THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FBI DAY, SEPTEMBER 1 3, 1901. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for theao column will lie tnkeu until 12 m. lor the vrnlna edition, anil until H;.10 p. ni. tor uuirnluK ami Sunday edition. natea, 1 i-20 a word 11 rat Intertlon, lo a rrarfl tharenfter. Untiling taken s tor lea tlmn ZQu fur (lie Oral Inarr tlon, 1'heae ad vert laemeota taasl ba wnm eonaernttvelf. Aifvrrllarra, 1 reqneatlug a hercdl cheek, can linre anawera ad. drraaed ti, a nniubered letter la ear of The llee. Anarrera ao addreaaed will h' llvpid mm araaeatatlaa mi tmm Weak air. 'A NT Ell MALE HELP. WANT ISO, 73 men to work In beet Melds. We hiivo a few houses reserved -for men with large famine. Standard Cattle Company. Amen, Neb. U 46S II WANTED, Ilist-clnHB Insurunce solicitors; wo will make very liberal, contract with men of ability callable of linnillltiK general agency. Call or address, Fidelity Having St Trust Co. J17N, V. Life IJIiIb., Omaha. 13 176 07 WANTED, men to learn barber trade! a thoroughly iiractlcul trulnlng Riven Iti two month by constant pructlce, expert In structions, lecture, etc.: nlwas good de mand for graduates. Wo have placed 30) In positions nt $12.(0 per week anil over Id the last year. We can do as well for you. Hoard and room Inclurled, If de sired. Two years' apprenticeship envid; comnleto otitllt of tools presented '-'itch student; B.ituiday wages irom start; no trade or profession ofrrrs better Induce ments for comparatively no expense. Illustrated catalogue mulled Uee. Mo!er lluibcr College, 1023 Fnrnum Ht. B-MI7I 13 TEAMS wanted, at once, one mllu south of Fort Crook, Jackson Bros. 11 M&23 WANTED, u harbor. Alfred Harris. I'lerro, Neb. B-M579 19 THREE upholsterers, steady work. GWIjp Couch Co,, 1519 Lcuvcnwortn. B 531 12 WANTED, two salesmen In nn Omaha real t'State office; one for farm land and the ether for city property; rcfcrcncs ie quired. O 15, Uee. H-.M39I 13 WANTKI), nn experienced mnn to work In stock of ii plumbing supply house. Ne brnskiiJMumblng S-ipply Co. B-MI20 13 WANT lit), thrro enrpentors, nt once; $2 a. day and. hoard. Cluus Stunge, contractor, 111 tan, Neb. U-MHl 15 WANTED, hnrncssmaUcr; must bo gnoi genert.1 hand; steady work. W. G, (lollop, North Bend, Neb. I) 139 IP WANTHD. salesman for Omaha and vicin ity to sell groceries, for a Chicago Iioue having nn established trado; grnccrv cltrk proferrtd. must give bond. Address S 1C, Ird & Thomas, Chicago. H Mi35 IS WANTED, bookkeeper, with experience In making wholesalo credits;: upply at nice; best city references only conMJorcd. Orchard & Wllhelni Carpet Co. Il-MIt! II $3,O0n.OO .GENERAL A OK NT WANTED,'" A responsible mid established manufactur ing llrm wants n general agent to take charKe of Its litiNlncsH and emplny sales men and supervise their work in a Rood territory. This l nn Important position and ictiulres a man of umiiiPHtlonnblu Integrity, good business cxpeilenco and high executho abllty. , Tji) must be able to Judse sales men and be a hard worker, persevering, forceful and thoroughly In earnest. ihN means an all-around hlgh-graile man. and only applications denoting such will bo considered. This position w.ll rnv a salary of or more, a year, when properly tilled, Give age, references, salary desired and full particulars of present position nnd past experience, and address, 1. O. Bx u& Omaha, Neb, I! IIS 15 WANTHD, one galvanized Iron cornice worker. Globe Cornice Works, Fremont. yj, B-MI75 15 WANTHD. traveling salesmen IHepTem her -, also advertisers; cash Salary. Trl r""'n' u"llnH Texas. H-JHC7 :o WANTHD. reliable man to represent, 'lo rally, at responsible manufactilrlntr com pany; salary ts pep week; splendid op portunity Tor ndvancemont; no rinvass Inir. Address, with rcferrnee. Manufac turer, 7;'3 Chestnut Si., I'hlladelphla. I'a. , I1-.M16I 15 WE want pood coal haulers with teams; r.M,,1 J? P;n,! waRes. Omaha Coal, Coke & I.lme Co, 11-.MIS2 15 B".UM!I F.r ,n liolesalhoiiseT"nKo about 83. Address G 81, Uee. li-.Miirt n TWO eornlrn mnkers nt once; nil winter's work: union shop; 40 cents an hour. K. E. bchoppo & Co., alt Lake City. ' H-MICSlt SAI.ESME.V WA.Vl'HII. CIGAH salesmen with established traOe with InrRo dealers, who huy direct from factories. Address, with full particulars, II. C. FlBhcr, Kisher bulldlriK. ChlcaKo. , j -M3W Oct 0 BBVEHAIj capablp to trnvel and cslnblish Htrents for our popular art edition of Karrar s Life of Christ. A ri eat ho Wv propos l ion. This inaKnlllcent work I In connection with our association offer stas Rcrs competition; UCi monthly and qx. penses to live men. 007 Stnr bklR'. chl cnB0, -JD03 . WAXTKH-FKMAI.E IIELI. WANTED, 200 girls. 15: Dodce. Tel. S7C C-010 60 GIUI.8, all kinds work. Canadian Omcc. C-311 WANTED, housekceperMn small Amerfcan family. AddtVBs y 49, Uee. C-M360 VANThD, ladles to. learn hairdrcsslnK. manlcurluK and facial masaaso; complete coursu.Klvcn In four weeks; one years' time aaycU by our method ,uf, frCQ Uln'.c. expert Instructions, lectures, etc. Com: Pleto outfit of tools presented each stu dent;, positions Ruaranteed. There Is no l?fT ?WimW-0 vor lnlA' .can III. Call or write al oncu. Moler Colle(;e, 6 J C-M173 a)l' wa,ltc,, Keneral liousewprk. 4lf n! . : U-fl9 15 WANTED, exiierlcncecr salesladies "nmiu llnery department Do.ton atori. j i' Urandcls .t Hons: . C M573' 12 COOK wanted. 3510 KarnanrsTT" C-mTto"" WANTED, experienced srl for RenTrai housework; waROs, $1 a week. Ad lesi L. 11. Hcams. H. y. D. No. 2. Couiiell . UIUft3' ; ' C-M5S.! l"r'' COMI'ETENT filrl. 2 In family. 1258730 st. Mrs. N. I.. Guckert. U 585 is AA-NLTnP.,a .Klrl for Keneral hourownrk. Gla bo. 25th Ave. C 553 12 GOOD girl' whnteii at 1010 Cuss st. ' C-M3&7 13 COMPETENT Hlrf for Reneral housework. i".LVfcro'Zc"i,1. rofiulred.. Mrs. Warren Swltz ler, 2001 st. Mary'H ave. C 417 12 WANTED, mlddle-nitcd woman to do lleht ....... lllluUlt-tlKUl 1YUII1IIU IO UO 1IJT11I Itlv fl I waifesj II t E. C-U6 13 ... w..iv. 4i;g .-s, iuiii, IIUI r., a,Di.?1r1i.'nrt I'l'-liTstands cooking to help In kllchcn, Mrs. Donovan. ISlo Chl-caB- C 119 13 ATi5i?'i t,r' fr Roncral housework who 2aiCia,yok' ;Mr'rj A Vaw j . C-M4II 14 omTwesT sf,f.,n"'U IwUMWtTrkJ gooil wages, o.'T a. 23th ave. C M429 II V'ANTED. dining room KlrTor" chmnhnr. maid. The Utopia, 1721 Davenpo?t 0F C-M15,i u GIRL wanted, good cook and laTndriTiT Mrs. John W. Airstln. 5o7 H, 50th 81 C-451 12 WANTED, "a eotnpetent cook and launT dross; also n housemaid. Address 231S Landau Court. " C 4J5 11 WANTED, a competent second girl. Apply No. U2i Hark Ave. C-M161 15 WANTED, makers and preparers for mil linery dpt. Apply- 11a) don Hros. . C-M459 13 I OU It 1I.T HOUSES. IF YOU want your houses well rented place them with Bttiawa & Co. D-913 roit ItE.NT-HOtSES. SHE HENJIY H. I'AYNE, 601 N. Y. LIKE. D-S15 11OC0ES, stores. Ucmls, Taxton block. D-9U IIOL'SKS, etc. V. D. Wcad, 1521 Douglas. P9H HOUSES and flnt3rRlngwalt, Darker Hlk. D !2i TO MOVE rlRht get Omaha Van Storage Co,, oinco 15llj t-'artiam, or tel. 1560-&63. D-913 FOU HENT-Tha Putnam Co.. C0I-S N. T. L. Iildg. iiui c i-rootd nat, steam heat, water, modern; long lcaso to good teuunt. D-MH1 VOll KENT, 11-room stone house, 115 N. 25th Ht. 11. T. Clarke, 127 Itamgo IJlk. D-M76I TWO 9-n-om brick houses; all modern con veniences. 122and 124 S. 25th st. Inquire 1203 Tarnam st. D-M303 VOtl ItENl. 222 N. 19th, 11 rooms, modern $V00 2121 N. Kith, 11 rooms, modern fC.O) t!17 N. 24th. lo rooms, modern 30. M j3) Harney, s rooms, modern m.O) 315 California, H rooms, modern UM 1005 N. 23d, 6 rooms , 15 oj Aud a number ot good houses for less money. UYHON HEED CO,, 212 8. Hth. U-M1?2 l-ROOMhouge, 2722 S. 20th, 1 block from car line, U. W. L Selby, 33 1 Hoard of Trade building. D M1SI HOUSES. WHEATON, C8 I'oxton Ulk. D-15S I' pit KENT, 8-room house, city water, bath, largu yard. 30th and Hurt Ku. J. A. Lmgren. 424 I'axtun Ulk. D-231 12(6 WILLIAM ST., a gcod three-room Hat, with city water, 10. OMAHA LOAN AND THUST CO., 16th aud Douglas Sti. D-SK 0-IIOOM "brlckTioutci EtT S. SSth st. Apply to U'llll.ims-Hayward Shoe Co., liOi Ilowird v. D-MSJ6 HOl'SE, 312 N. 22d. near High school. In- Wlii ! mm aulro 304 N. 22d. D-712 1337 S. 31ST, S rooms, nil modern, furnlshi-.i. Tel. 314. D-M578 14 S-ltOOM brick house, modern. 2717 Jitckson, Telephono A. Traynor, 491 or L-21M. D-921 VEHY pleasant six or eight-room flat, well located and In line lepalr. Inquire '10 Iirowu block. D 774 219 S. 29TH AVE.. 8-roo.m house, nil mod ern; will paper and vnrnlfh throughout; lent L'5 to Al tenant with teferenues. OMAHA IjOAS AND THUST CO., ICth and Douglas Sts. D-S15 KOH RENT, house and barn, all modern, 2137 South 33d St. Apply 4W Merchants' National Hank Hldg. D-917 1707 VINTON street, store with two live room Hats ubove. The whole building has Just been painted nnd papered throughout. Will make u. very reasonable rent to a goud tenant, or will rent separately. THE OMAHA LOAN & THUST CO.. lUth and Douglas Sts. D-91S ONE C-rcorr. flat, modern, 1112 8 lllh. D-97J HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. Hretinan-Lovo Co., 3UU South 13th street. D-013 5-HOO.M modern houe. 1G15 Mnndcrsrn St. Inqul.'e 1914 N. 24th St. or telephone A-2o6f. D-7 SIS SO. 23D ST., 4 rooms, city water, In i;ood condition: rent, J10.0). OMAHA LOAN & THUST CO., lOtli and Douglas Sts. D-M9 1'OH RENT, eight-room house; convenient; ail' modern: 2zd and California Sts. in iiulre No. 507, N. Y. Life building. D-MtS8 TWO now, mouern B-room housss. 2014-W Him St.; completed Sept. lo. Thos. II. Kell, 406 Merchants Nat'l Dank b iig.- D-MIM , ROOMS, mw house, with bath, furnace, laundry, cemented cellar, gas, electrlcty. loO-ft, ilnwn. south front, conveniently lo cated incur car line, m Dundee-: V. L. Selby,' Hoard ot Ttado bldg. 'Hhone 1510. D-M1SJ FOR RENT. Sept. 15; six-room cottage, 2211 California St.. $-2. Apply at CO, N. 19th st. D-600 TEN-ROOM house, nil modern, 2206 Har ney st. D 5S6 12 C-KOOH, new modern house. 1317 S. 6th et. D-tSI 12' FOR RENT, elegant 8-room house; all modern Improvements. 401 N. 23d. D-MI10 13 8-ROOM moilcrn house. 116 S. 31st nve.j tine location. Information, 'phone V 2600. D-M401 II' 10-ROOM modern detached house, nice shade trees nnd lawn. No. 2543 Capitol Ave. Tel. 673. H. H. Hoblson. D-M104 8507 8. 32D ST.. good 7-room house; city water, furnace, barn; owner wants good tenant who will caro for property, rather thai! high rent; will rent for 113. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO., Sixteenth and Douglas Sts. D-M336 9-ROOM house, furnished or unfurnished. 1512 Davenport. D-114 10 STORES, corner 28th and Dodge sts.; newly painted nnd papered; good cash trade here for grocer and meat murkat. Apply to Wclshans Mantel & TUo Co., 309 ; ,17th st. D-127 IS HEADY Sept. 16th, 9-room house, 4940 Capi tol ave. Set 4903 Chicago st, D-MI31 15 FOR RENT, well furnished 7-room house, strictly modern, southwest "part town; possession at once. Lyman Waterman, C09 Hoe. D-417 11 TO LET. S-room house, near Curtis Turner purK. new, Willi every convenience, w. i''nrnam Smith Co,, 1320 Fal-nam st.- D-M472 7.R.. CITY water, near Farnnm car. ut .1614 Dodgo, ohcaii at H. 8-'r., mod., new porcelain bath, nt 2373 Dodge, J20.50. . l' . comett, you fs'. y. l.ite. 'fiiono i:ss. D-M473 IS' D-R, IIRICIC house, two together, strictly modern, goad furnace, storm windows for every window, nlso storm doors, rent $3o each. Inquire 1203 Knrnam -St. D-M457 15 FOR RENT, house 11 rooms', all modern except furnace; good 1mm, $22. Sturges, G17 N. Y. Life. D-M465 15' l'Olt HENT-l'UH.MSHEU nUU31S. Housekeeping rooms $6 up. 2623-St. Mary's. E-M640 H2)' 3 ROOMU for light housekeeping, 1112 8. 11th St. E-MtS DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Karnam, E-9J.I THE THURSTON. Cool, airy roome. E-WI S.MALI., neatly furnished, well-heated .'oonia; everything modern. 116 S. 23th St. E-V27 LARGE front room nnd alcove, well fur nished, modern; suitable for two, 2il3 Cats. St. E-.M437 FOR RENT, two large furnished or un furnished rooms. Address V lb, Dee. E-142 FOR RENT, to two gentlemen, u large, well furnished front room, south and east exposure, within 5 blocks of postolttcu; 110 olliir roomers. Address F 31, Uee oitlce. E-240 THREE connecting rooms for housekeep ing, partly turnished. Urussels curpcts, gus, huth, telephone, hot and cold water; no children. 2129 Farnam st 3d floor, west Hide. ,E-Mt69 16' NICE front room, contra.lly located. 1512 Davenport. 11a Jt NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for students, 2010 Davenport st. E M130 16 NICELY furnished rooms by day or week, nu iiiuuerii; ruics reasouuoie. -oj. uong a. E-M476 14' 3 ROOMS Tor light housekeeping- 7lT28T Hth st. E-M884 1'Ult.MSHKU ROOMS AND DOAUD. UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St. F-925 Ft'HMSHED ntlOMS AMD flOAHD. GI.E.-.CAIHN, transient 11.25 day. 1609 Doug. K-927 Tilcl Merrlam, summer resort, 25th & Dodge F-02S TWO largo front rooms, with board. 1959 Capitol Ave. F 316 DES1RAULE rooms, first-class board. 25S4 Harney. F-M353 13" Vhe'faRNAM," TsnT'arnam" "sUtrarT (lent meals a specialty. F M54I 15 ROOMS and board. The Rose, 2rt5) Harney . street, F M463 Oct 1 2' FOH nB.T-U.M"t;il.M!lllED HOOMS. DESIC loom space, $S per month, ground floor room in The Bee building, facing Farnam -street; no expense for light, heat or Janitor strike. It. C. Peters & Co., Hentnl Agents, Heo Uulldlng. O 116 FOR, light housekeeping. 2024 St. Mary's. G-M617 PARLOR floor, unfurnished; nlso furnished rooms for housekeeping. 2603 Dodge. G-M17I 15 FOll HEXT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, store In first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply R. C, Peters & Co., ground lloo. Hee Hldg. 1 260 FOR KENT, odlco with vnult and part first floor or all top tloor, 1414-16 Harney St. Midland Glass und Paint Co., Hlu Harney St. ' 1-923 FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by The Heo at 916 Fanipm St. It has tour stories and a basement which was tormerly used as TJio lice press room. This will be rented very reasonably, if Interested apply at oncu to C. C. Rose wuter. secretary, room loo, Uee Uulldlng. I-20I AGH.VrS IfA.VI'ED. WANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit suuscriptlons for THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER and the NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK and COMPLETE STOCK. DOC TOR. This splendid book contains l.lvo Imperial octavo pages, $M object-teaching engraving. and is the only uook on live stock ever published udapted to the every day, practical, money-saving use of every tanner aim stock owner. Steady employ ment with assured good Income. Agents in tnc country with horso and buggy es pecially desired. Canvassers make easily to $100 per month. Address, Century Farmer Solicitors' Uurcuu, Uee Uulldlng, Omahu. j 157 WANTED, nn actlvo nnd capable man In each town near Omaha to represent a strong oil company now operating In ttio wonderful Kern river oil Meld: good prop osition for the right man. Audress Hill Davenport st., Omaha. . J M122'io itE.vr. WE HAVE over 230 tenants and no vacant houses. If you wish your houses well rented list them with us. Klugwali Uros., Barker block. K 3u7 13 WANTED, 2 or 3 unfurnished rootna for light housekeeping between Lake nnd Ames near 8ltn; no. children; Al refer ences. G 22, Hoe. K M45S 13' FURNISHED hojse. 3 to 6 months, for man and wife und little girl; 7 to ! rooms, In good location. C. F. Harrison. Tel. 314. K-M469 11 hTUltAUn, PACIFIC Storage, and Warehouse Co., 812 914 Jones, general storage ana turwardlng. two OM. Vun Stor. Co., 151114 Farn. Tels. 1359-MU. -9J1 STORAGE Household goods and other articles str-ied at low rates. J. j, Derlght & Co.. 1119 Farnam St. Tel. 3s3. 'M DETECTIVE AGENCY. ,CAPT. P. MOSTYN, 517 Karbach Hlock, OnialiH, Neb. Reliable operation:), tu.,. ness confidential. r-576 3U WANTEDTO UDV. IMPROVED FARM I want to buy a 1C9 to a:u-ucre nnprovca larin in tuste.n .-Nebraska, ir.ut be a decided bargain, for fcpbl cash. Address F i, ile'c. N-M219 11 ELEVATORS Wo wnnt 500 carloads of corn chart or screenings, eltner from shelter or second cleaning; write us for prices. . Cellulose Alutli'csj co ICuiuus City, Mo. N-M8U 16' MAX FOGEL buys 2d-hd. clothing. 12u7 Fur. .AUlU U18 FOR BALE FUUMTUKU. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. New and scconunanu turmture bought, sold, exchanged. U 933 FOll SALE MOUSES VEHICLES. ETC. MULES for sole, In carload lots or spans; big stocK 10 select irom. aiwurm-tiu-Inter Co., Union StocK Yards. P-M6M S20 TALK1 It up Harry Frost, Hth and Lcav- enworill, muKes goou veuicies, r w l'Olt SALE -MISCELLANEOUS. 2DH AND eufe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. y JO SAFES, standard makec, sold, rented. 114 S 13 I Ii u UIG lino of secotidhund wheels, $3, $5, $4, $10, uiiiauu iiicycie to,, join una unicugo ais. VI 937 FIR timbers for housemovers, etc., 40 to 71 ft., crlnplng ana noi fence, wi Doug las. Q-909 CHOICE lot of milch cows for sale cheap. b. i. campueu, m uenier at. w ost HUGG1ES, phaetons, surreys, wagons, bl- OCI3E; Dig fctocn pew, sccona-nanu oar uams. FiedrickBon, 16th und Dodge, Q-MD78 S29 SPECIAL bargains In ladles' wheels. umuiu uicyciu Co., uor. letn & Chicago Bts. Q-710 CHESAPEAKE Hay puppies, finest re- trieveis c, water sowi; u lew leu; rea sonable prices. A. J. liayne, 3824 N. 23d St. Q-310 17 25-SETS of second-hand doublo and single Harness, 10 sauaies; genuine onrgains. A. Singer, 416 N. 16th; removed nom l.cj Dough-s. Q-M857 Oct.6 $16,000 SALOON nnd store building; 7 living rooms upstaiis; ground 60x 06; corner Pnn .....I lt..,,lou 1 iinur Itrn. ti rn.1 UIIU wuub.mct, " v v.w... uv 25 HORSE-POWER, boiler, and engine, for sale cheap, tiiu a. Hin st. uMS'.z 010 CLAIUVO YANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. S19 N. 10th. 8-649 DON'T fall to call and consult the Rou manian gypsy, who reveals all secrets and reaus and explains to you your en tire lite. 1923 Douglas st., cor. 20th. S MI95 11' MME. GYLMEH, genuine palmist, 315 8. 15th. S 156 rEnsoxAi., M. GOLDMAN & CO., only perfect ac cordion plaattng plant In tne west; mall orders solicited, Suite 200, Douglas block. U-910 LOOK. GENTLEMEN, LOOKI For KING AK-SAR-UEN. He wll be accompanied by the PRINCE OF OMAlL; a unlon-maue cigar, whtch has no superior In quality and flavor, bold by dealers at 60 straight; wholeailo at $37 per l.OuO. W. F. Stoecker Cigar Co. U-M44 11 DR. ROY. chiropodist; corns and superflu ous nair rimuveu circiricuy. u. j' Fretucr block. U-9U VIAVA, woman's way to health; rational, wiioieruiiiu iiviiiiw ,.viii,iw-iii. on ore isiag U-912 PI11VATE hospital for ladles before find during confinement; babies adopted. 230J Urant street. u 941 PRIVATE home for ladles before and dur ing confinement; babies adopted. 2620 uurdette si. Mrs, uurget. u jii o PERSONAL. WE RENT sewing machines for 75 cent per week; wo repair and sell needles and parts for every machine manufactured. 'Phone 1663. Neb. Cycle Co.. 15 & Harney. Hranch olllces 612 N. 24th st., Sou.h Omaha; also 334 Uroadway, Council Uluffs, U-MI33 Si7 l'RIVATE homb for ladies before nnd dur ing conllnement; babies adopted. 21.0 Uurdette St. Mrs. Uurget. U 117 SJ' AK-SAR-HEN PROGRAM COMMENCES SEPT. 11. too.uo Tribune tSZ.V) $50.00 Rugby :u.0o $10.f"U Atulrae 38.W $10.00 Featherstono... 33.u) $30.00 Nonpareil 13.00 $33.00 Crescent 25.U0 Secondhand wheels $3.00 up. Sundries nnd repairing. LOUIS FLESCHER, 1622 CAPITOL AVE. U-M 150 14 SUPPLIES for nil machines; machines for rent. White Sewing Machine, 1620 Doug las. Tel. 2231. U-945 RUPTURE CURED without the knife. Km plre Rupture Cure, .32 N. Y. Life Hldg. U-99J S30 OMAHA Accordion Pltg Co., 1521 Douglas. U-941 MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor, U 2 U-292 Oi MR. SOL ROSE and Mr. Thos. Dorsey havo severed their connections with the Ne braska Cycle Co., with whom they have worked for several years, add nro now with the Singer Manufacturing Co. Tholr many friends can see them during the Ak-8nr-Hen Carnival at the Singer liooth of which they will have ehorge, and nfter wards at the Singer otnee, 15U Dnugbis st. Telophone 41S. C-M332 15 WALlI'APER elennen C. McddlcmlsT. 'Phone 12WI. Leave orders nt 1519 Farnam. Rooms cleaned $1 and up. V MI23 IS' WANTHD, to correspond with olllcers of several good towns wanting electric llqht pltnts or willing to grant franchise. G 17, Hce. U-M123 II' WANTED, one nsslsfant tiurje ami ono helper tu kitchen, at Child SavlnR Insti tute, ISth nnd Ohio sts. U-M 137 IT PEOPLE, listen to what I say: I can break the force of any disease in 11 day. I'rof. Johncon, 10th nnd Jones St". V 152 14' MONEY TO LO AX-HEAL ESTATE. 6 AND f.Vi per cent loans. W. H. Thomas, First National Hank building. Tel. 1613. W-346 WANTED, city loans, bonds nnd warrants. George & Company, 1601 Farnam rtreet. W-917 LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms nt 5 per cent; borrowers 1 1111 pay $100 or uny multiple; any interest date; nu delay, Urennan-Lovo Co.. 309 So. 13th St., Omuha, Neb. W-950 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Fnruam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam street. W-91S WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. H. C. Petei'J & Co., 17t2 Farnam St., Hce Hldg, W-J49 IVi TO 5 P. C. money. Beml.i, Paxton Dlk. W-951 $50,000 SPECIAL fund; loans $500 up; lowest rates. Garvin Hros,, 1001 Farnam. W-932 $3f, $IOt. $500 PRIVATE money to loan; 1, 2. 3 or 6 years. W. L. Sclby, Hoard of Trade Hldg, W-9'jS SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. B01-2 N. Y. Life. W-lb9 MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real estate Urennan-Love Co., 309 South 13lh. W-954 PRIVATE money. Shcrwood 937 N. Y. L. W-93 W. 11. MEIKLE. 401 S. 15th St.. loans money on residence property, ut 5 per cent. W-95C PRIVATE money. F. D. Wend, 1524 Douglas. - W-957 MONEY TO .LOAN' CHATTELS. - 1' MONEY lsanid on platfl7 note lo salaried people; business conlliiaiitiat; lowest rates, oil Paxton block. 'I lie, A, Hutton Co. X-1 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horsi'j, cows,, eto. C. F. Reed, 319 m. 1:1. X Oil DO YOU NEED MONEY 7 Wo loan $10 and up on furniture, pianos, horses and other chattels, SALARY LOANS Without mortguge to peup.e Holding pcrma- ncnt positions, you can get tne money in a few hours ufter making application nnd take 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, U months or more la which to pay It back, and you'necd not pay lo.1 It one tlnv longer thnn you keep 11. Wo charge nothing for papers ami wo glio you the full amount In cash. There .110 no lower rates than ours; our torma aro the easiest, out nusiucss is confidential nnd our motto Is "try to please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Hoard of Trade Hldg. Tel. 83J5. (Estubllbhed 1W2.) 206 S. 16th t. 1 "DO YOU WANT CARNIVAL MONEY? Salary Loans To honest working people on their plain note.' DON'T GET FOOLED by others. Outs are lowest rates given to salaried people. Easiest payments. Strictly cunlldentlal. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Room 3U3, thlru floor, Paxton Block. X-3H LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE. live stock, etc. Quick service ana lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOH, 633 (ton floor) Paxton block, northeast corner 16th and Farnam; entrance 011 lbth street. X-96) LARGEST BUSINESS In LOANS TO SALARIED people, merchnnts, tcam stcis, bearding houses, etc., without se curity: eualcst terms; 40 offices In princi pal cities. Tolnian, 4I'J Hoard of Trade Bldg. X-'JJ'J MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows, jewelry, uufl ureen, it. s, liarKur uik X-9JJ IIUS1NESS CHANCES. ROOMING house ot 20 rooms, furnished, naif block from Main St. Address .Mm, L. 13. Miller, 39 Leo St., Deadwood, S. D, Y 19 13' AN elegantly and completely equipped 12- room residence, finest location in council Bluffs, beautltul lot surrounded by line Hhuue trees; inrnltiire tor sale nt sacri fice; $365 monthly Income; roomers and boardcis; rent, $40; barn brings W. Who will avnil themselves of this golden op portunity? J. 11. Johnson, ll W. Y. Life, 'phone ii-227o. Y-M407 FURNITURE of 11-room, well equipped, flue located flat, $210 monthly income, roomers and boarders, furnace heat; rent $50. Ludy ndvnnced ill )euis going runt to xeslde. No reasonable offer rejected, Her loss, your gain, J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-M4U0 GOOD chance to buy electric light plant In aman town 111 aujoining siuie. u iu, ueo. Y-tMI8 14 FOR SALE, a good paying restaurant. Ad dress P. O. box 6l7, North P.ntte, Neb. Y-M1W U FOR SALE, drug store. In thriving v.llage; good reasons for selling. John O. Regan, Platte Center. Neb. Y-M131 2. FOll EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE, merchandise; good stock general dry goods, furnishing goods, notions, etc.; clean, staple, saluble goods; all nearly new; will exchange for part cash, part real estate, farm land pre ferred; must have some cush to pay ullls due; glvo full particulars and vnluo of property; might aHSumo some mortgage If good property. Address Somers fc Brown, L07 Manhattan Block, Ht. Paul, Minn. .-I5I 19' FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE. SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601-2 N. Y. Life, RE-973 FOR SALE, 19,000-acre ranch; over 20 miles fence, 7 miles of riven If taken at once, 14.WU. uuri.B i' is, ave, ut,-aijU4 lfio ACREh. 1V4 miles northweit of Flor nee, only 7Vj miles from Omaha P. O.l (0 acrcb under cultivation, balance in heavy timber: can nearly all be cultl. vated If broke; price, $15.00 an acre. The uyron t'.eeu wo., m t. mn m , HE-MS8J FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. RANCH nnd farm lands for sale by the Union Pncltlc Railroad company. B. A. McAllaster, land commissioner. Union Pa cific Hcadquurtcrs, Omahu, Neb. RE-9T2 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Dals Co,, Room 652 Uee Building. RE-974 MINNESOTA. South Dakota, Cnnada furms. WHEATON, 42S Paxton Hlk. RE-1J1 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 120J Farnnm St. RE-971 WE HAVE on hand nt all times selected first mortgages on Improved property at bVi to 6 per cent. Call and seo us. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. Main floor, New York Life Hldg. RE Mios 30 FARMS, C. F. HARRISON, 913 N. Y. Life. HE-563 O 8' TWELVE of tho finest nnd cheapest lots In the city In block 16, Wilcox's First ad dition, 1 block north of Vinton St. Lots facing 24th street, east front, all on grade $"0 Lots facing 25th street 5w $100 cash, balanco on easy terms. Also homes In tiny part of the city, cheap, on easy terms, Call nnd see W. It. RUS SELL. 426 Rnmge Hldg., city. RE MISS iTA7mTiNs"VAi $ 650-1315 Patrick Ave., Clifton Hill. 750-5-room house, barn, Uurdette, near . 29th. 7503316 Meredith Ave., 5 rooms, city wnttr. 1.C00- -.toll l.lndsnv Ave., 4 rooms, full lot. l,O0O-30xl'7 Patrick Ave., nenr 21th, rcntnl $10. 1,100 Corner houso nnd barn, 17th, near Vinton. l,200-3T3fl Larimoro Ave., 8-room house, two lots. 1.2M--716 S. loth, rents for $12.50. 1,400 Cottage, barn, fruit, half acre, N. 24th St. 1.I0O Cottage, 17th, near Corby. l.GOO-SJxllo. rental $8uo per enr, N. 19th. 1.1(10 ibid Spauldlng, 7 rooms, modern. 2,250 Two nine-room houses, with conven iences Snap. 2,500-22oi-:i N. 19th, rental $23. 3,00O-9-room, modem, hot water heat, cholco locality. This place Is worth $3,500 to $!,ooo. At this price for this month only. Seo It at once. 3,oOO S. E. cor. 24th and Davenport, rcntat $.136 per year. One of tho best loca tions In tho city for Hats or doublo houses. A great bargain. 4,200-Cholco rental property netting 8 per cent on this price. o,K 3 large lots, store and several cot tages, rental S0o per year. Would take laud In centrnl Nebraska In , part payment. Bargains In all parts ot the city. Cholco opportunities to loan money on first mort gages at 6 and 7 per cent. GEORGK O. WALLACE, BROWN BLOCK. RE 113 HOUSES nnd lots In all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co.. Room 552 Bee Building. HB-741 TEL. THREE-ONE-FOUR. HARRIfiON. RE-342 N3' FOR SALE, 9-rooni modern house. Inquire i.'.i S. 26th nve. HE-5S8 10' KOUNTJiE PLACE! COMING TO THE FRONT!! The Improved crop condlt'on? have FULLY restoied conlldcnco In OMAHA CITY property; this FACT Is oipetlil'y noticeable In KOUNTZE PLACE. Several properties havo RECENTLY been sold In that addition and other nle.i aro PEND ING. For the last TWO WEEKS wo have had more Inquiry for property In that part of the city than for the past six month. If you wish to purchase In KOUNTZE PLACE now Is undoubtedly your time. 1 'A YN E-K NOX COM PAN Y, Main Floor New York Life Bldg. RE-MI42 II POTTER, FORGAN & HASKELL? 420 New York Llfo B.dg, Teh. 1920 nnd 170. $2,00U tor a fiuw 6-room house at 1419 N. 19lh ht., model p. Rood barn 111 rcari witn.n walking distance ot postotllco; as an In vestment will pay 10 per cent and leave $70 tor taxes and repairs each year. It will pay you to Investigate. HH-M136 11' FOR SALE, three lots, with six-room cot 'age. in Walnut Hill; price. $1,0)0. Ad drtss G 18. Ute olllce. RE M4J2 IS FOR SALE, fruit und gnrden place nnd grocery store; seven acres, part In choice grapes, plums and other fruit; a splendid busineMs location; b.un, Ice house, sheds, well, cistern, etc.; ono mile out of town on main rond. Inquire at, 33o Broadway, Council Uluffs, la. HE Ml 15 SPECIAL bargain In 7-r. house, just west OI lllgll SCIIOOI, Large farm, half hour'.s ride on train nut of Omaha, with two sets of oulldlntcs, $10.0oo. SO ncrc-i", 60 minutes' drive from 1. O., Il.uxi. 160 acres, miles west, nt $75.00. 11-r. nouse, near 1 reignton college, j.'.ito Neat 5-r. cottage, tlno trees, full lot and barn, nenr Hanscom Park, $I,6W. High, sightly lot, off Farnr.m St.. $1,130. Lot on Ennnct St., fenced and fruit. f3!0. F. D. WEAD, 1521 Douglas St. RE-130 13 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading fcpeciallst In dUeases of women in Omilm, would call tho attention of ladies to hin unsurpassed accommoda tions before and during confinement, and nls treatment for irregularities, no mat ter what cause. Call or address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, 1513 Dodge St., Omaha, Neb. M-S50 S.7' OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 615 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. luoi. Alice jounsou, u. , inuies ucpi,; Cta E, Johnson, Ostcopathlst, Mcr, ui(J DONOIIUE, Osteopath, Puxton Ulk. Tel. 1367 977 A. T. HUNT, D. O., 305 Knrbnch Hlk. Tel,2552 9J3 DR. MUSICIC, Douglas Block. -311 MIOHTIIAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Llfo. 9.9 BOYLES' College, court reporter principal. Bob Bldg. t -930 NEB, Business & Shorthand College, Hoyd a Theater. :S1 GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. ICth & Doug -9S2 LOST. GOLD watch, fob chain, $2.50 goldpleco charm, between 14lh nnd Fnrnam und Fort Omaha. Reward. Return to Bee Of fice. Lost 4.13 13' nooiCKEr.PiN'u. LESSONS in bookkeeping, etc., day or even ing. R 15, Coin. Nat. Uauk. G. R. Ruthbun. 309 PATENTS. WILL HUY any good Invention or patent. Address. Lock Box 760, Dcs Molno.1, In. -D:6 HAVE ensh for good patent or invention. Address P. O, Box 85, Omaha, Neb. 1SI N7' IIOILEH MAKERS. OMAHA Holler Works, steam boilers, tanks, stacks, etc. Tel. 1359. 12th and Izard Sts. 93 DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES. M1b Sturdy, 2576 Harnoy. -S73 8 29' LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 I.cnvenworth. Tel. 517. . OSS NICKEL PLATING. BTOVE8, lamps, etc., replating. Omaha Platirg CO., boo iimg, Tel. 953 CARPENTERS AND .IOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work nnd repalrlnj promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree Nth and Lake St. 370 PAW.MIIIOKERS. EAGLE lA)nn Olllce, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglni -U7 FOt'ND. FOUND, lady's watch; owner can procure same by proving property nnd addressing G 20. Bee. Found-Mtl3 IP STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vnughn, 430.RamBO Bldg. -931 THINK FACTORY. TRUNKS, traveling bags, stilt cases. Trunks repaired, om. Trunk Factory, 12(9 Farnam. -171 012 F 11 It N IT II It E REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M. 8. Wnlklln, 2111 Cuming St. -9ii LEGAL NOTICES. CALL FOR REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION. Hy authority and direction ot tho repub lican county committee, duly glvon nt n regularly called meeting, n county delegate convention of the republican of Dnugla county is hereby called to meet al Wash ington hall, In the City of Omaha, nt 2 p. m., Saturday, September 28. li-ol. for tho purpose of nominating candidates to be voted on at the general election November 6, 1901, for tho following county olllcers: One sheriff, otic county Judge, one county clerk, one register of deeds, ono county treasurer, one county surveyor, one countv superintendent of public Instruction, ono county coroner, two county couunlsMoncrs, to bo chocen by the delegates from the respective districts from which thi-y nro to bo elected. Ono representative to till vacancy Six Justices of tho peace nnd ono potlco Judge for tl.o City at Omaha. Two Justlcei of tho pcaco for tho City ot South Omaha. Six constables for tho City of Omahn. Two constables for the City of South Omahn. One assessor for each ward ot the City of Omaha. One assessor for ca h ward of the City of South Omaha. Precinct olllcers for tho various coun'ry predicts, Also to i-elcct members of the republican county central committee and to transact such other business as may properly come before It. By tho same authority a pMmnry election Is nlso called, to bo held Friday, September 27, 1901, In tho various wards and precincts, subject lo the rules governing primary elections adopted by said republican county committee for the purpose of electing dele gates to miM nominating convention. The representation In said convention shall bo fifteen delegates for ench ward In the City of Omaha. Five delegates for each of tho four wnrds In South Omuha and five delegate-) for each of tho fourteen country precinct. At this prlmniy election tho polls will be open In the cities of Omaha and of South Omaha from 12 in. to 7 p. nt., und In the country precincts from 7 p. m. to 9 p. in., at the following places. OMAHA. 7'lrst AVard Sixth and Pierce streets. Second Ward Twentieth and Castcllar streets, Third Ward 1124 Douglas street. Fourth Ward Bee building. Fifth Ward-Sixteenth, near Corby street Sixth Wnrd-Idlowild hall. J Seventh Ward 1331 Park avenue. Eighth Wnid Twenty-second nnd Cuming streets. Ninth Ward Klic Karnan: street HULlll OMAHA, TRY Chicago Kelner's hall Clonturf Joo Mincer's nlnce. Douglas Si boo houso No. t5. East Omnlia Prelst's hall. Elkhorn Swclchart's shop. Florence City hall. Jefferson Mangold's lumber office. McArdle Glandt school house. Millard MUlnrd school house. Plntte Vnlloy-Jall building. Union Powell's blacksmith shop. Waterloo Masonic hall. BcnstinHciiaon hall. Pundre Dundee engine house. The boundaries of the various primary election districts shall be the same as tho boundaries of tho respective wards of Omaha and South Omaha and of the vnr.ous vot ing (llftilcts of the country precincts as existing nt the last general election. The names of all delegates to bo placed on the otllclal primary ballot must b" nie'l with tho secretary of the committee?' with a fee of $2 for each delegate, not later thnn 12 o'clock noon, Tuesdny, September 2U1p1. The officers of said primary election must uu neicuiL-u in iciisi ten nnya nerore the prlmnry election from names suhmlitpd to tho committee. H, E. OSTROM. Chairman Republican Central Commutes. R C. JORDAN, Secretary. Dated at Omaha, September 4. 1901. POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be rend DAILY by nil Interested, as rhnnges may occur at any tlmo.1 Foreign malls for the week ending Sep tember 11. 1901, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the general postolllce as fol lows: Parcels post malls clo3o 0110 hour earlier than closing tlmo shown below, rarcels post malls lor Germany closj at 5 p. m. Monday and Wednesday, ... ..... .,. nuii,ii-iiri,ui j lllllllf CIIISC n. f.irsil,., ItrntiMi l.nlf l.fttiw In ,., . .u,. ... ....v., Ituu, ...v.;, .nun UIU3- lug time shown below. Trnuaiit Inn tic Mulls. S AT t ' R D A V A t 3:39 n. in. for EUROPE, per t. a, l.'mbrln, via Queenslown; nt a. m, for ITALY, per s. s. W'erra, via Naples (mall must be directed "per s. s. Worm"), ut 7:30 a, m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per s. s. Staatendam (mail must bo directed "per s. s. Stnnten dam"): at 9:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. Astoria (mall must bo directed "per s. s. Astoria"). PRINTED MATTHR?ETC.-Thls steamer tokes Printed Matter. Commercial Pa pers and Samples fpr Germany only, Tho samo chu.s of mall matter for other paits of Europe wl'l not be sent hy this shlo unleta specially directed by It. After the closing of the Supplementary Trans-Atlantic Malls j:amd nbove addi tional supplementary malls aro opened on tho piers of tho American, English, French and German steamers and remain open until within Ten Minutes of tho hour of sailing of steamer, Mnlla fur Sni'th mill Centrnl Ainerlen, Weat Indira. Eto. FRIDAY-At 12 m, for MEXICO, per s. a. Seneca, via Tamplco (mall must ho di rected "per 3. s. Seneca"). SATURDAY At 9 u. in. for PORTO RICO, per s, s. San Juan, via. San Juan; at 9 a. m. (supplementary 9:3u a. m.) for CURACAO anil VENEZUELA, per b. a. Zulla (mall for Savatilllu ami (Virtiin I'MIII must bo directed "per h. . Zulln"); at 9:.'!ij a, in. isupplcmentnry 10:30 a. m. for FORTUNE ISLAND JAMAICA, 8AVA Nil, LA, CA HTH AG EN A nnd GREY- TOWN, per h. s. Aleau (mall for Costa Hlca must bo directed "per h. s. Aleno"); h, a. Aieau (man for Costa 10 directed "per h. s. Aleno"); (supplementary 10 a. m.) for tS ST. CROIX. LEEWARD YARD ISLANDS. BRITISH. in j.&j 11. in. i ST. THOMAS, and WINDW; DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per r. h. l uiuuuniii wnaii igr urounua ami Tiini' dad must be directed "per s. h, Foutu bello"): nt 10 a. m. for CUBA, ner h. m Morro Castle, via Havana, at lo a. in. for TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE. BRlTlHIt INDIA and LORENZO MARQUHZ, per b s. la Savole, via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must bo directed "per e, n, ii pmuiu Malls for Newfdundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, eloce ut this uihco dally at 6:3u p, in, (connecting v.twvf lltl u J i it - M lltDUU mill batunlay), Mails (or Mlquulon. by rati to II nut ft 11 fl thilMfiit III' "OO""! ..v. w f v.'iiii,- t CiUbU III thU olllco Unliy ut U:J0 p. in, Muiu fur Cuba, by rail to Port 'fainnn Fiat. and Ihntiiia III M I iifl Mil) I li-lh.ia r. 1.1 .. 1 . Ually at b u. in. (tiiu oonnectltnj closci r.. nu Mnminv. Witt urur h r tt:X... MnlU for Uv, 'Mr.."".'4.. lur." unless specl.tlly addressed for dispatch by bteamer, ol.o nt this office dally ut l'ao p. m. und i- ,t. ni. Malls for Costa Hlca tJellu. Puerto Cortez and Guatemala by rail to New Orleans, and thence' by steamer, close at this ofilco dally at '1:30 P. m. (connecting closes here Mondays tor Belize Puerto Cortez and Guatemala tercd null closes ut 0 p. m. previous day, Triuia-l'nuinu HfHlla, Malls for Hawaii, China, Japan and Philip pines, v)a Han Francisco, clouo here dally at 6:30 p. ni. un to September "7. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s, China. Malls for China and Janan. via Tnenma. Mrst nril-B2. N. I wenty-fourth street. Sorond Ward Evans' lntindry, rson N st Third Wn-d-239 South Thirtieth street Fourth Ward Flaherty barn, 331 K street COUNTRY PRECINCTS Blrcl-1- close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to Sep- POSTOFFH.E NOTICE. trmber "S, Inclusive, for dispatch per s, s, Tacointi. Malls lor China mid Japan, via Seattle, close here d.illv at 6:3 u. in. up to Sep tember "11, Inclusive, for dispatch per a. s. Tosa Maru (registered mall must bo directed "via Seattle"). Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, mid New Zealand, which goes via Sau "randsco) and FIJI Islands, Ma Vancouver, clone here dally nt 6:30 p. in. nfter September "7 nnd up to September "14, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. i. Mlowcra (supplementary malls, via Seattle and Victoria), close nt 6:30 p. in. September "15. Mails for Hawaii, Japan, China and Philip Pine Island, via Sau Francisco, cloa b-ifl daily ut 6;30 p. in. up to September "15. inclusive, lor tiispntcn per s. s. Doric. Malls tor lUwall, via San Francisco, elo?o here dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to September "16, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Ala- Mam. (or Australia (except West Australia, wmcn is torwarueii via isurope), sow Zealand, FIJI, Samoa nnd Hawaii. lu Sau Francisco, close hero daily Cl ;. v. nfter September "15 nnd up to Septem ber "2S, Inclusive, or on nirlvnl of s. s. Campania, due nt New York September "2t. for d suatch tier a. a. Mlerrn. Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver, I'lUBV iiiie Mini- in n, m. up q UCtO- ber "1, Inclushe, for (flspntch per u. s. Empress ot India (registered mall must be uiucteii via ancouver"l. Mall, except inercliandlse which cannot bo forwarded via Canada, for the U. S. Postal Agent nt Shanghai, closes at 6.30 p. ni. provlou.i iln v. Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via an r rnncisco. eiose nero unuv at 6i30 p. in. up to October "12. Inclusive, for dis patch per s. 8. Australia. Trnns-Pacldc malls aro forwarded to port .IIm .1 i H n,.l 1 1, n 3 I'l p.iliiUK i...j ...... ,ti; nunciiuio OI ClOS" Ing Is arranged on tho presumption of their uninterrupted overland tramlt. "Registered mall closes ut U p. m. previ ous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. PoMmnsier. Postofllcc, New York, N. Y September 6, IH'RI.INT.TON STATION' 10TII A MASON' Knnan VHr St. Joarph A Conncll Hliif!, Leave. Arrive Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 9:20 am n 6:3 pro Kntisns Cltv Nisht Ex..nH:30 nm a 6:15 am St. Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm atlslo am Clilenmi, llu r 1 1 ii k tft ti A (Inlncy. Chicago Special a 7:00 am nl0:2i) pm Chicago Vcstlbuled Ex.. a 4:0) pm a 7145 am Chicago Local n 9:30 am a 4;iV pm i uicago i.inutoa a i.m pm a nm Fast Mall n 2:45 put niriingiiiii A. ailaannrl vniiey. Nebraska Express n 8:40 nm a 7:35 pm Vliinre. ll.nlrle,i nnd Lincoln a S:40 am Denver Limited u 4:25 pm bll:55 am ii 3:00 pm Black Hills and l'ugct Sound, Denver Con nection a 9:00 pm Lincoln Fust Mall b 3:00 pm Fort Crook nnd Platts mouth b 3:20 nm a 6:43 nm a 9:17 am bll:o5 nm a s:20 nm Hellevuo & Pacific Jet. .u 7:40 pm iiciievue & pacific Jet., a 3:10 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, WEIISTER DEPOT-ir.TII A WEI1STEII Fremont, Elklinrii A Sllaaonrl Valley Leave. Arrive. Black Hills. Deadwood, Dot Springs , a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 3:00 pm o 5:00 pm Hastings, York, David City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter ami Soward....b 3 00 pm b 5;no pm Norfolk, Lincoln nnd Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:25 am Fremont Local c 7:30 am MlNHOilii l'uelflc. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:25 am Chicago, St. Paul, Mlnncnpolla A Oinnbn. Twin Cltr Passenger.. ..a 6:00 am a 9:10 pm nioux uuy i-assengcr...a mi pm niiuu am Emerson Local b 6:30 pm b 8:30 am a Daily, b Daily excent Bundav. n Run. day only, d Dally except Saturday, c Dally except .iionuiij. UNION STATION lOTII AND HAIIOY. Union PnclBc. Leave. ...a 8:20 am ...a 8:60 urn ...Rll;35 pm Arrive, a 7:20 pm a 3:25 pm a 1:25 pm a 6:50 am bl2:30 pm a 6:50 am b 9:35 am Overland Limited.. Fast Mall Mall and Express.. Colorado Sneclal... pm Ltncoln-StromBberg Ex.b 4:05 pm Pacific & Atlantic Ex. ..a 4:25 pm Grand Island Local b 5:30 pm llllnola Centrnl. iwncago e.xprcss a i:w am a 6: Chicngo, Minneapolis & St. Paul Limited a 7:45 pm a S:i Minneapolis & St. Paul Express b 7:00 am b 9: Fort Dodgo Local, from ...a 7:00 am a 6:10 pm ,05 am ;40 pm Council Uluffs a 6:00 am Wniinsh, St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 5:15 pm a 8:25 am tiiiciiun, Milwaukee .V St. Paul. Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 8:06 am Chicngo & Omaha Ex...b 7:15 am b 3:49 pm LhlciiKii, ItuuU Island .t 1'aclfl.e. EAST Chicago Daylight Spe'l. 6:00 am 8:to am Dcs Motnch und Daven port Locrtt a 7:25 am a 9:J5 pm chicngo Express bll:l5 am bll:60 am Des Moines Local a 4:20 pm bll:60 am Chicngo Fast Express, .a 6:00 pm a 1:25 pm Des Moines, Rock Island und Chicago 7:40 pm a 8:10 am Rocky Mountain Lt'd,.a 2:00 am a 6;J am Lincoln,- Colo. Springs, Denver, Pueblo aud West a 1:30 pm a 4:11 pm Colorado, Oklahoma and Texas Flyei a 6:20 pm a 9:60 am a Dully, b. Dally oxcept Sunday. Miaaoiirl Puelllc. St, Louis Express al0:00 am a 6::s Din v, w m, 4. vnttt.uiv.uv inn a e:io am Omahu & St. Louis. St. Louis "Cannon Ball"a 3:15 pm a S:20 am Kansas City and Qulncy i'Ocai a i:zo am a D;oo pm Clilengn .t N'ort lureatern. Chicago Special a 7:00 am alliio pm Chicago Passenger a 4:is pm n 8:40 am Eastern Express nl0:5) urn n 4:05 pm Eastern Special a 4:65 pm a 4:05 pnt Fast Mall a 2:46 pm Omaha-Chicago L't'd ..a 7:45 pm a 8:0) am Fast Mall a 8:30 am Cedar Rapids Passenger a 5:30 pm Twin City Express a 6:53 nm niO:2S pm Twin City Limited n 7:55 pm a 8:16 am Sioux City Local a 8:00 am a 3:50 pm u Dally, b Dally except Sunday, SETTLERS DRINK WARM WATER lee Miiehlne DealKiieil for I.'ae III Okln lioniu Lion Coneruled In Snrp- Ciiimtr, A fact came to light In Justice Crawford' court yesterday which explains tho re cent Ice famine In Lawton, O. T. It will ho remembered that tho citizens, of that new town have been so busy filing on clnlms that they had no tlmo to cut Ice, nnd thore wasn't enough frost In the village to make a gin rlckey. It was all becauso an Ice machine, Invented hy Carl W, Krouso of Omaha, was not dollvercd there according to arrangement. This machine, weighing three tons, Is now concealed In a barn uomewhero lu Sarpy county, It has been patented, rcplevlned, sold, mortgaged nnd now there Is n Judgment outstanding against It under a mechanic's Hen. It Is having almost as many adven tures as Ell Whitney's cotton gin, It appears that tho Inventor sold the de vlco to Henry Salzbun, who was to send It to Lawton, and there opcrute It, hut Just as he was closing the transaction a 'me chanic named Carl A. Hnltgren roplevlncd It to satisfy his claim of $70 for work per formed upon It. Litigation began and about this time tho machine disappeared. It Is understood now that It Is soraewhero In Sarpy county. In the Justice court yesterday morning Holtgren was given a Judgment for tha amount claimed. Ulcers, open or obstinate lores, oraldi and piles, quickly cured by Bannor Salve, the most healing medicine In the world.