Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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, Ludinc Bpecnlttm MarksU RuU Ouiot
' and Slightly Lower.
TVlirnt Open Tinny mill Cloaca I.otrcr
Modern to Cnnli Demand for Corn
UellliiK Prcnnurr In Provisions
Heavy Ontn Arel Unlet.
CHICAGO. Sent. 7. Tho lending sneeula.
tlvo markets ruicd quid and slightly lower
loony, mo materim depression ot jirii.cs
owing to me prcsiuunts coiiiihiuii wtm nu
Uccuble, tho lower price level being duo
to cuuncs chiefly local. Wheat cloned c.
corn 5io unu oatu sc lower lor December
delivery. Provisions closed but slightly
Thu USUnl dlstioHltlnn In do nn lltlln Irml
ing as possible pending thu Hundny hnl.
days whb huticcutile In the wheat pit. The
opening wus easy. December yMhio lower
at 70"c to "oe under the Inliuenco of
iinerm nortnweit receipts nnd lower cnblos.
Covering by shorts Bent tho prico to 71c
early, but (ruling was bearish nnd selling
tor the northwest nccojnt lulliicnccd liqui
dation for the local account. December de
clined to TuufrTuvfcc and cloned weak,
lower at iO',ic. Primary receipts were 32I.W0
unnricis, compared witn 1, 312,000 bushels lust
year. Local receipts were 2v2 cars, 7 of
contract grauc. .Minneapolis nnd Duiutli lo
ported 910 cars, making n total for the
threii points of 112 cars, nimlnst 1.121 Inst
year. Hcnboard clearances were s36,O00
Favorable weather conditions Induced
rolling of corn throughout the ctirtnlUd
Haturrtay serslnn. The ciop reports wcro
bullish, but the liquidation was too forceful
to allow of more than temporary shows of
llrmrosf. There was a moderate cash de
mand nnd somewhat frco country accept
ances, The only effect of thu president's
condition on tho market was selling for
eiutut Interests. December sold between
biW nnd f.ti!fic nnd closed He lower nt C7VjC.
Receipts wero 207 cars.
OATH were qjict, prices declining with
tP"'- Uecembcr ranged between 3oVJ?.1jic
"'I ?4U3ITc und closed jc down nt Wc.
Thero wns a fair demnnd for provisions
led by packers. The selling pressure was
quite heavy at ono time In sympathy with
nogs, but the tide was stemmed by local
support and the close, whllo slightly lower
on the average, was fairly steady. January
000 head.
Tho leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles, Qpen."lllgh. Low. Close.Yes'y.
ex 1
fiS SSTa
"OH 71',,
0 m:
33' i'
I Ks 3'H
37!i'.i 3tHflS
14 47',4
14 CO
15 CO
9. IK '
9 30
9 03
11 TH4
15 so
II 17i
15 CO
11 a
li f,7',4
14 474
14 62V4
15 70
9 31
9 25
9 05
S 55
9 30
9 30
9 15
9 35
9 35
9 124
8 r.754
8 C2!i
8 124
II 40
9 17H
S fo
8 0214
8 57H
S C2'4
8 12!4
8 574
8 60
8 O1I4
No 2.
?Hnt,UOe!,lo', wcro ns Allows:
4 turfchs &T&issi
CORN No. 2, D5ic: No., 2 yellow FGfJf.fiUp
HYE-No. 2. 55c.
8t,E.7'?f0, 1 flax- ''33: No. 1 nofthweiit
ern. $1.40!4: prime timothy. J6.40; clover
contract grnde. IS.E0. ciover,
PROVISION'S Mum pork, per bbl tt4ia
14.70. Ivird per 100 lbs.. j9.3ftS9.35 ' Bhort
ribs sides (loose). I8.45S8.KO. Dry salted
shoulders (boxed). $7.257.50: short cleSr
sides (boxed). J9.10fi9.15. ' 1 c,ear
, WHISKY Rasla of high wines, Jl.30
Tho following nro tho receipts and shlp
len s for tho Inst twenty-rour hours: P
nour f,hlM Ilece,'; Shipments.
! our. uiiia ,0(po
ttu!?;::::::::::::::::::: jS
Bnrley, bi U3,m "j'(of'0
On the Produce oxchnngo today tha but.
hJ.-'" calor! crenmcrles, ur,n ;
ilnlrlcs, 12JT13C. Cheese, steady, 9ioic.
Kggs, steady; fresh, 14015c. 4iu.i.
Ouotntloiia of the nny nn Vnrlou
i,5YJORK' Sent 7--FI'OUR-Recelpts,
11.210 bbls.: exports, 23.021 bbls.; sales, r'.sro
pkgs.: market unsettled, closed enBy; winter
patents WafS Ryo flour, steady: fair to
wmOe.i54I0':S,Cn,ly: C',y ,U8! nra"d"
RYH-Qulot; No. 3 western, C0!4c, f. o. b.,-
?arloti MatC' SMC' Cl ' r" New York!
IiAHMJY-Dull; feeding, 52c. c. 1. f..
re(. ' '.ic, f. o. b.. afloat, and 74075c
elevator: Nd. 1 hnrd. Duluth. S3Wc, t. o. b.,
nflont. Options had n nervous, lower onen
Ing, on 110W6 that President MrKlnlcv had
been shot, but soon recovered. They tlnnllv
ased off again under later realizing nnd
closed easy at HOVjo net loss. May close
?ii.'9 V2. "cPtem,,,,r at.74c, October nt
740 nnd Deeembor at 76V, c.
CORN-Recelpts 27.0(rt bu.: oxports. 2.634
bu. Spot, ensy; No. 2 Mc t. o. b" afloat.
Option mnrket opened weaker, with wheat
nnd then rallied on fenrs of cold wenthor
and possible frost before Monday. Finally
declined, with wheat, nnd closed ensy at
UOic net lota. May closed nt 62fic. Sep
tember at H(ii nnd December nt 6lVe
OATS-Rccelnts, 40.500 bu.; exports "0 tsi
B5teadyP'' ' Ptl0"R q",e ' "n" b"el"
ftr$t& Bh,pplnK mmc; to
FUKD-Stoady: spring hran. SI7 (VW717 ko
So''city Hm20M bran Jl"tf
HIDKB-Steady: Galveston, 20 to -a lbs
ISc: California, 21 to 25 lbs., Mile- Texas
dry. 21 to 30 lbs., 1414c ' lcxus
M3ATilKR--8tcndy: hemlock sole, Ruenos
PROVISIONS-Heef. quiet: famllv ill on
012.00; mess. JO.BfvjJlo.bO: beef hams. JIOo S
22.00ri'acket. JI0.00O10.50; city, ox ra In lla
mcs. iKmws.&i. cit mckts. steady; pek "
7.25; pickled hams. $10.75011.25. Uird quiet:
western steamed, Ju.tVi; rotlncd. steady
Beptember closed at .55. nominal; contli
nent, J9.(5: South America. I10"3- pom.
pound. I7.25O7.50. Pork. HnnSr; famllv
TAhl.OW-Klrmcr; city (2 per pkg ) 51;
OBio: country (Pkgs. free). 5Ui5fc , '
POXJI.TRY-Allvo nnd drcsVod, sttndv
Mla0 vat
ICnnana City Ornln nml I'rovlalona,
eclpts, 153 cara; September. 61c: December.
(WHc: May. 70iiO70Jc: cash. No. 2 hard
taUOfiSUc: No. 3, e5c; No. 2 red, 6$O0SHc
CORN September, 5T4c; December, r6V4c;
May. 58&i5S?,c; cash, No. 2 mixed, C7057!4c:
No. 2 white, 67V4C .
OAT8-N0. 2 white. 3S03SWc
RYK-No. 2, 66;c.
IIAY-Chotco timothy, $12.50; choice prai
rie. $13.00.
IIUTTER - Creamery. 16?4019c; dairy,
fancy, HOlilc,
EGOS Firm; frekh Missouri and Kansas
tock quoted on 'chungo nt 13c doz,, loss
Off. Ciitf returned.
RECEIPTS-Whent, 122,400 bu.j corn, 6.400
bu.; oats. 28,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat, 181,000 bu.; com, 62,
(00 bu,; oats, 12,000 bu.
Peorln .UnrUrt.
, PKORIA, Sept. 7,-CORN-Easler; Ne. 3,
OATS Firm: No. 3 white, 35tc.
, WHISKY On the basis of $1.30 for fin
lahcd goods.
Duluth Grain Mnrket.
DULUTH, 6pt. 7. WHEAT Nb, 1 hard.
-73 luwvi iii tiu.Di; aid, ;
h hrnnp n tl K o. .1 'rn...,
. I ""u( in, itun uunil III 4fl.UI??.
:" ceipin Aionaay: Wheat, 200
Cars: COrn. 30.1 mm! nn u IT", nnru- !..,
... . t , . , , uv(,r, V, -
METAIs-pib iron, dull: northern. $11 m
C15.00; southern. $13.00015.25. Copper dull
brokers'. $16 60017.00. Lead, dull; brokerl-'
quiet. Spelter, qulot; domestic," $4. '
cash, 70ie; No, 1 northern. 6$Hc; Septem
ber, 6SSo; December, MV.BUVVi May. TJiie
No. 2 northern, t;v,c.
Condition iif'Trude null (lootntlons 011
Staple nnd Fniicr Produce.
Eaas-Hccclpts. fair: loss off 12Ue.
LIVE rULLTl'V-IUno rr. . t,,,,,,,,, n,l
old toosters, 4c; turkeys, Ciiac; Jucks and
Krcne, o-uavsc, spring cmcKens, per 10.
iiUTTER-Common to fair, HVic: cholco
dairy, in tubs, liylbc; separator, 13c.
FUEHtl lltilt-tiiuck oass. lsc; white
bass, 10c; bluctlsti, lie; bullheads, 10c; blue
litis, Tci uutlalous. 7c: cnttlsh. 12c: cod. loo:
crapples, loc; hullDill, 11c, hi'rrllli, 11 ; had-
hulk, ,uo, piKc, 10c; red snapper, iuc; sal
mon, lie; sunllsh, do; trojt, iuc; whltellsh,
UYKTERS-Standards, per can, 30c; extrn
sciecis, per cun, Jic; ,cw iorK counts, per
can, -UC.
PlGEONH-Llvc, per dos., 60c,
VEALS-Cholce. iDc.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale
liny Dealers' association: Choice upland,
$9.60: No 2 upland. ID.oo: medium. JS.fO:
course, $7,60. Ryo straw, $4.50. Thtfse prltes
,u. tor nay 01 koou coior aim quality, uc
ma ml, fair. RcceiptH, 3 cars.
UATH 31c.
GREEN CORN-l'cr doz., 10c.
CAltituTa x'cr doz., 2uc.
UEETS-Per lialt-bu. basket, 35c.
i L It.MPS 1'er hinUrl. Hue
CUCUMUERS-Home-grown, per doz., 10
LETTUCE Per bu., 2Cc.
iirnwn. Mde.
iu.11,1 iuiia - lmmc-Brown,
basket. 60c.
per 18-lb,
UNluNHHome-grown, per lb., 202Hc.
UEANh Wax, per ii-bJ. basket, 75c;
string, per 'AAiu. basket, 60c.
CANTALOUPE Hnmc-eruwn. per doz.,
2Stfu0c; crates, ll.5w5il.75.
VATERMEl.ONS-M1ss0url, Iowa and
xHiratiKii, sujjiic, as to size.
CELERY Kalamazoo, per bunch, 23035c;
Nebruska, per bunch, wOluc; Colorado,
APPLFS-Per bbl.. J2.23fl2.50.
PEACIIES-Calltornlu trecstone, per box,
fwo; clings, 73c. Colorado freestone, 75083c;
Elbcrtos, 'i-baskct crates, $1.3yi.W; 4-basket
crates, so'ovoc.
l'LUMS-Cnllfornia. per crcM, $1.2531.60;
home-grown, per 8-lb. basket. 15c.
PEARH-lturtletrs, $2.5o; Utah, 2; New
York Hnr'lutts, Itegs, $2.50.
GRAPES California Tokav. 4-lb. crato.
$2; Muscats, $1.60: Concords, home grown,
per 6-iu. unsxet, 15c
ORANGES Valenclns, $3; Med. sweets,
LEMONS Fnncy, $1.25; choice. $3.75.
BANANAS Per bunch, according to size,
FIGS California, new cartons, 73c; lay
ers, C5c; Imported, per lb., 10O12c,
DATES Persian, In 60-lb. boxes, Salrs, 5c.
NUTS English walnuts, per lb., 16c: Ml
bnrts. ner lb.. 13c: nlltionds, per lb.. UO20o:
raw peanuts, po- lb., 605V4c; roasted, 614y
7Vc; Hrnzlls, 13c; pecans, 10022c.
CIDER Per bbl.. $1.60; per H'bbl., $2.75.
HIDES No. 1 green, ti',4c; jso. 2 green,
54c; No. 1 salted, &c; No. 2 salted, 7c;
NO. 1 veal can, a 10 uft ids., og; nv. - vein
calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides, 8013c;
sheep pelts, 23075c; horsehldes, $1.50(32.23.
Toledo Ornln and Seed,
rrrt a-, n WIIPAT Mnrket
quiet: cash and September, 7U4c; December,
73'4077c. . . u
CORN Slow; Heptemucr, oug; ucccmuci,
57c: May, 5S&C
R Y E 63c
OATS Dull: September. 3371c; December,
36V.C. . ,
SEEDS Clover, nctivo; uctooer, o..i.
Plillndelphtn Prodncc Mnrket.
PitiT.AnKr.PltlA. Sent. 7. BUTTER
Firm: fnncy western creamery, 12c; fancy
n TpirjnfiljSirm; fresh nenrbv nnd western.
Uc: fresh southwestern and southern, lc.
HEElit, uncnangea; ntw jui iuij
creams, fancy sman, ww: mw lorn iuu
creams, fair to cnoice, Brtwiuic.
MlnneniiolU "Whrnt, Four nnd Ilrnn.
sprnnd clears. $2.20.
BRAN in DU1K, su.uo.
Cotton Mnrket.
Steady; sales, coo bales; ordinary, G'ac; good
ordinary, 613-16c; low middling. 7c; mid
dling, 8 i-16c; good middling, 8 13-16c; mid
dling fair, 91-16c, nominal: receipts, 1,212
bales: stock, 40,070 bales. Futures steady;
March. 7.6337.03CJ April, 7.C307.G3c; Mny,
Si. LOUIS. Sept. 7.-COTTON-Qiltet.
1-lCe lower; middling, SUc; sales, 425 bales;
receipts, 400 bales; shipments, 620 bales;
stock, 33,804 bales.
LIVERPOOL, Sept. 7. 1 p. m. COTTON
Spot, limited demand, prices ensler;
American iniounnK mir, o ; goou mid
dling, 6 3-32d; middling. 4 25-32d: low mid
dling, 4 9-16l; good ordinary, 4 5-16d; ordi
nary, 4 li-iia.
GALVESTON. Sept, 7.-COTTON-Stcmly.
Smriir Mnrket.
vtt.w YORK. Sent. 7 SUGAR Raw.
Steady, easy; fair rotlntng. 3 6-lCc; centrif
ugal, 96 test, 3?Jc; molasses sugar, 3 3-162.
Ttoilned. stendy; No, 6, 4.(5c: No. 7. 4.65c: No.
8. 4.45c; No. It. 4.40c; No. 10, 4.33c; No. 11,
4.30c; No. 12, 4.30c; No. 13, 4.20c; No. 14, 4.20c;
mould A, S.COc; cut lonf, 5.75c; crushed,
6.75c; powdered, 5.35c; granulated, 5.23c;
cubs. h.60c.
LONDON. Sent. 7. SUGAR Muscovado.
9Hb 3d; centrifugal, 10s 3d; beet sugar,
August, BS.
Quiet; centrifugal yellow, I01?ic; seconds,
203Hc. Molasses, dull; centrifugal, 5310c.
OH and Itusln.
OIL CITY". Sent. 7. OIL Credit balances.
$1.25; certificates, no bid; no runs or ship
ments riported.
NEW YORK, Sent. 7.-OII,-Cottonseed,
steady: prime crude, yellow. 40c. Rosin.
quiet; strained, common to good, $1.40. Tur
pentine, steady nt 36HO'37c. Petroleum, dull.
1Unuuiv, Bent. on, cuicutia nn
sccdspot, 63s 3d: llnecd, 30s 3d, Spirits of
turpeniino, a--B ma.
LIVERPOOL. Sept. 7.-OIL-Splrlts of
turnentlne. nulet at 27s 3d.
SAVANNAH, Sept. 7.-Oll-Turpentlno,
firm at Sl'.Jc.
Coffee Mnrket.
NEW YORK. Sent. 7. COFFEE Snnt.
Rio. nulet. Mild, stendv. Tho shootlne of
tho president and nn nbsenco of Influencing
iniotmatinu irom 1110 I'iuropean markets
served to check trading In tho local roffen
mnrket today. Opening quiet at unchanged
prices, inu ninrKei ruieu leatureiess and
entirely nominal, closing quiet, with prices
net unchanged, Spot ruled dull nnd noml
nnllv unchnniced at 6 0-16o for itin with
trading limited to 4,600 bags. Sales Included
October at 4.75c nnd December nt 4.95c.
New York Dry Goods Market.
NEW YORK. Sent. 7. DRY nnnns.Th
attempted assassination of President Mc-
runiey mm aiiprrcianic enect upon tho
market for drv noods. Thern linn,. nn
ordinary Saturday business In progress In
cotton Kuuim, wmi u generally nrm tone.
Print cloths Arm on the hnsls of 2i:. fnr
regulars. Cotton yarns nro Irregular, with
business still doing nt low prices. Worsted
and woolen yarns steady.
Wool Mnrket.
ST. LOUIS Sept. 7. WOOI-Genernllv
strong: medium grades, 12',4017Ho; light
nno, uTumjc; nenvy nue, JVS'Uii'jc; tuu
washed, 12021c.
Evaporated nnd Dried Krulta.
APPLES-Tho usual Saturday dullness pre
vailed In the market for ovaported apples;
state, common to gvod, 58o; prime, SVsO
Sc: cholet. 0c. fancy. 9Uo.
Inactive hut steady. Prunes, 340o. Apri
cots. Royal. 8413c: Moor Park. SO 12c.
Peaches, peeled. llplSc; uupeelcd, 60914c
Ilnnk ClenrliTKs.
OMAHA, Sept. 7.-Rank clearings todav.
ln?reaCMSPOni,l"K ,U'y ,n" v""?IDtMS
CHICAGO,' Sept. 7.-Clearlngs. $24 "So 509
balance. $2,554,2 2. Posted exchange. $ I.SJ
4.S.W. New Aork exchange, 35c discount
ST. LOUIS. Sept. 7.-CleaVnRs. '$"&;
balunces. $1,(02.312. Money. 106 per cent
New York exchange, 35c discount bid. 25o
discount asked.
NEW YORK. Sept. 7. Clearings, $202,903,.
945: balances, $10,033,9SS.
BOSTON. Sept. 7.-lClearlnB, $21,453,327;
balances, $l.&10,63ft. '
PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 7.-Clerlngs, $l,.
iuLiiaiiija-i'er doz., lOOUc
PAltauEY-Per doz., 20c.
NEW l'UTATOES-$l.l(01.23
L'AiiuAUK- Home-
67V4c; Hcptcmncr, bbaw)ic; uecemoer, ui
5jt7V4c: on track. No. 1 hard, 69Hc; No. 1
northern. 67Hc; No. 2 northern, 654c.
FLOUR First patcntH, $3.8603.8.,: second
$2.633.60; nrst clears,;
730.4M; balances, $2,826,79 Clearings for thi
CINCINNATI, Sept 7 -Clearings. $2,731'
400. New York exchange, 10013c discount
Money, .S'iOS'.i per tent.
BALTIMORE. Sent 7 Plenrlnea. M.Hfi..
V1' l,nlnt,nf.d CE ll.., t ( , it -.
Mone, 41405 I'rr
cent. v
MiootliiK of Prrildent l.'iseta Jlnrket
(.'litis Inu n Decline.
NEW YORK, Sept. 7. -The shooting down
f the president nt Buffalo yesterday tUVet
lie stock market completely today. Had It
J in.-i.-ii 11, r scveiai mitiKaiiiiK tuv..,.,.
finccs It wns ensy to sec that there
bin iiiivh resiiucil n disaster 10 vmuvo
securities. As It wns. severo losses
ecurltles. As It wus, severo losses
. Inflicted bljMhe decline In prices, nnd
feverish nntf tltful closing of tho two
-T Irliirln lf iiiiunt tln.1 fl II fl
Pf, l.iOnA.I ., . I.. ..HlrtA. rttlil
inxlous for the future. This limitation to
nu iiuurs 01 trnuing as n coiisequence
hi- Saturday half-holiday was one of tho
nltlcntlnr nlMM,H I. dir. alliifitlnn.
litigating circumstances In tho situation,
Jiic maximum period allowed for prepar-i-
li iu inu occurrenie 01 tne irngruj- imij
shortly nrter thu close of yesterday's mar
ket nnd the ndded Interval due to tho clod-
lilt- 11I II... t -.1 - 1 ,.,tm
, ,,i'ii(iuii oiuuiv i-.M.-iiiiiif,i-.."";"J
were hailed with some degree of relief by
uiB iiiianciai world. Tne great powers 111 tne
llnnnclal world got to work shortly after
thr, imiva r.u .l..A.i ..1... .t.i.l lint..
een In consultation nnd active efforts nt
Intervals over since.
The committee of the New York Clenrlns
iiiiisu association assemmeii mis morning
before the opening of tho Stock exchange
nutt tin, I It. ........ .I....IA 1.1. l... l.
...... ....v. .,, ..uiiniiiiiiiiuil mill lliuiu iiiv
great bunkers nnd capitalists of the
inetropollH, Assurances were given that
the banks were us 0110 In their readiness
to meet thu sltdntlon and protect each
other. It was predicted with conlldence
iiu nun fni unu responsiuie norrower
should lack credits to meet his needs. This
iiuuu unu mc met mat tne committee
almost Immediately adjourned had a
marked effect In creating conlldence.
The llrst heavy selling of stocks was
tlicreforo absorbed and the severe opening
declines, running from 3 to over 6 points,
were quickly diminished. There seemed to
lin n fnllti., - . ...
"'"i 11 wiih saie to witncirnw
some supi.ort from the market and not to
attempt to combat n moderate downward
tendency, which was fully warranted by
inu ,sliun""n- The withdrawal of
A.. .1.. 1 S ""! mc inarKci viiiiicrnnic
again, when tho severe Inroads norm ilu
iiirpius reserves disclosed by the bnnk
i. . . iiiuiify summon. 11 was
felt to be beyond question that the banks
Lv - ""-"k uiun ineir legal reserve,
" rcnervo ne ng designed In fact to meet
if tl, 1 "" iiniire curtailment
VC -1 . "'i-iiiioii 01 tne reserve is
thereby made necessary. As u measure of
. .J i"""-"i me oay s move
ment of prices was to some extent modi-
IlPfl. II ICO I tin n at-- . . . 1
morning. Buuerer tn'S
m itn tlio crisis of tho sccondarv effects o(
his InJjry still to be fnenrt ih 'hi., n.i.i
o anticipate further declines In nrlees
jrew ownrd the close of the market1. The
.innSi,0,oU;VroA00 Kenoral t0 nc"1 specl-
lerV.?rnn' bUft. .,Pr!,.nK.?ri''. Jellies. SoUtl -
S S u t55..?u.bJ?et" ot
Jlfcrcw7 St. Paul leal i ' he''nc?evVet'"r,,i,
loss'of ,oV4:Xtrcmo decllno ot & 2nd a net'
Tho niiftnnV In ...
" uj iu muny, riinr iifin
no severe stringency In the money niarke
but rates have ndvnnced appreciably Th
declining tendency of prices 'has been mora
he result of bear speculation Ifi n, effort
to discount tho unfavorable effects of
Hunter innnnv mi.. 1.. ..." ... .c"-1-18. P'
llnancla. and banklngclerft era.'l?
r.i.. m5ii iirunnso n I week nt nn
early movement of gold to New vSrk n ,f
the problem thus fnr ,nr ,TV. lrK- I5l't
government of Aust?la-nunKary "lm, . 1,10
money market. "uprise 10 the
Railroad bonds have been inii tr. 1. j
States bond, were unchAd frT'tld Iffi
' "2?i So. Pacific ......
So. Railway .... "
. 07!i do pfd,. ...... I.
!'3 Texas & Pacific".."
tW Tel.. Bt. L & V.;
do tifd
. 2031
. Si'i
. :o
IIltlinora A Ohio
do nfil
Canadian Pacific...
Canada So....
Chen. & Ohln.
I uu nia
Union Inm
. S6-1i
. W'.j
. 37
. 18
. IS
. 41
. 70
. 93
. 2S
. Mi
. 29
. 57
. 41?;
. 96i
. H
Chicago Ai Alton...
S7 1 do nM
no mil
Oil., I ml. & I,.,..
1 76U Wabash ....
3S' do pfd
71 Wheel. & u E...
do nfd
Chicago & K. 111..
Chicago O. V
Jj; Wis. Central ...
no 1st prd
do Id nM
Chicago & N. V..
,uinnu Ex
.1334 American Kx.
U. S. Ex '
U Wcllj-Kargo Ex,.''.
u., n. It 1 I'
Chicago Ter. & Tr
do nfd
C. C. C. & St. L...
Colorado Bo
'"u. i-oppcr
. I31 Amer. Car & v.
I do pfd
. jVi Amer. Lin. Oil... '
.162!' do pfd
.217 Arncr. S. & It.,,,'
. do pfd
. t'3 'Amor rr, '
do 1st pfd
do 2d nfd
Del. & Hudson
Del., U & V
Denver & It. a....
do Dfll
! Anac. Mining Co...
do let pfd
do Id tifd
, 31
MuuKiyn 11. T
Colo. l."ue & ironi
Con, Gas
Con. Tobacco
911 j
Ot. Nor. pfd
Hocking Valley ...
do pfd
Illinois Central ....
Iowa Central
do pfd
Lake r,,i & W....
do p...
Ij. & -V
1V Oen. Klectric"!!!.'!
lUIUCOSe Hllcni- ..
Hocking Coal
Inter. Paper
do pfd
, 61
Manhattan L
v-,iiiirr. rower
lHIi'lAclede (Jns
163 jNatlonal ltlscult...
23 .N'atlonal Load ....
Met. tit. Ily
Meic Ccntrnl
Mex. National
Minn. & at. Ij Halt
.1041 do pfd
1IOOVN0. American
'i Paclllo Co.nt
Mo. Paclllo
Ml IC, & T
do rfd
N. J. Central
-. luiiie .iau
PfnnlA'u (In.
Norroiic & v
do pfd
No. Pacific nfd
51 "i
HI ',4
Pressed Si. Car
do pfd
Pullman P. Car...
Itepubllo Steel ....
do nM
Ontario & V
' .'Te-nn. Conl & iron
Wt U. S. Luthcr
no 1st pfd
do 2d nfd
St. L. & H. F
do 1st pfd
do 11 nfd
, 81
"U. S. Hutiber
do pfd
U. 8. Steel
do pfd
Westorn Union ....
. 66
1 .914
St. L. Hoilthw
do nfd '
St. Paul
do pfd
Trust receipts. Offered.
New York aiouey Mnrket.
new vnnu- Ddn, t .nk.
. - ... i i . ,, .uwnciun can.
hl'MtiilNfl IJXHANOE-N'omlnal, with
actual huslness In bankers' hills at '$4 M'4
tor demnnd and at J4.83U for sixty iliiya7
Pd rates, 4.8IH4.87; commercial bills',
loHci:VE""nr' f'8Uc: AIexlcan dollnrj,
activo; railroad, weak.
followi' uuotatlons on bonds are as
U. S. rcf. 7a. reg..
104 Vi
Ilocklns Vnl. 4i..l(M
L. .t N. mil, 4, tojn
no coupon
no 3, res
do coupon
do new 4s, res...
do coupon
do old (, reg...
do coupon
do it, rcic
hi-. i.Lanirai
do Is Ino
Minn, & Ml. u i
M IC. it T. 4s. .
' do Is
N. Y. Central la.
.lo cen. sua...
. 05
. 3i
J- J- y. Ben. Ss I3u
No. Pncln? 4s 10i
do 3 ji4
N. A V. con, 4s..., 102,
Hemline gin. is 5ji
Ht L A I M c. 5s. ..118
tit. U ,t H. y. l8... i,j
ot. I,, houlhw. Is.. Mai
t 7S
hin a. & ,, p 4,. f
bo. Paclllo 4s 9ii
So, Hallway 5 115!,
Tex. & I'ocltlo Is. .,119
Tol., at I, & w i, g,
Lnion Pucirio 4s losii
: do conv. Is ioj
Wabash Is j
do 2 ,
'! deb, II 61
'West Shore 4s nayi
Wheel & I,, i:. 4... 91,
Uls. Central is u
Atchlon Ken. ts...
..a .. ii i .
Dnlllmore & 6.' it.
1U O'B
At a.m.., 1.
..UIKlllll CU,
Central of Ua. is..
do Is Inu
Chen. ,t Ohio 4'i.
f..l P. tltnn Ilia
,11. V lllllfll .-n...
t' II. & Q. new l-i.
C, M & St P g. 4.
C. & N. W. c, 7a...
v;.. II. 1. A I. II...
C (' C ft St 1. g, 4,
Chicago 'l'er. 4
Colorado So
Denver & It, O. 4a,
100 y,
103 I
l.riu i'l lur urn ii..
Mi, 1a
K. W. & D. C, U..
.VtMV Vurl. .11 1 li I li k Monha.
NEW YORK. Sent. 7.-The followlnir an
the closing Ions on mining stocks;
Adams Con.
.. 20 iLlttle Chief
to Ontario
A I lea
llreo.e 149
Ophlr ,, n
Phoenix s
I'otosl ;
Savane 1
Blerra Nevada 10
Mnall Hopes , 11
FtundarJ ZZi
Ilrunswlck Con S
Comstock Tunnel..,, S
Con. Cal. & Va.,,i.l6
Deadnood Terra ,,. 50
Horn Hllvtr 175
Iron Bllver . 6
Leadvtllt Con 4
Bit Little Ohirif o Daring Witk in Prices
Paid for Stem aud Cows.
l.llierul Itecrlpts of .Sheep 11 ml l,tiliilia
lit All Points unit Wether Mini'
Deellncd 10 to J." t'fiits 11 ml
Lit nibs ITi to 115 Ceiit-i.
Itecclpts were: Cattle. Hogs, sheep,
Otticial Monday i.sJI :',ulJ s.'.utj
Uliivtal 'iuesuny o,M o.s.u la.wi
Uiucial eulitAUa) 'i1- u.'Jii
uuiclal 'ihursuay i.joo 4,jiJ ;ikf
uiucial l'liuny 1,4:1 0,111 3,uiV
Ultlclal Sutunliiy M 3,tt3
Total this week 15,511 Zl.tiTs
Week cndlliK August M..1j,-'i I Ji,,l(J
WeeK I'lllllIlK AUUUSt l.,lu,txi(i Jn.'.i
WieK eimiliK iVUKlUt 17.. 1 1 , tiki o5,bi)
Week ellUlllK AUuiHt lu..l&.liU i'J.iai
tiuine wtoh mat year l.,iW ai.JI'j ii.'.-u.
Average price paid for liogi at iSjuih
Umuiiu tuu past bevctal d.ija wi(.t coin-
August J5 3 "U 4 D7I 4 44 3 75 2 3 4 U
AUkUSI ltil i ?,,,! 4 951 4 321 781 3 70 I 4 4
August 2i
4 Oil i 3 70 4 02;
2 75 4 24
August 2SI 6 IV
5 02 4 40 I 3 97
2 b0;
4 26
4 22
August 2U b 02il
5 ir'l 4 421 3 701
2 til
AUliUSl 'j
Htsl n 0JI 4 401 3 72 3 91
4 24
August 31
Sept. 1...
Sept. 2...
Sept. 3..
6 12 b Oji 4 27 3 UJ 3 W
I 6 041 4 201 3 til 3 'Ml
i is.! !.,: .! , ,it
2 M 4 20
2 77
2 M
c ii?;
0 07's
6 15
6 -MM
6 34
I 4 H
3 COi 4 07:
4 37
4 34
5 02
3 051 4 07
' I 4 01
3 621
2 Mi
a Wj
4 19
2 71 4 21
2 '(til 4 13
6 05
5 ("o,
4 22
1 23
3 63 4 Oil I
3 53 4 02 2 7S
4 20
4 22
S OSj 4 30
Indicates Sunday.
The oltlctut number nf cars of stock
brought in today by each roti.l was:
Cattle. HoKS.lrr s.
C, M. & St. P 3
O. & St. L 1
Missouri Paclllo 8
union Paclllc System
U. & IS. w.
13. & M. V
C St. P., M. & O
I). & M
C, 1). & Q
C, It. I. & P., east....
l, It. I, & P., west...
Illinois central
Total receipts
i 8
The disposition of tho day's receipts was
as tollows, each buyer purchasing tho num
ber or neau inaicatca:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
i2ii ....
Omaha Packing Co,.
Swift and Company.
Cudnliy Packing Co.
Armour & Co
Other buysr
'J9 1
CATTLE There wcro nractlcally no cattle
offered un the market today, so that a
fair test wa3 not made. For the week the
supply has been nbout tho same as It was
tnst ween, but n decrease is noieti as com
pared with the samo week last Tlio
demnnd has been In Rood shape, so tliat
there have been no very radical changes
In quotations.
Packers have all seemed to want the
cornfed steers, nnd tho market for tho
week may bo quoted strong und active.
Thero Is not enough change In tho prices
being paid as compared with last week to
be worthy of mention. The better grades
In partlculni have been ready sellers, but
still the less desirable bunches have so d
at very satisfactory prices. The kinds
that come In competition with the gr.s
cattle have, of course, been more or less
The cow market Is also about wnere it
was last week. Huyers took oft a little
thu flrit of tlio week, but the lo?s. espe
cially on the better grades, has been fully
regained, so that tho market for tho week
may bo quoted steady.
Thero Is also little or no cuango to re
nort In tho nrlccs ' bclnc Paid for bulls.
calves nnd stags. Tho better grades have
sold will all tho week at steady pr ce.',
while the commoner kinds have been more
or less neglected.
There have been n good many stockers
nnd feeders In tho ynrds this week, but tho
demand for tho heavy cattlo of good quality
has been equal to tho supply, and prices
have remained about steady. Stockers.
however, and tho commoner kinds of catt'e
of all weights, have declined 15Q20c during
the week.
The hulk of tho rocelnts for the week
have been mndo nn of western ranee cattle.
Packers have been liberal buyers of tho
steers and cows and tho week closed up
with a strong undertone to the tnide. As
compared with last week there Is not muth
chango In tho prices being paid, Cholro
heavyweight feeders nro stendy for tho
week, but others nrc 15fT20e lower.
HOGS There wns a light Saturday's sup
ply of hogs hero today, hut as other mar
kets wcro reported lower. Chicago bclnsr
BWlOc lower, prices nt this point enn, d
off a little. As compared with yesterday s
general trado the market hero todny was
2Vfc05o lower, or WflOo lower thnn yesterday
morning. Tho bulk of tho hogs sold at
$fi.27Va and $6.30. The choicer londs hrnught
from ffi.30 to JG.63. Tho demand on the part
of local packers was In good shnpc, 'and as
a result everything was disposed of at nn
early hour, tho closo being good and llrm.
As will bo seen from the table of receipt",
the supply of hogs at this point has been
rather light this week, a decrenre being
noted hoth ns compared with tho last sev
eral weeks and also with the correspond
ing week of last year. Prices, however,
have been nt the high point of tho year, and
In fnct at tho highest point since October
of 1893. Friday was the high day, when the
average cost was Tlio low day of
the week wns Tuesday, when tho hogs
only cost J6.0S. Representative sales:
No. A v. fih. Tr. No A v. Sh..Pr.
63 213 ... 25 70 230 10 30
59 270 40 6 ZVA 53 25i 40 6 30
S 211 80 6 27ti 69 231 40 C 30
...211 SO 6 27ti
...232 SO 6 27V,
...223 160 6 27,i
...270 SO 6 27tJ
...237 160 6 27!4
...22S 210 6 27ti
...231 40 6 27H
...213 y 6 27i
...233 200 6 27,i
...230 200 6 27ti
...230 40 6 27i
Cl 290 3C0 6 30
53 249 40 6 30
71... 2M 220 6 30
53 274 40 6 30
C2 231 50 6 30
..213 ... 6 30
..242 120 6 30
.,263 SO 6 30
..2M 240 6 30
..230 ... 6 30
38 234
70 233
40 30
. . 6 30
t,7 231 120 6 30
60 236 40 6 30
...232 80 6 30
...215 40 6 30
...213 1C0 6 30
...22.1 160 6 30
...213 ... 6 30
...234 ... 6 30
...210 40 6 3')
...236 ... 6 30
...261 40 6 30
...2W1 20 6 30
...237 ... 30
...213 40 6 30
...IIS ... 6 30
. . .254 ... 6 30
...293 SO 6 30
,...3M ... 6 30
,...272 40 6 30
...234 10 ft 30
...220 40 6 30
...278 SO 6 30
...277 1M fl 32!J
...261 320 32V,
...216 200 s 32V
...281 40 6 32 i
...300 M 6 32ti
...211 40 6 32VS
60 271 ... 40
23 232 160 6 65
SHEEP There wero not enough sheep on
salo today to mako rt market. For tho week
the supply has been liberal, a gain over last
week of 8,000 head being noted, As com
pared with tho samo week last year,
thero 1h a slight decrease, Other markota
have alio been liberally supplied so that
puckers hnve tnken ndvnntngo of the oppor
tunity to pound tho market,
Tho quality of tho sheep on Hnlo this week
has been fairly good, but still owing to tho
largo receipts prices have declined fully 10ft
15a und In some coses more. Tho commoner
stuff In particular has been hard to dispose
of. The week, however, closed ill) with tho
demnnd more active nnd tho feeling appar
ently, n little better than It wns In tho mid
dle of tha week.
The lamb mnrket hns declined moro rap
Idly than sheep. Tho big end of thn re
ceipts In cistern markets has been lambs
which has brought about on over supply.
The drop in prices may safely bo quoted
Thero have been quite a few feeders
ottered this week, but not enough to nil
orders. Tho demnnd In In good shape and
a good many more could havo been disposed
of this week If they luiil been on snle.
Quotations: Cholro yearlings, J3.4W3.60;
fair to good yearlings, J3.W73.40; choice
wethers, t3.2SCT3.40; fair to good wether",
t3.W73.25; choice Owen, t2.75f?3.00; fair to
good ewes. J2 25y:.75; cholco spring lambs.
4 30'fl4.&5: fnir to good spring lambs, JUS
4.30; feeder wethers. t2.75i3.25; feeder lambs,
J3.0ifi3.W. Representative sales:
No, Av. Pr.
118 feeder ewes 91 2 25
Kntiana City Mve Stork Mitrkct.
ceipts, 200 head; compared with last week
the market la Bonerally ateudy; choice ex
port and dressed beef itcers, ti.50tf5.S0; fftlr
4I U Osl 1 JO J H 4 ll m C, 1 Vi,
August 181 14 -J'Ji i 411 3 661 3 tol 2 2,
AUb'USt 1S( 6 ta I I I 60, 3 (1 3 7J 2 U 4 SI
August 'Ml b tX 6 031 I 3 7i 3 7U 2 7V 4 66
AUKUSt 21 b 7bv 6 U2 4 42 3 7 2 &i 41
August 221 6 b i V I 6 Ul 4 421 3 69 I 3 Sl 4 36
August 23 6 91k 4 9I 4 411 3 74 3 3 I 4 36
AUut 2ii n Vlal 6 v: 4 42 3 bl 3 'itii 2 68
August 20) 6 00 4 401 3 73 3 Sl 2 79
AUKUst 26l 5 'J'Mi UU3 721 3 till 2 761 4 32
a ou'.i
SEPT EMU EH 0, 1001.
,tfJi'!n,,y Mr. 4o, MO'-ltfrsi nnd fredeia.
2MWfll.i. western fed sli era, SI Mifl '
western rnnne ste.-rs jil 1 1 , Texan and
Iml ana, .oMil V. Te.xns rows, 12 &Q1 !,
tin vo rnwj, - ROTf I in. laniiets.
IIS1 iJi1 Ww''i P,K.''' .S'Wifl'l; '
re 1 ts for week, X),m head, last week. ID,
401 head
n.ii,r.l tt.11 1, ifji i,i , , -"'eolP'o- ' '''I'l.
?-2'i?.rrYo.,l , rii7."Lia wr.1k "KOi lu,,'l,
fi1 'VlX'fin I?itVrM " i i i n '?T .
Urnlr: lT5iui- n i 7 ? ISJ'
Wrtii'i Sn t ' " lcn,,i Uh1 ucck
20,01") head.
cmc.wio i,i vn .stock
Cntllr nml .Strrra stendy
l.orrr r.
mnl llima
t'llinno. Sent. 7 f'ATTLH Ilecelnts.
5C0 lifad: nominally steady; koo.I to prlnio
steers. tfi.Wfl6.45; poor to medium. Jl.oi"tt
o.'iO; stockers nnd feeders, K.2.MJI.2.1; rows
nnd heifers, JlSOflu.W; ennners, 1.50fi2.2r.;
hulls, f:'.7Mfl.d: cnlvcs, $3.uft5(B.3."i; Texas
steers, $3.3f"(.".2."i! western Bteera, Jl.l(rif."i.2ri.
I R OS-Itecclpts, 13,0) head; Monday. St.-
') head, estimated: left over. 3.0) head:
narnei u'iiiih- lower: mixed unu nuiriiors,
,ff"fi.S5: irood tn phnlrn henvv. Ji.3Mil.S."i:
rough heavy. JC.00fMl.30; light, $6.vft5.75;
bulk of sales. J6.2aHt5.70.
neau j sicauy; goon to cnoico Werners, j.i.iotf
ern sheep. S3 SOiM.OO: nntive lambs,
4,S.i; wrMern lambs. l.tWf .75.
Olllelnl recelnts for two wenka mmnnmH.
Li iiur in rnuiro mixeu, M.i'i'u.i, ,u: wesi
This i week-Cattle, 69.000 head: hogs, 127 CCO
head; sheep. lOl.fA) head. Last week-
I'-ittli;. 61.200 head; hogs, 112,500 head; sheep,
St. I.onls Live Stork Mnrket.
I tuns Tlereltits. mil tionH. ,oi.
steady; light and light mixed, ri.25fiu.45:
il.oo: 1.1IU. iii.tMnisn' " " '
J?l''l4t . '"H'S-Recclpts, 370 head;
market stendy to strong.
Slim City Stock Mnrket
SIOUX CITY, tn., Sept. 7,-(Spcclal Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, fine); mirket
menu, nrevrs. ji.surtio.o; rows, bulls nnd
mixed, t2.2n02.75; stockers nnd feeders, tl.fO
73.60; cnlvcs nnd yearlings, t2.toa3.25.
IIOOH Reec tits. 2.S0O; mnrl.i
lower, 8.30yc.55; bulk, J8.35Q6.I0.
Stock In SlKht.
Tho followlnir tnhln ahnwa ilm rAini. nt
cattle, hogs and sheep at the three prln-
live stock markets Scomber 7:
South Omaha 315 3.RJ3 .....
13,000 1,500
Kansas City
Bt. Louts ...
uvf w
St. Joseph ..
Totals ...
1,515 25.253
tlrrnter Decline Vet Anticipated In
Wlicnt 1111 llonril of
pally a holiday aspect during the past
week. The volumo of trade has been rie-
plorably light and the action of tho mnrket
x no wnrai marKci nns rcnecien nrinci-
dominated by the variations In corn wheat
showing but llttlo Indcpendnco nnd reflect-
lug the spirit of Its neighbor. The sltua-
tlon, ns wo view It at this writing, simmers
.iii u 11, inu pusniniiiiy riiuiur .11 iirewiu
prices being niulntn tied than of any np-
preclatlon from present values.
It will readily bo seen how difficult tho
nrlenn IViurn has
been no corresponding Increnso In cash
uuiness. in iitci clearances navo snown n
very marked falling off, this week being
ony slightly over bu.
Spcciilutlve interest has dwindled to nl-
most a vnnisning point and nltnougn
represent tin!" cnm-nous "crop haVvesied
wliat wheat has been moving Is nlready
pressing upon tnu mnrKot. wnicn pressure
nromlses to Inrrcnse from dnv to dnv nnd
,wlth no proportionate Increase In specu-
iniive iicninnu ine marKui is ccrininiy at a
nomt ar tv of tho benr side, tirofes-
slnnnl. nit nun outslda sentiment nil helnc,,tCoarbBuV' "vennUon" 0lUkT,y
it is our opinion tnnt lower levels yet
will be seen imlcss some unforeseen clr-
h Hn Z l i?oi . . .r"0"1, cn"
reactions for some time tn rninn win
creato excellent selling points for tho
buvI1wheatV0 "r n0t yot pre,,lu'c, t0 eay'
People "n'terested in the corn mnrket are
once moro In tho throes of uncertnlnty.
tho most conflicting reports belnir clrcu. ii-KiiiiiiiiK uie prrseiu qonniuon or ine
rrnn. nnd enntrndletnrv oKtlmntno rj.
ing tho ultlmato outcome. We nro forced
by tho character of reports wo are recelv-
Ing to the Inevitable conclusion that gov-
while Ming t'ho cmidUlonshen prel.:
Ing. are at tho nresont tlmo manv nolnta
out of lino with tho Improvements scored
s nco men. uur various correspondents
closo to the slttintlou inform us that tho
change In the crop is something phenomc-
nnl, and In view of past conditions, nlmost
miraculous, We nro Informed bv some
people, wnoso jungment wo consider ex-
cellent, nnd whoso opinion Is unbiased, that
tlelds which somo weeks ago did not prom-
Iso over ten bushels per ncro nro now show-
ing prospects ot trom torty to iifty bush-
els per acre, and tho only poss hie con-
tlngency which would bring this yenrs
crop at tho very worst to less than half a
crop would bo nn early frost sovore eunuch
in mii-ui n luiiiu in a raiucr ueiicaio ennui-
tlon. In addition to that feature there Is
nlso a very notlcenble lack of cash Interost,
export nml ensh biiBlnrss generally being
nt a very low ebb, and although dlsln-
cllned tn be extreme, In our Judgment wo
;V.,oS!,rCgnu'nCei;r,s "n WiV'ju'Sje1. 7s
with tho bear at this writing. At 57c und
over, should tho conditions mentioned nnovo
prove to bo correct, corn appears to us to
bo se Ing much above Its merits, and a
good many points could bo lost beforo
prices would properly represent presont and
futuro supply and doniand situation.
411 llll'PO liricua eutiljuiuii- iviii uu llilinnr-
oils. Owing to tho early shipments of cat-
tlo and hoes feeding reciiilrcmentH will bo
less and unless prices decllno It Is more
To clvo both sides of tho situation, wn
might say thero has been excellent buying
of corn for tho past fow dnys by very
strong people, who are either rnmpnl?ulng
for along null or endeavoring to git prices
in ii piniii wiinru a nuirr selling poini
:l,,i,lr,:"V!,';',l,',.Vt. "'' '''V,1?"
upon what facts wo ran gloan regarding
crop conditions w feel that theru la moro
niliuuon nnn merit nt provniiing prices for
corn and that If further advances nro
scored tho short seller should have an on.
portunlty of putting out lines which with
puiiencn win tiveiiiniiuy, in our judgment,
net him much moro hnndsnmo proilts than
can be mado by purchases of corn at the
present doubtful tlgure. Tho government
report noxt Tuesday will go fnr to clear tho
nttnosphcrn nf doubt nnd encourage specu
Intlon, which has been moro or lees at a
stnndHtlll since tho Inst one wns Issued.
With tho dullness prevailing In tho wheat
nud corn pits It Is not nntural to expect
the reverse In onts and there Is nothing
now to write regarding tho market. It Is
continuing to bo nn echo of corn In Its
actions, reflecting Instantaneously what
variations there have been In that cereal
and being bare of any special feature the
one nrgument In favor of oats maintaining
their present prices la that their discount
under corn Is abnormally large, hut it
may be taken aa a foregono conclusion
ST LOLMS. Sent 7.-CATTLE-Itecelpls.
3ii0 hend: mnrket atenilv! nnflvn mUt
nnd export steers. S.1.2W..3.Y dresse ' eef .V,;7n . m 1VfliTlm"f;i,, n'n' rri1
2.O0174.0O: rows nnd heifers. $1.75j74.fii; can- rniivMPA i nL.if tiint ,5f,W w-
Wi'i'tfM: blltehers, tC.Sifl6.9Ti. i vnVii vn iL.-iilf'8"'1,33'
SI fLEl' AND LAMltS-Recclpts. MO hen,!; ilKivVlS'-r
mnrKet dull, stendy: nntlvo mutton', t2.7-iff mmnvf iLi, . ....
3.40: lnmbs. t3.25IS5: culls and bucks, tl.75 tu -- i i Nf?i 7 '..rJA, "."O'lv: .Johh 117.
ttockers. W.cofig.BQ. eady'rxeTo.s".1 V?xta Usr,ror7s,,
Xe,v Vnrk Mve Stock Morket. SiW
N'KW YORK, Sept. 7. REEVES R- 'ri.P.?'' clear sides, tin 124.
celnts. 9,900 hend. Market nominally steady; ,,v'iVj,AV.Mir. h'n'h lipt Ht " MID.
rabies quoted Liverpool market wenk for S nm'Wv 1 un.' ? V'-
live cattlo nt 10M7l2iic per lb., shipments ,J 9l. , 11 -",tendy; rhlckena, Tc; sprliiRs,
2.662 cattlo, 1,309 sheep and 16.3.W ,,uarters ViX.?:': ;o,,n"' 7f"r; ,Uu:k-
CAIA'ES-Recclpts. 3 head; no trade. Mar- ,ti.w,V Str",1'i creamery. 14fj2l4c
ket feeling wenlt. liHAa 'i,
S1IEEP AND LAMRS - Receipts. 7.113 HFCr7&'',p
head; sheep, easier; lamhs. demoralized; rart L., MIT., . tJA' r.' 61 fl h.Mn:i at- '2
sheej,, general sales, t2.75W3.M; lambs. . WStZ' te.,Mwhe.l
lions-Receipts, 1.0S1 head; no sales re- 79,0r") ''u,: ctjrn' '' '", ' on". bu. '
Mllunnkcr Rrnlii Mnrl.el.
St. .Inariih Mve Stnek Mnrket. .n,.,,,,,.,,,, . . ,.. .
"tll'WAUKEB, flept 7. WH EAT Lower
ST.' :?S,Kr'H' 8ppt' CATTLE Re- N" northern. t0iW?Oei No. 2 northern:
rehits 20.) head; mnrket wenker; nntlws, C74fl69C. Deccmb.-r. WTtA,c. """'
S? ,i.5it..i); cows nnd heifers, tl.00(ff4.S.i; bulln RYE Firmer; No. 1, 57c.
und Mags. t2.ipi..m: stockers nnd feeders, MARLEY Dull. fiOc.
$2 OfKljj.Ti; venls. t2.23fif..25. OATS-Weak; No. 2 white. 37c
that nny ulump In Hi- nrn market wi I I e
rr,i.IU reflei led In
lteNrdtiss ..f the Indlcaleil weahneaa In
the ah.ivr cereals nrrlvwl nt frirn autn
)Bri .if report reeelved. prlrr. ha.!r 1. t
irnripnirii in any itient. in ih Mr lie k
atn.-l(N, eMiied hy tho alteinii . ,r
esldent a life Their atrenxth l I ! Hy
lit In their rloaelieaa In Nit eihirl Iimhim
- reptlni,' to the, Ketiernlly tie. r I'll ..v, )!.,
- prrvalllliB nn the Hoard nf Trade lhl week
and has deep tery atronc. shnwIhK 'iti 1
t renae III ntltatde si.eeulfttloii and milnln
frlet.ds a londltlnna have liemm. I e
ter known Houa lme ndvaneed -. ,.. I
Pr'Ktrta have ndvnnee.l In S)lnp.tln ,t
Uic hoVa Ixlnc ninny iHilnta out of line wHh
prlrm prevailing for Ml lirndiirt t iaii
trim.! una siniwii a tnnrueii iMi..r..vpinni
hoth for forelKii trade nnd dmnratle. thin la
eapertaliy so rnr lani. Western paekera,
luiwnfrr atlll eontlniie In iimlnrai'lt I'lil. nmn
about ner hundred nnunda ui mema
The world s stork nf lard la rp! 3 no
tlerres. nirillliat 2il. n eiir nil., ami
shows n ilirrenae for the month nf ?)
tierces. Hoc receipts hnve liemm to drop
off nud this hns eiicoiirnKeil n more friendly
feeling. It la trur, however, we have had
ttood hulces In provisions this week nnd
some rearttoita are due If such should
come nlimit, we should ndvlae the pun has
of provlloiis. particularly of lard and pork
us cash drmnuil promises to rniiilnii,. ,m im.
luuirmi'ni aim nun receipts 111 Uerllnr.
St. t.oiil (iriiln nml Prut lalniia,
ST. I.Ot'IH. Sept 7 WHEAT Mar-
C5 p; track, TOM ; i,c. September iv t)c
cember. 'fit(,c. Mav iVuJ Vn t .il t
i i ' "'J"Jic. .ia. Mi. 2 (,arl.
Ri'i mwer, reu, mail, e entnr.
COllN-Lower; No 2 ensh. M,c trn-k
ri7l4ff5S'.,c- Sent-mboi n.'.,;,i.-.
Mc; Mav. on.o ' '
OATH-Lower. N'o. 2 cash. :w,v ir.u v--
Septemher. 35je; December. 37c; May. JM.ei
No. 2 white. lUiriWi r
11YE Stendv nl SiU.e
I'AItLEY-Qulet nnd tinehnnsird,
CORN December, 67Sc.
PEORIA, Sept. 7.-CORN-E.ialer- Vn 3
53Vc r.iaier, .-so. 3,
V,U,Sc,7.,'.!r'n,: s:,.)- 3 .while. JS'ie
Ished'dsT0" U, nris "f ,,M ,or r"'
Jitarei llrlnk Mtrr of n .Mnrlilr
Unr In llu- Crearrnt t'lty.
"It wouldn't hnvo happened If It hidn't
been for tho frrshnass nnd frlvnlif.- nf ih
bartender." said a young cotton man who
has a weU-carned reputaUon ns n'praC.cni
Jkcr, to a New Orleans Times man. "One
morning, two or three weeks ago, I dropped
ca 1 w w s rc tin III tlCf i u
370 cocktail. He made It and as I was about
1 inio inr niarp wnorn m unrb n.
10 pica 11 up trom tne counter I chanced to
look Into tho glass and was horrified to see
I a hUffa. htrtnntin hni- rtt n ....I..
to me. It had a pPB head. ylllZ body
and gray legs and a less active monster I
never clapped eyes nn. 'Here!' ha Id I,
pushing the glass toward tho bartender,
'do you put these things in your cocktails
now Instead of cherries?' 'What thlnca?'
Said JlP. 'WhV. thine. Hkn lilt, hrnmn I
1 irim m. ii,, i m i , ,. .
" ?J "" ,"', la"
scc anything, he replied, smiling Mgnin
enntly, and. by Jnvo! when I looked ih.
second tlmo I couldn't see nnvthlnc mv.
Kntf . ,',,.. , n . ""tnlnK n,y-
80"- Tho creature had vanlnhed.
I wns so startled I could hardly find my
tongue and trio bartender cont nued to grin
,..,, ,(,i l"
In.n racnnlng fashion. 'I'd tako an oa h,
Rni(i 1, 'tnat I saw a horrible purple nnd
KU' ' -" 1 vu "run em niysoil, SOlll tHO
fresh bartender, Tvo even hnd 'cm como up
nut nr thn n nn,i mni,. rnA. n ...
r.'a n ltn vnn r,nt,i ,.. ;
u." , y s " ' cnnnK yr hrnnd
of whisky. I Ignored his unkind Innuendo
nnd was about to leavo the place, with
"'l: wl,cn thp oI,,tlon 0
U1B mysiery suuncniy appeared beforo my
eves, you see. tho hnr rnnntor l m,in r.t
.1... ..... , ... t. . .. .
"ml ""; ' rDIB w"'cn
""" "" i niirur pmierns
and right there beforo whero I stood wns
impi'cncu in 00 nirecuy nnovo 11 wncn
noticed the thlnir and It una nf rnnr..
fm:hat T? ,bbln,K "eCn lhrU3h
I uiwu .i mu kkoh.
I "I said nothing about mv discovery at thn
"me" continued tho cotton man. "but next
day I dropped In ngaln and ordered a drink.
'Soon any purplo bugs this morning?' asked
tho frcsn bartender, sarcastically. 'Not
yot' Ba,d At that ho Ravo ,no thf' rock-
ta". nil I quietly shifted It to tho right
anot. ferrlfnl hirnvrni!' I vnlll 'n-lini
doea this mean anvhnw! la If n InV. nr n
"OT lD1H raPa". art) now I is i n joKe or a
Pt P Job n murder mo? Tho bartender
I looked Into tho glass and turnod nahv.
'Orcat snakes!' ho gasped, "how did that
M1 ,n h""7' 1 an' knIow' " ;hl"
It R a hrothor of tho bug I saw ynstorday.
nnd I hollovo you keep 'om in stock.' Ho
grabbed tho glass and dashed its contents In
,nn .. h,lr1lnt Tt..n hn m.,n mn - nf.w
tba m!c,h'. J"01? no J" , , . ,?
cocktail, which I drank and walked out.'
"I lot severnl davs elnnse." the storyteller
went on, chuckling, "nnd then I sauntered
, ., ' , . ,.' u.h .... u,nn
,n aRalD' a Alm" wp.n '""'"r ,wnB
crowded. When tho fresh bnrtender mlxod
my drink no watcneu mo narrowly, nut by
a curious chanco ho doposlted tho glass tl -
,,, ., ,., ,., ,, ,Th.,,. ,.
rec,'y vor tU mo,a,c m,R', Bt a ico
confection to servo In n cocktail,' snld I to
mo man av my eioow. uonu ixirar uo rx-
clalmod. getting green about tho inws-
" oa' ,! K" " ,Vl .l" ,T ? ,!
w"at. kind of a bruto is that? 'I don't
know,' said I; 'somo brand of candled mlc-
rob, I guess; they servo It to mo huro
fWil.r now aUliough I'vo never asked for
In y life.' Everybody nt tho counter
crowded up to tnko a look nnd nvnrybody
wnB horror-struck. Tho bnrlendcr wbb
H,,(. ,, . ..,.. .
Htracted nnd an soon ns possible ho
"Olzcd tho cocktnll nnd threw It away, hut
his reputation ns a careful mixer was gono
with thnl rrnu'it
, , S .. , . u
"Well, I don t want to horo you with tin
necessary details, so sufllcn It to say thnt I
timed since, and havo doclded to rail It
quits, Ilotween you nnd mo I havo rom-
mcnced to notice a wild look In tho eyo of
,,,.., , , ,' . , ,i
my victim when I comn Into thn plare, and
na u wiih uo purl nl my pinn in innn nun m
P"""! "'I. I hlnk It Is about tlmo to
u,t UP nn(1 whlatlo off tho bug, I don t
know what ho'll do when ho finds out tho
truth. If It was mo I'd get an nxo nnd
i, ' tim ln nf a hue In
'Pnva Rn nchlng void tlio suo or a bug in
tho top of that countor.
Teiepliaina inttll.
Boyd Commission Co
Successors to James E. lloyd Co.,
tluard of Trail HallsllB.
Direct wlrrs to Chicago and Naw York
Cortetfondenct, John A. Wairtn Ct
tiff 1 1 Al
F W 9m k I II U
The Bee
Here is where
you will find it
in the princi
pal cities .
Kimball Houit News fit and.
j'uhlle LiiTary.
Vendotue lintel,
lloaton Pres. club. II llosworth fltr.f.L
nt !'. 1.11.
UufTalo llutrau, car y. J. pit
Harvard Unhcrslty Library.
cnl'l'Jn'n'U K"Ui,B" 8""L
'vM!!!!,!C!,,m Annex .Vewa stnnd.
tUt l',l,.t.Ml,
Weddell House.
The llollrndeii
&'5rl,M' ahmu,iw
t.Ol.dltAlIU SPItl.Xls.
Printers' Hum.
l;olt a Hardy
liriaco &
" A- Loptr. i- llennett Avatiut.
Jfrow n Hotel New a Stand.
riahal & Co., Dtadool.
J. K. Cnrwlle.
Max Flslul. brad Hood.
Moses Jacobs, Rock Island Depot.
VV. A, Moor, th Avnu anil Main Htrtst.
HOT irrU.iUl, . o.
Ocora Olbaon.
Kmll llarcens.
Uialne Johiiion.
K. U. Martin.
C. H. Wravrr i. Co.
U. U. Cuop . Co.. 620 Central Avenut,
Robert Held, 1j' McUre rftrsst
(.untca llousn .Sewa dtund.
News Stullil, Lliluii tilatloii.
Mtiaourt iicpuuiliuii ciuu, 90J Ilaltlmon
Avvli Ju.
I'ulillu Library.
Railway Y, .u r. A., room 27 Union UapoL
Kuusas City, Mo.
Li:XIMi'I(l, K1,
. M. C. A. ltuadlnf Room
C. iZ Appleguta, 123 u Strett, Oellvtry
Mm a.m:i:m:s.
Oliver & Halnta. M S, Spring Rtreat.
1.0.M)t, i:.OI,AMI.
Charles A. llllllg a American Kxchanga, ;
Cockspur St.. Trafalgar Hq., C. V.'Ol.lS.
I'ubllc l.lbraty.
West Hotel fea Stand.
Frank Mlukern.
uv oiili:a..
Ernest St Co., 115 Royal Street.
Cooper Union Ubrary.
Fifth Avenue Hotel Newa Stand.
Fifth Avenue llotul Reading Room.
fjroo'n'io mr'eet Mhrarv.
Holland House Reading Room.
Ma" Ho."' New, Stand.
1'rcaa Club. 120 Naesau St. i.ler llotol Reudlnc Itoon.
C-TrMJundJU, Avenue.
W. Webb, 2405 Washington Avenue.
II. C. Kenn,
New York Heruld Reading Room, 40 Ave,
a . rnrwira.
Thoa. Cook & Bona. 1 Ave, da 1'Optra.
... v tnmi. 2S1 Alder Htraat.
I'o'rtla'nd Hotel Nuwa Stand.
Mercantile Llbrnry.
publlo Ubrary.
Bolt Lakb Na Co., 77 Wet 2d Blrcat.
Marrow Ilroa., 4J Weal Second Street
KnatsTord Hotel Newa fa.and.
palace HoteU
u.v CO.. 306ti I'lk StraaL
riasieiii -
ritaon Hotel Newa atand.
?"t'S Hotel Nnwa atand.
llotc vindonu. Newa Htand.
J.oilw'ay Knlcktrbocker.
J-ifiR TMbrnry. ..
Oefald HU noon.. - n Otre.t
y. M .a A. Rending Ro6m.
John W. Oraham. 7M-725 Rtvervlew Ava,
Hliaw ft. iii'"
KmiAlll'ISII, . U.
Henry Court.
Rrandow'H Newa titaud, 721 Edmund Hi.
kr.ufa Hlund. Union Drool.
Junction Newa Htand, Wl Kdmond Street.
Ht. Jua oiercuuina -u.
Y, M. C. A. Readlna Room.
Wlndaor Hotel.
Ryan lioiai.
ST. 1.0 II IS
K. T. Jett, X03 Olive Street.
Newa Htand, flouthern Hotel.
Planters' Hotel Newa Stani
rubllc Library.
; -'" ' .in iiuiri nem Hlund.
I'"'! IMilllo Hotel N-wa Htand.
f."Im r, ,,"u'' Stand.
VM .l. f;',l'NV.1,,"!!,1' "." w. rb.fn at.
Huuai Advrtlari' Club. IVInal
r.r .VflV 1 m CJ'- Hlxteentn 3tt.t.
wit. i..rer.c."?! !'' " Lanm.r atr..l.
Mlidsur Hotel Ntwa Htand.