Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1901, PART I, Page 8, Image 8

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an.wm stuvrio.
Davis sells drURi. ,
Etockert eella carpets anil rtiRS.
Fine A H C beer, N'cumaycrV hotel.
Gas fixtures and plobes. Bixby &8on.
Wollmun, sctentlllo optician. 40J lirondway.
C. ti. Alexander & eu.. pictures and
frames. Tel, 3C0.
Missouri oak body wood. J3.S0 cord. V. m.
Welch, 2J N. Alain at. Tel. 123.
Oct your work Uoi.e nt the popular Uzg
laundry. 724 Uroadwuy. I'hono 157.
Albln Muster Is home from Denver, where
ho Kpi-nt the summer nlllng nn ctiKuKcmcnt
with licllstcdt s bind.
Duk Mct'lelUind whs nrrcstecl yesterday
afternoon on complaint of bin mother nnJ
Istcr. He was cbarKCd with being drunk.
"Doc" M O. Hmlth, the blind peddlT,
was sentenced to tun days In the coui.t
Jail yesterday for Insulting women on thu
Major II. J. flallnRlicr tins Rone, to Wafh
lugtou, where ho hns been upp-lntul as
sistant In tlio olllce of thu commls a y
genet ill.
The easo of vagrancy undor the ?tnti law
against II. A. Clemens, the Omaha TtirkMi
bath house proprietor, was dlxmls-ol In
police court, yesterday and Clemens ru
leased Two cases of dlphtherln were reported to
the Hoard of Health yesterday: hdni
C'hrlatnKnrsnn, low South Twent'oth ptroot.
ami Baby (.'hrlBtensen, 17'9 Suth Ninth
Superintendent Clifford will incut all tho
teachers of the city schools this mornlnn
at 0 o'clock In the auditorium of the new
High school to sign contractu. Tho trachcts
are requested to brine tli- lr certlllcates.
Mayor Jennings, In rt letter to City Clerk
riillllps, received yesterday, said ho x
peeled to return to Council IJIuiTb Siturday
or Huiiday. The mayor left Buffalo ln.
Thursday and when writing wns In Toronto.
Hupcrlntendent of Construction Mur.lick
of tho Omaha postoillco has been notllifd
at the request of Postmaster Trcynor, 10
make a Hint 1 Inspection of tho work uiv'.cr
tho Henry l.chman & Sons' contract at tho
Council Bluffs postollkc.
Another good attraction Is bookel for
tho Dohany theater for next Sunday night,
when tho Chasu-Mster company wl.l pre
sent that pretty southern romantic comedy
sensation, "Tho Octoroon." Homo excel. cut
speclaltlea will bo given between the acts.
County Trtnsurer Arnd turned ov r io
the city yesterday JI.IM.M, liilnir $I.U0.1
regular and $1,071.7$ (.nodal taxis, com
prising the municipality's propoitlon of tho
August collections.' Treatmrer Arnd alio
remitted $701.13 to the stato treasurer.
When It was time for police court to open
yesterday morning It wait found there wna
no Judge to preside. Judga Ayletworth
went to Buffalo Thursday and failed to
provide for oilo of tho Justices to take his
place. Justlcn Terrier was prevailed upon
to act.
Fred Green, colored; J. A. Blake. Ocorga
Williams and Joseph Fleming, while, aro
under airest at tho city Jail charged wltn
tho theft of four tacks of mall from a
Northwestern freight car Thursday night.
Tho meat was sold by the thieves to n.
Broadway butcher.
Henry C. McMullcn. aged "fi years, dloJ
yesterday afternoon nt hw home In Cresc
ent, after nn Illness of two week?, Two
daughters and one son survive him. Tho
funeral will t.o at 1 o'clock Sunday -after
noon from the Mctiinuist cliurcli in crescent
and burial will be In Heel's cemetery.
The mothe- of C!eorgn Kelly, a !-yenr-oM
boy of this city, has asked tho atslstanco
of the police In securing his rntur:, from
1 I. n M..1, u'li..rn 1,.. 1 I. a lit. 1r
wlth Joseph klartln, foreman of the stoek.l
yards nt South Lincoln. The police have
been Informed that Martin refuges to sur- 1
render tho boy.
Tho Council Bluffs club has elected these
olllcers: President. U. W. Boss; vice preM
dent. Spencer Smith: secretary, Clem F.
Kimball; treasurer, D. W. Otli; program
committee, J. O. Wads'worth, John M.
Calvin and II. W. Tllton. The club Is n.
literary organization and Its membership
will be limited to twenty-llvo.
Hoy Green, charged with stealing it ait
of harness from the bam of John 1'lnnell,
Thursday night, was nrrested In Omaha,
where ho sold the property. Ho wna brought
to this side of the river by OUlcer I'lattncr.
Grcen'H homo Is In Omahn. Tho poll o
bellovo ho Is responsible for tho Mcveril
harness robberies recently commit ed In
Mils city.
l'rof. Frank Miller, who. In addition to
teaching political economy and phyflology
at the High school, will act as physical
director, has arrived and taken up his rosl
denco at C07 Willow awnua. 'lhe street
past of tho now High school has bet-n
secured from U. 11. White, the owner, for
a prnctlco Meld for tho athletic association.
It will also probably bo used us a drill
ground by tho endeta.
Tho funeral of Frederick Chrlstenscn of
Hazel Dell township, who died Friday,
will bo nt noon Sunday from the Dnnlxh
Lutheran churqh In this city. Burial will
be In Falrvlcw cemetery. His wlfo and one
ion survive. Deceapcil was Eli years of age.
Judgo Wheeler will open tho term of dis
trict court In Sidney next Monday. Ho
lias several cases undor advisement and
will probably hand down ono or more
decisions before leaving fur there.
N. Y. 'Plumbing Co., telephone 259.
Cnn you rend this print ennl!v, with
out nny PtriilnliiK of tho orlis of vision?
No? Woll, tho KukIIhIi of It 1h Unit you
not'rt kIiihsl'.s or HpoctiU'los. Never know
tlint Hint iiccoiinttid for your homluelii's
nml Inability to slwp o' nights, did you?
Hotter ki'o us pretty quick and Hud out
wlmt'H the matter.
Qraduato Optician.
Silt llroiiilwii). Opt), (iluii Ave,
Council Bluffs.
si tt
ac tic for than wn km w'ut's gaol
Ganymede Chocolates
M Opera BonBons
Made By
John 6. Woodward & Co.
"The Candy Men."
Council Bluffs - - low.
Iown Steam Dye Works
;U) Hroudwsiy.
Make youi old clothes look llk oaw.
Cleaning. Dyelnc nnd Itepalrlnu.
Funeral Director
lHucceor to S. O. lists',?) ,
2S I'KAltt. si't'UKUT. 'I'Jttin-J 'J.
NeKoilated In Uuatern .NubriuK
and Iowa. Jtinua N. Casady, jr.,
US Main tit., Council U'.uffs.
Eoard of Baperriiort Fixes It at Sixteen
and OacHalf Milli.
line (i I.cvylitK f n Tax In That
Amount for the I'nor Tux
I'll nil it h Orilcrnl nt
K I ec II tin.
Tho Board of Supervisors Friday fixed
tho county tax levy for 1001 at mills,
which Is an Increase of 1 mill over tho
levy for 1000. Tho 1 mill Incroaso Is duo
to the lovylni of a tax In that amount for
the poor farm fund, which was voted by
the electors of Pottawattamie county at
tho election last November.
The county levy for 1501 Is made up as
. , Mills.
State fund 7
State university ! ' o'l
Iowa Stato coIIcko 0.1
County Kcnernl fund n 0
County poor fund 1.0
County hrldse fund 3.0
County road fund 1.0
Temporary school fund 1 0
County Insane fund n.7
Soldiers' relief fund 0.4
Bonds and Interest fund 1 6
Boor farm fund 1.0
Total ifijs
Tho total tax levy In Council Bluffs for
1001 will he SI 1-8 mills, which Is an In
crenso of 2 3-8 mills over tho levy of 1900,
which was 81 mills. The levy In this city
Is mado up as follows:
City general fund 3 ;
Park fund
S"hool levy joTi
County general fund 13
Totnl J4JT
The 3-mill tax for county bridges Is not
levied within tho city, as tho city levies
Its own bridge tax.
Tho total levy In Council Bluffs for 1900
wob mado up as follows:
City general fund .."is""
cAl.nnt ,.. - ............. 1J
miitiwi ill , tli
County general fund jjJ 1
Total hjj
Tlio increase in tho levy for tho Inde
pendent School District of Council Bluffs
for 1901 is nccounted for in part by the
necessity of providing n fund for the pur
chase of free text books, as voted at tho
last school election.
Tho auditor and overseer of the poor wcro
directed to advertise for bids for furnishing
provisions for tho uso of the poor of Kane
township nud authorized to approve con
tracts for same
Supervisor J. M. Matthews nnd C. E.
Walters, expert accountant. annnlntM in
check up tho oMlco of tho county treasuror, '
reported that they had checked the oluco
up to September and had found that tho
balances of cash in tho various funds corre
sponded with their computations and agreed
with tho books of tho treasurer. Tho re
port praised the manner in which tho ac
counts wore kept in the office.
The board decided to remit tho taxes on
tho Odd Fellows' 'hall building In Walnut.
At tho Juno session tho board turned down
tho request, on the grounds that It lacked
Jurisdiction. It was not Btnted how It
slnco acquired Jurisdiction.
Oravcl roofing. A. II. Head. 541 Broad'y.
'Hint In f.'oiiiicll'H Direction to Major
In tlu Wlckhnin
.Mill tor.
After the bond had been approved tho
city council Friday tllght directed that the
mayor sign tho contract with K. A. Wick
ham for tho paving of tho streets In tho
Fourth ward. Tho contract provides that
tho work Bhall bo completed by December
31 of this year.
City Engineer Etnyre's report on tho
tests made on tho sevoral kinds of paving
brick was presented nnd ordered mado part
of tho records. The bill presented by Mr.
Etnyre lor tho expenses of his trip to Kan
sas City to Inspect paving with Coffeyvlllo
brick was then taken from tho table and
ordered paid.
L. A. Casper was allowed $23 for acting
as Inspector of the constitution of tho big
culvert at Oak and Pierce streets.
Chnrlcs It. Hannan's crdlnanco giving him
ono foot of Broadwoy and one foot of North
Main street to nermlt him in rarrv nut
certain proposed improvements on tho Olll-
ti-r i-uscy proporty recently purchased
by him and his nRRnrlnlrn frnm llin rn.
eclvers wns laid over for another week.
There la considerable opposition to tho gift
by tho city of any of the public streets to
. 1 , . .
V.UKJUCI illinium,
Tho offer of J. A. Oorham to purchase
for 1350 tho lot nt tho corner of Eleventh
avenuo and Third street belonging to the
city wns referred to tho committee on city
bridges nnd property, with power to net,
Tho request of tho Council Bluffs Coal
nud Ice company that It bo permitted to
replnro tho sheds burned early yestordoy
morning was referred to tho committee oil
flro and light, with Instructions to report at
tho next meeting of tho council.
Aldermen Brown, Huber and Lovett worn
appointed n special committee to tako up
tho mnttor of providing a standing place
for tho oxpressmcn and common carriers
of tho city. Many of the expressmen have
refused to pay their llconses until provided
with sorao plnco whoro they can stand their
At tlio suggestion of Alderman Huber ths
committee on streets and alleys was given
authority to purchase n wetd-cuttlng ma
chlno, provided the test proved satisfac
tory. Alderman Iloyer suggested that the
city endeovor to trado In somo of tho sec
ond Bwcepors and grading machines it hns
011 hand.
Contractor Wlckham asked that tho city
engineer bo provided with additional help
In order that tho assessments for tho work
which he has completed might bo made out.
Ho stated that ho had completed about
JSO.OOO worth of paving nnd had only re
ceived up to date about $16,000. Alderman
Iloyer nuestloned tho right of tho city
council to Interfere In tho management of
tho city engineer, who hnd been elected
by the peoplo, nnd as a compromise It wns
decided to request tho city engineer to at
tend tlio next meeting of tho council, so
that a confercuco might bo had. Mr.
Etnyro hns absented hlmnelf from tho meet
lugs of the city council for several months,
although his presence at times Is urgently
Dainnue of If (100 by Klre,
Manrgcr Chlsam of tho Council Bluffs
Coal an,d Ice company estlmatea tha dam
ago caused by the flro at the company'o
yards at Brondwav nnd N'lnth uti-oat .
tordnv mnrnlnir At nhntit Iftnn. Th. i,iA
loss was caused by the destruction of thu
sheds, there not being so much coal dam
aged as was at first supposed. loss is
fully covered by Insurance. Work on re
building the sheds, which were, about 250
feet long, was commenced yesterday. Man
ager Chlsam was full of praise for the efll
nlcnt manner In which the fire department
handled tho blaze and prevented It from
spreading to the old Union I'aclllc dummy
depot on the cast and Va'nllrunt'B Imple
ment warchouee on tho west.
City HiiRlneer Ktnyrp Hejiorts to
Council Hint IMntllriRs In tlif
In compliance with the Instruction of the
city council. City Engineer Etnyro filed yes
tcrday his report of the tests mado of the
soveral kinds of paving brick on which bids
wcro made for tho paving of the streets In
tho Fourth ward, tho contract for whkh
was awarded to E. A. Wlckbam.
Tho report In part Is ns follows: "As
tho Springfield and Coffoyvlllc brick ere n
now material In this section I gave them
moro than ordinary attention. 1 found that
Coffcyvlllo brick has been used for paving
In Kansas City for several years and that
Its present condition is very satisfactory!
that what Is colled Coffeyvlllo brick Is mado
In thrco different localities and, while they
all have a similar outward appearance thiro
Is a material difference In their wa-lng
qualities. While tho 'rattler' tests of this
brick aro good tho absorption tests aro
pcor, but what effect tho amount of absorp
tion would have In this cllmato I cannot say
at present.
"From tests mado of our homo brick I am
satisfied that It they had bevelled Instead
of sharp edges tho 'rattler' test would
havo proved them equal to tho best. Be
lieving that the pavement to be let cannot
be put In this year, cannot proper Induce
ments bo offered our homo manufacturers
to put In the proper plant and burn a larger
and moro uniform paving brick? Wo would
not only get a cheaper pavement, but as
good or better than with nny foreign prod
uct and besides would keep nil this labor
at home.
"Two 'rattler' tests wero mado, one In
Omaha and tho second In this city. In
Omaha the tests were mado In a 'rattler'
of thirty Inches diameter nnd tfco brick
was subjected to 1,800 revolutions, with this
result: Galcsburg blcck, 9.GI per cent of
loss: Coffeyvlllo, 11.83; Des Moines (Capital
City), 11.87; Springfield, 21.32; Ucs Moines
(Flint), 21.80; St Joseph, 22.
"Tho test In Council Bluffs was made In a
'rattler' of eighteen Inches diameter and
tho brick wore subjected to 1,600 revolu
tions, with this result: Oaltsttirg block,
5.39 per cent of loss; Coffoyvlllc, 8.2.":
Springfield. 9.03; Council Bluffs, 10.15; DeJ
Moines, 10.99; St. Joseph, 12.94.
"Tho absorption test mado of tho brick In
this city gavo theso results: Ralcsburg
block, 0 per cent absorption; Coffoyvlllc, 5;
Springfield. 1; Des Molncs, 1; Council
Bluffs, 2.9S."
Davis sells class.
Council HlufTn I'poiiIp .SiihiipiiiI Iliml
icsk tn niai'ilHN the
Tho news of the shooting of President
McKlnley nt Buffalo caused tho greatest
excitement In Council Bluffs Friday
afternoon and business was almost brought
to a standstill. People gathered In crowds
on tho street corners discussing It, while
eagerly waiting for further particulars.
The newspaper offices wero besieged by
anxious Inquirers nnd every bulletin was
watched for with breathless Interest.
When tho report first circulated peoplo
wcro loath to believe it until confirmed by
tho extras Issued by the newspapers, which
were bought up rapidly.
On every sldo were heard denunciations
of tho crime, men of every political faith
Joining In tho general denunciation and ex
pression of sympathy for tho president and
Mrs. McKlnloy. Crowds stood outsldo tho
newspaper offices until a lato hour waiting
for tho latest bulletins.
Congressman Walter I. Smith was waiting
for a car to go to the depot to take the
train for Des Molncs to attend a meeting
of tho state central commltteo when ho re
ceived word of tho shooting of the presi
dent. Ho was so shocked that he at onco
nbandoned tho trip 'and returned to his
Davis sells paint.
MarrlnKc I,lceiie.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following:
Namo nnd Residence. Ag.'.
Hnrry A. Smith. Omaha 42
Daisy Bomnr, Omnhu , 22
I,oulu BoniicH, Fnderwood, la 21
Ivu noberts, Quick, In is
Dontli nt Mm. Jnlln Mel'nrlnnil.
Mrs. Julia McFnrland died yestcrdnv. Sha
was nn old resident of Council BluffH, re
siding hero slnco 1S51. Two daughters sur
vive net, Mrs. U Burris nnd Mrs. Webb,
both of Omaha. Tho funeral will be Sun
tiny afternoon nt 2 o'clock from the rest
denco of her daughter at 2021 Vinton street,
Fnrnipr lift Unique UuninKe Clnlni,
JEFFERSON, Ia Sept. 7. (Special.)
Tho board of supervisors of Carroll
county aro considering a bill prcsonted
by a farmer, which will easily tako
rank '.mong tho uniques. Clemens
Olbcrdtng, near Arcadia, usks for tho
sum of $3,681,80 for loss of time, for him
self and family, in going to and returning
from Arcadia. It appears that tho claim Is
based upon failure of tho county to vacate
a certain rond, thereby necessitating tho
extra travel of forty-eight rods each way
on tho part of Olbcrdlng, wifo and children.
Ills bill In detail: Self, thrco trips a weok
at 25 conts for 1,560 weeks, $1,170; ono son,
thrco trips a week at 15 cents, for 2C0
weeks, $117; ono son, six trips n week at
10 cents for 208 weeks, $121.80; ono son, six
trips a week at cents for 312 weeks, $187.20;
ono son, six trips 11 week at 10 cbuts for
416 weeks, $249.60; two daughters, six trips
n week at 10 cents for 520 weeks, $624;
three sons, thrco trips a week nt 15 cents
for 260 weeks, $351; two" daughters, thrco
trips week at 10 cents for 260 weeks,
$234; wlfo, thrco trips n week at 10 conts
for $2.0S0 weeks, $624; total, $3,681.60. Mr.
Olberdlng has duly sworn to his claim; says
It Is Just and equitable and that ho pro
poses to havo It. It Is not thought (bat tho
claim will bo allowed.
I .
I.hw I'nrtncm Oppose Kueh Other.
JEFFEIISON, Ia Sept. 7.-(Speclal.)-A
case of moro than ordinary Importance Is
now on trial before Judge Church in tho dis
trict court. It Is tho caso In which McKocnlg
sues Crawford county for $5,000 for Injuries
alleged to havo been received by reason
of the falling of a brldgo over which ho
was driving. The caso la brought to
Qreeno county on charge of venue, having
been previously docldod In Crawford county
In favor of the county. Tho peculiar fea
ture of this case lies in tho make-up of
the counsel. Congressman Conner repre
sents the plaintiff nnd. P. K. C. Lally the
county. At tho time the action was orig
inally brought the attorneys were conduct
ing separate lnw concerns; now Conner and
I.nlly aro partners, It Is thought tho case
will be given to the Jury tomorrow. Judge
Church sentenced F. M. Marquess and
Lewis Brldgeford to the penitentiary for
one and and two years, respectively.
B, F. McConnoll of Bleomfiold Elected
Chairman of State ConmitWe.
Stnte (Mvcs Uvn Moines County t'npnltt
Tnxen Tut Forrpt I,nw Cminm
Mntlttlp In llnrdln County
L'crtlftciiU's or ; oil.
(From n. Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Sept. 7. (Special.) The
democratic campaign managers got to
gether hero Friday, all unannounced, and
hold n conferenco with tho candidates on
the ticket. The following members of tha
democratic stnto commltteo wero present;
N. C. Roberts, Fort Madison; S. II. Mor
rison, Harlan; George A. Huffman, Dea
Moines; S. F. McConnoll, Illoomfleld; A.
W. Maxwell, Seymour; J. B. Romans, Den
Ison. Thomas J. Phllllpn of Ottumwa, can
didate for governor, nud F. E. Ferguson
of Logan, candldato for lieutenant gov
ernor, wero present; alo Mr. Myers of
Ottumwn, who Is credited with being Mr.
Phillips' manager. Tho democrats had been
slow to get started and this meeting wns
held to orgnnlzo tho committee and pro
pare for a campaign. Tho commltteo ineV
here today nnd organized by tho election
of S. F. McConnoll of Bloomflcld as chair
man. He announced he would open head
quarters In nbout ten days lioro nnd begin
tho campaign. Jackson, who had been
slated for tho chairmanship, stilt declined
to act.
Mr. Phillips, candldato for governor, was
to iiavtf been at Woodburn, Clarke county,
today to speak nt n harvest homo picnic,
but enmc here Instead. A. 'B. Cummins,
tho republican candidate, went to Wood
burn to nddrcss tho people.
The republican state commltteo will meet
with the candidates tomorrow to arrange
for the campaign.
State One County.
A peculiar condition of affairs has been
disclosed In this county, whero tho city
has certified up to tho county for collec
tion various sums duo from the state as
special assessments ngalnBt state property
for pivlug3, sewers, etc., and tho state has
never pnld any of the bills. Tho debt has
been accumulating for n number of years
and Is now considerable Tho county au
thorities have noi way of collecting this
sum, but will ask the legislature for nn
appropriation to cover tho case. Tho stato
owns several squares in tho city nsldo from
that on which tho state capltol Is built.
Tux Fprrpt Mud die.
The tax ferret business lias been the
causo of a considerable muddle in Hardin
county. Tho county auditor Is under In
dictment for malfeasance In offico and tho
grand Jury brought in truo bills against
four prominent nnd wealthy citizens for
perjury In tho making out of false ic turns
to tho assessors. Theso persons are those
who havo settled with the tax ferrets and
paid large sums as taxes on property un
covered. Then there has been a civil suit
on trial this week and not yot finished, In
which tho county seeks to recover $7,000
paid to a firm of lawyers for legal advice
on a contract with the Board of Super
visors. This Is tho contract which tho
county auditor failed to publish and for
which failure ho wns Indicted. Tho whole
county is stirred up, politically and other
wise, over the matter nnd thp tax ferret
business Is In dlsrcputo there.
Cnrpentprn on n Strike.
The carpenters In tho employ of the
Des Molncs Elcvntor company engaged In
tho construction of a new clovntor In thla
city went out on a strike this morning, de
manding an Increase In pay from $2 a day
to $2.50. They claim that tho work Is moro
hazardous than ordinary carpenter work and
that they ought to recclvo moro than tho
usual price. They wcro refused and woro
paid oft. About twenty of tho men in tho
same service refused to quit work, but tho
strikers expect all to go out.
Hoynl Ari'li MnDonx,
The grand chapter of the Royal Arch
Mason3 of Iowa Is In session In Davenport.
Alf Wlngato of this city, grand secretary,
made a report showing a substantial in
crease lu membership. Now chapters have
been ndded at Manson nnd Spirit Lako tho
last yenr. Ornnd Treasurer H. C. Shndbolt
of Erametsburg also made n favornblc re
port. Tho nnnunl nddrcss .of tho late Judge
N. B. Hyntt of Webster City, ns grand high
priest, wns rend. It was prepared by him
before his recent death and it Bhowed nn
incrcaoo In membership of 327 tho last year.
His address wa3 in a congratulatory vein
bocause of the fact that the lncrcaso Is
larger than ever before. The grand council
of tho order of the high priesthood held a
mooting nt tho sumo time and placo and
initiated twenty-two candidates. Officers
elected: President. W. F. Cleveland, Har
lan; vlco president, W. D. Ervlnc, Sioux
City; chaplain, W. V. Whltten, Charlton;
treasurer, W. Ii. Rowland, Harlan; mastor
of coromonles, H, C. Shadbolt, Emmctsburg;
conductor, E. M. Wlllnrd, Atlantic; herald,
C. O. Groover, Des Molncs; steward, I. P.
Wilson, Burlington; sentinel, A. N. Alber
eon, Washington.
Teiuperiinrc Union Hlrct.i,
SIDLEV. Ia., Sept. 6. (Special Telegram.)
Tho Woman's Chrlatlan Tompernnce
union, Eighteenth district, today elected
theso officers: President, Mrs. Estolla Pen
man, Rock Rapids; vlco president, Mrs.
Cynthia Zwomer, Alton; secretary, Mlsa
Madlo Ncoly, Aurella; treasuror, Mrs,
Blancho Brink, Doon. In the matrons'
medal contest, Mrs, Evn Armour of Llttlo
Rock wan awarded first prize, Mrs. Sopfila
Abrahnm of Rock Rnpldo second. lu thu
music contest Miss Blancho Hanon was
awarded first and Dola Cartner second,
At tho close of tho convention ringing
cheers wcro given by tho largo audience
on receipt of n tolcgram that President
McKlnley would live.
MrliriiNkiiiiM Sup Owner nt iNlnntls, '
HUMBOLDT, Neb., Sept. 7. (Special.)
Somo largo damagn suits, In which Hum
boldt parties aro interested, will result from
tho recent wrecking of tho Alaskan
steamer Islander. Ed "Dennis, who Is still
laid up at his homo hero from injuries re
ceived In tho explosion, has Instituted,
through a firm of Scuttle lawyers, a suit
for $10,000 damages against tho owners of
tho vessel, the Canadian Pacific Navigation
company, Mrs, Sarnh Brocolcn will bring
suit for a much larger sum for tho death
of her son, William J. Brocolon.
tVpiillur Ciiup of Illlnilnpaa.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. Sept. 7. (Special.)
Miss Nina Benl, daughter of M. M. Real,
tho painter, who has been suffering for
Eome tlmo with Brlght's tllseaso nnd dropsy,
has bocomo totally blind. She was taken
to Omaha and exnmllied by Dr. Clifford,
tho eye spcclnllst, who pronounced her caso
hopeless. This enso Is ono of peculiar In
terest to tho medical profession. Dr.
Clifford reports It to bo the second caso of
tho kind In his experience.
liny Injiiretl lty Ilronclio,
AINSWORTII, Nob., Sept. 7. (Special
Telegram.) This afternoon at 4 o'clock
Raymond McLane, 16 years of ago, whlla
Smith and Bradley,
415 Broadway. Council Bluffs.
Look Out
For the Dog
When you buy, don't be con
tent with less than the latest
nnd best. Its n lifetime invest
ment if you get a
New Home
No. 118
Drop Head
Sewing Machine.
Until now n sewing machine
hns been only a sewing ma
chine. Our new No. 118 is not
only a perfect sewing machine,
but when not in use is attract
ive and servicablo as a tabic
fitted throughout in the most
thorough manner ball bearing,
double feed and perfect in de
tail. The head comes to posi
tion with belt on, rendy for use.
It is made by skilled workmen
to do perfect work, and to be
beautiful and convenient.
Second-hand machines from
$5.00 up. Parts and repairs for
all inaehinees. All kinds of ma
chines repaired and for rent.
G. A. Bullis,
Telephone 378,
337 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.
For Sale
Flno Iowa (arm of 480 acres, nil tlllablo
land, 0-room house, ouo barn 36x50, 22
foot posts and holds, CO tons of hay, ono
barn 50x52, cribs (pr 8,000 bushels corn,
hog pen, feed yards and feeders, lco
house, nmoko house, two chicken houses,
well, windmill, tanks, spring, scales and
scaln yard, very rich productive land.
' Call and fjet further particulars.
Farms from 40 acres to 2,000 acres for sale;
also cnttlo ranches and a largo list of
city property. Call and got prices.'
511 Ilroadway.
Tel. 417.
Sunday, Stpt. 8
Chase-Lister Go.
In the greatest of all Southern
romance-comedy Scntattons,
Tht Octoroon
Specialties Uctwcon Acts.
Trices 10c,' 20c, 3Uc.
trying to rldo a bucking broncho In the
streets, was thrown from tho horse, break
ing his right log four Inches abovo the
ntikle. Doth bones protruded through the
fish, making a very bad fracture. It may
causo 111 in to bo crippled for life.
WiiiiIh Dimer Intrrcitt in I.nml,
PKATTSMOUII, Neb., Sept. 7 (Special.)
Elizabeth Van Horn, by hor attorney,
John u. watson, lias commonccd action In
the district court against C, 11, Ulokol,
John C. Hoddy, Olllo Fitzgerald and Mary
J. Houchln. She wants her dower Interest
dotermlncd In 160 acres of land lying along
the .Missouri river south of Rock liluffs
and east of Union.
To trim AVI" SouIUim Itnuo.
RAT ronTAOR. Ont.. Sent. 7. Towns
won the Houlllng raca with Quudaur today
by flvo lengths.
Suits that arc the equal of any taib
or made you ever saw made of
the best materials, in ail the leading
weaves of foreign and domestic falv
$10, $12.50, $15,
$17.50, $20
"If you have them from us they're right,"
Specials at the Big Store This Week
Pure Splcos at remarkably low prices. Specials for Monday Wo will sell l'uro
reppor, Cloves, Cinnamon, Mustard, Allspice, Olnger, Carraway Seed, Celery Seed,
Tickling Spice at 17c per pound.
Yeast Foam Cc
Snpollo 74c
Corn Staich 4o
Grape-Nuts 11c
Arbuckle Coffco 11c
Lion Coffco lie
XXXX Coffee 11c
German Coffco 11c
Economy Cream, per can 7',4c
Dr. Frlco's Daklng Powder, per pound. 40c
Mutton Legs 10c.
Mutton Stew Co
Dolling Decf 5c
10-pound pall best Lard $1.10
Sirloin Steak 120
Sparo nibs Sc
Porterhouso Steak 12 Vic
Hemcbcr, wo nro headquarters for Jersey Cream, White nose, Plllsbury, Royal
and Daisy Flour.
Largest assortment and lowest prices on Bananas, Poaches, Grapes, Plums and
Pears, Our prices and goods please, everybody.
Change in Business
D. W. Keller having bought out the interest of M. Band nt
the remarkably low figure of FIFTY CENTS OX THE DOL
LAR, is prepared to offer the public the benefit by a BIG liE
STOKE. Prices have been marked down so as to move thes
goods, consisting of OAK PETS, KUGS, LINOLEUM, OIL
TUKE, DISHES, LAMPS, ETC. Extraordinary low prices
have been made on ACOKN STOVES, HEATING, KANGES,
and COOKS. These goods must go to make room for the fall
goods coining in and if you are seeking a bargain come in and
look around.
Iowa Furniture and Carpet Co.,
407 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Iowa.
of Fuel
IDEAL Boiler snd
AMERICAN Radiators
Extra Flno Shredded Cocnanut, per lb, 15a
Heinz Ketchup, per bottle 10c
Mustard Sardlnci, per can So
Three-pound ran linked Heans 8o
Saloiua, per bar 2c
16 bars Ik'Ut 'Em All Soap 25c
Good Broom 20c
Two loaves of Dread for He
Eagle brand Milk, per can Ua
Ruruford Unking Powder, per pound.. 25a
Salt Pork 10c
Smoked Dncnn, 10c to 12V4o
Sliced Dolled Ham 20c
Ham Sausngo 8o
Pork Sausage lOo
Full lluo of Lunch Meats nud Chickens
nlways on hand.
The fuel required for one ordinary
grate-fire or stove is sufficient to
warm an entire house by Hot
Water circulation. The boiler
requires less attention than does a
stove ; it is operated automatically
and is absolutely safe.
J. C. Bixby & Son,
Council Mull, In,
Well Dressed Men
npprcrlato good laundry work, and that li
tho reason tboy pntronlzo our laundry.
No matter how stylish your clothes aro,
you can't bo well drosacd unless your Unco
Is perfectly laundered, Wo do tho vorj
best laundry work. You will 11ml It will
pay jou to havo our wofk.
Special ratca to agents. Wrlto to uu.
22-21 North Main Sticet.
Toloptiono 311.