SiiIiIm'I S, I'M)). tin-: i li. i s iK Aii: i) ri:i:. King Edward's Best Crown K- IMail VII H.ih onlcr. .1 n , i, Mill i i I himllliU of till' jewels i f state pr pnraiory fir t li irmin k IlIK I'M III nf hi life. ncllcillllc.l ' r June in i Tin- Keeper nf 'hi' Jewels ami Ills iisslslnlits are C. '1111111' till) I.' M. u KnlllHliltnlu ti 1 1 1 " II HI 1 I. ..Ill lll n ll lui l I'll" tmmltm eiicrKy nml will iloulitle.- have llie iTirni!" nml it her precious IiisIkiiIii of imperial pump nml power In line onlcr for the eoinliii: ni'imal Ion. Ii is x.i lil thai fi ttr clown will In used in (lie cereiiK.tiy. The chief one, known tin (Jneeii Victorias erown. will he the one j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - iisi i In the ceremony or crowning lite liinn : lh, seif.tiil one will he Usui In crowning the iiiecn cntiMirt am! the other two will he hy their tnnjesiles ilur ItlK the si i vices fulliiwluK tlf nctunl crowning. These, lun'i ihcr with the swcnl of state, the scepters nml coiotiiitliin rlim, nil taken from tlie ti.wir hy oriler of the ml mar shal of Kimhinil, are In the custetly of t lie ilenn if Westminster timing the corona tion sen Ices. 'I he ijtii i n Victoria crown, also ealleil the slate crown, Is a ilnrllim mass of precious stones, :i.(i!i:t in all. ami ninny of them have luterestltm historli s. There is a mamilllcent sapphire, which is salil to have ciiuie from the rlni; nf IMwanl, the I'onfensor. Then there tire sixteen small sapphires, eleven eincrahls. four ruhles, of which one lieloiiKci! to the Hlaek Prince; four ilrop-shapi il pearls. ( liter pearls, I.:it13 lirilliant ili'iiiiouils. 117 table ili.imoiuls ami 1,271 rose illameiuls. With all this mass if Jewils the whole , wii wcIkIis only thirty-iiiue i itticcs. It was made In lis fi r (Jiteen Victoria's fiom Jewels taken front olil Is valucil at $1. sun, lion. The cap ti velvet Illicit with white silk lionler. iiii'i'tiatlon I i w ns 11. il is i f crlins1 .1 ' , an It is not the most coHlly royal crown in Kurope; that ills! Inctloti is asserlcil for I In ifown helouulnn to I'ortUKal. which t- valucil at Is.iioit.i The crown whlili represents the smallest outlay Is that of Koiiinnnla. It Is uiaile out of a hit of oM is the pope, cluht at leas! Iieitli; stotcil at the Vatican Man of litem are simply Ulfts atnl haM' no spei lal slmilllcniice Na poleon I was the iloiiof of one to Tins VI I This Is) the liamlmnit mi one of all. havlni it hcatltlful clneruhl. A itieeii of Spain was lite ilotior of another. The principal papal crow n Is a triple one. In Spain ami llel'liim the crown iliws not tlKiire in the coronation services. The fen tut i of the ceremony in both .mint ri m consists in the Miik's swearltn; to pres. rve the constitution atnl laws of the minify. Nor Is It a matter of nurse that a .,ir shoiibl be clowtleil. thotlKll NMcholas all. I his consort were crowucil with nn at pump ,U Mohcow, The heltm a rcltmoiis as will as a tenipora1 loiil, th' crown in -dupe is mnilcllcil after a hlsliop's mitre k.iIii in (Ills case, a sapphire Is the must l aotifitl stone In tin clown Then- an the .ia inotiils rcstlim on a mamilth cm rubv ulr- li form the cross surtnouiii ln tic rown Outside of l'titopo the crown be. onies a rarity. The sultan, for eainpl fissi ses tin crown, commit inn tn-ttm unknown to Turkey. In place of this ts siibst It utcil thr Investiture of the monarch with the or oihtiian. The saber Is nlrt aroutul ill --ultan with the words: "Take It with faith fur ye have received II from (Soil " The shah of I'ersht has a i row n if hi Ii II urn be called, which Is ari nsly ii -sirihid as resemldiui; a Mower pm and a bonnet. The small end Is open, the oilier closed. It Is 111:1111' of cloth of uobl. with strlllK.s of Iiuiu-Iiik precious stones, with here and there tufts of feathers nrtu uiintid by diamonds, rubles, emerabls an. I pearls. t the lop is set what l perhaps the t!ieatesl rubv III the world an uiuir absolutely Haw less stone a- liirue as a h ti'n Pointed Paragraphs News The spider i. all cpi I" be! s leliKion shnibl spend a little tittle, re p'tlrltiK his own tt Is easier for otic wise matt to fool a divi n funis than II Is fur a dozen fools to fuel i lie w tse 1111111 Of course the serpent knew ihlnns wire euniltiK his wu as sunn as he dlscoveied a woman lit I In garden hard Utiles: the days ar cannon captured at Plevna. The most beautiful crown Is that of th" KIiik' of Denmark. It is simple in design, but of artistic workmanship, the leaves hy which the circlet In surmounted bulni; i urved and veined by precious stones, and each leaf ornamented by a mnmillleeiit Jewel. The oldest crown In Knrnpe. which Is also the smallest, nicasiirliiu only six Indus in diameter. Is the iron crown of l.omhnrily. Thu one crown which is distinguished as the sacivd crown Is that of lliumaiy. It Is tcvered by the pie. belnt? regarded as tt palladium. Two nobles of ancient Uncage, ami a troop of halberdiers uuard it night and day In the castle of Hilda, where it Is kept. in (ddcii times no kluu could reign In Hungary unices the sacred crown hriil rested on his I now . and If he died before, he had been crowned, his name was stricken ft oiii the record of kings. Kvon a pretettdrr acipiircd n quasi title to the kingdom If by force of stratagem he could possess himself of It. Twice the crown has disappeared, but how or where it was found the tlr-t lime Is un known to this day. The last time It was found buried ill the ground. A inauiillbent 1 'sapphire Is Its bright inn iciilar ornament J This Is urmounted by four bi-iiitlful green stones nf some unknown kind, lapidaries disagreeing ns to what th' gems arc. A sapphire of matchless beaut also adorns . the Imperial erown of Aim i in Thu potentate who possesses most crowns Chicago Look out for getting shorter. Mosquitoes have no pedigrees, yet they an of'ell full-hlooiled. A childless marriage Isn't a howling sue ci SB In one nense of the term. If the victim ictnaiiis single there can be no objections to love at sight. Sonic women who sic things as they are diwe their husbands to su ing ihcm double The nan who llmls fault with his nci;h - 1 A Itnrso, a do, n fine clear, What man's unhappy where these pleas tires are? A whip, a rntie, a pole that'?, tough. A buggy that contains guml stuff That's where we come In. Wo build the best, handle the lies I. and can show you the beM and largest varloty of stylish up-te-daie vehicles In Omaha Harness as well Visitors Invited. Drummond Carriage Co., I8th nnd Hnrnoy Sts. IIA VK IT nil vi:i mm it. Water: Printing Co. r,ii so. i.itii sTit ;;''. OMAHA 'I 'hum .1 OK SCOFIELD CL0SKS.SUITCO. Till. 0. K. SCdl ll l.l) Cl.dAK AND SUM CO, New Ladies' Tailoring Dept. We have added to our clonk, suit and fur business n Indies' high-class tailoring department- and nro prepared to make suits, skirts, Jackets, cloaks and capes to your inenHiire, In the style you like, of tile (doth you select from our Immense assortment, or If you prefer you can bring your mad rials for us to make. We guarantee perfect satisfaction us to lit ami wiirkmanshlp-llii'ie Is none belter. We sell dress suitings by the yard. If you cannot call write In us iiboul mu ral I suit. 1510 Douglas Street Lost Lost eyesight is difficult to recover. We can do it. Call and be convinced bySss! our scientific opticians. Specta- cles and eyeglasses at lowest prices. No charge for testing. THE H, J. PENFOLD COMPANY, Sciontific Opticians. 1408 Farnam Street, - - - OMAHA, NEB. Kodaks and Cameras We carry in stock a full line of Kodaks, Cameras, Plates, Films, Papers, Cards, De veloping and Toning Solutions, etc. We do developing and printing. Call and see us. THE H. J. PENFOLD COMPANY. Invalid and Sick Room Supplies c-"SB5i We arc headquarters in the west for jL. Trusses, Supporters, Elastic Stockings, Bat ci rv. o Ax ! ' 'a Water Bowles, Bath Cabinets, Suspensories, 3 vWls' Deformity Braces, etc, etc, Stock the largest Prices the lowest. THE H. J. PENFOLD COMPANY, 1408 Farnam Street. Omaha, Nebraska, V 2 t V' I ....1 .'-t Mini HiE ' TKe Store of the Towrv For Men's and Women's Clothing. Two catalogs this sc-imiii. A jmsi si I rani will hritij; (MIO or linlli Wl'ilc ih:i Mrs. J. Benson, FALL GOODS 5 that .in- mailt' arc now In anil IicIiik shown In uvcrv ilipartim'iit. A Iiiiti' Html, i.f furs In all llm late Htylrx We Just what ynu want In rhll tlri'ii'H cloaltH ami capa from tin' IIihI infanL'h clonk up to 12 years. Vi have ovi't'yllitiiK that can lie w.u.tcl In fall ami winter fi- Wi .11' The hi'Ht -lniK -if Hlialnlit fronl cursilx In tlmnlia all the 1 'I i 1 i J i k in iKch. ivy .Jn DIvl'AKTMIM OF l lli: IJNIVKItSl I'Y ()! O.MAIIA. Omaha Dental College ( i.t iicr I'itli iiiul Pacific Sts. a.'KHinr Winter I.'-hh ma begin Octnhor 2il, lfini. Th" .llfKc Intlrinary will ho npon lite; cntlu U'iirU il'iie miller BUpervlhlon of iIcipiiiihI tutor for price of material. Now lin'.ldliiKs ami in w . inil..ii. iiIh. For e italimtic nml Infoi million ii-IiIithh A. O. Hunt, Dean, or W. H. hherrnden, Secretary, tl'J .McCiiunc Hiillilint;. Omali t. When you come to Omaha atnl inr ml ml runs nlotiK the llm of Dlamoml .lewelry, ottr hIhiK it. the din- on oiikIiI to kci We have a ureal alittmlamo of i hoi i e thinuH III KIllKs, llrooi hi H. I'rmlnntH. Slinhtll'KlH, Clem ent -, ill New hletiK -new cullllilliat Ioiih of hIoiich all 111" Jirccl tl Hloties are ill i vli nee, k. t III enchant IlIK. ila.llm; eninlilluil loiif, ii H Inlying prlcns ami quality Knaranieeil. MAWHINNEY & RYAN CO. .IcHclcrs ami Art Stationer-. 15th and llnuKlas. HAlItlJItKSHINO KCAI.l' TItl'.ATINC! MA.N'ICUUINCS. I'"A( 'H MAKSAOK, Adroit Hair Bazaar, MISS INA BPAINHOWKn, PnOl'. 162U DOUOr.AS STI1KHT. O.MAIIA, N'KR. Tolcplionu. Olllce .Mi' It hii .H a A UM. 8HOI3 SH1NINCJ SI I M Pnni.SG. Omaha Mirror Factory Kxj.ert innUera of French, (iermati and American Mirrors. DainnGPl OlasH HeHllvered liiir.liur ami I'lcturo Krainltm' a Specially TuS N. ltllh, Tel ;I3:I,