THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 12, 101. KAWTOWN LADS PLAY EVEN Vijitori Hand It to Omaha bj a f core ti Eight to Nothing. ' WEIMER'S CURVES PROVE TOO STRONG Cmlrr I'leldliiK IiV fJenln nml Ket chnni Arc 'Prominent rentnrcs Dispute nil to IJnnlile Mended nnRnwrnipnt. Dlro revenge for Tuesday's defeat was enjoyed by tup Kansas Ctty boys In their second gamo with the Omahas, for they won In a walk yesterday by the hopeless score of 8 to 0, To attribute this result to Tltchcr Gordon alone would be unfair, for not a Dingle run could his team mates earn, or even steal. They were simply powerless to bat Wel mer s curves. .Not till the seventh Inning did ihey get a hit, and then only a single that did no good. Then In tho ninth two more safe ones came, but they were not rufllclent to coax n score. Meanwhile tho visitors vcro pegging nway at Gordon for hits In Just the rlght'places to convert first base gifts Into tallle. They did not start till tho third, but then three slnglo bits on top of a bad error by Calhoun and a man hit by Gordon netted thrco ecores. In tho next Inning Ilartman made another with his home run over right field fence, and thero was no more hopo for Omaha. Beautiful center fielding by Ocnlns and Ketcham was prominent features of tho game. Then Letcher raught a high fly In shallow right and threw to second In time to nab Ketcham, who had left the bag too far. Hut Welmcr's weird curves were what Interested people most. Wenver In Hvldenee. In tho fifth Inning tho new catcher, Weaver, went In to show what ho could do behind tho bat, and made a great hit with tho crowd. Ills throw to second base Is superb In speed, direction and height, and the ball seems to lenvo his hand on thoso occasions before ho has well caught It. In deed, Captain Stewart was not able to get to tho bag In time, and muffed the boll, missing a putout once on that nccount. And no one holds It ngalnsl Weaver that ho did not hit Welmor, whon tho battors of tho team, Fleming. Ocnlnn, Calhoun, Letcher, Stewart all left the gamo with a zero bat ting avcrngo for the day. Kansas City plays hero again today, and In relation to tho doublchcadcr which was to como off, Manager Itourko has a word to say. Ho Dhows a letter from President Hlckey saying that Kansas City Is to play one doubleheadcr while here, and thus mnko up tho game forfeited by Omaha to Kansas City down thero on Sunday, August 23. Omaha refused to play at that time becauso tho Mlssottrlans ran In balls on them which were not regulation nor official. Later, howover, this gamo forfeit was an nulled, and tho game declared off. Hcnco tho ordered repetition here. Ilut now Kan sas City refuses flatly to play, nnd It seems that no power will bo nblo to compel them to do so. Hotv It Happened. KANSAS CITY. An. n. it. o. a v. Ketcham. cf 6 116 0 0 Itartman. rf 5 3 3 10 0 Miller. If 3 1 0 0 0 1 Jloblnson, 3b 1 0.2 2 2 o O'Brien. 2b....' 4 0 1110 Messltt. c 4 0 0 12 2 0 1 I.ewce, ss 4 0 0 1 2 0 Ilevllle, lb 3 114 0 1 "Welmer, p 4 2 2 0 0 0 Totals 31 8 9 27 7 2 OMAHA. All. n. II. O. A. E. Oenlns, cf 3 0 0 3 0 0 Rtowart. 2b 3 0 0 0 3 0 Fleming, If 4 o 0 1 o 0 Calhoun, lb I o 0 12 0 2 Letcher, rf 4 0 13 10 McAndrewB, 3b 10 2 14 0 Toman, ss 4 0 0 1 2 0 Oondlng, c 0 0 0 B 0 o Weaver, c 2 0 0 1 0 0 Gordon, p 2 0 0 0 1 1 Totnls 30 "o 3 27 U 3 Kansas City 00320200 1-8 Omaha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Earned runs: Kansas City, 2. Homo run: Ilartman. Two-baso hit: Ketcham. Sacri fice lilts; O'Brien, Stewart. Stolen bases: Miller (3). Uevllle, Robinson, llnrtman. Doublo play: Letcher to Toman. Struck out: Hy Welmer, 9; by Gordon, 5. First base on balls: Off Wclmer,.3; oft Gordon, 4. Hit by pltchud ball: Uy Gordon, 2. Time: 1:30. Umpire: Ebrlght. St. .lor Win nnil Lose. ST. JOSEPH. Sept. 11,-Miiupln pitched two games today and was as strong at tho close of tho second as nt tho outset. A couple of dumb fielding plays lost tho last game. Attendance, 60). Scoro: First game: It.H.U. St. Joseph... .00001001 '241 Dcs Moines.... 0 1 0000000 1 10 3 Batteries: St. Joseph, Maupln and Gurvln; Dcs Moines, Ulndu and Cote. Serond gnme: It. U.K. Pes Moines.... 00000002 0 2 11 1 St. Joseph 000100000 161 Batteries: Dei, Moines, Cox and Coto; St. Joseph, Maupln and Garvin. Umpire: Carruthers. St. I'mil SMI1 Wet. ST. PAUL. Sept. ll.-Colorado Springs gamo postponed; rain. Denver Nii) Under Ccivcr. MINNEAPOL1. Sept. lt.-Mlnneapolls-Denver game postponed; rain, Wnlrru I.eiiKiic .Ntnndlnir. Lot. PC 42 .047 43 .5 67 .517 66 ,V 4 fii .fa 10 .4Bt 67 .397 70 .317 Kansas City 77 fit. Paul 67 St. Joseph 61 Denver 67 Omaha 66 Minneapolis 63 Colorado Springs 41 Des Moines 46 MuCook Wlim ToiirnnniPiit. M'COOK. Neb., Sept. ll.-(.Hpeclal Tele gram.) McCook won tho third and last ABSOLUTE SECURITY, Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Muit Rear lgntur ml tm PaaMail Wrapper Blnr. Tr audi uA to taka m FM MEAIACNK. ru liniNCtt. FOR IIUOHSKtS. Fill TIRPII LIVER. rn CONSTIFATIIR. FIR IAUIW IKIR. FOR TMCCOMPUXIOR 1 (wnmn waiinuuwi. OURS ICK HEADACHC game of base ball tournament from Su perior this atternoon, 5 to 4. Score: It. ILL. McCook 0 0 1 0 2 2 0 0 -5 2 Uuperlor 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0-4 3 2 Hattrrles: McCook, Jones nnd Heck; Su perior, HnlTinelstcr nnd Fullmer Struck out. Hy Jones, 6; by Hoffmelster, 6. First baso on balls: Off Jones, 3; off Hoffmelster, 3. Home runs. Fullmer, Hayes, Cone. NATIONAL GAMEHARD FOUGHT llrouklyn Milken PlllolmrK (In the Whole Itonte Ms Mttle tilorj. I1ROOKLYN, Sept. 11. Today's National gamo was fought hard throughput. Lynch hurt his ankle after bringing Itltchey home with a double In the second nnd retired, but ho took part In a kick over a close de cision at the plate in the fourth Inning nnd was hustled orf the field by two policemen nt the request of Umpire Snyder. Pittsburg won tho game fcy hitting In good style. Score: riTTSDIJIlO. I BROOKLYN. Il.H.O.VE. Il.II.O.A.K. pftvli", rf.... 1 1 1 (Inrkp, If. .12 5 llen'mont, cf 0 0 3 Wncner, 0 1 1 OKeMer. rf... 1 3 0 0 Hhrckard. If. 0 0 2 0 0 0 10 0 3 1 2 0 3 3 t, 0 2 0 0 liDolan, cf.... 0 Kiley, lb...O Daly, 2ti 0 Dnhlen, s... 0 lrirln, 3b 2 McOIuIre, c.. 1 tJnnovsn, p. 0 McCreery .. 0 Smith, ll)-3b 0 1 1 Itltchlr, 2 1 2 Vo1gr, lb... 0 I.icll, 3b... 0 O't'onner, c. t Chwbro, p... 0 0 It 1 2 1 1 2 0 Totnls 6 10 27 IS J Totals 4 7 27 M 1 Hatted for Donovan In tho ninth, JMttsbjrg 0 12 110O0 n6 Brooklyn 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0-1 Earned runs: Pittsburg. 3. Two-baso Jilts: Leach, McOulrc. Thrce-bas( hit: Davis. Stolen base: Clarke. First baso on errors: Pittsburg, 1; Brooklyn, i. Left on bases: Pittsburg, 1; Brooklyn, fi. First base on balls: Oft Donovan, 2, oft Cheshro, 2. Sacrifice hits: Yengcr, Chesbro, Dolon (2). Struck nut: Hy Donovan, 4: by Ches bro, 3. Time: 1:44. Umpires: Snyder nnd Brown. lIiiKlifN Tnkcn lloston'n Sculp. BOSTON, Sept. 11. Hughes was very ef fectlvo except in tho sixth Inning, when threo singles and n. three-bagger netted Boston threo runs. Dlnecn was batted hard throughout tho game. Attendance, SO. Scoro: CHICAOO. I I103TON. imi.o.a.cI n.H.o.A.n. llsrtsel, It.. 2 2 2 0 0 SIskK rf.... 1 1 1 0 u Orfcn, cf.,,3 3 1 0 1 Te nney, lb.. 1 3 5 0 0 Doxter, 3b... 1 2 1 2 u Demont, 2b.. 0 0 3 2 0 Doyle. lb....O 1 10 0 0 Cooley, If.... 1 13 0 0 Oannon, rf.. 1 2 2 0 0 Hamilton, cf 0 2 3 0 0, on,. 0 113 0 Lowe, 3b 0 0 1 0 0 f'hllds, 2b... 0 1 0 4 0 Iing, M..... 0 0 2 2 0 Knhnc, C.... 0 0 10 0 0 KlttrldRc, c. 0 0 9 2 11 Hughes, p...0 0 0 2 OKItlrldgc c. 0 0 9 2 1 Total..... 6 12 27 11 ll Totals 3 7 27 7 1 Chicago 3 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0-6 Boston 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0-3 Earned runs: Chicago, 6; Boston, 3. Two baso lilts: llartsol, Single. Two-base hit: Cooley. Homo runs: Dexter, Green. Sacrl Mco hit: Haymer. Stolen bases: Doyle, Gannon. First base on balls: Off Dlneon, 1. Struck out: By Dtnccn, 6: by Hughes, 8. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Nnsh. Weils' Itril Letter liny. NEW YOItlC, Sept. ll.-Innblllty to hit tho ball and stupid base running lost the New York Nationals tho gamo with Cin cinnati nt the polo grounds today. Stlmmol. who pitched for tho visitors, proved n hard nut to crack, while. Phylu was rather easy for tho Clnclnnatls. Attendance, 70. Score: CINCINNATI. I NEW YOItK. H.H.O.A.n.l II.H.O.A.E. ruy. cf 0 0 3 1 OS'lhnch. If.. 0 0 3 0 0 Hurley, If... 0 1 2 0 0 MoHrlile, rf. 1 1 10 0 Ileckley, lb.. 1 112 1 0 V'Halfn, cf 1 2 3 0 0 Crawford, rf 2 2 0 0 0 Davis, as.... 0 2 3 1 0 Fox, 2b 1 1 3 6 0 Strang, 3b... 0 113 0 Stelnfrldt. 3I0 2 1 1 1 Mlllrr, !b....O 0 0 2 0 Magoon, sa.. 0 3 2 3 0 Daniel, lb... 0 0 12 0 0 Itergen, C....0 13 1 0 Hour nnnn, oO 0 2 2 0 mimmel, p.. 0 1 1 3 1 Phyle, p 0 0 1 4 1 Total 4 12 27 15 2! Total 2 6 27 11 1 Cincinnati 0100020101 New York 2000000002 Earned runs: New York, 2: Cincinnati, 3. First baso on errors: New York, 1: Cincin nati. 1. First base on balls: Off Phyle, 1; off Stlmmel, 2. Struck out: Hy Phyle, 2: by Stlmmel, 4. Stolen bases; Davis, Van Hnl trcn, Fox. Sacrlllcn hits: Bay, Fox. Dou ble plays: Bay to Fox, Bcckley to Stlmmri. wild pitch: Stlmmel. Passed balls: uower mnn, Bergen. Time: 1:45. Umpire: Emslle. .Storm Spoil Phillies' Fun. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 11. A heavy storm brought today's National game he tween St. Louis and Philadelphia to an end after the sixth inning had been played, Tho locnl batters were hitting Powell freely and had the game well In hand. Thomaj was Injured whllo running for a fly ball In yesterday's game and although he stnrtcd to play today, he was compelled to retire, Orth taking his place after tho first Inning, Attendance, 1,338. Score! PHILADELPHIA. I BT. LOUIS. K.H.O.A.E.I It.H.O.A.E. Thomas, cf.. 0 0 0 0 0 ntirkrtt, If.. 1 2 3 0 0 Orth. cf 0 0 2 0 0 llelilrlck, cf. 1 0 2 1 0 Harry, 2b.... 2 2 0 3 1 l'adrten, 2h.. 1 1 3 0 1 nick, rf 2 2 3 0 0 Wallace. s,. 0 1 0 5 0 De'hanty, If. t J 1 1 0 Donovan, rfO 0 1 0 0 Douglas, c... 0 2 2 0 u Hchrlver, c 0 1 8 0 0 Jennlniss, lb I 2 4 0 0 Kruffer, 3b....O 0 0 0 0 Hallman, 3b0 3 0 0 0 Nlcholn, C....0 0 110 Crons. M 0 1 6 1 0 Powell, p 0 0 0 2 0 Donahue, p..O 0 0 U Ui Totals 3 6 13 9 1 Total 6 13 18 7 ll Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 4 2- C St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 2-2 Earned runs: Philadelphia, 5. Two-baso lilts: Batry, Jennings, Cross. Three-baso hits: Delahanty, Jennings. Stolen bifes: Wallace, Hnllman. Left on bases: St. Mills. 4: Philadelphia. 1. First baso on balls: Off Powell. 1; lift Donahue, 1. Struck out: By Powell, 2: by Donahue, 2. Wild pitch: Donahue. Time: 1:15. Umpire: Dwyer. National Lcukiic StniulliiK. Won. ....72 ....71 ...."0 ....63 ....59 ....43 ....43 ....45 Lost. P.C. Pittsburg ... Philadelphia Brooklyn ... St. Louis .... Boston Cincinnati .. Chicago New York .. 43 .626 4S 62 56 61 ftS 7n 71 .594 .674 .630 .492 .39X W.H5 .399 AMERICANS USE THE BRUSH llostnn Dull the Whitewash on Wash ington Tilth Kns nnil I.nv lh llniul. WASHINGTON, Sept. ll.-Young's great work In the box and almost perfect fielding resulted In the noston Americans white washing Washington with cuse. Attend ance, 2.SIS, Score: 110STON. I WASHINGTON. H.H.O.A.n.l n.H.Q.A.E. Dowit, If 1 0 0 0 0 Waldron, cf . 0 0 1 0 1 Htahl, cf....2 4 4 " 0 Pan ell, 2b... 0 10 8 2 Collins. 3h.. 3 3 0 6 0 Dunsan, rf..O 0 0 0 0 Pieman, lbO 111 1 OCIarke, c.,0 1 1 1 0 Hemphill, rf 0 0 0 0 otlrarty, lb....O 113 4 0 Parent, rs... 1 2 2 0 0(ior. If 0 0 2 0 1 Fcrrlf. Ib.... 1 3 3 4 1 Counhlln, 3b. 0 0 3 1 Crlgfr, c 0 0 3 1 0 ("lineman, m 0 0 3 5 1 Young, p.... 1 1 1 1 0 Mercer, p.... 0 0 4 1 0 Totali 9 14 27 IS l) Tolalf 0 3 27 H 0 Boston 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 19 Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Earned runs: Boston. 6. Tivn.lmnn liiin- Fnrrell. Stall!. Collins (2). Ferrlx. Kimrltw hit; Crlgcr. Doublo plays: Farrcll to Grady to Cllnginaii. Cllngman to Furrell to Grady. lu i.iir..ii,.ii lu vumiy, 1'IirOIll lO Ferris to Freeman. Struck out: Hy Mer cer, l: by Young, 4. Left on bases: Bos ton, 6, Washington, 2. Time: i:so. Um plro: netts. Amerlenii (nmeii Postponed, CLEVEUVND. Sent. ll.-Tho bnn hnll gamo scheduled for today between Cleve land and Detroit was not played on account of the Grand Army of tho Uepubllo parade. Two games will no played tomor row afternoon If the weather permits. At Philadelphia No gunie owing to Balti more team being delayed enroute. At Milwaukee Game with Chicago post poned on account of rain. American i.eiiitue stauillnv. Won. Lost. P.C. Chicago 73 47 ,669 llostnn 63 52 .667 Detroit 65 53 , 642 tillauelplila 61 5S .512 ilaltlmore 58 68 , 5W) v iiniiiilKlon OJ ua ,449 uieveianil 53 67 ,449 Milwaukee ,45 75 .376 TEN INNINGS WITHOUT A RUN CrelKlitou Win from .Norfolk In Game Worthy of II I if l.enicne. Tolegram.J-Crelghton defeated Norfolk In . 1 k r-.fiii,,if hwino ,i iMino nan nero today, 2 to 1. It was the fastest game over seen on the home grounds, not a ran being made by either until the tenth Inning. Score; Crelghton ...... 00000000001 l-'u' Norfolk ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q l 0 I 7 1 Batteries! Crelghton, Chentwood and Carroll. Norfolk, Wilkinson and Wllklna. Two-base hits: Perrlne, Carroll, Green. First baso on balls: Oft Cheatwood, 3; off Wilkinson, 3. Stolen bases: Crelghton, 4; Norfolk, 3. Struck out: Hy Cheatwood, 14, by Wilkinson, 15. ORIGINALS ""DROP ANOTHER l.nvtlerllen t'nnhle In Hit lllls nml Lose Eleven-Inning: flnnie nl Mlnden. MINDEN, Neb., Sept. ll.-(8peclal Tele gram.) The Omaha Originals were defeated nt base ball by Mlndcn today In an eleven Inning gnme, 4 to 3. It was the most In teresting and exciting game of tho season. Score: B.ll E. Mlnden 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1- 4 S 3 Originals 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-3 5 4 Batteries: Mlndcn, Bliss nnd Monro: Orlglnnls, Scully nnd O'Keefe. Struck out: By Bliss, 8, by Scully. 8. Two-baso lilts: Maryott, Whitney. Umpire: Mllburn. Mont hern I.rnnne. CHATTANOOGA, Sept. ll.-Score: It.ll.E. New Orlenns...O 1 10 12 10 9 11 2 Chattanooga ..1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 2 3 Batteries; New Orleans, Kelltim and Westlnke: Chattanooga, Wolfe nnd Larkln. 8HHEVEPOHT. Sent. lt.-Gamo cnlled on a ceo jnt of darkness. Scoro: R.ll.E. Hhreveport 6 0 1 1 0 08 12 1 Selma 0 0 1 0 1 0-2 5 2 Batteries: Shrevenort. Shnfstall and Me. Gulre: Selmn, ('rlhhens nnd Moore. DIHMINOHAM, Sept. 11. Score: JHrmlnghnm ..0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 3 8 0 .Mi' minus 1 001000 02 S 1 Batteries: Blrmlnclinm. Wllhelm n.wl Knlkhoff: Memphis, Rhodes nnd Arm strong. NASHVILLE, Sept. ll.-Score: ri ti v Nashville 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 14 ' ".' 6 jlttle Uock ...2 0100000 03 9 1 Batteries: Nashville. Rnmnte Llttlo Hock, McCIoskey and Lynch. Ilrlvey Knay for Fnlrlinry. FAlllBiniY, Neb . Sept. ll.-(Speclnl Tele n.l.m'.)."".1' n'rhiiry defeated Hclvey at base all, it to 3. Score: Falrbliry 0 0 0 1 0 0 12 ' s i Heivey 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 03 6 5 Batteries: Fnlrbury. Bean nnd Doano; Helvey, Mooro nnd Wilson. Ile.l .Men AVI 11 In Illinois. MOnniSON. III.. Rent. 11. iSnorlnl iTh Nebraska Indlnns ilefentnl Rnvn day. 27 to I, and Morrison Monday, 20 to 1. niivitnnii nun nini oiu one game out of twenty-two this season. Mnrrlnnn iw loaded up with "Thrce-1" leaguers. Western Asnooln t Ion. At Columbus ColumhiiB.Tnlprln en nlft postponed. ai urand napIds-Grand Itaplds, 10: Wheeling, 4. At uayton Marlon, 6; Dayton, 4. SEEMS THE COMING GOLFER I.oekwnnd (nlnn Willi Another Vic tory Over llnlnlilrd nnd ChlcnRo HcKlnn to Sivell. ATLANTIC! PITV. Nf. .T . Ront. II Onlv eight players now remain In the tourna ment In nrogress hero to decide the amateur golf championship of Amerlcu nnd uy tomorrow nignt me semi-nnai is tne only match left. Sixteen nlavers Htnrted off this morning nnd although the scores of 0110 or two were rainy close, tne results were prnctlcully foregone conclusions. interest 111 tun contest was centered In two or three matches, but none attracted more attention than tho Lockwood-Holn-bird contest. Fully 5.U00 people watched tho game, which resulted In n victory for Lockwood by 4 tin and 3 to nlav. At thi. end of the eighteenth hole Lockwood had 11 gross score of 75, against Holnblrd's 76. Tho later, who Is hut 17 years old, Is looked upon 111 unicago as tne ruiuro champion, and, Judging from tho form ho displayed, ho should have little rllUle-jltv in rnrrvlmr off the honors two or three years hence". A conspicuous icatura 01 tne morning plav was when Holablrd arrived at tho eighth nun.-. xuunnuiHi uy n goon urivo landed dead on tho edge of tho trreen. Ho hnln.i out In three, but this did not win tho hole nnd one more stroke was sufllclent. On the return Journey two holes later tho com petitors no in naivca tne luu-yard In two, a feat which hud never been performed on tho links, At the eleventh' Holablrd again made a two against Lockwood's three, which gave tho westerner three twos out of four holes nnd nt the same holes Lockwood mado n two and two threes and could only halvo one. Starting out In tho afternoon Holablrd took a six to nls opponent's four. Tho sec ond was hulved In four, whllo the third went to Holablrd. Both pulled their drives, Holablrd going fully twenty yards to the left. He. however, made up for his mis take. The fourth hole, 182 yards, was halved, although It looked at first as though Holablrd would mako It In one, his ball from tho drive off from the tee going directly oyer the hole nnd about twentv flvo feet beyond, Lockwood managed "to gain tho next In six, but luck would have It mat In this Instance he missed u mitt and laid a styme for his opponent. The next hole was Lockwood's In three, tho seventh u-nit hnl-..,l n.. ..... hlrd took the eighth nnd ninth In three and i.L mis leu tne liostonlan with tho same ndvantage at the turn as when ho started the afternoon round. On the return.Journey Lockwood Increased his lead to live nt the tenth and then for n few m!nu.tfsi he. aPP'n'';d to be nervous and y.Ill.1!'rrt' ,wh0 P'nyed a strong game, holed put tho eleventh in three nnd the twelfth In four, with moro than nvernge putts. Tho nevt two holes were halved IH five, which left Lpckwood 3 up. Holablrd therefore had his final nt the fifteenth. a 263-yard lm3.gcrt.nIg1ffl,rPee?Vel, ,0 Mr0nB for COLUMBIA STARTS UNCHEERED People- Almost Koret Yneht's Im pendlnK Test In Walrlilwr Ite ports from IlufTiilo. HHISTOL. II. I., Sept. ll.-Seldom has the departure of a craft for ti contest that holds tho Interest of millions of people on both sides of the Atlantic been so void of even tho cheering toot from a steamer as that this afternoon of Columbia, tho suc cessful defender of the America's cup iwi years ago. All morning nnd nway Into the afternoon preparations for llttlng out Columbia went on briskly. Former Commodore E. D. Morgan went on board nt 2:30, tho New York Yacht club flag came down and his own private signal went up. Tho anchor was hove short and Columbia was towed down to the Hog Island light ship, where It cast off the line and proceeded to New port under sail, with Captain Uarr at tho wheel. Constitution Is still In the harbor and this afternoon the, crew began taking down the standing rigging nnd floating the spars ashore. Western Defeat ntloniilN, The Westerns defeated the Nationals on tho Gate City alleys last night. Score; WESTERNS. 1st. 2d 3d. 203 115 151 173 135 Total. 639 413 I2S f2S 49S Reynolds 179 15S 122 126 177 161 Swenson 146 Ayci 151 Selleck 176 Harris 199 Totals S51 717 S06 2,404 NATIONALS. 1st. 2d. Skinner 114 167 Hurgess 126 139 Davey 144 182 Rosenbery 113 lfis Kelson 142 166 3d. T 119 127 137 203 163 otnl. 400 392 163 414 473 Totals 669 822 751 2,142 Ilnln Stop Ilneea 11 1 Vnnklon, V A VM.-T". V? a 1 CI . tn ,. .... .v n. u,t nepi. 11, inncciai Tolcgram.) Over two Inches of rnln full II. n. mailt Mil 1 nun mi eiiuuu. 11 filupneil tho races at tho state fair and spoiled the attendance. The stnto board has decided to continue the fair Saturday In order to comnleto the race program. There will bo special excursions on nil lines Saturday. All tho days of the week now will bo big days If tho weather Is good. Jockey Klmw Niiirndeil, NEW YORK. Sept. U.-The stewards of the Jockey club today Investigated the ride of Jockey Shaw on Blue Olrl In the great Filly stakes last Saturday and after re viewing tho evidence presented by the stewards of the club suspended Shaw for the remainder of Hie meeting for negligent riding. Tho stewards say no fraud was established In connection with the rnce. , I. 1 rv PiikIIIM In Town. Kid Crews, a colored bantam from Peoria, III, Is in the city, making his headquarters at the Midway, He Is willing to take on nnybody at lis pounds, Crews' last meet ing wos about two weeks ago, when ho went a six-round exhibition Journey with Orlf King before a club at Rock Island. His last light was last winter, when he won from Kid Bradford at Peoria. WINS IT IN THREE STRAIGHT Council Chimst MAi Lokiwuaa Stake Lotk Ej. HAS TO GO OVER MUDDIEST OF TRACKS Ilnln enrl.v Spoils Third Iln's Una lug nt Syracuse, HoIiIIiik llnek First r.ti'iil l nlll After Four O'L'luck. SYRACUSE, N. Y., Sept. 11. Rain all but spoiled tho third day of the Grand Circuit racing at the State fair grounds this after noon. It was after l o'clock whon the first event was called and then tho track was heavy, making fast time Impossible. Leola won the 2.23 trot after Toboggan ht.d taken the first heat and Council Chimes took tho Lackawanna stake of $2,000, 2:10 pacing, In three Btralght. There was llttlo betting and then crowd of 6,000 was not given to enthusiasm, tiosulte: Trotting, 2:25 class, purse 11,200: Leola, b. m., by C. F. Clay-Lady Pepper (Hutchliis) : 6 111 Iaiirettn, eh. in. (Mlddleton) 3 4 3 2 Betsy Tell (.McDowell) 2 3 4 6 Alberln. ch. g. (MoIIenry) 4 7 2 4 Ro-Kleetcd. g. h. (Mncey; 5 6 5 3 Toboggan, g m, (Rombaiigh) 1 2 7 fs Red Princes, b. m. (Snow) 7 6 6dr Time: 2:17',4, 2:17V4. 2:I5'5, 2:16 3-5. Pacing, 2:lo class. Lackawanna stakes, value Jj.tioo: Council Chimes, hlk. m.. by Chlmes- Tlllle 1! (Snow) 1 1 1 Carmine, b, g. (McDowell) 3 6 2 The Bishop, b, g. (Berry) 2 4 Stacker Taylor, h, h. (Mticey) 5 3 3 Tom Calhoun, rn. p. (Iludron) 7 5 6 Hnslnlncn. b. h. (Marsh) 6 7 5 Dlnvoln, br. g (O'Nell) 2 4 ds Time: 2:09i, 2:11'..2:10. RUN IN A PELTING RAIN .Miss Bennett's Hnee nt ' llnrlem Is l)nnii AfTnlr rinli Cnnl Gets n Third. CHICAGO, Sept. ll.-MIss Bennett won the second race nt Harlem today In mud nnkle deep nnd In the hardest kind of a rainstorm, beating Money Muss nnd Burnlc Bunion. Joe Martin, ono of the henvlast hacked starters In tho race, was left nt the post. Results: First race, live nnd a half furlongs: Alla dln won, Bragg second, Amote third. Time; 1:11 2-5. Second rnce, six furlongs: Mls Bennett won, Hurnlo Ronton second, The Lady third. Time: 1:17. Third race, one mile and a quarter, over five hurdles: Hofugre won, Mnzo second, Dick Furbo third. Time: 2:26 2-5, Fourth rnce. one mile and an eighth: Charlie O'Brien won, Strangest H'cor.d, Pink Coat third. Time: 1:67 3-6. Fifth race, six furlong, yelling: Pyrrho won, Dodlcs second, Huzznh third. Time: 1:1S. Sixth rnee, one mile and nn eighth, fe'l Ing: Flying Torpedo won, Bmlsh s cni, Kentucky Babe third, Tlmo: 2:0J. At Fori Krle. FORT HRIi:, Out.. Sept. ll.-Weather clear, track fast. Uesultt.; First race, six and a half furlongs: King's Pawn won, Dandy Bill second, I Know third. Time: 1:22U. Second rnce, four and n quarter furlongs: Mnttte Spencer won, La Brough recond, Armlta third. Time: 0:Wi. Third race, one mllo nnd nn eighth, sell ing: Lone won, Colonel Hnllenllnc second, Handcuff third, Tlmo: 1:53?L Fourth race, six furlongs, selling: Thet Boer won, Lizzie A second, Phroso third. Time: l:14'.i. Fifth race, ono mile, selling: Rare Per fume won, Rosebud second, Frandoo third. Time: 1:43. Sixth rnce, one mile, relllnc: Top Gnl'ant won. Water House second. Chairman third. Time: 1:42ft. At Nlipepaliend liny. NKW YORK. Sept. 11. In the September stnkes for 3-yearolds at Sheepshead Bay today only thrr1e..started, with Blues n half hearted favorite, Monnrka nlso being well backed. Blues made all the running and won ns she ptensed In n ennter. Four went to tho post In the Autumn stakes, with Au gust Belmont's J-conld ns the favorite He Indulged Major Dalngerfl?ld with the lend to tho stretch, when he came nway and won easily. Results: First rnce, live and 11 half furlongs, sell ing: Gold Hrnld won, Cassvllle second. Rocky third. Time: 1:09 2-5. Second rnce, one mile, selllna: Biw'n won, Barbara Freltchlo second, Alfred Var grave third. Time: 1:11 1-5. Third race. Autumn stnkes. six furlongs: Innld won. Major Dnlngerfleld second, Setuka third. Time: 1:16. Fourth race. September stakes, one mllo nnd three-elghtliH: Blues won. Mniarkn second, Autollglit third. Time: 2:22 3-5. Fifth rnce six furlongs: Helulno won, 1,'topnn second, locket third. Time; 1:151-5. Sixth rnce, one mile and n quarter, on tho turf: Nones won, Louisville second, Term inus third. Time: 2:07 3:5. At llelninr Pink. ST. I.OriS, Sept. 11. Tho going nt Del mar today during the lMiinlng of the first four races was fairly heavy, owing to Inst night's rnln nnd wns made exceedingly ro during the progress of tho fifth event by a. copious preclpltntlon. The feature of the day was tho fourth event at a mile and seventy ynrds, for J-year-olds and upward. Blink was mado favorite at 6 to 5, with Ida Lcdford next In tho public estimation. Vnn' "Hoorebeko cut out tho running and led to the last sixteenth pole, where Alice Tut tier challenged and bent him out by a length. Hall gave Vanlloorebeke n lino ride at the finish. Favorites, seconds nnd outsiders spilt the card equally. Results: First rnce, six furlongs, selling: George B. Cox won, Velasquez second, Durrell third. Time: 1:lS'i. Second race, seven furlongs, selling: Brown Vail won, Two Annies second, Kin loch third. Time: 1:32A, Third race, six and n half furlongs, purse: Huntressa won, Talpa second, Snmbo third. Time: 1:254. Fourth rnco, one mile and seventy yards, purse: Allco Turner won, VnnHoorebeke ceeond, Ida Ledford third, Time: l:47i. Fifth race, ono mile and twenty yards, purse: Guide Rock won, Tulln Fonso sec ond, Miss May Day third. Time: 1:3M,4. Sixth race, seven furlongs: I'terp won, Ignis second, Grandma 11 third. Tlmo: 1:35. OFF THEY GO IN A BUNCH Kverythlntr In Itrndlness for Hnce Meet nt Ames Avenne Truck, Which lieu Inn Todny, At 2 o'clock this afternoon the red flag of Starter F. S. Sulllvnn will send eight strong, fast and willing horse nn their Journey around tho Ames avenuo pnrk track In the Initial race of the hlg nn;ot held under tho auspices of tho Omaha Jockey club. From that tlmo on for ten days thero will continue a carnival of horseflesh In action such as has never been seen In Omaha before. More than 120 nulmals nro already In quartern nt the track, and more nro coming, having been delnyed in get ting away by other meets, The last to ar rive have Just been heard from. They nro a enrload of beauties from Klnloeh park nt St. Louis and will get In Saturday or Sun day. Everything will be In prime condition for the beginning today. Though tho track may be slightly heavy this afternoon an other day will make It fit. Greater Interest cpnters In this event than In any similar one for a long tlm past. Last night the town was crowdeil with horsemen eagerly dljcusslng the races and It Is certain that gieat crowds of the pleasure seekers In the city will awnrm to the track this afternoon. Whnt looks especially good Is tho large number of entries for enrh raco on tho first day's program. Not all the runners nro yot here, yet the llrst rare tins eight starters, and none of the four has less than six. Tho fact that the llrst number Is a hnlf-nillc dnsh nnd repeat makes flvo races past the stand- The entries for today nro: Half-mile and repeat: Billy Van (Herry), Madam Hlshon (Howard Porter), lone Par ker (Wells). May I Go (Mead), Gold nug (Jim Reese), See Kay (Collins). Joo Foster (Harry), Charles Curtis (Donnelly). Three. nuarter-mlle dnsh: Archie McKay (Berry), Druggist (Mend), St. Bluff C.eno), Rilstus (llnlei. Cosmos (Reese), Fellon (Johnson), Ida Knohbs (Wood). One mile. Omaha Derby: Dewltt (Reese), Fred Reed (Spolin). Aborigine (Davltt), Robsrt Bonner (Harry), Coral (Miller), Jim Dunn (Dongan). Keven-elghths of a mile dash: Laraquoln (Stewart), 1'nclo Samuel (Barry), Kmerald (Mead), Montana Gent (Z.eno), Home (Denly), Now Moon (Johnson), Permanent otnelnls of tho meet are: Starter, F. S. Sullivan of Preston. Ia ; ns slstnnt stnrter, William Hyde of Denver, presiding Judge, W. J, Perry of Omaha j associate Judges, Major It. Roberts of Cedar Rapids, la., And 8. O, V. Grlswold of Omnha. D0RICLES WINS ST. LEGER Leads Other Homes hy n I. ninth nt the l'lnlsti of the flrent RntUh Hnce. LONDON. Sept. ll.-Dorlcles won the St. Leger stnkes at Doncaster today. Later objection was made to Dorlcles being de clared the winner of the St. Leger The betting previous to the start wns 49 to 1 against Dorlclej, 11 to 10 ngatnit VolodyovsKl nnd 9 to 1 against Revenue Revenue led until going up the hill, when Cynical drew to the front and led to the stretch, Revenue again going to tho front there. Dorlcles, Volodyovskl, the latter ridden by Lester RellT, then came up fnst nnd passed Revenue, Dorlcles winning bv a neck. Three lengths topnraUd Volody ovskl and Revenue, second and third respectively. An objection wns made to Dorlcles win. nlng on the ground of bumping, but it was overruled. JOGS AHEAD OF JOE PATCHEN Annenniln llents the HIb tllnck In Their ftnclnir Mntch nt Hethlehem. BETHLEHKM. Pa., Sept, ll.-Flfleen .thousand people were uitracted to he Pennsylvania State fair here today by tho Joe Pntehen-Anncondn pacing mntch race for fj.frto, with $2.0)0 added, to beat 2:01ft, host two In three Twenty hours of rnln had left the track In had shape and 2:07 was the time In both heals. Anaconda win ning In n Jog, Xcvr York Klnte Tournament. NEW YORK, Sept. 11. In the second series of matches today at the New York state tournament nt Interstate Park, L. I., tho principal contest wns the Brooklyn handicap at 100 targets. L. G. Shortmcre gathered In first money by breaking V) of a possible ino, he being followed to the win ning mark by C Dudley, who broke U, S, M. VnnAllen. S6: A. McMureh, S6: H, D t-ulford, SB, and Sim Glover, 82. Upton Representative Arrive. NEW YORK, Sept. ll.-Rohcrt Rure, ih Seotch yachting expert, who Is to repre sent Sir Thomas Llptnn on board Columb a during tha America's cup rncs, arrived here today on board the Oceanic, fiom Liverpool. PlilInilelihlntiM Win nt OMnvrn. OTTAWA, Ont.. Sept. H.-The Canadians were all nut for 100 runs, the Phllndelph'as thus winning by ninety-six runs. Total score: Philadelphia, 321; Canadians, 225, .Sheldon Cnptnln Chlrnen 'Vnrslty, CHICAGO, Sept. ll.-Jnmes Milton Shel don haj been elected captain of the I'nl versify of Chicago foot ball team, to iw feed James R. Henry, resigned. WESTERN PACKING STATISTICS Itcturnn for the Week Shoir n FnllltiK Ott front Preceeillnir Week nnd Yenr Arii, CINCINNATI. Sept. 11. (Special Tele gram.) Tha Current says: Western packing statistics show 320,000 hogs, against 330.000 the preceding week and 315,000 Inst year. Since March 1 the total Is 12,100,000, against 11,320.000 a year ago. Prominent places compare as follows: inn irii Chicago 3.395,1100 3,3P).f01 Kunsnn f?ll. 1 rin 1 jeft nvi omaiia ...."l'.slilnoo i'.koIwhi St. Louis. K.).000 7M.000 St. Joseph .....l.fifiO.OilO Wl.CflO Milwaukee 383,000 I0.V) Innlnnnnnlla rsmi w. ftw ....... ........ n.i ,.-.,,. Clnclnnntl 271.0oo umi.OM Ottumwa 2!7,0f) .114 in).) Cedar Rapids 210,000 2.1s. 105 SIOUX City 401.000 3S5.0O1 St. Paul 243.001) 2:.000 DEATH RECORD. Jnnien Jonhnn Smith. ELM-CREEK. Neb.. Sept 11. (Special.) James. Jothua Smith; died, at his homo near Elm Creek yesterday evening. He had suf fered for months with sarcoma cancer. The funeral will bo tomorrow In tho Methodist Episcopal church. He was a member of the Ancient Order United Workmen nt this place. The order took caro of him and did his threshing. He leaves a wife and two small children. fi. fi. Huntley of finite. HELENA, Mont.. Sept. 11. S. S. l'.untley, president and general manager of tho Yel lowstone Park Transportation company, died ruddenly today of heart disease Mr. Huntley came to Montana In 1SS7 nnd or ganized tho first stage line operated In tho state. The firm of Huntley & Company, of which he was the senior member, also owned lines In California and Oregon. Fnnernl nt Herninn O. Armour. NEW YORK. Sept. 11. Tha funeral of Herman O. Armour, who died nt Saratoga last Sunday, wns from his residence In this city today. Rev, Dr. George T. Purvis of tho Fifth Avenue Presbyterian church con ducted tho service. Many men dlstlngulshcl In public lift were present. Tho Interment was at Woodlawn cemetery. Chrln Mnelrr nf Dnvrnpnrt. DAVENPORT, la.. Sept. 11. Chris Muolcr, one of the leading lumbermen of the Miss issippi valley, died suddenly today, aged 78 years. Leonard Cnrdrs. NEW YORK. Sopt. 11. Leonard Cordes, aged 72, once a well known violinist, died today at his apartments on East Eighty eighth street. Ilnrtrniler Shot liy Ilohlir rs, LI3ADVILLE, Sept. ll.-Joseph Manthlne, bartender at Dcttler's saloon, la Strlrg. town, three miles from Lendville. wns kil'el by robbers at midnight. Manfiiilm- was closing up the saloon when two mn.'k'd mon attempted to gain admission. In the struggle which ensued ono robber dre a revolver nnd shot Manshlnu dead, Dettlr. the proprietor of tho saloon, pulled a gin nnd killed r,no nf the robbers, who has not as yet beo'i Identified, Convicts Overpower GuhrilH. CANYON CITY, Colo., Sent. ll.-Threa convicts at the state penitentiary Ed Cavlness. sent up for murder; Krnnk Hnrr.s, for stealing ncer came, nnu u. it. ii?eo, serving time for larceny escaped from tho penitentiary ranch two miles from the prison. They overpowered Overseer King, and taking his carbine nnd revolver, and taking horser. from the stable, started for the mountains, A large porso Is following with bloodhounds. The men are expected to light If overtaken. llonrd' Trial Postponed, FRANKFORT. Ky , Sept. ll.-Judge T. K. Gordon tiled a motion In the Howard trial today that the mandate of the court of ap peals has not been filed and that .the case cannot stand for trial In the court nt this term. Judge Cnntrlll sustained tho motion and James Howard, charged with tho as sassination of Goebel, will not be tried this term of the court. Searching for Itonnle Frnnela, RI5VERY, Knn., Sept, 11. Hossle Francis, thn negro who murderod Miss Mary Hen derson, near Columbus, Mo., and for whom several posses searched for ten days, Is believed to bo In the vicinity of Sevory. Two brothfrs of the girl are here, follow ing the tikll, and say they have almost positive elenco that the negro has bcon here. Iliisnii Ilnltlrshln nn Trlnl, PHILADELPHIA, Sept. ll.-Tho now Rui-slan battleship Retvlzan. one .if the most formidable war rraft In the world, left Cramps' shipyard today for Its prelimi nary, or builders' trial trip. After Its com passes are adjusted It will steam out to sea and tho customary tests will bo made to demonstrate Its stability and sea wot (Ill ness. Knilovm f'hnlr nf AuthropoloKy, SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. II. Mrs. Phoebe. Hearst has agreed to pay all the expenses of the department of anthropology nt tho University of California, which will be ie voted espeolally to tho study of Indians on the Pacific onant, The cost will be about (10,000 u year. un. a. n. sr.Aiti.ns. VARICOCELE Are you nfClcted with Varicocele or Its results Nervous Debility and Lest Man hood? Are you nervous, Irritable and despondent? Do you lack your old-tlin enercf md orabltlonT Are you suffering from vital wcakncn, etc ? Ihrro Is a deranteraeot of the sensitive ornans of your PoWlc Syfctem, and even though It glut you na troublo at present, It will ultimately unman you, depress ycur ralnd, rack your nervout tystem, unfit you for married life ejid shorten your existence Why not be cured be fore It Is too late? WE CAN CURE YOU TO STAY CURED UNUEK WRITTEN OUAR 'NTEE, Wo have jet to seo the cbo of Varicocele wo canuot cure. Medicines, eleo Irle belts, etc.. will never cure. You need expert treatment We treat thousands of uses where tho urdlnary physician treats one. Mothod now, never (alia, without cut ling, pain or loss o( time. STRICTURE Home treatment; new, ' I Vl PPT infalllable and Hndlcal atia UUfcfcl CLru without lutri. mcnts: no pain, 110 detention from business. Kldnev and Uladdcr Ttoublos, Weak Back rnnating, milky Bed Urine High Colorod. or with milky Bcdlment on standing; Gonorrhoea, Gleet iSVDU I SO cured for llfo and the poison wirn bio thoroughly cleansed rrom the system. Soon every sign nnd symptom Disappears completely nnd forever. No "HRUAKINO OUT" of the dlsnase on tho kln or .Tace. Treatment contains no dan- Home Treatment iucceiaful and strictly private Our counsel CURES GUARANTEED. CHARGES LOW N. II. Corner Doiiulns Special Excursion Rates to San Fran cisco $45. The Union Pacific has authorized a rate of ?I3 for the round trip between Omnha nr.d San Francisco for the Gen eral Convention of the Episcopal church. Tickets on sale Sept. lflth to 27th In clusive. Final return limit Nov. 15th, 1501. Resides being the shortest line. It Is the most Interesting. The undent land marks made famous by tho early traders, explorers, pioneers, emigrants, pony express riders, overland stage coaches, Indian encounters, etc., aro seen from tho car windows of the Union Pacific traln3. CITY TICKET OFFICE 1324 Fornnm St., Telephone SIC. Poor Indeed are those weighed down b meiitnl lr- fircsslon. Men rise In this world lirotigh buoyant nerve force. The lo of tills force daily drags down to failure some of tile world's .brightest minds. Such a condition is commonly known ns Nervous Debility. When you low self-confidence nnd feel your strength, energy and rtrve force arc slipping nway, it is high time you seek sensible nld. You prefer health and success to misery and failure. have no equal as a nenre restorer. A couple of boxes will dispel that henvy feeling; the unnatural wenrinesn dis appears nnd replaces languor with new force and vigor of body nml brain. Six Ikjxcs will cure any ordinary nue of nervous debility. If not, you get youi money back. H1.0U tier box: C for Si 00. mallei in I plain package. Hook free. 1 For sale by Kuhn fL- Co.. Fuller Paint fi Drug Co,. Omaha. Dillon's Drug store. South Omaha, and Davis DniR Co., Council muffs, In. ONE MINUTE coup cure Cures Quickly It has lonpt been a household favorlta for Coux'hs, Colds. Bronchitis, Pneu monia, Asthma, Whoonintf Cough and all other Throat and Luii(f Troubles It is prescribed as a specific for Oripp Mothers endorse H as an InfaillbU remedy for Croup. Children Hko It. Prepared by E. Q. OoWllt Go Chlcag SUMMER SPECIALS. $43,75 New York and return dally. $25.73 nulfalo and return dally. 115.35 St. Louis and return, on salo Tuesdays and Thurs days, Sept. a to Oct Vi. $11.5'J Ht Louis and return. on,nulu Oct 7 to 1'., $21 r Cleveland nnd return, on sain September 7 to la Tickets to Clevelunil mav bp used via Wabash to Detroit nnd D. ft C. Nav. Co Steamers to Cleveland, a delightful ride across Lake Erin, $19,20 Indianapolis and return, on salo Sept. 16th, .Mrd, 3Jth, Oct. 7th. jju.'W Louisville, Ky., and return, on nale Sept. lfith, 23rd, 30th, Oct. 7th. $20.20 Cincinnati, O., and return, on salo Sept. ICth, Hrd, llOth. Oct. 7th. $20.70 Columbus. O., and return, on sale Sept. 16th, 2.lrd, 30th, Oct 7th. $20.20 BprlnKtleld, )., and return, on mo Sept. 16th, 2:trd, 30th, Oct. 7th. $21,20 Sandusky. O., and return, on salo Sept, 16th, 2Jrd, 3t(h, Oct. 7th. Home-Seekers Excursions. On sale 1st and 3d Tueiday of each Month Tourist Hates on sale DAILY to all sum mer resorts allowing stop-overs at Detroit, Niagara Kails, Uuffalo and other points. For rates, lake tilps, Pan-Amur can do scrlntlv 1 unit all Information call 5l OITY TICKET OFFICE, HIS FA UN AM HTIIEKT, (Paxtoil Hotel lliock) or write lIAltitV ' U, MOUltKH, Q. A P D. Omaha. ll Intertilcil arvl ciouM know tout tl.i Hondfrfal MARVEL Whirling Spray TLol.f wl.,;rl.. Ini,i. 11 1 (ion nn.J Xiutinn, Iteet -Stf. oh-j oii lonYrnlmt. itk faur rfrtivet.t fk,r 11. If h rnnr,l rinilx Ihe M.iivmci-i'ui,o . othn. Mil entt Hwii f rr 11 luiirttM liook ..l.j.ln. luu imriirumrB ni niriioni rthifthleioUHM. ,11 til VI; Loom t Tlinca Uldf , . i.w Mel tv 1. ft I DOCTOR Seerles&Searles OMAHA SPECIALIST Most Successful and Reliabla Specialist in Diseases of Men. WEAK SViEN (VITALITY WKAKJ.made so by too cloH Application to business or study; sever mental strain or grief; SRXUAL EX CESSES In middle llfo or from the effeota of youthful follies. .XV.H.AK..MK'N' AnU VICTIMS TO NER. X.0.,i.5...1JBl,II'ITY OR EXHAUSTION, TVrtVJSV WEAKNESS. INVOLUNTARY Losann. with early decay in younci land strenrth land weakSn ioid age All nu .uiwLi(ii..iiitMji ineK or vim. virnf . wmi vcxuul onions impair! .1 prematurely In approaching vleM rnnlilli In mf uviiuncni lor loss of vital power. One perconal visit Is preferred, but If you cannot call at my otrtce, write ua your symptoms fully. Our homo treatment la la free and sacredly confidential. Consultation Free Cull or mhlrcai treatment byJHal Dr. Searles & Searles, Omaha. Neb. nnd 1'ntirtceiilh aireelii. DR. McCREW (Age 52) , SPECIALIST IllMi'nsrs mid Disorder of Men Only. jenrs' experience, in years In Oinnlin. VARinnP.FI P elrod 111 less than 10 days, VririlOUULLU without cutting. Hydrocele. YPUll IQ and all Illood Diseases curcil 01 rniLIO for life. All breaking out und signs of tho disease dlsuppcur at once. IllPR Oil flllll fases cured of nervous UVLn ZUUUU debility, loss of vltnllty md nil unnatural weaknesses of men. Stricture, Uleut, Kidney and Uladder 1U CHSl'S. Uuren liiiiirniilceil. Conntiltntloii Free, GHARCES LOW. Ircatment by mall. I'. O. Ilox 766. Ofllc ovvr 215 South llth street, between Farnaro und Douglas Sts., OMAIIA. NEU. NO CURE. NO PAY. MK.V SloplnklntrmMklnf. Ifyna lm ktnnll, vfuk niiran-, loit fowrr or wcikmlng ilralm, our Vacuum Orsmi Urirloprr will irMnroynii. No iliiii. Klilrtuir ami ilccrli rr' nini-nllj- cuml In 1 to I rrki Jii.ouo In ut not ono fallurei r inuiiirui riiecv imniruiftiri no C. O, I), f rntid , rll for (rte purtlcu- i", pni fnini in plain rnrlnp. 10C1 APPLIANCE CO. ISO Tharp Bid,, Indlimpetlt, Inl SPECIALS 'iutlulc and return CQ QC 03'JJ un bale sept H-1S4uiUJ VII III llullalu una return Cii in OUilU on mile Sept, S to 12 Oil I U VlQ IHl urtulu unu Heturn (i'j fic iPldiUU on sale dally )lu.U0 K Mfi Clevelanu and return Cl uil iDiOJ on suiu bept. s to 12 gDiOU vvi .Ntw Vork City and re- r'ji Qui turn, on bala dally 001 Tho abovb rates via the Wnlinsh frorr Chicago. For tho a, A. It. en tuuitiniinl at Cleveland, u have your tickets reud via the wabash to De troll una tlivucu vlu the D. & C. Nuv. Co., to Clevelund, a beautiful trip ucruub Luke lirlu. Tho Wubash runs un ll- own trucks from K minus City, St. Louis unit Chicago to Uuffalo. Mary special rates will be given dar iiit, the buinmiir mouths. Stopovers uimweU un nil tickets at NlJgara F.ilU. Iio turi your tickets read via tha WAHASII HOUTK. For rates, fold und other Information, call on your nenrcst ticket agent or write Harrj K. Moores, Ocnl. Agent, fata. l.Vpt., UmnlM, Neb , or C. S. Crane. U, P. & T. A., St. Louis. Mo. Inexpensive Offices THERE ARE NO DARK OR UNDESIRABLE ROOMS IN THE IlEE nUILDINO. YOU pay according to their size, there are a few very nice offices which rent for only $10.00 a month this includes lioht, water, heat, jan itor service and alu the conveniences of the rest i1uild1no in TOWN The Bee Building R. C. PETERS & CO., Rental Agents Ground Floor lice Hldp, wwiwm. Registered A," Mayer Co,, 720 BEfi BUILDING OMAIIA, NLB. '('bone 1714 Re-No-May Powder relieves and cures all disorders of tha t due to rxcestlva perspiration. Price 50 Cents. fiold by druKglsU and glove dealers rtrr. whers, Sent by mall (or (c additional U fbVvr vostbsa