102; . H4 .170 M',j .333 . 2 3'1 . Sugar Mnrket. NRW YORK. Sept. 13.-8I'OAR-Rnw. steady to firm: fnlr refining, 3,c; centrifu gal, test, 3;c; molnsses sugar, 3c. Re fined, Ilrm: No. 6. 4.63c; No. 7. 4.65c; No, 8, 4.45c; No. 9, 4.10c; No. 10. 4.35c; No. 11. 4.30c: No. 12. 4.30c; No. 13. 4.20c; No. 14, 4.20c; standnrd A. 6.05o; confectioners' A, 6.OC0; mould A, 5.C0c: cut loaf, 5.75c; crushed, 6.75c; powdered, 6.35c; granulated, 6.25c; cubi's. S.fiOe. LONDON, Hept. 13,-SUGAR-Muscovndo. Ps OW, centrifugal, 10a 3d: beet sugar, August, 8s: September, 10s HV4d, NEW ORLKAN8, Sept. 1S.-8UGAR-3WO; centrifugal. 4ft4Vc; seconds, 2Hc. Molasses, steady; centrifugal, 6Si0c. ALL ORDERS ARE HELD BACK Condition of ths Freildnt Oheo'ti thi rrogrti of Businiii. MORE FACTORIES ARE IN OPERATION .Hills net Steel Itnll Orders for .x Yenr Nhoeshops In Full Force LnrRc Uemnnil for Print Cloths. NRW YORK, Sept. 13. It. O. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review of Trndo tomorrow will say: An assassin's bullet checked the progress of n nation. For a time projected under takings wero abandoned nnd orders held back thnt wero nbout to be placed. Specu lators sacrificed stocks and options 011 grain and cotton. Hotter news early In the week brought recovery In prices und post poned business wns transacted, but after tho crisis there will be a return to former conditions, because the solid foundations of tho country's prosperity Is too deep to bo permanently disturbed. In the principal mamifucturlng Industries thero Is steady gain In the number of ac tive mill nnd full operations are considered near. Mills are ncceptlng contracts for de livery of steel rails far into 1902 nt $28. ro that no change in price is nenr. Finished steel Is freely tnketi whenever producers havo goods to offer nt reasonable terms nnd the Inerrnsed force In tlnplnte mills promises to reduce the high prices und de crease Imports, Stntlstlcs of pig iron by the Iron Ago contained some surprises, Notwithstanding tho closing of four fur nnces of tho NntlonnI Steel company the weekly cnpnclty of tho furnnces decreased ;t.joo tons from the llgures of August. In stead of a large Increnso In furnace stocks owing to tho known decrease In consump tion of steel mills thero appears 11 loss of lo.Joo tons for the month of August. Evi dently mill stocks must havo been aug mented very heavily. Shoe shops still operate full forces, nnd while the large producers of New England huvo the most noticeable netlvlty mnnu fncturers all over the country slinro tho henvy demand, Dry goods enjoy excep tional activity, the demand for current needs exceeding expectations und dlstrl'm t on by jobbers Is of enormous propor tions. At Knit River tho print cloth mills re celved nn Impetus from several large or ders, regulars advancing to 3c. Mnnv lines of cotton goods, both blenched and brown, have moved to higher level, nnd this branch of thn textile Indastry Is In a better posi tion than nt nny previous date this season, mnlnly owing to light stocks In llrst hands. Purchases of woolen nnd worsted fabrics 11 ro largest In staple lines and while mills havo few new orders they are full on long term contracts. Slightly easier terms prevnll In most of tho great staple commodities. An enormous JJ,i .U,e Vis ble supply of coffee, to gcther with rece pts at llrnnlliiin ports, da- riZHCi!e'N' 7,R, ,0 6c' which is within 1-lGc of tho lowest price ever recorded. 1". V,nH WCIHor Portly on account of full details regarding tho old crop nnd new spindles but still moro because of 1 gh: Zi KliL)l'y.lMB, "'V ,)Pltcr Prospects for the eld Just beginning to be picked. Wheat did not respond to a lower government H11'; us the unoinclal authorities still 2UJ c'"i".i ,lp Krentest yield ever hnr- 1? P?l ''J? com!try. though exports from ' a'll .!??? the un. ?.VJllIi K? riE,t ;.1. I'twhels, flour Rin sie inilori r?,1 1iln,!;-'1' msi year nnd 3, 610.SIS In 1899. 'Ihese figures do not Include freely. Predictions that the yield 0f coin will be better than since 1899 did not pro" nn?i ithS,iTi,,r5,inB.-of 3'178'782 unshels. com- - ....... ,-..vn niiitMi L-AimiiB irom At- " only 6.S4.314 bushels, ignlnst 2,4,4,029 last year and 3,031,613 In 1S99. , TTi,'ir.os. f2r.tno we.ek "umbered 175 In the United States, ngalsnt 190 lout year. WEEKLY CLUARIXO HOUSE TAIILE. Affffrewite of naslness Transacted by the Associated Banks. i.JSiEW Y.RIf'w Sont- "-Tho following !.n.k 5"i(led SePtomber 12. with the per iinleo.?L '".crease ami' decrease ns com pared with tho corresponding week Inst CITIES. Clearings, Inc. Deo. Kdw Vnrk Hoston , Philadelphia st. r.fviis Pittsburg '. iialtlmoro Ron Trf, nutans Cincinnati Kansas City , Minneapolis , Cleveland , New Orlenns ..... Detroit Louisville Indianapolis Prnvldnnrn OMAHA Mllwaukeo Rurfalo St. Paul H;i v;, ,1 mil. llenver St. Joseph Richmond Memphis Seattlo Washington Hartford Los Angeles Salt Lake CltyT.. Toledo Portland, Ore Rochester Peoria Fort Worth Atlanta Norfolk Des Moines New Haven Springtleld. Mass Augusta Nashville Worcester Ornnd Rapids ... Sioux City Dayton, O Syracuse Scranton Portland, Me,..., Spokane Tacoma Kvansvlllo Wilmington, Del. Dnvenport Fall River Illrniltii.il nm Ifopeka Macon Little Rock Helena Knnxvlllo Lowell Wichita Akron New Iledford f .0 vlnf Slirlngllcld, i'li!.'.'.', mngiinmton , Kn la mazoo , .7.7,'.! r nrgn Youngstown Mnrlnirdal.l Rockford Canton ' JnckMinvlllo .... ' Sioux Falls ' Fremont II Innmlii ttnn tu 1 Jacksonville, III.., 'loiiimniis, (),., Galveston ' 1 fntmtnn U'linf.ll"ii' Chester wiiKesbnrro Totals. V. 8.. Outsldo New York! Vn. ($l,355.9S0,t!79 loa.374.09I 125,048,830 89,089,209 45.301, 0T,9 32,873,5S2 17,071,786 20.102 CIS 18,310,630 J,V.lj,4gi 14,650,082 13.328,634 8,061,826 11.178.103 8.718,491 9.400,667 6.383.800 6,379,148 8,K'S1,9 liniV'ni 4,.1.83,rM -'.917.747 5,211.412 4.S12.4.S7 3.700.0:w 2.010.397 3.137.710 2,596,466 2.61,270 2.967.312 3.161,135 ,898,943 L'.fJOn.TA.-. 1.868,518 2.201,360 3,63,496 1,926,457 1.250,768 1,998.570 1.548,778 1,117,901 723 623 1,3;;9,392 l.iiffi.sin 1.313.872 l,2tn ,253 1.181,6-4 1,025,028 1,238,817 1.3S7.17S 1.176,991 1,2911,997 774.114 925,99) 1,076,301 R71.461 K.V, Slfi 1.C64.293, 4('fi,000 677,021 589,251 ft.9.127 513-k56 081,993 691,400 391,303 472,316 RVI Til 373,0001 IS'l.197 423.3.83 476,r,8i MU.821' 316,9321 304,f94l 2C9.30OI 316. '.'38 1 258.81 01 157.226I 283,2391 211.0181 6.611. flYll .' . K,m3.fvii . 11.108.7751 681,237' .1 299.6151 .1 707,6971 .IS2,0S7.S2.V!TO' I 701,517,6511 82.8 16.5 29.3 19.2 .35.3 26.4 4.2 7.4 32.3 8.6 18.9 CS.0I 37.9 32.9 68.4 31.91 5.1 II.! 8.2 8.6 5.3 22.4 21 10.21 32.0 42.3 17.81 16, 3! "isio! 117.0 19.6 "W.3 21.1 3.6 67.1 . 15.7 . 10.9 . 4. if. 'mini. 32.9!. 3.61. 4.11 7.3 57,8 17.7 10.3J '.iiie! 9.1 5S.S 3 6 5.3 11.0 11.5 20. ...I. 24.41. 77.61. 71.81. 'iL2l! 5.81. 66.3 . 67 61. 25.61. 26.81. 31.31. 44.71. 127.81. 61.4 . . . . . 1 64.8 " 19.6 . 19.1 'iV.k s.o 1.7 7.2 X3 6.0 DOMINION OF CANADA, Montrenl Toronto Winnipeg , Hnllfax Vancouver, II, C..,. Hamilton St. John, N. H Victoria, II, c Quccbeo 20,882,127 15,6X6,812: 2,2'i5,ll3 1.567,423 1,196.0851 815,312 915.35 IW.437I 1.I0!.274I 44.4'.. 52.81.. 32.91.. 3.11.. 13.21.. 12,21 6.0'!! 6.4 Totals ....! 43.929,026 40.6! Not Included In totnU because contain ing other Items than clearings. Not Included In totals because of no compnrlson for lust year. II It n STIl K V.T'H HE VIE W OF THAIIIJ. Oenrral tt from llufTnlo Affects Triidr lint l.lllle. NEW YOHK, Sept. 13. Ilrndstrect's to morrow will say: While speculative markets paused duo to the news from Huffnlo little effect there from appears to have been exercised on the general current of trade, which to all ap pearances Is running full nnd free. From nearly all branches of trade come reports of satisfactory business doing, Crop re ports Issued of late, somo affecting corn, for Instance, are not ns favorable ns ex pected. With the opening of some noli uilou mills and the return of union men to work nt Milwaukee and other points tho ttrlko is gradually dwindling away and matters are approaching the nominal, though sheets and plates nro still scarce nnd high prices nro paid, Tho strength of print cloths backed up ns It Is by good reports as to dry goods distribution nt till markets Is the feature In textiles. Fall River has all available supplies taken nt good prices. Wool Is stendy hut less active. Roots and shoes nro In good demand In distributive mar kets, though dearer at eastern manufactur ing markets. Solo and rough split leather arc weak. Flour exports aggregate 6.6S,609 bu., In cluding whrnt, ns against 6,6t!,6ll last week and 4,665,982 In this week hist year. Wheat' exports from July 10 to dalo (eleven weeks) aggregate 68,311,606 bu., as against 33,927,5.i'J last season. Corn exports aggregate 777,onO bu., against &60,776,WO last week and 2.I02.7M last year. , ,. For tho week business failures number 169, against 167 a year ago. Canadian fall ures number 10, as ugalnst 21 11 year ngo. Xnr York Money Market, NEW YORIC, Sept. 13.-MONEY-On call, firm nt 606i per cent; ruling rate. 6 per cent; prime mercantile imp r, 606'4 per cent. . . STERLING EXCHANOE-II(nvy, wl h actual business In bankers' bills nt $I.83V for demand nnd nt I.S2i for sixty days; posted rates, J4.831i4.S5 and JI.SCffl.86; com mercial hills, I.MVn"4.82U. SILVER-llar, 6S',4c; Mexican dollais, 45Ho. HONDS Government, weak; state, Inac tive; rnllroad, weak. The closing (juotat'ons on bonds are a follows: V. S. ref. 2, re.. do coupon do 3. ttg do coupon do new 4s, reg.. do coupon do old 4s, rrc... do coupon do Cs, rctr In nnlttMin ....... Atcll. ccn, 4s In a, II ( Iliiltlniore A O. 4s.. do 3'4 do I'oliv. 4s Canada do. 2s C. of (1. 5s do lnt Inc ('. & O. 4U C. & A. 3'4" C , II. & y.ncw 4.. C, M & HI P g. 4.. C. i N. W. c. 7... C, It. I. & P. 4a.... C C O & Ht L g. 4s. Chicago Ter. 4 Colo. So. 4s D. & 11. Q, 4i Krle prior Men 4s... do Ken. 4s F. W. & I). C. !.. 10S llockln V11I. iSin.. lOS'i L. & N. unl. 4i.... Its Mex. Centrnl 4i.... 101 I do ll hie m Minn. & Hi. L. 4. 131 M., K & T. 4s.. 112 I do 2a 113 N. Y. Central 1... 105 I do rcii. 3li 1Q1 .N. J, (' gen. It... lOJ'i No. Pacific 4s M'i do 3s 103' N A- W. (Oil. 4s.. 94' limiting gen (... 101 ,M I, A 1 M c. f.s. 107 St, L. A 9 1". 4.. 105'i'St. L S. W. Is.... 79 I do !s 103 H. A. & A. P. 4s. C4H Ho. Paclno 4s So. lUllwuy 6s. T., 8. L. & W. 4s Union Pacific 4s... do ctmv. 4s Wab.inli Is do 2s do Ith. 11 101'i West Shore 4s 97'j W. A L. i:. 4 S7 VI.. Centrnl 4s.... 103'i Hi 110 141 IOS',5 10! Mi tii'i 10',i 101 . S3 . 30'i .103', . 91 . t .10.".' i .101 .i:Vj .104', . ;ii .102 . Ml, .lid . ill :6Vs . ,7 . S9 . ?1 .lbi'i . sJ'i .101 .IOIH .ns .110 . fS'i .113', . So . ts London Mock tliiutnlliins, LONDON, Sept. 13.-4 p. m.-CIosIng: Cons., money ., do account ... Anaconda Atchison , do pfd II. & O , Canadian Pacific Ches, A Ohio...., Clilcaso (It. W.. C, M. A St. P.., Denver A It. CL, do pM Krlo In 1st pfd...., do Id pfd Illinois Central , IaiuIp, A Nash.., M-. K. A T 93 15-ld ... 9 ... 9 ... 75'i ... 9? ...10014 .. ll't ... 4J4 ... 231, ...162 ... 44 ... 94'i ... 4'H, ... 69S ... 56H ...1S4 ...103',,' ... 651 N. Y. Central.. Nor. A West... do pfd No. Tactile pfd. Ontario & W.. Pennsylvania .. tending do 1st pfd... do 2d pfd... So. Hallway ... so. rncuic .... Union PaulIVs . U. 8. Steel do pfd Wabash do pfd Spanish 4s .... Hand Mines ... .135(1, . C3Vi . 90 . 94W . 32?, . 72i . 19', 3'H . 2014 . 8S't . CO . ft) . 4J'i . 91 . 21 . 3 . 9!t . 4:'; MONICY UiQl'.i per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 6 per cent; for three months' bills, 6 per cent. I Xcn York Mlnlnff Stocks, NEW YORK, Sept. 13.-Tho following nro the closing quotations on mining stocks: Adams Con Alice Dreec Brunswick Con ... Comstock Tunnel.. Con. Cal. A Vn.... Deadnood Terra . Horn Silver Iron Silver Iyadvttle Con .... . 21 . 47 .149 . 7 . I .ISO . to .175 . ss . 7 Little Chief ... Ontario Ophlr riioenix Potosl Savage Sierra Nevada Sm.tll Hopes .. Standard 12 105 85 8 3 2 20 30 323 Dank Clcnrlwrs. OMAHA, Sept. 13. Rank clearings today, $1,083,114; corresponding day last year, $1, 073.735; Increase, $11,379. NEW YORK, Sept. 13.-CIenrlngs, $208, 626.345: balances, $16,459,004. BOSTON, Sent. 13.-CIenrlngs, $21,113,011; balances. $1,922,904. CINCINNATI, Sept. 13.-Clcnrlngs. $2,765, f00; New York exchnnge, 60c dlscojiit; money, 4(fi6 per cent. CHICAGO. Sept. 13.-Clearlngs, $26.SSS.099; balances, $2,353,337: posted rates, $4.S6',J 4.87: New York exchange, 6c discount. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 13.-Clenrlngs. $7,701,313; balances, $981,057; money, 4(fi6 per cent; Now York exchange, lCc discount, par asked. PHILADKLPHIA, Sept. 13.-Clcni lugs, $18,745,437; balances. $2,618,785. HALTIMORK. Sept. 13.-Clearlngs, JI.427, 196; balances, $508,685. St. I.o n l Live. Stock Mnrket. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 13.-CATTLK-Recelpts, 4.50O head. Including 2,000 Texnns; market generally steady for natives, weak to 10c lower for Texnns; native shipping nnd ex- ort steers, $5.00ii6.15; dressed beef and nitcher steers. $4.1575.70; steers under 1,000 lbs.. $3.75f5.10; stockers and feeders, $2.25 ff?3.60; cows nnd heifers, $2.00f(-.50; ennners, $1,25102.25; bulls, $.oofi:i.23; Texnns nnd In dian steers, $3.0pfj-i.l0; cows and heifers, $2.2.VS3.10. HOGS Receipts. 7,600 head: mnrket 6c higher; nigs and lights, $6.25fi6.55; puckers, J6.25fl6.60; butchers. $6.65fi6.9i. SIIKICP AND LAMPS Receipts, 900 head; market -steady; native muttons, J2.75ff3.50; lambs, $3.0vff4.45; culls nnd bucks, 52.00 3.00; stockers, $2.25'fj3.25. St. Joseph Live Stock Mnrket. ST. JOSKPH. Sept. 13. CATTLK Re eel pts 1,800 bend; market active and steady; Texans 6fM0c lower: Texnns nnd westerns, $2.60f(5.75; cows and heifers, $1 ,06g ..r,; bulls nnd stags, J2.IKI14.50; stockers and feeders. Jl.75fj2.75: yearlings nnd calves, $2. 23(3.85; veals. S2.50ffr3.60, HOGS Receipts. 5.900 head; market 5fil5.! higher; light and light mixed, $6.20fi6.65; medium and heavy. $6.40ft6.70; pigs, $3,60ff 6.10; bulk, J6.40ifi6.CO. SI1KKP AND LAMHS-Rerelptfi. 1,700 head; market steady to strong; top Idaho yearlings, $3.65; Idaho lambs, $4.65. CofTfe Mnrlcct, NKW YORK. Sent. 13,-COFFHK-Spot Rio. quiet, 60. Mild, stendy. Futures market opened steady nt last night's closing figures In the nbsenco of nny Influencing fnctnr of Importance and mled featureless most of the session. In view of the critical condition of tho president the trailers were not Inclined to inke on new business. I'rlcea finally advanced townrd noon on shorts covering 5 points. Total sales Were 29,000 bags. Including September nt 4.70c; October. 4.80e; November, 4 93e; December, &; starch. 5.zsc; .May, fi.ioc; July, 6.6jc; Auc-nst, 5.60c. Ory Coiids MnrUct. NKW YORK. Sent. 13.-DRY (JOODS The market for dry goods has shown quieter conditions, the unfavorable reports concerning the stnte cheeking the demand, There has been no change In the lone, how ever, nnd prices continue ilrm for both slut'Ie cotton goods nnd mucins. Pi lnt cloths havo been quiet at full prions. Linens are ilrm. but deniiind moderate. Tho burlan market routlnues dull and easv. MANC'IIKSTKR. Sent. 13,-Cloth liuvers asking concessions. Yarns quiet nnd unchanged. Korr York 1.1 ve Mock Mnrket. NKW YORK. Sept IS.-UKKVKS-Re. reipts, 4.00S head: medium and e minn steers slow. l"o lower: steerr, f I.31fr6 '0; oxen. JI.30; bulls. $2.fW(3 7: cows. JI.COff',35. Cables iinchnnged. No tlilpmenls. CALVF.S Receipts. 137 head; veils, stendv. J4. 60175.60; top. $8; culls, Jl. SIIKKP AND LAMHS-Itecelpti. 5.867 he-id; sheen slow. Iamb" steady; "hcii, 2.50f73 75; culls, $2, lambs, Jjj.riOfi5.3R; cul s, J.I, HOGS Receipts. 19,630 head; slow, stato hogs, J6,75fl6.85; western hogs nominal, llvnpornted nnd Dried Fruits, NF.W YORK, Sept. 13 ICVAPORATKD APPLK8 The stock on hand Is light nnd values are tlrm State, common to giod, 5f8e: prime, suffice; choice, Ic; fnncy, 9'4filfl''.e. CALIFORNIA OKI m FRUITS-Market dull, but stendy, nt old prices. Prunes, 31 fi7c. Apricots, Royal. 8?S"4e; Moor Park. Mil2c. Peaches, peeled, lllilSc; unpeclod, 6fi914e. Wool Mnrkel, ST, LOUIS, Sept. 13.WOOIQu1et, steady; medium gr idrs. 12'4fll7',4": I ght tine. 12Hfil4Hc; heavy line, nifcirilHc; tub washed, 12B23C. (Ill nnd llosln, OIL CITY. Ph.. Sept 13.-01 I-f'redlt balances. J1.23; certificates, no bid, imp Dkints, 100,944 bbls.. average. 81,4V) bbls,; runs, 84,2-13 bbls.; average, 7S.K4 bbls. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Ctrn Ctttla Sold Absat Btedj, bnt West em Ranjiri TrifU Lowtr, HOGS SOLD FIVE TO TEN CENTS HIGHER Very I.lKht Heeelpts of Sheep nnd (lunllly of OfferltiK Conitiion. but .Mnrket t'oulil Snfely lie (liuitrd Fully Stendy. SOUTH OMAHA, Sept. 13. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, Otficlnl Mouduy, uiiiciiu Tuesday ... Olllclal Wednesday Olllelal Thuri:da . Olllclal Friday .... 4.105 3,621 3,(ol 2.S46 2,341 , Five days this week.. 16,474 2l,2ul Saint) days last wiclt. . . .la,26J 20,, 23 Same week berorc 10,213 2,iS'i Samu three weeks ago.. .16,280 U.,12 Same four weeks ago.. . .18,001 3.',7il Samu days last year 26,140 31, w8 AViirnuu ticlr... ,i... I f,t I...... nt Omahu the past several days with com parlsous: I 1901, 190oTjlM)9.,lS9S. 17. P96.1S5. 6.1'Jj 10 467 6,31 1,9j3 27.SI9 30,712 20,42.4 W.tl 31.1,0 3 i,3.S SjUtll August 231 August 20 August 27 August 28 August 2-Jj August 'Ml AUgUst 31 Sept. 1 .. Sept. 2... Sept. 3.. Sept. t... Sept. 5... Sept. 6.. Hept. 7... hept, 8..., Sept, 9...I ncpt. 10. . 1 Sept. 31.. I Se,,t. 12. Sept. 13.. 1 5 97VJ 6 00 ',, 6 W t 02'i 6 11 6 12, 0 tli' 0 07H U 15 0 26'i ti 31 6 29T4' 6 30i,! 6 44 C 39T, 3.SiM 6 46Vj 1 6.05 4 93 0 v:, 5 0. 6 0;, 6 0.1 6 04 6 02, 6 06 0 Oi 6 U5 & 03 u im Mi & 22) ft .0 6 OV 4 401 3 73 4 3S 3 72 3 V 4 40 4 42, 4 101 4 27 4 20 4 14 4 19 4 22 4 23 3 70 3 72 3 03 Z 61 J Ul 3 65 3 6: 3 b3 4 30i 3 53 4 30 4 29 4 25 4 4 3 6O1 3 67 3 OS 3 ' 3 3 SI I 3 91 1 4 Vi. 3 97 3 91 i Vi 4 Ui 4 07 4 01 4 0't 4 (2 4 UU, 3 91 3 93) 3 8i 9i 3 82 2 791 2 76 2 7J 2 80, 2 61 . 2 81 2 77 1 il 2 SI, 2 71, 2.61 2 7sl I Ml 2 Sl 2 8'i 2 1 i 7! 4 4 24 4 24 4 20 4 37 4 34 4 21 I 13 4 20 4 22 4 21 4 1; 4 (9 1 Oj 4 W llldleittna Jbinrlnv. The olllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: 1 C, M. fi St. P. Ry u. fi St. 1,. lty 1 Missouri Paclllc Ry 22 Union Paclllc system.... 31 C. it N. W. Ry F., i:. Sc M. V. R. It 3S c, St. P., M. & O. Ry.. 6 U. & M. It. R. R 3 U R. .fc Q. Ry 1 K. C. & St. J 1 C, It. I. .V P., east C, R. I. A P., west 1 7 4 10 II 7 26 7 16 7 106 Total receipts Ill The disposition of the day's receipts was as rollows, each nuyer purcnusing uiu nuiie bcr of head Indicated: Ruyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Omaha Packing Co 2W Swift and Company 40. Cudahy Packing Co 1,079 Armour & Co. . Cudahy Pack. Co., K. C Swift and Co., country.. R. Pecker A: Degan Lnbman & Co W. I. Stephen Livingstone & Schaller. Hamilton & Rothschild. L. F. llusz R. F. Hobblck Krey Packing Co A. S. Mawhinncy Wolf &. M Other buyers 115 413 88 ltti 3S 131 10 43 .... 6 170 5S6 1,851 2,421 2,110 33S 35S c;i 129 1,392 Totals 2,911 7.427 2.762 CATTLK There was a fair run of cattle here today for 11 Ftlday, but still the do mnnd was fully equal to tho occasion nnd tho market ruled actlvo nnd steady to strong on nenrly nil kinds of nntlve eattlo showing quality. Thero wcro only about n dozen cars of cornfed steers In the yards, and a number of those wero rather common. Tho tnoto deslrnblo kinds sold nt nbout steady prices In suite of the fact that tho reports from Chicago were unfavorable to tho selling Interests. Tho commoner grades were, of course, neglected moro or less. Thero were not many cars of cows nnd heifers on sale this morning, nnd buyers took hold In good shape and paid sWndy to stronger prices ns compared with yes. terday. In some cases sales wcro mndo that looked a little higher, so that the market could safely bo quoted strong nnd actlvo on anything nt all good. Bulls, calves nnd stngs sold In Just nbotit yesterday's notches. There wero not many stockers nnd feed crs offered today, and as this Is tho last end of the week buyers did not want very many. They took what was offered, how ever, nt good strong prices, except In cases where the quality was poor. Cottlo of that description wero moro or less neg lected, but still very satisfactory pr'.c's were paid. Thero was quite a string of western b"cf cnttlo offered this morning nnd tho market looked n little lower. About a dozen cars of the C Y. cattle, which were shipped In by Carey Hros. from Hello Fourchc, 8. D., the snmo as sold yesterday for $4.65. broucht .$1.55 today, or 11 dime lower. Tho cows sold ... tl CH U'.elAm ulnnru ihmi ten,, t.l t. n tn to bo quoted weak to a dime lower, nnd cows about steady. Western feeders told nt fully steady prices. iteprcsontutiva sales: No. :s 1 9 9 1 13 ll!!!'.!!. RKKF' STEERS. Av. . 520 . 770 . 640 . 940 . S3') .1210 .1039 .1120 922 IT. 2 M 2 00 2 80 3 00 3 40 4 71 4 M 4 W 4 91 No. 15... 1... 46..., 44..., 21... 60..., 41..., 37..., A v. 120S 1270 1315 1031 1231 1219 .11S1 IT. 5 CO 6 00 5 31 5 40 6 53 i a C 60 1337 5 73 STEKRS AND HEIFERS. ...1170 4 li5 ft.... COWS. ..1074 6 23 ... SE0 ... S21 ... 720 ... C20 ... 7fi7 ... W ... 570 ...1M0 ... ... S05 ...1210 2 10 ...1160 ...1020 ... 915 ... &S3 1 50 1 70 1 75 1 73 1 75 2 55 2 25 2 3D ! 3') 2. 3. 30 , 41 1 1 8 , 1 4 , 9 12 , 1 , 1 1 . 923 .1010 . Ml . 852 2 70 2 75 2 "J 2 75 ..1020 2 75 ..W0 2 7J 01", to) 1012 ioai 950 3 f) 3 00 3 20 3 25 ... 561 ... 7W ... 571 ...1360 ... S-i) ...1540 ...110 ...ISM ...260 ... 2) ... 290 ..1700 Co 2 65 2 65 2 HEIFERS. 2 HI 2 2 75 I 3 10 75 HULLS. 2 10 2 2 15 1 2 25 1 2 24 1 UALVEb. 2 25 2 J f ) 1 3 (") 5 STAG. ...1110 3 M 860 .1310 .10SJ . 303 . 670 . C23 3 50 3 75 4 (X) 3 23 3 23 4 65 720 2 to 1340 2 40 1310 2 40 1210 3 Sv 265 J 50 300 , 149 4 25 4 25 1 row. . . 2 cows. , 2 cows., 10 cows. 1 steer. 3 steers 1 steer. 1 cow.., 1 cow... 4 hulls. 1 bull. 1 bull. STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. . ... 512 2 25 1 Kl 3 00 s;0 2 25 3 943 3 2jl (54 2 54 18 561 3 4", 4i 3 M 1" 661 3 45 NEBRASKA. 1 steer 830 2 feeders.. 500 26 feeders. .1011 10 feeders.. 903 2 feeders.. 815 & feeders. 1 feeder.. 9 feeders. 22 feeders. 40 feeders. 6 feeders ..1010 3 00 .. 730 2 60 ..1133 ... 862 ..1200 ...1063 .. 070 .. 980 ..1150 ..1325 ..ltOO ...1281) 11 heifers... 839 1 heifer.. 65 cows.. . 5 cows. . . 2 cows.. . 8 cd t. . . II steers.. 39 steers.. 7 steers.. 84 steers.. 90 steers.. 850 843 611 910 838 3 10 3 10 3 25 4 15 2 60 2 50 2 CO 2 40 50 2 35 2 90 2 90 1 70 1 CO 2 UI 75 8 feeders.. 1 feeder... 12 feeders. . 2 feeders. 682 660 740 697 151 641 481 700 650 650 2 51 3 65 3 45 3 50 3 M 3 10 3 00 .1 70 3 40 3 00 2 00 :i oo 3 10 6 feeders . 827 7 cows. J. L. Carey-S. I). (65 3 51 2 75 3 60 2 80 3 ro ,.1221 4 15 107 COWS.... IMS un! 4 r.r, 6 cows IW1 !!l306 4 55 Scows 973 2 60 1296 4 55 2 stags h60 3 25 ! 321 4 53 3 bulls 1320 2 23 r..i,,r- Urns Nebraska. I .leer (110 4 35 19 COWS 1031 20 steers.. ..1217 4 25 1 bull. 1 cow. . 1 row.. 1 cow.., 1 steer. 1 steer. 1 steer. 1 StCT.. 1 steer. 2 steers, 1 steer.. 1 steer SOUTH DAKOTA. ..1100 3 ..1330 3 15 2 30 970 3 25 .. win 3 75 ...1350 3 63 ..1210 .. 860 ..1310 ..1270 .. 990 ..1140 J Hirers,. ..1070 4 00 1 steer. 1 steer.. 3 steers. 1 steer . 2 cows. 1 cow... 1 cow 890 2 calves... 223 1 calf 160 4 feeders. . 557 1260 1350 1U3 1300 srr, 970 1 Stag 630 2 m 1 steer 1140 3 63 1 strer 970 3 55 1 steer ....1250 1 63 :i 55 1 steer 920 3 65 2 W 1 steer 1310 4 20 4 20 1 steer 1350 4 IV) 4 20 1 steer 1270 4 20 3 10 2 Bleers.... KTt 3 11 2 50 6 steers,. ,.lf) 4 ) I l 1 cow UI0 3 10 1 steer 1130 4 ffl 4 ID 1 steer 1300 4 2) 4 20 1 steer 1170 4 20 1 20 2 steers, ...Uro 4 20 4 20 2 cows f60 1 60 3 15 1 cow 790 3 16 2 75 1 cow 1090 2 75 2 75 1 calf 370 3 75 3 75 1 cnlf 310 3 75 R 40 1 steer 970 3 40 WYOMING. 3 95. 6 cows 20 3 20 1 feeder... 106. 3 60 15 feeders.. 10i.1 3 M I feeder,., 1070 8 calves... 287 R. 2 cows 1150 1 steer.,... 870 3 steers.... 966 I bull UVM 6 cows... 10 heifers. 3 60 1 heifer.. 3 46 Pllasster-Wyo, 3 85 4 Ki 4 05 2 85 10 steers. 9 steers.. 7 steers.. .1012 . 465 . 400 , 700 .10) i . 61 3 CO 3 75 2 25 3 85 4 03 4 05 Swan 1-itid and Cattle Co. Wyo. 62 stiers....l071 46 steers.. ,1I0I 88 steers. ...llnfi 43steem....lll2 1 steer 1OI0 1 cow 1160 4 Btecro....l0S5 w. ..1570 ..100) . 90) ..1110 1 steer.. 1 steer,. 1 strer. . 1 steer.. 1 steer.. I steer.. 1 steer.. 4 steers.. . 1260 Casey 4 oi 1 CO 4 01 4 O) 4 OI 3 60 2 75 L. Tlllotsnn Wyo. 57 steers, ...1'ifit M steers.. ..10.W 60 steers... ,1110 60 steers. ...lovo 1 steer 1150 4 00 4 00 4 0) 4 0 4 W 4 70 3 .1 76 3 75 1 stng 1710 3 cows 10;3 4 cows 10 o ..1210 18 steers. 1 steer.. 1 steer.. 1 steer.... 91 feeders. 3 feeders. 1 cow 830 110) 3 75 3 cow? PV.0 900 3 75 4 COWS li)7 3 75 2 cowii Kb 3 50 1 cow 1220 .fc Slaughter Wyo. 3 90 1 steer 10T4 1 steer 110) 1 sUer UTO 3 9) P. Thatcher-Neb. 3 45 a steers.... S72 2 7S 1 steer... 2 cows... 1 steer... 1 slug.... 13 cows.. . 961 1310 .1 !) . 960 3 !) ..1260 C. 65 850 I 790 820 833 790 850 2 tO 3 80 3 00 3 0) 3 01 3 76 2 15 3 OJ 3 90 3 3 ) lleward Wyos 1 It 15 cows - i.t It steers,. 3 25 3 IS 3 (5 2 73 3 16 2 75 f5l 835 1 bull 1150 - " 1 nicer 7fO 3 13 2 eim u V.M , , , urocKciibery-Wyo. . feeders.. 993 3 90 5 feeders.. 916 3 10 1 feeder., .1070 3 90 HOGS Thero wete a few moro hogs to. nj than were on sale yesterday, but evi dently there were no more than local puck ers wntitcil, us Is shown by the fnct that everything wns sold before 9 o'clock In tho morning und the market opened 6c higher find closed uk higher. Huyers started out bidding 6.42to nnd 16.15 nnd u few loads changed hands thnt wuy. but It soon be came evident that packers had more liberal orders and ns u result sellers held for llrmer iiHim 'rim t ... ii.4.i for the generul run of hogs uiul then and S6.47U ami elnseil nt I Iocs on the elnsti xnbl nt tlmt fltl tin, fiiiniiim, ivmilil WV't hrought over $6.I2'. It was u tlServ MMk '""'ket from start to finish nnd .).Mr,ytll,"K. !')l( wltl1 11 '"'' Today's ud xiince carries the market to the high point ... . ' ' (icciino oi mo last two tnan ".)! lor the generi! it went up to J6.I5 ';.47ia aim 6.o0. Hi '-4iU und J0.6O thn nays peing moro sentaiivo sales. regained. Rcpro- No. C4... 65... 61... 61... 11... 21... 69... .1. Av. ..171 ..263 ..267 ..2J3 ..247 ..301 21.1 Hh. Pr. 160 6 2.1 6 10 C 10 6 lu 0 40 6 44 160 120 6 42' i 16) 6 12b No. 65.... 19.... 83.... 79.... CS...., 84.... 60.... D2. Av. ..262 . 211 227 '.'.231 ..237 ..231 ..25 ..197 4J 197 4) 6 42'j M 243 S7. 55.... 6.1.... 13.... 64.... 75.... 64.... 67.... 66.... 72 62 CI 87 6 06 60 ...230 ...224 ...1S3 ...211 ...211 ...250 ...231 1 1 .24' .219 .151 .213 .211 .182 .290 6S.. 67.. Co.. 61.. !'3.. 68.. 71.. 73.. C3.. 73.. 1.. 5.1 ...2SS ...269 ...263 ...218 ...317 ...211 ...25.1 ...265 2(H) ...229 .201 C 12', 6 42 120 6 42i ... 6 12'i 164 '6 42'4 80 G l!'4 ... 6 42',4 200 6 42tfc 40 C IJ'i 80 6 42'i 6 42ti 40 6 42'i 120 6 42' 164 6 421-i 84 C 42i.ii ... 6 45 ... 6 43 ... 6 43 84 C 45 164 6 45 80 C 4.1 C 43 4.. 60... 71... 60... 75... 72... f.9... 82... 73 21S 61 Ml 71 229 77 MS 66 231 61 260 ..301 ..317 ..2.1.1 ..271 ..23 ..263 ..213 21! 61 267 3. 68.... 71.... 81.... C2.... C!'.... 71.... 75.... ...238 .233 .229 .241 2-1? 120 6 11 4) 6 41 120 6 45 40 6 45 6 43 120 6 43 80 6 II 200 6 15 62 63.... 73.... CI.... 61.... 61.... C3.. 70.... 211 Sh. Pr. ... 6 43 ... 6 41 160 f. 41 21) 6 43 180 r. if'i 47i 6 17i 6 47'i 6 47Va 6 47ij 6 474 6 4H ft 6 47(j 124 6 47'i ... 6 4JU 6 47', 6 47't, 6 474 6 471 0 47'i 6 47'S 6 47. 6 471, 6 47U 40 160 80 80 40 80 40 8') 40 211 360 6 471. ..25.1 124 6 47'i ..269 ... 6 4711 84 .294 231 ,..24.1 ...218 ...211 ...273 ,..231 ,..23.1 C3 235 70.. 69.. 6 47', 80 6 47, 40 6 .Ml . . 8 60 6 :.o 6 60 40 6 64 44 0 50 120 6 50 44 6 60 80 24.. iW.. 84.. 4 80 80 80 124 100 (0 164 222 SO ....234 ,...226 224 '.'.'.'.lb ...176 ...304 C4 10... 62... C5... e... 82... 60... 75... (,.... 3 ...294 ...211 ...277 ...23S ...210 ...301 ...289 ...230 219 73 2IS 26 3Sl 69 251 29 259 1) 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 124 6 60 80 f.J'i 6 62'i 6 (2'i 210 6 62!i 49 fi 65 ... 6 6.1 ... 64 ... M ... 6(3 10 80 84 84 C 45 80 6 15 6 15 0 1.1 6 15 6 45 6 41 6 41 6 45 C 45 6 4.1 6 42!J 6 43 SIIKKP There were nnlv n few cars of sheep on sale today, nnd u good proportion of those that wero offered were feelers. Tho demand on tin part of packers, how ever, was qulto liberal, and they bought quite a few sheep that In reality were feod ers. Thero were no choice bunches offered so that nbout all thnt can bo said of thn markot Is that tho demand was nctlvo and fully steady prices wero paid. The supply of lambs was aUo very shorty and a fnlr test of the market was not mnde. It wns evident, however, from tho way tho puckers acted tint they would havo paid steady prices for anything de sirable. Thero was a good, strong demnnd toilny for feeders, mid sellers had but little dltll culty In disposing of what they had at steady prices. Quotations: Cholco yearlings, 13.301773.60; fair to cood venrllnus. 3.15ii?3.30: chot"0 woiners, w.z.rii(:i, to; l.T00T.t.2.V ehnlee . fair to wood wethers. cholco ewes. J2.761i3.O0: fair to Kood ewes. 2.252.75: choice snrlne lambs. $4.2501.60; fair to good siirlng lambs. Jl.OOft wethers, J2.i.n3.2.i; feeder lambs. 4.25; feeder J3.00ft3.50. Representative sales: JNO. 375 cull ewes 1S6 cull ewes 12 bucks 2 nntlve wethers... 60 natlvo wethers.... 10 nntlve ewes 10 cull lambs 8 native wethers.... 42 buck Iambs 21 bucks 25 cull ewes 130 feeder wethers... 11 feeder wethers.... 321 western wethers.. L'20 western ewes 68 feeder Iambs 411 feeder lambs I feeder lamb 108 feeder Iambs 350 western wethers. 150 western lambs.... 4jnif.;o i.ivi: .STUCK Pr. 1 50 1 60 1 75 3 01 3 00 3 21 3 61 3 75 4 25 1 60, 1 60 3 fiO 3 fKI 3 00 3 1 3 25 3 ;r, 3 2". 3 25 3 30 3 874 M A It K 1ST.' Av. 77 77 112 85 77 118 oo 125 72 121 91 79 76 71 10.1 f3 61 I'O 65 88 6S tlnttlc Dull nnd Stendy Hons IllKhci Sheep Stroiitt. CHICAGO, Sept 13. CATTLE Receipts. S.tOO head. Including 350 Texans; mnrket dull but sicadv ni i nursiuiy w nociiiin oi mip i'.tc tlll illir ill ( lllll piiiij n iivi ituii I', .Hie good to prime steers, $6 00f?6.40; poor to luni 11 nftiriTi.riO? Mlitokern nnil rentiers. An.Ayi.n. . . .1 1.nln 0 IfTfr. I . ...... 4. It'll l...t, niwi uuu iii'iiein, .yr.ijj .i.ijw, liiii ners, $1.50ifJ2. 10; ImlK 2 25774.75; calves, $310 fflO.00; Texas steers, $3.00? 1.60; western JIUliS-lteceipis, I i.ui m head; . i x li tun in'i't'iiun, n,if.t iii-jiii, u.iuuiiiiTii tomorrow. 12.0M); left over, 385; actlvo to 0r higher; mixed and butchers. J6 20ff6.75; good tn nlmlni lionve fll fjdTiC. fl", rntlnli lietivv. J0.OO76.IO; light, $6.40't6.15; bulk of sa!o, $0. IO6fO, SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 6010 head; market strong; good to eholcn wethers. 3.80fi4 21; fair to choice tn'xed, f3.rw3.85; western sheep, JS.i'fj 1 01; untlva lambs, J3.Wg.rt.lO; western lambs, $l.(j0fB.W. KmisiiN City Live Stock MnrUrt. KANSAS CITY. Sept 13,-CATTLE-lle-celpls. U'lO bend ; mat ket higher; natlvn steers, J4 10T76.0O; stockers and feeders, $2.8 Jll 25: western steers. $3.3V75.75; Texnns nnit Indians, $3.7(3.75: Texas yows. ip.JOflS.Mi native cows and heifers, $2.601.45; bulls. $2.251il.25; calves $3.001i5.r1. HOGS Receipts, 6,600 head: market BIfloj higher; top. $6 61; bulk of sales, $0.30fj6. 65. SHEEP AND LA.MHS-lteeclpts. 2.00H bend; market stendv: Jambs, $3.73-1.65; western wethers, $.1.2.143 u. Stock In Slicht. The following table shows tho receipts nt rattle, hogs and sheep at the llvo prlnJ rlpal slock inarKeis oepiemoer u: 1 (little. Hops. South Omaha. Chicago Kansas City fit l.nul-4 St Joseph . . . Totals . . 2.696 3,600 I 300 4.60) 1,8'iO 1.571 14. nro B600 7.510 5,9 0 Shrop. 4,914 6,0001 2.00O 9' 1.70O, 13,791 3i,47t 15,59 Bt CHICHCITEH'S CNQL PENNYROYAL -a TV . . fr1liil and Onl J 5-m 'r OHIlillKSTKIf itt'tSRl I n ItEII .oi (Jl.l . AT F an mils fltlll bIl Irftlld lt),tVlu ribbon, 'l ftkraaallirt. lUfwt 'seroua flubntltullnnn ana imiim tltint. Hv; ir ;ur imifii. r ! 4. I itintM far lMrtl4PuUri 'J'iMtlviaalAU fto4 'NrlltrfurI.i.AU4t,ir.lifr, f lMrmMs.ll. IO.OUOTri1lnui)UU. Sold kr UmiUm su.r. I'J Trippliour Boyd Commission Co Successor! to James E. Boyd A Co., OMAHA. NED. COMMISSION (inAI.N. PHOVIMt.-!l AND STOCKS. ' llobiil of Trndn llalltllns;, nireot wires to Calcsgo and Nsw Tor ;WWC0ln8t), John A Yt'tnH 9 J T A i