Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1901, PART I, Page 6, Image 6

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Bocltty Showi Soma Visiting OtlltfUns
Quits a Lirtl; Tim.
Affairs of the Smart Set (!( Dnllr
UUcnimlon Out Therr nml
CnnanlntliiK Kntertnln
)V. mciita Are Mnnr.
As a rulo It Is a visiting girl or soma
other girl that Is responsible when society
Is thrown Into a whirl ot complimentary
affairs, but last week the enso was re
versed and It was In honor of a party of
college men that tho fashionables gavo
over every evening and afternoon to a
round of pleasure that promises no abat
lng until those young men aro well out of
town. If any ono placo can bo said to
havo been tho center of tho gaiety that
place was tho Country club, for If every
thing has not actually occurred there. It
was there that everybody went to talk
things ovor during tho day and every oven
lng thero was something going on there
for the entertainment of those not enjoying
somo of the numerous other affairs, with
which tho week was filled.
The ladles' gamo on Wednesday after
noon brought out more, than the usual at
tendance and again on Saturday tho crowd
was much larger than Is customary, but
tho attendanco at the hop In tho evening
was not cxcosslvc, owing to the theater par
tics, which, being composed an they wcro ot
tho older set, loft the floor to tho pleasure
of tho younger dancers.
Tho opening of tho Iloyd on Friday even
ing occasioned an unusual number of box
and theater parties and It wns noticeable
that thero was something more than the
usual visiting among tho parties between
tho nets.
Thero nro thoso who arc looking very
wlso ot lato and all on tho quiet. Dame,
Humor Is whispering of n wedding that Is
to occur soon. It is to bo a smart affair,
too, between two ot tho oldest families
in town. Last Wednesday somebody some
wbcto gavo a charming little luncheon for
tho prospectlvo brldo and tho bridesmaids,
but tho details ot tho affair aro shrouded
in mystery and but for tho fact that cer
tain young women wcro not present at n
certain placo at a certain tlmo and refuse
to glvo any account of their whcrcnboutH
at that time, It Is doubtful It oven tho
busy Damo would havo suspected all tho
indefinite things that havo developed since
that time.
MoviMiirntN nml Whcrrnhnut.
Mrs. It. C. Hoyt Is back frora.Splrlt lake.
Mr. Asa Shlvcrlck left on Monday for tho
Miss Mount returned from Lincoln on
Captain and Mrs. II. E. Palmer havo gone
to Put-ln-Bny.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Welsh have returned
from Milwaukee.
Mrs. Martin, mother of Mr. W. E. Martin,
has gone to Minnesota. '
Mr. W. A. Banks has returned from a trip
to Duffalo and Toronto.
Colonel J. C. Sharp returned on Tuesday
from Hot Springs, S. D.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kelly returned
from tho cast last Sunday.
Mr. Henry W. Yates nnd .Mr. Hal Yntcs
aro enjoying n hunting trip.
General and Mrs. Mnnderson havo gone
cast to bo absent n month. v
Mrs. A. L. Dowroan returned last week
from Washington nnd Duffalo.
Miss Lcttlo Stono has gono to Colorado
Springs for n two months' stay.
Miss Knthorlno Morrison Is back from n
vacation spent nt Lake Geneva.
Mr. and Ma. Sum Wcathcrmcycr have
gono to Chicago for a brief stay.
Mlas Laura Goetz has returned from n
visit to Buffalo nnd Niagara Falls.
Miss Laura Sanderson has returned from
a visit to Duffalo and Niagara Falls.
Miss Mlnnlo Jordan returned last week
from a visit with friends In Chicago.
"Mr. and Mrs. 13. Kt Muffltt nnd son re
turned from an en stern trip Inst wcok.
Mrs. M. E. Taliaferro nnd Miss Taliaferro
have returned from northorn Minnesota.
Mrs. E. Scllgsohn has returned from So
attlo, accompanied by her granddaughter.
Miss Clara M. Henry loft on Saturday
for Murray, Neb., to take a nchool thero.
Mr. E. Levy of Nebraska City Is spending
Sunday at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. H. Itch
feld. Miss Derthn Swonsbcrg Is tack from Mich
igan, whero sho has been spending the sum
mer. Miss Edith Anderson .will go to Peru
tomorrow to spend tho year at tho Normal
Mrs. Morris Levy and daughters havo re
turned from tho cast, whero thoy spent tho
summer. ,
Mr. Charles Irvlno Anderson of Dos
Moines, la., Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. JnmcJ
Mr. nnd Mrs. Floyd Smith nnd Mr. Adel
bert Smith left for the east tho early part
of tho wook.
Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Dlrkhnusor, who have
been summering nt Whltcflsh Day, havo
returned home.
Dr. nnd Mrs. Mlljoy hnvo roturncd from
tho oast and nro located at tho Ducholors
for the present.
Miss Julio Oftlcor, wlio has boon opendlng
the past few weeks In Colorado, roturncd
homo Inst week.
Mrs. John C. Howard and children hnvu
returned from a two months' outing along
tho Atlantic const.
Mrs. E. A. Cudnhy and family roturncd on
Wednesday morning from their summer
homo at .Macklnuck.
A. C. Ilnynicr, S. F. SI. John, Dr. Klloy
ml Lyslo Abbott are back from a hunting
trip to Drltlsh Columbia.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Georgo IX Darker and Mrs.
C. W. Martin aro back from Colorado, hav
ing spout, a month thoro.
Mrs. J. F. Doss Is tho guest of her par
ents. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. McElroy of 631
South Twenty-eighth street.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Morsman. Jr., hnvo
rrturned from Chicago, whom thoy attended
the Morsman-Klmbnll wedding.
Mr nnd Mrs. T. J, Rogers nnd family ro
turned on Sunday from n two weeks' visit
to tho mountains of Colorado.
Mr. and Mrs. Luclan Stephen returned on
Tuesday morning from Old Point Comfort,
Mount Clair, N. J., and New York.
Mrs. Curtis and Misses Curtis returned
Friday morning from tho lakes, whero
thoy havo been spending tho summer.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Georgo Palmer returned
homo on Wednesday from Massachusetts,
having spent tho summer on thp const.
Mrs. Free nnd Miss Freo havo returned
from a two months' visit In northern Iowa,
Washington, Now York and Toronto, Can
ada. Dr. R. S. Anglln Is expected home to
morrow from a trip through Canada and
Now England, returning by way of New
York. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson and Miss Graco
.Warring have returned from Bar Harbor,
whero thoy hnvo been for the last six
Mr. Clark Rowel is back from a two
months' trip to tho Pacific coast and ex
presses his Intention ot returning there to
Mrs. K. II. Olmsted &nd children returned
on Friday after an extended visit with
friends In Chicago, Cincinnati and Mil
Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Miss Edith
Smith arrived homo on Monday morning
from a visit to tho Pnn-Amerlcan cxposl-
Hon and other places of Interest In tho
Social Chlt-Chnt.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ward Burgess are at
Pctoake, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lyman are expected
homo from tho east soon.
Miss Helen Buckingham has returned
from n visit to Kansas City.
Mrs. D. 11. Goodrich and Miss Good
rich aro expected homo todny.
Judge Vlnsonhnler spent a part of Inst
week in Klrksvlllo, Mo., with his wife.
Bishop nnd Mrs. Williams arc tiow lo
cated In their homo at 2219 Dodgo street.
.Mrs. Kcnyon entertained Miss Moore of
Council niuffs for several days last week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Mlllnrd aro In Mon
tana and will remain there until December
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kennedy hnvc taken
tho residence at 502 South Twenty-second
Mr. Dixon nnd Mr. Wyman will leave on
Wednesday to visit tho Pan-American ex
position. Dr. and Mrs. Glfford havo come in from
their country placo and are at their home
on Capitol avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Hitchcock and fam
ily will remain at Marblchead until tho
middle of September.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Morrill wero called
to Dubuque, la., last week by tho death
of Mr. Morrill's mother.
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Combs havo returned
from Bcllevuo nnd nro nt homo at 1432
North Nineteenth street.
Mr. Dwlght Swobo spent Tuesday In
Omaha with his parents, who have Just re
turned from tho Philippines.
Mr. Charles T. Kountzo has returned
from South llcuch, Conn., but Mrs. Kountzo
will remain there for somo tlmo longer.
Mr. A. D. Touzaland expects to leave
Omaha In nbout a month for the "Phil
ippines, whero ho will cngago In business.
Mr. nnd Mrs. James Wallace havo taken
a house at Twenty-fourth and D streets,
South Omaha, nnd will movo Into it tomor
row. Mr. nnd Mrs. T. B. Norrls nnd family ro
turncd yesterday from Virginia, whero they
havo been spending tho summer. They also
visited Duffalo.
Mrs. Dan Wheeler, Jr., expects to leave
sooti to visit her sister In Durllngton, Vt
and will visit tho Pan-American exposi
tion on her return.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Kennedy nnd Miss
Kennedy left on Mondty to visit tho Pan-
American exposition nml other points In
Pennsylvania nnd New York.
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. P. Peck returned from
Calhoun Place on Thursday nnd nro at their
Davenport street residence. Thoy expect to
leavo soon to visit Duffalo and tho cast.
Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Whltmoro and
daughter arc In Now York City, whero they
will remain during September, having spent
tho month of August on the Atlantic coast.
Mr. Wnrdelk of Haverhill, Mass., and Mr.
Strcotcr of Concord, N. II., who havo been
tho guests of Mr. Tom Davis for tho last
week, will return to their homes on Tues
Mr. and Mrs. Clarke arc traveling through
tho Yellowstone country nnd will spend Ak-Sar-Bon
week, tho guests of Miss Mount, In
Omaha. They will sail for Europe Oc
tober 1.
After n trip through the Thousand Islands
and Canada Mr. and Mrs. John L. Webster
and Miss Webster nro at tho Waldorf In
New York nnd nro expected homo tho latter
part of tho month.
Mr. nnd Mrs. William E. Clarko and
daughters, Misses Hortcnce nnd Ruth, aro
back from n visit to Pennsylvania and New
York, stopping nt tho Pan-American expo
sition on their return.
Messrs. Raymond Gould, Bert Carpenter,
Eugene Royco. Wlthnell, Arthur Jacqulth,
Arthur Lewis, John Rodlck, Earl Klpllnger,
Prlco Rose and Ned Reltcr nro among tho
Omaha boys who will leavo during tho
wesk for Culver Military academy.
rii'iMurrn I'llltt.
Miss Ilnllle Harden was hostess at a
Kensington on Monday nfternoon.
MIes Ircno Swain entertained on Wednes
day evening In honor of Miss Anna Nell
sen. Tho Misses Hlggins entertained vorv
pleasantly at cotdj on Tuesday evening, in
honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. Aulnbaugh.
Miss Edith Anderson entertained a few
friends Informally on Friday evening at
her homo In Dundco, In honor of her guest,
Miss Mtcka ot Boono, In.
Miss Cora Schwartz entertained n party of
friends at bowling and later nt a supper, on
Wednesday ovonlng. in honor ot Miss Bessie
Mooro of Council Dluffs, who has been hor
Mrs. Wood. Mrs. Rcdlck, Mrs. J. E. Daum.
Mrs. Onion. Mrs. Herbert Wheeler. Mrs. Dan
Wheeler, Mrs. Cady, Mrs. Beeaon and Mrs.
Harry Wllklns wcro Mrs. Wattles' guests
at a luncheon a the Country club on Tues
day. Miss Janet Rogers was hostess at luncheon
at tho Country club on Friday, given In
honor of Mr. Tom Davis and his guests.
Tho party consisted of Misses Dcsslo Drndv.
Lucy Goro: Messrs. Davis, Strootcr, Ward-
well VUcs of Chicago, and Miss Rogers.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward Smith entertalnpd
n party of friends nt dinner at tho Atheltlc
club Wednesday evening. It was a pretty
affair, tho table decorations being all In
dark red roses nnd each place marked by n
single tlowcr. Thoro wero twelvo guests
Thero wns another delightful muslcnlo t.t
tho Country club on Wednesday evening,
when Mrs. llurnmn Kountze, Mlsa Hnngland,
Mr. Cheney and Mr. Mclntyro furnished a
most pleasing program, tho accompaniments
being played by Mrs. Kountzo nnd Miss
Edith Smith.
Miss Mno Hamilton eutcrtnlncd n raerrv
party on a trolley rldo on Saturday ovonlng.
Tho pnrty assembled at her homo and after
n rldo about tho city nil went to tho Coun
try club, whero nn hour or so was spent
dnnclng. Lator, they roturnod to tholr
hostess' homo whero supper was served and
tho rcmaiudcr of tho evening pleasantly
Tho Country club wns tho scene of nn-
other delightful dsnclng party on Thursday
evening, nbout fifty young people being
present. It was entirely Informal, being a
subscription affair, In which Mossrs. Davis,
Wharton, Gerald Wharton and Prltchott
wero tho moving spirits. Tho mtiBlc was
furnished by tho piano nnd during the ovon
lng lecs were served.
Among tho affairs of ospeclal Interest was
tho box pnrty given Frldny evening by Mr.
and Mrs. Robert F. Smith for Mr. Henrv
Clarko and Miss Grnco Allen, whoso
marriage Is to occur September 25. The
party occupied two lower boxes, B nnd C,
and was composed of Misses Allen, Taylor.
Helen Peck, Helen Hoaglnnd, Gertrude
Clarke; Messrs. Henry Clnrke, Ross Towle.
J. E. Maurer. Lyn Sherwood, wing Allen
and Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert F. Smith.
In honor of Mr. Streotnr nnd Mr. Ward
well, the guestb of their son. Mr. Tom Davis.
Mr. aud Mri, Fred. Davia threw ppea their
spacious homo Tuesday evening to nbout
fifty members of tho younger set, who on
Joyed ono of tho prottlcst dancing pnrtles ot
tho year. Tho lower floor ot tho house was
cleared and used for dancing, whllo tho
broad veranda, which was lighted and com
fortably furnished, sorved as a resting placo
between tho numbers. A long program wns
danced, tho cool evening adding materially
to tho pleasure Refreshments wero served
on tho veranda.
On Wednesday evening Mr. Georgo
Prltchott, Jr., gavo a stag dinner In honor
of Mr. Tom Davis' guests, Mr. Strcetcr
and Mr. Wardwcll, covers being laid for
fourteen. Tho table decorations were of
dark red, tho color of St. Paul's school,
whero tho young men have been classmates,
dark red roses being used. Tho placo cards
wcro miniature dancing girls ot all nations.
Mr. Prltchett's guests wcro: Messrs. Ward
wcll, Strcetcr, Davis, Wharton, Gerald
Wharton, Rex Moorchouse, Shlverlck.
Roberts, Spurgcn, Robert Durns, Roy Wood,
Shot man Smith and Magco of Chicago.
Miss Bcsslo Field was hostess at a most
enjoyable dancing pnrty at her homo on
Thirty-eighth street on Tuesday evening,
given In honor of her cousin, Mr. Fred
Dennett of St. Louis, who has recently come
to the city to make his homo, Smllax and
clematis, pink and whlto nstors wero used
In tho decorations of tho house, the entire
lower floor of which was cleared for tho
dancers, tho music being furnished by nn
orchestra stationed on tho lnndlng of the
stairway. Out of doors, the porch was
lighted with Japaneso lanterns and fur
nished with rugs and comfortable chairs
nnd thero the punch was served. There wcro
about fifty guests present.
Out tif Town Glints.
Mrs. Dixon Is the euest of her aunt. Mm.
A. J. Poppleton.
Miss Mary Dechel of Denver Is tho guest
of Miss Nancy Dattln.
Mr. W. F. McMillan snent Snttirrinv nml
Sundny with Omaha friends.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Myers of Dubuque, In., aro
visiting at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. R. w.
Mr. Largcy Of Dutte. Mont.. nrrlvnrf nn
Thursday to visit his sister, Mrs. Frank
Mr. Dick Plndlo of fv. linn
been the CUCSt Of his sister. Mrs. Rvlvrqtr.r
uusn, ror the past week.
MI3.1 Gorton nf rillffnlo to thn iriMil nl
Mrs. Archlo Love. Sho will leave for her
homo tho early part of tho week.
Mrs. Blshon of Oulnev. III., nrrl veH nn
Thursday to bo the guest of her sister,
Mrs. W. F. Allen, for several weeks.
Miss Josenhlno Christian of R. T.nnU
and Miss Duncnn of Knnsns City wero
guests or .Mrs. F. J. Adams last week.
Mrs. C. J. Caswell nnd Miss Tnswol! nf
Chicago aro v Is tine nt tho hnmn r.f Mrs.
J. T. Rnhm, 1103 South Thirty-first street.
MISSCS AVft nnil Aminml.a npnrhnrnn nf
Birmingham. Ala., nro vlsltlnir thnlr mint
Mrs. Armstrong, on North Thirty-second
Mr. nnd Mrs. Wnro of BInlr. Nnti. nml
Mrs. W. A. Pnxton. tr.. hnvn boon iMinats
of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Pnxtnn fnr sn vnrn 1
days whllo enroute to Now York.
WciIiIIiikm nml HiiKnKCiuciit.
Tho engagement is nnnounced of Mr.
Hobart A. Stoddard nnd Mrs. Dorothy Todd,
tho marriage to occur Septombor 26.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. McElroy announco the
engagement of their dnughtor, Miss Bcsslo
Marie, and Mr. Dernard Thomas, tho wed
ding to occur September 25.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Dell announco tho
engagement of their daughter. Miss Nolllo
Carter, nnd Mr. Arthur E. Smith of Coun
ell Bluffs. -Tho mnrrlago will occur tho
first week of October.
A quiet, but very pretty, wedding was
that of Mr. Jay A. GrlflUh and Miss Ger
trude Gibson, which occurred on Wednes
day evening at tho homo of tho bride's
mother, Mrs. E. Gibson, 816 South Twenty
fifth street. Rev. Luther M. Kuhns ofu-
clatcd. There was n pretty decoration of
sweet Jassamlno, smllax and palms nnd tho
ceremony wns followed by a rccoptlon.
After October 8 Mr. and Mrs. Grlfun will
bo nt home ai 2514 Marcy street.
Mis- Julia Ofllccr. pianist, will roonen her
studio on Tuesday afternoon, G12 Karbacb
Ante Room Echoes
Tho next stato meeting of a fraternal
ordor to bo held In Omaha will bo tho groat
council of tho Improved Order of Rcdmon.
which will mcot Octobor 8. Tho local tribes
aro making extcnslvo preparations for tho
great council and promise to glvo tho visi
tors royal entertainment. Tho ordor hns
grown wonderfully In tho stato alnco tho
last council was held, and thero will bo
many delegates in attendance. Tho com
mlttco on arrangements has been choson
from tho local 'tribes and tho Pocobontas
councils of Omaha and South Omaha and tho
great officers of tho order nro Joining them
In tho preparations being made. Georgo W.
McCallum of Nebraska City, great sachem
of tho ordor, was present at tho meeting ot
Ynh-nun-dnh-ls trlbo Monday evening nnd
with Omaha trlbo Wednesday ovenlng. He
said that tho meeting of tho great council
would bo tho largest ever hold. Great
Junior Sachem T. Z. Magarrell has'returnod
from n trip to the northern part of tho
stato, wherj ho Instituted sovcral tribes.
Tho grent council of tho United States will
meet In Now York Soptombor 9. Tho dele
gates from tho great council of Nebraska
are: S. J. Dennis, Lincoln; 0. W. Inskcoo,
Falls City; C. K. Chubbuck, Tecumsoh, and
E. D. Warner, North Plntto. Tho deten
tion har. started for tho east and will ar
rive in Now York today.
Tho Omaha Elks aro getting Into tho Ak-
Snr-Bon festivities In good shape. Tho
lodgo has accepted tho Invitation of tho
knights to tnke part In tho day parade to bo
hold ono week from Wednesday, nnd on
thnt occasion slxty-soven mcmbors of tho
order In full Indian costumo, which brought
forth such loud npplauso at tho recont na
tional convention, will bo In Hue beaded bv
Klpllnger's band, which has been provided
with now Indian costumes of tho kind worn
by tho Elk. This display will bo ono of tho
most nttrnctlvo features of tho parade.
Tho Elks havo tendered tholr rooms to tho
Nebraska Bankers' association for tho con
vention which will bo held September 19
and so.
A commltteo nppolntcd by tho lodco Is
arranging for n ball to bo given nt tho lodge
rooms October 3. It Is expected that tho
new rooms will bo ready for uso this weok.
Tho sovereign grand lodgo of tho Inde
pendent Order of Odd Fellows will meet in
Indianapolis, Ind., this month, tho body to
bo In session from Soptcmbor 16 to 21 In
clusive. Indianapolis Is nrranglng for a
largo ciowd and tho preparations for Its
entertainment nro said to bo moro oxten
slvo than for any meeting, ovor held In that
city inero will bo represented every
tato and territory In tho United states
Including Hawaii, which for several years
nas nao soverai working, lodges. Tho Ne
braska delegates to tho sovereign grnnd
ljdco are G. L. Hoacland of North ninn
and L. B. Holler of Hastings, elected by tho
grand encampment of tho stnte, and O. W.
Norrls of McCook and O. O. Snvder of
O'Neill, olccted by the grand lodge.
Ono cf tho features will bo a parade by
uniformed mombers of tho Patriarchs Mill,
taut and drills by these, societies. Louis
Helmrod of this city has beon choson aid-do-camp
to the commander-in-chief ot the
ratrlwcba Militant, and JlQuteuaut
colonel of ths ordor will hnvo charge of one
or tho divisions In tho parade.
Tho state grand lodgo of the order will
meet In Kearney Wednesday, October 16.
Nebraska lodee. No. 1. Knlchts nf Pvthlns
Is In a most flourishing condition nnd tho
interest of tho members In Its prosperity
Is Increasing nnd Is evidenced at every
mooting. A season of nnttvllv Is
looked for nfter tho Ak-Snr-Den festivities
aro over.
On next Monday cvcnlnir thn tnHsn will
work In tho first rank nnd every member
Is expected to bo present. Visiting knights
nro cordially Invited to attend.
Tho mnke-un of thn Lodec Bulletin Is fin.
Ishcd nml Is now In the keeping of tho
printers. On next Saturday the first Issuo
will bo In the hands of every member. Tho
editorial raanacemcnt believes nnd fnndiv
hopes that It will bo ft welcome visitor to
tho nomes of thoso destined to receive It.
It Is tho Intention to mnko It the source
of Pythian Information In this city and to
this end tho management invites corre
spondence from tho members of the lodgo
wherever they may be, and especially from
tho grand lodgo officers of tho Nebraska
Tho Joint committee of Omaha and
Council Bluffs I'ythlans nro busllv encicre,!
with tho work of arranging for tho basket
picnic to bo held at Lake Manawa on next
Thursday, September 12. The committee
hopes that every knight In Omaha and
South Omaha will rest from his labors on
that day, tnko his family out for an airing
on tho lake and mako tho occasion ono to
bo long remembered In Pythian circles.
At tho next session of tho grnnd lodgo,
to bo held In Lincoln Octobor 0, a supremo
representative Is to bo elected and rimnlin
has a candidate for tho position In tho
person of Tost Grand Chnncellor J. H. Bex
ten, who nt this time seems to bo forging
to the front In ereat strides. It Is hnnnrf
that every lodge in Omaha will declare for
mm nnu mat tho members will work un
ceasingly for his election from now until
tho grnnd lodgo meets.
N Pntirf Mn ?r: TfIIio nt r- IT..- i ..
stltutcd Frldny ovenlng, August 30, at
South Omaha with forty-flvo charter mem
bers. Tho meeting wns held at Woodmen
hall. Two hundred visiting mcmbors wcro
present from Omaha and Council Bluffs,
Including thp splendid degree staff of Jowol
court, who exemplified tho work nnd Ini
tiated tho now members. Refreshments
wcro served. Ofllcers wcro elected ns fol
lows: Post chief, Arthur Tagg; chief, Wil
liam O. Baylor; Judge, Mrs. Nelllo Tagg;
teacher, Mrs. Ella D. Garrett; scrlbo, Wil
liam S. Vandusan; keeper of tribute, John
H. Lorance; captain, Arthur Howo; guide,
Isaac Brnyton; K. of T. O., Mrs. Nina
Cockrlll; K. of O. 0., Hnrley B. Hnmlll;
mnster of C, Edward J. Pearse; Ben Hur,
John B. Arnett; Rabbi Joseph, Hugh Jehu;
mother of Hur, Mrs. Caroline Brown; Tlrza,
Miss Ellzaboth Orange; musician, Miss
Annn Brayton; Hebrew women, Mrs. Blvlns,
Mrs. Lohr, Miss Deems; musical examiner,
Dr. E. L. Delanncy; Mrs. Emma P. Johnson,
Omaha, deputy.
Clan Gordon No. 63, Order of Scottish
Clans, held Its regular mooting September
3, when tho report from tho royal conven
tion, by Clansman Falconer, our representa
tive, wns adopted. All the ofllcers of Royal
Clan havo been rc-clcctcd nnd tho ord,cr
Is shown to bo In n most flourishing and
sound condition. Further arrangements
wero mndo regarding the concerts to bo
given hero December 10 by (tho "Kilties")
Forty-eighth Highland Regimental band of
Toronto, Canada.
Mecca court, Trlbo of Ben Hur, gave a
musical nnd ball at their rooms In Tho
Bee building Friday evening.
Golden Rod camp, Royal Neighbors, will
hold Its meetings on tho third floor of the
Pnxton block, Farnam street cntranco, on
tho Bccond nnd fourth Tuesdays of each
month, having moved from tho Labor Tem
ple Tho Universal brotherhood nnd Thco
sophlcal society, non-polltlcal and non
scctarlan, will hold its monthly meeting
at 7:30 o'clock this ovenlng in room 55
Barker block. Addresses on living Issues
from a thcosophlcal standpoint will bo
mndo. All aro Invited.
A castlo of tho Royal Highlanders was
organized at Stella, Neb., Wednesday even
ing. Fall opening, pattern hats and bonnots,
Septomber 9 nnd 10. Knhl & Johnston, at
Thomas Kilpatrlck & Co.
Grosm for McKlnley anil Cheer for
the Mlficrrnnt Who Sought
lite Lite.
CHICAGO, Sept. 7.-Chlcago nnarchlsts,
In rcsponso to a cnll Issued thrco days ago,
held a meeting Inst night In n saloon on
West Chlcngo avenuo nnd discussed the at
tempted assassination of Mr. McKlnley.
Men nnd women who continue to bo as
sociated with tho anarchist movement In
tho city wcro In tho bar room. Tho at
tendanco nt tho meeting showed that it
was no Impromptu gathering. Over 200 per
sons wero gathered In tho hall.
Thrco days ago tho members ot sovcral
societies wcro notified thnt a celebration
was to tako placo lost night. The motive
for the call of tho meeting could not bo
loomed. They mndo no secret of tho fact
that thoy anticipated something of which
they might talk, however. Not a word of
sympathy for tho man who was near his
death was heard at tho meeting lost night.
Instead thero wcro reports In which the
namo of McKlnley was mentioned only to
bring forth cries of condemnation. For tho
namo of tho president's nssnllnnt thoro
wero cheers. All tho speeches were In
Gorman, although nt times somo members
of tho audlcnco would glvo vent to their
feelings In English.
It was not until early this morning that
tho meeting broko up.
Justice Prlndlvlllo nt 2 o'clock, upon np
pllcatlon of City Prosocutor Taylor, Issued
warrants for tho six men nnd three women
who wero nrrestod last night, charging
thorn with conspiracy to nssasslnato Presi
dent McKlnley. Tho complaining witness
wns Ofllccr John Ilyan. The chargo la
"Conspiracy to do on Illegal net, on or
nbout Soptcmbor 5, 1001." Speplflc act:
"Conspiracy to kill nnd nssasslnate the
prcsldont of tho United States, William
McKlnley, conspired with Leon Czolgosz,
alias Fred C. Nlcman."
Tho hearing will tnko place boforo Jus
tice Prlndlvlllo Monday.
I'rlminor Snyn Ho 1)1,1 111 nut-, lint
In Olnd PrcMldcnt In
Mot Demi.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 7. Major Sylvcs
tor, superintendent of police, has received
tho following tolegrnm from Chief of Po.
lice William S. null of Buffalo.
"Czolgosz Is an anarchist; says It was
his duty, but Is now glad ho did not kill
tho president; plot was made In tho west.
Think prisoner lying and stubborn."
Xciher and Mree of 1'rr.lilcnt Ur
iel vr Dl.pnti'lirH nt .Inn
SAN FIUNCISCO. Sept. 7.-At the homo
St GcsrsQ E, Morse, la this city Lieutenant
At Liss Than Wholesale Prices.
Stock contiists of nearly :tll the lending makes STEIN
CHASE, STEUEH, JEWETT, and many others. Every
piano in this finely selected stock, with the exception of
one make, will be placed on sale Monday morning, Sept.
9th. This sale will continue until the stock is reduced.
In order to purchnso pianos nt tho lowest possible cost wo contracted for
large quantities to bo delivered and paid for within n specified time. Our
purchases nro lu excess of our requirements nnd wc must unload. To do this
quickly wo will mnko such prices ns will enable y6u to buy a plnno of us dur
ing, this sale at from $50 to $100 less than the factories will furnish thorn to
Upright Pianos at $75, $110, $135, up to tho wholcs.tlo cost of tho very best
pianos tho world produces..
Terttis Cash or Easy Monthly
The Largest Piano House in the West.
1313 Farnam St., Omaha, Tel, 125,
Iowa Branch 337 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Tol, 378,
The only sowing machine that does not fall la any point. Every factory
in Omaha la now using them exclusively.
We sell more sowing maohines than all other Omaha dealers comblnod.
Because we buy these machines for cash and will soil them to you for $5.00
cash and 76 cents per week. Because wo keep a compotont instructor who will
call at your bouse and teach you how to uso all the attachments, and no ex
pense to you. Bocauso if you want a cheap machlno we can soil you one
for $16.00
But before buying a cheap machine you ought to look over our Una of
second-hand machines. Price
$1.00 to $12.00
Modern, drop head machines, 'slightly used, at one-half regular price,
we rent machines at 75c per weak,' or $2.00 per month. These are modern, up-to-date
machines, with complete attachment!.
We sell noedles and parts for and repair every sewing machine manufactured.
uiiUKUt e. auckisl, .Manager.
Cor. 15th and Harney Sts.
Branch offices 612 N. 24th St.. South Omaha. 3H Broadway,
Council UlitfTs.
A Good Watch is a Necessity.
Any old thing can be
Ladles' solid gold watch,
watch, good weight, $50.00
Wo arc solo agents for Patek, Phlllppo & Co.'s high grado Swiss
' Jewelers and Art Stationers, - - 15th and Dourlis.
Mnll orders given enrcful attention. Selection packages f.cnt to responsible parties.
J. S. McKlnley nnd Miss McKlnloy, nephew
and niece of tho president, received tho
news ot tho attempted assassination and
wcro n'most prostrated. Early this morn
ing they wero gratified by the receipt of
dispatches stating that the prcsldont hnd
passed a comfortable night and that there
wero hopes of his recovery.
Kmnrror tVlllliiiu, Pri-nldcn, l.oiihet
nnd Mnn- Ollirra Send Jle
iiki' of Condolence,
WASHINGTON, Sept. 7. By noon the De
partment of State was prepared to mako
public somo' of tho messages that had been
received, abandoning tho Idea of holding
them In hand until tho list was complete.
These messages nro from crowned heads,
from foreign ministers, from resident min
isters of forolgn countries In thn United
States and from Individuals of distinction.
Somo ot them follow:
From tho German emperor nnd cmpresB
to Mrs. McKlnley:
KOKNIOSnUHG. Sept. 7, lOOl.-Tbo em
peror nnd I uni hnrrltlod nt tho nttempt
planned ngalnst your husband. Express
our deep-felt sympathy. hopliiK thnt God
may ro3tore to health Mr. McKlnley.
The prcsldont of Franco to Preuldent Mc
Klnley: RAM HOILET, Sept. 7 With keen nfTllc
tlon I learn the news of tho hulnnus at
tempt of which your excellency has Jtwt
been n victim. I tnko It to henrt to oln
with tho pcoplo of tho United, Htntos In
wishing the eurly recovery of your oxcel
lency and I earnestly ilenlro In this forrow
ful Juncture to renow to you the. nssurnnco
of my sentiments of constant nnd
friendship. EMIL LOU BET.
From the president of Guatemala to Mrs.
GUATEMALA, Sent. 7. My government
nnd I most hcnrtfully lament the unhnmiv
ovent. Bo pleased to rccelvo our profound
sorrow. M. ESTRADA C. .
From tho lieutenant governor ot Now
South Wales:
SYDNEY. N.8. W.. Sept. 7.-Thn govern
ment nnd neon e of New South w
with mo'ln expressing our deep sympathy
with vnu In your sufferlncs nml nnr
nt tho crime which hns boon committed. We
win. mu .xiiiifeiiiy m inilllltO COOO-
ncss may sparo you to your peonlo.
HUMBOLDT, Ncb Sept. 7.-(Speclal.)
Will Klnsoy and Emma Ncraechck, mem
bers ot two well known families ot this
county, wero married at Pawnee City yes
terday by County Judge Barton, In the
evening a reception was given at tbo homo
fit tHa bride's fathec, Frank. Nemecbck.
& Wilson
Ball Bearing
One-third Faster
One-third Easier
called a watch, but wo sell the gojid kind
good weight, J2u.00 Gentlemen s solid gold
American or high grade Swiss movement-
As well ns the most complete lino of
utnplo hhnpes and styles, Sorosls make, a
wonderful lot of specials.
Ono received by us for fnll 3 an extension
sole, ennmel mndo, on senslbla as well ns
beautiful lines. Tito finish nnd lasting of
this special Is equalled by few nnd sur
passed by none,
Sorosls price, 13.50. Many dealers still
try to get S5.00 and $6.00 for tbo sarao
Wo hnvo a shoo shlulng department.
Ladles' shoos s Mined free of chargo.
203 South 15th Street,
Frank AVIluox, 91(r,
Write for catalogue.
Face Powder
l the purest made; It rcmovo I recklei
and Memlilic nnd keep the akin toll
ai n rote. All ladles uie It. Sample
and booklet free,
J. A, I'oizonl Co., St. I.ouli, Mo.
Only morabors of tho family were Invited.
They will live on a fnrra near Humboldt,
HUMBOLDT. Neb.. Kent. 7 fSnoHnl
John Shutz and Miss Mary Mclstcr were
married todBy at tho Dry Branch church
ny KOV. Otto Kuhn. tho German Reformed
The Bee
Here is where
you will find it
iti the princi
pal cities
Kimball Itousa News Stand.
Public Library,
vcndoinn Hotel,
Boston Pross Club, H Bosworth Street.
c, ""co 1 Intel News Stand.
Buffalo Bureuu, caro I J. Plckman.
Harvard University Library.
chnciu1 KcrfiU8on stroe,
aH!3 !orium A'"-'x Nowb Stand.
Auditorium Hotel News Stand.
a i,uc''lo Hotel Nws stTind.
i.Hl, VJT. 1Io"MO Nowb StuuU.
Aorn "News Stand, No. 217 Dearborn St.
ifSuso! Advcrtlsork' Club, Palmoe
Wcddell Houso.
Tho Holler.den.
Printers' Homo.
Kola & Hurdy.
Brisco & Ajnmorman.
W. A. Loper. 3:ti Dennett Avonuo,
i.row.n. IIoto1 Ncws SRaml.
m?I"J l,on,,ft.1'f.e",urlck'.90-al2 "'h Street.
U,H.L?ln 1 Ut , c,." Slxtecntn Street.
Piatt Mtrcantllo Co., 1517 Larimer Street
Windsor llotul Nuws StutiO.
DEAJm oUU, S. D.
Flshol & Co., Dcadwood.
J. F. Curwilc,
Max Flshvl. Dcadwood.
Moses Jacobs, Ruck island Depot.
W. A. Moore, Cth Avonuo and Main Street.
HOT SPlli.SGS, S. D.
Georgo Glbwou.
Emll ilurgeua.
Ululuo Johnson.
V. IS. Murtln.
lld'i' si,ilvr:v iiii.-
C. II. "Weaver & Co.
u. u. v,uuyv a. .u mm ucntral Avenue,
uoDcri ni'Mi, ju.- ,ucuc9 mreot.
Cuntea Houso News Stand.
K It. il.... I....
OUnD Olltlllli Wl...... OUlllUil.
Missouri Republican ciuo, 005 Baltimore
Avenuo. "
I'uulle Library.
Railway Y. M O. A., room 27 Union Depot.
ivatiBus City, Mo. v
. M. C. A. Heading Room.
C. E Applcgato, U23 O Street, Delivers
Agent. "
Oliver & Haines, 100 8. Spring; Street.
Charles A. UIUIk'h American Exchane. 1
Cockspur St., Trafalgar Sq., c. W.
Public Library.
West lioioi iiuw oiuuu.
Frank Mlukern.
Ernest & o., 115 Royal Stroot.
Cooper Union Library.
Fifth Avonui' Hotel News Stand.
Emnlro Hotel.
nSomo Streot Library.
Holland llousu Reudlug Room.
Hoffman Homie.
in.pcria IoU-1
News Stand.
nri R) CIUU, 1-u o,,
i res -'".' ,.,,. ii,h,. t
V ...... ii ut
yo!8.rTdnndRh Avenue.
W. Webb, 2105 Washington Avenue.
II. C. Fcnn,
Now York Herald ncadlng Room, 40 Ave,
Thos. Cook '& Sons, 1 Ave, do I'Opera.
W. E. Jones, 231 Aldur Strot.
.. .. ....... I K.iwy Klrm.1
.'ortianu iui.
Mcrcnntllo Library.
'ubllo Library.
iii.l' I.AKK. UTAH.
Salt Lake News Co.. 77 We-t Id Street.
likn-ow UroH., West Second Street
linutslord ilotel News bland.
. .1. r .iliinry.
l'aioce w.
ki:ATTM!. WASH. -
FnRtcrn News Co., 300', Pike fltreet
moux cri'v.
.. .. Ilntlll VqU'U Mlnn.1
afondumlii Hotel Now Stand.'
I'nnwny &. Knickerbocker,
liuiillo Library.
Ocrald FlUglbbon, 700 Fourth Street
"toy Allen. 321 Center Street.
Y M c A Ht,uJlni' Room.
John W. Graham, 723-725 Rlvervlew Ave.
Henry Court.
Brandow's News Stand. 721 ISatnond St
t.'?..J Tu.nrwl I n an Dtliot.
unction News nwnu. wu liamonfl Street
It Joo Mercantile to.
f M.rlf.rA. Reading Room.
Ryan Hotel.
K. T. J-tt, 802 Ollvo Street.
News Stand. Southern Hotel.
Planters' Hotel Nows Bland,
i Public Library .. . ..j