THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1901. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL SIIXOIl SinNTlOX Davis selfo drug. Btockert slia carpets nnd rugs. Fine A II C beor. Nciimnyer's houi. Gas llxtures and globes. Ulxby & sn Wollmun, .dentine optician. M Hroadway. C, K. Alexander & uu picture! and t .f nnd Mr.. H- O. Uunnlng yesterday, a daughter MUsourl oak body wood. M cord. m. Welch. S3 N Main "t, Tel. 128. Frank Huns i.f waterworks Is spending hi vacation In Chicago. Get your work done at .he popular Lagle laundry. 721 Brondwny. Phone 157. Alderman U. H. Lougeo and wife nm homo 4rom a iwn months eastern trip. Mr. and Mrs It. II. Hloomcr alo home from an extended eastern trip. The Hctall Grocers' association will meet (his evening In tho city council rlmmb-r. Jainco I'lcrr. . a former resident or our. ell Hltifts, now IIvIiik at Friend, Neb., is visiting old time friends. Mlis.1 "ara 'Immer of Helena, Mont., In visiting her grandparents, Mr. and air. George Oeriicr of this city. J MellohirtH took out a building permit lesterd.ty for n two-Mnry frame and Iron covered building at Broadway nml Stnts man street to rout JI.MA The henvy rain T ics-day night washed a (iliintlty of tho cedar paving blocks from Olcn avenue onto Broadway. Glen nvenin Is doing prepared for the lepuvlng with brick. Davn Moouey of this city, arrested nnd taken to Logan on the charge of passing mivernl forged checks In Mlssoirl all.-y, 1ms boon Indicted by tho llarrlnon county grand Jury or sale, at a groat bargain, a nlro snuaro piano, 135. with stool; also a lino grand up right tt'iO piano, nearly now, at $210. Hourl Iiir' Music House, XI5 Broadway, where tho organ stands upon the building. B. H. JoHfiolyn. maniiger of the Kentucky & Indlnna Bridge, and Hallroail companv, at Louisville, Kv., arrived In this city yes terday to take homo his daughter Mildred, who hn boon visiting her grandparents. Mr and Mrs. II II. Iluffakor, Mrs. An derson. Minxes Anna Catoilen, Myrtlo An derson and Nettle Hoover, tormeel n party from Silver I'lty. la who wore In the city yesterday on their way tn thu Buffalo cx poHlllon. Lucille Maud, Infnnt duiightor of Mrs. Charles Suits of t'pper Harrison street, died last night of acute Indigestion. As It Is scarcely two months slnco tho death of Mr. SJlts the blow comes with crushing force on tho mother. Tho case against (1. L. Hmlth, n saloon keeper charged with carrying concealed weapons, was dismissed In Justice Bryant's court yesterday for want of prosecution. The costs were laxed up to Frank Gil christ, the prosecuting wltr.ecs. .Ion I'almer and Inmost Baker, boys who have been frequently arrested for stealing brass and other property of tho railroad I'ompanleH. were arrested last evening by Hprclal Ollleer Bark of tho Milwaukee, who charged thom with trespassing In tho com pany's yard. Mrs. II Burton, 510 North Fourteenth street, Lincoln, has written to Chief of Polleo Albro asking his assistance In locat ing her son Walter, who left his home two weeks ago. Mr.i. Burton tnlnks tho boy may be In Council Bluffs ami that he would probably seek employment In u hotel. Tho police havti been unable to get any trace of him here. Tho police have been reouested to nrrcst Leon Lazier, professloinl footruccr. who Is wanted In West Point, Neb., to unswur ton charge of Jumping a M.ouo appearance bond. Lozler nnd a man named James I berry are charged with obtaining money under false pretenses In connection with, an alleged fake footrace. Lozler's home Is In this city, but ho has not mnde his ap pearance hero since tho West Point affair.1 Papers transferring the goodwill and property of tho Council BluffH & Omaha Transfer company from John S. Morgan to C Heed were tiled yesterduy In the county recorder's ofllce. the consideration mimed Is JIU.Ooo. J7.50O being for the equip ment and $2,600 for the Sam and -other lii',nB," .?olo,ne ',(' "Pc'' wn" formerly owner of tho Lake Manawa Hallway com pany and resort at tho lake, now owned bv the motor company. It Is announced that tho powerful Itus-' slan melodrama, "For Her Sake," will bo presented nt the Dohuny theater soon. This1 Is the piece which has been creating such a stir In theatrical circles latelv. The real secret of the play's success i the S L'l'inr H,ml,llr,".v nnd truthfulness of the character drawing. This, with tho sumntu-1 S "," ' "je l'lco 1 the gramfo r and beauty of the moving story, combine tO mako tho lllav . ivnrlr "ii" ii,um m..i, ...i.. r.'.'.r:."" i''' ".' ........ ..... ., mij iny Ilunslan play yet writ ten. I s'. T. Plumbing Co., telephone 25. Davis sells point. MnrrliiKt' Mi-mum. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Aire W. H. Quick, Macedonia. la .24 Lillian Soymore, Carson, la 18 John Hough, Harrison county SI Mngglo Corrln, Hatrlson county m lurry' II. Sage. Omaha jn nrrln C. Bowers, Omaha '.1 A CRITICAL EYE must have good sight, with unimpaired optlo nerves. If their criticisms would be correct. If their vision Is impaired thoy can supply the doilclcncy by having their eyes tested and fitted with proper glasses from our hlKhclngs optical goods. Our French crystal and Brazlllun pebble glasses aro not only new eyes, when llttid properly. face1' nr,,,,ocr,,,,u expression to tho HERMAN M. LEFFERT CHtAUUATR OPTICIAN. 21S BROADWAY, OPP, ULKNN AVIJNUE COUNCIL BLUFFS. (- Vide lor thoie wu knoj whu'i gjol Woodward's Ganymede Chocolates anypera BonBons ' Made By John 6. Woodward & Co. ' "The Candy Men." Council Bluffs - Iowa. 3 Iowa Steam Dye Works !U)4 llroadway. Make rout old clothes look like uw. Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing;. LEWIS CUTLER Funeral Director ttiuccusiior 10 W. C. tJI US PKAML. snifcUT. M'koMO '17, FARM LOANS 5 NvKottaled In fc.utrn ebrusua and Iowa. N. Casady, Jr. V -Main St, Council Bluet. BLUFFS. MOTHERS DISCUSS FATHERS Tempsrasca Women Talk 0m Need of Familj Vigilinoe, CLOS: WATCH OF SONS IS NECESSARY I'ntoriiiit Ad tier .Should Supply .Vrril ful lMiulrtln' nnd llenil HIT thu II MokronIIoiis of the Tempter. Tho convention of the Woman's Christian Temperance union of the Sixth Iowa dl. trlct, which hart been In session since Mon day evening In the First Baptist church, wan brought to a close last night. Those In attendance expressed tho opinion that the meeting was tho most successful In every respect over held In the district. Mrs. Ida B. Wise of California Junction was honored by being elected president of the district for the fifth year In succession. Slnco her election to the offlco Ave years ago thcro has novcr been n vote recorded against Mrs. Wlso's nomination or election. The other oOlrers elected are. Vice presi dent, Mrs. Frances Wlllott. Woodbine; sec retary, Mrs. Hattle B, McN.uightou, Wood bine; treasurer, Mrs. May King, Little Sioux. The rain Interfered again yesterday with tho attendance from tho outsld-j 'owns, al though the church was comfortably hlled at each session. The morning session was devoted mainly to the reading of the ic ports of the treasurer, secretary und tom mlttccs. That of tho secretary showed that the number of unions In the district since January 1 had Increased from ten to fif teen and there was a paid membership of 243. The Sixth dlstrlrt, tho secretary re ported, had mado the greatest gains of any district In tho state. Mr. Harris of Oak land, who wbh on tho program for an ad dress on "What Is Most Needed In Our Work and How to Secure It," was unable to bo present. The discussion on "Forma tion against Reformation" was led by Mra, Llda Sclry, Mis. Cowans. Mrs, J. O. Peter son and Miss Kittle Butler. One of the most interesting nnd exhaus tive papers nt the afternoon session was that on "Parents ReBponsbllltlcr," by Mrs. O. O. nalrd, secretary of the Council Bluffs union. In the absence of Mrs. Johnston of I-ogan and Mrs. Flndley of Oakland, who wore to discuss "How to Elevate the Home Life." tho subject was treated by Mrs. Ellen K. Dcnney. Mrs. Webb of California Junction In her address on "Purity Teach Ing In the Public Schools," said that many parents neglected this all Important sub ject and that to tho teacher alone could be looked to to supply this lack of homo train Ing. "Tho Boy and Ills Father" formed tho subject of an Interesting' a'ddresa, by Mrs. Harvey Johnston of Logan. She said every father should maintain tho closest relations with his son and not leave, it to others to warn him of tho mnny evils which surround and tempt the boy and younr man. The relationship between father and eon should bo such that tho boy would not hesitate to go to the parerit at all times and under all circumstances when In need of knowledge. Mrs. A. 13. Bishop of Atlantic and Mrs. N. M. Hover of Council Bluffs spoke on mtemperanco and Impurity." Tho comralttoo on resolutions made Its report at the evening session. Among the "ns anopirci was one declaring un alterable opposition to the canteen. rs. .!. II. Dunham of Burlington, state president of the Woman's Christian Tern poranco union, maiin tho n.t.i.... .1.. evening, talking generally on tho prohlbl- wu. i(um.on ana giving the convention a vast array of statistics. tra . sorted that while the people talk of "our ".t-rs mere were In fact no rulers, ns tho brewers controlled the politics of the nation. She said 200.nnn nn,,i. , t.. . . 1 1 ' UKIll- Ing for temperance now and that there iiuver wouiri bo a cessation of the fight. KiKlitern Ontu n Dozen. ' ' For genuine Fabor nonMio h- .1 .sale, Thursday. Friday and Saturday, In our "'"""'"'i) oepariraent. DeLong The Printer. 307 Broadway. CASES IN' DISTRICT COURT Mlaa Julia K. Officer l-'ilra llrr An swer to Ihr Salt rironuht by Sprelnl AilinlnUt rntor. Mls3 Julia E" Officer filed hor answer yes terday In the district court to th nit brought by John M. Gnlvln. special ad ministrator of tho Thomas Officer estate, to hnve certain shares of stock I n thn Rmn- ltle-Shugart company given her by her jainer. i nomas omccr, decreed to bo part of tho property of the estate. The conten tion of tho special administrator was thnt tho stock was given to Miss Ollleer by the, late Thomas Ollleer without any considera tion and at n time when Thomas Officer whs Insolvent. Tho transfor of the stock, it was claimed, was n fraud upon the rights of the creditors of Thomas Officer. Mlfs Officer, In her answer, admits that the stock wns given her by her ather with out any consideration, but says that the suits brought against J. T. Hnrte, tho for mer owner of the shares, were begun In her nnme, and the only connection of Thomas Officer In tho litigation was as her agent. She asserts that she paid the foes and costs Incurred In the suit out of money obtained from tho Officer A Pusoy bank, but that same wbb charged up to her account and that the recolvers now hold the stock as col lateral for her overdraft amounting to over $5,000. MUs Officer says thnt at the time her father gave her tbo shares ho had had con siderable controversy with J. T. Harto, who had assigned them to him as security for n oan, npd that her father understood they were worthless. Miss Officer states further that at the time her father gavo her the stock ho van perfectly solvent and a man cf large means. Mlts Officer further con tends that the suit brought by tho special administrator la barred by tho alntule of limitations, ns tho stock was glvon to her In 1S94. Tho case Is one of much Interest to the many creditors of tho defunct Officer & Tusey bank, as n tho event of the court sustaining the petition of tho special ad ministrator It will result In tho recovering Into tho Thomas Officer estate of a large sum of money. In te divorce suit of Oeorgo D. Haven galnstYmma Haven, the defendant yester day flle her answer and counter-petltlon. asking ty1 she and not her husband be given thedecree of divorce. Mrs. Haven denies alllHm allegations of her husband and In support of her counter-petition charges cr,l and Inhuman conduct on his part, She alfllges that be frequently threat ened to terminate hor earthly existence by shooting her aiW that sho became so afraid that he would cJjrry out his threats that sho was forced to leive him. The trial of thVsult of J. E. F. McGee, administrator of tho estate of William Sled entopf, decenscd, against William F. Sled cntopf, assigned for yesterday, was by ngreement taken out of tho assignment ar.-l postponed until Inter In the term, Mr3. Emma McCalmont was granted n divorce from James McCalmont. The mis band was recently convicted of shooting Landlord Coates In Grand Island nnd sen tenced to threo years In tho Nebraska state penitentiary. Tho trial of th divorce suit of Mrs Mamie Brnndt against J. E. Brandt was begun yesterday. StrneU liy n 5rltrh r.iiKltio. Mrs. C. Mllledge, an elderly woman at 1102 West Broadway, wns struck by a switch cnglno while crossing tho North western tracks at Broadway last evening. Her Injuries consisted of severo bruises to the left hip. Shn was able to be tnken to her homo In a cnrrlage. Tho gates were raised when Mrs. Mllledge started to cross the tracks on tho north side of the street. Switch engine No. 72G j was slowly backing down and Mrs. Mllledge would hnve had plenty of tlmo to get out of Its way had sho not npparently become be wildered. Tbo engine struck her on the left hip, throwing her to the ground, but fortunately clear jt the rails. She wns taken to her homo by Cnplaln Denny and Officer Smith of tho night police force. ItlKlitly lliiforco (tinriiiit Inc. The prevalence of diphtheria In the southwestern part of the city has aroused the health authorities to order a more rigid enforcement of tho quarantine regu lations. Reports had como to the board that the regulations were not being obeyed by tho families affected nnd a general roundup of the quarantined houses was mado jesterday by Health Officer Slack and tho occupants notified thnt any vio lation of tho regulations would result in prosecution. Carrie- Miller. 1907 South Tenth street, was reported to the health board yesterdny as suffering from tho disease. Vera John son, 30."i Kappell avenue, was reported to bo suffering from scarlet fever. Both houses wcro quarantined. 1'nlicr Pencils 18o a Dmrn, Three days' sale, Thursday. Friday and Saturday, September 12, 13 and 14. Genuine Faber pencils, ISc a dozen. DeLong's Sta tionery Department. 307 Broadway. Council to Inspect I'nvliiK. The city council will meet this afternoon to inspect the paving recently completed by Contractor Wlckhnm on Bluff street he Ucen Pierce street nnd Ninth avenue be tween Third nnd Mnln strcotn. Tho paving on Bluff street comprises 11, 475 square yards and the cost amounts to S20.S11. 1". Tho Fifth avenue paving com prises 3,089 square yards and tho cost Is $5,334.55. Both streets are paved with Gnlesburg block on- concrete base, tho contract price being $t.704 per square yard. Davis sells glass. Wanted, experienced girl for general housework; wages $4 a week. Address L. H. Reams, R. F. D. No. 2, Council Bluffs. Gravel roofing A. H. Head. 641 Broad'y. Item ltnlr Transfers. These transfers wero filed yesterda the abstract, tltlo and loan office of J y In W. squire. 10X . Pearl street- Samuel B.' Kllllngcr nnd wife to Charles E. Bolton, s4S acres of nw-ij 5-74.39, w. d $ Phil Hnrkltis nnd wife to Virginia I.e Valley, el2 feet of lot 3. Auditor's subdlv. of s4 sw',1 nwij 2-74-40. w. d John H. Slveis and wife to Archibald C. SI vers, hVi sw'J -75-40. w. d H. A. Wagner, trustee, and wife to Brougham Stevenson, ni& lots 32. S3 and 31, block 10, Highland Place, q. c. il John S. Morgan nnd wife to F. C. Reed, lot 3, block 6, WllllnmB' 1st add., w. d Henry McMullen to Jesse and Hnrrv McMulIen. lots 13, 11 and 15, block 151, Crescent City. s. w. d J. P. Oreenshlelds nnd wife to James McRobert. w4 of lot 4, block 1, Stutsman's 1st add., q. c, d Kato E. McGee and husband to Allen A. JclTorls, swtj sw(; 27-77-44, w. d.. K. Walker and wife to George Qoff, lot 22, Auditor's subdlv. of nw'i net; 12-75-40. n, c. d '. , W. A. Mntirer nnd wife to Taylor Woolsey. lot s; block 103. original plat of Council Bluffs, w. d 2, ro 25 3, :oo 1 2,500 1 2T5 b:o 1 1.400 Ten transfers, total. $10,503 i Knlier Pencil ISp a Dospii. t Threo days only, DeLong, 307 Broadway, v , For Township Trnatcn. The members of tho republican county central committee from Kane township, which includes tho city of Council Bluffs., met last night and nominated John Hallo as cnndldnto for townBhlp trustee. This nomination had been omitted by tho regular county convention. Harry Brown, chairman of the city cen tral committee, presided and J. J. Hess wns secretary of tho meeting. Halle re ceived tho nomination on the second ballot by n vote of six. to four for G. P. Kcmn. tho present Incumbent. Mr. Kemp de clined to bo a candidate again. ENGINEER HIT BY FAST MAIL I, cull" Strong; Thrown Thirty Pert ItrcnliliiK I.CK and Intrrnnlly Injuring Him. BOONE. la., Sept. 11. (Special Telogram.) Engineer Leslie Strong Btoppcd in front of the fast mail In the yards today and was thrown thirty feet, sustaining a broken leg nnd internal Injuries, which may prove fatal. I-'l. Dollar Prraliytttry nt Gllililen. JEFFERSON, la., Sopt. 11. Special.) Tho fall session of tho Fort Dodge Presby tery Is In session at Glldden, nt the Presby terian church. At the samo time the an nunl meeting of tho Woman's Missionary society Is being held In the snmo town, In the Methodist church. The program for the latter meeting Includes papers nnd ad dresses by the president, Mrs. E. B. Still mnn of Jefferson, of tho foreign society; report from the general assembly, by Mrs. F. M. Riley, president of the Home society of Jefferson; Mrs. A, Strong of Lake City, Mlis M. B, Wolles. secretary, of Fort Dodge. Miss Mary Holmes of Mississippi, who founded tho Mary Holmes scmlnnry In Miss issippi, will make the principal address, taking for her thome, "Our Work Among tho Freemen," Cnnfrrener Opens nt Clinrlton, CHARITON. In., Sept. 11. (Special Tele gram.) The forty-socond Dca Moines an nual conference began today, Bishop S. M. Merrill presiding. Sacrament was admin Inlstcred, after which Rev. William Steph enson, former secretary of the conference, called the roll of members, One hundred and fifty-two responded. Rev. William Sto phcnBon was re-eUcted secretary, Rev, W. L. Cox statistical secretary, F. T. Stevenson conference treasurer. Frax Harris was elected chairman of tho board of stewards. This afternoon the Preachers' Aid society hnd Its anniversary and elected officers. Pentecostal servlco was conducted by Dr. Oldham, assistant secretary of the mis sionary society, who delivered an address. fThis evening will be devoted to tbo an niversary of the missionary society. COUNTY OFFICIALS MUST PAY Tremrtr Soldi Thim Responsible for Fits Given to ColUot Texts. WINTERSET VOTES AID FOR NEW ROAD UnnKrr Clnsr Meeting nt Oaknlnoan Kick frnm llorsr C'nnara I.nckjnw .vr Town Incorporated rinhy Born In Onnrnntlne, (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. Sept. 11. (Special,) F. H. Noble, county attorney of Hardin county, wns In consultation with tho stato treasurer today with rofcronco to tho nttltude of tho stato treasurer In regard to deductions from the sums collected by tax ferrets on ac count of collection of the taxes due and not paid. In Hordln county tho board of supervisors made n contract with n firm of tax ferrets to uncover hidden property and receive the 15 per cent allowed by law for milking tho discovery of such property not returned to the assessors, nnd In nddl tlon mnde n contract with a firm of lawyers to pay thorn 10 per cent for collecting tho taxes after the ferrets had located tho property. Under this contract largo sums were collected nnd the attorneys got their to per cent In fees. But the school dis tricts notified tho county officials they would hold the county treasurer for all sums collected except the 15 per cent. To day the state treasurer ruled that ho could mnke no allowances for cxpenso of collec tion and that nil the deductions nbovo the 15 per cent would be disregarded. Under the circumstnnces the county or tho county officials w'lll have to make good to tho stato cr to tho districts nil sums paid to tho lnwyors for collecting. This Is the case In which the county auditor nnd others have been Indicted nnd he.tvy suits for re covery have been commenced, but this is the first time this or any similar matter has been called to the attention of the stato au thorities. StroiiKly I'nvors (lie Itnllrond. The vote In the city of Wlntcrset on the proposition to raise n fund in nld of tho Des Moines Southern railroad by taxation carried overwhelmingly, the vote being about S00 to 100 for the tax. A strong fight was put up against the calling of the elec tion nnd ngnlnst the whole movement by persons who nre opposed to nny more rail roads In Wlnterset, but after the election wns called they gnvo up, and the strong vote for the tax will be a great encourage ment to the promoters. Tho pcoplo of Green field hnvo signed n petition for n speclnl tax election there and it will bo carried easily. The company Is also planning to go Into tho townships along the right of wny and secure tax nld thcro for tho line, which Is to connect tho Great Western In Warren county with the Burlington in Adalr county. The promotors, who live here, feel that thero Is now no doubt the road will be built. Clour nf Friends' MepfliiR. The annual meeting of the Society of Friends closed nt Osknloosa yesterday and the Quakers from Iowa nnd other adjoining states have returned home. Tho meetlns wns one of the largest ever held. Reports from various fields Indicated thnt tho mis sionary work cnrrled-nn by the Frlrnda from the Iowa mcctlngjs, prospering. Mis slonnry work Is now being done In Afrlcn, Cuba, Jamaica and elsewhere. Appropria tions wero made for evangelistic work, for tho Indian wcrki for books and tracts and tempernnce. Delcgntes were named to the nntlonnl meeting of the Anti-Saloon league. Tho meeting ordered a complete change in the manngoment and' policy of the manual lnbor Institute founded' by the will of tho Into Josiah White and that Institution will be improved materially. Dlra of l.nrlcjntr. Willie Bullockj nged S years, of Stato Center died from the effect nf n kink rmm a horse. Ho wns assisting a playmate In exorcising n pony when the animal kicked him over the eye. The wound healed nicely nd wns apparently well when lockjaw followed and tho boy died In n few hours. w Town Incorporn tcs. Tho Incorporation papers for the town of Promise City, In Wa,no county, wore filed with the secretary of' state today and that town Is now legal. It Is on the Keokuk & Western railroad. ' Tho DeWItt Savings bank, with a capital of $26,000, has been Incorporated. The Clover Land company of Prlmghar, capital $84,000, has been Incorporated, with John Metcalf ns president nnd O. H. Montzhelmer ns secretary. IIhIip In (Innrnntlnpil Family. A babe was born this morning in a house ;uarautlned for smallpox. Mrs. Charles Blackburn of East Fifth and Scott streots Is the mother. Sho Is not ill with tho dis ease, but her husband has had it for about two weeks. Three children aro In tho house and they hate been glvon medicine and vaccinated to niuke them Immune. Tho health ofilccrs hao been supplying the family with groceries, fuel and othor necessaries. Vplernn of Intra Demi, ST. JOSEPH, 8eptv It. (Speclnl Tele gram.) "T. F. Foley, Company K, Fifty second Iown Volunteer Infantry, S. A. war, Juno 26, 1898," are the words on n metal shield worn on the undershirt of n man found dead In a vacant Ice house at Sev enth and Hickory streets tonight. He had cither commlttced suicide by taking poison or had been murdered, nccordlng to tho police. He wns nbout 34 yenrs old, of light complexion, weighed 160 pounds, wns flvo feet ten Inches In height. Ills pockets were empty. Ho wore n dnrk coat and light cprduroy trousers, ICx-Mnyor'a Son n Snlclilr. CEDAR' FALLS, In., Sept. 11. (Special Telegram.) Edward Rolph, son of ex-Mayor Rolph, nnd a prominent cltUen of Lnporto City, committed suicide todoy-by taking two ounces of carbolh ncld. Financial difficulties were the cause. crmn tiii: ni.uns. Turnlnuf ,Up llio Camera nf Ynnr .Mouth Pronounced n .Specific. A well known doctor of Minneapolis, who has mndn a specialty of nervous dlsensos, has found a now remedy for "tho blues," reports the Minneapolis Journal. As no drugs are administered, he has felt safe i:i experimenting with at least a half hundred melancholy patients, and now declares him self thoroughly satisfied with tho good re sults of his treatment. His prescription reads something llko this: 'If you keep the corners of your mouth turned up you can't feel blue," Tho directions for taking are; "Smile, keep on smiling, don't stop smiling." It sounds ridiculous, doesn't It? Well, Just try turning up the corners of your mouth, 'regardless of your mood, and see how It makes you fcol; then draw the corners of your mouth down and note the effect, and you will be willing to declare "there's something In It." The doctor treats his nervous patients to medicine when necessary, but when the case Is one of pure melancholy without bod ily 111, he simply recommends the smile cure. He baa the patient remain in his office and smile; If It Isn't tho genuine article, It must at least be an upward curv aturo of the the corners of tho mouth, nnd the better feelings follow Inevitably. The treatments am followed up regularly, nnd tho patients all testify to their good effect. It takes considerable persuasion to Induce some of them to apply the cure, nnd, nf course, tho grcnter number of pntlcnts aro women, for when n mnn Is blue he Is bound to be blue In spite of everything, but n woman Is moro easily persuaded to try to find n cure. The doctor declares that If persons will only drnw down tho corners of their mouths and use sufficient will power th?y can actually shed tears. On the other hand, If they will persistently keep the corners of the mouth turned up pleasant thoughts will chase nway the gloomy forebodings, His discovery grew out of nn experience In his own home. His wife was of n nervous nnd rather morbid temperament, and when In a despondent mood he would ask her to "smile a little," until the snylng came to be n household Joke, But It brought about good results, and then enme the Inspiration to try tho same cure on others. The doctor has not patented his remedy, nnd It Is freo to nil who choose to tako advantage of It. PLOT TO KILL CHAMBERLAIN Krenelininti Telia Mlorj- nf Plnn to Kill Necrrlnry for I lip Col on I en. LONDON, Sept. 11. Martini Faugeron. a Frenchman, who was charged today nt Clerkenwell police tourt with the murder of Herman Jung, nn old Jeweler of Clerken well, about ten years ago, told n rcmarknble story of a plan to kill Joseph Chamberlain, the colonial secretary. Tho dny of tho murder Jung summoned him to his shop, where they discussed the misery caused by the South Afrlcnn war, for which, Jung do e.lnrcd, Mr. Chamberlain wns responsible, nnd Jung told Fnugcron thnt It ho could kill Mr. Chamberlnln, he. Jung, through Intermediaries, would gunrnnteo him n for tune, tendering him 10 to buy good clothes In order to enable him to nppronch his vic tim, Faugeron snys he refused, whereupon Jung declnrcd he should not leave tho shop alive, nnd picking up n henvy Iron, rushed on Fnugcron nnd felled him to the ground. Faugeron In self-defense drew a knife nnd stnhhcd his ascallnnt in the neck. Jung wns n noted, the last sur vivor of tho group of which Curl Marx was n member. NICHOLAS MAY VISIT PARIS Frenrh .VrTvspnprrs Claim Crnr Will Go to t'npltnl, hut .o An nounced oniPlntly. PARIS, Sept. 11. Notwithstanding the positive assertions made In several news papers that the czar has decided to vUlt Paris September 20, tho foreign office offi cials say they hnve received no ofilclnl noti fication on the subject. It Is noteworthy thnt tho ofilclnl statement mndo at the cab inet council this morning, while announcing that the final details of the reception and fetes nt. Dunkirk. Compolgn nnd Rhelms have been settled, does not mention a Paris program for September 20, which, thcrcforo, remains a day of repose, with a dinner to bj given by President Loubet nnd a per formance nt a theater In tho evening. EMPRESS LEAVES HIM MONEY llovrnKPr PrnlprleU's Nnppnpl I, over. Count Sppkpmlnrff, Token Cni'p of In Her Will. LONDON, Sept. 11 Tho late Dowager Empress Frederick's relations with Count Scckendorff. tho grand marshnll of her court, had been tho tubject of International gossip long beforo her dctth. It had been frequently said that gho wns married to the count. Truth today makes the following un qualified statement concerning her will: "Tho fact ha transpired that thero Is a legacy of 3,000,000 marks to Count Seckcn dorf, with whom her Into majesty Is al leged to have contracted a morganatic mar riage." SULTAN AGAIN IN TROUBLE Kpnln Itemnnils IIpIpiiop nf liny mill Girl Cnptureil liy Moor ish Trlliea. LONDON, Sept. 11. A dispatch to tho Times from Mad; Id says; "Tho tlmo fixed by Spain for tho release of the Spnnlsh boy and girl captured by Moorish tribes expires September 12. It Is stated that tho sultan wishes an oxtenslon because tho tribes nre in rebellion, which the government Is not disposed to grant, demanding, besides their release, compen sation in cash nnd tho punishment of tho tribes. It Is believed thnt other powers support Spain's clntms, nnd that, falling satisfaction, Spanish war vessels will bu sent to Moorish waters." Cmr Arrlvea nt Kiel. KIEL. Sept. ll.-The imperial Russian yncht Polo Star, with the czarina nnd her children on board, haB arrived here, DANTZIC, Sept. It. The Imperial Russian yacht Standart, with tho czar on board, was sighted off this port at 3:30 p. m. today, es corted by the German imperial yacht Ho hcnzollern, with Emperor William on board, nnd (he Russian cruiser Varlag nnd tho German cruisers Slelpner and Nlobe. Tho German squadron, which was drawn up In parolo order, saluted tho imperial yachtB. Emperor Wllliim put to sen at 7 o'clock this morning and met tho czar out of sight of Innd. Many private ynchts nnd excursion steamers, decorated with flags, wont to sea to meet tho Imperial flotilla, but they wore all kept at a wide distance from the Itohon zollcrn and Stnndart. Korpc Uelnrey to Itctrpnt. LONDON, Sept. IL Lord Kitchener re ports to the War offlco from Pretoria ns follows: Methucn engaged Vnutnndor nnd Dolnrcy In Orent Maries valley September G nn 1 September S, driving they from n strong position September S. Tho Boers left six dead September 6 nnd twelve September k. Forty-one prinoners wore captured. Ilorr Lender Killed. MATJESFONTEIN, Capo Colony, Sept. 11. Colonel Crnbbe has surprised the camp of Vander Mcrwe, tho most trusted, llouten nnt of Commandant Scheoper, killed him nnd nnother Boer and mnde prisoners of thirty-seven out of tho 100 mon under Vander Memo's command. I Every Mother, Expectant Mother g or "The world can Sold by Uit PruffHu, The Change of Lsfe Is the most important period tn n rro tunn'r existence. Owing to modern methods of living, not one woman in a thousand approaches this perfectly natural change withont experiencing n, train of very nnnoylnp; nnd some times pninfnl symptoms. Those dreadful hot flashes, sending the blood surging to the heart until it seems ready to burst, nnd the fnlnt feeling that follows, sometimes with chills, as if the heart were going to top for good, ure symptoms of a dan Mrs. Jennie Nocls, irerous, nervous trouble. Tboao hot flashes nre just so mnny calls from nature for help. Tho nerves arc cry ing out for nsslstnnee. The cry should bo heeded in t!m. Lydla ii. Pink ham's Vegetable Compo'urid wns pre pared to meet the needs of woman's system at this trying period of her life. It builds up the weakened nervous system, and enables a woman to pass that grand change triumphantly. " I w.vt a vcrv sick womnn, caused by Chanyc of Life. I suffered with hot flushes, and fiiutihg spells. I was afraid to go on the street, my head and back troubled me so. I was entirely cured by Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound." Mns. .Iknnii: Xoiilb, jDlo KcyacrSt., Govuiautowu. Pa. ItAII.WAY TI.MU C.Wtli. OMAHA ST. LOUIS RAIL, road Omaha. Kansas City & Eastern Railroad "The Qullicy Route" Ticket Of llce, 1113 Furnam St. Tele, phone. 322. Depot. Tenth und Marey Sts. Telephone. 023. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express a &:u pm a 8:20 am Knuens City and Qulncy Local a ,;00 am a a:uo pm u Dallv. BUSINESS DROPPED IN COLON Fear of Rebels' Attack Stops All the Town'i Trilling." PEOPLE FORBIDDEN TO TALK TOGETHER SulillprK Pntrnl Slrrpt Alonif Which All I be Slorcn Arc Clnnpil nnd Military Prpvnlln U prywliprp. KINGSTON. Jamaica, Sept. 11. The pass- engrrs of the British steamer William Cliff, which arrived hero today from Colon, re port that on Monday last In anticipation of a serious nttnek on the part of the rebels, tho stores there were closed, the streets wcro patrolled by soldlera, mnrtlal low was strictly enforced and tho peoplo wore not allowed to discuss the situation. The offi cers of tho steamer say that so far as they could gather, most of the sympathy of tho pcoplo was with the rebels and tho coun tries assisting them. RANGER RETURNS NORTH Condition nt Pniiiiiiiii nnd Prmenrc of lorvn Hpiinoiim for With drawing; ('miner. WASHINGTON, Sept. 11. The Nnvy de pnrtment has received a report by mall from Commander Sargent of the Mnchlns, dated September 2, which Is in lino with his cable report concerning conditions In South Amorlca. He says thcro Is no danger to American Interests, but thnt n bad con dition of affairs exists In Colombln nnd Venezuela. He goes Into details of the Insurrections and tho bitter feeling exist ing between Colombians nnd Venezuelans. Tho dopartmcnt also hns received a dls patch stating thnt tho gunboat Rnngcr, which wns ordered to San Francisco Imrac dlately upon tho nrrivnl of the battleship Iowa at Panama, loft tho Inttor port yes tcrday on lis trip north. The Ranger was hurried to Pnnamn to meet posslblo emergencies In that qunrter, but now thnt the Iowa has arrived nt that port the pres ence of tbo Ranger is considered unneces sary. MORE TROUBLES IN ARMENIA Stnrlrs Which Are IIpIIpvpiI to lie Forerunner nf Future Mnssiiprea. CONSTANTINOPLE, Sopt. 10. (Tues- day.) Fifty Armenian revolutionists, ac cording to tho Turkish roports, recently sot fire to the Mussulmnn quarters at Mush, Turkish Armenia, whero fighting afterward occurrod, tho Armenians retir ing toward Snssoun. It la also reported that September 3 Armenians nnd Turks blew up tho barracks nt Snssoun, where 3,000 troops were stationed and that a stato of panic prevailed thero In ronsoquence. Such Turkish roports hnvo previously hcen forerunners of massacres of Armenians nnd It Is generally apprehended by non- Mussulmans hero that massacres have al ready taken place. Announcp NIkmIiik of Protocol. PARIS, Sopt. 11. At the cabinet council today M, Dclcnnso formnlly announced sign. Ing of tho settlement protocol at Pekln. IlrltlKh Ansnclntlon nt Glimuoir, OLASOOW. Sept. 11 The nnnual meot Ing of tho British association began hero today. Marriageable GIN can have a practical treatise on motherhood, telling i nbout "MOTHER'S FRIEND" (that! will K.ivn months of rain nnd trouble), sent. free, i by sending name nnd address of self or friends to Till: IIK.llrii.i'l hi i.i i.iiim t w., nuania, ku. produce nothing like 'Mother'! Friend.' " 9 1 .IH), or km by ipnil pU cn receipt ol pike. It All, WAV TIMi: CAHU. i-HHMCfVr, ELKHORN St Missouri Valley ituliroitd 'Thu Noithwesterii Lino" Uenural Olllccs. United States National bank Building, s. W. Corner Twulttli and Far. Ticket Office, llul Faninm St. tbl lX'Dut. liili und Webster st. J .'lephune, It.. Leave. Arrive. Hiack J nils, Ocndwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 6:00 ptu Wyoming, Cuapvr and Douglas ,, ,.d 3:W pm e 5:00 pm Hastings, lorii, uavia Uty, supeilor, Oituvu, ixetcrand Senari,,..b 3:04 pm b 6:00 Noriolk, Veiuicre una pm l'remunt u ,;3u am bl0:2 am Lincoln, -A ..!.yo St Fro- Jiuni u US) am bl0:2J am I' remotit i.oc.H . ;:30 am c L'aily b Daily exeep'. duuuay. e Sutw day oni) il Daily cMvpt Saturday. Dully ..Lcpt Monday. CHICAGO & NORTH, w-mern Rallwuy "Tho Noi thw esterit Lino" City Ticket Office. Hut 1' .u nam at. 'telephone, Ul. Depot, Tenth uiut Aiurcy atrccts, Tele phone, tii. I.U1VC. Spo- unyiigni Uhlcago Spo- . al a 7;00 am all:30 pm Uilcugo l'aspng.'t u ;lj pm a bill) urn L.islern Express, Des Mclnes, MumbailtOwn, cedar Itatdds and Chicago nl0:60 am a 4:03 pm Lnncrn Spoclnl, Chi cago and r.ut a t:6J pm a 4:05 pm rant Mall. Chicago to um..ha a 2:5 pm pniJlia.CliUnKO L'1'U...u 7:46 pm ii b;uu am l'.nst .Mall..... a tcao am -tdur rapids Pas'nssr. u 6:jo pm u Dally, CHICAGO, ST. PAUL. Mllliicupulls A: Omahii hallwuy - "The Nortn wiMern Line" Gcnurul unlets, Nebraska Divi sion, ljth uiul W'ciistcr Hts. City Picket OUIee. telephone, 5(ii. Depot. Ulll uhu H coster Sts. iciuphonc. Ms. Leuve. Airlve. .ii C:iw am n u:io pm .a pm aluiu am ,.J b:&i pin u am Twin city Passenger., Sioux City t'nh&euuer. l'.lner."Oii Local u Dally SIOUX CITY PACH" IC lUilroad "Tho North western Line" General unices, United States Isutionul Bank Building, 9. W. Coiner Twolttn . ,.' ioaiu oi. iviepiione, bbl. Do pot, Acuta auu Mutcy Sts. luiephcno, wj. - , .. Leave. Arrive. I win city express a C: nm nlu:2i pni l win City Limited a 7:w pm u k:ia ant feloux city Loc.u u :uu nm a j;iu pm a 1 ally. BURLINGTON & MI3- touii uivor ltullruud "Ihu Uuilmgton iluutc General Olllcc. North west Corner Tenth and 1' allium streets. Ticket Ulllcc. 1602 Furuum Strtut. Teleptieuu Luuiiiglon Station, TtlilU anii iaooli streets, leiupnunc lo. utavu. Arrive. Lincoln. Hastings nnd McCoor. a S;i) urn a 7:3i pm rado, Utah, Califori.iii.a 4:2i pm Alllunco r-xprcss a 4:1'j pin l .1 iir-. i ii lilnrk ItlllH ii ft -ml nm a 3'M Pm a j:uu i, in " , : - -. .... . . . i , u .. , , . Muutunu, J'ugil iioUmU.U 1;W pm u U;43 am u e:i& nm L.1IU.UIII I'Ubl 1UII.. .... .U UiW Pill U Jilt UII Uvinorc. Beulrlco und l.lncoli ...a SM0 urn b 11:15 am Denver, ' olorudo, Utuli und L'.nlfonnu Pnrt Mil H.,,.,1 a C;I5 am Loulavllle. PlatiHiu tn.b 3:2) pm Bellevue. t'.att Jrnouth & bll;0j am Pncltlc Junction a 7:40 pm a S:20 am Bcllevuu, I'.attsmoutli & I'liciuc Junction a 3:io am a Dully, b Daily except Sunday. KANSAS C1TV. ST. JO- bepli & Council Bluffs Railroad "Thu Burllngion Route-' TIcKut Office. IU)1 Fnrnum Street. Telephona 260. Depot, Tenth una Mason Street. Tele phone 12S. i-euve. Arrive. 1." r, n . . Yn ii li?v II U'.-ii t. it i. IMlHDiia UII) lit t UilM mix Knnsar Cit Night Ux..uliao pin u C:lJ am St. Louis Flyci, for 2t. Joseph and St. Louu.a d:io pm ulins una a Daliv. Zn, CHICAGO. BURLINGTON cc yuincy ltallruud-"Thu liurilngtun Route" Ticket Office, 1WJ Farnum Street. Tiieptiunu Depot 'leiun und iuuaon stneta' Telcplionu 124. LcUVC Arrlvn Duyllght Cc.ago Spe cial a 7;00 am al0:20 nm Chicago Veclil'UleC Sx.u 4;W pm u juj atl. Chlcugo Local Kxpress.a 'JM um a :oi um Chicago Limited a ciopni u 7:4i am Fust Mull a -'Hi pm - Dally. CHICAGO, ROCIC ISL lium atreut. Telciihoiie Liepot. Tcnti, unll Murcy Stieem, Tele phone, tiJU. EAzl. UVe' Arrlvo- Chicago Daylight Spc.u 0:00 um a 2:00 am lx-M .Moines, and Daven- port Iocnl a 7:25 am a9:35nm Chicago Uxprtss bll;I5um I.U.:5o2m lcij .uuiiii-a a li.upm blP&Jiim 1 llU'Ell'll l.'.iMl I .Vi,rkd 11 ,WIIMl Dsi .uulnes. Itoik Isl- ' '" a ' 1 lu.i and and unicago u 7:40 pm MT.HT. Itocky Mountain Um. . .a 2:0) am L..I.UOII1, CUHII-IUO bpgS., a S:10 am n S.CS ant a 4:15 pm ueuvcr, 1'iiei'io una West u j:3,j pm Colurudo, UKlaluimn & 1'e.xas Flyer. . u 5:20 pm u Dully, b Daily nxceiit Sunday. a 3;M am ILLINOIS CRNTUAIj Jtailroad-Clty Tlckot Of Hcc. HU2 Fumum Street, 'iclephono, 246. Depot. 1 Willi and Miuey Streets Leuve. Arrive ' cuttti. ci a i :uj am 11 ...I,. ..M ii.,-.. - ... w fj.ji Chicago Limited u .:4j pm u S;ou ma .innuia. miiy ,v 1.. rum !) 7:00 um ji.a.!;72 ,........... Mnii...i!i.iii(, a. yit. Paul 1.. . ....... b 8:40 pm , n S:0o am a S:li am Limited a 1:43pm Fort Dodso Local from Council Clulta b 4:60 pm t.,... I 1. ,. I .... I,.,,l l.n,n A . .'UUJU ......... . Council 131iJir ;i C;00 um a Dally. U Daily except nunduy. Leave, Arrive, St. Louis Cannon Hall Express ..........a 5:10 ptn a S-.Z0 nn Local a 7:0) a am a S:00 pm u uuuy. UNION PACIFIC-"!'!!!.: dviTll. outi '--uonernl omcei, 'or,',.i.,t un,J Farnnm N. U. C Strevts. l,n run iti A lUKL'l U!!li l'K Street. Tclejiliono'. 31S. Deput, Tenth und Mnrcy "si J" 1 Tewpiiono, ' Leave. Arrive Tho Overland Limited. .a 6::'u um n 7:30 n'm. n',.'iirlliinil A liu v. Special a :?0 am a 7:30 Dm Thi Flint Mall. a am u 3 15 pS t,., ft.1,111 nml xnreiij .alliA nm Thu Colo.'udo Special .nil :3a pm 1 l,.nnln II. ,1.11 IP, I .Hill " pin a e:U) um Strom'sburif i-Wpresi .b 4:03 pm bl2;J0 Tho Paclllc Lxpies....u I:2j p,n Pm Tho Atliiuie i:.viiri'K3... afl'Mn Gnind Iiland Local b 5:30 pm b 5:35 nm a Daily, b Dall oxcep: Nunduy. Qto Missouiti PACiFuniTrT Ijjjjir. w...v uiuiiun. ! St. LoiiIh nnd Kansas ' "rrive. , City Jxpieiis a iU;oo um . ' K. C. St. 'l. i;xpreBa..u 10;W 5JJJ g:jj g . Lrnvn from lilh and 1 WliInr ,:irpr.lut Nebrasaa Local. Via a a lvW -,kn.'iT; " 4:10 pm alO:4J am,' a iMili. Dally execut Sunday. CI I ICAGO. M I L WAUKL'H I fc St. Pnul Itnllwny-citv (MiLYMUJM!, Ticket onice, 1501 Furnoni, b u-el. J olephone, 217, Depot, Tenth and .Mason' iitreets. lolophono. im LeaVO. Arrive Chlcaco . nmnha i:x..b lilJ urn U 3:40 nm, Chicago Limited lix.. .u WW pm a 8:0j aiu a Dally U Daily i-xrtnii ouiniay. Mt Louis iiPflnnnn IIQI1 nam Sts. IU1 l ui'iiii,,, 1 I II 111111 ,1 IT 1 "cum itallroail -'Ihu Uieut Ruck luluiid Route" citv Ticket OtilL-.. im t t W A HAS It ItAILItOAD iC?ql Tlckot Ulllce. 1413 Furnam JViniWl Street. Telephone, 22. D6 liTihUWj, i.'.l, Tenth und Muivy Htn, 'telephone. r,25 ram, .... Ltave- Arrive. 1 "Cannon uau ..a 5;15 pm g;2o am Cxprcs v'4tf .o ;-o 1