Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1901, Page 10, Image 11

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Mrs. lioIHe Mibrty Dwhei Acid in Hiit
Maud Eatuon's Fici.
air. Mntirnj- Aci'tum Ml tliittMin of
llrrnUlnir fp llir 'I'm ni nlll 1 1 nt
, Iter Home mill Coiiie fnnii City In llctnllnte.
Mrs. Mnlllo Mnbray of Kansas CMty
dashed two ciuneai of carbolic ncld Into tho
faco of MIbb Maud Hnnon nl her room.
1520 Cnpltol avenue, yesterday afternoon
because sho believed the young wnmnn had
ftllcnntrd the affections of her husband', fi
traveling man nnined Jolin Mabrny.
The Injured woman Ik In a serious rondl-
Hon, being burned nbout the face, brcnut.
hands nnd arms, nnd tho physicians fear
that despite their efforts Hho will be dls
fl&urcd for life.
Mrs. Mabray, tho woman who threw the
arid, Is still at larr,c. As Hid matter was
cot reported to thu pollco until more than
two hourH had elapsed, she had a good
Mart of the detectives, nnd It Is thought
(he- may havo left tho elty on one of the
outgoing trains.
John Mnbray, who has been making his
headquarters at tho Karbaeh hotel, was ot
tho bcdslda of tho woman a few minutes
after the ucld was thrown, having been
notified by telephone. He remained In tho
room while tho doctors were treating her.
Ho aays ho hasn't been living with tils wife
for llvo or wlx years.
Shortly after noon Thtirsdny n well
dressed wnmnn nbout .12 years old, wearing
blnck throughout, with small diamond
pendants In her ears, climbed the stnlrs
lending to n sulto of dressmaking parlors
t lf)20 Cnpltol avenue, nnd nnked to acc
Miss Mnud Hanson. She was shown Into
living room which fronts upon Sixteenth
Drulrn.vm n I'IhiIoki fiili.
When Miss Hanson entered a moment
later slio saw hor guest exnmlnlng n photo
graph which she had taken from n mantel.
It won tho picture of her husband, John
"What nro you ilolng with this plcturo?"
demanded the woman In blnck.
"Thnt's not my property," replied Miss
Hanson. "You mny have It for nil I care."
Mrs. Mabray showed her contempt for tho
photo by tearing It Into hits nnd stamping
them under foot, mennwhllo accusing Miss
Hanson of trylni; to stcnl her husband
'from her. Tho loud talk brought several
women, tenants of adjoining rooms. Into tho
Finally the woman In block turned nnd
walked down the corridor toward tho stair
case; to nil nppournnccs the sccno was nt
an end, hut after parsing through a screen
door which divides tho passage, she turned
ngnln upon tho girl and hissed: "Vnu'd
better let him nlonu! I can toll you that!"
"Oh, you can't frighten mo." retorted
Miss Hanson, who had followed hor closely.
At this Mrs. Mnbray drew something from
the bosom of her dress.
"I'll tlx you, you huzzy!" she cried, "nnd
fix you rlKht!"
Tho woman made n swift movement
through the air with her nrm; there was n
swishing sound of fluid holng thrown
through tho wlro screen, nnd tho next In
stant Miss Hanson Iny writhing nnd scream
ing upon tho floor.
Aclil Throivrr I'Ncniiri.
Tho spectators woro so dumbfounded that
they permltteil tho ncld-throwcr to pass
them unmolested. They any alio walked
quietly down tho steps nnd nwny as though
nothing unusunl had hnppcned.
Tho sufforer was carried Into the room
of Annlo Plllsbury, one of tho tenants,
whoro she wns made ns comfortable as po3
blblo until a doctor could bo called.
Drs. Porter nnd MncDIarmld nrrlvcd n
few minutes later, nnd applied remedies to
draw out tho fire md relievo the pnln. nlso
taking precautions ngalnst a senr, but thoy
say thore Is a question ns to whether or not
thero will bo n disfigurement. They found
tho young woman to havo been terribly
burned. ,
"Tho nc!d had eaten tho flesh off nearly
nil parts of tho faco except In the neighbor
hood of tho cyca," said ono of tho physi
cians, "nnd sho owes tho saving of her
night to tho fact that sho throw up her
hands to protect them. Tho burns arc
especlnlly deep on the backs of her hands;
sho Is also burned nbout tho breast nnd
Tho pollco wcro not notified of tho nssnult
until 2:30, when n newspaper reporter, hav
ing heard of tho Incident mentioned on the
street, Informed tho stntlon by tolephono.
Emergency Ofllccr Helglomnn nnd IX
tcctlvch Savngo and Dunn were detnlled
upon tho enso nt once.
John Mnbray admits that ho had been
paying somo attention to Miss Hanson.
Mnliruy TrIU tU Slury.
"I haven't been living with my wife for
ilvo or six yenrs," said he. "nnd ns to what
sho has been doing or where she has been
living In that time, I know nothing. I be
llevo, however, that she arrived In tho city
this morning from Kansas City. Sho enmo
to tho hotel to boo me, and wo had n talk.
Nothing wns snld about Miss Hanson. So
far as I know, my wlfo novcr saw Mlsa
Hanson nnd I together."
Mrs. Mnbray Is described os n small
woman, of dark complexion nnd deep-sc't
hazel eyes. At tho tlmo tho acid was thrown
sho woro n black silk dress nnd n black hat.
In tho wny of Jewelry sho woro diamond
earrings, several diamond rings and a flno
gold neokchnln.
After thu scene ,In tho hall n two-ounce
bottlo was found upon tho window ledgo at
the cast of tho passage It still contained
a fow drops of cnrbollo ncld. Thero was
no druggist's lnbol upon the bottlo.
H. C. Wntklns. sexton ot tho Mothndlst
church, Sprlngllold, Pn., says; "My wife
has been very bad with kidney troublo nnd
tried sovernl doctors without benefit. After
taking ono bottlo of Foley's Kidney Cure
was much better and was completely cured
nftcr taking four bottles."
For tired feot Ro-No-May powder.
Sim A ii tn ii I o, 'IV ,
Ono fare plus $2 for the round trip vln
tho Missouri raclfic railway on September
H, 15 nnd IB. For further Information call
on or address company's offices, southeast
corner Fourteenth nnd Douglas streets,
Omaha, Neb. THOS. F. GODFREY,
P. & T. A.
IVu n iter fill Xortlnteat,
Toward which tho eyes of the world am
turned; whoro rfrent opportunities nro opon
to overyono, is best and quicken roached
by tho
No better trains In tho world than thnso
run 'via this line.
City ticket offlco, 1321 Farnam. 'Phone
It You On to Colornrto
Re suro and go over tho Loup. The finest
trip In tho country. Send 3 cents in stamps
to T. E. Fishor, general passenger agent,
Denver, Colo,, for handsome illustrated
book describing this and other attractlvo
trips offered by tho Colorado & Southern
Re-No-May powder brings relief to tender
jiiM,i. rxnKiwvii.m factohy.
AH Mmlr nml I'nrtly Mmle Muslin t'n
ilirnenr I'lirehineil From
Rouben, Rosenborg & Co., 101 and 103
Wooster st Now York, manufacturers of
fine muslin undirwenr, failed. Wo bought
from tho creditors for $10,000 spot cash n
splendid assortment of high class muslin
underwear, also all the partly mndo gar
ments tl.ey had on hand nt the tlmo of thu
failure. Saturday we will offer you tho
most extraordinary bnrgalns In ma do nnd
partly made muslin underwear you ever
heard of.
J. I.. Hrandols & Sons, Proprietors.
Selling Rogers, Peot & Co.'s men's clothing,
ASHLAND, Neb., Sept. 12. (Special. )
Sam . Nordqulst nnd Miss Nellie Sparks,
both of Atblnnd, were married In Lincoln
Weilnetday by Judge Frank R. Wnteni. They
will live on n farm west of Ashlnnd.
A n u on iio'MM'Ii 1 4 of Die I'll on I r r.
On next Sunday nnd Monday those
clever culiR-dlnim, Mathnws and Bulger, will
be seen nt the Hoyd theater In their now
musical comedy, "The Night of the Fourth."
Tho annual appearance of this mirth-pro-duclng
pair la nlwnys hulled with more
than pissing Interest, is their coming
means an event of Jollity seldom equaled
on tho stnge. Their new piece Is n hit and
It has i very where been well received since
Its Inltinl presentation In San Francisco
last August.
Tho Trocndero theater will open Its doors
Sunday matinee, Sept. in, with tho Rnby
Lund fnrco comedy In "The Oypsy Prin
cess," Ha by Lund has. appenred several times In
this city nnd has nlwnys been a grout
favorite here. During this engagement tho
talonted little artiste will hold receptions
nt the ladies' mntlnees on Tuesday and
Thursdpy. Tho supporting company Is a
very strong one.
Ask ynur druggist or glove dealer nbout
He-No-May powder. A great economy In
hot weather. Cures oxcosslv.o perspiration
saves gloves, parasols and flno dros3
goods. No dress shields needed If you uao it.
Divine services will be hold by tho Hun
garian society at tho old Metropolitan hall,
lllh nnd Dndgo streets, for tho Hebr.w
New Voar, Friday, September 13, at 7 p. m.,
Saturuny at S a. nt. and 7 p. m., Sunday nt
S a. m. S. S. Cohn, D. D., of St. Louli
will officiate. Saturday surruon subject,
"Kllxlr cf Life," In German, nt 10 n. m.
Sunday sermon subject, "Tho Sound of
tho T umpet," nt 10 a. m.
For cxccsslvo perspiration try Re-No-May
The month o September Is the best In tho
j car nnd the Minnesota lakes tho best In
tho world for fishing.
Get n copy of booklet. "Rcauty Spots,"
telling you whero to find them. Ro marka
bly low rates at Illinois Ccntrnl city ticket
office, 1402 Farnam street, or address W.
II. Drill, D. P. A., Omahn, Neb.
Illicit to Ohio nml Imlliinn.
Sept. 17 nnd 21 tho Durllngton route
will offer greatly reduced rates to points
in Ohio and Indiana. Detailed Information
nnd tickets nt 1502 Farnam St., or at Hur-
lington station.
Nothing llk Re-No-May powflcr for cj-
SAX KHAXC'lSftl AXI) lti;TlK.
$1.1 Vln Hock Inland lloittc
Tickets on sale September 19 to 27; good
for return until November 15. City ticket
office, 1323 Farnam street.
Re-No-May skin food for facial massage.
Ro-No-Mny cream softens nnd whitens
hands nnd face. A. Mayor Co., 220 lies
building. Consultation free from 2 to 4
Send articles of Incorporation, not'iccs of
stockholders' meetings, etc., to Tho Boo.
Wo will glvn them proper legal Insertion.
Tclophono 238.
Ticket office, 1301 Farnnm.
General Western Agent.
It brings relief Ro-No-Mny powder. Ask
your druggist. If your foot troublo you
try It.
l Altai: nr.nrcTioN ix hatics to
II ii (Til I o Vln Chicago, MllwHttkrc it St.
I'll ill llnllvrny Hoimil Trip
C.ooil Until Oct. H.
On sale Septombcr 7. S, fi, 10 and 11th.
Shorter limits correspondingly reduced.
General Western Agent.
Ticket office, 1501 Farnnm.
sax .wrnxio axi iti'.Ttiix ifs.iHi
Vln Itni'U InIiiiiiI Minilr,
Tickets on sale Soptembor II, 15 and 16
nt city ticket office, 1323 Farnnm street.
cesslvo perspiration of hands or feet; posi
tively cures tender and swollen foot, corns
and bunions.
Publish your legal notices In Tho Woekly
nee. Tolephono 238.
There's Tons
of Satisfaction
In seeing your winter's supply of coal going
Into tho bins. Thero Is additional satis
faction In knowing that your coal Is sup
plied by HALO & RICE, for thru you get
the very best quality. Coal that la well
screened and thnt burns free and cleun
without waste.
Any slzo hard coal, 10.50 per ton.
500 Smith Kith Street.
We nro showing n nleo lino of D 1 a m o n d Rings.
Hrooches, Sunbursts and l'ancy I'leces--mnunted with
Pearls and other Stones. Spend a few minutes nt our
store. LOOK FOn THR name,
S. W. LINDSAY, the Jeweler,
1510 Dotijjlas .St.
Eohool Lengua Tks Action oa Acother
Important UiUar.
Will Try to Mini' n Itrpnrt on lllll
I bill lime llien I'nlil llurhiK Oil
I. lint Titultr Month" .Mmlc
l mi lit port.
At Inst night's meeting of the School
league It was decided that an expert bo
employed to check tho books of the Hoard
of Education for twelve mouths back nnd
report on bills paid which nre considered
extravagant. In case members of tho board
decline to submit to an Investigation n
mandamus will bo asked for. Rumor has It
that thero Is n lumber bill which nmounts
to SI. 300. This lumber Is supposed to havo
been used In repairing sidewalks around thu
various school houses. Members of the
league nsscrted last night that tho board
bus been very extravagant Intely nnd that
the money of the people Is being squnn
dcrcd. As for the now school house nt
Forty-second nnd K streets no attempt will
be mndo to Htop tho wotk, ns tho building
Is needed. However, the board will not
be nermitted to lot n contract for the
proposed High school until there Is money
In sight to pay for Its construction.
Honor for Miller.
C. W. Miller Is homo from Chattanooga,
where ho attended tho annual convention
of letter carriers. Mr. Miller said last
ovcnlng that over 1.000 votes were cast In
the convention. Ho was honored with n
position on the executive committee, which
Is mndo up of live prominent mall carriers
In all parts of the country. Naturally the
carriers hera nro pleased at the honors re
ceived by Mr. Miller nnd he received many
congratulations yesterday.
Nimv Curs CotnhiK.
It was reported yesterday that on or
njiout November 1 tho stieot railway com
pany would plnco a number of new cats In
service on tho Sherman avenue lino. Many
of tho old closed cars havo been renovated
and repainted and nro In service now.
These new cars uro of the latest make nnd
when tho heavy mils ore laid It Is thought
that better tlmo to Omahu will be made.
At present tho time from N street to How
ard street Is twenty-three minutes.
MlUtl)' 'lt.v liosxlp.
Mrs. W. L. Holland Is on tne sick lift
Tho iliiunbter of Mr. nnd .Mrs. Frank Hart
Is seriously III.
City Treasurer Koutsliy is worKing on
his annual report.
I'liinp No. 10W. Modern Woodmen of
America, will hold n reception tonight.
There will be n bl sale of horses nt 'lie
stock nrds here on Tuesday, hepternher
'i'ho Third Ward Republican club will
meet ut Twenty-eighth and It streets this
City Engineer Heal 1ms made it nuinbi r
of blue prlntH showing tho wnrd nnd pre
cinct boundaries.
S. SellKson has let n contract for the
erection of two line dwelling!) at Twenty
Ill th nml 1 streets.
llarrv Trumble of the Packers Nnthnal
bank force N conllned to his homo with
an nttnek of hay fever.
t'p to date only 3.150 pupils have been en
rolled In the public schools. This im inner
falls way below the estimate.
Ida Mitchell, colored, nun been held to
the district court In tho sum of $o00 for
robbing Joseph Novak of $IiS.
Chief Etter of the lire department baa re
turned from Indianapolis, where hu at
tended the national convention of lire
An Important meeting of Phil Kearney
post No. 2, Gniml Army of the Republic,
will be held nt I Irani Harding's olllco In
the Pioneer block on .Saturday night.
Thero will be a meeting of the Young
Men's Republican club nt Kcll's hall,
Twenty-fourth anil N streets, on Saturday
evening. All republicans are Invited to at
tend. Tho South Omaha Democratic! club hai
Indorsed Frank C'hrlsman for recorder of
deeds. It also passed u resolution con
demning tho attempt on President .McKln
ley's lire.
Hon, David Anderson brought to The
Hco olllco yetitcrdny several cars of corn
nnd Mime fruit raised on the farm of Peter
Marcus, near Dellevue. The corn was tho
best seen In South Omaha for some time.
('. U. Scan- writes from I'.uffalo to trlonds
here that he was In Hie Temple of MunIc
when President McKlnley was shot. lie
says that the pirty of which he Is a mem
ber Is greatly pleased with tho exposition.
The Eastern Star will meet at Masonic
hall on Saturday evening
Just As We Told You
Tho combine nio now seeking to. drlvo
us out of business by cutting tho prices on
goods below what they pay for them.
They couldn't stick together and are now
lighting among themselves. Thero Is no
more stability to their organization than
thero is to a soap bubble. People who i'o
not believe In Trusts aro tho patrons we
nre after becauso they know wo deserve
tho credit of keeping tho prices whoio tiny
ought to lie.
Jl.fO Lambert's I,lstcrlno ric
$1.00 I'cruna rrc
i.oo s. s. s mo
$1.00 ller's Milt Whisky 7r
t l.flo t'oke's Dandruff C'uru 4c
$1.00 l'nclo Ham's Tobacco (.'uro 4.I0
$1.00 Duffy's Malt Whiskey S''c
$1.00 Hood's Sarsaparllla i;c
Sl.Ud l'leree'M Iti'moillcs i;t.
$2.00 MeDado's Suceus Alterans $1.1:,
25c I.axatlvci Hromo Qulriliio 12c
SQHflEFER'S ""i.';
Tel. 717. S. W. Cor. llllti 11 ml CIiIciiko
Goods delivered PUIS 13 to any part of city.
Read What
An Old Soldier Siijm About CrninriV
Kliluey anil l.lver Cure .Vol n Sln-Kli-
I'm 1 11 Since.
Omahn, July IS, 1000.
CltAMlClt CH13.MICAI. CO.,
Albany, N. V.
Gentlemen: 1 havo been nllllcted for thn
past llvo years with kidney troublo nnd
tried every remedy that could ho found,
with no perMianeut relief. My caso was
getting serious. I could get no sleep, was
restless and nervous. My strength was
lenvlng me and I had no deslro to work,
I felt bad all tho time In fact, waH so dis
couraged to think thero was no relief for
mo whatever I did, and I had no faith In
medicines; seeing so many good testimoni
als from Omaha peoplo about Cramcr'n
Kidney Cure. I called on ono aud asked
wlinl ho thought. Ho told mo It was tho
best medicine In tho world nnd advised mo
to try It. I bought a bottlo and after
taking nbout one-half of It began to feel
better nnd stronger nnd nftor taking four
bottles I am today a well man and I can
not say too strong words for this wondor
fill medlclno and should I ever ngnln bo a
sufferer from kidney trouble, I wouldn't
bo without it If 1 had to pay $50 a bottlo
for It. J. c. GIUJK.W
It you will tend your address to tho
Cramer Chemical Co., Albany, N. V thoy
will eod you a sample bottlo, froo.
Cramer Chemical Company,
Alhitny, N, Y.
Boston Store "Mill-Ends"
Tomorrow is thu iinal day of our groat Mill-End Sale
and every remnant aud mill-end must positively be
closed out.
The Values We Offer are Wonderful
Remnants on Main Floor
75c French Flannel Remnants Silk Velvets 5c & 10c
25c Yard
Then-- nro nit this season's patterns,
tho best quality of nil wool Fr nch
limine! manufactured. In polka dots,
and other set designs nml slrlpci, In
lengths from 2 to 5 yards, cnounh
tor klmonns, shirtwaist'-, children
dresses, etc., go ut IKu yard.
Short Lengths French
Flannel 2c, 5c, 10c
Themj nro Mill-Ends nnd run In
bngths of i, "if 3i yard and ono yard,
nil the finest quality of French Han
no! made, plain colors, tloral designs,
polka dots, etc., especially useful for
Infants' Jackets and petticoats, ll -Ings,
patch work and other purposes,
go on sale ut -V, Ou and 10c lor entlru
Remnants of Silks
25c, 39c, 50c, 69c
New silk remnants in Is, "i nnd ono
ynrd lengths, Including yard wldo
tnrfetn, black nnd colors; peau do ml ,
In black and colors, gros grains every
y ird In this lot worth trom Jl.Oi ti
2.W especially adapted whero they
match up for ladles' waists, lining',
milliner", trimmings and hundreds of
other useful purposes. These aro nil
tho llnest quality of silk ever shown
In ot'i remnant sale, and go at 2'c,
SHe. &0e and C0c for entire piece.
For this Friday sale wo hivo opened
up a new lot of taffeta llk, plain i.nd
fancy plaids, brocades nml open work
effects, In lengths from 2 to S yards,
on siilo ut VJa and GOe yard.
Friday is Remnant
Mill-ends of Cambric Lin
ings, in colors, 1 Ac ,vrd.
Mill-ends of 7c Calico at
2Ac yard.
.'(5-inch Bleached Muslin
at 2c yard.
Mill-ends Apron Cheeked
Ginghams, 15-Ae yard.
Vai'd wide heavy Un
bleached Muslin .'' yard.
Mill-ends light colored
Outing Flannel, He yard.
iOc Mercerized Sateen, in
mill-ends, V2U yard.
Mill-ends heavy Fleeced
Flannelettes, Tc yard.
Boston Store, Omaha
tne new uounco
hpeolal Ultor
lots of them,
est styles, in
lino of suits in
Special Oftcr
cedent variety
btyle, tho new
other btyles;
BKirta witu 1110
liounu, well
hpeciai uuor
Suits that others
tallored ny tne
cluslvo styles,
mndo gooas tor
rived and wo win ni-uu, ui a caving n you 01 aouui uu ur cjni, r.vcry garment sold by us is fully
guaranteed, with Uaydon llroa.' uamo rlgiit or. tho bnr.d.
Denver Coats which others ask you $S5.00j
for, at $57.50,
Sealskin Coats nt 512."..0a
Otter Coatu, very best thoy nro, for $123.
Mink Scarfs, worth $0.00, for $2.9S.
Klcctrlc Seal ("oats, trimmed with mink
nnd benvor, nt $18.50.
Small furs, such as scarfs, collarettes, sold i
at full 25 to 43 per cent less than their!
Astrakhan Collarettes, with 10-ln. capo ,
and C-ln. collar, for $2.50 each.
Women's Flannel Waists, about 23 dozen,
Aro cordially Invited to reo our elegant mirrored cut glass room,
whero wo show tho finest lino of cut glass west of Chicago. Wo will
also take plcasuro in showing you our clock of watches, diamonds und
rich Jewelry.
Jewelers and Art Stationers, . . . 15th and Doutrlas.
Mall orders given caioful attention. Sole
on Seward street, sells drugs that aro cut
dromn Oulnlno
Cramer's Kldnoy Cure
Chamberlain's Cough Cure
null's Cough Cure
Duffy's Malt Whiskey
Malted Milk, 50c
Scott's IOmulslnn
Swnmp Root
, Ho
Shradcr's 10-Mlnuto Headache Ponder
10c nnd 25c
Shrader's Fig Powder 25c
Dr. Hill's Special Cough Curo 23e
Remember wo don't hnrp nbout tho drug
Vrust, we cut prices with nny drug storo In
Omnha nnd save you car fare, tlmo and
W. J. Shrader,
1602 N. 24th. corner Seward.
Telephone 1735,
Velvets for waists, velvets fnr mil
linery, velvets for neckwear, velvets
for nil kinds of trimmings. These e-o
exceptionally lino duality, every vaul
worth from $1.00 to $1.50, In black" nnd
nil the colors of the rainbow, go ac
cording to length of piece at
'4 ynrd remnants, So.
,v jurd remnants, 10c.
Yurd lengths, Me.
Cassimeres for Men's anil
Boys' Wear
Thousands of yards of cassimeres
for men's nnd boys' wear, or ladles'
walking skirts, all dark colors, very
heavy for winter wear, every yard
guaranteed worth from 50c to 75c, on
hale on bargain squnrc nt 25o yard,
Dress Goods Remnants 19c Yd.
A now lot of dress goods' remnnnti,
in lengths of ,1, I, 5 and 6 yards, black
heavy plorohis. fancy French series,
invisible checks and stripes, storm
fciges In wide widths, black and col
ois, sntln berbefs, fancy novelties in
silk and wool effects, black and col
ors, every yard worth from $1.00 to
$2.ia, go on front bargain square at
Wc ynrd
Remnants at 25c Yard
All wool alb'itroxH for waists, double
width cashmere, plain and colors, alio
fancy striped walstlngs, all on salo
at 25c yard,
Short remnants of Imported drca
goods, every yard worth from $1.50 to
2.5, In French novelties, silk and
wool novelties, plaids, stripes and
plain col:r, In lengths ot li, ',4 and i
yard, but lour and llvo pieces to
match, nt 5u aud 15c each.
Day in the Basement
Mill-ends of Imitation
French Flannels, Persian
Flannelettes, UO-inch goods,
for lie a yard.
Mill-ends 5()e all wool
Eiderdown, lt)c yard.
Mill-ends of the finest
quality Ginghams and Mad
ras Cloths, at (5 Ac yard.
Mill-ends of Drapery Cre
tonnes, Denims, Ticking, etc.
at 7Ac yard.
Mill-ends Drapery and
Comfort Silkoline, He yard.
Mill-ends of Unbleached
Sheeting, in all widths, at
10c a yard.
Friday Grand Offer
ing of Women's Suits
Skirts, Furs and
Silk Waists.
Wo have tho largest and best selected stock of women's
Suits of any western house. Tho selections nro first class,
tho styles aro tho newest, tho goods nro tho best, nnd nil at
popular prices. Tho lit Is perfect, tho hnng Is perfect nnd
the prices tho lowest.
Special Offer No. 1 Women's Talloi-mndo Suits, In tho
newest styles, Jackets lined with Glvornnud all silk tnffetu,
sKirt, our sperlal prlco only $7.93.
No. 2 Women's Tnllor-mado Suits nnd
made of olegnnt wool cloths, In tho very now
Drown, blnck, blue, castor and tan tho best
America for $10.00.
No. IS Women's Tailored Suits. In nn ox
of styles, made in tho now English Norfolk
blouso stylo, tho now oton stylo and several
lined with best quality Olvcrnaud tnffetas
now llounce, percallno lined nnd velvet
worth 51S.D0, for only $12.00.
ho. 1 Women's high clnss Tallor-mado
nsk you $21 to fS.'i for; they nro man-
nc3t tailors In America, they como In ex
direct copies of Imported ones; lino American
only $1S.G0.
sale on furs for Inst week was so" successful
that we are encouraged to glvo another salo this week
Friday and Saturday. AH our now guods havo ar
duplicate tho sumo goods at sumo nrlrns n.
worth up to $3.00, for 79c.
Women's Flnnncletto Wrappers, our $1.23
quality nn salo nt 7!U!.
20U bllK Taffeta Wnlsts Just arrived,
worm up to $o.oo, for $3.os.
Women's Silk Skirts, made of excellent
quality taffeta, for only $1.95.
Wo Just unpacked and placed on
0llr counters 1C0 dozen flno Wool Wnlsts
mndo of fine Imported French Flannels, at
.irom jl.ou up to $10.00 each.
Ladles' Collarettes mid Scarfs extra spo
clal price worth $2.50 for $1.25.
ctlon packages sent to responsible parties.
Pictures of the
Ak-Sar-Ben Festival
Get your Kodaks anil Cameras ready
for tho Knights carnival, This Is the
best show of tho kind yet hold. Hoe
our Intest stylo of Al-Vlsba camera
takes pictures 1x12 Inches. The opera
tor can tnko himself In tho picture.
1'iiccs from $S.oo up.
1215 Fariiain Strest.
Wholesale and retail dealers In
Photo Supplies,
in i jn
Cheviot Suits,
Men's Blue Serge Suits, $7.50 to $8.50
Men's Ail Wool Worsted Suits $7,50 to $22.50
Men's All Wool Oxford Gray Suits... $9,00 to $12,00
Men's Brown Scotch Suits $4.50 to $18,00
Men's Gray Mixed Scotch Suits $4.25 to $18,00
Friday is
remnant day
in the Bargain Room
All ilic remnants Hint accumulatiMl during the week from our
own slock. Kesides we have contracted with several large mills
to send us all I lie short lengths that they will produce until
January 1st, JilOL'. All will be on sale Friday. In addition to
Ihis will he on sale all the stock of Morrill Scott, and the
Lord & Taylor dress goods stock bought through Feruson, Me
Kenney & Co. IJead the following list of prices:
fiO.OOO yards of short IcnRths of Simp
con's hlack and white silver, Kray, Merrl
nmc quilt patch work. American Indlfjo
hlues. 3-4 fine percale) and thousands of
other Kooda vsorth 10c per yard. Apron
check ginghams, nil nt tc.
60,000 yards of 3(i-lnch flno percales, dark
and light colors; 10c outing flannels, l.'c;
flannelettes, l.'c; organdies and dimities,
etc., nil nt Sc.
15,000 yards of 2S-Inch Trench lino flan
nelette, nil tho lino colorings of tho sea
ton, 7',$c.
20,000 yards of tho finest eclipse flannel
ette. Thin is the finest goods made, In all
tho colorings of Krcnch flannel, with and
without borders, sells nt 15c, and l'Jc, for
10 cents.
36-Inch madras ginghams, worth S.'ie, at
10 cents.
Simpson's hlack sateen, Slfcc.
Simpson's silk sateen, nil colors, 10c.
oitKss noons.
50,000 yards of remnants of wool dress
goods nt lets than ono-thlrd of rcgulur
500 dress patterns, worth ?5, nt $1.0S.
BOO dress patterns, worth $10, nt $2.9S.
500 drcds patterns, worth $15, nt $3.S.
Half wool dehelgcs, douhlo fold, worth
15c, at 5c.
Traveling men'u samples of silks, U,
nnd 1 yard up, at 2c, 3c, 5c. 10c and 15c.
30c silks nnd sntlns, hy the ynrd, 15c.
C0c Tclvctcer.s, by tho yard, 19c.
$1.50 silk llannols for wulsts, 40c.
?8c wclst silk, 39o.
$1.50 drc3S silk, black, 49c.
Grand Grocery Sale
Nebraska Oat Meal, per pound, 2',c.
Ohio Oat Meal, per pound, 3c.
Steel Cut Ont Meal, per pound, 3c.
Hand-picked Navy Ilcnns, fie.
New whlto Lima lleans, 7',4c
Orccn Pens, (dried) 5c.
SInrrowfat Pca3, (dried), 54c
Split Peas, (dried), 3V4c
Pearl Hurley, :115c.
Flno Sago, per pound, 1c.
Imported Sago, Slic
Tapioca Flake, 6c.
Pearl Taplocn, 7V5c.
Hominy, 3Jic 4
Pearl Hninliiy, 6c.
Mlnuto Tapioca, 8',4c
Hasty Jclllcou, 3 packages for 25c,
Kino Ilroken Ulee, SVfcc.
Choice Japan Itlco, 54c.
Head Hlee, fl'ic
Kancy Patna Hlco, 814c.
Yellow Corn Meal, lc.
Granulated Whlto Corn Meal, lUc
Cracker Sale
Soda Crackers, trust prlco Slfco, our
Farina Crackors, trust prlco Cic, our
price r,o
fJIngcr Snnps, trust prlco 8c, our prlco 5c
Butter Crackers, trust prlco Sc, our
prlco Sf.
Crack Meal, trust prlco 7'4c, our prlco 5c
uuimcai uracKcrs, trust prlco 12.c, our
price 64c!
Milk Crackers, trust prlco Sc. our prlco 5c,
Wo havo tho lino. Our $1.00, $1.50, $2.50
Wo know yon want ono.
16th nnd Chicago
Mall Orders Filled.
To be
Does not mean to be expen
sively dressed. We have a
line of men's suits and top
coats in all the latest weaves
and colorings, cut and made
so as to fit. We guarantee
them perfect in every respect.
Tho time has long passed in which
we are obliged to argue for tho su
perior stylo and construction of our
clothing. So YO give you a fow
prices to guide you as to how much
or what nricod suit you want.
$5.00 to $17.00
Thousands of ynrds of silk nt from ont
thlnl to ono-llfth of regular value.
$2.00 men's pants, 95c.
$2.50 men's pants, $1.25.
$.1.00 men's pants, $1.50.
Hoys' long pants, worth $1.23, at 50c.
$2.50 hoys' long pants, 9Sc.
75c boys' kneo pants, 35c.
$1.00 hoys' kneo pants, 60c.
$2.60 boys' suits, 95c.
$5.00 noys' suits, $1.15.
$2.00 hoys' roofers, 9oc. '
$2.50 hoys' reefers. $1.25.
60c men's ribbed shirts nnd drawers, all
sizes, now, 29c.
75o flno fleeced men's shlrls and draw
ers, extra weight, nil sizes, 39c.
Men's $1.00 soft shirts, separate collars,
29 cents.
Men's $1.00 laundered fine shirts, to closo
at 29c.
Men's 75c work ehlrts, nil colors and
sizes, 29c.
Hoys' shirts, 19c.
Men's work shirts to closo nt 19e.
Short lengths of I.ansdownn muslin, R'Ac.
Short lengths of lino cambric, 6c.
Short lengths of ynrd-wldo blenched mus
lin, Sifec.
Hcnvy M, unbleached muslin, 3ic
19c Towels, 10c.
6c Towels, 2V4c
lOo Towels, V&c.
10c CrnBh, 6c. " 1 -J
25c Pcrenllne, S&c.
Long cloths, 7',$c. ; . '
19e outing flannol, 8!ic.' . " ,
Tobacco Sale
Star Plug Chewing Tobacco, per plug, 37!8
Horscshoo Chewing Tobacco, per plug, 37o
Fruit Juleo Plug Chowlng Tobacco, per
Plug 100
,Nesboy Plug Chowlng Tobacco, per
. Plug 7i4a
Hattlo Axo Plug Chowlng Tobacco, per
plug Zla
Climax Plug Chowlng Tobacco, per
Plug 37Ho
Novo Plug Chowlng Tobacco, per plug, 29o
(enuliio Durham Smoking Tobacco..,. 50o
Duko'a Mixture Smoking Tobacco 32a
Undo Tom Smoking Tobacco, per pnek-
ago 7 Vac
Old Stylo Smoking, per pound 26a
A good clgnr, 50 In box 1 Vic each
A hotter clgnr, 50 in box 2c.
'Flno long filler cigar, 60 In box tho
same you pay lOo for wo sell you 3',Jc each
Candy Department
Verv flno Oum Drons
Itoasted Salted Peanuts .
Mixed Candy, per pound
Peanut tunny
c iioeoiaio
Wn rnnkn fill our eiindv 111 tho storn nn.i
u-nulil llkn verv much in Imvu nil Irwllnu
como nnd seu how It Is mndo.
Special Meat Prices
No, 1 California Hams $Uo
No. 1 Supar Cured Hums 1 1 1 0
Hex nrnnd Chipped necf io
10-lb. cans Pure Lnrd ji.ju
1-Ih. ran Corned Hoof i;Q
Fancy Honcless Corned Hoef 70
Pickled Houoysucklo Trlpo 3Jio
Salt Pork g0
Umbrellas aro tho brwt you over fo-.v.
They make ahlrts.