Samson Conducts a Kindergarten for One Night CP 1 7 1 1 EN reward 7" II Utile Kill accept any- A HI'UITH MH TO SO.MK flB W J Iff Utile rhildr. ii In tin. realm of K 'V&ljy'Vwfy U'llM'i.i who were playing together, In AJy lanr akci- "How art' there hero who 'Eiic VkI fltt "r" loy"' ""' KI,IK M-Snr-Heii"' ' Ml ( lie i hllilrnti hail heard of Ak-Sar-llcn nnd some hml soon him months before, pass ing In Iho carnival chariot, ami tlmy hu'l hi'i'il taught to love ti I til HUH h, HO they orltd io iho Kprlt: "We all an" Ve all arc" The Sprite smiled ninl mi Id. "Of court' von an1! Of course you are! Hut, now let's hear how many of you have ever hero In his court." The I'hihlieii looked nl otic aliolher, hut not olio aiiHweii i. U'ell," Mil It I t lie; Sprite, "Iiiik the hillr hei man rill out all your tongues?" Al this Hie ehlhlren laughed, for lh iiff j$ ,-ipino huh miming, mo, nun uieil llley ioi-i ' jl 1 4 tio, ihey hail never heen III the king '$ ' Via eourl, for their papas had hiiIiI a eourt wii't a nail place lo net Into, miles they wanted to liurii Up tot m and lots of money. Tin Sprite chuckled at t his and xuhl: "Your pap.iH are wise ami i should never forgot their words, hut King Ak-Snr-Ilen'H eourt In not an Iho ctiurlH they mean. There ur no lawyei'H there ami no one hums an money after he gelH Into It, for I ho Hustling coinmlttee leaviH him nono to liurii. lie Hides, I can show you all that happeiiH there nail i. ever hum any money at all." "Oh. do It! Do It! lionse do III" Hie ehlhlren cried at once. "Ami If I do, what will he my One little tiov ofleied three tin whistles ami a rabbit's fool and ollereil her pretty ciirK hut the Sprite finally wild: "No, I will not ilium I will he good llte Iho newspapers ami hIiow things up for nothing." Then he Jumped up onto a hiiiiiII hoy'H Hhoiililer ami plucked out a red hair, which he lighted with a hihi'n ray ami the hair huriied and miiile such n ureal Hiuokc that the ehlldreu could not nee I heir own noses. I'rcHcuily through the blackness I hoy heard a terrlhle rat I Hug anil felt llioin Helf Jolleil along Ho hard I hat II made Ihem hungry. "What Ih 117" HHked one llltle hoy, ami the Sprite culled out -"Hold flint, hang fiiHt, mlml the nr. Kor now you travel on a doilgolineeui " "And where do we go'.'" anked the little ho 'To I he Den." "Whete Ih that 7" "Nnrthtwelitlothstrcet," answered thu Sprite, and all the ehlhlren wondered where the place with hiicIi a funny iiaiuii could he. After a long I lino I he rattling Htopped and Ihey fell I IiciiihcIvch led along hy the Sprite Into a cavern. IiihIiIo there wiih a big man In white clothcH nml li Ih IiiiihIh all covered with white chalk. The Sprite Hlopped (he children and Haiti : "That Ih tilt) king's builder, (iUHrctl.eo. lie must not hco uh " Then ho held up a copy of Hunch and (inarcnco read two Much of a joke uuil fell fiiHl UHlecp, ho the children pllHHCll li I II 1 Ulllllltll'Cll. They went along through a dark, dungeon hall, with the Hinoke hIIII in their eycH, until Dually Ihey reached a place where Ihey could feel I he wuIIh grow wide apart, and then the Sprite ( hipped IiIh hamlH ami cried three times. "Vanish, smoke; coiuu, light. Let the children have their sight." and Iho Hinoke all lifted ami the ehlhlren could hco. They were Hliinding In the center of a very big room, with much lluery on the wiiIIh ami Home steps In the front. "What funny Hlairs." said a hoy. 'l'hos. are not Htnlrs Those are the seals of the mighty," Hiild tile Sprite. "The mighty dollar'.'" nHkcd one Utile buy "No, the 1 1 1 1 k 1 1 y uicmherH of Ak-Sur-Hen' coun The knights whom you liave (-ecu parading In Scpteinher. 1 1 rt Ih where tho bring von wise men from ill over Ihe realm and make monkeys and other strange aiiimalH out of them They call It Initiation. Would you like lo have an lull till ion 7" All Ihe children said Ihey would, ever ho much, ho the Sprite tapped twice on the end of each one'H iiiiho ami, lo, all of them were turned Into Knights of Ak Snr lien, with gurgeniiH roheH hiicIi an Ihey had seen In pIcturcH of ureal princes, (inly much liner ami with more illrrerenl coIoi-h than Ihey could ever count. All around the room were standard-bean is and pages ami trumpeters ami torch hearers and other., Including Home little Jo.stei'H with Hpotted suits, wIioho busi ness wiih to help the (iruiid Mufti make fun. While the children, who were knights now, were looking at all these ilcrful t li I li kh a man wiih brought In Willi i heavy cloth over IiIh eye-i and I UK wllh fear. "Oh. ho, a candidate! A suppliant for knighthood under King Ai-Sar-llcii." cried the (Iraml Mufti. The punr, shivering man was led before the (irunil Kveculloiier at the Itoyal Oiillloiiiie ami shown a lilt: black block and a glittering ax. "What Is this'" he asked iron blindly. "TIiIh Ih where jour head will In i hopped off If you ever whisper any or our secrets," he was told, and Hi poor candidate trembled worse th.iii ever The Kxccut Inner roared with laughter when he him how Kcared Up' man wan. ami suiik-: "See this a and mo this hand, They ci iihl sever more IicuiIh Than a packing house mail Hut Idle they are, year after ca , h'or tun ti never tells What lie sees out here." "Now," Haiti Ihe (Iraml Mufti lever HiiHpectlni; they were clilldfi n ur Hhall see If the candidate is warm-blooded cnmiKli to he a Kiuid LlilKlil." The in ii ti wiih heliiK hurried lo a little Htation marked, "Chllkoot 1'ass Uallway, Scenic l.lne from ()nl vera to tho North role." , There he was made lo cllnih onto an open car with Ills eyes still uncrcd mi l the engineer and llreinan laughed ho hard when they haw the man hIiImtiiik that I In' IiIk engine rocked and nearl) topilcil over At a sIkiuiI Hie whUtle blew and silddenb tho train was wIiUzIiik toward the far North It was no1 a very nice railroad. Iicciiiiho it went up and down no ) -1 1 n i" i 1 thai the man had to h Id tlKhl lo keep from belliK Ihrtwil the river which ran ahum one iikiiIiihI the hm Hiiow ban'. oil Ihe other. ''old w ill Is blew, loo, and hcukuIIs would My over and drop snowballs down onto the callilhlate'H hack. Aftel I in veil nn ever m far the train stopped so tpilckh that the man slim clear over the cimlne and mt the nine of a cliff, down which he went rolling and inll Ink' ami rolllim. until he was Just like a snow hall. When he came to the bottom he wan Koiim ho fast he could mil slop, but rolled clear up over another cliff and plump into the cave of the Old Man of the North. The llltle kiilKhls were already there, for the Sprite had taken them on the wiiiK--of a ureal auk. ami It was on xen on Into side oi 1 j1 won-ipiak Ihe illteret place they ha I ever Heen. The Old Man wore clothes made of hcar'H hair and was cov ered with frost. Ills eyes were frozen dew drops ami his tteth were II. tie, 1 deles. When he blew his breath Into the air ll Hcattercd Into bin, w It I t e llnkcH mid the little knights f 11 it it out th it all tho hiiow s i o r in s In ijuiwra were w. just the of the old Man of tho North. 1'nrther hack In tho cave was the wonderful (Jroat White Hear, many times blKRor than any circus over hml, and when he wavtd his paws It stirred the air so thai a blizzard was started, ami In this way the children found out also where (Julvern'H winter winds come from After a while the candidate was whl.ed luck ami taken from tho train by thr Itoyal Hcil Cap Hoys to the Imperial Yachtsman, who sent hltn out onto (Jreasy Sea In a boat that rocked terribly and would turn clear round so quickly that the man would often bo lookltiK straluhi behind him like the matinee lrls. There was nevt r before such a sea. for It was full of slimy monsters, with tins and horns mow -Ini! out of their sides together, ami himw nil iiIopk the shores as Mull as any clum h steeple, ami ureal snal-es would nil up in the water and ask the man li lie had slKllod the pledKe. After his sea voyiiKe ihe candidate ll ll 1 to shoot Ihe llevll's Slides, which was very terrible, and he had to make many, many Milrmii promlsis ami uo ihroiiKh other ceremonies until lie was completely exhaiisicd. Then they Ki'ahbcl ihe hamhiKc from his eyes and declare, I him a KlilKhl of Ak-Sar-llcn and HtralKht way the Itoyal ('(iHliinier threw fine rai ment over him ami Ihe trumpeters hlew and the torch-hearers huriicil tuiiny-col-ored Humes, ami Ihe man opened his eyes wide ami IuiikIici! and said he was Klad ' ho a ktilKht at last and would not full t be there when the next candidate was due. While there was still much excite ment In the (iiiiiid ( ourt. the Sprite led the children off hy I henisolvcs very jiletlv hut ltd Ihem still wear the line robes ami Ihey played Ihev were HIII'e-elloilKtl KIUKIHH mill bowed down before their (irutnl MokuIs and went Iii'oiikIi many ceremonies. Just as tho had Heen done In the Den. ami 'hey used u cellar for a iluiiKeou and put a sentinel there, whom liny called the Keeper of the DrawbrhiKe. I'liially the Sprite hlew between his I1iik'I'h three times ami sahl: "Now wo will have the Krand parade aloiiK Slxleetithliim. down DoiiKlaslus, up I'arnanila and through the other Krand roads of the Seven Cities of Cibola." And he not tnKcthcr many Hue limits under a iiuikIc w ire and put the children on Ihem In their mi y dresses ami turned on thousands ami thousands of lights, red, Kieen ami yel low, which were the klns coIoih, and ninny hands played music, and Iho llttlo KulKhts of Ak-S,ir-Heii, .Iiinlor, rode all throtiKh the Seven Cities, nnd there was never before such a Ktaud parade. After the parades the Sprite showed the ehlhlren all Ihe wonder ful ami funny things nt the Carnival Town, which had spruiiK up In Just a nlKht ami would vanish In a wick. I'liially he led them to ihe knlKht's own ball loom ami there their beautiful little queou was chosen and crowned and they all danced to beautiful music until they were so 1 1 roil that they fast asleep while they wore walt.liiK. And. could you believe It, when thole eyes opened iiKiiln Sprite hud vanished anil they were at home in their beds and Carnival Town was kuio ami whore the miiKlc wire was for their parade of limits there remained only a clothesline and sonic boxes and sleds, and Ihey never again s-iw Iho Old Man of the North, or the Orent White Hoar, or the Impel lal Yachtsman, or (he (Jreasy Sea. or the Chllkoot 1'ass Railroad, or the (iraml Court Chamber, or even the little Sprite that had shown Ihem all these wonderful (IiIiikh and then vanished while they slept. ml so the children of UuUcru came to Know whin ihey had seen these things and lie time for the paiade drew nigh that the sprite hud not ileal) with them In Jest, nor were they vainly Impressed. For the Ics "n of ihejoiiinoy lo the Den Is such thai im ii ihe elders of the kingdom have found In It occasion for won dt rinont and rollcctloii with lifter thoughts of wisdom. "The mil toll ed) nut In vain with lie grain of sand wherewith to build her habitation .mil fiom the most lowly may the most lofty learn w Isdoni " Whatever op erates toKclher for the good of all must necc.s Hurlly contain elements of Interest for all Les sons of practical use may I o conxo ed through simple and meaningless forms, ami the trip ov-r Ihe Omahn & North I't I li.. t I I i .1.. I i ll 1 1 it Ml 1 1 nil L liu signed lu Jest Symbolism has eer been utilized for the comeyani e of truth, and lessons Inculcated in ll apparent mysticism of Initiatory rites are rarely forgotten Ak-Sar-lUn only seeks to glvo his followers a tine appreciation of Ihe Importance of their own home. i.essons oi commercial importance conveyed through the symbolism of spectacular piigcnnlH are not easily rnsicai geogiapny may give an Idea of the resources anil products of a section of the world, hut ins)e3 or the people '1 horeforo such a display iih thai Hindu hy Ak-Sur-llcn be ns well as the young, nnd the tlreani of Coronado. who soiiL'ht the uohlen on realism than Ihe dream of Ihe children who went with tin. Sm-lte to the Den of Ills gracious majesty, Ak-Sm-Ilen VII. the dlffei 'PilPn liPlnir Hint thn lOilhlrnn inn v k.i.i 111,, rvMltl III gnilllS like tllOSC tllllt tilled the CaSOlle sent hv Cnrtoz I" Mnnlnvninn. hill 111 the yellow grains that 1111 the bins and furnish forth the material to keen the 'thousands of mills ' m-hnHim A ftdl the the forgot i en not convey a notion of the comes an educator for he old cities of Cibola, was not less bused Ctuouailo sought in vain 'eadlly on the grist thn' gives ihe world sustenance 9H iii:hio thk t himikks ukiii-: m : s nun wokk kuom the si'hu, thh si HITK HAD CAST li'O.N Til KM