MB GETS NEAR CZOLGOSZ Two Hi f itnenti of Boldieri At OaUad TV gether fr Ernirgeioj. AUTHORITIES AIM TO KEEP IN CONTROL Slnln of Netv York Hold II Porous Ilcndr to Mnlntnlii Hip l.mr nnil I.ct It Drnl Midi (lie Murderer. BUFFALO, Sept. IS. Largo crowds have assembled on Main street In the vicinity of the newspaper offices and on tlio streets surrounding the police headquarters, where Czolgoz Is confined. Although tlio side walkt nro so crowded that pedestrians nrc forced to walk In the canter of tlio streets tho throng Is an orderly one and no demon stration ngalnst tho prisoner has taken place, As a precautionary measure ropes have been stretched across all streets lend ing to pollco headquarters and no one Is al lowed to npproaeh tho station except news paper men. A largo forco of pollco Is on duty about tho building and anyone np pronchlng It Is challenged at every twenty or thirty feet. A reserve forco Ib held In tho headquarters building for any emer gency that may arise. Tho crowd Is a par ticularly quiet one, every person silently and eagerly scanning the bulletin boards for somo word of hope from tho MUburn house. TJUFFALO-8 p. m. Tho Sixty-fifth and Seventy-fourth regiments of tho National Guard have been assembled In their bar racks to bo In readiness should tho large crowd assembled nbout pollco headquarters make any hostile demonstrations. There has bcon no Indication of n disposition on tho part of tho crowd to riot and tho as sembling of thu National Guard g simply a precautionary measure. Only two companies have been assembled at each armory. They will not leave their quarters. Tho authorities bcllovo it ad visable to summon n poitlon of each regi ment to not as a guard over tho rifles and ammunition In tho armories. Tlio crowd Is quiet and orderly. At 10 p. ni. there were very fow peoplo In tho vicinity of the pollco station. Main street, In tho vicinity of tho nowspapor offices, was crowded. Mull I liiially Controlled. niJFFAI.O, Sept. M.-Shortly after mid night tho great crowds on tho street become excited over a rumor that tho president was dead. A rush was mado toward tha pollco station whero Cznlgosz Is confined. It was promptly met by tho police reserves, mounted and on foot, and driven back nftor a weak resistance. In foct, twonty police men handled tho mob on one street without trouble, Indicating thnt tho men were not very much In earnest In tuoir endeavors to get to pollco headquarters. ASSASSINS OFA CENTURY Siirccsafiil anil Oilier Attempt on the Uvea of XolalilP I'ultllo I'erNOiuiKC. George III of England, mad attempt by Margaret Nicholson, August 2, 1TSG; again by 'James Hatfield, May 15, 1800. Napolooa I, attempt by an Internal ma chine, December 24, 1S0O. I'aul, czar of ltusaln, by nobles, March 24, 1801. George IV (when regent), attempt Jan uary 2S, 1817. August Kotzebuo, German dramallnl, for political motives, by Earl Sand, March; 23, 1819. t ' - - Androw Jackson, president United States, nttempt January 30, 1825. Louis Philippe of France, many Attempts: Dy Flcschl, July 28, 1835; by Allbaud, Juno 25, 18.16; by Mounlcr, December 2T, 1S3G; by Darmos, October 15, 1840; by Lccomto, April 14, 1846; by Henry. July 23, 184G. Frederick William IV of Prussia, nttompt by Sofclage, May 22, 1850. Francis Joseph of Arntrla, attempt by Llbenyl, February 18. 1S53. Ferdinand, Cuurlca III, duko of Parma, March 27, 1834. Isabella II of Spain, attempt by I-a Klva, May 4. 1847; by Merino, February 2, 1852; by Raymond Fucntcs, May 28. 185ti, Napoleon III, attempt by Planorl, April 28, 1S55; by Ilellemarrn, September S, 1S55; by Oral ni and others (Franco), January II, 1S58. Daniel, prince of Montenegro, August 13, I860. , AbraWm Lincoln, president of tho United States, at Ford's theater, Washington, by John Wilkes Ilooth on tho ovcnlng of April 14; died April 15, 1S63. Michael, prlnco of Servla, Juno 10, 1SC8. Prim, marshal of Spain, December 2S; died Docombcr 30, 1870. Gcorgo Darhov, archbishop of Paris, by communists, Mny 24, 1S71. Richard, carl of Mayo, governor general of India, by Shoro All, a convict, In Anda man Islands, February S, 1872. AmadOus, duko of Aosta, when king of Spain, attempt, July 19, 1872. Prince Illsmarck, attempt by mind, May 7, 1866; by Kullman, July 13. 1874. Abdul Aziz, sultan of Turkey, Juno 4, 1876. Hussein Avnl and other Turkish ministers An Excellent Combination. Tho pleasant mothod and bonollclal effects of the woll known remedy,1 Hinur ok Fias, manufactured by tho California Fio Stoup Co., lllustrato the vnlueof obtaining tho liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to bo medicinally lnxatlvo nnd presenting them In tho form most refreshing to tho tastn and acceptable to tho system. It Is tho ono perfect stroufrthonlug laxa ji f.1'5111'8'"? tho systom effectually, disponing colds, hendnches nnd fevers. ?;ently yet promptly nnd enabling ona a ovorcomo habitual constlpationpor manontly. Its perfect freedom from every objeotlonablo quality and sub stance, nnd its acting on tho kiduoys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it tho ideal laxatlvo. In tho process of manufacturing figs aro used, as they nro pleasant to tho taste, but the medicinal qualities of tho remedy nro obtained from senna and other aronmtio plants, by a method known to tho California Fiq Kymjp Co. only. In order to get Its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, plcaso roincmber tho full namo of tho Company printed on tho front of every package". CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FRANCISCO, CAX. LOOISVTLLK, KT. KSW YORK, If. T. ftrMlabiall P'uwUts, 1'ttcotoa trbolU by Hassan, a Circassian officer, June 15, 1S7U. William I ot Prussia and Germany, at tempts: I)y Oscar Decker, July H, 1861; by Hodol, May 11, 1878; by Dr. Noblllng, June 2, 1878. Humbert I, king of Italy, attempt by John Passarantl, March 17, 1S7S. Lord Lytton, viceroy of India, attempt by Husa, December 12, 1878. Alfonso XII of Spain, attempts: Hy J. O. Moncasl, October 25, 1878; by Francisco Otero Gonzalez, December 30, 1879. Lorls Mellkoff, Russian general, attempt March 4, 130. Dratlano, premier of Tloumanla, attempt by J, Plctraro, December 14, 18S0. Alexander II ot Ilussla, attempts: ny Karakozow nt St. Petersburg, April 16, 1866; by fierczowakl at Parts, June 6. 1SG7; by Alexander Solovleff, Arll 14, 1870; by un dermining n railway train, December 1, 1879 by explosion at winter palace, St, Petersburg, Fobiuary 17, 13S0; killed by ex plosion of bomb thrown by a man who wns himself killed, St. Petersburg, 2 p. m. March 13, 1881. James A. Garfield, president of tho United States, shot by Charles Jules Gultcau, Washington. July 2, 1881; died from his wounds September 19, 1881; Gultcau con victed of murder In the first degree Jnnu arl 2G, 1882; sentenced February 2; hanged on Juno 30, 1882. Sadlo Francois Cnrnot, president of i-rnnce, stabbed mortally at Lyons by Ce saro Santos, nn nnnrchlst, Sundny, Juno 21, 1894. Stanislaus Stambuloff, ex-prcmlor of Hul. garla, killed by four persons July 23. 1895. Nnsr-cd-dla, shah of Persia, assassinated May 1, 1800. Antonio Cnnovas del Castillo, prime min ister of Spain, by Michel Angollllo, alias Colli, an Italian anarchist, at San Agucdu, Spain, August 8, 1897. Juan Idlrnto florda, president of Uru guay, killed August 25, 1897, at Montevideo by nn officer In the Uruguayan nrmy. President Diaz, attempt In tho City of Mexico by M. Arnulfo, Sopttembcr 20, 1897. Jose Mnrlu Iteyna Ilarrlos, president of Guatemala, at Guatemala City, February 8, 1898. Empress Elizabeth of Austria, stabbed In heart by Luchlnl nt Gcnova, September 10, 1S9S, William Gocbel, democratic claimant to tho governorship ot Kentucky, shot January 30, 1900. President Ulysses Hcurcaux of Santo Do mingo, was assassinated July 26, 1899. Humbert, king of Italy, July 29, 1900, at Monza, Italy, by Angelo Hressl. William MoKlnlcy, president of the United States, shot by n man giving tho unme ot Leon Czolgosz nt tho Pan-American exposi tion, Buffalo, N. Y., September 6, 1901. GOES TO SHOOT ROOSEVELT Foreigner In Xew lliinipslilro I.envc for .ew York to Kill Ylec l'reldcnt. PERLIN, N. H Sept. 12. Learning that a man who had left hero this forenoon for Now York has declared that he was on his way to Washington to kill Vlco President Roosevelt, Chief of Pollco Youngollss has telegraphed tho chief of pollco of New York to look out for him. Tho mnn was a foreigner. Ho tried to buy a ticket to Washington, but could not do so, nnd bought ono for New York. NEW YORK, Sept. 13.-Captaln Titus. chief of detectives of this city, sold ho had received n dispatch from tho chief of pollco of Ilerlln, giving the samo Informa tion as that contained In tho foregoing dls patch from Dcrlln. The dispatch described tho man as being flvo feet six Inches tall, smooth face, wearing a black sack coat nnd black derby hat. Captain Titus said ho had detailed men at all tho railroad stations to watch for tho man. NEW YORK. Sept. 13, City detectives to night arrested a man answering the descrip tion of tho ono mentioned In tho Ilerlln, N. II., telegram. Ho gavo his namo as Charles Miller of Berlin. Tho police, be lieving him Insano, sent him to Ilcllevuo hospital. Ho claims to bo HI nnd says ho camo to Now York to enter a hospital. In his pockets was $55, n small railroad tor pedo nnd somo French literature. Ho said that when ho got well ho would call on President McKInley and Vlco President Roosevelt. EMMA G0LDMANJS UNMOVED Announcement of the Prenldeiit'a Ai lironolilnur Dnitli Hernia Xot to Appeal to Her. CHICAGO, Sept. 13. When shown tho As sociated Press dispatch announcing the In ovltablo death of tho president Emma Gold man, the anarchist lecturer now being held nt tho Harrison street etntlon, carefully adjusted her glasses, read the bulletin and after a moment's pause, without a change of expression, said: "Very sorry." Absolutely no shade of regret or pity showed Itself upon her countenance. "I do not seo how that can affect my caso," sho added, "If it Is carried on law fully nnd legally. They havo no evidence ngalnst me. Chief null and Chief O'Neill havo admitted that they havo none. They nro holding me without evidence. The death of McKInley would only lengthon my terra of Imprisonment If they convicted me. I feel very bad for tho sake of Mrs. McKInley; outside of that I havo no sym pathy." WILL HOLD ONE ANARCHIST Coll of Fuse I, Ike, thnt i:ed with Dynamite Found In Ilia House, CLEVELAND, Sept. 13. In a frnmo build ing on Uroadwny tho Cleveland detectives havo discovered cvldenco which, whllo not tending to provo tho existence of an an nrchlst plot ngalnst President McKInley, will at least servo to hold ono of tho men who was arrested In Chicago. As soon as Information was received hero of tho arrest of Edward Wolclzynskl, of this city, In Chicago, Sergeant Doran and Detective Schmunk wero detailed to tho house In which ho lived, at 1870 Broadway. They found stored away on top of a cupboard fifty foet of fuse, such as Is ordinarily used with dynamite. Tho Information was nt onco tolegrnphcd to tho Chicago authori ties. Wolclzynskl, whllo In this tclty, was em ployed os a writer on a Polish newspaper known ns the Star. FELONY PUNISHABLE BY DEATH Member of Ilevlaton Committee WorltliiK on I.uiv to Cover Crimea I, the CsolitoNx'a. WASHINGTON, Sept. 13. Messrs. Bolkln and Ilynum, members ot the committee to rovlse and codify the criminal and penal laws of tho United States, since tha attack upon tho life of the president have been Investigating tho authorities with a view to tho preparation of n law making an assault upon the president with Intent to murder cognlzablo In the courts of the United States and punishable by death. They havo prepared a draft of a bill to bo submitted to congress mnklng assault upon tho presi dent a felony and punishable by death when the assault Is for the purpose of obstructing tho operations of government. It Is believed that the question will havo the effect of giving the federal courts Jurisdiction in such cases. TIIE OMAHA DAILY CHICAGO HOLDS ANARCHISTS Ererj Ona of Tharu la Jail and Ooinj tt Stay Thara CHIEF OF POLICE READY FOR TROUBLE Iteaerve Held to Aim It An- Violent Demonstration of the Poptilnec i: m in n Gotdninn Told of Dintli. CHICAGO, Sept. 13. "Every ono of the anarchist prisoners will be held. I do not anticipate any violent demonstration In Chi cago, but I am prepared to meet any move by the populace." Thus dcclnred Chief of Pollco O'Neill tonight, and added: "There may be no session of court tomorrow, so that tho deferred habeas corpus proceedings for tho rclcaso of the nine anarchists In the county Jail will not proceed. If court Is called It Is probable thnt Judge Chetlaln will fix the bonis of tho prisoners very high on account of the death ot President McKInley." News received by Chief O'Neill today from Buffalo and substantiated by the testimony of Dr. Isaac Sallnt and Emma Goldmnn, shows that there was n meeting of anar chists In Buffalo as late ns September 2. This meeting wns held In tho houso of n Mrs. Lang nnd was attended by Emma Goldman, Dr. Sallm, an anarchist from Now York named Kcplous, ono from Cleveland named Norr nnd a woman from Rochester whose namo has not been learned. This Informa tion was transmitted by Chief O'Neill lo City Prosecutor Taylor and n confcrcnco took place between tho chief, Mr. Taylor nnd Mayor Harrison. As a result Dr. Sallm, who was arrested Thursday at Twelfth street nnd Odgon avenue, because ot his suspicious actions after tho Bhootlng of tho president, was taken to Chief O'Neill's ofllco nnd sub jected to n rigid exnmlnntlon for nn hour. Ho admitted that a meeting was hold nt Mrs. Lang's house In Buffalo on September 2 nnd that ho attended It, He said, how ovcr, that It wns not a meeting for the lay ing of a plot, but a social gathering of friends. Tho pollco doubt this. They clto tho way In which Dr. Sallm suddenly left Buffalo, ostensibly for Denver, on tho even ing the president was shot. Convinced of it Plot, In fact the Chicago pollco aro now con vinced thnt there was a plot to assassinate tho president. As soon ns Dr. Sallm ad mitted his presenco at tho meeting In Buf falo warrants, were sworn out before Justice Prlndlvllla for his arrest. Ho was con fined In the Harrison street station and no ono was allowed to sco him on any pretext. Emma Goldman, when asked nbout the meeting In Buffalo on Septombcr 2. said It had no significance; that Sallm wns ono of her friends nnd had been very attentlvo during her sojourn nt Buffalo. Dr. Sallm admitted that ho had been nttentlvc to Miss Goldman nt Buffalo; that he had been with her n great deal nnd thnt he had paid her expenses whllo sho was there. He took her to Niagara Falls. When tho news reached Chicago that President McKInley was rapidly sinking nnd that death was nt hand. Chief O'Neill busied himself with tho tank of repressing nny possible demonstration by a mob. Tho greatest fear was for Emma Goldman, who, Czolgosz snys. Instigated his crime. In spector Hartmnn nnd Captain Mnhoncy, at tho Harrison street station, wero called un by tho chief and ordered to take tho utmost prccnuttons. Xo (iiilherliiK Allowed. "Do not allow any gatherings nbout tho annex," said tho chief. "See that no ono is permitted to sco Dr. Sallm and notify uio at onco It thcro Is nny trouble." Captain Mahoney at dnco detailed a dozen policemen to stand guard nround tho nnnex, whoro Emma Goldman Is confined. Detectives wero also nsslgncd to tho Jail by Captain Collcran nnd an extra forco of deputy sheriffs were sworn in to help guard tho nine prisoners. Precaution on tho part of tho sheriff began this morning, when the b.nbeas corpus proceedings opened, Twenty deputy sherllts wero plnccd In the court room nnd curious peoplo were barred from Judgo Chetlaln's tribunal. All this was dono on the strength of tho bulletins from Buffalo, which said that the condition of tho president was critical. Tonight whon tho rumors, of tho president's death reached Chicago renewed precautions were taken. Iteaerve Kent Hciidj-, Chief O'Neill nt onco sent nn order to all pollco Inspectors ordering them to keep a forco of men In reservo In anticipation of trouble. The guard nround tho Harri son ntroet annex was doubled and nil crowds In tho vicinity of tho prison wero dispersed. "Wo cannot tolcrnto nny crowds now," said tho chief. "I call them crowds, for tho persons who gnthcr for such seemingly Justifiable purposes would not like tho word mob. I do not expect serious trouble because tho citizens of Chicago nro too lovol-headed nnd possessed of too great a senso of law nnd Justice." Emma Goldman, whllo stoutly denying that she had anything to do with the death of President McKInley, says that sho would havo made no effort to save him from tho hands of the assassin If she had been conversant with Czolgosz's plan to shoot htm. Ilmiiin Goldman' Stnteinent. "If I had heard Czolgosz say that ho was going to shoot Mr. McKlnloy I would havo not reported tho Information to tho police. I hate tho spying pollco nnd I don't believe In Interfering with what any man thinks ho has a right to do. Why should I make It my business to put a man In tho hands of tho pollco when thoy already secure thounnnds ot Innocent persona every day and condemn thorn to Imprisonment and death? No! If a man thinks bo Is called on to kill a mnn because he believes him a tyrant you may bo ouro that I will not 'swcnP on him." A message for Miss Goldmnn, containing sheet after sheet of paper printed, was re ceived by Captain Mahoney of tho Harri son street police station and by him opened by mistake. It came from Cltlzon Goorge Francis Train nnd contained expressions ot sympathy and admiration for the "Chero Cltoycnne." livery Avnllnlile Mnn Held, General orders wero Issued tonight by Chief of Pollco O'Neill for every available man on tho pollco forco throughout tho city to bo kept on reservo In tho event that there was any demonstration ngalnst tho anarchists. At Central station thtrty-flvo men wero detailed to watch the principal hotols and public buildings for any signs of n demonstration nnd thirty moro wero held in reserve. At tho detail stations tho ontlro day forco was held on reserve duty. "Wo nro prepared for any kind of nn emergency," said Chief O'Neill. "If anv one attempts to create a disturbance I be lieve wo will be nblo to stop any acts of violence, Tho county Jnll In well guarded and In addition the whole force Is bo mobil ized that It can bo called together In a short time." II n I li Given Farmer n Ileal, ABERDEEN, S. D Sept. 13. (Special.) Heavy rains have prevailed In this sectlo-i for several days, retarding threshing and other farm work. In somo places not over half the wheat has been threshed. Grain Is nearly all In tho stack and will not bo In jured to any extent, targe Quantities of hay and coarse feed for stock aro being put up by farmers. HEEt SATURDAY, SEPTKMBEH M, 1001. OMAHA GAMES NEAR EiND Double lleiider for Today nnd Tomor rotv mill .Net WeeU t'loe SeitKiiu, Rnln prevented tho bnse ball game yes terday nnd n double-header for this after noon Is nnno.ineed Instead. Colorado Springs being the visiting team. Atutlir double with the same opponent will be played Sunday. Both days the llrst game will bp called nt 2:30. Penver come Mmi d.iy tor the last sorlcs of the season. The mountnlnoer will piny here Mondm, Tues day and Wednesday. These seven games end the Omaha schedule. Wetem Aoelntlnn. ST. I'AUL, Sept. 13,-Score: k.ii.i:. Knnsns City .. 2 l o 1 1 n 0 n 7 2 St. Paul 0 0 0 O 0 o 0 0 1-1 7 3 Batteries: Kanon City, Olbson and lie vllle; St. Paul. Chech nnd Lattlnicr. DES MOINES, Sept. 13.-Score: It. 11.11. Denver 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 ,1 r, i Des Moines ...00000020 02 G 1 Batteries: Denver, II. Jones nnd Morrow; Des Moines, libido iviul Kleltinw. MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 13. Minneapolis St. Joseph game postponed, tho Ht. Joseph team falling to make rnllroud connections. Western l.ciimie NlnudlUK. Won. Lost. PC Kansas city St. Paul Ht. Joseph Denver Omaha Minneapolis Colorado Springs Des Moines .79 42 .tvvj i , IVS (,2 r. to M 14 16 f r7 M f.l lit r.s .0711 .521 ,r,i:i .17!) .NV, .S01 ,3SU Xntlonnl I.enwiie Gittnen. BROOKLYN. Sept. 13.-Scoro first rjnmp: i 0000003 15 7 -1 1 It 1 - Brooklyn ,.0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0-3 X 1 Iliittcrios: Brooklyn. Kltsnn nnd Mc aulre; Pittsburg, Phillips nnd O'Connor. Seconn guine: j, Brooklyn 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 -4 ' ' 2 Pittsburg 1 0000010 0-2 C 0 Batteries: Brooklyn, Newton nnd Far rcll; Pittsburg, Poole and O'Connor. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 13.-Scoro llrst BU,nc: 'H,ii.i:. St. Louis 3 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 S If, ;i Philadelphia ..0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 3-7 11 5 llnttnrli.! St. Louis. Sudhnff nnd Nichols; "Philadelphia, White and McFnrland. second game: p t'littniletnlil.a 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 ' !' 'i Kt. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 8 3 Batteries: Phlludclpliln. Townseml nnd Douglass; St. Louis, Powell and Hnyden. Umpire: Dwyer. NEW YORK, Sept. 13. Scoro first ixam.i; n.n.K. New York ...1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-3 Vt 11 Cincinnati ...o looooooooouo o i 12 Batteries: New York, Hickman nnd Bowcrmnn; Cincinnati, Ilnhti nnd Bergen. Second gnme, called on account of dark- ,,0M8 IUI.K. New York 0 0 0 0 3 0-3 I 2 Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 3 1 Batteries: New York, Taylor nnd Bowcr mnn: Cincinnati, Phillips nnd Bergen. BOSTON, Sept. 13. Scoro lltst gamo: It.H.E. Boston ...0 000001000 1-2 S 2 Chicago .0 000100000 0 I -Batteries: Boston, Plttlngcr nnd Mornn; Chicago, Enson and KUng. Second game: 11.11. K. Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 li 1 Chicago 0 0000000 00 1 1 Batteries: Boston, "Willis nnd Ktttredgn; Chicago, Taylor nnd Kllng, Amerlenit I.eiiKiie Gnme. WASHINGTON, Sept. 13.-Flrst game: 11.11.13. Boston 00040100 0-!i 3 1 AVashlngton ...010O0000 01 7 3 Batteries: Boston. Winters nnd Schrcck; Washington, Carrlck and Luskey. Second game: It.H.E. Washington .., 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 S 7 1 Boston 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2-3 4 3 Batteries: Washington. Mitchell and Crlger: Boston, Leo and CInrk. BALTlMOIlli, Sept. U-Secro: n.II.E. Bnltlmore .... 0 4 3 0 2 0 2 1 -12 17 3 Philadelphia .. 0 0 1 0 4 0 3 0 2-10 10 2 Batteries: Baltimore, Nops nnd Robin son; Philadelphia, Wlltso and Stcclman. CLEVELAND, Sept. 13,-Score: It.H.E. Detroit 4 '0 0 0 0 2 1 0 07 11 3 Cleveland 0000OOO0 0-0 7 4 Batteries: Detroit, Cronln nnd McAllstcr; Clpvelnnd, Dowllng nnd Wood. CIUCAUO, Sept. 13.-Score: It.H.E. Milwaukee .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4-u 0 1 Chicago 00000030 0-3 10 7 Batteries: Milwaukee, Garvin and Don nhue; Chicago, Kntoll and Sullivan. Sontheru I.eiiKiie. At Memphis Memphis, 2: Nashville, 0. At Shreveport Slireveport, fi; Birming ham, C, Called on account of darkness. At Llttlo Bock, Lltllo Rock, li; Selma, n. At New Orleans New Orgeans-Chatta-nooga gamo postponed. Bridgeport "Win In n "Wnlk. iuiiuur.! 'Lin 1 . eL.. neju. i.. topncini Tologrnm.) Tho last gamo of bnse ball nt III.' II.U1II.MI t,B, 4 ( ,.t!'JW I I II Ullt Alliance, 10 to 1. Batteries: Bridgeport, Robinson and Level; Alliance, Leatherby and Alberts. Weatern Annoelntlon. At Columbus Columbus, r,; Marlon, 3. At Grand Itnplds Grnnd Haplds, 10; Fort Wayne, 3. Credit Clothing business BOOMING No Money Down and Little Weekly Payments. Yesterday we opened our new credit store at l.'JOO Karnam street, and wo want to say right hero to Omaha people, that the volume of business done yesterday was greater by far than done at tho opening of any of our 27 other stores. We attribute yesterday's success to this pertinent fact that the people of Omaha are very much in favor of buy ing clothing on credit when it costs them not one penny more than they would have to pay at any cash store. NO MONEY DOWN We sell stylish and dependable clothing, hats and shoes for men, women and children without one cent of deposit at the time of purchase. We trust everybody and the little weekly payments which you pay are never missed. Come and see us you are welcome at all times to c.une and' inspect our stock and learn more fully our "best of all" system of credit. Kemember we aro manufacturers, and that wo own and operate 2S big credit stores. That's why No Cash Store can undersell us that's the reason wo defy any and all competition. Ladies' Tailor- Made Suits, Skirts, Waists, Jackets, Petti coats, Furs, Millinery and Shoes. TO ANSWER FOR CONTEMPT Warden Swauon of Siaux FIU Peilten tiarj Summoned Bcfor (Jour- RELEASES R. A. TUBBS ON OWN AUTHORITY nld to Ylolnte Wrlttru .Mnudntp 1 Turning III n Loom- Ordered to Appear Sloudnj nnd (ilic IteitMOli, SIOUX FALLS, S, D., Sept. 13. (Special Telegram.) The alleged prematuro release from tho Sioux Falls penitentiary on Au gust 2S of Richard A. Tubbs, ex-mayor of Alcester, who was convicted In tho United States court for sending objectionable mat ter through the malls nnd sentenced to a term of two years In prison, took n sensa tional turn this afternoon when tho United State nttorncy's office filed contempt pro ceedings ngalnst Warden Swnnson of tho penitentiary. In accordance with the peti tion contained In thu papers nn order was ccedlngs ngalnst Wnrden Swenson of tho him to appear nnd ehow cause why he should not be punished for contempt In discharging Tubbs from the penitentiary and from the custody of the officers In dc llnnco of tho mandata nnd order of the United States court. Tho order Is returna ble In tho United States court nt 10 o'clock next Monday morning, when Wnrden Swen son must appear nnd present his caso. GIVEN A LIFE SENTENCE Mnjer of Deputy MierlfT llolilen Mint Spend III He ninliiliiK D115 In I'rUnn, CHEYENNE, Wyo., Sept. 13. (Special Telegram.) At Evnnston today Oeorgo Eckcr, (he murderer of Deputy Sheriff Holden, was sentenced to life Imprison ment. Ho wns convicted of murder In tho second degree. Two years ngo Eckor forged a check lu Unltnh county nnd went to tho Philippines. Ho returned Inst Juno. Deputy iioidcn nnd Ranchman Rcnrdon lo catcd Eckcr nenr Big Pines. Ecker was nsked to surrender. H0 wont In tho houso to get i-omo clothing. Ho returned with n rlllo nnd shot Holden dead. Ecker got away, but wat, captured by a posse. An nttempt was uindo to lynch him on tho way to Evanston. To CoiiMolldnte AVyomliiR Mines. RAWLINS, Wyo., Sept. 13. (Spcclal.)-It Is reliably reported hero that a company Is now organizing with a capital of $10,000,000, which will acqiitro tho Fcrrls-Haggarty, Ktirtz-Chnttorton, Rambler, Osceola and Osceola, Jr., and Union mines, tho Grand Encampment smelter, tho Encampment townslte, tho Copper State Bank of En campment, tho Pearl towiislto In Colorado and several mining properties In tho Pearl district. It Is proposed to construct a tram way -from tho Forrls-Hnggarty to tho En campment smelter. Bonds to tho nmount of $5,000,000, which have already been sub scribed for, nro to bo Issued. VhiiUIoii SIkmym Heaped to President. YANKTON', S. D., Sept. 13. (Special Tele gram.) Elrlad temple, Mystic Shrine, was advertised to hold a ceremonial session in this city tonight. Candidates gathered from nil over tho state. They wero obligated nnil then the session wns adjourned out ot respect to tho president. Thu state fair hns bcon holding nil week and tonight was carnival night. When word wns received that tho president wns In ex tremis nil revelry ceased. Bells wero tolled nnd crowds dispersed In sorrow to their homes. Tho whole city Is In mourning. Explosion In Coul MIiicn nt Hnnnn. MANNA, Wyo., Sept. 13. (Special.) An explosion of gas In the big coal mines ot tho Union Pacific hero Wodnesdny caused suspension of work. Over 200 men wero nt work In tho mines nt tho time and thoy had to hurry to tho surface to escape tho smoltc. Tho mlno wns at onco scaled up nnd tho flro smothered. It Is believed llttlo damage has been dono nnd that operations can bo resumed In a few days. Iteitiiurniit Mnn Shoot Himself, LANDRIl, Wyo., Sept. 13. (Special.) John Morrill, proprietor of n restaurant nt Thcrmopolls, committed suicide Monday by shooting himself In tho head. Domestic troubles aro given as tho cause MENTER, R0SENB100M & CO. Leading Credit Clothiers of America. 1309 FARNAM STREET. Open Evenings. D W. WELLER, Manager. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure A powerful CDtttnc can't bo run with a weak boiler; and you can't expect to kcopup tho wear and strain of an active life with a weak stomach. Our boilers, or rather our stomachs, can't bo replaced, and wo cannot stop tho human machinery whllo mak ing repairs. Hut when the stomach Is unable to digest enough food to keep tho body strong, we can uso such a preparation as Ivodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat, so that you can cat nil the good food you want. The uso of such a preparation as this is tho only certain way to cure Indigestion. It can't heBp but do you good Prepared by K. O. DoWltt &Co.. Chicago. The tl. Ixittla contalnsZX times tho too. su When you need a soothing nnd healing application or piles, sores, and skin diseases uso Do WITT'S Witch Hazol SALVE. Bew.ro of counterfeits. 8180 MILES AND GROWING A mile a day Is tlio rate at which the Hurllngton Is now extend ing lis tracks. . Already it lm S1S0 miles of track In rleven great states of tho west; operates 700 trains a day; employes :tr,000 men; maintains l,;i()0 stations, and gives It patrons thu best service money can buy or brains produce. Chicago and the Kast. Denver and the West. Kansas City and tho South. St. Louis and the Southeast. Montana and tho Northwest. Ticket Office, 1S02 Fnrnnin St., Tel. 250. i TH E MART As ink resting ns the three editions were printed 1 YOU'VE COT TO HURRY If you want to seo tho RUNNING RACES at tho H OMAHA DRIVING PARK THIS AFTEHNOON. Tako tho 21th Street or Sherman Avenue Car. 5? Digest what you Eat Burlington Station, 10th and Mason St . Tel. 128 56e Famous Plunged HOT SPRINGS . DAKOTA Climate, Water?, Scenery, Hotels, Itaths, Amusements, you will find arc all right. The route to tins resort h "TllE North-Western Line" with trains equipped with the "Best of liverythlng." Ticket Office, 1401-03 Farnarn Gt. Depot. 15 th and Webstor Sts. OMAHA, NEB. ET Ull TA mv OCTOBER A IU-UW September number, of which to meet the demand. a Fine Suits and Overcoats for Men and Boys. Also stylish Hats and worthy Shoes.