Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1901, PART I, Page 4, Image 4

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We Furnish
Postal Curds
and Haye
Special 'Phone
for City Orders
Tel. 137.
Mail Orders
Carefully .
and Promptly
REAT Pre-Carnival Bargain Sale
We have arranged and shall pluce on sale for Monday and
Tuesday a great array of bargains in every department, a
few of which are herewith cited. You may need only sumo or all in
preparation to entertain your friends during tho coming carnival, so avail yourself of this great two days' bargain
feast. Please bear in mind that we tell the best grade and highest quality goods cheaper than any other store
and under a positive guarantee
jewelry Dept. a phenomenal Lace Curtain Sale.
Woodenware Dept.
Special K.ior tuiu iv.i.or Strop
Come early, for at tho prices we now
ahull hcII tnum on Monauy una 'lues
day they will movo lust. Hvcry nuor
1.4 guaranteed uiul If not found us rep
rcM'iiied your money i roiuniicii.
Itcnnetl'H Cupliul Kuzor, cutter brand,
hand forged, nnest tempeted buiuc,
no bitter mudei usually tiM
Hold ut li.w Hale prlco. .......
Tho Cko, U'ostfiiholiu Hon Huzor,
Known the worm over, nun no
regular prlco $1.50. OoC
Hula prlc T..
Huior htropn of the lineal mukes. o
havo a largo imHortinj-nt an of tho
bent fiuallty. Call and bco tlem-o
tun tuvo you money.
Opera Glasses.
The theater season Is open. Wo
m?i A very tine
ulusDca, which wu plticu on Haw lor
Monday nnd Tuesday only at prices
that cannot lie duplicated In tho city.
An Opeia Oiass wortn 4,
AnOpe'ra Oli'iss" "worth'ii.'&U 2. 95
eanraVid'oxaminoVhemVburMr. Finch
will be. pleased to go into detail
ubout thu make, Iciihcb, etc.
Sporting Goods Dept.
SHCOND I'l-oon.
"III' VII TllltiAl. obEi litl"H.
That means Oeeso nnd Ducks.
They aro coming, ami coming rast,
We aro ready to meet them by hiiv
Iiik ae tine u stock of Shotguns, Mn
ge or double, hammer or hnmmer
less as can be selected. Also un e lis
irant lino of miles, with freshly
loaded shells and cartridges, at tlu
lowest possible prices. Hero aro a
few prices: ,
Slnglo cuns, $j.O0, $6.K0 and $i.00.
IJouble Kims, S.7f, JP.'.K $13.25, $1173,
li.50, etc., up to tho llncat hammer
Bans. . , ,
Unmmcrless double ruiis, $19.9j, $2.00,
Jffi.ou nnd $2'i.W. Kvery Bun Riiaran-
IUIU-m,' almost any model, from $1.93
up to $18.00.
ShotKUn shells, per box 23 SSo to 4Se.
Strom? canvas shootliiK coats, well
pocketed, from 7oc to $2.25.
Duck cnlls, caps, boots and pants;
Brass suits for blind and ovcrythliiB
clso for a day, week or month's
.Monday bargains in our Carpet Department will sur
pass any special sale ever held in Omaha. We have just
received an immense shipment of Lace Curtains which go
on sale Monday at prices that defy competition. All new
l.iirp Curtains, neat nnd Rood
pattern, per pair
NotlnBham Curtains, exquisite bor
ders, thoroughly well made, ei
per pair
Fine I.nco Curtains, choice QS
dcslBiis, extra width, pnlr ...
Itlsh 1'olnt, beautiful pnttern O Qfl
on very line net, per pair.... Jyj
Fine llobblnct Curtains, nrtls- r QQ
tic designs, a raro value yj'
French Novelty Curtains, flno net and
haudsomo patterns A iifi
per pair
Many broken lots from a recent ship
ment of Nottingham, Cablo Net,
Swiss, Ilobhlnet anil rulllo curtains,
one to four pairs of a kind, will
bo closed out at ono-thlrU original
Tapestry Portieres, beautiful deslsr.r,
heavy frltmed top and bottom, lat
est fall productions, tw
nil colors
Hope Portieres, heavy well filled ft fir.
special for Monday, only -OW
Candy Dept
FmST FI.OOH. spno al for Monday.
10c, 10C, 10c, 10c
per pound,
Molnsses Trilby Cups, stuffed
with cocoanut, most delicious
candy made, usual prlco 20c.
Monday, special prlco, liin
per lb
Velvet Carpet, all wool
face, good design and col
orings, per yard 45c
Extra Velvets, high pile,
beautiful floral and orient
al effects line colorings bor
der to match, per yard, 98c
Tapestry Brussels, pure
wool face, large range of
patterns, all color combina
tions, per yard 39c
Ingrain Carpels, strictly
all wool, good fall colorings
neat designs, yard....39c
Opaque Window Shades,
best colors, on guaranteed
rollers, only 25c
Trunk Dept,
Before haytUB nnythliiK In this lino It
will pay you to look over our stock
llrst. We carry a full lino of Trunks,
Dreso Salt Cases and line Leather
Hags, all sizes nnd styles, at tlu
lowest prices. A special prlco on a
Rood Suit Cnsc, size 22 Inches, well
made, with brass lock and catches,
leather corners, a very qq
good vnluo for
Hand Satchels, tho now shape, high
cut and well made, In threo QUP
sizes, your rholco at ."Ot
Trunks In all sizes and C?ft
prices, from $1.93 to
This department contains many
useful household articles anil wo aro
selling them cheaper than any other
A Combination Towel Roller, Comb
Case and Mirror, nicely varnished, a
handy artlclo for tho bath room,
olaf"! 38C
A largo Splco Cabinet with eight
drawers, well made,
special, 4Rn
Clock Shelf. 07n
special, only tMt
Coat nnd Hat Hack,
special, only
Tho Handy Vegetable Cutter, ar
special, only JW
A two-compartment Knlfo
basket, special only
Hardware Dept.
In this department wo place on wilo
for Monday and Tuesday only, and
Just before King Ak-Sar-Uen and hlu
numerous friends nrrlvo In town,
some extraordinary specials. Prepare
yourselves to entertain your friends
und surprise them how cheap yoa
can buy.
Nickeled Pan-American Coffee and
Tea Pots
A 3-plnt Tea Pot
at A 5-plnt Tea Pot
A 4-plnt Coffeo Pot
A C-pInt Coffeo Tot
Alsr a small galvanized
Tub, at
10-wart Galvanized Fallot
. 60c
Ico Cream Freezers below cost.
15th and
Capitol Avenue
trance Led Sultiui Hlminrr 'Till
After the Vlult of the
(Copyright, 1601, by Press PuMUWnB C".)
PAIUS, Sept. 7.-(New York World Ca-blegram-Spcclal
Tolcgrnm.)-"Tho rranco
Turklsh limculty Is more serious than peo
plo think," said M. Coustans, tho 1-rcnch
ambassador, who aummnrlly broko dlplo
niatle rclptlons at Constantlnoplo to the
World's correspondent today as tho former
was leaving for his county home.
"Upon ny advice tho government Is let
ting things hlmmcr until after the cznr's
visit, an It would bo unbecoming to cloud
this period of International rejoicing with
prospects of an IninvdlRto outbreak. I had
a conversation this morning with M. Ucl
cusse, tho French minister of foreign nt
..i... tv, stalls of which, tiaturiilly. I
cannot give you, but you may quoto mo as
saying Hint ns soon as tho cznr leaves
Franco energetic measures will bo taken
to compel Turkey to lumu r "
mcnts." "Does that mean oven at tho coat of war.
tho World correspondent asked.
"To epcak of wnr might sound lntempor
ato coming from tho mouth of an ambas
sador." nnswerod M. Contnns, "but an lm-
I-- n.vni umimirnn snrelv will bn dis
patched to Constantlnoplo to enforce our
righteous demands. I can't help hoping
that tho sultan's better Judgment will ren
der tho rosumrtlon of friendly ro'ntlor.s
poislble, capeclally since tho kalso. In-
ivin.r thn pxneeted sunnort to Tur-
key, 1ms Just declined to Intorfere, nt the
.i. anmilni' in tlin French covorn-
DHU1U liuiu v.......r
ment tho most cordial explanations, eaylng
that ho dlil not offer mediation In tho affair
becnuso thu right was so evidently on oae
"This may bo tho hUtor'cal momont wh-n
tho long drawn out eastern qurstlcn 1
n .irtnl.lirn at.iti Inu'nnl Rnlntlnn.
lanu i hwlioimj .............
"There hits been a tacit agreement anvnj
tho civilized powers never to pitch thlrgi
ID uiO lliiui wuu Hina, uim ma nuiiuui
m. iliiin .vlinnntlnnr IniltilfyntiMa
Franco's notion may mark tho end of tbo
Women as Well as Men
Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble.
period of leniency nnd start a general de
manding of nccounts.
"Nobody can forotcll tho result."
Conatans will return to Par's In tlmo to
accompany President Lioubct during tho
czar's visit.
Ilrltlsli ArUlocruey tii lie Made to
Vay for (lie I'roloiiKcd
liner Wnr.
(Copyright, 1001, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Sept. 7. (New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) It seems not
unlikely that tho pockets of tho wealthy
classes of this country will be taxed next
year In an unexpected way, ns Iho result of
tho prolongation of tho Iloer war.
Tho chancellor of tho exchequer, Sir
Michael Illcks-neach, Is casting nbout for
a now source of revenue for next year's
budgot and private Inquiries aro to he mado
regarding the effect of Imposing a 10 per
cent Import tax on diamonds. Tho chief
difficulty would bo In collecting such a duty
cn articles occupying so small n space. It
Is estimated that such a tax would produco
$2,500,000 annually.
Tho news of this projected Impost Is
causing uneasiness to holders of Do Beers
and other diamond shares. Diamonds will
bo, of course, largely worn nt King Kd
ward's coronation. Possibly Chnncellor
Beach had this in view In sotting Inquiries
on foot Just now.
Fashionable persons appear to bo taking
time by the forelock, as not for a long tlmo
has thoro boon such a demand for those
gems ns at present. Tho Bond street dia
mond merchants do a large buslnrsi In
lending diamond ornaments for epcclnl oc
casions and probably a largo proportion cf
tho gems worn nt tho coronatlsn c r
monles will And their way back to tho
merchants nfterward. With a glutted mar
ket nnd a new tax, holders of diamond
mining chares would havo a bad time.
provinces. Tho pooplo In tho governments
of Simborsk nnd Kcstroma did not seo tho
sun for a wock because of tho denso clouds
of smoko which hung In the air.
Passengers on tho Volga steamers saw
vast droves of cnttlo caugnt between two
flres dashing madly Into tho river or psr
Ishlng In tho flames. The damago to tbo
crops, cnttlo and forests is Incalculable.
ncmnrknlilc l'p of Inlnzlrniiln ly
School Children of tier.
mail)' 4.
(Copyright, 1001, by Press Publishing Co.)
BERLIN, Sept. 7. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Tele gram.) An Idea of tho
widespread uso of alcohol In Germnny may
bo got from certain statistics Just com
piled by Prof. Sahnel. He has mado Inves
tigations In tho cases of 7,328 school chil
dren, only 163 of whom had never tasted nl
cchol. Although his Inquiries extended only
to children between tho ages of C and 11
years, moro thnn 13 per cent admitted they
had been drunk nt loast once, over 11 per
cent drink beer, spirits or wlnn dally and t
per cent drink nlcohol In some form before
going to school.
Tho teachers, both men and women, nro
unanimous In declaring that tho students
who uso nlcohol aro the worst In tho
school. A head teacher In Bhcnlsh Prussia
had under his supervision cloven chlldron,
tho offspring of notorious drinkers, and they
were all in tho division for weak-minded
scholars. In Turlngla, Bnden nnd elsewhcro
thoro nro districts whero tho school chil
dren havo n drink of schnapps every mtrn
Ing before geolng to school.
Prof. Sahnol's Investigations provo that
tho girls nro moro addicted to alcohol than
are tho boys, or at least confess that they
Ilka It better.
Iloxfttn .Stock Quotation.
BOSTON, Sept. 7.-Cnll loriim. iffis nn-
cent; tlmo loans, per cent. Official
A.. T. & 8. P
do pfd
Amer, Sugar
American Tel
Hoiton .t Albany.
Honton HIcvntcd
Hoston & Mt
Dominion Coul ...
do pM
U. H. Steel
do pfd
I'ltchbure pfd
Ocn. Elctrlo
Mexican Central .
Old Colony
Old Dominion ....
Union Pacific ....
Union I .nml
West Knd
. 'SUWeitlngh. r.iectrlc.
. 03 Atchison i
.1MV4.V. V. (i. & C. 5a...
.100 Adventure
Hlngham Mln. Co..
.165 Aninl Copper
.1M A'lantlo
. 1 Cnl. & llccla
.11 Centennial
. MHFrunklln
.. SHillumboldt
.Ill Osceola
.215 1'arrot
,. U'JQiilncy
.105 Siinta Fe Copper....
. .W;Tamarack
.. SU'il'tnh Mlnlns
. 3 AVInnna '.
.. Si Wolverines
Statement of Anmiclntcil IlnnUn.
NEW YORK, Sept. 7. Tho statement o
tho Associated Banks for tho week rndlni
todav shows: Loans. &S."i.Hj.G00. ilorrensp,
J10.O40.S00: tlenosits. JDI7.ffl2.0iM. decreased
J2, 429,900: circulation, $riO,CfiS.400 Increased
$r71.0(i0: legal tenders, J73.031.ChX), decreased
J3.4I5.000: specie, $170,17u,:iO0. decreased JG.Gr,,
300. Total reserve, J2I3,S3"!,0jO decreased $10,-
creased J3,107,4.0; surplus, $0,915,S7j, do
Condition of tin; 'l'ronnury,
WASHINGTON, Sept. 7,-Today's atato
ment of the treasjrv balances In Iho on
eral fund, exclusive of the go(
reset vo in me ummon or redemption
shows: Avallahlo caHh balances, J1S1
gold. $113,716,091: silver, J22.22l.20l, National
tmnKnoies received touay ror redemption
$123,(il5. Government receipts from Interna'
tlonal revenue. JVR616: customs, tavi v5
miscellaneous, $11,045; expenditures, JOIS.OUO,
Senator Dcpciv ltriiiiirkn tin- DIITor
enee In Lincoln' nml (iar
llelil'n Cnae.
Kidney trouble preys upon tho mind, dis
courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor
and cheerlulness soon
disappear when the kid
neys are out of order
'or diseased.
Kidney trouble has
. bicome so prevalent
that It Is not uncommon
(or a child to be born
' afflicted with weak kid
neys. If the child urin
ates too often. If the
urine scalds the flesh or If, when the child
reaches an age when It should be able to
control tho passage, it Is yet afflicted with
bed-wetting, depend upon It. the cause of
the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these Important organs. This unpleasant
trouble Is due to a diseased condition of the
kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as
most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made mis
erable with kldnsy and bladder trouble,
and both need the same gr;at remedy.
The mild and the Immediate effect of
Swamp-Root Is soon realized.
by druggists, In fifty
cent and one dollar
siies. You may havo a
sample bottle by mall
free, also pamphlet tell- iiom ef Swwup-itoot.
ing all about It, Including many of the
thousands of testimonial letters received
from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer
U Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., co suro and
mention this paper.
It Is sold
NEW YORK, Sept. 7. Senator C. M. Do.
pew, when seen nt his summer homo at
Peeltsklll, N. Y., expressed profound re
gret becauso of tho attompted assassina
tion of President McKlnlcy. He said among
other things:
"I distinctly recall the horrors connected
with Llucoln's assassination. ThU was tho
culmination of an ldlo brain of tho pas
sions of tho civil war. Garfield's assassina
tion was tho outcome of tho samo sort of
mind of ono of tho fiercest factional lights
In our party history. Tho situation of the
attempt on McKlnley's llfo differs entirely
from the Lincoln or Garfield assassination.
McKlnlcy was tho most universally popular
of all of our presidents."
Senator Dcpew then dwelt at length upon
tho prosperity connected with President
McKlnley's administration, his successful
conduct of tho Spanish-American war and
tho beautiful domestlo llfo of tho president
as reasons why McKlnloy had secured such"
a strong hold on the hearts of tho American
llurnlnit of 1'ormU nml Crop Sliuta
Out I.IrIiI of Sun for
u Week,
(Copyright, 1001, by Press rubllshlns Co.)
ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. 7. (New Ycrk
World Cablegram Special Tolrgram,) Dur
ing tho dry season In Russia It Is calcu
lated 160,000 buildings, worth I75.00O.OCO,
nro burned every year, but this year s r
passes any yut tabulated. It is computed
that moro than 100,000 buildings havo been
burned, tho total loss being moro than
$100,000,000. In addition there nro the aw
ful forest flres, which this year have been
very extensive In twelvo goveriuucnta or
Clement Scolt Declare She SufTerrd
AkoiiIpn from Seventeen
(Copyright, 1001, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Sept. 7. (New York World Ca
blegram Special Tolcgram.) Clement
Scott, In his papor, tho Freo Lance, gives
prominence to tho following:
"Tho true story of Empress Frederick's
death has not been published. I learn from
tho best sources that tho unfortuuntc and
truly heroic woman suffered tho greatest
agony before her demise. Sho was afflicted
with no less than seventeen cancers. Her
piteous cries for days heforo her Inst mo
ments wore heard nil around tho castle
which her majesty had erected In memory
of her beloved husband, and It was only
by means of powerful narcotics that our
prlncoss royal, second only to Queen Vic
toria In greatness and goodness, obtained
relief. Tho statement that sho passed away
peacefully Is true In a sense, for tho cm
press really died Inscnslblo to tho cares
of this world."
Openly Hxlillilta Scorn or Method nf
III Prrtlct'PNiior, Lord
Will kelpy.
(Copyright, 1901, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Sopt. 7. (Now York World Ca
blegramSpecial Tolcgram. ) Lord Roberts'
haB onco more openly shown his contempt
on some of tho methods of Lord Wolseley,
his predecessor in tho ofllco of commatider
In chief. Ho has ordered tho discontinu
ance of tho experimental pigeon post serv
ice for war purposes at Aldorshot, which
was Instituted by Wolseley.
Tho pigeon loft Is now being removed
and tho birds disposed of. Several hundred
young birds had beon already trnlned up
to twenty miles and tho ofllcor In charge
statcc) ns hU opinion that tho experiment
had moro than Justliled Itself. About 16,000
has been spent on the scheme.
Stockholder Are Apprised of Dotal!
of Hecciit ApiiiilsltlniiA,
Stockholders of tho Chicago Great West
ern held their annual meeting nt tho com
pany's ofllco In Chicago last week. Prcsl
dent Stlckney disclosed Iho details of tho
deal wherohy tho Mason City & Fort Dodg
lino was becurcd. Ho oxpects that the ex
lstlng lino of that road will be connected
with tho lines of tbo Great Western nt
Hampton and Manloy Junction, Ia mak
Ing about 134 miles during the present yea
Tho remainder, consisting of tho extension
to Omaha and Sioux City, Is to bo con
structed during 1902. Tho total length o
the Mason City & Fort Dodgo lines when
completed will bo about 39G miles.
Tho nnnunl report submitted by President
A. II. Stlckney contains much Interesting
Information. The statement of earnings fo
the fiscal year ended on Juno 30 Is as fol
1301. 1000. Inc.
GroHH rerelnts J7.fll3.KGl 10.721.037 J202.82
Operating expenses. I.S31.C15 4,100.233 311,20.
Net enrnlngs j.a.s.ato :,ra,bii
uross receipts per
Operating expenses
per mlln
Taxes per mile
Not earnings per
Operating expenses
to earnings percentage
Gro5s receipts Increased 4.30 per cent
operating expenses 7.00 per cent: net earn
lngs decreased 2.39 per cent. Freight enrn
Ings Increased J1S(,112, or 3.59 per cent. Pas
nentrer enrnlncs Increased 102.231. or fi.78 noi
cent, Other earnings Increased 116,181, or
i,i9 per cent
ftj.81 ;,p:
Wo will glvo an exhibit nnd demon
stratlon of Iilanko's famous coffees In tho
grounds of the Ak-Sar-Den during th
Carnival. September 11-21. Tbo merchant
of Nebraska and Iowa and friends of the
C. F. Illanko Tea and Coffeo company
throughout tho United States aro cordially
Invited to visit our exhibit nnd demon
stratlon and .enjoy a cup of tho famou
Faust lllend, tho finest coffeo In tho world
You aro also cordially Invltod to visit ou
office, rooms 508-310 Beo building.
General Agent C. F. Illanko Tea und Coffeo
Company. Tbone 2232.
Building in the West.
try. It is
visitors to
stantial in
BEE BUILDING is not only a familiar name
people in Omaha, but is known everywhere
one of the best office buildings in the coun"
the best advertised building in the west and
Omaha are seen every day admiring the
combination of the beautiful and the sub
it's architecture
Is it not worth while to be identified with a builds
ing like this? Is it not a good investment to have
an address which is known all over the country as
the best office building in Omaha? Is there not also
a feeling of satisfaction in having surroundings that
are beautiful and pleasant ? Surely in choosing a
house you would rather be opposite a park than a
mud bank
The Bee Building
Reasonable Rents,
Electric Light,
Perfect Janitor Service,
Handsome Offices,
Fire Proof Construction,
All Night Elevators,
Burglar Proof Vaults,
Perfect Ventilation.
Cool in Summer.
There are three or four very handsome offices
with vaults, vacant and a few smaller rooms It will
be well to look at these before the fall rush for office
room begins
R. C. PETERS 6c CO.,
Rental Agents,
Ground Floor, Bee Building.
, - V I -".rrF --i-vS-.,,) in.VZiT'kZ. 'XZ'A h-t"- 4" "P ' iwl O 4-
rt f i v - . ' '- V.T I, i , ,,i - i.-.-,
Warm in Winter
ft p 1 1 I I
x i
1 1
i i
f 1