Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1901, Page 7, Image 19

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    Kt'plomlwr 8. MO).
Carpenter's Letter
(Continued from Sixth Pago.)
Ins t'lso, the merchants coming there tor
tliclr lp.lVPB ntitt Rtrlhir.
Ill I In- Mlirl.cti of Ojul.Jil,
Poiuu or the most Interesting bazaars !
Iiavi" seen in Jnvn are tHoSo of Hjdkju
tills Is the enitltal elf a state far in the
Interior, ruled by it sttltaii. where the na
tives ate much ns they were centuries aim
U-lli.n ittn Mulfili tlit itit.i ... it. .
. ..v ... a. . o . viiiiii- , . H v iwiiiii,!.
Djohja Is si lare city anil Its ba.aars
cover many acres. They consist of vast
sheds roofed with thin brick tiles, which
are Krecn with the moss of old iijc. Here
the business is done almost entirely ly
women, the various trades and kooiIm beiiiK
classified, in one section 1 found lmthlun
but coal merchants, sooty-faced Kills
squatting on tables with piles of charcoal
nhout them. Fach lrl had n bundle of
banana leaves beside her and her measure
of villic deemed to he what otto leaf would
hold. Th j ler.veo vet4e nbollt ns hiro os a
sheet of foolscap ntid a leaf full of coal
, suld foi 2 cents. The string was u strip of
J rattnu liber.
" N'e.xt to the coal sheds were the voi;etdbte
J tnorchalits. and farther on sheds cnntnlh-
WWW 71
others, mixed with saliva In a sttit of inilsh.
It placidly lesis between her lower Hp add i
lower teeth In such cases there Is often
a stream of yellow Juice trickling down
from the centers of the mouth, and alto
gether II Is llSKUstlt1K
motiiiui with
I iik fruits, bambiiiis. i hlckens and ckks.
The vegetables wore sold In piles. I saw
one pile of live polntois, tach the sl.e of
a walnut, and was told that I could have
It for 1 Javanese ecu:, equal to two-llfths
of a cent of our money. The same merchant
had two piles of stilnt; beans, a little pPe.
of tea, whli-n she was selllim out by tho
cupful, and, nltouthor, n stock worth not
more than 1!.". cents of our money.
The cheapest things of all are the fruits,
which are of every tropical variety. I conic
lmino every day loaded with inanirosleen,
bananas, oranges and pineapples and my
chief drink is cocoanut water, which I bey
of the cocoanut peddlers In the bazaars.
There In a tnveet 111 tie cocoanut seller In
DJokJa, who has the freshest of green
oocoaii'its nlways on hand. She sells them
for 2 (outs nplece and will open them up
with a cleaver, so that you can drink the
sweet cocoanut water fresh from tho shell.
I ass'ire you It Is a drink for the gods.
I'll N Will ill Wl.Utlc.
I stopped In tho chicken market and
round thnt I could buy a pair of broilers
for a shilling and then went to a shed
where there were hundreds or cases of
pigeons of nil colors. The cages wero of
bamboo, each about as big around ns a
Hour barrel and a foot or so high. Each
cage was tilled with pigeons, which wero
selling for 2 cents nnd upwards npleco.
Tho woman who wns peddling them out
was selling whistles with them, to be tied
to tho tails of tho pigeons, so thnt they
might make a whistling noise as they flow
through tho nlr. This Is ono of the cus
toms of .Invn. I saw the same thing done
In north fiilna, tho whistles being fastened
to the tails of tho birds to senro off tho
hawks. I bought four llttlo whlBtles for
10 cents and the Javanese maiden who sold
them to mo took out one of the birds nnd
fastened n bright red whistle to tho roots
of its tall feathers to show mo how they
wore used. The whistle Is tied round one
or more feathers, so that It stands upright
In tho (nil, patching the wind ns the bird :
tiles and mnklng n shrill, whistling noise.
In tho DJokJa markets the women act ns
cashiers nnd bankers. In every bazaar 1
saw them squatting behind llttlo tnbles
with pennies nnd half pennies and nil sorts
or silver and copper coins piled up before
them. The chief business of these women
Is making change. They charge 1 cent or
moro Tor each gulden, so that tho lowest
rnto Is 1 per cent. They arc backed by the
Chinese, who furnish the cnpltnl and pay
them so much a day for their work. The
Chinese, ns I shall show later, do n largo
part of tho retail business of Java. Thoy
hnvo nearly all of tho stores which requiro
noney to operate and they nre nlso tho
W in ii iin I'ortiTN mill l.nlM.rerH,
The Javanese women occupy a similar
position to that of the women of Japan.
You see them laboring in tho Holds, culti
vating the rice, picking tea nnd colTeo nnd
working at every trade nlong with the men.
In the mnrkels they net us porters, going
about with baskets slung to their shoulders
nnd backs. They have a queer cry, n sort
of a ye! ye! ye! as they wulk along witli
their burdens; this Is a warning to the peo
ple to get out of tho road. They will carry
your marketing a mile for a couple of cents
and be glad of tho Job.
Tho women nre the chief purchasers In
the innrkets, and I venture to say tho
woman keeps the puixe of the family.
It seems odd to see women butchers, but
there are scores of them in tho DJokJa
bazaars. They squat cnxs-legged on ma s
behind tables a root high loaded with mut
ton anil beef In nil sorts of chunlite mid
slices. Kaeh woman has a long, sharp
pointed knife, with which she cuts accord
ing to order. The scales are seldom used,
mid the meat Is sold nt so much a slice,
little regard being paid to tho p'irt of tho
animal from where the meat comes.
There is a great denl of llsdi In tho mar
kets, and especially dried llsth, which It)
used to cook In rice nnd other vepotnlile
stews. There are pieces of bullock skin
sold as cracklings fer the same purpose,
and In the rice innrkets there nre huudroils
of yellow-faced girls with plug earrings
who squat berore piles or white rice and
measure It out In cocoanut shells at so
much n shell.
One-Cent IIiinIim'nn.
Tho purchases nre everywhere exceed
ingly Binnll. A nickel will buy a meal for
a family ami a cent Is the cost or many
ulnglo articles. I stood one day nnd
watched a woman buy some drl- d Huh of a
Chinese. The Hsh was cut up In pieces no
larger than a postage stamp anil about
half an Inch thick. The woman had picked
out Hve of these piece, examining thoin
carefully to see that they were good. She
dually put her hand on them and offered
the merchant n cent. The Chinese took up
tho llsh and wrapped it up in u banana lent,
leaving out one of the pieces. The woman
refused to take It, nnd tdie fought for ten
minutes in her efforts to get an extra piece,
the value of which, reduced to our money,
was Just ono-rortleth of a cent. The next
purchaser bought 2 cents' worth, getting
eight llttlo cubes of snlt Hsh, nnd whiles 1
waited, n full half hour, 1 Judge, thero was
no purchnse made eif moro than a nickel In
Tho worst thing nhout tho womon of Jnva
Is their custom of chewing tho botol nnd
tobacco. As for smoking I hnvo seen
women doing that In so many parts of tho
world thnt I hnvo grown nccustomcd to It,
nnd rnther like to see tho blue wrenth3
flowing from the ruby lips up Into tho nlr.
It Is different with chewing, especially tho
betel. This discolors tho teeth, giving them
tho hue of blnck vnrnlsh; it fills the mouth
with n blood-red snllvn and makes tho
tonguo blnck. Tobacco chowing ns dono In
Jnvn Is fully ns had. Tho women uso enor
mous epilds, I have seen girls with wads
Insldo their mouths ns big ns the flst of
a thirteen-pound bnby. Soineilmes tho girl
keeps the chew In her cheek nnd sometimes
she nllnws It to glide out to her lips, hold
ing it there between the teeth, whllo nt
who tu !t!u r snnels
his siiL'ar ieir
waters I. is i ilk
who Ixiiove'S in
the best, ;ni( is p.ii tie iilnr to
i i ,
ijicnsc ins patrons.
That's the j;rc r!n rrroin.
mends nnd sells
lion Coffee
Coffee that is eofRe itilawl
'' A Good looklna '?'t
lierMiinl poor loot!
IIIK nil r ncnn 11 l ill.
nui-i hum i . imi- -v
Eureka SM
II . f mi:
11U1UV93 H ,
not milvimilsMttiolinrtic nnd tlin
ll.ii-,- r' T in'UVI. inn mil..';.
li ullicr sort iiinl pliable, pull Hlti cult. 1
union io him m
i It iirilliutrlly
Horse a
Scientific Palmist,
GtanniA s, OMAHA, NEB.
Mnn Cyliui'i' has piailccd palmistry In
Omaha for live years Her reputation Is
good and she is hlghlj commendable.
N. E. Corner Kith and Farnam St.
Finest Selection of
Watches, Diamonds, Cut Glass and
Silver Novelties
fn the west. Kvt ryihb g N w. Call anil
sco us. No trouble lo show goods.
Accordion and
Side Pleating
M, Goldman & Go
Opp, llayeluu Urns.
Suite 200 Douglas Block.
16th and Dodge
Tel, 1736.
I ur Kir lllulrnti"l un.l rlull) Hiular m Ik,..
llr MIC. ii:.V JIIII.N .l.ll;. It x.tliuy. Iin tiilu r
l"t- wiimlrrliil actlvltiii, mlil. ami lii)ti nm i.l Ihv I aimM
u. ii lainuiK mul hluhlv inIUv'il uniiiiii n IImiii
llliuttutiil ,",0 1'luttii hy (nm mini nt imim nt nml mil.
C ""lil In iiitrnl. milt , II t llmiuunil C fi imiiii'
n llnliii' u- nl uaiitnl txitli mrii .ml k.hiii ii Ixit unly oni- n,-i i t
nil lilarr C "ll'i.l our iil'i nt. un liiaknin 1 1 I u Inmili.
fc Ih'iiitHr tin hiwhitiiii tor ui I'ivi .it. (oif (.1.1
film rum mul, f . nn.ii, I, mini 11 AiIiIiim
A, II. W OK I III.M. IO.N A ( It., Ihirllnr.l. .,...
PIG VVA0E8-Our Ktinoul
ai'irui invention nut amirr.
tit.lHSI mlrrtij ...1.1.
rnormoui. Krcribotj buji.
Over the kitchen iU)TItfur
3Cl.tif. iiltntrof dlllllle.1, tel.
ktr.l drlnklDf wattr, pur, i).
neioua ami r, unly mtiiioa.
Pl.tllled Water eurea IlTipep.
la, Stomach, Rowel, Kllo.j,
niaaatr ancj near. ireuDi.i)
'(rercnu fever aol ilckne...
Wrltr, fur llooLIrt, New
I'lau.Trrnia, etc. FltKK
llttrrlMin 51 fir. Co.,
:3 UtrilnB UI4., ItacI.aaU.O.
l :.".r.. 11
Vulaaui r ' HI
You are invited
while in (his city (o visit Thompson. Uohlen & Co.,
nnd make (heir store ,vonr ho.ihii,ir!err. Whet her
tvoii wish lo Imiv or not come. If ,von are inter
esletl in shopping while in the cit.v, we wish to
(nil your ntlention to the fuel we hnvo ti most
beaut i fit 1 shoin of new fall ootls in all de
part nients which we would he pleased to show
Careful judges say we never showt d so much of elegance and
beauty in Dress (!oods and Silks in any former season. You
make your selection with our assurance that the styles are cor
reel, and the quality of tho best, from the fact we buy no job
lots or trashy poods simply because they can be sold cheap.
Wo sell onh such poods as can recommend. I.rinp your hand
hniape and packages here, we will check I hem free of charge.
Thompson, Belden &Co.
v. m, c. . 111 ilium:, tint, nirii ami mi'm.
I F V 7
Ce R
New Carpets.
Never before in the hist or of our business
have we gotten together so many new and
stylish effects. In fact, all the latest Kn.ulish
and lOnstern Knds. Come ami see these nov
cities, as well as the more substantial things.
Omaha Carpet Co.,
1515 Dodge Street.
W. R. Bennett Co.'s New Store now beiuu;
erected at S. W. Cor. 16th and Harney Streets.
Thin Moro will bf lb" biiKi"t. ln'Ht citilppi'il mul iiiohI iniub'ni cltp;irlnieiil
nloro In the wi'sl. In roiiniTllnii wllh UiIk IiiiiiiIhoiiio hIoic 1 hoy lire biillillni; a
barn In clone, proxlmltjy. fifixlili! foot, which will bo complete In every ildall fo'
rare of hoiHcH, etc. They will cunt hum to leail all oilier Miu'ch In low prlcen
an they have hIiico 1s7s. Thoy an- hiiown throiiKlioiii the ot an the "imilerH"
or NellltiK the IiIkIichI ki-iuIc koihIh at lowest prlccH ami umlfr a positive mmr
anlee 1'icnenl localbii 1 ill an I Capitol avenue. Omaha. Nob.
W. R. Bennett Co.,
15th and Capitol Ave.
Hoipeinbei thin Ih the only place In the
went where you enn piocuru all UIikIh of
AdvertUinu works in nil
sliles in composition nnd
Plastic ornamental work foi Inside ilcco
rntlona n upeclalty.
G, (ioimclla & Co,f
Manufacturers an. I liiipnrlcrs,
318 So. 10th St Omaha
Manufacturers mIho sole oRonta
Studebaker Bros' Mannfact'itig Co
and Wagons
, 1407-U-ll Dodye Street.
TELa2X'iIO.NU 239.