Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1901, PART I, Page 2, Image 2

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TeUpbonet tlMH.
Mii'iitl's Health Coinforls are fillt-cl with the best "medium"
Indiana wool, which is known to possess more elasticity than any
other grade of wool grown. They are made perfectly aseeptie,
odorless and tliiwllcss.
There's no bed covering so light weight as Merrilt's Health
Comfort that can compare with it in warmth and health-giving
qualities. .Many of our customers have used these most de
sirable comforts and know how superior they are to any other
bed covering. We just received our winter shipment of Alcr
ritt's Health Comforts and are glad to say that they show up bet
ter than ever.
Priced Health Comfort?, uncovered,
slio 72x31, weight V. pound, nt 2.70
Size "2x84, weight 1 pour.dr, $3.75 each.
Extr sllkllno covered, 3 pounds, size
72x81, nt 11.75 ench.
We clone every ilny nt II p. in., t-xrept Iiik TiiI ami August, whrn it p. closo
lit 1 p. ill. Mnturilii) n,
Thompson, Beldeh &Co.
V, .M. O. A. nUH.DlilO, C'Olt. KITH AMI DOCC.I.AM 9TS.
rhoot to kill. He flx'.d up his haul by
tying n handkerchief urourd It nnd waited j
his turn to Ret ntnr tho president. When
he got directly In front of tho president ho
fired. He Hays ho had no confederate;
that ho wan en'.lrcly alone In planning ami
executing this diabolical act.
"Ho says ho Is a believer In tlio theories
propounded liy Kmmn Goldman and that ho
hud heard her lectures. Ho nlso Inti
mites thnt ho docs not hollcvo In our form
of government and therefore that ho
deemed It his duty to get rid of tho presi
dent." This, In substance, Is tho confession of
Loon Czolgosz, who Is a (lerman-Polo and
says his homo Is In the vicinity of Clove
land, 0. Ho Is 2$ yoara old, unmarried
nnd has soven brothers and two slatcrj liv
ing there. Ho worked for n tlmo In tho
wlro worlta nt Newark. O. Ho exhibits m
sign of remorse and nsldo from his nervous
ness acts as If ha had dono what ho con
sidered a praiseworthy instead of a das
tardly act.
In nn Interview Secret Scrvlco Dctectlvo
Ireland, who, with Ofllccra Foster and
Gallagher, worn near tho president whon tho
shots wcro fired, Bald:
"It Is Incorrect, ns has bcoa stated, that
tho ass&ult was anticipated by tho presi
dential pnrty. Since tho Spanish-American
war tho presldon: has traveled all over tho
country and hau mot people everywhero.
In Canton ho walks to church nnd down
town without tho sign of secret scrvlco of
any kind. In Washington he walks about
tho Wfclto Hoiun grounds, drlTcs out frcoly
nnd ,has enjoyed much freedom from do
tectlvcs. "li has been my custom to stand back of
tho president and Just to hta left, so that I
could bco tho right hand of cvory pcroou
passing, hut yesterday I wn& requested to
stand opposlto tho president, so' thnt Mr.
SIllb'Ka could stand to tho left nnd Intro
duco tho pooplo na they appeared. In that
way I had an opportunity to get n good
look nt everybody's right hand.
Incidents of the SliontliiR.
"A fow nioinuntt beforo Czologosz ap
proached a men cumo nloug with throo
fingers of his right hand tied up tn n
bandngo and ho had shaken hands with hU
left. When Czolgouz cams up I noticed ho
wan a boyish-looking follow with an Inno
cent face, perfectly calm, and I a'.-,o noticed
that his rlghc baud was wrapped In what
nppeared to bo a bandngo. I watched hln
closoly, but was interrupted by tho man in
front of him who held on to tho president's
hnnd nn unusually Ions time. This man
nppenred to bo an Italian nnd woro a short,
heavy black moustacho. Ho was porslstont
and It was necessary for mo to push htm
nlong so tha. tho others could reach tho
president. Just a ho released tho pres
ident's hand nnd as the president wnB
reaching for tho band of tho ussnBsIn thcro
wero two quick shots.
"This startled ino for a moment nnd I
looked and aaw tho president draw his
light hand up undnr his coat, strnigtiton
up, prcHBlng his lips together and glvo
Czolgosz the most scornful and contemptible
look possible.
'"At tho snnio tlmo I reached for tho
young mnn nnd caught his loft hand. Tha
big uogro standing Just back ot him und
who would hao been next to talto tho
president's hnnd, struck tho young man
In the neck with ono hand and with tho
other reached for tho revolver which had
been discharged through the handkorchlof
nnd tho shots from which hnd sot llro to tho
"immediately a dozoa men foil upon tho
naiasoln nnd boro him to tho floor. While
on tho floor Czolgosz again tried to dis
charge tho revolver, but beforo ho could
point it nt tho president it .was knocked
from his bend by tho negro, It ilow across
tho floor nnd or.o of tlio artillerymen picked
It up mid put It In lilj pocket.
"On tho way down to the stntlon Czolgosz
vsould not say a word, but seemed greatly
l'ruple Catlier Nrur .Ml III urn llmlilmco
filleiitl)- AtvnltliiK Ni'ivii from
Stricken Mnn.
The sccuo at tho fine old realdonco on Dcln
ware nvenue, whero the nation's executive
lay stricken, perhaps unto denth, wns ira
prcsslvo In tho extreme.
Far-away ropes were stretched and tho
pollco guarded every npproach. Three com
paulos of tho Fourteenth infantry from
Fort Porter patroled tho squaro on which
Mr. MIlbum'B rcsidenco is locnted.
A largo American tlag was ilraped ovnr
tho yerauda on the north of tho residence
and here, partially concealed by tho climb
ing vines, sat Secretary Wilson, Miss
Darker nnd several of tho other distin
guished visitors.
Dy Secrctnry Hoot's direction, shortly
after noon thu telegraph Instruments wcro
General Debility
ti.iv in and out thcro Is that feeling
weakness that makes a burden of Itself.
Food does not strengthen.
J Sleep does not refresh.
It Is hard to do, hard to ber, what
should bo cnsy.-vltallty la on tho ebb, and
tho whole system suffers.
1'or this condition tako
Hood' 9 Sarssparllls
It vitalizes tho blood, gives vigor and tone
to all tho organs nnd functions, and la
positively unequalled for all run-down or
debilitated conditions.
-.Qlu I'lLlo cuiocouitUuttor. 2Jctnti. ,
Bee, Sept. 9, 1901.
Merritt s
I Health
4 pounds, size 72xSI, nt. $3.7." ench.
Merrltt's Crib Comforts, cUo 30x10, un
covered, nt 90c ench.
Slro, uncovered, SI. 10 each.
Sllkallno covered, ruffled edge, size SO
x40, nt $1.7 j each. .
removed from tho stnble In tho rear of
tho rcsidenco to n vacant lot diagonally
across the street, where a largo tent had
been erected for the accommodation of tho
nowspapcr men. Tho carriages which
brought tho members of tho cnblnet and
other visitors wero linked at tho ropes.
Outside the enclosure n pall seemed to
hang over the city, notwithstanding the
fact that tho exposition was open. Tho
gay decorations everywhero now seemed n
mockery nnd tho visitors who crowded tho
Btreeto wandered aimlessly hither and
thither with heavy hearts. Thousands of
them, drawn by the- magnet of their
thoughts, uxnt out to tho Milium rcsidenco
Instead of to tho exposition nnd stood at tho
ropes with bared heads, discussing In sup
pressed whispers tho chances of tho presi
dent's recovery.
I'ritjn III (lie Street for lllm.
Many of thom wcro allowed to pass tho
rcsidenco on tho opposldo sldo of Dcln
woro avenue, but tho curtains of tho rcsi
denco wcro drawn nnd they caught no
glimpse of tho forms flitting nbout within
tho darkened house. An elderly woman,
dressed In deep mourning, throw herself on
her knees opposlto tho cntrnnco to the
Mllburn residence and with uplifted hands
offered up n silent, but fervent, prayor
that tho llfo of tho president might bo
Upon Vlco President Iloosovolt's Arrival
at tho rcsidenco ho said to n reporter that
tho moro ho thought of this affair tho
moro dastardly tho crimo Dccomcs. Ho
was driven rap'dly to tho Hotel Irlquols,
accompanied by an escort of mounted po
lice. Tho clattering of tho horses nttracted
much attention ns ho alighted nt tho hotel
and tho crowd appeared to anuoy him. At
his request tho mounted pollco wcro dis
missed nnd somo pollco of tho blcyclo squad
accompanied him tho remainder ot his
Journey to tho Mllburn rcsldoncc. When
ho heard tho encouraging nowa upon his ar
rival thcro his faco lighted up.
"I am sincerely glad." in Id, ho, turning
to Ansley Wilcox, who had accompanied
him from tho stntlon. Tho vlco prcsldont
remained in tho rcsidenco scarcely half an
hour. Ho left with Secretary Hoot and
walked around tho corner to Mr. Wilcox's
residence, whero ho will stop. Ho declined
absolutely to soy n word.
Secretary Cortelyou is making no attempt
to reply to all tho countless telegrams that
aro bolng received. The bulletins ns they
appear are, however, bolng sent to thoso
foreign monarchs who havo sent inquiries
and to thoso mcmbero of tho cabinet who
havo not yet arrived. Secretary Oago left
tho rcsidenco at 1:15. Secretary Hitch
cock Is cxpoctcd at 4 o'clock.
When Secretary dago left tho Mllburn
rcsidenco ho was asked by an Associated
Press correspondent whether tho news from
tho sick room was ntlll encouraging. He
replied with n nod ot his head nnd added:
"Wo can only trust In dod'." Secretary
Oago was evidently dcoply moved.
Snyn lleport of lit Uufnvornlile Mc
finite to Son In Almolntely
Without Ko nil dnt I on.
CLKVKLAND, Sept. V. 4:30 p. m. Tho
Plain Dealer says: Dan It. Hanna, oon ot
Senator M. A. Hauna, haa Just received a
telegram from his father at Buffalo that
President McKlnley is worse and cannot
nUFFALO, Sept. 7. Senator Mark A.
Hanna wns seen by n reprcsontnttvo of the
Associated Press tlilj' afternoon n few mln
utea after ho left the bedside of tho presi
dent. Tho senator requested that n denial
be mado that ho had sent a messago to bin
son, Dan It. Hanna, stating that Presi
dent McKlnley' condition was alarming,
"I havo sent no messago to Cleveland
or to any other plnco regarding tho condi
tion of the president olhor thnn tho of
ficial bulletins Issued by the physicians,"
tho sunator said,
"To forestall any report that may obtnln
circulation I wish to state now," the sen
ator continued, "that no ono ia to blame
for this terrlblo affair. The exposition of
ficials, tha olflcluU of the government nnd
tho local authorities did everything In their
power to guard the person of tho chief
executlvo and no one Is espoiiBlble In tho
ollghtent degree."
"Has thero been a meeting of tho cabinet,
"No, thero hss been no meeting of tho
cabinet, Informal or olhcrwfse. and I sin
cerely bollevo thnt no emergency will nrlso
that will make Btich a thing necessary."
Comes ot Quiet, llrnpcalntilc I'ollali
in 1 1- l-'oriiierly of Alpemi,
ALPENA, Mich., Sept. 7. Leon Czolgosz
wad born In Alpena nbout 1S71. The fam
ily left hero nine years ago and It Is sup
posed they went to Cleveland. His undo,
John, is located nt Poscn. Mich. Thero
wcro eight sons and one daughter In tho
family. Tho elder Czqlgosz was born in
Providence, Poscn, Uromberg, nnd came
to Alpena from there about thirty
yearn ago. Tho father and older Bons woro
quiet, peaceable citizens, with no known
anarchistic tendencies nnd were well
thought of by the Polish poplo here. Leon
wns a small boy when hd left hero and
at that tlmo wns nppnrently no different
from other boys of jits age. One of the
sons married u woman by tho name of Net-uinu.
Gtrernor EtTngt 0rmjs SUt Creating
by f rjsideit'i Brother.
A liner .McKlnley l-'eelliiKly Ilrplleii
n ml Accept K lorn I OITi-rliiK from
flic Slnle'x KxciHilltc anil
Other UillcliiM.
fFiom ti Start Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Sept. 7. (Special.) An ex
pression of tho sincere hope of tho peoplo of
Nebraska for the Bpccdy recovery of thu
president was conveyed by Governor Savage
to Abner McKluloy at the llurlltigton depot
this nfternoon. The brief, heartfelt words,
spoken with tho deep feeling which reflected
tho sentiment of all the stnto, brought tears
to tho eyes of the peoplo congregated uboilt
the platform on which stood tho presidents
brother. Overcome by emotion, Abner Me
Kinloy made only a brief response, thanklug
tho governor and promising to take tho
btnto's message bach to his brother.
A heavy rain was falling when the train
hearing Mr. McKlnley, his wlfo nnd two
daughters, arrived from Denver. Thursday
evening thoy passed through Lincoln for
tho west ami wero In Colorado yesterday
when they heard tho news of tho calamity
In Buffalo. Mr. McKlnley hnd go no into tho
mining district to Inspect somo of his prop
erty nnd Mrs. McKlnley and her two daugh
ters wero in Denver. Tho train pulled Into
tho station nt 1:15, and Immediately Gover
nor Savage, accompanied by W. A. Orcen.
approached tho sleeper in which Mr. Mc
Klnley nnd Ills family wcro traveling. The
governor was Introduced to tho president's
brother nnd In u tone Just loud enough to bo
heard by him and thu peoplo assembled
spoko as follows:
"Mr. McKlnley: "I, ns governor of Ne
braska, know that I voice, tho sentiment of
all our peoplo when I say that you and yours
havo thulr heartfelt sympathy in this thu
hour of your sorrow.
"When our beloved president, nnd your
Illustrious brother, William McKlnley, was
striken down by tho ruthless hand of an
acsasstn, It becamo not only yours, but a
nation's sorrow. Wo bid you godspeed to
his bedside nnd beg that you kindly say to
htm thnt tho hearts of the peoplo of No
braska turu to tbo sick chamber nt Buffalo
today, and that every lip Is breathing a
prnyer for his speedy recovery, and that he
may bo spared to round out his full term
of oillco which has been bo grandly and
gloriously begun."
Mr. McKlnley, leaning over tho platform
railing, grasped tho hand of tho governor
and In n volco trembling with emotion sai l:
"Governor Savage, wo thank you. I will
carry your messago to tho president."
A handsome floral offering was then pro
ocnted to tho president's brother on behalf
of tho state ofllclalB and peoplo of tho cltv.
Mr. McKlnley took tho flowers, shook thu
hands ot thoso nearest him nnd as tho train
started ho went into tho car.
Ths reception was hastily plnnncd. A
largo number ot citizens witnessed tho In
cident and by their saddened countenances
gnvo forclblo expression to their feelings.
Among thoso who contributed to tho pur
chaso ot tho flowers woro: Governor Savage,
Auditor Weston, Treasurer Stuefer. Attor
ney General Prout, H. C. Lindsay, W. A.
Green, Mayer Drothers, P. L. Hall, W. T.
Auld, C. K. Magoon, G. M. Lambcrtson. C.
T. noggs, L. L. Lindsey, A. It. Talbot. W.
I). Fitzgerald, S. II. nurnham and Secrotary
of Stnto Mnrah.
Member of ,suilreiv' Opera Cniupnny
Iteiiicmlier 1 1 In Prediction of
McKlnley' Den 111.
MOBILE, Ala., Sept. 7. Fritz Huttmann,
tho Wichita (Kau.) reporter, who says
ho was told last March by Antolln Magglo,
ti cornet player of tho Andrews Opera com
pany, that President McKlnley would bo"
arsasslnated tcforo October 1, was with
tho Androwa Opera company hero ns n tenor
singer until n fow weeks ngo, whon tho
company disbanded nnd a portion of tho
members left for Kansas City.
Several of tho company remained In Mo
bllo and n reporter today Interviewed tho
members hero, who stated that thoy were
woll acquainted with both Magglo nnd
Huttmann nnd thnt tho statement ot Hutt
mnnn telegraphed from Wichita last night
la correct in every detail. They stated
that Magglo was n member o! tho Italian
brnuch of tho anarchist society and that on
tho trip from Abllnno to Paris, Tox., as
spoken ot by Mr. Huttmann, Magglo on sev
eral occasions went through tho train de
livering anarchist literature. Mr. An
drews, manager of tho company, icmon
strated with Magglo, whereupon tho latter
threatened Andrews' llfo. Magglo finally
quit tho company In Arizona. Thnt was
in tho latter part of April and nt last no
countB ho was utlll in tho weat. Magglo
la a man of about five feet In height,
weighs 130 pounds, has dark complexion
and black mustache. He plays no Instru
ment other than tho cornet.
Aimer MelClnley Spent! nil Hour In
() in nil a on Ml" Wiiy to Ilx
puftltlon City,
Abner McKlnley nnd party pnsscd
through Omnhn at 3 o'clock Saturday nfter
noon, his special car' remaining In the
yards an hour between tho arrival of tho
train from tho west nnd Its departuro for
tho east. Tho party was mado up ot Mr.
and Mrs. Abner McKlnley nnd two daugh
ters, Mr. Schcll, Mr. Meok of Denver and
Dr. nnd Mrs. liner.
Mr. McKlnloy refused to soo anyone, but
u member of tho party was on tho ground
before tho train stopped nBklng for the
latest bullotlns irom the bedsldo of tho
prcoldeut. To tho reporters ho said:
"Mr. McKlnley Is greatly shocked at tho
terrlblo crlino and can see no one. Ho Is
hurrying to Buffalo ns fast as tho regular
trains can carry him. We will run on this
schedule clear through unless thcro Is Im
mediate danger of tho president's death,
when wo will hove a special train nnd make
hotter time."
Whlli tho train was waiting In tho yards
n bulletin was handed to ono of the mem
bers of tho party, who took It Into tho car
and returned to thank tho reporters who
brought P on bohalf of Mr. McKlnloy, again
saying that his montal condition wns uch
that he could Ben no ono.
Prolmble the Otlluern Will Willi to
Are Itexult of .MelClnli) '
BUFFALO, Sept. 7. Under tbo C;do of
Criminal Procedure a prisoner hai tho right
to a speedy heurlng bofore a maglitra-.e.
Whother this right will bo given Czolgosz Is
it matter of speculation. A reporter aslcod
Chief of Dotectlves Cusack tcday whin
Czolgosz would bo brought to police can t.
"I don't know," Bald Mr. Cusack. "The
matter rests with District Attorney Penney.
His wishes will be oboyed by us. I dfil t
hnow when he will be taken Into court. It
may bo that wo shall wait to fceu how tin
president'. lujurics result."
It ha not been determined wb the. Czol-
Cooler In Knstern Portion; Monday Fair;
lMisieriy winus.
Temperature tit Omiilin Yentertluy I
Hour. Heir. Hour. Heir,
n. in ... a , 70 1 p, m , 7ft
II n. in 711 - p. m 7ft
7 II. in 70 !(. p. in Tit
H II, III 71 -I p. Ill 711
II 11. Ill 7- ft p. til,,,.., 7!l
10 11. Ill 71 O p. ill T.'l
It II. Ill 7-1 7 p. Ill 7-
V2 III 7ft N P. in 71
II p. Ill 07
gofz will bo kept at pollco headquarters or
taken to Jail, but In nil probability ho will
bo kept at pollco headquarters and closoly
guarded until ho has n preliminary hearing
In thu police court.
11:33 a. m. Tho prisoner Czolgosz tai
been tnlun down to the ofllco of Superln
tendent of Pollco Bull for examination In
Walter Nowak, n Now York ctgnrmakcr,
formerly of Cleveland, wns taken Into the
room where Czolgosz wn3 being examined
After glnnclng nt tho prisoner ho said ha
knew' him !r. Cliv!r.nd two yens ago. At
that tlmo Nowak was a reporter on a for
olgn newspaper and in common with him
nnd ti number of his countrymen formed n
social organization that later developed
ulnto n socialistic club and ho (Nowak)
withdrew from It. Ho states that ho re
members Homu of tho radical resolution!
adopted by tho club nnd brought to him
for uso In his pnpor. Ho had nlways
found It necessary to niter them material y
to mako them proper mnterhl for publica
tion. Ho said that Czolgosz was without
sufficient Intelligence to organize such a
crime an tho prisoner had been guilty of.
Nowak iald, after coming from the room,
that Czolgosz advanced to him with ex
tended hand. Nowak looked at the n:l3
oner dlxdnlnfully nnd refused to nccept tho
ptorfrrcd hand, saying: "Scoundrel! Why
did you commit this terrlblo crime? Wha
originated this devilsh plot 7 It was not
"I aid," replied Czolgosz. "I did. I
originated tho plan. It wna my plan. It
was my crime."
"As far as I know nt present tho rs
sacBln of the president will havo to b0
irica under tho same conditions ai those
of nn ordinary criminal," said District At
torney Penney today. "I do not sco how
tho case can bo mado a United States of
fense. I think that comes under tho Juris
diction of tho Krlo county courts. Tho
charge will bo determined when the result
I mo I'.voiuLiii o nuiimiA nro ueyotul a
aoubt. it will bo murder If tho president
dies or assault with intent to kill It bo
llevlnren It In Trciinon nnd (lint At
titcliM on OlllelnlH .Should lie
I'uiil.ilialilc by Dentil,
(From n Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Sept. 7. (Special Telegram.)
In rcsponso to an lnnulrv flucprxinri hv ih
Buffalo calamity as to how. tn his nnlnlnn.
anarchy should bo treated, Governor Savago
lonigni mauo tne. rollowlug statement:
"Anarchy Is treason. Anarchists should
be treated ns traitors to our country, nnd
anarchistic utterances, in nntiUe. nr nru.n
should constitute, treason.
"Meetings of nnarchlsta should bo pro
hibited under heavy penalties Imposed upon
each nnd every auditor whn Ik nhnwn in ,-.
a member and each nnd every speaker at
mien meetings, ns woll as tho teachers ot
their doctrines, should ho nunlahort hv im
prisonment ffcr life.
"Kvcry nttcmpt to tako tho llfo of any
of tho olTlcIals of tho government should bo
punisnoa uy death. The property of any
printing establishment IrkuIpit nnM,.in
lltcraturo should be confiscated aud tho
proprietors treated and punished as an
Seerelnry Cortelyou Snyn the Gov-,
eminent' Wntcliful Men Are in
No Wise to Illume.
WASHINGTON, pt, 7. Tho secret scrv
lco headquarters nro gradually bringing to
gether every nvnllable bit of information
which will show tho antecedents of tho
would-be nssassln of President McKlnloy nt
Buffalo and will cstnbliah whothor or not
ho Is a member of nny of tho anarchist
groups. Tho information nlready In hand
warrants tho positive statement that ho Is
not connoctcd with tho anarchistic organi
zation nt Paterson, N. J. A search of tho
crlmlnnl records of tho secrot service falls
to dlscloso anything concerning Czolgosz
nnd ho docs not appear to havo been among
tho desperato cranks who havo visited
Washington from tlmo to tlmo and ihavo
been spotted by tho government officers.
Ho Is referred to in the advices forwarded
to tho hcadquartcrB horo as fairly well
dressed, of apparent Intelligence nnd aome
what pleasing looking under normnl condi
tions. Thoro Is said to bo nothing about
htm to indlcato that ho was n criminal. But
tho manner In which ho tired his revolver
through n handkerchief attracts tho at
tention of tho olhcera, as Indicative of un
usual criminal shrewdness. Tho secrot
scrvlco men nro woll versed In tho ruses
resorted to by assassins, but tho dovlco nt
tho handkerchief appears to bo altogether
novel and of n charactor to bafllo detec
tion. A dispatch has been received stating that
Mr. Cortolyou, tho president's secretary,
witnessed the entire nffalr und completely
exonerates tho secret servlco agents from
nny blnmc. Men In Buffalo aro keeping in
close touch with the headquarters hero and,
having dono nil that was posslblo to appre
hend tho nssassln, nro now turning their
attention to bucIi caro and protoctlon as may
bo thrown around tho president during tho
present hours of great popular agitation.
Ono dispatch received at headquarters here
today atates that tho president was resting
easliy and that his chances were six In ten
In favor ot his recovery.
I, niter (.'Inure of I'reilletlou Applied,
lloivever, Only to I'imlerii I'or
tlnii of .Velirnnliii.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 7. Forecast for
Sunday and Monday:
For Nebraska Showers Sunday; cooler In
eastern portion. Monday fair; easterly
For Iowa Showers Sunday; cooler In east
ern nnd Bouthorn portions. Monday fair;
northenstcrly winds.
For Illinois Fair Sunday; cooler except
In extreme southern portion; high northeast
For Missouri Partly cloudy Sunday, with
showers in western portion; cooler In north
ern nnd western portions. Mouday fair;
eaBtcrlr windB.
For North Dakota Fair Sunday. Mon
day fair; warmor; easterly winds.
For South Dakota Showers Sunday, with
warmer In western portion. Monday fair;
wnrmer; easterly winds.
For Kansas Showers Sunday; cooler In
southern portion. Monday fair; easterly
For Colorado and Wyoming Generally
fair Sunday and Monday; vnriable winds,
For Montana Fair; warmer Sunday.
.Monday fair, With warmer In eastern and
southern portions; easterly wlnde.
Our Full unil Winter Benson has opened n rush. The people
of Ointilm are quiek to appreciate tine tailoring at reasonable prices.
Old customers are ro-orrterinji and l)i'iii",iii their friends and new cus
tomers are coming daily. Our stock of suitings for this season in
larger and better than ever and complete in everything from black and
solid patterns to the newest creations in color and design.
We are making tlio most sljlUh ami best-litting suits for the
money ever produced. We cut, til and make every garment in our
own shop and we guarantee workmanship in every particular. All gar
ments are sewed with best silk thread and thoroughly well made by
skilled tailors.
Ittwi mgiuimi mi 111I1H111 1 m i n 11 mi Mm 11 mil i i i i ni nmr""", -.mi i m miiuMmi
When you come to the Ak-Sar-llen carnival don't fail to visit our
store stud make it your headquarl'Ms. If you are to lie in Omaha more
than a day, we can take your measure, cut your suit and have it
ready to try on before you go home. This will insure a perfect lit and
we guarantee thnt the suit will be . '"i on wiUioe.' relay and (hat it
will be satisfactory in every detail. We have special facilities for
and wrappers, yard
Omaha's Busiest Tailors
bo said, for throughout It all tho prcxld cut hits lieon cooler llian thost about
hltn. He wns po yesterday whon tho pis tol was discharged against his breast,
nntl ho has beeu so today oven In his sotnl-constiousuess.
When Dr. Hlxey told Mrs. McKlnloy today of the extreme gravity of the ease
she did not break down. On the contrary, feeble as she Is, gt'lof seemed to
lend her strength and she felt that she must bear up for ltls sake.
The president has taken no nourishment since lie was shot. Water Is given
to him nt Intervals, but no food of any kind yet. Ills physicians say lie has
plenty of reserve strength to draw upon nnd for the present neither nourish
ment nor nrtlilclal stlinulants'nrc necessary. No medicine except digitalis lias
been given, nnd that was administered to (inlet Ills pulse, which mounted this
morning to 110. Hoth his respiration nnd temperature, although they varied con
siderably during the day, woro considered satisfactory.
MILIIURX 1IOUSK, KUl'TALO, Sept. 7. Tho following bulletin wns Issued
by the president's physicians nt 10:;i0 p.m.:
"Conditions continues much the same. Tlio president responds well to modi-
cation: pulse, l'i.'l: temperature.
nnrtnil nro liiL-nn In tlio rnrtiim 'Plin
-- - ......
they nro too busily engaged to reply to Individual telegrams.
"P. M. 1MXKY,
"GEOKGI3 H. COKTKIA'OU, Secretary to the President."
IHJFFALO, Sept. 7.-8:30 p. m. All Is quiet at the Mllburn residence.
Secretary of Agriculture Wilson has been about the only caller. President's
condition unchanged.
IIUFKALO, Sept. 7. Mllburn residence ::!0 p. in.: All around the Mllburn
homo tonight tho scene Is very quiet and peaceful; callers at the house aro re
markably few. In the square are gathered a few friends of the president nnd
the Mllburn family and the reports aro reasstiriug.
BUFFALO, Sept. 7. At .V.'JO p. 111. the president wns reported to be resting
woll and Dr. Itlxey had left tbo side room and was asleep.
BUFFALO Sept. 7. .1:."it) p. m. Director General Huehanan, who came
from the Mllburn home an hour ago, says: "I feel much encouraged. Every
thing is favorable aud 1 think the president will come out nil right."
BUFFALO Sept. 7. At ll:'J0 p. m. tho condition of President McKlnley was
BUFFALO, Sept. 7. The following bulletin was Issued by the president's
physicians at tiillO p. in.:
"Thero is no change for the worse since last bulletin; pulse. l.'tO; tempera
ture, 10-r degrees; respiration 1!D. P. M. HIXKY M. I).
"GFOBGE B. COUTKLYOU, Secreta ry."
BUFFALO. Sept. 7.-.U .'I o'clock
has not yet recovered completely from
during the operation. He has taken some liquid nourishment during the day.
Mrs. McKlnley is In her room lying down and showing remarkable fortitude.
Xo bad symptoms havo yet been manifested.
At '':H0 a rumor was 'Moating about outside the .Mllburn residence that the
second bullet had been extracted. Inquiry developed tho fact that the report
was absolutely untrue.
aio.'i p. m. Tlio most hopeful word yet sent out from the Mllburn residence
Was dispatched by Secretary Cortelyou In a nioiisago to Secretary Long. Dr.
Ulxey authorized Secretary Cortelyou to offer much encouragement.
At 10:li a. in, the rapidity of tho president's pulse does not unduly alarm
tho physicians. lr. Ulxey says that the president has always had a somewhat
erratic pulse and Its sudden rise this morning was not unexpected. The presi
dent is conscious and Is calm und collected, although still somewhat drowsy
from tho effects of the ether administered to him yesterday.
lliliO a. 111. The fear of thu president's physicians is that septic polsoulug
will set In nnd It Is for thu Ilrst symptoms of this that they are now watching.
Tho bullet lodged In the muscles of the back and tho physicians have decided
for tho present It Is of secondary Importance. It took a downward course, but
neither the Intestines nor the kidneys were Injured. Or this the physicians nro
eontident. If Inflammation should appear In the neighborhood of thu place
whero the bullet Is believed to have lodged the Roentgen ray will be used to
locate the bullet aud the doctors do uot think there will be dilliculty In ex
tracting It.
11:U0 a. 111. Two physicians and two trained minion are with the president
M....i....ii.. n ..,1...... i ...i 1 n
luii.-iuiiiuj, .111 uiui'ia niriu UAi'iniiui!
.... urn; iti, wit I I VIII lliu Oll.l IUUMI lllin 111"! nillf, . ' t
was found that the distinguished patient could not be restrained from speak-,
ing to thoso who entered thu room. Quiet ami absolute freedom from H"'
least excitement nro considered essential Kven Mrs. McKlnley has not seen
him today She was In thu sick rponi
ered from the effects of the operation.
nerve and Is bearing up bravely. It Is probable that she will fee the president
Inter In tho day.
l'J:10 p. m.-'Postmaster General Smith, who lelt the residence at 110011, ap
peared very much encouraged at thu outlook toi the president's recovery, lie
Mild that the great danger was of blood poisoning or peritonitis. The bullet,
tho physicians declared, was now a minor factor.
The following bulletin was Issued y the president's physlclaus at 1'-' noon:
"There is no decided change In tlio president's condition slnco last tntllu
tin. Pulse, Kill; temperature, HW; respiration, i.8. M UIXKY,
1'Jiit) p. m. Tho following bulletin was Issued by the presldent'a physicians
at 1L' o'clock noon;
Thero Is 'no decided change in tho president's condition last bulletin.
Pulse. IHO; temperature. 102; rcplratlon. '-'S. P. M. UIXKV.
UKOUUH 11. COUTKLYOU, Secretary to President.
from First Page.)
respiration. All temperatures re
iiIivmIoIiiiiu In iiltnmlntinii -luli un.- (!,.,(
v ..-..j
the president was dozing peacefully. Ho
the effects of tho ether administered
liuill lliu DICK 100111 tills UIUI IIIIIKi i" "
jaKt night after tho president bad rccov-
She dlsnlayed wonderful pluck ami
SOS amm Street
Adjutnnt Gent ml ' Colby Sajs It's for tho
Good of tin Serrice.
mv I'riivl I111111I Ciiniiuiuy SulMtl
tiitcil for Ntirlli PluHf'n Olil One
ill Ktntp Cnuip
O 111:1 li 11.
(From n Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOIA', Sept. 7. (Special Tolefirnm.)
Adjutant flcncrnl Colby announced tonight
that ho had Uaucd orders mustering out
Company K of tho Second reRlmont, with
headquartera at North Platte. A provisional
1 company, recently orK.uilied nt Teknman
nnd muatorrd Into thn servlco na nn Inde
pendent organization, has licen permanently
assigned to thu place mndn vacant by tho
I dlHJharRe of tlio North Platto company,
r.iu.. .!,. ,1.1. !, I.
ui'lli'l 11 1 vjwiu; ntijn unit ui.n biiuunn w
mado for tho good of tho service.
As n result the TeUnr.iah company will
participate In tho brlrcado encampment nt
Omnhn next weclt nnd tho North Platto
company will stay at home.
Oencrnl Colby will remove tho brlgado
headquarters to Fort Omnhn Monday morn
ing, to remain there until tho encamp
mini closes. The quartcrmnstcr's depart
ment lias nlready been opened nt tho fort.
Thn military officials hero say that thoro
will bo at least 1.500 olllccrs nnd enlisted
men at tho encampment. There will bo
two bands In attendance, liagennw's First
regiment band of tills city nnd tho Second
regiment band of Beatrice.
CkiiIronx .MiiNt lie Tifili-il 11 Any
Ollirr Crlmlnnl liy the
WASHINGTON, Sept. 7. The law ofTtcera
of tho Kovornmont feel that there Is lit
tle naslstanco which the federal law branch
can glvo In prosecuting the man who shot
President McKlnloy.
It wns Btnted today by a IcadliiK ofnclnl
that the federal laws made no provisions
for assaults upon tho president, tho lat
ter helnc only u citizen In tho eye of tho
' ffll;rnI ,lnw- Jhn 0,m J""'"'
It a serious oifenso to attack a government
ofllclal nn the theory thnt It was nn Injury
to tho country ns well ns to the individual,
nut theso laws havo long ago been swept
When questioned as to what pmiHhmcnt
tho fcdcrul statutes provided for tho nt
tcmpt on tho president's life. Acting At
torney aenortd James M. Heck said today;
"While I havo not given nny special ex
amination to tho federal statutes bcarltiR
on tho subjtct. yot I know of no stntuto
which makeB tt a criminal offenso to nt
tcmpt tho llfo of tho president. That thero
ousht to be such legislation Is perfectly
I'tojier SeliTlliiii "t Ovnixi liniiiirlniieo
In Muniiirr.
The feeding of Infanta Is a very Bertcui
nropotltlon. as all mothers know. Fo d
must bo used that will tiully dlscst or iho
undigested parts will bo thrown Into tho
lntesiliKS nnd cnuao Bicknuss, "
It l Important to know that n fo d c n
,s obtained that Is nlways infp; iht ft
A mother wiucs: "My nnoy iodi. mu
- - .
"rs premium at n baby rtow ,r
, , na'von 0( mn on (irape-Nii:s nco ho
(lv muntha old. I also me your Pes
j m j.'0c) Coffee for mycif." Mrs. U F.
Fishtmck, Alvin. Tex
(Irano.Nuts fcod la not ir.adi solely for
a food by nny means, but ii manu
factured for all human b-lngt who hno
trifling or serious difficulties In tho stomac'j
nnd bowels,
One cKpednl point of valuo l tha' the
food Is prrdlsestod In tha prcccrs of roan
ufneturo. net by nny drups or cfcomlcals
whatsoever, hut simply by tha nrtlon of
hoot, moUiuro and time, which psimlti tin
diastase to grow nnd chango tin starch
Into grape sugar. Tlila prcsonti fo:d to tin
syf tern ready for immedinto naiims n fn.
I ,u tt,l'clnl valu" 08 a heyoml h9
, JcM rtlmm tn quUk.'y
1 rcbmlll lho ,,,, , ,hu lllflln and uetfa
center throughout thu tody.