Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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Qmcrxl Trand of Market on Band of Trad
is Downward.
Corn Stronc nt Kim I. but Clone
toner Cnnipnriillv Hy Mcnily
ThroiiKliotit (lir Dn I'nlr
Trnilc in 1'riM lilon-i.
C1UCAO0, Kept. 11 -Althmsli the ov
rrnmcnt crop report caused liiglicr prices to
rule nt the opening on p itoinl of Tra
today the market generally tended
ward nhel December wheat closed Vrivic
lower, December corn was fic lower, oat? u
shade higher, while provision closed troni
,)0 to 7l4e lowr.
Wheat opened hlslier on n gnvernm-n
report showing the cr ip of hoth f prlng tn l
vlnter wheat to his ill connlderiiiilo van
nnco with the istlmntes or experts, hut . th;
Jack or any outside demand entirely offset
the bullish (foil or the crop bulletin, un-i
utter a momentary strength early price
nrndunlly declined. The decline In corn and
continued liberal receipts In the northwest
icnllnued to tie a reature. There was a
i;oco-slzcd seaboard business, with fair
dcaranccs. but absence of any considerable
business kept trading down. December
opened M,e higher nt 70MJ7IC 'I here
whs it slight ndvnncn to 7Hic. after which,
on heavy selling, the market declined and
the close whs nt the bottom at 704t. a loss
of -Vfle- Seaboard clearances of wheat
nd llour were equal to 449,000 bushels mid
41 boatloads were reported taken for ov
t.ort Primary reelpts were 1,513,0W bashe s,
.ignlnst 1,318,000 a yar ago. Mlnneapolli
i.nd Dtiluth teported lecelpts of cars,
against 713 last week and :'! a year ago.
iLocnl receipts were 222 ears. 2 of contrift
i;rade, making a total for the three points
of 1,180 cars, against 717 ears ay oar ago.
A reduction In the crop of two-third
from August, as Riven out In the August
trop report, was the twine of a strong
opening In that giuln. and there was a
fairly good demand during the first few
lays of trndlng. On the bulge there was a
largo amount of long stun thrown on to
the, market and tho early advance wn.i
inore thr,n all lost. Covering by shorts
tirniiirhi .ihmil a renetlen of Un. but braW
clllng again carried prices oown. uecetn
ier opened So to le higher nt 685S( end
(tier a lew anion ni ino opening ng-.irrs
there was n sharp decline, and the close
was at tho lowest HgurcK of the day, at
.7c, a loss of -Sic Receipts Wero 171 cars,
JO of contract grade.
Oats opened hli;her In sympathy with
(Other grains, but were comparatively
iteady throughout the day. Trading wart
(without any particular feature, the ma
(Jorlty of It being for local account. De
cember sold between 33c and .Ti-V. closing a
iihadu higher at ffiySo'.ic. Receipts were 151
There was a fair trade In provisions at
dimes and the opening was at steady prices.
Vnder the lulluencu of grains longs dis
posed of much of their holdings, causing a
.Weaker tone. Fluctuations were within a
iiurrow range and January pork closed nil.
'i'Ao lower at f lo.T2f 15.7o. lard was
lower at 19.10, while ribs were 5c lower at
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
fl&o ears: corn, 260 cars; oats, 105 cars; hogs,
'iOMfi head.
Tho leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. Open.! High. I I,ow. I Close. Yes' y.
Sept. Dec.
Sept. Pec.
Sept. Oct.
Sept. Oct.
fiS'i r,sv4 r.s r.s Iri8vi4
70'ifi71 71(, 7CU 70U 70H
74Ui 7li, 73, 73' 7tM
rw.i r.fiii 634iu kvjI rc.i.i
6xs; 57 r.7 57
50Ts''! C0Ji 5SU 6.ST4) tan
l .T I S!H SU1.!
3.-,s;ni 351; 35 3317 u r,
37ttU? 37Tf, 57U 31U 37U
11 KM II 70
14 "7V: 11774 II 72'j It 72l5 II SO
15 SO 15 S3 15 7:lJ 13 75 15 SO
n 40 n 40 n 2ii n 33 9 4214
! 40 9 40 9 M 9 3 0 I2A
9 17',4 9 20 9 10 9 10 9 17',5
s r.-.'tA ft xi s r,2u s r.r, s a-,
8 6714 S fi74 8 tml S fi2ft R U7W
8 15 S 17VS 8 07i 8 10 8 15
' 'ash quotations were as follows:
ri-Orn Steailv: winter patents, ll.JOfi
S.fO; strnlght?. $3.nofi3.0: clears, J2.81fi:i.2):
Fprlng specials. $I.10?H.:0; patents, M.lMi
3.70; straights. J2.Mg3.20.
WIIKAT No. 3 spring, 674ij6Scs No. 2
Ted. 70iiT0'4c.
POItN No. 2, nfi'ie.
OATS-No. 2. 3Jiii.f,(.; No. 2 white, 3Giff
Ci'4c: No. :i white, 3i5',ifj2tWie.
HYIS-Nn. 2. BSc,
!.,i.,,yjI'Jvrr,''alr to eholce malting. BSflCV.
HHUDS-No. 1 llax. $1.47; No. 1 north
western. 1.4!: prime timothy, $5.25.
'IlOV SIONS-Mess pork, per bbl S1I.70
iili.w. I,ard. per 10O lbs.. $n.3n.4n. short
ribs sides (loose), $8.l.0(ri8.("i. Dry salted
-shoulders (boxed). J7.50lfJ7.75. Short clear
rides (boxed). SiU'jiflfl.SO.
WIHSKY-Hashi of high wines, $..",0.
The following are the receipts nnd ship
ments for the. last tweutv-four hours:
Articles. llecelpts. Shipment.
Flour, bbls :i;i.tKi jSiiM(
V. heat, bu 523,000 I05.0OO
:orn, bu 439.000 173.1V10
Oats, bu 313.000 ,-,,(o
itye. bu. 6.(1011
llarloy, bu 13I.I00 19,010
On tho Produco exchango today tho but
tcr market was llrm: creaineries. lPirJuc;
ualrles, 13irl7c. Cheese, steady, OMiWlc.
tsss, tlrm; fresh, 1514c 4
new Yomc ;i:.m:uai. maiikct.
25.13. Copper In local circles was nominally
unchanged at tlt-Vn 17.00 for like Super o.
and J16.37H'Sl.62'.-4 for casting and electto
lytic. Trices In Iondon further adviinccd
to ff7 7s 9d for spot and i:o7 17s 6l for fu
tures, lnd was (Ulct anil tinch.ingnl at
1I.37H. In tendon values were Is id nigh r
at 12 Is 3d. Spelter ruld nominally un
fhangen at home and abroad, lion was
also dull at old prices. I'lg Iron warrants,
JD.fOflloouj No. 1 northern foundry, MSif
15.50; No, 2 southern foundry, ill )Tl I.M,
No. 1 southetn foundry, $II.7H15.25: N '
southern soft foundry, jll.75fll5 25. Olisgow
warrants Closed at uuS G.I aim .i ui.ito-
borough nt ISs 3d.
Conilltlini nf Triidc nmt (liiiitnlloiis on
Mniile mill l-'iinuy I'rodtioe.
Kaos-Uccelpts, inlr; loss off, 13f He.
llvi i'UtLn.1 -riuiu, ic' young and
old looMers, 4e, turkes, 6'usc; ducKs and
geese, o'w.i'jc, spilnrf clilcKens, per lu,,
,ii;n Common to fair, 11H1112C;
choice itHiry. In tubs, lyiti..'; separator, iva.
I'KK.-.ii r trill Huck uuss. lc; white
bass, lix.; bluetlsn, lie; bullheads, 10c; blue
tins, ic, outr.iioes, ic; cattish, 12c; cod, luc;
cnipplis, ltc; haliliut, lie, herrltu, ic, had
Cuik, lw-', pike, jiic; rod snapper, luc; sal
nun, lie; suuiish, to; trout, luc; wliltetlsh,
uYSTKKS -Standards, per can, 30c: extra
scli'Lle, pet can. die; New York counts, per
(.un, iic.
l itJi-.ONS-l.lve, pr dor., COe.
VKAI.S-Cholco. fcHDc.
HAY 1'rlccs 'iiioied bv Omaha Wholesale
Hay Healers' association: Choice upland,
19.50; No 2 upland, 19.00; medium, 1U0:
coarse, J7.60. ltyo straw, 51.50. These prlcei
nro lor bay or good color and iiullty. Uu
mand. fair. Hccelpts, 3 cars.
KQO IM.ANTS-l'er do?., 73c.
Ultl.UN tOKN-l'er doz., 10c.
CAltHOTS-lVr mnrkot basket, 33c.
Ul-.UTS-rcr h.ilt-bu. baskut, 3ic.
1 UllNIPH-l'er basket, 3"c
CUCUMIJUHS-Hoine-Rrown, per doz., 10
bKTTUCK-l'er bu.. 20c.
HADlSHUb-Per doz., 10013c.
l-AilSLKY-lVr doz., 20c.
KCrt' lOTATOi:S-l.ll'il,25.
SWKKT I'OTATOUS-Per bu.. M.25.
CAlllJAOK-lioinc-grown. 2Vic
TOMATO 12S - Homt-grown, per lS-lb.
basket, 50c.
ONlONS-Homo-grown. per lb.. 2f?2o.
HMANS Wax, tier Vi-bu. basket, GOo;
Dtrlng, tier V4-bu. basket, 6'ic.
CANTAI.OUPK-llome.grown. per doz..
2.V!.V)c; crates, tl. 5011. 75; Itockyfords, per
crate, l.'.fiO.
WATKHMIJI.ONS-Mtssourl, Iowa and
Nebraska, 2uQ25o, as to size.
CEI.UKY Kalunuzoo, per bunch, 26(S33cj
Nebraska, per bunch. 30540c; Colorado,
APIM.ICS-lVr bbl., 12.252.50.
PUACIIKS-Callfornla freestone, per bo.
S3c; clings, Uc, Colorado freestone, 70(fJ85e:
Klbertos, 'basket crates, tVJYdl.lO; 1-baskut
crateN, Senile.
PI.tTMS-Callfornia, per crzis, 11.2301.50:
home-grown, per 8-lb. basket, lie.
PHAttS-ISartlctts, $.'.50; Utah, 12; Now
York HnrMeMr., kegs, 2.50.
GIlAPliS-Callfornia Tokay. 4-lb. crate,
$2; Muccats, ll.M: Concords, homo grown,
per S-lb. bask I. liol7c.
PINK APPI.KS-Per criMc of 12 to 16, 11.25.
OHANOKS Valcnclas, 3; Med. sweets,
I.HMONS Fancy, $1.23; choice. $3.75.
HANANA8 Per bunch, nccordlng to size,
F1US California, new cartons, 73e; lay
ers. li5c: Imported, per lb.. 10O12c.
DATUS Persian, In CO-lb, boxes, Salrs, Cc.
NUTS English walnuts, per lb., 15c: fil
berts, per II,., 13c; alniumls, per lb., lfa"0c:
raw ptauuts, po' lb., iiloHc: roasted, 614a
TVic: Itinzlls, 13c: pecans, 10U'22c.
ClIJEH-Per bbl.. $1.50; per M-tl., $2.75.
HIDES-No. 1 green, Cjc; No. 2 green.
6'4c; No. 1 salted, 8c; No. 2 salted, 7c;
No. 1 veal calr, 8 to 12,4 lbs., Sc: No. 2 veal
calf, 12 to 15 lbs., it; dry hides. h513c;
sheep pelts, 2105u; horschldes, $1.502.25.
St. I.ouln Uriiln anil I'ror Isloni.
$.T. LOUIS, Sept. ll.-WHEAT Lower;
No. 2 red, cash, elevator, tiDVJc: track. 7HU
71V4c: September, tS?ic; December, 7P,ic;
May, 75c; No. 2 hurd, CS',49c.
CORN Lower: No. 2 cash, 5t4c: track,
5SUiW",e: September, 5C14c; December,
f,iVif ; May. OOe.
OATS Weak, No. 2 cash, 3flc: track, 3714c;
September, 35c; December, 37c; May, 39Uc;
No. 2 white, 3SV4li73SVfc.
II YE Higher at COtiC.
FLOUH Unchanged: new red winter
patents. $3.4!fi3.55; extra fancy and straight,
$3.or.fi3.15; clear. $2.65??2.91.
TIMOTHY SEED-Dull. ffi.00?(3.25.
COHNMEAI Steady, $2.90.
HUAN Quiet; sacked, east track. $7.76.
HAY Timothy, steady, $10.f0H13.50; ,,rd.
rle. weak. $S.oO'f(U.00.
WHISICY-Steady at $1.30.
PROVISIONS-Pork. Arm; Jobbing, $15.75.
Ijird. lower, at $9.15. Dry salt meatr.
weak: boxed lots, extra shorts and e'ear
ribs, $9; clear sides, 19.37V4. Hacon, weak;
boxed lots, extra shorts and clear ribs,
19.S71..: clear sides, 110.12H.
METALS Lead, quiet at $4,27y4fT-I.Vi. Spel
ter, llrm it S3.K5 bid.
POfLTIlY Finn; chickens, 7c: springs,
9c; turkeys, 60; young, 7V4c; ducks, 5V4c;
geese. 3c; springs, 4c.
Hl'TTER - Steady; creamery, l&021i.jc;
dalrv. 131' Hie.
ECOB Stndy at KMc
RKCEIPTS-Flour. 7(V) bbls.: wheat,
93.000 bu.; corn, 19,000 Int.; oats. 37.0CO bu.
SHIPMENTS-Flour, 8.0X) bbls.: wheat,
139,OjO bu.; corn, 63,000 bu.; oats, 71,000 bu.
Liverpool (irnln mill Provisions,
rinoladiiiia f 4ho l)n- on Various
NEW YORK. Sept. U.-FLOUR-RrrclnN.
45.9VJ bids.; exports, 13.1SS bbls.; sales, 15,0 0
Pkgs.: market active on Mlnneimn In Hour
and generally steady: winter patents, $3 -0; niiniieapous reiuseu lor a a ge
line today. Itye llour. Hte.idv; sa'es. 4'0
bbls.; fair to good, 13.80fl3.15; choice to
lauey. .i.;jrri;i.M),
CORNM EAL Dull; yellow western. 51.IS;
cttv, Jl.h'i; Ilrandvwlne. $3.3V,i3.50.
RYE-Steady: No. 2 western, (X)4c. f. o, b,
rilloat; state, 55(fuCc, c. I. f., New York enr
lot ti.
RARLEY-Steadyi ffet'lng. 4(c. c. I, f.,
lVJK1.1.' mnltl'ig. maeic. e. I. f., Huffa'o
U HEAT Receipts, 15,230 bu.; sales, 13.000
bu, futures and 2W.00O Im. spot. Spot, easy;
No. 2 red, 757ic. f. o. b.. alloat; No. 2 red,
7 c. elevator. Options opened tlrm and a
shade higher on the government report and
rains In tho northwest. Stat5 weikiel
under sales for long arcDiint; large receipt ,
easy cables ami small clearances. Close'i
weak at '.ille net lns. May, 79','Be, c'otiI
at "SUc; October, 7l(ifJ7liVie. closed at 71'k ;
December. 7i!ij7i5 13-Hie. elcsed at "(i'ic.
CORN-Rectlpts. 6S.T01 bu.; exper's. TO
bu.; sales, 150,000 im, futures and 21.000 bu.
spot. Spot market easier; No. 2, filc. el
vator. und Hc. f. o. b., alloat. Opii n
market opened strong mid active on th
crop report, Active, unloading however,
soon weakened tho undertono and ufleiiui.m
heaviness followed. Clrs.d weak at 'iliVio
net decline. September elosrd at (lio.
December. 61.titf2i,p, closed at Clc
OATS-Rccelpts, M,IM bu.; pxports. -if 0
bu. Spot, quiet, No, 2. SSoi No. 3. :i7'4o:
No, 2 white, 10c; No. 3 white, 3'c; Iruk
mixed western, 37'j39e; track white wo t
crn. 3i'.41l29e. Options tlrm and hkher
with corn, but gaye way under llquidatli 11.
HA -Steady; uhlpplng, 0ijG3c; good tu
choice. SOflSSc.
FEED-Flrr.ier; spring bran. $17.O0fi1,7 SO:
middlings, $l.OOU20.tO; winter bran, JlT.n
SO.oO; city. $IS.
HOPS Oulet; state, common to cho,"i,
190 crop, 111115c: 1S99 crop, HTUe; rids iff3c:
Paclllc coast, 19i crop, lluiSe; 1,59 L.,0
eanc: olds. HWc
HIDES Firm; Oalveston, so to 23 Un .
lc; California. 21 to 21 lbs., 19Uo: Toxaf
dry. 21 to so lbs., I4!4c
LEATHERStcady; hemlock sole, Iluir.os
Ayrcs. light to heavy, 23i4a2li4u, acid.
PROVISIONS-neef. steady; family. Ml.n'
12.00: mess, $9.601710.00; beef ham. $ro.o
22.C0; packet. $lu.00fl 10.50; city, extra India
mess, $d.004ft$.00. Cut meats, steady : pickle 1
bellies. 19.2.Vp 11.25: pickled shoulders, $7.orf
7.25; pickled Inms, $l0.75f(ll.:5. Lard, btei-'y;
western Bteamed. $9.7','!U.7j: rellned, steadv,
(... 1nun,i tO ? ...,.l .... 1 . ..rt t. 1 1 .. ,
$10; South America, $lo..Vi; compound, $7 :vt
7,60. Poik, nulet: family. $17; short clo-ir,
flti 23,ilK 25, iiish, 15,73jrii'i.7i.
Itl'TTKR- HrcelPts, C..n5 pkgs i sfnty;
tato dairy, HlilSljc: creamery, 15,4tr l:ic;
June packed factory, llfilMjC.
t.'HEKSE ReuelplN, i.M pkgs.i unset
tied: fancy large colored, SVflS'ic: fnnrv
largo white, S(iS";c: fancy small colored,
Pife; fancv small white. 9'Jc.
EOOS Receipts, 7,ti"9 pkas.) stendy;
htale wad Pennsylvania. 13j20o: western
candled, liinloe, western, uncandlrd, II
POl'lTRY-Allvc., steady; dressed, nrmi
springs, unchanged.
M ETA I .S Tin In London was higher to
day as a result of buying for speculatUo
account.. At the cloio tho mtrket was
tlrm nt 111 10s for spat and 111 17s M for
futures. This failed to Inlluenco local sent -incnt,
owing to the largo supplied on bun I.
our market ruling unchanged at l-'I.I?
Sept. II. WIIKAT Spot,
i; jo.
unlet: No. 2 red western winter. 6a Gd
1 northern spring. 6s 7?4il: No. 1 California
5o mtd. Futures quiet; September, Is
CUd; December, 5s 8',d.
CORN Snot, steady American mixed,
new. 6s w. Futures quiet; September,
4s llrl: October, 4s lid; November, 4s lld,
PROVISIONS Lard, American redncd.
In palls, llrm. 47s 9d; prime western. In
t erces. firm. 4,s 9d. Uncon. Cumb.'r am
cut, llrm, 60s 6d; long clear middles, light,
nrm, ins; ion:; clear mauncs, ncavy, tlrm,
4Ss3d; short clear backs, llrm, -Ifis; clear
neiitej. nrm, his im. Hiioumers. squaro cut,
tlrm. nyndd. Hnms. short cut. 53s.
CHEESE American llnest white, quiet,
lis mi ; American nnesi colored, quiet, aoa imi,
TALLOW Australian, In London, llrm,
2S.i fid.
PEAS-Cnnadlan, 6s 4d.
HOPS-At London (Pacific coast), quiet,
W 3 If I'.
Receipts of wheat during the Inst threu
uayt, L'li'.imo eentnis, an American.
Receipts or American corn during the last
inree uays, im.wj centa'e.
Knitsno Cllj- (Irnln nod Provision.
i 4 i "im i " vi up" i, --iit illl j , ,1
... iP.-rijit.-i-.
( 'Oil ,rnnlnmhr ?l'rt rinr-AmhAP SC7i,
fiTc; May. ST;o; cnsli. No. 2 mlxofi. fiSUWSQc:
V'A i) in.. "
M v uiir, inn.
OATS-No. 2 white, 3S'4c
HAY-Chnfc'e timothy, $13.00; choice pral-
liltTTER '-' Creamery, 16t,4G19c: dairy,
l'.ooh-Flrm; fresh Mlssnjrl and Kansas
stock quoted on 'ehans.e. He per do., losi
off. eases returned.
RECEIPTS-Whent, C9,(-oo bu.; corn. 4.600
bu.: oats. 2.ivXl bu.
SHIPMENTS-Wheat. 108,000 bu.; corn.
21,(00 bu.; outs, 13.000 bu. '
ern, 19c, fresh southwestern nnd southern,
CHEESE-Dull, weak, New York full
creams, fancy small, OHe! New York full
creams, fair to choice, S'liO'.jc.
.IHIvtitukec (Irnln Mnrkcl.
ket easier; No. 1 northern, 09H'O70c; No. 2
northern, 6i.4yi;5i,e; December, 7o'4c.
RYE-Hlaher; No. 1, 53'lS5l'4c.
HARLEY Steady ; No. .', twe; sample, 45
COUN-Dccember. 67c.
m:w youic .stoc-ks a.m nn.ns.
I'liinnclnl I'nnrr Sllll (iUe llrBniiUcil
Priilectlnii In VlurKel.
NEW YORK, Sept. ll.-The organized
protection of the market by concert of the
financial powers was still In effect today.
There was much realizing on advances by
this element of holdings acquired on Satur
day and earlv Mils week In the furtheramc
of the purpose to support the mark-t. This
realizing was nccompllslieu prooaoiy on
demand from uncovered shorts, as thcrj
was no evidence of an Imlde Interest In
the market or dl.-posltlon to take stocks by
large banking Interests, The position a
the market in thus restored approximately
to that ivbleti nhinlned tn'fore the attempt
on tho president's life on Friday afternooi.
'I lie purpo-io to protect tliu rnarKei on ine
part of the combined capltnlMs is n d
changed appatently, but tbera was not tho
same effort shown to advance pi Ices or
Invite speculation. This l the natural
outgrowth of the relief by selling to realize
that has alruidy been nccompll'bel ihl
week and of the desire to protect the money
market from any Inroads lu the sh-pj of
loans for speculative purposes.
The relapse of the market Into Increasing
dullness nnd the heaviness shown today
can probably be adequately accounted lor
on these grounds. There also were some
factors of positive effect toward df p-esslnn.
The opening of the president's wound last
night, while It occasioned no actual un
easiness here, seems to have nffected senti
ment In Ixindon and sales here for lyondon
nccount had to be taken care of on n con
siderable ecule, more than for many days.
Rumors of n steel strike settlement re
sulted In reaction of the United States
Steel stocks and the annual report of the
Republic Iron nnd Steel rompany did not
make an encouraging showing of conditions
resulting from the year's business. The
government crop report showed a poo er
condition of corn than antlcltvttcil. some
speculators having looked for improvement
over the August 1 condition.
j no efToct of tbe treasury s nroms-iM for
relief of tho money market was confined to
surmise, as no statement was forthcoming
as to the amount of bonds offered or the
prices asked. There were significant ad
vances on the prices of government bonds
on call, which carried prices of all th"
government Issues, except the short fours.
iffi'j per cent over tbe prices ruling to.
fore the secretary's order. Expectation is
not sanguine In view of the nuleter state
of the money and securities market that
bonds to the amount of $20,f.OW Invested
by the heeretary will bo offered before tbe
limit or limn expires tomorrow afterneon
nt prices which will be accepted bv Hi'
secretary. Sterling exchange rennlned
fairly steady today, In spite of the buying
of stocks hero for London account and a
lowering of discount rates In London. Ex
change on Parla showed n yielding tendency.
Kill road bonds were dull nnd ti-retMimr
Total sales, par value, $1,7,(00. 1 n!t d'
Mates ..s advanced 2'.d psr cent, the 2s und
6s '4 and tho now 4s 1 per cent on the last
rho Commercial Advertiser's t.nmtnn
financial cablegram says: Tho stock inir-
kci ncro was nriner, except in tbe Amer
ican department, the Intter opening strong,
but falling a quarter of a nolnt after ilu.
opening. The reason given was thut Presi
dent McKlnley had undergone n fuither
operation. i ne general opinion Is tint
there are more doctors around the mnraet
than there Is around Mr. McKlnlev. Thero
was little change In the afternoon for rail
roads, but United States Steel jumped a
full point on support In New York.
The tolloxMng are the nosing prices on
the New York Stock
do pfd
Ilaltbnore & Ohio,
do pM
Cunaillun Pacific
Canada Southern .
Ch(. & Ohio
Chicago & Alton..
do rM
Chicago, I. & I,..
do pM
ChlcRKO & E. I...
Chicago (It. W
no m pro
do ?,1 pM
Chicago & N, W.
C. It. I, & V
Chlciico T. A T.,
do pfd
C. C. C. & St. I,
Colo. Southern ..
do 1st ptd
do 2d pfd
Dtlu & ltud'on.
OH., L. & W
Dm. & Kin O...
do pfd
do let pfd
do 2.1 pfd
Ot. Nor. pfd
Hocking Valley .
do pfd
Illinois Central .
lawn Central ....
do p(d
l. i:. &. w
do pfd
Ixiuls, & Nflsh....
Manhattan L
Met. St. Ry
Mcx. Central ....
Mex. National
Minn. & St. I.
Mo. Pad tie ....
M . K. & T....
do pfd
N J. Central.
N. Y. Central.
. 5i do pfd ...1SS
. 9414 So. Paellle 5l;
.101 So. Italtuny 3I,
. 9J I do pM &7ij
Um Tfx. Pacific 47J
. 70 T St. L. & W
. thi do pM 31
. 331s Union Pacific 571,
. 77 t do pfd ,(1,
. 42V, Wabash "jij
. 74' i ilit pM 33
.127 W. & I,, i: ifcij
. win. central in,
. " I no lira 42
. 451, P. C. C. & St. I,... 7S',j
.191 Adnm Kxpress ....17S
14P4 Am, llxpress 130
. 21'a U. H. Kxprc 95
. 4(!! Wells-Kargo tlx 10)
. !ii" Amnl. Copper Ill
. II (Amor. C. & F Ml,
. 5i do pM n;
. 23 'Anier. Oil la1,
.161'ii do pfd 4U
.221 jAnier. S. & It 47i
.43 do pfil aO'i
.914'Ana. JIlii, Co 74
.. I2't llrk. Rap, Tr C7:,
,. 7i), Colo. l & 1 9S
. u6 t;oni. ln emvi
.iwti oii. Tounnc-o pp.- lli's
inen. Kiectrlc . . . .7215:
.. 6:
.. 35
.. 73
.. 62
.. nr,
.. :s'i
CliKotc Sugar
HncKlllK Coal ,.,
Int'n'l Paper ....
do pfd
Int'n'l Power ,.,
Laclede (las
X'litlnm.l ltlittl,
.llGV.Niitlonal IjmhI .,
.151 National Salt
do pfd
No. American ...
Pacific Coast ....
Paellie Mull .....
People's Oas ....
.. SS'Precsed S. C.
Nor. & Weil..
do pfd
No. Pacific pfd
Ontario & V...
Pennsylvania .
do in pfd....;.
do 2d pfd
St. L. & S. P....
do 1st pfd..
do 2d pfd..
St. L. S. W...
do pfd
St. Paul
.. 54 U
.. SS
1I0 nfrl
Pullman P. C ,
Itepilldle Steel ....
do trd
. 34U Tenti. (' X. I
..11414 t'nlon 11. & 1'. Co
j?t io pm
. .6 U. S. Leather...
.. i3 do pfd
.. 4H P. S. Ituhher...
.. H do pfd
.. 6S I'. S. Steel
.. S3'it do pfd
.. Uij Western Union
. 5l
. IS',,
. 24,
. MH
. 'i
. 83
. I3i
. i9
. 4)Vj
. 7li
. i
. 63
. 4 P.
. 4'
. SI
. 17
. (J'l
. MJ
. Wrj
. M
. li'-j
. 53's
. 14
. Ul
. P!!15
cve York Sinner Slnrltct,
NEW YORK, Sept. U.-MONEY-On ctll.
llrm, 45jv5 per cent; last loan, 4 per cent;
ruling rate. 4',t per cent; prime mercantile
paper, 65(3',? per cent.
with ncUnl business In bankers' bllli at
$I.S5',4 for demand and ti.MMH.Wt for clxtv
days; posted rates, $).Wi4'(4.SI and tl.Wd
4.Mi'4; commercial tillls, Jl.ft.'fr l.b2V4., 68140; Mexican dollars,
liONns-Rallroad, Irregular.
The closing quotations uu bonds nro a
Toledo (Jraln mid .Seed,
TOLEDO. O., fepl. U.-WHEAT-Dull nnd
weak: cash and September, "IHc; Decem
ber. 7.1Hc: May, 7GVic.
CORN Dull and weak; cash and Septem
ber, uiiVjo: December. 30.
OATS Dull; September, SZ'te; December.
I'l.OVERSEED-Actlve nnd lower; cash
and October, $5.15; December, $5.17U.
Minneapolis Wit en I, I'loiir 11 ml Ilrnn.
and December. ti7'lo; May. 0Vi(nc;
on track, No, 1 hard, novjo; No. 1 not th
em. (,7lie; No. 2 northern, 65'io.
in nnn Kl.., ........... o n.r. 1
. ...7. 1 .ipi I'u, 1111, fd.', nn mm pin-
ents. $3.fi5ff"3.75! first clears, $2.t5j2,So; sec
ond clears. $2.20.
tlRAN-ln IjMjijk. $13.00313 60.
Dnlyilli drain Market.
Dl'LUTH. Sept. ll.-WHEAT-Cash. No.
1 '""d. itc. No, 2 northern, aiu,c: No. 1
!?,serr''?l'ptm',f-'.'n, October, 65c; De
cember. mjO May, 71ic.
CORN-6.V. '
Peorln .tlnrliel,
j'-fniA. Sent. U.-CORN-Innctlve; No.
bineX7lhroueg1Ii:,ari Ko' 3 w,,,,e' S5,-W:53i
I'lt'lmloliililu Prodner Mnrl-pt,
PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 11 -ni'TTER-Steady,
fancy western creamery, 12Q12t4c.
EGGS Firm, good demand; fresh west-
U. S. ref, 2s. reg.
do coupon
do 3s, reg
do coupon
do new 4f, teg....
do coupon
do old is, reg
da coupon
do in, reg
do coupon
Atch. gen. 4s
do adl 4s
II. & O. Ii
do is
do iodv. 4i
Canada So. 2s
Central of O. 5s
do lrt Ine
C. .t O. I'.i
Chi. & Alton 3'ja ..
C, H. i- Q. new Is.
( M & St P. R. 4
C. & N. W. t. 7s.
C. It. 1 & P. 4s.
C C C & S I. K. 4s.
Chicago Ter. Is...
Colo. So.
Den. It. f. 4s
line prior lien it
Krl general 4s....
P. W. k I). C. Is.
10S Recking Vnl. 44s. ..107
K'I'j L. & N unl. 4s I0Ui
ICS', Mex. Central 4s.... S3
IWi do Is Inc ,13'i
IS. "Minn. & S. I.. U..103
13S'i M . IC. & T. Is SS
US 1 do 2s 8!
Ill N Y. 0. 1 104i
108 I da gen 31, s io;-,
101 N. J. C. g. It ijji;
101 No. Pacific Is 10IS
iiHH do 3s 7;
liU"-, N. & W. con. 4s.. .lO.'ij
9'i Heading gen. 4s 91
13. St L & I M c. 3s. .116
107 'St 1, & S P Is.... 9,
10iSt L S. W. Is 97
1! Mo U 70
103 S. A. ,t A. p. 86
HVj So. Paclllc Is 92
06Vt So. Hallway Ss H6'a
lit) ,Tex. & 1'iinclllc 1. lla
.111 i'T.. S I. & W. 4s.. fc3
IM . Union Paclllc Is 103
10j 1 do conv. 4s IM',
. SI Watiaah Is H5i
. S7V4 do 2k HO'i
.10J, do del) II 61
. ilh 'West Shoie 4s !13i
. IW. & L. II Is 9P,
.101 Wls. Central SSVi
Hid. Offered.
Sow Yorlt .Mining: filoeUs,
NEW YORK, Sept. ll.-Tho following nro
the closing quotations on mining stocks:
llrunswlrk Con
Comitock Tunnel..
Con. Cal. Va...
De,adwood Terra...
Horn Silver
Iron Silver
Uadvllle Con ....
.... 71
.... 13
. 7
. 4
. M
. M
. 8
Mills Chief ...
Sierra Nevada
Small Houcs ..
Standard ......
... 1!
. .103
... 77
... S
... .1
... 3
... 4'J
balances, $2.6x.2Sl, posted exchange, $1
4i4 S7; New York exchange, par, ii'x.
( 1NCINNAT1, Seiit ll.-Clcarings, $2..U5,
65o, New York exchange, 12'4f15c discount,
money, iVw'j per cent.
PHILADELPHIA, Sept ll.-Clearlngs,
$15,2i'; balmces, $2,012,705; money, Vnt
per tent.
BALTIMORE, Sept. ll.-Clearlngs, $3,31,
3S1; balances, $K'2,61S; money, 445J5 per
Huston Stock lluotnlloim.
BOSTON, Sept. 11. Cull loans, 44tfi per
cent; time loans, 610 per cent. Closing:
A., T. & S. V
do pfd
Amer. Sugnr
Anier Telephone
lloiton & Albany..
Itoston l'levated .
Ronton A Maine,.
Dominion Coal ...
do pfd
V S. Steel
do pfd
I-'ltchtiurg pfd ....
Oen. Rlectrlc
Kd. Rlec. Ill
Mex. Central
Old Colony
Old Dominion ....
Pnlon Pacific
. 7SH
. !,,
. 43H
. 44
. 91
. 2IV1
. 3.1 1
. l'a
West End
Atchison 4
N. II. O. & ( . Ss.
Ring. Mln. Co
Amnl, Copper
Cal & ttecla
Parrot 1
Sanln Ke Copper...
full Mining
,1 2
1 2-'j
, 31
, 24
' '? '
. -3
London Mtiicli llnotnllon.
LONDON. Sept. 11.-4 p. m.-ClosIng:
Cons., money .. (3
do account
do pfd
Canadian Paclllc ..
Chec & Ohio
Chicago (It. W
C, M. A fit. P....
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Illinois Central ....
I,oiil, & Nash
13.1" M.. K. & T 29h
91 do pfd S.i'i
91, N. Y. Central
o'4 Ncr, & West 8
Wi do pfd 93',t
101 No. Pacific pfd 10U
U6'i So. Paclllc
43 Union Pacific 101,
f. do pfd ft
M, V. S. I'.teel 18
414 do pfd P7
72H Wabash 321,1
Ml do pfd 4014
VA Spanish 4s 704
101 .
IlnnU ClPiirliiKM.
OMAHA, Sept. 11. Rank clearings today,
$1,045,4'.0- corresponding day la-t year,
$9SS.277: Increase. $57,2:3.
ST. LOUIS. Sept ll.-Clearlngs, $l.74S.i"7:
balances, $674,483; money, 56 per cent; New
York exchange, par bid, 10c nremlim asked.
NEW YORK, Sept. 11,-Clearlngs, $2.H.
16V00. balances, $14,554.(03.
ROSTON. Sent. 11,-Clearlngs, $11,308,308;
balances. $1,914,407.
CHICAGO. Sept. U.-Clearlngs, 23,4127,200;
IIAR SILVER-Qulot nt 26 15-1 M per oz.
MONEY Iff U4 per cent. The rate of
discount In the open market for short hills
Is 2Vif?7 1-16 per cent: lor three monthV
bills, 2ri2i per cent.
Foreign Financial.
LONDON, Sept. 11. The supplies of money
were fairly large nnd easy today. Hushuis
on the Stock exchange was fairly cheerful
and prices as a rule started llrm. Consols
nnd home rnlls Improved, hut were after
ward Irregular, with a downward tendency.
Americans opened steady, but were after
wards depressed below parity on unfavor
able American crop reports and the bulle
tins giving President McKlnley's condition,
which were believed to be Indicative of
danger, notwithstanding the optimistic re
ports. The Idea his prevailed that the
rally In prices was sufllclent for the pres
ent. Brazilians continued In demand. Grand
Trunks were easier. Canadian Pacifies were
llrm, trnillc returns being good. Gild
premiums nre quoted todny at Uuonn
Ay res nt 131.30; Madrid, 40.40: Lisbon, 37.60;
Rome, 3.92.
PARIS, Sept. 11. Business was rntl'or
agitated, though better disposed, 'on the
bourse today. A rumor of less fnvnr.ihlc
reports rcgurdlng President McKlnlev,
though denied, caused n slight reaction in
tho afternoon. Brazilians were purchased
for local and English nccount. Tractions
were In good demand, especially Thomson
Houston. Rio tlntos fluctuated snmowlin'.
The undertone was tlrm. The Do Ber
were nupported. Three percent rentes, lOIf
J2o for the nccount. Exchange on Lond n,
SSf 21o for checks.
RERLIN, Sept. 11. Business wns dull on
the bourse today until the middle of the
afternoon, when there was a shnrp reaction,
owing to the large sales of Industrials for
cash, Canadian Paclllcs nnd Am"r!cms
were weaker, ,iilthough the early rumors
of an unfavorable turn In the condition of
President McKlnley were discredited. Ex
change on London, 20m 49pf?s for checls.
Discount rate for short bills, 2 per cent;
for three months' bills, 24 per cent,
Condi I Inn of tlio Trensnry.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 11 Today's state
ment of the trensury balnnce In tb gen
eral fund, exclusive 'of the $150,000,000 gold
reserve In the division of redemption,
shows: Avnllable cash balance, $1S1,9C8,531;
gold, tllfi.7R9.15t.
National bank notes received todny f"r
redemption, $.')7I.S29: government recti-ts
from Internal revenue, $717,747: customs,
$1,376,644: mlscellanemw, $72,7S3; expendi
tures, $1,7S5,000.
Cotton Mnrltrt.
NEW YORK. fept," ll.-COTTON-Spot
closed steadv; middling uplands, SVfc; mid
dling gulf, 8-ic: snlw. 1.42S hales. Futures
opened quiet, ll(f13 points lower nnd almost
Immediately developed a weak undertone,
following pesslmlsltle. cables from Euro
peon markets and selling orders from tho
south, abroad nnd from Wall street. Thl
pressure was on tho' market pretty much
all tho forenoon. In addition to the cnltlc
news crop accounts from the eastern belt
wero considerably better thnn of Into, hut
wlille these fnctors tended to undermine
confidence of smaller bulls they J Id not
greatly affect the convictions of lending
supporters of the market, who saw In the
ei.ormous sales of print cloths In New
England mills (some 600,000 pieces nt an
advance of Vffi'ssc for regulnra) visions of
nn active business In goods throughout
the full and winter. At noon the mnrket
had every nppearance of being "sold out."
There was little or no long cotton offered
for selling. Early In the ufternoon covering
by several of the lending bears started .1
sn'iill scare of the shorts and prompted
brisk buying for a reaction. On this de
mand prices went up to nbove last night's
filial bids. October selllnc nt 7.65c nnd
Jnnunry at 7.69e Belief that Liverpool
tomorrow would be higher on the trade re
ports from this side helped to crente dis
trust among shorts. Business was brisk
In the Into session, with commission brok
ers moderate supporters of tho market.
New Orleans and Wall street also bought
quite freely. The market wns flnnllv
steady, not unchanged to 2 points higher.
Future closed stendy; September, 7.62o;
October, 7.G3e: November. 7,61c; December,
7.'kc; Jnnunry nnd February, 7.66c; March.
7.6Sc; April. 7.69,c; May. 7.71c.
Steady. S3-I6e.
ST. LOIMS. Sept. U.-COTTON-Qulet.
l-16o lower; middling, RUc, sales, bos bales;
receipts. 2,ono bales; shipments, 35S balen;
stock. 3,1,526 bales.
Steady; sales, 1,69(1 hales; ordinary, Svic;
good ordinary. 6 9-16e; low middling. 7V.c:
m dd ng, S3-16c: good middling. S9-16c;
middling, fair. 8 13-10c: receipts. 2.S93 balea;
stock, 37.S5S bales, F.itures. steadv; Sop
tember. 7.6lf?7.K9o; October, 7.62U7.63c: No
vember. 7.56!i7.rSc: December, 7.5Sfi7.57o;
January, 7.36T(7.57o; February. 7.57(H 7.69c:
-March, 7.57f((7.E9c: April. 7.57 7.59c; May.
moderate business, prices ensier; Amerlwn
middling. 1 ll-16d; sales. 6.000 bales, of
which 600 were for speculation and export
and Included 4,70) hales American; leceipta.
3.00O bales. Including 2.000 American. Fu
tures opened quiet and clored barely steady:
American middling I. m. c.i September!
4 29 61120-61(1. buPers; October, T o. c.
4 IJ-filrl, buyers; October nnd November.
! J 2" . , 8t'','eTs; Novemner and Decemhor.
i Ir'i ii', ,,!,(LI.p.rBi December and January.
4 12-hi3 1 13-61(1, sellers; .January and Feb.
rlinrv. I 12-6lt74 1l.filrl nellem, ffn
March. I l?-64fffl i:t.r.iil. xr.n,.ra- !
April. 4 13-61,1. sellers; April and May
4 i3-bld, buyers,
OH nml Itinln.
OIL .CITY. Sept. II -OIL-Credlt bnl-
ft, ftn, 1.1 1 ' . ii". tin., PlllIIHICIilS.
ri.,o::?V,h',ls': nverage, so.aic. bbls.; runs, 97,
,3S Ithls.; average. 75,756 bbls.
Vl.-t Vrtnr. 1 . .. rt.- ...
avjn. 11. un, i.oitonse(i,
sttady; jirlme crude, yellow, 4O0. Rosin,
steady; strained, common to good, $1.10
(luirl''n ' stt'n('', "W3c- IVtroleum,
LONDON. Sept. ll.-OHv-Cnlcutta Un
seed, spot. 6.10; Unseed, 31s. Spirits of tur
pontine. 26s Hid. petroleum, American re
lined. 6 15-16(1.
I.H'RIlPnni. c if nn t,. i
. -. wi,. .,. j , , fi 1 iiiciirn.
refined, 6i, Cnttonsred, Hull, refined, spot.
v .I',,. -u" niurim ui uirpenine, quiet
at .lis Pd. Rosin, common, stendy, 4s 44d.
Unseed, quiet. 22s 3d.
SAVANNAH. Sept. ll.-OIIr-Splrlts Mir
pentlne. firm, 3iV,c. Rosin, firm: M. $2.201
Simnr Market.
market quiet; fair refining, 3'ie; centrif
ugal. 96 te.t. 3Hc; molasses sugar. He;
Rellned, steady; Nn. 6, 4.63e; No. 7, 4.f.1c: No.
6. 4.45e; No. 9. 4.tPe; No. 10. 4.35c; No, 11.
4,30c; No, 12, 4.30o; No. 13, 4.20c; No, 14, 4.2oo;
standard A. 5.05c; confectioners' A, 6o5o;
mould A. 5.60c; cut loaf, 5,75c: crushed,
6.75c; powdered, 5.35c; granulated, 5.25c:
cubes, fi.fiOe.
LONDON, Sent. ll.-Sl.'OAR-Muscavado.
914s 3d; centrifugal. 10a 3d: bsei sugar.
August, fts; Sepiember, 10s HHd.
NEW ORLEANS, Sept. ll.-Si;OA R-Mar-ket
quiet; centrifugal yellow, IfllHc: sec
onds, 2(ii3"c, Molasses, steady; centrifugal,
ICvnpiirn ted nnd Dried Fruit,
APPLES Business in evaporated fruits
was confined chiefly to Immediate require
menta at old prices. The undertone, how
ever, -emalns stendy. State, common to
goo'l. IffiSe; prime. 8V4ot4c; choice, 9e;
fancy. 9Hc.
unchanged: prunes. 3J37c Apricots. Royal,
S4fll3c; Moor Park. Sffl2Uc. Peaches,
peeled, llfllSc; unpceled, 03954C
Good to Ckoios Crn Fud Steers iboit
Steady, Fudeti and Cowi Higher.
Lighter Receipts of Mtcep nnd l.niulis
nml MnrUrt Ruled More Aclhc
Than for -Soiiie 'Mine, Mcmlr
Price HeliiK Pnld.
llecelpts were!
Official Monday
Otllclal 'I llcsday
Otticlal Wednesday..
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
.. 4,103 2,117 t..hM
.. 3,o2l l.t.'JS lu.l'ii
,. 3,12 5,3(x :i..i.i
Three davs this weck.ll.0M 12.1S1
Same days last week 12.2M! la.iu'j
Hume week Defore iv.m. 11.
Samo three weeks iigo...l2,tttl 19, IW
Same lour Weeks ago, .. .12,603 2",h1j
Same days last year 19,637 15.209
Average price pain tor noga si
Omaha tho past several daa wlt.t
19,0 M
I 1901.lti00.U93.lf3.lS97.lSM.i;95.
August 251
August Zij
August 27
August 25
August 2a
August 30
August 31
Sept. I
Sept. 2,
Sent. 3.
sept. 4...
Sept. 6...
sept. 6..
Sept. 7...
Sept. S...
Sept. 9...
ept. 10..
sept. II
6 74(
6 CO
b 02H
6 KM
6 l
6 07?,
6 lb
6 264
6 31
6 29T4
6 36H
T it4
6 39M
6 05!
4 9S:
6 02
6 0:
5 0)
6 05
5 04
fi 021
6 061
5 OS
5 05
6 OS
6 10
5 161
6 22
4 40
4 3S
4 40
4 42
4 40
4 27
4 20,
4 14
4 19
4 22
4 23
4 30
1 301
4 2S
3 731
3 72
3 70
3 70!
3 72
3 631
3 61,
3 ul
3 C5
3 62
3 6.1
3 63
3 60
3 67
3 1
3 9'.
4 02
3 97
3 91
3 99
3 93.
. ..1
4 VI
4 07
4 01
4 Oi
4 02
4 00
3 91
3 931
3 SI)
2 SO
2 SI
2 SI
2 77
2 SI
2 SI
2 71
2 76
2 7S
2 SI
2 SI
4 31
4 24
4 :t
4 22
4 24
4 20
4 37
4 31
4 21
I 13
4 20
4 22
4 21
4 06
2 SS 4 (9
Indicates Sunday.
The otllclal number of cars ot
brought In todny by each road wns:
Cattle. Hogs. 8heep.
C, M. .1 St. T 8
O. & St. L 1
Missouri Paclllc 17
I'nlon Pacific System 27
c. & N. w
F., E. & M. V
S. C. & P
. St. P., M. & O
B. & M
C. B. & Q
K. C. & St. J
C, R. I. & P., east...
C. R. I. & P., west...
Illinois Central
Total receipts 141 73 14 3
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing tho num
ber of head Indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Shep.
Omaha Tacking Co....... If6
Swift nnd Company 669
Cudnhy Packing Co 440
Armour & Co 330
R, Becker & Desnn 193
Vansnnt & Co f(?
Lobman ft Co 249.
W. I. Stephen 60
Llvlngttone & Schaller.. 137
Hamilton & Rothschild.. 161
L. F. Husz 15
Hammond Packing Co
B. F. Hobhlck 61
Wolf A M 71
Krcy Packing Co
Other buyers 2S1
1 "iii
1.2i 1
Total 2.SM 6.354 6 693
CATTLE There wns not far from the
same number of cattle here today that
were on sale yesterday, but a number of
trnlns w-re late in arriving. Packers
Feemed to bo anxious for supplies, but there
were not many steers, particularly among
tho westerns, that wero of very good qual
ity. The market was fairly active on tho
better grades and sold in most cases at
good strong prices.
Thero were only 1 few corn-fed steers lu
the yards this morning and although buyers
tried to get them a little lower, owing to
the unfavorable reports from Chicago, still
they finally paid Just about steady prices
for tho more desirable grades, In somo
spots the market looked strong. The com
moner Kinds, however, and lightweights
were neglected and sellers In some ensef.
quoted the market a llttlo lower than yes
terdny. There wero only about n dozen loads of
cows nnd heifers in the ynrds today and
sellers succeeded In getting strong to a
dime higher prices than they did yester
day. It was n fairly nctlve market nnd
most everything was sold In good season.
Thero wi s not much chnnge todny In
bulls, calves and stags, though good firm
prices were paid for those showing quality.
Th(ro were quite n few stockcrs and feed
ers on salo today and the demand wns also
of llbernl proportions. The rnlns evi
dently have nnd n good effect on the trade
nnd stimulated buying. Tho market on nil
good cattle today could bo quoted strong
to a dime higher than yesterday. Common
cattle, as usual, wero more or less neg
lected nnd probably did not sell much more
thnn at steady prices.
There were not many western rnngcrs of
fered today thnt were good enough for kill
ers nnd as a result the better grades sold
without difficulty at fully steady prices.
Cows and heifers were nctlve and Btrong to
n dlmo higher. Stockers and feeders show
ing quality were also In good demand and
strong to 10c higher than yesterday. Rep
resentative sales;
No, Av.
21. ....
1 ,
. 710
..1130 3 50
. 910
,. 710
3 :
4 00
4 co
4 23
4 30
4 70
4 75
4 7S
B 15
..1214 5 15
.1311 6 63
.1179 4 73
.. 933
1101 1
S20 2 10 IS
903 2 30 4
..... KS 2 30 1
780 2 50 K
932 2 50 7
910 2 50 4
S05 2 M 20
833 2 53 23
1090 2 55 I
10 2 60 2
,...1CM 2 60 1 1010
,....1000 2 73 2 975
SJ0 2 73
6S9 2 00 3 750
CIO 2 40 4 60
f.'O 2 10 1 S50
590 2 50 1 700
.... 910 2 -73 4 525
.... S16 2 SO
6 60
6 t3
5 70
5 70
6 70
2 75
2 75
1210 2 SO
..1030 2 S3
2 90
3 00
3 00
10W 3 00
973 3 20
2 40
3 C5
2 00
3 SO
2 9')
3 00
3 23
...1020 1 40
... 660 2 00
...1250 2 50
... 910 2 91
...i:60 2 33
...1270 2 40
.. 802
..1270 2 80
..1660 4 10
3 40
2 33
2 33
100 3 75 1 ISO 5 00
830 2 00 10 551 J 20
S33 2 23
1120 2 CO
.. 700
. 713
. 900
. 700
. 935
. 774
. 90S
. 901
. 97(1
2 13
0 23
1 50
2 50
2 73
2 92'i
2 70
3 00
3 (10
Si'i 3 03
S3S 3 10
1 COW....
1 COW....
3 cows...
1 cow....
2 cows...
1 cow. . . .
4 cows, . .
11 feeders.. lioo
2 feeders. . W
3 feeders. . ff3
2 bulls 1210
24 cows 912
2 cows S70
1 cow 900
4 cows 631
2 cows 1010
1 cow
1 cow. . .
2 cows. . .
1 feeder.
28 cows...
1 steer..,
4 heifers
3 calves... 200
1 cow 910
2 rows 775
1 cow 1100
1 cow .,..1020
1 steer 670
1 steer 1170
2 cows 1153
1 eow 1070
1 cow 90O
23 cows &0o
6 cows 90?
1 cow 1100
1 60
Sit 3 20
.. 873 3 11
.1103 3 23
. 373 3 23
..870 3 40
.1000 3 40
.820 3 50
.904 3 30
. 930
. 941
. 966
3 60
3 61
3 63
3 SO
1 03
2 SO
1110 3 60
40 2 SO
S60 2 25
1105 2 25
3 3',
2 73
3 3.
2 60
2 40
1 60
1 25
2 40
3 25
2 40
1 60
2 40
3 00
3 10
2 75
3 10
4 75
? 25
2 70
2 65
2 90
3 60
2 75
3 25
: f)
1 75
2 15
2 '5
3 03
,. SIV'i
. 997
3 heifers,.
1 heifer...
4 feeders.
1 feeder. .
17 feeders.
2 feeders.
12 cows,...
3 steers...
6 steers,..
15 steers...
17 steprs,. .
1 steer....
!i steers,..
1 heifer...
2 heifers..
11 heifers.,
1 heifer...
21 cows...,
3 cows....
4 cows.,..
30 feeders.
11 feeders.
IS feeders.
2 feedeis.
1 steer ...
4 steers.... S02
22 steers...
5 steers. .,
1 steer....
S feeders.
1 feeder,.
1 feeder..
12 feeders.
1 feeder..
14 feeders.
1 feeder..
. 610
. 080
. i7
. 700
. 790
. 770
. 913
. 476
. S22
. $S6
. Ml
. 690
. 623
. 617
. 760
. 927
. m
. M0
. 362
. 109
. 6S6
. 575
2 60
2 60
2 23
3 10
3 (XI
2 ;o
2 SO
2 61
3 0)
3 31
3 S5
3 10
3 (ft
2 21
2 25
.'I 35
2 00
3 25
2 40
4 25
3 65
2 75
2 50
3 50
910 3 bO
S.S0 3 20
3 20
3 SO
770 3 80
610 3 25
4 frericra
I feeders
1 bull. ..
1 bull....
2 bulls...
1 feeder
2 feeders. .1033 3 70
1 cow 970 2 t&
1 cow.. ,,,.10.10 ; 03
4 cows.....!C'i0 3 05
7 cows 10.17 3 03
2 cows lift) 3 03
4 cows... . 7S0 1 60
1 eow 1110 2 25
ueorge oaddls Nen.
53 cows 913 2 73 1 bull
1 cow 750 2 Oil
Hurt-: Bros. Neb.
21 feeders.. ICW 4 m 1 cow
F. I.. Smith Neb.
I cows 1010 2 75 1 fe.iW. . .
16 cows 901 I 75 2 cow s
1 cow S40 2 00 1 cow
1 calf .ISO 3 00
William Jameson Neb.
1 bull.,....16S0 3 75 1 steers....
2 cows 10S5 3 M
.1. II. Whlte-S. D.
96 steers... .1126 4 10
Itom uros. wyo.
3 rows 1040 3 10
1 cow...... S20 3 25
. 7S2 2 70
. SSO 2 70
.12211 2 20
.1310 2 25
lo 2 50
!. 2 10
S"0 2 60
"91 3 6ft
IffO 2 '5
l'W 2 73
f03 1 23
24 cows 1013 3 23
3 70
3 ()
3 60
3 15
2 "OWS 920 2 i.t
2 cows. . . . 950 3 10
1 bull 130 2 00
1 feeder... 1110 3 no
James Wllson-S, D.
102 steers... 992 3 70 1 steer...
Tom Wllson-S. D,
7 feeders.. 9V 3 75
67 feeders.. 953 3 75
22 fe-ders.. 970 3 75
21 feeders.. t2 3 51
3 feeders.. M6 3 (.0
63 feeders.. 1101 I 10
1 feeder.. .1110 4 10
1 cows..
31 steers
950 2 S3
.912 3 65
1 steer ino 3 65
45 steers,.,
1 steer....
6 steers.. ,
12 cows..
1 bull...
1 calf...
6 cows .
10 cows. .
3 cows.
ft cows..
1 row...
54) 3 70
961 3 63
90) 3 65
90 3 15
..1133 2 75
..1210 2 13
.. IK) 5 HI
.. "I'll 3 ()
..1017 3 00
.. 9.10 3 00
..1020 3 O)
,. an 2 60
12 feeders.. 911 3 10
3 feeders.. 93 3 00
31 feeders.. 965 3 40
9 steers. ...1116 3 10
46 steers .. 1135 3 75
1 steer ll.lo 3 75
1 steer 1101 3 75
1 bull 12?0 2 35
HOCS-There wns Just a fair run of hogs
here today, and as other markets were
quoted lower buyers nt this point spirted
n from the heglnnlng to pound down prices.
They started in bidding 5fT10c lower, and
while a few hogs sold on that bnsls, not
ninny changed hnnds, ns sellers were hold
ing for better prices. Packers wanted to
buy tho general run of hogs at $6.35. with
the better loads nt $6.37U nnd $6.40. On the
morning market ns high ns 6.60 was paid
for n bunch of choice henvywoWhts Owing
to buyers nnd sellers being rather far apirt
in their views It was late beforo many
hogs had chnnged hands.
Packers, however, llnally raised their bids
to $u.3i',4 and $6.40 for the general run of
hogs, and at those prices they sold In n
hurry. The general market todny, then,
was only n big nickel lower thnn yester
day, and in spite of the alow opening every
thing wns sold in fnlrly goon season.
rxcpicreniniivo sales:
.No. Av. Mi Pr, No. Av. Ph. Pr.
S3 lsj 120 20 SI 214 160 6 40
81 215 160 C 32VJ S4 2"9 120 C 41
77 161 ... 6 33 SJ sso IM 6 40
IS 339 K0 6 33 79 212 120 R 40
SI 192 120 6 3714, U 210 im 6 40
71 221 120 6 37i 76 211 SO C 40
55 219 SO 6 37(, S7 2M ... 6 40
52 220 IM 6 37', SS 2.11 ... 6 0
61 253 240 6 S7'i 77 221 280 6 40
74 224 40 6 37 ) 9 211 ... 6 40
76 203 40 6 371, 60 269 .. 6 (0
65 2IS lfO 6 37k 16 27S 160 6 40
66 232 f0 6 37tj 68 2.'.. ... 6 40
32 2S2 ) 6 SJi-s 70 233 160 6 40
10 191 ... 6 37!i 0) 241 ... 6 40
92 187 160 C 3?i 63 245 ... 6 40
92 20.1 200 6 37H 67 213 ... 6 40
62 133 40 6 37Si 75 21S SO 6 40
2) 231 ... 6 37'i So VA 120 6 4)
73 211 SO 6 3711 64 2J3 40 6 40
66 295 SO 6 37 4 78 227 160 6 40
71 233 M 6 3'. 61 246 40 6 40
S3 186 ... 6 T.y, 29 240 120 6 40
70 17 ... 6 3714 63 218 120 6 40
60 242 40 6 3714 S9 259 SO 6 M
CJ 207 ... -6 371, 37 223 ... 6 40
62 250 SO 6 40 71 239 40 6 40
Si 23 120 6 40 66 24S 120 6 40
76 241 120 6 4) 63 264 ... 6 40
68 263 SO 6 40 72 233 160 6 li,i
SI 2S5 ... 6 10 f.0 261 40 ii 43
82 2-9 .., 6 40 40 253 ... 6 43
39 251 120 6 10 19 275 40 6 45.
30 288 80 6 40 60 2S6 ... 6 43
33 271 120 6 40 61 271 40 6 (0
68 22 SO 6 40 61 233 ... 6 SO
6S 2M 160 6 40 37 3S5 80 6 60
63 29S 40 6 VI
SHEEP There was rnther a llcht run of
shep here today, and ns a result the mar
ket took on more llfo than for some llttlo
time past. Parkers seemed to want tho
better grades and paid Just about steady
prices for them as compared with yester
day. The common stuff was, of course,
morv or less neglected tho snmo ns Is gen
erally tho case,
The lamb market also held practically
steady. Sellers experienced little dltllculty
In disposing of the better grades at good
steady prices and It wns not long beforo
the pens wero cleared of tho desirable
Quotations: Choice yenrllngs. $3.30ff3.50;
fair to good yearlings. $3.16'(j3.30; choice
wethers, $3.2533.40: fair to good wethers,
$3.00ca3.25: choice ewes. $2.753.0O: fair to
good ewes, $2.233.75; cholco spring lambs,
$4.25fff4.60l .fair to good spring lambs, $l.0Oj
(.-j; it-cuur wcuiurw, iori.t..a: iceuer lamns,
$3.0OiJ3.60. Represcntntlve sales:
19S feeder lambs
200 feeder lambs
101 cull lambs
S2 cull lambs
340 western lambs
600 western lambs
516 Wyoming lambs
727 Wyoming lambs
130 Wyoming feeder wethers
414 Wyoming wethers
143 Wyoming wethers
2 western ewes :
631 wethers nnd yearlings...,
1520 feeder Iambs
A v.
.. 68
.. SS
.. 61
.. IV!
.. 65
.. 67
.. 65
.. 65
.. 96
.. 97
.. 92
.. 93
.. 56
$3 35
3 33
3 75
3 75
4 2i.
4 25
4 23
I 25
3 00
3 10
3 35
3 35
3 50
Fnt Nnllve Cuttle Jilenilj llou Weak
Sheep SlrniiK.
CHICAGO. Sept. ll.-CATTLE-Rccolpts.
25,Oiw head. Including 2,000 head Texans. 4,000
head westerns; good fnt nntlves, steady, all
others slow to 10c lower; good to prime
steers, $0.15'fi6.53: poor to medium. $4.0O'?
5.75; stockers and feeders, $2.751Y4.25; cows,
$1.5004.75; heifers, $2.00fi3.GO; canners, $1.30if
2.40; lulls, $2.2.'ii?3.75; calves, $3.00576.25:
Texas-fed steers, $3.00'if 1.60; western steers,
HOGS Receipts, IS.000 head; tomorrow,
23,000 head, estimated; left over, 3,000 head;
dull nnd weak to 5c lower; mixed and
butchers, $6.10(j(6.75; good to choice, heavy,
$6.60-ii6.9o; rough heavy. SO.oo.iO: light,
$6. 10ft 6. 65: bulk of sales. $6.::0CfI6.5O.
SHEEP AND LASIBS-Rcceipts, 20.000
head; steady to strong for good; lambs,
best strong, others steady; good to cholco
wethers, $3.75Ciil,0O; fair to choice mixed,
$ WtfS. 6.1; western sheep, $3.15173.85; nntlvo
lnmbs. $3.00ij5.i)0; western lambs, $1,011(4 9 .
Otllclal receipts and shipments yesterday;
RECEIPTS-Cnttlc, 10,796 head; hogs, 17,
916 head; sheep, 18,038 head.
SHIPMENTS-Cattlc. 3.43S head; hogs,
2,944 head; sheep, 7,612 head.
Kansas City Live Sdieli Mnrket.
ceipts, 12,0(10 head natives, 2.000 head Tox
nns nnd 900 hend calves; mnrket generally
stendy to strong: choice export and dressed
beef steers, Jj.oOffiG 00; fair to good, $1.601
5.40; stockers and feeders, $2.60(4,25; western-fed
steers, $l.5(Vf3.75; western ran.TO
steers, $3.6034.50; Texas and Indians, tJ.6.Vf
3.75; Texas rows, $2.2(Vfi3.00; nntlvo cows,
$2.603 1.25 : heifers. $2.705.30; rnnnors. $1.C0S
2.10: bulls, $2.45411.23; calves, $3.50173.60.
HOGS Receipts. 8.500 head; mnrket
opened slow, closed steady; lop, $6.57'i;
bulk, $6.25-r-6.50: heavy. $0.60!fi6.57,; good
packers. $6.256.50; light. $5.95Q0.37H; nlgrt,
$4.6011 5.60.
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Reeelnts. 3,500
head; lambs, steady; sheep, 151i2oc higher;
lambs, $l.5fjl.55; native and western
wethers. $3.25(i3.75: eweo, $2.50j3 15; stockers
nnd feeders, $2.(0J3.25,
Sfeiv YorU 1,1 e Stock MnrUrt,
NEW YORK. Sept. ll.-BEEVES-Re-celpts,
11,425 head: trade slow: medium mid
common. lOffjlSe lower; half-breeds, ll.Wft
4.70; bulls, $2.50473.50: cows, $1.65473.75: choice
nnd extra, $4,001)4.23. Cables unchanged;
shipments, 3o head cattle and 3,390 quartern
of beef.
CALVES-Rceelpts, 2,485 head: veals,
weak to 25c lower; culls and little calves,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 5,581
head: sheep, slow and weak: cholco Iambi.
Bteady to strong, othera dull nnd easier;
culls. $2: lambs. $3.75: choice. S6.2JW3.35;
Canada lambs, $5.004i5.35.
HOGS Receipts, 5,100 head; market slow;
state, $6.S(Vfj6.9o; no sales of westerns reported.
Nt. I. mils Lire Stock Mnrket,
ST. LOUIS. Sept. ll.-CATTLE-Recelpls,
5,700 head, Including 3.000 head Texans;,
market steady; nntlvo shipping and export
steers. $5.0C1I6.25; dressed and export steers,
$1,254(5.90; steers under l.fui) lbs., $3.73175.25.
stockers and feeders. $2..'01il.oo; cows nnd
heifers, $2,004, 1.83; canners. $1.23112.25; !mll,
$2,254(3.00; Texas nnd Indian Hieers. 13.ulA
4.00; cows and heifers, $2,1543.23.
HOOH-Rocelpts. S.M'i head; market I
lOo lower; pigs nnd lights. $i, IOTjt,.50. pack
ers. $6.?3ir(6.65: butchers. $6 6-476 91
SHEEP AND LAM IIS Receipts. 3.6')
head; market steady; native muttons, $2 75
473 15: lambs. $1.00571.75; culls and bucko,
$2.0CB3.00; stockers, $2,231(2 30
Stuck In SIkIiI.
The, following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs apd sheep at the four prin
cipal stock markets Septninher 11:
.1 i'.l F. 11V. 1 rto
M .Mm "S (vi Wti
South Omaha
Chicago .....
Kansas City
St. Louis ....
58 (iVl
. . 19,152 60.866 M),rj38
.foaepb Live NtoeU .Mnrket,
ST ''JOSEPH. Sept. 11. CATTLE Re
ceipts, 2,000 head; market steady; nntlvis,
.'..OfltUO, cows nnd heifers, $1.CKV?R65; bulls
nnd stags. J2.o0fr4.50: stockers and feeders.
$1.764f3.StJ; veals, $2.25fl5.5i.
tindft it..!.!.. "i 1. .... .1 , ...... 1,.
..x.x.w . 1 . . w..'" IIV1I1I, IllU.rtri
steady; light and light mixed, $6.15476.30;
medium and I1e.11, v. 6 "Vffii r,i' nt... ta ftrtl t
6.00; bulk. $i".30fUi.
sitKKr lambs Receipts. ttWheaiU
market steady to stiong.
Dry nooils .Mnrkcl,
C D. Borden bought some 3oo.tV plecet
print cloths at 3c for regulars. Wide goodi
against buyers. More dem.uul for brown,
blenched and coarse colored cottons anil
tone of market tlrm. Prints scarco and
tendency against buyers. Men's wear wool,
ens lu staple lines llrm; fancies Irregular,
Woolen nnd worsted dress goods quiet.
( I' AJ.L RIVER, Mass.. Sept. ll.-DRY
tiOODS Print cloths have been advanced
to ,c as tho asking price for regulars In the
local market. No Mle at this price win
reported here today. A lot of goods, con
servatively estimated nt 2i,0i0 pieces hni
been purchased In the Providence market
for the American Printing company at that
figure, rhe local market Is very tlrm, and
trading Is quiet today, merely because buy.
ers and manufacturers cannot got the regu
lar prices.
CnlT;r MnrUrt,
u''Ul, Y?.!,Kv.s,Pt. ll.-COFFEE-Snol
W i
local shorts. Tho market closed net un'
changed to nn advance of b points Tot 1
sales. 21.001) bagst luelj.llng 6? S ,cr, U
6.25c. August. f,.5So. News' from' abroad
un ui.imii ii iiiiiiiiiuiL mm nnd no effect on
the local situation, "
po.iTOFKioi: iTici:r
(Should be rend DAILY by all Interested
as changes may occur at nny time.) '
I'qrelgn malls for the week ending Sep
tember 14, 1901, will close (PROMPTLY In
nil cases) nt the general postofllcc ns fol
lows: Parcels post malls close one hour
earlier than closing time shown helrm.
Parcels pot malls for Germany close nt
6 p. m. Monday and Wednesday.
Regular and supplementary malls clots
?nW M" ,hn '"
Trnnsntliintlo Mnlln.
THURSDAY At 6:30 n. m. for EUROPF
per s. s Aug. Victoria, via Plymouth!
Cherbourg nnd Hamburg (mall for France
must be directed "per s. s. Aug Vic
toria"); nt 7 a. m. for FRANCE. SWITZ
from Boston; nt 11 p. m. for JAMAICA
per ii s. Crania, from Philadelphia
SATURDAY At 3:30 n. m. for EI'ROPE
per a. s. Umbrla, via Qtieenstown; nt f
n. in. for 1TA L . per s. s. Werra. via
Naples (mall must bo directed "per s s
Werra"), nt 7:30 a. m. for NETHER."
LANDS direct, per s. s. Staalendain
(mall must be directed "per s. s. Slnaten
dam"): nt 9:30 a. m. for SCOTLANI1
direct, per s. s. Astoria (mall must be
directed "per s, s. Astoria'1).
PRINTED MATTER7ijTC.-Thls steamer
takes Printed Matter. Commorclal Pa
pers nnd Samples ror Germany only. Tho
samo clar.s of mall matter for other raits
of Europo wlM not be sent by this shlo
unless specially directed by It.
After the closing of the Supplementary
Trans-Atlantic Malls named above addl
tlonnl supplementary malls are opened on
tho piers of tho American, Englleh,
French and German steamers and remain
opon until within Ten Minutes of tho
hour of sailing of steamer.
Mntla for Roi-tli nnd Crntrnl America,
West Indies, Eto.
THURSDAY At 12 m. for BRA7.IL, pet
s. s. Knlllr Prince (mall for Northern
Brazil, Argent Ine Republic, Uruguay and
Paraguay must bo directed "per a. a
Knlllr Prince"); at 12 m. (suppfeinentari
12:30 p. m.) for BAHAMAS, GUANTAN
AMO and SANTIAGO, per s. s. Saratoga,
at 6:30 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Ad
miral Sampson, lrom Boston.
FRIDAY-At 12 m. for MEXICO, per a. n.
Senecu, via Tamplco (mall must be d.
rccted "per s. s. Seneca").
per a. s, San Juan, via Sail Juan; at i
u. m. (supplementary 9:30 a. ni.) for
CURACAO nnd VENEZUELA, per h. s.
Kulia (mall for Savanlllu and Cnrthagon.i
must bo directed "per . s. Zulla"); nl 9:3d
n. m. (supplementary 10:3o a. m.) tor
TOWN, per s. s. Alomi (mall for Costa.
Hlca must bo directed "per s. h. Aleno");
nt 9:30 n. m. (supplementary 10 a. in.) for
DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per t. s.
Fontnbello (mall for Grenada and Tilui
dad must Im directed "per 8. 8. Foutu
bello"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s, h.
Morro Castle, via Havana; at 10 a. in. for
8 s. La Savole, via Havre (mall tor other
parta of Europe must bo directed "ptr
8. s. La Savolu").
Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North
Sydney, and thenco by steamer, cloao ut
this otllco dally ut tiuo p. in. (cuuiicutiiis
close here every Monday, Wednekday ana
Saturday). Mulls for Mlqtielon, by rail to
Boston, and thenco by steamer, cloao at
this uftlce dally at O.J0 p. in. Malls lor
Cuba, by rail to Port Tannin. Fla,, and
thence uy steamer cloau at tills olhco
dally at '6 a. m. (thu Mjiiicctliif clobea
are on Monday, Wedm-sday aim Satur
day). Melle tor Mexico City, overland,
unless specially addressed for dispatch uy
steamer, clotso tu this ofllcu dally at Um
p. in. and 11 p. id. Malls lor Costa Rica,
Belize, Puerto Coitez und (.iuuluui.ilu, ny
rail to NeW Orleans., and thence by
steamer, close at this olhcu dailj at l.Ju
p. m. (.conncctlntj closou hero Mondays
lor Bellzi . utrto Coilez ami Guatemala
and TucmIu;' lor .Coslu, Rim). "Regis
tered null cloies at 6 p. in. previous day.
Triuin-PniMilc .1lall.
Malls for Hawaii, China, Japan and Philip
pines, via San Frunclsco, close hero ualiy
at 6:30 p. m. up to September 7. Inclusive,
tor dispatch per 8, s. China.
Malls foi China and Japan, via Tacoma,
ciuhq hero daily at 6;uu p. in. up lo Sep
tember ", inclusive, for dispatch per s. a.
Malls tor China and Japan, via Scattlo,
close here dallv at 6:3'' j. m. up to Sep
tember "ll. Inclusive, tor dispatch per s.
s. Tosa Maru (registered mall must b
directed "via Seattle").
Mails lor Australia (except West Australia,
which goes via Europe, nnd New Zealand,
which goes via Sau "rnnclco) and FIJI
islands, via Vnneo'ivcr, clono here dally
nt 0:30 p. in. after September ,,7 nnd up
to September "U, Inclusive, for dispatch
per s. u. Mlowera (supplementary malls,
via Seattle and Victoria), close ut C;30 p.
in. September 16.
Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Philip
pine Islands, via San Francisco, close h"io
dolly at 0:3) p. m. up to September 15,
Inclusive, lor disputed ptr s. s. Doric.
Malls for H.iwull, via Han Fitun hum
hero dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to September
10, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. a. Ala- lor Ai.stral'a l.xieiu AeM Australia,
which Is forwarr)eu viu Europe), Now
Zealand. Fiji, hamon nnd Ilavwiii. via hiiii
Fianclsco. eloje hero dally at 6:30 p. in.
after September "15 nnd up to Septem
ber "28, Inclusive, or on nrrlvnl of s. a.
Campania, duo at New York September
28, for dispatch per s. s. Sierra.
Malw !' r cb. na tual latmii, via Vancouver,
closi hero dally at 6:30 p. in. up to Octo
ber "I. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s.
Empress or India (registered mull murt bs
uilAteo via Vancouver "i. .Mall, ..jicepj
merchandlso which cannot i tot warded
"la Canada, fur the L'. H. Postal Agent nt
Shanghai, .loses at 6.30 p. in. previous
MaUs'for Tahiti nnd Marquesas Jslanns. vhi
San Franclsto close here dallv at 6:30 p.
m up to October "12. Inclusive, for dla.
patch per 8 AuMriilln.
Trans-Pnclllc mans are forwarded to porl
of sailing dolly and tho schedule of clon
ing Is nrninged on tho presumption ol
their uninterrupted overland transit.
"Registered um 1 1 closes at U p. ill. previ
ous dny-
i-ORN KLIPS VAN COTT, Postmaster
Pnstolllce, Now York, N. Y., September 6,
.Money Will Kuril llltf Monlhl) Katuiiu
Tho Investor's Fund Pays Seml-Mouthly.
The oniest ataiillshud In America. .So
certificate holder ever lost a cent. Pay
ments made tu oil subscribers every 1J
4ayB. No trouble, No d"iny. Money
refunded on demnnd, Write today fur
particular!, free to any address.
c. i:, ,ii a i
IliiiUiin llulldlim, ." York,
'1 rmiiliiMir lO.tlf,
Boyd Commission Co
Eucceisor to James E. Ho yd & Co.,
JltiferC of Trade UnlMIng,
Direct wires to Chlcsco md New York,
CorwjponUvnco, John A. Wmren & Co.